HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-30 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
June 30, 2003
1:00 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor K. Morse
Councillor E. Daykin
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor C. Speirs
Appointed Staff
J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreational Services
J. Pickering, Director of Planning
S. Belley, Committee Clerk
Other Staff as Required
A. Wood, Municipal Engineer
The Acting Chair announced the deferral of Item 903 to the July 14th Committee of the
Whole and Item 931 being forwarded to the July 22nd Council Meeting.
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda:
902 DP/053/03, 22645 Dewdney Trunk Road
Staff report dated June 19, 2003 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be
authorized to sign and seal DP/053/03 to allow for installation of signage that
alters the appearance of a previously approved Development Permit.
The Director of Planning displayed a site map noting the owner has a
development permit, but has decided to change the signage across the dormers.
The Advisory Design Panel has approved the proposal.
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June 30, 2003
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The Director of Planning noted this project requires approval of a development
permit and approval of a comprehensive sign plan under the Sign Bylaw.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
903 ICBC Safer City Initiative -2003 Operating Funds Agreement
Staff report dated June 24, 2003 recommending that the Mayor and Municipal
Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the Agreement with ICBC.
That the staff report be deferred to the July 14, 2003 Committee of the
Whole Meeting.
904 Whonnock Elementary School
Staff report dated June 24, 2003 recommending that the allocation of $12,000
from Project LTC 0958 to construct walkway improvements be approved.
The Municipal Engineer provided background information concerning traffic
safety issues raised by community residents.
Staff have worked with the residents and prepared a report detailing solutions.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
905 Delegation of Powers to the Development Agreements Committee Bylaw No.
Staff report dated June 13, 2003 recommending that Bylaw No. 6113-2003 to
delegate executive and/or administrative powers to the Development Agreements
Committee be given three readings.
The Municipal Clerk advised that this bylaw deals with all development
agreements resulting from a variety of development applications.
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June 30, 2003
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That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
Councillor Gordon excused herself from the meeting at 1: 13 pm while Items 906
and 907 were being considered, as she is an owner of a business situated on the
street requesting authorization for use.
906 Caribbean Street Festival, Use of Streets
Staff report dated June 18, 2003 recommending that the Caribbean Festival
Committee be authorized to use municipal streets on Sunday, July 13, 2003.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
907 Maple Ridge Jazz and Blues Festival, Use of Streets
Staff report dated June 18, 2003 recommending that the Maple Ridge Jazz and
Blues Festival Committee be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Sunday,
August 10, 2003
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
Councillor Gordon rejoined the meeting at 1: 14 pm.
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 Tracking System
Staff report dated June 1 7, 2003 recommending that the tracking system be
approved noting that one-time costs of $11,000 will be funded from the Strategic
Planning Initiatives Account and ongoing operating costs will be considered in
the 2004-2008 Business Planning deliberations.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 22, 2003.
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June 30, 2003
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932 Follow Up to Priority Setting Workshop/Business Planning Guidelines 7th
Staff report dated June 17, 2003 recommending that the Business Planning
Guidelines be approved for distribution.
The Chief Administrative Officer referred to the Executive Summary noting that
there are six visions for Council to consider.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
933 Special Occasion License, Port Hammond Days
Staff report dated June 17, 2003 recommending that the Port Hammond
Community Association be granted a Special Occasion License to hold a Beer
Garden on Sunday, August 17, 2003 and that use of the Hammond Community
Centre be authorized.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
Councillor Daykin excused himself from the meeting at 1: 18 pm.
951 Grant Request from Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services
Staff report dated June 16, 2003 recommending that the request for a grant of
$10,000 for the Meals on Wheels program be declined.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
Councillor Daykin rejoined the meeting at 1: 19 pm.
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June 30, 2003
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952 Bid to Host 2005/2006 BC Senior Summer Games
Staff report dated June 23, 2003 recommending that a bid be prepared noting that
a budget commitment of $90,000 would be required in either 2005 or 2006 shared
proportionately between Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows in accordance with their
respective populations.
The General Manager, Community Development, Parks & Recreation advised
that a one-time funding from accumulated surplus would be used.
That the staff report be forwarded to the Council Meeting of July 8, 2003.
7. ADJOURNMENT -1 :22 pm
A~Mayorl ueck
Presiding Member of the Committee