HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-10 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf- -K ç 0 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING November 10, 1998 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on November 10, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor C. Durksen Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor T. Baker Mr. J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Councillor J. Clements Mr. R. A. Wells, General Manager of Financial and Councillor C. Gordon Corporate Services Councillor L. King Mr. M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Councillor B. Levens Development, Parks and Recreation Services Councillor K. Stewart Mr. J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development Services Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Mrs. S.M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems. Mr. Eugene Lambright,Sergeant-at-Arms, announced the opening of the meeting. 01 PRAYERS Pastor Mike Schroeder conducted opening prayers. 02 MINUTES R198-562 02.01 Minutes Oct. 27/98 MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by Councillor Baker that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of October 27, 1998 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page R198-563 02.02 Dev. Agmt. Minutes MOVED by Councillor King Oct./98 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of October 16, 21, 26 and 29, 1998 be received. CARRIED 03 DELEGATIONS Prior to the scheduled delegations making their presentations, the Mayor introduced Mr. Fred Formosa and congratulated him on receiving a Georgie award for his Falcon Ridge Estates project. He also noted the achievements of three young ladies in a Martial Arts Competition. 03.01 Adopt-a-Block - Update on Programs and Projects; Request for Funding Mr. Ed White, President, and Ms. Chelsa Meadus, Co-ordinator of Adopt-a-Block, were in attendance. The delegation read and submitted a written report to Council detailing the Co-ordinator's role, budget, fund-raising, ongoing programs and future programs. Highlights of the report as follows: Co-ordinator's Role Mr. White elaborated on the following duties of the Co-ordinator: • maintain the society in good standing • recruit and support volunteers and members • develop and deliver litter control programs • co-ordinate special events and new programs as directed by the Board of Directors • organize and co-ordinate regular clean-up work parties • write and submit all reports • bookkeeping/financial controls • watchdog role • get down and dirty (field work) Budget Mr. White displayed a budget summary for 1994-1997. He noted that in 1997 the source of funding was as follows - Membership 3%; Municipal fee for service 24%; Private sector 20% and Gaming 53%. He noted that at one time Adopt-a-Block received $25,000 a year from the District and that has been reduced to $15,000. This has placed pressure on Adopt-a-Block to raise funds. 'II . Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 3 Ongoing Programs Ms. Meadus elaborated on the following ongoing programs: • clean-up work parties every second Saturday (25 to date this year) which are well advertised. • dumping control which includes the use of signs strategically placed in problem areas and a hot line number for citizens to report illegal dumping; Adopt-a-Block works closely with the District's by-law enforcement staff on illegal dumping. Special Events Communities in Bloom Competition - included planned extra clean-up work parties; co- operation with environmental youth teams and clean-up of judging route by people doing community hours service. B.C. Summer Games Adopt-a-Block chaired the waste management sector of the Summer games; provided clean-up to 21 of the sports sites, etc. which were kept exceptionally clean and well maintained. Mountain Festival Parade - activities includes a collection-can drive, float entry and clean-up along the parade route. Rivers Day - operation of an information booth to recruit new volunteers. Christmas Parade - provision of volunteers to clean up along parade route; additional garbage cans to line the street during the parade. Education The school program involves 7 schools with two more to be added this year. The program focuses on the following key areas - awareness, prevention and a change in attitudes and habits. There is a program in place for secondary school students to paint and place garbage cans around areas near the school. The general community is educated through information booths, media and advertisements and newsletters. Fund-raising Adopt-a-Block has retained 96% of its corporate members from last year. Membership will be expanded and Adopt-a-Block will look for new sources of funds and fund-raising. Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 4 Their major source of funding continues to be gaming which may become unavailable to them in the future. Future Plans A new Adopt-a-Street program will take Adopt-a-Block to new levels; the goal is to have our major roadways and arterial roads adopted by service groups, etc. Adopt-a-Block will need Municipal approval of the Adopt-a-Street signs as well as help with the placement of signs and the pick-up and disposal of collected waste. Increase in Adopt-a-Block Refuse Containers Increase the number of painted cans located around Thomas Haney Secondary School and place them around Garibaldi and Westview schools. Stronger Role in Illegal Dumping Adopt-a-Block would like have more signs placed in problem areas, work with the Municipality to locate problem areas, appeal to the public to report illegal dumping and give information about the suspects, and provide more awareness through the local newspapers. Request for Funding Mr. White added that Adopt-a-Block is making a contribution to the Municipality and a difference through its dynamic and forward thinking programs. He asked that Council give consideration to their request for funding in the upcoming 1999 budget deliberations. The Mayor thanked Adopt-a-Block for their presentation, noting that their request will be taken into consideration during the upcoming budget deliberations. Councillor Levens thanked Adopt-a-Block for their help during the Communities in Bloom Competition and presented them with replicas of the Communities in Bloom award certificate. 03.02 Downtown Action Plan Advisory Committee - See also Item 07.02.05 The Mayor acknowledged Bill Draper, Chair; Paul Panek, Vice Chair; and Peter Hill of the above noted Committee who were in attendance and thanked them for all their hard work and dedication leading up to the Downtown Action Plan. Mr. Draper asked that progress on the downtown project follow as closely as possible the recommendations of the Committee. He noted that the downtown will be a separate and Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 5 unique entity and will often need separate and individual kinds of attention. Staff has fulfilled their mandate and submitted their report and recommendations to Council and he asks that Council recognize that special individualized efforts will have to be put into the downtown if it is to be what everyone told the Committee it should be. Councillor Clements responded that it has been a pleasure to work with the Committee and they did an excellent job. He noted that this Committee was established as a direct result of the Official Community Plan and Policy 48 in particular. He read policy 48 into the record as follows: "Maple Ridge will encourage the enhancement of the Town Centre area to provide the District focus for business, commercial, retail, office, cultural and entertainment facilities, and higher density residential uses by developing a downtown action plan to stimulate re- development". Councillor Baker congratulated the Committee on a job well done, noting that it involved considerable work and consultation with every sector of the community and the next step is for Council to consider the recommendations in the staff report. 03.03 Recreation Services - Update on Summer Programs The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services introduced the following staff of the Park and Leisure Services Department who gave a power point presentation on the 1998 summer programs for youth as follows: Lex Tiernev. Leisure Centre Manager - Overview Lex noted that the theme of the summer programs was "Strengthening our Community". He then called upon the following staff to make presentations on the programs which were very successful and well received by the participants and their families: Deanna Udy. Aguatics Supervisor. Leisure Centre - Swim Programs Deanna displayed photographs of the participants and provided statistics of the swim programs that were carried out at the Leisure Centre, Hammond Pool and Harris Road Pool. She also presented information on the sports and fitness programs, as well as the Kinesiology and Physiotherapy programs, on behalf of the Sports/Fitness Co-ordinator who was not in attendance. Tony Cotroneo, Youth Services -Youth Programs Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 6 Tony displayed photographs, etc. of the young people involved in activities related to the Youth Outreach Initiative Program. He acknowledged the attendance of a large number of Youth Council Members who were at the Council Meeting. Kelly Swift, Special Events C'o-ordinator- Integration Program Kelly displayed photographs, etc. of the participants in various activities related to the Summer Integration Program which integrated children with disabilities into a day camp experience. She noted that the program was very happy experience for the participants and built up their confidence. She further advised that a Festival Society Co-ordinator has been put in place through a one year grant. She added that the major highlight of the summer was the B.C. Summer Games. Many employees of the District volunteered their time. The goal of the event was met as the Games did strengthen our community. 04 STAFF PRESENTATIONS Nil 05 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 05.01 DVP/28/98 - 12530— 241 Street An application to relax the required asphalt width of a rural standard road from 7 metres to 6 metres to permit subsequent subdivision into 8 bare land strata title lots. R/98-564 MOVED by Councillor Gordon DVPI28/98 SECONDED by Councillor King 12530-241 St. that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit No. DVPI28/98 (property at 12530 - 241 Street). Discussion The Municipal Clerk advised that the adjacent property owners were notified of the application to permit a relaxation in the required road width of 241 Street from 7 to 6.1 metres. The following response has been received: Letter from Mr. Marc Alexander of 12510 - 241 Street dated November 10, 1998 asking that the narrower roadway not be allowed as it will constitute a traffic hazard. Council Meeting Minutes 14 November 10, 1998 Page 7 Councillor King stated that it is her understanding this is a temporary solution and when adjacent properties develop the road will be widened to Municipal standards. The Director of Current Planning confirmed that will be the case, although, he cannot say for certain when the adjacent properties will be in a position to re- develop. The problem in this instance is the steeply sloping topography within the road right-of-way. Councillor King questioned what safety measures and signage will be put in place to ensure the safety of the motorists, etc. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that the Engineering Department will be ensuring that the appropriate signage and safety mechanisms are in place along this stretch of road and it will be done in accordance with Municipal standards. The motion CARRIED. 06 BY-LAWS 06.01 Development of Fairview Park R/98-565 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5 739-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Levens final reading Fairview Park that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5739-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 06.02 Alouette Road/129 Avenue Road Exchange R198-566 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5741-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Baker Alouette Rd/ 129 Ave. Rd. Ex. that Maple Ride Alouette Road and 129 Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 5741-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. Discussion The Municipal Clerk advised that the by-law was advertised in accordance with the Municipal Act following third reading and no comments have come back to him. The motion CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 8 06.03 240 Street to 244 Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area P198-567 MOVED by Councillor King BL 573 5-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Clements final reading that Maple Ridge Dewdney Trunk Road - 240 Street to 244 Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area Establishment By-law No. 5735-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 07 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 07.01 Minutes of November 2, 1998 P198-568 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Corn. Whole SECONDED by Councillor King Mm. Nov. 2/98 that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 2, 1998 be received. [1t11I] 07.02 Public Works and Development Services Chair Councillor T. Baker Vice Chair Councillor B. Levens 07.02.0 1 Drainage on 119 Avenue - (Thordarson) Reference was made to the staff report dated October 21, 1998 in support of the following recommendation: P198-569 MOVED by Councillor Clements Drainage at SECONDED by Councillor Stewart 22149-119 Ave. that the staff report dated October 21, 1998 regarding drainage concerns raised by Arleen and David Thordarson at 22149 - 119 Avenue, and recommending that an application be made for a Local Improvement Petition, be received; and further; that a copy of the said report be forwarded to Arleen and David Thordarson. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 9 07.02.02 RZ/31/98 - Text Amendment (CD-4-88) - Retail Use - New Ice Arena at the Fairgrounds - By-law No. 5 740-1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated October 16, 1998 recommending that Zone Amending By-law No. 5740-1998 to amend the CD-4-88 Zone to permit the retail sale of convenience items and other household items within the new ice arena facility at the Fairgrounds be read a first time. R198-570 MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ/3 1/98 to SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Pub. Hearing Arena/retail that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5740-1998 be read a first time. Discussion On question, the Municipal Clerk advised that due to advertising requirements, etc., the application cannot go to Public Hearing until December 15th at the earliest. Councillor Clements stated that the hours of operation of the proposed retail use are not indicated in the report and he would like to have them identified. Councillor Gordon stated that it is her understanding there is no increase proposed in the size of the retail space. She is interested having the application go to Public Hearing in order to hear the comments of the residents of the area. The General Manager of Community Development and Recreational Services confirmed that the size of the retail area is exactly as originally proposed. It is simply intended to expand the products that would be available. It is the intent of the proponents to enhance services to their customers who are in the building for a long period of hours during the day. Councillor King also indicated her support for the application going to Public Hearing. She asked if Council could be provided with some clarification as to the hours of operation of all the activities at the new arena prior to the Public Hearing. The motion CARRIED. 07.02.03 DP/48/97— 12108-208 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated October 15, 1998. in support of the following recommendation contained therein: Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 10 R/98-571 MOVED by Councillor Stewart DP/48/97 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon 12108-208 St. that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/48197 respecting property located at 12108 - 208 Street. Discussion Councillor Gordon noted that there were 7 recommendations and suggestions made by the Advisory Design Panel and questioned if they had been addressed. The Director of Current Planning responded that the Advisory Design Panel concerns related to the landscape plan and they have all been incorporated into a revised landscape plan. Councillor Clements referred to proposed walkways and asked how they will be maintained. The Director of Current Planning advised that walkways proposed in the plan are actually private walkways between residences within the townhouse development. They will be maintained by the residents of that development. The motion CARRIED. 07.02.04 RZ/17/98 - 11194 Maple Meadows Way - RS-3 to CS-1 Reference was made to the staff report dated October 5, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein with respect to the subject application: R/98-572 MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ/17/98 SECONDED by Councillor Clements to Pub. Hear. that Application RZ/17/98 (for property located at 11194 Maple Meadows Way) to rezone property described in the staff report dated from RS-3 (One Family Residential) to CS-1 (Service Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Discussion Councillor King advised that she has a problem with this proposal, particularly in a policy sense. It is to facilitate rezoning without a development plan which is a Council Meeting Minutes 14 November 10, 1998 Page 11 departure from the normal procedure for rezoning which normally requires a development plan. The Mayor noted questioned if the proposal is subject to a Development Permit. The Chief Administrative Officer responded that Council can require a Development Permit. The question Councillor King raises relates to a previous report that was considered by Council whereby two options for rezoning the property were presented. The options were (1) hold off on the rezoning until a development plan is submitted and (2) consider rezoning the site without a business plan. Council has asked that a recommendation be brought back to them with respect to Option 2. He further noted that the surrounding area is predominantly commercial now. If Council wants to see a specific project, a Development Permit could be part of the application and then the Development Permit would come before Council. Councillor King responded it would be preferable to have a Development Permit in the absence of anything else. She is concerned about setting a precedent as facilitating rezoning without a development plan is contrary to the current policy. The application has not been presented as an exception and no rationale is given for the exception. She questioned how many other people will want to rezone without benefit of a development plan. The Chief Administrative Officer responded that in principle it is not inappropriate to proceed with zoning without a development plan when it meets the intent of the Official Community Plan (OCP). It could speed up development if sites are pre-zoned, particularly commercial sites which is always a problem. In this case, the site is totally surrounded by non-residential buildings. The Director of Current Planning clarified that Condition 6 in the staff report seeking an amendment to Schedules "A" and "H" of the OCP is a requirement for a Development Permit. Councillor Clements advised that this is a land use proposal at this stage and anything that is built will require a building permit. He has difficulty referring to the method being used as a "policy" when it is only a procedure. Councillor Gordon stated that regardless of whether this is considered an appropriate or inappropriate land use, she feels that development plans are important as they give Council an opportunity to discuss the quality of development that is happening in the community. That is an important issue. She will support this application going forward as it will come back to Council at the Development Permit stage. That is critical requirement as Council does not see the application at the building permit stage. Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 12 Councillor Clements noted that in many cases the applicant provides Council with drawings at the land use stage which are then used to facilitate the sale of the land. The drawings are a useless activity if that project does not come to fruition in the final analysis. Councillor King responded that people in the area are interested in what the land will be used for no matter what type of building is being proposed. A Development Permit is only subject to Council scrutiny; it is not subject to public comment. She feels that this is a way to get around public comment, which she finds offensive, and she will vote against the motion. Councillor Levens stated that she wants the application to go to Public Hearing and be done with. She added that Council is trying to keep jobs in Maple Ridge and she does not feel that everyone in Maple Ridge has to come and comment on this building before it is even built. The person who owns this piece of property has the right to build on it in accordance with the standards of the Municipality. The Mayor noted that staff will ensure that the Development Permit guidelines are followed. The motion CARRIED. Councillor King OPPOSED. 07.02.05 Downtown Action Plan - Implementation Update Reference was made to the staff report dated October 20, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: P198-573 MOVED by Councillor Levens Downtown SECONDED by Councillor Clements Action Plan that the report dated October 20, 1998 providing an update on the implementation of the Downtown Action Plan be received; and further that the Downtown Action Plan Advisory Committee be recognized for their efforts in developing the Downtown Action Plan and for contributing as volunteers to their community. Discussion The Mayor emphasized Council's appreciation for the work the Committee has done. Councillor Gordon indicated that the motion to receive the plan does not give any information on what Council's intentions are with respect to the Downtown 'So Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 13 Action Plan. She read into the record the following six point plan that Council has committed to: The core redevelopment project will be the immediate Council priority to bring business and community development to the core area in a manner that reflects the Downtown Action Plan. Council will ensure that the Downtown Action Plan is used as a guiding document in the preparation of business and capital expenditure plans and it will be considered in the review process for development applications requiring a Council decision. The Capital Expenditure Program will include a long term commitment to the downtown area and strategic actions will be developed to address the needed traffic facility improvements, including parking and pedestrian facilities, and overall streetscape improvements. Council will review and monitor, on an ongoing basis, the land use policies and zoning for the downtown to ensure their relevance; and a Development Permit Area designation with design guidelines will be pursued. Council supports and will pursue the concept of a downtown business improvement area as a means to organize downtown property and business interests and to achieve co-ordinated improvements to the core area. As well, it should be noted that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (U.B.C.M.) Conference in September of 1998 supported the resolution. of Council that the Provincial Downtown Revitalization Program be reinstituted. This may provide an additional source of support for Council efforts. Council will consider acquisition of strategic properties in the downtown area for the purpose of facilitating future development, traffic and parking, and other improvements to the core area. Councillor Gordon added that it is important for the public to know where the Municipality is putting its resources. She further noted that the Downtown Action Plan Advisory Committee's recommendations are very well thought out and deserving of Council's support. S Councillor Clements stated that it was a long process to establish the guideline items. There were 57 recommendations in the Committee's report. He pointed out that a distinction should be made between "revitalization" and "redevelopment". The Provincial Downtown Revitalization Program was different than this proposed redevelopment program and while that type of program would be of some help, it is not a broad in scope as the recommendations contained in the Committee's report. Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 14 The motion CARRIED. 07.02.06 Silver Valley - Petition from Residents Reference was made to the staff report dated October 21, 1998 providing comments on the Silver Valley Petition and recommending that the report be received. The Committee added an additional recommendation to explore the concept of performance bonding for all development areas in Maple Ridge. (see Item P198-574 Silver Valley Petition MOVED by Councillor SECONDED by Councillor that the staff report dated October 21, 1998 regarding the Silver Valley Petition be received for information. Discussion Councillor King advised that she really appreciates the work that the residents of Silver Valley put into the petition and the challenge they have given Council to work with the OCP, particularly in the environmental area. Council has to be careful to address the conôems they have raised. Councillor Stewart noted that a number of different developments are scheduled for this area. It is a diversified area and Council has to look at the individual applications. The specifics for each site are important and Council has to consider the needs of each subdivision. It will be the focus of our environmental staff to uncover these concerns and ensure they are looked after. Councillor Gordon stated that she finds it heartening that the residents of Silver Valley are willing to spend time and effort to make presentations to Council and also give some positive recommendations of what they would like done. The Mayor noted that Silver Valley has been designated for development since 1981 and the Municipality has followed the procedure in sequence that is necessary for developing the area. Councillor Clements added that the process to develop Silver Valley has been ongoing for 17 years and there have been numerous studies done and consultation programs completed. It is gratifying to see that the residents have taken time to Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 15 look into that and are beginning to recognize that Council and the residents are looking to do the same things. Councilor King stated that the people in Silver Valley are looking fOr a better standard for development than what has occurred in other places in the lower mainland. They want something that is better and different and profoundly respectful of the watershed. They have made many suggestions and want an expert to come and met with Council. She hopes that Council will look upon their suggestions favourably. The motion CARRIED. R198-575 explore perfor- mance bonding MOVED by Councillor King for all develop- SECONDED by Councillor Gordon ment areas that staff explore the concept of performance bonding for drainage, tree protection and other environmental issues for all development areas in Maple Ridge. Discussion Councillor King noted that there are other Municipalities within the Greater - Vancouver Regional District that have performance bonding in place and she looks forward to receiving staff's report as to how this might be incorporated into our own practices in Maple Ridge. - Councillor Levens stated that she presumes that the staff report will provide the costs related to performance bonding recommendations. The motion CARRIED. 07.02.07 Remembrance Day Parade - Request by Legion to use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated October 20, 1998 recommending approval of the above noted request. P198-576 MOVED by Councillor King Remembrance SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Day Parade that the Royal Canadian Legion (Maple Ridge Branch 88) be authorized to use Municipal streets for their annual Remembrance Day Parade on Wednesday, November 11, 1998 provided the conditions outlined in the staff report dated October 20, 1998 are met, noting that the parade route is Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 16 on 224 Street from 121 Avenue to Selkirk Avenue and is scheduled for the hours of 10:00 a. in. to noon. CARRIED 07.02.08 SD/5/98 - (Former Rod and Gun Club Site at Alouette Road, 128 Avenue and 240 Street) - By-law No. 573 7-1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated October 28, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein with respect to the subject by-law to appropriate the sum of $1.2 million from the Capital Works Reserve Fund to cover application fees, legal fees and servicing costs in connection with subdivision of the subject Municipal lands. R198-577 MOVED by Councillor Stewart BL 5737-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Baker 3 readings that Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5737-1998 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By- law No. 5737-1998 be read a third time. CARRIED 07.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) Chair Councillor J. Clements Vice Chair Councillor K. Stewart 07.03.01 Disbursements for the Month ended September 30, 1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated October 6, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R198-578 MOVED by Councillor Clements Disbursements SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Sept. 1998 that the Disbursements as listed below for the month ended September 30, 1998 now be approved: General $7,534,130.47 Payroll 694.425 .60 Total $8,228556.07 [U 69 Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 17 07.03.02 Heart and Stroke Foundation - Request to Canvass Door to Door during the Month of February, 1999. Reference was made to the staff report dated October 15, 1998 recommending approval of the above noted request. P198-579 MOVED by Councillor Baker Heart & Stroke SECONDED by Councillor King Canvass that the request from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B. C. & Yukon for permission to canvass door to door during the month of February, 1999 be approved. CARRIED 07.03.03 Pitt Meadows Regional Airport - Air Transport Assistance Program P198-580 MOVED by Councillor King Air Transport SECONDED by Councillor Clements Assistance Program Be it resolved that the Corporation of the District of Maple Ride makes application together with the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows to the British Columbia Transportation Financing Authority for a financial contribution under the Air Transport Assistance Program (ATAP) to assist with approved costs of developments at the Pitt Meadows Regional Airport as detailed in the application dated November 4, 1998; and Be it further resolved that the District of Pitt Meadows together with the District of Maple Ridge agrees to operate and maintain any facilities funded through ATAP in good condition, in a manner consistent with the requirements of Transport Canada for public certification, and that the facilities will not be sold, transferred or assigned without the approval of the Authority. CARRIED 07.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Chair Councillor C. Gordon Vice Chair Councillor L. King Note: Councillor King absented herself from the Council Chamber prior to the following Item 07.04.01 being placed on the floor with explanation she is employed by School District No. 42 Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 18 07.04.01 School District No. 42 Request for Capital Funding for Whonnock Elementary School Reference was made to the staff report dated October 13, 1998 recommending that consideration be given to a $10,000 expenditure in the 1999 Capital Budget for funding to construct a required barrier in the Whonnock Elementary School to facilitate community use of the building. R198-581 MOVED by Councillor Clements Whonnock School SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Barrier that consideration be given to a $10,000 expenditure in the 1999 Capital Budget for funding to construct a required barrier in the Whonnock Elementary School to facilitate community use of the building, following finalization of the master agreement between the School District and the Parks and Leisure Services Commission. Note: Councillor King returned to the Council Chamber at this point in the meeting. 07.04.02 Recreation Division Quarterly Report- July, August and September, 1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated October 19, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R198-582 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Recreation Dept. SECONDED by Councillor Levens Statistics that the Recreation Department statistics for July, August and September, 1998 be received for information. CARRIED 07.04.03 17th Annual Haney-Harrison Road Relay - November 7, 1998 - Reference was made to the staff report dated October 29, 1998 in support of the following recommendation: R198-583 MOVED by Councillor Clements Haney Harrison SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Relay Race that post approval be granted to the B. C. Athletics Association to use Municipal streets for the 17th Annual Haney - Harrison Road Relay on Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 19 Saturday, November 7, 1998 provided that the conditions outlined in the staff report are met, noting that the relay route is also described in that report. CARRIED 07.05 Other Issues Chair Mayor Vice Chair Acting Mayor 07.05.01 Maple Ridge- Pitt Meadows Join Services Agreement Reference was made to the staff report dated November 4, 1998 in support of the following recommendation to provide water and sewer services to parcels located within the boundaries of Pitt Meadows: R198-584 MOVED by Councillor Stewart BL 5747-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Levens 3 readings that Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No. 5747-1998 be read a first and second time and rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No. 5747-1998 be read a third time. 07.05.02 Bi-election for School Trustee The Municipal Clerk reviewed his report dated November 10, 1998 advising that the School District has requested a bi-election to fill a vacancy that has occurred as a result of the death of Trustee Bridget Trerise. The reports provides details of the Municipality's responsibilities with respect to conducting the bi-election and appointing Election officials. P198-585 MOVED by Councillor Gordon School Trustee SECONDED by Councillor Baker Bi-Election Officers that with respect to the request from School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows) in a letter dated October 29, 1998, be it resolved that pursuant to the authority in Section 41 (1) of the Municipal Act that: James (Jim) R. McBride be appointed as Chief Elections Officer; and Jo-Anne Hertzog be appointed as Deputy Chief Election Officer. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 20 08 MA FOR 'S REPORTS The Mayor asked the General Manager of Public Works and Development to report on a meeting with the Greater Vancouver Regional District (G.V.R.D.) regarding the transfer station. The General Manager of Public Works and Development advised that he and the Mayor met this morning with the G.V.R.D. to review the status of the transfer station. The G.V.R.D. has indicated that they are prepared to continue to renew the five year lease agreement with the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society on their current property. They will be expanding their site to accommodate green waste. He further advised that effective March of 1999 there will be an increase in tipping fees at the transfer station. The fee will rise from the current $2 per visit to $3 on weekdays and $6 on weekends. There will be an increase in the amount of weight that is allowed from 67 pounds to 100 pounds. The G.V.R.D. is trying to encourage people to stockpile their garbage before in order to reduce the weekend trips to the transfer station. The Mayor reported the following items of interest: Mr. Bill Hartley, M.L.A., is continuing to work with Council to find ways to preserve Blaney Bog. The lights on the Fields for Kids were turned on last Friday. The Mayor continues to attend the Provincial sessions on stream protection and progress is being made by the Ministries responsible for stream protection with respect to arriving at more cohesive legislation. The Youth and Justice Advocacy Program is going well; 100 youths have benefited from the program. He attended the Sun Hang Do Black Belt Association's First Annual Sun Hang Do Day for the Marital Arts on November 7th. Four builders in Maple Ridge have received Georgie awards. 09 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES Councillor B. Levens Councillor Levens reported as follows: Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 21 The Economic Advisory Council met with Council and provided an update on the Community Economic Development Strategy. They will be presenting that information at an open Council Meeting. She attended several functions at the library last week during Library Week. Two young ladies from Maple Ridge won awards for stories they submitted to the Writers Competition sponsored by the Fraser Valley Regional Library. Councillor L. King Councillor King advised that she attended an excellent meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee, noting that their meetings fall on Tuesday evenings which is a Council meeting night, and she cannot always attend. She attended on behalf of Council a watershed meeting for all stakeholders as well as a working retreat with the Family Education Centre. She added that on November 28th there is a Community Justice Forum. Councillor C. Gordon Councillor Gordon advised that she, Mayor Durksen and Councillor Baker attended a Fraser Basin Workshop and a KEEPS meeting on the environment. She has been busy getting reading for the Lower Mainland Treaty Association Committee presentation to the November 24th Council Meeting. She added that the Social Planning Advisory Committee has been working with Parks and Leisure Services Department on a community development project in which residents celebrate their neighbourhoods. Councillor J. Clements Councillor Clements advised that the development application tracking system is now up and running. Councillor T. Baker Councillor Baker reported that the waste water secondary treatment plan at Annacis Island officially opened today. He continues to attend the stream protection workshops, noting that the legislation has come a long way. Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 22 Councilor K. Stewart Councillor Stewart advised that he has been involved in a reorganization of the Emergency Planning organization. This is an ongoing process. Councillor Stewart added that Maple Ridge Council attends numerous environmental and watershed workshops. This Council has made those types of issues a very high priority and puts considerable time towards them. 10 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT Nil 11 ADJOURNMENT 8:50 p.m. 12 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Harry Nicholson, 11461 - 236 Street - re Kanaka Way Improvements Mr. Nicholson referred to the temporary section of Kanaka Way and asked if any progress is bring made to finish it. It is a dangerous situation as many parents drive their children to Kanaka Creek School and the area is very congested. The Mayor noted that the Municipality has had difficulty acquiring a piece of property in order to complete the road improvements in question. The Chief Administrative Officer added that staff is looking into some programs that will assist the children in being able to walk to school. It is difficult for them to do so now as the creek bisects that catchment area. Miss Tess Pogany, 20434 Chigwell Street - Sun Hang Do Medals Miss Pogany thanked the Mayor for attending the Sun Hang Do Martial Arts Competition. She introduced her sisters Serena and Faith and they displayed several gold, silver and bronze medals they won in the competition. Dr. Shiraz Mawani, 13320— 232 Street - Petition re Development in Silver Valley Dr. Mawani asked if Council has reached the conclusion, based on the staff report, if all the concerns raised in the Silver petition have been dealt with to their satisfaction and when the residents can expect to hear from Council. The Mayor responded that all the concerns will be addressed. Council Meeting Minutes November 10, 1998 Page 23 Dr. Mawani noted that the Public Hearing on Silver Valley took place 4 years ago and circumstances change with time. He feels that it is only proper and right that the residents have an opportunity to participate in ongoing dialogue with Council and staff. Dr. Mawani asked if Council will be acceding to the residents' request that Council meet with a Professor from U.B.C. He advised that the Professor is willing to meet with Council as he feels development of Silver Valley is a matter of critical importance in the lower mainland. It is not the intention of the residents to derail the process and he hopes that the members of the development community as well as other concerned citizens will also attend the meeting. They will be pleased to hear how the Professor feels that development can be accommodated to provide a livable environment, etc. The Mayor advised Dr. Mawani that he will contact the U.B.C. Professor. Mr. Kevin Midgley 0122416 - 129 Avenue Mr. Midgley thanked Council attending KEEPS meetings and for their concern regarding streamside preservation. He referred to potential enactment of legislation in March of 1999 in that regard and asked that in the interim the Municipality require a maximum setback for development near creeks. MAYOR Certified Correct Municipal Clerk MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 7:00 p.m. MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 01 PRA YERS Pastor Mike Schroeder 02 MINUTES 02.01 Regular Council Meeting of October 27, 1998 02.02 Development Agreements Committee Meetings of October 16, 21, 26 and 29, 1998. 03 DELEGATIONS Note: Each delegation is permitted a total often minutes. 7:20 p.m. 03.01 Adopt-a-Block (Ms. Chelsa Meadus, Co-ordinator) Update on Programs and Projects; Request for funding Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 7:30 p.m. 03.02 Downtown Action Plan Advisory Committee final report See Item 07.02.05 7:45 p.m. 03.03 Recreation Services - Update on Summer Programs 04 STAFF PRESENTATIONS 05 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 05.01 DVP/28/98 - 12530 - 241 Street An application to relax the required asphalt width of a rural standard road from 7 metres to 6 metres to permit subsequent subdivision into 8 bare land strata title lots. 06 BY-LAWS 06.01 Development of Fairview Park Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5739-1998 final reading (to expropriate $155,000 for the development of the Fairview Park site). 06.02 Alouette Road/129 Avenue Road Exchange Maple Ridge Alouette Road and 129 Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 5741- 1998 By-law No. 5741-1998 final reading Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 06.03 Maple Ridge Dewdney Trunk Road - 240 Street to 244 Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area Establishment By-law No. 5735-1998 final reading (to establish a specified sanitary sewer area and authorize costs as detailed in the by-law; approved in Victoria on October 23, 1998). 07 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 07.01 Minutes of November 2, 1998 The following issues were considered at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 2:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 07.02 Public Works and Development Services Chair Councilor T. Baker Vice Chair Councilor B. Levens 07.02.01 Drainage on 119 Avenue - (Thordarson) Staff report dated October 21, 1998 in response to the Thordarson delegation at Committee on October 19, 1998 recommending that they be advised to apply for a Local Improvement Petition. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.02 RZ/31/98 - Text Amendment (CD-4-88) - Retail Use - New Ice Arena at the Fairgrounds - By-law No. 5740-1998 Staff report dated October 16, 1998 recommending that Zone Amending By-law No. 5740-1998 to amend the. CD-4-88 Zone to permit the retail sale of convenience items and other household items within the new ice arena facility at the Fairgrounds be read a first time. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 07.02.03 DP/48/97 - 12108 - 208 Street Staff report dated October 15, 1998 recommending that the subject application to permit the construction of 6 townhouse units be executed. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.04 RZ/17/98 - 11194 Maple Meadows Way - RS-3 to CS-1 Staff report dated October 5, 1998 recommending that the subject application proceed to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.05 Downtown Action Plan - Implementation Update Staff report dated October 20, 1998 recommending that the report be received for information and that the Downtown Action Plan Advisory Committee be recognized for their contribution. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.06 Silver Valley - Petition from Residents Staff report dated October 21, 1998 providing comments on the Silver Valley Petition; recommendation to receive for information. The Committee concurred with the recommendation and added the following recommendation: That staff explore the concept ofperformance bonding for drainage, tree protection and other environmental issues for all development areas in Maple Ridge. Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 07.02.07 Remembrance Day Parade - Request by Legion to use Municipal Streets Staff report dated October 20, 1998 recommending approval of the above noted request. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.08 SD/5/98 - (Former Rod and Gun Club Site atAlouette Road, 128 Avenue and 240 Street - By-law No. 5737-1998 Staff report dated October 28, 1998 recommending that the subject by-law be granted first, second and third reading (to appropriate the sum of $1.2 million from the Capital Works Reserve Fund to cover application fees, legal fees and servicing costs in connection with subdivision of the subject Municipal lands). The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) Chair Councillor J. Clements ice Chair Councillor K. Stewart 07.03 .01 Disbu rsements for the Month ended September 30, 1998 Staff report dated October 6, 1998 recommending that the subject Disbursements in the amount of $8,228,556.07 be authorized. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page. ~~'A Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 07.03.02 Heart and Stroke Foundation - Request to Canvass Door to Door during the Month of February, 1999. Staff report dated October 15, 1998 recommending approval of the above noted request. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.03.03 Pitt Meadows Regional Airport - Air Transport Assistance Program 07.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Chair Councillor C. Gordon Vice Chair Councillor L. King 07.04.01 School District No. 42 Request for Capital Funding for Whonnock Elementary School Staff report dated October 13, 1998 recommending that consideration be given to a $10,000 expenditure in the 1999 Capital Budget for funding to construct a required barrier in the Whonnock Elementary School to facilitate community use of the building. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.04.02 Recreation Division Quarterly Report- July, August and September, 1998 Staff report dated October 19, 1998 recommending that the above noted statistics be received for information. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 6 Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 07.04.03 1 17th Annual Haney-Harrison Road Relay -November 7, 1998 Staff report dated October 29, 1998 recommending that the request from B.C. Athletics Association for approval to use Municipal Streets for the above noted event be approved. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.05 Other Issues Chair Mayor Vice Chair Acting Mayor 08 MAYOR'S REPORTS 09 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES 10 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT 11 ADJOURNMENT Page 7 Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 12 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda or other Municipal matter. Council will not tolerate derogatory remarks directed at Council and/or staff during the Question Period. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 20 minutes. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. s. karasz Page 8 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Council Appointments 1998 - 1999 By Resolution Mayor Carl Durksen Audit Committee Court of Revision - Frontage Tax Assessment Roll Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District - includes the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, and hospital Local Joint Committee on Community Corrections (FCM) Maple Ridge Elderly Citizens Housing Society Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Pitt Polder Committee (Joint with MR/PM) I Councillor Tom Baker Acting Mayor - October & November (1998/1999) Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - First Alternate Downtown Action Plan Committee Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District-First Alternate incl. the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, parks, and hospital Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Parks and Leisure Services Commission - Second Alternate Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Transit Service Review Committee - Chair United Towns Committee I Councillor Jim Clements Acting Mayor - December (1997/1998),& January (1998/1999) Audit Committee Arts & Cultural Policy Implementation Committee B.C. Aviation Council Downtown Action Plan Committee E-Comm. Corp. Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau Greater Vancouver Regional District-Parks Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Councillor Candace Gordon I Acting Mayor - April & May (1998/1999) Arts & Cultural Policy Investigation Committee Audit Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Employee Awards Committee Fraser Basin Council Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau - First Alternate Heritage Advisory Committee Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Ridge Meadows Arts Council Social Planning Advisory Committee 6 Standing Committee Budget Committee - Chair Committee of the Whole - Chair Development Agreements Committee - Chair Ex-officio member of all standing committees Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Public Works & Development Services - Chair Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Financial & Corporate Services - Chair Labour Management Committee - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Community Development & Recreation Services - Chair Labour Management Committee - Member By Resolution Standing Committee I Councillor Linda King I Acting Mayor - February & March (1998/1999) Budget Committee - Member Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Committee of the Whole - Member Alouette River Management Society Committee of the Whole - Community Development B.C. Assessment Authority & Recreation Services - Vice-Chair Bicycle Advisory Committee- First Alternate Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Community Services Council Municipal Insurance Association of B.C. - First Alternate Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM - First Altern. Secondary Suites Traffic Safety Review Committee - Chair United Towns Committee Councillor Betty Levens I Acting Mayor - August & September (1998/1999) Budget Committee - Member B.C. Summer Games Society Committee of the Whole - Member Downtown Beautification Committee Committee of the Whole - Public Works & Develop. • Economic Advisory Commission Services - Vice-Chair Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Fraser Valley Regional Library Municipal Insurance Association of B. C. - Second Alternate Pitt Meadows Airport Society Douglas College Advisory Committee Councillor Ken Stewart Acting Mayor - June & July (1998/1999) Budget Committee - Member Advisory Design Panel Committee of the Whole - Member Audit Committee Committee of the Whole Financial & Corporate Community Forest Steering Committee Services - Vice-Chair Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Emergency Planning Committee Fraser Valley Regional Library - First Alternate Lower Mainland Municipal Assoc. - Flood Control and River Management Committee - First Alternate Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce Parks & Leisure Services Commission. Third Alternate Pitt Polder Committee (Joint with MR/PM) Chief Administrative Officer Development Agreements Committee - Member General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Development Agreements Committee - alternate Acting Mayor Development Agreements Committee - alternate Municipal Clerk Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee 7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 16, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Carl E. Durksen, Chairman M. Murray, G.M., Community Dev., Parks & Rec. Services Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. RZ/11/98 LEGAL: Lot 5, Plan 13752; Lot 17, Plan 14549; both of District Lot 399, Group 1, N.W.D. LOCATION: 12055 Garden Street & 12062 223 Street OWNER: H.P. Marketing Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Rezoning Development Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO RZ/11/98. CARRI vices 0~-C) 1 I r 11h rcMfl j LUC LUC LUC LUC RM-3 WN NMino l. LUC kl I Pwl CD-5--94 I LUC I F,,, •_J I F,, IRM :h M-3 I 1I I l 51 1 iII 121 AVE. L~CT ERTI Es — II ____•.a!t !rrfluIIi jII=III LU l- -" -II E.. off.1 I:j R EM, KENIiI!'1 *1 0-3 SWIRK AVE. 390 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 12055 GARDEN ST. & 12062 223 ST. ZONING CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT ALE/BYLAW: DVP-21--98 DATE: AUG. 18, 1998 SCALE: 1:4,000 .ti CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 21, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Carl E. Durksen, Chairman J. Rudolph, G.M., Public Works & Dev. Services Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. RZ/60/93 LEGAL: Parcel "C" (Exp. Plan 5712), N.W Y4, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 12530 241 Street OWNER: 512491 BC Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Amenity Rezoning Development Agmt THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO RZ/60/93. CARRIED Dev. Services A Pt Hr P 10113 36 SUBJECT PROPERTY 12530 241 ST. LEGAL CORPORATION OF THE Leah ~ml DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: NA I DATE: OCT. 21, 1998 SCALE: 1:5,000 l-It.stn RIVER CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 26, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Carl E. Durksen, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member 1. SD/36/97 K. Kirk, Recording Secretary LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Lot 3, Plan 13978 & Parcel "B", Bylaw Plan 42674, District Lots 262 & 267, Group 1, New Westminster District 12960 203 Street & 20370 132 Avenue L.D.R. Enterprises Inc. Subdivision Plan THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING PLAN AS IT RELATES TO SD/36/97. C R. Robertson, Administrator Member - 121 Pd. 1 I I I I DISTRICT Mup4Iap, ---------------------- P 42674 1 1 [PcI. DISTRICT 2 ol 81 21 u. Q. ix 16- CL 0 0. U (0 I t5 I ,2 o I 1"' R Rem B SIc. Sk. SECT. 16, TP. 9 12.128 he 3 P 13978 e.094 he CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 29, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Carl E. Durksen, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. SD/24/97 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS Lot 1, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan LMP3 1913, New Westminster District 11969 200 Street Fraserview Development Corporation Subdivision Servicing Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/24/97. CARRLE R Robertson, Administrator Member 1E1.EP AVE. 0 N 0. .1 MUNIOP& BOUNDARY P 31916 i:4P31 ---------- - -1 31914 i C --------_J LMP 32864 / '1 F LRW 68897 I' I 1/ A oil P70753 4 Iw t I 1 I 20.0 UIIP 26048 I "4*6 I 2O2l R C'1 ~.m RW 8303, I I 4.12 ha ;i969 0.803 ha. I RP 73369 IMP 31913 RP 76444 3l%3 c IJ P 84469 r 0.irl 100 I LMP 20902 C.' I I *Lk OA I i In p 3 I //LMP 37906 Tot - - SII1 Iii- I"soI 81 I iol ii Pd. 'ONE I"940 N I" 1% I ) I • Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7331 ISVIALPLE 11X2E e-mail: enquiries@district.maple.ridge.bc.ca Incorpoated 12 September, 1874 October 8, 1998 File No: 0230-20-01/AABL1 Ms. Chelsa Meadus, Program Coordinator Maple Ridge Adopt-A-Block Society P.O. Box 29535 Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2V0 Dear Ms. Meadus: As request in your correspondence dated September 16, 1998, the following arrangements have been rnaue for the Adopt-Al-Block Society to appear as a delegation before the Municipal Council: Regular Council Meeting November 10, 1998 Council Chamber 7:20 p.m. Due to time constraints, it is necessary to limit delegation appearances to ten (10) minutes and it would be very much appreciated if you could ensure that your presentation is completed within this allotted time. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to call. Yours truly, J. R. McBride Municipal-Clerk /dd cc Confidential Secretary 63.0 t "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 4\ 100% Recycled Paper tj Not Secondarily Bleached or De-lrrked RECEIVED TN T3E7r. September 16, 1998 SEP 3 0 1998 Attu: Jim McBride OZ2-c jAL4 Municipal Clerk's Office Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 7G4 Dear Mr. McBride: Re: Council Presentation Date Creating The Board of Directors of the Maple Ridge Adopt-A-Block Soci e t y r e s p e c t f u l l y requests an opportunity to make a presentation to Council's com m i t t e e . I f p o s s i b l e , positive we would appreciate making our presentation on a Rogers Cable c o v e r a g e d a y , a s the exposure would help to boost our public profile. awareness There are a number of key issues we would like to bring to the att e n t i o n o f c o u n c i l : Programs and Projects we have been involved with this year. for Using city crews to help pick up the e-team's garbage collection a n d t o utter support the efforts of Adopt-A-Block by occasionally picking up l a r g e r items that are unable to be collected by the Adopt-A-Block coordi n a t o r . control Adopt-A-Block's need for continued funding from the district. one Please let us know approximately how much time can be allotted t o o u r d e l e g a t i o n . I look forward to your reply. block at a Yours truly, time. n cxdaiU. Chelsa Meadus Program Coordinator The Maple Ridge Adopt-A-Block Society E'- Maple Ridge Adopt-A.BloCk Society P.O. Box 29535 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2V0 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge; B.C. V2X 6A9 i Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7331 N4.APLE iii e-mail: enquiries@district.maple-ridge.bc.ca Ina)rpolted 12 September, 1874 October 28, 1998 File No: 3090-20/DVP/28/98 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/28/98 LEGAL: Lot C, Part NW ¼, Section 22, Plan EP5712, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 12530 241 Street PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the following variance prior to future subdivision into 8 strata lots: 1) a relaxation in the required asphalt width of a rural standard road (241 Street) from 7 metres to 6.1 metres. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated October 16, 1998 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from October 28 to November 10, 1998. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 10, 1998. Yours truly, J.R.Mc ride Al Municipal Clerk T JRM:kk I- cc: Confidential Secretary "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 0 ci'# OJ 100% Recycled Paper Not Secondarily Bleached or Qe-Inked CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 16, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/28/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVP/28/98 12530 —241 Street SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received in which the applicant is requesting a relaxation in the required asphalt width of a rural standard road from 7 metres to 6.1 metres. After reviewing the application, the Planning Department recommends that DVP/28/98 be given favourable consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/28/98 respecting property located at 12530 - 241 Street will be considered by Council at the November 10, 1998 meeting. BACKGROUND: Purpose: The Planning Department is currently reviewing an application to rezone the above described property to RG-2 (Suburban Residential Strata) Zone to permit subsequent subdivision into 8 strata lots. A review of the servicing drawings by the Engineering Department has indicated that a Development Variance Permit is required to relax the construction standards for 241 Street. Policy Implications: Section 'D" of Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw states that "all construction required under this bylaw shall be performed according to the standards set out Schedule "C". Schedule "C" requires that the asphalt width of a rural road be a minimum of 7 metres. Although the required road right of way width of 20 metres has been provided, topographic constraints and difficult geotechnical conditions do not allQw the construction of an asphalt width of 7 metres. This application has been submitted to relax this requirement to 6.1 metres. The Engineering drawings show improvements to the northern end of 241 Street leading to the proposed subdivision. The existing pavement will be widened to a minimum of 6.1 metres from the present 3.8 to 5.0 metres. The Engineering Department has reviewed the application and has indicated support for this reduced standard. As a result, the Planning Department recommends that DVP/28/98 be given favourable consideration. I Chief Administrative Officer SJ/bjc Ge tr~ '< , cUrreIC anager: jH Works and re r of Development Services 4 I I iør \ in -• ' 4 -7"--' --'" —-= 7 'N -- - b — N- _____________ RURAL PLA - / ROPSED IL • - •—_tp •-- --- -' - - AE TRA- " /-__ :// ,/ '- •p -• — I- .• -. ) -- '-nil " '. 7•____ - I / , ii •-I '7; •- 'S S S _________________ } •- ---. ,- / — _______________________ _______ - ______ — ______ // •- ; ••; ______ ______ /' /- ' _- - --- -5'- •,'; __________ - CORPORATION OF THE 12530 241 ST. MAPLE DGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT LEGAL/TOPO DATE: 1997-10-20 REVISED: 1997-10-20 SCALE: 1:4,000 FILE/BYLAW : SO-1-97 DRAWN BY. S.Mc. 4RIJO SWATA PlAN OF LOT? moRm MT QWR?R SEC 22 M 12 PLO P MW.O. PLAN IMP —a----' — f / -. t1'•l 0 V K'2 '4.4— / u / • A * r .•\ 1 / - -- L p 4 L.N. sow Aol- — 4-'— ,— ... • . • ' 41 '4— - 4— —4—.-- -4.... U 4— • 4'4 — IVV 4..V 44 • — of •t 4- --4. • - .Ia '4.4*1 - y__ IcLJ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5739 - 1998 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund WHEREAS development cost charges are collected for the purpose of assisting in the cost of providing services necessary to support new development; AND WHEREAS, the service deemed necessary for new development has previously been established; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to complete a portion of the projects previously established as Development Cost Charge items. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By- law No. 5739 - 1998". The sum of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($155,000.00) is hereby appropriated from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 2718 - 1979 as amended, and it is hereby authorized to be used as follows: LTC# 7243 Fairview Park 3. Should any of the above amount remain unexpended after the expenditures hereby authorized have been made, any unexpended balance shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. READ a first time the day of 199 READ a second time the day of 199 READ a third time the day of 199 RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of , 199 MAYOR CLERK OY CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5741 -1998 A By-law for the exchange of highway within the Municipality. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 535 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B.C., 1996, and amendments thereto, the Council may by by-law dispose of any portion of a highway, in exchange for such lands as may be necessary for the improving of a highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Alouette Road & 129th Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 5741 - 1998 ". Attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is a copy of Reference Plan dated October 5, 1998 and prepared by Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd., B.C. Land Surveyors marked as Schedule "A". The Municipal Council is hereby authorized to exchange the following lands: Parcel "C" (By-law Plan LMP ) of Road dedicated on Plan 2510 (.716 ha) and Parcel "D" (By-law Plan LMP ) of Road dedicated on Plan LMP39 142 (0.551 ha) and Parcel "E" (By-law Plan LMP ) of Road dedicated on Plan 2510 (0.590 ha). (road to be closed) FOR: Parcel "A" (By-law Plan LMP ) of Parcel "A", Plan LMP36 102 (0.145 ha) and Parcel "B" (By-law Plan LMP ) of Parcel "A", Plan LMP36102 (0.199 ha). (proposed road) The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute any and all deeds of land and plans necessary to effect the aforesaid transfer and exchange of lands. That portion of public highway comprised of 1.85 ha and identified as Parcels "C", "D". and "E" on the aforementioned described Reference Plan is hereby declared stopped and closed to public traffic and shall cease forever to be public highway. That portion of land comprised of 0.34 ha and identified as Parcels "A" and "B" on the aforementioned described reference plan to be conveyed by the registered owner to the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge shall be vested in the name of the Crown and is hereby set apart and established as Public Highway. That Council shall, before adopting this By-law, cause Public Notice of its intention to do so to be given by advertisement once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published or circulating in the District of Maple Ridge. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of By-law No. 5741 - 1998 Page (2) RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" SCHEDLJLr "A" ia.i EXCMNW - ROD&CUN Maple Ridge Alouette Road & 129th Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 57141 -1998 Scale N.T.S. SCHEDULE '1 A" - BOOK OF REFERENCE Description: All of AREAS TO BE CLOSED Porcel'C','D'&'E' - 1.85 ho / October 5,1998 Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd. B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mi3SIOn H2505 Phone 463-4753 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 29, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: 5320-20-03/SSEW1 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Dewdney Trunk Road - 240 Street to 2441h Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area Establishment By-law No. 5735-1998 SUMMARY: To give final reading to Maple Ridge Dewdney Trunk Road - 240 Street to 244(" Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area Establishment By-law No. 5735-1998. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Dewdney Trunk Road - 240th Street to 244th Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area Establishment By-law No. 5735-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Council gave the above By-law three readings on September 29, 1998. This By-law will establish the area of Dewdney Trunk Road - 240"'Street to 244th Street as a Specified Area for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewer collection system. The Deputy Inspector of Municipalities granted approval under section 456 on October 23, 1998. Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Financial & MuniciDal Clerk Corporate Services /dd Attachment 06,60 M28-2068 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5735-1998 A by-law to establish a specified area for the purpose of providing a sanitary sewerage collection system, to authorize the construction of the necessary sanitary sewerage collection system and to authorize the borrowing of the estimated costs for the construction of the sanitary sewerage collection system. WHEREAS Division 2 of Part 19 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter 323. R.S.B.C. 1996 and all amendments thereto provides Council with the authority to undertake any work or service coming within the powers of the municipality for the benefit of a specified area of the municipality: - AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable and expedient to define a specified area within the Municipality, hereinafter referred to as the Dewdney Trunk Road - 240th Street to 244th Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area, for the purpose of providing a municipal sanitary sewage collection system: AND WHEREAS it is desirable that Dewdney Trunk Road - 240th Street to 244th Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area provide for the payment of all costs of such works which will be for the benefit-of the subject specified area: AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of the works including expenses incidental thereto and the amount of debt to be carried out by this by-law is five hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars ($566,000.00): AND WHEREAS the amount of the assessed value for general municipal purposes of all taxable land and improvements within the municipality for the current year and each of the two years immediately preceding the current year were: 1997 $4,265,698,284.00 1996 $4,158,049,098.00 1995 $4,059,711,069.00 AND WHEREAS the depreciated value as at December 31, 1997 of a utility and other municipal enterprise for which the municipality has a subsisting Certificate of Self-Liquidation granted by the Inspector of Municipalities is: Waterworks System $29,337,437.00 Sanitary Sewer System $43,315,892.00 AND WHEREAS the amount of existing outstanding debenture debt of the municipality is $15,100,577.00 and the amount of debenture debt of the municipality that has been authorized and not issued is NIL and that the amount of principal and interest of the debenture debt in arrears is NIL. AND WHEREAS the Council has proceeded with the establishment of the subject specified area on the initiative plan by posting and mailing the required notice to the owners of the parcels liable to be specially charged; all in accordance with Division 2, Part 19 of the Municipal Act; BYLAW NO. 5735-1998 PAGE 2 AND WHEREAS the petition received by the municipality against the Council Initiative Plan has been certified by the Clerk as not sufficient pursuant to Sections 629, 630 and 632 of Divisions 1 & 2, Part 19 of the Municipal Act; AND WHEREAS the General Manager of Operational Services has, pursuant to Section 635 of the Municipal Act, provided a report to the Municipal Council stating: the lifetime of the works the estimated costs of the works, and the share or proportion of the total cost which will be specially charged against the parcels benefiting from or abutting on the work: AND WHEREAS the maximum term for which debentures or other evidence of indebtedness may be issued to secure the debt created by this by-law is fifteen (15) years from the date of issue thereof: AND WHEREAS the approval of the Inspector of Municipalities has been obtained: NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Dewdney Trunk Road - 240th Street to 244th Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area Establishment By-law No. 5735-1998". The Municipal Council is hereby authorized: to establish a Specified Area hereinafter referred to as the Dewdney Trunk Road - 240th Street to 244th Street Sanitary Sewer Specified Area and that such area shall be comprised of that tract of land outlined boldly on Schedule "A" which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. to undertake and carry out or cause to be carried out certain works including the construction of a sanitary sewer collection system to serve the subject specified area in accordance with plans on file in the office of the municipality and to do all things necessary in connection therewith and without limiting the generality of the foregoing: to operate, maintain and extend the foresaid works: to acquire all such easements, right-of-ways, licences, rights of authority as may be requisite or desirable for or in connection with the construction of the said works: to borrow upon the credit of the municipality a sum not exceeding five hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars ($566,000.00): The net estimated cost of the works, namely five hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars ($566,000.00) shall be charged against the parcels within the subject specified area; all of which shall pay an equal amount to be amortized over fifteen (15) years. Any person whose parcel is subject to being specially charged pursuant to this by-law may commute, on a one-time basis only, the special charges imposed thereon by paying the portion of the cost of construction assessed upon such parcel. BYLAW NO. 5735-1998 PAGE 3 5. In the event of the subdivision of any of the parcels within the subject specified area, where the commuted value has not been paid for that parcel, the remaining annual costs shall be apportioned equally amongst the remaining parcels where the commuted value has not been paid for that parcel. If the anticipated revenues accruing to the municipality from the benefiting parcels in the subject specified area are, at any time, insufficient to meet the annual payment of interest and the repayment of the debt in any year, the Council shall levy a rate or rates over and above all other rates upon all lands and improvements subject to taxation for general municipal purposes in the same manner and at the same time as other rates sufficient to meet such insufficiency. 7. The specified area established by this by-law may be merged with any other specified area or areas for the same purpose, whether contiguous or not, in the manner provided in Section 650 of the Municipal Act. This by-law shall take effect on the date of final adoption thereof. READ a first time the 29th day of September, 1998 A.D. READ a second time the 29th day of September, 1998 A.D. READ a third time the 29th day of September, 1998 A.D. APPROVED by the Inspector of Municipalities under Section 456 the day of , 1998. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of , 1998 A.D. HEREBY CERTIFY THE FOREGOING TO BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY 0.2YLAW AS READ A THIRD TIMt. DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Mayor Clerk Attachment: Schedule "A" 27 28 E All 11 Pr) N C4 S331 Ix Id •Lf Or 3 2 some 7- 1107 ll07 1 13 1W N 1 1 30 E N121 wnl A N 1/2 25 l's,, S 1/2 25 fl 49 I% 3 I4 14 5 r3 1 I i I 6 I 7 11 Ee - Rem 1 11 10 i23 10 Rem9 UVW ___________A A 22 12 ims KI122 Rem 8 n10 I- rfif 5 __ 231 A r) ¶ L N F11 6 11127/43 , r • t5,rn, 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 17 N ' N 14 22122 i t 16 20 em 21 "tx's N Schedule "A" to CORPORATION OF THE 71 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Road-240th Street to 244th A Maple Ridge Dewdney Trunk Street Sanitary Sewer MAPLE _R1DGE ENGINEERING SCALE: Specified Area Establishme in .isu DEPARTMENT N.T.S. Bylaw No. 5735-1998 1DATE: SEPT/1998 R1E,i1M No SK003O CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 21, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: E05-119-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee Of the Whole SUBJECT Thordarson delegation regarding drainage on 119 Avenue SUMMARY: The Throdarson's appeared as a delegation at the Committee of the Whole on October 19, 1998 with concerns about the drainage at 22149 119 Avenue. The Engineering Department is suggesting the Thordarson's apply for a Local Improvement Project for the area. RECOMMENDATION: That the Thordason s be forwarded a copy of this memo. BACKGROUND: The Thordarson's appeared as a delegation at the Committee of the Whole on October 19, 1998 describing the drainage problem related to the lack of adequate drainage on 119 Avenue. They are advising that the property at 22149 119 Avenue has had a problem with water in the basement for many years. A location map is attached for Council's information. A review of the complaints system since 1989 revealed one drainage complaint in the block. The problem was caused by snow blocking drainage from the low driveway at this address. A review of the engineering drainage file for 119 Avenue revealed a letter, dated January 13, 1983, from Fran Wagner concerning the water running into the basement. That letter suggested that there had been a promise of a storm sewer by 1981. In his reply, Mr. Gardner suggested that the promise of a storm sewer had been erroneous and he then suggested a storm sewer extension by Local Improvement. Mr. Scherban subsequently provided information about the cost of the Local Improvement in a letter. The file does not have any response to the Maple Ridge letters. The Local Improvement method is appropriate to provide storm sewers to the area. There is a storm sewer on 222 Street to the east that has sufficient depth and capacity for the storm sewer extension. The estimated cost of a storm sewer on 119 Avenue from 222 Street to 22149 is $67,500. Eight properties on 119 Avenue would benefit from this storm sewer at a cost of $8,437.50 each or $844.00 each per year for 15 years on an equal sharing basis. A Local Improvement storm sewer project for this section of 119 Avenue can be commenced by a preliminary petition in the form of a letter to the Municipal Clerk. It is suggested that as many of the benefiting property owners on both sides of 119 Avenue from 222 Street to 22149 119 Avenue ossible sign the preli in 116 J ition. i f AdminisH4tjve Officer \*thaL Man,,4er: Public Works and Director of Enneering ere1opment Services Design a. - 1 - C)J, 0;. () I ) V1960 1195 10 NJ 3 0001 N ç) 952 co N N 11943 00 9 ),942 — 11 4 / Li a- 311945 5 193? / P co (UN \\\ I 76 7 6 7~-~ - UI35STM\ i2 51 50 1 49 48 47 17] / I 11888 P 1! iii 4 N BENEFITING PROPERTIES A STORM SEWER L.I.P. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 119 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING SCALE: 221 St. - 222 St. Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT N.T.S. I FFILE/DWG No E05-119-001 DATE 3/10/El CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 15, .1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/48/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DP/48/97 (12108 208 St.) SUMMARY: A Development Permit application has been received which upon favourable consideration will permit the construction of 6 townhouse units. After reviewing the application, the Planning Department recommends that DP/48197 be given favourable consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/48/97 respecting property located at 12108 208 Street. BACKGROUND: Purpose: A Development Permit application has been submitted for 12108 208 St. which would allow construction of 6 townhouse units. The subject property is in a Development Permit Area and prior to issuance of a building permit a Development Permit is required to ensure that all the Development Permit Guidelines have been met. Policy Implications: Final reading to Zone amending Bylaw 5359-1995 was granted on August 25, 1998. This bylaw rezoned the site to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). The site is in Development Permit Area XIV, and the Development Permit Area Guidelines state that: • design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features and should enhance privacy and livability; • attention should be paid to general architectural style and details; • landscaping and screening should be used to create interesting views. The proposal addresses these guidelines. Further to the Council resolution of September 8, 1998, the application has been reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. 0704.o3 The Panel made the following recommendations: I. The Panel supports the shared walkway concept as shown on the landscape plan and suggests that more planting be introduced above the retaining walls. Overall the landscaping plan in between the units should include a walkway and plant material on either side rather than a grassed area. That the driveway retaining wall material be textured block. That the fence along the covenant boundary be black vinyl-coated chain link. That a change in plant material (to native materials) along the rear fence be considered. That the use of shrubs to provide an enclosure for the seating area be considered. The Panel supports the provision of access from the rear deck to the rear yard. The applicant has addressed these comments. The Planning Department recommends that DP/48/97 be given favourable consideration. Administ five Officer .1 SJlbjc I SUBJECT PROPERTY / AVE. 121 AVE. DEWDt4EY TRUNK RQIID Ip SUBJECT PROPERTY 12108 208 ST. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT rFILE/BYLAW: DP-48-97 I DATE: AUG. 18, 1998 SCALE: 1:5,000 RIVER ,.. • P • -- • L fL -r-z==-- -1• I - - •'c'.----- _-• ---------- - - '<i/ .1 1 I •'•• .1 L 1- ?'- ----" __-:---- hi' --',•\ 'EKEkucs Gil i9 F --- CORPORATION OF THE all) allis,~ DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1674 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: -63-94 I DATE: JUNE 30, 1998 SUBJECT PROPERTY 12108 208 ST. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION A SCALE: S. KEY 90T001CAL 0*46 cCO3000 0.43.6 070. SIZE Rt4100145 SEES OW CONCIINOflOO 7246 3 3 070(03 0000i$ C0S.0$II RM 0.0 1I0.t 3 1 c M. stUs .40.017. 000.AgCLNSa 1111310 Oo01030 P0700 0 P13010.10 ICUOmSO 00W BAMW 0.cOOUOCM.S000ONflWM ioojo oeogoc*lou* • 4671 $I0005 1003.40 00C10(SIM.I5 VIPS30 0101011 CROIH3COVER 1100%. robotic 0-1* CLIW P300V17.A rtitlp*o.is ls 11160 $I0305/OSLII1100M 100111710 P0P0100 0.0 13 01 III •%1J000 0000 aftwa II 05 00% 0.3010 Pipe 14 OS p.0 4° pot pocococ odw 37 As 000 12 45po1 M00I15 30 10 05 004_CAYCS 46010 4APAWW 00 0$ 0"•E- ., PtSIwfl00.L/S0 l30I 000/100 II 0" CEDAR FENCE DETAIL (Il100 IN SECTION ELEVATION PLANT LIST F --_--_ - CENTRE OF CK T N I .---_------------------------' V I COVENANT 004M~FENCINC TO OE .~Vlt—M--~COATWO110 tINY. TAINI GRASS _ I pTYP[CAL DECIDUOUS TREE DETAIL 6 -o cp KAVaR(S A ASS=061M I cOo oto lii, - N - 00. Oo0 ("4 -oINI OS OcOP 030 100000W 07 - 07011 flat 011015 171 0* Pt..0N '.4KW LANDSCAPE PLAN 1130 . 200 01Wfl. 0071 SOS. SC - IL-2 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: RZ/3 1/98 Text Amendment - Fairgrounds Bylaw No. 5740-1998 DATE: October 16, 1998 FILE NO: RZ/31/98 ATTN: CofW-PW&Dev SUMMARY: An application has been made for a text amendment to CD-4-88 (Fairgrounds) to permit retail sale of groceries and household items within premises comprising not more than 275m2 of floor area. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5740-1998 be given First Reading. BACKGROUND: Further to Council's support for the sport and entertainment centre (Planet Ice) at the Fairgrounds and the subsequent text amendment to CD-4-88 which permitted a restaurant/lounge use and accessory retail use, an application has been submitted to permit a retail store which provides for a wider range of product sales. The proposal includes an extension of the Deli & Pro Shop to include the sale of grocery items such as bread and milk. The store will be approximately 172m' and will include a coffee bar, deli, pro shop and the retail food store. CONCLUSION: Staff support this proposal but recommend that the retail use be limited to a maximum of 275m' of floor area, consistent with commercial use in the CS-2a (Community Service Commercial) zone. In order to expedite this application, staff also recommend that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5740-1998 be given First Reading to enable presentation of this bylaw at the November Public Hearing. Public Works and Development Services 6.*,07, 4o2' 4133/5498 SECTION 1009 CD4-88 A. PERMITTED USES Subject to the regulations contained elsewhere in this by-law, the following uses and no others shall be permitted in the CD-4-88 zone: Agricultural events - annual agricultural fair; - horse events - animal exhibits/competitions (birds, swine, goats, sheep, beef, etc.) - food displays (fruit, vegetables, grain, etc.) - garden displays (flowers, etc.) - horseshoeing - - sheep herding - 4-H events Special events related to animals - rodeo veterinarian shows - heavy horse pulls - pet grooming/care - dog obedience - petting zoo - hay rides - annual race competitions (horse races. etc.) Swap meets - selling household, automotive and garden goods. Entertainment - musical performances/festivals - dance performances/festivals - amusement rides/booths - children's festival - drama performances/festivals - art displays/instruction Other special events/users - logging shows - automotive/boat shows - picnics - athletic events (soccer, archery, baseball etc.) - sports days - ceremonies (graduation, wedding, etc.) - food services/preparations - non-motorized cycle competitions (BMX, bicycle races, etc.) - trade shows - craft fairs - casinos - service club events - tennis, badminton, roller skating, etc. - beer garden * -106- Regular events/users - athletic league play/practice - group meetings - casual sport use - camping - picnicking - horse boarding Commercial Uses - fertilizer and manure sales and storage - storage of recreational vehicles - float construction - campground operation - concession stand - auction - Restaurant/Lounge - Accessory Retail Accessory Caretaker Residential Use; Accessory Home Occupation Use. 4349 B. Off Street Parking and Loading Off Street parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with "Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990". DELETED BY BYLAW 4349-90. Regulations for the Size ,Shape and Siting of Buildings and Structures. All buildings and structures: shall be sited not less than 7.5 metres from all lot lines; together shall not exceed a lot coverage of 20%; shall not exceed a height of 11 metres. - 107 - 70 L1 Vj 11EIIIA I UJ1 1 SUBJECT PROPERTY OISTRCTOr J REMNANT 7 PLAN 8827 (PLANET ICE RINKS) SILVER ZONING AND A.L.R. (SHADED) VALLEY CORPORATION OF THE __ I DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ITONW 00 PLANNING MAPLE RIDGE Or Incorporated 12 September, 1674 DEPARTMENT T"ORNHILL SUBJECT ALE/BYLAW' RZ-31-98 I DATE: OCT. 8, 1998 PROPERTY a SCALE: N.T.S. RSER RIVER Doi ru . 1 •./ I - 4) q ps _ (1 / iinmuIIIkiII1IIIIIIEi.Li ii — TO HANEY KANAKA CREE SITE LOCATION PLAN KM 'r 1T CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SUBJECT PROPERTY PLANNING FAIRGROUNDS MAPLE RIDGE DEPARTMENT Incorporated 12 September, 1874 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FILE/BYLAW: RZ-31-98 [DATE: OCT. 19, 1998 N r t' LL SCALE: rRASCR RrrR ------------ I. N QW(PLOI M I 1AN13.Mt • 2iX$CAL8 I , - -- -" 0 0 0 - • - A D€'flLIP)JT IrY bIULE RItOE SFMTS -0 CEWFRE ELL R) LLJ 2 - si- L ftooq Pt-- 01 & - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT OISTRICI OF PITT M&OOWS _ SUBJECT PROPERTY FAIRGROUNDS H UMUFR-MR. IRIKER PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUBJECT PROPERTY ITIORNIIIU A SCALE: N.T.S. FILE/BYLAW: RZ-31-98 I DATE: OCT. 19. 1998 IRS(R Rn1 I J 1•-ø. •'••0i__:L I Q:i 3 WASW OKI - - - 7c: CC (ApaQ I _ - UP A 471 • SUBJECT PROPERTY FAIRGROUNDS. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN CORPORATION OF THE I J DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I I MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT I ALE/BYLAW: RZ-31-98 I DATE: OCT. 19, 1998 A SCALE: N.T.S. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5740 - 1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5740- 1998." Section 1009 CD-4-88 (A.) (7. Commercial Uses) is amended by adding the following after "accessory retail": - retail sale of groceries and household items within premises comprising not more than 275m2 of floor area. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 5, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ-17-98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/17/98 (I 1194 Maple Meadows Way) SUMMARY: At the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 28, 1998, the above noted application was presented for consideration. After reviewing the land use report and the applicant's presentation, the Committee deferred consideration for two weeks and referred the application back to staff for a further recommendation on how to deal with the application. The staff report outlined two options, and this recommendation is based on the second option, which was to facilitate zoning without the benefit of a development plan. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZI17/98 (for property located at 11194 Maple Meadows Way) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated October 5, 1998 from RS-3 (One Family Residential to CS-1 (Service Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Prior to final approval the following must be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; h1 strativ Officer J4 r nager:icWo Tafld Development Services (10) Co. 001.0f S 59 /- / I JUl H IRem 1 I lip 11194 N ' 'LII,L N\DUNN AVE. \) 1' 36. SUBJECT PROPERTY NW CORNER MAPLE MEADOWS WAY & DUNN AVE. 06TRCY or !? UtAD I N LEGAL / TOPOGRAPHY VALLEY su E CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DARTNT THORNHILL. SCALE: N.T.S. FILE/BYLAW: RZ- 17-98 --I DATE: SEPT. 17. 1998 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 20, 1998 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Ceft Ce to SUBJECT: Downtown Action Plan - ImpIeIientation Update SUMMARY: Council direction on the Downtown Action Plan recommendations will now be factored into the appropriate planning and budget programs, and a review process will be implemented to ensure the remaining items that require resolution are dealt with. The Downtown Action Plan Advisory Committee has provided a significant document that will provide detailed direction on steps that are necessary to revitalize the downtown within the context of Municipal goals and objectives, and budgets. The Advisory Committee should be requested to attend the Council meeting wherein this memo is to be considered, and their contribution should be acknowledged. RECOMMENDATION: That Council receive the update memo on implementing the Downtown Action Plan dated October 20, 1998; and That the Downtown Action Plan Advisory Committee be recognized for their efforts in developing the Downtown Action Plan and for contributing as volunteers to their community. BACKGROUND: Council, at the May 26th meeting, endorsed the staff recommendations with respect to the priority focus of implementing the Downtown Action Plan recommendations. At the September 14th Council/Staff meeting, Council reviewed in greater detail implementation actions that were currently underway and the balance of the 57 recommendations contained in the Downtown Action Plan Committee report. Council agreed to the commitment necessary to achieve on-going revitalization of the core area based upon the following six point plan: I) the Core Redevelopment project will be the immediate Council priority to bring business and community development to the core area in a manner that reflects the Downtown Action Plan. ensuring the Downtown Action Plan is used as a guiding document in the preparation of business and capital expenditure plans and will be considered in the review process for development applications requiring a Council decision. the Capital Expenditure Program will include a long-term commitment to the downtown area and strategic actions will be developed to address the needed traffic facility -1- O.? Works & Development Services improvements, including parking and pedestrian facilities, and overall streetscape improvements. Council will review and monitor, on an on-going basis, the land use policies and zoning for the downtown to ensure their relevance; and a Development Permit Area designation with design guidelines will be pursued. Council supports and will pursue the concept of a downtown Business Improvement Area as a means to organize downtown property and business interests and to achieve coordinated improvements to the core area. As well, it should be noted that the U.B.C.M. Conference in September supported the resolution of Council that the Provincial Downtown Revitalization Program be reinstituted. This may provide an additional source of support for Council efforts. Council will consider the acquisition of strategic properties in the downtown area for the purposes of facilitating future development, traffic and parking, and other improvements to the core area. Conclusion: Council direction on the Downtown Action Plan recommendations will now be factored into the appropriate planning and budget programs, and a review process will be implemented to ensure the remaining items that require resolution are dealt with. The Downtown Action Plan Advisory Committee has provided a significant document that will provide detailed direction on steps that are necessary to revitalize the downtown within the context of Municipal goals and objectives, and budgets. The Advisory Committee should be requested to attend the Council meeting wherein this memo is to be considered, and their contribution should be acknowledged. sfte Officer -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 21, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CIW - PW & DS SUBJECT: Silver Valley SUMMARY: The following outlines staff comments on the Silver Valley petition. It is staffs understanding that the petition has been submitted to Council largely in response to concerns regarding the environmental impacts of urbanization in the area. This staff report attempts to respond to those issues raised in the submission. RECOMMENDATION: Submitted for information only. BACKGROUND: The Official Community Plan (OCP) is the paramount municipal planning document which provides the broad policy framework to guide the physical growth and development of the District. The intent is to implement the OCP through the Zoning Bylaw and specific development applications wherein the terms and conditions of any approval ensure compliance with the OCP. The District has also the opportunity to undertake more detailed planning studies to address specific areas of the community. Examples include the Rural Plan, Downtown Action Plan, and the Silver Valley Guide Plan. While not adopted by bylaw, each of these initiatives are reviewed by Council with the intent to be used as a guideline in evaluating future development opportunities. The petition suggests that the development of Silver Valley may be in contravention of the OCP. In fact, Silver Valley is a designated growth area in Maple Ridge and is intended to concentrate new population and development. At question, then, is how such development is accommodated. Through the guide plan process, it was determined that in excess of 20% of the Silver Valley growth area will be permanently protected from development. In large measure, these are the ravines and river valleys and other environmentally sensitive areas in the area. In addition, the Silver Valley area will be served by a major and improved park area to the south, adjacent to the Alouette River as well as school parks/school sites. Much of the higher elevations in Silver Valley are scheduled for very low density development which has the potential to provide for the permanent protection of additional tree canopy in the area. It is further noted that staff have proposed the introduction of a comprehensive development zoning for parts of Silver Valley which provides greater flexibility to work with the landscape and concentrate densities, thereby providing opportunities to retain selected tree stands. The petition has suggested that the preparation of an Area Structure Plan is necessary before development advances for the Silver Valley Area. The term Area Structure Plan is actually used in Alberta and is essentially the same type of document as the Guide Plan prepared by staff. The background leading up to the current Guide Plan is summarized as follows: 1981 OCP designation of Silver Valley as Urban Reserve. OCP process included public participation program. 1992 Gartner Lee Environmental Study prepared for Silver Valley 1994 Albion/Silver Valley Land Use Reviews conducted with public participation program 1995 UMA Study on Silver Valley Stormwater Management prepared 1996 $1.25 million extension of trunk sewer into area 1996 OCP designates Silver Valley as Urban Growth Area with extensive public participation 1997/98 Transportation reports prepared on Silver Valley Arterial 1997/98 Development applications submitted for Silver Valley with first major urban residential development occurring 1998 Hillside Development Guidelines work undertaken to examine techniques to achieve appropriate standards for building heights and retaining walls 1998 Guide Plan prepared using OCP framework and numerous background reports as reference materials As indicated in the foregoing, the planning program for Silver Valley has a 17-year history. There has been a considerable amount of background work completed to better understand and manage growth in the Silver Valley area. In addition, there have been several opportunities for public participation over the years, most notably those opportunities associated with the current OCP (see attached). The result is a guide plan that provides for a mix of residential densities supported by a centrally located community core. Significant environmental features have been identified for protection and the trunk servicing and transportation framework rationalized. -2- Given the work to date, the need for further review of development potentials and issues in Silver Valley must be questioned. Rather, attention now is focused on the numerous development applications under review for the area and the opportunities to apply the most current development and environmental standards. It is through these development applications that the more detailed decision making for Silver Valley will be occurring and the vision of the OCP achieved. Ongoing opportunities for public consultation will be afforded with each zoning application considered by Council. Working with the Ministry of Environment and with the support of in-house environmental staff resources, staff are confident that development activity in Silver Valley will be respectful of valuable environmental resources. Staff are prepared to support the concept of performance bonding for drainage, tree stand protection and other environmental issues through development agreements and development permits. These processes enable Council to apply a variety of measures for the purpose of maintaining environmental integrity as a condition of development. Through the development review process staff will advise Council about the opportunities available to them in achieving this objective, including: Limits to clearing consistent with work schedules that will limit the potential for excessive erosion. Guidelines for site maintenance during residential construction. Site rehabilitation measures to manage runoff during winter months. Siltation control as a component of storm sewer design. Further, staff will recommend that all lands designated for protection be dedicated to the District as a condition of development thereby limiting the potential for future encroachment from neighbouring urban uses. Staff have proposed comprehensive development zoning to provide a new more flexible zoning mechanism to better allow development to coincide with challenging topography while still achieving densities. Staff view this as a zoning technique with advantages to all concerned. Conclusions Staff are appreciative of the concerns expressed in the Silver Valley petition. However, a solid planning foundation has been established for urban growth in the area through numerous studies, the OCP, and the Guide Plan. The challenge at this time is to guide development in accordance with OCP policies through detailed development review processes and effective enforcement mechanisms. Adm6nj.tt4iveOfflcer JJR:bkg -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Mayor and Council DATE: September 16, 1998 FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Review Of Silver Valley Public Participation Program SUMMARY: Council requested a summary of the public participation program used to review the Silver Valley land use designations of the Official Community Plan. One of the purposes of involving the public in the Silver Valley Land Use Review of 1994 was to: review area-specific work previously undertaken, review interests of the other government agencies and public utilities, meet the aspirations of the areas population. The views of the public were given special weight in the preparation of the plan review. Four workshops and two Open Houses were held during the course of the study. As well, a Public Hearing was held to consider the implementing bylaws. RECOMMENDATION: For information only. BACKGROUND: Public participation in the Silver Valley Land Use Review of 1994 was structured around a series of workshops, in which area residents and others worked with the consulting team to identify issues, set objectives, and test solutions. The process began with an orientation meeting with invited area representatives from a cross-section of neighbourhood residents who could express the various attitudes held within Silver Valley. The information gained from this meeting helped to focus on appropriate directions for the subsequent workshops. Prior to the first workshop, a four page newsletter was mailed to all Silver Valley residents and property owners. As well newspaper adverts were placed in the local newspapers informing those interested that the land use review was underway. Also, a 9-page discussion paper documenting background information and key issues was distributed at the first workshop or mailed following the workshop. Each workshop had two objectives: the minor one was to verify, or adjust, the team's work based on the previous workshop; the major one was to provide direction to the team for the next stage of plan development. Four workshops were held during the course of the study. In order to gain wider public comment, two Open Houses were also held, one at the mid-point of the process and one at the end. At each Open House, attendees were asked to sign in, mark the location of their house on a large map of the area, and fill out a questionnaire providing comments on planning issues and options described in the display material. This information was incorporated into the consultant team's work. Details of the public response at the two Open Houses are contained in Appendices to the consultants report. Following the Land Use Review, Council received the report and recommendations and instructed staff to review the material and prepare implementation bylaws. Many meetings and much discussion occurred between Council and staff on achieving the recommended plan. Implementation bylaws went to a Public Hearing on January 11, 1995. Public Participation, Specific Meetings Orientation Meeting Workshop #1 Workshop #2 December 9, 1993 January 20, 1994 February 10, 1994 Ten area representatives 130 participants 96 participants attended this briefing. Open House #1 Workshop #3 Workshop #4 March 03, 1994 April 07, 1994 May 05, 1994 125 participants 109 participants 124 participants Open House #2 Implementation May 26, 1994 Public Hearing 140 participants January 11, 1995 Other Consultations In addition, three studies were undertaken that were used in the Silver Valley Land Use Review. They were: • Environmental Assessment Study, Gartner Lee Ltd., 1992 • Stormwater Management Study, UMA Engineering • Traffic and Transportation Study, Ward Consulting Group Several government agencies and crown corporations were consulted to gauge their plans and requirements related to future development in Silver Valley. These included: • Agricultural Land Commission • B.C.Hydro • B.C. Transit • Central Fraser Valley Health Unit • Department of Fisheries and Oceans • Greater Vancouver Regional District • Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks • Ministry of Transportation and Highways • 7choo1 District No. 42 Director, Long Range Planning ( CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 20, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Remembrance Day Parade SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Royal Canadian Legion - Maple Ridge Branch 88 to use our Municipal Streets for the Annual Remembrance Day Parade on Wednesday November 11, 1998. It is recommended that the event be approved provided the usual conditions are met. A copy of the request dated September 19, 1998 is attached. RECOMMENDATION: The Royal Canadian Legion - Maple Ridge Branch 88 be authorized to use our Municipal Streets for their Annual Remembrance Day Parade on Wednesday November 11, 1998 provided the conditions outlined in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer are met. The parade route is on 224 Street from 121 Avenue to Selkirk Avenue and is scheduled from the hours of 10:00AM to Noon. 4 BACKGROUND: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there is some unusual safety implication approval is usually given on cond'ioi that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from t$,C 'ent. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A" II 'I Works & Dir4i!toifEngineering Projects Services 01.0101 Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated Sept. 30, 1998 Remembrance Day Parade Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the District of Maple Ridge; notify local Fire Department, Ambulance Services and BC Transit of the event; hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $2,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event; The organizers notify all surrounding businesses affected by the closure (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; Chief Administrative Officer -2- The Royal Canadian Legion MAPLE RIDGE BRANCH 88 Pacific Command 12101 - 224th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6B7 Office - 463-5101 Fax - 466-3032 Lounge - 463-9342 REC Eli V E D SEP 221998 COMMUNITY & BUSINESS RELATIONS September 19, 1998 District of Maple Ridge, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Sir/Madam: The Royal Canadian Legion Maple Ridge Branch #88 respectfully requests your permission to conduct our annual Remembrance Day Parade on Wednesday, November 11, 1998 and that we be permitted to close the east side of 224th Avenue from 121st Ave. to Selkirk Ave. from the hours of lOAM to Noon. Thank you fo(bur kind consideration. y President CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 28, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: Committee of the Whole FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 573 7-1998 (Old Rod & Gun Site) Alouette Road, 128" Avenue & 240th Street SUMMARY: To recommend to Council three readings of the Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw required for application, legal and servicing costs in connection with subdivision SD 15/98 (Old Rod & Gun Club Site). RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 5737-1998 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and that Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 5737-1998 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: The estimated costs for subdivision application fees, legal fees (including survey) and servicing costs in connection with SD/15/98 have been calculated at $1,200,000.00. The attached bylaw is required in connection with that expenditure. A map of the area is also attached for reference. Prepared by: R. Harris Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Corporate & Financial Special Projects Services Coordinator PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PARCEL'A' SEC.27 TP.12 N.W.D. PLAN LMP36 102 September 8,1998 Not to Scale 29 I 2 21 L ro S 2 'I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5737- 1998 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund. WHEREAS, there is an unappropriated balance in the Capital Works Reserve Fund, established pursuant to By-law No. 3155-1982; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No 5737— 1998". The sum of $1.2 Million, is hereby appropriated from the Capital Works Reserve Fund to be expended and it is hereby authorized to be used for application fees, legal fees and servicing costs re SD/15/98 (Old Rod & Gun site) at 128th Avenue/248th Street and Alouette Road. Should any of the above remain unexpended after the expenditure hereby authorized has been made, any unexpended balances shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. READ a first time the day of , 1998. READ s second time the day of , 1998. READ a third time the day of , 1998. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of , 1998. MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 6, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: TO1-001-007 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C&CS-Admin. & Policy SUBJECT: Disbursements for the Month Ended September 30, 1998 SUMMARY: The Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council Member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended September 30, 1998 now be approved." GENERAL: $7,534,130.47 PAYROLL 694425.60 8,228,556.07 I lieff Admini*tive Officer General Manager: Forporate Services IMrect'P of Finance -1- 07.O3e 0 Corporation of The District of Maple Ridge Disbursements for the Month Ended September 30, 1998 B.C. Hydro & Power Authority August Service 54,959.88 B.C. Telephone August Service 21,549.18 Cherry Homes Ltd. Various Jobs at Firehall, Municipal Hall, etc. 41,530.85 Chevron Canada Ltd. Fuel 17,940.67 CIBC Visa Purchasing Card August Purchases 15,161.59 Columbia Bitulithic Ltd. Operation Centre Purchase - Gravel 39,434.63 Elderly Citizens Recreation Assoc. Purchase of Recreation Centre per ECRA agreement 2,000,000.00 Gateway West Management Library Lease - October 17,989.38 Greater Vancouver Regional District Mosquito Control 18,012.23 Greater Vancouver Water District Interest-Sinking Fund & July Water Consumption 342,399.36 Hallmark Ford Operation Centre Purchase - Truck 44,942.38 Jack Cewe Ltd. Paving @ 232'd/Laity/125 h/Lome 131,634.83 Minister of Finance School Tax Remittance - August 30,972.23 Municipal Pension Plan PP 98/18, 98/19 Remittance 94,047.83 Mutual Life Assurance Co. PP 98/17, 98/18 Remittance 32,693.91 Novax Industries Corporation Pedestrian Signal - 225th Lougheed 17,581.03 Now Times Group Inc. Fall Parks and Leisure Brochure 31,799.85 Raybern Erectors Repairs @ Kin Park/Fields for Kids/Telosky Stadium 21,750.96 Receiver General National Revenue PP98/17, 98/18 Remittance 356,00 Ridge Meadows Developments Security Deposit Release 24,2 5, Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Pickup - August 43,159.66 School District No. 42 Running Track Renovations - MRSS 59,203.71 Scottish Line Painting Ltd. Painting and Beading Road Lines 18,506.47 Toronto Dominion Bank Transfer from CIBC 3,401,622.73 Trans Western Electric Ltd. Pedestrian Signal - 225th Lougheed 50,215.33 Other (Cheques under $15,000) 606,766.09 District Payroll 694,425.60 Total $8,228,556.07 -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 15, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: 8 100-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Door-to-door Soliciting Request for Approval SUMMARY: To provide authority to the Mayor to grant permission for door-to-door canvassing for donations as requested in the letter from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon dated October 6, 1998. RECOMMENDATION: That the request of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon for permission to canvass door-to-door during the month of February 1999 be approved. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Section 25 of the Highway & Traffic By-law and Section 546(4) of the Municipal Act, soliciting for donation (door-to-door canvassing, etc.) rnit be approved by the Municipal Council by way of a resolution. Attachment General Manager: Financial & Corporate Services OioiOR I HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF B.C. & YUKON 1212 West Broadway Vancouver, B.C. V6H 3V2 Tel. (604) 736-4404 Fax (604) 736-8732 Information Line 1 -888-HSF-INFO Webs ite www.hsf.ca October 6, 1998 Mr. Jim McBride Municipal Clerk District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6G2 Dear Mr. McBride: r'C'TTTh OCT09 1998 g(-C -c! The Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of heart disease and stroke. Scientists are now working at BC's universities and major teaching hospitals on a variety of research projects; This year the Foundations' investment in research totalled $4.3 million. Based on the latest available figures, funding provided by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon supports 77% of all cardiovascular research carried out in B.C. These projects represent some of the most ambitious and imaginative research done in Canada. The results achieved through research are used to make an impact on the health of Canadians through health promotion programs like our Heart Smart restaurant program and cooking course. On behalf of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon, I would like to thank you and the members of the Council for your past support and to request permission for community volunteers to canvass door-to-door during the month of February 1999. If any further information is required please phone 591-1955. HONORARY PATRON HIS HONOUR THE HONOURABLE GARDE B. GARDOM, O.C. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PRESIDENT BRIAN A. OCONNOR, M.D EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RICHARD E. REES, C.A. REGIONAL OFFICES: VICTORIA 1-250-382-4035 RICHMOND 1-604-279-7130 SURREY 1-604.591-1955 FORT ST. JOHN 1-250-785-5696 KELOWNA 1-250-860-6275 PRINCE GEORGE 1-250-562-8611 KAM LOOPS 1-250-372-3938 NANAIMO 1-250-754-5274 Sincerely, Per: Ms. Laurie Sutherland Community Development Coordinator - Tri Cities / Mission do Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon. #104B 7380 King George Hwy. Surrey, B.C. V3W 5A5 LS/jg Improving your odds against Canada's #1 killer excerpt from Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes November 2, 1998 3.3 Pitt Meadows Regional Airport -Air Transport Assistance Program The following recommendation regarding the above noted topic was added to the Agenda. The Committee concurred with the recommendation: RECOMMENDATION Be it resolved that the Corporation of the District of Maple Ride makes application together with the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows to the British Columbia Transportation Financing Authority for a financial contribution under the Air Transport Assistance Program (ATAP) to assist with approved costs of developments at the Pitt Meadows Regional Airport as detailed in the application dated November 4,1998; and Be It further resolved that the District of Pitt Meadows together with the District of Maple Ridge agrees to operate and maintain any facilities funded through ATAP in good condition, in a manner consistent with the requirements of Transport Canada for public certification, and that the facilities will not be sold, transferred or assign l4_ , without the approval of the Authority. bole 0,1, 0 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 13, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: V FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: School District 42 Request for Capital Funding - Whonnock Elementary School SUMMARY The attached correspondence was forwarded from School District 42 requesting that Maple Ridge consider a $10,000 expenditure to facilitate community use of the new Whonnock Elementary School. Having reviewed this subject with the Citizens' Advisory Committee and Commission, the following recommendation is presented. RECOMMENDATION That consideration be given to a $10,000 expenditure in the 1999 capital budget for funding to construct a required barrier in the Whonnock Elementary School to facilitate community use of the building, following finalization of the master agreement between the School District and the Parks and Leisure Services Commission. BACKGROUND In the past, the Municipality and the School District have cooperated with respect to capital projects such as the lacrosse box at the Thomas Haney Centre, the Leisure Centre, the Yennadon Community Centre, several joint park sites, and more recently, the Maple Ridge Secondary School running track. In 1994 $10,000 of municipal funding was provided for a similar project at Maple Ridge Elementary School to better facilitate community use of that building. Council's further direction on this subject is requested. •_I ' L .. / iEk XdmiAfstrative k.enerai M'nager: Cornmuity Development, \ ( / Parks and Recrentio9A yervices MM:ed Attachment 6-7. O~- 0 # i8i5 1451 FAI 604 463 0573 S.D. x42 EXECUTIVE . MR MUNIC Iooi 42 MAPT.8 RIDGE - PITT MEADOWS ________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E4X E 22225 rOWn AYeZ3U Marie Ridge, C.,v2XSN6 P171 September 29, 1998 Mr. Mike Murray. General Manager, Community Development & Leisure Services, Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Services, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge B.C. V2X6A9 Dear Mr. Murray, Re: Whounock Elementary School Further to our earlier telephone disctssion, I want to. confirm that in light of significant cuts required to the above project resulting from. a low bid being 16% over budget, the separation door and associated work for community access to the school unfortunately was required to. be eliTTlmated. You will recall that there was a previous situation at Maple Ridge Elementary School where the Municipality provided funds to cover the cost of such a door for community access. The purpose of this letter is to request consideration for funding to provide for such a gate at the. Whonnock Elementary School. The cost is $10,000.00. I understand you will Investigate this possibility. If there is any other information I can provide you with, please contact me. Sincerely yours, or YA.E. Secretary Treasurer cc: Mike Irving CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 19, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W-Com Dev & Rec SUBJECT: Recreation Division Quarterly Report - July, August, September 1998 SUMMARY The attached report is forwarded to provide Mayor and Council with Recreation Department statistics for July, August and September 1998. Representatives from the Department will also be giving a short presentation to Council on the summer programs at the November 10, 1998 Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION That the Recreation Department statistics for July, August and September 1998 be received for information. / Chief Administrative Officer eneraI Matvager: ComØiunitj Development, V Parks and Recrea$lon Svhices MM:ed Attachment 67. 0 . 00-k Recreation Division Quarterly Report 10/19/1998 July, August and September, 1998 1) Registered Programs: # Programs # Participants User Hours Partnered 76 597 4,763 Direct 437 2,620 24,238 Total 513 3,217 29,001 2) Leisure Centre Admissions (Not incl. Swim Lessons) # Participants User Hours Leisure Centre 35,676 52,909 Outdoor Pool Admissions (Not incl. Swim Lessons) # Participants User Hours Hammond Pool 6,866 10,299 Harris Road Pool 11,027 16,541 Total 17,893 26,840 3) Public Skating: # Participants # Sessions Seasonal Program not offered this Quarter. 4) Special Services: # Groups # Participants # Sessions Recreation Assistance Program 47 47 Leisure Education Sessions 1 9 1 Leisure Friend Matches 46 29 Leisure Access Cards 97 97 Total 199 174 5) Youth Outreach Initiative: Drop-In Hours Open User Hours Total 409 20,136 6) Grants & Sponsorship: Grants received year to date total $263,406.80. A significant number of grant dollars received were used to facilitate Quarter 3 - Summer Programs. 7) Special Events: # Events # Participants # Volunteers Canada Day - Maple Ridge 1 5,000 45 Canada Day - Pitt Meadows 1 500 14 B.C. Summer Games 1 8,000 3,800 Jazz & Blues Festival 1 11,000 100 Hammond Days 1 600 20 Midsummer Festival 1 1,200 15 Maple Ridge Fair 1 14,000 175 Youth Special Events 3 693 30 Whonnock Days 1 350 15 Rivers Day 1 2,000 40 Total 12 43,343 4,254 8) Community Development: Staff Prep. Hours # Participants # Meeting Hours Total 383 3,887 1,055 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 29, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: 17th Annual Haney-Harrison Road Relay SUMMARY: A request has been received from the BC Athletics Association to use our Municipal Streets for their 17th Annual Haney-Harrison Road Relay on Saturday November 7, 1998. It is recommended that the event be approved provided the usual conditions are met. A copy of the request dated October 13, 1998 is attached. RECOMMENDATION: The BC Athletics Association be authorized to use aqrr Municipal Streets for the 17 " Annual Haney-Harrison Road Relay on Saturday November 7, 1998 provided the conditions outlined in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer are met. The relay route is: start at Brown Avenue, turn north on 224 Street to 132 Avenue (turnaround), continue south on 224 Street, turn left (east) on Abernethy Way, turn right (south) on 232 Street, turn left (east) on Dewdney Trunk Road, go 3.2 km to the exchange at Garibaldii School, to the Mission Boundary on Dewdney Trunk Road. BACKGROUND: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there is some unusual safety implication approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A" / "dL 0 Chief Administrative Officer ifWr anager: cW ( is& Director gineering Projects eIoPment Services bli 11_ Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated October 29, 1998 17th Annual Haney-Harrison Road Relay Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the District of Maple Ridge; notify local Fire Department, Ambulance Services and BC Transit of the event; hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $2,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event; notify all surrounding businesses affected by the closure (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; obtain other required permits and or permission for use of other facilities, including but not limited Garibaldii School; Chief Administrative Officer -2- B.C. ATHLETICS 367W. Broadway. Ste. #206 Coordjna,i ,R'Vancouver. British Columbia Al Cross Cou,,t,- Runniiz. Canada V6H 4A0 Road Running and Tel: (604) 737-3170 E-mail: bcathlelics@bcuthktics.org Track and Field Fax: 604) 737-3171 www.bcathIetics@hcathletics.org in British Columbia October 13, 1998 C.AThLETI District of Maple Ridge RECEJV IN CLPK3 D1?T. 11995 Haney Place Mall Maple Ridge, BC OCT 2 0 1998 V2X 6A9 Attn: Jim McBride, Municipal Clerk Ph: 463-5221 Re: 17th Annual Haney-Harrison Road Relay::-November 7, 1998 Dear Sir: BC Road Running a Division of BC Athletics requests approval to use some of the roads through your jurisdiction for a portion of the day on November 7, 1998 for the purpose of running the 17th Annual Haney-Harrison Road Relay. We will be using the same course as last year. Enclosed are copies of the course map. Communications will be handled by the Vancouver Emergency Response Team and first aid by St. Johns Ambulance. Communications will involve setting up two relay stations and a mobile command centre. All key personnel will be linked with medical, exchange points and first and last runners. First aid will be available at each exchange as well as mobile units. We will also have the assistance of two doctors. We will provide a route marshall at all frequently trafficked intersections with two marshals at heavily trafficked ones. In addition there will be several 2ft. x 2ft. yellow signs with black lettering stating: "CAUTION Runners on Road". These signs will be placed along the course and will also be located at less trafficked intersections. Also enclosed is a table showing the amount of time required at each exchange. The times indicated include an extra 45 minutes from the arrival of the first runner to the arrival of the last runner to allow set up and clean up. (30 minutes to set up each exchange and 15 minutes to clean up.) It is estimated that the first runner will arrive at Harrison Hot Springs at approximately 1:00 PM and the last at 5:00 PM. This event is sanctioned by BC Road Running a Division of BC Athletics and accordingly Insurance is being arranged through Sport BC. All Villages, Corporations, Districts and the Ministry of Transportation & Highways will be named as co-insured on the policy, a copy of wnich will be faxed to you. Should there be any aspect you wish to discuss, please contact me. Yours truly, Jerry Tighe Road Running Coordinator A MEMBER BRANCH OF 4 rng.tica Canada A AthhItlsm. Canada RECEiVED IN ENG NRlNG DI - A OCT21 1998 r , F .5 .) IV i 1?, fEE This Orin,nflO,, 5 SS000V!td bh IBRITISH I COWM&S B.C. ATHLETICS 1367 W. Broadway. Sic. #206 Cross Cos,rd'- Canada VÔH 4A9 I Road Ru,u,,, 5551(1 Id: 6 737-3170 E-mail: bcathktics@bcaihlieiiss.org mp~_I Track and I-u/si Fax: (1(M) 737-3171 www.hcaLhkti@bathktICs.urC in Rr:ih Co/usa//u, .C.ATHLETICS B.C. ROAD RUNNING 1998 HANEY -HARRISON RELAY ESTIMATED ARRIVALS / DEPARTURES-(1997Actuals) 4:00 AM Start - Ultra 7:00 AM Start - Club & Corporate Teams 7:30 AM Start - Recreation Teams 1st runner Last Runner MAPLE RIDGE -start 7:00 AM GARIBALDI .7:31 8:34 STAVE FALLS 8:15 10:01 MISSION 9:06 11:34 DEWDNEY 9:51 . 1:00 DEROCHE 10:33 2:18 SASQUATCH 11:14 3:30 KENT 12:00 Noon 4:49 HARRISON - finish . 12:30 5:06 %W.%IRER BRANCH OF (oseoi,ss.sxem.bv '1 Athletics Caned. C= I ,d Athitlsi,i• Canada November 10, 1998 The Maple Ridge Adopt-A-Block Society (AAB) Presentation to the District of Maple Ridge Council Agenda Who is A.A.B. . Co-ordinators Role Fundraising On-going Programs . Future Programs WHO IS ADOPT-A-BLOCK? *Volunteers Co-ordinator *Board of Directors • Sponsors Corporate \ Individual Societies • Support Groups CO-ORDINATORS ROLE *Maintain Society In Good Standing • Recruit and support volunteers and members • Develop and deliver litter control programs • Co-ordinate special events and new programs as directed by the Board of Directors • Organize and co-ordinate regular clean-up work parties *Write and submit all reports including: Municipal Quarterly Reports, Monthly coordinator's report, all forms required by the Registrar of Companies and reports to major sponsors and the BC Gaming Commission as required. • Bookkeeping/Financial Controls • Watchdog Role 9 Get down and dirty ADOPT-A-BLOCK FUNDING SUMMARY 1994-1997 Memberships Municipal Private Sector Gaming Fee for (including) Service Donations In-Kind 1994 actual 0% 89% 10% 0% $28, 120 1995 0% 68% 32% 0% actual $36,685 1996 0% 48% 33.5% 18% actual $52,039 1997 3% 24% 20% 53% actual $62,177 ON-GOING PROGRAMS Clean-up work parties Dumping Control • Special Eveits • Education • 'uricLraising FUTURE PLANS • Expand AAB to include arterial roads (Adopt-A-Street) • Increase the number of AAB refuse containers • Stronger role in illegal dumping enforcement 4 ON- GOING PROGRAMS CLEAN-UP WORK PARTIES • CONSIST OF A SWEEP OF A STREET, EMPTY LOT OR AREA IN MAPLE RIDGE. . WE HOLD THIS EVERY SECOND SATURDAY. • SO FAR THIS YEAR WE HAVE HELD 25 OF THESE CLEAN UPS. THE . CLEAN UPS USUALYY RUN FROM 9-12 PM, AND • VOLUNTEERS, MEMBERS, LOCAL BUSINESS IN THE AREA AND COMMUNITY HOURS CLIENTS AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS INVITED. • WE USE THE WHAT'S ON SECTIONS OF THE PAPER TO ADVERTISE THE EVENT AND • WE ALSO MAY FLYER THE RESIDENCE IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. DUMPING CONTROL • WE HAVE A PROGRAM IN PLACE TO COMBAT THE ILLEGAL DUMPING PROBLEM • USING SIGNS STATEGICALLY PLACED IN PROBLEM AREAS • WE HAVE A HOT LINE NUMBER CITIZENS CAN CALL TO REPORT ILLEGAL DUMPERS • WORK CLOSELY WITH BI-LAWS TO PATROL PROBLEM AREAS 9 BI-LAWS OFTEN DIRECTS US TO SITES TO CLEAN UP SPECIAL EVENTS THIS YEAR ADOPT-A-BLOCK WAS INVOLVED IN A NUMBER OF SPECIAL EVENTS. SOME OF THESE INCLUDE: COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM • MEMBER OF THIS YEARS COMMITEES IN BLOOM COMMITTEE • IN PREPARATION FOR THE COMMUNITIES IN BLOOM JUDGES WE: PLANNED EXTRA CLEAN UP WORK PARTIES CONTACTED THE ENVIRONMENTAL YOUTH TEAMS HAD THEM CONCENTRATE THEIR EFFORTS IN THE MAPLE RIGE AREA THROUGH OUT THE MONTHS OF JUNE & JULY. COMMUNITY HOURS CLIENTS CLEANED ALONG JUDGING ROUTE IN THE TIDYINESS CATEGORY WE SCORED 80% AND OVER ALL AS YOU ARE AWARE WE WERE GIVEN A TOTAL OF 4 BLOOMS WE LOOK FORWARD TO PLAYING A KEY ROLE IN THE NATIONAL COMPETIOTION NEXT YEAR. BC SUMMER GAMES WE PLAYED A ROLE IN THE VERY SUCCESSFUL BC SUMMER GAMES HELD IN OUR COMMUNITY THIS YEAR • WE CHAIRED THE WASTE MANAGEMENT PART OF THE SUMMER GAMES • WE PROVIDED CLEAN UP TO 21 OF THE SPORTS SITES • AND ALL THE PRE AND POST SPECIAL EVENTS • WE ARE PROUD TO SAY THAT ALL SITES WERE KEPT EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN AND WELL MAINTAINED MOUNTAIN FESTAVL&L PARADE • WE USE THE MOUNTAIN FESTAVIAL PARADE TO HOLD OUR CAN DRIVE, BUSINESS ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE CAN SPONSOR A CAN WITH THEIR BUSINESS NAME ON IT FOR 25.00 . WE ALSO ENTER A FLOAT IN THE PARADE • AND WE CLEAN ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF THE PARADE. RIVERS DAY ADOPT-A-BLOCK WAS ONCE AGAIN A MEMBER OF THE RIVER'S DAY PLANNING COMMITTEE. • THIS YEAR'S EVENT WAS A SUCCESS WITH OVER 30 DISPLAYS AND OVER 1500 PEOPLE ATTENDED THIS YEARS EVENT. • WE ALSO SET UP OUR OWN INFORMATION BOOTH WHERE WE RECRUITED NEW VOLUNTEERS CHRISTMAS PARADE • AT THIS YEAR'S CHRISTMAS PARADE ADOPT-A-BLOCK WILL PROVIDE VOLUNTEERS TO CLEAN UP ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE. • WE WILL ALSO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL GARBAGE CANS TO L1NE,THE STREET DURING THE PARADE EDUCATION WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SCHOOL PROGRAM IN PLACE, LAST YEAR WE TARGETED 7 SCHOOLS WE INTEND TO ADD TWO MORE THIS YEAR, KEY ISSUES FOCASED ON IN THE PROGRAM ARE: • AWARENESS • PREVENTION • A CHANGE IN ATTITUDES AND HABBITS WE ALSO HAVE A PROGRAM IN PLACE WHERE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS PAINT GARBAGE CANS WHICH ARE THEN DISPERSED AROUND AREAS NEAR THE SCHOOL. WE EDUCATE THE GENERAL COMMUNITY THROUGH • INFORMATION BOOTHS • MEDIA AND ADVERTISEMENTS • NEWSLETTER FUNDRAISING THIS YEAR WE RETAINED 96% OF OUR CORPORATE MEMBERS FROM LAST YEAR. WE ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO EXPAND OUR MEMBERSHIP AND LOOK FOR NEW SOURSES OF FUNDS AND FUNDRAISING. OUR MAJOR SOURSE OF FUNDING CONTINUES TO BE GAMING WHICH MAY BECOME UNAVAILABLE TO US IN THE FUTURE. FUTURE PLANS ADOPT-A-STREET WILL TAKE ADOPT-A-BLOCK TO NEW LEVELS. THE GOAL OF THIS PROGRAM IS TO HAVE OUR MAJOR ROADWAYS AND ARTERIAL ROADS ADOPTED BY SERVICE GROUPS, COMPANIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. WE WILL BE LOOKING FOR A 2 YEAR COMMITMENT OUT OF THE ADOPTERS WIT14 SCHEDULED CLEAN UP OBLIGATIONS THERE ARE A NUMBER OF BENEFITS THIS PROGRAM WILL BRING • STRETCHES ADOPT-A-BLOCK TO REACH MORE AREAS • ADVERTISING FOR BUSINESSES OR SERVICE GROUPS ON ADOPTED SIGNS • A CLEANER MUNICIPALITY • A SENSE OF COMMUNITY PRIDE • SAVES MUNICIPALITY MONEY • THERE MAY BE MUNICIPAL IMPLICATIONS WE WILL: • NEED APROVAL OF THE SIGNS • HELP WITH THE PLACEMENT OF S!GI4S • HELP WITH THE PICK UP AND DISPOSAL OF COLLECTED WASTE • INCREASE THE NUMBER OF ADOPT-A-BLOCK REFUSE CONTAINERS • WE WOULD LIKE TO INCREASE THE PAINTED CANS LOCATED AROUND THOMAS HANEY AND WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE SOME AROUND • GARIBALDI • WEST VIEW STRONGER ROLE IN ILLEGAL DUMPING • LIKE TO HAVE MORE SIGNS PLACED IN PROBLEM ARES • WORK WITH THE MUNICIPALITY TO LOCATE PROBLEM AREAS • APEAL TO THE PUBLIC TO REPORT ILLEGAL DUMP1NGS AND REPORT INFORMATION ABOUT THE SUSPECTS • MORE AWARENESS THROUGH THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS • WITH NEWS STORIES AND ADVERTISEMENTS AS ADOPT-A-BLOCK CONTINUES TO GROW AND INCREASE THE NEED FOR CONTINUED SUPPORT BY THE DISTRICT IS IMPARITIVE TO OUR PROGRAM. THANK FOR THIS OPORTUINITY TO COME BEFORE YOU. I WILL NOW TURN THE MIC OVER TO ED WHITE........ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 4, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No 5747-1998 SUMMARY: To provide background information to the request from the District of Pitt Meadows to provide water and sanitary sewerage services to parcels located within their boundaries and to present the required by-law for requisite readings. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No. 5747-1998 be read a first and second time and the rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No. 5747-1998 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: The District of Pitt Meadows, on behalf of the current owner of the property located immediately north of the current Canadian Tire retail outlet and adjacent to the Lougheed Highway has requested the District of Maple Ridge to provide water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer services via 200th Street. The bulk of the subject parcel is within the boundaries of the District of Pitt Meadows although a very small portion of the parent parcel is located within the boundaries of the District of Maple Ridge. The parcel and ultimate development to be located thereon can best be served by extending services from the District of Maple Ridge via the 200th Street road right- of-way. The attached map identifies the subject parcel. On reviewing the matter with the Planning Department, it is noted that the District of Maple Ridge will not be providing storm sewer facilities; the developer is obtaining that service via a cross property easement involving the Canadian Tire site. The provisions of the Municipal Act allow a municipality to extend services, by by-law, to an area located in another municipality provided the consent of the other municipality has been obtained. The District of Pitt Meadows has requested the services and to satisfy the requirements of Section 574 (5) of the Municipal Act has explicitly consented to the request. I have taken the liberty of preparing an appropriate agreement to be entered into with the District of Pitt Meadows and the companion by-law, which after adoption will allow the Mayor and Clerk to execute. The attached agreement parallels two by-laws passed into June 1992 and a companion agreement that provided services (water and sanitary sewerage) to another parcel of land located in the District of Pitt Meadows. That parcel of land is located on the north side of the Lougheed - 1 - Highway in the triangle between the Lougheed Hwy and Dewdney Trunk Road intersection and the golf course lands. One of the by-laws, at that time, required the approval of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Because of recent changes to the Municipal Act, it is no longer necessary to obtain the approval of the Ministry. The Developer of the proposed development will be required to pay all costs associated with the extension of necessary services as a condition of a subdivision application. The agreement re- enforces that requirement and, as well, requires the District of Pitt Meadows to collect and remit to the District of Maple Ridge on or before July 1st in each year, all charges and fees for the requested services that a like commercial development in the District of Maple Ridge would be required to pay annually (water/sanitary sewer parcel and user fees). Submitted with a recommendation to accept. Ltu 6L Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Fin & Clerk Attachments (2) -2- / I 12077\ 13 12 12071\ - 111206, U0 10 1205 05 LOT 2.40 ha LOT DISTRICT OF PITT MEADOWS 0.486 ha DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE - • A (I) - 0 P 70753 -I 1 12021 0 o 11969 o LMP 31913 —J (I) bJ Ri / Total 1.78 ha SUBJECT PROPERTY 11969 200 ST. LEGAL CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 D.ARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: SD-24-97 DATE: NOV.5, 1998 A SCALE: 1:2,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5747-1998 A By-law to authorize the entering into of an Agreement with the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows for the extension of the water distribution system and sanitary sewerage system owned by the District of Maple Ridge to provide services to lands located within the boundaries of the District of Pitt Meadows. WHEREAS Maple Ridge is possessed of a certain sanitary sewerage system and a water distribution system lying within the boundaries of Maple Ridge and part thereof of these systems are immediately adjacent to the common boundaries of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; AND WHEREAS the owner(s) of parcels located within the boundaries of Pitt Meadows have asked Pitt Meadows to provide sanitary sewer and water services to serve proposed commercial development to be located on the subject parcels; AND WHEREAS Pitt Meadows is unable to provide the requested services and instead has asked Maple Ridge to provide the requested sanitary sewer and water services to serve the proposed commercial developments to be located on the subject parcels and whereas the requested services can physically be provided by Maple Ridge; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act being Chapter 323 R.S.B.C. 1996 empowers Maple Ridge: Via Section 574 to extend the sanitary sewerage system outside the municipality; and Via Section 594 to provide for the establishment and use outside the municipality of a water distribution system; AND WHEREAS Pitt Meadows has consented to the subject service extensions; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited for all purposes as, "Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No. 5747-1998". 2. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the agreement with the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows in the form of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. By-law No. 5747-1998 Page 2 READ a first time this day of 1998 AD. READ a second time this day of 1998. AD. READ a third time this day of 1998. AD. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this day of 1998.AD. MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" I Schedule "A" To By-law No. 5747-1998 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of , 1998. BETWEEN: The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, a District Municipality under the provisions of the "Municipal Act" of the Province of British Columbia and having its offices at 11995 Haney Place in the Municipality of Maple Ridge in the Province of British Columbia (Hereinafter called "Maple Ridge") OF THE FIRST PART AND: The Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows, a District Municipality under the provisions of the "Municipal Act" of the Province of British Columbia and having its offices at 12007 Harris Road in the Municipality of Pitt Meadows in the Province of British Columbia (Hereinafter called "Pitt Meadows") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS Maple Ridge is possessed of a certain sanitary sewerage system and a water distribution system lying within the boundaries of Maple Ridge and part thereof of these systems are immediately adjacent to the common boundaries of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; AND WHEREAS the owner(s) of parcels located within the boundaries of Pitt Meadows have asked Pitt Meadows to provide sanitary sewer and water services to serve proposed commercial developments to be located on the subject parcels; AND WHEREAS Pitt Meadows is unable to provide the requested services and instead has asked Maple Ridge to provide the requested sanitary sewer and water services to serve the proposed commercial developments to be located on the subject parcels and whereas the requested services can physically be provided by Maple Ridge; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act being Chapter 323 R.S.B.C. 1996 empowers Maple Ridge: Via Section 574 to extend the sanitary sewerage system outside the municipality; and Via Section 594 to provide for the establishment and use outside the municipality of a water distribution system; AND WHEREAS Pitt Meadows has consented to the subject service extensions; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and payments herein reserved and expressed, Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows hereto covenant and agree each with the other as follows: Schedule "A" By-law No. 5747-1998 Page 2 GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. In this Agreement: (a) "Agreement" means this Agreement. (b) "Subject parcels" means those parcels that benefit from the requested extensions namely the following: Lot 2, District Lots 222 and 246, Group 1, Plan LMP N.W.D. Lot 3, District Lot 246, Group I, Plan LMP N.W.D. (c) "Charges" means rates, taxes, charges, frontage tax or such other charges or any combination of such methods as may be provided by the Municipal Act. 2. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, it is not binding on either Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows until the owner(s) of the subject parcels extend, at their cost, the water and sanitary sewer services from their existing termination points to the property lines of the subject parcels, and connecting said proposed commercial developments to those extended services, and pays to Maple Ridge the required connection fees in accordance with the by-laws of Maple Ridge. Pitt Meadows shall pay to Maple Ridge, on or before July in each year, an amount of money equal to the total amount of the rates, taxes, or charges levied and imposed by Pitt Meadows pursuant to Paragraph 8 and Paragraph 11 of this Agreement. Neither Maple Ridge nor Pitt Meadows may extend or alter the terms of this Agreement without the consent of the other party to such extension or alteration. Any additional facilities and/or buildings created after the initial construction of the proposed commercial developments, which is expected to occur during the latter part of 1998 or early 1999 and located on the subject parcels, shall not obtain or draw water from the water distribution system or be permitted to discharge effluent into the sanitary sewerage system without the express written consent of Maple Ridge. This Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Maple Ridge covenants and agrees to permit the subject parcels to connect one (1) only commercial development located on each of the subject parcels to the existing water distribution system at a point or points to be determined by the Engineering Department for Maple Ridge. Schedule "A" By-law No. 5747-1998 Page 3 In consideration for the use of the water distribution system owned by Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows shall levy and impose charges upon the subject parcels and improvements located thereon. Such charges shall be determined by Maple Ridge at its absolute dietioii ithosedfora. iiloincialuthrwith improvements located in the urban area of Maple Ridge, and a further fee equal to twenty percent (20%) of the total of those charges. The owner(s) of the subject parcels benefiting from a connection to the water distribution system shall abide by the Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulation By-law as amended from time to time. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Maple Ridge covenants and agrees to permit the subject parcels to connect one (1) only commercial unit located on each of the subject parcels to the existing sanitary sewerage system at a point or points to be determined by the Engineering Department for Maple Ridge. In consideration for the use of the sanitary sewerage system owned by Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows shall levy and impose charges upon the subject parcels and improvements located thereon. Such charges shall be determined by Maple Ridge at its absolute discretion and shall be equal to the charges imposed for a like commercial unit with improvements located in the urban area of Maple Ridge, and a further fee equal to twenty percent (20%) of the total of those charges. Neither the owner(s) of the subject parcels or Pitt Meadows shall permit any person to discharge roof water or connect any storm drain or surface water collected from the subject parcels into the sanitary sewerage system. The owner(s) of the subject parcels benefiting from a connection to the sanitary sewerage system shall abide by the Maple Ridge Sanitary Sewerage Regulation By-law as amended from time to time. Schedule "A" By-law No. 5747-1998 Page 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their corporate seals in the presence of their duly authorized signatories. The Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge was Hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor Municipal Clerk The Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows was Hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor Municipal Clerk CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 10, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: 4200-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: By-F iFS1iöiFTFiiTee SD No. 42 (Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows) SUMMARY: To advise of a request that has come forward from SD No. 42 (Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows) to conduct a by-election to fill a vacancy in a School Trustee position and to appoint the Chief Election Officer and Deputy Chief Election Officer. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the request of School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge - Pi tt Meadows) in a letter dated October 29, 1998, be it resolved that pursuant to the authority in Section 41(1) of the Municipal Act; James (Jim) R. McBride be appointed as Chief Election Officer; and Jo-Anne Hertzog be appointed as Deputy Chief Election Officer. BACKGROUND: The attached letter dated October 29, 1998 outlines the circumstances and a request to the District of Maple Ridge to conduct an election to fill a vacancy that has occurred through the death of a trustee. The provisions of the Municipal Act and the School Act require the Municipality to conduct the election, the costs of which, however, are recoverable from the School District. These same provisions require the local government (Municipal Council) to appoint a Chief Election Officer (CEO) and a Deputy Chief Election Officer (DCEO). Once the CEO has been appointed, he/she is charged with the responsibility of doing all things necessary for the conduct of an election in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act, by-laws of the municipality, etc. Included amongst those are: the selection of Voting Places, appointing necessary Election Officials, ensuring sufficient ballots for each Voting Place, etc. In addition, once the CEO is appointed, the "clock" is running in terms of getting the List of Electors in order, setting a Nomination period, setting a general voting date (if there are more candidates runnin than there are vacancies) and doing all things incidental and necessary to the process (advertising, etc. hief Administrative Officer General Manager: Financial &L--Ivtunicipal Clerk & Corporate Services JRM/dd Attachment (1) I T;T42 MAPLE RIDGE - PITT MEADOWS 22225 Brown Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 8N6 Tel. (604) 463-4200 Fax. (604) 463-0573 '-.. October 29, 1998 Mr. J.R. McBride. Municipal Clerk, Corporation of the 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. McBride, District of Maple Ridge, rt ECTPT: OCT 30 1998 L2co_c/. Re: Trustee Vacancy Pursuant to Section 36 (3) (b) of the School Act, I am notifying you that a trustee election is required to be conducted by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge and further that the Corporation must appoint a chief election officer within 30 days after being notified by School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows). It is noted that pursuant to Section 36 (4) of the School Act that the chief election officer must set a general voting day for the trustee election, which must be on a Saturday no later than 80 days alter the date the chief election officer was appointed. The requirement for an election arises as a result of the recent passing of Trustee Bridget Trerise. Her term of office would have expired November 30th, 1999 and as such, the vacancy will be for the remaining portion of that term. Once you have had the opportunity to undertake some preliminary planning, I would be pleased to meet witiji you to assist in any way possible and to arrange for polling static(ns in District schools. Sin#rely A.E. Aniischak Secretary Treasurer Cc: N.Joostema D.J. Therrien c:::T. TO: Municipal Council District of Maple Ridge Fm: Marc F. Alexander 12510-241 Street Maple Ridge, B.C. V4R 1N3 RE: Application no.: DVP/28/98, Relaxation of required NOV 10 1998 -cl /D Mc.ci T 44 ;-. Ph AC) • width to 6.1 metres 98.11.10 I am unsure why the municipality would entertain this type of variance to the municipal standard, as it would seen this is why standards are created. In speaking to this variance application. I had spoke to the developer Mr Paul Hayes, and he advised me that cost was not an issue to building this road. If that is the case why would the safety of the road users be jeopardized? Mr. Stephenson of your planning department states there will not be many people using the road, so safety isn't a problem, but I suggest if one persons safety is compromised, that is too many. I live directly in front of this area, and have already come to a near collision with persons entering the property at 12530 - 2451 Street. This is not a straight roadway, as it curves in two locations in a very short space with the driveway at 12510-241 Street intersecting approximately midway between the curves. As a Collision Analyst with the RCMP, I am an expert in collision investigations. I have discussed this variance with Cst. Terry MacDonald, as well a Collision Analyst here at Ridge- Meadows Detachment. We are both of the opinion that the allowing of a narrower roadway in this area will be a traffic hazard. I have attached copies of photographs of this specific area. allow this variance to the municipal standard. Marc Alexander ! I :i} - pci *.p.