HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-24 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING November 24, 1998 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on November 24, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Appointed Staff Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Mr. J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Mr. R. A. Wells, General Manager of Financial and Corporate Services Mr. M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services Mr. J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development Services Mr. T. Fryer, Director. of Current Planning Mrs. S.M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Elected Officials Councillor T. Baker, Acting Mayor Councillor J. Clements Councillor C. Gordon Councillor L. King Councillor B. Levens Councillor K. Stewart Excused Mayor C. Durksen The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems. Mr. Eugene Lambright, Sergeant-at-Arms, announced the opening of the meeting. 01 PRA YERS Pastor Ed Bradley conducted opening prayers. 02 MINUTES R198-586 02.01 Council Minutes MOVED by Councillor Clements Nov. 10/98 SECONDED by Councillor Levens that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of November 10, 1998 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 2 R/98-587 02.02 Public Hearing Minutes MOVED by Councillor Stewart Nov. 17/98 SECONDED by Councillor King that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of November 17, 1998 be received. CARRIED R/98-588 02.03 Dev. Agmt. Minutes MOVED by Councillor King Nov. 1998 SECONDED by Councillor Levens that the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of November 2 and 9, 1998 be received. CARRIED 03 DELEGATIONS 03.01 Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) -Status of Negotiations Councillor Gordon, LMTAC representative, introduced the following members of the Committee who were in attendance to present the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils with an overview of the Committee's work and to provide an update on the current status of the negotiations with the Katzie First Nation. David Didluck, Policy and Aboriginal Affairs Analyst Cory Herrera, B.C. Team South, Provincial Negotiator Vicki Huntington, Vice Chair (arrived later in the meeting) Shannon Kaplun, Aboriginal Affairs Intern Councillor Gordon advised that Ms. Nancy A. Chivario, Chair of the LMTAC, was unable to attend due to illness Councillor Gordon acknowledged Chief Peter James and other members of the Katzie First Nation who where in attendance. She also acknowledged Pitt Meadows Mayor Dave Duncan and Councillors Seib Sweirstra and Janis Elkerton. Note: The LMTAC submitted written copies of their presentation, including a summary of issues and maps showing statements of intent. The following is a summary of the LMTAC ' s presentation. 14 Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 3 Councillor Gordon provided an overview of the Committee's mandate which is to co- rdinate and represent the interest of local government jurisdictions and their constituents in the Lower Mainland treaty negotiations. Its structure incorporates representatives from 23 Municipalities and 3 regional districts. LMTAC is composed of elected officials and senior staff and has an executive committee. There are 15 treaty advisory committees throughout B.C. Goals of the Committee include strengthening the role of local government in treaty negotiations to ensure that local government interests are not negatively impacted by whatever is negotiated and by powers that may result from Aboriginal self-government. Ms. Herrera reported on the state of negotiations around the Province, noting that the 6 Vancouver area tables are near or will be at Stage 4 by the end of 1999. She spoke of the valuable contributions that local government can make to the treaty process, noting that they will only have to do their work once as the process will not change. The Province is excited that local government interests will get in on the ground floor. Local governments have told the Province that they have a very strong interest in ensuring that the treaty negotiations are workable within the local context. The Province looks forward to the benefit of the special expertise that will be provided by the local government representatives to help the Province do its job and ensure that there is ongoing information to the public. The Province asks specifically that the LMTAC representatives share their ideas on a variety of issues such as finding a mechanism for long-term relationships between First Nations and local governments. Mr. Didluck advised that there is a difference between rural and urban treaties. Urban treaties raise different concerns for local governments than rural treaties and are more complicated by a number of factors. These include the following: • Complex network of existing government structures; • Numerous competing private interests; • Limited available Crown land for treaty settlements; • Higher population densities and an absence of past models. He added that there is a need to adapt treaties to the unique realities of the urban setting. He also noted as follows some of the issues that need to be addressed, which are detailed in the LMTAC written submission: • How Aboriginal self-government will fit within the local government structures of urbanized regions; • What dispute resolution mechanisms will be accessible to local governments; • How the treaties will deal with competing land uses; • How the treaties will promote First Nation/local government co-operation; Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 4 • What mechanisms will be included in treaties to help First Nations and local governments ensure regulatory transparency; • What provisions will be built into the treaties to ensure that off-reserve First Nations have access to treaty entitlements and on-reserve programs and services, etc Councillor Gordon reported on the status of the Katzie First Nation negotiations, noting that they are currently at Stage 2. She advised that the Katzie First Nation is to be commended for conducting their negotiations in an inclusive, open atmosphere. They have consulted with local stakeholders throughout the process. Ms. Vicki Huntington explained that the next step is for the Municipality to develop an Interest Inventory which is a summary of all specific interests of a particular Municipality or regional district. (The requirements for the inventory are detailed in the Committee's written submission). Councillor King questioned what the time line is for the Inventory. Ms. Huntington explained that it needs to be done in 1999. It is the Committee's hope that work on the Inventory will commence immediately. Councillor Stewart asked if private lands will or will not be included in the treaty negotiations. Ms. Herrara advised that private lands are not available for land selection, however, if a private land owner wished to place land on the market it would be considered on a willing buyer-willing seller basis. There will be no expropriation of lands under the treaty process. She also clarified for Councillor Elkerton that Municipal lands are not available for land selection. Acting Mayor Baker thanked the Committee for their informative presentation. He also expressed appreciation to Pitt Meadows for attending. He noted that several other Councils were invited but were unable to send representatives. Mayor Duncan thanked the Maple Ridge Council for inviting Pitt Meadows Council to attend the LMTAC presentation. He also acknowledged the unique approach the Katzie First Nation has brought to the table by including the local Municipalities in the negotiating process. The delegation departed at this point in the meeting. 04 STAFF PRESENTATIONS Nil 05 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil 06 BY-LAWS Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 5 Note: Items 06.01 and 06.02 are from the November 17, 1998 Public Heag 06.01 RZ/23/98 —13819-232 Street - Text Amendment - A-2 to CD-3-98 R!98-589 06.01.01 BL 589-1998 2nd/3rd reading MOVED by Councillor Stewart DEFERRED SECONDED by Councillor Levens that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5689-1998 be read a second and third time. Discussion The Acting Mayor referred to the Public Hearing on the subject application to permit approximately 500 units using a variety of zones and densities. He noted there were a number of issues raised relating to Official Community Plan (OCP) policies in this area. He advised that Council has had many discussions and has reviewed many reports. A Guide Plan has been prepared for the area. He asked the General Manager of Public Works and Development Services to provide an update on the process to date. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services explained that all the development applications in the Silver Valley area are being processed in accordance with the OCP and the Silver Valley Guide Plan. Staff has prepared a number of reports and updates to address a multitude of issues in the Silver Valley area in general. Staff is aware of the issues raised at last week's Public Hearing; several of them have been addressed already in staffs background reports. He noted that the questions centered around a number of themes, e.g. environmental, aesthetic impact of development on the slopes, etc. If Council wishes, staff can prepare a more specific response to each of the major questions that were raised at the Public Hearing. Councillor Stewart noted that concern was also raised regarding the establishment of equestrian trails, particularly the Docksteader Trail. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that the equestrian network is another layer of data that needs to be resolved in the long term. There is a series of layers in the Guide Plan dealing with servicing, land use, transportation, etc. The horse trail has to be resolved before any of the major development plans in the area can be finalized. Councillor King stated that she is not prepared to vote in favour of going to third reading at this point because of the many issues raised at the Public Hearing. She expressed concern regarding the following issues and suggests that third reading be deferred until they can be addressed: Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 6 • Drainage - there were some really profound drainage issues raised, particularly Anderson Creek; • Equestrian provisions; • Servicing - including who is putting in what, when and how; • Density of the development; she has concern that the density of the proposed single family portion is equal to multi-family development; • There could be Archaeology sites in the area; • There has been no provision made for wildlife corridors; • There is no schematic to show what the built development will look like; • There is no further opportunity for input following the Public Hearing; • Council is awaiting further information from staff with respect to performance bonding and she would like to see that information prior to proceeding further. • There is a complete absence of buffering between the development proposal and the ALR lands which places the ALR lands in jeopardy. Councillor Clements advised that he shares some of the concerns that have been raised by his colleague, in particular the equestrian trail network and the archaeological considerations. He too would like to have more information on environmental bonding. He further noted that one of the speakers at the Public Hearinhad concerns about Anderson Creek as a source of water supply and he would like more information on that issue He would like additional information with respect to flooding on 136 Avenue and the impact of the development on Blaney Bog. Councillor Gordon stated that she is not prepared to support the application going forward at this time as there are too many unanswered questions. She would like to see Council and staff take the time to consider some of the solutions that were put forward at the public hearing. This development is very significant in size (500 units) and the residents have no further opportunity for input. She too would like to have further information first on environmental bonding. Councillor Gordon added that she is concerned that the ALR portion is being included in the green space calculations. That space is not actually guaranteed to remain a green space as it will still be in private ownership. It is not dedicated as parkland or as a water course protection area. Councillor Levens noted that there were a lot of people at the Public Hearing, however, many people represented the same issue. She further noted that many of the issues that were raised are pointed out with every development that comes before Council. She referred to comments regarding increased flooding on 132 Avenue and noted that this area has always flooded to varying degrees every year. She felt that the developers provided a very good overview of their plans, however, there are some issues that are not quite clear and she would like to see them looked into before the application moves ahead. Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 7 The Acting Mayor referred to the question raised at the Public Hearing as to whether or not Council supports the Livable Region Strategic Plan. He advised that since 1996 Council has undertaken many actions to support that plan and there will be more information in that regard provided to the public prior to third and fourth reading consideration of the by-law. He asked that staff provide that information as part of their report back to Council. He also asked that clarification be provided to the public as to what the required procedure is once the by-law passes third reading. Councillor King noted that the residents are well aware of the procedure and that it does not allow them to have further input into the project to address their many concerns. Councillor Clements stated that he would like to clarify that a number of concerns referred to are identified policy in conjunction with the OCP. He also wanted to clarify that the statistic mentioned at the Public Hearing quoting "97% of the people in Maple Ridge" actually refers to 97% of the people surveyed in the Angus Reid poll. He suggested that in view of the amount of information that is being discussed, that the application be deferred. Acting Mayor Baker questIdned the time frame for deferral. The Director of Current Planning advised that staff needs a minimum of one month to put together a comprehensive information package for Council. motion to MOVED by Councillor Clements defer. SECONDED by Councillor King that consideration of Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5 689- 1998 be deferred to the first meeting in January, 1999. CARRIED RZ/23/98 - Lands North 0f136 Avenue in the '23000 Block R/98-590 06.01.02 BL 5690-1998 2nd/3rd reading MOVED by Councillor Clements RZ/23/96 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon DEFERRED that consideration of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5690-1998 be deferred to the first meeting in January, 1999. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 8 06.02 RZ/15/98 - 11566 - 224 Street R198-591 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5736-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart 2nd/3rd reading RZ/25/98 that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5736-1998 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor King advised that she is opposed to the application as the drawings shown at the Public Hearing are still very vague. This is not a strong proposal and the site is located right in the middle of the historic area where she would like to see a strong proposal presented. She would like to see a residential component included. She also noted that concerns were raised at the Public Hearing with respect to the view lines and there are also servicing concerns which the proponent has not addressed. Councillor Clements responded that the issues raised by Councillor King, particularly the view line, have been addressed. Councillor Gordon stated that she shares some of Councillor King's concerns. She feels that the site is ideal for a residential component and she is not comfortable having the application proceed solely as an office use. She noted that a recommendation that came out of the Port Haney review was to try and encourage a commercial -residential mix in order to have a vibrant community in that area. Councillor Stewart noted that the designated zoning permits an office use, however, the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) had some serious concerns regarding the proposed design of the building. He asked for further clarification of how those are being addressed in the process. The Director of Current Planning that there were concerns raised by the ADP that were addressed and the applicant was able to proceed to Public Hearing. The application was again presented to the ADP following the Public Hearing and the ADP is concerned about a lack of detail for the Development Permit. The ADP's concerns will be reflected in the Development Permit application which will be presented to the December 14, 1998 Committee of the Whole Meeting. The applicants have work to do before staff will recommend approval of the Development Permit application. The ADP looks at the detail of the building much more closely at the Development Permit stage and Council will have an opportunity to look at those details as well. Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 9 Councillor Levens emphasized that the use conforms to the zone being requested. She stated that this Council is going to have to decide if it wants to change all the rules or follow the established rules. Councillor Gordon stated that it disturbs her that all the Advisory Panel recommendations have not yet been addressed. It does not seem to her that the applicant is putting forward the best proposal possible. Council should expect the best from every development proposal that comes before them. The Acting Mayor noted that Council is dealing with land use at this time. The design of the building will be dealt with at the Development Permit stage. The motion CARRIED. Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED. 06.03 SD/15/98 - Former Rod and Gun Club Site R198-592 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5737-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart final reading that Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5737-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. 06.04 Joint Services Agreement with Pitt Meadows for an Extension of Maple Ridge Services R/98-593 MOVED by Councillor Levens BL 5747-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon final reading that Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No. 5747-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. VA 1114 06.05 R2/19/97 - 27222 Lougheed Highway - By-law No. 5623-1998. The Municipal Clerk advised that this item has been withdrawn from the Agenda as the applicant was unable to fulfill all the requirements for final reading. Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 10 06.06 Inclusion of Property into Sewer Area "A" —23897 Zeron Avenue R/98-594 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5 725-1998 SECONDED by Councillor King final reading that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5725-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 06.07 RZ/8/98 —11451, 11473 and 11483 —240 Street - RS-3 to CD-i -93 and RS-1b R/98-595 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5711-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Levens final reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5711-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 06.08 RZ/69/94 - 10644 and 10714-240 Street - RS-3 and RS-2 to RS-lb R/98-596 06.08.01 BL 5444-1996 final reading MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ/69194 SECONDED by Councillor King that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5444- 1996 be reconsidered and adopted. Discussion Councillor King noted that this is a 1994 application and asked for an overview. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and explained the proposed road pattern, noting that this is a very challenging site due to the steep topography and that road pattern is the best that can be achieved to provide some inter-connections. He also identified the lands that will be dedicated for parkland. The -motion CARRIED. I Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 11 R198-597 BL 5442-1996 final reading RZ/69/94 [IT1e1:s MOVED by Councillor Levens SECONDED by Councillor Clements that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5442-1996 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 07 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 07.01 Minutes R/98-598 MOVED by Councillor King COW Minutes SECONDED by Councillor Clements Nov. 16/98 that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 16, 1998 be received. CARRIED 07.02 Public Works and Development Services Chair Councillor T. Baker Vice Chair Councillor B. Levens 07.02.0 1 Building Permit BCF 129/98 - (Addition to a Commercial Building) - 20475 Lougheed Highway - Development Cost Charge Forgiveness Reference was made to the staff report dated October 27, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R198-599 DCC Forgiveness 20475 L.H. MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by Councillor King that with respect to Building Permit Application BPC 129/98, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct road works on 119 Avenue, the highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $12,512.00. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 12 07.02.02 Amendment to Official Community Plan to show the 130 Avenue-132 Avenue Arterial Route between 232 Street and 240 Street - By-law No. 5671-1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 4, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein to permit the above noted amendment: R/98-600 MOVED by Councillor Levens BL 5671-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart first reading that Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5712-1998 be read a first time. Discussion Councillor Gordon voiced objection to the by-law being heard at the December 15, 1998 Public Hearing, noting that this is during the Christmas season and it will be challenging for people to attend. It will look as if Council is trying to push the by-law through. She further noted that the by-law is scheduled to be considered at the Council meeting immediately following the Public Hearing and iliis does not allow enough time for Council to address any concerns that might be raised at the Public Hearing. Councillor King agreed. Councillor Stewart expressed the opinion that if this item is to be deferred, the entire December Public Hearing should be deferred in order to be fair to all. The Director of Current Planning clarified that this is now the only item scheduled for the December Public Hearing. The Chief Administrative Officer noted that staff wants to get the by-law through first reading so that they can arrange for the Public Hearing. motion to defer MOVED by Councillor Gordon to Jan. P.H. SECONDED by Councillor King defeated that By-law No. 5671-1998 be deferred to the January, 1998 Public Hearing. DEFEATED (Councillors King and Gordon voted in favour; Councillors Clements, Levens and Stewart were OPPOSED). Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 13 motion to defer MOVED by Councillor King further readings SECONDED by Councillor Clements to Jan. that further readings to By-law 567 1-1998 subsequent to the Public Hearing of December 15, 1998 be deferred to the first meeting in January, 1999. CARRIED 07.02.03 RZ/28/98 - 10390 Slatford Place and 10389 - 240 Street - RS-3 and RS-2 to RS-lb and R-1, R-3 and RM-1 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 6, 1998 recommending that the application to permit a variety of building types and lots sizes be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. R198-601 MOVED by Councillor King RZ/28/98 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Slatford/240 St. to PH that application RZ/28/98 (for property located at 10390 Slatford Place and 10389 - 240 Street) to rezone property described in the staff report dated November 6, 1998 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential, R-1 (Residential District, R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Discussion The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map and provided details of the proposed development. He noted that the proposed arrangement and location of the units respect the existing home site, floodplain and Spencer's Creek. Councilor King expressed concern regarding the density, noting that she is not necessarily opposed to the development as there appears to be considerable green space provided. On question from Councillor Gordon, he explained that the creek is being relocated in an effort to enhance the creek system, noting that there were some changes made in the past that were detrimental to the creek. Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 14 The motion CARRIED. 07.02.04 RZ/16/98 —Former Pacific Vocational Institute (PVI) Site on 256 Street - M-2 tolR Reference was made to the staff report dated October 6, 1998 recommending that the subject application to alter the boundaries for the two zones (to reflect some of the constraints to development imposed by site characteristics and to increase the amount of land zoned JR from the original proposal) proceed to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Committee amended the recommendation to increase the amount of JR zoning from 25% to 75% and to add as Condition 4 that a restrictive covenant must be registered with respect to phasing. R/98-602 MOVED by Councillor Stewart RZ/16/98 SECONDED by Councillor Levens to P.H. (JR zone) that application RZ/ 16/98 (former Pacific Vocational Institute site on 256 Street) to rezone property described in the staff repoit dated October 6, 1998 from M-2 (General Industrial) to JR (Industrial/Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report; and that the extension of Industrial Residential (IR) lands be increased from 25% to 75%; and that the following be added as No. 4 under the conditions to be met prior to final approval: "4. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant with respect to future phasing of the subdivision." Discussion Councillor King noted that the application has been revised to now devote 75% of the subject site to the JR Zone instead of 25% as originally proposed. She is opposed to the change; she feels that 25% was an appropriate amount as this is a highly experimental venture. She further noted that there are very little remaining designated Industrial lands in Maple Ridge. It is not known how the experimental JR zone will work out and if it will end up residential housing or a genuine Industrial Residential development. Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 15 At the request of Councillor King, the Director of Current Planning displayed a map and identified all the lands in Maple Ridge that are designated Industrial. Councillor Stewart spoke in favour of the IR zone, noting that it will form a nice buffer between the Industrial and Residential areas. He advised that the Committee has recommended that future phasing be controlled by a restrictive covenant. The proposal is a bold move by Council and he would like to see it work; it could then be used successfully in other areas of the Municipality. He added that he agrees Council will have to look at some appropriate lands and make them available for Industrial use. Councillor Clements stated he views the proposal as an innovative land use, noting that it has been used successfully in other areas of the country. He agrees that the IR Zone is a good buffer. Councillor Gordon stated that she agrees the proposal is innovative but Council originally agreed to support it at 25% of the site. She will not support the change to 75% as she feels that the loss of Industrial land is a really critical issue and this is just a pilot project. Council does not know if it will work or not. Councillor King asked to have the specific wording of the restrictive covenant read out. The Director of Current Planning advised that it has not yet been drafted. The covenant was a suggestion made by the developer and agreed to at Committee of the Whole to address the phasing. There was a suggetion made that the IR Zone not be built all in one phase; it would be phased in over time depending on market conditions, etc. The restrictive covenant will have to be presented, and an indication given of its terms, before the application proceeds to Public Hearing, along with the land use plan. The Acting Mayor advised that the applicant changed his plans when the access to this site was changed from its original location following concerns raised by adjacent residents at the Public Hearing. That change made it impractical and uneconomical to do any industrial use on that site. The developers are now trying to find a solution to a difficult problem which resulted from that change in access. The motion CARRIED. Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED. 07.02.05 ALR/5/98 - 20383 Powell Avenue, 20453 Powell Avenue and 12600 Block of 203 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated November 4, 1998 recommending that the subject not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission for the reasons specified in the report. Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 16 The Committee amended the recommendation to permit the application to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. R198-603 MOVED by Councillor Levens ALRI5/98 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Powell Ave. that application ALRI5/98 for the property described as Lot 14, District Lot 276, Group 1 NWD Plan 11084; Lot 2, District Lot 276, Group 1 NWD, Plan 13319; Lot 4, except: part subdivided by Plan 25295, District Lot 267, Group 1 NWD, Plan 24660, and located north of Powell Avenue and east of 203 Street be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. Discussion Councillor King advised that she is opposed to the motion as it chips away at the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). Councillor Stewart spoke in support of the motion, noting that this area was thoroughly discussed by the Rural Plan Advisory Committ. The land has the potential to form a transition or buffer zone for larger properties to the north. Also it is bordered by a major east-west sewer line. He added that he would like to see the application go to the Agricultural Land Commission for their comments and to give the applicants a chance to be heard. He noted that the lands in question were designated Residential prior to being frozen as AIR lands in 1972. Councillor Gordon advised that she is opposed to the motion. Her main objection is that this area is outside the District's urban growth boundary and Council has already designated three areas in the community for active growth, namely, Albion, Cottonwood and Silver Valley. She is not prepared to support a further expansion of the urban boundary and it is not fair to give a signal to the residents that they should apply for exclusion from the AIR and then come back to Council and request an expansion of the urban boundary. That would set up an uneven playing field for the developers who have already invested in the designated urban areas. Councillor Stewart noted that if the subject lands come out of the AIR, they can be used as a buffer zone and that it is up to Council to determine the time frame for development. The motion CARRIED. Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED. Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 17 07.02.06 Underground Wiring - History and Status Update Reference was made to the staff report dated October 21, 1998 recommending several actions to be undertaken with respect to the above noted matter. R198-604 MOVED by Councillor King Underground SECONDED by Councillor Levens Wiring that staff be directed to investigate the merits of amending the "Existing Urban Area" Schedule (Schedule D) of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing By-law No. 5595-1997 as noted in the staff report dated October 21, 1998 and further; that staff be directed to work with B.C. Hydro in the context of the B.C. Hydro Beautification Program to convey Municipal interest in and to seek partial funding approval to convert aerial utilities to underground wiring under the terms and conditions of the program; and further; that foiCouncil's future consideration, staff be directed to add projects to the Capital Works Program in light of the B.C. Hydro Beautification Program to address future Municipal funding contributions under the program. Discussion The Acting Mayor questioned if the beautification program will place an additional cost burden on developers, noting that such costs are ultimately passed on to the homeowner. If that is the case, he would like to see a breakdown of all development cost charges that are currently being levied on a single family unit. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services explained that staff wants to take advantage of a cost-sharing program with B.C. Hydro and begin with the downtown core area, which is a commercial area, and also look at the west end of the Municipality. If there are numbers attached to specific development applications, they can be provided to Council. The Acting Mayor asked if single family developments are being asked to make a contribution where they don't conform to the policy. The Chief Administrative Officer explained that is not what is being done at this point. All that staff is doing is confirming existing policy and looking to work with B.C. Hydro with respect to beautification projects in the town core and west end. There is no capacity to place an additional charge on new properties. The report was brought forward in response to a request from Councillor Levens to look at the current policy to see if it is satisfactory. This resulted in a few amendments coming to Council for consideration. There is a charge to go to Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 18 underground services in residential subdivisions but that has been in place for some time. There will be no change to individual properties as a result of this report. The motion CARRIED. 07.02.07 Soil Conservation Act Permit - 27412 - 104 Avenue (Long) Reference was made to the staff report dated November 4, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R198-605 MOVED by Councillor King Soil Permit SECONDED by Councillor Clements 27412-104 Ave. that with respect to the application for a permit under Section 2 (l)(a) of the Soil Conservation Act submitted by Bud and Holly Long for property at 27412 - 104 Avenue, be it resolved that a permit be issued to provide a more level and agriculturally usable grade to land. CARRIED 07.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) Chair Councillor J. Clements Vice Chair Councillor K. Stewart 07.03.01 Disbursements for the Month ended October 31, 1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 3, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R198-606 MOVED by Councillor Clements Disbursements SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Oct. 1998 that Disbursements as listed below for the month ended October 31, 1998 now be approved: General $6,192,009.16 Payroll 637885.44 Total $6,829,894.60 14 Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 19 07.03.02 Adjustments to the 1998 Collector's Roll Reference was made to the staff report dated October 19, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R198-607 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Adjustments to SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Collector Roll that the B.C. Assessment report dated September 28, 1998 be received for information. 07.04 Community Develonment and Recreation Service Chair Councillor C. Gordon Vice Chair Councillor L. King 07.04.01 Cemetery By-law Amendments - Increase in Tariff Schedule Reference was made to the staff report dated October 26, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R198-608 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5746-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart 3 readings that Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5746-1998 be read first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5 746-1998 be read third time. Discussion Councillor King asked if the increase in fees will go into perpetual care rather than general revenue. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services explained that currently some of the revenue is retained for perpetual care. Staff will be looking for more funds for perpetual care in next year's budget. Once the cemetery has reached its full capacity, there will still be ongoing costs to maintain that property. The motion CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 20 07.05 Other Issues Chair Mayor Vice Chair Acting Mayor 07.05.01 Major Road Network - G. V. T.A. Reference was made to the staff report dated November 16, 1998 in support of- the following recommendation: R!98-609 GVTA network approval MOVED by Councillor Levens SECONDED by Councillor Clements that the Major Road Network as proposed by the Grater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA) be approved; and further that the GVTA be requested to reconsider both the Dewdney Trunk Road from 232 Street east to the Mission boundary and the Old Dewdney Trunk Road in Pitt Meadows as components of the Major Road Network serving a significant inter-municipal transportation role in the northeast pat of the region. CARRIED Ward System - Letter from Lower Mainland Municipal Association MOVED by Councillor Levens SECONDED by Councillor Stewart that the correspondence dated November 5, 1998 from the Lower Mainland Municipal Association (LMMA) regarding the Ward System and Local Government Accountability Report from Simon Fraser University be received; and further that the position taken by the LMMA to oppose the creation of a ward system for Municipalities over 25,000 in population be supported. Discussion Councillor King stated that she will be voting against the motion as she has not done enough research on the ward system to reject it out of hand. Council just received the letter from the LMMA yesterday. Councillor Gordon agreed with Councillor King. Councillor Clements advised that he has researched the ward system and he does not support it. He will, therefore, vote in favour of the resolution. 07.05.02 R198-610 Ward System Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 21 Councillor Stewart stated that he feels comfortable enough to support the resolution. Acting Mayor Baker advised that he has had practical experience with the ward system and does not support it as he feels it is a political disaster. The motion CARRIED. Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED. 07.05.03 Contract Award - 248 Street/Alouette Road Subdivision - Bray Enterprises Ltd. Reference was made to the staff report dated September 23, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R198-61 1 MOVED by Councillor King Contract Award SECONDED by Councillor Stewart 248 St. Alouette that a contract in the amount of $860,161.23 be awarded to Bray Enterprises Ltd. for the construction of roads, undérround utilities and select clearing for the "lower, site (19 one acre lots) at 248 Street and Aloutte Road and that no contract be awarded for the "upper site" at this time. CARRIED 08 MAYOR'S REPORTS Meetings Attended Acting Mayor Baker advised that he has attended several meetings on behalf of Mayor Durksen. Council met recently with Pitt Meadows Council and the School District on matters of mutual concern. He attended a G.V.R.D. meeting on policing costs and transportation. Recent Storm, Power Outages The Acting Mayor thanked the Operations Centre and Fire Department who pulled together and dealt with many problems during the recent power outages. B.C. Hydro is also to be commended for their efforts in restoring power to everyone. He asked the public to be careful and not to cut up fallen trees until it has been clarified that there are no downed power lines involved. Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 22 09 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES Councillor L. King Councillor King advised that she attended the G.V.R.D. Council of Councils Meeting. She noted that Dr. Sherman Olson, who is a resident of Maple Ridge, is the President of the Trans-Canada Trail initiative and congratulated him and others on the work they are doing on this trail which will go through Maple Ridge. She advised that the Community Justice Forum will be held on November 28, 1998. Councilor .1. Clements Councillor Clements advised that he attended an E-Comm workshop, the Council of Councils meeting, a G.V.R.D meeting regarding Kanaka Creek Park, a B.C.A.C. meeting and a joint Chamber of Commerce Meeting. Councillor C. Gordon Councillor Gordon attended a State of the Basin Workshop for the Fraser River basin, two days of Lower Mainland Treaty Association meetings and an Arts Council retreat. She also participated in the Picket Fence Neighbourhood project in Yennadon. Councillor B. Levens Councillor Levens referred to the transfer of the main post office from the downtown area to the old Canadian Tire site on the Lougheed Highway in the west end of the Municipality, noting that many people have no way to get there. There is now just one postal outlet in the downtown core, which is in Shopper's Drug Mart, and it is inadequate and has huge line-ups. She proposed the following motion: R198-612 MOVED by Councillor Levens Post Office SECONDED by Councillor Gordon outlet - lack of that a letter be sent to Canada Post asking for an additional postal outlet to be established in the downtown area of Maple Ridge. CARRIED Councilor K. Stewart Councillor Stewart advised that he has been busy attending meetings connected with his regular duties, e.g. Advisory Design Panel and School District 42. There have been two Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 23 Community Forest meetings and the Municipality will be submitting January of 1999. The joint Chamber of Commerce/Airport Society attended. The Municipal Coat of Arms Committee just sent in its L today and will soon be able to present an artist's rendering to Council. their proposal in meeting was well ast piece of work 10 VISITOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT Nil 11 ADJOURNMENT 9:40 p.m. 12 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Harry Nicholson of 11462 —236 Street Mr. Nicholson displayed a map and referred to the unfinished portion of Kanaka Way and lack of connecting roads in his neighbourhood. He noted that the only way he can get home is from the Lougheed Highway and Haney By-pass; he cannot get through to Dewdney Trunk Road. The obvious solution to him is to lease property from CCM Ranch which has just been sitting there for the last 15 years. He had occasion to call an ambulance and it went down 236 Street and wound up in a gull'. He feels that for approximately 200 feet, the District can put in a corner road and provide another access to the area. He is sure the Fire Department would agree with this solution which would provide another emergency access. The Director of Current Planning advised that the CCM Ranch project has been abandoned. He noted that right of way has been secured from CCM Ranch as a result of development applications not directly connected with CCM Ranch. Funds to construct the road have been secured through rezoning development agreements and the road has been designed. Approval has been obtained from the Ministry of Environment with respect to a fish area nearby but the Fisheries window for doing works in 1998 has passed. The road will be constructed next June which is the earliest it can be done in accordance with Fisheries criteria. Mr. Nicholson stated that he was advised at the last Council Meeting that there is an intent to construct a foot bridge for the children to get to Kanaka Creek School safely and alleviate the traffic at the school. He has subsequently talked to School District officials and they say that the catchment area for the school does not include the Tamarack area so the bridge will not solve the problem. The School District is looking into adding onto the school and at the same time constructing a round-about driveway. MAYOR Council Meeting Minutes November 24, 1998 Page 24 Certified Correct Municipal Clerk eRl~ MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA November 24, 1998 Council Chamber 7:00p.m. MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentaiy and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.map1eridge.og 01 PRA YERS Pastor Ed Bradley 02 MINUTES 02.01 Regular Council Meeting of November 10, 1998 02.02 Public Hearing of November 17, 1998 02.03 Development Agreements Committee Meeting of November 2 and 9, 1998 03 DELEGATIONS 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (approximately) 03.01 Lowe Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Presentation on treaty negotiations and current status of negotiations with Katzie First Nation. LMTAC presentation summary to Council of Councils is attached. Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda November 24, 1998 Council Chamber 04 STAFF PRESENTATIONS 05 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 06 BY-LAWS Items 06.01 and 06.02 from the November 17. 1998 Public Hearing 06.01 RZ/23/98 - 13819-232 Street - Text Amendment 06.01.01 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5689-1998 second and third reading (to rezone from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) to include the CD-3-98 Zone into the Zoning By-law). RZ/23/98 - Lands North of 136 Avenue in the 23000 Block 06.01.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5690-1998 second and third reading (to redesignate from Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare), School and Park and Neighbourhood Commercial to Park, Neighbourhood Commercial, Agricultural, Conservation and Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) and to designate as a Development Permit Area). 06.02 RZ/15/98-11566-224 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5736-1998 second and third reading (to rezone from RS-2 (One Family Urban Residential) to CRM (Commercial/Residential) to permit the construction of a two storey office building). Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda November 24, 1998 Council Chamber 06.03 SD/15/98 - Former Rod and Gun Club Site Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 573 7-1998 final reading (to appropriate $1,2000,000 for subdivision application fees, legal fees [including survey] and servicing costs). 06.04 Joint Services Agreement with Pitt Meadows for Extension of Maple Ridge Services Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No. 5747-1998 final reading (to provide water and sanitary sewer services to parcels located within the boundaries of the District of Pitt Meadows). 06.05 RZ/19/9 7-2 7222 5p4heed High way Maple Ridge Z,Amending By-law No. 5623-1997 final readinf (to permit e construction of an industrial building). 06.06 Inclusion of Property into Sewer Area "A" —23897 Zeron Avenue Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5725-1998 final reading (approved in Victoria on November 4, 1998). Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda November 24, 1998 Council Chamber 06.07 - 11451, 11473 and 11483 - 240 Street - RS-3 to CD-1-93 and RS-lb Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law no. 5711-1998 final reading (to permit subdivision into 18 lots not less than 371m2 and 20 lots not less than 55 m2). 06.08 RZ/69/94 - 10644 and 10714 - 240 Street - RS-3 and RS-2 to RS-lb 06.08.0 1 Maple Ridge Official Community plan Amending By-law No. 5444-1996 final reading 06.08.02 Maple Ridge zone Amending By-law No. 5442-1996 final reading (to permit subdivision into 176 lots not less than 557m2) 07 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 07.01 Minutes of November 16, 1998 The following issues were considered at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 2:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 07.02 Public Works and Development Services Chair Councillor T. Baker Vice Chair Councillor B. Levens Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda November 24, 1998 Council Chamber 07.02.01 Building Permit BCP 129/98 - (Addition to a Commercial Building) - 20475 Lougheed Highway - Development Cost Charge Forgiveness Staff report dated October 27, 1998 recommending that Development Cost Charges for the above noted project be reduced by $12,512.00 due to the necessity to construct road works on 119 Avenue. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.02 Amendment to Official Community Plan to show the 130 Avenue-132 Avenue Arterial Route between 232 Street and 240 Street - By-law No. -5712-1998 Staff report dated November 4, 1998 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5712-1998 to permit the above noted amendment be read a first time. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.03 RZ/28/98 - 10390 Slatford Place and 10389 - 240 Street - RS-3 and RS- 2 to RS-lb and R-1, R-3 and RM-1 Staff report dated November 6, 1998 recommending that the application to permit a variety of building types and lots sizes be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07 .02 .04 RZ/16/98 -Former Pacific Vocational Institute (PVI) Site on 256 Street -M-2tolR Staff report dated October 6, 1998 recommending that the subject application to alter the boundaries for the two zones (to reflect some of the Page 5 Council Meeting Agenda November 24, 1998 Council Chamber constraints to development imposed by site characteristics and to increase the amount of land zoned JR from the original proposal) proceed to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Committee amended the recommendation to increase the amount of JR zoning from 25% to 75% and to add as Condition 4 that a restrictive covenant must be registered with respect to phasing. 07.02.05 ALR/5/98 - 20383 Powell Avenue, 20453 Powell Avenue and 12600 Block of 203 Street Staff report dated November 4, 1998 recommending that the subject not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission for the reasons specified in the report. The Committee amended the recommendation to permit the application to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. 07.02.06 Underground Wiring - History and Status Update Staff report dated October 21, 1998 recommending several actions to be undertaken with respect to the above noted matter. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.07 Soil Conservation Act Permit —27412— 104 Avenue (Long) Staff report dated November 4, 1998 recommending the issuance of a permit for the above noted property for the purposes of providing a more level and agriculturally usable grade. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 6 Council Meeting Agenda November 24, 1998 Council Chamber 07.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) Chair Councillor J. Clements Vice Chair Councillor K. Stewart 07.03.0 1 Disbursements for the Month ended October 31, 1998 Staff report dated November 3, 1998 recommending approval of the above noted Disbursements in the amount of $6,829,894.60. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.03.02 Adjustments to the 1998 Collector's Roll Staff report dated October 19, 1998 advising of a net decrease in taxes receivable of $2259.38, Municipal share $1092.85. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Chair Councillor C. Gordon -, Vice Chair Councillor L. King 07.04.01 Cemetery By-law Amendments Staff report dated October 26, 1998 recommending that Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5746-1998 be granted first, second and third reading to permit an adjustment of Schedule "C" to reflect a 5% increase in tariff fees for 1999. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 7 Council Meeting Agenda November 24, 1998 Council Chamber 07.05 Other Issues Chair Mayor Vice Chair Acting Mayor 07.05.01 Major Road Network— G.V.T.A. Staff report dated November 16, 1998 recommending that staff accept the major road network as proposed by the Greater Vancouver Regional Transportation Authority (9.V.TA) as noted in the report. NOTE: large coloured maps referred to are available for viewing in the Clerk's Department. 08 MA FOR'S REPORTS 09 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES 10 VISITOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT 11 ADJOURNMENT Page 8 Council Meeting Agenda November 24, 1998 Council Chamber 12 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda or other Municipal matter. Council will not tolerate derogatory remarks directed at Council and/or staff during the Question Period. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 20 minutes. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. skarasz Page 9 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Council Appointments 1998 - 1999 By Resolution I Mayor Carl Durksen Audit Committee - Court of Revision - Frontage Tax Assessment Roll Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District - includes the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, and hospital Local Joint Committee on Community Corrections (FCM) Maple Ridge Elderly Citizens Housing Society Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Pitt Polder Committee (Joint with MRJPM) I Councillor Tom Baker Acting Mayor - October & November (1998/1999) Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - First Alternate Downtown Action Plan Committee Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District-First Alternate i ncl . the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, parks, and hospital Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Parks and Leisure Services Commission - Second Alternate Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Transit Service Review Committee - Chair United Towns Committee Councillor Jim Clements Acting Mayor - December (1997/1998) & January (1998/1999) Audit Committee Arts & Cultural Policy Implementation Committee B.C. Aviation Council Downtown Action Plan Committee E-Comm. Corp. Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau Greater Vancouver Regional District-Parks Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM I Councillor Candace Gordon Acting Mayor - April & May (1998/1999) Arts & Cultural Policy Investigation Committee Audit Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Employee Awards Committee Fraser Basin Council Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau - First Alternate Heritage Advisory Committee Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Ridge Meadows Arts Council Social Planning Advisory Committee Standing Committee Budget Committee - Chair Committee of the Whole - Chair Development Agreements Committee - Chair Ex-officio member of all standing committees Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Public Works & Development Services - Chair Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Financial & Corporate Services - Chair Labour Management Committee - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Community Development & Recreation Services - Chair Labour Management Committee - Member By Resolution LCouncillor Linda King Acting Mayor - February & March (1998/1999) Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Alouette River Management Society B.C. Assessment Authority Bicycle Advisory Committee - First Alternate Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Community Services Council Municipal Insurance Association of B.C. - First Alternate Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM - First Altern. Secondary Suites Traffic Safety Review Committee - Chair United Towns Committee I Councillor Betty Levens Acting Mayor - August & September (1998/1999) B.C. Summer Games Society Downtown Beautification Committee Economic Advisory Commission Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Fraser Valley Regional Library Municipal Insurance Association of B. C. - Second Alternate Pitt Meadows Airport Society Douglas College Advisory Committee I Councillor Ken Stewart Acting Mayor - June & July (1998/1999) Advisory Design Panel Audit Committee Community Forest Steering Committee Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Emergency Planning Committee Fraser Valley Regional Library - First Alternate Lower Mainland Municipal Assoc. - Flood Control and River Management Committee - First Alternate Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce Parks & Leisure Services Commission - Third Alternate Pitt Polder Committee (Joint with MR/PM) Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Acting Mayor Municipal Clerk Standing Committee Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Community Development & Recreation Services - Vice-Chair Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Public Works & Develop. Services - Vice-Chair Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Committee of the Whole - Financial & Corporate Services - Vice-Chair Development Agreements Committee - Member Development Agreements Committee - alternate Development Agreements Committee - alternate Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee 7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 2, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Carl E. Durksen, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member 1. SD/1/97 K. Kirk, Recording Secretary LEGAL: LOCATION: rem !II Parcel "C" (Explanatory Plan 5712), N.W. Y4, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District 12530 241 Street 512491 B.C. Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenants - Single Family Dwelling Exterior Design Control Subdivision Servicing Agreement Subdivision Maintenance Agreement Subdivision Plan THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/1/97. CARRIE 2 Robertson, Administrator Member CQ.() F A 0.405h0. P 43885 58 57 56 55 54 N 0.810 he. 0.810 he. 0.810 he. 0.810 he. 10 B 0.405 he. 124.50 / IMP /12744 / 0.405 p'o. p 43885 LMP/12745 12440 Ln 45 46 i 2 0.400 he 0.410 he 48 49 N CL 0.810 he. 0.810 he. 0.810 he. 0.810 ho 0.405h0. 18.3 ,o. he. 12461 U, * he. 1244. he. I 8. ________________ 1. 67 OUNDAfty EP 5712 113-111) "Sy 379) c 66 12581 4.249 he. to 82 90 /9~ 0.812 a." 79 I /,- Rem 1 0.403 he. 12511 12510_./ 0 P 43885 ra. 0) '0 62 ,'6996O . a. 2 3 0.613 he. 0.405 he. 0.460 he. 15.2 • 65 tn '0 '0 12561 " 83 0.612 *0(0 P 865227,6 123 12552a. -J LMP P 7 ho. I Rem 640.401 0.406 ho. 0.406 ho. 1 0.408 ha. 12525 - I5.2 125 AVt. 124 A't. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 9, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Carl E. Durksen, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member 1. SD/35/97 K. Kirk, Recording Secretary Lot 3, Except: Part subdivided by Plan 37889, District Lot 248, Group 1, Plan 9327, New Westminster District 12128 Laity Street Helen Ferris Restrictive Covenant - Single Family Dwelling Subdivision Servicing Agreement LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/35/97. CARR 4- Robertson, Administrator Member a. Rem E P 47383 /2/0/ RW 18394 /2099 I /2089 181 P 495 182 124 P 47483 125 f2070. P 3420 12073 300 EP21J /2050 301 1261 P 47517 130 ! 281 ! 112 211" 7i6 ial 72 /233/ P 37928 J I 17 I /2330 \5 41 2761 277 2781 279 28ON1 12330 1574 16 -I-2-J-23135- I 22 RI 32 31 30 29 321 3201 31 31~ L399 3,5 j] 12JY2j 31 12JLM /2322 j25 26 i_t:IIL._ 27 ,,,,28 Vi /23/0! 40 24 23cLI - 18.3 - 31 - /2324 2.2— EP 46260 — -I -- 123 AVE.RW 1741 - AP 35019 -AMP 35291 - i[111F _______ 2.2 _______ 29 2.2 I N Rem E 5 Rem OH Rem 3 0 F22 P 181 v Rem 5 V)1(1 14 1 i I 10 35 /23/5 P :p 1524 - P 5..3O "I I 12 2 kn 33 30 P 17899 1227 12294 P 1 84 C4 /228) ________ N ________ 23 D EP 895 P 794 N 1 DN 1 80424 2 LP I 11733 / I a- a- /2295 12279 p a- a. : I 1225;12282 1 2 3 I $'/ 5 22-97 6 32 l22 31 2 LIILJ ...! UI ____ _______ 12268 /2269/75 Cd STOEH0USE A. /2264 - 12263 , o 122 8 AVE. ____________ _________ 2I296 7 69 P 2892 * 70 P 32892 a.1 - 12260 I /2267 /2258 I 12259 2 01 20 ' 355 /225.5 18.3 346 12 8 P 20089 P 20089 3 /2237 JZ4373374 _______ 12250 o ________ 1223; LMP - - - a- 19 67 - 24 354 3470 342 12244/43 I 1 12227 12245 12240 a- /2230348 0-341 /2219 6 o 12242 7 9 P 1 723 I In 36 01 12233 58 7225 F5 g 353 /2239 8 10 I 11 12 13 14 12227 ___ LA.N N ___ ,2J is -I s.I 37 0. 376 352 349 122l ('4 122 AVE. 122k 7 .67224 12225 /2222 r - /2220 56 351 350 I 12209 ." 12 Re 4 %m 1 2.2 38 ,, /22/9 1471 148j 149 122/7 122/8 01 /22/2 ("4 22 I("4 21 ("4 20 ("419 "418 ("417 16 is 12208 55 I I 150 P4b094 .. 152 153 a- co 3 P 1823 I 1782 39 a- 12211 i 183 /2209 /2204 a- 54 a- Rem 2 568 6 P 5f -C, 96 I 56 40 In 12203 _______ - 5.2 /2196 220 221 222 l I 226 __________ /219/ /2/92 '' 41 ") 19l I 20 P 5583 j., I I? 655 1 l _______ 154 3("i 360("4 12/86 ____ I I I /2/5042 a- 5 ________ t CAMPBELL AVE. "I EP_82966 il 2.21 -- P7 2 1 --- b 6 P 5 1 41121 4 I I i 2/2,7,j 1 I I I P 9922 6 14 18 17 16 01 a- CI E 99 ,"- 3l 4 Y 'C-4 "a: _ I 18.3 4 119 120 121 P ]7383 0.485 If5' Rem N 180' E /2101-53 II-JUl 11 N I I I I 295 I I l 296 12971298 I LL_- l 15.0 /2038 I 120471 302 I 8790 I 2 I 2 306 P 7726 P I53420 P 420 18.3 I 305 %304S 303 P 5j420 I D P 115078 E /2025 42 332I333( _____ /20/9 I o B I I PJ8527 , I" I i 1 0 18.3 "I 3 8.0 LMP .1 LMP 20581 LMS 1743 0.790 ho MP 20581 NOV 17'98 12:43 FR GURD FINANCE DEPT 604 436 6860 TO 94677329 P.02'07 C*0*U,9 N eC*1eL 0 C*Oo U*N*C*Io L*S - - - -- - -- ___ LOWER IVVS1NLAND TREATY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Overview of LMTAC1 Nancy A. Cbtavarto, Chair Lower Mainland IPeagy Adteol7 Committee (LML4C) W hat is the Lower IfaIpJand 71eaty Adwisory Committee? Mandate of the Lower Mainland 1esty Advisory Committee To coordinate and represent the Interests of local government jurisdictions and their constituents In Lower Mainland treaty negotiations History The 1.15CM signed a memorandum or underslandlng with the provincial government In 1993 which recognized that local government constitutes a unique and special government In treaty negotiations. The Memorandum at Understanding (MOW created a direct membership lbr local government on provincial negotiating teams. Structure There are 15 treaty advisory committees throughout British Columbia. The Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Includes representatives from 23 msnlclpalltles and 3 regional districts. LMTAC Is composed or elected officials and senior At&T and It has an Executive Cotnniluae. LMTAC GOALS The short term goal Is to Inform the provincial government of the specific Interests of local government In treaty negctiaUone. The longer-term goal Is to ww8then the INC of local aoverflolent In ueaty nagoUat$ons to ensure that local government interests are not negatively Impacted b powers given to aboriginal governments. Key AcUWltea of LMTAC • To act as fall members of the provincial negotiating teems • To provide provincial negotiators with treaty advice from a community perspective: • To Inform local governments and municipal olflcials about treaty and First Nations Issues: • To provide support and guidance to local governments Impacted by treaty negotiations • To consider post treaty scWement Implications and develop recommendations tbr treaty Implementation. Tripartite Treaty Piacee, Very brIefly, the treaty process Involves the federal and provincial governments and First Nations. Each aegotlating table reflects this tripartite representation. The federal and provincial governments must obtain background InformaLlon on communities, people and Interests likely to be affected by negotiations and establish a consultation process for them. The treaty process has six stages: Stage 1. Statement of Intent Stage 2. Preparation for Negotiations Stage 3. NegotiatIon of a Framework Agreement Stage 4, Negotiation of an Agreement In Principle Stage 5. Negotiation to finalize a Treaty Stage 6. Implementation of the Treaty Status of Lr Mainland NegotI*tl,rs Squamlub — stage 3 '1bIeIi.S%uLuth - stage 4 Katrie - stage 2 Thawwassen - stage 4 Musqueam —stage 3 Miele The current treaty process is In crisis as all levels of government study the implications or the six-month-old Detgaruuukw decision. 1. Peter to L'WT*C lntett 11"er. October. 1997 p.g 44 ()S.O\ NOV 17 1 98 12:44 FR GURD FINANCE DEPT 604 438 6860 TO 94677329 P. 03/07 - Sugn(y nnI1151iC0&U131A JULIr ii. REViEW OF EXISTING KEY ISSUES gjckard Llttiemore, GVRD ReFesentettve, (.MtC ;m7 should local govei'ament.s be actirel.y involved in treaty Issues? Scepe of aegoUaUons In the Ioaer MaInland There are now 51 negotiating tables running simultaneously around the province representing approximately 80% of First Nations. Senior policy analysts, federal and previrdil cMcl&s had hoped to have perhaps live or six negotiating tables running in B.C.. when the treaty process was lirsi conceived. it was further hoped that these live or SIX tables would serve as models for successive negotiations. For example, a range-land model. a Vancouver island wade!, an urban model, a coastal model etc. Instead, they - we - wound up with live tables negotiating In the tower Mainland atone. This Is the sort of success that kills a process. Qverj7eImlng the jovmeit ability to deal with ourlllple acgotlations at once. Urban / Rural Issues l$hat maAes ii!bifl treaty aeUleiaeora different from rural agreeenis? We don't know yet. We have an Idea from Nlegs'a about some Implications if a treaty is applied to a vast rural part of the Interior. But no urban treaty has been negotiated anywhere in the world In this century. There is no comprehensive urban treaty model In CarVtS/Australla/New Zealand from which to assess potential soclo-economtc tmpactg. Other DC examples such as Sectiett are not directly relevant to Lower Mainland urban settings. Limited available crown land within the Lower Mainland Implies that treaty sftemem could Involve much larger cash components. Some First NaUone may also with to purchase fbe.slmple lands in urban centres for exclusive use (ccamples in Saskatchewan already exist) In addition, overlapping claims are an important outstanding issue. To Illustrate some Implications of urban settlements I. the Lower Mainland. it Is useful to look at the Th1e41. Waututh First Nation (TW) claim. which Includes variable Interest targets. The '1W could concentrate their Interest In areas of historic Importance (old settlement areas and areas ad)acent to modern reserves) as well as in current areas of opportunity (all parks and watersheds). In these parks and watersheds, the Thiell-Waututh First Nation propose to take over all substantive manegament. and. If the provincial performance on Indian Arm Park In an indication - and LMTAC thinks It Is • the provincial and federal governments will be Inclined to agree with the ThJl- ututh demand. On the remaining territory, the lw have said they will accept some level of revenue sharing on the toes collected by munlclpallues within their ancient domain. Other variable Interest targets Is the Lower Mainland Include Bums Bog. Roberts Bank backup lands. Sea Island and the Itederall airport lands any public gait course or park. etc.) Once specific claims evolve, there are many more Issues that must be addressed. For example • Flow will we assure regulatory transparency? • How do we prevent First Nations In the Lower Mainland from allowing industry under a different environmental or air quality regulatory regime' • What about Inappropriate uses like casinos, industry next to residential or residences next to industry? • What, about golf courses In nature parks or flab camps In sensitive habitat? • Now do we share the expenses for services? • Will First Nation,. a fourth level of government, sit at the GAD and share equally the GVRD forth? • Will munIcIpalitIes be burdened with providing service to First Nation areas without a commensurate guarantee of payment; the Supreme Court of Canada appears to have riled that we must continue to provide services what will be the rules? • What about regional roads, bridges. etc.? • How do we deal with existing First Nation populations in ma' urban setting? • Must the City of Vancouver continue to prrMde support to the East Side native population after the home reserves of that population make eeulerneifle? • If there are specMc social services available only to aboriginal people on ierves, what responsibility does the non-abia'iglnal community have to provide services off reserve? This liar Is not an exhaustive list of questions. Local government ns.dá to know- more and must be directly Involved In treaty negotiations. As the treaty process Is revised we must demand a seat at the table. No broad- brush deals should be signed without a thorough isvlew of the Implications by local goveruments. lW must also NOJ 17'98 12:44 FR GRD FINANCE DEPT 604 436 6860 TO 94677323 P.04,07 Insist that IRT.eritll arrangements, inteihit measures., Mat may be precedent setting will be part or the same review process and that municipal oMtaia will have a thorough opportunity to comment and advise when those Items are at direct and lasting Impact on our lurlsdictlona. Inteiim Measures No formal process In place to deal with First Piationa who want to sign Interim agreements concerning treaty Issues or the protection of lands and resources. If negotiations for Interim measure agreements continue, local government needs to be part of this process. particularly when Interim measures are extended Into Anal treaty settlements. Provincial and federal line ministries have, over the yearS, negotiated long-standing agreements with First Nation. concerning various leaucs Mat are or could be treaty related. This, slang with the negotiation of Interim measure agreements. should stop. Municipal Act Reform A process Is under way In BC to reform the MuriidpaiAcL We need Ielslattve mechanisms to enable local governments to hefld lasting government economic and community partnerships with ne'ghboullng self-governing First Nations. The brieflag paper - ?,fufllcips!Acr Reform Implications for Local Government & Aboriginal Municipal Rdatlonships Is avail able on request. L%It4C Issues and Interests Municipal Interests Developing and pieseaung Interests rather than taking positions will provide a better outcome for all parties involved in treaty negotiations. Negotiated settlements should assist all citizens in British Columbia to live In harmony by understanding and respecting each other values, race, heritage and place or origin. Each Citizen should be treated equally and have similar lights and responsibilities. his a challenging task to accomplish these alms, but to settle for less would not serve the aims at the treaty negotiation process nor would it be lust to the citizens of British Columbia -aboriginal and non-aboriglnai. Emerging Issues • Land use - local rnmenta are Interested In land uses an treaty settlement lands being compatible at harianized with those of local government beside or around settlement lauds. • 111allarldno growth - local government Is Interested In balancing the growth potential of Qerilameot lands with those of local governments to ensure carrying capacity of the land base and appropriate lnttestrucfltre. • Mfordablllly - treaty settlements must be affordable for taxpayers. • Resolution of Shared lrsdftloaai Tejyltoites - to streamline the treaty settlement process, It Is recommended that First Nations regolm Issues related to overlapping traditional territories. • Interim Measures Agreement - In the absence of clear criteria and an acceptable consultation process between line ministries and local government. Interim measures agreements should be discontinued outside of the established treaty process. • Provincial government resin cturing - local governments 7410 not agree to being subservient to any form of aboriginal government. • Publific Poe aes- that Isa need W Inform the public about treaty negotiations and to obtain feedback about for provincial negotiators. • Land selection - lands owned In tee simple should not be on the tabie for negotiation. Lands not Included for treaty land selection should include park.s, roads and other local government-owned land. • Tat revenue - local governments should be compensated for lost tax revenue It non-reserve lands are removed from local government assessment mits and then taxed by First Nations. • Water - water use issues must be clarified through the treaty process to ensure continued use and no economic hardship to existing property owners. Further. natural resources such as forestry fishery and other natural resources must be managed on a sustainable basis to protect the economic base of the municipalities. • Rights-of-way - Access to watersheds and utUity corridors is needed. Also, citizens place a high priority on maintaining freedom cf travel between communities and continued access to recreational opportunities. such as beaches. foreshores. and parkland. The Impacts Of I3eIgamuiL&w In summary the implicatlar.s of the Delgauwulcw decision are rights can exist when title does not land base not needed for Aboriginal rights significant (be urban areas where there Is llwited land. scope of aboriginal title extended title confers more Man site-specific rights to practice only traditional activities Integral to the colnmnnity. Creates a de- facto duty or co-management. clear grounds for compensation when title infringed: • strenØhcns need for interim Measures • revokes provincial 5% cap on total land settlements • revokes existing 'land selection model' by which First Nations get title to only small portions of their traditional territories (I.e. settlement lands) NOV 17 1 98 12:45 FR G)RD FINANCE DEPT 604 436 6860 TO 94677329 P.03'07 FAQ List . What Is the mandate of the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee? To coordinate and represent the interests of local government jurisdictions and their constituents In Lower Mainland treaty negotiations. The short term goal ofLMI'A C is to inform the provincial government of the specific interests of local government in treaty negotiations. . What does"Overlap" mean? "Overlap" means a geographic area under negotiation in which another First Nation has expressed an interest. . What steps are being taken to resolve overlapping claims? Consistent with the report of the B.C. Treaty Task Force, the position of the federal and provincial negotiators is that the responsibility to resolve overlapping claims rests with each individual First Nation in the treaty process. Local governments and advisory groups continue to call for the resolution of overlaps. To date, only one First Nation within the Lower Mainland has begun to actively resolve the overlap issue. . What process Is In place for dealing with Interim Measures? There is significant disagreement regarding whet Is an "Interim Measure". Some refer to Interim Measures as bilateral agreements between a First Nation and a provincial line ministry. While others consider Interim Measures to be tripartite agreements that relate directly to the treaty settlements. Clearly, there needs to be a formal process in place that defines and deals effectively with First Nations who wish to sign interim agreements while treaty negotiations we underway. At present, no such process exists which formally involves local governments. Interim Measures, such as Indian Arm Park and the Roberts Batik Backup Lands, continue to be signed - agreements which set important precedents for treaty negotiations. • In some cases, First Nations currently receive an exemption from existing local land policies. Will this be typical of other treaty settlements or Interim Measures? Land use issues are of central concern to local governments. Land use decisions are increasingly a public concern and land use planning is of continued importance to growing urbanized areas such as the Lower Mainland Therefore, it is important that treaties establish a mechanism to ensure that Aboriginal self-government either fits within existing local land use policies or that local governments and First Nations have the ability to work cooperative on land use planning issues. At present, it is unclear to what extent existing local land policies may be impacted by treaty negotiations. . What does Aboriginal title mean? Row does it differ from Aboriginal rights? Before the Supreme Court's decision in Delgamuukw (December 1997), Canadian cowls did not define Aboriginal title. Rather, courts dealt with Aboriginal rights, such as the right of a First Nation to use the land for traditional purposes. However, since L)elgammukw, Aboriginal title is now viewed as a common law property right that is not limited to only traditional rights of usage. In other words, if NOV 17'98 12:46 FR GURD FINANCE DEPT 604 436 6860 TO 94677329 FAQ List a First Nation prove in the courts it has title to its land, then the First Nation would be able to use its land in other than traditional ways (e.g. for economic development). However, in Delgamuukw, the Court also went on to say that because Aboriginal title is based on the First Nation's relationship with the land, First Nations lands cannot be used for a purpose inconsistent with that continuing relationship. What implication does Delgamaukw have on Lower Mainland treaty negotiations? It is too soon to determine the full impact of the court decision. The decision does, however, clearly indicate that the federal and provincial governments must work more closely with First Nations to ensure that their unceeded title to the land is not infringed. it is also important to note that the treaty process is a voluntary one. In other words, First Nations are not required to prove title to cuter the treaty process. All parties in the negotiation process are participating in good ith regardless of the Supreme Court's ruling on Aboriginal title. At the very least, Delgamuukw confirms the use of negotiation as the preferred means to achieve treaty settlements in the Lower Mainland. . How is Ottawa responding to First Nation claims that extend South of the 49th parallel? Federal negotiators have repeatedly indicated that claims involving lands South of the 49th parallel are beyond the jurisdiction of the federal government. . How do I find statistics about Lower Mainland area First Nations? For demographic and population data on Lower Mainland area First Nations contact Statictics Canada, web site: www.statcan.ca, tel. (604) 666-3691 or GVRD Strategic Planning web site: www.gvrcLbc/planning/bro/census.html, tel. (604) 432-6375. In addition, the LMTAC of has statistics on reserve size, band membership, and statements of intent as well as polling results on public views and attitudes regarding Aboriginal issues. Please contact LMTAC's Policy and Aboriginal Affairs Analyst, Mr. David L. Didhick, ddid1uck1vrd.bc.ca, (604) 451-6179. What are some local government priorities regarding treaty negotiations? Lower Mainland local governments should first ensure that their representatives to LAC are providing regular updates on treaty negotiations to their respective Councils and fndlithting discussion of key treaty issues amongst municipal staff In addition, local governments represented on LMTAC need to identify their own individual interests by developing a detailed interest inventory that includes, but is not limited to, municipal assessment boundaries, water service sites, proposed city greenways, library and community centre operations, community pluming processes, and legacy/heritage programs. In Fall 1998, LMTAC will be working with Lower Mainland councils to develop these inventories. Councils wishing to begin the inventory development process now can also contact the LMTAC office at (604) 451-6179 for further information. NOV 17'98 12:46 FR GURD FINANCE DEPT 64 436 696 TO 94677329 P. 07,g7 NEXT STEPS: DeveloDin2 an "Interest Inventory What is an interest inventory? • a summary of all specific interests of a particular municipality or regional district • could include physical structures (eg. right-of-ways), jurisdictional boundaries (eg. special management areas), or progrnmiuing and services (eg. regional planning processes). • could be developed in graphical and textual forms (ic. maps and interest papers). • examples of inventory items include: • municipal owned Jaixis I rights-of-way • crown properties within municipal boundaries • water service sites • proposed city greenways / "no growth" areas • legacy/heritage programs • growth and transportation plans. Why is it needed? • to ensure that specific local government interests are given due attention by all parties in the treaty process, particularly by provincial treaty negotiators. • to assess the social and economic Impact of treaties on communities. • to identify area of common concern and interest to local governments and to First Nations. • to ensure that all parties in the treaty process fully understanding the functions and priorities of local governments in a particular municipality and preserve existing interests. • to respond pro-actively to the information needs of the treaty table. (ic. the province will eventually ask local governments for this information). How to compile it? • inventory could be developed in graphical and textual forms (re. maps and interest papers). • no one way to develop the inventory. • not LMTAC's role to tell you bow to develop it / rather we am providing some guidelines based on the collective experience of our members. When needed? • most urgently needed from local governments most acted by Stage 4 (AlP) negotiations. • Stage 4 is where each party at the table begins tabling detailed interest presentations. • encourage Council to pass a motion to have city staff begin the process of interest identification with the hope of completing the project within 12 months. Contact: David Didluck, LMTAC Policy and Aboriginal Affairs, Analyst Phone: (604)451-6179 Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee 3 ** TOTAL PAGE.e07 ** CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW N0 5689-1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510. 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5689-1998." 2. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510—. 1985 as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following thereto: Section 1033 CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) A. Intent This zone is intended to accommodate and regulate the development of a mixture of uses as an integrated unit based on a comprehensive plan in conformity to the use and density stated in the Official Community Plan and elsewhere in this bylaw. B. Principal Uses Subject to all provisions of this CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Zone, the following uses and no others shall be permitted in the CD-3-98 zone: Apartment use Two Family Residential One Family Residential use Park and School C. Accessory Uses Accessory boarding use (subject to Sec. 401 & 601 of this bylaw) Accessory residential use C) Accessory home occupation use (subject to Sec. 401 of this bylaw) d) Accessory off street parking use e) Temporary residential use (subject to Sec. 601 of this bylaw). Bylaw No. 5689.1998 Page 2 D. Conditions of Use An Apartment use shall conform to the regulations under section 602, RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. shall conform to the provisions of the Development Permit Area. 2. Two Family Residential Use shall be limited to one per lot; shall not exceed a height of 9.75 metres; C) shall be sited not less than: 6 metres from the front and rear lot lines; a minimum of 1.5 metres from an interior side lot line; 4.5 metres from the lot line adjoining a flanking street in the case of a corner lot; d) all buildings and structures shall not exceed a lot coverage of 40%. 3. A One Family Residential use under the R-1, R-3, RS-1, RS-lb zone: shall be limited to one per lot; shall not exceed a height of 9.75 metres; C) shall be sited in accordance with the regulations described in Maple Ridge Zoning By-law for: RS-1 zone for all lots greater than or equal to 668 m2; RS-lb zone for all lots greater than or equal to 557 m2 ; R- I zone for lots greater than or equal to 371 m2 but less than 557 m2; R-3 zone for lots greater than or equal to 213 m2 but less than 371 m2. all buildings and structures for 1) lots governed by Section 3 (c) (i)(ii)(iii) of this Section shall not exceed a lot coverage of 40%; ii) lots governed by Section 3 (c)(iv) of this section shall not exceed a lot coverage of 50%. vehicular access for lots backing on a Municipal lane will be restricted to the lane. 4. Park and School Use a) shall be governed by the regulations described under Section 901 & 903: Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Page 3 5. Accessory Off-Street Parking Use or Accessory Residential Use a) for lots less than 557 m2 0.45 metres from the rear lot line: 0.45 metres from the interior side lot me; 2.0 metres from an exterior side yard; 11.0 metres from a front yard: V) 4.5 metres from a principal use measured from the face of any chimney, bay window, hutch or nook permitted elsewhere in this bylaw. b) for lots greater than or equal to 557 m 2 1.5 metres from a rear and interior side lot line; 7.5 metres from a front lot line; 3 metres from an exterior side lot line; 1 .5 metres from a building used for residential use. C) shall not exceed .a height of 6 metres. d) shall not exceed a lot coverage of 15% or 279 m2 whichever is the lesser. E. Residential Densities The maximum number of residential dwelling units in the zone is restricted to 500 of which not more than: up to 160 may be apartments; up to 50 may be two-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the RT-1 zone; C) up to 160 may be one-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the R-3 zone; up to 170 may be one-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the R- I zone; and up to 170 may be one family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the RS-lb zone. F. Subdivision Requirements a) Section 406 applies. G. A comprehensive plan of development in the form of a covenant must be registered at the Land Title Office 11 Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Page 4 H. Off Street Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with "Maple Ridge Of f street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990" as amended. • A residential use shall be permitted only if the site is serviced to the standard set out in "Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993" as amended. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided b y P l a n 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Referen c e P l a n 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Wes t m i n s t e r District is hereby rezoned as shown on Map No. 1179, a copy of which is attached heret o a n d forms part of this bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Develo p m e n t ) . Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 199. MAYOR A.D. 199. A.D. 199. A.D. 199. ,A.D. 199. day of CLERK A.D. A P 70093 Rem SW 1/4 P. 8575 8575 6 JA P 9387 1 P 14 Rim. W 7.80 2 Chains 9 LMP 1 4126 P 7757 I 3 Rem 10 /4155 RP 7680 C P 2632 14 72E7 'J9t5 28014 A T 1 H- 13 PP163 CL RemSE 1/4 2340 Rem 1 /Mig EP r% 4 - ! 0 a ch 13751 iTem~12!J r — 3 13719 Q. 1.77Ja' U t7 AVF 8 P 38405 13702 'PP 16 1ff 60 .10 RP 10274 — AR1fl6 S PART 13616 151 AE 11173 756 Pii P 504$ 18N12sre 4li18 19 1i5 . Ills "2 r1 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Map No. 1179 From: A-2(Uplond Agricultural) To: CD-3-98(Comprehensive Development) MAPLE RIDGE lncorporit.d 12 Ssptbsr. 1874 1:6000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5690-1998 A By-law to amend the bfficial Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan: AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5690-1998." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land outlined in heavy black line which are hereby redesignated as shown on Map No. 554, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI in the Appendix: SE ¼, Sec. 32, Tp. 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (RP 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (RP 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (RP 7680) and Road. NWD Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C' and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 555, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXI (25) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5690-1998 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. e Bylaw No. 5690-1998 Page 2 READ A FIRST TIME the day of PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the ,A.D. 199 A.D. 199 A.D. 199 • A.D. 199 day of • A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK I .- .r_ .;. V AND WNW— Rem SW 1/4 P 85759 P 9387 Chains 234 0 41 R em A 13750 N 4 cc 0 - 1375/I i Rem 1 2 —3 1J7JS P 0. 13 /3702 P 31401 to /J660 Pt t PP 10274 A S PAR /3616 5A 11 17 1475 •i P 5041 1 i [_N 1 1156 po 1/2 N1229p 19 - 2" P 4,30 6 13547 5 - 135 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN Bylaw No. 5690-1998 Map No. 554 From: Single Family Residential(18 units per net hectare), School and P o r k and Neighbourhood Commercial _____ To: IPork 11Jul11 Neighbourhood Commercial Agricultural ftlilt1 Conservation 2'21 Single Family Residentiol(18 units per net hectare) Q W j LM*b~ MAPLE RIDGE i5crporatad 12 Ssptb. 1874 A 1:6000 —: I / LMP [ 14125 Rm P 7 3 14155 e / /4042 RP 7680 A P70093 C P 14 26.32 J220 2aO84 I A cn Rem 5C1/4 1 13 co *PP 163 - - I CL EP 2340 Rem A \1J750 tt N. 4 CLY O • Co 0 U -1 Co - Rem 1t2L._ Rem SW 1/4 .3 fJ7f9 l'' 0 13 U, a. 1 17 *VF: 6 Ij67j/91 S P .36400 P 8575 16410 RP 10214 A R.m 6 l.Il S PART 36A : 1.36 11173 I P14756 P sin 17 N 1212 18 jIfJSj — P9387 2 2 Rem. W 7.80 It 4087 6 Chain. 9 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5690-1998 Map No. 555 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA xxl(25) MAPLE RIDGE A !ncui.rtad 12 Septb. 1874 1:6000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE September 21, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/23/96 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5689-1998 & 5690-1998 (138 19 232 Street) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 500 units using a variety of zones and density. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application February 11, 1997 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: An Open House to provide information to the public must be held. (Staff observations of that meeting are attached.) Preparation of a conceptual plan and site analysis which demonstrates the general extent and layout of the development proposal for the multi-family and commercial component. Preparation of a preliminary subdivision plan for the single family residential zone. This plan must show the general lot plan and road pattern for the neighbourhood and indicate the zoning requested. Preparation of a comprehensive report outlining how the proposal will address Part m - Neighbourhood Plans - Albion and Silver Valley Policies, of the Official Community Plan. Further: On May 26, 1998, Council deferred consideration of 1" reading of the bylaws until a comprehensive report relative to development in the Silver Valley area and servicing issues had been prepared. This report has now been received by Council. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5689-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5690-1998 be given First Reading. BACKGROUND A Comprehensive Development Zone has been prepared to accommodatq a variety of different lot sizes on the site. The zone will limit the maximum number of units to 500; allow flexibility of different zone boundaries. require that a Comprehensive Development Plan be registered at the Land Title Office. This will establish the development pattern. Chief Administrative Officer GP/s9 JAA n anager: FVblic Works and ry Development Services -2- C - AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE (A.L.R.) I SUBJECT PROPERTY 13819 232 STREET CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I I moo I MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING lftcorpotsLtd 12 September. 11874 DEPARTMENT I flLE/8'rl.AW RZ-23-96 I DATE: APR. 7. 1998 SCALE 1:10.000 AL 5CAIE: '5L f . .: . '•. Lt ,., CONCEPT IP Al A. IiLJ_J.L _• T -v'\ . - y fliT?' • r __________ - - 4 • LI -. - :'' - J:.J • UIN' WflU • f'• -• ,_ _________ .5 _1_" 'l11•----------- S ...-:._ III CORPORATION OF THE QAM004~t:;a DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorpor ated 12 Sen'mber. 1874 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: 1-23-96 I OAT(: SEPT. 22, 1998 SUBJECT PROPERTY 13819 232 STREET PROPOSED DEVELOr NT PLAN N.I.S. Staff Observations Public Information Meeting RZ 23/96 April 2,1998-05-06 The Public Information Meeting was an Open House format. The agent for the development presented the plan on an informal basis to individuals and small groups attending the session. There were area residents both opposed and supportive of the proposal. The main concerns heard included; (comments appearing in italics are provided by staff in response to public comments) the density proposed was suggested to be too high. (the total number of residential units proposed will maximize the yield permitted by the OC? employing a variety of residential densities) storm water management and the potential impact on low lying lands to west was seen as an important issue. (An overall storm water management plan for Silver Valley is being completed by the District and development must be in compliance with that plan) construction access to the site and the potential impact on neighbouring properties was identified as a concern. (it is anticipated that the project will be phased starting from the west edge working up the grade towards 232 d Street since servicing will be provided from this direction. It is anticipated therefore that a substantial amount of the construction traffic will be from 136th Avenue to the west of the site.) concern was expressed about the impact on neighbouring agricultural lands. (policies currently being considered by Council for agricultural/urban interface will regulate the impact of development on the ALR.) the location of the equestrian trail system was not identified. (the location and dedication of equestrian trails identified in the OCP is a condition of subdivision and development of the property. The existing OCP location for the trail results in significant conflicts with future urban roads and alternative locations are necessary that avoid these conflicts.) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5736 -1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5736 - 1998." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel 1, District Lot 398, Group 1, Reference Plan LMP13237, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1195 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CRM (Commercial/Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK bubl' f155 I ! ! CL / a. I g IN 1/2 21 I I 10/f ear a: P 124524 PP 5.3523 1 — 668g A / ,67 LMP 14889 S7. APffi( AVE. '587i LMP 1864Rem 9800 P11527 R c ermto jC ! 9P076 I "-" LMS 683 A to Rem !167 P 9800 / N 7/ 2o.t.,/fs r 20 h ! 17 / I — J 22 1 21 P 19 ;a //a7 S "i PP 52214F 84 85 P 41741 Pn At,,, PP 61921 a RP 5637 CL \P8271 P1155 I 04 83 '1 P 16464 , A 11f12 'I 14 1 21 1 ! 86 188 Z? a. 9ROcCOO PARK I /C'J 7 CSE L.J -, p8 422 i918fr— .&UJ4 AVE. 0 ' P 4273 NAVE. — 87 A 2 — A Cb I't a I, L I 25 Q: ,3379 / P 41741 479 80.5 Ab ,, 88 Rem 90 V. . RP 2880 P 41741 0 24 " pIss 22 Rem. 9 0 (*4 20.1 ____ 8' , is8 15 N em 0.595hc cm 1 29 Z Rem. 91 P 67 145 I [6588ü /T1\ 7 o &jj \/. P4174; (P 58284 9 NWS 3383 1 Re V6 P 87404 C Rem Rem 115 5Jj5 7 NAT. MY (RP 7373) N SDY (RP S~5) NAT. 50r (RP. 4605) NAT. 8 (P 15654 NAT. BUV (P 4951C) MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5736 -1998 Map No. 1195 From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: CRM(Comrnercial/Residentiol) Joe alt ~m~; MAPLE RIDGE 1corported 12 SepteD. 1574 P 58321 Oq 1:2500 Lower Level Parking IL..-.-. H . _ SrIn aer Room MM. N EIGC tchanical -.5. 5 S Il .4--"• — 'S I -5-.- I Roomi "I Room Lk 0 x< I Basement Plan 13120 SF 'I C 'a) E 0 'a) > 'a) ou L tw -0 -O 4N I I T 'rTVT-1T 5y' • \ "9 .1 41 - " E ' I 1 I.,f\ I . 3 rL• I" IW°5 1 •\[14jo I - — ' H.R.GROUP lj OPPI ACO \ Prix N / "— \ '- Site Ran ... \ •\ \ ' Basement Plan - Site Plan —Al Reconciliation ........ .1.11.... (S..S... m.c,.a.). c..*.fl .S 5155..........I •j '' ' S ............... I ' 0 tocallon PI.. — I o. .,I.. c-lw' -c3 4.J C w E 0 0 'V > a) ith Ca LDO ' F Second Floor Plan 10956 SF HRGR0UP •,chI.cIlIt. S FIaflft'fl lid. NI IMP - a — IC •*N. 'N I flI IC) I- Floor Plans — -,•i. I -I . I'—o- b.Ib ::: A2 I?' T) VO 7 i C3 Upper Level Parking 5196 SF t / c ' 0 G. __________ 1c'; E1P 1 U H U —...--.—.o. J 1! Office Space 5081SF CL Main Floor Plan 11017 s, - 5. West Elevation South Elevation - North Elevation C 'V E a- 0 '1) > *2) c3 0 (a Ec 41 Eg, a o ' ( L. 0 H.R.GROUP •,ckii.c*uls & pisnisine lid. SI M'S mass —.s -. .c •.. SC 'I• 55$ 5)5 'Ifl L_. Cs. a.e i I .1 'I I - -- - ------------. -I East Elevation Es.I49 d U.oOs '0 D. he,. ..ieJ Pis,oaM '' •rLn.d S4eut,, md . Y. I ' L LLL (1i -WJ''' IJIS '-L..LLL 4 C(TCCTD YT L !) •, , .216A ::::: T\11:dL: : •••"-' Q.hdcOe '\\ hL't" I t A — — - I H ' . ___ '•. L- I .JJ: PmSmIII COnC,IIOd Puking I I I E - - - -. -----. - : 'i - .-_.-. •._ •n r -- - .203. 5- - - - S 'S I Can.,... A.,ndn wpg, (I) Em.pssnSM.D S > .msg Slob a) Cd Section AA fPlant List -• ', ', • ____ -.5 ", ", ':-.' — ( : °.". — -S --\v1/Pifl.,' o 0 CIS — ' ' : — -->-\1 I 1_f .- • 4- - '-•-' ..---- /—i' Quayside — 5 ' / -•- en,.-c... "-S. -. , OC I. II - - R. Emn 45mm 'I ' g- P.si S . .---........ - - L • • - ,. •- :1 ' • MIM .. 5 ., 5 , .) " ( 5) '4.' 1 — — °' GROUP •i / - . ' .. - - ' SPeo • afcsistectule £ • ) • . . 1' plannIng lid, no all 9 ":• .. 5 . .. :-' ________ ' Section ;; ±!: a p From the Advisory Desin Panel meetina of September 3. 1998 1.1 RZ/15/98 • Applicant: Mr. Bob Heffelfinger • Proposal: Commercial Office Building • Location: 11566 -21 4Lh Street RESOLUTION: The Panel stated that there was insufficient and incomplete information (i.e. Site context, photos) to make a recommendation and wished to make special note of the following areas that should be re-examined and/or addressed: The development appears to have conflicting or inconsistent design elements for the SW corner of the building. A better definition of the external/internal components on that area of the building required. Pedestrian access to the site needs to be improved. Pedestrian circulation on the site is not clear. Stairway functionality is questioned. The relationship of the development with surrounding properties to the east and north needs to be addressed. The Panel has concerns regarding architectural elements of the project including: the building entrance, which needs to be restudied (appears to be out of scale/context); the vertical elements are inconsistent; the roof will be visible from the north and needs to be redesigned. Overall the Panel suggests a greater level of continuity of building elements. More details are required for the underground parking area, the location of pillars, lighting, etc. More thought is suggested on security, particularly as it related to the pedestrian deck area on the east and south sides of the building CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5736.1998 (11566 224' Street) DATE: September 17, 1998 FILE NO: RZ/1/98 ATTN:C of -pwi& Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to permit the construction of a two storey 1560 m2 office building. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application on August 251h 1998 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel: Fully dimensioned development plan showing the following: Nei ghbourhood context plan; Site plan; C) Building elevations; d) Landscape Concept; At the September 3", 1998 Advisory Design Panel meeting several building design issues were discussed. The panel recommended specific design elements be re-examined. The Applicant may choose to revise the proposed plans for the public hearing presentation, or wait to hear if other issues arise at the Public Hearing before revising the plans. As the Design Panel comments and subsequent revisions do not have a bearing on land use it is recommended that this application proceed to Public Hearing. There will be an opportunity to further address design issues at the Development Permit stage. The above Items I) & 2) have been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5736-1998 be given First Reading. Chief Administrative Officer JJ G ti a anag. Public Works and Development Servicer of cdv'rent Planning CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 4 TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: August 5, 1998 'and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/15/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/15/98 01566224 St.) SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted property to permit the construction of a two storey 1560 m2 office building. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/15/98 (for property located at 11566 224 St.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated August 5, 1998 from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CRM (Commercial/Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Condition to be met prior to first reading; Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; C) Building elevations; d) Landscape concept; And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road dedication as required; 5) Removal of the existing building/s: BACKGROUND: The property is located in the Port Haney area on the north east corner of the Haney ByPass and 224 St.. It is approximately .2 ha in area with a 10 m elevation change from the north east corner to the south west corner. The development proposal 'ill take advantage of the slope and provide for a one and a half storey office building and underground and concealed parking. Access to the underground parking garage and the concealed parking area will be provided by the 224 St. cul de sac bulb. This driveway also provides access to the main entrance for the office building. Policy Implications: Official Community Plan: The site is designated Commercial/Apartment on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan, and this application is in compliance with this designation. A Public Information Meeting is therefore not required. The site is also within the Port Haney Development Permit Area and the building form will have to comply with the guidelines and objectives of this DP area at the Development Permit/Building Permit stage. Consistent with Council policy, this application should be presented to the Advisory Design Panel prior to Public Hearing and prior to issuance of a Development Permit. Zoning Bylaw: The CRM zone allows for either commercial or apartment use and is distinct to the Port Haney area. Since office use is one of many permitted commercial uses in the CRM zone, this application complies with the requirements of the zone. Outside Agencies: The Ministry of Transportation and Highways has indicated that the Haney ByPass will eventually be widened to provide for a five lane cross section. It will, therefore, be necessary to dedicate a portion of the south west corner of the site to accommodate this future widening. Since the property is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway the Ministry of Transportation and Highways must approve the Zone Amending Bylaw under Section 54 of the Highway Act prior to final consideration. Servicing Concerns: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required in support of this development do not exist to the site. It will therefore be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post security to provide the required services prior to final reading. It is also recommended that a geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development be provided prior to Final Reading. The existing house will also have to be removed prior to Final Reading -2- CONCLUSION: The development application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that it be forwarded to Public Hearing. Chief Administrative Officer Gh1ei) Manager: tevelooment bIic Works and Services GP/bjc -3- clk!P1 I t±• is l o l l. tit L__-1— HIG' LOLJGHEED HWY. U ii L 7~,44 1 I Cs F. MF J" U j- uc C, 2 7. RN— i7E___ RN-2 R \ I mi u_ STU ._N_it 1 ;L 'J low RS-1 tII _CKW r RN-2 plot f/ RM 2 H~ !,I j 4 fell ___ flaw I_I " - RM-3 P4-2 'I RS-3,? P4-2 7 RM-4 RN- S 1757W RS-3 RN 3 17510 SUBJECT PROPERTY ZONED RS-1 SUBJECT PROPERTY DISTRICT OF N 11566 224 ST. WEACIM SILVER ZONING VALLEY CORPORATION OF THE H E DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TroNw 0 ALBION V S MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTNT TMORWHILL SCALE: 1:4,000 FiLE/BYLAW: RZ-15-98 DATE: MAY 28. 1998 1- • II 5to7ióé - - "H- ii Ti II 1 !\T = hi Basement Plan 13120 SF A Lower Level Parking go ii'i - tievut.r so M.R. I Room 4-I C E 0 L. 0. 0 0 •co V I I Reconciliation In ..I tn II.,,.. tel Itt,P.• I Sm. tI Ins w.l.l eta. tepeES IC. .r. ; lilt In •I 11.1 II.... tn.ep.S $ Rae-I a —a— I i i IN-i i i\r Ii' tri'i Co.ICIILLEO pSoK...e* Li Hfl1\ j\•. 1H -... oPr ce \ • N l.%,::: Site Plan N\ c3 '1uJ . a—,.--- • 4 ItS S q H.R.OROUP .,cl.It.ctull è pIsnnIn lid. -, sIIw.An IOSI,.. .c mam Sc, I Pislan mt-lmt Site Plan Basement Plan - on MOQO b j° Locution P1.11 - — m —+-4- no Ti 5n --5------. ; J J I ja i! y Upper Level Parking -a II -L pmaSS 5196SF jll. 11 UI1, llli — II 11 II Office Space -1 lW4.bM1 Seel OF 4IJ f x ¼ I j I Main Floor Plan 11077s, UI- 1 1- Second Floor Plan 10956 sr H.R.GROUP architsolure I pIsnnIn it Nl.IM S AS *hlt fl. SSS fl'1 v Floor Plans —.5-- I 'C a, E 0 •1 3,u • E CA E!' I II U\r - — — - 5— 34• 5____j I It 1' Building Section U Vier Level VarkTnW- Office Space lit Offlie Space 1wer Level Parkins 4 -9 . -1 Q)z H.R•GROUP W. MMfl. •,chtticlgl• I plannin; lid. .o..I%nW Ms wsa .W..* te PnI, IC. T • Sections 4-; C •1) E Cl. • E Building Section. South Elevation North Elevation East Elevation West Elevation L11IllI.illftLt liii IIIIJ= lIM IIIl:_______________ Mica 1-J C E a- 0 Cd - E2 a) o C i_— Q_ 2 0- ' CL H.R.GROUP .,chfllctu,• & pl.nnlng lid. ,,SPVV *a p_nw el.IU3 Elevations 0 In,w -- P4Y J 3fr k. I V'.4• I I w# I II1 A J CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5737 - 1998 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund. WHEREAS, there is an unappropriated balance in the Capital Works Reserve Fund, established pursuant to By-law No. 3155 - 1982; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5737 - 1998". The sum of $1.2 Million, is hereby appropriated from the Capital Works Reserve Fund to be expended and it is hereby authorized to be used for application fees, legal fees and servicing costs re SD/15/98 (Old Rod & Gun site) at 128th Avenue/248th Street and Alouette Road. Should any of the above remain unexpended after the expenditure hereby authorized has been made, any unexpended balances shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. READ a first time the day of , 1998. READ s second time the day of , 1998. READ a third time the day of , 1998. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of , 1998. MAYOR CLERK 06.03 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5747-1998 A By-law to authorize the entering into of an Agreement with the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows for the extension of the water distribution system and sanitary sewerage system owned by the District of Maple Ridge to provide services to lands located within the boundaries of the District of Pitt Meadows. WHEREAS Maple Ridge is possessed of a certain sanitary sewerage system and a water distribution system lying within the boundaries of Maple Ridge and part thereof of these systems are immediately adjacent to the common boundaries of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; AND WHEREAS the owner(s) of parcels located within the boundaries of Pitt Meadows have asked Pitt Meadows to provide sanitary sewer and water services to serve proposed commercial development to be located on the subject parcels; AND WHEREAS Pitt Meadows is unable to provide the requested services and instead has asked Maple Ridge to provide the requested sanitary sewer and water services to serve the proposed commercial developments to be located on the subject parcels and whereas the requested services can physically be provided by Maple Ridge; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act being Chapter 323 R.S.B.C. 1996 empowers Maple Ridge: 'l. Via Section 574 to extend the sanitary sewerage system outside the municipality; and 2. Via Section 594 to provide for the establishment and use outside the municipality of a water distribution system; AND WHEREAS Pitt Meadows has consented to the subject service extensions; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited for all purposes as, "Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Joint Services Agreement By-law No. 5747-1998". 2. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the agreement with the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows in the form of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 0G.0 By-law No. 5747-1998 Page 2 READ a first time this day of 1998 AD. READ a second time this day of 1998. AD. READ a third time this day of 1998. AD. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this day of 1998.AD. MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" Schedule "A" To By-law No. 5747-1998 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of 1998. BETWEEN: The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, a District Municipality under the provisions of the "Municipal Act" of the Province of British Columbia and having its offices at 11995 Haney Place in the Municipality of Maple Ridge in the Province of British Columbia (Hereinafter called "Maple Ridge") OF THE FIRST PART AND: The Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows, a District Municipality under the provisions of the "Municipal Act" of the Province of British Columbia and having its offices at 12007 Harris Road in the Municipality of Pitt Meadows in the Province of British Columbia (Hereinafter called "Pitt Meadows") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS Maple Ridge is possessed of a certain sanitary sewerage system and a water distribution system lying within the boundaries of Maple Ridge and part thereof of these systems are immediately adjacent to the common boundaries of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; AND WHEREAS the owner(s) of parcels located within the boundaries of Pitt Meadows have asked Pitt Meadows to provide sanitary sewer and water services to serve proposed commercial developments to be located on the subject parcels; AND WHEREAS Pitt Meadows is unable to provide the requested services and instead has asked Maple Ridge to provide the requested sanitary sewer and water services to serve the proposed commercial developments to be located on the subject parcels and whereas the requested services can physically be provided by Maple Ridge; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act being Chapter 323 R.S.B.C. 1996 empowers Maple Ridge: Via Section 574 to extend the sanitary sewerage system outside the municipality; and Via Section 594 to provide for the establishment and use outside the municipality of a water distribution system; AND WHEREAS Pitt Meadows has consented to the subject service extensions; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and payments herein reserved and expressed, Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows hereto covenant and agree each with the other as follows: Schedule "A" By-law No. 5747-1998 Page 2 GENERAL CONDITIONS: In this Agreement: (a) "Agreement" means this Agreement. (b) "Subject parcels" means those parcels that benefit from the requested extensions namely the following: Lot 2, District Lots 222 and 246, Group 1, Plan LMP N.W.D. Lot 3, District Lot 246, Group I, Plan LMP N.W.D. (c) "Charges" means rates, taxes, charges, frontage tax or such other charges or any combination of such methods as may be provided by the Municipal Act. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, it is not binding on either Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows until the owner(s) of the subject parcels extend, at their cost, the water and sanitary sewer services from their existing termination points to the property lines of the subject parcels, and connecting said proposed commercial developments to those extended services, and pays to Maple Ridge the required connection fees in accordance with the by-laws of Maple Ridge. Pitt Meadows shall pay to Maple Ridge, on or before July in each year, an amount of money equal to the total amount of the rates, taxes, or charges levied and imposed by Pitt Meadows pursuant to Paragraph 8 and Paragraph 11 of this Agreement. Neither Maple Ridge nor Pitt Meadows may extend or alter the terms of this Agreement without the consent of the other party to such extension or alteration. Any additional facilities and/or buildings created after the initial construction of the proposed commercial developments, which is expected to occur during the latter part of 1998 or early 1999 and located on the subject parcels, shall not obtain or draw water from the water distribution system or be permitted to discharge effluent into the sanitary sewerage system without the express written consent of Maple Ridge. This Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Maple Ridge covenants and agrees to permit the subject parcels to connect one (1) only commercial development located on each of the subject parcels to the existing water distribution system at a point or points to be determined by the Engineering Department for Maple Ridge. Schedule "A" By-law No. 5747-1998 Page 3 In consideration for the use of the water distribution system owned by Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows shall levy and impose charges upon the subject parcels and improvements located thereon. Such charges shall be determined by Maple Ridge at its absolute discretion and shall be equal to the charges imposed for a like commercial unit with improvements located in the urban area of Maple Ridge, and a further fee equal to twenty percent (20%) of the total of those charges. The owner(s) of the subject parcels benefiting from a connection to the water distribution system shall abide by the Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulation By-law as amended from time to time. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Maple Ridge covenants and agrees to permit the subject parcels to connect one (1) only commercial unit located on each of the subject parcels to the existing sanitary sewerage system at a point or points to be determined by the Engineering Department for Maple Ridge. In consideration for the use of the sanitary sewerage system owned by Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows shall levy and impose charges upon the subject parcels and improvements located thereon. Such charges shall be determined by Maple Ridge at its absolute discretion and shall be equal to the charges imposed for a like commercial unit with improvements located in the urban area of Maple Ridge, and a further fee equal to twenty percent (20%) of the total of those charges. 1. Neither the owner(s) of the subject parcels or Pitt Meadows shall permit any person to discharge roof water or connect any storm drain or surface water collected from the subject parcels into the sanitary sewerage system. 13. The owner(s) of the subject parcels benefiting from a connection to the sanitary sewerage system shall abide by the Maple Ridge Sanitary Sewerage Regulation By-law as amended from time to time. Schedule "A" By-law No. 5747-1998 Page 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their corporate seals in the presence of their duly authorized signatories. The Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge was Hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor Municipal Clerk The Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows was Hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor Municipal Clerk CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 29, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/19/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5623-1997 (27222 Lougheed Highway) SUMMARY: Bylaw 5623-1997 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2nd and Yd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the construction of an industrial building. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5623-1997 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 27222 Lougheed Highway History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on December 16, 1997. On December 16, 1997 Council granted 2nd and 3 reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5623-1997 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: I) Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Approval from CPR for access across the railway track; An Environmental Study A Professional Engineering Certificate as to the quantity of water; Simon Fraser Health Board approval for water quality and septic approval. / The following applies to the above: The Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch has replied to this application. The applicant will address the flood elevation concerns through the Building Permit process. The Ministry of Environment Fish and Wildlife Branch have no objections to the development proposal. The applicant has received the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Section 35(2) authorization for the construction of works and setbacks from the Fraser River and it's tributary. The Ministry of Transportation and Highways approved the Bylaw on January 7, 1997. A geotechnical report has been received. The CPR has entered into an easement agreement for a private road crossing over the railway tracks. An Environmental Study and compensation package was provided in support of the Sec. 35(2) approval requirements and form part of the authorization. A Professional Engineer has certified the quantity of water to meet Bylaw standards. Simon Fraser Health Region have advised that a sewage disposal system can be achieved on site. The owner has entered into a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the septic disposal field which will be installed at the time of Building Permit. The quality of the water has been tested and meets the B.C. drinking standards. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. Chief Administrative Officer anagegOublic Works Director of Curr tPIann) Development Services GPlbjc -2 - • 100 Al R3 j ___ I CD-2-87 Ub AVL P- INRES SUBJECT PROPERTY FRASER RIVER SUBJECT PROPERTY 27222 LOUGHEED HWY. ZONING AND A.L.R. (SHADED) I DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I CORPORATION OF THE I I MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING I Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT I FILE/BYLAW: RZ— 17-97 1 DATE: OCT. 29. 1998 SCALE: 1:7,500 PREUMINARY AND APPROXIMATE SLaJECT TO C*WGE **111*Y smw .•ft L TRAVEL LIFT 73• INTO sntPLAN ---..--.- PRELIMINARY AND APPROXIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE I I It VA1 i0N I 7t..I E- A I V A 1 1 0 N 1 1 QTP - c;. ELEVATIONS S January 7, 1998 Attention: Gay Par Planning Technician Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Ms. Por: \ ,- - BRrnsH COLUMBR Your File: RZ/19/97 Our File: 1-6-16828 Re: Rezoning Proposal - Bylaw No. 5623 27222 Lougheed Highway The above noted bylaw is returned approved pursuant to Section 54(2) of the Highway Act, subject to the following conditions: 1. Only one access to Lougheed Highway will be permitted. Please note that we have yet to received an access application from the developer for the proposed site. Should you have any questions, please call. Yours truly, avtdte-Young District Development Technician DLV Enclosure Ministry of Lower Mainland District Transportation South Coast Region and Highways Mailing Address: 200- 1065 Columbia Street New Westminster BC V3M 61-47 Telephone: (604) 660-8310 Facsimile: (604) 660-9736 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5623 - 1997 - A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5623-1997." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "C" (Reference Plan 3788), District Lot 433, Group 1, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1162, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to M-2 (General Industrial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the aedayof OOce , A.D. 1997 PUBLIC HEARING held the ''day of eceo'e.r , A.D. 1991 READ a second time the day of , A.D. 1997 READ a third time the 1b, day of , A.D. 1997 APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 2 L.-e I- c.1 N 13 V -. IJK14 96 AV UP E 15112 P 1US$ S $4171 111114 ac I.,. AIL UP 29M29M cYv 14S GUMS to ISIS 1431 I 3111 p u-I A p 7 • a AMR a 41416 pall S •t7 am It 0 am ML I till p iisio US3N US t341l 1 2 3 L 4714 ii I 'Ills PIlls A US W4 am IL PAM 2 • 14240 p ml P 514v 2 12 I,1 FRASER RIVER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5623-1997 Map No. 1162 Rezone From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: M-2(General Industrial) 1:4000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: Nov. 9, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: 5340-20/5656 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5725 - 1998. SUMMARY: To give final reading to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5725 - 1998. RECOMMENDATION: Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5725 - 1998 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Council gave the above by-law three readings on September 29, 1998. This By-law will include Parcel 1, (Ex. Plan 14564) Lot "A", District Lot 408, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 4101 (23897 Zeron Avenue) into Sewer Area "A": The Minister of Municipal Affairs granted approval under Section 159(3) on November 4, 1998 and the Deputy Inspector of Municipalities granted approval under Section 456 on October 23, 1998. Prepared by: Jo-Arnie Hertzog Coordinator of Administrative Services C lef Administrative Officer General Manager Fin. & Corp. Services /jh Attachment 2 -1- BRrnSH COLUMBIA C.L .......... NOV09 1998 November 6, 1998 Mr. Jim McBride Clerk Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. McBride: Re: Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amendment Bylaw No. 5725-1998 Enclosed herewith is one copy of Bylaw No. 5725 as approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs (Approval Nos. 980326) and the Deputy Inspector of Municipalities under the provisions of sections 159(3) and 456 of the Municipal Act. Once adoption of the bylaw has been completed, kindly forward one certified true copy to this office to complete our records. Sincerely, 1, . —T Connie Twidale Administrative Officer Municipal Advice and Approvals CT/ct Enclosures File No. D13-232 Ministry of Municipal Advice and Mailing Address: Location: Municipal Affairs Approvals P0 Box 9490 Stn Prov Govt 800 Johnson Street Victoria BC V8W 9N7 Victoria, BC Telephone: (250) 3874023 Facsimile: (250) 356-1873 M28-2068 Province of British Columbia Am- No. t p $txtuhrrg ;kVVrvfjaI 456 Under the provisions of section ___ of the Municipal Act I hereby approve Bylaw No. 5725-1998 the Corporation of of the District of Maple Ridge , a copy of which is attached hereto. Dated this 2J0' day of , 199J' I VA - Deputy of Munici alities M28•2068 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5725 - 1998 A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the District of Maple Ridge WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977, established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS, the Council has received a petition from a property owner for the extension of Sewer Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A". NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5725 - 1998". That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by adding to Section 1, the following words: "and also shall include all those portions of: Parcel 1, (Ex. Plan 14564) Lot "A", District Lot 408, Group 1, N.W.D., Plan 4101. (23897 Zeron Avenue) as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as Schedule "A". That the parcel noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A". READ a first time the 29th day of September, 1998. READ a second time the 29th day of September, 1998. READ a third time the 29th day of September, 1998. APPROVED by the Minister of Municipal Affairs the day of 199 APPROVED by the Deputy Inspector of Municipalities the -' 199 By-law No. 5725 - 1998 Page (2) RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 199 MAYOR CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY THE FOR E(flING TO BE A AND CORRECT COPY OF B LAW AS READ A THIRD TIME. MUNICIPAL CLERK DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Attachment: Schedule "A" /3.32/.1 ...... t.:i333I EXISTING SEWER Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works AREA A Construction and Loan Authorization Amending ... .. By-law No. 5725 - 1998 SCHEDULE "A" 311 . ........ . .. ........... 23947 NO. i DAlE. PROPOSED ADDITIONS TO SEWER AREA A I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/8/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5711- 1998 (11451, 11473& 11483 — 240 St.) SUMMARY: Bylaw 5711-1998 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2nd and 3 reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the subdivision into 18 lots not less than 371 m2 and 20 lots not less than 557 RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5711-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 11451, 11473 & 11483-240 St. History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on August 18, 1998. On August 25, 1998 Council granted 2 and Yd reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5711-1998 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement; Deposit of security as outlined in the Rezoning Development Agreement; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Park dedication of lands required for the protection of Horseshoe creek. A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road Dedication. 06 01 The following applies to the above: Regarding a second access for vehicular traffic to the "Cottonwood Plateau", this developer has entered into a Rezoning Development Agreement and provided security for the construction of 236 St. through to 116 Ave. This work must be complete by June 30, 1999. In order to respect the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch requirements regarding the protection of Horseshoe Creek, the riparian area adjacent to the subdivision has been dedicated "Park". The geotechnical report required provides a number of recommendations related to construction on- site. To insure that the geotechnical engineers recommendations are carried out, the developer has entered into a Restrictive Covenant. The road dedication required along 240 Street has been accounted for on the subdivision plan. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. 1Admimst tive Officer licrks and f" Development Services -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5711 - 1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. H WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as 'Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5711 - 1998." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 8, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 30256, New Westminster District and Lot 9, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 30256, New Westminster District and Lot C, Except: Part dedicated road on Plan LMP36720; Section 16, Township 12, Plan LMP 14872, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line are hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and those portions shown hatched are hereby rezoned to CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District) as shown on Map No. 1187 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A' attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199; READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK -ni 34710 .13 27 U& 34719 32 24 PAAX M 29 31 34 12 1, 30 11 14 28 20 :9? as I 16 AVE. f_1 / Rem.0 ( P3111 I.MP 1 4872 34 33 32 31 10 30 n ( .2S. 27 8 1 147J' 37 P 0256 PAM 9 10 11 12I r A AVE. 1"1 LLJLl 3 P 22931 ' 1 4 ( 0J1 33 20I U1 4 I 9367 113 _______________ ! : 31 122 Pd. S $711 21243 36 Pd.t 31 IV am r 1g/'L- ___________ I 17 02 '0 Li. ins -9 20 _L_1._\ I/S I - - P 21243 13 ( 2: a' 0 • A) 13 (/) 2$ ('4 N 12 I/S f S I/SO I,. I 3.3I MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5711-1998 Map No. 1187 From: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential To: CD-1-93 Amenity Residential District (shown hatched) and RS—lb One Family Urban (medium density) Residential A 1 MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:5,000 !1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 4, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/69/94 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5442-1996 & 5444-1996 (10644& 10714 240 St.) SUMMARY: Bylaw 5442-1996 & 5444-1996 have been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2nd and Yd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the subdivision into 176 lots not less than 557 m2 . RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5444-1996 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5442-1996 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 10644& 10714 240 St. History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on July 23, 1996. On August 20, 1996 Council granted 2d and 3d reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5442-1996 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5444-1996 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement; Deposit of security as outlined in the Rezoning Development Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; ()('.01 A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; Road dedication on 240 St.; It will be necessary to file a Cross Access Easement Agreement at the Land Title Office; Consolidation of the development site; An Amenity Restrictive Covenant must be registered at the Land Title Office; Dedication of Public Open Space. The following applies to the above: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch has been received; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch has been received; A Rezoning Development Agreement has been registered at the Land Title Office; Security to do the works has been deposited;• Schedule "B" will be amended once Council grant final reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5444-1996; Schedule "A" and "H" will be amended once Council grant final reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5444-1996; A geotechnical report has been received; A Statutory Right of Way plan and agreement have been registered at the Land Title Office; Road dedication has been achieved. A Cross Access easement is a condition when the townhouse development on the north west portion of the site proceeds; The site has been consolidated; An Amenity Covenant is not required. The amount of park land and habitat protection addressed the need for this. -2- 13. The developer has requested to dedicate the park land on a phase by phase basis in order to allow for boundary adjustments of the park edge based on detailed design work for habitat and servicing requirements. The developer has entered into a Restrictive Covenant which sets out the Phasing and Park boundary which will provide approximately 16 ha of park land for this development. Staff support this request and recommend that the park be achieved at the time of subdivision which will ensure through detailed engineering design and habitat protection area that the park boundary is in the correct location. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaws. dminist ffi ve O er G Manager9ubli Werks and Director of Current Planning \ \ Development Services GPlbjc -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5442 - 1996 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5442 - 1996." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "C" (Reference Plan 1612) South West Quarter Section 10, Township 12, Except: Part subdivided by Plan 66536, New Wesrmiitster District and Parcel "A (Reference Plan 1830) of the South West Quarter of Section 10, Township 12, Except: Parcel 1 (Reference Plan 74096) New Westminster District and Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6018) of the South West Quarter of Section 10, Township 12, Except: Parcel 2 (Reference Plan 74096) New Westminster District and Lot 13, Section 10, Township 12, Plan 66536, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1109 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC REARING held the = day of (lu. , A.D. 1996 READ a second time the day of A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199.. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , AD. 199: . MAYOR CLERK - F1 740% • — SK 1830 . Rein "Ps / — p sag vNN NNp mom '-a -- P PiNN ON a OMNI PUMP P_U • — a a is 100 a -- -- -- IX r — 104 AVE 'P-Ps MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5442-19.96 Map No. 1109 1:6000 Rezone RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) F rom: and RS-2(One Family Suburban Residential) To: RS-1 b(0ne Family Urban(medium density)Residentia!) •,,. ,- - - ._.• Pl - 1*F$ - •L. :' ! S — .1NN • — CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5444 - 1996. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5444 - 1996." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "C" (Reference Plan 1612) South West Quarter, Section 10, Township 12, Except: Part subdivided by Plan66536, New Westminster District Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1830) of the South West Quarter, Section 10, Township 12, Except: Parcel 1 (Reference Plan 74096) New Westminster District Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6018) of the South West Quarter, Section 10, Township 12, Except: Parcel 2 (Reference Plan 74096) New Westminster District and Lot 13, Section 10, Township 12, Plan 66536, New Westminster District are hereby redesignated as shown on Map No. 504, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI in the Appendix: Parcel "C" (R.P. 1612) Except: Part subdivided by Plan 66536; Parcel "A" (R.P. 1830) Except: Parcel 1 (Reference Plan 74096) & Parcel "B" (R.P. 6018) Except: Parcel 2 (R.P. 74096) all OF SW 1/4, Sec. 10, Tp. 12, N.W.D. and and Page 2 Bylaw No. 5444-1996 Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "C" (Reference Plan 1612) South West Quarter, Section 10, Township 12, Except: Part subdivided by Plan 66536, New Westminster District Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1830) of the South West Quarter, Section 10, Township 12, Except: Parcel 1 (Reference Plan 74096) New Westminster District Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6018) of the South West Quarter, Section 10, Township 12, Except: Parcel 2 (Reference Plan 74096) New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 506, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXI (18) on Schedule "H". Schedule "H" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises shown outlined in heavy black line on Map 505, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw for Development Permit Area XXVI. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ FIRST TIME the day of A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199. READ ATIIIRD TIME the day of A.D. 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK In To I and I- -. 1 €-?- : a a -- P 74096 &224 a RP - I orwo B P a LJj • I pa pa Pa S PSS P7 PC •S p Un P aal P 145 - £ 1 __ __ __ -- t__ •5 -- P tfl 1(%A A%I LI. _l. .a . . I I I_ P .a P 545 -- I C P jr - .. L __ . & 54 ersn ma. P n* - 3 • - C P MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw . No. 5444-1996 Map No. 504 <2 TO REDESIGNATE: 1:6000 FROM: Single Family (12 units per net hectare), Single Family (18 units per net hectare) and Conservation TO: Single Family (12 units per net hectare) flT Single Family (18 units per net hectare) Conservation 4. a 'a- —--- I \ 7- -- - -- -J I P 74096 I (c1 0 am M 1412 P NN P,00 NW P.NW 104 AVE. F P — -- -- , - : : h a -- . MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw. No. 5444-1996 Map No. 505 1:6000 PURPOSE: To Amend Development Permit Area XXVI As Shown I — -- w "Nmrm CL WO WPM jNO NNA a P 74096 224 I.. go Anin "in Rom 8 r Th\ -----,.I----— - jJjdf RWR Pd. C 13 sit 1612 TLE ç2__ : .1 I. ; • - — -- - ': POW P ON Pum paw p aw : 104 AVE. MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5444-1996 Map No. 506 PURPOSE: To Designate As Development Permit Area XXI(18) 1:6000 P.L.P ' P __ pa a -- — a- ; T " :: , I a: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: Oct. 27, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08 028 106 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: PW&DS Building Development BPC 129/98 - 20475 Lougheed Highway Development Cost Charge Forgiveness SUMMARY: A developer proposes to construct an addition to a commercial building at 20475 Lougheed Highway for which Development Cost Charges are payable. As a condition of obtaining a Building Permit, the developer will be required to construct road works on 119 Avenue that are identified as Development Cost Charge items in the applicable Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 5615 - 1997. It is appropriate to forgive a portion of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer. The total amount eligible for forgiveness is $12,512.00. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to Building Permit application BPC 129/98, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct road works on 119 Avenue, the highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $12,512.00. BACKGROUND: Purpose: Building Permit application BPC 129/98 has been received which proposes construction of an addition to a commercial building at 20475 Lougheed Highway. A portion of the servicing works required in support of the Building Permit is contained in LTC No. 721 in the applicable DCC Bylaw No. 5615-1997. It is appropriate to consider reducing the Highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable. Policy Implications: Section 933 of the Municipal Act requires that where a developer provides specific Development Cost Charge Bylaw works, the cost of those works shall be deducted from the applicable Development Cost Charge components payable. The amount of compensation is limited to the lesser of the value of the work or the DCC compone s p yable. In this case, the recommended compensation of $12,512.00 reflects the total ighwa component of the Development Cost Charges payable and is less than the cost to c nstruct e work. Chief Administrative Officer OperaIiia1 Services Dio Development Engineering tl.oaf , IN (N I 0) R em ND Rem 23 I I!) P 26434 - RW 83136 Go dn - N N I N N N N C CL 0- Rem 1.210 ho 0.894 ha LMP 34007 LMP 27217 LMP 8298 (lease) LMP 3837 I ~1 9;• LMP 37752 (easement LMP 37751 (lease) 2.945 ha —ZLMPQ5 P 64073 75 20475 0.790 ho BUILDING APPUCA11ON BPC 129/98 2 P9529 1.214 ha. 119 AVE. P55302 70 co 1.186 ha. Rem 1 P 9801 1.078 ha. LOUGHD HWy I a. a / 04 LMPI2177 coO A 9 II 0 --'385351 EJ DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY U: \JcC-MAP50C--(ETO4\007 RRW7i448 to I *LMP 36563 41 P 8 291 p P72179 0-21 12 1 Rem 1 N DISTRICT OF THE STRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING 23 AW- bowpord" A DEVELOP 12 i DEPARTMENT MENT COST CHARGES FORGIVENESS ____ BPC 129/98 SCALE: N.T.S. I nLE,/DWG No 0007 1 DATE: OCT 28 1998 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 4, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: OCP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Firea I g 11w No. 5712-1998 (To ame Sche " ' 1e-OCP) SUMMARY: This Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw will amend Schedule "C" to show the 130/132 Ave. arterial route between 232 St. and 240 St. in the location as recommended in a staff report dated September 23, 1998 as Option 6. Council considered the Silver Valley Arterial Road between 232 St. and 240 St. at their meeting of October 27, 1998 (see attached minutes) and forwarded the amendment to Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw E198 be given First Reading. ~1\,C.l elf Officer blic* and Development Services ()1'o 0 ', 0;1.4~ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5671 - 1998. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as 'Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5671 - 1998." Schedule "C" is hereby deleted and a new Schedule "C" is added as appended hereto. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 1:45.000 0 FRASER RIVER A. A. 1.8 MAJOR CORRIDOR PROPOSED PROVINCIAL BRIDGE (UNDER STUDY) I*IIIIIIl DE VELOPED RAIL CORRIDOR be OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN SCHEDULE C PROPOSED MAJOR HIGHWAY NETWORK PLAN (1996 - 2009) SCALE: 1:45.000 SAAR 5434-100T, , l ."sm. A1t J.*X 23. 906 400P11D SPY. 0. 19 FED 5. 1906 S%AW Gt 5671-190RAIW BY: DC CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE_RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE - . wm PLANNING DEPARTMENT rRAsER RIVER Council Meeting Minutes October 27, 1998 Page 13 R198-550 06.05.02 BL 5579-1998 final reading MOVED by Councillor King RZ/60/93 SECONDED by Councillor Baker that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5579-1997 be reconsidered and adopted. tiii:i 07 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 07.01 Minutes of October 19, 1998 R198-551 MOVED by Councillor Stewart COW Minutes SECONDED by Councillor Baker Oct. 19, 1998 that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of October 19, 1998 be received. [Wr.1t1i 07.02 Public Works and Development Services Chair Councillor T. Baker Vice Chair Councillor B. Levens 07.02.0 1 Silver Valley Arterial Road Re Open House - September 15, 1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated September 23, 1998 recommending that Option 6 be selected for the Silver Valley Arterial Road between 232 Street and 240 Street. The Committee amended the recommendation by adding a requirement to hold a Public Hearing. R198-552 MOVED by Councillor King Silver Valley Rd. SECONDED by Councillor Gordàn Option 6 chosen that Option 6 be confirmed as the preferred alignment for the Silver Valley Arterial Road between 232 Street and 240 Street; and further that staff be instructed to prepare an Official Community Plan Amending By-law to reflect the said alignment; said by-law to be forwarded to a future Public Hearing subsequent to receiving the required first reading. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 6, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/28/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/28/98 (10390 Slatford Place & 10389 240 St.) SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone approximately 1.4 hectares of land at the intersection of 104" Avenue and 240" Street. The applicant proposes clustering development to address environmental constraints imposed by the site. Twenty-three residential units are identified using a variety of building types and lot sizes. The proposal is consistent with objectives of the Official Community Plan for the area and addresses urban design issues that will arise with development of the Albion Village area. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/28/98 (for property located at 10390 Slatford Place & 10389 240 St) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated November 6, 1998 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential), R-1 (Residential District), R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) & RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: 1) Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. 2) A Public Information Meeting must be held. 3) Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; C) Building elevations; Landscape concept; subdivision plan location of existing buildings: road dedication; And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedules "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A comprehensive plan of development must be registered at the Land Title Office; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road dedication as required; Consolidation of the development site; Application for inclusion into Sewer Area "A". Park Dedication BACKGROUND: The development site consists of two properties on the south side of 104" Avenue between Slatford Place and 240L1 Street. The properties encompass approximately 1.4 hectares in area. One of the parcels is bisected by Spencer Creek and also includes a single-family residence that is to be retained as part of the development. To the north of the site is the Kanaka Ridge Estates residential subdivision and to the east the Albion Village area. Lands directly to the west are presently in the Agricultural Land Reserve however, the Agricultural Land Commission has recently recommended them for exclusion. The development proposal identifies twenty-three residential units. The proposed housing form is comparable to existing development in the Albion Village area on 102d Avenue. Four different zones are required to facilitate the proposal due to the different access conditions required and the limitations posed by the physical features of the site. Although the proposal effectively addresses these features staff are recommending that additional parking areas be allocated for the central portion of the development which has limited access to on-street visitor parking. The proposal does not provide contextual information that would be beneficial in establishing in-fill potential for the balance of the neighbourhood south of the proposed development. It is recommended that the applicant provide this information prior to presentation at Public Hearing. -2- Policy Implications: Official Community Plan: Schedule "B": The property is part of a larger area designated as Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan. This application is in compliance with that designation. The SFR @ 18 uha designation is typically associated with the RS-lb zone that limits development to single family lots with a minimum area of 557m' (6000 sq. ft.). The form proposed for this development is typically associated with a density designation of 30 or 40 units per net hectare which allows a range of building forms that includes both single family development on small lots and/or townhouses. This proposal effectively clusters the homes to address site features such as Spencer Creek and the existing home-site and achieves an overall density of approximately 16 units per net hectare. Although, according to Council's policy, this application does not require presentation at a Public Information meeting, staff recommend that, given the form of development, the applicant be required to host a Public Information meeting. Viewed in a broader context, the proposal is also consistent with building forms anticipated for the Albion Village area immediately to the east. This proposal will therefore ensure a unified streetscape is attained for 240th Street. Areas to the north and south of this development site are also impacted with development constraints comparable to those encountered here. While these areas are also designated at Single Family Residential (1 8upnha), it is anticipated that development of these areas will adopt a similar approach to that proposed with this application. Schedule "F": An interim equestrian trail is identified along the 104" Avenue right of way on Schedule "F" of the Official Community Plan. Confirmation of the trail's final location will be a requirement of the subdivision application for this development. Schedules "A" and "H": Schedules "A" and "H" will be amended to include the townhouse portion of the site in a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character is consistent with the balance of the development and with that envisioned for the Albion Village area. It will be necessary for the Advisory Design Panel to comment and provide recommendations to Council on the proposal prior to the application proceeding to Public Hearing. Environmental Concerns: Schedule "E" identifies Spencer Creek as a watercourse requiring special treatment and the OCP watercourse policies will therefore apply. The applicant has proposed relocating a portion of the creek and rehabilitating other areas of the creek as compensation. The applicant is undertaking this work with the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment and the assistance of a qualified -3- environmental consultant. Final approval and dedication of lands to be protected is recommended as a condition of fourth reading to the zone-amending bylaw. A portion of the subject property is within the Fraser River Floodplain. The applicant's consultant has indicated that all building areas are outside the flood elevation, however it will be necessary to refer the application to the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch at the subdivision stage. Servicing Concerns: The Engineering Department has identified the following concerns as requiring resolution in advance of final zoning approval: Existing sanitary sewers have either limited capacity or are too shallow to provide service. A solution that ensures adequate servicing for the development is required and will be included in the Rezoning Development Agreement. The development area drains to Dyking District 13. Approval from the Dyking District is required to ensure existing infrastructure is capable of accepting any increased runoff from the development. 3) An application is required to include the subject properties in Sewer Area "A". 4) Road dedication is required on 104" Avenue and on 240" Street. 5) A geotechnical assessment of the site is required. Outside Agencies: Since the property is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway, it will be necessary to have the Ministry of Transportation and Highways approve the bylaw under Section 54 of the Municipal Act prior to final consideration of the zone-amending bylaw. CONCLUSION: Staff supports the development concept proposed under this application. The solution is consistent with OCP objectives and respects the form of development anticipated for the adjoining Albion Village area. It is recommended that a neighbourhood concept plan be prepared that ensures the _patterns defined by this proposal enable development of adjacent lands to their optimum potential. (jJ Chief Administrative Officer GWIWI anager: blic Works and Development Services MRlbjc -4- SUBJECT PROPERTIES 10390 SLATFORD PL. & 10389 240 ST. ZONING AND A.L.R. (SHADED) I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I ( I IMAPLE RIDGE PLANNING I Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT I flLE'TtA# RZ-28-98 I DATE: NOV. 4, 1998 OISTThCT O PflT MCAOOWS A SCALE: 1:6,000 c [:!JJ ".0 ' am- r1ril 131 PARK I- In SFR 118 ti1C)' 1 7 18 SPARK AGRI P DO --I SCH oisracr or PITT 4EDOwS SUBJECT PROPERTIES 10390 SLATFORD PL. & 10389 240 ST. OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: RZ-28-98 I DATE: NOV. 4, 1998 SgiiA I 1111 VALLEY /1 RSZR RIVER AL8ION SCALE PROPERTIES ir 1:6,000 :i Fl L. z w W16- cc 0< 0 w uJ0 -J 0.0 -J 0.. r -• II. I. - - --.- TI I i Revised In response to discussion at the Committee of the Whole on November 16, 1998 RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/16/98 (former PVI site 256' Street) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated October 6, 1998 from P.6 (Civic Institutional) to IR (Industrial/Residential) and M-2 (General Industrial) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Conditions to be met prior to first reading: 1. A plan of development that complies with zoning and subdivision regulations and limits the development of the site under the IR Zone to approximately 25% of the site area, generally located as shown on the attached map. The plan should also identify the following; a) neighbourhood context b)topographic features including watercourses c)existing structures And that prior to final approval the following must be complete; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including security for the works required. () / 61-~ 4 0 - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 6, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/16/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/16/98 (Former PVI Site) SUMMARY: An application has been submitted to rezone the former PVI site to JR (Industrial/Residential) and M-2 (General Industrial). This application proposes to alter the boundaries for these two zones as described by a previous application. The revised boundaries reflect some of the constraints to development imposed by site characteristics and a desire to increase the amount of land zoned JR from the original proposal. Staff supports a reconfiguration of these boundaries subject to the conditions outlined in this report. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/16/98 (former PVI site 256th Street) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated October 6, 1998 from M-2 (General Industrial) to IR (Industrial/Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Conditions to be met prior to first reading: A plan of development compliant with zoning and subdivision regulations, identifying the following; a) neighbourhood context b)topographic features including watercourses c) existing structures And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including security for the works required. -1- BACKGROUND: Council has considered a variety of development proposals for this property. Council's direction in response to these proposals has been to consistently support an industrial use for the lands in question. Most recently, Council has agreed to the owner's request to allow development of a portion of these lands under a newly created zone that has a strong residential focus and permits a home-based industrial use. A bylaw to permit this request has been granted three readings and awaits the applicant's compliance with a number of conditions in advance of final approval. This application proposes to amend the areas designated by the respective zones to address topographic, soils, and access constraints by relocating the area for the Industrial/Residential use to the southern boundary of the site along the former North Fraser Freeway alignment. The applicant has provided the results of a technical review prepared by Khangura Engineering Ltd. and Valley Geotechnical Engineering Services. This report included a slope analysis and a soil investigation, summarized as follows: The relatively flat area to the south and west has poor soil conditions and high ground water table. The proposed leave strip as recommended by Coast River Environmental reduces the available flat area for industrial use. This area is not suitable for heavier industrial buildings, as extensive ground improvement is required to avoid large settlement and tilting of the buildings. The ground is suitable for lightweight residential structures and workshops. The central area is a hillside slope with competent soil or bedrock at a relatively shallow depth. There is an existing, heavily vegetated slope area approximately 2.5 horizontal to 1 vertical which is an excellent natural barrier between two land uses in its present state and slope gradient. The balance of the central area is ideal for industrial residential as only small portions of the site will have to be cleared and grades modified to accommodate a residence and workshop. ... these slopes are not suitable for industrial use, which require larger flat areas for activities associated with industrial activities. The northern portion of the property is occupied by the former PVI building, playing fields and running track and other smaller structures including paved driveways and parking areas. Based upon our analyses, we conclude that the fields were developed by a cut and fill operation. These existing benches are ideal for industrial use, as minimal disturbance to existing grades is required. At the northern point of the property, the cut slope has exposed sand and gravel. The added benefit of this area being developed as Industrial (M2) is that the sand and gravel is excellent for reuse as structural fill for roads and any fills required in building envelopes onsite. The report concludes that the southerly portion of the site should be considered for Industrial Residential use rather than Industrial use. On the basis of this analysis, staff support the proposal to -2- relocate the proposed IR zone to the southerly portion of the site, thus providing a residential interface for properties designated Suburban Residential to the south. The applicant proposes to expand the area to be developed under the JR zone. Presently, approximately 25% of the site would be developed under this zone and the applicant is proposing to expand this to approximately 75% of the site. Although the JR Zone is designed to allow industrial home based businesses, there is a strong residential emphasis to the zone. The Official Community Plan designation proposed with the existing bylaw is Industrial and the zone is crafted to allow the residential and industrial uses to co-exist. Demand for this type of use and the ability to integrate the two uses in the one zone is unknown. An application to expand the JR zone beyond 25% of the site in advance of observing how successful this zone is in meeting these objectives is premature and therefore not recommended at this time. Conclusion: The proposal to amend the zoning boundaries for the proposed development of the former PVJ site is supported by staff. This support is contingent upon receiving a plan of development that is consistent with the regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws and limits the development of the site under the JR Zone to approximately 25% of the site area. The concept plan must also address the topographic characteristics of the site and identify streams designated for protection. The JR zone will be monitored to determine it's success in achieving objectives of integrating residential and industrial uses while preserving the integrity of OCP objectives to achieve an industrial district in the vicinity of this site. Should the objectives be successfully met, staff may support future efforts to expand the use of the JR zone. C ief Administrative Officer Geiqratpi nager: Pubh-*orks and Development Services -3- A-2 II // F A2 P-5 ( A-2 /P:6 P-6 otow or P!TT FORMER P.V.I. SITE ------------ ___ N VALLEY ZONING AND A.L.R. (SHOWN SHADED) ____ HL X /k DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE WHONN CORPORATION OF THE ________ _________________ ALBION MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING SCALE: I Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT THORNHI flLE/8Y1..A# RZ-16-98 DATE: OCT. 9. 1998 ________ 1:12.500 • :• -rIL. • LAYOUT SUBJECT TO APPROVALS BY — • I ._.: ALL APPMABLE AGD4(S AND '.s'Th. tRW)CpoN BY A fl.C.Ls. 2b -. I / 2 13 __ s .• • Ji U ) —IR 4R5 eV - ' _ • \\_ // i \ \ .-J • • IRV ' / \\\ / • - ' lea %' P4— N "/2' L ' i "3 • / / // "r ' LD \ \ ((\\ 1\\J . 6T • \ 1 \• \ 'j \"-'- 1 — .o r mt — NM N \ 1 ( " • ____ CD N . • • )) ) 1 P. • I \ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 4th 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: ALR/5/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: ALR/5/98 20383 Powell Avenue 20453 Powell Avenue 12600 Block 203' M1e? SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 12(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Act to exclude approximately 5.13 hectares from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to allow future urban development. Council Policy for this area recommends that the lands be retained in the ALR, and the soil classification for the land indicates that the properties should remain within the ALR. The Rural Plan Advisory Committee (RPAC) proposed lands in this area be retained in the ALR, and this proposal was supported by Council in the Summary of Council Decisions on Implementation of the Rural Plan. As a result, staff are recommending that the application not be authorized to proceed to the ALC. RECOMMENDATION: That application ALR/5/98 for the property described as Lot 14, District Lot 276, Group 1 NWD Plan 11084, Lot 2, District Lot 276, Group 1 NWD Plan 13319, Lot 4, Except: Part Subdivided by Plan 25295; District Lot 267, Group 1 NWD Plan 24660 and located north of Powell Avenue and east of 203r Street not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission BACKGROUND: An application has been received by the Planning Department to exclude approximately 5.13 ha of land from the ALR. The application has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 313/78(Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). As a result of this notice, the Planning Department has received some verbal inquiries, but no written submissions of support or disagreement from residents have been received to date of this memo. District Context: The properties, located north of Powell Avenue and east of 2O3 Street, are Zoned RS-3 (Rural Residential), and are in an area designated on the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Agricultural use. The properties are within Area 1 of ALR lands in Maple Ridge and current Council Policy is "that Area 1 be retained in the Agricultural Land Reserve." -1- o1,o.c6 g Lands to the north are Zoned A-2 (Upland Agricultural) and support a nursery for reforestation seedling production. This nursery recently extended a connection to the municipal sanitary sewer according to municipal policy for sanitary sewer service extension within the ALR. Lands to the east and west are primarily pasture, hobby farms, and green house operations in Pitt Meadows. The urban boundary is to the south of Powell Avenue where single family urban development has occurred. The soil classification for this land from the Canada Land Inventory mapping system indicates the area is generally Class 3 and 4 with an improved rating of Class 2 through measures dealing with excess water. Rural Plan Context: The properties are within Subarea A of the Rural Plan. Although the Rural Plan Advisory Committee (RPAC) offered four options for Council consideration, the RPAC recommended two options both of which would see the lands remain within the ALR. These options included: Option 3 a change in density to one acre lots along the urban boundary, or Option 4 the introduction of buffering provisions between urban residential and the ALR. From the Summary of Council Decisions on Implementation of the Rural Plan, Council agreed with Option 4 which states "Retain this area in the ALR with provision for buffering between the urban residential and the ALR. Adopt a Farm By-Law to restrict intensive/intrusive agriculture." Application Proposal: The intent of this application is to exclude these lands for future urban development. The applicants have provided maps and photos in support of their application. Attached are three letters from the applicants for Council consideration. CONCLUSION In consideration of existing Council Policy regarding Area 1, the recommendations from the RPAC, and subsequent Council agreement with Option 4 as proposed by the RPAC, it is recommended that this application not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. U~, 'Chief Administrative Officer BMcL. a JA and Development Services -2- Ernie Streifel 20383 Powell Avenue Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 4N3 465-4026 October 8, 1998 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 6A9 Provincial Agricultural Land Commission 113-4940 Canada Way Burnaby, B.C., V5G 4K6 Attached, as a joint venture, you will find application for the exclusion from the ALR of properties described as: Lot 14, P111084, Dist. Lot 2765, NW Group I Land Dist., Port. PCL C PL 36093 Bylaw PID-009-452-982 Lot 4, P1 24660, Dist. Lot 267, NW Group I Land Dist., except P1 29295 ND #009-187-146 Lot 2, P113319, Dist. Lot 276, NW Group 1 Land Dist., for mobile home see folio 312-21192-0201-1, PID 009-798-153 from the registered owners: Ernest J. & MajoryJ. Streifel of 20383 Powell Ave., Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 4N3 Norman B. Hughson & Mona A. Hughson (deceased) of #301-12096 222 St., Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 5W1 Charles R. & Eveline E. Veinotte; Thomas R. Vemotte of 20453 Powell Ave., Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 4N3 The requirements for the notice of application as indicated on ACL pamphlet 3A1PNOTI were performed as follows: Advertise the Application The advertisement was made through Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Times on Sept. 23 & 30, 1998 attached as exhibit 1. Signed copies of the applications and notice to all registered land owners of land in the ALR that share a common boundary with the properties under application, including owners of property, separated by a public road was performed on Sept. 24, 1998 ... exhibit 2. Post a sign on the land Signs were posted on each property as indicated on exhibit 6. Photos are displayed on exhibit 3. 4. District of Maple Ridge was served notice on October 8, 1998. . Proof of serving notice is exhibit 4. Exhibit 5 shows sketches of property. 6. Application fee, Certificates of Title, Assessment/Tax Notices attached. History of the land used for farming The Powell family were pioneers in Maple Ridge occupying a large section of land in the early 40's. Thry earned their livelihood from raising chickens. The property was divided ... and lot 14, PL 11084 was purchased by the MacPhersons in 1946. The MacPhersons had a mink farm until the market collapsed in 1961. They sold to the vanAert's in 1969 -who had a hobby farm until 1973, when it was sold to the present owners, the Streifels, who also had a hobby farm until 1997, when it became too costly to continue. This has not been a viable farm since 1961. Lot 4 PL 24660 was purchased in July 1963 by the applicants Mona & Norman Hughson. It was used as a hobby farm, for beef and horses, but was never a productive farm. It is presently leased to the Veinottes for horse pasture. Lot 2 PL 13319 was purchased from Mrs. Dinsley in March 1989 by the Veinottes, who now have a hobby farm for horses. Prior to the Veinottes owning the land, the last likely farm was the Powells in the early 1940s. Suitability for Farming (Agricultural Potential) Exhibit 6 indicates the soil to be: 5:3AW 3:3AT 2:4AW and 4.W The land slopes and the soil quality deteriorates to the north of the profile. 4.W likely to be more descriptive of the soil under application. Although nature has provided vegetation for growth on virtually any surface, it has it's own rules. The less fertile or poorer the condition, the more area is required for sufficient production. In this area, growth of desirable vegetation is costly and requires large portions of land. Small land parcels are cost prohibitive to develop into mechanized operations. Annual revenues can not meet the expenses. Development of West Maple Ridge In the early 1940's, the area was already considered for development. A 40 foot road allowance was established between Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows boundaries ... exhibit 7. Prior to the ALR the area in application was already RS3 zoned. When the ALR was implemented in the fall of 1973, the land owners in this area of the RS3 zone (exhibit 8), were determined to have the ALR boundaries to the north of the RS3 zone. This debate was led by applicant Norm Hughson but was overruled by Mayor Trerise, who stated the zone would remain but the ALR would be at Powell Avenue. Since this time the ALR has agreed to release most of the properties to the Dewdney Trunk area on the Pitt Meadows border. Area Concerns What effect would the release have on surrounding lands? The land to the north is bound by A2 zone. The trunk sewer line divides the zones with a permanent right-of- way separating larger parcels that are farmable. - To the east single family dwelling, with very low swampy land for the most part, no agricultural use, likely, never been farmed .. zoned RS3. To the south, RS I filly developed. To the west, small RS l/RS3 type dwellings ... no agricultural benefits, except for nursery in Pitt Meadows. Impact on Farming The removal from the ALR will have no impact on farming. None of the land has been farmed for 37 years. The likely hood of them being productive farms does not exist. The additional traffic would readily be disbursed along 203rd with little impact on traffic through the farmland. The farmlands to the north is protected by a permanent right-of-way from the trunk sewer line. The fact that they are zoned A2 and are large farrnable properties lessens the likelihood of aggression across the sewer right-of-way. The theory of clustering adjoining properties to form a large enough parcel is too costly. Exhibit 9 shows the 1997 assessed value of the properties. Future Development The recent development of the malls and most services within walking distance, as well as proposed. additional shopping centres favour development of these small unproductive land parcels. The suggested Fraser River Crossing through the industrial site and the extension of Abernathy way to 203rd Street are part of future development. The efficient means to communicate with easy access to Lougheed Highway or 132nd Avenue, should not have any impact on traffic. The trunk sewer line runs along the north and west sides and a lateral line on the south sides of these properties. Exhibit 10 shows the relation to the facilities in the urban area. For the betterment of the community and the applicants, we respectfully request the removal from the ALR. E. Streifel February 2, 1998 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Mayor Carl Durksen Dear Sir Re: Lot 4 Plan 24660 DL 267 Except Plan 25295 5.30 Acres 12600 Block of 203 Street, Maple Ridge, BC Further to my letter of January 15th of 1998 and our meeting on January 29th. 1998, 1 am asking that you forward this request to the Agricultural Land Commission, along with any remarks or comments that you may have. I. My land was purchased in 1962 and is zoned RS3 - minimum 2 Acres. Public hearings in April and September of 1973 were attended byrne and opposition to zoning change and inclusion in A.L.R. was made known to the Mayor and Council at that time. An easement was given in 1980 for North slope Interceptor Sewer through this property and a sewer connection was recently made in the area. - It is believed an alignment of Abernathy Way will follow this route from I 2Sth Avenue to 203 Street. Neighbours in the area have no objections- C.R. Veinotte 20453 Powell Avenue Phone 465-0746. - E. Streifel 20383 Powell Avenue Phone 465-4026. **Two adjoining parcels, with homes, are under 2 Acres and are not governed by legislation. 12606 and 12662 - 203rd Street. At the time of the purchase of this land, it was considered a secure investment for retirement. It is 35 years since I purchased this property. A portion of this land is classified as W. For the above reasons, I am requesting removal of this property from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Respectfully yours Norman B. Hughson 12096 222 Street #301 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5W1 467-3302 January 15, 1998 Mayor Carl Durksen and Council Maple Ridge, BC In 19621 I purchased a property in Maple Ridge, located at 12662 - 203 Street (known at that time as First Avenue). I had my choice of three properties: 7.13 acres of higher land with buildings and zoned RS3 - Minimum 2 acres. 11 acres, north of this parcel, zoned A2 -. Minimum 10 acres. 20 acres, further north, with the same zoning as the property mentioned in number 2. For financing reasons, I wished to create a 2 acre parcel with house and garage and to finance the remainder under separate agreement. When the 2 acres were measured out, the east property line would be approximately 20 feet inside of an existing barn. Application was made to shorten the parcel and 1.83 acres was created. The remainder of 5.30 acres is known as Lot 4, Plan 24660, DL267, Except Plan 25295 and is the subject of this presentation. My choice of property was dictated by several factors: The property had a house and garage on the smaller portion, with barns and other buildings approximately 400 feet back on the larger portion. The property was zoned RS3 which would allow making the division mentioned above. The land was suitable for livestock. The land provided immediate use as such and appeared to be an ideal future investment under these conditions. In 1968, I purchased the 1.5 acre parcel to the south, known as Parcel B-SK.976, subdivided around 1910 when it was the "Old Powell Place". In April 1973, I was notified of a public hearing to amend the zoning of these and other RS3 zoned - 2 acre parcels in the vicinity of my property. Details of that meeting are attached, as well as a further meeting in September 1973, dealing not with change to zoning, but inclusion in the Agricultural Land Reserve. As the adjacent parcels to the north and south of me are under 2 acres, this legislation does not apply. This change came 12 years after RS3 zoning had been in effect and 10 years after I had purchased my property. I considered this unfair at the time and have made my protest known at that time and since. Effectively, a clearly defined east-west boundary line, separating agricultural land from 2 acre parcel zoning was arbitrarily moved approximately 800 feet south to Powell Avenue. In 1979, I was asked for an easement for a North Slope Interceptor Sewer Line. Originally, 3 meters in width grew to 5 meters as a permanent easement, with a temporary 20 meter working easement. This I agreed to and work proceeded in 1980 - 1981. This Sanitary Sewer is located inside the boundary between RS3 and Agricultural A2 zoning, created in 1961. When I received my 1996 Assessment, it became apparent that valuation of land had increased many times over the 1995 figure. This was not due to change of zoning or removal from the Agricultural Land Reserve. An appeal was made and the 1995 value was restored. For the above reasons, I am requesting my land be removed from the Agricultural Land. Reserve and restored to the provisions and requirements in effect at the time of purchase in 1962. Yours very truly. Norman B. Hughson #301 - 12096 222nd Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5W1 604-467-3302 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 21, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-012-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Cs of W —PW & Dev. SUBJECT: History and Status Update Relating to Provision of Underground Wiring and Conversion of Aerial Utilities SUMMARY: This report is submitted to clarify Council policy 9.05 "Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring" and Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaws No. 4800-1993 and 5595-1997 for the provision of underground wiring. Council received correspondence and staff briefings in the past regarding the circumstances, conditions and constraints relating to the requirement of underground wiring as a servicing requirement of development as well as, requests for conversion variances. These policy and bylaw requirements are the municipality's position regarding this issue. These amendments have resulted in a reduction in the number of development variance permits being processed that related to the conversion of aerial utilities to underground. RECOMMENDATION: That staff be directed to investigate the merits of amending the "Existing Urban Area" schedule (Schedule D) of Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 5595-1997 and further; That staff be directed to work with BC Hydro in the context of the BC Hydro Beautification Program to convey municipal interest in and to seek partial funding approval to convert aerial utilities to underground wiring under the terms and conditions of the program and further; That for Council's future consideration that staff be directed to add projects to the Capital Works Program in light of the BC Hydro Beautification Program, to address future municipal funding contributions under the program. BACKGROUND: Purpose: To explain the highlights of the current policy relating to "Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring" and provision of underground wiring as a servicing requirement of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. History: In July of 1996 Council adopted a policy for the Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring To tJndergrc und Wiring (Policy 9.05 attached). The policy was an attempt to reconcile the technical difficulties that the utility companies identified with conversion of overhead to underground, with the objective of reducing the number of development variance permits being processed to waive the conversion of aerial utilities to underground. -1 ()I 0~,66 - Underground wiring has been a topic of considerable investigation, consideration and discussion with Council. The General Manager: Operational Services provided the Chief Administrative Officer with a status report about undergrounding of overhead utilities in December of 1995 (memorandum attached). The Development and Operational Services Committee was also informed of the undergrounding issue as it relates to servicing requirements of the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993 in a subsequent report dated March 25, 1996 (attached). As a result of Council's deliberations of the matter, Policy 9.05 entitled "Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring" was approved July 23, 1996 (directive attached). The policy reflects the substantive issues and direction recommended at the time. Since then, the underground wiring requirement has largely remained the same namely, to provide underground wiring to all lots being created in a subdivision except on existing streets where it is impractical to do so for a variety of technical reasons driven by utility company considerations and concerns. (c) Policy: In the context of development (subdivision and building activity), Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaws have since the late 1970's identified underground wiring as a servicing requirement of many residential, commercial and institutional zones. Past bylaw amendments clarified the intention of the underground wiring requirement as note(s) to Schedule "A". Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Amending Bylaw No. 4678-1992 included Note 3, stating that, "Parcels created abutting highway rights-of-way serviceable by an existing above ground utility system fronting such parcels (BC Hydro and Power Authority and BC Telephone Company) may be exempted from the requirement to provide underground wiring. This exemption shall not apply when road upgrading of the fronting street to an urban standard is undertaken as part of the subdivision." In practice, this amendment proved to be unworkable for a variety of technical reasons. In recognition of this, other options were investigated to address the problems and as a result, Council more recently adopted Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Amending Bylaw No. 5595-1997 includes "Note 5" (attached) in the servicing schedule that reads, "Parcels abutting highway rights-of-way serviced by an existing above ground utility system fronting such parcels (BC Hydro and Power Authority, BC Telephone Company and CA TV) are exempted from the requirement to provide on the abutting highway, provided that the parcel is located within the area identified as the Existing Urban Area as shown on the attached map labeled Schedule "D ". This amendment was adopted to reconcile the technical difficulties involved in the provision of underground wiring in that portion of the community that is already largely developed in an urban/suburban manner. However, there may now be areas within the "Existing Urban Area" where it is desirable to achieve underground wiring and/or conversion of aerial utilities to underground. The Downtown Core in whole or in part and Lougheed Highway east of Dewdney Trunk Road at the westerly entrance to the community are areas that have been mentioned recently for reconsideration due to development activity. -2- Policy 9.05 addresses considerations with respect to the utility conversion issue and variance consideration(s). The policy identifies the terms and conditions by which Council will support a waiver of the underground wiring requirement. The policy provides flexibility in the Cottonwood, Albion and Silver Valley Areas to either achieve conversion at the time of development or to achieve partial works in this regard and monies "in-trust" for works to complete the conversion at a future date. From a staff perspective, these policies appear to operate adequately. Planning staff advise that the number of variance permits has been reduced since the policy and bylaw amendment were adopted. Furthermore, staff is of the opinion that the emerging development areas of Cottonwood, Albion and Silver Valley should not be reconsidered for inclusion in Schedule D of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw to provide for exemption of underground wiring. Such an amendment would eliminate the flexibility mentioned above and preclude conversion where it may be practical to do so at the time of development. It is important to note that Council may require as part of their consideration of a rezoning application, that an investigation be undertaken of the merits and costs associated with the possible conversion of aerial utilities to underground wiring. Furthermore, where the conditions and circumstances are deemed to be favourable, Council may decide to require conversion of utilities to underground. (d) Program Considerations: Staff applied for funding for 1999 under the BC Hydro Beautification Program to work cooperatively with the utility companies on a specific project to convert aerial utilities to underground wiring. Staff will be asking for Council support in the upcoming Capital Works Program (1999 - 2003) for funding approval for the municipal share of the costs associated with works under the program. The program offers municipalities an opportunity to target specific projects of particular interest or concern for conversion and to have BC Hydro share in the costs under the terms, conditions and funding formula (1/3 BC Hydro share - 2/3 municipal share) established for the program. Staff has informed BC Hydro of the municipality's interest in pursuing a project in either the Downtown Core (Selkirk Avenue from 225th to 226th Streets) or West Maple Ridge at the entrance to the comm (Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road intersection). / Chief Administrative GJJI?c Works &~ ~velopm-ent_ne mices* Dev. Engineering -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE iT! LE: CONVERSION OF EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY WIRING TO UNDERGROUND WIRING AUTHORITY: EFFECTIVE DATE IMMEDIATELY POLICY NO. SUPERSEDES: APPROVAL: rULY 23, 1996- A Council will support development variance permit applications to waive the requirement of Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw 4800-1993 as amended, to provide underground wiring on highway right of ways serviced by existing overhead utility systems, where the abutting road is required to be upgraded to an urban standard, on the following conditions: 1. The existing overhead utility system is shown on the attached plan, or There is less than a total of 250 metres of contiguous redevelopment potential fronting both sides of the highway right of way designated on the Official Community Plan. Further, in those cases where undergrounding of existing overhead utility lines is required, and a development has less than 250 metres of frontage on the highway right of way, the developer will service his development with underground dips off the overhead line and deposit with the Municipality sufficient funds to achieve the required undergrounding in the future. RW ja DEFINITIONS: Printed on July 25, 1996 Page 1 of 1 Policy 9.05 MEMORANDUM Submitted to: ( ) Council/Staff Meeting of CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation of the General Manager: Operational Services be approved. TO: Chief Administrative Officer FROM: General Manager: Operational Services DATE: 1995 12 05 SUBJECT: Undergrounding of Overhead Utilities - Status Report FILE NO.: 008-012-001 RECOMMENDATION That the memorandum of the General Manager: Operational Services dated December 5, 1995 with respect to undergrounding of overhead utilities be received for information purposes. BACKGROUND For some time Municipal staff and that of B.C. Hydro have been wrestling with problems created by the requirement under the Subdivision and Development Servicing By-Law No. 4800 - 1993 that, in certain conditions, overhead utility wiring be undergrounded. This spring a meeting between a B.C. Hydro Manager and the undersigned was held to determine the constraints to undergrounding from that utility's point of view and, if possible, to work out the framework of an amendment to the Servicing By-Law that could be supported by all parties involved. ...12 Chief Administrative Officer 1995 1205 Page 2 The difficulty in coining up with such an amendment centres around the wide variation in undergrounding costs from one street to another. Both Hydro and Tel have "trunk" facilities, not always on the same street that are very costly (probably prohibitively so for any one developer) to underground. Even the strictly local service lines vary in cost depending on several variables. Other constraints for B.C. Hydro relate to the minimum length of line that can be practically undergrounded. whether or not there is existing development that is served by overhead wiring and not designated for redevelopment on the OCP, etc. A framework for a potential By-Law anIfidment was worked out with B.C. Hydro in mid-year. The framework was as follows: Undergrounding of existing distribution lines would be required where full redevelopment in accordance with the OCP would provide 250 metres or more contiguous frontage on each side of a street. There could be several developers involved over a number of years. Only distribution lines (less than 25.KV) would be considered.. Ductwork would be pre-installed by each applicable developer. The developer would make an in-trust payment to the Municipality based on the B.C. Hydro average cost of undergrounding local distribution service. All parcels in the development would be served via underground dip off the overhead system. Trunk facilities would be identified and the undergrounding cost in excess of the average local distribution for each of these would be included in the D.C.C. By-Law as part of the highway component.* The Municipality would arrange for the undergrounding at an appropriate future date with payments made from either or a combination of the In-Trust account and the D.C.C. Reserve Fund. There would be a potential exception to 4, 5 and 7 above for a large development with 250 metres or more frontage of a road. In that case it might, depending on the use on the opposite side of the road, be appropriate for the developer to complete the undergrounding with, possibly, assistance from the D.C.C. Reserve Fund. Following acceptance of the above by B.C. Hydro we corresponded with B.C. Tel and Rogers Cablevision, and a meeting was held with B.C. Tel in late August. Subsequently Rogers accepted the framework and B.C. Tel was provided with information with respect to areas where it is likely that the requirement would be imposed. They have reviewed this and have indicated that their response will be forthcoming shortly. *A legal opinion has been requested but not yet received. This is an important aspect. /3 Chief Administrative Officer 1995 1205 Page 3 Once we have their acceptance we will probably have to fine tune the proposal to mitigate their concerns. Trunk facilities will then have to be identified and costed for inclusion in the D.C.C. By-Law if we can. Our goal is to have these included in the 1996 annual D.C.C. review. This would be concurrent with the required Subdivision and Development Servicing By-Law amendment. The process that we are using until the changes are made is to support DVP applications where the development in question does not meet the requirements of the proposed amendment. One current example that has gained Council's attention is the Davison development on 124 Avenue. The reasons that DVP was supported wer The frontage of ultimate redevelopment is less than 250 metres and only on side of the street. There are existing parcels on the opposite side of the sweet with no redevelopment potential indicated on the OCP. To underground the system on 124 Avenue would require the houses service entrances to be rewired. This could involve significant impact on a building. The remainder of 124 Avenue is served via overhead and it is highly improbable that this would change in the foreseeable future. T.C. Eng. Gex1'1anager: Operational Services TCG/llt MEMORANDUM Submitted to: () Council () Corporate & Community Services Committee ( ) Adrniriictration & Policy () Community () Parks & Leisure (4 Development & Operational Services Committee () Inspection (.) Operational ( Plpnnin A 41a~ I VC,~ CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: That the recommendation of the General Manager Operational Sjce approved. TO: Chief Administrative Officer FROM: General Manger Operational Services DATE: March 25, 1996 SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993. Requirement to Underground Overhead Utility Lines SUMMARY At long last, and after extensive investigation, staff have reached a position where the alternate courses of action that may be taken with respect to the requirement to underground existing overhead utility lines on development of abutting parcels have been defined. RE COMMENDATION: j That a formal policy in line with that noted herein be adopted to clarify the requirement to underground existing overhead utility lines 1 - BACKGROUND: The current by-law requirement is that existing overhead utility lines on roads adjacent to proposed subdivisions or developments be undergrounded. There is a provision that this requirement may be waived by the approving authority if the street is not required to be up graded to an urban standard, otherwise, a Development Variance Permit is required where undergrounding is impossible or not practical to achieve. This has frequently placed developers in a "Catch 22" situation between the utility companies and ourselves. This results in delay and additional costs to the developer. Both of the major utility companies (Hydro and Tel) have a hierarchy of lines. They are similar in purpose to the road, water, or sewer line hierarchy in the Municipal realm. Transmission lines generally serve entire Municipalities or sub-regional areas. These generally operate at 60 kilovolts or zrearer in the case of Hydro or are microwave or, more recently, fiber optic cables in the case of Tel. Next are trunk facilities which service geoanhic areas of a Municipality. Finally there are the local distribution lines to individual neignoornooas —and streets. Those operate at 25 kilovolts or less. The transmission and trunk lines of the two utility co=nies are shown on the attached plan. In terms of costs, transmission lines have not been converted to underground in British Columbia yet, with the exception of undersea cables, so no order of maznitude cost estimates are available. They would be at least several times the cost of underounding.ik lines, which ranges fror S500 to S 1,000 per metre for each utility. Local cistrxbuuou line underounding costs generally range below those figures. It is obvious that costs of $9,000 to $18,000 per lot (for an 18 metre parcel) for trunk underounding are very high (overall servicing costs for such a lot in a typical subdivision would be in the order of $20,000) and are unacceptable in terms of affordable housing. Ideally, the higher costs for undergrounding trunk utilities would be DCC items as these utilities serve wide areas of the Municipality. Our solicitors, however, have advised that this cannot be done. A copy of the legal opinion is attached. It appears, therefore, as if it is not feasible to require underounding of existing trunk overhe utility lines. Further, the Municipal Act, Sections 989 (1) (b) and (4) covers the Municipal Authority in this area. "Subdivision servicing requirements 989. (1) A local government may by bylaw regulate and require the provision of works and services in respect of the subdivision of land, and for that purpose may. (b) require that within a subdivision, highways, sidewalks, boulevards, boulevard crossings, transit bays, street lighting or underground wiring be provided, and be located and constructed in accordance with the standards prescribed by the bylaw, and the bylaw may prescribe different standards for different zones and highway classifications and for different abutting uses of land, and.... (4) A local government may require as a condition of the approval of a subdivision, Or the issue of a building permit that the owner of the land provide works and services, in accordance with the standards prescribed in a bylaw under this section, on that portion of the highway immediately adjacent to the site being subdivided or developed, up to the centre line of the highway." We asked our solicitors if the standards under (4) above were the same as in (1) and received the attached reply. This indicates that standards (the requirement to underground overhead utility lines) can only vary with zoning, road classification, or abutting land use. This leaves no opportunity to require undergrounding of only local distribution overhead utility lines. Thus there appears to be three choices: Leave the bylaw as it is. i.e., require all existing overhead lines to be undergrounded. Leave the bylaw as it is. but deal with the issues of hizh cost of undergrounding trunk lines by Development Variance Permit (waive the requirement for underground) as a matter of foriaI• policy. Amend the bylaw to delete the requirements for undergrounding of existing overhead utility lines. I tend to favour the second choice. There is no doubt some aesthetic benefit to removing overhead wires. I do not believe that the benefit is worth increasing the servicing cost per lot by the 50- 100% required for trunk lines, however. Should Council concur, the policy should aiso address the technical criteria that the utility companies require as preconditions to any undergrounding. There must be a minimum length of 250 metres (basically one block) of overhead line that is undergrounde& For the policy, the statement would be something to the effect that there must be a minimum of 250 metres of contiguous redevelopment potential on both sides of a street in accordance with the OCP. Actual undergrounding cannot take place until all buildings served via the overhead are replaced or rewired. The oolicy wlizcj.jre developers. of less than the requisite 250 to. instaj1 thjcivil..ducLDrk.across their frontage and to deposit. with the Municipaiity, - the utility company's estimate of the US of conversion. When redevelopment meets or exceeds the 250 metre requirement, the Municipality would arrange for the undergrounding using the deposited funds. 3 This approach would reduce the delay to the developer noted at the beginning of this memorandum by avoiding the requirement to refer every application to the utility companies. It does not seem to be possible to escape the extra costs related to the D.V.P. T.Ctcer, P. Eng. General Manager Operational Services TCG/bkg 4 ST BY:Pfl6897400*FAX6893444 ; 3-22-96 ; 14:30 ;L1DSTONYO1GANDsO-604 467 7329 ;# 2/ 2 LIDsToNE, YOUNG, ANDERSON 8AI57 Zr SOUCTTORS 1616-0NLon Scee eiz, Nvivan Sqwi Vac3t, B.C. V6Z2 ,l996 District of Maple Ridge 1195 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2( 6A9 Mr. Tom Gardner Municipal Engineer Mr. Gardner: Section p89, MDZk1CZ1 Act Our File No. 39-50 T1ep: ((4) 689-7400 V-tona Oifge: (604) 3-263 Thfl her 4465.0 PL (604 689-3444 BY FAX You have requested our opinion as to the interpretation of the ter "standards in s.99(4) of the MwzidpW Act. Seddon 989(1)(b) authorizes the speciflcati= in a bylaw of different standards for tways, sidewalks, boulevards, boulevard ossiiegs, transit bays, street lighüng and unund wiring for different zones, highway ci.ccfficañons and aburdng uses of land. SfrTil2riy, s.989(1)(c) anthorizes the specification of 'ffrent standards for water, sewage and drainage works for different zones. Where the Mww.ipoJAa refers to "standards precribed in a bylaw under this section" in both ss.989(4) and 989(5), it is our opinion thai it is referring to the standards prescibed by bylaw under ss.989(1)(b) and (c). This, thee can be no question of the standardsN referred to in s.989(4) varying in accordance with parameters other than those mennoned in &989(1)(b); the reference to standards in s.989(4) is simply a reference to standards that have been prescribed under s.989(1). The parameters in accordance with which than. standards can vary are in our opinion ezbustively set out in s.989(1). Sinrely, LUSTONE, YOUNG, ANDERSON x., Ailmuholzer BBps 3-117.96PS MR 22 '36 14:25 604 629 3444 PPGE.0e2 LtD STONE, YOUNG, ANDERSON BAPPISTER5 4 SOLICTDRS 1516- SM Nclam Sect T&oj (604) B,NL Inc. Nthotui'e Vctorie Office: (604) Vancojvet. S. C. TUE Fe I-an V6Z P6r. 1604) December 6, 1995 W. Tom Gardner, P.Eng. General Manager - Operational Services District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Tom: Re DCC Component for Undeundlng B.C. Hydro and B.0 Telephone Facilities W.O. 2012421 Our Pie No, 39.50 Pursuant to Ms. Donna Masers letter of December 4, 1995, we have considered the of whether the cost of undergranndthg B.0 Hydro and B.0 Telephone utility lines [t a highway) may be included as part of the higbwy DCC calcularions. It is our view that undergrounding m m c ts for utility lines may not form part o4 the calculations underlying DCC rates for highway fa1ides and such costs eirt be recovered as if they were mnsts for highway facilities. . We started by looking to the definition of "higbwaf in S. 1 of the MwaoaJAc "highway includes a sect, road, lanç bridge, viaduct and any other way open tç the public use _.". That definition must be considered in the context of & 625 and S. 628 of the MW'JCiP44Ct, both of which dearly treat utility lines as something different than a highway facility. Indeed, they are seen as "uses" of a highway. On this basis, the use of the term 'hjgiway (a1ity" in S. 983(2)(a) can only refer to "facilities" for the better use of the highway as a way open to the public for purpose* of public passage. It cannot refer to unrelated ancillary facilities that add nothing to the use of highway "as a highway", but are merely 1oxetl there 39-50 12-95/a c i ICU Lot tog 9:1 I 26-9 -t .Lt'.2S for convenience. In a similar vein, we note that S. 983(2)(a) itself when it refers to highway faciuitIes, does so in express distinction from sewage, water and drainage facilities - all which also ny be on or tinder a highway. Lastly, our view is formed by the rule of statutory construction that would limit the imposition of charges and levies by strict constriction. Applying a strict consthiction test, the term "highway facilities' does not and cannot in this camt=d take into its ainbit, 'idlity lines" pRc.cing over or on the right of way. If you require clarification or have questions in respect of the above, please do not to contact the undersigned. Yours vety truly, ILOID C C cc Ms. Donna Maser, Director of Property Managethent/Snlithrw 2 C IC TCCL 49 t'09 -O3QVDtLflOJO1SQI1 L:t -t MM29YVAIIII IST n..r S STRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: July 23, 1996 REC EI VED IN ENGINEG D E p JUL 2 5 1996 NOfad Date "Carl Dur k s e n " ç9) DEFEATED _MAYOR ACTION N O T I C E TO: - CH1 EF ADMIN I S T R A T I V E OFFICER - RCMP COMMAN D E R - FIRE CHIEF - GEN MGR - CORPORATE SER V . - DIR - ADMINISTRATIV E S E R V . - DIR -FINANCE DIR - INFORMATION S E R V I C E S DIR - COM & BUS RELATIONS - DIR - PERSONNEL GEN MGR - DEVELOPMENT SERV. . DIR - CURRENT P L A N N I N G DIR - LONG RANGE PL A N N I N G - DIR - INSPECTION SE R V I C E S GEN MGR - OPERATIONAL S E R V . DIR - DEVELOPMENT E N G . L DIR - ENGINEER ING DESIGN - DIR - ENGINEER ING OPERA T I O N S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - DIR - ENGINEERING P R O J E C T S - GEN MGR - PARKS & C O M M S E R V . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - DIR - PARKS & FACILI T I E S DIR - RECREATION ZMUNICIPAL Q E RK - DEPUTY MUNICI P A L C L E R K - CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY JO-ANNEH KARLA K J ' a:ki k &u.M _ROSE} ( FILE The above decision was made a t a m e e t i n g of the Municipal Cou n c i l h e l d o n t h e d a t e noted abov e and is sent to y o u f o r notation and/or such action as m a y be required by your Deparuncnt,... July 24, 1996 clot WED BY C O U N C I L L O R CONDED BY COUN C I L L O R 0 THAT THE POLICY E N T I T L E D , "CONVER S I O N O F E X I S T I N G O V E R H E A D UTILITY WIRING TO UNDE R G R O U N D W I R I N G " B E A D O P T E D . CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 5595 - 1997 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993 as amended. - - WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Amending Bylaw No. 5595-1997" Schedule "A" , Services and Utilities", is amended by deleting the table contained therein and adding the following: ZONE STREETS SERVICES LANES (See Note 5) A-i SD A TB A-2 SD A TB A-3 SD A TB A4 SD A TB A-5 SD. A TB R-1 - Note 3 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RS-1 - Note 3 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RS-la - Note 3 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RS-lb - Note 3 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RS-lc - Note 3 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RS-ld - Note 3 &4 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RS-2 W SD A BT SL TB A RS-3 - Note 1 W SD A BT SL TB A SRS - Note 3 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RE ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RT-i ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RG ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RG-2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RG-3 ST SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A Page 2 Bylaw No. 5595-1997 RMH ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RM-2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RM-3 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RM-4 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A RM-5 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A C-i ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A C-2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A C-3 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A C-4 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A C-4a ST SD A SL TB C-5 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A H-i ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CS -1 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CS-2 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CS-2a - Note 2 ST W SS SD A UW BT SL TB A CS-3 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CS-4 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C TB A CD-2-85 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-1-86 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-1-87 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-2-87 Note 1 W SD A BT SL TB A CD-3-87 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-2-88 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-3-88 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-4-88 Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-5-88 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-6-88 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-1-89 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-2-90 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-3-90 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-5-90 ST W SS SD A • C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-1-92 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-2-92 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-3-92 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-1-93 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-2-93 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A CD-3-93 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A M-i - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A M-2 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A M-3 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A Page 3 Bylaw No. 5595-1997 M-4 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A M-5 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A P-i -Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A P-2 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A P-3 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A P-4 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A P-5 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A P-6 - Note 2 ST W SS SD A C UW BT SW SL TB A LEGEND W Water Distribution System SS Sanitary Sewer SD Storm Drainage System A Asphalt C Curbs and Gutters UW Underground Wiring BT Boulevard Treatment SW Sidewalks SL Street Lighting TB Transit Bays ST Street Tree Planting Schedule "A", Services and Utilities", is amended by adding the following after Note 4: Note 5 Parcels abutting highway rights-of-way serviced by an existing above ground utility system fronting such parcels (B.C. Hydro and Power Authority, B.C. Telephone Co. and CATV) are exempted from the requirement to provide underground wiring on the abutting highway, provided that the parcel is located within the area identified as the Existing Urban Area as shown on the attached map labeled Schedule "D". Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 24th day of June, A.D. 1997. READ a second time the 24th day of June, A.D. 1997. READ a third time the 24th day of June, A.D. 1997. RECONSIDERED4FALLY ADOPTED, the 15th( of July, A.D. 1997. MAYOR CLEK SI' N \InDRO- 1 1:1 - ow RHCAO CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 4, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: E09-030-001.3 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev. SUBJECT: Soil Conservation Act -Permit Bud and Holly Long - -/O' ,T/Li SUMMARY: An application was made to the Agricultural Land Commission by Bud and Holly Long of 27412 104 Avenue for a permit to place fill at this location to improve the grass and overall agricultural usability of the property. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the application for a permit under Section 2(1)(a) of the Soil Conservation Act submitted by Bud and Holly Long (for property at 27412 104 Avenue) be it resolved that a permit be issued to provide a more level and agriculturally usable grade to land. BACKGROUND: (a) Policy Under the Soil Conservation Act a permit may be issued to enhance the agricultural capability of a property. A copy of the letter to the Agricultural Land Commission and the Commissions response are attached for information purposes. anti ipation of Council's approval, the applicant has been allowed to proceed with fill. Chief Administrative Officer i#aI14Aager PuL1tc orks & Th vopment Services of Engineering -1- 1.° .o7 / 4 LD-F ID) P\OJTh 3/44 1bf--L IVW'124 )ó&) 1buon6hcp 5, /u ká+mirmó+r Lard'Dnd- Ts1QJ:j aq)Q T ULhtY ij- rraj CcnCn) i a p,>rrni+,-FD rwr * mi'd f4~Lc. we or prTô6 rQ -ED - 4tp ÔD)1 0-rd L rx '- aLcno * tUf 4?eJd Wed LOLl1 bnflQ ca -ub '1 -c -r- QiTh aC( cCUJ ô4e fhaE i6 bno deveLcçd. Fhe- depe& ç* - b ocx a ' rn o(d W(E'w0k ere Th- 6b 6Dt'\ ond pla4ie 40p LA h rk'..e rroxw- o1ex -cp Lu I P t OXEJirtO bDU± fLTheoxo aqD e- Dne- hoiP duc r cexkj n L'y c{áed kd od t4- i óu cci, bwk eien w -h cCJ5 ) LLm 'rq cP çç4he, lowex,-R&d jUtY rcx rore- -rocs uiirnx \f -rj jypF V j M& codne who On j ô) he- Cu -CuE- u PIü-flr'k and wer2- ouc a3ftd LoI+h CU! &( Rek -Eo cp -hed óubrn&F * oliithr - .T flP q Lte4ron3 anxd I wcio +D ccW h nm bwb + c±dnL -+h n K há 0 pit+u-ra6 1D he4 q& cm PIO,C e. (p) • • / uxthLd QO 4 ,. *e LL tQd oph cw .5 acre. e \k a)re, PDruYJrd b AA~'n cctt nci n hex-Fe,c The apnnqY J L -There are, an W6 or -b 3Cerrh I t'fl yv1 1c- c-L,- +hc5 OJL\ ) T-1 ncLoat'nci idea & OLt ODX Provincial Agricultural Land Commission =510 I 133 - 4940 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4K6 Telephone: (604) 660-7000 Fax: (604) 660-7033 September 29, 1998 Reply to the attention of Andrew Upper District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 RECEIVED IN ENGINEERING DEPT. OCT 2 1998 Attention: Mr. George Ridgewell / 1' Dew Sir: Sir: 67 Al Re: Soil Conservation Act Appliiion #0-32163 Applicant: Bud and Holly Long This is to advise that the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission (the "Commissjon naslconsiciered the above noted application submitted pursuant to Section 3 of the Soil Conservation AeTthe5CAJ involving the property legally described as Lot 10, Section 5, Township 15, New Westminster District, Plan 35442 (the "Property"). The Commission believes that filling and reclamation will enhance the agricultural capability of the Property by providing a more level and agriculturally usable grade. Therefore, the Commission, by Resolution #598/98, approved the project subject to the conditions outlined herein. This letter represents the Commission's written approval for the project as required by Section 2(1)(a) of the SCA; THIS IS NOTA PERMIT. Pursuant to "ection 5 of the SCA, the District of Maple Ridge (the "District") may now issue a soil placement permit (the "Permit") if it wishes to do so. Please note that the Commission's approval in no way compels the District to issue a Permit. However, if a Permit is issued it must contain the Commission's conditions of approval. The District may impose additional terms and conditions it considers necessary. Furthermore, this decision in no way relieves the owner or occupier of the responsibility of adhering to all other legislation and decisions of responsible authorities including, but not limited to, the District and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. If a Permit is issued, please forward a copy to this office. 1.0. LOCATION All filling and associated activities shall be restricted to the area shown as hatched on the attached map. 2.0. TERM This approval shall be valid for a term of one (1) year from the date of the issuance of the Permit or until completion of the project, whichever occurs first. Preserving Our FoodLands September 29, 1998 Page 2 3.0. BONDING A security in the form of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit (the "ILOC) in the amount of S 10,000 shall be posted with the Commission. The beneficiary of the ILOC is the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations, do #133-4940 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4K6. The security is required to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of this approval and to provide funds to reclaim the land in event the owner/operator does not fulfill his(her obligations as set forth herein. An example ILOC is attached. Note: A Permit shall not be issued until the Commission provides written confirmation of receipt of the ILOC. 4.0. QUALITY OF FILL/SOIL MATERIAL The texture of the fill/soil material shall be of good agricultural quality and be relatively stone free. 5.0. AGROLOGIST An Agrologist shall be retained by the applicants prior to any filling and the Commission shall be notified. The Agrologist is to provide written confirmation that he/she has been retained to oversee the project. The Agrologist shall inspect the material proposed for placement and shall oversee reclamation. 6.0. SITE PREPARATION AND FILLING All topsoil shall be removed and stockpiled in a berm adjacent to the fill area. The sideslope of each berm shall not exceed a uniform and stable slope of 2:1. As a method erosion and weed control, each completed berm shall be seeded with an appropriate cereal/forage mix and fertilized. The soil surface of the berm shall not remain bare for more than 30 days without providing either a vegetative or mulch cover of straw or shavings. Drainage from, onto and around the berms shall be controlled by ditches, drains or intercepts as required. Filling shall not occur within 3.0 meters of any legal boundary of the Property. 7.0. RECLAMATION 1) Upon completion of filling, the filled area shall be sloped to conform to the relative contours of the area with final slopes flowing uniformly into the adjacent landscapes. .3 September 29, 1998 Page 3 Upon completion of sloping and prior to replacing any of the stockpiled soil material, the subgrade of the filled area shall be ripped or subsoiled to maintain good internal drainage. Upon completion of sloping and subsoiling, all stockpiled topsoil material shall be uniformly spread in a single lift over the filled area. Note: The Commission encourages the backhauling of good agricultural soil for reclamation purposes. A suitable organic matter shall be applied to the fill area. This organic matter may be added in the form of animal manures or as a cereal/forage cover crop and turned into the soil. Sawdust and other wood waste materials-are not considered suitable organic matter. Upon completion of all works, a seed bed shall be prepared and the area seeded to an appropriate cereal/forage mix and fertilized. Supplementary irrigation may be required in order to establish and maintain a complete cover. 8.0. GENERAL OPERATING CONDITIONS No soil shall be stripped, moved, stockpiled or replaced during conditions of adverse soil moisture content. The movement or manipulation of the soil shall be conducted only when the soil is below field capacity. There shall be no movement or manipulation of soil when the soil is frozen or powdery dry. Surface drainage from the working area, reclaimed and undisturbed areas shall be maintained at all times in order to prevent soil erosion, flooding, siltation or other degradation of the Property, adjacent lands or waterways. Any run-off shall be diverted into catchment ponds or silt traps prior to discharge into natural watercourses or road ditches. Weed control shall be practised at all times. Weeds must be controlled before seed set and Canada Thistle before flowering. Mechanical and/or approved chemical control are acceptable. No soil material shall be removed from the Property. No concrete, asphalt, construction debris, petroleum products, toxic wastes, contaminated materials or any other non-soil material shall be brought onto the Property. Under no circumstances shall any cedar hog fuel or any other form of cedar wood waste be brought onto the Property. The Permit shall be posted at a prominent location and be clearly visible. The Property shall be secured to prevent unauthorized filling. An unobstructed sign shall be posted on the Property at a prominent location prohibiting unauthorized filling. .4 September 29, 1998 Page 4 9.0) REPORTING AND MONITORING A report, prepared by the required Agrologist, shall be submitted to the Commission on an annual basis and upon the completion of the fill operation. It is to include photographs and a written description of the operation to date. The report is required to ensure that the operation is complying with the conditions of the approval. If the applicant has not completed the project within the specified time period, an extension may be granted provided the operation is in compliance with local by-laws and the Commission's conditions. The land is still subject to the provisions of the SCA, the Agricultural Land Commission Act, and applicable regulations except as provided by this decision. Please quote application #0-32163, in all future correspondence. Yours truly, ,' PRO V :;Ier L7'AGI5iRAL LAND COMMISSION KB. 2r cc: Bud and Holly Long, 27412 - 104th Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 8X8 Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Planning and Assessment Branch - Surrey B.C. Assessment Authority - Pitt Meadows AU/1v7/Enc1. L SAMPLE LETTER OF CREDIT Revised July 29,1997. BENEFICIARY: Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations do Provincial Agricultural Land Commission #133 - 4940 Canada Way Burnaby, BC V5G 4K6 Re: ALC Application # We hereby issue in your favour our Irrevocable Letter of Credit # for CAD in the account of (Name of Individual or Company) (Street Address and/or Legal Description) TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Expiry Date: Drawings are to be made in writing to (Name of Chattered Bank or Credit Union) Partial drawings are permitted. The Bank/Credit Union will not inquire as to whether or not the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission has right to make demand on this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit is irrevocable up to the expiry date. This Credit is irrevocable up to the expiry date and unless it is extended by us in writing, will be null and void after the expiry date whether or not the original credit is returned to us for cancellation.6. The amount of this credit maybe reduced from time to time only by the amount drawn upon it by you or by formal notice in writing received by us from you that you desire such reduction. Request for any amendment except reduction in amount must be made directly to our customer who will then instruct us accordingly. Any drawings made under this letter of credit must be accompanied by the original of this credit. "It is a condition of this letter of credit that it shall be deemed to be automatically extended without amendment from year to year from the present or any future expiration date hereof, unless at least 30 days prior to the present or any future expiration date, we notify you in writing, that we elect not to consider this letter of credit to be renewable for ant' additional period." We engage to honour presentations submitted within the terms and conditions indicate above. Note: Condition 9 is mandatory and is included so as to reduce administration time for the ALC staff. .4/ SJV Z4L f6Ô /-o I I - I reb.. p r4opor". A,' Pal; oJ RSds LC49/4I'. Provincial Agricultural Land Commission I A 133 - 4940 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 4K6 Telephone: (604) 660-7000 Fax: (604) 660-7033 November 2, 1998 Reply to the attention of Andrew Upper District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Mr. George Ridgewell ECE1VD IN I'4C; ING DEPT. " 51998 aJ9r Re: Soil Conservation ct Application #0-32163 Applicant: Bud and Holly Long Legal Description: Lot 10, Section 5, Township 15, New Westminster DitricjP12th 35442 L. Further to its letter of September 29, 1998 regarding the above, this is to advise that the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission received an Irrevocable Letter of Credit (the "ILOC") in the amount of $10,000 as required by Resolution #598198. A copy of the ILOC is attached. A permit for the deposition of till may now be issued subject to the conditions outlined in the aforementioned letter. Please forward a copy of the permit to this office when it has been issued. Yours truly, PROV1NCIAL)1 LAND COMMISSION Per: K.B.M er, General AU/eg cc: Bud and Holly Long, 27412 - 104th Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 8X8 Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Planning and Assessment Branch - Surrey B.C. Assessment Authority - Pitt Meadows Michael Goldstein, P.Ag., M.Sc. Soilcon Laboratories Ltd. 275 - 11780 River Road Richmond, B.C. V6X 1Z7 AU/eg Preserving Our Foodlands CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 3, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: TO1-OO1-007 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Fin Corp SUBJECT: Disbursements for the Month Ended October 31, 1998 SUMMARY: The Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council Member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended October 31, 1998 now be approved." GENERAL: $6,192,009.16 PAYROLL 637885.44 6.829.894.60 Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Corporate Services ire4o of Finance o103.°I Corporation of The District of Maple Ridge Disbursements for the Month Ended October 31, 1998 Install Hydro/Phone Conduits - Fields for Kids September Service August License Commission September Service Various Jobs at Firehall, Municipal Hall, etc. Progress Draw #1 - 113B North of Stewart Cres Fuel Operation Centre Purchase - Gravel 4 Quarter Installment Library Lease - November Debt Charges - Principal & Interest August Water Consumption & Main Joint Stage I &2 Hodgson, Linda ROSS Financial Project - Management Infrastructure Systems Ltd. Design Water Pump Station - 263 d @ Dewdney Matcon Excavating Ltd. Thomas Haney Tennis Courts Minister of Finance School Tax Remittance Municipal Pension Plan PP 98/20,98/21 Remittance Mutual Life Assurance Co. PP 98/19, 98/20, 98/21 Remittance Pacific Surrey Construction Flail Mower Rental/Operation Receiver General for Canada RCMP Contract - April to June Receiver General National Revenue PP98/19, 98/20 Remittance Ridge Meadows Community Arts Council September/October Payments Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Pickup - September Russell & Dumolin Legal Fees Shaw, Alex & Rose Tax Sale Redemption South Ridge Mechanical Ltd. Various Jobs in Municipality TD Visa September Purchases Toronto Dominion Bank Transfer from CIBC Westminster Savings Credit Union Retirement Severance Pay - B. Blair Workers Compensation Board July/August/September Remittance Other (Cheques under $15,000) District Payroll Aggressive Roadbuilders Ltd. B.C. Hydro & Power Authority B.C.S.P.C.A. B.C. Telephone Cherry Homes Ltd. Chet Construction Ltd. Chevron Canada Ltd. Columbia Bitulitbic Ltd. Fraser Valley Regional Library Gateway West Management Greater Vancouver Regional District Greater Vancouver Water District 30,673.80 64,786.29 15,460.36 17,277 7 38,368.77 119,033.85 19,470.41 32,544.79 219,902.75 17,989.38 1,018,260.23 610,515.82 16,322.85 29,860.75 18,078.80 38,587.68 104,923.20 63,527.22 17,161.47 1,543,58' 319,60. - 37,469.72 45,373.96 33,130.34 56,852.93 38,874.91 28,602.55 900,000.00 22,775.60 64,412.53 608,581.60 637,885.44 Total $6829.894.60 -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 19, 1998 - and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Supervisor of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W - FIN CORP SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1998 Collector's Roll SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1998 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary roll #06-98. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. Two folios affected: One Residential class property had assessments deleted due to mobile home being destroyed. One Residential/Farm class property had assessments decreased to accurately reflect the 1998 taxable values. RECOMMENDATION: B. C. Assessment report dated September 28, 1998 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $2,259.38 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $1,092.85. Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Corporate Services irecto?if Finance ()1. 04 3 og~ - 1 - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 26, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Cemetery By-law Amendments SUMMARY: The amending Cemetery By-law is being introduced to adjust the Schedule "C' which details the tariffs for grave space and services provided by cemetery staff at the two municipal operated cemeteries. RECOMMENDATION: THAT MAPLE RIDGE CEMETERY AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 5746-1998 BE READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME AND THAT THE RULES OF ORDER BE WAIVED AND MAPLE RIDGE CEMETERY AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 5746-1998 BE READ A THIRD TIME. BACKGROUND: The last increase to the cemetery fees was in January, 1998. In keeping with the 1999 budget criteria, the 1999 Schedule "C" represents a 5% increase. If at the end of 1999, the budget shows a positive balance, I would recommend that these funds be placed in a municipally managed perpetual care fund to assist in future maintenance costs of the cemetery. qChie Administrative Offlcet 1 GL,eral nager: Par & onununity irector of Parks S ices & Facilities - I - 01.04-0.1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5746 - 1998 A By-law to amend Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 2789— 1980 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 2789 - 1980 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5746 - 1998". That Schedule "C" "Tariff" to By-law No. 2789 as amended be repealed in its entirety and Schedule "C" "Tariff' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law be substituted thereto. That Schedule "C" "Tariff' shall come into force and effect on the ls day of January, 1999. READ a first time the day of 1998. READ a second time the day of 1998. READ a third time the day of 1998. APPROVED by the Cemetery and Funeral Services of the Ministry of Attorney General the 28th day of October, 1998. RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "C" MAPLE RIDGE CEMETERY AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 5746- 1998 - SCHEDULE "C" TARIFF GRAVE SPACE Adult Size Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $183.00) $916.00 Non-Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $363.00) $1,814.00 Child or Infant Size Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $ 76.00) $380.00 Non-Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $151.00) $754.00 Cremated Remains Size Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of$ 26.00) $128.00 Non-Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of$ 50.00) $252.00 SERVICES A. Opening and Closing Grave for Burial Adult Size $485.00 Child/Infant Size $373.00 Cremated Remains $179.00 Rose Garden $161.00 Additional Charge for Burials between 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Weekdays Adult Size Extra $251.00 Child/Infant Size Extra $251.00 Cremated Remains Extra $ 68.00 Rose Garden Extra $ 68.00 Additional Charge for Burials Saturday and Sunday Adult Size Extra $535.00 Child/Infant Size Extra $288.00 Cremated Remains Extra $255.00 Rose Garden Extra $247.00 Schedule "C" (cont'd.) Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5746- 1998 Additional Charge for Burials Statutory Holidays Adult Size Extra $ 850.00 Child/Infant Size Extra $ 459.00 Cremated Remains Extra $ 390.00 Rose Garden Extra $ 383.00 B. Opening and Closing Grave for Exhumation - Adult $ 970.00 Child/Infant Size $ 745.00 Cremated Remains $ 356.00 Additional Charge for Burials Saturday and Sunday as in "A" above Additional Charge for Burials Statutory Holidays as in "A" above Disposal of Cremated Remains in the Rose Garden Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $ 26.00) $ 128.00 Non-Resident(including Care Fund Contribution of $ 50.00) $ 252.00 Goods Grave Liners $170.00 Cremation Liners $ 51.00 Memorial Plaque Inscription (Per Line) $ 69.00 Installation of Memorial Markers Single (including Care Fund Contribution of $42.00) $211.00 Double (including Care Fund Contribution of $51.00) $255.00 OTHER CHARGES Transfer of Licence $ 41.00 Administration $110.00 RE SERVICES October 27, 1998 FAX: 953-3533 Ministry of Housing, Recreation & Consumer Services Cemeteries Branch 1019 Wharf Street Victoria, B.C. V8V 1X4 Attention: Mary Freeman Dear Ms. Freeman: Re: Cemetery Rate Increase - 1999 We are attaching a copy of our Schedule "C" Tariff of proposed 1999 fee changes for your approval. Please note that the rates include the 25% perpetual care contribution as per the Cemetery By-law. We would appreciate an immediate response by Fax as we are in the midst of our budget development. We look forward to hearing from you. Mike Davies Director of Parks & Facilities 11995 Haney Place 1112007 Harris I Maple Ridge, B.C. Pitt Meadows, 8 V2X6A9 V3Y2 Telephone 467-7346 Telephone 465-24 Fax 467-7393 Fax 465-24 10/28/93 WED 12:11 FAX 250 953 353.5 CONSUMER SERVICE Q0? kt... - I BRiTISH COLUMBIA October 28, 1998 Mike Davies Director of Parks & Facilities Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Services 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B. C. Dear Mike Davies: Re Cemetery Rate Increase - 1999 Thank you for your fax of October 27, 1998, regarding Schedule "C" T a r i f f o f proposed 1999 fee changes. The proposed changes have been reviewed and found acceptable. P l e a s e f o r w a r d a copy of the by-law for approval by the Registrar after final reading a n d a d o p t i o n . Yours truly, Pam Aarnoudse Administrator Cemetery and Funeral Services Ministry of Community Justice Branch Mailing Address: Location: Attorney General Cemetery and Funeral P0 Box 9297 Stn Prov Govt 5th Floor, Services Victoria, BCVSW9JB 1019 Wharf Street, Telephone: (250) 387.1271 Victoria, BC Facsimile: (250) 953-3533 10,'28/98 WED 12:10 FAX 250 953 3533 CONSUMER SERVICE riooi k#-V BRiTisH COLUMBIA FAX COVER SHEET rcEr!:D 1N r.rtp ' riri "."-- ri:; LL; 2 3 1998 DATE: October 28, 1998 TO: Debbie Pope Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Services PHONE NO: FAX NO: 604-467-7393 FROM: Pam Aarnoudse Administrator Cemetery and Funeral Services Phone No: (250) 387-1271 Fax No: (250) 953-3533 TOTAL NO. OF PAGES (including cover page):2 COMMENTS: Here is the approval for the 1999 proposed changes to Cemetery By-Law Fee increases. The Registrar will sign off when they have been adopted by council . Ministry of Community Justice Branch Mailing Address: Location: - Attorney General Consumer Operations P0 Box 9297 Sin Prey Govt 5rd Floor, Victoria, 8CV8W9J8 1019 Wharf Street, Telephone: (250) 387-3045 Victoria, BC Facsimile: (250) 953-3533 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 16, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CIW - PW & DS SUBJECT: Major Road Network SUMMARY: The Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA) has referred the attached "Recommended Major Road Network" report to Council for comment and approval. Council is requested to review the enclosed material prior to November 30, 1998. RECOMMENDATION: That Council accept the Major Road Network as proposed by the GVTA. It is further recommended that the GVTA reconsider both the Dewdney Trunk Road from 232' Street east to the Mission boundary and the Old Dewdney Trunk Road in Pitt Meadows as components of the Major Road Network serving a significant inter-municipal transportation role in the northeast part of the region. BACKGROUND: As Council is aware, the GVTA will have responsibility for a major road network (MRN) in the Greater Vancouver area. The MRN includes roads devolved from the provincial government as well as municipal roads that meet criteria for traffic volumes and which generally connect to the region's 48 "regional activity centres." Screening criteria for roads to quality for the MRN are as follows: MRN Guidelines A road is included in the MRN if it 1. provides intra-regional access to predefined regional activity centre(s), and 2. carries a minimum of 70% trips longer than 10 km in the peak hour and peak direction and total peak hour, peak direction traffic volume greater than 800 vph, or minimum of 10 through buses in the peak hour and peak direction, or minimum of 800 trucks per day and 3. meets an overall check for reasonableness and completeness. In the case of municipal roads in the MRN, the GVTA will assume some financial responsibility for road maintenance (and capital projects) according to a funding/prioritization formula that has yet to be finalized. The impacts of the MRN in Maple Ridge are as follows. The provincial government (MOTH) will retain responsibility for the Lougheed Highway (excluding that portion between 222 d Street east to Kanaka Way). Roads that will form part of the GVTA-funded MRN will include: • Lougheed Highway between 222 ad Street and Kanaka Way Dewdney Trunk Road (Dewdney Trunk Road) from the Lougheed Highway east to 232nd Street • 232" Street north from Dewdney Trunk Road to 132nd Avenue • 132 Avenue/Fern Crescent from 132ad Avenue east to the Golden Ears Park entrance • River Road / 240th Street connecting the Albion Ferry with Lougheed Highway It is further noted that responsibility for the Albion Ferry will be transferred from the provincial government to the GVTA as well as the other elements of public transportation serving Maple Ridge. Staff have been extensively involved in the process to develop the MRN criteria and road system for the entire Lower Mainland area and are satisfied that a fair allocation of roads in the MRN has been achieved. The majority of roads submitted by municipalities for inclusion in the MRN have met the criteria and are part of the proposed MRN. However, not all roads submitted have met the criteria (e.g., Dewdney Trunk Road from 232nd to Mission boundary and Old Dewdney Trunk Road in Pitt Meadows). These roads will be the subject of further review by an independent consultant to ensure accuracy of data and to confirm their status. It is interesting to note that some municipalities have chosen not to submit roads that likely would meet the MRN criteria (e.g., Vancouver, New Westminster) while other municipalities have had extensive lists of roads for consideration (e.g., Burnaby, Richmond, Coquitlam). By its very nature, the MRN tends to be focused in the more highly populated and traveled parts of the GVRD and, as such, fewer lane kilometres of roads tend to qualify in the more suburban areas such as Maple Ridge. On balance, staff are recommending support for the MRN as proposed by the GVTA. It is further recommended that the GVTA reconsider both the Dewdney Trunk Road from 232'd east to Mission and the Old Dewdney Trunk Road in Pitt Meadows as components of the MRN serving a significant inter- municipal transportation role in the northeast part of the region. Chief Administrative Officer JJR:bkg -2- 4, L W— 041O°oi fca'i-vP.i C. Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority tr —TeIephone (604) 432-62/5 4330 Kingsway. Burnaby. British Columbia, Canada VSH 4G8 Fax (604) 432-6248 October 22, 1998 File: U220.40.4 Mayor Carl E. Durksen and Members of Council District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor Durksen and Members of Council: Re: RAAC Recommendations on Major Road Technical Advisory Committee Report on Proposed Major Road Network At its meeting on October 19, 1998, the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority considered the attached report on this subject. The Board approved the following motions: That the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Board: refer the "Recommended Major Road Network" report to member municipalities for review and comment; request municipal comments and approval of the Major Roads within their respective municipalities by riot later than November 30, 1998; consider approval of the Recommended Major Road Network by no later than December 31, 1998; and direct RAAC and MRTAC to give further investigation to, and if necessary develop a dispute resolution process, recognized by all local municipalities for those roads proposed by a municipality but which have not achieved a consensus agreement for inclusion in the Major Road Network. We would appreciate your assistance in reviewing and commenting on this report before November 30, 1998. If you or your staff have any questions about this material, please contact Clive Rock of the GVTA's planning staff at 432-6377. Yours truly, George Puil Chair, Board of Directors ADMINISTRATION att: 0:\KC\.24202.doc - ID OCT 2 3 1998 Dif Greater Vancouver Regional District Planning Depanm,,g 4330 K:ngsway. Bvrr4by. Bruisiv Colimbsa. Canada VSH 4G8 Telephone (604) 432-6375 Located at: Metrotawvr II. 15th Floor, 4720 King:i.,y. B.wnaby. B. C. (enter/ram Central Boulevard) Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Board Agenda October 19, 1998 TO Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Board FROM: Regional Administrative Advisory Committee DATE: October 9, 1998 RE: Recommended Major Road Network Committee Recommendations That the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Board: refer the "Recommended Major Road Network" report to member municipalities for review and comment; request municipal comments and approval of the Major Roads within their respective municipalities by no later than November 30, 1998; consider approval of the Recommended Major Road Network by no later than December 31, 1998; and direct RAAC and MRTAC to give further investigation to, and if necessary develop a dispute resolution process, recognized by all local municipalities for those roads proposed by a municipality but which have not achieved a consensus agreement for inclusion in the Major Road Network. 1. Purpose To report on the work of the Major Roads Technical Advisory Committee (MRTAC) on: - developing guidelines for identifying Major Roads; and establishing an initial Major Road Network for the year 1999. 2. Background The Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA) has the mandate to support a network of roads and bridges which serve intra-regional transportation requirements. These roads and bridges are referred to as the Major Road Network (MRN). During the negotiations to establish the GVTA, a preliminary network known as the "MRN Initial Proposal" was developed by the Regional Engineers' Advisory Committee (REAC) and used to support the negotiations. 13 One of the MRN principles approved by the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) B as part of the ratification process calls for "the GVJ'A Boar4 on advice from the Major Road.. Technical Advisory Committee (MR TA C), to establish criteria for evaluating proposals to include roads in the network and to consider proposals to include roads in the network in accordance with those criteria ". In addition, Section 17 of the GVTA Act stipulates that "the Authority must establish guidelines, consistent with the authority's purpose, for identifying highways in the transportation service region as major roads". Section 18 of the Act also specifies that this has to be completed on or before December 31, 1998. 3. Process A MRTAC subcommittee was formed in May of this year specifically to address the need to define a MRN. The Network Definition subcommittee comprised of municipal staff from a large number of member municipalities and it reported regularly to MRTAC. It initiated the network definition process by soliciting input from municipalities regarding suggestions on: what evaluation guidelines should be used; and which roads should be considered in defining the MEN. The subcommittee conducted an examination of the objectives of achieving a MRN and ways in which they could be reflected in the evaluation guidelines, previous work done by REAC, and suggestions contained in the municipal submissions. A number of meetings were held in which the subcommittee reviewed and refined the network. Based on this process, the subcommittee developed a set of MRN guidelines which were endorsed by MRTAC in its September 3, 1998 meeting and a recommended network which was endorsed by MRTAC in its September 25, 1998 meetings. 4. MRN Guidelines In order to define the MRN, MRTAC developed a set of guidelines which involved a three-stage approach to identify Major Roads, as described below: Stage 1 - Linkage to Land Use In the first stage of the evaluation, a road had to demonstrate that it provided a regional connection to pre-defined regional activity centre(s)' in order for it to proceed to the next stage of evaluation. The regional activity centres are same as the ones previously identified by REAC. The evaluation was intended to determine if a road allows people and goods from other parts of the region access to the regional activity centre(s). It should be noted that "intra-regional" travel was considered in this evaluation as opposed to "inter-municipal" travel. In other words, the MRN would address movements within the region as a whole, and not necessarily be limited to municipal boundaries. Another underlying 'Regional activity centres are major destinations such as designated regional town centres, universities, major industrial areas, gateways, etc. 14 3 assumption was that where activities centres were located in proximity of a Major Road or a provincial highway but direct accesses were provided by short sections of either privately- or municipally-owned roads, these roads were not to be included as Major Roads as they serve primarily a "drive-way" function. Stage 2 - Degree of Usage If a road satisfied the first criteria, then it proceeded to stage 2 of the evaluation which was to verify that the road provided an intra-regional function by demonstrating that either: 1) a significant proportion of the traffic on this road is intra-regional, or significant regional transit services occur on this road, or this road carries heavy truck volume. If a road satisfied any one of these three requirements, then it was considered for inclusion in the MRN. Stage 3- Check for Reasonableness and Completeness The network generated by the above quantitative evaluation was also subjected to an overall review and assessment for reasonableness and completeness (e.g. network continuity). In a summarized form, the MRN guidelines which were used are shown in Table 1 below: Table 1- MRN Guidelines A road is included in the MRN if it: 1. Provides intra-regional access to predefined regional activity centre(s), and 2. Carries a Minimum of 70% trips longer than 10 kin in the peak hour and peak direction and total peak hour, peak direction traffic volume greater than 800 vph, or Minimum of 10 through buses in the peak hour and peak direction, or Minimum of 800 trucks per day. and 3. Meets an overall check for reasonableness and 15 4 S. Recommended MRN The recommended MRN for the year 1999 is shown graphically in Attachment 1 and listed in Attachment 2 of this report. The recommended network is estimated to consist of approximately 2,020 lane-kms2 of roads which is about 3% more than the "MRN Initial Proposal" network used in the original negotiations. /Attachments 2 1t should be noted that these estimates are based on geocoded information in GVRD database and are currently being verified. The estimates may be revised based on information on physical features such as left turn bays and merging lanes, etc. It should also be noted that minor adjustments would likely be made to the network to reflect ongoing discussions with the Ministry of Transportation and Highways to finalize network boundary locations. LEGEND Provincial Highw ye -Major Road fto -_— !JIM" '77 t,~ ' I L L..........1.......1L I - . • ;l J( ; k1; I Ib S1 I Attachment I RECOMMENDED MAJOR ROAD NETWORK (MRN) (as of Sept. 25, 1998) - devolved Provincial road segments are flagged with an asterisk (*): all other segments are municipal roads • MRN segments straddling municipal boundaries are flagged in column "Border with the neigbouring municipality name MUNICIPALITY ROAD SEGMENT FROM TO BORDER Anmore * East Road! North Sunnyside Rd Port Moody Border Belcarra Border Bedwell Bay Rd (see note 1 below) Anmore Border Belcarra Regional Park Austin Rd Lougheed Hwy North Road (Coq!Bby Border) Canada Way Boundary Rd (Van/Bby Border) Kensington Ave Canada Way Kensington Ave 10th Ave (New WestlBby Border) Kensington Ave Sprott St Lougheed Hwy klngsway Boundary Rd (Van!Bby Border) 10th Ave (New West/Bb Border) * 101h Ave Kh,gsway McBride Blvd New West. * Marine Way Boundary Rd (VanlBby Border) New Westminster Border 'Lougheed Hwy Boundary Rd (VanlBby Border) North Road (CoqlBBy Border) Hastings St Boundary Rd (Van/Oby Border) Burnaby Mtn. Parkway * Bernet Hwy Hastings St Port Moody Border Burnaby Mtn Parkway Hastings St Gaglardi Way Gaglardi Way Burnaby Mtn Parkway Hwy I roadway Gaglardi Way North Road (Cog/08y Border) Boundary Road Hastings St SE Mann. Dr/Mann. Way Vancouver North Road Broadway / Como Lake Ave New West. Border Coquillam Wilhngdon Ave Hastings St Kingsway Austin Ave North Road (Bby/Coq Border) Mariner Way North Road Broadway/ Como Lake Ave New West. Border Burnaby • Brunette Ave Coqultiam Border (Hwy 1) Lougheed Hwy Clarke Road North Road (BbylCoq Border) Port Moody Border Como Lake Ave North Road (BbylCoq Border) Clarke Rd Como Lake Ave Clarke Rd Mariner Way Mariner Way Dewdney Trunk Rd United Blvd Johnson St Overpass Dewdney Trunk Rd Lougheed Hwy • United Bvld Mariner Way Lougheed Hwy Pitt River Road Lougheed Hwy Port Coquitlam Border C MUNICIPALITY ROAD SEGMENT FROM TO BORDER •Lougheed Hwy United Blvd Lougheed Hwy I Pinetree Way • Lougheed Hwy Barnet Hwy I Pinetree Way Port Coq. Border (Westwood St)• Barnet Hwy Port Moody Border Lougheed Hwy / Pinetree Way King Edward St Lougheed Hwy United Blvd United Ovid King Edward St Mary Hill By-Pass 64th Ave Hwy 91 Scott Rd (Surrey/Delta Border) 72nd Av -. Hwy 91 Scott Rd (Surrey/Delta Border) Scott Road 96Th Ave 58th Ave (Hwy 10) Surrey Nor" Way River Road Hwy 91 Nordel Way Hwy 91 116th St * Point Roberts Rd (56 St) US Border Hwy 17 ' Hwy lO Hwy 17 Hwy 91 River Road Hwy 99 Surrey Border St Langley By-Pass (Hwy 10) Langley Township Border (44th Ave) •200th St Langley Township Border (62nd Ave) Langley By-Pass (Hwy 10) a Langley By-Pass (Hwy 10) Glover Rd Fraser Hwy 'Fraser Highway (east) Langley By-Pass (Hwy 10) Langley Township Border Fraser Highway (west) Langley By-Pass (Hwy 10) 200th St Langley Townihip 16th Ave Surrey Border Abbotstord Border 200th St Langley City Border (44th Ave) 16th Ave '200th St Langley city Border (62nd Ave) Hwy 1 200th St Hwy 96th Ave 64th Ave Surrey Border (196th St) Mufford Cres Mufford Cres 64th Ave Glover Rd • Glover Rd Hwy 10 By-Pass (north) Albion Ferry Terminal 'Fraser Hwy Langley City Border Abbotsford Border 88th Ave Surrey Border 200th St 961h Ave Surrey Border 200th St • Lougheed Hwy Haney By-Pass (222nd St) Haney By-Pass (232nd St) Dewdney Trunk Road Lougheed Hwy 232nd St 232nd St Dewdney Trunk Rd 132nd Ave 132nd Ave 1232nd St Fern Cres Fern Cres 1132nd Ave Golden Ears Park Gate MUNICIPALITY ROAD SEGMENT FROM TO BORDER River Road Albion Ferry Terminal 240 St 240 St River Road Lougheed Hwy New Westminster Brunette Ave Coquitlam Border (Hwy 1) Columbia St East Columbia St Brunette Ave McBride Blvd 'Pattullo Bridge McBride Blvd (New Westminster) King George Hwy (Surrey) * McBride Bd E Columbia St 10th Ave (BbylNew West Border) * 10th Ave Khigsway Mc&de Blvd Bumaby Royal Ave McBride Blvd Columbia St Columbia St Royal Ave Stewardson Way Stewardson Way Columbia St 6th Ave * Stewardson Way 6th Ave Burnaby Border (Fenwick) Westminster Hwy Boundary Rd (Richmond Border) Gifford St * Westminster Hwy Gifford St Boyd St Boyd St Westminster Hwy Salter St Worth Vancouver City Cotton Dr North Vancouver District Border Low Level Rd Low Level Rd Cotton Dr Esplanade Esplanade Low Level Rd Forbes Ave Forbes Ave Esplarade W 3rd St W 3rd St Forbes Ave Marine Dr (Bewicke Ave) Marine Dr W 3rd Ave (Bewicke Ave) North Vancouver District Border Lonsdale Av Esplanade Hwy 1 North Vancouver District Capilano Rd Hwy 1 Marine Dr Marine Dr West Vancouver Border North Vancouver City Border Main St North Vancouver City Border Mountain Hwy Mountain Hwy Main St E Keith Rd • DoHarton Hwy Mountain Hwy Riverside Dr Riverside Dr Dollatton Hwy Mount Seymour Parkway * Mount Seymour Parkway Riverside Dr Seymour River Bridge Mount Seymour Parkway Riverside Dr Mount Seymour Rd Mount Seymour Rd Mount Seymour Parkway Provincial Park Gate House Port Coguitlam Lougheed Hwy Coquitlam Border (Westwood St) Mary Hill By-Pass Pitt River Rd Lougheed Hwy Shaughnessy St Shaughnessy St Pitt River Rd Lougheed Hwy MUNICIPALITY ROAD SEGMENT .1.. FROM TO BORDER * Barnet Hwy Burnaby Border St Johns St * St Johns St Barnet Hwy Dewdney Trunk Rd Barnet Hwy Dewdney Trunk Rd Coquitlam Border loco Rd Barnet Hwy Sunnyside Rd Clarke Raid Coquitlam Border St Johns St ClarkROid Bernet Hwy MoodySt Moody Strait Clarke St mum St Murray Street Moody St loco Rd • Knight St Bridge SE Marine Dr (Vancouver) Bridgeport Rd (Richmond) • Knight St Bridgeport Rd Westminster Hwy Aldeibddge Way No 3 Rd Shell Rd Bridgeport Road Hwy 99 Knight St No 2 Rd Steveston Hwy No 2 Rd Bridge No2RdBridge No2Rd Inglis Dr No 3 Road Westminster Hwy Sea Island Way Steveston Highway No 2 Rd Hwy 99 Westminster Highway No 2 Rd New West Border (Boundary Rd) King George Hwy Pattulo Bridge 8th Ave • Scott Rd King George Hwy (Surrey) 96th Ave • Fraser Hwy King George Hwy Langley Township Border Scott Road 96th Ave 58th Ave (Hwy 10) Delta 104th Ave King George Hwy Hwyl 108th Avenue King George Hwy 152nd St 152nd St Hwy 1 16th Ave (W. Rock! Surrey Border) 16th Ave 152nd St 160th / Stayte St White Rock 16th Ave 160th St Langley Township Border 64th Av Scott Road (Delta/Surrey Border) Langley Township Border (196th St) 88th Ave Scott Road (Delta/Surrey Border) Langley Township Border 96th Ave Scott Road (OeltalSurrey Border) 152nd St Bamston Drive Hwy 1/176th St 96th Ave _______________ 96th Ave 8amston Drive Langley Township Border University Endow. Lan" * SW Marine Drive 41st Ave W 16th Ave • w 16th Ave SW Marine Dr Westbrook Mall University Blvd (10th Ave) lWesthrook Mall Blanca St MUNICIPALITY ROAD SEGMENT FROM: TO BORDER Vancouver 10th Ave Blanca St Alma St Alma St 10th Ave Broadway Broadway Alma St Rupert St Lougheed Highway Rupert St Boundary Rd (VanlBby Border) Boundary Road Hastings St SE Manne Dr /Marine Way Bumaby Hastings St Howe St Boundary Rd (Van!Bby Border) 41st Ave SW Marine Dr Joyce Joyce 41st Ave Kingsway Klngsway Broadway Boundary Rd (VanlBby Border) SW Marine Drive 41stAve Main St SE Marine Drive Main St Boundary Rd (VanlBby Border) 701h Ave Granville St SW Marine Dr Granville Bridge Howe Stl Seymour St 4th Ave Granville St 4th Ave 70th St Oak St Broadway Oak St Bridge Cambia Bridge Pacific Blvd I Nelson St I Smythe St 2nd Ave Camble St 2nd Ave SW Marine Dr Main St Georgia Viaduct Broadway Terminal Ave. Main St lst Ave l Clark Dr Clark Drive Hastings St Knight St Knight St Clark Dr Knight St Bridge 1st Ave Clark Dr Boundary Rd (VanlBby Border) McGill St Hwy I Nanaimo St Nanaimo St McGill St Hastings St Nanaimo St Granview Hwy Broadway Grandview Highway Boundary Rd (Van/Bby Border) Nanaimo St Georgia St Hwy 99 (Stanley Park Entrance) Georgia Viaduct Georgia Viaduct Georgia St Main St Srnt!he St Howe St Cambie Bridge I Pacific Blvd Nelson St Howe St Cambie Bridge I Pacific Blvd Howe St Granville Bridge Hastings St Seymour St Granville Bridge Hastings St - 16th Ave 1 152M St 160th/Stayte St Surrey 24 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 16, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Acting Mayor Tom Baker, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary RZ/69/94 LEGAL: Lot 1, Section 10, Township 12, Plan LMP34084, New Westminster District & Parcel "C" (Ref. Plan 1612), South West Quarter, Section 10, Township 12, Except: Part Subdivided by Plan 66536, New Westminster District LOCATION: 10628/44 & 10714 240 Street OWNER: Imasco Enterprises Inc. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Rezoning Development Agreement FORTIER, PAUL & EDITH LEGAL: Lot 6, Section 9, Township 15, Plan 8688, New Westminster District LOCATION: 11136 280 Street OWNERS: Paul Yve, Edith, Timothy, Paul Andrew, & Michele Fortier REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Accessory Employee Dwelling THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO RZ169/94 AND FORTIER. CART Acting MJyo_r'ro& Baker R. Robertson, Administrator Chairman Member 0~.oi 41 5 8688 2.080 he. P 48398 2.316 he. 11170 42 3.047 he. 6 2.443 he. P 10 688 1106 10 P 8688 7 P 2.234 he. 2.810 he. P 8688 1.237 he. 11027 11020 /22.8 / 11076 8 3.492 he. P 15 P 33081 1.214 he. 10969 P 33081 16 1.214 he. 10980 109.15 Rem 2 P. 6861 3.476 be. 13 10920 0.809 he. U A EP 14987 6.475 he. Rem 1 P 6861 6.111 he. 14 P 30512 2.428 he. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 20, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Acting Mayor Tom Baker, Chairman R. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. RZ/8/98 & SD/10198 LEGAL: Lots 8 & 9, Plan 30256; Lot C, Plan LMP14872; all of Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 11451/73/83 240 Street OWNER: 559771 B.C. Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenants - Exterior Design Control Single Family Dwelling Geotechnical Amenity Statutory Right-of-Way (drainage) Subdivision Servicing Agreement Rezoning Development Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO RZI8/98 & SD/10/98. g -.7 _ CARR C>-~ J-> Acting Mayor Tom Baker R. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Chairman Member 31 0.607 ho 1 0.797 ho 1 0.615 ho 1 0.953 ho Port: 1.52 ho Total 2.5 ho A MP 36718 EP 35041 0.809 ha PARK 31 Port: 1.33 ho 0.684 ho /1693 c.,l I 'I I'll '' 1! EP 66258 66 P 66257 0.800 ha 65 P 66257 23. I I I 36 1/630 1.384 ho A P3111 /1576 "540 A 0.405 ho ,1530 Rei 0) P . CL B 2.7 150.2 0.809 ho 1 P 13786 11474 2.094 ha 2 11442 a. 1.968 ha /1416 *pp045 I A RP 8357 /J94 0.405 ho 4 P 21243 F'378 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 19, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Acting Mayor Tom Baker, Chairman J. Rudolph, G.M. Public Works & Dev. Services Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. SD/l/97 LEGAL: Parcel "C" (Explanatory Plan 5712), N.W. ¼, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 12530 241 Street OWNER: 512491 B.C. Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Freehold Transfer THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/1197. CARRW1) Acting Mayor Tom Baker Chairman r5, I yip I EP 5712 - -'-..--------------- __:379 _.___-r 4.24: he. I LMP 9379 - / / A /x Rem 1 0.403 he. 1251/ 125/0 P 43885 1.85 he. / 1 to 62 69960 0- 2 3 0.813 he. 2 0.405 he. 0.460 he. 2.45 he .' 15.2 N tri 0 N P 86522 lIP 86522 1 i 2 -1 LMP 0.401 he. 0.411 he. 0.4 A P 43885 0.405 he. 58 57 5( N a- 0.810 he. 0.810 he. 0.810 B 0.405 he. 12450 LMP 0.405 he. P 43885 LMP 12440 U-, C14 45 46 1 0.400 he ( ('I N a- 0.810 ho. 0.810 he. 2 0.405 he. 18.3 12515 0.404 he. 12487 ('I ('4 to OD 0- ('4 2 ('4 0.404 he. 12461 3 A A F) 0.405 he. 12445 / CL 3 0.638 he. 1.00 he (total) IMP 22486 20.1 / CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 23, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Acting Mayor Tom Baker, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary CLEARWOOD INDUSTRIES LTD. & E.R. PROBYN LTD. LEGAL: Parcel "A", District Lot 280, Group 1, Plan LMP25 175, New Westminster District & Parcel 1, District Lot 280, Group 1, Plan LMP25 176, New Westminster District LOCATION: 20142 113B Avenue OWNER: Clearwood Ind. Ltd., & E.R. Probyn Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Building Agreement THAT THE ACTING MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENT AS IT RELATES TO CLEARWOOD INDUSTRIES LTD. AND E.R. PROBYN LTD. CARRIED Acting Mayor Tom Baker R. Robertson, Administrator Chairman Member - - A Go 0.752 he co .—',545 jJ82------- LMS 2206 20.0 _j ( ii DL. 280 OP. 1 0.429 he 0.445 he 0.445 he 37 11550 to 13 14 15 a, I') 20\ to tO (0 20155' to 21187 a a- 12 P 86659 Rem. 38 B 19 18 A * P 86 59 ( P 86659) 0.405 he 0.405 he 20 29 f1476 71475 0.405 he , 0.410 he to 21 to 28 00 LMS 2547 a- 71442 11455 0.405 he 0.410 he 22 27 LMS 3029 71410 17435 11405 (P 86659) P 86659 B 25 26 200 41\o'V 39 40 P8(659 Rem 67 30 P 63221 0.496 he C IMP 31251—.....' 1/470 U, / ( I, to / a-- 31 0.692 he LMS 2909 6 1*1) CIS 0.618 he 77650 C'4 71420 CL .. 8 0.401 he 4, ' 20.0 0, It, to to 3 (0 CL 0.607 he 7/49' 4 1 0.607 he to to CD 00 /1469 a 5 0.607 he /1445 P 8 59 7 16 Is 1635 \ \ \i 2 -- Pd. 'A' 0.647 he. 51 N - 0 - 4.434 he \ 4 -. LIM 0.646 he. 01 5 LMP 22088 41. 55 52 \ 56 P 63220 .. \ .. 2026S c, RW63219 57 o.s he. 58 'LMP 33212 54 53 \RW 63219 / NW 3431 P 63220 o P 63220 0 - 2 •1- 42 0.738 he Q 2o 'so 43 110 0.462 he - 115 A AVE. 11517 113 8 AVE. N $ 4 0.4501 11jyj to 10 1 LMS 2889 86659 ___________ 25176 PcI. A 0.813 he EP 86658 o Pd. 1 0.685 ho 1 2 he - - - LMP 33003 0.891 he 0.612 he 0.824 he .. IMP 25175 / i37 he 3Z'1 L i - RW -- - - - - - - - -- - 11111 I,lI CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 24, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Acting Mayor Tom Baker Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary SD/24/97 LEGAL: Lot 1, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan LMP3 1913, New Westminster District LOCATION: 11969 200 Street OWNER: Fraserview Mall Inc. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenants - Private Easement 5D122198 LEGAL: Lots 6 & 7, District Lot 395, Plan LMP26765, Group 1, New Westmins1er District LOCATION: 22037 124 Avenue OWNER: Barry, Kevin, Kerry, George, and Loma Davison and Loreen Johnson REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Building Removal Building Removal and Subdivision Servicing Agreement SD/6/98 LEGAL: Lot 28, District Lot 277, Plan 76457, New Westminster District LOCATION: 20765 115 Avenue OWNER: Jerzy & Elizabeth Lesiczka REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Single Family Dwelling THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/24/97, SD/22/98, AND 5D16/98. CARRIE J: Acting Mayor Tom Baker . Robrtson, Administrator Chairman Member *4 =20 24 22 hBwt24 23 y , 22/ 19 C4 122/I ItIEP A. qkk17 12/92 15F~143[11 04 LL. /2/87 1 REM 16 18.0 2fi L /2/77 /-:;-- 1 •j /2167 24 2 00 I $V22 /2157 20I 3 05 20106 12147 121 A AVE. 21 12/27 I 19 \ 20 I/2/42 \ . 12127 6 , 18 12117 N 1164_15 /2/20 jf2lX 17 J 12/051 I 121 PA C4 120931 ICD -' N 18.0 1 12084 =*PP2062 p 6082 Lmp 7382 14 in/2084 \/20m2 23 0 13 12077 \/2076 22 I1 > 12071 \ le 12 \ 12068 I -. I 21I'i C 12082 I CLI ! 20 1 l 8 10 /2056 IV 19 J 1 /2059j /20 50 Q- iJ 9 I I 120551 z w I D 18.0 17L16L15L J1!I 1 l i 120 A MUNICIPALBOUNDAR L 31916 rH/ ' 7— ----i — LMP 31915 I-) %KLMP 31914 -- -U LMP - 32864 I--------- 68897 I / P 70753 12021 RW I i I 200 IMP 26048 '±1 I I 4.12 ho 0.803 t o. RP 73369 < 0 LMP 31913 RP 76444 /4 P 0 c° 1 LMP 2( /2 / 9 I-J ( / — _ I, PcI.ONE' 1 //94CNI 8 91 1( q!y LMP 37906 2a..l i l LJ f[1iJ 5 12588 r-1 ') KERRY CRES. 6 24 1 10 9 24 11 P 061 P 73081 2.428 ha. 2215 0/ 74 9 8 I t25 - \- 23 22 37 33 00 12566 ________ N 35 /1\ ,.I.:)d3 00 18 - '. 12575 ______125M 5 12 22 co 88 7 1256 34 12 N 17 D 12565 < 13 U) 0 22 12560 89 _ 6 1255 255l 25 24 38 32 n. 16 26 r 12555 f2560J 15.O 81 16 12555 12550 5 1254 90 - 21916 39 3130 12549 LP 29 28 15 4 1253 , HARKNESS CRT. ,, 27 N 40 12543 In 1254'S 12540 12500 91 3 1252 32;14 clI 31 29 28 41 o ? 125AA. 125J7 PARK 2 92 1251 12508 30 ' ' 13 ""° 42 12531 , I______ 72044 1 1250 P 72213 20 P 72213 P 552 P 695 2 24 23 52 53 12525 1 P 93 31 1249 12 t2S?6 i 22 15.0 51 252o 56 1252. __________ 94 30 HIGH'EW PL ._i9/ 50 lb 57 1248.5 21 "9 . ('4 ir / , ,l f25l 58 12505 _______ P 77868 C))I PARK 5 _______ I') 2 24 I') '°28 . 12467 7y 1718 20 c,, 46 48 g 47 P 81516 12495 N 96 in 2 4 16 to 60 Ci 27 58 121591 - 42 1' 44 124871 W I - I.) I II P 661 " 26 \17 2 470 171 "1 N167 168 1691,, L P69949 14 DL. 395, 7GP. 1 _______ 6 12445 1.367 ha 0 2 98 ISAAC CRES. 124.57 6 a3 ISAAC CRES. 99 IMP 10120 F ° 0.775 ha LMP 26765 18.0 Rem UI 12420 8 9 10 174 175 176 rs _______ ____ 1641 16511661 4 6 L1— ° 2440 o __E 951 ________ 1Rem 5 P 69!52 ___ 161 112420- 12]405 160159 12127 — - 7762 LM6 -LMP 67 163162 P A to 12110 l ') 18.0 12102 r 2Ui 4 321 'UAP 8 N F TJL 0 q 4P 17782 LMP 124 AVE. IMP 17964 ,IMP 16938 0 RW 66617° ol LMP 17155 LMP 19870 IMp LMP 15857 IMP 19877 \ /,LJAP17658 ' IM P _17781_' LMP 19541 I iIRem 1 I's.o 15 Rem,. 1° l Rem t RemRem1 1 - f2J99 12356 18.3 12.592 " 1 REM 247w' 2 E1/2 2671268 Remh186I"918718 LRe 12397 12396 P1853 7 P587 185 _P341 _ 8 __ L P15331 2 14 G 12395 U) 12394 to CL F' 79 _____ _______ B PP124 PcI A -I Rem 75 i 13 706 248 U) -J _____ 4' (I<105667E) ! Rem P 24098 12393 I 12392 -12375 1 /2374 A 4J 12 S1/2 N CL 12362 8 12391 12390 in 205 207 EP 14565 Rem _ ( 11 ________ 0 12365 122 u- U) _______ _____ ______ 3123 / _ 204 208 9 ('1 P 28006 \ 12355 < /2342 0 269 8 \_ 9 20 3 209 6 P55987 I I /2336 N1/2 I IP3 57 6 10 0.66 a 195 I I I L 210 to S1/2 202 12326 72 10 PARK f23f;l 211 0_ 19 1 4 CANIJCI( CRES. 12314 IMP 12305 Vo4 13058 12299 18.3 12298 P I •1i 212, '> 2 154 S1272 155 218 2171216I2J5 I213 * 12271 N) P3 057 I "400 I 153 057 I CL P314 CL 12251 156 157 158 159 22 PARK 152 _ L.. RW1394 P11 Rem 255 1224/ Ntz 6 /2 11 — ___ I N U) 151 _______ P 54719 123 AVE. 220 235 161 2 2 863 11.95 ho 150 1 19 Ui 122. OD P 671 8 R 39999 23 5 12229 _j I 9057 to c, 162 P 12f 0 EP44O58 I 0- 149 676182 _bi\I' to 30 131 148 p 31884 1 122 12223 12236 _ Ii .iiI _I 122 10 163 3 10- * 12219 1A7 - - ---------.1 I e4 I 366 LL NC4 4 83,767 201 McFAR1AN AVE. *PP056 11765 -t 241 266 i 2 L —>117 117; ::2:02: _____ E:2:40 229 11754 117w 756 228 1227 12261225 ff753 f .-yo7 203 242 239 230 P 4J3797 I I 265 " 175f \\ f 176 1/746 268a- 243 238 231 ____ ____ _ 11745 ri ___ tnfl 11745 204 -c 11745 N- 264 ,.. ________ ff743 1175 360 244 231 232 Rem 196 f 7J.9 269 86 N '/735 Ff74 361 205 a- _______ If736 _______ 359 _______ f17J4 a- 245 PARK * 26''' 270 0 87 1 if 206 236 233 P 43796 18.3 46 1 1 277 271 89 EP 67104Th0RNE AVE.117?4 234 ________ a. _____ _________ 1779 Ff72 - co IA 352 362 247 437! 17 a. 235 —[ P45429 ff77 72 89 135 9 260 25 2 254 55 5 90 ______________ "77, 258 25 CL 25,3 Io ff675 * 7f7E L202 209 B 40 a-B 210 152 ±__—' 117 AVE. ________ 1-1\116W 116M 2809 278 277 4 299 152 327 91 18.3 326 92 up 281 152 _________ 11690 298 300 283 375 11fl 9t 11697 93 377 116W 325 N 0 11677 1168~ 11654 ci P5840 3Oi 284k 28 297 - - — r) 94 I ________ 324 ' 11669 P 2 068 30 1164J 2 %...... ,i ,i 286 ii 287 I ,. 296 11674 n 11673 1/661 95 1 303 295 N 1/664 17664 P 797 ff659 29 30 289 1167.Y 323 322 96 ii /1653 11655 307 97 43793 308 1 321 309 11644 N 11545 195 G 437 328 31/ 31314 I Pp056 ff1 98 320 /1637 11 Q- 99 a- 32, 330 P 98 . 312 _______ 339 34Q 317 ____ 01 11 t194 N- 4 11629 331 192 4 15 316 Rem " 318 319 100 " oA A 0. a- * 849 ff621 .0 .1 a, P) a. CD CD & -. 101 10 5112 E1. 2 P 702 1 -- 11616 I a- C ft040 352 353 P 4 312 B P 31152 ~J 354 19 101 103 03 - 0 00 94 D DL. 277, GP. 1 h1 j :,?8.o1rT -MP 5112 368 24 28 P 5478 28 7 57i MP 2 LMP 2809 4 2.841 ha. 9 ff 115 AVE. 10 1/ I 0 11525 12 71— c 115 AVE. 115 LMP283Qj TO IP586 Rem 13 16 9 114M 16 1312 11 \ CIO P 21114 P 84260 III P 40699 11490 115 !l 185 Rem 8 17 8 28 91 — f450 O 1 I \ ° ' 19225 "1 P 1 280 1 I ___ ,EP 60915 GOLF LANE ff460 ,,20 21 2 23 124 19 f J Id GOLF LANE B at / \- \\ 2 3 4 \\ 2 Iii P6C14 = = = = = = = = = LANE 11426 1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 25, 1998 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Acting Mayor Tom Baker Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1) SD/22/96 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Rem. 41, Plan 64285 (Lot 1), District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District 228th Street South of 116th Avenue Fraserview Development Corporation Bare Land Strata THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING STRATA PLAN AS IT RELATES TO SD/22/96. gL{ 4 CARRIE Acting Mayor Tom Baker U. Robertson, Administrator Chairman Member 21 20 19 18 116 (15 j 14 13 EP 12951 .563 he 13 - I RW183l3 Rem. L ----------------P12316 • I ____ .809 he Rem. 41 A r P 64285 P 16473 31 IMP 19680 \t1609 24.0 I Of LOT J 0620 ha \ -o LMP 10787 "I I u23 2 U' 0.724 he 1605 I 22 EP 4 a. INS 1315 r . (p o // , OAD 21 LMS 618 IMP 3942 LMP 2118 H PcI.A 0.732 he. 'f6Of 1.50 he 0 0.504 he. I \ u IMP 13596 . 4 1.136 he NP 16373 P 83871 4' /co 3l\\ / //c IMP 1359 / /$ DL. 401, GP. 1 \ ' 16 \%\ / /ç 116 AVE. I, I C14 co 24.0 "2 I, / CA I) Cb I. 4) IMP 13592 , INS 1596 / CA3 I PcLA AN 0.505 he 4 0) he \ a. P71276 IMP 1359 3.25 . - ,) I 206 he ---- — 1 ; SPNW2885 IMP 311 \O of 7 Lu 0.441 he. 0.9 -, / INS 810 \ -S-. •/ 20o \\ IMP 9560 \ \ 00 \ 1258 \ 7 IS 20.0 \\ ir ,- "A" LOTS II 1.28 he 2.49 he \ / IMP 10788 ff375 IMP 9562 0 a 113 AVE LMP 39046 2. Sk. 275 \\ Rem. 41 03 10 A P 64285 CD a ff327 P 1 Rer ff3f8 11 ono /fit EP ff298 ff299 e NOt.) 13 '99 09:56 FR R.M. RECYCLING SOC. 604 467 6100 TO 4677329 P.01/01 ;••.•,.1•' Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Box 283 'Maple Ridge, B.C. ' V2X 7G2 Phone: 463-5545 • Fax: 467-6100 Depot Location: 10092-236 Street, Maple Ridge, B.0 Fax to: 467-7329 Jim McBride District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X-6A9 November 12, 1998 Dear Jim; I am writing to request a delegation time for a Council Meeting soon. I would like to talk about: Refundable Containers, with an eye-catching display Christmas Food Drive Christmas Tree Chipping Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Kell! Speirs Executive Director CC: Jake Rudolph, Gary O'Rourke 'l'.to hk - printed on 100% recycled paper $OK TOTAL PAGE. @1 ** CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5746— 1998 A By-law to amend Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 2789— 1980 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 2789 - 1980 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5746 - 1998". That Schedule "C" "Tariff' to By-law No. 2789 as amended be repealed in its entirety and Schedule "C" "Tariff' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law be substituted thereto. That Schedule "C" "Tariff' shall come into force and effect on the 1St day of January, 1999. READ a first time the day of 1998. READ a second time the day of 1998. READ a third time the day of 1998. APPROVED by the Cemetery and Funeral Services of the Ministry of Attorney General the 28th day of October, 1998. RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of YOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "C" ob , 0 / MAPLE RIDGE CEMETERY AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 5746 - 1998 SCHEDULE "C" TARIFF GRAVE SPACE Adult Size Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $183.00) $916.00 Non-Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $363.00) $1,814.00 Child or Infant Size Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of$ 76.00) $380.00 Non-Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $151.00) $754.00 Cremated Remains Size Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $ 26.00) $128.00 Non-Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of $ 50.00) $252.00 SERVICES A. Opening and Closing Grave for Burial Adult Size $485.00 Child/Infant Size $373.00 Cremated Remains $179.00 Rose Garden $161.00 Additional Charge for Burials between 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Weekdays Adult Size Extra $251.00 Child/Infant Size Extra $251.00 Cremated Remains Extra $ 68.00 Rose Garden Extra $ 68.00 Additional Charge for Burials Saturday and Sunday Adult Size Extra $535.00 Child/Infant Size Extra $288.00 Cremated Remains Extra $255.00 Rose Garden Extra $247.00 Additional Charge for Burials Statutory Holidays as in "A" above Disposal of Cremated Remains in the Rose Garden Resident (including Care Fund Contribution of$ 26.00) $ 128.00 Non-Resident(including Care Fund Contribution of $ 50.00) $ 252.00 Goods Grave Liners Cremation Liners Memorial Plaque Inscription (Per Line) Installation of Memorial Markers Single (including Care Fund Contribution of $42.00) $211.00 Double (including Care Fund Contribution of $51.00) $255.00 OTHER CHARGES Transfer of Licence Administration $170.00 $ 51.00 $ 69.00 $ 41.00 $110.00 Schedule "C" (cont'd.) Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 5746- 1998 Additional Charge for Burials Statutory Holidays Adult Size Extra Child/Infant Size Extra Cremated Remains Extra Rose Garden Extra B. Opening and Closing Grave for Exhumation Adult Child/Infant Size Cremated Remains $ 850.00 $ 459.00 $ 390.00 $ 383.00 $ 970.00 $ 745.00 $ 356.00 Additional Charge for Burials Saturday and Sunday as in "A" above CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 20, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/44/91 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 4659-1992 (23690 River Road) SUMMARY: Bylaw 4659-1992 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2' and 3rd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit an industrial use. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4659-1992 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 23690 River Road History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on March 9, 1992. On March 16, 1992 Council granted 2nd and 3 reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4659-1992 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Approval from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Road dedication. A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; The following applies to the above: 1) The Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch have responded. Any building being constructed must meet their requirements for floodproofing. The Ministry of Environment have advised that the area under application does not impact the Fraser River. The applicant is, however, subject to Section 9 approval for any works on the balance of the site. The Ministry of Transportation and Highways approved the Bylaw. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs granted approval to the Bylaw on May 13, 1992. The River Road frontage has recently been dedicated. A Statutory Right of Way is not required. The subject area is now within the road right of way. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. Officer ~J ivl~ I L., rksand Administrative I anager: ft Development Services GP/bjc -2- 104 AVE. \ L.P 6 p5 P60014 0 0 CD-4-88 law / \ t15 \ N '7 11 '7 oo sosor 712404 lam 7027 P 7595 RS-2 L RS S- 2s% - - aa or 70141 F I *4062 "N 57 4027 7.1 'OP 44fl0 R 2 o -z 21 RP I j RS N I -2 N.N C 4° 1344 LOUGJ.IEED .jyy 4% P \ 40 (000r. .j ,jjoo , r r- SUBJECT 77 PROPERTY 75007 SUBJECT PROPERTY RS-2 & M-2 SILVER POT MEADOWS VALLEY ZONING 23690 RIVER RD. HUM H EY CORPORATION OF THE CHILL DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE FRASER RIVER ._—" PLANNING LAK MAPLE RIDGE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT SCALE: Incorporated 12 September, 1874 PROPERTY LON 1:6.000 FILE/BYLAW: RZ-44-91 DATE: NOV. 18. 1998 FRASER RIVER CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 4659 - 1992 A by-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming a part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4659 - 1992 •" That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Parcel "One" (Explanatory Plan 10995) of Parcel "F" (Reference Plan 8803) D.L. 405, GP 1, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 893 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to N-2 (General Industrial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 17 day of February, A.D., 1992 PUBLIC HEARING held the 9 day of March, A.D., 1992 READ a second time the 16 day of March, A.D., 1992 READ a third time the 16 day of March, A.D., 1992 APPROVED by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Housing the day of , A.D. 199 APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D., 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of I HEREBY CERTIFY THE FOREGOING TO BE A TRUE' A. D. 199 AND CORRECT CC?Y OF BY-LAW_ AS READ A THIRD TIME. K MAYOR (77) CLERK )ATE MUNICIPAL, CLERK DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE - PLAN 7595 \ \ "9, \\ DL. 405 N Ira., Gp.1 PLA \ 1.809 ho -60 5 hu .676 M 1 737 I \ " REM. N c N REFPL4N4O2T REM REM PLAN PL4N 4 5 6 N N * N E B A -N PL-N 2/583 ao 'S REM N COV° F N /205 ( ' I REM 54062 v. s / Id 55734 p65042 N 65040 1 214h0 7339 1 "O "N 5 p65/36 761 ha H - 1.717 AQ ho / N y" 4 SER / /1 - -- - Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4659-1992 Map No. 893 Rezone From: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) To: M-2 (General Industrial) Z~ I Public Hearing March 9, 1992 Page 8 LEGAL: LOCATION: PURPOSE: Parcel "K" (Reference Plan 5233), SE 1/4, Sec. 20, TP 12, Except: Part subdivided by Plan 41704, New Westminster District 12143 - 232nd Street To designate the property to Compact Housing at 30 units per net hectare in Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan. The Planner went over the purpose of the by-law as noted above. On question from the Mayor, the Planner clarified that the specific proposal is roughly for 22 Units per net hectare. The proposal slightly exceeds the maximum 18 units per net hectare permitted in the existing Official Community Plan designation. Ald. Levens questioned how many lots can be built on the property under its current zoning. The Planner responded that if the property was zoned to RS-lb, given the geometry of the property, it is doubtful the developer could achieve 18 units per net hectare. Although such details have not been worked out, he would probably get something less than that. Mrs. Lewis reiterated her opposition to the proposal, noting that the Planning Department guide plan calls for 32 lots and the developer is proposing 45 lots. Ms. yolk questioned if there is there is any restriction in 1 place to require the developer to keep to the plan submitted. Aid. Leaf responded that he is restricted by the zoning. There was no further comment and the Mayor declared the item dealt with. RZ/44/91 - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 4659-1992: LEGAL: A portion of Parcel tonett (Explanatory Plan 10995) of Parcel "F" (Reference Plan 8803) D.L. 405, Group 1, New Westminster District LOCATION: 23689 River Road FROM: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Public Hearing March 9, 1992 Page 9 TO: - M-2 (General Industrial) PURPOSE: To allow for future construction of an Industrial Building and legalize the existing use. The Planner displayed a map of -the site and went over the purpose of the by-law as noted above. He advised that approval from the following Ministries must be obtained prior to final approval of the by-law - Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch and Water Management Branch; Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Ministry of Municipal Affairs with respect to the Validation and Enabling Act, as well as approval from the Fraser River Estuary Management Program. Also required is road dedication along River Road and the registration of an easement for storm drainage. There was no comment and the Mayor declared the item dealt with. 4. RZ/58/91 - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 4664-1992: LEGAL: Lot 3, D.L. 276, Group 1, Plan 1725, New Westminster District and Lot 32, D.L. 276, - Group 1, Plan 20375, New Westminster District LOCATION: 12367 & 12333 - 208th St. - FROM: A-2 Upland Agriculture TO: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) PURPOSE: To permit thesubdivisio2 into approximately 8 lots not less than 668 in in size. The Planner displayed a map of the site, as well as a plan of development, which identifies a cul-de-sac off 208 Street. He indicated the location of McKenney Creek through the site and the portion of property to be dedicated as Park which basically covers most of the covenant area of the creek. Prior to final approval of the by-law, approval is required from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife and Water Management Branches. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 23, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/53/91 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 4935-1993 (23573 Kanaka Creek Road) SUMMARY: Bylaw 4935-1993 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2nd and 3rd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the subdivision into 18 lots not less than 571 m2. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4935-1993 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 23573 Kanaka Creek Road History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on August 16, 1993. On August 23, 1993 Council granted 2" and 3rd reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4935-1993 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: a geotechnical report be submitted; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement; Deposit of security as outlined in the Rezoning Development Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan; Road dedication of 112 Ave. The following applies to the above: A geotechnical report has been received. A Rezoning Development Agreement is not required as the service now exist to the site; I Security for the Rezoning Development Agreement is not required. Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan was amended by Bylaw 4936-1993 in July of 1996. 112th Ave. has been dedicated. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. G)4L 4r a y Chief Administrative Officer ana : Public Works and Development Services GP/bjc -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW. NO. 4935 - 1993 A by-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming a part of Zoning By-law. No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4935 - 1993." Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended is hereby amended by adding the following thereto: Section 1019 CD-1-93 A. Permitted Uses Subject to the regulations contained elsewhere in this bylaw, the following uses and no others shall be permitted in the CD-1-93 zone: All those uses permitted in the R-1 (Residential District) zone. All those uses permitted in the RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) zone. B. Regulations for the size, shape and siting of buildings and structures shall be as those permitted in the R-1 and RS-lb zone with the following exceptions: 1. For lots with a 12 metre frontage, shall be sited not less than: 3 metres from the front lot line; 14.5 metres from the rear lot line; C) 1.2 metres from the interior lot line. 2. For lots with a 15 metre frontage shall be sited not less than: 3 metres to the front face of the residence and 5.5 metres to the garage. 12 metres from the rear lot line; 1.5 metres from the interior side lot line; PAGE 2 BYLAW NO. 4935 - 1993 3. Buildings And Structures For Accessory Residential Use Shall Be Sited Not Less Than: 0.6 metres from the rear lot line; 0.6 metres from the interior side lot line. C. Access Vehicular access for lots backing on a municipal lane will be restricted to the lane. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 3890) of Lot 5, District Lot 404, Group 1, Plan 809, Ne4 Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 988 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Comprehensive Development Zone). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D., 199 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D., 199 READ a second time the day of A.D., 199 READ a third time the day of A.D., 1993 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of . , A.D. 199 MAYOR CLERK (210) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES August 16, 1993 The Minutes of the Public Hearing held on August 16, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia. PRESENT: Elected Officials: Aointed Staff: Mayor B. Morse Mr. J.R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Counc. J. Clements Mr. M. Rossi, Planner Counc. C. Durksen Ms. Gay For, Planning Technician Counc. J. Harris Mrs. S.M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Counc. L. King Counc. S. Leaf Counc. B. Levens Mayor Morse briefly explained the procedure of the Public Hearing and advised that in accordance with the Municipal Act, no further input into the subject By-laws can be received by the Municipal Council until the By-laws are either adopted or defeated. The by-laws will receive further consideration at the August 23, 1993 Council. Meeting. The Mayor then called upon the Planner to Introduce the following items on the Agenda: SIX RZ/53/91. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 4935 - 1993: LEGAL: Parcel "A" (E.P. 3890) of Lot 5, D.L. 404, Gp. 1, Plan 809, N.N.D. LOCATION: 23057Kanaka Creek Road FROM: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) TO: CD-1-93 (Comprehensive Development Zone) Public Hearing Minutes August 16, 1993 Page 2 PURPOSE: To permit future subdivision into pproximatly 18 lots varying in size from 371 m to 557 m The Planner displayed an overhead map of the site and a plan of development to identify how the development will occur. He noted that a number of lots will front onto 112 Avenue which is an arterial street located just to the north of the proposed development. Access will be achieved by a lane at the rear of those lots. A cul-de-sac will be located off a future collector road system to the east. Completion of a portion of the development site will be dependent on further development of properties to the east. On question from Councillor King, the Planner indicated on the map the portion that is proceeding under application at the present time and the portion that is dependent on adjacent development. - There was no further comment and the Mayor declared the item dealt with. lb) Rz/53/91 - MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 4936-1993: LEGAL: Parcel "A" (E.P. 3890) of Lot 5, D.L. 404, Gp. 1, Plan 809, N.W.D. LOCATION: 23057 Kanaka Creek Road - PURPOSE: To amend Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan to redesignate from Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) to Single Family Residential (15, 18,. 30 units per net hectare) and Greenbelt. The Planner displayed an overhead map of the site and reiterated the purpose of the by-law as noted above. There was no comment and the Mayor declared the item dealt with. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 29, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZI1 9/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5623-1997 (27222 Lougheed Highway) SUMMARY: Bylaw 5623-1997 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2 nd and Yd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the construction of an industrial building. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5623-1997 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 27222 Lougheed Highway History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on December 16, 1997. On December 16, 1997 Council granted 2"' and Yd reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5623-1997 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: I) Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Approval from CPR for access across the railway track; An Environmental Study A Professional Engineering Certificate as to the quantity of water; Simon Fraser Health Board approval for water quality and septic approval. Ii The following applies to the above: The Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch has replied to this application. The applicant will address the flood elevation concerns through the Building Permit process. The Ministry of Environment Fish and Wildlife Branch have no objections to the development proposal. The applicant has received the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Section 35(2) authorization for the construction of works and setbacks from the Fraser River and it's tributary. 3. The Ministry of Transportation and Highways approved the Bylaw on January 7, 1997. 4. A geotechnical report has been received. The CPR has entered into an easement agreement for a private road crossing over the railway tracks. An Environmental Study and compensation package was provided in support of the Sec. 35(2) approval requirements and form part of the authorization. A Professional Engineer has certified the quantity of water to meet Bylaw standards. Simon Fraser Health Region have advised that a sewage disposal system can be achieved on site. The owner has entered into a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the septic disposal field which will be installed at the time of Building Permit. The quality of the water has been tested and meets the B.C. drinking standards. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to4he bylaw. LAdLa J Director of Curr flve Officer e&ManageVoublic Works and $ Director of Curr t Planning ht Development Services GP/bjc -2- 60 CD-2--87 INRES RS-3 SUBJECT PROPERTY FRASER RIVER SUBJECT PROPERTY 27222 LOUGHEED HWY. ZONING AND A.L.R. (SHADED) CORPORATION OF THE LWOM *kl on DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1674 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: RZ-17-97 DATE: OCT. 29, 1998 A SCALE: 1:7,500 - 4 - MINNIE PRELIMINARY AND APPROXIMATE SLJECT TO O4NGE RAILWAY 1.1 ,021 MAIN PLANT SECURI matfic CE 23 TRA'El. Lin ?3• INTO WATER S(TEPN1 -- ---------- PRELIMINARY AND APPROXIMATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE * ON VJ1 1,1 -VA1HON E.AS1 VA1 1 ON _ Fcoo, 'r1L.yJ I B I •"-_-ii I II )1l c;. 1 ELEVATIONS ( January 7, 1996 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Gay Por Planning Technician Dear Ms. Por: i'1•' \ (' BRITISH Lt.. -f COLUMBIA Your File: RZ/19197 Our File: 1-6-16828 I. Re: Rezoning Proposal - Bylaw No. 5623 27222 Lougheed Highway The above noted bylaw is returned approved pursuant to Section 54(2) of the Highway Act, subject to the following conditions: 1. Only one access to Lougheed Highway will be permitted. Please note that we have yet to received an access application from the developer for the proposed site. Should you have any questions, please call. Yours truly, tavtatee- young District Development Technician DLY Enclosure Ministry of Lower Mainland District Transportation South Coast Region and Highways Mailing Address: 200 - 1065 Columbia Street New Westminster BC V3M 61-17 Telephone: (604) 660-8310 Facsimile: (604) 660-9736 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5623 - 1997 A By-Jaw to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5623-1997." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "C" (Reference Plan 3788), District Lot 433, Group 1, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1162, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to M-2 (General Industrial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the X'day of OOe , A.D. 1997 PUBLIC HEARING held the 16 day of -er ,A.D. 1991 READ a second time the day of eeOe , A.D. 1997 READ a third time the day of c—'° , A.D. 1997 APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 7.71 Cd, c..J N C14 P402* I/l P 006* Ram 13 I 96 AVE. 17 15112 P NIl -t CJ_i: 06"1 I PIM se 290 ft UV 29402 ctTr I lii, NP 14.31 P 3111 P u-I A P 21*4? to 21.316* is Ron L's. %L P 3111 I SK 2131 21 13141 0 Low 1116 P 11110 21318 N 134I0 I LUP 4n4 147" 06m %16 P1* P 8002 21 1174 VMS A RP 14344 P 4172 P (WHONNOCK) 1112? 12 .1 up I C M64 hm P. 45846 FRASER RIVER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5623-1997 Map No. 1162 Rezone From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) TO: M-2(General Industrial) 1:4000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 25, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/25/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5732-1998 & 5733-1998 (Downtown Core) SUMMARY: Bylaws 5732-1998 & 5733-1998 have been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2nd and 3rd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit a mix of public, institutional and commercial uses in the Downtown Core. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5733-1998 as amended and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5732-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on October 20, 1998. On October 27, 1998 Council granted 2'" and 3" reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5732-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5733-1998 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement and security outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "A" "B" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; The following applies to the above: The Ministry of Transportation and Highways have approved the Bylaw. Council has resolved to defer the provision of security for off-site servicing until the Development Permit stage. This will be done once final reading has been granted to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 5733-1998.j On October 27, 1998, Council requested an amendment to this bylaw to include the provisions for public input. The bylaw has been amended accordingly. A geotechnical report has been received. A Statutory Right of Way Plan is not required. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaws. Chief Administrative Officer Ge(1 anagerFubJk orks and V I I Development Services GPuLijc -2- nfl yr RP 79869' LP 69873 Rem. 302 C 3 ro P 45004 - I 0i: DEWONEY TRUNK ROAD iF 7,,7777 r7 77J 7J 'rI 0 I 1718 4 &1 5 7 J5 9 P 18081 p 9 6 21 111P 1946K A .fti j1 4482 20.0 1 V) — IW2403 I Feet 4 P78631 0. ]LL I I I 2 H N' 00 l Co a. ff3- 20.1 P49034 2 Rem 1 0 52 I I Ii- I "fl I 1 & I- 18 1856—\ \.EP 9471 -130 I o 20 I 01 01 r---I.€P 11502 -P 67041 S . 1 IN O a. 4076 E E Ii_._.__.i P49,78 '1 GA C14 a 1 V .14 20 1 RP 52529 j l P 4076 e ' 3923 hIA 12 Pct. 1 _ HE 11.4 '.4 A 1 1 I to 4W7675 I RP78676 19773111 I I P 74119 1 I I I 1 11 P Qb 411 42 (P 3206) El WE. I I 1 R 8 10 N9 Ij R em 6 8 Hatched Area Under Application c—..k LMP 1 1 954 Rem 127 for Re—zoning to C-3 A 65 P 65997 -- SELKIRK AVE. I ____ 29 C-3 0 a, 126 1 282728Jg -45 21.2 '-I I I cg I I Lao Plan 4834 M1 34f 11' \ \ LOUGHEED HIGHWAY P 4834 99 11040 Rem 2 02 Re ' -- M 33 \ _____ P J1162 IRE 49 50 _______ 4 r 827 r C 3 1C D 9°' A ____ _______ I _____ I 19cm I L 4.J u it IS (/) f 0. gg 53 52 \P 44961 C p 2 02 *92 50 00 P 2899 °. AVNU Q. 4e8 RO ?REI - I - NO P 77953 1 P I 961!I 11.4 I 131 1 6 I,o I'°79 I 10 12 P18615 I a. H'. I167 1 P 93 2 P 769 W E W E P 4 9 I.." I 15 P 1 LO a.! I 16 18.31 0 N r 1251 Rem. SUBJECT PROPERTIES CIVIC CENTRE PROPERTIES ZONING DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: RZ-25-98 DATE: JULY 21, 1998 PITT UtACOW om'CT °' SILVER VALLEY ALBION SCALE: V D4ORNHILL 1:4,000 FPASTI1 RNIM CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5733 - 1998 A By-law to amend theOfficial Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5733 - 1998." 2. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in the Appendix: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXVI- DOWNTOWN CIVIC CORE Designation: The Development Permit Area is hereby designated for the establishment of objectives and the provision of guidelines for the form and character of civic institutional and commercial development. Public review of the final conceptual plan will be required as part of the final consideration of the development permit(s). Location: The Downtown Civic Core is shown on Schedule "H" of the Official Community Plan and is generally described as those lands south of Dewdney Trunk Road and north of Lougheed Highway, between 224' Street and 226' Street. Justification: The Downtown Civic Core is the focal point for the downtown area. The civic uses/spaces that dominate the Core will define development and use patterns for neighbouring areas and for the balance to the downtown core. Combined with significant commercial/retail facilities, the Civic Core will create a density of use that requires a high degree of attention to design detail. This will ensure the Core remains a vibrant and attractive environment in which to live, work, shop and recreate. Objectives: To reinforce the role of the Core as the focal point of community and economic Activity for the District. / Page Bylaw No. 5733-1998 To provide easy access for all modes of transportation to the area, but prioritizing its use for pedestrian, cycle and transit access. To create continuity in pedestrian and bikeway connections from surrounding neighbourhoods, through the development. To provide adequate parking in pleasant, safe, and convenient places, but avoiding large tracts of featureless paving surface and conflicts with the pedestrian enjoyment of the area. To reinforce the "public realm" by clarifying street edges with the location and design of buildings and activities, and through the use of appropriate public street furnishings. To enhance the pedestrian experience by encouraging building orientation to the street and enhancing streetscape design. E. Guidelines SITE PLAN The surrounding streets all provide public frontages to the Civic Core Plan. The orientation of the various buildings and uses should recognize these frontages through appropriate orientation of entries and the treatment of building exteriors at street level. Streets that require consideration include McIntosh Avenue, Dewdney Trunk Road, Lougheed Highway, 224' Street, Edge Street, 226' Street and Selkirk Avenue. Service areas must be screened from public view and limit conflicts with pedestrians on surrounding public streets. Where possible service areas should be internalized. Well defined pedestrian routes through the site should provide clear linkages between 2240' Street and Edge Street and between Dewdney Trunk Road and Lougheed Highway. Public squares and gardens should provide a focus to surrounding building ensuring a high degree of visibility. Transit hubs should be located convenient to pedestrian corridors. The design of these hubs should provide a pleasant experience for transit users ensuring the viability of the service. Parking areas should accommodate well delineated pedestrian routes. Landscaping should accommodate street-trees in a pattern mimicking street landscape design ensuring larger parking areas are effectively divided into smaller, visually more pleasing areas. BUILDING FORM Buildings should emphasize the street frontages through the orientation of entries and the use of fenestration. I Page 3 Bylaw No. 5733-1998 Significant corners should be given added emphasis with vertical architectural features and roofscape features. Buildings that would otherwise have a horizontal massing should provide height differentiation and corresponding articulation of facades to create an image of smaller components each with a greater vertical emphasis for the massing. Exterior finishes should be brick, natural stone, wood. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall or glass should be minimized. Pedestrian amenity should enjoy a priority through the use of interesting design detail at ground level, easily identifiable entrances, shopfronts with clear, untinted glazing, concentration of signage at ground level and, attractive landscaping. Underground parking facilities should be designed with public safety in mind. Entries should be highly visible, well lit and spaced at convenient intervals. Blind corners must be avoided. LANDSCAPING Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public space. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Street trees will be a required component of all development. SIGNAGE AND LIGHTING Signage should be integrated with the design of a building, preferably at ground level only, and its size and design should complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. All signage shall conform to the Maple Ridge Sign By-Law with the exception of freestanding, projecting, rotating, temporary portable, balloon and changeable reado graph signs that will detract from the character of the area and are therefore prohibited. High intensity illumination should be minimized. Pedestrian level lighting is required along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 118 Except: Part subdivided by Plan 68843, District Lot 398 and 401, Group 1, Plan 60562, New Westminster District and Lot 1, District Lot 401, Group 1, Plan 68843, New Westminster District and Lot 120, District Lot 401, Group 1, Plan 60562, New Westminster District Page 4 Bylaw No. 5733-1998 and outlined in heavy black line is hereby redesignated to Town Centre Commercial and that portion shown hatched is hereby redesignated to Park as shown on Map No. 561, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 118 Except: Part subdivided by Plan 68843, District Lot 398 and 401, Group 1, Plan 60562, New Westminster District Lot 1, District Lot 401, Group 1, Plan 68843, New Westminster District Lot 120, District Lot 401, Group 1, Plan 60562, New Westminster District Parcel "127, District Lots 398 and 401, Group 1, New Westminster District, Explanatory Plan 65997 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 562, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXXVI (1) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 29th day of September, A.D. 1998. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 20th day of October, A.D. 1998. READ A SECOND TIME the 27th day of October, A.D. 1998. READ A THIRD TIME the 27th day of October, A.D. 1998. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK and and and WP • 799$ LP $9173 302 P45004 WUNJ II4UNK lQAD 1502 ii P I0461 '407e L P90945 9.11% PS 99049It. 127 $9197 is 4 6 52 I P200I LI N ..j J r4 17 C I 20 I Iz RP 325# I4 AVEj I. 1204 L. rp 11 LI 120 [~ "4 "' lJ42J J41 _£ I 119 AVE. j 1P24991 _____ ;51'?4 I A9 '°:ii i 13 10 12 i" 21____ 5$ 'kLt20 118AA' r N __Le t4 M702 _________ 4 ______ 29$Ri E P 7450 (111 A 2 IIr'it I 10 t_F 2 1, CP Rem 3 P 9541 Fr iiId PIIS5p5I,3 aILP _____ 732M ~]W- S.P 9541 P.06.2 (P $541) LMP 112 12W Rs.t.t P 9541 IN IQA JI2l3L4 ._ _________ 2-1 C 5 iIN12 13 5 II 190 I 14 SW(IRK AVE IF 13 P 70M I. I z at%I lI1 Bi jt4$93 --- -- Plot 4131 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY U' r 12503 I I I IL I 141 1-4.1 j P71029 $145 14t Rr 4 ''H 212 Tfti? P 504 00 2W I '1 82 F Is yL1 NORTH AVENUE 44 40 50 105 1 P 51411 ~7FM r \4r Foam i'f 1"TTl L 2150 A P 57211 J M 2 LiHi'4 !. MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5733-1998 Map No. 561 From: Institutional and Park To: Town Centre Commercial and Park (shown hatched) _ AMAPLE RIDGE incorporeted 12 September, 1874 1:4000 (AVE. 21 23 j jr.24 I 211"11 529 P ISO"IPAM 23 IPI9$17 P 92113 mos I LP 77311 Jl4llS 12M 4209 .W[~P 4 £ LI] 4f (P 3206) 119 AVE. sl 1. 7 LMPA P20 R9 AVE. I 24 1 I 125126 P I 234.27I28[ 1 I! ("P77.53 I P 'II 13 I6I7l7I 10 L I L 2 sm 17 is 11.3 ii U, -...LJ U. L_L_LLL N EIEiIII 154 I I N 17 R 293 .mIN N702 (IWN AV - BROWN AVE. Rim. 2 LP 63 ______ 1 J r a 9 2.7 T77 f 26 hr Rim. 302 ________ - 2 1 P 45004 P 7450 LP=l A 2 1 iiIU941Pa7 _ j±i __ UNK ROAD 2 —r __ 1 P 61656-., 6471 OON I ' 67041 La 44 as J 71 17 3 LilE ________ ________ I I P ( ' P 9541 32qf~ ' I 211 I P06I F_' H;;l L 1M 1 I 1PsijJ 3 _____ RP ____ •fl1 ____C I 0 F H AVE. a. Rim. RW saw P 60662 Ill 120 P soon ILMP1542I I £ A t!_ I1.m.1 IP 9541 19 AVE- 2 — ---- I 10 1 ri2 13 14 isr1 Eli! II _b I 12 _ I• 127 13 P 9120 1316 17 1@ I r P65667 EE1 14 II. I •IRim. I Iu_I 2 - I i L I.. 118 A A a' R.m.I Pion 4134 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY P4634 12503 P 2509 A A I I ILl RWIL 23 19. es EP11040 Iaj nLi ;,74.5. 12 A 52 P 501 1 Do 331 52 _____ 99 94 V r4 a - PI269II Il I __________ NORTH AVENUE ______ Rum. __________ p I E50 P 780 1 ILf p Is, is IMS 2100 p 62113 A P 67282 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5733-1998 Map No. 562 PURPOSE: TO , DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXVI(1) L"at ~ma~ A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 Septeznber, 1874 1:4000 [i1J2IIIr1J]iJ.i P P 780 WE WCP4SS 1 371T 1 1 P 79776 A In RP 76M 93 Ia. I' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5732 - 1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5732 - 1998." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 118 Except: Part subdivided by Plan 68843, District Lot 398 and 401, Group 1, Plan 60562, New Westminster District Lot 1, District Lot 401, Group 1, Plan 68843, New Westminster District Lot 120, District Lot 401, Group 1, Plan 60562, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1194 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of ,A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK and and 4 s.J S 6 I Q7•j5 2971298l299r- IJJ Rim. 302 __________ J(P9'7 J 4724 301 U• lI4 ftI 967 A L2I1h1o]202 P 446M HP 1450 I. 4834 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY P 4834 11.5 fl3 IJ2 H P P 769 WE WEP4II I 1.1 I is 24 17 Rim 26 I HflT11 52 j U, r. —_LJ.JIJjjj9e IRimILN7o2 - BROWN AVE. RP 79 LP 6W3 P45004 ma I 6 51 I I 7J I.LL4 - Poe 32 IA -'r4 ja J 17c 2oE 9 H AVEj 208 W'7179 I? 17511 P 74119 1~9 flH2 L 44 (P 3200) 119 AVE. 1 5 I -1 ' l I 9 P2169 h9J 25 26 2 24P ~,, 30 76361 3 7RP 1 flr7\ 2 P P t z20 IH FPM2I IS I I I I E P9541 F 6541 Ll L.MI'I (P 9541) p. C P 6541 JE 25.9 2 a. 118 A AV 4. 1fl. 1 EP 14893 W 79936 I 9' 1531521 50r 2agaI NORTH I I I flOYAL ____ 060 0' 16567 NUE P 18 _______ Rim. Rim. 23 I I 1ImI 18 10 P 82113 62 (1 I RJ 3 ¶ P 48516 P 67282 I MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5732-1998 Map No. 1194 From: P-6(Civic Institutional) and P-1(Park and School) To: C-3(Town Centre Commercial) MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 R.' DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.05.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 24, 1998 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ty— SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That a contract in the amount of $860,161.23 be awarded to Bray Enterprises Ltd. for the construction of roads, underground utilities and select clearing for the "Lower Site" (19 one acre lots) at 248 Street and Alouette Road and that no contract be awarded for the "Upper Site" at this time. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support ( Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - ,/Dir - Parks & Facilities ,fpecial Projects Coordinator roperty Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Dep November 25, 1998 Date CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September 22, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-015-761 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev. SUBJECT: Contract Recommendation, 248 Street/Alouette Road Subdivision SUMMARY: A subdivision at 248 Street and Alouette Road including the construction of roads, underground utilities, a sewage lift station and selective lot clearing has been publicly tendered. It is recommended the project be awarded to the low bidder- Bray Enterprises Ltd. RECOMl'IENDATION: A Contract in the amount of $ 860,161.23 be awarded to Bray Enterprises Ltd. for the construction of roads, underground utilities and select clearing for the "Lower Site"(19 one acre lots) at 248 Street and Alouette Road and that no contract be awarded for the "Upper Site" at this time. * BACKGROUND: The request for tenders was advertised in the Journal of Commerce on November 2 & 4, 1998 and the Maple Ridge Times on November 1 & 4, 1998. Tenders were opened in public on November 20, 1998 at 2:00 P.M. Fifteen bids were received, the low five bidders are as attached. The Engineer's estimate was $917,000.00 including GST. The estimated value of the other works required to complete the projects is as follows: Utility Relocations $ 15,000 DCC's 117,000 Open space/School 95,000 BC Hydro Charges 15,000 Latecomer Charges 8,500 Design Inspection & Testing 80,000 Surveys 20,000 SUBTOTAL $ 351,174 Grand Total Including Low Bid $1,211,335.20 The above amounts include 7% GST. There will ultimately be a 4% GST rebate. The District and the Districts Consultant Damax Consultants Ltd. have worked with Bray Enterprises Ltd. in the past. It is felt the Contractor is appropriate for the project and it is therefore recommended that the work be awarded to Bray Enterprises Ltd. Chief Administrative Officer 7, d Me4 aricWoris& Projects Dnt Services * Excludes the 3 lots on 128 Avenue, as costs to construct are ± $220,000 AtA ('__- A. (Lw:;c '1At 3 C- t7 C1 . i Ciao C¼( (e ar 1c.W' t-r'rcL-) ________ -4--r• 4 -t : Lh44 (rv: r__ c c) 7c'4p Sf17 o c 2 'e4 ,0 7 C-71, QcxD) 'Z., 1L (. 4' 0 t.1 t -1 C, 96,1 z..c' 91 1 enro d=0 P5. 7.y~' 10 04 2-, I 0Cx=1 c e9 t•5J 4*2- SCo 44-1 1 4 damax consultants ltd. 3862w. 14th avenue, vancouver v6r 2w9 teL 224-6827 tax 929-9240 iIo-. 1)2 ___ .• PROPOSED SUBDIVISION PARCEUN SEC. 27 FP- 12 N.W.D. PLAN LMPJE 102 I I 4 September 8, 1998 Not to Scale I. C - IV JN\J - IV , : .n , I f 10 — • ,, • ,, — N ::. IJ UPPrs /1 /1 3 — — — — jd SUBJECT PROPERTIES 248 ST. & ALOUEI'TE RD. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE . PLANNING Incorporated 12 September. 1874 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: E08-015-761 DATE: NOV. 23, 1998 A SCALE: N.T.S. DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.05.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 24, 1998 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the correspondence dated November 5, 1998 from the Lower Mainland Municipal Association (Ll\IMA) regarding the Ward System and Local Government Accountability Report from Simon Fraser University be received; and further That the position taken by the LMMA to oppose the creation of a Ward System for municipalities over 25,000 in population be supported. "Carl Durksen" CARRID DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. PIng. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development____________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Dir - Development Eng. - — Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride /Shirley K V Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. I 0 November 25, 1998 Date niiEijf Clerk LOWERMAINLAND MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT: Janis Elkerton, The District of Pitt Meadows SECRETARY/&jjp Alberto S. De.Feo, The District of Pitt Meadow ,'/L,i 1 November 5, 1998 .. L-IM MA 1998/1999 Mayor & Council District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Sirs: Re: Ward System and Local Government Accountability Reoort from Simon Fraser University At the October 28, 1998, Meeting, the L.M.M.A. adopted the following Resolution regarding the above-mentioned subject: NTHA T the L. M. M.A. is unanimously and adamantly opposed to the creation of a Ward System for municipalities over 25,000 in population as suggested in the Provincial Government report on Local Government Accountability submitted by the Simon Fraser University, AND THAT this resolution be sent to the U. B.C. M. and to the Minister of Municipal Affairs." The Ward System proposal is a direct attack on the democratic concept of freedom of expression of the electors and we ask that all member municipalities adopt a Resolution similar to the one that the L'.M.M.A. Executive recently approved. We also request that a copy of your Resolution be sent to The Honourable Jenny Kwan, Minister of Municipal Affairs, and the U.B.C.M. for their information. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this issue. Yours truly, CD Jnis Elkerton, President of the L.M.M.A. cc. The Honourable Jenny Kwan, Minister of Municipal Affairs Mayor John Ranta, President, U.B.C.M.- Richard Taylor, Executive Director, U.B.C.M. V "v ADMINISTRATION NOV 101998 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, B.C. V3Y 2B5 Tel. (604) 465-5454/Fax (604) 465-2404 1