HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-02 - Committee of the Whole - Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A GENDA April 2, 2007 1:00p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review and debate of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to stafffor more information or clar/Ication. Note: If required, there will be a 15-minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS - Nil PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SER VICES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 RZ/007105, 24176, 24198 and 24234 104 Avenue, First Extension Staff report dated March 19, 2007 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ1007105. 1102 RZ/082/06, 11384 and 11410 Burnett Street, RS-3 to RM-1 Staff report dated March 23, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6453-2006 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6454-2006 to permit a townhouse development of 19 units, be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing. Committee of the Whole Agenda April 2, 2007 Page 2 of 4 1103 VP/005/06, 13935 and 14041 232 Street Staff report dated March 15, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/005/06 to vary the R- 1 (Residential District) zone front and rear setbacks and height will be considered by Council at the April 24, 2007 meeting. 1104 DP/007/07, 20180 liSA Avenue Staff report dated March 21, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/007/07 to permit construction of an industrial building and that the discharge of the design and servicing covenant from lands within the Maple Meadows Industrial Park be approved. 1105 Race the Ridge 2007 Bike Race Staff report dated March 2, 2007 recommending that the use of municipal streets be authorized for the Race the Ridge 2007 Bike Race on April 28, 2007 and April 29, 2007. 1106 2007 Heart and Stroke Big Bike Ride Staff report dated March 23, 2007 recommending that the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 2007 Heart and Stroke Big Bike Ride on April 27, 2007. 1107 Purchase of Six Recycling Trucks Staff report dated March 14, 2007 recommending that the tender for the replacement of four (with option for six) single axle low profile recycling trucks, complete with recycling body, be awarded to Freightliner of Vancouver Ltd. 1108 Sewer Equipment - Vacuum Excavator Staff report dated March 14, 2007 recommending that the tender for the purchase of one sewer vacuum excavator be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. Committee of the Whole Agenda April 2, 2007 Page 3 of4 FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SER VICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended February 28, 2007 Staff report dated March 16, 2007 recommending that the disbursements for the month ended February 28, 2007 be approved. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTAND RECREATION SER VICES 1151 Katzie Memorandum of Understanding for Blue Mountain Staff report dated March 16, 2007 recommending that the Mayor and the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to execute the draft Memorandum of Understanding with the Katzie First Nation concerning Blue Mountain attached to the report. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 OTHER ISSUES 1181 ADJOURNMENT Committee of the Whole Agenda April 2, 2007 Page4of4 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to speak with Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221 or by e-mail at tfrver(mapleridge.org Checked by. Date: n AIL%"t I 20*m*ft.~ CORPORATION OF TILE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 19, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/007/05 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Extension 24176, 24198 and 24234 104 AVE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. This application is to permit a subdivision for the construction of 32 single family dwellings under the R-3 Special Amenity Residential District zone. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ1007105 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Registration of a restrictive covenant to place the preliminary geotechnical report on title; Park dedication as required; Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement, including the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement to address the provision of sanitary and storm sewer to serve the site; Provision must be made in the Rezoning Servicing Agreement for a walkway connection through the development south to 103A Avenue and connecting to the existing sidewalk on 241B Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Symphony Development Corporation Owners: Symphony Development Corporation Shminder S. Johal Gurjeet S Johal Legal Descriptions: Parcels E & F of Lot 2, Plan 7292 and Lot 37 of Plan 41519, all of Section 3, TP 12, NWD OCP: Existing: Medium Density Residential, Conservation Proposed: Medium Density Residential, Conservation -1- HN Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential, Conservation Park RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Conservation Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Vacant Residential 1.98 hectares New road from 104 Avenue To be provided at rezoning and with subdivision None This application is to permit rezoning to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to allow subdivision of the subject properties into approximately 32 single family lots. An Intensive Residential Development Permit is required to establish guidelines for the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage. A Watercourse Protection Development Permit is required for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the watercourse and ripanan areas. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaws 6390 - 2006 and 6389 - 2006: • The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on February 28, 2006; • First Reading was granted February 28, 2006 • Public Hearing was held March 21, 2006; • Second and Third reading was granted on March 28, 2006. Since the 2006 Official Community Plan has now been adopted by Council, OCP Amending Bylaw 6389 - 2006 is no longer required. Application Progress: New owners purchased the property in 2006 and the new applicant has proposed a revised subdivision plan that provides an increased setback from the watercourse, improved site grading, and reduced the proposed number of lots from 34 to 32. The area of proposed Park dedication for the protection of the watercourse and surrounding riparian area has increased as a result of these changes. The applicant is -2- also working towards meeting the requirements of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit and the Intensive Residential Development Permit. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: grant the request for extension; deny the request for extension; or repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. CONCLUSION: The applicant has been pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a one year extension. It is anticipated that within the next few months final consideration will be applied for. %epared by: Ann Ethiards, CPT ri, MBA, P. Eng Works & Development Services JI.J'im) Rule Chief Administrative Officer /ae The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix I: Subject Map Appendix II: First Reading Report Appendix Ill: Revised Subdivision Plan -3- IN qt PARK PARK BCP 9309 LMP 35915 t/_ 7cZXk7C II I72l I ,azssl a'sJ —C law 18 ,a'g I [ 56 57 1 iawj ______ _____ 17 p3 3f4 1J403938 1 I P1 10 02ji p 107 ' .., Z !'a [i4 o9h4192 I' LAJ LLLi LLLI _______ ___ 102 B AVE. WI I1) 102 B AVE. (I 1J1 I I F3 Z;'J~ ilI: 32 LiZI 8 I 41t2it 4145j46141 I D 48057 PARK F APPENDIX I 10921 P 10921 P 66684 P 10921 P 60927T 4 3 14 15 1 11 I - 104 AVE. 104 AN • '-.7 T •• "1 4 K 35( 36137138 l P 9393 P 20434 t2 I I BC Ini OJ *PP017 I I- C £ F 37 38 103 A AVE. It) 0 -4. 0. 7034 28 . 25 29 9 P1519 5 a . --- • ' r 0. 2 70.12 70.X?4 wJ7s 103A RrP 1 01 0 DAIt - ., MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING 1•., Bylaw No. 6390-2006 Map No. 1365 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: R-3(Special Amenity Residential District) zom On A -MAPLE RIDGE 1:2500 APPENDIX II 6ift!CORPORATION OF THE ___ DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: February 6, 2006 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZJ007/05 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6389 - 2006 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6390 - 2006 24176, 24198 & 24234 104 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received for an Official Community Plan Amendment to re-designate the subject property from Compact Housing 30 to Compact Housing 40 and to rezone the lands from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), to allow for subdivision into approximately 34 one family residential lots having an area of not less than 213 m 2. A further amendment to the Official Community Plan is proposed to place the lands within Development Permit Area XLI to address the form and character of this intensive single family development. An amendment to the Official Community Plan will also be required to add lands to the Conservation designation area based on more site specific survey information. RECOMMENDATIONS: That, acknowledging that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6389 - 2006 has been considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan, Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6389 - 2006 be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing; That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6390 - 2006 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. Registration of a restrictive covenant to place the preliminary geotechnical report on title; Park dedication as required; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of a security as outlined in the Agreeme.it to address provision of sanitary sewer and storm sewer to serve the site; iv) Provision being made in the Rezoning development Agreement for a walkway connection through the development south to 103 Avenue and connecting to the existing sidewalk on 241B Street. DISCUSSION: Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: Project Description: Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. Randhawa Development Ltd. Lot E & F, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 7292, and Lot 37, Section NW3, Township 12, Plan 41519, NWD Compact Housing (30 Units Per Net Ha), Conservation Compact Housing (40 Units Per Net Ha), Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Compact Housing (30 upnha) Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Compact Housing (40 upnha) Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Compact Housing (30 upnha) Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Compact Housing (40 upnha) Residential Residential 1.98 HA New road from 104 Avenue To be provided for at rezoning and with subdivision None The subject site is 1.98 hectares in size and is comprised of an assembly of three properties. The application is for an Official Community Plan Amendment to re-designate the site to Compact Housing (40 upnh) from Compact Housing (30 upnh) and to rezone the site to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to allow for its subdivision and subsequent development into approximately thirty four (34) single family lots. No existing buildings will be retained. The net density of development will be approximately 26 units per net hectare however the Compact Housing (40 upnh) designation is required to utilize the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone since a number of the lots proposed to be created would not conform to zones permitted under the current Compact Housing (30 upnh) designation. Other corresponding Official Community Plan Amendments will be required to place the lands into Development. Permit Area.XLL.an order that development on the lands will be subject to the form and -2- character guidelines in this development permit area. A re-designation to add a portion of the lands to the Conservation .iesignation will be required to reflect the actual boundary basedon survey information. The subdivision layout proposes a new access road from 104 Avenue and a new east-west road in keeping with the advance plan for the area. A lane will provide access to the lots fronting 104 Avenue and one bank of interior lots. Lots backing onto the environmental setback will access the new road. The environmental setback will be dedicated as "Park" as part of the rezoning process. The subdivision layout provides for the orderly future subdivision of the lands to the east and west which are not part of this application. The subdivision will involve fairly extensivexegradingworl andietainingwail..constuicüonto create building sites, facilitate road construction on 104 Avenue and the new proposed road. These aspects will be 4ke4at taiLtbroughthesubdivisionprooe.. However, to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the subdivision layout the applicants have supplied a preliminary lot grading plan and associated geotechnical report to address re-grading and ensure land stability. It is recommended that the geotechnical report be placed on title at the rezoning stage for information purposes in the event the lands are sold before development occurs. The applicants have also supplied a znanagcmpl and an iirboristreport in support of their subdivision proposal. The storm water management plan proposes a new outfall to the tributary of Mainstone creek and the arborist report suggests some limited tree retention possibilities along the rear of the lots backing onto the environmental setback. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject lands are proposed for re-designation on Schedule B to the Official Community Plan from Compact Housing (30 upnh) to Compact Housing (40 upnh). The lands were proposed for this designation in the draft new Official Community Plan and therefore considered suitable for this use at that time. The property directly to the west of the subject lands are designated Compact Housing (40 upnh) as are lands to the south and further to the east at 244 Street. Re-designation of the lands seems a natural progression of this type of density and zoning south of 104 Avenue and east to the Conservation Area designation. Furthermore, it is noted that this particular subdivision will not reach densities of 40 units per net hectare given the conservation area dedication and the lot layout which generally results in lots larger than the minimum prescribed 213 m2 for this zone. Schedules A and H of the Official Community Plan will also be amended to include the subject lands in Development Permit Area XLI to address intensive residential development in the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone. It will also be necessary to amend Schedule B of the Official Community Plan to reflect the actual Conservation boundary based on more recent survey information provided by the applicants. Zoning Bylaw: The application is to rezone the lands to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) which allows for lots with a minimum parcel size of 213 m2. This zone is utilized for intensive residential development and will be subject to the form and character guidelines of Development Permit Area XLI. Under the proposed subdivision plan the lots will range in size from 314 m2 to 560 m2 with an.gyrage..loie....of ajproximate1y 383 m2 The areato-be designated Conservation and subsequently dedicated "P&k' is 0250.hectares (0.acresor about 12.5 percent of the lands. -3- Development Permits: This site will be subject to development permit areas as follows: Development permit XXX The site is subject to Development the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment. Prior to doing any works within 50 metres of the tributary to Mainstone Creek, located on the property to the south, it will be necessary for the applicants to secure a development permit which addresses the objectives and guidelines of Development Permit Area XXX. Under the Development Permit the developer will be required to post a security for habitat protection in compliance with Councils Performance Security for Environmental Protection Policy. The habitat protection area has been established in accordance with the Districts Streamside Setback Map and will be as part of the rezoning process. This will meet the Approving Officer's requirement under Section 941 of the Local Government Act as it relates to the provision of parkland at the subdivision stage. Development Permit Area XLI The site will be placed into the form and character of development on the lands. The applicant has provided some preliminary examples of proposed homes on several of the lots to give an indication of intent. More detailed architectural, landscaping and site grading plans will be required at the development permit stage to more accurately reflect the intended development. The development permit will address design guidelines for the site including: • Site Circulation Building Form and character Landscaping of private space Prior to issuance of any building permits, Council will review and consider approval of a Development Permit that details the above. Development Permit Area XXVI The site is within Development Permit Area XXVI. This Development Permit Area was established to address protection of the natural environment and was based on an environmental assessment prepared by Resource Systems Management International (RSMI). That report identified portions of this site as having High Sensitivity. The Guideline section of the Development Permit states that: "That an assessment will be required of development proposals in areas designated High Environmental sensitivity areas of Albion as ident/ied in the Resource Systems Management International report dated June 1993 and as modified during the Albion Public Review Process." (eoteohnical and Environmental assessment*,havobeen provided with this application. It also states that a Development Permit is not required: -4- "If a development is consistent with Official Community Plan Policies #52 to #56 and a Watercourse Preservation Development Permit is obtained." The Official Community Plan Bylaw 4 167-1989 was amended in 1996, the Environmental Policies, being #52456 are now contained in the Environmental and Natural Resources section as Policy #3 to #10 in the amended Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 5434-1996. Policies #3 to #10 have been considered and addressed as applicable in the preparation of the plans for this development. A Development Permit XXX for Watercourse Preservation .wi1Lbe required.. Therefore, Development Permit XXVi is not required. - Development Information Meetin2: A Development Jnformation meeting was held on October 20, 2005 at the Maple Ridge Lawn Bowling Club. Three people attended the meeting and one comment sheet was submitted. The comment sheet mainly addressed details of site development, road construction, servicing, fencing, and handling of storm water, all of which will be considered and addressed by staff through the subdivision and development permit processes. The comment sheet also raised the suggestion of a walkway at the south end of this subdivision which would cross the creek and connect to 103 Avenue. This was a suggestion staff was considering given the fact that some of the road connections through this area were eliminated due to necessary creek crossings and their environmental implications. In addition, a walkway in this location would be beneficial given the location of the proposed new elementary school on the north side of 104 Avenue and the future commercial node at 102 and 241A Street. In looking at the proposal in more detail, it was determined that the connection through the park lands to the south was physically possible with minimal impact on the lot layout and the watercourse and is certainly desirable from a connectivity perspective. It may also potentially result in a reduction of vehicle trips in this area. The standard of walkway through the park land would be sensitive to the nature of the area and be subject to approval of the Environmental Planner and the Manager of Parks and Open Space. A plan has therefore been developed which connecting to the proposed sidewalks in the development. The walkway would then continue south through parkiand to 103 Avenue. Since there is no sidewalk on the north side of 103 Avenue a sidewalk extension to an existing sidewalk on 241B Street will be needed. It is recommended that the walkway be included as a condition of this rezoning and provided for in the Rezoning Development Agreement. The Parks and Leisure Services Department advises that they consider this walkwaytoeavonnectn Therefore they consider maintenance of this walkway to be the responsibility of Engineering Operations as is the case for all neighbourhood walkway connections Regardless, a budget for the maintenance of the walkway will be required. CitizenlCustomer Implications: Development of this site will establish the road layout for the lands in keeping with the advance plan for the area. The development will also result in thepgrading.oi.th s,portion d-cittenlion -ofthe-sanitary-sewer4o4he.se. An important walkway connection will be provided to improve the connectivity for pedestrians through this area generally and to the future elementary school beyond. Interdepartmental Implications: EnEineering Department: -5- The Engineering Department advises that not all of the services required to facilitate the development are in place at this time. Therefore it will be necessary for the applicant to enter into aRezoning Development Agreement and post a security to do the works."adentified in that agreement with the District prior toThi'l reading of the relevant bylaws. The Agreement will address matters pertaining to storm water management and a sanitary sewer extension to the site. The Engineering Department has also noted the requirement fora temporaiy turnaround at thewest end of the new roadince it-will be a dead end until lands to the west develop. It is anticipated that earthw.orks.and retammg wa1ls to facilitate;lthe4sUbdwlsion will be the 'sponsibiityoi4e deyioper prior to sgning of 4he subdivis pplanin order.±hat..tbeyare in place i,efore'the4otse created andpotentially sold to-inthvidualbuilders. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional 34 trees which is based on one tree per lot. The final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $850.00. Fire Department: The Fire Department has raised no objection to this application for rezoning. Intergovernmental Issues: School District Comments: The subject site falls within the catchment area for the Albion Elementary School. That school is currently at capacity and therefore it will be necessary for those elementary students generated by this development to go to another school that has capacity. The High school students will go to Garibaldi Senior Secondary School or Samuel Robertson Technical School. Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendments required for this application, are considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial PlanlCapital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no significant impact. Environmental Implications: A tributary of Mainstone Creek lies to the south of the lands on adjacent property. A 15 metre environmental setback from the tributary is required and will encroach into the subject property. The -6- portion of this 15 metre area that falls within the subject lands will be dedicated for PARK as part of the rezoning process. The District currently owns the lands directly to the south down to 103 Avenue. The applicants have supplied an environmental assessment outlining site characteristics. As mentioned earlier, approval of a Development Permit will be required prior to any land disturbance within 50 metres of the top of the bank of the watercourse. As part of their, storm water management plan The pplicants are TT9posing an all to the tributary to Mainstone Creek. The applicants will be required tonotif' and secure thenecessary authorizations from the Ministry of Environment and Fisheries and Oceans Canada which will require compliance with their best management practices. CONCLUSION: With the amendments to the Official Community Plan proposed, the development would be in compliance with Official Community Plan policy. The preliminary subdivision layout is technically feasible and preliminary plans have been provided to indicate development intent. It is therefore recommended that first reading be given to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 6389 - 2006 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 6390 - 2006 and that the application be forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Ken Mclaren A pl, r ~ov e d ~by: J.;4ke Piake—rig,-A.VP, MCIP je, W Approved by: / Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP / GM: Public Works & Deve(opmdnt Services Concurrence: J.1L. (Jim) Rule ghief Administrative Officer KMfbjc / The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - subject property map Appendix B - subdivision layout Appendix C - OCP Amending Bylaw Appendix D - Zone Amending Bylaw HIM P666 14 15 P10921 1 P10921 4 P10921 3 P60927 11 104 AVE. 4 K P 9393 P20434 104 AVE. 47 v3735 -39T44 BCF 193 S JBJECTPRCPERTIES 10 11 12 13 14 15 C E F 37 38 ___ 1O3AAVE. '-3-' NOTE 1I4pIn U cs..o.piod 0.47. Is ..A4ed 0 &4n 0 - 05.450.54909050497 .pinop4.1. n.nnk054. 4.glo.siI. .547.4.5490500770.055•54055.51. .g.nd... r54 .nAoo.e.nTOI. 9.olndo45.T .nd..4.o..osn...,TI. • Le54I end Iopog,9nd 405005 tine ,i,o.y and .SIe34i5.nI. 594,4.4151905,7405*755.73505 S.957 In1., 01. • OthnoI .4. eng,451In, ,eq,Ao.no.N, .d50 oN497o • 570577.95.54954.59.0 39049.Oi05iii 00.4 4945.400 90ofr,n,.540. • Enofro. woifly .*SSC,. n74sl sot I.*.N ,.pjfr..nonI,, - 5754..0y .701/50510073*045005*707*330. 734.$.n ISIS. pSOr3*37V 95 Ave, & 51.4, Cooseen35 3.51.04 705173030.3*9554054047.4 705 .553 0959007, fro*,,459 po.n'o*o.. .4.7051.54 .0.43/on 744.o,4.4.00penn49otnn PROPOSED SURDIVISIOOA SIAN ADDRESS: 24176, 24198, 24234 - 104 Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC GROSS SITE AREA: 24176- 104 Ave: approx. 4040 m2 24198- 104 Ave: approx. 8090 ni2 24234- 104 Ave: approx. 8150 m2 Total: approx. 2.03 ha 15.01 acres NET DEVELOPABLE AREA: Net 0ev. Area: approx. 1.34 ha 13.31 sic (excludes road dedication and environmental setbacks) Road Dedication: approx. 0.44 he /1.08 sic Env. Setback: approx. 0.25 ha 10.62 sic CURRENT ZONiNG: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) CURRENT OCP DESIGNATION: CH 30 - Compact Housing 30 units per net hectare and Conservation PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: R-3 (SpecIal Amenity Residential) CH 40 - Compact Housing 40 unIts per net hoc. 34 Single Detached Lots 104 Avenue 134.09 059 055 I04 1055 I 1055 io55 5055 055 5053 1055 l59 . i 1 2] 3 4 Soo 5J 6 7 8 gjlo 11 'a-n 35451 Dfl 55540 15547 5,51 334._A 51 5050 5055 10.00 7,74S' to --' •_.. - lisi- ,os, os. io.o ,O.Ab .oio .0.6 j t•iceIJtuaI FLIture Future 12 13 1516 '9 20 2 22 ROAD iIe Possible ' I Development Development 991 I 3543 4714 - . to . . N si 30S - ci to 55.51 0.55 PLAN 64 ROAD 9 PLAN 47379 ) S tOP. PLAN 10J59 iÔiO ... iT ''1 I it . 54 1 23 24 25s: 26. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ° 34 374,51 340o.0 45, 407.0 . 445,n5 .. 3305,0 345404 . 751.00 492.2 494,n2 090.4 4.903,90 Environmental ----. II 797J•, Setback 134.87 PLAN acvw,o .. Watercourse PLAN ACP#XQ PLAN LA33616 "UNN Rn74Me. 0000lov.renl EtA. - SIngle DSLSCISOA Reoldentlol 0077IOplT3ent 24116. 24996. 24234- 704 Avenoe. M.gAe Ridge. OC W-PNJ\Y - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6389 - 2006. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 6389 - 2006." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "E"(Explanatory Plan 10359), Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 7279, New Westminster District And Parcel "F" (Explanatory Plan 9473), Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 7292, New Westminster District And Lot 37, Section 3, Towhship 12, Plan 41519, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line are hereby redesignated to Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) and that portion shown hatched is hereby redesignated to Conservation, as shown on Map No. 720, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding theThllowing in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XLI in the Appendix: Parcel "E"(EP 10359), and Parcel "F" (EP 9473) both of Lot 2, Plan 7279 & Lot 37, Plan 41519, all of Sec. 3, Tp. 12, NWD (RZ/007/05) Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "E"(Explanatory Plan 10359), Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 7279, New Westminster District And Parcel "F" (Explanatory Plan 9473), Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 7292, New Westminster District And Lot 37, Section 3, Towhship 12, Plan 41519, New Westminster District ( *RieOffi P2 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 721, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit AreaXLI (26) on Schedule "H" 5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. PUBLIC REARING HELD the day of , A.D. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. REAl) A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of , A.D. MAYOR CLERK 10921 P 10921 P 66684 P 10921 P 60927 4 3 14 15 1 11 Ii 104 AVE. rM 104 AVE. '4 0N•N , Ii I 4 K 135 I 361 371 3 Ri P 9393 P 20434 0 34913 . cU PP017 rffl LiJ 1!i I C E F 37 38 7 03 A AVE. ta) 29 25 2 0) p isig 5 27 _ —s-- —z------- _____ 7032 _ 70324 10379 BCP 10 1 0 PARK 1 PARK ;° 8 iarij 70XY 103 48057 PARK PARK BCP 9309 LMP 35918 F2 7& _____ PARK °r ______ c129 _____ 1zixg 7029 / I ,a29210 I lim C29I ic J5 I I 53IJ5 56J'7J j702ao M I t _______ _____ I a2 i êA _LJ 7 -s' - . t-4 ____ -- " ___ I IN I 1381371361 35134 33 (4f43Ir4i 40 39 38 CY Ia, '0 F7g IN 9 8l43152I I l J, I') 102BAVE. I028AVE. Rj 4171 1 ,32 31 1 2 13 4 51617 8) ,37l339l4d4i4,2lI44I45I46 4 108 I 111111 I1 Ari'.- . a. I MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6390-2006 Map No. 1365 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: R-3(Special Amenity Residential District) 6i), amartl ~mo -MAPLE RIDGE - 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6390 - 2006 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6390 - 2006." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "E"(Explanatory Plan 10359), Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 7279, New Westminster District And Parcel "F" (Explanatory Plan 9473), Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 7292, New Westminster District And Lot 37, Section 3, Towhship 12, Plan 41519, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1 5 a y of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned R-3 Special Amenity Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 200. ,A.D.200. A.D. 200. ,A.D.200. day of A.D. MAYOR CLERK 10921 4 P 10921 3 P 66684 14 15 P 10921 1 11 P 60927 Ii 104 AVE. 104 AVE. T -1 ----' 4 K 135136137136 0) I BC 4915 P 9393 P 20434 I I I Ln PP017 11, flt C E F 37 38 __ ________ 103 A AVE. Ln N) N f 1034 Ja.i. 29 28 l N) C) P 1519 5 La Si N•) a. z 000% ! V)2 __5 ,I La 0.2 Jfl3.16 3 __ C.) 1012 ia.uo C.) 1010 PARK - PARK 10.12 10J24 g ,aw, 105g. L' 103 AV BCP 48057 PARK PARK BCP 9309 LMP 35918 ,co PARK a a W29 LI4ä 02940)U ;1a2S9 Lz4I i8,ag 09-~ 355 J P i7i2, ___ __ 1CO ___ Z?)6C x4 ITJ' r i - V4 13837 -35 34 (T4 r4iI4ot3gI35 1Q ' 1O 9i4814EO1152I " 11 L..J IF0261 - 14 to 102BAVE. I026AVE. ' I =~E---,_ TO 71233 31 1 2131415161715 lj t 454_ 4 ., 1081 11 1 11 I MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6389 -2006 Map No. 721 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XLI(26) amm _ A' -MAPLE RIDGE 1:2500 10921 P 10921 P 66684 P 10921 P 60927 4 3 14 15 1 11 104 AVE. 104 AVE. * " "I Il 4 K 35i36131 I i -i CD i I I P 9393 P 20434 I BCJ a. w •PPO17 C E F 37 38 103 A AVE. 0) Ln N 1a.4 29 2fl r co 2 P 1519 1O3 jg_ _j CL z ___ r t32_. i 26 LwL3 I 0. 52 Ja 0.2 N 33 0. CY 10.719 L. BCP 0 I PARK PARK ___ 103 A 48057 PARK PARK BCP 9309 LMP 35918 10J12 CO 1029 PARK 103 AVE. AM /3l 181029 09_~ IJ5IJ 53 54 55 567 i Th&5 1a2v ,a?s ___ 102mg 102 ___ ______ 102L2 102S 57 17 _____ 1091 10723 38373635 I 34 33 / J44I43l4414O PIi1 3938 Mj~i11E .. Il0261 N J ¼) J Z I 107 i i i i i _______ N ('a9oj It-, lL'° 1tZ28. 102BAVE. In 1028AVE. q3332J ' OD I I MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6389-2006 Map No. 720 From: Compact Housing(30 units per net hectare) and Conservation To: Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) and Conservation shown hatched) jMAPLE RIDGE A 1:2500 z 104 AVENUE 1 6? It M1J D.K. BOWINS & ASSOCIATES Inc. 31991 &NCH ASENUL JJIS5409. DC. 045 55 PH 826-4344 FAX: 826-3316 DRA*64 LU SEAL COR Cs40R40G DEI'M4Th9n41 0(0605(9 6 PORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 05 CHECKED -PROWD F"Ej ScALES 40HZ. 1:500 104 AVENUE VEST. - c3-: -----1r 41 •$ .'i 2 3 456 69E 0 U n S 12 13 1 15 66 I7 0181 1 20j 21 12 105 AAVE 1Si i ,23 5 26 27 26 29 30 31, 3.2 33 I / -- -jrJi Ji : : / PWA AX X / 1" 11 ; * CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RiDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 23, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ1082/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6453-2006 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6454-2006 11384 Burnett St and 11410 Burnett St EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential District), to permit a Townhouse Development of 19 Units (seven 3 bedroom and twelve 2 bedroom units). This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan but because Roslyn Creek will be enhanced and relocated, the Schedule "B" of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 6453-2006 requires amendment. RECOMMENDATIONS: That, acknowledging that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6453-2006 has been considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan, Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6453-2006 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6454-2006 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; That the following term(s) and condition(s) be met prior to final reading: Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Registration of a statutory right-of-way agreement for drainage; Road dedication as required along Burnett Street; Removal of all existing building(s); Park dedication as required; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting & maintaining the on site enhanced riparian areas; Notification to the Ministry of Environment and Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, regarding proposed in stream works; 11DR Registration of a Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant to maintain visitor parking on site; DISCUSSION: (a) Background Context: Applicant: Maple Creek Mews Allan Dales Owner: Allan Dales Legal Description: Lot: 3, D.L.: 402, Plan: 14176 Lot: 1, D.L.: 402, Plan: LMP25 825 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Proposed: Urban Residential and Conservation Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Residential Zone: R- 1 and RS-3 Designation: Single Family Residential South: Use: Residential Zone: RS-3 Designation: Single Family Residential East: Use: RS-3 and RS-1 Zone: Residential & Conservation Designation: Single Family Residential and Conservation West: Use: RM-1 Zone: Townhouse Residential Designation: Low Density Townhouses and Two Family Residential Existing Use of Property: Rural Residential Proposed Use of Property: Townhouse Residential District and Park (conservation) Site Area: 0.982 HA (9819.99 m2) Access: Burnett Street Servicing: Full Urban Companion Applications: Development Permit for Multi-Family Development and Water Course Protection. -2- Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject properties at 11384 and 11410 Burnett Street from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) which will permit the construction of the "Maple Creek Mews", a 19 Unit townhouse development designed in an L-shaped layout. Out of the 19 units proposed, 12 are two bedroom units (227.69 m 2 each) and 7 are three bedroom units (201.12 m2 each). A single access driveway is proposed from Burnett Street and follows the south boundary of the site rising up to the northern part of the site. A statutory right-of-way will be required for a portion of Roslyn Creek. All proposed units have an unfinished basement area with parking (2 spaces per unit) at that level. The main floor shows Kitchen/Dining/Living areas and Bedrooms are on the upper floor. The North Western part of the site (2310.3 m2 area) will be dedicated as "Park" and it will contain the relocated Roslyn Creek. Site History and Site Characteristics: The Subject site consists of two lots bearing civic addresses 11384 and 11410 Burnett Street, of a total area of 0.982 hectares (9819.99 m2) roughly "L" shaped. The applicant intends to re-locate, enhance and dedicate a portion of the Roslyn Creek. Roslyn Creek is currently in a degraded state and will benefit environmentally from the proposed enhancement works. A Geotechnical Site Assessment Report was submitted by a professional engineer indicating the site suitable for residential development. The subject site shows gradual contours sloping from the North to the South (18 to 22 degrees along north and west side of the site) with the northeast region being relatively flat. The site consists of clay silt soil and is considered suitable for two or three storey multi-family wood frame townhouse residential development. However the site will be sensitive to the configuration of the buildings, setbacks and the site grading design. A more detailed geotechnical report based on the actual building design will be required by the Manager of Inspection Services at the Building Permit stage. At present two older houses exist on site which will have to be removed after acquiring a demolition permit. Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The proposed project complies with the recently adopted Official Community Plan. The subject site is comprised of two lots, both designated for residential use; more specifically the District will support a range of densities and housing forms within the Urban Area Boundary. The Official Community Plan consists of three residential categories of which this site is considered 'Major Corridor Residential' because Burnett Street is a street built in whole or part to a collector standard as per policy 3-18(2) (ii). However, because Roslyn Creek will be enhanced and relocated, the Schedule "B" of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 6453-2006 requires amendment. Zoning Bylaw: The proposed RM-1 zone (Townhouse Residential District) is intended for low to medium density townhouses and multi family residential buildings. The subject site is 'L' shaped and its proximity to environmentally sensitive areas (Roslyn Creek & the seàond growth trees like Cedars) created some challenges which will be resolved by dedicating 2310.3 m2 of the site as "Park" and by relocating Roslyn Creek. Creek Setback Requirements: A 15 in setback is required from the top of the bank of Roslyn Creek, established by a registered surveyor. The applicant is proposing area dedicated as "Park" and re- vegetation along Burnett Street. The applicant's environmental planner from Scott Resource -3- Services Inc. and the District's Environment Planner have reviewed the above and arrived at a consensus for the proposed works. Density: All buildings and structures shall not exceed a gross floor area of 0.6 times the net lot area. The net lot area for the proposed project is achieved after deducting the area under "Park dedication" and "Road dedication", which is 6920.59 m2 . As per RM-1 bylaw a density of 4152.35 m2 is allowed and the applicant has proposed a density of4140.21 m 2. Parking Bylaw Requirements: As per Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, the RM-1 zone requires 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit and the proposed development has 38 spaces to support that. It also requires a visitors parking of 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit, for multi-family residential uses. The proposed development has provided 4 spaces. The total parking required for the prOposed development is 42 spaces and the applicant has proposed 47 spaces. Development Permits: The proposed design of Townhouses will have to be consistent with the Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines for form and character as per Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan. Application for the Development Permit has been received and will be the subject of a future Council Report. The proposed development will have to comply with the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines. Advisory Design Panel: The proposed project will be reviewed by the Advisoty Design Panel for comments prior to a Development Permit report being prepared. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department examined the servicing for the subject site and provided their comments on the servicing requirements as follows: • Road dedication and widening of Burnett Street to conform to the Urban Collector standard across the frontage of the site. The road design engineer needs to be cognizant of a high- pressure natural gas main south of the site and of the desire to reduce cutting into the bank on the west side of the road and to reduce any need for a retaining wall on the west side of the road. • The widening will include a Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter along the east side of Burnett Street. • Upgrades to Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer/Drainage required • Ornamental Street Lighting required along the east side of Burnett Street o Street trees required behind the sidewalk across the site frontage on Burnett Street • Underground wiring required • Statutory right-of-way required over the watercourse at its final location for drainage purposes. The right-of-way needs to run from the south property line Lot 1, Plan LMP 25825, to the north property line of Lot 3, Plan 14176. The right-of-way document needs to state that the -4- municipality is not responsible for maintaining the site driveway or the driveway culvert where the statutory right-of-way covers those private services. . A demolition permit required from the Building Department to remove existing houses on site. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional 10 trees which is based on one tree per lot; final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $ 250.00. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the project and provided the following comments: • Ensure fire lanes are denoted on strata plans. • Ensure that signs stating "fire lane - no parking - tow away zone" are installed along all the lanes before occupancy. • Carriage width of access lane to be a minimum 6 meters. • Plan shows a turnaround. Ensure no stopping signs are installed before occupancy. This is to ensure it is clearly evident that this is a required turn around and must be kept clear at all times. Required to be a minimum of 6 meters wide and 8 meters in depth on both sides. • Preferred location of fire hydrants is at main drive entrance before unit designated as A-i and 300 feet in which should be just past unit A-7 and to ensure landscaping does not encroach on access and visibility and that hydrants can be kept clear in all weather conditions. • Ensure demolition permit is obtained from the building department. Once the current houses are vacant, they are to be maintained secure against unauthorized entry at all times, as well as during the demolition phase until such time as they are totally demolished. e) Intergovernmental Issues: The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been informed of the proposed changes to Roslyn creek and will be notified of the final design. I) Environmental Implications: The applicant's Environmental Planner and the District's Environmental Planner have discussed and worked together to arrive at a nature-inclusive proposed solution that relocates and enhances the Roslyn Creek thus making the project environmentally viable. -5- CONCLUSION: This 19 unit townhouse development is designed to blend in as much as possible with the existing topography and retention of natural vegetation (mature cedars) in the North West corner of the site and addresses the trend towards higher density housing in Maple Ridge. Additionally the project promises enhancement of Roslyn Creek by its relocation, Park dedication and re-vegetation along Burnett Street and low-maintenance townhouses as a housing choice for the residents of Maple Ridge. Therefore, it is recommended that this application proceed to Council for first reading and public hearing subject to conditions noted above. Prepared by: Rasika charya ,MCIP Approved by. Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng ' GM:Public$oRks & Development Services * Concurrence: J. L. (,Jitn) Rule ChieflAdministrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Bylaw No. 6453-2006 Appendix C - Bylaw No. 6454-2006 Appendix D - Architectural Plans Appendix E- Landscape Plan LM P2I18 c PcI A 1151 Ls 599 8 NWS3409 io 12 5 152813 [ P83811 liii /1 11524 1l451 CO 14 Il520 6 16 11471 11404 11516 1 502 MP 486! J7I8 CN 17 1 L jl505 TELOSKY AVE. Co 20 13 ___ 11496 - a, 21 Cl)11494 PcL A P71276 11492CL 22 -15 '•' A LMP 12216 .'- LMS 1391,,/// P71204 WOME A Rem C - JA AP44DIX 'B' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6453-2006. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 6453-2006." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan LMP 25825 Lot 3, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 14176 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 729, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby redesignated to Conservation. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan By-law No.6425-2006 are hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the MAYOR A.D. 200. A.D. 200. A.D. 200. dayof ,A.D.200. CLERK APFtx ' aJ 1.094 ha .MP 752 r u 11 00 ( I 1 LO P 83811 5 13 L------- ---J 87710 5 11516 16N 71510 ) rLM 5488 I.- (1) 00 N N 7 7 11 0 0)11 r) 11 Li IMP LHri 1 6 5}4.8 78/9I// 6 / /1 PcI. A TELOSKY AVE. I P 71276 11 -JI I 1.206 ha —JI 4 NWS 2885 1i:S 15 l P 30008 111432 J 2 JOB5 ha A Rem C P 7104 LOT S 2.40 ha LMP 10788 113 AVE. 9046 LOT 2 11375 I IN'O 3 P 14176 1118 (.) .DI 1J84/92 0.405ha / 16 17 l .9,, 10 11372 P 14624 / 15 22892 C,' 9 149 P 14624 13 8 24 11 10 \\ /\\ ' u /-,--' \ MAPLE RDGE OFFCAL COMMUNTY PLAN AMENDNC Bylaw No. 6453-2006 Map No. 729 From: Urban Residential To: Conservation MAPLE RIDGE A' 1:2000 1$JDIx 6 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6454-2006 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6454-2006." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan LMP25825 Lot 3, District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 14176 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1384, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 200. MAYOR CLERK I P 83811 RW I-------- 3 -:-- 87710 11502 r-LMP 5488 1 1 2 PZ 586 1J 81/W/ I 7/ APPE.Ntjx IL TELOSKY AVE. lS I 15 132I1 0008 a L L l l 48 1I10 / , V A Rem C P 7104 C06 1.— 2r// fl\/ 14224 / j577 ha 825 12 13 (DiS 13 11524 57 14 11520 I 15 16 11516 16N 11471 '11454 11510 r') In 17 N) co 1 I CN 11506 (0 11496 I PcI. A f/4924°(i) P 71276 1/492 - H I'-... II\ 17!! ha i118 ' 0 Ar" 16 D 19 22892 q 15 149 lb 12 13696 /-. 11 - 10 9 A 7 30 22 -J 11490 N) 11488 _—j t) 00 24 \ \\\\\\\\ 1.206 h NWS 2885 \\ \\\ \ 3 \ \ 1 P 14176 LOT S \ 11384/92 2.4Oho \ I \ 10 \ P 14624 LMP 10788 11372 9 \ P 14624 11375 / \ 8 113 AVE. 14624 / \ \L \ 12 10 7\ \ ___ (.0 /7131 14624\ \ 39949 0) 77327 P 25ha 5 \ \ MAPLE RDCE ZONE AMENDNC Bylaw No. 6454-2006 Map No. 1384 Prom: RS-3 (One FamHy Rural Residential) To: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) MAPLE RIDGE A 1:2000 c;m r- cm NJ l::rl Im —I 116 rtli\t /NJ \)t \iII\ 1 I 3.0 I 17.J7 g . \T 1ZZ,J/ S cmJ (15 flJ : ' II1 . ps PROJECT: PRoposm PLAN NUMBER: ri icoy ''E RUD U I'tI'4 LI i I I' Tn L I U • TO 48€ PROJECT. sr WGE. SCALE: • 20 DRAWN: SHEET TITLE: DATE: tl&efl IS, 2001 CHECKED: SR 201-22590 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD, MAPLE RDGE SC, VWX SHEET NO.: )J TEL (604) 476.1247 FAX: (604)476-1249 SITE PLAN HUPJMWw.rusbolJmede$IgflS.cOm ,•' xI1c E Eli DECK RINI KIT.HN CsRET R1 POUSLE GARAGE ENTRY ? uJ' B EUJ w CD cn LU - Lu z :- (nj a EASEMENT PLAN FLOOR AREA 20 SQ. FT. MAIN FLOOR PLAN FLOOR AREA 20 80. FT UPPER FLOOR PLAN FLOOR ARE4 25 50. FT. UNIT 'A' - TYPICAL FLOOR LAYOUTS > MAR 212007 >( MAPLE RIDGE .NNINGDEPARTME o 1 1 0-U >1 11 - >0 z 91 HH 1' 'i fTh If IV "•". 1••i_,D '1 ___ ICD o1 0> Z D –'(p 4J C- - .0' —4 Ip —4 -< z -a >i 1 O r- 3 -TI 0 I: '; Flu EIQ --- I= 1J =t - - - - 1 --_ ni PROJECT: PROPOSED PLAN NUMBER: RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD. MAPLE . 1i4i'O ORAWN1N- DGE 201-22590 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE, BC, V2X3J4: SHEET TITLE: DATE: Ttaz-ci, 02, 2001 (CHECKED: TEL: (604) 476.1247 FAX: (604) 476-1249 UNIT 'BI'A IS SHEET NO.: I HTTPflwww.rusboumHdeslgns.com pICF PLANS ZK rn am MIX r4.2 m !!! r 0? z —4 UI —I .1 0 __\ 0 -a o m Lo to J:. ? 1- o 0 r o 0 —1 0 m C- tn m m z —4 -a r z : z 11 r 0 0 -a r z C -o -U ITT 11 r 0 0 -U r z WWH <11 IL1ir lli - i PROJECT: f-RoposED PLAN NUMBER: E RUSBOURNE DESIGN LTD. SCALE: 1/4=1 DRAWN: I 201-22590 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD, MAPLE RIDGE, BC, V2X3J4: SHEET TITLE: DATE: M&ch 02, 2001 CHECKED: TEL: (604) 416.1247 FAX: (604) 416-1249 UNIT W 12-15 ".', SHEET NO.: HTTP:llwww.rusboumedesigns.com FWOR PLANS LEFT ELEVATION UNIT A-4 Lu IL jIi uJ UTA-2 UTA-I REAR ELEVATIONS •0 -. ECEIVED MAR212007 V MAPLE RIDGE 'LANWING DEPARTMENT UNI I 0 IL) FRONT ELEvATIONS UNIT I—II UNIT BI 0-I1 RIC,I-IT ELOVATION UNITS SI 0-I1 LEFT ELEVATION UNIT SI—Il UNIT SI-b REAQ ELEVA11ON if ~"N~ LU CL Jill UJ ifl4 ii CL = LU LU z p - PFCEVED 2. >( MARZ1?oOl MAPLE RIDGE LANNING DEPARTMENT 15 L I — . — L — i — — L - — --~ I / I / I /I 2 II //• / A i •' ft / S1RATA A • / 12 P!n LMP25825 ..I / I. I PARK ;/ 4 &3wJ. ,r-7-----/ / I 7. _• ROAD l m2 3 Plan 14176 10 H. aCEIVPW MAPLE RIDGE AN GDEPAR1MEMT WRDE -7 & RUOOI*TU 604-463-4753 Scale 1:750 Date:March 20,200 7 Flle:H2293 9 tc2L?' 4 C2114 dtphqIcell J$plsl 21CM c$13C441t33 543140 .3213 W H H I,Cges 23 403110 t040,d G0C5tr MIllard 404215321 021.11$ '3 CCC = 2.,els,CCleracIolIa SekatoC,, 3e21214 '2 COOt * a AZSlC ep 031Cc Mcd 444131 4''21d 'scat C) IS &3IlsIslC2102103JlI. 002114321 ger rIoter 6.5,3002304 '2 Coot OS CC 0 4 COIMCC altO tIegrtlflCl. 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ELEVAflOt RU5TIC 5PLIT RAL FIENCE not to Scale A SIAPIAOC TO BC B OLTCO TO SF001.0 ORES FEOCA PLEASE CONCh 03800CC 3 06 PRC!&J38E TREATEE 0PIJ3OERW hr reeLS T I- Post LAS COLTS U EtA 06 sIir 'uu.uuU.Uuliu tU•U..0 Up••ijU u.Iu pu UaUUU•UUUUUlIllU••UUU•.U...IN•. - .LSOIu.ue..ulIlu•'uu.Ipu.u•I•lauuuuU.•uuuu.•ur U•uUUUUeUulItUuUU•UI•U•••U•••IURUlIIU•l•UUUUUUUU - -. ::::rr,zrrrrz,,rr:zrr: :rr:r:::rr,::::-I. •fl..........luIflfl.....fls.fl.fl..n uI.....u......, - Wj II'J. AvacCOr CJPRIAN ACES RACE 0350 40-5 P360000 Sai0000/B C000000T POSE STAPLES TO TCCATOV CROSS -tee detail *000 P05'S 4 Befl-OS DtAHS / 03cr! SSOtflS 000 24 deep 3m PePTO CO-IPACEP iotA/a APECTCO Tr000AOR :- ELVM1Ot4 i i II •''° II PLO VP FEATE R*JLING5 AT CRE!( CP*55IN6 not to scale 6i), mont'. ~~ CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 15, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: V.P/005/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW SUBJECT: Variance Permit 13935 & 14041 232 Street EXECUTWE SUMMARY: An application has been made to vary the R-1 (Residential District) zone front and rear yard setbacks and height for the above noted subdivision. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit VP/005106 be approved. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/005106 respecting property located at 13935 & 14041 232 Street will be considered by Council at the April 24, 2007 meeting. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Progressive Construction Ltd., Owner: Progressive Construction Ltd. Legal Description: Parcel C & D, Section 32, Township 12, Plan RP7680 NWD OCP: Existing: Eco Cluster & Conservation Proposed: Eco Cluster & Conservaton Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) R-1 (Residential District) Vacant A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Eco Cluster & Conservation Residential CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Eco Cluster & Conservation Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Open Space, Conservation Residential CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Eco Cluster & Conservation Existing Use of Property: Residential Proposed Use of Property: Residential 11,03 Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Requested Variance: 6.008 Hectares (14.83 acres) 232 Street To be provided through a RZ/S/A and at Subdivision SD/005/06 & SD/085/06 & RZ1005/06 building heights, front and rear yard setbacks for R-1 lots Project Description: On March 27, 2007 Council will give final consideration to rezone the above noted property to R-1 (Residential District) to permit the subdivision into 31 fee simple lots and 7 bare land strata lots. The subject properties are located in Silver Valley; the development application proposes to develop the site using the Eco Cluster principles of the Silver Valley Area Plan. The site is located on the west side of 232 Street, north of Portrait Homes' Silver Ridge development. The R- 1 (Residential District) zone permits a single family residential use and is limited to lots of not less than 37 1m2. As is the case with this development proposal, most of the lots are much larger than the minimum and have wider frontages in order to provide for building types that will have eyes on the street, lessening the impact of the garage. Through the rezoning application process it was identified that a future Development Variance application to relax bylaw requirements for front and rear yard setbacks and height would be made in order to provide main living area of the homes to be closer to the street, reduced rear yard setback for those lots that back onto Park land and permitting a "contemporary west coast" housing form that promotes steeper roof pitches. Planning Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. A development variance penrnt allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. Such flexibility can allow an applicant to sensitively fit a project to a challenging site. While the proposed development may not meet all the provisions of the bylaw it meets the intent for thoughtfully designing buildings to suit the site. Requested Variance: The applicant is requesting that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw for the R-1 (Residential District) zone be varied as follows: Part 6, Section 601, C.11.(b) - Height from 9 meters to 11 meters: The applicant has indicated that they wish to build homes with an 11 metre height to provide a west coast contemporary design using a steep roof pitch and high ceilings. The additional height will allow them to provide the steeper pitched roofs that are charactenstic of the Portrait Home site to the south. The actual height variance relates more to roof forms and higher pitches rather than increased massing of the actual building. Part 6, Section 601, C.11(c)(i) - Front Yard from 5.5 meters: Front Yard - requires that the main building be setback 5.5 meters from the fronting street. The applicant is requesting consideration be given to have this varied to 3 meters for the front face of the building and 5.5 meters to the front face of the garage. This will provide for "eyes on the street". This will also permit some flexibility in staggering the homes and front yard setbacks to give the streetscape more character and lessen the impact of the garage doors on the street. MR Part 6, Section 601, C.11(c)(ii) Rear Yard from 8 meters for those lots backing onto the dedicated Park: The R-1 zone required that the rear yard setback be 8 meters. The application will be requesting consideration to have this varied to 6 meters for those lots that back onto a watercourse, which is the majority of the lots; These are shown on Appendix B as Strata Lot 1 - 3, & A - C and to the fee simple lots noted as Lot 3 - 25 & 32. Citizen/Customer Implications: The requested relaxation will allow for some flexibility in building design and setbacks which is consistent with the existing neighbourhood to the south. Alternatives: If this application was not approved the applicants would have to re-evaluate the development and explore ways to meet the bylaw and consider what compromises would be feasible. This would include changing their desired design approach, moving to flatter roof forms or reducing the building footprint. Combinations of these options may be needed and depending on the options chosen may result in other implications for the subdivision such as modifications to the engineering drawings with regard to service locations, driveway letdowns etc. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed variances have been reviewed and are supported in that it would allow for the development to proceed given the topographical and environmental challenges that this area of the site has. It is therefore recommended that Council approve Development Variance Permit VP/005/06. (\\ Prepared by: Gay McMillan (APi MCIP Approved by: /Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence:/ J.L. (Jim) Rule I Chief Administrative Officer GMIdp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Overall Subdivision Geometry Appendix C - Housing type - height variance request -3- iDER District of Pitt Meadows Valisy 13935 & 14041 232 STREET SCALE 1:3,000 • ocwin CORPORATION OF ke now), THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Langley Thomhlll INIAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT River ______ DATE: Nov 1, 2006 FILE: VP1005106 BY: PC SKETCh LAN OF BUILDING ENVELOPES FOR ANDERSON CREEK - MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE 1:750 o to 25 50 75n - - AU. DISTA)IS ARE IN 110088$ 4040 OCCIMALS THEREOF 3 PLAN 1UP14126 PARK PLAN BCP_ - - / / 687.5 ' SL 2 SL A (4352m2) \5l95m2 (330.7 102) 6454 112>) , 3714 rn2 It I SLB"\ \ p5045.o2 (290.7 m2) SL4l 1- 32 § 11111 r31 jr3 600.5 102 1 f359.6 m2)I 14882 tn21 (300.) m 7177\ II 13737 fl1376.4 to 41820 m2>194.3 m2) - . 139A AVE 'i) 03 Ln rT]____ Ln McEL}IAP4900 ASSOCIA105 LAND 9J890tlNC 110). 13160 88111 A900IJE 00RRLY. NC 0(3W 363 1tL 604-5960391 flU.. 3112-07237-0 11 .no DAlI FCBRIJARV 28, 2007 801115100 2 -. MARDI 15 2007 _____ INDICA1ES AREA OF > 25% SLOPE (170.9 m2) INDICATES TOTAL BUIlDING ENVELOPE AREA 344.9 ,tt2 INDICATES TOTAL LOT AREA UNLESS 011-lERSE NOTED; FRONTYARD SETBACKS TO GARAGE 5.5m FRONTYARD SETBACKS TO HOUSE = 3.Om REARYARD SETBACK = 6Dm (WHEN BACKING GREEN SPACE) REARYARD SETBACK = 8.Om (wHEN NOT BACKING GREEN SPACE) SIDEYARD SETBACKS = 1.2m ViEW CORRIDORS ALLOWED FOR IN SIOEYARD SETBACKS FOR LOTS 13/14 AND LOTS 6/7 -\i - x' \ PARK 508.2 rn2 I 17 11491.9 I 4597 o2I 4573 1021 1 4553 021 I (296.9 m2) 471,; ,o2 I 537,4 02 4)32 2' 4605 1112 2096 ttt2) (272.4 rt2( (270.7 tt2) (269.0 L....__U 2889,o2 11200 ttt2) (280.8 tt,2 (307.5 102), 1 . Ill II I I 1 - LA 495.6 102 -, 25' (288.9 m2)j i l' - 661.0 102 . (4066 ttt2) 6 U ------ 10380rn2\% ) 'dp § § ROAD 14280 1021 4;7 2) (207.) =2) 4904,n2'' ç12 (209.0 m2)/ C' \' 9 4709 m2 9. 4204 rn2 I 4829 21 447.0 ,o2I 61781021 128)5 m2) 12924 2l 12598 m21 1214.5 21 L JQ1.200 10 4 m2)/ p688,4 =2 I 1623.6 =21 (030.8 m2)i - L (350.3 m)) /1(441.0 002) PARK S 8o78 I7 I RAI PARK 201 11 0- 12 F-1 U -In 10 VFIJt 42 42 rrrrcI RAILIFk RAILF 13 • 4)01111fl1flfl ________________ _________ LOT 25 RIGkT ELEVATION WALL AREA I05 50. FT Li P 0 ALLOLLED (1%) 1105 50. Fl. U P0. PROPOSED 66 50. FT. cil- lu7 1-41 ELEV. 41.5 LINE OF BASIIENT LOT 24 RI G HT ELEVATION IIJALL 4PEA lOIS 50 Fl, UP.0, ALW1ED (1%)l 1105 50 Fl. U P 0 PROPOSED 66 50. FT. W- I4 O 3!4 I - 42 1z " I •1 SO - 0' I- K Z*O- I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 21, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/007/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 20180 115A AVE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application for development permit has been received to facilitate construction of an industrial building of approximately 1938 m 2 of floor area. The lands are located in the Maple Meadows Industrial Park and lie within the Industrial Development Permit Area as designated under the new Official Community Plan. This is the first application for development permit to be processed under this Development Permit Area. The plans for the development are consistent with the policies of the Official Community Plan and comply with the provisions of the Zoning Bylaw and Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw. The development however is not totally in compliance with a restrictive covenant placed on title to the lands in this Industrial Park at the time it was initially zoned. This report discusses a recommendation to discharge this restrictive covenant from lands within the industrial park. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Offlcer be authorized to sign and seal DP/007/07 respecting property located at 20180 115A AVE; That Council approve discharge of the design review and servicing covenant (commonly registered under numbers AD207375 and U10767) registered against title to any lands within the Maple Meadows Industrial Park at the request of and at the cost of the applicants. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Krahn Engineering Ltd. Dave Krahn Owner: 659947 B C LTD Legal Description: Lot: 41, D.L.: 280, Plan: 86659 OCP Designation: Industrial Zoning: M-3 (Business Park) Surrounding Uses: The lands are within the Industrial Park and therefore surrounded on all sides by lands designated Industrial and zoned M-3 Business Park. The lands to the east, north and south of the subject have been improved with industrial buildings whereas the lot to the west is currently vacant except for some outside storage. HO Existing Use of Property: Vacant Industrial Proposed Use of Property: Industrial Building Site Area: 0.220 ha (0.54 acres) Access: Stewart Crescent and 115A Avenue Servicing: provided at property line Project Description: One building is proposed for the site with warehouse and office space on the ground floor and some limited mezzanine storage space. The building is oriented towards Stewart Crescent and 11 5A Avenue with the ground floor office space facing out towards the streets. The building is tilt up concrete panels with metal flashing and metal doors. Sixteen parking spaces are proposed for the site. Parking areas are provided to the east and west of the building and the loading activity is generally located to the rear of the building. The building is designed for two units but could be changed to one user depending on leasing. Landscaping is proposed along the front and exterior sides of the building. Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan (OCP) The lands lie within the Industrial Development Permit Area of the OCP and as such a development permit is required to be secured before any building permit is issued for this project. The Key Guideline Concepts for this Development Permit Area are as follows: Provide a street presence with entrances and architectural interest in building designs fronting public streets. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as accessory buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated through amenities such as bicycle facilities, and accessible design for the mobility impaired. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The proposed development responds to these guidelines as follows: The main entrances to the units are protected with canopies and on Unit 2 it is oriented to Stewart Crescent. The ground floor offices are oriented towards the streets as are the mezzanine spaces. Glazing is provided to enhance street presence on both street faces. Articulation and colour change are also utilized on these elevations. The loading activity is generally located to the rear of the building and stepped back to assist in screening from the streets. A parking space for the mobility impaired and a bicycle rack are provided. No outdoor storage is proposed for the site. Building entrances are identified with canopies and signage. Parking areas are located near entrances and sidewalks are provided. Architectural style, features, materials, proportions and building articulation reflect the character of surrounding newer buildings. MR Zoning and Parking and Loading Bylaws The proposed development plans are in keeping with the provisions of the Zoning and Parking and Loading Bylaws. No Bylaw variances are required. Restrictive Covenants A number of restrictive covenants are registered against title to these lands as well as other lands in the Industrial Park. The restrictive covenants were placed on these lands at the time of rezoning and subdivision. The covenants include: • Floodplain elevation • Use restriction and storm water management; and • Design and servicing review The floodplain covenant should remain on title. The use covenant was originally placed on title when the lands were rezoned to M-2 General Industrial since it was felt that a more business park appearance to the development was desired. The restrictive covenant was used to discourage certain uses that were permitted in the M-2 zone. The M-3 zone was modified to reflect the desired development for this industrial park and the entire industrial park was rezoned to the modified M-3 Business Park zone in February 1994. At that time Council approved an overall process for amendment of this covenant to remove the use restriction and let the M-3 zoning provisions prevail. The design and servicing review covenant was required in place of designating the area as a development permit area. It was also prepared and began being registered when the lands were zoned M-2. Records indicate that a bylaw was originally prepared to designate the lands as a development permit area in 1982. That bylaw was eventually abandoned as the owner, the British Columbia Development Corporation proposed to ensure control of development through the restrictive covenant rather than by development permit. Staff at the time concluded that this approach was equally effective and noted that it precluded the necessity for Council involvement in every development proposal. The covenant provisions addressed a range of issues from servicing issues to setbacks, design and landscaping issues. The applicants for the subject development advise that they would comply with the covenant provisions with the exception of the set back provisions which are greater than the M-3 Zoning Bylaw in certain conditions. The lands have now been established as a development permit area under the new Official Community Plan. This designation carries with it the need for proposals that address development permit area guidelines. The development permit area guidelines cover the same development aspects such as building design, massing and siting, vehicle access, parking and circulation etc. In general, from a design viewpoint, the development permit area guidelines are much more up to date and comprehensive than the covenant provisions. In addition, corporately, many bylaws have been updated and new bylaws established over the years. The new development permit area guidelines coupled with the updated and revised bylaws in other areas have substantially addressed most of the provisions of the existing covenant. An analysis has been carried out to identify gaps between existing legislation and the covenant provisions. Significant gaps that warrant comment include: I. Section 2.05.01 and .02 of the covenant require that lanes, driveways, parking areas and outside storage must be surfaced with dust free material. These sections also require paving of these areas when located within the front or exterior side lot lines. The current Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw does not require paving of parking areas in industrial zones and -3- the OCP guidelines suggest consideration be given to the use of permeable payers for parking areas. Given that permeable payers could not be considered if this provision is left in it, is suggested that it could be deleted and surfacing of parking areas be reviewed under the OCP guidelines. This issue may be revisited when a review of the Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw takes place. Section 5.04 of the covenant restricts the use of the front yard, interior side yard and exterior side yard for outside storage purposes. The M-3 bylaw restricts outside storage in only the front yard and requires it to be appropriately screened where it can be viewed from the front or exterior side lot line. The M-3 bylaw was purposely modified to address the desired development in this area when the lands were rezoned to M-3. As well the covenant seems somewhat restrictive particularly for corner lots. For these reasons it is believed that this covenant provision is no longer required. This aspect of the development can be regulated by the Zoning Bylaw and OCP guidelines. Section 4.02 of the covenant provides restrictions on noise control for uses on the lot. The covenant utilizes a maximum 65 decibels as a standard. The District has a Noise Control Bylaw No. 5 122-1994 which was adopted in October of 1994. That bylaw deals with noise control in more generic wording rather than placing specific decibel ratings on particular uses. In addition when the M-3 zone was amended for use on these lands, noise control was placed in the Zoning Bylaw under Section 803 (8) (h). The Zoning Bylaw is similar to the covenant in that it utilizes 70 decibels in general and 60 decibels adjacent to non-industrial use. The Bylaw Enforcement Section indicates that they use this provision over the covenant since it is more restrictive adjacent to non-industrial use and is simpler to enforce than the covenant. Given that noise control is legislated in both the Noise Control Bylaw and the Zoning Bylaw this covenant provision becomes redundant and could be deleted. Section 2.03 of the covenant sets out building setbacks. These setbacks are generally those of the M-2 zone except for the interior side lot line which was increased from 1.5 metres to 2.0 metres in the covenant. The setbacks in the M-3 zone are less than those in the M-2 zone for the rear and exterior side lot line. The covenant was not amended at the time the lands were rezoned to M-3 and therefore these more stringent setbacks have been in place for some years and have been the subject of contention on many occasions. The OCP guidelines address building siting in relation to design and the building code addresses setbacks from a safety perspective. These provisions combined with the Zoning Bylaw makes this covenant provision outdated. The intent of the covenant can be addressed through the existing bylaws and the OCP. In summary it is felt that the design review and servicing covenant is outdated and generally redundant. In addition it appears that many of the covenant provisions were introduced into an amended M-3 Bylaw in 1994. It is recommended that Council adopt a similar process for discharge of the entire design review and servicing covenant as was done for the use covenant and allow its discharge upon the owners request and at the expense of the applicant. The Industrial Park was developed in phases and therefore the covenant was registered over time under different registration numbers. It appears from research that the covenant number on a majority of the lands is either AD20735 or U10767. The recommendation identifies these numbers as well as being somewhat generic in the event there were other numbers used. A title search on all of the lots in the park has not been done. d) Advisory Design Panel: The plans for this project have been prepared by an engineering firm. The Advisory Design Panel has declined to comment on this application since the chair has indicated that based on the size of the building the plans do not have the appropriate professional certification under the Architects Act of -4- British Columbia. The issue is currently being discussed by the Panel in order to set direction. In the meantime, it was felt inappropriate to delay this application. The Building Department has indicated that they will accept the professional engineer's certification for this building permit application. e) Environmental Implications: This application is not subject to an environmental development permit but is subject to covenant requirements for storm water management as well as provisions of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. These aspects will be reviewed as part of the building permit application review. 1) Citizen/Customer Implications: It is anticipated that most owners in the industrial park will welcome the ability to discharge the design review and servicing covenant as it will streamline the process and remove a charge from their title. CONCLUSION: The proposed development is consistent with the policies of the Official Community Plan and complies with the provisions of the Zoning and Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaws. It is recommended that Council authorize issuance of Development Permit DP/007/07 and approve discharge of the design and servicing covenant from lands within the Maple Meadows Industrial Park as outlined in this report. Prepared by: Ken McLaren M—amnne Technician ,MCIP d by: Frank tuinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: NbI4 Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.'k.1(JifWRule - Chief Administrative Officer K.MIdp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Design Review and Servicing Covenant. Appendix C - Building plans -5- ,fpci,d '4 - \\ 483427 3 P3427 20279 115 \m \\ 20379/81 2 3 1155 LO I- Fm 115 1 57 56 1. Nel~ *LMP 33212 54 P63220 I 53 P63220 41 7 001 BCS 653 Rem. 6 8 7 J / LMP 50318 JBC P d. P 3 I V0 37 14 15 co co a. P 86659 Rem.38 B LMS4149 C, U, C, A (P86659) P866f9 29 30 11475 11470 O U, C, Co I- co 28 0 LMS 2547 31 11455 11450 27 LMS 2909 11435 U, C,,, 11405 co P36659 11430 I I District of Pitt Meadows ?1 / N Distdct of j SCALE 1:2,000 Langley Rive, 20180 115A AVENUE = 0 U, : CORPORATION THE DISTRICT MAPLE RIDGE IN'.IAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jan 24, 2007 FILE: DP/007/07 BY: PC Feb-0I-07 02:262e From-Xrahn Engineering : + 1-217 P.043/059 F062 REGTTERED NWAD207375 V97648 2006-11-23-09.5E27.604311 • ''X 8, 207375 •A5WS19A.J 207377 • CO t4A144J 7 page 2 of 18 pages • LW ?XLI ACT 17 Nature of Charge(s) : Restriàt.tv. Covenant ERBSENTD BY: True Value; Nominal 'f - Herewith fee of $35.00 Signature of agent for Applicant - ••• AernwIn sad. the t any of .2990 - BETWEEN: M&PLZ MRAflOWS X)IDUST&ZAL PARK 1989 LTD.. (Incorporation No. 35$210) 308-1150 Burrard Street Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 2E8 (hereinafter called the Covensntoz-) OF TEE FIRST PART AND: TEE CORPORATTOJI OP TUE DXST&XCT OP HAS%3 RIDGE. a Mumicip QQtj the wHuaiciD.1 Aet. chapter 390 of the Revised Statutes of Briti.h columbia, 3979. having its offices at 11995 Eaney P.ace, in the Hunicipality of )Iaple Ridge, in the Provixice of British Co1"is, V2X 6A9 (hereinafter called the District) OP TEE OThaic PART WXEZZAS; A- The COVenatDr 1.5 the registered owner of certain "a-An and premises situate within the 03d stiug boundax'ie5 of the District of Maple Ridge as more particularly described in Section 1.01.0 hereof; The Covenantor intends to develop the aforesaid lands and premises as an industrial park to be known as the Haple Hedoirs Industrial Park (hereinafter called the Paric); and The District has requested that the Covenantor as the present owner of the eforosaid lands and premises enter into this covenant pursuant to Section 315 of the Land liti. Act 1979 .S..B..C. C. 219 and the Covenantor has agreed to do so. Feb-0901 02:28am Froni-Krahn Engineering + 1-217 P.044/059 F-062 REGISTERED NWAD207375 V976482006_11.23.09153127 .504311 -- '.; •• 207375 ro • 207377 page 3 of IS pages NOW TIiEREFORZ T=S AGPT WI?NESSZT3 that in consideration of t)ze sum of $1.00 now paid by the District to the Covenantor, the receipt whereof is hereby hereby acknowledged, and otber goad and valuable consideration, the Covenantor does hereby covenant and agree with the District, pursuant to Section 215 of the Land Title Act 1979 R.S.3.C. c. 219 as foflowa: 1. Dxrna'ZZONS 1.01 in this Indenture, unless there is something in the aubj set setter or context inconsistent herewith: - 1. 01.01 NBuilding Site= means any portion of the lenin, consisting of any lot or portion thereof upon which improvements may be erected in conformance with the regi4rmni'nta of this Indenture; 1.01.02 OBusinessO means any industry, manufacturing, trading, wholesale merchandising, or any other comearcial enterprise or adventure of any trpo or nature whatsoever and howsoever described carried an at the which is not prohibited by etatute • bylaw or private reataiction; 1.01.03 =conStrUCt • conatructed or construction" means any of the processes involved in placing, locating or moving an Improvement onto a Building site; including, without limitation, building, constructing. excavating, erecting and easembling; 1.01.04 Director of flarinlng" means the Director of P1"g for the District and his duty authorized assistants or such plenniT'g consultants as may be appointed from time to time to act or the District in such capacity.; 1.01.05.. "Exterior Side Lot Line" means the lot line or lines not being the front or Rear Lot line • common to the lot and a street; 1.01.06 "Front Lot Line" means the lot line or lines common to the lot and fronting street, or where there is more than one fronting street, the lot line or lines common to the lot and the fronting street towards which the narrowest dimenston of the lot is flanking; a •Fab-Oa-OT 02:29am From-Krahn Engineering + T-217 P.045/059 F-062 REGISTERED NWA0207375 V97648 2006-11-23- I ::• 207375 - 207377 page 4 of 18 pages 1.01.07 "Improvements" means all bnil4ings, outbuildings appurtenant thereto, trailers, parking areas, outside loading, storage, or display areas, dziveway crossings • vehicular circulation areas, pedestrian areas, fences, screening, walls, parapets • signs, lancaping including without limitation, hedges, lawns and mass planting, and any structure of any type or kind whatsoever and howsoever described whether located abci'e or below ground, portable or fixed. intended to be temporarily or permanently on is Building Site and any additions, extenions.expansiOnS. alterations, or modifications thereto; 1.01.08 lnterior Side Lot L4 'e" means the lot line or lines not being the )'ront or Rear Lot Zaifle common to more than one lot or to the lot and a lens; 1.01.09 "Lands" means those certain parcels or tracts of land lying, situate and being in the District of Naple Ridge and more particularly described as: Z,ot 67 except, firstly: part aebdivided by plan 70055 secondly: part subdivided by Plan 70496, District Lot 380, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 63232. 1.01.10.. 'Landscape Plan" means a landscape plan prepared by an owner's landscape architect in respect of a Building Site that: has been prepared and sealed by a landscape architect registered with the B.C.. Seiety of Landscape Jirehitects; shows all required fencing, methods of irrigation for all landscaped areas and all tree standing signs; (e) provides for the landscape treatment of the entire frontage of the Bui:Lding Site abutting on existing or future public roads; and 'F64-07 02:29am Froin-Krahn Engineering + REGISTERED NWAD207375 V97648 2006-32-23-09.S3.27 .604311 Flo I T-ZIT P.046/059 F-062 3 207375 ro 207377 page 5 of 18 pages Cd) includes supporting documentary evidence peZ't?{Tg to: Ci) landscape construction details (ii) specifications (iii)detd.led planting lists cost estimates cross sections (where applicable) 1.01 • 11 ,micipa3. Engineer" n Engineering for the authorized assistants professional engineers time to time to cc capacity. anne the Director Of Distict and his duly or such consulting or other as nay be appointed from for the District in such 1.01.12 "O,mer" means "owner" as defined in the Land Title .kct 1979 P...S.3.C. C.. 219 1..01-13 "Principal Improvement" means all buildings. outbuildings • trailers, or other structures OnclosSmu a three dimensional area on a Buil-i'ing Site. 1.01.14 "Rear Lot hinen means the lot line opposite to and most distant from the Front Lot Line, or where the rear portion of the lot is bounded by intersecting side lot lines, shan be deemed to be the point of such intersection; and 1.01 .15 "Site Plans" means architectural and site development plans prepared and sealed by a registered professional engineer or registered professional architect in and or the Province of British Columbia that include the following information: location and dimensions of all driveway crossings, parking areas, loading areas, vehicular circulation areas, pedestrian areas, proposed landscape areas, outside storage areas, and outside display areas; location and dimensions of all proposed improvements including expansion of proposed existing improvements; ceb-o9a7 02:292m From-Krahn Engineering + 1-217 P.047/059 F-082 REGISTERED NWAD207375 W7648 2005-11-23-09..S.27.60433.1 I • . 2074J5 - 207377 page 6 of 3.8 pages () location and di en Lana of all property lines, sasesente and Statutory rights of way; (ci) proposed surface treetnent of all yard areas; (a) diaenaicned elevations of all irovesents which have an elevation; (Z) diaeneioa.d inteinsi floor plans inAtcatj.ng - generalized propcaed internal uses: () Location, height and construction of ali proposed fencing axed scresning; (h) cross-sections of proposed iaprovononts; axed CL) such further and other in.! oration or materials an the District, the Hunicipal ngLnanr, the Director of p3..ir4g, or any of then may r.es"nsbly require. 3. SITS PL$S 3.01 No improvements with an aggregate value in excess of S50 • 000 shall, be constructsd uvon any nuildixeg Site and no application shall be n4e for any necessary building peraits in respect thereof until the Ouwer of such 8uilding Site has submitted 4 sets of site and building plans (f which 1 set shall include coloured material chips) to the District for approval and such approval has been granted in writing by the Director of Pl'ning. 2.02 No jiprovementa with an aggregate value in excess of 550,000 shall be constructed on any DTd34±og Sits, except in strict conformity with the building and site plans or anenexet thereof; submitted to and approved by the District under Seration 2.01 hereof and no such inpxovexents shall be used or occupied until the District baa received from an architect or anaineer duly qualified in nritisb Colnaihia or such other person stating that the said impruvemexeta have been completed in conformity with the plans or amendment thereof submitted to and approvea by the District. 3.03 No principal Improvanent shall, be sited lesa than: 2.03.01 6.0 meters from Lot Line a. Peb-09-07 02:30an From-Krahn Engineering + REGISTERED NWAD207375 V97648 2006-11-23-09.53. . T-217 P.048/059 F-062 2073 7 5 TO 207377 page 7 of 18 pages 2 • 03.02 6.0 meters from the Rear Lot Line. save and except where the Rear Lot Line abuts and adjoins aidey.xd., in which case the space required between the Rear Lot Line and Principal Improvement shall be a distance at least equal to the height of the Prineipal Improvement; 2.03.03 6.0 meters from the Uterior Side Lot Line; and 2.03.04 2.0 meters from the Interior Side Lot Line. 2.04 No driveway crossings shall be constructed unless: 2 04 • 01 approval or the said eons truction has been obtk4 sd from the Nunicipal gine.r; 2.04.03 a highway use permit han been obtained in respect of the said e'nstruction; 2.04 • 03 the said construction shall be carried out by the nistrict at the expeaso of the Owner; and 3.04.04 any driveway crosslags rendered redundant by the construction of the propoasd driveway crossing are removed by the 2)i.trict at the expense of the Owner. 2.05 No portion of any Building Site may be used as a lane, drivesvay, parking area, or outdoor storage area unless: 2.05.01 the area so used is rendered dust free and properly dre 4ned; and if located between a principal i,'ç'rov'ement and the front Lot Line or exterior Side Lot Line, is surfaced with asphalt or concrete and 2.06.02 the said surfacing with asphalt or concrete shall be completed within 12 months of the date of isauace of a building permit for the Principal Improvement. 2.06 No improvement shall be constructed on any building site in such a way as to violat, any of the regulations set out in the District's Zoning Ry-1.aw No. 3510-1985 as amended from time to tine. Feb-08-07 02:30ae From-Krahn Engineering 1-217 P.049/059 F-062 REGISTERED NWAD20737 V97648 2006 i_2309.53,21.604311 J410fo 201375 207377 page 8 of 12 page 2.07 No 5Ibatantial changes including, without 11itation, substitutions of aajor .loaents of construction, aiteria]. sires • aethoda of construction, construction sat erial or changes in design shall be side to an approved Site Plan without the prior writt.n approval of the Director of Planning. 3. LiJ1DSC*P5W PLANS • 01 No i=proveaent shall be constructed on any auilding Site and no application shall be aide or any necessary building persits in respect thereof until the Owner of such Building Site has au'iitted 3 set of a Landscape Plan to the Director of Pl.wg for approval by the Die trict and such approval has been granted in wiring by the Director of Pl'ming. 3.03 No i*provsaent shall be constructed on a Building Site unless: 3 • 03 • 01 the Owner has had the Building Site graded and provided drainage to collect the discharge storm run-off into a stern sewer drainage canal approved by the Uuzzicip.1 Zua2n.er; and 3 • 02 • 02 the said grading and drainage have been approved by the Municipal Engineer; and 3.03.03 the aininum elevatioo of the underside of the floor sys tan of any building is 5-3 eetsra geodetic Survy of C'aa ditua. 3,03 No Improveaent shall be constructed on any Building Site mlees the owner shall have deposited -imcurlt7 with the District to guarantee completion of the landscaping not forth in the approved Landscape Plan or that Bui1di'g Site, in favour of and in a form acceptable to the District, equal to the total estimated cost of completing the aforesaid proposed landscaping as computed by the Owzier'a registered lands cape architect and approved by the Director of Planning. 3.04 in Owner shall not be entitled to the return of any security posted in accordance vith Section 3.05 hereof unless the Build:thg Site in respect of which the security is posted is landscaped in accordance with the said approved landscape Plan within a peiad of 12 months from the date of the final inspection of the principal isproveent constructed thereon to the jantistaction of the Director of LI Feb-09-07 02:30am Fro-Krahn Engineering + 1-217 P.050/059 F-062 REGISTERED NWAD207375 197648 2006-1123- 44 207375 40 ra page 9 of 18 pages Planning, and a copletion certificate or that Building Site in respect of landscaping is issued by the District. 3.05 In oenzer shall note be entltla4 to have a landscape inspection of his Building Site carried out by the District unless he pays to the District a 350.00 inapoction fee fax each such landscape insp.ctian excepting only the first two inspections. 3.06 In owner shall not be entitled to bay, a lan"acap. inspection at the Bnild 4 ig Site carried out unless the aimer has presented to the District a statent in writing by hi. registered l.''cmpo architect that the coopleted landscape work conforss to the approved Landacep. Plan. 3.07 No substantial changes including without 11,4 tatian, substitutions of major elements of construction. planting, atexial sizes, aetboda of construction, construction materiel, or changes in design shall be made to an approved Landscape Plan without the prior written approval of the District. kP'1 ' 4.01 No Xmproveaent. shall be construed, on any Building Sit* mless the Owner strictly complies with: 4.01.01 all applicable regulations, requirements and restrictions of the Padoral Department of Environment, the Provincial PDllution Control and any Public Ees2.tb attices or other aov.rnaental authorities having jurisdiction pet4-"4"g to the preservation or control of air, water and land quality; and 4.01.02 all appropriate bylaws of the District and any other governa.ntal body having jurisdictien in respect of such construction. 4.02 No sound generated from the operation of machinery, equipment or mechanical devices, or from engagomeut in other activities an or about a Building Site shall exceed 65 decibels (measured on an A weighting network according to test procedures specified in any applicable legislation), at any point beyond the boundary of a Building Sit., or such decibel level as may be subsequently permitted by applicable noise restraint legislation.. Feb-00-07 02:31ai, From-Jcrahn Engjneerng + 1-217 P.051/059 -062 p.cZtsTEgED NWAD2073 75 V97648 2006-11-23-09.53.27. 6043U 4a 207375 rD 207377 page 10 of 18 pages 4.03 An Owner of a nui'-iiina site shall not carry on any Bnsin.s without first providing a derailed description of such business to the District so that the District nay assess or 4.03.01 the environaen,tal. acceptibility of the business; 4 • 03 • 02 the conditions mder which it in proposed that - - the business shall aperets; and 4 • 03.03 the specific precautionary neasuree. if deesed neceas.ry, that suet be tekn to ensure that degradation of the surrounding area will not OCcI3X. 4.04 No Owner shall carry on any nusineas on any Building Site without: 4.04.01 coeplying with such specific precautions as may be deaned necessary by the District pursuant to Section 4.03.03 hereof: 4.04 • 02 obtaining a sanitary sewer connection for the effluot generated by each said Business iiben, in the opinion of the flunicipal Engineer the sewer agates can effectively receive this eftinent; and 4.04.03 providing, at his own expense, aaap].ing stations, flow neasuresente, effluent monitoring • testing progress, and such other monitoring, testing, evaluating and reporting procedtw'* and devices as may be necessary to produce all information and reports required by all appropriate regll].atory agencies including federal, provincial. regional, district and municipal agencies in coxifornity with their respective requirements or regulations and if there is a conflict in any of the testing, monitoring, or evaluating requirements or regulations of any of the aforementioned regulatory bodies, the most strict of those regulations or requirements shall apply; and 4.04.04 nsking availabLe to all regulatory agencise upon reuaat all jnformaUon and reports concerning or touching on the matters referred to in Section 4.04.03 aforesaid.. Feb-0947 02:31ai Froekrahn Engineering + T-217 P.052/059 F-062 REGISTERED NwAD207375 V97548 20o61l23-0953.27.6O4311 43P 207375 -rh 207377 page 11 of 18 pages S. cmisi. RSGUL 1011$ 5.02. No billboards. advertising or sings of any typo or kind whatsoever ahall be displayed on any Building, Site unless such display is in coeplianc. with the Districts Sign By Law No.. 3684-1986 as amended from time to tin.. 6.02 No building material, crates • packing cuss, contractors' sheds, equipment or other unsightly abject or materiel shall be placed an any road street, utility lana or adjoining property during the construction of any improvamant.. In the event that any such material shell be so d.posited on any road during the crnntruotian of any improvement, the owner agrees that the Ditxict may forthwith ramove such material or debris at the expense of the Owner, the cost of such removal to' be determined by the Nunicipal Eng1new. 5.03 No exterior yard lighting shall be installed on any Building Site unless it is so installed as to be directed away from all existing or future public ro.d.s . 5.04 The area of any Building Site bound.d by the Front Lot ?4n., the Sxtarior or Interior Sid. Lot Lines, as the case may be and the front building line of the principal improvement nearest the Front Lot Line, shall not be used as an outside storag. area. 5.05 Any portion of a Building Site which may be used as an outside storage area shall only be used as such if: 5.05.01 the area is enclosed within a 2.5 meter high fence having a suitable aseurity gate; 5.05.03 none of the goods or materials stored therein exceed the height of the 2..5 aster high fence; and 5.05 • 03 the area lies between a principal improvement and a public road, it is screened by an adequately lazdscapn buf fox strip so that such storage areas are not readily viib1s from such public read. 5.06 No Improvement shall be constructed unless the owner of the Building Site on which the improvement is intended to cone tructed has paid an arrears of taxes outstanding against the said Building Site. Feb-09-07 0232am From-Krahn Engineering + T-217 P.053/059 F-062 REGISTERED NW4D207375 v97648 2006-11-23-09.53.27. 6o43il EVA , 207375 20?377 0 pgo 12 of 18 pages 6. R=TRXCTIMS OJ DESZGU OP TM POVLIT 6.01 The restrictions and st&pulations herein contained ahiU not be deemed to be exclusive .itbes of the raquireaents of the by-laws of the District or of the obligations or liabilities jpossd by statute. regulation, order or the CO3n5'fl law an owners or Occ=isrs of land all of which shall be duly observed and cosplied with.. 6.02 Each Owner covenants to aave haxaleas and .Lfectuall.y indeenif7 the District ag-i'-t: 6.02.01 all action, proceedings, coats damages # expenses. and demands whatsoever and by wbieoeVe* brought by reason of the eon.truction of any Laprovement an his snilding Sits; 6.02.02 all expenses and costs which may be incurred by reason of the execution of any construction done in connection with his building site resulting in damage to any property aimed in whol, or in part by the District or the Development Corporation or whih the Ditrict or the Development Corporation by duty or cuatan i.e obliged directly or i.iMrectly in any way or to any degree to construct, repair or asintain; 6.02.03 in respect of his Duilding Sit., all expenses and coats which may be incurrud by rsesoft of liens for non payment of labour or materials, iPorkern' campe.aation assessment • unemployment insurance, federal or provincial tax, checkoff, and for encroachments owing to mis takes in survey; 6 • 02.04 any damage caused by floodtn.g to any improvement constructed on his Building Site and to any of the contents thereof; and 6.02.05 any responsibility in connection with the Building Site selected for any improvement by the owner, or for the determination of lot boundaries. 6.03 If a provision of this Indenture is wholly or partially invalid. this Indenture shaU be interpreted &a if the invalid provision had not been a part hereof. Peb-09-07 02:32am From-Krahn Engineering + 1-217 P.054/059 F-062 REGISTERED NWAD207375 V97648 2006-11-23- S 207375 2 07377 page 2.3 of 18 pagev 6.04 It is expressly agreed between the parties hereto that all grants, covenants. provisos • agreements rights, powers, privileges and liabilities hereinbef ore contained in this Indenture shall be read and held as made by and with, granted to and imposed upon the respective parties hereto, and their reap,ctive heirs, executors, adeinistrataa-s, sllcca$$Ors and assign5, the same as it the Words heir5, executors, administrators, successors and assigns has been inscribed in all per and necessary places; and wherever the eingilar or the neacu14 e pronoun is used, the same shall he construed as Eleaning the plural or feminine or bod3 politic or corporate where the context or the parties hereto 50 rBc2uire - 1 I S S Fab-00-07 02:32am From-Krahn Engineering + T-ZIT P.055/059 F-062 REGISTERED NWAD207375 V97648 2006_11_2309.53.27.604311 207375 207377 page 14 of :1.8 pages IN WITNESS WSPOP the Covenantor has hereunto affixed ita Corporate Seal and the District has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal, attested by the hands of its officers duty authorized in that behalf, the day and year first above iiritten Execution Date Y N D APLE MEADOWS Officer signature I , / party ties) Signature M Cl 0 INDtTSTRIJJ PARK 1989 LTD., by its author.zed signatory A3o ea& TEE C )RX2?ION OP TEE DISTRICT OP MAPLE RIDGE. by its authorized signatory JERRY A. SUUP4A flWA LY .4 In the Pmvincs cra.c MAYOR 8LA E. DYE__________________ %Z'*. I/ C?ICER CETIIC7TION: DE o3r signature constitutes . iliat yc are solicitor, notary public or other person authorized by the Evidence Act, R.S.B..C. 1979. c. 116, to take affidavits for use in British Columbia and certifies the matters set out in Part 5 of the Land Title Act as they pertain to the execution of this instrument. TOPOGRAPHIC PLAN OF LOT 41 DISTRICT LOT 280 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 86659 MN—s TORM1 ELF VA TIONS ARE GEODE DC (IN METERS) RIM 4.45 I DERIVED FROM CON TROL MONUMENT 84HO040 LEGEND Al.I 2.251 20cm 0/A. CONG. PIPE N.E. 2.23I25cm 0/A CONC. LOCA TED A T THE CEN TER OF THE IN TERSEC 71ON o Wv DENOTES WATER VALVE SW. 2.21150cm 0/A. CONC. PIPE OF HAM.IONO ROAD AND 203 St. IN THE 0/STRICT o MN DENOTES MANHOLE OF MAPLE RIDGE • LP OENO TES LEAD PLUG BENCHMARK ELF VA T/ON= 6.829m (NAb 83 CSRS 2005) • /P DEMO TES IRON PIN 00 CS DENOTES CATCH WAS/N B FIRE HRANT HEAD ARROW o LS DENOTES LAMP STANDARD FH DENOTES FIRE NRANT PLAN LMP21187 ELEVAT/ON=.5.45m 4, INVERT ELEVATIONS AND OFFSETS OF SEP WCCS FROM PROPERTY LINES ARE DERIVED FROM OLS FIELD SURVEY CON TRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL SERWCE LOCA liONS AND INVERTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUC1ION. SCALE 1 500 '0 5 0 70 20 LL 075T.7NCE5 ARE IN ME TRES 11 4, ' I 015 - - \MH-SAN [ 2 15c 0/4 PVC PIPE A ' ' 68 SPOT ELEVATIONS ALONG CURB ARE TAKEN IN GUTTE lb DILFMMRT TY lbl be' 6 - PLAN LMP50318 b THIS PLAN LIES WITH/N THE GREA TER VANCOUVER REGIONAL 0/STRICT ql. MH—S TOR 'L RI/A 4.42 N.E. 2.74 25cm 0/A. PVC PIPE °ue-s,u S. W 2.73 25cm 0/A. PVC PIPE -sN10 SE. 2.77 45cm 0/A. CONC, PIPE UN—SAN. RIM 4.4J NE 335 75cm 0/A, PVC PIPE SW 308 75cm 0/A. PVC PIPE SE. 3.04 20cm 0/A PVC P/PC TEL 597 676/ CER OF/ED CORRECT DA TED THIS 201/, DAY OF NOVEMNER, 2006, B C.L S. SHANNON ONDERWATER 7_•••••••••• II Ii fiUIU!BU3 uq.Jjj 7l7 Iml do 0 77 7 - 1' •_ U -- 7 ••• w uj .7 C.) V \/ / ,• Jt • r' \• ti \ t > \ H - '• •;, 1 .2 N. U -j 4 '3 t) Ut 2 Ii ______________________________ will 1: —_; 49 44 6upe.u!ouguq.Jy7I7 : bat 0 - - T - I jm poll boo BENCHMARK F/RE HYDRANT ARROW HEAD ELEVAT/ON=5.45m 0 LS, \l bOA bO' C.)MH—STM oydo .._ OLS 1.68 GRASS s4VU 50135 '0 p 9,00 00 A, PROPOSEI) BUILDING A, •, - * •• , ,1 A "' .3 A ip '3 0 9' '0• '3 . '.. l00: B PLAN LMP21187 °. \:' .4400EUROKS *5500065011 MAC \\ ' o' R* (VI 1-T4O QIL 14 \ RECE IVED \ FEB2D2o7 0... MAPLE YllIP \9A Ij'.... LANDSCAPE PLAN - '... - PROPOSED ARENIOUSE DEVELOPMENT II.. 000 ~rzr 0' - \\• (-\'b • ... \ wo/o. PLANT LIST KEY BOTMAICAL NAME CGAMW NAJ( SlY. 9ZE SPACING PEUNJASS CC(liS FLORIDA b(PA33L wAAK RED FtOSPlC 033EKE 3 5 Al CAL AS SAO*N 8, N 0. PAPAl TED war rED SIRW wAtt 6 Al CAL AS DAOrEt A. N 0. PLANTS IN THE PLANT LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE LANDSCAPE CANADA ç EDwAEDowA' WSCSPHYDLIM JAPAPql FLOACPUrE KA1A TrEE 4 Lco.. e c& is oto.t tA GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR NURSERY STOCK AND THE BCNTA STANDARD FOR DSJJ*PSJCAIA rESSIrEA rED EDAR A 2.50lETOSS ASDiOVA 6,to. CONTAINER CROWN PLANTS. AZMA OAPAICA LAES O,aE Pit AZMLA 35 3 POT w AIAttAO.rECArEwo 4SA5AZA&1A 30 3PoT rEAs.oC ALL LANDSCAPING AND LANDSCAPE MATERIALS TO CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION AAlUASDMM050ROKL 35DcwotRArEpA 33 #3POl rEAl.O,C, OF THE DCNTA/BCSLA LANDSCAPE STANDARDS" WRAPIA ((S1EA EAVOtY 8MAR50 A .3 P01 SO Al. AC PAP50OADRAl YPASJSAAN&V 33j TA, AR50APAP00 44 .3 P01 00 CM. AC RITrEEKASOVA 100404 EDA' 111101 *1000ODICIFIGN 53 AS POT 40 CM. AC vRAEA l M.MAWA EDO FU510 EDt FUME 01A6A 21 03 P01 0004. AC ArEA lAfl,AJ( 00V Pill ECLAP 0050 7 .3 POT 00 CIA. AC SD A00IT&M 14443 DWARF 4046 03J11JET AlluViAl IA p PoT 00 rE AC AVAJA4 hAP A1SOAV&RA 44 3 P01 50 o 0050500(0144 Y*150fl1N&FA 150000044 YE VICO50OIP04 53 Al P01 90 04. O.C. ® 1(445 JN'GACA T0T F1, COY--I00-Y0At0Y 33 AS POT 40 50 AC o NUJA 00000ITAUO 0401450 (501410 ARRCOIFIA( 25 1.80 001145 10 Dl SC, 33ASS 40,2 ID 6 PLAN LMP50J18 /f Nmh, - CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 2, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Race the Ridge 2007 Bike Race EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from Cycling BC to use municipal streets for the Race the Ridge 2007 Bike Race on April 28, 2007 between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM, and April 29, 2007 between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM. A copy of the request is attached. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3 136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the use of municipal streets be authorized for the Race the Ridge 2007 Bike Race on April 28, 2007 between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM, and April 29, 2007 between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, provided the conditions of Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated February 20, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: (a) Background: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the District be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A." The three venues for the Race the Ridge 2007 Bike Race are as follows: 1. Road Race - Saturday April 28 from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Registration, start and finish will be at the intersection of 256 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. Participants will travel east on Dewdney Trunk Road to 272 Street, travel south on 272 Street to 100 Avenue and continue west on 100 Avenue to Jackson Road. They will continue north on Jackson Road to 108 Avenue, travel north on 249 Street, north on Lockwood Street, east on 112 Avenue, north on 252 Street and east on 112 Avenue and north on 256 Street to the finish line. //toso-'a This event will require that the traffic be stopped as riders start and finish and at intersections as racers pass through. Individual Time Trial - Sunday April 29 from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM This race will take place in Golden Ears Provincial Park and will start and finish at the main gates. Traffic control will be provided. (Information only - permission has been granted by BC Parks) Town Core Criterium - Sunday April 29 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM This race will take place in the Maple Ridge town core and will start and finish on McIntosh Avenue at 224 Street. Participants will travel west on McIntosh Avenue turning south onto 223 Street, travel south on 223 Street to 119 Avenue traveling east on 119 Avenue to 224 Street and travel north to Haney Place Loop. This will be the feature event and will utilize Memorial Peace Park. Along with the bike race there will be a corporate fitness relay and a kids' safety skills challenge. There will also be sponsor participation with tents and other displays. This event will require the following road closures: o Haney Place Loop; o 224 Street, between Selkirk Avenue and Dewdney Trunk Road; o 223 Street, between 119 Avenue and Dewdney Trunk Road; • 119 Avenue, between 223 Street and 224 Street; • McIntosh Avenue, between 223 and 224 Street; and o Fraser Street, between Haney Place Loop and Dewdney Trunk Road. Strategic Plan: Administrating Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by Race the Ridge volunteers. In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company. Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. (1) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. (g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. Race the Ridge Bike Race has been held successfully for previous years and the organizers have requested permission to hold the 5th Annual Race the Ridge Bike Race on municipal streets for 2007. Submitted by: Antfrè%Wood, MEng., PEng. Munkipal ngineer IK ~/ 1, - Approved by: Franl Quinn, MBA, PEng. General Manager: Public Works & Development Services /oncurrence: t. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer ML/nu Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated March 2, 2007 Race the Ridge 2007 Bike Race Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the Corporation); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); notify all affected businesses on the event route as soon as possible (per letter provided by the District); make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event. A time interval schedule of closure and permitted vehicular access during the event for residents wishing to access their property; hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the Corporation as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the Corporation." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause; a copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; obtain any the required permits/permission from other agencies; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the Corporation; must maintain access for emergency services to the closure area at all times. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use municipal streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer Race The Ridge Bike Race Attention: Barry Lyster 22459 137nd Ave. Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2P6 604-467-2223 or 604-312-3318 EVENT INFORMATION Building on the success of hosting four years of quality bike racing, we will again host a 2-day, 3-event road bike race event. This year the event has been granted BC Cup status which will increase participation, and bring more tourist business to Maple Ridge for the weekend. I will again be requiring road closures and municipal support. The only race with road closures is the Town Core Criterium. Please find the information required for the permit below. Thanks again for supporting cycling in our community. Sincerely, Barry Lyster Director of Cycling Operations Local Ride / Race The Ridge EVENT INFORMATION Date: April 28, 29 2007 Location: Maple Ridge Predicted Participation: 200 - 300 per event Number of events: 3 Web Site: www.localride.f.... Insurance: 5 million liability from Cycling BC ROAD RACE Date: Saturday, April 28 Time: 9amto6pm Location: Websters Corners, Wonnock, Thornilil StartfFinish: 256th Street (South of Dewdney Trunk Road) Staging Area: Websters Corner Elementary Course Length: 20 km Road Closures: None Proposed Course: (See Map) Roads Used: 256th Street, Dewdney Trunk Road, 272 Street, 1001h Avenue, 264th Street, 1001h Avenue, Jackson Road, Industrial Avenue, 108th Ave. 249th Street, Lockwood Street, 112 th Avenue, 256th Avenue. The riders travel in a clockwise direction. Traffic Control: Traffic will be stopped at 256th and Dewdney Trunk as riders heading north on 256th Street turn right on Dewdney Trunk Road. Traffic will also be stopped by course marshals as riders enter and exit other course corners. Race in progress signs will be situated around the course. There will be no permanent road closures and there should be minimal impact to traffic. Race groups will be accompanied by a lead and follow vehicle as well as a wheel vehicle. TOWN CORE CRITERIUM Date: Sunday, April 29 Time: 10mto6pm Location: Memorial Park and 1 square block west of 224th Street (see map) Start/Finish: 224th Street and McIntosh Ave. Staging Area: Band Stand, Memorial Park Proposed Course: (see map) Road Closures: 2241h Street (Dewdney Trunk Road to Selkirk Avenue) 223w Street (Dewdney Trunk Road to 1 19 th Avenue) McIntosh Avenue (223w Street to Leisure Centre) 1 19th Avenue (223rd Street to 224 th Street) Ring Road around Memorial Peace Park All alley ways and vehicle access points. Traffic Control: This will be a closed course to vehicle traffic. Course marshals will be at all major intersections and alley ways. Barricades, traffic cones and race tape will be used to separate vehicles and pedestrians from the race course. Local residents will be permitted through the closed off areas between races and when directed by course marshals. GOLDEN EARS PARK TIME TRIAL (information only, BC parks permit has been granted) Date: Sunday, April 29 Time: 7amto11am Location: Golden Ears Provincial Park Start/Finish: Main Gates, Golden Ears Park Staging Area: Main horse corral parking Proposed Course: (see map) Road Closures: None Traffic Control: Traffic control will be at the Start/Finish, the turn-around point and at Mike Lake Road, Boat Launch road and Day Use area road. 77 (Jti!1xEI rnock Lake I qaree Reg nall9ark VVhonnc'ck j I.J - 112Avei> --=117ie_ 1 Ave L L. I r C, F- I 3 Pb - j iJ:100 b1i Ave1 LJL.J) RUP - ---- --- '1 N 1 @2007 Google - Map data @2007 NAVTEQTUI ® Tech /Feed Zone W Start Finish JU First Aid Registration / Information *Webster's Corner Elementary School - 25554 Dewdney Trunk Road kve d LIJV - -- - I -i I M Cl i_i --.----"-__ Dewdney Trunk Rd Dewdney Trunk Rd Intosh DE J-hiMcIritosbAve 1. I-1aney P1 Ila PIabe.Máll H ) I l. Lougheed Hwy ® Tech /Feed Zone W Start Finish First Aid P Racer Parking Lougheed I j @2007 Google - Map data @2007 NAVTEQ TM èkike -- J -1- MounIabPark C y r I1icone;:- 4Lak&Bure - r ' - - -r- -. /-r - -- h - 128 Ave t[ ii 1 J Pi1t Meadows E'1-MapIet_ Trunk 77 ]F 1L @2007GoogIe - Map data @2007 NAVTEQTM W Start Finish First Aid P Racer Parking 1) Registration / Information Rd ek CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 23, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 2007 Heart and Stroke Big Bike Ride EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon to use municipal streets for the 2007 Big Bike Ride on Friday, April 27, 2007 between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM. A copy of the request dated March 2, 2007 is attached. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3 136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 2007 Heart and Stroke Big Bike Ride on Friday, April 27, 2007 between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated March 23, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: Background: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". The ride route will start at Haney Place Mall parking lot at 225 Street where the riders will head southbound on 225 Street, westbound on Lougheed Highway, northbound on 224 Street and loop around Haney Place Road. They will then proceed northbound on 224 Street, turning eastbound on Dewdney Trunk Road, southbound on 228 Street and westbound on Lougheed Highway. They will continue northbound on 226 Street, and westbound on Selkirk Avenue, returning to Haney Place Mall parking lot at 225 Street. Strategic Plan: Administrating Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. //0/0 CitizenlCustomer Implications: Permission to use streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Big Bike Ride volunteers. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company. Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. (l) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. (g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. However, this event has a history in this community. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of streets for various events and activities. The Big Bike Ride for the Heart and Stroke Foundation has been held in Maple Ridge in past years. The organizers have requested permission to hold the event on municipal streets for 2007. Submitted by: .MIre Wood, MEng., PEng. / Municipal Engineer 11U.a A~11 Approved by: ank Quinn, MBA, PEng. YM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jth) Rule Chief Administrative Officer ML/ Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated March 23, 2007 2007 Heart and Stroke Big Bike Ride Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); notify all affected businesses on the event route as soon as possible (per letter provided by the District); make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event; hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause; a copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; obtain the required permission from the Haney Place Mall & Valley Fair Mall to use their facilities; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District; and must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use municipal streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer 1o. 40"b . 2 Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon Iort Coquitlam Office March 2. 2007 jO - 2232 McAllister Ave. Pnrt Coquitlam, BC V3C i& Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge T 604 472 0045 11995 Haney Place F ooa 472 005 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Fax: 604-467.7331 CHAIR Attention: Mathew Li, Engineering Dcpartztent Mr. Mark Neale, eA Heart&Stroke Re: 2007Heart&Stroke Big Bike 'Ride Ms. R.F. Bobbe WooO, VA Dear Mathew: REGIONAL OFFICES KAM LOOPS 250 37-393R T am writing to request permission for a fündraising event to take place in Maple Ridge KELOWNA on Friday, April 27, 2007.. This event involves our thirty-seat Big Bik-eTm and we hope 250 860 6275 NANAIMO to have several teams riding the Big Bik& from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. Because the '545274 RCMP Auxiliary is unable to provide a pilot car following behind each ride, we will NCQTNVANCOUVER provide our own pilot car. 604 953-8'192 PORI COQUfl'I.AM 604 472 0045 1 have attached the approved Form A by the RCMP, the Fire Department, the PRINCE GEORGE 20 S62-6G1 1 Ambulance Services and the Coast Mountain Bus Company. The certificate of "I1MOND insurance has been ordered and will be forwarded to you as soon as it is re&ly. Please fmd the proposed route as follows: 604 S-1955 Route Description: Start at Haney Place Mall parking lot at 225th Street 604 736-4flrifl Proceeding right on Lougheed Highway VICTORIA Turn right onto 224 Street 250 382 4035 Turn right onto Haney Place Turn right back onto 224 Street PROVINCIAL OFFICE Turn right onto Dewdney Trunk Road 1212 wc'sl Droadway VeriLouver, BC Turn right, onto 228 Street VbH 3V2 Turn right onto Lotigheed Highway T 604 736-4U4 Turn right onto 226 Street F 60 736472 Turn right onto Selkirk Avenue Finishing back at I laney Place Mall parking lot for more heart and stroke rformatIon: This has become an extremely successful fundraising event in the province of BC and www.heartandstrolcebc.ca .BRSMSF-INFO has had the very generous support of the community. We look forward to your -888-473-4636 continued support. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. 0 Sincerely, HWT AND STROKE Wendy Schweigert FOUNDATIOi OF I B.C. YUKON] Special Events Coordinator, Tn-Cities/Fraser Valley Area Email: evcnts_tri@,hsfbc.ca riding answers. For 'ife. Feb. 8. 2007 5:05PM No.4623 P. 3/ FDRMA' Details of thvent Date;:i . oT Contact Person: Phone Fax 2 ooS:r etarIs: t.z0 The following agencies have been advLied and aclowwledge the event: 'OG ft wtln &4 CompAv k. - - Ffre Department_ cñ! - MbuIance S. es_rivi_t1?o Other_____________________ I iUL tii-1rans1t Collun. FORM 'A' Details of the Eyer Contact Person: Phone4.oO4C Fax 2( j ' Details: cc.t c CAC1th.. (C• of Traffic Control Plan: RCMP concurrence for the proposed Traffic Control Plan The followIng agencies he been advised and acJa2owledge the event: Crj I-1 e - / -,5/c,7 Fire Department Fceó.. / F, 4 Ambulance Services ThA Other TCOD 1 FORM 'A' petails of the Event Date:: _'Utkv 4.?oô Contact Person:\-i1 \ _Phone4q.ot)4 Fax( oc ~' Details: qlase c..e ci -et Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: RCMP concurrence for the proposed Traffic Control Plan The following agn&s have been advised and acknowledge the even!.' ('oas Mout' ) eFIet :9r1i Fire Department_FOe& / - I Ambulan.e Services Other - - FORM 'A' • D3te::_ Contact Person: aoô4 FaxZ(ook Sketch of Traffic Co" PIn RCMP concurrerce for the proposed Traffic Control Plan_______________ The foLlowb2g agncc have been advLed and athwwledge the evzt: Coa"Payfttm.&A pri Fire Deparmentfçe& Ambulance Servi._a,,Th 2 /' • 9 Other_ '4-' OS Z), CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 14, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Purchase of six Recycling Trucks EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Approved Capital Budget includes the replacement of four and the addition of two Single Axle Low Profile Recycling Trucks complete with recycling body. After receipt and analysis of the Public Tenders it is recommended that the contract be awarded to Freightliner of Vancouver Ltd. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the tender #OP07-007 for the replacement of four (with option for six) Single Axle Low Profile Recycling Trucks complete with recycling body be awarded to Freightliner of Vancouver Ltd. in the amount of $778,399.92 (for six units) DISCUSSION: Background: Public Tenders were closed on February 27, 2007 for the supply of four (with option of six) Single Axle Low Profile Recycling Trucks complete with recycling body. The existing units are 2000 Mac Trucks which are due for replacement in 2007, at which time the 7-year life cycle is complete. Review in 2006 indicates that it is now time for replacement due to reliability and maintenance cost considerations. Detailed analysis shows that Freightliner of Vancouver Ltd. provides the best value to the District of Maple Ridge. In addition, in 2008 two additional units are required to meet growing recycling demands. Additional funding under LTC #8216 ($30,000.00) and LTC #8217 ($250,000.00) has been approved. The tender for four units included the option of increasing the order to six units if the District so chooses. Purchase of apartment totes under LTC #8216 will be postponed to a future year. LTC# 8217 was originally intended to provide for an upgrade to a hydraulic loading/unloading system. Further review determined this was not feasible as it would reduce the useful life of the vehicles. We are proposing to redirect the monies to the purchase of 2 new vehicles instead. Business Plan/Financial Implications: Funding for the purchase of these units include $505,537.44 from the Equipment Replacement reserve, and $277,862.48 from LTC #82 16 and LTC #82 17. Adequate funds are available from these sources. //107 Interdepartmental Implications: The Recycling Society has reviewed the tender and concurs with the selection. Purchase of these trucks will allow the Society to begin collection in the designated growth areas of Silver Valley and Albion in 2008. Alternatives: Extending of this unit was reviewed mechanically and is not recommended. CONCLUSIONS: That the purchase in the amount of $778,399.92 including all applicable taxes be awarded to Freightliner of Vancouver Ltd.,based on their tender submission dated February 24, 2007. H Prepà red by'" Russ Carmichael Director of Engineering Operations Approved by: Earl Oddstad Manager of Procurement Approved by: Paul Gill General Manager Corporate & Financial Services -/ a _ Approved by.; Frank Quinn General Manager Public Works and Development Concurrence. (Jim) Rule :f Administrative Officer WH:DS Uniang CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 14, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Sewer Equipment - Vacuum Excavator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Approved Capital Budget includes the purchase of one Sewer Vacuum Excavator. After receipt and analysis of the Public Tenders it is recommended that the contract be awarded to Westvac industrial Ltd. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the tender #0P07-020 for the purchase of one Sewer Vacuum Excavator be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. in the amount of $159,82833. DISCUSSION: Background: Public Tenders were closed on February 27, 2007 for the supply of one Sewer Vacuum Excavator. Detailed analysis shows that Westvac Industrial Ltd. provides the best value to the District of Maple Ridge. Business Plan/Financial Implications: Funding for the purchase of this unit includes $159,828.33 from the approved Capital Budget from LTC#32 1 and adequate funds are available from these sources. interdepartmental implications: The Sewer Department and Operational staff have reviewed the tender and concurs with the selection Alternatives: This is a new unit and was reviewed to determine its suitability and requirements as an infrastructure maintenance asset. CONCLUSIONS: That the purchase in the amount of $159,828.33 including all applicable taxes be awarded to Westvac Industrial Ltd. based on their tender submission dated February 24, 2007. 11009 Prepared by:' Russ Carmichael Director of Engineering Operations Approved by: Earl Oddstad Manager of Procurement Approved by Paul Gill General Manager Corporate & Financial Services /~~ d ~ 4 Approved by.j Frank Quinn General Manager Public Works and Development Concurrence: 4. (Jim) Rule (Jliief Administrative Officer WH:DS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 16, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended February 28, 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended February 28, 2007 now be approved" GENERAL $ 3,094,819 PAYROLL $ 1,057,046 PURCHASE CARD $ 78,568 S 4,230.433 DISCUSSION: Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. //31 Business Plan I Financial implications: 1. None Policy implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended February 28, 2007 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared hi: G'Ann Rygg Accounting Clerk H Approved h: Dennis Sartorius. CA Municipal Accountant Approved hj. Paul GiII,IBBA, CGA GM - c,p.porate & Financial Services / Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer / I gmr CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - PERIOD 2, 2007 BC Hydro BC SPCA Bynett Construction Services CUPE Local 622 Chevron Canada Ltd Commercial Electronics Ltd Epic Food Services Ltd Finning International Inc Greater Vanc Water District ICBC - Fleet Insurance Kedco Constructors Ltd Long View Systems Corporation Manulife Financial McTar Petroleum Ltd Medical Services Plan Minister Of Provincial Revenue Municipal Pension Plan BC Pitt River Quarries Ltd 'eceiver General For Canada G Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Sun Life Assurance Company Terasen Gas Vimar Equipment Ltd Hydro charges February 84442 Contract February 21.054 Dog license commission Dec 503 Impound expense 35 21592 Standby Power System 57445 Dues - pay periods 07/03 & 07/04 16394 Fuel 54034 Video equipment 16251 Security refund 47183 Caterpillar backhoe loader 78,099 Flailcutter 695 78794 Water consumption Nov 29 - Dec 31/06 279621 2007 fleet insurance renewal 105236 Pump stations 256 St & 128 Ave 46775 Support & licensing for VM ware software 20699 Employee benefits premiums 89079 Salt for roads 37872 Employee medical & health premiums 21612 2006 Grant in Lieu 33405 Pension remittance 204053 Gravel 18032 Employer/Employee remit PP07/01 & 07/02 551694 Ice rental Jan 42.532 Curling rink operating expenses Dec 7.327 49859 Art Centre grant Mar 36.871 Theatre rental 616 37487 Monthly contract for recycling Feb 74,689 Weekly recycling 207 Litter pick-up contract 1,417 Maple Ridge organic diversion plan 10.000 86313 Westgate Shopping Centre tax refund 225438 Gas February 48931 Vactor Ramjet sewer flush truck 153581 Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $1 5,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll PP 07/03 & 07/04 Purchase Cards - Payment TOTAL PERIOD 2 2007 DISBURSEMENTS GMR Y:\Finance\Accountng'AP Remittances (Dsbursements)\2007\[Monthy Council Report 2007.xlslFEB'07 2.385,820 708.999 3.094.819 1.057.046 78,568 4.230.433 Z), CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RU) E TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: 2007 03 16 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Katzie Memorandum of Understanding for Blue Mountain EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The attached draft memorandum of understanding has been developed for consideration by Council and invites the District to participate in the creation of a sustainability plan for Blue Mountain along with the Katzie and Kwantlen First Nations, in the context of a community forest tenure. This follows discussions last Fall between the Katzie Band Chief, Diane Bailey, Katzie's Forestry Advisor, Mr. Charles Friesen, Mayor Robson and senior staff. RECOMMENDATION: That the Mayor and Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to execute the draft Memorandum of Understanding with the Katzie First Nation concerning Blue Mountain attached to the 2007 03 16 report on this subject. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council will recall the District applied for a community forest several years ago which was not supported by Katzie because of unresolved treaty considerations with the Province and was subsequently denied by the Ministry. Last year Katzie indicated its desire to develop a sustainability plan for the Mountain and to apply for a Community Forest Tenure to take the place of the a non replaceable forest license offered through their Forest and Range Agreement (an interim arrangement in advance of a treaty settlement). The Community Forest tenure defines a geographic area (as opposed to only the volume of the allowable cut defined in the NRFL) and provides a much longer term than an NRFL. The District has had an interest in the management of Blue Mountain for some time particularly as it relates to the recreation and environmental management of the area. The District position on Blue Mountain was established in a 2004 04 06 report on this subject (attached). The specific resolution adopted by Council relating to Blue Mountain was as follows: "That a letter be forwarded to the Minister of Forests and the Minister of Sustainable Resource Management supporting the addition of the area identified in the map attached to the 2004 04 06 report on this subject as an addition to Kanaka Creek Regional Park and the addition of lands on the eastern slopes of Alouette Lake in Blue Mountain Provincial Forest to Golden Ears Provincial Park; and //So/ c.) the remainder of the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest being managed sustainably for timber harvest and recreation, with better identification and protection of environmentally sensitive features, particularly those related to the hydrology of Kanaka Creek and the regional parks/greenways program, and appropriate recreation management." Unfortunately the expansion of Kanaka Creek Regional park has been denied in light of the Forest and Range Agreements offered to both Katzie and Kwantlen. More recently staff have been approached by Mr. Mike Peters, who is a Recreation Officer with the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts. He has advised of his intent to reestablish the group which prepared the 2003 Blue Mountain Provincial Forest Recreation Management Strategy. His intent in doing so is to implement the strategies outlined in the report to the best of his ability and within a budget established for this purpose. The Memorandum of Understanding attached to this report is intended to ensure that Maple Ridge Citizens are afforded an appropriate opportunity for input through Council to any decisions which might be made relating to the resource. This is felt to be particularly important in light of the likelihood that the two First Nations will have a long term involvement and control of the land (whether though a forest tenure or treaty settlement). Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is the sustainable management of Blue Mountain lands. Strategic Alignment: The M.O.U. addresses sustainability and the preservation of recreational, environmental and economic values of the area. Citizen/Customer Implications: It will be noted that the M.O.U. refers to a goal of developing a sustainability plan which incorporates a long list of strategies including those required to preserve "hydrology and the protection of the aquifer upon which area residents rely". This will be particularly important to groups like the Blue Mountain Conservation Group. The Recreation Management Strategy which is being proposed to be reinitiated concurrent to the Sustainability Plan being developed will involve several stakeholders including all of those involved in the original development of the strategy. It will be our goal to ensure the two plans are consistent. Public Information Recommendations: Once the MOU is signed a Blue Mountain Stewardship Technical Team will be formed and design a process for the development of a sustainability plan which will include some level of public consultation. I) Business Plan/Financial Implications: At this point it is not anticipated that the cost to the District will be anything more than the staff time involved in participating on the Technical Team. It is felt that some consulting work will be required to prepare the sustainability plan. It is anticipated that the funding for this work will be provided through Katzie, utilizing revenues from the Forest and Range agreement. g) Policy Implications: N/A CONCLUSIONS: The District has for many years advanced the notion that Blue Mountain requires a much greater degree of management. It appears that the Katzie and Kwantlen First Nations are about to be given the authority to provide the increased level of management. Katzie has invited our involvement in creating a plan for management of the area. It is felt appropriate to accept the offer for involvement to ensure the District's point of view is considered in the development of the plan. L Pregired by: Mike Murray General Mánagen Community Development, Parks and Recreation Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule / Chief Administrative Officer mwm / MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between: THE KATZIE FIRST NATION AND DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE (Hereafter the "Parties") WHEREAS: The Katzie First Nation has been offered a non-replaceable Forest License (NRFL ) by the Ministry of Forests given effect by a Forest and Range Agreement, The Blue Mountain ProvincialForest is situated within the municipal boundaries of the District of, Maple Ridge and within the asserted Traditional Territory of the Katzie FirstNation and the asserted Traditional Territory of the Kwantlen First Nation. The KatzieFirst Nation is interested in applying for an area-based Community Forest Agreement ("CFA") tenure instead of the offered NRFL, since the former will: provide Katzie with a defined geographic area of responsibility and authority, allow 'Kàtzie to make a longer term and more comprehensive commitment to sustainable management of the land, and provide Katzie with an opportunity to partner with others who share the same desire for sustainable management of the land; THEREFORE, the Parties hereto agree with each other as follows: 1.0 DEFINITIONS "Agreement" "Effective Date" means the Katzie First Nation ("Katzie") and District of Maple Ridge ("DOMR") Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"). means the date upon which this Agreement is signed by both parties and the date upon which this Agreement takes effect. DOMR-Kathe MOU 1 15/03/2007 "Sustainable" means ensuring the resources being used for an activity which is described as being sustainable in this agreement can and will be renewed and replaced over time for the benefit of future generations and that the activities described in the agreement do not have a negative long term impact on the environment. "Community Forest Agreement" means an area-based tenure called a Community Forestry Agreement or Probationary Community Forestry Agreement as described in Setiôns 43.1 to 43.53 of the Forest Act of BC "Non Replaceable Forest Licence" means a volume-based tenure as described in section 3.1 of the Forest Agreement between the KatzieFirst Nation and the Province of British Columbia, dated 14 Apr 2005 20 AGREEMENT PURPOSE 2.1 The purpose of this Agreement is 2.1.1 to confirm the intentof the Parties to co-operatively facilitate acquiringland maintaining local decision making authority in order to maintain or enhance the cultural, environmental, economic, and social opportunities on the BlueMountain Provincial Forest and 2.1.2 begin a process which is intended to lead to the formation :f a coalition which will provide good stewardship through effective and sustainable management of the proposed Blue Mountain Community Forest 3.0 AGREEMENT IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 A Blue. Mountain Stewardship Technical Team consisting of a Katzie Band Council member.aKatzie Forestry Technical Advisor, a DOMR Council member, a DOMR Tethnical Advisor, and any other individual a Party deems necessary, is responsible for implementing this Agreement. 3.2 Upon the Effective Date, the Blue Mountain Stewardship Technical Team will begin development of a set of objectives and schedules. 3.3 The Parties will explore ways to coordinate their discussions with the Kwantlen First Nation, with whom Katzie have signed a comparable Memorandum of Understanding. 4.0 AGREEMENT PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES DOMR-Kaie MOU 2 15/03/2007 The Parties acknowledge their willingness to share information, processes, and tools required to develop sustainable forest stewardship strategies and be guided by the following principles: Both the Katzie First Nation and the District of Maple Ridge have an interest in the stewardship of, and management of activities that occur within, the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest. Both the Katzie First Nation and the District of Maple Ridge are interested in enhancing recreation and employment opportunities within and around the municipal boundaries. Both the Katzie First Nation and the District of Maple Ridge are interested in the stewardship of Kanaka Creek Both the Katzie First Nation and the District of Maple Ridge are interested in the stewardship of the eastern foreshoreof Alouette Lake which forms part of the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest Katzie First Nation and the District of:lMaple Ridge' have an interest in promoting sustainable forest stewardship jnitiatives within and around the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest, The Parties wish to develop.a cooperative relationship that will facilitate sharing of information, processes ahd:tools reqUired to be good stewards of the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest; The Parties wish to develop a cooperative relationship that will facilitate sharing of information,processes 'and tools required to successfully communicate with stakeholder groups; The District of Maple Ridge sUpports Katzie's goal of obtaining a Community Forest Agreementon Blue Mountain, provided that Katzie does so in a way that is consistent with this Memorandum of Understanding; The Parties wish to develop a cooperative relationship that will facilitate sharing of information, processes and tools required to successfully develop sustainable forest stewardship strategies including but not limited to: Cultural Heritage Resources Access management Recreation management Information technology Economically viable harvesting Visually sensitive harvesting Silviculture strategies (I) Fire management Non-timber forest products Wildlife management (I) Hydrology and the protection of the aquifer upon which area residents rely DOMR-Katzie MOU 3 15/03/2007 5.0 AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5.1 This Agreement applies to the area of the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest excluding any tenures granted to other persons, and applies to the interface surrounding the boundaries of the forest. 5.2 The Agreement is not to be interpreted as creating, recognizing, denying or amending legally enforceable rights of the Parties. 5.3 The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Agreement isnot legally binding on any of the Parties and is without prejudice to the respctive legal positions of the Parties prior to or after the Effective Date, and shäIi:notabrogate or derogate any Aboriginal right, title, treaty, or interest or any Municipal government authority 5.4 Neither party will either during the term of this Agreement or at any time after its termination, divulge any confidential information disclosed to it assuch by the other party to any person without priorconsent of the disclosing party. 5.5 The Parties commit to completing a Sustáinabi!ity Plan for the area described in section 5.1 within nine months of the Effective Date 5.6 If a Sustainability Plan is not fmnalizedwithin nine months of the Effective Date, the Parties shall review the effectivenessOf::the Agreement and either: terminate the Agreement; extend the term of the Agreement; or (C) negotiate a revised Agreement. In witness whereof the Parties have executed this Agreement this day of - 2006 Chief Diane Bailey Mayor Gordon Robson Katzie First Nation District of Maple Ridge DOMR-Katzie MOU 4 15/03/2007 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: 2004 04 06 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Municipal Position re: Blue Mountain Forest EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to obtain Council direction on an appropriate position for the Municipality to take related to the use of lands within the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest. This is particularly important in light of competing requests for the expansion of both the BCIT woodlot and Kanaka Creek Regional Park. Final decisions on this use rest with the Provincial Government, however, it is felt to be appropriate to convey the District's views on this subject prior to the decision being reached. The Parks and Leisure Services Commission have reviewed and concur with the following recommendation. RECOMMENDATION(S): That a letter be forwarded to the Minister of Forests and the Minister of Sustainable Resource Management supporting the addition of the area identified in the map attached to the 2004 04 06 report on this subject as an addition to Kanaka Creek Regional Park and the addition of lands on the eastern slopes of Alouette Lake in Blue Mountain Provincial Forest to Golden Ears Provincial Park; and the remainder of the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest being managed sustainably for timber harvest and recreation, with better identification and protection of environmentally sensitive features, particularly those related to the hydrology of Kanaka Creek and the regional parks/greenways program, and appropriate recreation management. DISCUSSION: a.) Background Context: In 1999 BCIT applied for an expansion to Woodlot #0007 within the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest area. The proposed expansion included an area to the west of the existing BCIT Woodlot in the direction of Kanaka Creek. The expansion has not been given final consideration although we are advised the only step left to take is consultation with the Katzie first nation. In February of 2002 Maple Ridge Council adopted the following resolution in relation to this subject: That the following list of issues be forwarded to Atticus Resource Consulting Ltd for consideration in the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest Resource Strategy: The postponement of any decision by the Ministry of Forests to expand the BCIT Woodlot into Crown land until the completion of the Blue Mountain Forest Resource Strategy; The consideration of viewscape preservation, especially from Golden Ears Provincial Park; The consideration of possible neighborhood conflicts, i.e. parking congestion on local roads generated by recreation users; Possible liability ifProvincial Forest access is provided through District owned property; The need to determine the number of residential surface water licenses and consider any possible impacts of timber harvest and recreatio1 use in the area; The need for a wildlife use assessment and protection of wildlife corridors; The need to map and classify the watercourses in the area and delineate watershed boundaries, The need to complete an environmental impact assessment that takes into consideration the wide range of uses being undertaken in the areas; Consideration ofpossible mechanisms for dealing with illegal dumping and vandalism in the area; The identification of any mining claims in the area, and Assurance that the Woodlot No. 38 and the BCIT Woodlot will modify their management plans to reflect the outcomes of the Blue Mountain Resource Strategy. The final Blue Mountain Provincial Forest Recreation Management Strategy report was submitted to the Ministry of Forests by Enfor Consultants in March of 2003 (copy attached). Implementation of the various recommendations was identified previously as a significant challenge given the lack of resources allocated to this purpose. Having said this one of the consultant recommendations has been acted upon through the formation of an Ad Hoc Users Group. The group has been meeting over the past year and is challenged with developing an implementation model in concert with the Ministry. No further information has been forwarded to Council as a result of these meetings. The proposal to expand the boundary of the BCIT woodlot is being considered again given completion of the Blue Mountain Forest Management Strategy. At the same time GVRD Parks has completed its Management Plan for Kanaka Creek Regional Park and has requested that the park boundary be extended to the north (see attached map) into a portion of the proposed woodlot #00007 expansion. The attached GVRD Parks report speaks to this subject as does the letter forwarded to the District Manager, Mr. Kerry Grozier, requesting that the woodlot expansion not be considered pending a review by the Minister of Sustainable Resources of GVRD's request for the Park expansion. This report is forwarded to request Council's direction concerning the Municipal position on GVRD Park's request, which can then be advanced to both the Minister of Sustainable Development and the Minister of Forests. The remainder of the recommendation parallels the GVRD Parks position on the rest of the of the Blue Mountain Forest outside of the area requested by GVRD for park purposes. Desired Outcome: The desired outcome of this discussion is a clear municipal position on the use of the Blue Mountain Provincial Forest Lands. Ultimately the decisions taken by the Provincial Government will have an impact on the livability of the community and on the sustainability of the resource and adjacent important resources such as Kanaka Creek Regional Park and Golden ears Provincial park. Strategic Alignment: The recommendations noted above address tourism values (related to protection of the eastern shore of Alouette Lake), environmental values (related to the expansion of Kanaka Creek Park), sustainable recreation values (related to the appropriate management of recreational uses in the 4 Forest) and economic sustainability (related to mixed use of the lands outside of the area recommended for regional and provincial park expansion, including timber harvesting). They also reflect the 1996 Parks and Outdoor Recreation Strategy recommendations previously adopted by Council. d)Citizen/Customer Implications: The recommendations noted above respect many of the views expressed by local residents and groups concerning use of the Forest with the exception of the Blue Mountain Kanaka Creek Conservation Group and others associated with that group who have requested that the entirety of the Blue Mountain Forest be held as a protected area. e) Public Information Requirements The Blue Mountain and Kanaka Creek Conservation Group will be advised of the report going before the Commission and Council and will receive a copy in advance of the Commission meeting. The recreation groups wishing access to Blue Mountain may perceive Council's endorsement of use of the remainder of Blue Mountain for mixed recreation activities (including motorized recreation activities) as an indication that the District is endorsing those uses. In discussing this subject it will be important to emphasize that the District's endorsement of mixed use is subject to adequate trail maintenance and recreation management practices being put in place which will preserve the environmental integrity of the Forest. These are not currently in place. Nor is an acceptable access point for motorized recreation use Blue Mountain currently available. e) Interdepartmentaltlntergovernmental Implications: The proposed position aligns well with the GVRD Parks report. As noted above the District's authority with respect to land use does not extend to the Provincial Forest. Final decisions on all of the District recommendations will rest with the Provincial Government. I) Financial Implications: The direct financial implications of the subject covered in this report are minimal to non existent for the Municipality. However, the financial impact of misuse of an important natural resource could be significant with respect to lost tourism and the environmental degradation which may result from unmanaged motorized recreation use of the forest. CONCLUSION The most appropriate conclusion is likely derived from the GVRD Parks report on this subject and follows: The recommendation ". . .offers continuing support for completing the Provincial Parks system in the lower mainland and allows forestry activities using sustainable practices to occur over a large area of Blue Mountain. The land use conflicts in Blue Mountain Provincial Forest are likely to grow as the surrounding urban communities expand and recreation use continues to increase, particularly mountain biking. The challenge of managing such urban/working forest interfaces will likely require cooperative efforts from industry, recreationists, First Nations and provincial, regional and municipal governments and institutions." Prepared by: Mike Murray General Manager: Community Development, Parks and Recreation Approved by: Frank Quinn, P Eng., PMP General Manager: Public Works and Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer IS Katzie M.O.U. Blue Mountain Katzie approached Maple Ridge about working toward a Community Forest Tenure for Blue Mountain last Fall Council instructed staff to work on a Memorandum of Understanding related to that objective emphasizing issues of sustainability and incorporating previously identified municipal interests. The MOU is intended to outline a framework for working together toward that end and includes a reference to Kwantlen involvement as well. We are advised Katzie have signed a similar MOU with the Kwantlen first nation on this subject. Apart from a community forest tenure the key., deliverable of the parties working together is a sustainability plan for the area. The M 0 U references a number of goals and principles which should be part of the plan including: Enhancing recreation and employment opportunities Stewardship of Kanaka Creek Stewardship of the Eastern Foreshore ofAlouette Lake Communicating effectively with stakeholder groups It also suggests the sustainable forest stewardship strategies in the plan should consider: Cultural Heritage Resources Access Management Recreation Management Information Technology Economically viable Harvesting 0 Visually sensitive harvesting Silviculture Strategies Fire Management Non timber forest products Wildlife management Hydrology and the protection of the aquifer upon which area residents rely We are advised funding for any consulting work will come from Katzie through their Forest and Range Agreement. The District's commitment would be to participate in the Blue Mountain Stewardship Technical Team with one Council member and one staffmember. The Technical Team will oversee the consulting work and public involvement in the development of the plan.