HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-19 - Committee of the Whole - Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A GENDA Marc/i 19, 2007 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review and debate of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Councilfor debate and vote or to send an item back to stafffor more information or clarj'I cation. Note: If required, there will be a 15-minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor DELEGATIONS/STAFFPRESENTATIONS - (10 minutes each) - Nil PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SER VICES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 RZ1093/04, 10316 & 10346 240 Street, First Extension Staff report dated March 7, 2007 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/093/04. 1102 DP/005/05, 13935 and 14041 232 Street Staff report dated March 6, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/005106 in support of a development plan for subdivision, building activity and trail construction adjacent to Anderson Creek and its tributaries. / Committee of the Whole Agenda March 19, 2007 Page 2 of 3 FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 COMMUNITY DE VEL OPMENT AND RECREATION SER VICES 1151 FeesandCharges Staff report dated March 8, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6470-2007 be read a first, second and third time. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 OTHER ISSUES 1181 ADJOURNMENT Committee of the Whole Agenda March 19, 2007 Page 3 of 3 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to speak with Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221 or by e-mail at tfryer(mapleridge org Checked by:____________ Daze: &77Z3f 13 CORPORA11ON OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 07, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/093/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Extension 10316 & 10346 240 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. This application is to permit subdivision into approximately 17 lots under the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/093/04 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; Road and Park dedication as required; Inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A"; Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: D K Bowins & Associates Inc Owner: Raj K Arora and Vijay K Arora Legal Description: Lot: 2, Plan: 8149 & Lot: G, Plan: 20434 both of Section: 3, Township: 12, NWD OCP: • Existing: Albion Area Plan, Medium Density Residential & Conservation Zoning: Existing: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Albion Area Plan, Medium Density Residential -1- YON South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Albion Area Plan, Medium Density Residential & Conservation Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Albion Area Plan, Medium Density Residential & Conservation Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Urban Residential Residential Residential 2.763 hectares 240 Street To be provided at the time of subdivision SD/04 1/75 This application is to permit the subdivision into approximately 17 lots under the District's intensive residential zone R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District). Council approval of an Intensive Residential Development Permit is required for all new intensive residential development prior to Building Permits being issued. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaws 6342 - 2005 and 6341 -2005: • The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on December 13, 2005; • First Reading was granted December 13, 2005 • Public Hearing was held January 17, 2006; • Second and Third reading was granted on January 24, 2006. Application Progress: The applicant has completed most of the terms and conditions to be met prior to final reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw. They have submitted the subdivision design drawings to the District for review and will be in the position of receiving a Rezoning Servicing Agreement in the near future. Their time frame for starting on-site works is this spring. Alternatives: Under the Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 Council may choose one of the following alternatives when considering extension applicatons: grant the request for extension; deny the request for extension; or repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. -2- CONCLUSION: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a one year extension in accordance with Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. It is anticipated that within the next few months the applicant will seek final consideration to Bylaws 6342 - 2005. The extension application for RZ/093/04 is supported and it is recommended that a one year extension be granted. Prepared by: Gay McMillan Planning Technician ir Approved by: Jane Pi/kering, MCP, MCIP V Director of Planning Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Deve pment Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule ' Chiet Administrative Officer GM/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - First Reading Report -3- H 14 P 14750 4 / P22743 P14750 A Rem7 10420 10263 t1 51 MP 48057 ff 1 77 4 -' 102A E. 102AAVE. \ LMP 156 kd!!i_. [ BCP313 103 16/46 240 STREET A' — CORPORATION THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE InCorporated 12. September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 9, 2004 FILE:RZJ093/04 BY: PC e5X4 2 3 2~ 2 1 2iO ~8 10260 2 0 10250 3 10238 • N75'ot4 • 10202 249 D,stnctof Pitt Meadows Langley ii ALE 1:2500 104 AVE. --- PcI M A B RemD B 7 4 K I P2179 NWP7139 P13554 I (J130089E) 1 10386 j PI1I7R P osos P0014 1 10389 A P13554 C E PcI. 1 j 111169 PP 9100 SUBJECT PROPERTIES I — C P20434 a. 10351 • 2 0346 BCP 1010 2 .. PARK 10337 1111 Cb I 139 Rem 1 / M 5175 46 / 10309 I 28 102BAVE. 10270 P 992 Dstrict of •t rr - - Pitt Meadows 1q47Valwy SUBJECT AREA l. 4PPENtx A CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF Ley\ mJne F1L MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE - Incorporated 12. September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT \ - A- DATE: Nov 17, 2005 FILE: RZ/093104 BY: TM SCALE 1:2,500 104 AVE. / : n CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: Nov. 29, 2005 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/093/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 6341 - 2005 & 6342 - 2005 10316 & 10346 240 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone a portion of the above noted property from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential) to permit the subdivision into 17 lots not less than 213 m 2. It will be necessary to amend the Official Community Plan to reflect the actual conservation boundary and to include the site into Development Permit Area XLI to address the form and character for intensive residential development. RECOMMENDATIONS: That, acknowledging that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6341 - 2005 has been considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan, Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6341 - 2005 be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing; That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6342 - 2005 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Road & Park dedication as required; Inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A". DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: D. K. Bowins & Associates Inc. Owner: Raj K. Arora and Vijay K. Arora and Taj Mahal Holdings Ltd. Inc. No. 676772 Legal Description: Lot: 2, Plan 8149 & Lot G, Plan 20434, both of Section 3, Township 12, NWD Existing: Compact Housing (40 upnh) & Conservation Proposed: Boundary adjustment for Conservation area and to be included in DPA XLI Zoning: Existing: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation Compact Housing (40 upnh) South: Use: Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Compact Housing (40 upnh)/Conservation East: Use: Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Compact Housing/Conservation West: Use: Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Single Family Residential (18 upnh) Existing Use of Property: Residential Proposed Use of Property: Residential Site Area: 2.763 hectares Access: 240 Street .Servicing: To be provided at the time of subdivision Previous Applications: SD/41/75 b) Project Description: The site is 2.763 hectares in size and consists of two separate parcels. The application is to rezone the western portion, approximately 1.15 hectares only, to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to permit the future subdivision into 17 lots. The R-3 (Special Amenity District Residential) zone will be governed by Development Permit Area XLI for the form and character of the proposed homes as it is an intensive residential use. The eastern portion of the site will redevelop in the future as a townhouse site; it is this portion of the development site that is adjacent to a tributary to Spencer Creek. -2- The subdivision geometry shows a new access road to be constructed from 240 Street to an internal north/south road. That road will be built to a Local Urban Standard and it is anticipated that when the lands to the south develop additional road right of way will be required to accommodate a Collector Standard Road. A lane will provide vehicle access to lots fronting on 240 Street as it is an arterial road. All of the lots are in excess of 11 meters in width and will be able to provide on-site parking for 4 vehicles. When the subdivision of the site occurs it will be necessary to consolidate the small remainder portion of Lot 2 with the larger remainder of Lot G. This development will set the road pattern and general guide plan for future development in the area bounded by 240 Street on the west, Spencer Creek on the north, a tributary to Spencer Creek on the south and approximately the 24200 Block on the east. A copy is attached as Appendix C. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: Schedules A & H Schedules A & H of the Official Community Plan will be amended to include the development site into Development Permit Area XLI to address intensive residential development for the R-3 lots; and Development Permit XXI for the future townhouse site. Prior to a Building Permit being issued it will be necessary for a Development Permit to be approved that establishes the overall design character for the residential lots and the multi-family development. Schedule B: It will be necessary to amend Schedule B of the Official Community Plan to reflect the actual conservation boundary on the southeastern portion of the site. Schedule E: A portion of one of the lots, not included in this rezoning application is within 50 meters of a tributary to Spencer Creek. That portion of the site that is impacted by the habitat protection boundary will be dedicated as Park as a condition of zoning the site. Zoning Bylaw: The application is to rezone the land to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone which allows for lots with a minimum parcel size of 213 m. This is an intensive residential zone and will be subject to the form and character guidelines of Development Permit Area XLI. Through recent Council discussions concerns have been expressed with the R-3 zone and the resulting development. As a result the R-3 zone is being reviewed from a policy perspective. However, a number of active applications are at different stages in the rezoning process. S Development Permits: The development site will be subject to two Development Permit areas as follows: Development Permit XXX The site is subject to Development Permit Area XXX for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment. Prior to doing any on-site works within 50 meters of the tributary to Spencer Creek and it will be necessary to approve a Development Permit which addresses the Objectives and Guidelines of Development Permit Area XXX and for the developer to provide security for habitat protection in compliance with -Council's Performance Security for Environmental Protection Policy. In keeping with the Guidelines of Development Permit Area XXX, the habitat protection area has been established in conjunction with the District's Streamside Setback Map and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and will be dedicated as Park as a condition of rezoning. This will meet the Approving Officer's requirement under Section 941 of the Local Government Act as it relates to compensation andlor the provision of park land at the subdivision stage. Development Permit XLI: The site will be included into Development Permit XLI to guide the form and character of intensive residential development under the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Zone. This Development Permit will address design guidelines for the site, including: • Site circulation • Building form and character • Landscaping of private space. Prior to issuance of any building permits, Council will review and consider approval of a Development Permit that details the above. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: This application will establish the future road pattern for the northwest portion of 104 Avenue and 240 Street. It will also require road widening, upgrading and rcprofiling to 240 Street to improve site distance and drivability to an arterial standard. The magnitude and extent of the work will be determined at the subdivision stage. Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has advised that all the services to support the urban development of the site do not exist to the site. It will therefore be necessary for the applicant to enter into a Section 219 covenant for a Rezoning Development Agreement and -4- post the security to do the works identified in that agreement with the District prior to final reading. One of the major works that will be required is road widening of 240 Street consistent with urban arterial road classification which will include reprofiling it to provide for improved site distance. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional 27 trees which is based on one tree per lot; final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $675.00. Fire Department: The Fire Department has no objections to this development. e) intergovernmental Issues: School District issues: The subject site falls within the Albion Elementary catchment area. That school is currently at capacity and it will be necessary for these elementary students to go to another elementary school in the District that has capacity. The School District is currently in the process of securing another elementary school site for the Albion area. The high school students will go to Garibaldi Senior Secondary andlor Samuel Robertson Technical SchooL Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application, to include the site into a Development Permit Area and amend the Conservation Designation and is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. 1) Environmental Implications: The subject site is impacted by a tributary to Spencer Creek which is located on the south- east portion of the site which will be subject to a future rezoning application. It is recommended that the Park area be dedicated as a condition of this rezoning application which will establish the building footprint for the future development site. Prior to any work taking place within 50 meters of the top of bank of this watercourse it will be necessary for Council to approve a Development Permit XXX. g) Ministry of Transportation: The subject site is within 800 meters of the Lougheed Highway and is subject to Section 54 (2) of the Highway Act. It will be necessary to have the zone amending bylaw approved by the Minister of Transportation prior to final reading of that bylaw. CONCLUSION: The application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan except for the minor amendment to reflect the actual location of the Conservation boundary for the tributary to Spencer Creek. It is, therefore, recommended that this application be forwarded to Public Hearing and that first reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6342 - 2005 and Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6341 - 2005. Prepared by Gay McMilla Planning Technician Pb Approved by: Jau Pickerin!9 , MCIP Birector of PLanning Approved by: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP GM: P Ic Works & Development Services Concurrence:/ J. L. (Jim) Rule I Chief Administrative Officer GMIbjc Appendix A— Subject Property Map Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Albion Guide plan (northwest area) Appendix D - Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw Appendix E - Zone Amending Bylaw __\ IIIi__•_ _,/,,____4 ,j// (I - - 322m2 . o '-rcr - 'I ThTh--,2 2i2 - -, 103.381 - ------- N 322 4 J o.o - 30 3.O-.! •ul.. 1 ' '--.-__t1 i- -- I 322m2 N • 322.. 0 -? - :---o ,- ---u--I 30.0 •-.j__:1 2J _____ - 12 — 20.O- l iz 1 322m2 ' Ln ---- 3Q-- ------- 13 --- 26 4 -----------52m2 -- --------- r-J30 -- __ ___________ -- - L_ -- 15 -- - N 322m2 / 30.O - -- - -- R1- '1 • 322m2 0-i '----'- -- . - 300 -°----- i-- - -__/- -- 17 312,t2/ 10 '2 312m2 t:: 45 OD -- #10294 CII OWAVAO VJA . SITL PL AtA APTivzz x-ä" Th CD H 104 F- (1) H I F--1 I (I HPT71 11 FUTVRE ROAD NE,TWOR%( SWRCE , ALBION PLAN Ao3rNTvrv -,, CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6341 - 2005. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 6341 - 2005." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 8149, New Westminster District and Lot "G", Section 3, Township 12, Plan 20434, New Wesminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 703, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare). Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI and XLI in the Appendix: Lot 2, Plan 8149 & Lot G, Plan 20434, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, NWD (RZ/093/04) Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 8149, New Westminster District and Lot "G", Section 3, Township 12, Plan 20434, New Wesminster District are hereby designated as Development Permit Areas XXI (37) and XLI (22) on Schedule "H" as shown on Map No. 704, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. R ~ e ev" cvk ~k "c" Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6341 - 2005 Page 2 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of ., A.D. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of , A.D. MAYOR CLERK 10420 I 0.518 he 0.674 he 2.023 he 1 o. 104 AVE A (B RemD B 7 - 4 Pci. P 21769 NWP7139 P 13554 tn (J130089E) 10386 P 11176 P 9393 0.409 he 1 A P 13554 0.405 he 0.649 he 0389 0.647 he PcI. 1 10366 RP 9100 P 10351 0 20434 2.056 ho 2 10346 0.405 he K P 20434 !' E 0) (0 It) 0) 0 C- Li 0.432 he 0.405 h BCP 1010 LMP 48057 PARK I PARK I PARK 0.232 he 0.241 he H 0.705 0.893 he ; 103 15 60014 1 C- BCP 313 Rem 1 17 7 17 0405 hc Ta; si L 0.745 he 342414039383736353433 J J 144143I4Z141403935 f l I I J 10294 lOJOPi - 28 P37992 IO2SAVE. - 0.509 ho 10270 10250 L?JP 4 0 7 /0263 6.0 6.0 2111ij 2 _____ /0 () 3 102 A AVE. 102 A AVE. 10238 ol 10273 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING yaw No. 6341-2005 v1ap No. 703 Conservation Compact Housing(40 units per net hectare) Met ~m~; A MAPLE RIDGE 1:2500 [2-12 II ___ 32 ____ 37 2,0 61 T:i1________ i ) / / / \ A Rem7 8 0.518 he 70420 S — 0.674 he 2.023 he 104 AVE. 60014 ;0011 LMP 48057 PARK 0) 0.893 he 00 0 I, K a, P 20434 Lr)I CL C E LO to co ).432 he 0.405 h BCP 1010 PARK PARK 0.232 he 0.241 he BCP 3139 E, 18g PcI. M 21 N 69 Rem 0 7 4 P (J130089E) 10355 7139 P 11176 P 9393 C'd 0.409 he 0.405 he 0.649 he 10389 A P 13554 0.647 he Pci. 1 RP 9100 1035/ F777 2 34///// 2 0.405 he Rem 1 ,-i—l5r I 17, 0.405 ho _ (44F43I44140I39r381 0.745 he 43424140393537 ; cv "34 - 103091 10294 28 P37992 1028AVE. tn 0.509 he 10270 i i1i I J R l I I __________________ 1 _jPA)j/a7s. 10260 LPI4057 I I 6.0 I UMI-' iyv 1 7 8 9 2 I 37 1117fl6fl5l1.h5 'N 'N i'.10250 ILMP 46057 \.........1j I______ 3 N- 1O2AAVE. - IO2AAVE. - 10238 -. ! I I J ..i MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING 3ylaw No. 6341-2005 Mop No. 704 ijpQSE. TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREAS: XLI(22) xxl(37) MAPLE RIDGE 1:2500 I1 Amm 3th91 ) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6342 - 2005 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6342 - 2005." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 8149, New Westminster District And Lot "G", SectiOn 3, Township 12, Plan 20434, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1350 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of A.D. 200. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CLERK pl~~e_v\sk ,14 '*"a I a / ) / A Rem 7 0.674 he 2.023 he / / 0.Sl8hc / /0426' 104 AVE. k PcLM A 8 1 RemD 8 7 4 K P 21769 NWP7139 P 13554 r (J130089E) /0586 P 11176 P 9393 P 20434 Ln 0.409 he (.4 0.405 he 0.649 he 01 LJ 70389 A P 13554 C E 0.647 he PcI 1 - . o It) RP9100 to DO 0 P 20434 7055f 2.056 he 0.432 ho0.405 h 2 10346 0.405 he BCP 1010 LMP 48057 PARK PARK 2 PARK 0.232 he 0.241 he 70337 0.705 ho 0.893 he P 60014 . 1 0. 313 45 Rem 1 17,I 0.405 ho 0.745 he 41 40 39 38 37 33 4j 4 1 J34;2 3~6 3,~ 34 10294 10309 28 102 GAVE. It, P 37992 0.509 he /0270 1 N _,r\PR5,) 1o26; I 1026J 6.0 10260 uJPI480$7 I 10259 2 2-7 10250 1025 102 A AVE. 3 N) mo; _______1fl1 70273 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING yIaw No. 6342-2005 Map No. 1350 Prom: RS-2(One Family Suburban Residential) To: R-3(Special Amenity Residential District) MAPLE RIDGE 1 37 48057]j _____ N 102 A AVE. II 1:2500 CORPORATION OF TILE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 6, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/005/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 13935 and 14041 232 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area application has been received for the above noted property in support of a development plan for subdivision, building activity and trail construction adjacent to Anderson Creek and its tributaries. As required under the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines, a permit must be approved by Council and the required environmental security deposited with the District prior to any on-site works being undertaken within 50 meters of the top of bank of the watercourse. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/005/06 respecting property located at 13935 and 14041 232 Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Progressive Construction Ltd., Owner: A. & I. Daradics & Progressive Construction Ltd. Legal Description: Parcel C & D, Section 32, Township 12, Plan RP7680 NWD OCP: Existing: Eco Cluster & Conservation Proposed: Eco Cluster & Conservaton Zoning: • Existing: A-2 ((Upland Agricultural)) Proposed: R-1 (Residential District) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Vacant Zone: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Designation Eco Cluster & Conservation South: Use: Residential Zone: CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Designation: Eco Cluster & Conservation East: Use: Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Open Space, Conservation //00? West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Residential CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Eco Cluster & Conservation Residential Residential 6.008 Hectares (14.83 acres) 232 Street To be provided through a RZ/S/A and at Subdivision RZ & SD/005/06 Project Description: A development permit application has been made in support of a development plan for a subdivision application (SD/005/06) for the above noted lands. Environmental Implications: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule 'C' of the Official Community Plan and is included into the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines that was established for the preservation and protection restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. A Development Permit is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits within 50 meters of the top-of-bank of all watercourse and wetlands as shown on Schedule C - Natural Features Map. Security may be posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. Planning Analysis: The Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines are as follows: Watercourse Protection Development Permit Guidelines: A. Watercourse Protection Area Establishment: Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks have endorsed the proposed watercourse protection boundaries as shown on the District's Streamside Setback Map. Setbacks from Anderson Creek and its tributaries have been established in conjunction with the District's Streamside Setback Map. 2. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. -2- The watercourse protection area has been dedicated as Park as a condition of zoning. The applicant will be constructing a nature trail through this dedicated park land as a condition of zoning the site. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. A BCLS has located the watercourse protection area on the ground. 4. Temporary barrier fencing will be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and should be replaced with permanent post and rail fence upon development completion. A temporary barrier fence will be installed adjacent to the watercourse protection area as part of this Development Approval process. This will be replaced with a permanent post and rail fence upon completion of the development. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. All lots meeE the required minimum lot dimensions as noted B. Erosion Control: 6. All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410 -2006. The developer/applicant's Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (Appendix B) is in accordance with the requirements of the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No 6410-2006; and • In support of watercourse protection, a signed letter from the engineer of record has been submitted with assurances that the storm water management plan for the site will meet the DFO Urban Storm water standards for water velocity, volume, and water quality. Temporary fencing should be erected to prevent any encroachment or disturbance into the watercourse protection area prior to any clearing or construction on the site. This is a requirement of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and a Watercourse Protection Development Permit site plan has been submitted demonstrating compliance with these requirements. -3- Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structural fill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the OCP. A grading plan has been prepared and submitted to the District in support of the development. The timing of the cutting and filling is confined to within the Fisheries window and outside critical bird nesting periods. 9. The District may require environmental impact studies, enhancement works, and monitoring in support of development proposed to be located within a Watercourse Protection Area. Supporting documentation, technical studies, and recommendations with respect to impacts of the proposed development may include the following: A geotechnical slope stability and erosion control report; A flood protection report; C. A groundwater impact assessment report; Wildlife habitat assessment report; Vegetation impact assessment report; and A trail plan. • In support of the above, the following reports were required and have been received; • A geotechnical and erosion control report, • An Environmental assessment which includes Wildlife and Vegetation assessment, • A trail plan. (Appendix C) • Storm water management plan & erosion sediment control plan C. Vegetation Management: 10. Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimum disruptions to the. environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. The conservation area has been protected through Park dedication. A fence will be installed along the property line to define the clearing limitations. An Arborist report with recommendations for retention of significant trees has been subm itted for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area. The general trail location has been established with the assistance of the Environmental Planner and Manager of Parks/Open space along with the Environmental Consultant. The exact trail location will be determined in the filed to ensure minimal impact on the environment and it will be constructed as a nature traiL Security for it has been provided at the zoning stage. 11. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the -. watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species should be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. • A significant amount of vegetation will be protected within the watercourse protection area which is dedicated as park -4- • A enhancement plans for water course improvement adjacent to Anderson Creek has been prepared by ECL Environwest Consultants Limited on Drawing under 3832041 (Appendix D). Security to do the works in the amount of $13,200.00 is required. Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area should have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the Districts stormwater management plans. • The applicant/developer shall provide copies of all necessary approvals (and supporting inform ation) from senior agencies for all new storm water outfalls located within setback areas. • A letter of confirmation from the engineer of record has been received stating that his storm water management plan meets DFO storm water management standards for volume, velocity, and water quality as required by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. D. Monitoring: The implementation and maintenance of environmental mitigative controls or measures approved by the District are to be monitored by a qualified environmental monitor. Environmental monitoring will be a key element of the development of this site. ECL Enviro west Consultants will be the environmental monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Monitoring will occur daily during construction in rainfall events, and weekly at all other times during the construction period to ensure compliance with the permit. A record of all monitoring data shall be made available to the District upon request. • The Environmental Monitor has been provided with written authority to modify and/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006. The erosion and sediment control works approved by the engineer of record and the environmental monitor, shall be inspected, maintained and operated by the property owner and/or contractor performing the construction work set out in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan until a Certflcate of Acceptance has been issued by Director of Development Engineering or an Occupancy Permit has been issued by the Building Department. Staff has reviewed the guidelines established for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant. Performance Security: In support of the restoration works required in or around Anderson Creek the amount of security that will be required is $13,200.00. Performance security for site development will be achieved through provisions of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. -5- e) Interdepartmental Implications: Department of Fisheries and Oceans The setbacks for this watercourse have been dedicated as Parkiand in conjunction with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the District as a condition of rezoning these lands. 1) Citizen/Customer Implications: Until Council has authorized a development permit the applicant will be unable to begin site preparation for subdivision SD/005/06. g) Financial Implications: A refundable security totaling $13,200.00 will be required for restoration and enhancement related works as noted above. CONCLUSION: The applicant has provided the information as set out in the Council Policy for Environmental Protection. It is recommended that DP/005106 be approved. Prepared by: - Gay McMillan Planning Technician Approved by: Ja( Pickering, MCP, MCIP Iiirector of Planning 4t( Approved/iy: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP G . Public ks & Development Services Concurrence: J. 4 (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer GM/dp J The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Erosion Control Plan Appendix C - Planting Plan Appendix D —Trail Plan 110 I' vtS1P RIDGE .JL2J IBAAVE District of 1 13935 & 14041 232 STREET -__Dowmuwn CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF N ngIey I MAPLE RIDGE N'IAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,757 11 lV9r DATE: Aug 23, 2006 FILE: DP/005106 BY: PC MAX. LIMIT OF CLEARING ALONG 10m DEEP DITCH TO BE LOCATED IN FIELD PROPERTY LINES. (TYP.) TO PROTECT EX. VEGETATION, DPXXX 50m SETBACK RIP RAP EX. OUTFALL WITH / LINES FROM UNNAMED 150mm ROCK FOR I SRJATION CONTROL TRIBUTARY. ROSION CONTROL. IFF k. NCING(TY /1 \ Conr ESA ING Park fr .42 TO BE PPAS / —AF Joe 00 cmSs / 1 - AEAXOBV \ \. •.. - AREAT Pilisew'EWO - PRESERIEO AL 1 7.50 - w e 4. I ' IJ I 10 DIRECTION I39AAVE INROAD EXFILTRATIONJ, OVERLAND FLOW / 1 \DRAIE cAIIFRY (____ I ________ . DIVIDE / . IPRECAST HEADWALL FOR 300mm 01 rsOm SETBACK OUTFALL c/w ENERGY DISSAPATOR ILINE ANDERSONj AND 1 50mm RIP RAP AT OUTLET. 1CREEK J NOTES: ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE GRADED & SEEDED TO MINIMIZE EROSION A.S.A.P. ALL SILTATION CONTROL AS PER WATERCOURSE BYLAW c/w ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING BY EN VIRO WE ST 1 ON LOT EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL GUIDELINES TO APPLY. O.K. BOWINS & ASSOCiATES . ORAAR UN I . ONES ANDERSON CHECKEC WEST END ORb APPRO//ED AUGUSTS6 FIELD BOOK DP X)O( APPLICATION & 8955 CAIRO SI//COT. A/S//OR. B.0 V45 lAS SCALES 9:1250 TREE CUTTING APPLICATION 10F2 KI 926-0399 FAX 825-3316 I 232 STREET AND 139 AVENUE 59 No. MAX. LIMIT OF CLEARING ALONG PROPERTY LINES. (TYP.) DIRECTION \ Future Conceptual ESA Setback OVERLAND FLOW Dill Set (ri') ____ DPXXX LINES TA L ING PARK DO 25 : - BIQnLTR 28 PARK 26 I €. 4 Park A _ L7'iF1 #HJ - . .-. N . / I i.'•' -- -' °°-r • ESA TREES AND SLOPE BE PRESEoINI 743~~o 1 - -7 :ESA N DPXXX ( - SETBACI< LINES SILTATION CONTROL .-- -- NOTES: FENCING. .... 1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE GRADED & SEEDED TO MINIMIZE EROSION A.S.A,P. 2, ALL SILTATION CONTROL AS PER WATERCOURSE BYLAW c/w ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING BY r EN VIRO WE ST. 3. ON LOT EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL GUIDELINES TO APPLY. DRAW LIM ANDERSON D.K. BOWINS & ASSOCIATESInc. DESIGNED 0KB CHECKED EAST ki DOI APPROVED . AUG&JSTBE6 8955 EMIRY STREET, BISSION. B.0 VHS IA6 FIELD BOOK CALES I DP XXX APPLICATION & SH2 PH S 11250 326-4395 FAX. 826-3316 TREE CUTTING APPLICATION . . 232 STREET& I39AVENUE ME ':4W Park 24.319.2 m2 9'o ' 7 P.o4 :495A \ 16 15 ,n2 838.0 m iIIIIII - ---I NOTE: CENTERLINE OF TRAIL MARKED BY GREEN AND WHIT'E FLAGGING AND IN MOST CASES A WOOD LATHE WITH A NUMBER ON IT Plan 1UP14128 13 592.9 m2 12 498,4 m2 11 424.2 m2 33 3018.0 m2 SL B \\ '-)i_ 451.0m2 10 co 0 SL4 32 30 w • 600.8m2 31 -tj € Lk%i SL C 5983 373.7 m2 CL COLLAW in - 17 \ 'I I SL1SL 2 I SL3 PARK I' I' I ' \5195m2 \ / 757.6 548.5 m2 SLA 648.9 m2 29 LOCATION SCALE 1:1500 N PLAN A IJN')j - -. 1YPICAL CONTAINER (No.7 P01) TREE PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. IYPICAL CONTAINER SHRUB AND No.2 POT TREE PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. I33,IsI33eflS3. € • -- L&TVO(Uk - 37 - II, - Sn _13_t3. 13. N * lS'3 .IMV IS th pfrt ,•7 -- ---- ---S 2--I- -I- 2*m -I- '3. 23333. —I--- Um --S 3M- 1M211.,331321 Mfl3.N 3.It.s2334flItMDt.IO4flb# a - 2 M*SWbtStI.SW3.b,&S.433t3.2. I 4.33b3.H33.â ap.....str.b.0 33fl.113(3dt33.7t 13.3W53.2331313.2 PROGRESSIVE CO I N3.NM.IS..bSdw tnk S • rslwtmo Ø—S{N33—S) 3.33* S. S.es(TS I.Il nSIIN 3.e..1353.S • ANDERSON CREE d2SI33*73 N.* IS 3. (32..(5M.*3. 33333 IAanIa P LOG ON LOG DETAIL N.T.S. —] rrr - - LOG ON GROUND DETAIL N.T.S. .3333 3.33 .3.p.*n*Sb REFERENCE DRAWNG ESINI. FEB 54 2S ,s3.o.333.0. F33331 & OS.ENI, R.sIv,d F&Sy SE. M. AlMn J. D.M. -0 (0 5 x vi CORPORATION OF THE /.! Nwhh' - MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: 2007 03 08 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Fees and Charges EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Each year a survey is conducted to establish where our admission rates are compared with nine similar recreation facilities in the lower mainland. We survey the same facilities each year and the results are attached. The Parks and Leisure Services Commission has reviewed and concurs with the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6470 - 2007 be read a first, second and third time. DISCUSSION Background Context: Each year the Leisure Centre admission fees are reviewed from the standpoint of affordability for our customers and how we rate with other facilities to determine where the market place is at. in most categories our fees fall in the high end of the range and are above average. Consequently staff are not recommending an increase in the categories where this is the case. Having said that, Leisure Centre student and senior citizen fees are lower than the average. In the case of the student category our current single admission fee is $3.25 while the average of the pools surveyed is $3.40. In the case of the senior citizen admission category our fee is $2.95 while the average is $3.50. in many cases the student and senior citizen category are set at the same level. Consequently staff are recommending an increase to Leisure Centre Admission rates to $3.40 for both groups. The Commission considered whether or not to phase the increase for seniors over two years but felt the actual increase of $.45 per admission is reasonable and should be implemented if we have fallen behind, particularly since seniors can purchase bulk tickets and seasonal or annual passes at much reduced rates. Of course those who have difficulty with the fees are also eligible to apply to the participation program for further admission fee subsidies. Desired Outcome(s): The desired outcome is for admission fees to be affordable and fair in relation to other similar facilities. Those who cannot afford the regular admission rates due to their financial circumstances may apply for a fee subsidy within the participation program. Strategic Alignment: Keeping our fees at an appropriate level will help to ensure our facilities can continue to operate at an appropriate level. //v6/ Citizen/Customer Implications: For most patrons there will be no increase while a minimal increase is proposed for students and a larger increase proposed for seniors to achieve the standard applicable in several neighbouring communities. Interdepartmental Implications: None. 1) Business Plan/Financial Implications: If the number of admissions remain the same after the rate increase the changes noted will result in increased revenues. Although the increased revenue is minimal it is felt appropriate to implement inciases in smaller amounts more frequently than to wait for several years and then implement a larger more significant increase. Policy Implications: No significant changes to the policy are anticipated and to ensure sufficient advance notice to groups affected by rate increases. Alternatives: Council may wish to consider not making any changes to the fee structure this year since the last adjustment was in April of 2006. A larger increase to the student and senior categories could be made the next time all rates are increased. CONCLUSIONS: Leisure Centre admissions are currently within the market range, with the exception of student and senior rates. Maintaining the affordability of this facility for citizens encourages access while rate increases offset operating costs. Rate reviews require a balanced consideration of both factors for the continued success of this facility. -i - .-- Prepaed fIijy—, Leis'triCeni'è Manager _7' ( Approved hy. Kelly Swift, / I Ditector of R4reation Approved; by: Mike Mirray,/ Genera1/11anager Community Development Parks and Recreation Concurrence urn) Rule Administrative Officer 2006.2007 Adminslon Roles for Leisure Pools Child Student Adult Senior Family Parent I Tol 2004 105 2006 12007 i[20051 2006 1 2004[ 2006 2006 2007 2004 2005 20061 2007 2007/0 2004 !i 200612007 2004 2005 I 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 200512006 2004 2005 120061 I ~2_ 2 OSJ i_1 Tis L765 1.9J 225 L 45 255 220 245 J_ 255 260 200 210 210 J 205 225 240 240 255 205 250 250 50 2_J 240 [[ 265 II 1111 310 350 325J 3701 390J 390 385 330 340 400 370 380 300 385 27513001300 j__ 400 205 1 315 353 375 305 300 300 309j 355 I coo L000 280 280 2951 350 10 [go L51s1425 Ios 1465 400 500 485 495 500 505 350 L5J_iI 525 480 485 475 500 510 500 509 500 5151 /s1..I]Ij3o1 _j32o 330 370 300 380 385 250 [320 320J 400 315 320 375 385 400 400 400 412 3j_360 3801 7j _T... LT. F 75 L2~ 990 1075 245 pa 2 SOpe 255e4 2 6Onu 700 L!50 usoL._ - 2 ooporj2 4Ope - 740 pa 255 pa 2 55 /000 1250 1250 1288 f10 50 _1066 500500 5251 ..__. 520 26204 26504126004 540 I I Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge By-law No. 6470 - 2007 A By-law to amend Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees By-law No. 4117 - 1988 as amended. WHEREAS the Council, may by by-law establish and regulate the fixing of fees for admissions andlor use of sports, recreation and community use facilities; AND WHEREAS, the Council has imposed fees and now wishes to amend those fees; NOW THERFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 6470 - 2007". That Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees By-law No. 4117 - 1988 as amended, be further amended by deleting Schedule "F" and replacing with Schedule "F" as attached hereto; This By-law shall come into force and effect as of April 1,2007. READ a first time the day of , 2007. READ a second time the day of ,2007. READ a third time the day of 5 2007. RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of 1 2007. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER Attachment: Schedule"F" Corporation of the District f Maple Ridge BY-LAW No. 4117 - 1988 Schedule "F" 6470 - 2007 ADMISSION FEES EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2007 Child Student Adult Senior Family Parent & Tot Business Single 10 Pass 20 Pass I Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year 2.65 23.85 42.40 26.50 67.58 127.20 254.40 3.40 30.60 54.60 35.00 86.00 160.00 320.00 5.25 1 47.25 84.00 52.50 133.88 252.00 504.00 3.40 30.60 54.60 35.00 86.00 160.00 320.00 9.20 82.80 147.20 92.00 234.60 441.60 883.20 5.25 47.25 1 84.00 1 52.50 1 133.88 1 252.00 1 504.00 7.05 1 Definition of a "Family" as of February 1, 2004 is: "One or two adults related by blood, marriage or common-law, with or without their own children or grandchildren under the age of 19."