HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-17 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfMonday, July 17, 2000
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Acting Mayor, F. Isaac
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Mayor A. Hogarth
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
M. Murray, Acting Chief Administrative Officer/ GM of
Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development
P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services
C. Carter, District Planner
S. Belley, Acting Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
B. McDonald, Director of Licences, Permits & Bylaws
M. Jollimore, Recreation Manager-Central
The Acting Mayor called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm.
The following two Items were added to the Agenda:
+ Item 908 -Building Application BPC/066/00 -203 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road/
Development Cost Charge Forgiveness;
♦ Item 909 -Third Party Directional Signs.
902 D VP/28100 -11541 and 11553 Burnett Street
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 4, 2000 recommending approval of the
DVP respecting the above-noted subject properties.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
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Monday, July I 7, 2 000
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That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of DVP/28/00 respecting property located at 11541 & 11553 Burnett Street
will be considered by Council at the August 22, 2000 meeting.
903 Wh01rnock Lake Day Run/Walk
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 28, 2000 recommending approval of
the Whonnock Lake Day Run/Walk on Sunday, September 10, 2000, provided the usual
conditions are met.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the Whoonock Community Association be authorized to use Municipal Streets
for the Whonnock Lake Day 5 and 10 km Ruo/WaJk on Sunday, September 10,
2000 provided the conditions outlined in the report of the Chief Administrative
Officer are met.
904 Building Statistics for the month of June, 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 4, 2000 received for information.
The Committee noted building activity and requested that the General Manager of Public
Works and Development provide project information related to the $3.7 million dollars
reflected in the commercial additions/repair category for the January 1, 2000 to June 30,
2000 period.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the Business Licensing, Permits and Bylaws Department, building statistics for
the month of June, 2000 be received for information.
Councillor King, an employee of School District 42, excused herself from the meeting at
12:35 pm so Council could consider Item 905. •
905 RZ/27/00-23981 Dewdney Trunk Road
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 6, 2000 recommending rezoning of the
subject property from Pl (Park and School) to CD/3/00 (Comprehensive Development).
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At the request of the Committee, the District Planner displayed a site map and
summarized the report.
Mr. Hugh Carter, of Carter Property Consultants, added that he hopes to use a
combination of commercial and school use to utilize the existing space.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That application RZ/27/00 (for property located at 23981 Dewdney Trunk Road) to
rezone property described in the memorandum dated July 6, 2000 from P-1 (Park
and School) to CD/3/00 (Comprehensive Development) be forwarded to Public
Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to
final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum
and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be
fonvarded to the same Public Hearing.
Councillor King rejoined the meeting at 12:45 pm.
906 DP/29/00-Valley Fair Mall
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 19, 2000 recommending the
construction of a food store adjacent to Valley Fair Mall.
Council expressed concern regarding the north mall entrance.
Mr. David O'Sheehan, of Abbarch Partnership, displayed 3 maps of the project and
explained that the main concerns from the Advisory Design Panel presentation was the
link between the two buildings. He then reviewed the proposed design solutions.
Mr. Peter Kidamae, of Bucci Investment Corporation, and Mr. Glen Barrick, representing
Overwaitea Food Group, further elaborated on the design and function of the breezeway.
With respect to parking, it was identified that parking stalls have been increased in front
of the store, and additional disabled spaces will be provided south of the food store and
near the northern entrance to the mall.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/29/00 respecting
property located at 22709 Lougheed Highway.
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907 RZ/31100 -IO 148 -23 6 Street
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 6, 2000 recommending rezoning of the
subject property from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Rc:sidential) to M-2 (General
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That application RZ/31/00 (for property located at 10148-236 Street) to rezone
property described in the memorandum dated July 6, 2000 from RS-2 (One Family
Suburban Residential) to M-2 (General Industrial) he forwarded to Public Hearing
noting that the conditions to be met prior to final consideration of the Zone
Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum.
908 BCP/066100 -203 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road -Development Cost Charge
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 22, 2000 recommending that the DCC
payable by the developer be reduced by $1,057.00.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That with respect to Building Application BPC/066/00 he it resolved that in view of
the necessity to construct road works on 203 Street, the highway component of the
Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $1,057.00
909 Third Party Directional Signs
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 13, 2000 recommending a working
committee be struck to review the District's Sign Bylaw No. 4653-1992.
In response to a suggestion from the Director of Licences, Permits & Bylaws it was
moved and seconded that the original recommendation be amended from "staff being
instructed to strike a working committee" to "the Economic Advisory Commission be
asked to ... ".
The Committee agreed to the following amended recommendation:
That the Economic Advisory Commission be asked to str.·ike a working committee to
include representatives of the general public, Economic Advisory Commission,
Chamber of Commerce, development industry and staff to review the Corporation
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Monday, July 17, 2000
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of the District of Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 4653-1992 and report their findings
and recommendations to Council by December 1, 2000; and further
That staff be instructed to delay enforcement actions relative to the complaint
received until such time as Council as reviewed the recommendations of the
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 RCMP -Policing Study
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 28, 2000 providing background on
RCMP Policing Study.
The General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services commented that the RCMP
initiated a study to improve RCMP Services. Municipal Officers support the study and
have asked that certain municipal issues to be included in it.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the staff report dated June 28, 2000 be received for information.
932 Citizens' Satisfaction Survey-Summary
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 29, 2000 providing a detailed analysis
of the survey results.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Council receive this summary report for information.
951 Contract Award to Escom Customer Service Software (Class)
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 14, 2000 recommending that contract
negotiations have been finalized.
The Recreation Manager, Central, advised of a number of changes to the earlier
submission, and confirmed the contract was negotiated with possible future discounts.
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Monday, July 1 7, 2000
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of the District of Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 4653-1992 and report their findings
and recommendations to Council by December 1, 2000; and further
That staff be instructed to delay enforcement actions relative to the complaint
received until such time as Council as reviewed the recommendations of the
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 RCMP -Policing Study
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 28, 2000 providing background on
RCMP Policing Study.
The General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services commented that the RCMP
initiated a study to improve RCMP Services. Municipal Officers support the study and
have asked that certain municipal issues be included in it.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the staff report dated June 28, 2000 be received for information.
932 Citizens' Satisfaction Survey -Summary
Reference was made to the staff report dated June 29, 2000 providing a detailed analysis
of the survey results.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Council receive this summary report for information.
951 Coutract Award to Escom Customer Service Software (Class)
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 14, 2000 recommending that contract
negotiations have been finalized.
The Recreation Manager, Central, advised of a number of changes to the earlier
submission, and confirmed the contract was negotiated with possible future discounts.
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Monday, July 17, 2000
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The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the contract for the provision of customer service software be awarded to
Class Software Solutions in the amount of $159,000, noting that the software
package will include the following components: Program Registration, Facility
Reservation, Membership Pass Management, Cash Management and Program
Registration and Facility Reservation services via the Internet.
The meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.
Presiding Member of the Committee