HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-04-19 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdf) April 19, 1999 2:00 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT- Elected Officials Mayor C. Durksen Councillor J. Clements Councillor L. King Councillor B. Levens Councillor K. Stewart Excused Councillor C. Gordon Councillor T. Baker Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Appointed Staff R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer R. A. Wells, General Manager of Financial and Corporate Services J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required F. Quinn, Municipal Engineer J. Scherban, Director of Development Engineering J. Bastaja, Director of Long Range Planning K. Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs M. Rossi, Planner B. McDonald, Director of Community Services and Business Relations The meeting was chaired by Councillor Clements 1. DELEGATIONS -(10 minutes each) 1.1 U.B. C. Malcolm Knapp Research Forest -Update on Activities Mr. Paul Lawson introduced himself as the new Manager of the UBC Malcom Knapp Research Forest, noting that Mr. Peter Saunders has retired after 25 years of service to the University. He also introduced Susan Cramer and Susan-Leech from his staff. Mr. Lawson circulated a hand-out entitled 1999 Current Events and highlighted the following current research projects -Riparian Zone and Liquid Mirror Telescope. Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 2 He advised that summer work will include upgrading of the extensive trail system in the Research Forest by five summer students. A co-operative education project is the Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) which involves monitoring and measuring the current eco-system on the southeast side of the Research Forest. Mr. Lawson explained that the following are his main areas of concern: • Maintaining the Environmental integrity of the facility in the face of urban pressure. • Maintaining the world class status of the facility. • Habitat management on the urban fringe and apparent lack of concern by Maple Ridge on the habitat loss. Mr. Lawson noted that the Research Forest faces many challenges due to its location at the edge of a rapidly growing community. He added that he sees the Research Forest working closely with the District of Maple Ridge and the entire community to maintain and enhance their mandate. He extended an invitation to Council to visit the Research Forest. They also hope to increase their involvement with the Katzie First Nation. Councillor Clements and Councillor Stewart assured the delegation that Council is concerned about infringement on the Research Forest and advised that Council members have toured the facility and viewed the telescope, etc. Councillor Levens .objected to Mr. Lawson's comment regarding the "apparent lack of concern by Maple Ridge on the habitat loss". The delegation departed at this point in the meeting. Albion Guide Plan -see also Item 2.11 At this point in the meeting, the Chief Administrative Officer received permission from Council to speak to the above noted item as he had to leave early to attend another meeting. The Chief Administrative Officer asked Council to consider the possibility of extending the Albion Guide Plan boundaries. He referred to the relationship of the guide plan to the land use applications in the Albion area and noted that to date the numbers are coming in at a density lower than anticipated by the guide plan. The infrastructure is more than adequate to serve the anticipated density. There is considerable infrastructure planning in the Albion area which is progressive and could served an extension of the boundary, i.e. a fourth Fire Hall to serve Albion and Cottonwood. The location of choice is on Industrial A venue on the fringe of the ) / Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 3 current Albion Guide Plan and perhaps it should be more central. He also noted that there are larger parcels of land in the eastern portion adjacent to the Albion Guide Plan and it would be helpful to have planning in place for that area also. He further noted that there have been ongoing discussions with the GVTA regarding another West Coast Express Station in the general area of the Albion flats and the consideration of an extension of the boundary might be useful in that context. 1.2 Greater Vancouver Economic Development Partnership Mr. Bob Thompson was in attendance and advised that commencing April 15th, he has been appointed the General Manager of the Greater Vancouver Economic Development Partnership. He provided some background information, noting that in 1995 the Vancouver Economic Development Commission was formed to promote business investment in the City of Vancouver. Several issues soon be~ame evident (1) the economy is really regional and cannot be limited by urban boundaries; (2) people coming into this area do not understand that the lower mainland is made up of many Municipalities with different interests and (3) investment in Vancouver is beneficial to business in Maple Ridge, etc. and vice versa. It became apparent that the level of support local businesses could give to business development was virtually untapped. It was evident that there was no focus ori regional economic development and business in order to respond to businesses who wished to locate in the lower mainland area. The Commission attended some GVRD organized CEO summits and put together a discussion paper in November of 1998 on a regional economic development partnership and talked about the establishment of a regional economic development organization. The Commission was incorporated in January of 1999 and invited 20 businesses to a meeting and raised $60,000 in funds. The Commission was highly encouraged and created the partnership which is now up and running. Mr. Thompson advised that the Greater Vancouver Economic Development Partnership Society was created on April 6, 1999. It is non-profit society. The founding members are the founding Directors. They met for the first time last week to sort out some of the issues. To date they have $124,000 in committed funding for 1999 and almost assured funding for a $150,000 project which will be beneficial to all the Municipalities. They are working on a set of priorities to create an awareness of the partnership and creating a regional promotional document that can be handed out at the first point of contact. In the year 2000 they will hold a regional economic investment forum. Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 4 Mr. Thompson noted that the Society has only existed for one week and they are still getting established. They do not yet have an office or a phone; his cell phone number is 644-9787. He is seeking support, noting that the GVRD has officially agreed to support them and has made a financial contribution. He is seeking support from Maple Ridge in the form of co-operation. He needs information from Maple Ridge - i.e. what does Maple Ridge need, what does it do best, where can he help out. He would be willing to meet with any contributors that Maple Ridge can steer his way. Councillor King asked if the representatives from the Board are from the Vancouver area. Mr. Thompson advised that the founding members are from the Burnaby, Langley and Vancouver areas. The Society needs to find 10 more directors from outside of Vancouver. Councillor Stewart suggested that Mr. Thompson meet further with Brock McDonald, the District's Director of Community Services and Business Relations. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that he has spoken to Mr. Thompson and that he is supportive of the regional partnership initiative, noting it has been successful in other cities in Canada and the U.S.A. Councillor King suggested that the Society locate in an area that is easily accessible to as many Municipalities as possible. The delegation departed at this point in the meeting. 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: Items 2.1 to 2.5, inclusive, were deferred from the March 29, 1999 meeting due to time constraints. 2.1 RZ/75/89 -22777 Selkirk Avenue -(Valley Fair Mall) -Request for One Year Extension -(Rescind By-laws 4401 and 4402-1990) Reference was made to the staff report dated March 16, 1999 recommending that a request for a one year extension of the subject application to permit an expansion of the Valley Fair Mall not be granted, on the rationale that redevelopment of the Valley Fair Mall should be evaluated within the context of development plans for the core area and the transportation network, and that By-laws No. 4401-1990 and 4402-1990 be rescinded. The Director of Current Planning explained proposed revisions to the original plans which were submitted in 1989. The revisions relate to the Save-on facility and parking areas. He noted that the proponents are committed to the mall expansion and Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 5 are dealing with leasing issues and have requested a one year extension of the application. The Mayor advised that he has met with the proponents and suggested granting a 2 or 3 month extension instead of one year. Mr. Peter Kudumae, the applicant, was in attendance and advised that they are sorting out some operational issues. They are at the point where Save-on is going to its Board of Directors to seek a commitment. The Mayor questioned if those initiatives can be accomplished in three months. Mr. Kudumae responded in the affirmative, noting that there is some urgency on the part of Save-on Councillor King noted that the recommendation being considered is to rescind the application. She has difficulty in changing the motion, noting that the original application is quite old. One of the reasons Council brought in the new regulations was to deal with applications such as this one that have been sitting idle for years. She further noted that there is also a need to review the status of the roads in the downtown core as circumstances have changed in the meantime. Councillor Stewart stated that it is his intention to support the recommendation to rescind the application unless new information comes forward prior to the April 27th Council Meeting. Councillor Levens spoke m support of granting a three month deferral of the recommendation. The Committee, with exception of Councillor King, agreed to the following amended recommendation: AMENDED RECOMMENDATION 2.2 That with respect to R.z/75/89 (22777 Selkirk Avenue), that further consideration of the recommendation contained in the staff report dated March 16, 1999 be deferred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting scheduled for Monday, July 19, 1999. Councillor King Opposed. RZ/35/94-23089 Lougheed Highway RS-3 to RM-1-(Rescind By-law 5152-1994) Reference was made to the staff report dated March 15, 1999 recommending that a one year extension of the subject application to permit approximately 37 townhouse Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 6 units not be granted, on the rationale that any development for the site should be reconsidered within the context of an OCP amendment and the current plans of the Ministry of Transportation and Highways for the area, and that By-law No. 5152- 1994 be rescinded. Councillor King spoke in support of the recommendations contained in Items 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4, noting that there has been a considerable change in the status of the lands. The Committee agreed to the following recommendations for those items: RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension not be granted for rezoning application RZ/35/94, and further that first reading granted November 28, 1994 and second and third reading granted December 19, 1994 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5152- 1994 be rescinded. 2.3 RZ/38/94-11383-232 Street-RS-3 to RM-1 (Rescind By-law 5153-1994) Reference was made to the staff report dated March 15, 1999 recommending that a one year extension to the subject application to permit approximately 119 townhouse units not be granted, on the rationale that any development for the site should be reconsidered within the context of an OCP amendment and the current plans of the Ministry of Transportation and Highways for the area, and that By-law No. 5153- 1994 be rescinded. RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension not be granted to rezoning application RZ/38/94 (11383 - 232 Street);· and further that first reading granted November 28, 1994 and second and third reading granted December 19, 1994 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5153- 1994 be rescinded. 2.4 RZ/39/94-11300 Block West Side of 232 Street-RS-3 to RM-1-(Rescind By-law 5151-1994) Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 7 Reference was made to the staff report dated March 15, 1999 recommending that a one year extension to the subject application to permit approximately 34 townhouse units not be granted, on the rationale that any development for the site should be reconsidered within the context of an OCP amendment and the current plans of the Ministry of Transportation and Highways for the area, and that By-law No. 5151- 1994 be rescinded. RECOMMENDATION 2.5 That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, that a one year extension not be granted for rezoning application RZ/39/94 (11300 Block West Side of 232 Street) and further; that first reading granted November 28, 1994 and second and third reading granted December 19, 1994 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5151- 1994 be rescinded. RZ/20/93-22136 and 22150 Dewdney Trunk Road -RS-1 to RM-2-Requestfor a One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated February 19, 1999 to grant a one year extension to the subject application to permit an apartment building: Councillor King emphasized that she wants the application to be considered by the Advisory Design Panel. RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/20/93 (22136 and 22150 Dewdney Trunk Road) to permit a four storey 46 unit apartment building, 2.6 RZ/26/96 -Pacific Vocational Institute (PVI) Site -P-6 to IR and M-2 -Request for a One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated March 26, 1999 recommending that a one-year extension be granted to the subject application for an industrial residential and industrial zone under the IR and M-2 Zone. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 8 RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to rezoning application RZ/26/96 (former Pacific Vocational Institute site). 2.7 RZ/62/92 -22200 Block West of Haney Bypass RS-I to RM-2 -Request for One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated March 29, 1999 recommending that a • one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit 120 apartment units in three buildings. Councillor King referred to the lack of pedestrian access on the Haney By-pass and expressed the hope that this application and others will provide some safe pedestrian solution on the shoulders of the by-pass. The Director of Current Planning explained that the issue of access has been addressed by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways with respect to this application and MOTH is not prepared to grant direct access to the by-pass. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to rezoning application RZ/62/92 (22200 Block West of Haney By-pass) to permit a 120 apartment units in three buildings. 2.8 RZ/37192 -25274 Bosonworth Avenue A-2 to RG-2 -Request for One Year Extension. Reference was made to the staff report dated March 31, 1999 recommending that a one-year extension be granted to the subject application to permit approximately 140 bare land strata units. Councillor King questioned staffs justification for recommending that this application continue, noting that it is a highly complex application and an extremely old one. - The Director of Current Planning noted that at the bottom of Page 1 the report summarizes the ongoing discussions staff has had with the applicant. This property is looked at as a possible extension of the Albion Guide Plan and while that option is Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 • Page 9 being explored, it is recommended that a one year extension of the current RG-2 application be granted to allow the developer to maintain that option. The extension would allow further discussion to go in both directions. If this property becomes part of the urban development area, it will be a different application and a different land use that is being proposed under the current application. Councillor King stated that she wishes to remind her colleagues that this 1s a contentious application. She is not in favour of the extension. The Committee, with the exception of Councillor King, agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to rezoning application RZ/37/92 (25274 Bosonworth Avenue) to permit approximately 140 bare land strata units. (Councillor King Opposed) 2.9 RZ/32/98-11970-232 Street and two lots on Dewdney Trunk Road-RS-] to CS-1 -By-laws No. 5792-1999 and 5793-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated April 6, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit the construction of a gasoline bar, convenience store, restaurant and carwash be read a first time. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 2.10 That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5792-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5793-1999 be read a first time. Note: Councillor King excused herself from the Council Chamber prior to Item 2.10 being placed on the floor, noting that she is an employee of the School District DVP/18/99-23795 and 23845-118 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated March 30, 1999 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to waive the Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 10 requirements for underground wmng. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/18/99 respecting the property located at 23795 and 23845 - 118 Avenue will be considered by Council at the May 11, 1999 meeting. Note: Councillor King returned to the Council Chamber at this point in the meeting. 2.11 Albion Guide Plan J. Scherban, Director of Development Engineering, and M. Rossi, Planner, were in attendance to present the above noted plan. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services explained that staff is also looking at the existing boundaries of the Albion Guide plan and wants to make sure that they are logical. The guide plan abuts the future growth area of Thornhill He noted that lands just to the north of Thornhill involve property earlier discussed under Item 2.8 (RZ/37/92 -25274 Bosonworth Avenue) -to rezone from A-2 (Upland Agriculture to RG-2 Suburban Residential Strata). That area was looked at during discussions of the Rural Plan and the Rural Plan Advisory Committee felt that . in the long term it may not be necessary for those lands to be in the ALR. In view of that recommendation, there has been interest by one developer that the District take a preliminary look at the extension. Staff is seeking Council's direction on the extension of the boundary. The Director of Development Engineering displayed maps and explained the proposed servicing initiatives in the Albion area related to roads and traffic signalization, sanitary sewer, waterworks, storm drainage and fire services, as well as provisions for transit corridors, multi-purpose trails, etc. Councillor King questioned how difficult it is to manage storm water in areas where there is a large watershed and considerable clay-based soil. The Director of Development Engineering explained that the challenge in those areas is one of sediment control and it is not an easy fix. The District provides guidelines and leaves the site specific management to the professionals and consultants working with the developers to carry out. There have been some difficulties over fine-grained soils during inclement weather conditions. The District's environmental staff are working with the Ministry of Environment and Department of Fisheries and Oceans on how to better management sediment control and there is still some work to do. ) Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 11 Councillor Stewart spoke in support of the Municipality looking at whole areas first prior to any development taking place with respect to environmental concerns. He feels that is a major component of a guide plan. M. Rossi, Planner, displayed maps related to Conservation areas and land use. He identified some of the prominent physical features in the Albion area and the complex topography of the area. He identified the significant creeks in the Albion area and explained their drainage patterns. He identified the Albion area boundary and the area being considered for possible expansion of the urban area and the road pattern that was proposed under the RZ/3 7 /92 application. He further explained the proposed arterial and collector street network and the multi- purposes trail system. He identified the proposed centre where there will be higher density residential development and also explained the densities that are proposed throughout the rest of the Albion area. It is felt that 2500 units can be accommodated under the new and existing densities. He also identified the school and park sites and a number of neighbourhood commercial centres. Councillor Stewart referred to the lands to the northeast which abut the Albion area that are being considered as an expansion of the Albion boundary and noted that they were recommended by the Rural Plan Advisory Committee to come out of the ALR because they are in the shadow cast of Thornhill. He questioned if there would be any problem extending the road network to those lands. The Planner explained that the road would not be difficult to achieve as there is a continuity of the existing road system in place as well as sufficient large developments that would make it easy to achieve the road network. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that staff is looking for two decisions at the Council level: (1) Staff would like .approval in principle of the Albion Guide Plan; it will then become a public document and will be used as a guide in dealing with development applications. (2) The extension of the boundary. This is a little more complicated. If the boundaries are amended, an Official Community Plan amendment will be required as well a Public Hearing. Staff at the technical and planning level believe there is merit to pursuing the extension. It has become evident through this process that the density in northwest Albion is lower than that normally found in an urban growth area. There is an active application which may be more properly included within the boundary. Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 12 Staff is leaning towards encouraging higher rather than lower density. He would recommend that Council direct staff to provide a more detailed analysis for the area and come back with a report. Councillor Levens advised that Thornhill is currently designated Urban Reserve and she does not feel that reserve areas should not proceed ahead of lands that are already designated for urban development. The Director of Current Planning advised that the area being considered is the property currently under application for RG-2 zoning. (RZ/37/92). There is no attempt being made at this time to bring forward the Thornhill Urban Reserve for consideration. The Committee concurred with the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Albion Guide Plan be adopted in principle; and further that staff is hereby directed to bring back a more detailed report for the possible extension of the Albion urban area boundary. 2.12 Capital Works Program -Presentation by Staff The Mayor asked that the following action be taken: ACTION REQUIRED That the subject staff presentation be made at the April 27, 1999 Council Meeting in conjunction with the by-laws related to the Long Term Capital Program. 2.13 2nd Annual Vistas Run -May 16, 1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated March 31, 1999 recommending authorization to use municipal streets for the above noted event. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: • RECOMMENDATION That Ridge Meadows Hospice Society be authorized to use Municipal streets for their second annual Vistas Run on Sunday, May 16, 1999 provided the conditions outlined in the staff report dated March 31, 1999 are met. Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 13 2.14 Equipment Replacement-Reference was made to the staff reports dated March 31, 1999 2.14.1 Councillor Stewart advised that Council has made a request for more information on the Equipment Replacement Policy. He asked if that item could be scheduled on a future Council Staff Meeting. ACTION REQUIRED -that the Equipment Replacement Policy be put on a Council Staff Agenda for review. The Committee referred to staff reports related to Items 2.14.1 to 2.14.5, inclusive, and concurred with the recommendations contained therein: 1999 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck RECOMMENDATION 2.14.2 That Mussallem Motors, Maple Ridge, be awarded the contract to supply one only 1999 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pick up truck in the total amount of $18, 577.44 (with trade in). 1999 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Cargo Van RECOMMENDATION 2.14.3 That Mussallem Motors, Maple Ridge be awarded the contract to supply one only 1999 Chevrolet 3/4 ton cargo van in the total amount of $24,966.00 (with trade in to be sent to public auction). Two 1999 Ford Ranger Extended Cab Pick-up Trucks RECOMMENDATION 2.14.4 That Hallmark Ford Sales Ltd. of Surrey be awarded the contract to supply two only 1999 Ford Ranger extended cab two wheel drive pick up trucks, in the total amount of $37,679.28 (with trade in). 1999 Chevrolet Blazer 4 x 4 Four Door Sport Utility Vehicle Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 • Page 14 RECOMMENDATION 2.14.5 That Mussallem Motors, Maple Ridge, be awarded the contract to supply one only 1999 Chevrolet Blazer 4 x 4 four door in the total amount of $34,779.34 (with trade-in). Two 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier mid-size four door Sedans RECOMMENDATION That Mussallem Motors, Maple Ridge, be awarded the contract to supply two only 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier mid-size four door sedans in the total amount of $22,004.28 (with trade-in). The General Manager of Financial and Corporate Services asked for approval to proceed with the purchases immediately and submit the recommendations for post approval at the April 27, 1999 Council Meeting. The Committee concurred. He clarified for Councillor Stewart that the purchases are already included the budget. 2.15 Building Statistics for March, 1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated April 6, 1999 received for information purposes. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Inspection Services Department Building Statistics for the month of March, 1999 be received for information. Additional Aeenda Items The Municipal Clerk circulated copies of reports related to Items 2.16 and 2.17. 2.16 Community Services Council -Request to Use Municipal Streets and Sidewalks. Reference was made to the staff report dated April 7, 1999 and the Committee concurred with the following recommendation contained therein: ) Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 15 RECOMMENDATION That the Community Services Council (the organizer) be authorized to use the required sidewalks and streets on Saturday, May 8, 1999 commencing at 9:30 a.m. for their Walk to promote National Health Awareness Week, provided the conditions outlined in the staff report dated April 7, 1999 are met. 2.17 Mountain Festival Society Request to Use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated April 9, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee agreed to the recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That the Mountain Festival Society be authorized to use Municipal Streets for their annual Mountain Festival (April 30, 1999 to May 2, 1999) provided the conditions outlined in the staff report dated April 9, 1999 are met. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORA TE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 3.1 Special Occasion Licence-Vancouver Rottweiler Verein June 25 -27, 1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated March 29, 1999 recommending approval of the subject request to hold a Beer Garden at the Maple Ridge Fairgrounds. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services expressed concern regarding Items 3.1 and 3.2 as they relate to the licenced facility at the Fairgrounds. He has not yet had an opportunity to make sure that there are no contractual or liquor licencing problems. He suggested that the items move through Committee and in the meantime he will clarify those issues for the April 27, 1999 Council meeting. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter of application from the Vancouver Working Rottweiler Verein dated March 23, 1999 for a Special Occasion Licence to hold a Beer Garden at the Maple Ridge Fairgrounds as part of the annual American Rottweiler Verein Canadian National Seiger Show be approved as follows: Friday June 25, 1999 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 16 Saturday Sunday June 26, 1999 June 27, 1999 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. 3 .2 Special Occasion Licence -Pacific Kennel Club -All breed Dog Show -August 28,1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated April 7, 199 recommending approval of the subject request to hold a Beer Garden at the Maple Ridge Fairgrounds. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter of application from the Pacific Kennel Club dated March 31, 1999 for a Special Occasion Licence to hold a Beer Garden at the Maple Ridge Fairgrounds be approved as follows: Saturday August 28, 1999 12:00 noon to 9:00 p.m., and further, that the use of the Maple Ridge Fairgrounds (Municipal property) for the Special Occasion Licence be authorized. 3:3 Clean-up of Property at 22649-119 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated March 16, 1999 recommending that the District be authorized to engage a contractor to clean up the subject property and add the costs to the property owner's taxes. The Director of Community Services and Business Relations displayed photographs of the site. He also displayed photographs of other houses in the area to show the neighbourhood standard. He clarified for the Mayor that compared to the Municipal Ticket Information (MTI) system, this is a more effective way to proceed. The Committee concurred with the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That with respect to the property located at 22649 -119 Avenue and earlier unsuccessful attempts to effect clean-up, etc., be it resolved that the Community and Business Relations Officer be authorized to engage a contractor for the purpose of cutting back overgrown weeds, vines, trees, shrubs and tall grass and to generally tidy up the property of miscellaneous items; and further Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 17 that the cost of the clean-up efforts shall be invoiced to the registered owner of the subject property and in the event that the registered owner fails to pay the costs on or before December 31, 1999, said costs are to be added to an form part of the taxes payable on the property as taxes in arrears. 3.4 Workers' Compensation Board Experience Rating Reference was made to the staff report dated February 24, 1999 enclosing a report on the WCB's experience rating system for the period ending June 30, 1998. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Workers' Compensation Board report related to the District of Maple Ridge's experience rating system for the period ending June 30, 1998 attached to the staff report dated February 24, 1999 be received for information. 4. • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 4.1 Community Development, Parks and Recreation Master Plan The Municipal Clerk circulated a staff report dated April 15, 1999 recommending the terms of reference for the above noted plan be endorsed. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services advised that the initiative is part of the Department's Business Plan for 1999 and that an update of the plan is long overdue. Following endorsation of the plan, a consultant will be selected. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the terms of reference for the Community Development, Parks and Recreation Master Plan which are incorporated into the report from the General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services dated April 15, 1999 on this subject be endorsed. Committee of the Whole Minutes April 19, 1999 Page 18 5. OTHER ISSUES Nil 6. ADJOURNMENT /sk