HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-16 - Committee of the Whole - Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A GENDA April 16, 2007 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review and debate of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Councilfor debate and vote or to send an item back to stafffor more information or clar/Ication. Note: If required, there will be a 15-minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS - Nil 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SER VICES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 DP/020/07, 12283 224 Street Staff report dated April 3, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/020/07 for construction of a four storey apartment with related building activity adjacent to Morse Creek. 1102 VP/036/06, 12283 224th Street Staff report dated April 4, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/036/06 to vary the height of the building and the exposed parking structure; the front and rear setbacks; and the number and size of residential and visitor parking spaces will be considered by Council at the May 8, 2007 meeting. Committee of the Whole Agenda April 16, 2007 Page 2 of 3 FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SER VICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Adjustments to the 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 Collector's Roll Staff report dated March 30, 2007 submitting information on changes to the 2002 through 2005 Collector's Rolls through the issuance of Supplementary Rolls 30/2002, 29/2003, 25/2005 and 14/2005. 1132 2007 Community Grants Staff report dated March 16, 2007 recommending that the proposed distribution of grants as shown on Schedule "A" be approved. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SER VICES 1151 CORRESPONDENCE 1171 6. OTHER ISSUES 1181 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee of the Whole Agenda April 16, 2007 Page 3 of 3 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to speak with Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221 or by e-mail at cmarlo@mapleridae.ca . )1 Checked ________ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 3, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/020/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Watercourse Protection Development Permit 12283 224 Street EXECUTWE SUMMARY: A Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area application has been received for the above noted property in support of a development plan for construction of a four storey apartment with related building activity adjacent to Morse Creek. Site rehabilitation and enhancement works within the riparian area on this site include removal of invasive species and replanting with native planting with a maintenance period of five years. Compensation works by the developer will include the same site rehabilitation and enhancement works in the conservation area on the property south of this site. As required under the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines, a permit must be approved by Council and the required environmental security deposited with the District prior to any on-site works being undertaken within 50 meters of the top of bank of the watercourse. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/020/07 respecting property located at 12283 224 Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: MacLean Homes (Golden Ears Ltd.) Owner: MacLean Homes (Golden Ears Ltd.) Legal Description: Lot "E", DL 399, Group 1, NWD Plan 8914 OCP: Urban Residential Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Area Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 Designation Urban Residential, Conservation South: Use: Care Facility Apartment Zone: CD-1-00 Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation East: Use: Apartment Zone: RM-2 Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation West: Use: Townhouse Zone: RM-4, RM-5 Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation 1/0/ Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Single Family Residential Apartment 0.622 hectares Lane Full Urban RZ/036/06, DP/036/06, VP/036/06 Project Description: A Watercourse Protection Development Permit application has been made in support of a development plan for a rezoning application (RZ/036/06) to rezone the above noted property to RM-2 to allow the construction of a 64 unit apartment building (Appendix A). Environmental Implications: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule 'C' of the Official Community Plan and is included in the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area that was established for the preservation and protection restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. A Development Permit is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits within 50 meters of the top- of-bank of all watercourse and wetlands as shown on Schedule "C" - Natural Features Map (Appendix B). The headwaters of a small tributary to Morse Creek, located on the north side of the development site, have been partially filled in the past. The applicant is proposing, as compensation for relaxation of the setbacks to this small tributary, a package that includes revitalization and rehabilitation of the conservation area on this site and on the property to the south. Compensation works will include clean up, removal of invasive species and revegetation within the conservation areas, with a five year maintenance program agreement. (Appendix Q. An Enhancement and Protection Agreement has been registered as a restrictive covenant for these works. Security will be posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. Planning Analysis: The Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines may be varied with supporting documentation from a qualified professional at the discretion of Council. WATERCOURSE PROTECTION DEVELOPMENT PERMIT GUIDELINES: A. Watercourse Protection Area Establishment: 1. Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks have endorsed the proposed watercourse protection boundaries as shown on the District's Streamside Setback Map. Setbacks from Morse Creek have been established in conjunction with the District 's Streamside Setback Map. -2- The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. The watercourse protection area will be dedicated as Park as a condition of zoning. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. A BCLS has located the watercourse protection area on the ground. Temporary barrier fencing will be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and should be replaced with permanent post and rail fence upon development completion. A temporary barrier fence has been installed adjacent to the watercourse protection area. This will be replaced with a permanent post and rail fence upon completion of the development. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. The development meets the required minimum lot dimensions as required in the Zoning Bylaw. B. Erosion Control: All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410 - 2006. The developer 's Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (Appendix D) is in accordance with the requirements of the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006; and In support of watercourse protection, a signed letter from the engineer of record has been submitted with assurances that the storm water management plan for the site will meet the DFO Urban Stormwater standards for water velocity, volume, and water quality. Temporary fencing should be erected to prevent any encroachment or disturbance into the watercourse protection area prior to any clearing or construction on the site. This is a requirement of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and a Watercourse Protection DP site plan has been submitted demonstrating compliance with these requirements. Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structural fill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the OCP. A grading plan has been prepared and submitted to the District in support of the development. The timing of the cutting and filling is confined to within the Fisheries window and outside critical bird nesting periods. -3- 9. The District may require environmental impact studies, enhancement works, and monitoring in support of development proposed to be located within a Watercourse Protection Area. Supporting documentation, technical studies, and recommendations with respect to impacts of the proposed development may include the following: A geotechnical slope stability and erosion control report; A flood protection report; A groundwater impact assessment report; Wildlife habitat assessment report; Vegetation impact assessment report; and A detailed trail plan. In support of the above, the following reports were required and have been received. • Geotechnical Report, • Storm water Management Plan, • Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, • Arborist Report. C. Vegetation Mana2ement: 10. Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimum disruptions to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. The conservation area has been protected through Park dedication. A fence will be installed along the property line to define the clearing limitations. An Arborist report with recommendations for retention ofsignificant trees has been submitted for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area. 11. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species should be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. A signfIcant amount of vegetation will be protected within the watercourse protection area which is dedicated as Park. A cost estimate and enhancement plans for watercourse improvement adjacent to Morse Creek have been received by the District, and are attached as (Appendix E and F). A performance security for environmental protection has been received. 12. Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area should have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the Districts stormwater management plans. The Environmental Monitor has provided confirmation in writing that there is no Habitat Alteration Disturbance and Destruction (HADD) authorization required from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the site. The developer shall provide copies of all necessaiy approvals (and supporting information) from senior agencies for all new storm water ouzfalls located within setback areas. A letter of assurance from the engineer of record has been received stating that the storm water management plan meets DFO stormwater management standards for volume, velocity, and water quality as required by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. -4- In addition, the engineer of record must demonstrate compliance with current Provincial and GVRD site source controls where possible. Calculations demonstrating compliance with the three tier system may be required. D. Monitoring: 13. The implementation and maintenance of environmental mitigation controls or measures approved by the District are to be monitored bya qualified environmental monitor. Environmental monitoring will be a key element of the development of this site. Letts - Envirowise Ltd. will be the environmental monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Monitoring will occur daily during construction in rainfall events, and weekly at all other times during the construction period to ensure compliance with the permit. A record of all monitoring data shall be made available to the District upon request. The Environmental Monitor has been provided with written authority to modify and/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006 (Appendix G). The erosion and sediment control works approved by the engineer of record and the environmental monitor, shall be inspected, maintained and operated by the property owner and/or contractor performing the construction work set out in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan until a CertfIcate of Acceptance has been issued by Director of Development Engineering or an Occupancy Permit has been issued by the Building Department. Staff has reviewed the guidelines established for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant. Performance Security: In support of the restoration works required in or around Morse Creek the amount of security that will be required as a condition of issuance of the Development Permit is $50,000.00, as per the Cost Estimate provided from Letts Envirowise Ltd. A performance security will also be required for environmental protection purposes at the Building Permit stage. e) Interdepartmental Implications: Parks Department The Parks Department requires that the park area be cleaned up, rehabilitated and revegetated prior to the land being dedicated as Park. 1) Financial Implications: A refundable security totaling $50,000.00 will be required for restoration and enhancement related works as noted above. -5- CONCLUSION: The applicant has provided the information as set out in the Council Policy for Environmental Protection. It is recommended that DP/020/07 be approved. Prep(red by: Ann Edi(ards, CPT Planning7nician proved by: Ia icke , CP, MCIP Di or of Planning Approved by: /rank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Wo ks & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendice's are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Appendix B - Watercourse Protection Development Permit area Appendix C - Enhancement and Replanting Area Appendix D - Erosion & Siltation Control Plan Appendix E - Cost Estimate for Restoration Works and Enhancement Appendix F - Restoration area planting plan Appendix G - Schedule "A" for WPDP. N N N N N N N N NN N APPENDIX N A Rem Rem4 Rem3 P19 2 I P7C 12385 :14 154 P P38983 B 12386 67 I 12367 24278 N1 12347 0fJ P147 12344 Pi 2 1 12342 _ 12345 \\ 8914 NWS 2464 S1I2C P72069 12333 I- 12334 Rem I 42 N N SUBJECT PROPERTY A N43 LMP 4403 P 80319 12305 P 75480 NWS 3018 P 8914 NWS 2777 LMS 608 E 12296 12283 PP119 2 A BCP 15645 LMP 50617 N 12275 12258 P13 42 LMP 136 BCP 21579 13 A B 53 A "A BP 51690 00 12241 LMS 1802 ci 12238112248 12207 LMS 321 N C) N N N N LMS873 P86603 12206 12191 NI 'I FvF ' A LMP26249 th ctof Dis Pitt Meadows 12283 224 STREET I CORPORATION OF - ________ ________ Hane y -'THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE N 'District bion of IVL\.PLE RIIXE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley DATE: Mar 15, 2007 FILE: DP/020107 BY: PC SCALE 1:2,000 _____ 13 APPENDIXB P8914 \ SII2C 12333 CN 12 / 42 12325 H \ P4125 43 12305 19 018 8914 121 12283 I LMP 50617 12275 APPENDIX - TIFT LLJ liii '.1(_I.n( Ti1 1DPA Watercourse !Ai • Wmi- all igzUR It, it, U, () 0) c..J 0) C) () ('4 ('4 ('4 ('4 ('1 ('4 c'J •Appe.'idic 12333 co 12334 12325 12305 ) Proposed Lane 12296 12283 Enhancement and Replanting area with 5 year Maintenance Program 12275 12258 12241 12238/12248 12207 (0 (0 0) ('4 ('4 Cl) C,) ('1 ('4 ('4 C,j(N ('4 Avi N District 0 a$ - Langley SCALE -- - 122 AVE. 12206 12191 ,J ' (Nt ' (NI I 12184-90 SCHEDULE A Enhancement and Re-Planting Area (Shown Hatched) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ion LTh1(h1 N41.APLE RJDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ff _____ DATE: Apr 10, 2007 FILE: DP1020107 BY: RO I f11J =li / LDNGmJp&L SECTIOt PERIMETER DITCH DETML EIIII LOS - AECW APPEND1X 1 $0 Plants Total Cost $8169.27 Fencing & Installation $2,800.00 Tree Support Stakes $400.00 Monitoring Planting Works $1,500.00 Syr Post Works Monitoring $3,250.00 Small Excavator & Dumper $1,100.00 Seed Mix $355.00 Planting Labour $5,000.00 FreIght Charge (x2) $300.00 GST $1,326.15 PST 800 TOTAL $25,000.42 I ** All plant species are subject to availability and pricing. I 1. MACLEAN HOMES * LETTS Environmental [ TABLE 1. 12283 - 224th St. Riparian Planting Plan Cost Spreadsheet April 3rd, 2007 I Consultants Ltd. * Total Revegetation Area Aream2 Based on setbacks of I 5m out from top of bank ** Plant Species 1865 % of Area Total Area (ml No. of Plants Needed Plant Size and Approximate Cost (gal pots) Plant Name - Trees Latin Name Spacing (Im) Tree Size Shrub Size Seedling Size Tree Shrub Seedling Trees Shrubs Seedling Treel Size Cost I . Tree Cost Shrubi Size : CostI Shrub Cost Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menzieSii 26.0 10% 187 7 2.5m $55.00 $394.52 Pacific dogwood Comusnuftalii 30.0 10% 187 6 1.5m $45.00 $279.75 - Broadleaf maple Acermacmphyflum 30.0 10% 187 6 1.5m $45.00 $279.75 Western red cedar Thuja plicata 20.0 10% 187 9 2.5m $55.00 $512.88 Grand fir Acer circino(um 30.0 10% 187 6 2.5m $55.00 $341.92 Sitka mountain ash Sorbus sitchensis 20.0 10% 187 9 2.5m $55.00 $512.88 - Plant Name - Shrubs Vine maple Acer circinatum 12.0 2.5% - 47 - 4 5 $8.50 $33.03 Beaked hazelnut Corylus comuta 8.0 2.5% 47 6 2 $7.00 $40.80 Blacktwinberry Lonicerainvolucrata 4.6 1 5.0% 93 20 2 $7.00 $141.90 ndian plum Osmaronia cerasifonvis 8.0 1 5.0% 93 1 12 $7.00 $81.59 Deerfem Blechnumspicant 0.5 5.0% 93 175 $7.00 $1,226.97 Red elderberry Sambucus racemosa 3.3 2.5% 47 14 $7.00 $98.90 Snowberry Symphoncarposalbus 4.8 2.5% 47 1 10 $6.50 1 $63.14 Salmonberry Rubusspectabills 0.4 50°k 93 250 $7.00 $1,750.00 Blackhawthorn Crataegusdouglasii 3.8 5.0% 93 25 $7.00 $171.78 Swordfem Polystichummunitum 0.5 5.0% 93 175 $7.00 Salal Gaulthenashallom 0.4 5.0% 93 225 $4.50 ~$I,~226.97 2.50 TOTALS 60% 44 916 960 $2,321.69 7.58 $8,169.27 Plants Total Cost $7,986.25 Fencing & Installation - $2,800.00 Tree Support Stakes $400.00 Monitoflng PlantIng Works $1,500.00 5yr Post Works Monitoring $3,250.00 Small Excavator & Dumper $1,000.00 Seed Mix $355.00 Planting t.abour $5,000.00 FreIght Charge (x2) $300.00 GST $1,326.15 PST $800.00 TOTAL. $24,717.40 I ** All plant species are subject to availability and pricing. I I I MACLEAN HOMES I ITABLE 1. 12241 - 224th St. Riparian Planting Plan Cost Spreadsheet April 3rd, 2007 LETTS j Environmental Consultants Ltd. * Total Revegetation Area Aream2 Based on setbacks or i 5m out from to of bank ** Plant SpecIes 1950 % of Area Total Area (m2) No. of Plants Needed Plant Size and Approximate Cost (gal pots) Plant Name - Trees Latin Name spacing Tree Size Shrub Size seedling Size Tree - Shrub Seedling Trees Shrubs Seedling Tree Cost I Size Tree Cost Shrub Size Cost! Shrub' Cost Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 24.0 10% 195 1 8 2.5m 1 $55.00 1 $446.88 Pacificdogwood Comusnuttalii 28.0 10% 195 1 7 1.5m $45.00 $313.39 Broadleaf maple Acermacrophyllum 28.0 10% -195 7 1,Srn $45.00 $313.39 Western red cedar Thujaplicata 17.0 10% 195 11 2.5m $55.00 $630.88 Grand fir Acer circinatum 36.0 10% 195 5 2.5m $55.00 $297.92 Sitka mountain ash So,bus sitchensis 24.0 10% 195 8 2.5m $55.00 $446.88 Plant Name - Shrubs Vine maple Acer circinatum _.!L.. ....9... .....L..... $8.50 $61.85 Beaked hazelnut Corylus comuta 6.7 2.5% - 49 - 7 - $7.00 $50.93 Blacktwinberry Lonicerainvolucrala 2.6 5.05'o - 98 - 37 - - $7.00 $261.49 ndian plum Osmaronia cerasifo,mis 4.0 2.5'/o - 49 - 12 - $7.00 $85.31 Deerfem Blechnumspicant 0.3 2.5% - 49 - 150 $7.00 $1,053.24 Red elderberry Sambucus ,acemosa 1.6 2.5% - 49 - 30 - 2 - $7.00 $213.28 Snowberry Symphonca,pos albus 3.0 25% - 49 - 16 . - - $650 $105.63 Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis 0.5 5.0% - 98 - 210 - $7.00 $1,470.91 Black hawthorn Crataegusdouglasii 3.8 5.0'/ - 93 - 25 - - $7.00 $171.78 Sword fern Polystichummunitum 0.7 5.0% - 98 - 150 _2 - $7.00 $1,050.00 Salal Gaulihena shalom 0.4 5.0% - 98 1 - 225 - $450 $1,012.50 TOTALS 60% 1 40% 1 111701 - 776 -,- 1 - . 47 1 871 1 918 1 $2,449.33 1 $5,536.92 $7986.25 Ti IJ fffMIKX COMMON&E LATHUW KAMM 201M.5 / blWe.I. Ae2o I 71* I e45o9lt p.48 S 515220,10 - S 855 P515.eleeld 7 8555510 51*4 .44*d5 4 5p5 ( bd7.55d 55)650'e S 2d CONNIONNOW LATIS 448 115562 200502 j.e,48W 55k. S 545220,10 .e.51'y S)50.444781 81.. 10 9d.274 814J*0202 .0S15* 20 2g*p2 1548154417 S5eee,. 14 2'PA 07545 0.,.15*20,,* II 2pd 5.444548 O.Wmftow 20 215 0 á515449 2044 p.4881 Q 4.88, 51d.48p444 172 2p5 0 20448854844' 172 2e15 0 w 4481488148' 48 1 TOTALIIATIVEKAffm 56 RECOI8181JIDEO SEED OtT 56808110 fl%820*R).p W%P.fliRsep. 20% 781 54. 5% W* LESEI5V2072I56ITk150W03LTO. STIMR48NTPLCIS15ATN(TS LID, 148110449 4% 48.p •IW854P8*SRW5I PIN" 12%020MS 4% 44To I 1483-7242055181 D816*Ø56ED7 D_56 2007 OWMALVAMP MAREDIVIOTHIERS TYPICAL CCNIAI€R TORUS 514008 2 POT TREE PLSNI1NGOETAS. lot TYPiCAl. 818 TREE PLANTING 04156. WTTIN EXISTING SOILS 5*01156 444I81548854.4.4*Sbtt 5548756 M5.*dSS*W155 TYPICAL CONTAINER 8 517 POT) TREE PLANTING DETA& WITHIN EXiSTiNG SOlOS OIEDULI 02056(00 812257 056204560 ST 012856 .815,4-S - SCALE 1:500 --__ LIMA OR SUBJECT PRUPERTY 7142 LIBJAISJ81 P120 50.1 P02100 44844_ Sp.0%154415 I 81.554 4448858152d881e144..48t. 4844 .554 p44484541.PdO.11.4 i48bl15Pl, 51pIIs 55A4 p156.4 4554p5* 54 4-0 048 2048 Sd 5,. 0.4.4 55p1544 4581*85 I048 0 Ms4856. 48.Sd.45tl Ad 5. ..5048d044* .l, 5. SC I.*. 0W44E** pedAd b1t,. IC 20d4781081.Sd8155Sd5.9CN'ISYT'484.50 O 815814 4-5680. 556 dSdppe dbpL48€lM5l08b5 L815481l54-5..5 4. M4-.,y(1044dR 5456,48b.44.tpfl.dsd..5,44*.58581p0.IIUIP4-Bo48b ..,.,48 5148,y.5Ad.e855,Mb.48âd.d 05Boby 5.5 54881 8,565,15.4 44 ek I *144654154- 4844448144489445 440. 444848d20p4844 484-50 #482 I *I4880.S54,.481815.4456845620d484%50t59CL48484448 7. 175 .5548 444 p544 4444s. dth.4444-,.444444.5.555x484-*% Sdd44çdb.4-p.d.. 0814 .448%I 4d IM.p...4488b48485048. .1.4 .581.4501. 5448*4 W I E56V,.d%4481*78,l548568S50d5l20 LETTS-ENVIROWISE environmental consultants 12283-224th S11881, LeltA-000lfowIee Lid. 072100.604.4668112 Mspe RIdg, BC P.O. Box 29568 Cell 604.329.2972 44ple Ridge, B.C. P.o 604.467.8972 V2X 0V2 Illentolkhow.m RIPARIAN PLANTING PLAN DETAILS GRI. GRI.1 MTOopi l_:.._._. 03.0307 $e12.2007 IQb PLAN OF RIPARIMI PLANTiNG SPECIES AND LOCA11ONS '10 E All x4$, Pa PC L gffdwd Obftpx&xdbyT.BC 7ot, E 4 IL he. 0. di.aI, tO d,.xoa.d$oiPa.0.pWbidid.0. 000.n I S. M b0.tdPa.WS cILddi,*.iP,.SCL$ Not 7. Th.dfldidi$$OOdiN*V 120% a.tI 0. ah.dO PiU $5 S. I. II a,%b.Nom0diPae.PadM.diD.a. 11. / - 1YVICAL 955 TREE PLANTING DETAIL WITIN EXISTING SOILS $5DIIM IYPPCAL IXIMTAJNER SHRUB AND No 2 POT 1REE PUNTING DEIM. Nit MSWIbNNO LETTS-ENVIROWISE environmental consultants 12241 2241h Sfreet Latts.Enylrowlxe Ltd. 0IACe 604.466.8172 Maple Ridge, BC P.O. Box 29565 Cell 904.329.2972 Maple Ridge, B.C. FOE 904.487.8972 025 002 Ø.ttaS.Mw.c. 1771051 CONTAINER (lbs & 7 P01) TREE PLANTiNG DETAIL WITHIN 1)O51910 SOILS LEDOJId OINOWAL 811"D PREPARED $7 01P RIPARIAN PLANTING PLAN DETAILS GRE. 081 00 AoSlosai A4aI2 257 2003.07 SCALE 1200 01 I ot, øq PLAN OF RIPARLAN PLANtiNG SPECIES AND LOCATIONS ffmom COMMON WARE LAI%KA&C I4IU5% DETAILS 3?lr3?, xoe LATI4P5%E 5LI5 OETAVI 5dx. M.00.x 7 1I*77.P ."UW SO*. IF 8 vix it ( ) Sp'Noe.,a is 1xxpe Q p.,dC Aófl 5 i.le47Io7.P >.< 5lalt*a7 Le,rxx5 3? tpd ii addixiNoy s,exoy.a -- 0e5oI P .dixx* IS 29. &.0. P—d*di—ba $ Ihi7io7.P t$7 ii? Spd d IBoa ISdi.g.a ftolad $ 2IdI9 dNo tha,a wkd 1$ 3,ne C) eiw - 5%FEIJIcE REPOISTIL $5 R.'. iO%P..Raga IETTSEPV$OIBdi7$TPLGLLTNIISLW. LETTO EPCO54TdL EP.LTNIIS LID. 20% TIN$o, $5 IOpsNo P*çat 0O$BpuWPI.*c P.CoiBoo 1$%Tbidi $5 d$O yy I 12%Dth.' 4% INdT APPENDIX - SCHEDULE "A" ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES TO: District of Maple Ridge DATE:4"W 2001 ATrENTION• evelopment Permit Application No.. J)P JOCaO 107 We/I _41 19ii5.confirm that we/I have been retained (Environmental Monitor' nam) by __for the District Project No.1)Q / O O (Devel 's name printed) to provide inspection, assessment, and reporting services in accordance with the requirements of the Watercourse Protection Development PermIt. This includes the requirement to ensure compliance with the following: Prior to any clearing and/or disturbance to the site, the Development Permit Area must be inspected by the environmental monitor to ensure all protective controls and niitigation measures are installed/constructed in accordance with municipal requirements found within the current Watercourse Protection Bylaw and the approved environmental Development Permit A final inspection and written confirmation by the environmental monitor is required that provides assurance all environmental requirements have been adequately addressed and complàted. Development and construction plans must incorporate the low impact development guidelines. See Attachment on "Low Impact Development Guidelines". The professionals of record for the site are responsible for providing recommendations on how and when these guidelines can be incorporated into the development plans. To prevent damage or destruction to protected areas and natural features, it is the responsibility of the developer andthe environmental consultant to ensure protective fencing and markers have been placed around protected areas, natural features, or infiltration areas for protection. Where encroachment and degradation of vegetation within a setback or protected area occurs or where vegetation has been removed from a non developable area, the environmental consultant must prepare a restoration or replanting plan for the District of Maple Ridge. The Environmental monitor must have unconditional authority from Developer to modify and/or halt any construction activity essarv to ensure compliance vith municipal environmental regulations. EnvonmentaIMonito Name ('ompany: Address: l:niereie' Contact Phone Number Owner/Developer: In executing this Letter of Appointment I covenant that I have authority to and do hereby unconditionally authorize the named Environmental Monitor to modify or halt any construction activity as necessary to ensure compliance with Watercourse Protection Development Permit and the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410-2006. J Fs' Z), 200 *W1 CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 4, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: VP/036/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW SUBJECT: Variance Permit 12283 224 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Rezoning and Development Permit applications have been received to rezone the property at 12883 224 Street to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) to construct a four storey, 64 unit apartment building. This Development Variance Permit application has been received to vary the height of the building and the exposed parking structure; the front and rear setbacks; and the number and size of residential and visitor parking spaces. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/036/06 respecting property located at 12283 224 Street will be considered by Council at the May 8, 2007 meeting. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: MacLean Homes (Golden Ears Ltd.) Owner: MacLean Homes (Golden Ears Ltd.) Legal Description: Lot "E" District Lot 399 Group 1 Plan 8914 NWD OCP: Urban Residential Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Area Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 Designation Urban Residential, Conservation South: Use: Care Facility Apartment Zone: CD-1-00 Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation 1102 East: Use: Apartment Zone: RM-2 Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation West: Use: Townhouse Zone: RM-4, RlvI-5 Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Requested Variances: Single Family Residential Apartment 0.622 hectares (1.53 acres) Lane Full Urban RZi036/06, DP/036/06, DP/020/07 Zoning Bylaw: • Section 604(7), to vary the maximum building height from 15m to 17.3m at the rear of the building facing the ravine due to sloping topography. • Section 604(8)(a), to vary the height of the exposed parking structure from 0.8m to 1 .2m above the average finished grade on the rear elevation due to sloping topography. • Section 604(6)(a), to vary the front yard setback from 7.5m to 4.9m to the building face. • Section 403(4)(b)(1), to vary the front setback of the eaves from 6.25m to 3.6m and of the entrance canopy from 6.25m to 2.6m. • Section 604(6)(b), to vary the rear and interior side setbacks for the parking structure from 1 .5m to 0.5m where it is exposed more than 0.8m above the average finished grade at the northwest corner. Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: • Schedule "A"(l.0)(c), to vary the required number of residential parking spaces from 96 to 85 and to vary the required number of visitor parking spaces from 13 to 7. • Part IV(4. I )(i)(b), to vary the maximum number of Small Car residential parking spaces from 10% to 13%, and to vary the minimum height for a portion of the Small Car residential parking spaces from 2.1m to 1.8m. b) Project Description: Rezoning and Development Permit applications have been received to rezone the property located at 12283 224 Street from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit the construction of a four storey apartment building containing 64 units (Appendix A & B). The building is a four storey wood frame apartment structure over a one storey concrete basement parking level. The building form and massing mimics the existing buildings and those under construction on 224 Street. An access ramp to the underground resident parking is located at the rear of the building, as are seven visitor surface parking spaces. A hammerhead turnaround is provided on the lane at the north end of the property, providing sufficient turning space for fire trucks and other large vehicles. -2- A Multi-family Residential Development Permit is required to address the form and character of the development, and a Watercourse Protection Development Permit is required to establish protection, restoration and enhancement criteria in relation to Morse Creek at the west end of the property. The property slopes from 224 Street down to the northwest at the rear lane and west to Morse Creek. The land west of the lane is designated Conservation for the protection of the watercourse and will be dedicated as Park. Compensation works by the applicant will include revitalization and rehabilitation of the watercourse protection areas west of the lane on this site and on the site just to the south, with a five year maintenance program agreement. This Development Variance Permit application has been received to vary the height of the building; the height of the exposed parking structure; the front and rear setbacks; the number of residential parking spaces; the maximum number and height of small car parking spaces; and the number of visitor parking spaces. The applicant has provided an architectural design rationale and a parking impact study in support of the requested variances (Appendix C & D). c) Planning Analysis: The applicant is proposing a building design that takes into consideration the sloping site and minimizes the amount of impervious surface. The front of the building is setback 4.9 metres, slightly more than the 4.5 metres recommended for medium density development in the Town Centre Concept Plan. A large entrance Canopy provides weather protection for residents and the majority of the main floor units are ground-oriented with direct connection to the street (Appendix E). The proposed front setbacks are consistent with other new development on the street. Underground and surface parking, accessible from the lane, is provided for residents and visitors, and pedestrian access is provided through the development. The applicant is proposing terraced and sloped landscaping of varying heights on all sides of the building to enhance the appearance and integrate the usable part of the yard area. A biofiltration swale on the north side of the building will allow stormwater to infiltrate through the soil before reaching Morse Creek. Rationale for the proposed variances are as follows: Zoning Bylaw: • Section 604(7), to vary the maximum building height from 15m to 17.3m at the west end of the building. The proposed building height exceeds the maximum allowable height on the rear of the building by up to 2.3 metres as a result of the site's natural slope. The building's roof parapets and cornices are localized areas of added height that are retained to enhance the architectural character of the building. Section 604(8)(a), to vary the height of the exposed parking structure from 0.8m to 1 .2m above the average finished grade on the west elevation. The parking garage is exposed more than 0.8 metres on the west elevation due to the soil conditions described in the geotechnical report which limit the depth of allowable excavation. The applicant has provided a multi- terraced landscape plan with significant planting material of various heights and architectural wall details that enhance and screen the exposed walls on all side of the development (Appendix F). -3- • Section 604(6)(a), to vary the front yard setback from 7.5m to 4.9m to the building face. This is a similar setback to other new development in this area and will provide a consistent pedestrian friendly streetscape. The setback is slightly more than the 4.5 metres recommended for medium density development in the Town Centre Concept Plan. Section 403(4)(b)(1), to vary the front setback of the eaves from 6.25m to 3.6m and of the entrance canopy from 6.25m to 2.6m. The wide roof overhang will provide good protection for the building envelope and give character to the building. The large entrance canopy provides weather protection, and a comfortable sheltered area at the building entrance for residents and visitors. A similar canopy exists at Willow Manor I and will be provided at Willow Manor H. Section 604(6)(b), to vary the rear setback for the parking structure from 1 .5m to 0.5m where it is exposed more than 0.8m above the average finished grade at the northwest corner. The area requiring a variance is adjacent to the large hammerhead turnaround at the northern terminus of the lane, which is required to allow fire trucks and other large vehicles to negotiate turning around. The watercourse protection area west of the lane restricts the location of the lane and turnaround. The variance is required because the turnaround is directed toward the building to avoid encroachment into the watercourse protection area on the west side of the lane. Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: o Schedule "A"( 1 .0)(c), to vary the required number of residential parking spaces from 96 to 85 and to vary the required number of visitor parking spaces from 13 to 7. The applicant has provided a parking impact study by Bunt & Associates, dated April 11, 2006. The study provides rationale for and supports the reduced parking ratio (Appendix D). The proposed development is in the Town Centre Area, is within walking distance of the downtown core and is located on a bus route. Visitor parking spaces are provided at the rear of the building, adjacent to the lane, and are screened by a vine-covered trellis and hedging. Part IV(4. 1 )(i)(b), to vary the maximum number of Small Car residential parking spaces from 10% to 13%, and to vary the minimum height of the Small Car residential parking spaces from 2. im to I .8m. The increased ratio of Small Car parking spaces is also supported by the parking impact study by Bunt & Associates by comparison with other municipalities. The applicant has reduced the ceiling height by 0.3m above the small car parking spaces in an effort to reduce the exterior impact of the exposed parking structure wall on the north elevation. d) Interdepartmental Implications: The Fire Department has requested that a larger turnaround be provided due to the length of the lane from 121 Avenue with no other exit and to provide room for their large vehicles to turn around. -4- CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended that Council approve Development Variance Permit VP/036/06 to allow the requested variances. Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT PlanninQ. Technician Jane MCIP Approved by: Fák Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM 1 ublic Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (tim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AE/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Subject Map Appendix B: Site Plan Appendix C: Architect's Design Rationale Appendix D: Parking Impact Study by Bunt & Associates Appendix E: Building Elevations Appendix F: North & West Building elevations with landscaping -5- N co 0 40 0 Rem 1 N N ('4 ('4 N NN N N Rem Rem4 Rem3 - 5 P19 6 2 12385 P8914 B 12367 If 12347 P 14710 2 1 12345 P8914 S 1/2 C 12333 (0 Rem 1 ('4 ('4 ______________ SUBJECT PROPERTY N43 LMP 4403 P80319 ( 1 2305 NWS 3018 i P8914 LMS6O8 E 12283 PP119 I ii *LMP 50617 _ 12275 __ N P1Z t42 A C') 13 A B 53 B P 51690 12241 BCP 21579 0 LMs 1802 C- 1 LMS 2207 12191 \ A LMP 26249 II 4p/Oe4.diJr A 12396 P18957 154 P 38983 12386 Re 67 P24278 Ni of 12344 P 12342 NWS 2464 P 72069 12334 A P 75480 NWS 2777 12296 A BCP 15645 12258 LMP 136 "A 1223&12248 LMS 873 P 86603 12206 R Districtof PittMeadows, 12283 224 STREET - SWerValle I -• I CORPORATION OF THE DTRICT OF N Alblon District of . N'IAPLE IRIL)(E PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,000 Langley ' I , _____ DATE: Mar 15, 2007 FILE: VP/036/06 BY: PC •1 /// ,v ___ P P — P Tr \\\\\ X / I I /' I I I I J p i i.,jjcO€ocAjoi -r / Sf RA&N GA5 Asi/Sir Or wAY •5•m (URCR ZUNIN() ARCHITECTS INC 2 LAST MKDSOR RD. NORTh VMI000VEJS BC CMIAO* i/SN IA? SITE PLAN PROJECT STATISTICS MacLEAN HOMES =.- 11111 Li MMX COHDOMINIUM US z SITE PLAN z 2 0511.00 GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. December 12, 2006 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 PeMcJi) C DEC 122006 MAPLE (DGE Attention: Ann Edwards, Planning Technician Re: CONDOMINIUM BUILDING (GOLDEN EARS) 4-storey. 64-unit, apartment building File # RZ/DP/DVP/OCP/036/06 Legal: Lot E, D.L. 399, Plan 8914, NWD Location: 12283- 224th Sreet Zoning: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) OCP: Apartment, Conservation A) ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN RATIONALE • Proposed development The proposed development would be a 4-storey, 64-unit, apartment building of wood frame construction over 1 storey concrete parking garage. • Site description The subject property is located at 12283- 2241h Street. It is situated centrally in Maple Ridge, a few blocks away from the Civic Centre and the Shopping Mall. The lot area is about 6224 M2 (1.53 Acres). The west part of the site adjoins Morse Creek and will be dedicated as protected watercourse area; also the lane would be extended through the site. The net site area after land dedication is 3,820 M2 (0.94 Acres). The site is accessed from 224th Street and from the proposed lane extension. The site slopes down significantly from East to West- about 13 feet from 224th Street towards the lane. • Built context On the adjacent lot, to the south of the site, there is a five storey seniors' housing building - Willow Manor. This is a rental apartment building for seniors of 133 suites, including a licensed health care facility at the lowest floor. Between both buildings there is a wide landscaped right of way area over the gas line. To the east, across 224th Street there is a large townhouse complex with vehicular access off the street. To the north of the lot, there's a single family home. • BuildinQ description The main access to the building is from 224th Street and the entrance to the parking is from the lane. The project contains 64 suites (studios, I bedroom, and 2 bedrooms). There is a common amenity / gathering space on the ground floor, and also a secured bicycle parking storage. The building is sited close to the 224th Sf. property line; the façade is aligned with the front of the Willow Manor building. There is a wider rear yard setback at the lane, as this area is environmentally sensitive and has geotechnical limitations. The project plan layout allows for wider than required side yard setbacks, which provide spacious landscaped areas, and ample usable open space. There's a pedestrian walkway that links the front 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 E: gzarchitectste1us.net Marcela Garcia Zunino, MAIBC, MRAIC, LEED A.P. Luis Zunino, MAIBC —j street with the lane, along the south property line. And the ground level units are provided with alternate exterior pedestrian access. These landscape areas provide good views to and from the project, as well as the opportunity for screening and spatial separation of the building from the neighbouring buildings. • Building agearance and materials The building appearance has an urban contemporary image of flat roofs with large cornices and wide roof overhangs, articulated with higher turrets. The building's contemporary design promotes formal diversity in contrast with the two adjacent seniors' buildings, of more traditional design lines. The building has a symmetric appearance from the street, flanked by two towers at both sides of the entry door. The entry door has a canopy in front to create a comfortable covered access to the building. This canopy will be partially glazed to allow for planting underneath. The color palette follows a split complementary color scheme of predominantly warm colors. The building design details and materials are of high quality: brick cladding base and a mix of hardi cladding types to add character to the building. B) PROJECT STATISTICS PROJECT GOLDEN EARS - MAPLE RIDGE STATISTICS Civic address: 12283 - 224nd STREET, MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. Legal Address: LOT "E", DISTRICT LOT 399,GROUP 1, N.W.D., PLAN 8914 Lot Dimensions: 279.5' x154' aprox. Lot Area: 3,821 M2 = 0.94 Acres (41,132 SF) Zoning Allowable Proposed Classification RS-1 Zone RM-2 Zone Floor Space Ratio 1.8 Allowable Proposed PROJECT 74,037.00 Sq Ft 51316 Sq Ft Lot Coverage 37.02% Building Footprint 15,227.47 Sq Ft Proposed Density 64 units / 0.94 Acres 68.08 UPA Parking Required: Proposed: 1.5 stalls / unit = 96 parking stalls 85 parking stalls (1.32 stalls per unit) (Includes 2 handicap stalls) Visitors = 0.2x64 = 12.8 stalls Visitors: 7 stalls See Parking By-Law Review by Bunt and Associates NET BUILDABLE 60,692 Sq Ft NET UNIT AREA 51,36 Sq Ft GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987.8304 F: (604) 987-8371 E: gzarchitectstelus.net Marcela Garcia Zunino, MAIBC, MRAIC, LEED A.P. Luis Zunino, MAIBC 2 -H N CONFORMITY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXII The proposed development's form and character meets the objectives and conforms to the guidelines of the development permit area XXV as follows: GARCIA ZUNINO DP XXII Guideline 1: ARCHITECTS INC. • The building fronts onto 224th street, and the building entrance has been emphasized by a covered canopy facing the street. 662 East Windsor Road • There's a pedestrian walkway that links the front street with the lane, along the south North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 property line. . Ground level units are provided with alternate exterior pedestrian access. T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 DP XXV Guideline 2: E: gzarchitectsteIus.net • The building design details and materials are of high quality and the buildings urban style would harmoniously integrate with the requirements of this development permit Marcela Garcia Zunino, area. MAIBC, MRAIC, LEED A.P. DP XXII Guidelines 3 & 5: The project plan layout allows for wider than required side yard setbacks, which Luis Zunino, provide spacious landscaped areas. On the south side, this is emphasized by the MAIBC adjacent landscaped right of way over the gas line. These landscape areas provide good views to and from the project, as well as the opportunity for screening and spatial separation of the building from the neighbouring buildings. DP XXII Guideline 4: • The location of the proposed indoor and outdoor common amenity areas should meet the needs of the future building occupants. • All suites have a private patio or deck to provide individual open amenity space, while improving natural surveillance opportunities and allowing to create a strong residential presence along the gas ROW. DP XXII Guideline 6: The building envelope is intended of high qualify, and the inferior assemblies will meet or exceed, the building code requirements for sound attenuation between suites, and interior corridors. VARIANCES Here is a summary of all the variances proposed for the development, and justification to each of the variances requested. SITING VARIANCES • Front yard setback from 7.50m to 2.67m to allow: • The principal building to be located at 5.05m from the front lot line. This is a similar setback dimension to the Willow Manor building, located at the adjacent site. The streetscape would look consistent. Please note that the revised drawings show the required 1 meter of land dedication along the front property line for widening of 224th Street. • The roof overhangs project 1 .22m into the front yard setback. The wide roof overhang assembly would provide good protection for the building envelope and give character to the building. • A canopy covering the entry area placed at 2.67 m from the front lot line, with supporting columns at 3.28m from the property line. This provides a comfortable sheltered area at the building entrance. This is convenient and safe for the building occupants and visitors. 3 -- Rear yard setback from 7.5m to 0.52m to allow: • The garbage room exterior wall to be located at 0.52m from the east side of the hammerhead turnaround. Note that this is a result of the road dedication of the turnaround area. • The parking garage wall to be placed at 4.28m, at southwest corner, which is the closest point. Please note that this encroachment affects only a small portion of the parking garage frontage, where the lane sits closer to the building. The parking garage is exposed more than 0.8 meters over the West Building Elevation (along the lane). This is due to the soil conditions described in the geotechnicat report that limits the depth of allowable excavation suitable for foundation on the site. However, the height of the parking garage ;cture is 1.12 metres above the calculated average finished grade of 97.82' (29.81 m). The average finished grade has been recalculated and shown in all building elevation drawings, with projections dimensioned. Details of the average grade calculation can be found on page A-0.03 of the architectural drawings. GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 E: gzarchitectste1us.net Marcela Garcia Zunino, MAIBC, MRAIC, LEED A.P. Luis Zunino, BUILDING HEIGHT VARIANCES MAIBC The building height of the proposed building exceeds by 2.29m the maximum allowable height of 15 meters (49.21 feet) as a result of the site natural slope. Note that the building roof parapet sits at a height of 0.81 m above the maximum allowable height at the west elevation, where it protrudes the most. The heights of 2.29 in excess of the maximum allowable height occur at localized sections (turrets)at the west side of the site, Note that the building parts in excess of the maximum allowable height (cornices and turrets) were maintained to retain the architectural character of the building. The building elevations and sections are labelled with the rooftop elevations and the finished grades around the outside walls of the building, as well as showing the line of maximum allowable height. Details of the maximum allowable height calculation can be found on page A-0.03 of the architectural drawings. OFF-STREET PARKING VARIANCES Refer to the parking impact study by Bunt & Associates for rationale. • Parking capacity from 96 required spaces to 85 proposed parking spaces. • Visitors' parking recommended by municipal staff should be 0.2 of number of dwelling units. For 64 suites, 12.8 spaces would be required. The proposed number of visitors' parking spaces is 7. • Of the proposed parking spaces, 12 stalls are of small size; this makes the percentage of small parking spaces 13%, exceeding slightly the allowable (10%). E PROJECT DESIGN RATIONALE IN REFERENCE TO THE MAPLE RIDGE TOWN CENrRE CONCEPT PLAN AND THE OCP Our project follows the general guidelines of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan 2021 (TCP). • Zoning The project site is currently zoned RS1, Single Family Residential and it is proposed to rezone the site to the standard of the RM-2 zone, medium density apartment residential zone. The rezoning proposal would be consistent with the OCP designation for this lot, as our project is located within the OCP's Apartment district. The project site is also within the "Apartments" section of the Land Use Proposal of the TCP. 4 • Project density The project site is within the residential land budget proposal of the TCP. The project typology - four-storey apartments with underground parking - and density - 167 uph - would be within the TCP intended building types and densities (62+ uph). For the OCP, our project would be within the apartment district's density (100-250 uph). • Building shaoe and relationship to the street The site coverage is 37.02% which is substantially below the maximum proposed by the TCP for high density areas, of 60%. The site usable open area is about 27.14%, and exceeds the required by the Maple Ridge Zoning By-law, of 20%. The building height is 4 storeys, concurrent with what is outlined by the TCP for medium and high density areas. The building proposed setbacks conform or exceed the minimum setbacks outlined by the TCP for high density areas. The site is located at the border of the Apartment district on the OCP plan. To ease the transition with the Garden Apartment zone starting at the North, some design decisions were implemented: the building should have flat roofs, with only a few higher accent roof areas (towers). The flat roof approach reduces the perceived overall building height, compared to the adjacent pitched roof buildings. Also, the actual building height is lower than the adjacent buildings because the proposed ground floor elevation has been established at 103', leveled with the existing natural grade at the sidewalk in the center of the lot. This way, the building's ground floor level (103') is much lower than the ground floor level at the adjacent Willow Manor building (1 14'). • Building appearance The building's urban style would harmoniously integrate with the requirements of the Town Centre Concept Plan proposed densification of the neighbourhood. GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA, V7N 1K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 E: gzarchitectste1us.net Marcela Garcia Zunino, MAIBC, MRAIC, LEED A.P. Luis Zunino, MAIBC Marcela Garcia Zunino, MAIBC, MRAIC, LEED® AP 5 4eer''I b B U N T & A S S 0 C I A I E S April 11,2006 MacLean Homes Ltd. #202- 2403 Marine Drive West Vancouver V7V 1L3 4481-04 Dear Mr. Graham MacLean: Transportatiop Planners and Engineers Re: Golden Ears Residential Development, Maple Ridge Parking By-Law Review The proposed Golden Ears development consists of 65 residential units. The development site is located in Maple Ridge, B.C. on the west side of 2246' Street, north of 122nd Avenue. Currently, the Golden Ears development is plan ned to be comprised of the following components: • 21 one-bedroom residential attached units each at 651.41 sq.ft.; • 27 two-bedroom residential attached units each at 932.08 sq.ft.; • 12 two-bedroom residential attached units each at 977.58 sq. ft., and: • 5 studio residential attached units each at 470.50 sq ft. Current site plans (as of April 11, 2006) include 94 parking stalls (including 2 handicap stalls). As shown in Table I this provision is 4 stalls less than that required under the District of Maple Ridge's By-law for the proposed RM-2 Zone (Medium Density Apartment Residential). The existing parking bylaw requirements and site plan supply are summarized as follows: Table I: Existina Bylaw Renuirmnt and Prnnnd Siinnk, • Qty •::. i Type : Rate RèqUfremeñt (# of Stalls) Süpp. (# of Stalls) 21 units One-Bedroom 1.5/unit 31.5 30.5 27 units Two-Bedroom 1.5 I unit 40.5 40.5 12 units Two-Bedroom 1.5/unit 18 18 5 units Studio 1.5 / unit 7.5 5 TOTAL --- 97.5 (98) 94 Net Shortfall: 4 Six stalls of the total supply will be reserved for visitors. There are currently additional off-site parking spaces in front of the proposed development site on 224th Street which visitors could and would typically utilize. The property line on 224th Street is 154 feet in length, yielding a potential for up to 25 spaces according to the By-law stated 6.1 foot length requirement. This would more than offset the additional 13 stalls which would be required for an additional 0.2 stalls / unit for visitors (not in By-law, but suggested by the District of Maple Ridge Planning Department). Bunt & Associates Engineering (B.C.) Ltd. Suite 1612 1177 West Hnstino.c Street Vancouver, B C Canada, V6E 2K3 Tel. 604. 685.6427 Fax 604. 685-6579 Finnil v1nCnLv!(z.)tiut;teng cun Table 2: Studio Apartment Bylaw Corn arison Summary Municipality Studio Visitor Maple Ridge *1 .5 / unit Included New Westminster 1.0 I unit Included Vancouver 1.0 I unit Included Coquitlam 0.9 / unit 0.2 I unit BUNT & ASQ(I'[S Bunt reviewed the By-law parking requirements of other neighbouring GVRD municipalities. The parking requirements of the District of Maple Ridge were found to be approximately average when compared with other communities in the GVRD. The City of Vancouver, The District of West Vancouver [both at 1.0 stalls per unit (all sizes) including visitors] and The District of West Vancouver provide examples of communities with significantly less parking requirements for a similar development. The inclusion of studio units differentiates this proposed development from other similar developments (i.e. across the street at 12258, 2241h Street). These units are specifically designed for single person occupancy and are approximately half the size of the 2-bedroom units; it is therefore reasonable to assume lower automobile ownership per unit. When a studio unit is assigned its own parking rate, the rates are typically equal to or slightly less than I stall per unit in other communities. The rates for studio apartments in other GVRD municipalities are summarized below in Table 2. Note that of the net shortfall in parking, 3 of the 4 stalls are associated with the studio units. *A uniform rate used as requirements were unspecified for the particular unit size. Variations in By-Law Parking Requirements Variations in By-law parking requirements are typically a reflection of population and amenity density. Most municipalities allow for a reduction of stalls for city centre areas or areas where the distance to common destinations lie within practical distance for alternative modes of transportation (i.e. walking or cycling). This accessibility factor leads to a lower rate of automobile aependence and subsequent automobile ownership, allowing for lower parking provision requirements. The proposed development site is well within walking distance of the District's Town Centre region (0.4 Km to Dewdney Trunk Road, 0.8 Km to Haney Place Mall and >1.2Km from the remainder of the Town Centre region). Table 3 provides guidance on the distances that a person is willing to walk to different destinations and is presented in the context of the proposed development. As stated in The Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Bicycle Network Map both the adjacent 122 Avenue and 224 Street offer excellent opportunities to cycle. 2 BUNT A S S 0 C I A S S S Thbl 3: Walkina Thrhtkk tn FvrurLt, t-iIifie Facility Threshold Facilities that are withrn these thresholds Distances Bus Transit 450m' There is a bus stop for the C44 bus immediately outside of the proposed development on 224 Street. Seven other bus lines are easily assessable form nearby Haney Place. Leisure / 600800mb Maple Ridge Town Centre, its library, the Leisure Centre, Community Municipal Hall, Memorial Peace Park as well as other Facilities outdoor recreational facilities are all within the 800 meters threshold. Transit 800mb The Haney Place Transit Focal Point (TFP) is 800 meters Focal Point from the proposed development. Shops, 800- Haney Place Mall and the services along Dewdney Trunk restaurants, 1200mb Road are also within 800 meters of the proposed commercial __________ development. Employment 2000mb The development will be well within walking distance of the Maple Ridge Business Centre, as well as the stated commercial and retail employment of Haney Place Mall and the Municipal Hall. uurs. I rdrlSLIflK, insinute 01 riignways ana I ransportation (UK) The 21 small car spaces represent 22% of the resident stalls or 27 of the total stalls (29%). This exceeds The District's maximum of 10%, but is consistent with typical GVRD municipal requirements which generally range from 20 to 30% (Table 4). TabI 4 Pprrpntanp nf SmlI (nra ctii Municipality Small Car % Maple Ridge 10% City of North Vancouver 35% Coquitlam 30% New Westminster 30% Surrey 25% Port Coquitlam 25% Vancouver 25% The number of disabled stalls was found to be consistent with The District of Maple Ridge requirements (2 stalls per 76-125 stall lot). Also, the encroachments from structures found to the side of a parking stall are adequately provided for in the site plans (0.3m). 3 B U N T & ASOC1 Conclusions • The District of Maple Ridge Parking By-law does not distinguish between studio and two bedroom units. • The proposed parking supply of 94 stalls is 4 less than the 98 required through municipal By-law. • Three of the 4 stall shortfall can be account for by allocating 1.0 stalls per studio unit. • The number of disabled stalls is in line with By-law requirements. • The ratio of small car spaces is higher than permitted through municipal By-law, however the ratio is consistent with other municipality requirements and current trends. • The proposed development is within convenient walking distance to transit, shopping and leisure opportunities. The relaxation of parking requirements for properties near 'town centre' areas (within 10 minute walking distance or 800 meters) is recommended to further promote sustainable transportation initiatives by promoting alternative modes of transportation such as cycling and walking. Taking into consideration the parking bylaws of other municipalities, the small discrepancy between the required and proposed parking supply, the availability of on-street parking for visitors, the desire of the Municipality to continue moving this area toward being a more sustainable and livable region, the close proximity to amenities and the developments inclusion of studio units, we confidently anticipate the provision of 94 stalls will be adequate for the proposed development. * * * * * I trust that this report will be of assistance to you. Please call if you have any queries or require further information regarding our parking pricing and revenue review. Yours truly, Bunt & Associates Engineering Jason Potter Transportation Analyst 4 4 EAST ELEVATION GARCIA ZIJNINO ARCHITECTS INC. H2 EANI wiposon go. NORTH VMCOTNER 8 C CANADA VIM IA? Not SOUTH ELEVATION MAcLEAN HOMES ht4.)(X CONDOMINIUMS LA : Ao,.mooc..c float EASTANDSOUTH - • ELEVATIONS 3. A-3.O1 coII. ri WEST ELEVATION E GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. MO (*51 W0S0fl RD. 01041H V2J400U01R S.D (424*04 voo 117 mom Mt DOT. 0, OTJCKVtlltlR lI&00 TIOIM vuMwOO*S 0.12300010 L2S03 0120t13 002304 000104 U 14000 rc00mrin 3200 111100,1001 2300 1? SICONO?t00l 114.00 4 1 132,00 331,0 P1000 MocLEAN HOMES - 23037 0110311301 MAXX CONDOMINIUMS DOT '101 00 0310 !IOIT T30111 - I WEST AND NORTH I ELEVATIONS NORTH ELEVATION ,:.Th TRffl_ NORTH ELEVATION NOP.TN AND r4!5T ELEVATIONS 4 PLANT USTS .506-Mi L40 SMCS0Ci L Its -to PLANT LIST - ON SflE , to.! •t]t! •t!I!!M ttfl •t Sit !b Ml Sto1 til. S&M.! SttM • fltM. Ge!llflM.!J.tt.! d.!*T!t es ttS 10 Ma to-CC CC*S.. S SM•fl•W•dWISS 0 o _ to.. t(CtS4ICIYSC.!.WG S.,tstG tot • S flfl.!to.S.t. (40.5. flCOSS., • S 5tt.*0.tb... .50..!.!. !0 t40Sflr.S5#S 40fl t!tW — •,C__ "MAXX ONO1t4INIUN BUILDING t22. 24Ttt 5TWEE C!GPI.4 B06t. B.C. t-4ACLAN HOME4 APR 032007 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: Mar. 30, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Adjustments to 2002, 2003. 2004 and 2005 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: BC Assessment (BCA) has made revisions to the 2002 through 2005 Collector's Rolls through the issuance of Supplementary Rolls 30/2002, 29/2003, 25/2004 and 14/2005. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to the municipal tax roll records and report these adjustments to Council. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated Mar. 30, 2007 is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: (a) Background Context: One folio is affected: The property in question is owned by the Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD). 1/3 of this property was originally classed as residential with the balance being classified as utility. As a result of a successful appeal by the GVWD, the Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB) has directed BCA to change the classification of the land previously considered utility class to business class for the years 2002 through 2005. In addition, from 2004 on, the GVWD has been granted full exemption from taxes on both the utility and the business class portions leaving only the leased out residential portion as taxable. A supplemental adjustment for 2006 was previously reported. Revenue Loss Municipal Portion 2002 $ 8,536 2003 $ 8,374 2004 $14,200 2005 $18,400 2006 $20,921 Other Governments $ 2,374 $ 2,371 $ 6,477 $ 8,639 $ 10,852 Report to Council Dec. 27, 2006 (2002 through 2005, municipal tax increase, business class, $6,675; municipal tax decrease utility class $56,185) (b) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Not counting the $31,773 for 2006, there will be a total decrease of $69,370 in tax revenue of which the municipal share is $49,510. Interest payable is $ 5,676 of which the municipal share is $ 4,144. CONCLUSIONS: An appeal filed with PAAB resulted in a decrease of the current utility assessment base of approx. $500,000. //.3/ This report dated Mar. 30, 2007 is submitted for information and is available to the public. Prepared by: Silvia Rutledg3 Manager of Revenue & Collections Approved bj )acob G. Sorba, C.G.A. Director of Finance Approved by: Paul Gill, B.B.A..C4.A. & Financial Services J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RiDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 16, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 2007 Community Grants EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: For the 2007 fiscal year a budget of $48,600 has been established for community grants purposes. Staff have reviewed the grant requests in relation to Council's Grants Policy and recommend the distribution shown on the attached Schedule "A". RECOMMENDATION(S): That the proposed distribution of grants as shown on schedule "A "be approved. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The grants budget of $48,600 is designed to assist local organizations that provide valuable community services. Due to fiscal restraints it is often not possible to provide the level of support that is requested so an effort is made to ensure that the available budget is distributed where it will provide benefit to the community, while still providing Council with some capacity to support grant requests received throughout the year. In 2006 this practice allowed Council to provide grants for specific projects to the Alouette Homestart Society, the Ridge Meadows Hospice Society, the Fraser Basin Council, and the Maple Ridge Lions Club. The Friends in Need Food Bank. the Salvation Army, the Alouette Homestart Society and the One Way Club receive revenues from other levels of government in the form of gaming revenues and other grants. These revenues help the organizations with their service goals but additional support from the Municipality will alleviate some of the pressures associated with increasing demand for services and rising costs. As per Council's Financial Support Policy organizations that are denied permissive tax exemptions are considered under our Grants Policy. In 2006 both the Bethesda Christian Association and the Fraternal order of Eagles were denied permissive tax exemptions for the 2007 tax year as they did not meet the criteria outlined in our policies. As a result of that review staff have determined that the Bethesda Christian Association does not qualify for a grant either, but are recommending that the Fraternal Order of Eagles receive a grant equal to the municipal portion of their 2007 property taxes as the Order allows their facility to be used as a community hall. In addition to the amount available for community grants financial support is also provided to a number of local organizations in the form of fee for service agreements. These agreements, and the associated budgets, are managed by the operating departments. Organizations currently participating in fee for service agreements include Adopt a Block, Alouette River Management Society, Tourism 11032 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows, the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society, the Youth & Justice Advocacy Association and Ridge Meadows Search and Rescue. Desired Outcome(s): Organizations such as those identified on Schedule "A" are often faced with shrinking resources and increasing demand for the services they provide. Through the use of community grants Council is able to help such organizations continue the provision of services to the citizens of Maple Ridge. Business PlanfFivancial Implications: The distribution of community grants proposed on the attached Schedule "A" allocates $39,250 to various community groups. The remainder allows Council to deal with other needs that might arise throughout the year. The full $48,600 is provided for in the 2007 - 2011 Financial Plan. There are no additional fmancial implications. Alternatives: Council could choose not to distribute any grants, but as that decision may jeopardize the ability of various organizations to continue providing necessary services that is not recommended. Alternatively, Council could increase the budget to meet all of the requests. This is not recommended as such discussion should take place as part of our business planning cycle. CONCLUSIONS: The provision of grants to local organizations benefits the citizens of Maple Ridge. The distribution proposed on Schedule "A" attempts to allocate the limited resources to provide benefit to the community. Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CGA Manager of Accounting 41"-, Approved by: P GGA GM Corporate & Financial Services Approved by: Mike Murray GM Community Development, Parks & Recreation n Concurrence: / J.L. (Jim) Rule I Chief Administrative Officer CN/cn Schedule "A" t liii I% II !II Grants A warded in Requested A mount Recommendation 2006 for 2007 for 2007 How the Grant will be used $ 48,600 Total Budget A i'ailable as per the 2007 Proposed Financial Plan To assist the organization with their goal of providing Friends in Need Food Bank $ 12,500 $ 15,000.00 $ 12,500 rood to the hungry in Maple Ridge To expand the endowment fund, allowing the Foundation to i,ic,-ease their support to organizations that will "improve the quality of life in the commnunity". In 2006 contributions for 2007 & 2008 were supported Maple Ridge Foundation $ 12.500 $ 25,000.00 $ 12,500 by Council To assist the Salvation Army in with their community Meal Program by providing a level of assistance not to Salvation Army $ 2,639 $ 5,000.00 $ 3.000 exceed their Municipal property taxes. To assist the Fraternal Order of Eagles in their support ofyouth in the conim unity by providing a level of assistance not to exceed their Municipal property Fraternal Order of Eagles S 3,802 $ 4,250 taxes. To assist the Alouette Homestart Society with their endeavors to support the youth of the community by providing a level of assistance not to exceed their Alouette Hàmesiart Society $ 4,450 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000 Municipalproperty taxes. To allow the organization to mnaimitain their building One Way Club $ 2,500 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,000 without having to curtail their support services RidgeMeadows Hospice Society $ 1,000 $ - Furnish & equip facility Maple Ridge Lions Club $ 2,000 $ - Annual Halloween Fireworks Display Assist with the preparation of a concept plan for BC Alouette Homestart Society $ 3,500 $ - housing application Contribution to Lower Fraser River flood hazard Fraser Basin council $ 9,500 $ - evaluation firoject Denied a permissive tax exemption - automatically Bethesda Christian Association considered for a community grant. Totals $ 54,391 1 $ 53,000 $ 39,250 __________________________________________ Unallocated Community Grants $ - 1 $ - $ 9,350 For Council to distribute as needs arise