HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-19 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfJune 19, 2000
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and
Development/ Acting Chief Administrative Officer
T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk
M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services
C. Carter, District Planner
S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
B. McDonald, Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws
K. Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs
The meeting was chaired by Acting Mayor Isaac. She advised that Item 951 has been added to
the agenda.
l. l By-law Enforcement -Update on Activities
The Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws advised that the Department has moved
back into the Municipal Hall and has amalgamated with the pem1its and inspection staff,
It is a move that will create synergies between the two areas and a sharing of the
He distributed and elaborated on the following statistics for the period January 1st to May
31st, 2000--Secondary Suites; By-laws; Parking Tickets and Business Licences.
He noted that noise continues to generate the majority of the complaints. He also noted
that the Department is working on a clear definition of what a legitimate disputed parking
ticket is as that issue is taking up considerable staff time.
The Director advised that the revenue projections for business licences are close and
Maple Ridge averages 40 to 50 new business licences per month of all types.
The Acting Mayor questioned if the parking ticket revenue is on target. The Director
advised that it is basically a break-even process and not a money making venture. It is a
more a matter of enforcement and encouraging a turnover in parking spaces .
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 2
Councillor Morse asked if any progress is being made on investigating if it is feasible to
have a Municipal by-law court.
The Director advised that he is meeting with a UBCM committee tomorrow and will
report further to Council on that matter.
Councillor Harris questioned the reason for the decline in rat complaints, noting that this
was once a real problem in the downtown area. The Director advised that the District
works with the Health Unit on rodent issues. He noted that the Department may need to
do a further break-down in the statistics as rats are closely related to complaints about
unsightly premises and it may be that they are included in those statistics.
1.2 R. C.M.P. -Update on Activities
R.C.M.P. Inspector Bill Dingwall was in attendance to report on the administrative and
operational functions of the detachment.
He reported on recent transfers in and out of the detachment and noted that nine cadets
have arrived since January and one more is aniving shortly. The detachment still has
vacancies for two Corporals and they will be aniving in a few weeks. They are also still
short a dog handler and receive assistance in that regard from surrounding Municipalities.
He further noted that out of a strength of 88 officers, one-third are female, which is good
for the detachment and beginning to reflect the community standard in terms of the
proportion of male and female officers. The cadets are split 50-50 in that regard.
Inspector Dingwall commented on several crimes that have occurred in Maple Ridge. He
urged all residents to take steps to protect themselves from auto theft which is common
all over the lower mainland. There were 9 gasoline stations robbed between February
20th and April 12th, however, the robberies abruptly ceased.
He reported on other matters as follows:
The detachment assisted in the recent uprising at the Alouette River Correctional Centre.
He expressed appreciation to the Albion Ferry crew for their assistance to the RCMP in
escorting a busload of prisoners to Surrey following the incident.
There 9 fatalities in Maple Ridge last year and there have been none to date in 2000.
Victims Services handled 146 files last year and 193 files in 2000. The volunteers have
put in many hours. He was pleased to attend the volunteer appreciation dinner last week
and he has had positive feedback from the volunteers.
He and the General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services have been successful in
getting a full unit budgeting system for the detachment. This is a good opportunity for the
detachment to really be able to control their own budget.
The red light camera program is moving ahead, following approval of the program by
Council at an earlier date. He noted that program is successful and is a deterrent to drivers
rnnning red lights.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19. 2000
Page 3
The space planner is working on the renovations that will be taking place to the RCMP
offices and the estimates will come back to Council for approval.
The bicycle patrol is currently testing mobile work stations on their bicycles and Maple
Ridge is the first to do so.
The detachment is hiring Auxiliary officers once again and the program is moving ahead.
They are not allowed to carry weapons but will be undertaking other activities for the
He has sent correspondence to Council on the Municipal Ticket Information system
which he feels is a good initiative and one the RCMP can move ahead on. He is looking
at issuing a Municipal instead of a Provincial tickets to first time offenders in an attempt
to have them change their driving habits. He would like a resolution from Council to
support moving ahead with that initiative and developing a protocol and an appropriate
media strategy to show what they are doing in the community with respect to certain
types of traffic offences.
Councillor Morse questioned if the Inspector has any thoughts on achieving a balance
between the number of officers he needs and the number the District can afford.
The Inspector responded that over the years that issue has been dealt with through the
business plan process. It is really important for Council, the RCMP and the citizens to
find the appropriate level. If the citizens want to pay for a certain level of services
through their tax dollars, that might be the way to do it. Obviously there are many
services that can be provided if there is enough money and manpower for them, however,
those two resources are not unlimited. A decision has to be made on what is the right
service delivery and how much the Municipality can afford.
Councillor Morse noted that there bas been an unprecedented increase in policing costs
due to a large wage increase for the RCMP last year. She hopes that Council and the
Inspector can get together and work that into a reasonable program.
The Inspector responded that the Municipalities will be able to plan for wage increases
now that the five year freeze is off. That is one reason full unit budgeting is critical as
everyone will know what is required in the way of costs in the years to come. He and the
General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services will continue to work on that
initiative .
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda:
902 Kevin Rice Memorial Run 2000 -July 23, 2000 -Request to Use Municipal Streets
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 5, 2000 recommending that the subject
request be approved.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 4
The Mayor referred to his previous recommendation that community groups advertise
street closures in the local newspaper in advance of their proposed event. (The
recommendation was referred to the Parks and Leisure SeI"'lices Commission/Citizens
Advisory Committee at the June 13th Council Meeting). He noted that while no streets
are being closed, this event covers a large residential area and there will be some
adjustments in traffic patterns. He suggested they be advertised in the newspaper.
Councillor King suggested that staff review the existing policy re street closures and
bring back a report as she feels Council needs some indication of what is practical and
how much it will cost to advertise.
The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services
advised that it is his intention to have a report/recommendation from the Citizens
Advisory Committee placed on the next Committee of the Whole agenda.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the use of Municipal streets be authorized for the Kevin Noel Rice Memorial
Run on Sunday, July 23, 2000 provided that the conditions outlined in the staff
report dated June 5, 2000 are met.
903 Transfer Agreement~ Kanaka Creek Waterworks Ltd. to the District of Maple Ridge
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 8,2000 recommending that the subject
agreement be executed. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation.
That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the Water System
Transfer Agreement with Kanaka Creek Waterworks Ltd.
904 RZ/26/96 -Former Pacific Vocational Institute (PVI) Site -North 011130 Avenue and
West of 256 Street-P-6 to IR and M-2 -By-laws No. 56241997, 5625-1997 and 5626-
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 29, 2000 recommending that the
subject by-laws be rescinded as the applicant has advised that the property has been sold
and he has no further interest in the proposed project (to rezone from P-6 (Civic
Institutional) to IR (Industrial/Residential and M-2 (General Industrial) to permit a mixed
use of Industrial and Residential on .4 hectare lots).
Councillor Harris questioned if the 25% total gross floor area requirement is considered
the norm.
The District Planner advised that figure was requested by the applicant and is not a
generic decision that is used in every case.
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June 19, 2000
Page 5
The Committee agreed to the following recommendations:
That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5625-1997 and 5624-
1997, second and third reading granted December 16, 1997 and first reading
granted October 28, 1997 be rescinded.
That with respect to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No.
5626-1997, second and third reading granted December 16, 1997 and first reading
granted October 28, 1997 be rescinded.
905 RZ/34/97-12525 -208 Street-RS-2 to RS-lb-By-law No. 5686-1998
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 18, 2000 recommending that the
subject by-law to permit a two lot infill subdivision be rescinded due to lack of response
by the applicant.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5686-1998, second
and third reading granted May 26, 1998 and first reading granted April 28, 1998 be
906 RZ/13/97-22650-136 Avenue-RS-3 to R-1 -Final One Year Extension
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 29, 2000 recommending that the
subject application to permit 130 lots and an unknown number of townhouse units be
granted a one year extension.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5897-1999, a
one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/13/97.
907 RZ/82/99 -11526 and 11518 Burnett Street -By-law No. 5899-2000 and 5900-2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 29, 2000 recommending that the
subject by-laws to permit the construction of 8 townhouse units and an accessory parking
area for employees of a neighbouring commercial building be granted first reading.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 6
Councillor Gordon questioned if access to the proposed townhouses is still through the
commercial parking lot.
Mr. Wayne Bissky, the architect, was in attendance. He displayed a revised plan of the
proposal and explained the proposed changes from the original plan which include a
reduction in the number of townhouse units from 9 to 8; a reduction in the commercial
parking spaces from 21 to 15; relocation of the tot lot to the north; provision of a secure
parking facility that will be accessed via a card system by authorized users only; and
relocation of the townhouses on the east of the site further to the north.
He also displayed a preliminary landscape plan, noting that a completed plan will be
submitted to the Planning Department shortly.
On question, he advised that the existing trees will not be preserved with the exception of
the street trees on 116 A venue.
Councillor King asked who will be responsible for the parking lot. Mr. Bissky responded
that his clients are currently seeking legal advice in that regard. The parking lot will form
part of the strata council which will be involved in the maintenance, etc. Municipal staff
were concerned about ownership of the parking lot if it was not part of the development.
Councillor Morse asked how long it will be before the development comes to fruition
after the Public Hearing. The General Manager of Public Works and Development
Services responded that it will depend on how soon the developer can fulfill the
conditions that are required between third and final reading.
The District Planner added that as a general rule of thumb, it takes between 6 to 8 months
for a development application to be completed.
The Mayor noted that none of the parking lot is dedicated to the townhouse component.
Mr. Bissky advised that visitors to the townhouse in the evening could park there.
Councillor Gordon noted that the townhouse residents will have to go through the
commercial parking lot to get to their homes. She is concerned about how the lot will be
maintained and how it will affect the townhouse residents if it is not maintained. Also,
the parking lot is very close to the bedrooms of Unit No. 8. It could be noisy if the
employees use the parking lot at night.
Mr. Bissky responded that most of the businesses will not be open at night except for the
Councillor Gordon asked if there will be a restriction on the time once the parking lot is
agreed to.
Mr. Bissky suggested that there might be a restrictive covenant placed on the parking lot.
His clients have indicated that they do not see a need for the parking lot beyond 7:00 p.m.
Also, they will have to conform to the rules of the strata council.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 7
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5899-2000 and Maple Ridge Official
Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5900-2000 be read a first time.
908 RZ/9/98 -Property East of 232 Street, North of Larch Avenue, West of 236 Street and
Soutlr of 136 Avenue-RS-3 to CD-I and RS-lb-Request/or One Year Extension
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 29, 2000 recommending that the
subject application be granted a one year extension (to permit a maximum of 146
residential units using a mix of housing forms).
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 a
one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application .
909 RZ/15/94-11295 Dartford Street-RS-2 and C-3 to RM-2
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 19, 2000 recommending that the
subject by-law to permit a three storey, 36 unit apartment building be rescinded due to
lack of response by the applicant.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-Jaw No. 5182-1994, second
and third reading granted November 28, 1994 and first reading granted October 31,
1994 be rescinded.
910 RZ/75/89-22777 Selkirk Avenue (Valley Fair Mall) -RM-I to C-3 -Final One Year
Extension; By-law No. 4402-1990
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 31, 2 000 recommending that a one year
extension be granted to the above noted application, that third reading of By-law No.
4402-1990 be rescinded under Section 894 of the Municipal Act, and that By-law No.
4402-1990 be amended and granted third reading as amended.
Councillor King noted that this application is ten years old. She wants to make sure that
Selkirk A venue is not closed until the District knows for sure that the project will be
The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that the
project will be subject to a Development Permit. It is his understanding that the
developer will be submitting a site development plan which will come to Council shortly.
Committee of the \Vhole Minutes
June 19. 2000
Page 8
Councillor King asked if Council can add conditions prior to final reading.
The District Planner advised that she has talked to the Municipal solicitor on that issue in
general and it all depends on the amount of money that has been expended by the
developer to date or how substantial the condition is.
She further noted that staff has been working very closely with the applicant and the file
manager is comfortable with the project and knows what needs to be done.
Councillor Morse expressed concern that the neighborhood may have changed since the
public hearing. The District Planner noted that the Official Community Plan designations
re~ain the same. The Municipal Clerk added that the changes to the by-law are quite
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a
one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/75/89; and
that under the provisions of Section 894 of the Municipal Act, third reading granted
June 25, 1990 to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan amending By-law No. 4402-
1990 be rescinded, and
that third reading be granted Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-
law No. 4402-1990 as amended.
911 RZ/56/99-23874 and 23884-118 Avenue-RS-3 to CD-1-93
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 31, 2000 recommending that the
applicant complete two additional conditions prior to final approval.
The District Planner advised that it is her understanding that the two property owners
have now arrived at an agreement with respect to the consolidation issue.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That prior to final consideration of By-law No. 5855-1999, the following conditions
must be satisfied:
1. A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the
proposed development; and
2. The consolidation of the land south of the lane with Lot 87, LMP 36718.
Committee of the \Vbole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 9 •
912 DP/8/00 -Development Permit XXX for J
Larch A ve11ue
Reference was made to the staff report datei:
Development Permit be executed.
The Committee agreed to the following recom;
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized tc
respecting property located in the 23400 l
conditions outlined in the memorandum dat1c
913 Building Department Statistics -May, 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated J t
the following recommendation:
ourse Protection -23400 Block of
5. 2000 recommending that subject
an'; .;eal the development Permit
of , i'irch Avenue, subject to the
-ne I', .. WOO.
. 2000 and the Committee agreed to
That the Building Statistics for the month of l\. . 2000 be received for information.
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (i: duding Fire and Police)
931 Social Planning Advisory Committee-Unemployment Insurance Act
Reference was made to the report from the Social Planning Advisory Committee dated
May 30, 2000 recommending that a letter be forwarded to Mr. Grant McNally, M.P. et al
calling for the federal government to review the Employment Insurance Act.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the report from the Social Planning Advisory Committee dated May 30, 2000
be received, and further
that a letter be forwarded to the federal government requesting a review of the
Employment Insurance Act
932 Social Planning Advisory Committee -Simon Fraser Health Region -Funding
Reference was made to the report from the Social Planning Advisory Committee dated
May 29, 2000 recommending that a letter be forwarded to the Simon Fraser Health Board
regarding appropriate funding allocations as noted in the report .
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19. 1000
Page 10
The Mayor stated that it is his understanding that the nursing program has been cut. He
suggested that Council also ask in the letter that the nursing program be brought back.
Councillor King suggested that if Council does not have all the correct information, they
should address the Committee's request as written.
The Committee, with the exception of the Mayor, agreed to the following
recomrn endation:
That the report from the Social Planning Advisory Committee dated May 29, 2000
be received, and further,
that a letter be forwarded to the Simon Fraser Health Region urging its Board to
allocate funding to ensure that:
i) appropriate staffing levels are achieved throughout the Region;
ii) preventative programs providing a range of health services, io a variety of
settings, to individuals or groups of people are provided for; and
iii) a high level of patient care is maintained within the region.
The Mayor stated that he wanted it noted that he is opposed to the recommendation as he
does not feel that it goes far enough. Councillor Gordon advised that there is nothing to
prevent Council from sending another letter at a later date regarding the nursing
programs. She suggested exploring the validity of that concern first.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the concern regarding the resource allocation for nursing programs be
forwarded to the Social Planning Advisory Committee for their consideration and a
report back to Council.
933 Social Plonning Advisory Committee -"Building a Better Future for British
Columbia's Kids" Discussion Paper
Reference was made to the report from the Social Planning Advisory Committee dated
May 29, 2000 and the Committee .agreed to the following recommendation contained
That the report from the Social Planning Advisory Committee dated May 29, 2000
be received, and further
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 1 I
that a letter be fonvarded to the Minister of Social Development and Economic
Security advising that the District supports the ideas contained within the
Discussion Paper entitled Building a Better Future for British Columbia's Kids, and
that the Provincial Government conduct consultation with day care providers,
parents, School Districts, Municipalities, Socia] Service and Provincial agencies
prior to implementing the recommendations contained in the Discussion Paper.
934 Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 6, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
That the Minutes of the Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting of May 1, 2000 be
935 Social Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of June 14, 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 14, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
That the Minutes of the Social Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of June 14,
200 be received.
936 Economic Advisory Commission -Recommendatio11s re Pitt Meadows Tourism
Reference was made to the report from the Tourism Sub-committee of the Economic
Advisory Commission (EAC) providing recommendations in the above noted matter.
Councillor King noted that it would be helpful for the Economic Advisory Commission
to know if Council wants a tourism strategy pursued through the Commission or in
conjunction with other groups. If some other method is going to be chosen, or if Council
does not want to put energy into tourism, the EAC needs to know that so that they do not
work on something that Council does. If Council votes in favour of a certain strategy,
then the Commission will look in that direction,
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the report from the Economic Advisory Commission dated May 10, 2000 be
received, and further, be it resolved:
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 12
That Maple Ridge not join the Pitt Meadows Tourism Society at this time;
That the Tourism sub-committee of the Economic Advisory Commission establish
communications with the Pitt Meadows group to enhance future work;
That the Economic Advisory Commission pursue a tourism strategy with a Maple
Ridge focus in consultation with the community; and
That Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows work jointly to promote the Trans Canada
93 7 Economic Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated June ] 4, 2000 recommending that the
subject Minutes be received and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the Minutes of the Economic Advisory Commission Meeting of May 10, 2000
be received.
951 Parks and Leisure Services Commission Meeting Minutes of April 13, 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 15, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation:
That the Minutes of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission Meeting of April 3,
2000 be received.
971 Golden Ears Retirement Centre -Transportation
Reference was made to the letter to the Mayor dated May 18, 2000 regarding the loss of
resident transportation due to the sale of the bus by the Lions Club and asking for
Council's assistance in obtaining that service from the Simon Fraser Health Board.
Councillor King suggested sending the Lions Club a letter thanking them for the
transportation services they have provided in the past.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 13
That the Jetter from the Golden Ears Retirement Centre dated May 18, 2000 be
received, and further,
that a letter be sent to the Lions Club thanking them for the transportation services
they have provided in the past to the Golden Ears Retirement Centre, Haney
Intermediate Care Centre and Holyrood Manor, and
that a Jetter be sent to the Simon Fraser Health Board seeking their assistance in
providing resident transportation for those facilities.
972 Equestrian. Trails Council
Reference was made to the letter (undated) from the Equestrian Trails Council (ETC)
received June 1, 2000 asking that several trail issues be addressed as detailed in the report
Councillor King indicated that there are some items in the ETC letter which require
further clarification from staff. She questioned why the Docksteader Trail is no longer
The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services
responded that it is his understanding the Docksteader Trail in part went through private
property and was closed by the new owner some time ago. In staffs discussions of the
trail network, it has been proposed that a different route be taken
He further noted that with respect to the road allowance next to the Allard pit being
closed, he would like to have an opportunity to look into the status of that trail and bring
a report back to Council.
Councillor King suggested having a review of Schedule "F" of the Official Community
Plan for the adopted equestrian trails so that Council can re-examine its commitment to
having equestrian trails in Maple Ridge.
The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services noted
that there was considerable work done on equestrian trails issues by Bruce McLeod of the
Planning Department last year. It was his understanding that there had been some
agreement achieved within the new development areas that would provide for the
extension of the Docksteader Trail. He offered to ask Mr. McLeod make a presentation
to Council and they can then decide where to go from there.
The Mayor asked if the equestrian businesses contribute to the trail programs. The
General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services advised
that question has been raised with the ETC who have been quick to acknowledge the
volunteer efforts of some of the stable owners to participate on a volunteer basis in trail
maintenance but not necessarily as a requirement of the by-law.
Councillor King stated that the Mayor has raised a legitimate point; if Council is going to
look at this matter from a community point of view, they should also look to the industry.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
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June 19, 2000
Page 14
That the letter from the Equestrian Trains Council received June 1, 2000 be
and further that it be referred to Municipal staff for a report on the concerns raised
by the Equestrian Trails Council.
973 Community Search Plan for Abducted Children
Reference was made to the letter from B. Mckendrick, 28112 -124 A venue urgjng that
that a Community Search Plan for Abducted Children plan be established and supported.
Councillor Speirs expressed support for the plan. The Mayor and Councillor Morse
noted that there is a procedure in place now that is working well, particularly the services
provided by Search and Rescue. Councillor Morse noted that the Emergency Planning
Committee is working on a civilian component and there are civilian volunteers in
Search and Rescue. She suggested referring the letter to the Emergency Planning
Committee for a report back to Council.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from B. Mckendrick of 28112 -124 Avenue suggesting the
establishment of a Community Search Plan for Abducted Children be received, and
that it be referred to the Emergency Planning Committee for a report.
974 Hammond Mill-Complaints re Dust, Noise and Safety
Reference wa.s made to the letter from B. Pogany and concerned residents of Hammond
dated May 29, 2000 requesting that the existing covenants on the Hammond Mill be
Councillor Gordon suggested referring this matter to the Director of Licences, Permits
and By-laws for a report.
Councillor Hanis noted that many of the issues have been chronic for years and
suggested that there be a meeting with the mill as it appears that all the issues were not
The Mayor noted that he has viewed the file on the history of this issue and it is very
large. It appears to him that it is matter of people moving in next to the mill and then
trying to change things after they moved in. The mill has tried to mitigate the problems.
Staff can continue to work with the mill but they can only go so far before it becomes an
unproductive use of staff time.
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June 19, 2000
Page 15
The Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws advised that the mill has made
improvements but they may need reminding as new staff may be operating equipment,
etc. He has had preliminary discussion with one of the authors of the letter and has
scheduled a meeting with the neighborhood and a representative of the mill for July 7th.
It may be am matter of re-educating people and updating the processes that was working.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the residents of Hammond dated May 29, 2000 asking that the
existing covenants on the Hammond Mill be enforced be received, and further
the Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws report to Council on the outcome of
his meeting of July 7th related to this matter.
975 Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) -Canada Forest Accord -
National Forest Strategy Coalition
Reference was made to the letter dated May 30, 2000 asking Council to make any
concerns known prior to the UBCM becoming a signatory to the subject agreement.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities regarding the
Canada Forest Accord -National Forest Strategy Coalition be received for
976 UBCM Justice and Protective Services Commission -Five Year Review of RCMP
Policing Agreements
Reference was made to the letter dated May 31, 2000 requesting comments on the subject
matter. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) dated
May 31, 2000 regarding the Five year Review ofRCMP Policing Agreements be
referred to the local detachment of the RCMP for comment prior to responding the
977 Regulations for Video and Computer Games
Reference was made to the letters from the following seeking support of their resolutions
to amend the Motion Picture Act to include all electronic, computer and video games
and/or that the games be screened and rated:
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 16
City of Richmond -May 26, 2000
City of White Rock -May 25, 2000
Corporation of Delta Corporate Resources -May 18, 2000
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letters from Richmond, Delta and White Rock seeking support of their
resolutions to amend the Motion Picture Act to include all electronic, computer and
video games be received for information.
978 Dennis Streifel, M.LA. -Employment Insurance Be1tefits
Reference was made to the letter dated May l 9, 2000 seeking support to lobby the federal
government on behalf of workers who have been denied or receive inadequate
Employment Insurance benefits.
A Councillor noted that Council has already taken the action being requested by Mr.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from Mr. Dennis Streifel, M.L.A. regarding Employment Insurance
be received for information.
979 Mr. Michael Abel, Victoria -Request to Ban Gypsy Moth Spraying
Reference was made to the e-mail dated May 30, 2000 and May 22, 2000 asking that (1)
the Municipalities pass a by-law banning aerial pesticide spraying of Btk for the Gypsy
moth and (2) the Province introduce the Butterfly and Moth Protection Act (Lepidoptera
Protection Act).
Councillor Speirs stated that he would like to see the Committee pass a motion in support
of the actions suggested by Mr. Abel.
Councillors Gordon and Harris voiced the opinion that it would be premature to enact a
by-law at this point as Gypsy Moth spraying is not an issue in Maple Ridge. Councillor
Gordon stated that if it became an issue, she would want a staff report first on how to deal
with it.
The Municipal Clerk noted that this matter has gone forward to the Union of British
Columbia Municipalities. Councillor Speirs indicated that he would like to deal with it
when it has been through the UBCM.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
Committee of the \¥hole Minutes
June 19, 2000
Page 17
That the letter from Mr. Michael Abel of Victoria regarding Gypsy moth spraying
be received for information.
980 Proposed $75.00 TransLink Levy
980.1 Reference was made to the letter from the Mayor of Surrey dated May 30, 2000 advising
that Surrey Council has unanimously passed a resolution strongly opposing the above
noted levy.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the Mayor of Surrey dated May 30, 2000 opposing the proposed
$75.00 TransLink levy be received for information.
980.2 Reference was made to the letter from Kabir Ebrahim on behalf of Motorists Against
Transit Levy dated May 27, 2000 opposing the above noted levy.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from Kabir Ebrahim on behalf of Motorists Against Transit Levy
dated May 27, 2000 be received for information.
981 City of Port Coquitlam re Upper Pitt River Valley Gravel Mine Project
Reference was made to the letter dated May 31, 2000 advising that the City of Port
Coquitlam has adopted a resolution that a letter be sent to Mainland Sand and Gravel Ltd.
that the City supports and applauds the agreement reached between the Province and
Mainland in the above noted matter.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the City of Port Coquitlam dated May 31, 200 regarding the
Upper Pitt River Valley Gravel Mine Project be received for information .
982 City of Vancouver -Resolution re Cigarette Smoking
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 19. 2000
Page 18
Reference was made to the letter dated June 1, 2000 advising that the City has passed a
resolution asking Ottawa to support the Bill proposed by Senator Colin Kenny to reduce
the use of tobacco products by young persons of Canada.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the City of Vancouver dated June 1, 2000 regarding their
resolution on Cigarette Smoking be received for information.
983 Federation of British Columbia Naturalists -Resolution re Cranberry Operations
Reference was made to the letter dated June 2, 2000 seeking support of their resolution
regarding the restriction of cranbeny operations in wetlands.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the Federation of British Columbia Naturalists dated June 2,
2000 regarding cranberry operations dated June 2, 2000 be :received, and further
that their resolution requesting that the Province and all relevant Municipalities
restrict the expansion of cranberry operations in wetlands to preserve and protect
wildlife habitat, and that governments routinely monitor discharge waters from
cranberry operations, be supported.
Councillor King asked that the recommendation be forwarded first to the Lower
Mainland Municipal Association before it goes through the Union of British Columbia
7. ADJOURNMENT 3:10 p.m.
A ~ ~-Y.,,_~g-=s=-a""'ac....c=· ;;;;_;;_ _______ _
Presiding Member of the Committee