HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-17 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfApril 17,2000
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk
M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
F. Quinn, Municipal Engineer, Acting General Manager
of Public Works and Development Services
T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning
S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
C. Carter, District Planner
D. Pollock, Director of Engineering -Projects
K. Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs
Chair: Acting Mayor Jon Harris
Acting Mayor Harris called the meeting to order and explained that it is the practice of Council
to have the Acting Mayor chair Committee of the Whole meetings.
1.1 Draft 03 Sewage Regulations and Support Documentation -Ministry of Health
Mr. John Rowse, Provincial land Use Consultant of the Ministry of Health, was in
attendance to provide an overview of the above noted new Provincial sewage regulations.
Reference was also made to a letter from Mr. Rowse asking for Council's comments by
April 30, 2000.
Mr. Rowse displayed overheads in support of the following information:
There are three types of sewage disposal systems -(1) standard septic tank; (2) package
treatment (aerobic) and (3) "innovative'' technology.
Mr. Rowse advised that he will supply the District with all the paperwork on Draft 03.
The procedure involves the draft going the Ministry of Health policy development
guidelines, as well as a technical review committee and local government committee.
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He noted that the document discusses a local by-law and for that reason he is talking to
local governments. As they go forward with the new technology, the regulations become
more stringent to ensure that those systems continue to operate properly. In Draft 03
there are discussion for Type 2 and Type 3 systems with respect to local by-law
involvement. Without local by-law involvement, Health officers will not be able to allow
installation those systems as there is no mechanism in place to deal with the operation
and maintenance.
He noted that the advantages of the by-law involvement to local government is that it
gives them back control with respect property zoning, planning and subdivision. Local
governments will also have increased control over environmental protection and
sustainable development. They will be able to reduce lots sizes and allow for increased
Mr. Rowse advised that the Municipal Act will support the new sewage regulations. The
Health Act will have the power to designate responsibility. There will be infrastructure
dollars and grants available to take this different approach to secondary treatment. The
power is in the Health Act to delegate power to local governments if they want it. It is an
optional buy-in by local government; it is not an enforced buy-in.
He reiterated that an advantage to local government is that the new regulations will allow
Municipalities to move forward with planning and open up areas for higher densities
where they cannot do that now. This could be done without the high costs of a "big pipe"
The Mayor noted that the Draft 03 regulations do not appear to be much different than
those that exist now as the District presently has the ability under the Municipal Act to
permit Types 2 and 3 systems as long as it accepts the responsibility. It appears to him
that it is just a tidying up of the maintenance which is the biggest outstanding issue. If
the District adopted a by-law and there was a failure of the system, it would not be a
Ministry of Health responsibility as it is now, but it would be up to the District to enforce
any upgrading and take care of any failures.
Mr. Rowse explained that the Ministry is asking the local governments to use their ability
to place the costs on a tax roll if they were not able to gain compliance from the property
The Mayor advised that he needs more information on the involvement of the Ministry of
Health and the level of responsibility that they would retain.
Mr. Rowse advised that information is contained in the paper work he will provide to the
Municipal Council.
Councillor Morse stated that she is all for innovation but has concerns about the amount
of liability that would be placed on the District.
Mr. Rowse stated that he cannot answer the liability question 100%. Because the Health
authorities will still be issuing the permits, they will retain a certain amount of liability.
He added that it would be a really good idea for the District's solicitors to look at that
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April 17, 2000
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Councillor Speirs indicated that he does not feel that it would be appropriate to use the
innovative systems to open up outlying areas to development. He questioned what kind
of mitigating techniques the systems have now with respect breakdowns due to floods,
weather conditions, etc.
Mr. Rowse responded that most of the owners of the systems would tum to the parent
company to deal with failures. He emphasized that the systems are maintenance
dependent and should be looked at every six months to one year to prevent any
breakdowns from occurring. Also, it depends a little on the use; the breakdowns rotate
around use.
He clarified that the Draft 03 Regulations do not deal with maintenance regulations.
Councillor King noted that that it would up to the District to put in the maintenance
regulations and enforce them and she believes that the District does not want to do that.
She questioned if the local Health Unit has reviewed the Draft 03 regulations based on
the local soil conditions. She would like to have a report from them as well as Municipal
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the presentation from the Ministry of Health regarding their Draft 03 Sewage
Regulations be referred to the Simon Fraser Health Region and Municipal staff for
their comments.
902 Silver Valley Master Drainage Plan Review
The Manager of Environmental Affairs was in attendance for this item.
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 5, 2000 recommending that staff
proceed with Phase II of the Silver Valley Master Drainage Review.
The Mayor noted that the report indicates that the District and the consultant will involve
the development community in discussions of the feasibility and cost implications of the
draft design standards. He questioned if the stewardship groups would be consulted as
The Manager of Environmental Affairs responded that while she has placed a strong
focus on the development commwiity, the draft design standards could also be taken to
the stewardship groups as well.
The Mayor noted that one of the problems that has been experienced by the District is
getting the senior levels of government to come to the table with their own regulations
that they are trying to impose on the Municipalities. Staff has done considerable work on
the storm water management plan, however, no response has been forthcoming from the
senior government agencies. He finds that rather frustrating and there has be to be some
way to get those agencies to the table, particularly if the District is going to continue to
spend money on their own programs.
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April 17, 2000
Councillor Morse agreed, noting that she is concerned that the District will spend
considerable time and money on the plan and that when the senior levels of government
do decide to respond, they will bring in a different set of regulations and staff will have to
do the work all over again.
The Manager of Environmental Affairs responded that staff has wrestled with that
question, however, they feel that do nothing will not be helpful to the District and they
would be no further ahead. She feels that the District needs to move ahead and establish
its own performance and design criteria regardless of the response from the other
government agencies. With respect to Silver Valley, from a due diligence perspective,
she feels that the District has to take the next step.
On question, the Chief Administrative Officer advised that the required funding for the
neighbourhood plan for Silver Valley is in the Budget but Council still has to approve the
Terms of Reference which have not yet been completed.
Councillors King and Speirs expressed agreement with proceeding with the plan. Acting
Mayor Harris stated that is still somewhat unclear as to how it relates to the
neighbourhood plan for Silver Valley and that the bill is starting to add up to re-study the
Silver Valley area.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the report entitled Silver Valley Master Drainage Plan Review dated April 5,
2000 be received, and further
that staff be directed to proceed with Phase II of the Silver Valley Master Drainage
Plan Review.
903 RZ/48/96 -12125 -203 Street-RS-lb to RT-1
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 6, 2000 recommending that the subject
application to permit the construction of a duplex be granted a one year extension.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a
one year extension be granted for Rezoning Application RZ/48/96 (12125 -203
904 RZ/18/97-Northeast Corner of227 Street and 117 Avenue-RS-2 to RM-3
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 3, 2000 recommending that the subject
application to permit an apartment building be granted a one year extension.
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April 17, 2000
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The Mayor questioned if any further consideration has been given to extending 227
Street through to the Lougheed Highway.
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that there have been discussions with two or
three property owners that would be impacted by the extension of 227 Street and also
with the Ministry of Environment regarding a culvert crossing, however, there is no
action being taken at this time.
The Director of Current Planning clarified that further road development is not tied to the
subject application and that there would have to be another initiative outside the
application if Council wished to move forward with extending 227 Street.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a
one year extension be granted for Rezoning Application RZ/18/97 (Northeast corner
of 227 Street and 117 Avenue),
905 RZ/22/98-12169-228 Street-RS-1 to RM-1
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 6, 2000 recommending that the subject
application to permit four self-contained detached residential units be granted a one year
The Mayor suggested that the Director of Current Planning provide more details of the
project as it is an innovative design. The Director of Current Planning advised that he
would be pleased to do so when the application comes before Council for final reading
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a
one year extension be granted for Rezoning Applicatioo RZ/22/98 (12169 -228
906 OCP/11/00-14140, 14160, 14170, 14180, 14250, 14310 and 14320 -256 Street -By-
law No. 5895-2000-to designate as a Temporary Industrial Use Permit
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 3, 2000 recommending that the subject
by-law be read a first time (to amend the Official Community Plan to designate the above
noted properties as an area where a Temporary Industrial Use Permit (TTIJP) for
extraction, storage and processing of gravel maybe allowed).
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April 17, 2000
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The agent for the applicants, .Mr. Slade Dyer, advised that he was in attendance to answer
questions from the Municipal Council.
Councillor King questioned who will be responsible for the TIUP. The Director of
Current Planning advised that the applicant and registered owner of the property is Maple
Ridge Business and Industry Park Limited and the TIUP will be issued to that company.
Councillor Morse questioned if the site could be sold to several operators and
subsequently divided into more gravel pits and if the 5 truck per hour limit could be
exceeded. She questioned how this will be policed.
Mr. Dyer responded that they could not do that without going back to Council for
approval of a new permit. The amount of gravel to be removed will remain the same as is
currently permitted which is 75,000 cubic metres per year.
The Mayor referred to comments made at the public information meeting of March 29th
that "there was a profit a prendre placed on the title of the land that the property would
not be used for a commercial use until there was an alternate route". He asked if that
document is available for Council to look at as he would like this point clarified one way
or the other.
ACTION REQUIRED -The Municipal Engineer advised that he will provide
Council with copies of the document in question.
The Mayor asked for further details of the dust abatement measures. The Director of
Current Planning advised that an environment assessment will be required, noting that the
TIUP has not been before Council yet.
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that Council's questions will be addressed in
the permit agreement. With respect to monitoring the materials coming out of the site,
there are some specifics that can be resolved but they have not yet been put to paper.
They will be brought up again at the Public Hearing and, on balance, he believes that they
can be readily addressed.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5895-2000 be
read a first time.
907 SD/68/99-12742 -228 Street-5% Parkland Dedication Policy
Reference was made to the staff report dated March 31, 2000 and the Committee agreed
to the following recommendation contained therein:
That pursuant to Council's policy regarding 5% Parkland Dedication or Payment
of Money in Lieu hereof, be it resolved that the owner of land the subject of
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SD/68/99 (12742 -228 Street) shall pay to the District of Maple Ridge an amount
that is not less than $30,000.00.
908 Service Commercial Report-Development Permit Area XXXVII
C. Carter, District Planner, was in attendance for this item.
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 6, 2000 providing an overview of the
existing policies and regulations for service commercial and service stations uses in the
District, and identifying actions that could be taken to mediate the impacts of service
commercial development on abutting residential properties.
Several Councillors commended the District Planner for her excellent report.
Councillor King questioned when the guidelines would be adopted and become
applicable. She questioned if any regulations will be added with respect to the hours of
operation and how the businesses that exist will be affected by the guidelines. She also
questioned if there is any opportunity to change the existing businesses, e.g. would the
District be able to impose the new regulations on them if the were to apply for a building
permit to make any changes to the existing business.
The District Planner advised that the Director of Permits and Licences is preparing a
report on the hours of operation. She noted that issue was followed up with the
Municipal solicitor. He has advised that the District can regulate the hours of operation
but the same type of businesses have to all be treated the same, although there is the
ability to regulate differently based on whether the facility is staffed for not staffed.
The Director of Current Planning noted that in one case the owner/operator volunteered
to have a restrictive covenant placed on his business to restrict the hours of operation.
Councillor Speirs asked if the District has a by-law regulating the placement of gasoline
pumps in the ground. The District Planner advised that the only regulation the District has
is that they must be 4.5 metres back from the property line.
Councillor Morse noted that the installation of a hedge provides a good visual buffer but
is not effective as a sound barrier. The District Planner agreed that it is not very effective
in terms of noise attenuation, however, the noise concern is addressed in a different way
in the by-law.
The Mayor stated that one area he would like to see addressed in more detail is the form
and character of the development in terms of how it relates to the rest of the
neighbourhood as opposed to just discussing each applications on its own merits
Guidelines in that regard would be helpful to the Advisory Design Panel as it would
provide them with a reference point for their discussions.
1. That Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5878-1999 be read a first
time and that it proceed to Public Hearing.
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April 17, 2000
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2. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5877-1999 be read a first time
and that it proceed to Public Hearing; and
3. That the Licences, Permits and By-laws Department prepare a report
identifying options regarding the regulation of hours of operation with respect
to service commercial uses.
909 Building Department Statistics March, 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 3, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
That the Inspection Services Department Building Statistics of the month of March,
2000 be received for information
910 Potential Albion Urban Area Extension(Thornhill)
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 1, 2000 and the direction given
to staff at the September 20, 199 Committee of the Whole Meeting to bring a report back
to Council within 90 days giving details of the servicing implications, etc. related to an
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the reason the report is before Council is
that staff has not been able to complete the report within the 90 day time frame. It is
related to the application on Bosonworth Avenue and the unfinished work is creating
consternation to that applicant. It is staffs intention to continue to work on the report
unless instructed otherwise by the Municipal Council. He asked if Council wished to
pursue a recommendation to continue with the work but dropping the 90 day time limit.
Councillors King and Speirs indicated that they are not in favour of staff continuing to
work on the report as they feel that extending the Albion urban area is premature.
The Mayor spoke in support of staff continuing to work on the report. It is his
understanding that the applicant of the Bosonworth property paid for some of this work to
be done as directed by the previous Council and it would not be fair to put it off. He also
feels that the work should be done in preparation for the Official Community Plan review
for further discussion at that time.
Councillor Gordon indicated that she does not have a problem with doing the preparatory
work prior to the OCP review but she would not be in favour 9f making a decision on
extending the Albion urban boundary prior to the OCP review.
The Committee, \\-1th the exception of Councillor King, agreed to the following
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That staff be directed to bring back a report on the servicing implications, etc.
related to the potential extension of the Albion Urban Area as detailed in the staff
report entitled Potential Albion Urban Area Extension dated September 1, 1999.
911 Lions Journey for Sight Walk-May 7, 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated March 29, 2000 recommending that the
subject request to use Municipal streets be approved. The Committee agreed to the
following recommendation:
That the Maple Ridge Lions Club be authorized to use Municipal Streets for the
Lions Journey for the Lions Journey for Sight Walk on Sunday, May 7, 2000
provided the conditions outlined in Schedule '~A" attached to the staff report dated
March 29, 2000 a.-e met.
912 Clean Up of Property at 22357 St Anne Avenue
Reference was made to the staff report dated March 31, 2000 recommending that the
District engage a contractor to clean up the subject property. The Committee agreed to
the following rec·ommendation:
That with respect to property located at 22537 St. Anne Avenue, and earlier
unsuccessful attempts to effect clean-up, be it resolved that the District be
authorized to engage a contractor or the District of Maple Ridge Public Works
Department for the purpose of cleaning up the garbage and miscellaneous items on
the property; and further
that the cost of the clean-up shall be invoiced to the registered owner(s) of the
subject property and in the event that the registered owner(s) fails to pay the costs
on or before December 31, 2000, said costs will be added to and form part of the
taxes payable on the property.
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 Economic Advisory Commission Appointments
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 11, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
That the resignation of Mr. Andre Choquette from the Economic Advisory
Committee be accepted; and further
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April 17, 2000
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that the following appointment to the Economic Advisory Commission for a two
year term expiring December 31, 2000 be approved:
Finance Sector Mrs. Akeela Davis
981 British Columbia Trucking Association -Comments on Proposed Trans/ink Strategic
Reference was made to the letter from the above noted Association dated March 20, 2000
providing comments for Council's information. The Committee agreed to the following
That the letter from the British Columbia Trucking Association providing
comments on th·e proposed Translink Strategic Plan be received for information.
982 Emergency Preparedness Week/Emergency Drill
Reference was made to the letter from the Attorney General (undated) received March 31,
2000 asking all levels of government to hold an emergency drill during Emergency
Preparedness Week.
The Mayor asked if the District plans to take any action in this matter. The General
Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services noted that the
District already carries out various emergency drills of its own. Events such as this are
usually co-ordinated with the Fire Department.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the Attorney General received March 31, 2000 regarding
Emergency Preparedness Week be received for information.
983 Auxiliary Police Update #1000-03
Reference was made to the memorandum from the Auxiliary/Reserve Peace Officers'
Association (ARPOA) Media Liaison dated March 29, 2000. The Committee agreed to
the following recommendation:
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April 17, 2000
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That the memorandum from the Auxiliary Reserve Peace Officers' Association
dated March 29, 2000 be received for information.
7. ADJOURNMENT 1 :555 p.m.