HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-14 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfJune 14, 1999
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor C. Durksen
Councillor T. Baker
Councillor J. Clements
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Stewart
Councillor B. Levens
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
M. W. Murray, General Mngr. Community Development, Parks
and Recreation Services; Acting Chief Administrative Officer
J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk
J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development
T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning
F. Quinn, Municipal Engineer
H. Cardno, Acting Confidential Secretary
Acting Mayor Ken Stewart chaired the meeting.
2.l Development Cost Charge Reduction -SD/16/99-118 Avenue and 239 Street
Staff report dated May 19, 1999 recommending approval of a reduction of Development
Cost Charges in the amount of $13,432.00 with respect to the above noted subdivision as
previously approved under By-law 5615-1997.
That with respect to Subdivision 16/99 be it resolved that in view of the necessity for
constructing road works on 118 Avenue, west of 239 Street, the road component of
the Development Cost Charges payable by the subdivider be reduced by $13,432.00,
reflecting the Development Cost Charge Bylaw service costs and cost of the works.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
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June 14, 1999
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2.2 RZ/32/98-11970-232 Street and two lots on Dewdney Trunk Road-By-laws 5792
and 5793-1999-(Shell Station -Revised Proposal).
Deferred from the May 25, 1999 Council Meeting for clarification of Public Hearing
Staff report dated June 2, 1999 recommending that second and third reading be granted to
a revised proposal to delete the drive-through restaurant which will provide a greater
landscaped separation between the site and the townhouse complex to the south.
That Second and Third reading be given to Zone Amending By-law 5792-1999 and
OCP Amending By-law 5793-1999.
Councillor King asked if this is granted second and third reading, how will we be insured
that there will not be a drive-through component to the restaurant be put in ata later date?
Councillor King advised that in a situation similar to this one, a gas station being
constructed near a townhouse complex, that the building was built quite near the property
line in order to prevent . vehicular traffic between the gas station building and the
townhouses. She added that this situation has worked out quite well.
Councillor King suggested that the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. should be in force for
all car washes in Maple Ridge. She added that this should be added to another agenda for
Council to look at more closely.
The Director of Current Planning advised that the control for the operating hours and the
drive-through restaurant versus a standard restaurant would be controlled through a
Covenant placed on the property. He further advised that the Applicant meet with the
residents of the townhouses prior to the Public Hearing and discussed the site plans and
reviewed the landscaping to be placed between the gas station and the townhouses.
The Director of Current Planning displayed the revised plans on the overhead, and
explained the addition of the landscaping buffer to be placed to the south of the gas
station near the townhouse complex.
Councillor Gordon thanked the Applicant for listening to the comments raised at the
Public Hearing and making some adjustments to their application. She commented that
when commercial uses are permitted so close to residential uses, the Municipality does
not take into consideration how disturbing the hours of operation would be to near by
residents. She suggested that the Municipality set a broad policy to deal with the hours of
business and that it is all fair for all neighboring commercial and residential properties.
The Director of Current Planning advised that the car wash is fully automated and that the
hours of operation are limited to 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and stated that there shouldn't be
any need for traffic around the car wash after 8:00 at night.
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June 14, 1999
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The Mayor stated that the hours of closing should be 12:00 midnight for the gas station
and restaurant. He commented that he doesn't want to see people milling around there
after midnight. He added that if the Applicant wants the business to run for 18 hours,
with the exception of the car wash, then the hours should be from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00
Councillor Clements expressed his concern about the 18 hour span not being clarified in
the initial report. He added that Council and Staff need to look at the operating hours of
all similar businesses and determine a fair limit of hours of operation so that there is
common ground for all like businesses.
Councillor King asked how secure and long lasting would the Covenant placed on this
property be? The Director of Current Planning advised that the Covenant is entered into
between the Municipality and the owner of the property and runs with the Title of the
land, unless the Courts see that the Covenant is no longer fit to be retained, then it would
run forever.
Councillor Gordon advised that there is still some work to be done on this Application
and she would not be supporting it to go any further at this time.
Mayor Durksen requested the Applicant clarify the hours of business for the gas station
and restaurant.
Councillor Baker advised that by not letting this application move ahead the Municipality
is not treating the Applicant fairly. He further advised that he will be supporting this·
Councillor Clements stated that there is the need for consistency in all-future applications
made similar to this one so that there is fairness to all businesses.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
2.3 RZ/28/99-12078 and 12092 Fraser Street and 22480-121 Avenue -RS-2 to RM-2
Staff report dated May 26, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit a
48-unit apartment building be forwarded to Public Hearing.
That application RZ/28/99 (for property located at 12078 & 12092 Fraser Street and
22480 -121"1 Av.enue to rezone property described in the memorandum dated May
26, 1999 from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density
Apartment Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions
to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone
Amending By-law are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying
Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 14, 1999
Councillor King and Councillor Gordon both indicated that they are pleased with this
development. Councillor Clements also expressed the same comments.
The Director of Current Planning advised that the developer is present and has some
slides showing the building scheme.
The developer advised that the Greater Vancouver Housing is very excited about the
project and they and B.C. Housing are giving this project their full support. He displayed
the site plans on the overhead showing the location of the building and the entrance ways.
He advised that there are 48 units in total, of that there are seven three-bedroom family
units and the remaining are two bedroom units. Two of them will be fully accessible
handicap units. He advised further that there is underground parking, and pointed out
where the bike storage, refuse and recycling areas would be located.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
2.4 RZ/1/99 -28511 -104 Avenue -A-2 to A-1 -By-law No. 5816-1999
Staff report dated May 28, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law to create two lots,
each not less than 2.0 hectares, be read a first time.
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5816-1999 be given First Reading.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
2.5 RZ/12/99-11535 and 11555-240 Stred-RS-3 to CD-1-93-By-law No. 5818-1999
Staff report dated June 2, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law to create
approximately 31 lots, each not less than 3 71 m2, be read a first time.
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5818-1999 be given First Reading.
Councillor King requested Council to look at the resolution and timing for the 116th
A venue Traffic Study?
The Director of Current Planning advised that they have made a request for proposals to
two Engineering firms, and one has responded and one will be shortly. The closing date
for submission of a report is the end of June.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
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June 14, 1999
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2.6 RZ/13/97-22650-136 Avenue -Request for One Year Extension -RS-3 to R-1 and
Staff report dated May 26, 1999 that a one year extension be granted to the subject by-
law to permit 130 lots and a townhouse.
That a one-year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/13/97.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
2.7 DVP/21/99-11901 Maple Meadows Way
Staff report dated May 27, 1999 recommending that the subject application to defer
construction of Dunn A venue west of Maple Meadows Way on condition that the
construction improvements be a requirement of development of the site.
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of DVP/21/99 respecting property located at 11901 Maple Meadows Way
will be considered by Council at the July 13, 1999 meeting.
Councillor King questioned the wording of this item as it is in the Agenda. She noted
that it states that Council is "deferring" this item, when in fact, Council is actually
refusing the request of the Applicant to waive.
The Director of Current Planning advised that if Council waives the construction of the
road at this time, then the construction of the road will only take place once a building
permit is requested for that site.
Councillor King stated that she does not want to vote in favor of this being waived, she is
voting in favor of this being deferred.
Councillor Stewart suggested that the wording be changed prior to going out to the
public. The Mayor concurred and advised that this is to defer the construction not to
waive it.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation
2.8 ALR/27/99-11416-240 Street
Staff report dated June 1, 1999 recommending that the subject application be deferred
until the review of the Agricultural Land Reserve Policies is completed.
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June 14, 1999
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That consideration of application ALR/27/99 (located at 11416 -240th Street) for the
property described in the memorandum dated June 1 •t, 1999, be deferred until
completion of the review of Agricultural Land Reserve Policies.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation
2.9 Building Department Statistics -May, 1999
Staff report dated June 3, 1999 recommending that the subject statistics be received for
That the Inspection Services Department, building statistics for the month of May
1999 be received for information.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation
2.10 Award of Contract-Miscellaneous Road Work
Staff report dated June 4, 1999 recommending the awarding of Contract No. E02-010-063
for miscellaneous roadworks to Edvan Construction Ltd.
That Contract No. E02-010-063 for Miscellaneous Roadworks be awarded to Edvan
Construction Ltd. and that this contract become binding on the District upon the
signature of the Mayor and Municipal Clerk.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation
2.11 DVP/32/99-12188 Creston Street
Staff Report dated June 1, 1999 recommending the Municipal Clerk be authorized to
notify qualifying property owners that DVP/32/99 will be considered by Council at the
July 13, 1999 meeting;
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of DVP/32/99 respecting property located at 12188 Creston Street will be
considered by Council at the July 131\ 1999 meeting.
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June 14, 1999
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Nicole Murphy, the Applicant, advised that she is intending to apply for a building permit
for the construction of a swimming pool to the south of her house. She also advised that
her neighbors are in support of her building the pool.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation
2.12 Sanitary Sewer Local Improvement Petition -Dewdney Trunk Road and 240 Street
Staff Report dated June 8, 1999 recommending the awarding of Contract No. E04-010-
042 to Targa Contracting Ltd.
That Contract No. E04-010-042 Dewdney Trunk Road Sanitary Sewer be awarded
to Targa Contracting Ltd. and that this contract become binding on the District
upon the signature of the Mayor and Municipal Clerk.
The Mayor asked the Municipal Engineer to speak on this item.
The Municipal Engineer displayed a drawing of the project on the overhead. He
explained that there were a number of septic systems that the Ministry of Health and the
Agricultural Land Commission identified as a health hazard. He advised that in response
to that Council initiated a local improvement project and there are presently 49 properties
participating who will be paying $11,500.00 each to build the Sanitary Sewer line. The
Municipal Engineer showed, on the overhead, where the Sanitary Sewer System would be
Councillor Clements asked if there was a way to request additional funding from the
Provincial Government now that these septic systems have been declared a health hazard?
The Municipal Engineer advised that application has been made to the Health Ministry
and the Agricultural Land Commission.
Councillor King asked how old are the septic fields in this particular area, and how long
do they last? The Municipal Engineer gave an approximate time frame of twenty to
twenty-five years.
The Municipal Clerk advised that this project is a part of a local improvement project
initiated by Council. He further advised that when the project was introduced to the first
group of property owners it was rejected, but a year later it came up again and was
approved and it was expanded to include additional parcels.
Councillor Clements commented that the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Health
suggested some inconsistencies in pursuing this.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation
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June 14, 1999
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3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
3.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association -Request for Special Occasion
License (Beer Garden) -1999 Maple Ridge Fair -July 23, 24 and 25, 1999
Staff report dated June 2, 1999 recommending that the subject request be approved.
That the application from the Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association
by way of a letter dated May 28, 1999 for a Special Occasion License to hold a Beer
Garden during the 1999 Maple Ridge Fair be approved as follows:
July 23, 1999
July 24, 1999
July 25, 1999
5:00 p.m. to 12:00 Midnight
12:00 noon to 12:00 Midnight
12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.
And further, that the use of the Albion Fairgrounds (Municipal property) for this
Special Occasion License be authorized.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
3.2 List of Registered Electors (Resident & Non Resident)
Staff report dated June 8, 1999 recommending three readings be given to Maple Ridge·
List of Registered Electors Amending By-law No. 5773-1999.
That the memorandum of the Municipal Clerk dated June 8, 1999 relative to the
List of Registered Electors (Resident & Non Resident be received for information;
And further that Maple Ridge List of Registered Electors Amending By-law No.
5773-1999 be read a first and second time and further that the rules of order be
waived and that Maple Ridge List of Registered Electors Amending By-law No.
5773-1999 be read a third time.
Councillor Gordon requested that the Municipal Clerk explain this item.
The Municipal Clerk advised that this new proposed way would eliminate the step of
producing the voters list, and this will save considerable amount of staff time and money.
He advised that under the new system the person would be signing a registration paper
that states that they have resided in Maple Ridge for at least the minimum of thirty days
and that they have only voted the once on voting day, which is made under oath in the
presence of the Municipality's elector officer.
The Municipal Clerk stated that the lists would be checked after the election to ensure
that no one has voted twice, and if anyone has, then it would be up to the Courts to decide
the penalty.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
June 14, 1999
The Municipal Clerk stated the rules and regulations of committing an offence by voting
more than once in a single election; which included a fine of not more than $5,000.00,
imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, prohibition for period of not more
than six years from holding an elected or local government office, and prohibition of not
more than six years from voting in a government election. In short, the Municipal Clerk
advised that a person would be charged under these provisions for voting twice in a single
The Committee agreed with the recommendation
3.3 £COMM -Nomination to the Board of Directors
Staff report dated June 7, 1999 recommending the designation of Councillor Jim
Clements as our representative to ECOMM for the 1999/2000 year.
That the District of Maple Ridge designate Jim Clements as our representative to
ECOMM and Paul Gill, Director of Corporate Planning & Protective Services as
the rt alternate for the 1999/2000 year, noting that the District of Pitt Meadows
supports this designation.
The Municipal Clerk stated that a back-up person should also nominated in case the first
representative is unable to attend. It was agreed that the Director of Corporate Planning
and Protective Services be appointed as the back-up representative.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation
3.4 UB.C.M -Resolutions/or 1999 Conference
Staff report dated June 8, 1999 recommending endorsement of resolution regarding
Counter Petition Process.
That the Memorandum of the Municipal Clerk dated June 8, 1999 providing
information with respect to possible resolutions to the UBCM be received for
And further that the following resolution be endorsed and forwarded to the UBCM
for consideration at the annual conference to be held in late September 1999;
1. Counter Petition Process
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
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June 14, 1999
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4.1 Parks and Leisure Services Commission Minutes -Open Meeting -April, 1999
Staff report dated June 4, 1999 recommending that the subject Minutes be received for
That the minutes of the April 1999 open meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services
Commission be received for information.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
2002 B .C. Seniors' Games
Staff report dated May 25, 1999 recommending that a bid be prepared for Maple Ridge
and Pitt Meadows to host the subject event, noting that a $90,000 commitment is required
in 2002 to be shared between the two Municipalities.
That the bid be prepared for submission to the BC Seniors' Games Society for
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows to host the 2002 BC Seniors' Games, noting that a
budget commitment of $90,000.00 would be required in 2002 to be shared
proportionately between the two municipalities in accordance with their population.
The Committee agreed with the recommendation.
4.3 British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association Award -Picket Fence Project
Staff report dated May 25, 1999 advising that Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows working
through the Parks and Leisure Services Commission has received the above noted award.
For information.
The General Manager Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services advised
that he would bring the award with him to the next meeting.
Councillor King made a motion:
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June 14, 1999
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Councillor Gordon advised that she would second this motion, but advised that she would
like to have this looked at on a broader scope on commercial uses abutting residential
developments including buffers. She stated that she would like to see this motion
The Municipal Clerk advised that what this is doing is controlling the hours of operation
of retail commercial uses, and in this case it is being narrowed down to a few businesses.
He further advised that there are some provisions in the Municipal Act. He suggested
that this be a staff direction to have it looked into and a report brought back to Council.
Councillor King withdrew the above motion and agreed that a staff direction would be a
good start on investigating this matter.
The General Manager Public Works and Development suggested that an information
report be prepared to flag the issues such as the hours and buffering pertaining to
commercial uses abutting residential developments. He did advise that he wasn't sure
that this could be prepared in a month, but did not see any difficulty for sometime during
the summer.
6. ADJOURNMENT l :35 p.m.
Actin y " en Stewart
Presiding Member of the Committee