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November 15, 1999
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor C. Durksen
Councillor T. Baker
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor L. King
Councillor B. Levens
Councillor K. Stewart
Councillor J. Clements
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk
J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development
M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning
S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
C. Carter, Planner
J. Hertzog, Co-ordinator of Administrative Services
M. Davies, Director of Parks and Facilities
The meeting was chaired by Acting Mayor Baker.
1.1 R. C.M.P. -Update on Police Activities; Quarterly Police Report
Staff Sergeant Lance Harris was in attendance and briefly reported on the strength of the
detachment, noting that they currently have 6 vacancies and there have been several
transfers. Two members are returning from leave and several are currently off on medical
leave due to injuries. He further advised as follows:
• The detachment has recently carried out numerous drug searches and related weapons
seizures. Drug charges are up 60%. There has been an increase in assaults, property
damage, stolen vehicles and fraud. Total complaint volume to the end of September
is on a par with 1998. There have been 6 fatalities in 1999 which is up from 2 in
1998. Theft of vehicles from the downtown core is up and there have been break-ins
in the Industrial complex at Maple Meadows Way.
• There will be extra shifts in place for the Y2K celebrations starting on December 31st
and running through to January 2nd.
• The school liaison program is successfully underway including an anti-violence
program to address the main factors which have been identified as gossip, prejudice,
sexual harassment and put-downs.
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November 15, 1999
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• The _detachment is appreciative of the new mobile work stations which are up and
• The detachment is conducting a cell block guard study and will require resources for
that initiative. There are more people being arrested.
• The red light intersection cameras will be in operation starting in January at the
following intersections-Lougheed Highway and Harris Road westbound; Lougheed
Highway and Laity Street eastbound; Lougheed Highway and 240 Street westbound;
and Dewdney Trunk Road westbound at 216 Street.
On question from Councillor Stewart, Staff Sergeant Harris confirmed that the
detachment will not be receiving any direct revenue from the red light intersection camera
program nor will they have to bear any extra costs.
The Mayor noted that there have been some serious accidents at Dewdney Trunk Road
and Laity Street due to drivers going through red lights and suggested that the camera
may be more useful at that location than at Dewdney Trunk Road and 216 Street.
Staff Sergeant Harris advised that the locations can be re-evaluated and changes can be
made if warranted.
1.2 Mr. Ken Dextras -Innovative Sewage Systems
The Mayor advised that this item has been withdrawn from the Agenda.
Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted
to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes.
2.1 RZ/75/89 (22777 Selkirk Avenue) -Request for a One Year Extension
The Mayor advised that this item has been withdrawn from the Agenda.
2.2 RZ/13/99 -10515 and 10595 -240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue -RS-3 to RS-lb
and CD-1-93-By-law No. 5854-1999
Reference was made to the staff report dated October 19, 1999 recommending that the
above noted application to permit subdivision into approximately 21 lots be forwarded to
Public Hearing and that the subject by-law be read a first time.
Councillor King asked for further details of the access provisions. The Director of
Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site. He explained the proposed
subdivision plan and indicated how access will be achieved, including a pedestrian access
to an existing house off Zeron A venue. He identified the lane system which will provide
alternative access to the lots fronting on 240 Street.
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November 15, 1999
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Councillor Levens questioned if the lane system is being imposed on the developer
merely for aesthetic reasons. She noted that many people do not feel safe using lanes at
the rear of their properties, particularly if they back onto a greenbelt. She does not want
to see the lane solution imposed if it means that the developers will have a problem
selling the homes.
The Director of Current Planning clarified that staff is recommending the lane access to
avoid traffic having to back out of their driveways onto 240 Street which is an arterial
That Application RZ/13/99 (for property located at 10515 and 10595 -240 Street
and 23950 Zeron Avenue) to rezone property described in the staff report dated
October 19, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family
Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be
forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public
Hearing; and further
that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5854-1999 be read a first time.
RZ/42/99 -21409 Lougheed Highway-By-law No. 5853-1999
Reference was made to the staff report dated November 2, 1999 recommending that the
subject by-law be read a first time. (The development proposal is to provide all the uses
currently listed under the CS-1 Zone but removes limits on business and professional
services and retail use within the existing development).
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 be read a first time.
2.4 RZ/52/99-24103 and 24127-102 Avenue-RS-3 and RS-2 to R-3
Reference was made to the staff report dated November 2, 1999 recommending that the
subject application to permit subdivision into 86 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing
subject to the conditions specified in the report.
Councillor King asked for further clarification with regard to the size of the lots,
treatment of the watercourse and the location of any amenities for children.
The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and identified the
three properties involved in the application. He explained the pattern of development and
the road arrangement through the area which mimics the development established to the
east. There is a Greenbelt designation adjacent to the creek which flows through the
northern portion of the property. There is a "tot lot" proposed for the site which is the
result of discussions that took place in Council some time ago with respect to the Country
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November 15, 1999
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Lane development. The lot sizes are traditional for the R-3 Zone and are the same size as
the Country Lane lots.
Councillor King noted that there are several similar developments proposed for the area.
She is not concerned about the high density per se but wants to see the whole area looked
at in a holistic manner in terms of green space amenities and play areas.
Councillor Stewart expressed concern that there will be three major east-west roads going
through the proposed village centre and stated that he would like to have a review of the
Albion Guide Plan to see what the final configuration will be.
The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services offered to review the
Albion Guide Plan with Council prior to the November 23, 1999 Council Meeting.
On question from Councillor Gordon, the Director of Current Planning clarified that the
greenbelt will be for the protection of the watercourse and fenced; it is not intended to be
a play area for the neighbourhood children.
Councillor Gordon noted that there is a trail system proposed through the area and she
would like to see the map of the trails.
Councillor King added that when staff brings forward the Albion Guide Plan, she would
like to look at the potential for east-west greenway connectors. Council has talked about
having those connections through to the Fields for Kids, Telosky Stadium and the
downtown area, however, there is no provision for them to be built into this development
plan. Also, there is no provision built into the plan to encourage children to walk and
cycle to school safely on 240 Street.
Acting Mayor Baker noted that the development proposal conforms to the Official
Community Plan.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Application RZ/52/99 (for property located at 24103 and 24127 -102 Avenue)
to rezone property described in the staff report dated November 2, 1999 from RS-3
(One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to
R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting
that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final
consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report.
ACTION REQUIRED -That Planning Department staff review the Albion Guide
Plan with Council and provide further information on greenbelts and trail systems
proposed for the area.
2.5 RZ/59/99 -24415 -102 Avenue -RS-3 to R-3
Reference was made to the staff report dated November 2, 199 in support of the following
recommendation with respect to the subject application to permit subdivision into 66 lots.
The Committee concurred with the recommendation.
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November 15, 1999
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That Application "RZ/59/99 (for property located at 24415 -102 Avenue) to rezone
property described in the staff report dated November 2, 1999 from RS-3 (One
Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be
forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public
Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed
in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-
law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing.
2.6 ALR/27/99-11416-240 Street
Reference was made to the staff report dated October 27, 1999 recommending that the
subject application to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares from the Agricultural Land
Reserve (ALR) not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission.
On question from Councillor Stewart, the Director of Current Planning confirmed that the
applicant is permitted to build a home on the property without having it excluded from
the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Councillor Gordon indicated her support of the recommendation, noting that the property
is outside the areas currently designated for urban development on the Official
Community Plan.
The Committee concurred with the following recommendation:
That Application ALR/27/99 for the property described as Lot 1, Plan 7917, Section
15, Township 12 NWD, Group 1, and located at 11416 -240 Street, not be
authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission.
2. 7 RZ/62/99 -Secondary Suite Review -Amending By-laws
Reference was made to the staff report dated October 25, 1999 recommending
appropriate readings of several by-law amendments authorized by Council on October 12,
1999 as detailed in the report.
C. Carter, Planner, summarized the proposed by-law amendments to delete the minimum
lot size requirement, delete the requirement to obtain an annual business licence, establish
that a secondary suite is not a permitted use in the flood plain and define "cooking
In addition, a Council Policy regarding the placement of a Single Family Residential use
Restrictive Covenant has also been created which identifies the conditions where the
placement of the restrictive covenant can be waived, as detailed in the report.
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November 15, 1999
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Mr. Adrian Keenan advised that he is attendance representing the Realtors Sub-
Committee on Secondary Suites. He circulated and read a document of the sub-
committee's findings and recommendations which is summarized as follows:
The sub-committee sought input from fellow realtors and other Municipalities and
conducted a brief survey of the public into by-law provisions (Appendix B). The sub-
committee supported the temporary residential use amendment to the Zoning By-law
(Appendix A). The sub-committee researched home sales and finds that 20 to 25% or
3000 home owners in Maple Ridge have secondary suites.
Mr. Keenan provided some examples of affordability related to homeowners having
suites compared to homes without suites. He noted that secondary suites have become
part of our culture in the lower mainland.
The Sub-committee on Secondary Suites recommends as follows:
■ That any by-law must be reasonable and reflect the needs and standards of the
community or no amount of enforcement will achieve the desired goal.
■ That one suite per house is sufficient and reasonable.
■ That the sub-committee supports the current regulation that a home with a suite must
be owner occupied.
■ That the sub-committee supports the amendment to the Zoning By-law for Temporary
Residential Use.
■ That the lot size restriction should be eliminated from the by-law as long as there is
sufficient parking.
■ That the application fee and licencing fee, which are widely perceived as a tax grab,
should be minimized or removed. If the suites are going to pay higher taxes, the
administration of the by-law should substantially be funded by the tax revenue.
■ That the sub-committee agrees that homes built in the floodplain should not have
suites but Council must be aware that the majority of homes have been finished to
livable standards.
■ That there be grandfathering provisions for homeowners who have an existing suite
that meets the basic conditions and that they should be given time to bring their suite
up to current building code standards.
■ That an accommodation for future suites be made in the zoning process and there be a
public hearing process put in place whereby neighbourhoods could be invited to
support or oppose secondary suites.
Councillor Stewart referred to the recommendation for the grandfathering provision and
noted that anyone who bought a single family residence after 1994 would have been
aware of the restrictive title on the covenant prohibiting secondary suites. It would have
been up to their realtor to advise them of same.
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November 15, 1999
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Mr. Keenan responded that the restrictive covenant is buried in the title search and has
been ignored or missed by just about everyone. Prior to the secondary suite by-law, the
covenant was only enforced upon the District receiving two complaints in writing and
that is what the realtors told the public. He added that if the rules are enforced through a
by-law, the realtors can give that information to the public but if the rules are ambiguous,
the realtors end up passing on ambiguous information to the purchasers.
Councillor Levens suggested that more duplexes be constructed on large lots instead of
large expensive individual houses. Duplexes can be nicely designed and would be more
affordable to first time homeowners.
The Committee agreed to an amendment to split the staff recommendation and deal with
Items 1, 2 and 3 as a one recommendation and Item 4 as a separate recommendation.
The-Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the staff report entitled Secondary Suite Review -Amendment Package dated
November 25, 199 be received and it be resolved that:
1. Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5847-1999 be read a first time and
that the by-law proceed to Public Hearing;
2. Maple Ridge Building Amending By-law No. 5848-1999 be read a first and
second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Building
Amending By-law No. 5848-1999 be read a third time;
3. Council Policy 6.14 Secondary Suites be deleted, and that the proposed
Secondary Suites Policy be adopted when final reading is given to the
Amending By-law relating to Secondary Suite use.
The Committee, with the exception of Councillors King and Gordon, agreed to · the
following recommendation:
That the proposed Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Policy be
adopted when final reading is given to the amending by-laws relating to secondary
suite use.
2.8 Community Heritage Register (Heritage Inventory)
Reference was made to the staff report dated October 28, 1999 providing an update on
the public consultation process and recommendations to establish a voluntary Community
Heritage Register.
That a Community Heritage Register be established for the properties identified on
the list entitled District of Maple Ridge Community Heritage Register attached to staff
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November 15, 1999
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report dated October 28, 1999 entitled Heritage Advisory Committee Public
Consultation regarding the Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge (the Heritage
2.9 Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Agency Agreement
Reference was made to the staff report dated October 28, 1999 recommending
authorization of the subject agreement to enable District staff to act as agents to deliver
the program in Maple Ridge.
Councillor King spoke highly of the RRAP program which provides invaluable assistance
to those who are in need of it. She asked if the Municipality takes any steps to publicize
the program.
The Director of Current Planning suggested that the District's website could be used for
that purpose. The Municipal space in the local newspaper could also be utilized. The
CMHC also provides literature on the program.
That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the Residential
Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Agency Agreement.
ACTION REQUIRED -That staff investigate appropriate ways to publicize the RRAP
2.10 Development Cost Charge Forgiveness-21610 Dewdney Trunk Road -(Building
Permit Application BPC 109/99)
Reference was made to the staff report dated November 1, 1999 and the Committee
agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That with respect to Building Permit Application BPC 109/99 for the property at
21610 Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct
roadworks on 216 Street, the highway component of the Development Cost Charges
payable by the developer be reduced by $9820.00.
2.11 Santa Claus Parade -December 4, 1999 -Request by Chamber of Commerce to use
Municipal Streets
Reference was made to the staff report dated November 9, 1999 and the Committee
agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
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November 15, 1999
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That the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce be authorized to use Municipal
Streets for the Annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, December 4, 1999 provided
the conditions as outlined in the staff report dated November 9, 1999 are met.
Additional Agenda Item
2.12 DVP/44/99-23333 Kanaka Way
The Director of Current Planning circulated a staff report dated November 10, 1999 in
support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to waive
the requirement to convert existing overhead wires on the north side of Kanaka Way to
underground facilities. The Committee agreed to the recommendation.
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of DVP/44/99 respecting property located at 232333 Kanaka Way will be
considered by Council at the December 14, 1999 meeting.
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
3.1 Year 2000 (Y2K) Action Plan -Status Report
Reference was made·to the staff report dated October 29, 1999 and the Committee agreed
to the following recommendation contained therein:
That the status report entitled Year 2000 (Y2K) Action Plan dated October, 1999 be
received for information.
3.2 Local Improvement Petition for Sanitary Sewer-22948 and 22906 -128 Avenue -By-
law No. 5844-1999
Reference was made to the staff report dated October 28, 1999 recommending that the
subject by-law be granted three readings.
That Maple Ridge 128 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844-
1999 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and
Maple Ridge 128 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844-1999
be read a third time.
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November 15, 1999
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3.3 Hamlet ofTuktoyaktuk, NWT -Acknowledgment from the Mayor
Reference was made to the letter from the Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk dated September 17,
1999 (1) expressing appreciation regarding the Trans-Canada Trail Monument created by
a resident of Maple Ridge and now located on the Arctic Ocean and (2) suggesting that
the Hamlet ofTuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become sister communities.
The Mayor suggested that this item be placed on Council's Action Plan for further
discussion, noting that Maple Ridge already has several sister cities.
Councillor Levens suggested that it would be nice to make a decision on this matter in
1999 during Maple Ridge's 125th Anniversary and asked that it be dealt with before
Christmas. •
Councillor King noted that the Trans Canada Trail relay will be coming to Maple Ridge
on April 16, 1999 and Maple Ridge will be putting on a celebration at that time. She
suggested finding out what Tuktoyaktuk is doing for their program as they are at the
beginning of the relay; the two Mayors could co-ordinate what works best for them. She
feels that it would be nice to have a connection with a northern community.
ACTION REQUIRED -that the letter from Tuktoyaktuk proceed to the November
23, 1999 Council Meeting for further consideration.
3.4 Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing Municipal Share
Reference was made to the letter from the Honourable Jim Doyle, Minister of Municipal
Affairs, dated November 1, 1999 in response to a query by the Mayor on the above noted
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the letter from the Honourable Jim Doyle, Minister of Municipal Affairs,
dated November 1, 1999 regarding traffic fine revenue sharing be received for
4.1 Cemetery By-law Amendments
Reference was made to the staff report dated November 3, 1999 recommending that
Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-1999 be granted three readings. The by-law
reflects the following changes:
• revisions in wording to remove outdated clauses, etc;·
• approval of a 5% increase in Cemetery fees for 2000; and
• repeal of Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 2789-1980.
f I
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November 15, 1999
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The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-1999 be read a first and second time
and that the rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-
1999 be read a third time.
6. ADJOURNMENT l :55 p.m.
Councillor T. Baker, Acting Mayor ----
Presiding Member of the Committee