HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-15 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfMay 15, 2000
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A Hogarth
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Wingrove, Mwricipal Clerk
J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development
M. W. Murray, General Manager ofCommwrity Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services
T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning
S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
B. McDonald, Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws
K. Swift, Recreation Co-ordinator, East
C. Carter, District Planner
The Meeting was chaired by Acting Mayor Jon Harris. He explained that it is the practice of
Council to have the Acting Mayor chair Committee of the Whole on a rotating basis.
1.1 Maple Ridge Citizens' Satisfaction Survey Results
Glenn Graham, Kimberly Yuen and Natalie Calderon of the Simon Fraser Small Business
Consulting Group were in attendance to present the methodology and the results of the
above noted survey. All respondents were randomly selected and a total of 408 telephone
interviews were completed. The results of the survey are considered accurate to within
4.6 percentage points (plus or minus) nineteen times out of twenty.
The overall satisfaction ratings were as follows -16% rated the District as excellent in
regards to the overall level of service, 56% gave a good rating, 25% gave a fair rating and
4% gave a poor rating.
The delegation also reviewed the following Tables contained in the Survey Results, a
copy of which was circulated to the Committee, and clarified several queries from the
• Geographic Distribution to Households
• Age Distribution
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May 15, 2000
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■ Home Ownership
■ Overall Satisfaction Levels for Individual Service Areas
■ Are the Services Received from the District of Maple Ridge Worth the Municipal
Taxes Currently Paid?
■ What should Happen to Municipal Property Taxes in the Next Few Years?
■ Sources Used by Citizens to Keep Informed about the District's Activities and
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that it is the intent to use the survey as a
benchmark and it will be repeated again in 2 or 3 years. The cost of the survey was
$15,000. He noted that staff has also only just received the survey and suggested it be
referred to staff for a more detailed analysis.
Councillor King stated that it is really important for the survey to be used in a way that is
effective and not discouraging to the various Departments, noting that some Departments
by their nature have to deal with more complaints than others.
Councillor Morse noted that the survey does not appear to necessarily reflect a real
understanding of the taxes and where they are spent. The Chief Administrative Officer
:responded that the intent of the survey was to get a general sense of how people feel
about taxes and was not taken to the next level of detail.
Note: Councillor Gordon entered the meeting at this point.
Councillor Speirs noted that the community put a high priority on streamside protection.
Mr. Graham suggested· that is a reflection of one of the lifestyle reasons why people
:rhoved to Maple Ridge.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the Citizens' Satisfaction Survey (April 2000) be received, and further
that the survey be referred to Municipal staff for a detailed analysis and a report to
1.2 Parks and Leisure Services Division -First Quarter Statistics
Kelly Swift, Recreation Co-ordinator East, provided an overview of the above noted
statistics as per the report under Agenda Item 931. She also highlighted the key projects
of the Division as noted in the report.
1.3 Aldenvood Consultants re Subdivision at 23874 and 23884 -118 Avenue -
Consolidation Issues -Mr. James Williams
The Municipal Clerk advised that the delegation is in attendance in response to a
condition imposed by Council on the above noted application following the Public
Hearing. He noted that it has been explained to the delegation that they can address the
additional condition but cannot add more information to the development application
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May 15, 2000
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without jeopardizing the Public Hearing. Council is not permitted under the Municipal
Act to receive any additional information following a Public Hearing.
Mr. James Williams advised that he is one of two owners of the subject property. He
explained that Council granted third reading to the rezoning by-laws and imposed a
condition that there has to be consolidation of lands south of the lane (Remainder Lot 32)
with Lot 8. He is in attendance to request that Council give consideration to relaxing that
requirement and allow them to attach the Remainder Lot to their proposed development.
Mr. Williams noted that Mr. Lam, the owner of Lot 8, is the only logical purchaser of
Remainder properties and he has been unable to negotiate a fair market value settlement
with Mr. Lam or his agent. The subject subdivision cannot proceed without the co-
operation of Mr. Lam.
The Acting Mayor questioned if staff is working with the property owners on the
consolidation issue. The Director of Current Planning advised that staff has not been
involved in the negotiations but has left it to the two property owners to come to a
resolution. There is a mutual benefit to both parties resolving this matter in order to
achieve their respective subdivisions.
Councillor Gordon questioned what happens if the two parties cannot come to a
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that if they can comply to the condition
imposed by Council they can continue on with their developments. If they cannot
comply, they need to come to staff and staff will then need to prepare a report to Council
as to what can be achieved and if there are any further options. He suggested that it
would be appropriate at this point to defer this matter to staff for a report in order not to
jeopardize the Public Hearing with any further discussion.
That with respect to the proposed subdivision of lands at 23874 and 23884 -118
Avenue, that the request from Alderwood Consultants to relax the condition
imposed by Council for consolidation of the lands south of the lane (Remainder Lot
32) with Lot 8, LMP 36718 be referred to staff for a report.
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda:
902 Latecomer Agreement -LC/74/00 -SD/35/96 -Phase One (102 Avenue and 243
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 1, 2000 recommending that the above
noted agreement be executed. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
Committee of the Whole Minutes
May 15, 2000
That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/35/96 -Phase One (102
Avenue and 243 Street), be it resolved:
1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services required for subdivision
are in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide
these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and
2. That the Latecomer charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on
the parcels and in the amounts a set out in the staff report dated May 1, 2000
3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer
Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands.
903 RZ/00/17 -13900 Block of 116 Avenue -By-laws 5906-1000 and 5907-1000
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 10, 2000 in support of the subject by-
laws (to rezone a small portion of the northeast corner and an adjacent portion of
unopened 116 Avenue right-of-way to be consolidated with a larger development to the
north for a townhouse project). The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5906-2000 and Maple Ridge Official
Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5907-2000 be read a first time.
904 ALR/14/00-11875 -131 Street
The Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws was in attendance for this item.
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 4, 2000 recommending that the subject
application for the drying of sea urchin shells and the production of an organic fertilizer
not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission.
The Director of Current Planning also circulated a letter from the Greater Vancouver
Regional District (GVRD) dated May 11, 2000 regarding complaints related to odour
emissions from the subject property. The report notes that 25 complaints of offensive
odours have been received by the GVRD during the period of February to May, 2000, in
addition to six complaints in 1999, and that efforts by the GVRD to motivate Mr. Nelson,
the property owner, to control odour emissions within a reasonable time period have been
Mr. John Nelson, the applicant, was in attendance and advised that there is an error in his
application. The application should read that the land footprint is 100 feet by 30 feet
instead of 100 metres by 30 metres. He asked if he could withdraw his application in
order to have it corrected.
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May 15, 2000
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The Municipal Clerk suggested that the Committee could defer the application to the next
Committee of the V/hole meeting if that is their wish.
The Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws advised that his Department has written to
Mr. Nelson and asked that he cease this operation pending Council' consideration. From
a by-law perspective, this operation is carrying on and the Municipality continues to
receive complaints.
Mr. Nelson confirmed that he had received the letter a few days ago and noted that the
season for his product will officially be over at the end of this month. He was going to
talk to the Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws about letting it go further. He was
not aware until last Friday afternoon that his application was on today's agenda.
The Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws clarified that Mr. Nelson was issued a
cease and desist order last May. He complied and then started the operation up again and
talked about putting in an application to the Agricultural Land Commission. This matter
goes back 1.5 years and there have been complaints regarding odour since February of
this year.
Councillor King noted that the dimensions of the land are not a deciding factor and
therefore she is not in favour of deferring the application.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation
That Application ALR/24/00 (for property located at 22875 -132 Street) for
subdivision or use in the Agricultural Land Reserve under Section 22 (1) of the
Agricultural Land Commission, as described in the staff report dated May 4, 2000,
not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission.
Mr. Nelson stated that he feels the view taken by the Committee is very unfortunate. His
procedure has been unorthodox but he is the only person in North America doing this
work. It is very important work and could be carried over into other organic initiatives.
905 DVP/20/00-22100-136 Avenue
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 1, 2000 recommending that the subject
application to relax the required setback for a proposed cold storage building from 30
metres to 5 metres from the top of bank of a stream channel be considered at the June 13,
2000 Council Meeting.
On question from Councillor King, the Director of Current Planning clarified that re-
vegetation is the responsibility of the applicant and there will be bonding taken by the
District for that purpose.
He also clarified for Councillor Speirs that there will be no discharge from this operation.
The Mayor advised that he has visited the site and explained that the production of
mushrooms is totally contained within coolers.
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Councillor Gordon noted that the permit application for a very specific type of operation.
She questioned how it can be ensured that the operation will not change once the permit
is issued.
The Director of Current Planning advised that Council can place a restrictive covenant on
the property limiting it to its current intended use.
The Committee agreed to the following two recommendations:
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of DVP/20/00 respecting property located at 22100 -136 Avenue will be
considered at the June 13, 2000 Council Meeting.
That a restrictive covenant be placed on property located at 22100 -136 Avenue
restricting the use of the building to a fully enclosed mushroom.growing operation.
906 Greater Vancouver Regional District-Liquid Waste Management Plan -Stage 2
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 4, 2000 in support of the following
recommendation contained therein. The Committee agreed to the recommendation.
That the draft Liquid Waste Management Plan -Stage 2 Policies and Commitments
document dated March, 2000 be endorsed and that the Greater Vancouver Regional
District (GVRD) be so advised, and further
that the GVRD's preparation of the Liquid Waste Management Plan Stage 3 be
endorsed subject to the approval of the Stage 2 document by the Minister of
Environment, Lands and Parks.
907 SD/46/93 -238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road -Development Cost Charge
Expenditure Payback -By-law No. 589-2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 28, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
That with respect to SD/46/93 and the necessity for constructing road, water, sewage
and drainage works at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved:
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May 15, 2000
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Councillor Gordon noted that the permit application for a very specific type of operation.
She questioned how it can be ensured that the operation will not change once the permit
is issued.
The Director of Current Planning advised that Council can place a restrictive covenant on
the property limiting it to its current intended use.
The Committee agreed to the following two recommendations:
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of DVP/20/00 respecting property located at 22100 -136 Avenue will be
considered at the June 13, 2000 Council Meeting.
That a restrictive covenant be placed on property located at 22100 -136 Avenue
restricting the use of the building to a fully enclosed mushroom growing operation.
906 Greater Vancouver Regional District -Liquid Waste Management Plan -Stage 2
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 4, 2000 in support of the following
recommendation contained therein. The Committee agreed to the recommendation.
That the draft Liquid Waste Management Plan -Stage 2 Policies and Commitments
document dated March, 2000 be endorsed and that the Greater Vancouver Regional
District (GVRD) be so advised, and further
that the GVRD's preparation of the Liquid Waste Management Plan Stage 3 be
endorsed subject to the approval of the Stage 2 document by the Minister of
Environment, Lands and Parks.
907 SD/46/93 -238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road -Development Cost Charge
Expenditure Payback -By-law No. 589-2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 28, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
That with respect to SD/46/93 and the necessity for constructing road, water, sewage
and drainage works at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved:
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1. That the developer be compensated in the amount of $168,706.00 following
adoption of Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure
By-law No. 5897-2000 and
2. That Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law
No. 5897-2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived
and Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law
No. 5897-2000 be read a third time.
908 1999 Annual Report-Public Works and Development Seniices Division
The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services provided an overview
of the above noted report which includes development and operational statistics, as well
as a synopsis of the year's work program for the Inspection Services, Planning,
Engineering and Operations Departments.
He also displayed on the overhead additional statistical information not contained in the
report on the length of roads and other utilities within the District.
Councillor Morse questioned how much it cost the District to participate 50-50 in the
Maple Meadows Way-Lougheed Highway intersection improvements.
The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services offered to provide that
The Committee agreed to the followi_ng recommendation:
That Public Works and Development Services 1999 Annual Report be received for
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan (Draft)
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 25, 2000 and the Committee
agreed to the following recommendation:
That the Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan be supported and that a letter be
sent encouraging ongoing consultation between the Port Authority and their
neighbours, and further
that the Ridge Meadows Airport Authority be notified of the Plan's long term
implication for airport land.
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932 British Columbia Provincial Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS)
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 28, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
That the British Columbia Provincial Emergency Response Management System be
adopted as the system of operation within the joint emergency operation centre
(Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows).
933 Hill House -Inclusion in Community Heritage Register
C. Carter, District Planner, was in attendance for this item.
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 8, 2000 in support of the
recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee that the developer include Hill
House in the Community Heritage Register.
Councillor Speirs stated that simply including Hill House in the Heritage Register does
not give the community enough confidence that there is some control over what happens
to that building. He would like to have it designated as a Heritage property and would
like further information on the cost, etc. to the District of doing i:hat.
The District Planner advised that a Heritage designation on a property gives the District
more permanent control. Designation is done by by-law and a Public Hearing is required.
The property owner is required to obtain a Heritage Alteration Permit in order to make
changes to the exterior of the house. There is no recourse if Council denies the permit. If
a property is in the Heritage Registry, Council can only withhold the issuance of that
permit for 60 days if they have a problem and try and work it out with the home owner.
Councillor Morse stated that she likes Hill House but she is always amazed at how vocal
people are about saving it although they do not come up with any money to buy it. She
noted that a developer and not a specific property owner is in possession of Hill House
and the developer is not going to be living in the house.
The District Planner noted that the Heritage Advisory Committee discussed whether Hill
House should be designated or included in the register; the Committee noted that anyone
who would be interested in purchasing the house would be someone who loves the
building and would live in it. This would diminish the risk of it being demolished. The
felt that a Heritage designation might scare off potential purchasers and the building
would then fall into neglect.
She further noted that she has spoken to a party who is interested in buying the house but
is not interested in having it designated. They prefer to go the Registry route.
The Mayor stated that he feels it should be up to the new buyer to designate the property.
He does not feel that Council should place so many restrictions on the property that no
one will buy it. He would like to see it occupied and the new owner encouraged to take
steps towards a Heritage designation. He does not feel there will be any heritage left it
the house sits empty for a few more winters.
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Councillor Isaac agreed with the Mayor.
Note: Councillor King departed at this point in the meeting.
Councillor Gordon noted that the only reason Hill House has been maintained to the
degree it has been is because it was a made a condition of zoning that the developer move
it. The Council of the day was not willing to stipulate that it had to stay on the hillside.
She does not have a problem with requiring that it be designated.
The Acting Mayor stated that he would like to see the uwner of the property have an
opportunity to comment on this discussion.
Note: Councillor King returned at this point in the meeting.
The Mayor agreed that the developer should have a chance to comment prior to Council
making a decision on this matter and suggested deferring it for two weeks.
That the staff report dated May 8, 2000 recommending that Hill House be included
in tbe Community Heritage Register be deferred to May 29, 2000 Committee of the
Wbole Meeting.
951 Parks and Leisure Services Division -First Quarter Statistics -2000
Reference was made to the staff report recommending that the subject statistics be
received for information.
That the 2000 First Quarter Statistical Report for the Parks and Leisure Services
Division be received.
981 New Arts Centre-Governance and Operating Model
Reference was made to the letter from the Ridge Meadows Arts Council dated April 20,
2000 requesting a Letter of Intention or an Agreement to formalize the Arts Council's
role in operating the new Ridge Meadows Arts Centre.
The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services
suggested that the issue of governance of the arts centre be referred to the Parks and
Leisure Services Commission.
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May 15, 2000
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Councillor King agreed that this should be referred to the Commission for a report as it
needs to be looked a properly. She suggested that information be included in the report
regarding how other non-profit arts centres in the G.V.R.D. are governed.
That the letter from the Ridge Meadows Arts Council dated April 20, 2000
requesting a Letter of Intention or an Agreement to formalize the Arts Council's
role in operating the new Ridge Meadows Arts Centre be referred to the Parks and
Leisure Services Commission for a recommendation.
982 Implementation of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities/Greater Vancouver
Regional District Proposal for a Federal Role in Funding Sustainable Urban
Reference was made to the letter from GVRD dated May 10, 2000 recommending that
delegates to the FCM support a concerted effort to gain approval for the above noted
A general discussion ensued on the necessity to have sustainable urban transportation.
That the District of Maple Ridge support a concerted effort to gain approval for the
GVRD/FCM proposal for a federal role in funding sustainable urban transportation
this year.
7. ADJOURNMENT 2:40 p.m.