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May 31, 1999
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
• Mayor C. Durksen
Councillor T. Baker
Councillor J. Clements
Councillor L. King
Councillor B. Levens
Councillor K. Stewart
Councillor C. Gordon
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
M. W. Murray, General Mngr. Community Development, Parks
and Recreation Services; Acting Chief Administrative Officer
J. Hertzog, Acting Municipal Clerk
R. A. Wells, General Manager of Financial and Corporate
J. Bastaja, Director of Long Range Planning
F. Quinn, Municipal Engineer
S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
B. McDonald, Director of Community Services and
Business Relations
The meeting was chaired by Acting Mayor Ken Stewart
1.1 R. C.M.P. -Update on Activities; Quarterly Report
Staff Sergeant Lance Harris was in attendance to provide an update on RCMP activities
in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. He reported on staffing changes, noting that three
members have recently been transferred and that the detachment currently has seven
Assaults are up, particularly in Pitt Meadows, and break and enters are down. There
continues to be an increase in marijuana grow operations. Methamphetamine labs are
becoming prevalent in the lower mainland and these require great care to dismantle as
they blow up easily with wide ranging results.
Youth-related problems continue to be a problem in the downtown area of Maple Ridge
and also around the skateboard park in Pitt Meadows.
ICBC has cut funding to the bicycle squad; the Rotary and Lions Club have come through
with funding for equipment for that unit.
The detachment has received some overtime monies for the purpose of patrolling
Provincial Parks and patrols will be set up in Golden Ears Park. Also, the Counter Attack
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May 31, 1999 •
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van will be moved to Fem Crescent and 232 Street to deal with problems that are being
experienced in that area on the weekends.
The mobile work stations are still on track for July. The Auxiliary program is up and
running and is assisting at special events, etc. E-Comm is still on schedule for next fall.
The detachment has just completed a five year planning process and a draft of same will
be forwarded to Council at the end of June by Inspector Dingwall.
Councillor Baker questioned the figures in the quarterly report which indicate that hit and
runs were 118 in 1998 and 547 in 1999. Staff Sergeant responded that the 547 figure is in
error and he will check same and provide further information to Council in that regard.
Staff Sergeant Harris introduced Constable Glen Carriere, the Domestic Violence Co-
ordinator, to explain his responsibilities and the initiatives he is involved ih.
Constable Carriere advised that he is the first RCMP Domestic Violence Co-ordinator in
Canada. He noted that he has looked into how those positions operate in the Vancouver
and New Westminster police departments. He explained that they use a team approach
with · a police officer and counsellor going out and investigating domestic assaults. They
rate the high and low risk cases which is not an ideal way to operate, however, he also has
many other duties to carry out. He also provides guidance to the clients and advises them
with respect to avenues for counselling. One of the main concerns is the children, who
are innocent victims. They can perpetuate the same violence as they grow up if there is no
intervention. Another of his responsibilities is to educate the community as to what the
dynamics of domestic violence are and what is available in the way of assistance, i.e. he
has made safety and security suggestions to Cythera House.
He advised that Cantel is donating 24 cellular phones which are programmed to only dial
911 . He proposes to distribute them to victims in the community who are at high risk for
domestic violence.
Constable Carriere elaborated on some of the conferences he has attended and speaking
engagement that he has been involved in.
Acting Mayor Stewart commented that he would like to see the program reach a po.int
where the low risk cases could be dealt with also, particularly before they became high
1.2 Mrs. Janet Kirkpatrick -Acquisition of Land
Mrs. Kirkpatrick asked if the S.P.C.A. has considered approaching the Ministry of
Transportation and Highways about putting an animal shelter on Ministry property in the
23000 Block between the Lougheed Highway and the By-pass, noting that the Ministry
owns about 40 acres in that location.
The General Manager of Financial and Corporate Services offered to look into her
Mrs. Kirkpatrick stated that she is in attendance with respect to the configuration of
subdivision lands and not land use. She and her husband, Gary, own land at 11330 -236
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May 31, 1999
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Street. She stated that she wants to make it clear that they do not have a subdivision or
rezoning application before the District. It appears that the Approving Officer and
Council have decided that their property will be subdivided in the future and she does not
say that lightly.
She explained that on October 17, 1995, Council held a Public Hearing on lands to the
north of their property. She displayed a map of the said lands, noting that it is the Central
City Mission (CCM site). She and her husband do not take issue with the zoning
proposal but take issue with the land use that is being proposed now as to what was
previously proposed.
She displayed the subdivision plan that was presented at the Public Hearing. She noted
that in the plan that first came before Council there was a lane-way proposed on the north
side of the property. The neighbourhood and Council quite strongly and severely took
issue with the lay-out and the developer came back with a proposal with the lane on the
south end of the property. She indicated the location of the lane at the south end and
stated that plan can just be thrown in the garbage. It was presented to the public but it is
not the lay-out that is being discussed with the Approving Officer. That lay-out will not
come back to Council and that is what she is angry and upset about. She displayed the
lay-out that is being discussed with the Approving Officer.
She noted that the lay-out presented at the Public Hearing showed east-west roads; what
is being proposed by the new lay-out is north-south roads. She further noted that there is
now one more access to the subdivision. In the original lay-out there were 3 accesses and
they were contained within the subdivision itself. With the original lay-out, her property
and the property to the south had options as to how they could rezone as well as options
for the two properties put together. With the lay-out that is before the Approving Officer
now, they do not have any options.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick indicated the alignment for Creekside Street which is the old 236 B
Street. It is not built and is being built as part of the CCM subdivision. Part of the road
is already in existence and the existing and new portions will be matched up; that is how
they are shown on the transportation corridor maps. That road lay-out is firmly etched in
stone and tells the whole world there is a road going across the two properties she is
referring to. She stated that she and her husband do not feel they have a problem but that
the District of Maple Ridge has a problem. When the new lay-out was proposed and put
before the Approving Officer, who is in the process of issuing a PLA on the subdivision,
there was an overlay done to look at the two pieces of property in between. She has now
found that there is a second entrance to the CCM property which is to be moved onto her
property. There are now two entrances off 236 Street going into the subdivision which
will go through her land and which will also go through a beautiful 4200 square foot two
storey home with all the bells and whistles.
She added that if the new subdivision goes through as planned, there is only one
configuration that can happen for her property and the property to the south. Council has
not seen the new plan nor has the public had a chance to react. The planning is being
done by a CCM planner and not the Municipality. She and her husband did not apply for
rezoning or subdivision but everyone has decided what is going on their property.
Clearly the Municipality has designated Creekside Street on her property. Also, the
Municipality has a policy. which only allows land fronting onto collector streets to be
serviced with a back lane. That clearly designates a back lane on her property. Should
Committee of the Whole Minutes
May 31, 1999
the District allow the CCM subdivision to go ahead in this configuration, they will be
designating a portion of an east-west Municipal road on her property.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick further referred to the designation of green space on the eastern portion
of her property. It is clearly Municipal green space for public use. She has inquired as to
whether there are any funds available in the Development Cost Charge By-law or Capital
Expenditure Program and has been advised that no funds have been set aside to acquire
any of those lands.
It is her understanding that the Municipality has obtained a legal opinion advising that the
Approving Officer has the right to issue a PLA based on the new lay-out. She
understands that it is well within the Approving Officer's right to do so as Council did
not attach any lay-outs to the by-laws when they went for readings. She can accept she is
dealing with two different authorities -(1) Approving Officer authority and (2)
Municipal Council authority -and that there is a big difference in the two.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick stated that there are now designations for a road and green space on
private property with no money for acquisition which is illegal. She cited several court
cases that have ruled on that type of illegality. She wants Council to look at this situation
and correct it, either by way of dealing with the CCM subdivision lay-out, or by coming
up with the money. She can live with either side of that equation.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick ended her presentation at this point in the meeting.
The Acting Mayor noted that there is a Development Permit application related to this
issue that will be dealt with later in the Agenda under Item 2.5
2.1 Development Cost Charge (DCC) Forgiveness -22987 Dewdney Trunk Road
(Building Permit 038/99)
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 10, 1999 in support of the following
recommendation contained therein. The Committee agreed to the recommendation.
That with respect to Building Permit Application BPC 038/99 for property located
at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to
construct roadworks on 230 Street, the highway component of the Development
Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $10,754.00.
2.2 Development Cost Charge (DCC) Forgiveness -SD/18/98 -240 Street and 110 Avenue
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 12, 1999 in support of the following
recommendation contained therein. The Committee agree to the recommendation.
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May 31, 1999
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That with respect to Subdivision 18/98, be it resolved that in view of the necessity for
constructing road and drainage works on 240 Street south of 110 Avenue, the road
component and drainage component of the Development Cost Charges payable by
the subdivider be reduced by $190,782.00 and $20,871.00 respectively, reflecting the
Development Cost Charge By-law service costs and maximum components payable.
2.3 Equipment Replacement -Recycling Vehicles
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 7, 1999 recommending that a contract
for the purchase of four recyling trucks be awarded to Mack Sales in the amount of
The Mayor asked for further clarification of the reasons staff recommends purchase -of the
Mack Truck over the International truck although the Mack vehicle is not the low bid.
Acting Mayor Stewart asked that the Mayor's concerns be addressed by staff prior to
tomorrow's Council meeting. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Mack Sales and Service of Vancouver Inc. be awarded the contract to supply
four (4) 1999 Mack Mid-liner truck cab and chassis, complete with two new
recycling bodies and two refurbished existing bodies, in the amount of $456,387.60
(with trade-in).
Maple Ridge Canada Day Celebrations -Request to use Municipal Streets
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 10, 1999 in support of the above noted
request subject to the conditions detailed in the report.
Councillor Clements stated that he would like to have more information on the
Committee. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation
Services offered to bring forward the requested information prior to the Council meeting.
That the Multi-cultural Canada Day Society (the organizers) be authorized to close
224 Street between Dewdney Trunk Road and Selkirk Avenue on Thursday, July 1,
1999 between 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. for the Canada Day Celebrations provided the
conditions as outlined in the staff report dated May 10, 1999 are met.
2.5 DVP/24/99-11358-236 Street
Reference was made to the staff report dated May 20, 1999 recommending that the
subject application to permit a reduced road right-of-way and pavement width as detailed
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in the report be considered at the June 22, 1999 Council Meeting subject to appropriate
notification of adjacent residents.
The Director of Long Range Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and went
over the above noted proposed variances which are detailed in the report.
Councillor Baker referred to the information provided by Mrs. Janet Kirkpatrick under
Item 1.1. He noted that tht?re has been a legal question raised and although he is hesitant
to see this application deferred, he does not feel that it is appropriate to proceed without
some legal advice.
Councillor Levens agreed, as did Councillor Clements. Councillor Clements noted that a
question has been raised about the validity of the Public Hearing which concerns him
Discussion ensued on whether the recommendation should be deferred. It was suggested
that the recommendation proceed to Council on the basis that staff provide further
clarification on the legal issues prior to the Council Meeting and that Council make a
determination at that time if the item should be deferred.
ACTION REQUIRED -that staff provide clarification prior to the June 1, 1999
Council Meeting on the legal issues presented by Mrs. Kirkpatrick in Item 1.1.
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of DVP/24/99 respecting property located at 11358 -236 Street will be
considered by Council at the June 22, 1999 Council Meeting.
2.6 RZ/1/92 -Southwest Corner of Maple Crescent and 207 Street -RS-1 to C-3 -By-law
No. 4697 and 4698-1992-Rescind
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 2, 1999 recommending that the subject
by-laws to permit a commercial building be rescinded as no response has been received
from the applicant with respect to closing the file. The Committee concurred with the
following recommendation:
That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4697-1992 and Maple
Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 4698-1992,' that second and
third reading granted on June 15, 1992 and first reading granted May 11, 1992 be
2.7 RZ/15/93-12080-228 Street-RS-1 to RT-1 By-laws 4841-1993 -Rescind
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 26, 1999 recommending that the
subject by-law to permit a duplex be rescinded as no response has been received from the
applicant with respect to closing the file. The Committee concurred with the following
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That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4841-1993, that
second and third reading granted May 3, 1993 and first reading granted March 29,
1993 be rescinded.
2.8 RZ/22/91-20112 WharfStreet-RS-3 toM-2-By-lawNo. 4590-1991-Rescind
Reference was made to the staff report dated April 26, 1999 recommending that the
subject by-law to permit a cedar shake operation be rescinded as no response has been
received from the applicant with respect to closing the file. The Committee concurred
with the following recommendation:
That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4590-1991, that
second and third reading granted January 6, 1992 and first reading granted
October 7, 1991 be rescinded.
Nil -
5 .1 Greater Vancouver Transit Authority (GVTA) Matters
The Mayor advised that he attended a GVTA meeting this morning and noted that Maple
Ridge will be receiving funding for various items, including intersection improvements at
203 • Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, a traffic light at 230 Street, as well as
improvements to the ferry system There will be a direct bus route to Coquitlam and three
cars will added to the Westcoast Express. He is also working towards improved transit
service for Maple Ridge with a sheltered loop at 226 Street and 119 Avenue.
Actin ayor . ewart
Presiding Member of the Committee
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