HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-12-18 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfDecember 18, 2000
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development
M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services
C. Carter, Director of Planning
C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
J. Bastaja, Chief Information Officer
K. Grout, Manager of Development & Environmental Services
The meeting was chaired by Councillor Gordon. Councillor Gordon called the meeting to order
and advised that item 1.1, Stream Mapping Update, would be moved to the end of the agenda.
2.1 Rick Clements, 25467 Bosonworth Avenue, Potential Albion Urban Expansion
Mr. Clements reviewed the history of application RZ/37/92 and expressed his concerns
about the impact of proceeding with an extension to this application. He also discussed
the ramifications of expansion of the urban boundary into this area.
2.2 Lower Mainland (British Columbia) Policing Study
Jim Maitland, City of Port Coquitlam, reviewed the recommendations made by the
Municipal Staff Working Group to the Lower Mainland RCMP Consultative Forum
Steering Committee. The recommendations were classified into three categories:
Human Resources Issues, Financial Planning Accountability and Service Delivery.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
December 18, 2000
After further ·Clliseussion regl:J!ding _the timing and content of the upcoming OCP review, • . . -(·• J., the following was requested.
Staff to prepare a report that provides information on the structure of the OCP . '• · revie)V. •
903 Review of Maple Ridge Tree Protection By-law No. 5896-2000
Referendt('was made to a sta,f;f report dated November 27, 2000 recommending that
amendments be-made tq the su~ject by-law prior to final adoption.
The Man~ger of Development & Environmental Services reviewed the history of the by-
law and explained the proposed amendments.
' ;
That third reading_granted on September 12, 2000 to Maple Ridge Tree Protection
By-law Np. 589~-:-20.00 b~~escinded; and
, ·. • .. • ~ r, :·
That Maple Ridge Tree Protection By-law No. 5896-2000 be amended as
recommended in the report entitled "Public Review of Maple Ridge Tree Protection
By-law No. 5896 .. 2000".dated November 27, 2000; and further
That Maple Ridge Tree Protection By-law No. 5896-2000 as amended be read a
third time.
904 DP/66/00-23793 -]28th Crescent, Construction of Additions
~l'I"( 1 .-'";•r (..;"'!.,;;:u)·•,• =j,T 1 1!1
Refere'fiee'•;was made. to. a sfaff report -dated November 30, 2000 recommending that a
development ·p~rmit b~:t"ssued for cdnstruction ~f three additions to an exisfu:ig single
·· family dwelling. , _ • .. ". • H
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/66/00 respecting the
property located at 23793-128th Crescent.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
December 18, 2000
Page 5
-905 Discussion of TransLink Resolution • • l
Mayor Hogarth drew Council's attention to the resolutions passed at the December 1,
2000 GVRD Board of Directors meeting noting that the first priority of tlie-Bo<!I'-d, is t9 ____ . _
obtain federal government funding for the Strategic 'Transportation Plan. The vehicle ley.y ··.:~'-
is an option that could be eliminated or reduced if federal support i~--rec~ived. __ Councillors ·-· ,-•
spoke of the need for federal funding and agreed to continue the ;discussion at ,_4 . ': .. , _ _,
Committee of the Whole meeting in January. Mayor Hogarth offered to work with staff --· •
on a report that would provide a perspective on the past, the present "and the future-pf. the.
participation of the GVRD in TransLink. .'; ,_. · ... _ v: -•• • ' J i • •• -
906 Tourism Proposal \.
Reference was made to a staff report dated December l-2, 2000 re.commending that Maple
Ridge enter into a Fee for Service contract with the ·Maple _Ridge and Pitt Meadows·
Tourism Society.
' .. : )'·
That this item be postponed to the January 15 Committe~ of.th~ .Whole Meeting.
~ .. \ . ) . ;· ....
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951 i -·Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5784::..1, 999 . . .
0 I I, ; ~· '• '
Reference was made to a staff report dated Nove111ber 28, ,,2000 recommending that
Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5784-1999 be given three readings.
• \ -~· ! i : :
That Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending ,By-,'1aw No. 5784-i999 be:read::a first a~d • 1.,_,
second time and that the rules of order be waived · and' M~pfo -Ri4ge,;Ceroetecy
Amending By-law No. 5784-1999 be read a third time. , •. i(·~:' 1 ~-·:-:. ) ·,:.---·
• i. "''
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Committee of the Whole Minutes
December 18, 2000
Page 6
There was a fifteen minute recess at 2:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 3:05 p.m. As
Councillor Gordon had to leave the meeting, Councillor King assumed the Chair.
1.1 Stream Mapping Update
The Manager of Development & Environmental Services introduced the contractor, Rod
Stock, who provided Council with an update on the Stream Mapping project. Mr. Stock
reviewed the areas that had been completed, the uses of the maps, and the areas currently
being mapped. On question the Manager of Development & Environmental Services
advised that the mapping data would be made available on CD-ROM to ARMS and
KEEPS and at a future date to the general public in a user-friendly format on CD-ROM ..
8. ADJOURNMENT 3:17p.m.
COJ'C'OO co ~~
Acting Mayor C. Gordon
Presiding Member of the Committee