HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-31 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfJuly 31, 2000
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Councillor F. Isaac,
Acting Mayor;
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor C. Speirs
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor L. King
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services/Acting Chief Administrative Officer
P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
C. Carter, District Planner
B. McDonald, Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws/Acting
General Mngr of Public Works and Development Services
S. Karasz, Acting Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
K. Swift, Recreation Co-ordinator East
F. Quinn, Municipal Engineer
J. Bastaja, Director of Strategic Projects
Note: Councillor Isaac chaired the meeting in keeping with Council's practice that the Acting
Mayor chair Committee of the Whole meetings.
1.1 Mr. James Allard re 10412 Industrial Avenue-Request to Re-open Cement Plant
Mr. Allard indicated that he would not be making a presentation but wished to speak to
Item 901 when it is dealt with. Note: See also Item 901.
1.2 Parks and Leisure Services -Update on Activities
Kelly Swift, Recreation Co-ordinator East, provided highlights of the Parks and Leisure
Services Division Second Quarter Statistics for 2000. Note: See Item 952 for the report.
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda:
Committee of the 'Nbole Minutes
July 31, 2000
Page 2
901 J 0412 I ndu stria/ A venue -Request to Re-open Ceinent Plant
Reference was made to the staff report from the Municipal Engineer in response to a
letter from Mr. J. Allard dated May 23, 2000 requesting approval of a contract for his
ready-mix operation at 10412 Industrial A venue to re-open until his application for a
Licence of Occupation of Crown Land north of 256 Street is finalized.
The report recommends that Council reaffirm that an OCP amendment is required to
permit a concrete plan operation on Industrial Avenue.
The Municipal Engineer explained that an alternative to the recommendation, which staff
does not recommend, is that Allard Contractors be requested to provide written details on
the type of contract they are proposing for review and consideration by the District's legal
counsel as to its lawfulness.
Mr. Allard provided a history of his Temporary Industrial Use Permit application that
was denied by Council. He spoke in support of his proposed contract which he feels is a
mechanism that could be used to re-open the cement plant.
Mr. Steele of 262 Street advised that he is the President of the Webster's Corners Parents
Advisory Committee and that it was his understanding there would be no more gravel
extraction allowed on 256 Street. He is concerned about an increase in truck traffic on
256 Street and does not want to see a ready-mix operation in that area.
The Municipal Engineer responded that Policy 53 of the Official Community Plan
permits extraction of gravel in the 256 Street area to the historic level of 300,000 cubic
metres annually.
The Committee considered the following recommendation which was defeated.
That Council reaffirm that an Official Community Plan amendments is required to permit
a concrete plant operation on Industrial A venue.
Councillors Speirs and Harris were in favour; Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Morse and
Acting Mayor Isaac were opposed.
The Committee, with the exception of Councillors Harris and Speirs, agreed to the
following recommendation:
That Mr. Allard provide in writing details of the contract that he is proposing for
consideration by the District to continue to operate his concrete plant on Industrial
Commitree of the Whole Minutes
July 31, 2000
Page 3
RZ/53/93 -11902 -232 Street -RS-2 to RM-1 -By-law No. 4983-1993.
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 17, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein with respect to the subject by-law to
permit 18 townhouse units:
That second and third reading granted November 29, 1993 and first reading
granted November 1, 1993 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4983-1993 be
(Note: See also Item 904 for further discussion).
903 RZ/31/93 -22625 -119 Avenue-RS-1 to C-3 -By-law No. 4965-1993
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 18, 2000 recommending that Maple
Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4965-1993 to permit a commercial/residential complex
be rescinded as the applicant has not responded to letters from the District requesting him
to apply for a further one year extension.
Mr. Danny Griffm, agent for the owner, advised that his comments apply to this item and
Item 913. He expressed his objections to the $500 extension fee and advised that he
responded verbally to the Planning Department.
He requested that Council consider the following two requests (1) do not rescind the
application and (2) review the $500 fee for development application extensions and come
up with an appropriate amount.
The District Planner explained that the Development Procedures By-law was reviewed
last year with regard to extending development applications and the fee was retained after
it was determined it only covered staff time. The by-law was amended to allow for an
additional one year extension upon request by the applicants.
Councillor Morse noted that it is important that applicants apply in writing for an
extension and that they also express any concerns they may have regarding the by-law.
The Mayor suggested deferring the application for 30 days while Mr. Griffin consults
with his clients.
The Committee, with the exception of Councillor Morse, agreed to the following
That the recommendation to rescind Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4965-
1993 respecting application RZ/31/93 (22625 -119 Avenue) be deferred for thirty
Committee of the Whole Minutes
July 31, 2000
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904 RZ/2/95-22323 Callaghan Avenue
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 17, 2000 recommending that Maple
Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5255-1995 to permit a commercial building be
rescinded as the applicant has not applied for a second extension of the application.
Mr. Frank Fehr advised that he is the owner of the property and that he is continuing to
work on the project. He objected to the $500 extension fee as he does not feel that much
staff time is involved.
The District Planner explained the review that was carried out of the Development
Procedures By-law regarding the $500 fee.
ACTION REQUIRED -Councillor Morse requested that the District Planner make
the information on the Development Procedure By-law review available to Mr.
Mr. Fehr offered to discuss the matter further with Council and staff. The Mayor
suggested deferring the application for 30 days and taking Mr. Fehr up on his offer to see
if there other solutions that the District has not considered.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the recommendation to rescind Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5255-
1995 respecting application RZ/2/95 (22323 Callaghan Avenue) be deferred for
thirty days.
Councillor Harris noted that the Committee agreed to a recommendation to rescind the
by-law related to Item 902. He expressed concern that those applicants were not in
attendance and therefore were unable to ask for consideration of the 30 day deferral that
has been granted to two other applicants.
The Municipal Clerk noted that the recommendations from this Committee meeting will
be considered at the August 22, 2000 Council Meeting and Council will have the
opportunity at that time to make changes to the recommendations if they wish to do so.
ACTION REQUIRED -Councillor Speirs asked that the applicants involved in Item
902 be notified of the Committee's decision prior to the August 22, 2000 Council
905 RZ/76/99-11744, 11756, & 11774-236 Street-RS-3 to RM-1
Committee of the Whole Minutes
July 31, 2000
Page 5
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 13, 2000 recommending that the
subject application to permit the construction of approximately 100 townhouse units be
forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Application RZ/76/99 (for property located at 11744, 11756 and 11774 -236
Street) to rezone property described in the staff report dated July 13, 2000 from RS-
3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to
Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and
prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report
and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be
forwarded to the same Public Hearing.
906 SD/32/00-21726 -124 Avenue-5% Parkland Dedication Policy
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 17, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
That pursuant to Council's policy regarding 5% Parkla.nd Dedication or Payment
of Money in Lieu thereof, be it resolved that the owner of land the subject of
SD/32/00 (21726 -124 A venue) shall pay to the District of Maple Ridge an amount
that is not less than $18,000.00.
907 Albion Flats Land Use Study-Open House Results and Next Steps
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 20, 2000 regarding the above noted
matter and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That the report entitled Albion Flats land Use Study -Open House Results and Next
Steps dated July 20, 2000 be received and further
1. That staff be directed to address the issues raised during the Albion Flats Land
Use Study Open House, and prepare a revised land use concept plan for
Council's consideration prior to referral of the Albion Flats Land Use Concept
Plan to the Agricultural Land Reserve Commission; and
2. That an application for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR)
for property situated at 10175 and 10141 -240 Street (File ALR/8/99) be
brought forward for Council's consideration.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
July 31, 2000
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Mr. John Duguid of Genesis Development Consultants Ltd. referred to a 13 acre parcel
that he currently has under application and questioned if the proposed application for
exclusion will delay that application.
The District Planner responded that the lands referred to by Mr. Duguid would not be
included in the application for exclusion as they are already excluded from the ALR.
Mr. Sid Leah referred to Application ALR/8/99 and asked if it could be brought
forwarded as quickly as possible.
The District Planner noted that the application is in progress and will be submitted to
Council for consideration.
908 Hill House -Heritage Queries
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 12, 2000 regarding the subject matter
and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That the staff report entitled Hill House -Heritage Queries dated July 12, 2000 be
received for information.
909 Community Heritage Commission Bylaw
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 17, 2000 on the above noted matter and
the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission By-law No. 5908-2000 be read
a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge
Community Heritage Commission By-law No. 5908-2000 be read a third time.
910 Economic Advisory Commission-Subcommittee on Development Roadblocks
Reference was made to the Economic Advisory Commission Sub-Committee report dated
July 17, 2000 and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained
That the report from the Economic Advisory Commission Roadblocks Committee
entitled Development Roadblocks dated June 8, 2000, attached to the staff report
dated July 26, 2000, be received for information.
Committee of the "Whole Minutes
July 31, 2000
Page 7
911 Proposed Agricultural Land Reserve Policies and Next Steps in the Rural Plan
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 19, 2000 on the above noted matter and
the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That the report entitled Proposed Agricultural Land Reserve Policies and Next Steps
in the Rural Plan Implementation be received, and further
That the Agricultural Land Reserve Planning Policies be adopted and referred to
the Agricultural Land Reserve Commission for adoption;
That staff be directed to process outstanding Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR)
applications according to the proposed new policies once they have been adopted;
That Council review the next steps in the implementation of the Rural Plan and
advise staff whether there is a need for additional public review and whether that
should occur prior o the next Official Community Plan review.
Mr. John Duguid of Genesis Development Consults Ltd. noted that there are six
applications that have been sitting with the District for quite some time. He asked if two
of the applications that he believes stand on their own merit can be brought forward to the
August 22nd Council Meeting for consideration.
The Acting Mayor asked Mr. Duguid to consult with the District Planner on that issue.
The Municipal Clerk noted that another Committee of the Whole Meeting has been
scheduled for August 21, 2000, however, it will have to be determined if the Planning
Department has sufficient time to prepare their reports to make that agenda.
912 RZ/10/95 -13300 Block East Side of 236 Street-By-law No. 5455-1996.
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 18, 2000 recommending that the
subject by-law to permit 83 townhouse units be rescinded.
The District Planner explained that the by-law is being rescinded as it has now been
replaced by a new application.
That second and third reading granted on March 23, 1999 and first reading granted
on August 27, 1996 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5455-1996 be
Committee of the Whole Minutes
July 31, 2000
Page 8
913 RZ/44/96 -22631-119 Avenue-By-law No. 5521-1996
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 19, 2000 recommending that the
subject by-law be rescinded.
It was noted that Mr. Danny Griffin, the agent for the applicant, had asked earlier in the
meeting that this item be given the same consideration as Item 903 and the Committee
therefore agreed to the following recommendation:
That the recommendation to rescind Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5521-
1996 respecting application RZ/44/96 (22631 -119 Avenue) be deferred for thirty
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931.l Capital Works Reserve Expenditure Bylaw for the Downtown Core Redevelopment
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 24, 2000 recommending that the
subject by-law be granted three readings.
Councillor Morse questioned if there is a breakdown of the $7 million available that
could be provided to the Angust 22, 2000 Council Meeting. She would also like some
background on the GST implications rather than just receiving the summary.
The General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services advised that staff can provide
the additional level of detail requested by Councillor Morse. The full $7 million is
payment to the developer and is backed up with detailed invoices.
ACTION REQUIRED -that the General Manager of Corporate and Financial
Services provide Council with the additional financial information requested by
Council Morse prior to the August 22nd Council Meeting.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5917-2000
be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge
Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5917-2000 be read a third
931.2 Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law for the Curling Rink Project
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 27, 2000 and the Committee agreed to
the following recommendation contained therein:
Committee of the Whole Minutes
July 31, 2000
That Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5918-2000
be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge
Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5918-2000 be read a third
951 Maple Ridge Council Referral on Special Event Street Closures
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 14, 2000 regarding the above noted
matter and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That special event organizers who require street closures for their events not be
required to advertise the street closure in advance.
952 Parks and Leisure Services Division -Second Quarter Statistics for 2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated July 19, 2000 and the above noted statistics
attached thereto and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained
That the 2000 second quarter statistical report for the Parks and Leisure Services
Division be received.
7. ADJOURNMENT 2:20 p.m.
g.arF'aye Isaac·
Presiding Member of the Committee