HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-08-09 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdf) August 9, 1999 12:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT: Elected Officials Mayor C. Durksen Councillor J. Clements Councillor C. Gordon Councillor B. Levens Councillor K. Stewart Excused: Councillor T. Baker Councillor L. King Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Appointed Staff R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development M. Davies, Acting General Manager of Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning J. Hertzog, Acting Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required D Pollock, Director of Engineering Projects K. Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs The Meeting was chaired by Mayor Durksen 1. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS -(10 minutes each) 1.1 Parks and Leisure Services -Update on Activities Kelly Swift, East Recreation Coordinator provided a very comprehensive verbal report in support of her written second quarterly stats which are attached to the Agenda packages. One of the projects currently underway is the 2002 B.C. Seniors Games Bid. The Fall Brochure will be out August 21, 1999 1.2 Ms. Dian Murrell -Soil Conservation Exemption Application -13473 -224 Street Note: A staff report dated June 14, 1999 was deferred at the July 5, 1999 Committee of the Whole Meeting pending a request to staff for further information. Ms. Dian Murrell stated that on May 3,1999 she filed a Fill Exemption Request application to the Agricultural Land Commission to construct a small raised paddock on her property located at 13473 -224 Street in order to provide a small paddock above flood water level in order to protect her horses. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 9, 1999 Page 2 The A.LC. approved her proposal on May 18th, however the District of Maple Ridge deferred their decision until the issue and concerns raised were dealt with. Ms. Murrel went on to explain that the changes in the last three to five years to properties surrounding her property had created an intolerable situation. This included the rerouting and enlarging of Cantell Brook, a large ditch on a neighboring property, along with the destruction of the north Alouette River bank, all causing water pouring into her property in pre-flood situations and more so during a flood. Ms. Murrel stated she was seeking approval to construct this paddock before the rainy season commences. What the paddock will do is to allow a safe environment for her horses and a place which is safe for Ms. Murrel to take them in pre-flood and flood situations. The Manager of Environmental Affairs stated that staff is in the process of preparing a report to Council recommending support of placement of the fill, which will be presented to the next Committee of the Whole meeting for Council consideration. 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2.1 Latecomer Agreement-LC/69/99-114A Avenue and 234A Street-SD/4/96 Reference was made to the staff report dated July 14, 1999 recommending that the above noted agreement be executed. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That with respect ~o the subdivision of lands involved in SD/4/96 at l 14A Avenue and 234A Street, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services required for subdivision are in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That the Latecomer charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts a set out in the staff report dated July 14, 1999 and 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 9, 1999 Page 3 2.2 St. Patrick's School Walkathon -September 24, 1999 -Request to Use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated July 22, 1999 recommending that the subject request be granted subject to the conditions specified in the said report. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION 2.3 That St. Patrick's School be authorized to use Municipal streets for their annual school Walkathon on Friday, September 24, 1999 provided the conditions outlined in the staff report dated July 22, 1999 are met. Whonnock Lake Day Run/Walk -September 12, 1999 -Request to Use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated July 22, 1999 recommending that the subject request be granted subject to the conditions specified in the said report. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That the Whonnock Community Association be authorized to use Municipal streets for the Whonnock Lake Day 5 and 10 km Run/Walk on Sunday, September 12, 1999 provided the conditions outlined in the staff report dated July 22, 1999 are met. 2.4 Streamside Protection Policy Directives Pilot Test Reference was made to the staff report dated July 22, 1999 recommending that the District participate in the above noted initiative. The Manager of Environmental Affairs spoke in support of her report, advising that the . District has been chosen to take part in the Streamside protection Policy Directives pilot test. Funding in the amount of $3500.00 has been made available to help initiate the project. It was noted that there will be 18 municipalities participating and as a result we would likely see an increase in streamside setbacks. In response to a question, Ms. Grout stated that they would attempt to do this all in-house and on staff time. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 9, 1999 Page 4 • RECOMMENDATION That the District's participation in a pilot test for the Sfreamside Protection Policy Directives be supported as detailed in the staff report dated July 22, 1999. 2.5 RZ/23/97 -Dedication and Construction of 116 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated July 27, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee agreed with the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That Option 2 as noted in the staff report dated July 27, 1999 be selected as the preferred option to identify the extent of dedication and construction of 116 Venue between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street. • 2.6 DP/45/99 -23451 Larch Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated July 29, 1999 in support of the above noted application under Development Permit Area XXX to allow land clearing in support of a development proposal. The Committee agreed with the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/45/99 respecting property located at 23451 Larch Avenue and that the permit be issued once the conditions outlined in the staff report dated July 29, 1999 have been met. 2. 7 RZ/35/99 -23853 Dewdney Trunk Road -RS-3 to CS-2 Reference was made to the staff report dated July 27, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit the construction of a gasoline station, convenience store, residence and separate commercial building with drive-through access proceed to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Committee agreed with the following recommendation. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 9, 1999 Page 5 RECOMMENDATION That Application RZ/35/99 to rezone property described in the staff report dated July 27, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CS-1 (Service Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By- law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 3.1 Local Improvement Petition -Extension of Municipal Water Service to 23867 -123 Avenue-By-law No. 5833-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated July 15, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION 4. 4.1 That Maple Ridge 23867 -132 Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5833-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge 23867 -132 Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5833-1999 be read a third time. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan Update -Selection of Consultants Reference was made to the staff report dated July 23, 1999 in support of the following recommendation to retain consultants for the above noted project. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That Professional Environmental Recreation Consultants, Wilson & June Consultants and Catherine Berris Associates Inc. be endorsed to complete the Parks Recreation and Cultural Master Plan update for the District of Maple Ridge and the District of Pitt Meadows. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 9, 1999 Page 6 4.2 Link-Deco Systems Inc. re Fence Advertising Media Reference was made to the staff report dated July 15, 1999 in support of the following recommendation con.tained therein. The Acting General Manager of Community Development, Parks an Recreation Services agreed with the comment of Councillor Gordon that this was only authorizing staff to explore the concept of link fence advertising, and that a staff report would be coming back to Council at a later date. The Chief Administrative Officer noted that they would also be looking at other forms of advertising. Councillor Clements voiced concern over a proliferation of signs in the municipality. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That a recommendation be forwarded to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils, as well as the School District (where joint sites are being considered) that consideration be given to amending the Municipal sign By-law to permit staff to complete further research and enter into discussions with Link-Deco Systems Inc. leading up to the development of a contract for the sale of advertising on community park locations. • 4.3 Parks and Leisure Service Division Second Quarter Statistics -1999. Reference was made to the staff report dated July 29, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That the 1999 Second Quarter Statistical Report for the Parks .and Leisure Services Division be received. 4.4 Harry Hooge School and Park Site -Award of Contract Reference was made to the staff report date July 29, 1999 recommending that the subject contract be awarded to Wilco Landscape Contractors Ltd in the amount of $79,984.64 (low tender). ) Committee of the Whole Minutes August 9, 1999 Page 7 The Committee agreed to the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That the contract for the development of the Harry Hooge School and Park site be awarded to Wilco Landscape Contractors Ltd. in the amount of $79,984.64, noting that his is the lowest tender received. 5. OTHER ISSUES Nil. 6. ADJOURNMENT@l:08p.m. ,