HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-29 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfMay 29, 2000 12:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT: Elected Officials Mayor A. Hogarth Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor L. King Councillor K. Morse Councillor C. Speirs Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Appointed Staff R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer J. Hertzog, Acting Municipal Clerk J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development M. W. Murray, General Manager of Comnmnity Development, Parks and Recreation Services T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required F. Quinn, Municipal Engineer K. Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs C. Carter, District Planner The meeting was chaired by Counclllor Harris who explained that it is the practice of the Municipal Council to have the Acting Mayor chair Committee of the Whole. The Acting Mayor received the concurrence of the Committee to add the following items to the agenda: 91 0 -Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection By-law No. 5807-1999 911 -248 Street Water Pump Station-Contract Award l. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS -{10 minutes each) l·.2 Maple Ridge Jazz & Blues Festival Society Mr. Alphonse Seward presented infonnation on the overhead in support of a letter from the Maple Ridge Jazz and Blues Festival Society requesting funding in the amount of $6000 to help offset additional production costs of the Festival. The additional charges have occurred due to a change in venue necessitated by the downtown core redevelopment project. The Festival will be held in the Harris Road Park th1s summer. Attendance last year was 10,000 to 12,000 and the Society anticipates a larger turn-out this year. Mr. Seward highlighted some of the proposed activities in addition to the live perfonnances by 16 bands. These include an arts and crafts market, "Kid Jam" for the Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 2 children, and the "International Food Fare". The Society also plans a Community Millennium Village and invites the District to participate in a substantial way in that project. The District could feature important community issues, show models of the town core redevelopment project, etc. He explained that the funds are needed to finance a mobile stage rental as well as on-site decoration and signage and the development of the Millennium Village. There is no suitable stage at the Harris Road Park location. The Society will exceed its $10,000 budget because of the change in venue. h1 return for the $6000 investment, the Society will provide the District with prominent recognition on the stage and throughout the signage in the park. He highlighted the economic and social values of the Festival to the community. He advised that the entire event is being recorded by CBC and there will be other substantial media involvement. Councillor Morse noted that in past years the District did not make a cash contribution but provided the location as an in-kind contribution. She further noted that the $6000 being requested by the Society is not in this year's adopted budget and questioned where those funds would come from. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services responded that there is a Millennium Project Fund in place and suggested that it be investigated to see if the Society's request can be accommodated in that way. Councillor Gordon questioned if the Society has talked to the Pitt Meadows Council. Mr. Seward responded that the Society will be meeting with them in the new few weeks and will ask them for financial assistance. Councillor Gordon asked the Society to put their next year's request in writing now in order for it to be considered in the upcoming budget deliberations. On question, Mr. Seward advised that the Society is uncertain at this point if they will have to ask the District for ongoing funding, noting that they are continuing to pursue corporate sponsorships, etc. He also noted that if the downtown core redevelopment is not finished next summer, the Society will have to consider making a similar request Councmor King suggested that the Society register their Millennium Village project and contact the Millennium Project Committee so that they will be aware of the Society's plans. The Committee would be able to advise them on the availability of funding. Mr. Seward advised that the Society has registered the Millennium Village project. Councillor King further suggested that this matter be referred to staff for a report on what options Council has when dealing with requests of this nature. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the request from the Maple Ridge Jazz and Blues Festival Society for funding in the amount of $6000 be referred to staff for a report back to Council in two weeks time as to what funding options are available. Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page J 1.2 Hill House -Heritage Advisory Recommendation to include Hill House in Community Heritage Register Mr. Joseph Robinsmith, Chair of the Heritage Advisory Committee, was in attendance in support of the Committee's recommendation to include Hill House in the Community Heritage Register. He noted that Committee of the Whole deferred the recommendation at their last meeting following discussion with respect to placing a formal Heritage designation on Hill House. He clarified that after considerable discussion, the Heritage Advisory Committee felt that it was best to choose the ''middle of the road" Registry option and to work with the developer to market the home rather than having it sit there and deteriorate. The Committee did not arrive at their decision lightly and has determined that placing the home in the Heritage Register is the best way to serve the community and the house itself. Councillor Gordon expressed concern that the Registry option offers no protection; it is her understanding that the house could be demolished with 60 days notice. Also, there is no control over how the new owners would restore the exterior of the house and their perception may not be in keeping with the original look of Hill House. Mr. Robinsmith responded that the Heritage Advisory Committee believes that if the house is included in the Registry, it could at least be flagged and the Committee would work with the new owners on the restoration issues. The Committee feels that the developer by moving the house onto a foundation has done the work to get the building half way there and the Committee can now work with the new owners. The developer has had inquiries with respect to restoring the house and they have been referred to the District and to the Heritage Advisory Committee. Restoration is up to the new private owners; the District is not offering to purchase the house, and the Heritage Advisory Committee would have to work with the new owners if they want to restore it. He added that the only protection offered by the Designation option is that the owners would have to maintain a minimum site standard. There is no requirement or guarantee that they would have to restore the house. Councillor Gordon responded that there is no guarantee under the Registry option that the new owners would work with the Heritage Advisory Committee on restoration. Councillor Speirs questioned why the developers were not in attendance. Mr. Robinsmith responded that they did not wish to take a chance on compromising the public hearing that has been held on their entire development proposal which includes the Hill House site. Councillor Speirs spoke in support of placing a heritage designation on the site, noting that the time has come to take strong measures to preseive Hill House for the community. It is appropriate for Council to step up to the plate and ensure that the heritage of this premiere example of Edwardian farmhouse construction is preserved. He added that his research shows that a heritage designation is paid back tenfold in terms of the investment of private enterprise money, tax incentives, etc. Designating this house will also create a policy that can be applied to other buildings in the community . .. Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 4 Mr. Robinsmith clarified that the Heritage designation has been used in Maple Ridge but it has been a voluntary initiative on the part of the home owner. Councillor Speirs responded that he welcomes a voluntary designation but in this case the developer has not done that. It is up to Council to be forward looking and be firm about our heritage so we all know where we have been and where we are going. The Mayor stated that he supports the Registry option in order to move this issue forward. Councilor Isaac spoke in support of the Registry option as she believes it is the incentive needed to get people into the home and keep the house from deteriorating which will happen if it stands empty much longer. Councillor Morse noted that the Municipality does not have a heritage fund and she does not feel that they should be dictating to the developer without having that type of funding in place. Mr. Robinsmith responded that at present the Heritage Advisory Committee can only act in an advisory capacity to Council and cannot pursue heritage revitalization funding. The Committee is in the process of applying for the status of a Heritage Commission which would enable them to do that, however, the development project involving Hill House has proceeded past the time frame where they could effectively apply for monies under their new mandate. The Committee dealt with this matter further under Item 902. 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 902 Hill House C. Carter, District Plauner, was in attendance for this item. Reference was made to the staff report dated May 8, 2000 in support of the recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee that Hill House be included in the Community Heritage Register. Note; This item was deferred from the May 15, 2000 Council Meeting following discussion as to whether Hill House should be designated a Heritage site instead of being included in the Heritage Register. Councillor King questioned if the proposed recommendation by the Heritage Advisory Committee would be made a condition of final reading of the related rezoning application if the recommendation was adopted by Council. The Director of Current Planning responded in tbe affirmative. Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 5 Councillor Speirs spoke against the motion and in support of the Heritage Designation option on the basis that it will provide tax relief and other financial incentives and help to maintain the heritage design aspects of Hill House. Councillor Gordon suggested approving the Registry recommendation to provide that degree of protection and then going one step further and adopting the Designation option. She noted that this building is part of a large rezoning application and she does not feel that there would be anything extraordinary about asking the developer to maintain this community heritage resource. She further noted that when a property is placed into the Community Heritage Register, there is no notation made on the title of that property as is done under the Heritage Designation option. Councillor Morse noted that the Hill House site is part of a larger development application which was been in the works for quite some time and she does not feel that it is fair to impose an additional condition on the developer after the fact. This is a condition that would be imposed on the developer after he started the project and that concerns her. She suggested that the District look at establishing a heritage fund to restore heritage buildings rather than putting conditions on the private property owners. On question from the Mayor, the District Planner explained that a Heritage Designation is achieved through the adoption of a by-law and an agreements is registered on the title to the land. Buildings that are in the Community Heritage Registry do not have a covenant on the title. Councillor Morse questioned if the District can change their regulations to require that a covenant for properties in the Community Heritage Registry be placed on title. The District Planner advised that this issue comes under the Municipal Act. She will check further with the solicitor on that point. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting of Thursday, April 20, 2000 requiring Jayman Master Builders to have Hill House included in the Community Register be supported. Councillors Gordon and King questioned if there was anything in the original application requiring that when the developers moved the house that they make it safe and habitable. The Director of Current Planning offered to review the application and see if there were any requirements in that respect. The Committee then considered a recommendation that a by-law be prepared to designate Hill House a Heritage site. A vote on the recommendation resulted in a tie -Councillors King, Gordon and Speirs were in favour; Councillors Isaac, Morse and the Mayor were opposed. Acting Mayor Harris voted in opposition and the recommendation was defeated. Committee of i:he Whole Minutes May 29. 2000 Page 6 903 RZ/22/00 -20173, 20185 and 20189 Dewd11ey Trunk Road and 12063, 12069 and 12075 -202 Street -RS-3 to RS-1 -By-law No. 5898-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated May 18, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law to change the zoning of six parcels back from RS-3 to RS-1 due to a mapping error be granted three readings. On question from Councillor Isaac, the Director of Current Planning advised that the property owners have been advised in writing of the proposed amendment. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5898-2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5898-2000 be read a third time. 904 RZ/28/97-North of 130 Avenue in the 24000 Block-Resciud By-law No. 5688-1998 and No. 5687-1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated May 16, 2000 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit 175 residential units be rescinded as no application for an extension has been received relative to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999. Councillor Morse asked for further clarification of the letter from the applicant, Mr. Gary Lycan (the agent for 9 property owners) dated May 16, 2000 explaining that if the application is automatically terminated, he will have no chance of completing the requirements for final reading and that the applicants have spent considerable money on the project. He notes in his letter that the actions of the Municipality has made it impossible to proceed until certain issues are resolved, i.e. the reservoir must be completed before the applicants can proceed but the District has moved it into next year's budget. Also, the resolution of the crossing of North Millionaire Creek at 133 Avenue must be achieved as it is the route for their service extensions. Mr. Lycan was in attendance and submitted a summary of events for the proposed development. He further elaborated on delays associated with the subject application. He noted that he is still waiting for an approved subdivision lay-out from staff, noting that his application was submitted in 1996. He further stated that The District's Development Procedures By-law No. 5897-1998 which allows one year to complete all requirements laid out at third reading, with two one year extensions at the whim of Council, is unreasonable if there is no concise land use plan and guide plan in place that all parties can rely on. Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page7 The Planner displayed an overhead map of the property in question and explained that as is stated in the report, the request for an extension was not taken up by the applicant for the nine property owners and staff has therefore brought forward a recommendation to rescind the by-law. He clarified for Councillor Morse that the reservoir is a necessary component of the development and that the Ministry of Environment has not yet been resolved the North Millionaire Creek crossing. Councillor Gordon noted that Council has in the past granted an extension when applicants experienced delays in approvals from other agencies that were outside the applicants' control. The Director of Current Planning agreed but noted that the applicant is first required to apply for an extension. Councillor Speirs voiced his support of the recommendation, noting that it does not preclude the proponents from re-applying. He suggested it would be more timely for them to do so after Council has put a neighbourhood plan in place for Silver Valley. The Mayor referred to the problems that Mr. Lycan has attributed to the lack of a workable guide plan for Silver Valley and added that it be advantageous to Mr. Lycan and the other property owners, as well as the District, to have that plan in place. He expressed the hope that the District and the property owners can work together to achieve that plan. Acting Mayor Harris expressed the opinion that Council seems to be hanging a cloud over all of Silver Valley which makes it difficult for anyone in that area to proceed with any degree of certainty. He cautioned that new environmental standards can become a moving target and continue to be a source of uncertainly for developers. Councillor Speirs responded that the uncertainly also has to be removed for the public. The Mayor referred to the uncertainty that occurred due to inaction on the part of the Ministry of Environment with respect to the creek crossing and questioned if it is fair to rescind the by-law. The Chief Administrative Officer responded that the whole premise of the extension policy is based on the developer providing information to Council that bonafide progress is being made on the application. There are other applications in a similar situation and the policy must be applied fairly to all. The Committee, with the exceptions of Councillor Morse and Isaac, agreed to the following recommendations: RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5687-1998, that second and third reading granted July 28, 1998 and first reading granted April 28, 1998 be rescinded. Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 8 2. That with respect to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5688-1998, that second and third reading granted July 28, 1998 and first reading granted April 28, 1998 be rescinded. 905 RZ/62/92-22200 Block West of the Haney By-pass -RS-1 to RM-2 -Final One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated May 9, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit a 50 townhouse units be granted a one year extension. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted to rezoning application RZ/62/92 (22200 Block West of the Haney By-pass). 906 RZ/20/93 -22136 and 22150 Dewdney Trunk Road-RS-1 to RM-2 -Final One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated May 9, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit a 46 unit apartment building be granted a one year extension. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted to rezoning application RZ/20/93 (22136 and 22150 Dewdney Trunk Road). 907 203 Roadworks into Industrial Park-Contract Award Reference was made to the staff report dated May 17, 2000 recommending that a contract for the subject works be awarded to Aggressive Roadbuilders Ltd. in the amount of $634,968.51. At the request of Councillor King, the Municipal Engineer provided an overview of the project, noting that the only road into the Industrial Park is via Maple Meadows Way. This connection of 203 Street south from Hammond Road across the CPR railway tracks will provide an important second access, particularly for emergency purposes. The work will include roadworks, traffic signals and the installation of an at-grade railway crossing which will be constructed by the CPR Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 9 Councillor King noted that by and large one side of the road is Industrial development and the other side is Residential. She asked if the District could try to apply some king of landscaping, at least on the Residential side. The Municipal Engineer offered to look at that issue in terms of the overall budget. On question from the Mayor, the Municipal Engineer explained that the traffic signals and the train signal have been integrated in such a way as to allow safe movements for both. Councillor Gordon expressed the hope that the works would be done prior to the opening of school in September. Councillor Isaac referred to the recent train derailment in Albion and questioned if there has been talk of putting in an overpass or underpass in the communities of Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. The Municipal Engineer advised that both Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge have discussed that issue in their long range transportation plans. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That Contract No. E02-203-203 Roadworks into the Maple Ridge Industrial Park be awarded to Aggressive Roadbuilders Ltd. in the amount of $634,968.51 and that this contract become binding on the District upon the signature of the Mayor and Municipal Clerk. 908 Trans/ink Roads Reference was made to the staff report dated May 19, 2000 recommending that the section of Lougheed Highway between 222 Street to Kanaka Way and the River Road access to the Albion Ferry be maintained through the direct use of Translink funds and that the District not participate in the Mainroad contract beyond March 21, 2001. Councillor King expressed her appreciation to staff for their thorough and helpful report. The Mayor questioned if the recommendation will enable the District to revisit issues such as the speed limit, traffic lights, etc. The Municipal Engineer advised that the District has control over those issues to the extent that they must remain within the standards adopted for regional roads. The Acting Mayor stated that it was his understanding that the District was going to lobby for control of the highway west of the Albion Ferry to River Road in consideration of the access issue. The Municipal Engineer advised that staff is meeting with the Ministry of Transportation and Highways (MOTH) in a few weeks to discuss that issue. Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 10 The Acting Mayor asked if Committee should defer the recommendation until after that meetings occurs. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that while better access to River Road is an important issue, it is not currently related to the matter under discussion. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the section of Lougheed Highway between 222 Street to Kanaka Way and the River Road access to the Albion Ferry be maintained through the direct use of TransLiok funds and that the District not participate in the Mainroad Contract beyond March 21, 2001. 909 Multicultural Canada Day Society -2000 Canada Day Celebrations -Request to Use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated May 23, 2000 recommending that the above noted request be granted subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Mayor suggested that the District require all organizers of these types of events to advertise any street closures in the local newspaper. Councillor Gordon expressed concern that the cost of advertising would be a huge financial burden on the groups as many of them are non-profit organizations. She suggested referring the Mayor's suggestion to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission for a recommendation. The Committee agreed to the following recommendations: RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the Multicultural Canada Society (the organizers) be authorized to close 224 Street between Dewdney Trunk Road and Selkirk Avenue on Saturday, July I, 2000 between 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. for the Canada Day celebrations, provided that the conditions outlined in the staff report dated May 23, 2000 are met. 2. That the Mayor's suggestion to require organizers of community events to advertise street closures in the local newspaper be referred to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission for a recommendation. Additional Agenda Items (910 and 91 I) Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 11 910 Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection By-law No. 5807-1999 The Manager of Environmental Affairs was in attendance for this item. Reference was made to the staff report dated May 4, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law and related by-laws be brought forward for appropriate readings/amendments. Councillor King noted that it is recommended that the subject by-law be referred to the development and stewardship community for comment following first reading. She questioned how long it will be before the by-law can be implemented. The Manager of Environmental Affairs responded that after the comments are received, they will be summarized by staff and brought back to Council. She anticipated that it will be about five weeks before the by-law is submitted to Council for final reading consideration. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection By-law No. 3092-1982 be repealed and Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection By-law No. 5807-1999 be read a first time. 2. That staff be directed to amend Maple Ridge Ticketing Information System By-law No. 4432-1990 to include Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection By-law No. 5807-1999. 3. That staff be directed to amend the Subdivision Servicing Agreement to provide consistency with the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection By-law No. 5807-1999. 4. That following first reading, Watercourse Protection By-law No. 5807-1999 be considered by Council for distribution to local stakeholders for comment. 911 248 Street Water Pump Station -Contract Award Reference was made to the staff report dated May 24, 2000 and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein: RECOMMENDATION That Contract E03-010-040 -248 Street Pump Station be awarded to Strohmaier's Excavating Ltd. in the amount of $355,579.44 and that this contract become binding on the District upon the signature of the Mayor and Municipal Clerk. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) • Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 12 931 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated May 19, 2000 and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein: RECOMMENDA TJON That the Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting of April 20, 2000 be received for information. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES Nil 5. OTHERISSUES Nil 6. CORRESPONDENCE The Mayor asked if the Committee needs a staff report/recommendation when dealing with correspondence. Councillor King noted that it might take a considerable amount of staff time to do the reports. She feels it is up to the Committee to make a recommendation. She suggested inserting a reminder on the agenda stating that Council can either receive the correspondence, make a motion, direct the matter to staff for consideration, etc. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the correspondence could be put into the categories suggested by Councillor King. 981 Public Arts Policy Reference was made to the letter from the Ridge Meadows Arts & Cultural Policy and Plan Committee dated May 1, 2000 requesting the establishment of a Public Art Policy. The Chief Administrative Officer suggested referring the letter to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission for a recommendation. The matter would then come back to Council for a discussion of budget implications, etc. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services added that the request also requires input from the Planning Department. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter from the Ridge Meadows Arts & Cultural Policy and Plan Committee dated May 1, 2000 requesting the establishment of a Public Art Policy be received, and further Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 13 that the letter be referred to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission and the Planning Department for their input. 982 World Trade Organization Reference was made to the letter from the City of Vancouver dated May 8, 2000 requesting support of their motion to the federal government regarding the above noted matter. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That the letter from the City of Vancouver dated May 8, 2000 regarding World Trade Organization matters be received, and further that their resolution to the federal government urging that there be more public consultation with all stakeholders with respect to the GATS (General Agreement to Trade in Services) be supported. 983 Simon Fraser Valley Health Region -Support/or a Smoke-free Environment Reference was made to the letter from the Health Region dated May 8, 2000 requesting support of the Clean Air Coalition's initiatives regarding the above noted matter. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter from the Simon Fraser Valley Health Region dated May 8, 2000 reguding strategies for smoke-free environments in the Simon Fraser Health Region be received, and further that the Statement of Support for Smoke-Free Environments proposed by the Clean Air Coalition of B. C. for presentation to the Workers Compensation Board he supported. 984 Sc/tool Site Acquisition Charges Reference was made to the letter from School District No. 42 requesting that Council pass a resolution in support of their resolution regarding matters set out in the Municipal Act with respect to the above noted matter. The Director of Current Planning advised that due to time constraints, he would like to present a report and recommendation on this matter directly to the June 13th Council • Committee of the Whole Minutes May 29, 2000 Page 14 meeting instead of waiting for the June 19th Committee of the Whole Meeting. The Committee agreed. ACTION REQUIRED That the Director of Current Planning submit a reporUrecommendation on the above noted matter directly to the June 13, 2000 Council Meeting. 7. ADJOURNMENT 2:50p.m. ayo ittee ...