HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-20 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfMarch 20, 2000 12:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT: Elected Officials Acting Mayor L. King Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor K. Morse Councillor C. Speirs Absent Mayor A. Hogarth Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Appointed Staff R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning S. P. Belley, Acting Confidential Secretary 1.1 Pitt Meadows Tourism Society-Mr. Marty Horne The Acting Mayor announced that the Delegation had been cancelled and that there were two :further additions to the Agenda which would fonn Items 6.4 and 6.5 under the Correspondence Section. The Acting Mayor announced that owners and/or agents may be permitted to speak to their applications. 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2.1 RZ/18/9 5 -10110-240 Street RS-3 to R-3 -Bylaw No. 5894-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated March 9, 2000 recommending that the subject bylaw to create approximately seven lots not less than 213 m2 be read a first time. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5894-2000 given First Reading. 2.2 RZ/84/99 -23175 Haney Bypass -Bylaws No. 5892 and 5893-2000 Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 2 Reference was made to the staff report dated March 7, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit a gasoline bar and convenience store be read first time. The Committee agreed to the following recommendalion: RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5892-2000 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5893-2000 be given Ffrst Reading. 2.3 RZ/26/95 -23084 and 23100 Lougheed Highway -RS-3 to RM-1 -Request for a One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated February 29, 2000 recommending that a one year extension be granted for the subject application to permit approximately 43 townhouses. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/26/95. 2.4 RZ/11/95 -11358-236 Street-RS-3 to CD-1-93 -Request for a One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated February 29, 2000 recommending that a one year extension be granted for the above noted application to permit subdivision into approximately 47 lots. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/11/95. 2.5 DP/13/00-23233Kanaka Way Reference was made to the staff report dated March 8, 2000 recommending execution of the subject application to permit the construction of a 21 unit townhouse development. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/13/00 respecting property located at 23233 Kanaka Way. 2.6 DP/10/00-11490 Cottonwood Drive Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 3 Reference was made to the staff report dated March 8, 2000 recommending execution of the subject application to permit the construction of an 8 unit detached townhouse development. Mr. Wayne Biskey, Architect for the project, displayed an overhead map of the property and explained the proposed plan of development as detailed in the report. He referred to a letter mailed to Mayor and Council in November requesting improvements pertaining to street scape and sidewalks and cleaning up the general area. Mr. Biskey's client has some concern that the street presence affects the marketability of the project. Mr. Biskey inquired on his client's behalf whether this issue had been discussed by Council at all. The Acting Mayor noted that if the letter arrived in November it probably wasn't dealt with due to the timing of receipt, thereby being followed by an election. The Director of Current Planning advised that the applicant had discussions with both the Engineering and Planning Departments, but have not resolved the extent to do improvements on the east side of the road. Accordingly, the Director of Current Planning recommends a staff report with the matter coming back to the Committee of the Whole. Acting Mayor King stated that Mr. Biskey' s concerns do not pertain to the Development Permit, but to his client wanting some improvements done around the subject property. It was recommended that the improvements be brought back as a separate item. Councillor Morse questioned whether the Director of Current Planning and Mr. Biskey had an idea as to the cost involved for general clean up around the area. The Director of Current Planning advised that the only means of qualifying the DCC is if the road was part of a DCC item, therefore, it is not an opportunity to apply or defer DCC funds at this time. The Director of Current Planning also stated that no costing has been done. Acting Mayor King asked if-this item, as well as the cost of any improvements, could be included in the report to staff and be brought forward at the next Committee of the Whole. Mr. Biskey stated there is a plan in place by the developer to complete the site within one year. Acting Mayor King questioned the style of the development because it appeared too much like a multi-family strata. She noted that this application is a little different from other applications. In response to the Acting Mayor's question, Mr. Biskey stated it relates to the market and the direction in which his client addresses detached townhouses. The original scheme called for 13 smaller units, which were fairly limited on the site. The Director of Current Planning clarified that this is a building strata with a detached townhouse development, and not a bare land subdivision. Buildings would be owned by individuals and the land would be owned by the strata corporation. Councillor Speirs stated that he is not objecting to the application as he likes the idea of available green space for the children and citizens who live there, and would encourage any Committee of the \Vhole Minutes 2000 Page 4 development like this one. He would like the applicant to come forward with more of a gardening opportunity for the homeowners. Acting Mayor King questioned how much of the land is private, and how much is public. Mr. Biskey stated that 50% is left for green with access to it. Each unit has a designated outdoor area. The landscaping allows for growing vegetables. Designation of the semi units have yard space and to the south they have an average 30 feet wide by (plus or minus) 20 feet deep. The Developer has left more opportunity for homeowners to customize their own gardens. Councillor Morse commented that she has been by the site and is in favour of it. Councillor Harris stated that he ·likes the development and addressed the garden aspect stating there is enough room to accommodate residents to grow their own vegetables. Councillor Speirs stated that the project should go fmward with landscaping as there is an architect on hand who could help with the design. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page5 RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/10/00 respecting property located at 11490 Cottonwood Drive. 2. 7 ALR/7 4/99 -10866 -2 72 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated March 7, 2000 recommending that the subject application be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission (to permit redevelopment of the site by replacing and/or renovating the existing service commercial buildings). Councillor Speirs questioned whether the store was to be renovated or be demolished. Mr. Gregg, of Met Consulting, on behalf of the applicant, reported that the redeveloped structures are intended to be demolished and an assessment be completed on the property to redevelop a new one. Councillor Speirs questioned whether it was the intention to reactivate a gas station with a general store. Mr. Gregg assured Council that the District's heritage theme would be maintained with the new structures, and the site would dictate storage tanks and piping. Acting Mayor King commented that the area has a long history of commercial use, and asked whether the Agricultural Land Commission requires submission of a design. Mr. Gregg responded that the Agricultural Land Commission does not require a design. The Director of Current Planning confirmed same informing Council that because of its uniqueness, designs are not necessary, and that the applicant is just taking down old buildings and putting up new ones. Acting Mayor King questioned whether the design would remain heritage and within range. The Director of Current Planning suggested this could come from the Advisory Design Panel as it is not within the Development Permit area. If the applicant was to proceed to the Advisory Design Panel it would be more formal and then would proceed to Council. This would in fact delay the project and presentation to the Agricultural Land Commission. Acting Mayor King wants the comer to look as attractive as possible. Mr. Gregg advised Council that at this stage his client has no preliminary drawings knowing it will go through the Agricultural Land Commission for approval first. Therefore, he does not want to spend extra money if not required. Mr. Gregg further advised that his client is not interested in producing a project that will be detrimental to the Municipality. In closing, Mr. Gregg said he is not opposed to appearing before a design panel. RECOMMENDATION Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 6 That application ALR/74/99 (for property located at 10866 -272"' Street) for subdivision or use in the Agricultural Land Reserve under Section 22(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Act described in the memorandum dated March 7, 2000, be authorized to proceed to the ALC. 2.8 Trans Canada Trail Celebrations -April 16, 2000 -Request for Approval to use Municipal Street Reference was made to the staff report dated March 14, 2000 recommending that the subject request be granted subject to the conditions outlined in the report. The Committee agreed to the following recommendations: RECOMMENDATION That Ridge Meadows Park and Leisure be authorized to use Municipal Streets for the Trans Canada Trail Celebration Relay on Sunday, April 16, 2000 provided the conditions outlined in Schedule "A" attached to this report are met. 2.9 RZ/35/99-23853 Dewdney Trunk Road Reference was made to the staff report dated March 10, 2000 addressing concerns raised at the Public Hearing of February 22, 2000 regarding the subject application for a gasoline bar/commercial component at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. Councillor Morse provided her concerns that a traffic light be in operation before a commercial site is developed in that area. She is not convinced about the gas bar. Acting Mayor King suggested that the report be received for information and be discussed at the next meeting. Councillor Speirs commented that the report is helpful, but is uncomfortable with gas tanks being placed in the ground. He wants more information on mitigating problems that may come from installing tanks in the ground. Councillor Speirs agrees with Councillor Morse that a traffic light be in place before the commencement of the school year. Subject to funding, Councillor Speirs is in favour of moving fo:r.vard and digesting information on mitigation on gas tanks in the ground. Councillor Speirs believes there is a place for this particular service on the north side of Dewdney Trunk Road as the neighbourhood is emerging in that area, however, more information is needed. Acting Mayor King noted that the traffic light is a separate issue. Councillor Harris stated that he is not convinced that this is the place for a CS-1 zone. He understands the recommendation that it be a CS-1 zone , but is concerned with the whole street (Dewdney Trunk Road) and 238 Street to the west. He is concerned about what will fill in on the other side of the street. Councillor Harris recommends that the report be received and digested. He noted that he is in favour of the traffic light at Dewdney Trunk Road and 23 8 Street. Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 7 Councillor Isaac stated that she is not sure how commercial/residential gas bar will work out and that a traffic light is required. Councillor Isaac wants to re-digest the report as it is a sensitive area for a gas bar in a residential neighbourhood. Councillor Speirs suggests Council ask the residents in the neighbourhood what they want. Councillor Morse commented that there is no success in having residential facing Dewdney Trunk Road as it is brutal trying to back out of a driveway onto this busy street. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the staff report dated March 10, 2000 be received. 2.10 Building Statistics/or the Month of February, 2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated March 2, 2000 recommending that the above noted statistics attached thereto be received for information. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Inspection Services Department, building statistics for the month of February, 2000 be received for information. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 3.1 Child Find Support-Door to Door Soliciting -May and June, 2000 -Request/or Approval Reference was made to the staff report dated March 6, 2000 recommending approval of the above noted request. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the request of the Child Find Support Office to canvass door-to-door for donations on behalf of Child Find British Columbia for a two month period from May 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 be approved. 3.2 Whistle Cessation in the District of Maple Ridge Reference was made to the staff report dated March 15, 2000 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to complete negotiations with the Canadian Pacific Railway Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 8 and to execute a Whistle Cessation Agreement upon completion of the negotiations and requested improvements. The Chief Administrative Officer announced a slight change to the recommendation: "That the Whistle Cessation Agreement be forwarded for Council approval upon completion of negotiations and requested improvements". It was noted that the entire agreement should come back to Council. Councillor Morse expressed that -this is a critical issue for residents who suffer with the train whistle and asked if it could be moved ahead. It was noted that trains still whistle whether gates are locked or not. Reference was made to the pedestrian/single lane auto access at 224th Street and the private crossing approximately 100 yards east of this location. The Chief Administrative Officer stated that the Municipality should not be subject to liability by ceasing whistles at those crossings. A draft report is to come back to Council with clearer instructions regarding both private and public crossings with Canadian Pacific Railway. Councillor Speirs made reference that without the whistles it could cost somebody their life, that public safety is a key consideration and it is up to Canadian Pacific Railway. Acting Mayor King believes that if it is left up to Canadian Pacific Railway they would just whistle. Whistles are extremely loud and use of minimum standard is suitable for one, but not the other. There are a lot of issues trying to make the situation better, but it wont' be perfect. Councillor Isaac questioned whether there was a certain standard for train whistles that could be blown at certain crossings. The Chief Administrative Officer replied that there is a standard for train whistles but how long each one occurs is up to the engineer. Acting Mayor King mentioned this issue has been discussed in the past and is in a state of negotiations. The Chief Administrative Officer informed Council that negotiations would take place under current legislation, not earlier legislation to deal with the whistle cessation. The Committee agreed with the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to complete negotiations with the Canadian Pacific Railway; and further That the Whistle Cessation Agreement be forwarded for Council approval upon completion of negotiations and requested improvements. Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 9 3.3 Electronic Voting Machines Reference was made to the staff report dated March 15, 2000 recommending that staff be authorized to issue a request for proposals for the above noted eqmpment and that a complete analysis, including financial implications be fonvarded to Council. Councillor Harris would like a recommendation back from staff on costing as it would have to make a lot of sense before voting for it. He believes the expense could be used more efficiently. There is the old argument of instant results, but a lot of money involved and it would not be worth it. The new argument being the judicial review of election results. This would have to be a low cost and sold dollar for dollar. The Chief Administrative Officer mentioned two issues on electronic voting: • One, to count more efficiently as the votes come in. The equipment could be leased as opposed to being purchased, and could be shared on a three way basis between municipalities. Voting in local governments erodes 25-30% turn out rate, therefore, we should think about a different mechanism on voting; • postal voting has indicated a 50% increase. The Chief Administrative Officer advised Council wants to pursue electronic voting issues through UBCM. Acting Mayor King questioned whether a resolution was sent to UBCM and whether they declined to entertain it. The Acting Mayor suggests sending a resolution fonvard to UBCM. Councillor Morse stated that she is interested in cost sharing with other jurisdictions. Councillor Harris stated that he is in favour of electronic voting machines providing it is cost effective. He made reference to online voting, which may be a possibility one day, and would hate to commit to the expense of electronic voting if online voting is going to be· an option. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That staff be authorized to issue a Request for Proposal for electronic voting machines and that a complete analysis including financial implications be forwarded to Council for consideration as part ofthe 2001 Business Planning process. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 4.1 Parks and Leisure Services Commission Minutes -January 13, 2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 23, 2000 recommending that the subject Minutes attached thereto be received for information. Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 10 The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Minutes of the January 13, 2000 open meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission be received for information. 5. OTHER ISSUES NIL 6. CORRESPONDENCE 6.1 Response to the Provincial Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Child Care Paper Reference was made to the letter from the City of Vancouver dated February 28, 2000 advising that they have passed a resolution of support in the above noted matter and providing several recommendations to the Province for further action. Councillor Isaac would like to see a resolution to support. Acting Mayor King suggested that the Social Planning Advisory Committee be informed, and that the correspondence be received and sent forward to the Committee as Vancouver is a different demographic. The Committee agrees to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter from the City of Vancouver dated February 28, 2000 advising that they have passed a resolution of support and providing several recommendations to the Province for further action he received, and that this matter be referred to the Social Planning Committee for their consideration and recommendation. 6.1 Proposed Whistle Poke Railway Reference was made to the letter from the Whistle Poke Railway Company dated March 2, 2000 explaining the above noted proposal and soliciting feedback. Councillor Isaac commented that the railway could be a good idea bringing several people to our community and that the Tourism Society should be advised. Councillor Speirs commented that this is an interesting and attractive idea, but not sure how feasible it would be. Acting Mayor King pointed out that she does not think it would be a good idea to run a railroad through the dykes of Pitt Meadows. A letter should be composed to the effect of keeping Council posted. Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 11 Councillor Morse thinks the idea to be very innovative. Councillor Harris is in favour of receiving it, commenting that it is an ambitious notion. He is not quite sure how Whistle Poke will make it work. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter from the Whistle Poke Railway Company dated March 2, 2000 he received. 6.3 New National Infrastructure Program: Update Reference was made to the letter from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities dated February 18, 2000 for information. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter dated February 18, 2000 from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities be received. 6.4 District of Pitt Meadows -Call/or Resolutions/Trains Stopping at Grade Crossing at FCM Reference was made to the letter dated March 14, 2000 from the District of Pitt Meadows. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter from Federation of Canadian Municipalities dated March 14, 2000 be received for information, and that Maple Ridge support the resolution by the District of Pitt Meadows to he considered at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Annual General Meeting. 6.5 Beverage Containers -New Charges Reference was made to the urgent notice received from UBCM Environment Committee dated March 8, 2000. Councillor Speirs questioned the recycling deposit on beer and pop cans -why one is at .05 cents and the other at 0.10 cents. RECOMMENDATION Committee of the Whole Minutes 2000 Page 12 That the Committee would suggest that local government write Premier Ujjal Dosanjh and the Honourable Joan Sawicki, Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks, and your local MLA indicating that: • It does not support the imposition of an 'extra fee' on consumers by the beverage container industry and that action be taken to stop these additional charges from being imposed; • The beverage container industry be required to clearly justify in a transparent fashion any future environmental fee increases on its products to the public before an increase is implemented; • The deposit/refund system be the only method that the beverage container industry be permitted to use to recover its recycling costs from the consumer. AND THAT THE FOLLOWING MOTION BE ADDED TO FORM PART OF THE RECOMMENDATION: • The deposit for beverage containers of one litre or less, be $0.10 cents so there is some consistency. 7. ADJOURNMENT: 1:25 pm Acting Mayor , Linda King ~ Presiding Member of the Co ~ttee /spb