HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-10-02 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfOctober 2, 2000
12 :30p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development
M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services
C. Carter, Director of Planning
The meeting was chaired by Councillor Speirs.
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda:
902 ALR/47/99 -20515-20785 Powell
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 13, 2000 recommending that the
subject application to exclude approximately 8 hectares of land from the Agricultural
Land Reserve not proceed to the Land Reserve Commission.
Note: The Committee recommended on August. 28 _that the _application proceed to the
Land Reserve Commission and that recommendation was deferred at the September 12,
2000 Council Meeting to today's meeting pending further information from staff.
Mr. John Duguid of Genesis Development Consultants Ltd. submitted a report from
CanAsia Environmental and Engineering Ltd. dated September 29, 2000. He noted that
the conclusion of that report is that the soils are unsuitable for agricultural use.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
October 2, 2000
He further referred to Section 5. 0 Conclusion which notes that the soil in the four study
parcels is not fertile; attempts to fertilize/amend the soil may significantly impact the
environmental status of the nearby McKenney Creek and given the relatively small size
of each parcel, the economic, agronomic and environmental implications to possibly
enhance the soil will likely make agriculture impractical and unviable.
He added that the report addresses the questions that were unanswered at the September
12, 2000 Council meeting regarding the decision making role of the Land Reserve
Commission and Council. He provided an interpretation of Section 20.1 regarding
Council's decision making powers with respect to lands in the Agricultural Land Reserve.
The Director of Planning advised that Council's policies for the ALR reflect work that
has been done with the Commission and deals with the issue of exclusion.
Mr. Duguid stated that he wants to clarify Council's powers with respect to exclusion.
The Mayor noted that the Agrologist's report has provided new information that was not
included in previous applications. He feels that based on that information, and the fact
that the District is not the Land Reserve Commission and does not work under the same
guidelines, it would be appropriate to forward the application to the Commission. The
applicant has met all the requirements under Council's procedures and he would like to
see the Commission comment and then have Council look at the potential use.
He further noted that the present zoning on lands does not allow the property owner to
carry on an agricultural use in any sort of productive manner, even under the ALR
Councillor Isaac questioned if Council has to agree with the Land Reserve Commission's
The Director of Planning advised that the Commission has the final say; if the District
supports the application and the Commission denies it, that would be the end of it. If the
District and the Commission supported the application, the properties would come out of
the Agriculture Land Reserve. The District would then have to decide the OCP
designation and zoning on the excluded properties.
Councillor Gordon expressed concern at this point that there was no formal
recommendation on the floor. She stated that she is not supportive of the application
going forward to the Land Reserve Commission.
The Municipal Clerk read the recommendation agreed to by the Committee on August
28th which was deferred at the September 12th Council Meeting, namely that the
application be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. He further
explained that the original staff recommendation presented to the August 28th Committee
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October 2, 2000
Page 3
of the Whole Meeting was that the application not proceed to the Commission and it was
changed by the Committee to read that the application proceed to the Commission.
Councillor Gordon advised that previous Councils had significant discussion with the
Land Reserve Commission (formerly the Agricultural Land Commission) and looked at
that area as an appropriate buffer as it provides an appropriate gradation of uses. She is
not in favour of extending the urban boundary and this particular application came with a
subdivision plan and proposed urban uses. The four parcels of land are quite appropriate
in their current uses. Although the Agrologist's report does not support soil based
agriculture, there are many other kinds of agriculture that are not soil dependent.
Councillor Harris stated that he wants to emphasize that his main issue is whether ALR
applications for exclusion should be forwarded as a matter of policy to the Land Reserve
Commission. He would like to see the District standardize the procedure and make it
consistent for all who apply. They will then know that their application will go to the
Commission. If the applications go to the Commission, they can follow a standard and
consistent procedure throughout the Municipality and the Province. If the applications
come to Council, they should all go to the Commission as a matter of policy.
Councillor King stated her opposition to ALR applications automatically going to the
Commission without a Council resolution.
Acting Mayor Speirs expressed agreement with Councillors Gordon and King.
Councillor Morse expressed her support with respect to the suggestion made by
Councillor Harris that the application process needs to be standardized. She feels that the
District should be allowed to support the application or not support it. There is a need for
an agricultural plan as a sub-set to the Rural Plan and it would assist in the transition
because it would deal with transition areas in more detail than either the urban or rural
plans. She appreciates the Agrologist's report and would like to see that type of report
come forward for all ALR applications.
Mayor Hogarth advised that this area is umesolved through the Rural Plan process and
consistent with what Councillor Morse has stated. If Council is going to support
agriculture, there should be an agricultural plan in place. If Council supported non-soil
dependent uses in the agricultural plan, they would be saying that lands could turn into a
greenhouse use, which might not be accepted by the neighbourhood. This area was noted
in the Rural Plan as a transitional zone.
Councillor King referred to the Mayor's remarks respecting greenhouses and stated that
because the applicants are currently in the ALR, they could put up a greenhouse
Councillor Gordon clarified that she earlier used greenhouses as an example of non-soil
based agriculture and does not want it misinterpreted that she would like to see that use
Committee of the Whole Minutes
October 2, 2000
approved for this area. Transitional zones of large acreages make the best buffer; the way
it is used now is quite sufficient. At some point, Council has made a decision as to where
the urban and rural interface is and those who are in the urban areas realize a significant
return on their land because of their ability to subdivide.
The Chief Administrative Officer suggested sending a transcript of this debate to the
Land Reserve Commission rather than submitting additional information to them.
Councillor Morse suggested that not all the ALR boundaries are based on soil
classification and sometimes the boundaries are strictly political. She reiterated that is
where an agricultural plan would help.
Acting Mayor Speirs noted that that the properties to the north of the road provide a good
buffer between agriculture and residential areas.
Councillor Harris reiterated that the issue in front of the Committee is whether to send the
application to the Commission or not.
The Committee, with the exception of Acting Mayor Speirs and Councillors King and
Gordon, agreed to the following recommendation:
That Application ALR47/99 (for property located at 20515, 20625, 20695 and 20785
Powell Avenue) to exclude the property described in the staff report dated August
14, 2000 from the Agricultural Land Reserve, be authorized to proceed to the Land
Reserve Commission.
(Acting Mayor Speirs, Councillors King and Gordon opposed).
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That a record of the discussion on Application ALR/47/99 at the October 2, 2000
Committee of the Whole Meeting be forwarded to the Land Reserve Commission.
903 ALR/37199 -11565 and 11567-248 Street, 24224, 24248, 24284, 24320, 24354, 24380,
24414, 24494, and 24550-116Avenue
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 1, 2000 recommending that the
subject application to exclude 13 properties from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR)
_ _) not be authorized to proceed to Land Reserve Commission.
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October 2, 2000
Page 5
Note: This Item was deferred from Committee of the Whole Meeting of September 18,
2000 pending receipt of further information.
M. Getson of24414 -116 Avenue, M. Workman of24320-116 Avenue, R. McBryan
of 24380 -116 Avenue and L. Stadniuk of 24284 -116 Avenue made presentations in
support of the subject application.
Several Councillors noted that the Agrologist's report has not been received.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Application ALR/37/99 (for properties at 11565 and 11567-248 Street, 24224,
24248, 24284, 24320, 24354, 24380, 24414, 24494, and 24550 -116 Avenue be
deferred to the October 16, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
904 DP/9/00 -Development Permit Area XXX Watercourse Protection and Development
Permit Area XXXVIII Watercourse Protection -23688 Kanaka Creek Road and 23725
Kanaka Way
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 15, 2000 and the Committee
agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/9/00 respecting
property located at 23688 Kanaka Creek Road and 23725 Kanaka Way.
905 DP/18/00 -23573 and 23688 Kanaka Creek Road -Development Permit Area XXX
Watercourse Protection
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 15, 2000 and the Committee
agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/18/00 respecting
property located at 23573 and 23688 Kanaka Creek Road.
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October 2, 2000
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906 DVP/37/00-20210-113BAvenue
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 19, 2000 with respect to the
subject application to permit the creation of a lot that has less width than is permitted in
the Zoning By-law.
Mr. Gary Lycan made a presentation in support of the application.
The Committee agreed to the following amended recommendation:
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of DVP/37/00 respecting property located at 20210 -113B Avenue will be
considered by Council at the October 31, 2000 meeting, noting that approval of
DVP/37/00 is subject to the applicant providing an enhanced landscape sound
The Committee further agreed to the following recommendation:
That staff be directed to review the standards for noise mitigation in Industrial
Parks in Maple Ride when the properties abut residential lands so that the same
standards apply for all applicants.
907 Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission Amending Bylaw No. 5928-2000
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 19, 2000 and the Committee
agreed to the following recommendation contained therein:
That Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission Amending By-law No. 5928-
2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple
Ridge Community Heritage Commission Amending By-law No. 5928-2000 be read a
third time.
908 TransLink Report on Fraser River Crossing
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October 2, 2000
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Reference was made to the staff report dated September 25, 2000 and the Committee,
with the exception of Councillor Harris, agreed to the following recommendation
contained therein:
That the staff report entitled TransLink Report on the Fraser River Crossing dated
September 25, 2000 be received; and further
that the Fraser River Crossing recommendation adopted by TransLink at their
September 20, 2000 Board Meeting endorsing in principle the development of a
tolled, high-capacity crossing of the Fraser River in the 2000 Street Corridor be
(Councillor Harris Opposed).
909 Silver Valley Planning Study
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 26, 2000 providing an update on
the above noted study. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the staff report entitled Silver Valley Planning Study dated September 26, 2000
be received for information.
Additional Agenda Item
910 Temporary Industrial Use Permit TIUP/11/00 and Development Permit DP/11/00 -
14140, 14160, 14170, 14180 and 14250-256 Street
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 28, 2000 with respect to the
above noted applications and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation
contained therein:
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that
approval of TIUP/11/00 respecting property located at 14140, 14160, 14170, 14180
and 14250 -256 Street will be considered by Council at the October 31, 2000
meeting; and
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October 2, 2000
Page 8
That the issuance of TIUP/11/00 and DP/11/00 be approved subject to the conditions
and requirements outlined as outlined in the staff report dated September 28, 2000
being met; and
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal TIUP/11/00 once the
conditions and requirements as outlined in the said report have been addressed; and
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/11/00 once the
conditions and requirements as outlined in the said report have been addressed.
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 583 Coronation Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets -Request for permission
to Conduct Tag Days
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 15, 2000 recommending that the
subject request be approved. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation
contained therein:
That the request from the 583 Coronation Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air
Cadets for permission to conduct Tag Day soliciting on October 20, 21 and 22, 2000
be approved.
932 Criminal Record Check Fees/or Homestay Families
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 22, 2000 recommending the
above noted matter and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation
contained therein:
That the staff report dated September 22, 2000 entitled Criminal Record Check Fees
for Homestay Families be received, and further
that the current fee structure for criminal record checks for Homestay families be
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October 2, 2000
Page 9
933 Community Policing Office -Fibre Optic Cable Report
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 19, 2000 recommending that the
monthly operating costs be included as a sharable cost with Pitt Meadows. The
Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the staff report entitled RCMP -Pitt Meadows Community Policing Office
dated September 19, 2000 be received, and further
that the monthly operating costs (estimated at $1500 per month) of the fibre optic
link to the Pitt Meadows Community Policing office be included as a sharable cost
in the District's cost-sharing agreement with the District of Pitt Meadows.
95 l Greater Vancouver Regional District -Business Plan and Implementation Options for
Strategies for Regional Arts and Cultural Development in Greater Vancouver
Reference was made to the staff report dated September 26, 2000 entitled Inter-Municipal
Arts and Cultural Plan recommending that Council endorse the five points listed.
The Acting General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreational
Services provided an overview of the report.
The Committee agreed to the following action being taken:
That the staff report entitled Inter-Municipal Arts and Cultural Plan dated
September 26, 2000 be forwarded to the October 10, 2000 Council Meeting without
a recommendation.
98 l New Westminster and District Labour Council -Amendment to the Municipal
Elections Act
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October 2, 2000
Page 10
Reference was made to the letter dated August 31 , 2000 from the above noted
organization requesting support for an amendment to the Municipal Elections Act to
provide four hours free from work on Municipal Election Day.
That a letter of support be sent to the New Westminster and District Labour
Council regarding their proposal to amend the Municipal Elections Act to provide
four hours free from work on Municipal Election Day as requested in their letter of
August 31, 2000.
982 Simon Fraser Health Region -Fall Prevention Initiatives
Reference was made to the letter dated September 11, 2000 from the above noted
organization asking for a letter of support for their fall prevention program for inclusion
in their proposal to Health Canada for grant money.
That a letter of support be forwarded to the Simon Fraser Health Region regarding
their fall prevention initiatives as requested in their letter of September 11, 2000.
983 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) -Municipal Leaders' Statement on
Climate Change
Reference was made to the letter dated September 15, 2000 from the FCM requesting
support for their Municipal Leaders' Resolution on Climate Change which will be
submitted to federal negotiators.
That a letter be sent to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) in support
of their Municipal Leaders' resolution on Climate Change as detailed in their letter
of September 15, 2000.
984 Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) -Alternate Access for Rivers Heritage
Education and Communications Centre -Request for Partnership Funding
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October 2, 2000
Page 11
Reference was made to the letter from ARMS dated October 19, 2000 regarding the
above noted matter.
That the letter from the Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) dated October
19, 2000 requesting partnership funding for the construction of an alternate access
to the Rivers Heritage Education and Communications Centre be forwarded to the
upcoming budget deliberations.
6.1 Maple Ridge Exotic Animal By-law No. 5755-1999
Councillor King asked if Council could be provided with a status report on the above
noted by-law at the October 16, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
That the Municipal Clerk report on the status of the Exotic Animal By-law at the
October 16, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
7. ADJOURNMENT 3:40 p.m.
Acting Mayor C. Speirs
Presiding Member of the Committee.