HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-30 - Committee of the Whole - Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A GENDA April 30, 2007 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review and debate of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to stafffor more information or clartIcation. Note: If required, there will be a 15-minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS - Nil 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 DP/036/06, 12283 224 Street Staff report dated April 19, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/036/06 respecting property located at 12283 224 Street 1102 DP/009/05, 22229 Brown Avenue Staff report dated April 23, 2007 recommending that the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to sign and seal DP/009/05 respecting property located at 22229 Brown Avenue. Committee of the Whole Agenda April 30, 2007 Page 2 of4 1103 AL/123/06, Non-Farm Use Within the Agricultural Land Reserve, 22351 144 Avenue, Timberline Ranch Staff report dated April 24, 2007 recommending that application AL/123106 for non-farm use within the Agricultural Land Reserve be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. 1104 Request for Municipal Sewer Service, 22351 144 Avenue, Timberline Ranch Staff report dated April 19, 2007 recommending a sanitary sewer connection to the municipal sewerage system be approved under conditions detailed in the recommendations. 1105 Payment for 240 Street Storm Sewer Project Staff report dated April 13, 2007 recommending that payment be made to CP Rail for the installation of culverts at 240 Street and Highway 7. 1106 12tI Annual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine Staff report dated April 19, 2007 recommending that the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 12th Annual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine on Saturday, May 26, 2007. 1107 101h Annual Walk a Mile for Mental Health Staff report dated April 16, 2007 recommending the use of municipal streets and sidewalks for the I Oth Annual Walk a Mile for Mental Health on Friday, May 11, 2007. 1108 10th Annual Vistas Run Staff report dated April 19, 2007 recommending the use of municipal streets fro the 10th Annual Vistas Run on Sunday, May 27, 2007. 1109 4th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run Staff report dated April 19, 2007 recommending the use of municipal streets for the 4th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run on Sunday, June 3, 1007. Committee of the \Vhole Agenda April 30, 2007 Page 3 of4 FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SER VICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Designation of Municipal Employees Staff report dated April 13, 2007 recommending the designation of municipal employees for the purposes of the Financial Disclosure Act of the Province of British Columbia be approved. 1132 Special Occasion License Staff report dated April 23, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association application for a Special Occasion License to host a Beer Garden on July 21, 22, and 23, 2007, as part of the Maple Ridge Fair, be approved and that the use of the Albion Fairgrounds be authorized. 1133 2007-2011 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw Staff report dated April 30, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6474-2007 be read a first, second and third time. (Brought forward at the April 30, 2007 Council Workshop) 1134 2007 Property Tax Rates Bylaw Staff report dated April 30, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6475-2007 be read a first, second and third time. (Brought forward at the April 30, 2007 Council Workshop) COMMUNITY DE VEL OPMENT AND RECREATION SER VICES 1151 Parks and Leisure Rental Fees & Charges Staff report dated April 25, 2007 recommending that the Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6476-2007 be read a first, second and third time. CORRESPONDENCE 1171 6. OTHER ISSUES 1181 Committee of the Whole Agenda April 30, 2007 Page 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to speak with Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221 or by e-mail at cmarlo(mapleridge.ca . Checked by: Date: a ___________ r S 'V CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 19, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP1036106 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 12283 224 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Permit application has been received in support of a four storey apartment building on the property located at 12283 224 Street. (Schedule A) The subject property was recently rezoned by Council to RlvI-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) for this development. Council will be giving consideration to Watercourse Protection Development Permit DP/020/07 for site rehabilitation and enhancement works adjacent to Morse Creek. Council will also be giving consideration to Development Variance Permit VP/036/06 for variances to the height of the building and the exposed parking structure; the front and rear setbacks; and the number and size of residential and visitor parking spaces. These relaxations are requested in support of this development permit application. This report will address the requirements of Section 8 of the Official Community Plan for a Multi- Family Residential Development Permit for this four storey, 64 unit apartment building located in the Regional Town Centre area. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/036/06 respecting property located at 12283 224 Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: MacLean Homes (Golden Ears Ltd.) Owner: MacLean Homes (Golden Ears Ltd.) Legal Description: Lot "E" District Lot 399 Group I Plan 8914 NWD OCP: Urban Residential Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Area Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 Designation Urban Residential, Conservation South: Use: Care Facility Apartment Zone: CD-1-00 Designation: Urban Residential, Conservation 1/0/ fl 00 ir1 I RD I I P I lilt tj tit _ :R ----.I un i1 -ram I 'I•I'I ) low - 1.70 I -•'.• - - - - - Ghflo)!S!O MC S';GlP V$Irn M..vowc OnO tM Of! Crrt r - Fill r ji 176 EAST ELEVATION Hj MW CONDOMINIUMS rim ol ELEVATIONS SOUTH ELEVATION APPENDIX C-2 WEST ELEVATION Bt94 GARCIA ZUNINO ARChITECTS INC. DOD 0*51 WINDSOR ND. NORTH VNDCOLNER PC. nPove LMGZ oAcZT5 eo. A.t DOT. TO r*CD VTNTTT DID hG s I Em ULIJ EM NORTH ELEVATION / 01 *06 DOT• ITT. Mw CONDOMINIUMS --1- ----------- - 2 04*5 THOT III TT '' WEST AND NORTh ELEVATiONS 4dVhVA: APPENDIX July 06, 2006 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING (GOLDEN EARS) 12283 - 224th Street, MAPLE RIDGE APPENDIX E GARCIA ZUNINO ARChITEcTS INC. 662 Fast Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. CANADA. V7N I K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604)987-8371 E: giarchitcctsñteius.net Project design rationale in reference to the Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan (TCP) - Compliance with LEED Canada-NC Version 1.0 1. SUMMARY OF LEED CREDITS CONSIDERED (Revised July 06 2006) The list below is a summary of the credits the project could meet if intended to be LEED certified. Marcela Garcia Zunino. SUSTAII MAIBC. MRAIC. SSp1 - LEED AP SSc1 - Luis Zunino. SSc2 - MAII3C SSc4.1 - SSc4.2 - SSc7.1 - 1ABLE SITES EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SITE SELECTION DEVELOPMENT DENSITY ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION - Public Transportation Access ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION - Bicycle Storage HEAT ISLAND EFFECT - Non Roof MATERIALS AND RESOURCES MRp1 - STORAGE AND COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLES MRc5.1 - REGIONAL MATERIALS - bob Manufactured Regionally MRc5.2 - REGIONAL MATERIALS - 20% Manufactured Regionally INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY EQc4.2 - LOW EMITTING MATERIALS - Paints & Coatings INNOVATION & DESIGN PROCESS IDc2 - LEED ACCREDITED PROFESSIONAL Some of the credits listed above require certification by other consultants or the contractor at the end of the project. The architect will follow up with those parties during the construction of the project, and will report back to. the District of Maple Ridge at the end of the project in regards to the compliance of the proposec LEED credits. 2. DESCRIPTION OF LEED CREDIT COMPLIANCE The following credits are certified by the architect at the end of the project, unless otherwise noted. SUSTAINABLE SITES SSp1 - EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL The site is close to a protected watercourse and will meet the provisions of the Development Permit XXX zone, which includes local erosion and sedimentation control standards, therefore would meet the minimal standards for this credit. This credit will be certified by the clvii engineer. GARCIA ZUNINO ARChITECTS INC. 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouvcr, B.C. CANADA, V7N I K7 T: (604) 987-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 E: gzarchitccls(üLelus.net Marcela Garcia Zunino. MAIIIC, MRAIC. LEEI) AP Luis Zunino. MA1BC SSc1 - SITE SELECTION The project contributes to the densification of the downtown area, the development site sits within the "Apartments section of the Land Use Proposal of the TCP, as well as the OCP. SSc2 - DEVELOPMENT DENSITY The project would contribute to the densification of the Town Centre Area by using one of the vacant lots identified in the TCP. The site selection would complete an existing block, using land and Infrastructure efficiently. The project site is within the residential land budget proposal of the TCP. The project density meets the credit requirements. SSc4.1 - ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION - Public Transportation Access The project site is located within 400 m of more than 2 bus lines. SSc4.2 -ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION - Bicycle Storage The building would provide bicycle storage for 15% of the building occupants. SSc7.1 - HEAT ISLAND EFFECT - Non Roof The entire parking lot is covered. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES MRp1 - STORAGE AND COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLES The building design allocated space for recycling bins at the garbage room, for collection of cardboard, paper, and glass. MRc5.1 - REGIONAL MATERIALS - 10% Manufactured Regionally MRc5.2 - REGIONAL MATERIALS —20% Manufactured Regionally Local materials will be specified to meet or exceed this requirement. This credit will require that the developer / contractor confirms compliance at the end of the project. INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ECc4.2 - LOW EMITTiNG MATERIALS - Paints & Coatings The indoor air quality is to be enhanced by using low VOC (volatile organic compound) paint, water-based finishes for wood, and formaldehyde free wood materials. This credit will require that the contractor confirms compliance at the end of the project. INNOVATION & DESIGN PROCESS IDc2 - LEED ACCREDITED PROFESSIONAL If we were to apply for LEED certification, we would obtain 1 credit for having a LEED Accredited Professional in the team. 2 Seal / Signature: JLL-3-20G' 11:49 H P.o1../@1 CARCI4 ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 East Wint1or Rc,ad North Vancouvcr, B.C. CANADA, V7N I 1(7 T: (604) 9117-8304 F: (604) 987-8371 E: gzarchtecs®teIuS.flet Mcrcela Garcia Zunino, MAIBC. MR.AIC. lIED Al' Luig Zunino, MAIBC Signed by: Architect: Name / address / phone #: Seal ED A Marcela Garcia Zunino, Architect, MAIBC, MRAIC, LEED® GAICLA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC 662 East Windsor Road North Vancouver, B.C. . Canada WN 1K7 . P: 604.987.8304 c Geotecnical Engineer: Ii C Name / address / phone #: Seal Civil Engineer: Name / address / phone #: ________ [6Q±ia3______________________ Developer /Contractur: Name / address / phone #: (M1Sa(] L Seal / Signature; 3 T1JTP1L P.01 zo CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 23, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/009105 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 22229 Brown Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant, Daniel Chiu is proposing a three-phased seniors apartment development (Sunridge Manor) consisting of three, 4-storey apartment buildings on 22229 Brown Avenue. This 269 unit development proposed in three phases, is intended to provide for independent living, supportive living and an on-site care facility. This application is subject to Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines as outlined in the 2006 Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to sign and seal DP/009/05 respecting property located at 22229 Brown Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Efficient Management Group Ltd Daniel Chiu BSHS Enterprises (Canada) Co Lot: G, D.L.: 399, Plan: 10689 Residential Residential RM-3 (High Density Apartment) CD-I-GO (Comprehensive District) Multi-family Apartments Land Use Contract RES Government Building/Shopping Centre RM-3 (High Density Apartment), P-6 (Civic Institutional), & C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Residential,Institutional, Town Centre Commercial Single Family Dwelling //406? Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Residential West: Use: Multi-family Apartments and Single Family Dwelling Zone: Land Use Contract and RS-l(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Residential Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: Vacant Senior Apartments/Congregate Care Facility 1.194 HA (2.95 acres) Brown Avenue / 222 Street Full Urban RZ/0 18/94, SD/008/94, VP/005/94 The subject site is 2.95 acres (11,943 m2) and located on Brown Avenue (Appendix A). Site access is off of Brown Avenue and a public road Right-of-Way off of 222nd Street, with a private driveway connecting the two streets. The developer intends to construct a phased development for three 4-storey buildings. Phases I and II are each designed for 104 units and Phase ifi is designed for 61 units, for a total of 269 units. Although the development is "phased", it is anticipated that the construction of each building will be consecutive and fully completed within a year from the commencement of construction. The building designs have some craftsman elements, with cross-gable rooflines, shingle roofs, and wooden accents. The buildings have ample windows and the façades are clad with hardy-plank and brick. Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The 2006 Official Community Plan designates the subject site for residential use and the proposed development would be subject to the Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines. Multi-Family Development Permit Guidelines: • New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. The three buildings proposed in this phased project are all residential in character. The building massing, form and modulations have been planned to create a residential scale suitable to the site and to the neighbours in particular. The height is limited to four storeys with a flat roof to minimize impact on neighbours. However, mansard and gabled roof forms are used to reinforce the residential character of the buildings and to enhance the roof and façade interface. The selection of façade treatment like brick, horizontal siding, side wall shake and shingle roofing have been chosen to reflect the type of materials that are used in the residential surroundings. o Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. -2- The proposed floor space ratio of 1.22 is well within the floor space ratio allowed in the CD-l-00 zone (which is 1.8). All three buildings are proposed to be four storeys high in order to maintain continuity and achieve density that will make the project financially viable. Most of the existing development along 223 d Street on the east is all zoned RS-1 which is single family residential. Buffering between the two uses will consist of perimeter fencing and trees and a 7.5 meter setback from the apartment to the property line. • Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. The three buildings are separated and designed to break monotony. The landscaped areas in between encourage social interactions, provide a multi-functional open space and improve visual attractiveness in addition to creating a balance between built and unbuilt areas. • Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. All resident parking and staff parking is provided underground with an intension of encouraging pedestrian activity on ground. Visitor parking is provided adjacent to the entrances to the three buildings. Architectural details like significant entrance canopies provide a welcoming feature to all buildings. The landscaped areas in front of the two L-shaped buildings with Daybreak Cherry and Antarctic Beech trees provide a focal point of interest at the entrance. Although Brown Avenue will serve as the principal access to the subject site and is planned as its main entrance, considerable thought has been given to the interface between pedestrian, automotive and service vehicular traffic. A single road acts as the interconnecting spine for the three phases. The proposed plan illustrates an easy circulation system with access circles to each of the building entrances and adjacent visitor parking and nearby screened service bays. Pedestrian sidewalks and paths provide access throughout the site and will be complimented by benches, trees and street lighting. Manle Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan The subject site is located within the Town Centre area and designated on the Town Centre Concept Plan at a density exceeding 62+ units per hectare/25+ units per acre. The development proposal is for 91 units per acre. The proposed lot coverage totals 39.2%, which is well below the maximum lot coverage of 60% recommended in the Concept Plan. Buildings I and II are oriented inward towards the site's internal public space, whereas Building ifi is a long narrow building that runs adjacent to the internal roadway and has a front entryway facing Brown Avenue. All the buildings have many windows to provide sufficient "eyes on the street". The standard requirement for a Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEEDs) checklist is not required for this application, because the application was received in February 2005 and prior to the Council adoption of the Town Centre Concept Plan in April 2005. Advisory Design Panel: On July 12, 2005 the Advisory Design Panel reviewed the development proposal and was generally supportive. The following recommendations were made: -3- Consideration be given to the proximity of the Phase II building north property line and the shadow that is being cast from it. That some greening of the north south access routes be provided on the west side. That garbage amenities and location be reviewed. The project architect has provided shadow drawings (Appendix B) showing the shadows cast by all of the buildings on a typical March 21St and September 21St (being the two days of the year with the longest shadows). On these dates the shadow of the Phase II building at the north property line will be touching the edge of the building to the north of the site between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The greatest impact will be on the L-shaped building directly to the north of the subject site. The other two buildings north of the subject site will be minimally impacted. Staff has worked with the project architect to ensure that the above are addressed. c) Intergovernmental Issues: The Planning Department received the certified copy of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6350-2005 from the Ministry of Transportation on March 1St, 2007 CONCLUSION: The proposed three phase development would prove to be a desirable housing type for the seniors of Maple Ridge. This project is situated within the Town Centre area where the senior residents can have adequate access to public transport and other community facilities. The application is supported by the Planning Department and it is recommended that this application be given favorable consideration. Prepared by: Rasika Adharya Planner II r Approved by: Jane Pfering, MCP, MCIP I ,DirecIr of Plapning Approved,,by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.. (Jim) ule CYiief Administrative Officer RA/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Subject Map Appendix B: Architectural Plans Appendix C: Landscape Plans -4- Co LMS1802 LMS 12208 I S PI16132 3 H I LT 44 48 12167 __ P41066 P44211 r- 1'3 12170 M ______ 1 12164 L 18496 — 12149 SUBJECT PROPERTY 14 12 28 12142 P15022 12150 Rem 12131 04 0 *0) cs115 11 rU2 0") 23 29 P10689 F— 12130 12135 12 127 Li- 2130 1 CL 10 12128 16 12124 12 214 /6 j18Ij _i 12128 — 12117 U, 17 9 12107 - 12104 CL LMP 27702 12118 CL,,4 13 F.- _ 20 18_ 8CL 12093 w Z12092 121 AVE. "A" r-.. C0i3898 14 Ix c' 19 12087 1 12084 15 CL LMP 12218 LMP 27701 - 12072 RROWN AVE Rem 7 12191 A LMP 26249: Rem3 121 02 CL 4 LMP 39518(Ieas 1215 1212 02 ('0 CL 1211 3 LM39839 5 1 12052 1201 12062 120431 I 18 ° I r'- 4 tool C) 93 12042 12038 r" 12 24/j 3*0) Ir- P49034 co 1 (o 12032 CL I 2 Rem 26 52 12026 i Ii 27L B E0O o j CL w o1 12061 Rem 8 P20094 0 55 ) C', U, CL P20094 - F 12048 LMP8411 12051 - 12038 2002/12 7 50 C 12028 P20094 U, P669 10 00 Go 5 P20094 10 APP 1 I- 12251 12 15 I12258' 123 AVE. 4 13 - 12238 P13 2 CL 12228 W 12241 CL 56 C LMP 1 241 13 A B 53 \ LMP 35292 3 ...i 14 .. ino co Remi 12231 57 A B P51690 12220 2 15 c" CL 12219 D 12210 58 1 16 122 AVE. NWS 612 P60017 PcI.1 NWS 1531 51 P49482 P57090 PcI."A NWS 1357 12151/73 12170 1 LJ 13 127 275 -. "IC;) ' 12129 74 4 2°.i_L° B. 5/1 _12123 (P9669) L P 16997 I- NWS 133 T10 P 0 -- - (P38752) 12096 12061 CHURCH AVE. A 4 CL E CL P 14898 12035 3 - CL D 2 1 I I -.i . 22229 BROWN AVENUE lln P&I— - -, - CORPORATION OF ock THEDISTFCTOF Thwihill 0 MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - DATE Feb 10 2005 FILE DP/009105 BY PC . . . . . . . . . . . 01 t1I I t' !ft:!~--mmr HL . W II' U II! IIIiuiij Iti.t j, 1 Ii IILI ! •IIIiri1I I.!1 : ii fl P&WOI ii M Ark-1 •ItUSCl Nj000CRIflfll 0*10 21- £ :M : W IRI, ®R SITE PLAN GEI7 Tt I U,,.aD.S AOLATT T0P1 nTno TO Ut TIC an n,a UtMLflOOAIQ I cm- bILPOUtDMOAO LitifhlO Alt P0&Z ItO HTUWITIOCATOSSltITPI _.•-_..._-- I - - An T0U !O ST Ut UTY O*SAn1UtlCflUtlOAnTUfJlT - -- - -- -- Ant OAT 01JJ7.0 I flO POOtPeC pew 110*0 OIl Ut 5*10 an pet owl. Co to 10110,7 AntiC — - --.. -. PU alt DAn 10*ltUOst PUD PUAnICTO. TO RO*bSAn NC IowwAlAmflCflat to? tnacA, a. lit 5*05 PUnnfl at SOP. AAPC5 TO SOWN anUlCPeAfl fl10C*D I E:TOSOPIAJUO4LOCATflIU NCftNCTV AOL SOLO Pe*SIAOP alit DOADI flitS *10 LSOATUI 001 II AnOIPUD St NYT UCI000SO 01000IWIT - - AS *101. AS AUMOAO 00755$ Ale SOATODSATowMS A,. net S — -- 15*10- DoO. A1.1 L riM II I .Ul 1 I II I 1 () — .b!iitIji 14tr'1 , !L :::....._ _T° uu 41 - — -L4J !!I!!IL!JP.j1; 0. - CWfltflfl2NAN! - Scan: -"otto A3.O T!iI I It - SOMARS Gilman ImmmN 11111 II 11111 II 1( IwI II ii ii W • UA3.1 H A3.2 L1 gi41 IMI9I LIr1. 'I UIII fl Ill LI 17. (1) All 0 0 0 17 LI IFIIj.Pjl JI uguuuiuuuu 1,1111 HIM,II1INNIUI ;JIUIL4 uuIIuuuI jflfl fl 'jflfl LI I Fh.I. Iuiu,WUi.i.Ii.u.riPI pu,U Vu.', Pj i..,U Mu.., EASTWESTSECTION I4 .II! - i1DiI.I!I___ NORTH SOtJTH SECTION I aH I I I !ij 8J I IIIIIIIIIiII I'J a III i .1 U15J I33aLS Ui z z 0 • I I I I I I kliUHH p a Dim iw I Hkdwj rn 1.33eI1S Puzzz vo k f4 .4 2 w I B E r-E ~ ~~ ~ ~-: S='"- SHRLS E&ff PLAN AT B111W Mad 222ND 81T PLANT_SCHEDULE 22 AVAIL 44412 LSIT4 OfL?. 2204 41 *222.414 VflICA 1I3MJW l8ML1,IS11 4*41 '4401,2204 I CneJ.IA J.m,*CA TN0F G#ieUIALSO 4W '4404, m,24 • aaso.Ae4p 4W 44041240 4*C2UaI#,slT 40224W '2 401, 4W24 '42414040 Amer Am,. 24W 4*404, *0124 tS 42141 e M4lW .2404, 4044 42 4024 n&4tA#Wt0O 2&A4&4Wt00 .2401 40 n24&anta4W low 0e m,044 4*401, m,14 • Tl@sAlotceIIaLO 044,141*24' 4*40240*4*4042 Ia. • 4404014044W 0440* V4104 4201* I leallte 404*242*0441)412 40 40440 0401,1414)4 040040.4 01014,4415 *42400)4*0404 42 mIllie 0 404*02*441 0*0414 4*04041*241*04042 2 01)4412241440114242241 10110 flOW 0*IW*&.1W.W 2401110064*4.2240.4040. 044,444*1424W 4*42 ALL P%AMTNA40RIAL N*I4TPROVT 40040 40401240 4*WII Pin 4*2W. PWOeIrrAhION VOW inUOfl. IN CENM •v* ra c r4r = IUMIMUMVWii L ''-- . -- — - - "-9iLr -' -. • ININO PATIO :.:'.. iiIi!. !1 / '\ .. ." - •. 22 __ nz MUM 906 phase oor. I SI - '• - - - __________ II I!i•I II I. C QCWW4!*. lit *..tQtaSOibe* EN1RY FEATURE AT 222ND STRFE II4.-O ARBOUR IN DINNER PATIO SCALE DMG landscape architects I- FS,UPI.RI.I,OE MANOR INGELOPMENT V4 AW NAPLE RVOE LANDSCAPE DETAILS L3 or. ntscrt 0"18 PERIMETER FENCE PATIO SCREEN FENCE BCALE: l/2i.10i SCALE 1210i CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 24, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/123/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application for non farm use within the Agricultural Land Reserve Timberline Ranch 22351 i44" Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 21(2) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act for non farm use of a portion of a 29.4 hectares site that is within the Agricultural Land Reserve. The intent of this application is to facilitate the expansion of an existing institutional / outdoor recreational use. The Applicant's submission conforms with the requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. RECOMMENDATION: That Application AL/i 23/06 be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: AGR (Agricultural) A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Pitt Meadows Pitt Meadows East: Use: 2 properties, both vacant Zone: A-2 (Upland Agriculture) Designation: Agricultural and Rural Residential, one parcel is 30% and the other 100 % within the Agricultural Land Reserve West: Use: Agricultural use Zone: A-2 (Upland Agriculture) Designation: 89% Agricultural, 11% Rural Residential, 74% within the Agricultural Land Reserve Existing Use of Property: Outdoor recreation institutional use Proposed Use of Property: No change 1103 Site Area: 29.4 hectares (72.6 acres) Access: 144 Avenue Servicing: On site (upgrades pending) Project Description: This application seeks Agricultural Land Commission approval for a modest expansion of an existing institutional use to increase the total occupant capacity of the site from 205 to 255 persons, and to upgrade and replace some of the structures on the site. The applicant, Timberline Ranch, operates a charity and faith based outdoor recreational facility, with programs aimed at children and youth. The facility accommodates about 6000 students. The curriculum is intended to facilitate personal development. The operation has experienced septic failure, and the applicant has made a Request for Service to the District to address this issue by connecting the facility into the municipal sanitary sewer system. The applicant has been advised to seek confirmation that their proposed occupancy expansion would be permitted by the Commission prior to investing in the servicing infrastructure. The developed (Institutional) portion of this site will not change as a result of this proposal. Some buildings would be replaced, and for this purpose, watercourse protection measures would be required due to the presence of a network of watercourses on the subject property. Planning Analysis: On November 14, 2006, Council adopted the Official Community Plan, which contained policies pertaining to both agriculture and to institutional use. For institutional use, Policy 4-35 is the most pertinent policy relating to this application, as follows: An Institutional use may be considered in rural area provided that use, character, and related programs of the operation respects rural character, is sited to minimize conflicts with adjacent rural neighbours, and existing on-site services and infrastructure can support the use. With its emphasis on outdoor recreation, this operation seems appropriate to its rural context. However, in the face of septic failure, this application also demonstrates the problems associated with permitting such a high occupant load at sites that are remote from urban levels of servicing. Currently, the observed septic failure is of such magnitude that the Fraser Health Authority expresses concern for community health. This risk would be averted by connecting the site to municipal sewer services. Under current standards and policies, despite its merits, if this application was for a new use, it would be accompanied by a negative recommendation, as the site is not physically capable of providing on- site septic disposal. However, this institutional use is historic and predates the creation of the Agricultural Land Reserve. Although its location and inadequate services may not comply with current policies, it is an established operation, and could incur hardship if this application is denied. -2- The operation has assessed farm status, and should be valued for its contribution to agriculture. Supporting this proposed expansion is consistent with Policy 6-8 of the Official Community Plan, which states: Maple Ridge will work cooperatively with senior levels of government and other agencies to promote agricultural business opportunities by. aligning land use bylaws to permit supportive non-farm uses such as agri- tourism, bed and breakfasts, and on-farm sales, assisting agricultural landowners to identify and develop agricultural opportunities (e.g.value added, agri -tourism, bed and breakfast, recreation. The Official Community Plan also has supportive policies relating to promoting outdoor recreation as an employment generator, including: 6 - 61 Maple Ridge will continue to promote its outdoor resources as a theme for the tourist commercial sector. 6- 62 Maple Ridge will actively promote and market the outdoor resource theme by: supporting and strengthening businesses that cater to tourists; supporting businesses involved with outdoor recreational activities and physical fitness; facilitating growth in the eco-tourism, cycling and equestrian industiy. Timberline Ranch is highly regarded within the community, and is perceived as a net benefit to community's social and economic fabric. In addition to the 6000 students who attend annually, the operation employs a full time equivalent of 15 workers. The District has supportive policies that are recognize the contributions of this sector. On this basis, the recommended approach is to permit this modest expansion to occur, and to mitigate the potential consequences that may arise with the concurrent sewer application. Interdepartmental Implications The applicant has been working extensively with the Engineering Department towards a satisfactory solution to the problem of septic failure. In addition, the Engineering Department has outlined a series of measures that will be taken to avert the possible consequences of extending the sewer to this remote location, as follows: Additional expenses incurred by the Municipality in servicing this development. To address this concern, the applicant must agree to assume all costs associated with constructing, operating, and maintaining the sewer system. Exacerbated growth pressures as adjacent property owners seek to connect to sewer. In part, this concern will be addressed through the proposed inclusion of Timberline's developed footprint only in the Fraser Sewer. Area. This inclusion is under the jurisdiction of the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Board. The Board's approval would be required for any additional sewer connection. Incentive for additional expansion to attain cost recovery for capital investment. The applicant will be required to enter into a Section 219 restrictive covenant to restrict the occupancy and the use of the subject property to those approved by the District, the Agricultural Land Commission, and other pertinent agencies. -3- The Economic Development Office confirms that Timberline Ranch is an economic contributor to the community and supports this expansion. Environmental Issues: Any new construction on the site will be subject to the guidelines of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area, as the site is traversed by a network of watercourses. As the sewer upgrade will eliminate the prospect of continued septic failure, this proposed expansion has environmental benefits. Alternatives: If Council denies forwarding this application, or if the Agricultural Land Commission denies this non-farm use application, Timberline Ranch will be required to remain within its existing allowed occupancy. This decision would impact the cost-effectiveness of their proposed sewer upgrade, and could impact their future success. CONCLUSION: This application for non-farm use concerns an expansion to an existing institutional use at a rural site that is remote from urban services, and would require sanitary sewer connection in order to proceed. Given its servicing challenges, this location would likely be considered inappropriate if a new development proposal was being contemplated at this site. However, Timberline Ranch offers significant social and economic benefits to the community. For these reasons, the application is recommended to proceed to the Commission. Prepared by: Diana Hall Planner 'A. Approved by Jane1lickering, MCP, MCIP Dirctor of PlanI)üg Approved by:/ Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng ,-'., GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence:/ J. L. (Jim) Rule I Chief Administrative Officer The followihg appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject Map Appendix B Applicant's Letter. -4- Appendix A Subject Map All SUBJECT PROPERTY / PM Moadoon 144 AVENUE 22351 N Imtrm or DArE: Dec 27, 2008 FILE: AIJI 23108 BY: PC SCALE 1:6000 -5- Appendix B Applicant's Letter Timberfine Ra nch 22351 - 144" Avenue, Mae Ridge, Britisn Columbia, Canada V4R 2P8 Phcne (604) 463-9278 Fax (604) 463-4346 wwwAimberfineranch.com Proposal to the ALC - December 2006 Timberline Ranch is a registered charity that operates a Camp and Retreat Centre in Maple Ridge. Forty-five years ago, the founders of Timberline were looking for a place where young people could get away from the city and the pressures of everyday life and find love and acceptance for who they are. That vision has never changed! Each year we see over 6000 young people using this facility, learning outdoor skills, and gaining self- confidence. Hardly a week passes when I do not meet someone, somewhere, who has been impacted by our work, families as well as children. Timberline provides outdoor programs in a beautiful, 73 acre setting. Many of our activities revolve around our 45 horses, riding lessons, and horsemanship programs. We also teach rock-climbing, rappelling, archery. teain-builthng, BMX biking, and so on. Our programs are designed to help campers develop in their whole persons: mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially, all in a positive, fun, and safe environment. We also endeavour to train icaders in skills and confidence, so that they will not only benefit Timberline and our campers, but so that they will be a positive influence in society, wherever they go from here. Timberline is very involved in our community. A high percentage of our staff volunteers, and campers come from Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. We also belong to the local Chamber of Commerce. We enmloy the equivalent of approximately 15 full- time workers throughout the year, provide scholarships for more than a dozen students to return to school each fall, and see over one hundred volunteers help out every year. We regularly cooperate with community and church youth programs. and we are active members of the Ridge Meadows Ministerial. Just this month we received an official "Certificate of Appreciation" from the Ridge-Meadows RCMP for our "generosity and kindness" in holding a social event for the local emergency services. Timberline Ranch is currently onerating under an agreement made with the ALC in 1979, and we have stayed true to that agreement and to our purposes during these past 27 years. However, we have recently reached our capacity, and we are having to turn away hundreds of kids from the camp experience every summer. At the same time, one of our main buildings, the "Bunkhouse" (the property's original barn plusadditions), is deteriorating and needs to be replaced. Currently, at our request, its su-uctural integrity is being reviewed by engineers and the local fire department. and we are putting together a plax to pha.e it out as soon as possible. In iooking to correct our current difficulties and in order to make proactive plans for the future, we arc proposing three things: To tear down the current Bunkhouse and replace it with a structure on the same approximate footprint, building it primarily to include dorm rooms and meeting spaces. This will solve our current need for a new building, allow us to continue facilitate the many diverse needs our groups have, and allow us to gain conference groups who are currently not coming due to our lack of meeting areas. To build three duplexes (within the current P3 zoning), to replace the six rooms in the Bunkhouse that are currently being used as "cabins." Each side of the duplex would house eight kids, a counselor, and a leader in training, for a total of 20 beds per duplex and 60 beds total. These would meet and exceed the standards of the BC Camping Association, of which we are a long-standing, fully accredited member. Building these duplexes would help solve the immediate need for camper cabins and allow us to phase out the current Bunkhouse. To increase our total occupant capacity from approximately 205 to approximately 255. This includes future plans to build up to three additional duplexes as needed, replacing some of our other older cabins. This would allow us to give more children (about 24 more children per week, or 240 over the entire summer) the opportunity to enjoy summer camp. This is especially important with the recent closures of other camp facilities in the Lower Mainland. Additional space would further allow us to run onsite leadership training for high school students during the summer. A lot has changed in our society in these past 27 years since our last agreement, necessitating changes on our part as well. The one thing that hasn't changed is our dedication to helping children and families in the Lower Mainland and our commitment to operate a horse ranch in order to reach out to them. On Behalf of Timberline and its Board of Directors, d~/&, Craig Dougl3s Executive Director -7- em LAW%; CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 19, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E04-144-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Request for Municipal Sewer Service - Timberline Ranch (22351 144 Avenue) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Timberline Ranch has advised the District that they are currently experiencing difficulty with their on-site disposal system. They report occasional sewage 'breakouts' from their septic field system, which pose potential risk to community health. Through a professional engineering consultant, they have investigated the possibility of upgrading their on-site sewage disposal system, but have concluded that soil and ground-water conditions render the site unsuitable for in-ground disposal of their wastewater flow. The Fraser Health Authority concur with this conclusion. Timberline Ranch staff have approached District staff with a request for a connection to the municipal sewerage system, indicating that it is the only practical option to safely dispose of the sewage currently generated at the site. As a result of the consultant's report and Fraser Health Authority's concurrence, it is recommended that a connection to the municipal sewerage system be approved under the conditions detailed in the recommendations of this report. In order for a sewer connection to be advanced, approval from the GVRD to include the property in the Fraser Sewerage Area (FSA) is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT approval be granted for a sanitary sewer connection to the municipal system subject to: approval from the Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage District to amend the Fraser Sewerage Area to include the developed portion of Timberline Ranch; a written agreement by Timberline Ranch to design and install the sewer connection and system in accordance with the current municipal standards and specifications and that they will operate, maintain, repair, rehabilitate and/or replace the components over the period of time that Timberline Ranch remains in operation for the permitted land use; Timberline Ranch submitting an annual report to the District demonstrating that the connection and system is adequately maintained and has integrity; the District retaining the right to terminate the connection should Timberline Ranch fail to perform any of its obligations under the agreement or should the land use or sewage volumes and characteristics change; and further THAT the Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage District Board be requested to include in the Fraser Sewerage Area, the developed portion of Timberline Ranch. Hos DISCUSSION: Background Context: Timberline Ranch is a registered charity that has operated, for the past 44 years, a Camp and Retreat Centre on a parcel of land in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) in Maple Ridge. For some period of time, Timberline Ranch has been experiencing wastewater disposal problems with their on-site sewage disposal system. The problems have been identified as "effluent breakout at each of the two disposal fields that service the property." Timberline Ranch has explored the possibility of upgrading their on-site sewage disposal system. Their engineering consultant's study, along with input from the geotechnical and hydrogeological sub-consultants, has concluded the following: • The limited capacity of the existing soils to convey sewage effluent away from the field locations, slow percolation properties of the soils and near-surface water table levels make the site unsuitable for in-ground disposal of the current sewage effluent volume. • The existing drain fields are experiencing sewage effluent breakouts on a recurring basis and are operating in failed conditions. The other two methods of effluent disposals permissible under the "Waste Management Act - Municipal Sewage Regulations" (MSR), namely, discharge as reclaimed water for irrigation of agriculture or discharge to lakes or streams, were both ruled out owing to their high costs, requirement of comprehensive environmental review process prior to conditional approval and unreliability of durability and potentials of failures of these methods. On this basis, Timberline Ranch has approached the District seeking permission to connect Timberline Ranch to the District's sewage collection system. Timberline Ranch will bear the costs of the connection infrastructure and the on-going maintenance related to it, as well as the District's sewer charges. The Fraser Health Authority has advised that, given the slow percolation rates and high water tables indicated in the consultants report, connection to the municipal sewer is the preferred option. The nearest municipal sanitary sewer, although some distance from the site, has adequate capacity to accommodate sewage discharge from Timberline Ranch. Provision of a connection to the municipal system would require Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District's (GVS&DD) Board approval for inclusion of the property within the FSA. The property is within the ALR and the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) has indicated that they have no objection to Timberline Ranch connecting to the municipal system. Desired Outcomes: Connection to the municipal sanitary sewer to safely dispose of the sewage currently generated at the site. Financial Implications: The owners will be responsible for all costs associated with the design, construction, operation, maintenance, repair andlor renewal of an on-site pump station and private force-main (the connection) within the municipal road allowance. In addition, they will be responsible for the sewer use charges. Policy Implications: The current Council Policy No. 9.02 in part states that "no sanitaiy sewer shall be permitted to be extended to serve lands in the Agricultural Land Reserve unless there is an overriding public health concern and approvalfrom the British Columbia Agricultural Land Commission has been obtained...." The proposal and subjects to allow Timberline Ranch a municipal sewer connection for the current level of operational activities is in accordance with the policy. The ALC has advised that, since BC Regulation 171/2002 permits the construction of force mains within an existing road right-of way that has a constructed road bed, an application for this proposed extension is not required. A separate report prepared by the Planning Department addresses the ALC issues. Alternatives: If a municipal sewer connection to Timberline Ranch is denied, the owners would have to reduce the sewage volumes generated to respect the constraints and the ability of the soils to process sewage adequately. Another alternative would be for Timberline Ranch to regularly pump out and transport its sewage to the nearest acceptable treatment depot. This would be an expensive proposition and is not considered acceptable as a permanent solution. CONCLUSIONS: Timberline Ranch is a facility serving an important community need. The present on-site sanitary sewer disposal system is not adequate to maintain current occupant loads and will not support requested increases in occupant loads. Timberline Ranch has requested connection to the municipal sewerage system to overcome existing problems and support a modest increase in occupant load. Staff support this request and recommend approval of this connection. Prepared by: and Development Engineering Reviewed kv: Anjiè* Wood, MEng., PEng. Approved by:rank Quinn, MBA, PEng. Genej1 Mangej: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (,Jim) Rule Chiet Administrative Officer TF/mi TI*Mberfine Ranch 22351 - 1441h Avenue, Map'e Ridge, British Columbia, Canada V4R 2P8 Phone (604) 463-9278 Fax (604) 463-4346 www.timberlineranch.com I Proposal to the ALC - December 2006 I Timberline Ranch is a registered charity that operates a Camp and Retreat Centre in Maple Ridge. Forty-five years ago, the founders of Timberline were looking for a place where young people could get away from the city and the pressures of everyday life and find love and acceptance for who they are. That vision has never chgedl Each year we see over 6000 young people using this facility, learning outdoor skills, and gaining self confidence. Hardly a week passes when I do not meet someone, somewhere, who has been impacted by our work, families as well as children. Timberline provides outdoor programs in a beautii1, 73 acre setting. Marty of our activities revolve around our 45 horses, riding lessons, and horsemanship programs. We also teach rock-climbing, rappelling, archery, team-buiLding, J3MX biking, and so on. Our programs are designed to help campers develop in their whole persons: mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially, all in a positive, fun, and safe environment. We also endeavour to train icaders in skills and confidence, so that they will not only benefit Timberline and our campers, but so that they will be a positive influence in society, wherever they go from here. Timberline is very involved in our community. A high percentage of our staff; volunteers, and campers conic from Maple Ridgc and Pitt Meadows. We also belong to the local Chamber of Commerce. We employ the equivalent of approximately 15 full- time workers throughout the year. provide scholarships for more than a dozen students to return to school each fall, and see over one hundred volunteers help out every year. We regularly coop erate with community and church youth programs, and we we active members of the Ridge Meadows Ministerial. Just this month we received an official Cer1iflcate of Appreciation" from the Ridge-Meadows RCMP for our "generosity and kindness" in holding a social event fbr the local emergency services. Timberline Ranch is currently operating under an agreement made with the ALC in 1979, and we have stayed true to that agreement and to our purposes during these past 27 years. However, we have recently reached our capacity, and we are having to turn away hundreds of kids from the camp experience every summer. At the same time, one of our main buildings, the "Bun]thouse" (the property's original barn plus additions), is deteriorating and needs to be replaced. Currently, at our request, its structural integrity is being reviewed by engineers and the local fire department. and we are putting together a plan to phase it out as soon as possible. In looking to correct our current difficulties and in order to make proactive plans for the ftmture, we are proposing three things: To tear down the current Bunithouse and replace it with a structure on the same approximate footprint, building it primarily to include domi rooms and meeting space.... This will solve our current need for a new building, allow us to continue facilitate the many diverse needs our groups have, and allow us to gain conference groups who are currently not coming due to our lack of meeting areas. To build three duplexes (within the current P3 zoning), to replace the six rooms in the Bunkhouse that are currently being used as "cabins." Each side of the duplex would house eight kids, a counselor, and a leader in training, for a total of20 beds per duplex and 60 beds total. These would meet and exceed the standards of the BC Camping Association, of which we are a long-standing, fully accredited member. Building these dupleces would help solve the immediate need for camper cabins and allow us to phase out the current Bunkhouse. To increase our total occupant capacity from approximately 205 to approximately 255. This includes future plans to build up to thiee additional duplexes as needed, rep1acin some of our other older cabins. This would allow us to give more chIldren (about 24 more children per week, or 240 over the entire summer) the opportunity to enjoy summer camp. This is especially important with the recent closures of other camp facilities in the Lower Mainland. Additional space would further allow us to run onsite leadership training for high school students during the summer. A Jot has changed in our society in these past 27 years since our last agreement, necessitating changes on our part as welt. The one thing that hasn't changed is our dedication to helping children and families in the Lower Mainland and our commjtrneni to operate a horse ranch in order to reach out to them. On Behalf of Timberline and its Board of Directors, Craig Douglas Executive Director -7- N 4f f raserhealth Best in health care. December 6, 2006 Mr. Amin Lalani, P. Eng. District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Sir: Re: Timberline Ranch Malfunctioning Sewage Disposal System While I have not reviewed the details of the reports for KWL and Piteau Associates on the site suitability at Timberline Ranch for sewage disposal to ground, I am well acquainted with the work of Piteau Associates and I am confident in their expertise with this type of assessment. I J concur that slow percolation rates and high water table present severe constraints to ground disposal of sewage and given the existence of these site conditions, disposal of Timberline Ranch sewage effluent to the municipal sewer is our preferred option, assuming there is sufficient capacity in the system. SinceiIy. Shaw Manager EHS Regional Programs KS!Ih Fraser Health Authority Prevention Tel (604) 476-7000 400 - 22470 Dewdney Trunk Road Fax (604) 476-7077 Maple Ridge, BC www.fraserhealth.ca V2X 5Z6 Canada j KEkrk WOOD LEIDAL (1JJ , asso ciz re, urn CONSULTING ENGINEERS 200-4I85AStjIICrckD,v Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6G9 604-294-2088 P 604-29 -2090 F Www. Y'.ca February 27, 2006 Mr. Andrew Wood, P.Eng. Municipal Engineer District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Wood: RE: WASTE DISPOSAL AT TIMBERLINE RANCH Your File: E04-144-001 Our File 2268.001 RECEIVED IN ENGINEERING DEPT MAR - 1 2OO Thank you for your letter of February 9, 2006 in reference to our request to allow a sanitary sewer connection from the ranch to the municipal sewer. This letter addresses questions raised in your letter, specifically the following: "Your statement with respect to Piteau 's general conclusion regarding the unsuitability of the overall site for ground disposal of sewage effluent needs clar/Ication: Piteau is clearly referring to disposal of sewage effluent (63.6 cubic metres) from an expanded facility at the site, using drainfield area(s) in the upland portion of the site. It is unclear however, from both your report, and Piteau 's whether or not the drainfield areas in the upland portion of the site can accept and process the current wastewater discharge (estimated 29,600 litres per day) from the present- day activities at the Ranch. If the finding is that on-site disposal method can accommodate this volume of sewage, then what is the limit beyond the current 29,600 litres per day and how does that translate to additional number of beds?" In order to determine the suitability of the upland drain field area for the current design population wastewater flow (29.6 cu.m/day), we have recalculated the proposed drain field saturated thickness at the down gradient edge for this flow based on the field area identified for the maximum flow of 63.6 cu.m/day. The saturated thickness is calculated to be 26.0 m, still well in access of the maximum amount of mounding permissible (about 0.5 m). The soil hydraulic conductivity, based on field measurements by Pacific Hydrology, is the key factor limiting the use of the upland areas as a drain field. This site cannot accommodate the current wastewater flow. engineering excellence since 1975 2 Mr. Andrew Wood February 27, 2006 On this basis, we recommend wastewater disposal to the municipal system. We trust this answers the question raised in your letter, and will allow you to further address a municipal service to the Timberline Ranch. Please call if you have any questions. Yours truly, KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. 74~ 1'14~ - Ken Ferraby, P.Eng. Project Manager KAF/am cc: Hal Schienke, Timberline Ranch Ainin Lalani, P.Eng., District of Maple Ridge Q:.2200-22992268-001\200-Gen-Corresp\WasteDisposalLTR.doc KERR WOOD LEIDAL associates un, itect IL1 11 - /'-?'--t —CX)] Drict of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Telephone: 604-463-5221 Fax: 604-467-7329 MAPLE RIDGE e-mail: enquiries@mapleridge.org www.mapleridge.org February 9, 2006 Ken Farraby, P.Eng Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd., 200-41 85A Still Creek Drive Burnaby BC V5C 609 Dear Sir: RE: Waste Disposal at Timberline Ranch [22351 -144th Avenue] Our File: E04-144-001 We are in receipt of your letter dated January 31, 2006 (Ref: 2268.001) requesting - on behalf of the Timberline Ranch - that we proceed with soliciting Council approval-in-principle to allow sanitary sewer service connection to the municipal collection system to address disposal of wastewater at the Ranch. In your earlier report of July 2005, you state that the "Ranch has been experiencing wastewater disposal problems over the past few years and is actively proceeding with corrective measures." The disposal problem at the Ranch is characterized as recurring effluent breakout at each of the two disposal fields that service the property with the system operating in a failed condition. The conclusion you arrive at from the site observations is that the conditions throughout the "lower" site appears unsuitable for in-ground disposal of sewage effluent. We take it that you are referring to the suitability or otherwise for an expanded facility. This is understandable, since the lower site can not sustain current disposal flows from the existing, as-yet unexpanded facility. Your statement with respect to Piteau' s general conclusion regarding the unsuitability of the overall site for ground disposal of sewage effluent needs clarification: Piteau is clearly referring to disposal of sewage effluent (63.6 cubic metres) from an expanded facility at the site, using drainfield area(s) in the upland portion of the site. It is unclear however, from both your report, and Piteau's whether or not the drainfield areas in the upland portion of the site can accept and process the current wastewater discharge (estimated 29,600 litres per day) from the present-day activities at the Ranch. If the finding is that on-site disposal method can accommodate this volume of sewage, then what is the limit beyond the current 29,600 litres per day and how does that translate to additional number of beds? In as much as any discussion regarding extension of the municipal sewage collection system needs to address a wide range of issues, considerations, requirements, approvals, etc., it is very important for "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 00% Recycled Paper staff to understand the extent to which the current and proposed disposal demands can be addressed by on-site improvements. We require these clarifications for the purpose of further discussions with senior managers on the policy relate4 issues. Your response will enable us to deal with this matter in a comprehensive manner. and/onsider the merits of moving to next steps. Yours iidreW Wood, MEng. PEng. @/c4unicial Engineer. AL/bc cc Hal Schienke, Timberline Ranch. 22351 - 144 Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2P9 - KERR WOOD LEIDAL l(I1Jl associates limited I CONSULTING ENGINEERS 200- 4185A Still Cteek Drive Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6G9 604-294-2088 P 6 0 4 - 2 9 4 - 2 0 9 0 F w w w . k w I . c a January 31, 2006 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Attention: Mr. Amin Lalani, P.Eng. Dear Sirs: RE: TIMBERLINE RANCH Request for Municipal Sanitary Sewer Service Our File 2268.001 Your File E04-144-001 Further to your letter of October 14, 2005 to Mr. Hal Schienke at Timberline Ranch, we have now received a letter from the ALR in response to the Ranch's proposal for a municipal sanitary sewer service connection (copy enclosed). The letter addresses two ALR issues as follows: Construction of the sewer infrastructure within an existing road right-of-way over ALR that has a constructed road bed; the ALR has no objection and an application to the commission is not required. Increasing the capacity of accommodations for the Ranch facility; an increase in amtt requires Commission approval. In order to move forward, the Timberline Ranch requests that you proceed with soliciting council approval-in-principle for the sanitary sewer service connection. Construction of the off- site sewer infrastructure would be in accordance with the requirements noted in point 1 above. At the present time, the Ranch will not be applying to the ALR for approval to expand the facility as their immediate priority is to correct current wastewater disposal problems. engineering excellence since 1975 2 January 31, 2006 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Please call if you need any other documentation to support the application to Council. Thank you for your help. Yours truly, KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. ';~e_ - Ken Ferraby, P.Eng. Project Manager KAF/am End. cc: Hal Schienke, Timberline Ranch Q:\2200-2299\2268-OOI\200-Gen-Con-esp\RequestMunServLTR.doc KERR WOOD LEIDAL associates limited Timberfi*ne Ranch 22351 - 1441h Avenue, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada V4R 2P8 Phone (604) 463-9278 Fax (604) 463-4346 www.timbedineranch.com August 15, 2005 Mr. Frank Quinn General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Quinn: I am writing this letter as a follow-up to our conversation last week in regard to our request to have Timberline Ranch connected to the sewer system of the City of Maple Ridge. The following information is intended to assist you in your understanding of Timberline, of why we exist, and the work we are doing in this community. Timberline Ranch is a registered charity that has operated a Christian Camp and Retreat Centre in Maple Ridge for the past forty-four years. It was originally founded in order to provide a place where kids could escape from the city and the pressures of everyday life and go where they could enjoy new activities and be loved and accepted for who they are. This continues to be our vision! Timberline provides outdoor-based programs which allow campers to participate in activities that they normally would not get to, such as horseback riding, cattle penning, archery, rock-climbing, rappelling, campfires, and much more. Our programs take a holistic approach, helping campers establish positive relationships with other campers and staff as they develop socially, physically, spiritually, and mentally. It is our desire to meet young people where they are at in life's journey, to help them to discover their own abilities, and to encourage them make a difference in the lives of those around them and in their community. We also endeavor to train leaders and give them opportunities to exercise their skills and abilities while working with the kids who come to camp. Timberline Ranch is a volunteer-driven organization, and while we have some paid staff, the vast majority of the work is done by the efforts of hundreds of volunteers who give of their time in order to make the Ranch a great place for kids. All of our staff and volunteers are carefully screened in order to ensure that they will be excellent role models for the kids who come to Timberline, and a great number of them were also themselves campers at Timberline at one time. Although we run many of our own camps, especially during the summer, and see more than two thousand campers each year, we also open our facilities to thousands more who come for outdoor education experiences with their school groups. Additionally, we have many community groups such as Girl Guides and church youth groups come and enjoy our facilities and the activities we offer. The feedback we regularly receive from campers and their parents is phenomenal, though not always immediate. Sometimes we hear from people twenty or thirty years later what a difference their time at Timberline made in their lives. It seems that everywhere I go, someone is telling me that either they or someone they know has been to Timberline and what a great place it is! Tens of thousands from all over the Lower Mainland, and especially from Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows have benefited from their experience at Timberline, and we have earned an excellent reputation for our cooperation with our community youth programs, as well as our involvement in the Chamber of Commerce. Certainly the existence of Timberline has also had a strong positive economic effect on Maple Ridge and surrounding areas. In order to keep Timberline operational, we purchase great quantities of food and supplies, for our campers, our staff; and the dozens of horses and livestock we look after. We also regularly employ many workers and trades people. It is our desire to continue to serve our community, and especially its children, for many years to come. However, our biggest concern right now, and for the past number of years, is to upgrade our sewage disposal system in order to make it as sale, reliable, and functional as possible. Having spent many years and many thousands of dollars trying to find an on-site solution, and having now been informed that we have no viable on-site options, we are turning to the City of Maple Ridge and all other agencies involved, in the hope that a sewage connection to the City will be allowed and that we may be able to continue to serve our community with excellence as we have done for so long. Thank you so much for considering our situation and our request. Both our Property Manager, Hal Schienke, and I would be very glad to answer any questions you might have. If you have an opportunity to come down to the Ranch (only eight minutes north of the Lougheed!) we would also love the opportunity to show you what it is that makes Timberline so special and unique for the community of Maple Ridge. Yours truly, aaJ Q4~~ Craig Douglas Executive Director Phone: 604-463-9278 ext. 26 Cell: 778-549-7410 Email: craig@timberlineranch.com Cc: Ms. Christine Carter Mr. Amin Lalani -2- KEtR WOOD LEIDAL tul as.rociares limited CONSULTING E N G I N E E R S 200- 4185A Still Creek Drive Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6G9 604-294-2088 P 604-294-2090 F w w w k w I - c a November 15, 2005 Provincial Agricultural Land Commission 133 —4940 Canada Way Burnaby, B.C. V5G4K6 Attention: Mr. Gordon Bednard Dear Sirs: RE: TIMBERLINE RANCH - MAPLE RIDGE Municipal Sewer Connection Our File 2268.001 Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. (KWL) are assisting the Timberline Ranch with application to the District of Maple Ridge for connection to the municipal sanitary sewer system. In their letter response of October 14, 2005 (copy enclosed), the District suggests that Timberline contact the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) regarding the current use of the property, extent of the use, and present the reasons to justi1' the proposed sewer connection. The following provides this information. CURRENT USE I EXTENT OF USE The Timberline Ranch is located at 223 Street and 144th Avenue in the District of Maple Ridge and is situated on almost 30 hectares (73.25 acres) of land. The Ranch is a registered charity operating since 1961 as a year round destination for school and retreat groups. The Ranch is a well known institution with a great reputation with a desire to continue operating in its current location. Approximately 89% of the land is zoned as A2 (Upland Agricultural) and about 11%, P3 (Children's Institutional). About 74% of the entire area is in the ALR. The enclosed air photo shows the approximate area designated as P3. Buildings within this area include cabins, common area accommodation, common rooms, administration, two single-family homes for staff and some agricultural facilities. The Ranch currently has an overnight bed capacity of about 200 beds with plans to expand this to about 400 beds over the next 10 years. Immediate planning provides for demolition of a single story accommodation with current 50 bed capacity and replacement with a 100 bed capacity two story building with similar foot print (refer to the airphoto). The extent of the planned use is within the P3 designated area. engineering excellence since 1975 2- Provincial Agricultural Land Commission November 15, 2005 Wastewater Disposal Issues The Ranch is relatively self sufficient operating its own water system and wastewater treatment and disposal systems. Water is supplied from Doneganey Creek from a shallow well. Water treatment includes rapid sand filtration, chlorination and UV disinfection. The wastewater system comprises septic tank treatment with effluent disposal to two in-ground disposal fields generally located within the P3 area. Recently the disposal fields have begun to fail through ground breakout and the Ranch is actively seeking measures to replace these systems. The Ranch engaged KWL in association with Piteau Associates Ltd. (consulting hydrogeologists) to develop a replacement wastewater treatment and disposal system to service the immediate and long term needs. After review of previous work and further field investigations it was concluded that the overall site was not suitable for ground disposal of treated sewage effluent in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Sewage Regulation of the Provincial Government (MSR). Other effluent disposal options available under the MSR include treated effluent as reclaimed water for irrigation of agriculture and discharge to lakes or streams. Application of effluent for agricultural purposes requires a high level of wastewater treatment together with the ability to store effluent during non growing periods; these conditions would limit the use of large areas of the Ranch property and require large holding tanks to store effluent over the period during which crop application is not allowed. This option is not considered feasible. Discharge of effluent to a stream requires a dilution ratio of effluent to stream flow of 10:1; field review of the flow in the Doneganey Creek does not appear feasible at this dilution due to minimal flows in the creek. An option to discharge to the Blaney Creek at the south side of the site may be feasible subject to down stream water use however our experience with effluent disposal to creeks raises significant environmental opposition and this option is also not considered feasible; Conclusions Based on these findings we have recommended that the most beneficial and environmentally sustainable means of wastewater disposal for the Timberline Ranch is to connect to the District of Maple Ridge municipal sewage collection system. The system is about 2 kilometers away and would require construction of an onsite sewage collection system and wastewater pumping station together with a small forcemain pipe along 224 Street. In this regard we are requesting the ALR support for wastewater disposal to the District wastewater system. KERR WOOD LEIDAL a5$OCites limited Provincial Agricultural Land Commission November 15, 2005 Please call if you have any questions. Ken Ferraby, P. Eng Project Manager End. Cc Hal Schienke, Timberline Ranch Cc Amin Lalani, P.Eng, District of Maple Ridge Q:\2200-2299\2268-00I200-Gen-Corresp\MunicSewerConnectLTR.doc 3 KERR WOOD LE1DAL associres limited PITEAU ASSOCIATES GEOTECHNICAL AND Our file: 2690 - HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS NORTH VANCOUVER. B.C. June 17, 2005 CANADA ViM 307 215-260 WEST ESPLANADE TELEPHONE: (604) 986-6551 FAX: (604)985-7286 WEBSITE: hItp:IIw.piteau.co.n Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. 200-4185A Still Creek Drive Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6G9 Attention: Mr. Ken Ferraby, P.Eng. Dear Sirs: Re: Hydrogeologic Assessment for Sewage Disposal Timberline Ranch. 22351 - 144th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. Piteau Associates Engineering Ltd. (Piteau) was retained by Kerr Wood Leidal Associates (KWL) to review a hydrogeologic assessment completed for the Timberline Ranch in Maple Ridge, B.C. by Pacific Hydrology Consultants Ltd.1 The objective of our review was to provide an opinion regarding the feasibility of developing a solution for sewage effluent disposal at this Site that will be compliant with criteria set out in the Municipal Sewage Regulation (MSR). Tasks completed during this review have included: • A site visit on May 6, 2005 with Ken ,9raby, P.Eng. of KWL; • Reviewing Pacific Hydrology's report and • Preparing this letter. BACKGROUND INFORMATION An aerial photograph depicting the Timberline Ranch property (the Site) is included as Fig. 1. The Site is rectangular with dimensions of approximately 360 x 790m, and an area of about 28.4 ha (70 acres). Ground surface in the mostly cleared southern portion of the Site is relatively flat, whereas the northern portion is a treed upland area. Surficial geological mapping by the Geological Survey of Canada2 indicates sediments beneath the upper part of the Site consist of glaciomanne deposits comprising stony clayey silt with silty sand. These are relatively thin (in this area), and overly shallow bedrock. Sediments in the southern portion of the Site are mapped as lowland peat overlying overbank sandy to silty loam. 1 Pacific Hydrology Consultants Ltd., 2002. Hydrogeological Evaluation and Environmental Impact Study Re: Upgrading of Wastewater Disposal Facilities at Timberline Ranch Camp at 22351 - 144 0' Avenue in Maple Ridge. Report for Timberline Ranch Ltd., do Ron Hoskyn. 2 Armstrong, J.E. and Hicock, SR., 1976. Surficial Geology Map of New Westminster Area. Geological Survey of Canada Map 1484 A (1:50,000 scale). PITEAU ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. Attention: Mr. Ken Ferraby, P.Eng. -2- June 17, 2005 Based on data collected by Pacific Hydrology (Pacific), the groundwater table in the upland area is within about I m of ground surface. No depth to water table readings are available for the lower area, but the water table is expected to be at or near ground surface at certain times of the year. There are currently two absorption trench drainfields for disposal of sewage effluent generated by the bunkhouses, kitchen and dining area, and office facilities. As shown on Fig. 1, these are located in the lower portion of the Site. Based on data provided by Pacific, current sewage flows are estimated at about 29,600 Litres per day (lpd). This is anticipated to increase to approximately 63,600 lpd over the next few decades, as the number of beds at the facility increases. Both of the existing fields experience recurring problems with effluent breaking out to surface, and are thus operating in a failed condition, and are out of compliance with the performance requirements of the MSR. No information on soil investigations is available for either disposal site. In 2002 Pacific investigated several areas within the lower portion of the Site to assess their suitability to accommodate in-ground sewage disposal for up to 63.6 m 3/day. The low-lying area was judged to be unsuitable, due to very slow percolation rates and near-surface water table levels. The upland area was also investigated, and locations for two primary absorption trench drainfields and one standby area were identified (see Fig. 1). Based on results of percolation testing, excavation of test pits, and water table monitoring, Pacific concluded that in-ground sewage disposal in these proposed areas could be achieved in compliance with the MSR. COMMENTS ON SITE SUITABILITY FOR ABSORPTION TRENCHES The suitability of the ground conditions at the Site for sewage disposal to a ground absorption system have been evaluated by Piteau in terms of the minimum requirements set out in the MSR. In addition to specifying design parameters such as the length of trench required to accommodate design flows on the basis of effluent class and soil percolation time, the MSR includes the requirements for minimum vertical separation between the highest water table beneath the field and the base of absorption trenches, minimum subsurface travel times, and setback distances. A significant deficiency has been identified in Pacific Hydrology's analysis and relates to the method used to estimate groundwater mounding beneath the proposed drainflelds. Pacific have used the computer model developed by Finnemore, which is based on the Hantush method. This is appropriate for estimating mounding above a relatively flat water table, where effluent will flow away in all directions. However, as the proposed drainfields are in moderately steep terrain, and all effluent will migrate away in only one direction (i.e., downslope), the Hantush method is not appropriate. A more appropriate method to calculate mounding for a drainfield in steep terrain is to estimate the saturated thickness at the downgradient edge. This has been estimated for the PITEAU ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. Attention: Mr. Ken Ferraby, P.En. -3- June 17, 2005 proposed drainfield areas in the upland portion of the Site using the following formula derived from the Darcy equation: t = [Qsewagel (K * j * w)] + [(lm * x) / (K * I)] where: = Saturated thickness at downgradient edge of disposal fields. Q = Design discharge rate; 63.6 m 3/day(7.4 x 10 m3/s). /' K = Hydraulic conductivity; 1 x 1 0 rn/s based average determined by Pacific Hydrology. = Hydraulic gradient; based on topography at waste disposal sites an average value of 0.15 (15%) is used. w = Width of disposal area perpendicular to groundwater flow direction; based on the layout shown on Drawing A-i 192-Si in Pacific's report w = 160m. lmax = Maximum precipitation infiltration rate. Using double the average maximum monthly precipitation for Pitt Polder (361 mm based on climate monitoring station at Pitt Polder), and assuming that 20% infiltrates, l is equivalent to 361 mm/month -31 days/month 2 * 0.2 = 5 mm/day or 5 x I0 rn/s. x = Total length of drainfields parallel to groundwater flow direction; based on the layout shown on Drawing A-I 192-SI in Pacific's report w = 35m. Solving the above equation for t yields a value of 43m. As this thickness is substantially greater than the maximum amount of mounding permissible at the Site (about 0.5m), it is apparent that the sediments lack sufficient permeability to convey effluent away from the planned disposal fields, and breakout of effluent at the ground surface would be likely to occur. Even increasing the width of the field (w) to the width of the property (360m), and increasing the value of K by an order of magnitude, to a value that we consider to be unrealistically high (I x 10 mis), still results in a t value that is not acceptable. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We conclude that conditions within the upland portion of the Site are unsuitable for in-ground disposal of 63.6 m 3/day of sewage effluent in compliance with the Municipal Sewage Regulation. This results from the low hydraulic conductivity of the glacio-marine sediments, and their limited capacity to convey sewage effluent away from the proposed field locations. PITAU ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. Attention: Mr. Ken Ferraby, P.Eng. -4- June 17, 2005 The existing drainfields in the lower portion of the Site that service the bunk houses, kitchen/dining area, and offices are experience sewage effluent breakout on a recurring basis, and are thus operating in a failed condition. Based on this observation, and the expected slow percolation rates and near-surface water table levels, conditions throughout the lower portion of the Site appear unsuitable for in-ground disposal of sewage effluent. Due to the poor prospects for on-site sewage disposal, Piteau recommends that off-site options be explored. LIMITATIONS This investigation has been conducted using a standard of care consistent with that expected of scientific and engineering professionals undertaking similar work under similar conditions in British Columbia. No warranty is expressed or implied. This report is prepared for the sole use of Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. Any use, interpretation or reliance on this information by any third party is at the risk of that party, and Piteau accepts no liability for such unauthorized use. CLOSURE We trust this letter report is sufficient for your present needs. Please contact me directly if you require clarification or additional information. Yours truly, PITEAU ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. David J. Tiplady, P. Eng. DJT/dls Aft. PITEAU ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING LTD. Q?' : if 53 :-----. 4 -. - -- - - • !- q53 - •.. - '.i • ..'v . :. •. . '..{j,'4 ' .A ,' - -• •.' •-. _(3!SL_3 t .5, .... 45' - •s •• ; .3, '3 'I• 1• •'- t I • . -- Sr. S. .t S_•4. 8 -3. •,S -- - -- 5J ' * S - - • '-c.; :•-i S.- .¼ - 4.. - ' - ¼ - •.. .- 3S34 • •'.•s3 •. P I......3 .,...... .. • .. •. p..¼ - \- ._••_•__1 4 .3 •1 .3 •...' - - - •.-' • : •'- 4 -fi . ••.,.3#. - - _• ..- .3 6••; •.• . . . •I . • •.. . •.g. S - -3 4 .5 4 3 - 4 ' _'.3_•.3.. S53. - 3 3. 'Si • .. 5-. . 3.8 . . .3 t- - - I.. ._ '. •. . -: •- . * -.. -_. .. - d-_ - L ..' . •53.• •3._ 444•'3S 43 .4 ,•l... 4 ¼ ._.• S5 4 S4 '3 - S. - _•S3_ - -4 S3 • - 4 - '--.5 ,•s I '4 - ' I. - S . :- •- - ';-.-".. I .. • -, . s.-: - ,.'-- •..f • . . .. - S ;. . - •i• S -. - I - •. ,* I . S .4.. •- ...• •1 - 3 - - 8 - - 'sIb 5 • I "•_• _'4 I I 45_i •5S.4.&&' •':L.. • - S .-- S • - . -• _5_.. . . •• 54 1._ •. • - . . - S. ••_ •• • .4 . . ,- • S ' • . S - 3.•f • . -3. - - - - - S •'S • r. ....•• 5 - .3. •.. S SI.. :. -;-•'... 4 •'. : •- S-f •• ;d S.. . •. . I_3'S/43 4_S I • S •• '3- . • •.. .• •''.•'•• I •.( I . —' 1 3 - -i S.. ,.,. S.. ••• -.5 - . S .5 •• -. S. '353 - -...............•.•- S.- - :. -j.i 3J1 c S__S L• .1k. 5,... 'S ? S•S•S .;. ?.- - I . - -- fb- : - - KERR WOOD LEIDAL ASSOCIATES LTD. TIMBERLINE RANCH LTD. : Cnoe dge MAPT E RIX2E E-mail; cnquries@mapkridgcorg L. www.mapIieridge.org I rExratd 12 ptn1, 1874 October 14, 2005 I Mr. H. Schienke Timberline Ranch • 22351-144Avenue L. Maple Ridge BC V411 729 Dear Mr. Schienke: Re: Your Request for Municipal Sanitary Sewer Service to the Timbepilne Ranch Our File No: E04-144.001 Further to our letter dated August 12, 2005 to you, in our effort to shepherd along your request, we contacted the Agriculture Land Commission (ALC) in order to seek their input. We are given to understand that approximately 8 acres or 11% of your site isoned P-3 and provides for the current use. But it is not firmly known either to us or to the A1.0 where the current operation is located relative to the zoning. Gord Bednard (604) 660-7011 at the ALC stated that Timberline needs to colitact the ALC regarding the current use on the property and the extent of the use. He stated that it may transpire that further ALR approvals may be required It would be more appropriate and effective, in our opinion, if when you aproach the ALC, your consultants present the reasons to justify the necessity of municipal sewer scrvicc to the Ranch and 'get their nod' for your endeavor. Please request the ALC to indicate to us i writing that they have no objection over the extension of municipal sewer service to your Ranch before we take this matter up with the GVRD. We will upon receipt of the above indication from the ALC, write to our , Council seeking their approval in principle to proceed further. Yours truly. Ole Amin AL:al cc: Frank Quinn, GM: Public Works & Development Services Andrew Wood, Municipal Engineer Christine Carter, Manager of Community Planning tipromoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 9tt"29t'G9 HONfeN 3HI I~139WXI w. :g sO--130 6im ov&lwl CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 13, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E05-010-021 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Payment for 240 Street Storm Sewer Project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District's approved Capital Works program includes provision for upgrading of 240 Street north of Lougheed Highway as well as drainage works. One component of the drainage works is the construction of new culverts under Highway 7 and the CP Rail tracks. CP Rail agreed to cost share these works and undertake the construction and project management. The work has been completed and the District has been invoiced for the work. In accordance with the Purchasing Policy, Council approval for the payment is required. The Capital Budget contains funds for the work and can accommodate the cost of the works. RECOMMENDATION: THAT payment be made to CP Rail in the amount of $220,235.76 for the installation of culverts at 240 Street and Highway 7. DISCUSSION: Background Context: As part of the Capital Works program, the District arranged with CP Rail for the replacement of a culvert crossing the CP tracks just east of 240 Street. The work was to be cost shared on an equal basis between the District and CP Rail. CP Rail's contractor recently completed installation of large-diameter twin culverts. Based on the estimate, the projected cost share to the District was $150,000. However, actual construction costs were higher than the estimates and the District's portion of the work is now $220,235.76. An invoice has been received and reviewed by District staff and staff are in agreement with the work completed and amount submitted. The Capital budget was also reviewed and can accommodate the difference of the additional costs. Desired Outcome: To obtain Council approval to process the payment. 1106 c) Business PlanfFinancial Implications: The Capital Budget contains funds for the work and can accommodate the increased cost. CONCLUSIONS: The cost sharing of the work between CP Rail and the District benefits both organizations and the work performed by CP Rail and its contractors and submitted invoice have been reviewed and is fair. The District should process and pay the invoice. Prepared by: d, MEng., PEng. Financial Review byz.èvor Thompson, CGA Manager, Financial Planning Approved bv:/Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. Giial Manig: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE 020 k~~~s DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 19, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 121h Annual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Haney Hawgs organizer to use municipal streets for their 12th Annual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine event on Saturday, May 26, 2007, between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. A copy of the request is attached. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3 136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 12th Annual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine on Saturday, May 26, 2007, between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated April 19, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on the condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". The event will take place on Maple Crescent and will require the road to be closed to traffic from Battle Avenue to Dartford Street from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The activities are scheduled from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A map showing the location and detour route signed off by the RCMP Traffic Division is attached. Strategic Plan: Administrating Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. //s Citizen/Customer Implications/Communications Plan: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Haney Hawgs volunteers. In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Annual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine has been held in Maple Ridge for several years and the organizers have requested permission to hold the event on municipal streets for 2007. Submitted by: Andyew Wood, MEng., PEng. Müiiicipal Engineer A roved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. GM: Public Works & Dc opment Services 9, 4 Concurrence: J. L. (.m) Rule ative Officer ML/mi Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 19, 2007 2007 Haney Hawgs Show and Shine Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: I. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company (formally BC Transit) for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event and in a local newspaper (a minimum of one week prior to the event); notif,' all affected businesses on the event route as soon as possible (per letter provided to the organizer by the District); make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event. A time interval schedule of closure and permitted vehicular access during the event for residents wishing to access their property; must maintain access for emergency services to the closure area at all times. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; obtain any necessary noise relaxation permit from Licenses, Permits & By-Laws Department; and refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the Corporation; The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use municipal streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer Fl HANEY HAUGS HANEY PHONE NO. : 604 465 4161 Mar. 24 2007 0409PM P82 SERME PARTS HAWGS Jul March 19,2007 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 RE: ANNUAL SHOW AND SHINE AT HANEY HAWGS This year will be the I 2th Annual Haney Hawgs Show & Shine. This event is usually held the last Saturday in May and this year will be held on May 26th. Riders are encouraged to bring their bikes and display them. For a nominal fee (to cover the cost of the trophies), bikes can be entered in one of 12 judged classes and at the end of the day trophies are awarded. The store itself is open during the event with clothing and parts sales. The hours of the Show & Shine are from II :OOani to 4:00pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, HANEY, HAWS INC. c Carrie Madden 20617 Maple Crescent, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X iRS Phone: (604) 465-5230 Fax: (604) 465-4161 FROM : HPNEY HctJGS PHONE NO. : 6M 465 4161 Mar. 27 2807 01:2$PP1 P82 :4i ic.tj -• PHUZ : l4 45 415.1 1• (ri? 2W 14F1 F1 Scwl ftwç'( f. Q - c& - AC WEp CL (. :; (1 ,." . :.i \ \••\\ \\ \\ 1\T' 10 .- .................-...- .............--.......--........... arira.e. 1r 1hQ rcpocec '1tiffk (onitri P.:t . : i' 1'.,kLr11AitrnA . ...... . a4. Z.G D) Ab £e M0(e4 fflnF ..- -- uj .. o_ Lu FROM : HANEY HAWGS PHONE 604 465 4161 Rpr. 11 2007 11 13AM P1 l 'UU I UTh U BARR r lJii :r - - HARRIS & LE][B 1[NSURANCE BROKERS LTD. .0 ril 1 1 2007 22303 Lougheeci Highway1 Maple R1d90, B.C. V2X 2T3 Telephone (04) 463-8191 Fay :(604) 463-2564 iNSURANCE BlNl))...R RE CEIVED APR ii 2007 AW DEPT N;mc:Mke Hadderi o/a I iney J'Iawgs Policy New Company: Pal }nsurance Brokers Ltd. Addrccy20ol 7 Maple Crescen, MpJe Ridge, B.C. }'olicy Period' May 26th,2007 10 May 261h,2007 (.overae: ('onimercid (enera1 Liability $ 5,000,000. Lcndition:. As per poicy vording it is un&isiood and agreed additional in.sitrod is Corporation of the i)istrict of Maple Ridge 11955 Haney l'licc'., Maple Ridge., B.C. ii i; alsu understood and iigmixi our offict Harris & Leib Insurance Jiokers J id. 'vilI advise div Corporation shoind this insurance be cancelico on ot beThre ellective date Of May 26th 12007. 'Note: This hinder will continue tr the period shown above or until replaced by a policy crd1iatc,whiehever is .appticabk. The policy may contain a clause (s) which may limit the amount payable ]'hi hinder policy is subje'i to the standard mortgage clause by The Insurance BWeeU of Canada where nrntlgagc intcrcs;i is on building(s) only. hARRiS &. LJIB INSURANCL 8ROJ<1 RS LID. per: ( Z), CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 16, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 10thI Annual Walk a Mile for Mental Health EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Rainbow Club (the organizer) to use municipal sidewalks and streets for their 10 " Annual Walk a Mile for Mental Health event, on Friday May 11, 2007 between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Participants will walk on sidewalks and no road closures are required. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3 136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the use of municipal sidewalks and streets be authorized for the 101I Annual Walk a Mile for Mental Health event on Friday May 11, 2007, between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule "A" attached to the staff report dated April 16, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: Background Context: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". A map showing the route is attached. The Rainbow Club is requesting permission to use municipal streets and sidewalks for their 10 0 Annual Walk a Mile for Mental Health event from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The participants will gather at the Band Stand, located at Haney Place Loop at 11:00 AM and will commence their walk at 11:30 AM. Participants will travel west towards 224 Street, travel south on 224 Street to Lougheed Highway, travel east on Lougheed Highway to 228 Street, travel north on 228 Street and finish at the Community Service Facility located at 11907-228 Street. Procession will use sidewalks except when crossing the streets. The event is scheduled to finish by 1:00 PM. The event organizers anticipate approximately 100 people to participate in the walk. Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. //07 F - CitizenlCustomer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, the organizer will take all of the necessary traffic and safety precautions, including crossing guards at each street crossing and will minimize disruption where possible. In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP for traffic control (attached) and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Walk a Mile for Mental Health event has been held for the past nine years and the organizers have requested permission to hold the event on municipal streets for 2007. Submitted by: Andc*od, MEng., Eng. 7' M4icipaI Engin r / --:.--, Aved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. GMA PubliçF.Works & j5i?pment Services Concurrence: J. L./(Jim) Rule - Chik Administrative Officer AW/mi Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 16, 2007 101h Annual Walk a Mile for Mental Health Event Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; obtain any required permits from the District of Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services Department for park facility use; advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event; must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use municipal streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer "To enable individuals and families to realize their potential and APR achieve a level 07 sell-re I7ance. MAPLE RidqE/PiTr MEAdOWS -. COMMUNITY SEIvIcEs Matthew Li Engineering Department - - Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 April 16,2007 Dear Mr. Li, I am writing to you from the Rainbow Club, which is operated by Maple/Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services. We are a nonprofit organization that services adults with mental health issues. We would like to request the use of municipal sidewalks and streets on Friday May 11,2007. We will be holding our 101h Annual Walk-A Mile for Mental Health Awareness. The event is scheduled to begin at the bandstand at 11:00 am and the walk will commence at approximately 11:30. We will be taking all the necessary traffic and safety precautions, including crossing guards at each crossing. We will be walking on the sidewalks and will not be interfering with the traffic on the roads. I will be notifying the local fire department, ambulance and bus services etc. in the coming week. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions at 604-467-0503. Sincerely,, Luis de Sousa Mental Health Facilitator Rainbow Club 0yo ------- --- ........ .. - .......... - 1---- ------------ Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services 11907-228th Street, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8G8 T 604 467.6911 F 604 463.2988 www.comservice.bc.ca FFP-F-c41 4pjP FRQM: uO4W7 7 FORM'A' pHs o(jjenj Dite: coni LQ5j.F(tx '4- - t_eL_"k - rore.e.c. P'Ta 2 s5 4i5ç cçLs 't Lr*. t-ik.c. PF trj u.ilL we &cLh€n.Lri&J'j Qrj?S1i1Q....thj1r P 4.J.?icL. .L)-. Ib'(-... - ... . - Eth C>JDQ.. . . -. Sketch of TiaUic Control Plan: - - - Fvni j 9J - , - - - - - : Lou I-t'1 ACMP concufrence F or tJ), propo9ecf Trnflc Cur ttt oP 'In,i . AkO /K lIi/oIh,iri,i' tq?ti'its have been ndi'i.wtl and k;4ItkJgt' ,h, BC TransR reie 110 flLlfl(jflt__ A iibu1ti Sefvks___ -- - .... I r"ci I Security Cle;slflcatlon(Oea(gnatlr,n CIaslflcatlo&dèslpnailnn 1 Precedence Priortlé Oats R.?eronce No. . N de rifêrencs - Your File - Vetre n eo doesior Our File - Noire n do dossier Royal Canadian Gendarmerie royate Mounted Police du Cariade FACSIMILE IMESSAGt EN VOl DUN MESSAGE TRANSMITTAL PAR TELECOPIEUR 10. •g4AA) eI.13 FOR YOUR INFO. POUR VOTRE INFORM. FROM Nams-Nem DE ,€ £. JioO DV. - Sub4)lv. .S..dtv. 44- ,(A14c S.ction SENDER - EXPEDITEUR Fax No. - N' do téléc. Tel. No. - N' do till. 604-467-7633 1604.463-6251 Branch - 5•P'VlCo 5(Qp OSR - RSO L I UnIt. Unite Unit Coil. - Codedinierciass. do werv. RECIPIENT - QEST1NATA$RE ! No. N' detéléc. Bue. Tl No. . P1' do Ill. bur. Pea. Tel, No. - N' do tél. rés. 5U8JECT 0111 numu,r UT psis IncluollIg In,, ens: OBJET A1i5 - ,f(4y SI4i,7 Nomble os.n, comirl*i cells-cl COMMENTS COMMENIAIRES 5, ' ,tk ,',f çpc5 This macsegs Is Intended for the use of the or.ss.o. Colts communleatlon sot oxelu.Ivem.nt destinee * qul 0110 sot adreaséc. Dlecloaura of message content may broach one or La divulpailen d. sun Ountenu Pout constttu,r uns In?ractlon I uns ott more loWs. If you have rac&ved this coitimvplcatlon pluillurl lola. $1 VOUC IV*2 'ICU cetti communication par erreur, veullIoz In error, notify the sender lmtn.dlatety by telephone. on taviger ImmIdlatem,nt Isxpddltnur psr téléphone. Operator - Opétatell? I TsIaphone No. . P1' do téléphone I Dolly No. - N quotidlen TO BE DELIVERED BY D.t. Time -Heuro -- Authorizing SlgflMurs - 51nstut* di lappr.tsur Date A UVRER OlCi I.E RE°LY RSQUIRRD BY Time hours lPONSE DII I.E RGMP GRC 287$ (2003.06) ICS Canad ek CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 19, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 101h Annual Vistas Run EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Vistas Run organizer to use municipal streets for the 10th Annual Vistas Run on Sunday, May 27, 2007 between 7:00 AM and 1:00 PM. A copy of the request is attached. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3 136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the use of municipal streets be authorized for the Annual Vistas Run on Sunday May 27, 2007, between 7:00 AM and 1:00 PM, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated April 19, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: (a) Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". The race is scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM and anticipated to end at approximately 10:30 AM. However, volunteers will be arriving at 7:00 AM and leaving at approximately 1:00 PM. The run route will start at Webster's Corner Elementary School and proceed south on 256 Street, west on 112 Avenue to the Kanaka Regional Park entrance. The 5-km runners will do a single loop through the park, and then back up 256 Street to the school. The 1 0-km runners continue through Kanaka Creek Regional Park, exiting the park on 251 Street at Cliff Park, proceed north on 251 Street, east on 117 Avenue, north on 252 Street. They will travel west on Dewdney Trunk Road to 250 Street, south to 119 Avenue, and continue south on 248 Street to Ferguson Avenue, re-entering the park before returning to the school via 256 Street. A map of the route is outlined in Form 'A'. //0 e Strategic Plan: Administrating Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Vistas Run volunteers. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. (0 Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. (g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. However, this event has a history in this community. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Vistas Run for the Ridge Meadows Hospice Society event has been held in Maple Ridge for several years. The organizers have requested permission to hold the event on municipal streets for 2007. Submitted by: A_________ od, MEng., /2 MZEneer Frank uinn, MBA g. Services J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer ML/mi Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 19. 2007 10th Annual Vistas Run for the Ridge Meadows Hospice Society Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: I. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event and give notice of the road closure in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain the required permission from the School District to use their facilities; obtain the required permits from Parks & Leisure Services and the Regional Parks for use of their facilities; must maintain access for emergency services to the closure area at all times. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than S5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the Corporation; The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer VISTAS RUN 2007 In Support Of Hospice January 4, 2007 Municipality of Maple Ridge Engineering Department Attention: Mr. Terry Fryer Re: 10th Annual Vistas Run -T 'o, ~, Planning is now under way for the 10th Annual Vistas Run, and I am hereby applying for permission to hold it again in east Maple Ridge. Date and time: Sunday May 27th, 2207, at 9:00 a.m. Distance: 5 and 10 km. Participation: 400. Route: Same as previous 9 years. Start will be at Webster's Corner Elementary School, 256 th and Dewdney Trunk. Runners will head south on 256 th to 112th Avenue Diversion, then west to the entrance of Kanaka Creek Regional Park. 5km runners will do a loop through the park, returning to the school along 256th• 10km runners will pass through the park, exiting at the Cliff Park area. They will then travel west along the shoulder to 250th, traveling side streets to 248th They will then turn south, travel through the gully, then east along Ferguson Street, through the park, and back along 256th to the school. Runners will be off the course by approximately 10:30 a.m. Prior to the race the volunteers will begin arriving by about 7:00 a.m. The last volunteers should be leaving the school gym between noon and 1:00 p.m. Parking: Webster's Corner School has 32 marked stalls. On the wide shoulder in front of the school there is room for approximately 20 vehicles, plus dozens more along 256th Street. There is a large grass lot on the southeast corner at 256th and Dewdney that the owner, Mr. Robson, allows us to use. We have not had any problems with parking over the past 8 years and see no problems forthcoming. Safety: Teams of route marshals will be on route, St. Johns Ambulance will be in attendance and all participants are insured by B.C. amateur athletics. The Vistas Run has gone smoothly in previous years and last year again raised over $30,000 for Hospice. We are applying for RCMP approval, GVRD, School District 42 and Parks Board permits as well. Thank Your for your help and consideration. Sincerely, Bob Masse Race Director Tel 604 463-5321 Cell 604 250-1140 Fax 604 467-6598 III DewdneyTwnoad I Vistas I I 119A e - Websters Cortrs School r I 5KRun I Walk I LO CO Ca I •I LO 10k Run ll7Ave / I / . 117Ave / vvaLer Cq j _IruIuu_.I,, / I •'•iIllruir / Furguson Ave / / I 1....... I' II 4p4 / ll2Ave / th I D:\projects\vistas2\Vistas2.dgn 2005-05-19 6:46:54 AM em Lomm~%.~ CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 19, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E0I-035-001 .5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 41h Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation to use municipal streets for the 4" Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run on Sunday, June 3, 2007 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Setup on site will start at 6:00 AM. A copy of the request is attached. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge RECOMMENDATION: THAT the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 4th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run on Sunday June 3, 2007, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated April 19, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the District be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". There are two courses: a 5 kilometer and a 10 kilometer. Both courses start and conclude at Fairview Elementary School located at 12209 206 Street. 5 kilometer course: Participants travel south on 206 Street to Dewdney Trunk Road (DTR) and travel west on the north side of DTR to 203 Street (the event coordinator will have marshals along DTR to ensure participants stay on the sidewalk & curb). They will travel north on 203 Street to 123 Avenue and travel east on 123 Avenue to Laity Street. They will travel south on Laity Street to Wicklund Avenue where they will do a quick turnaround and continue south on Laity Street to DTR and travel west on DTR to 206 Street and continue north to Fairview Elementary where the run will conclude. 1/0 10 kilometer course: Participants travel south on 206 Street to Dewdney Trunk Road (DTR) and travel west on the north side of DTR to 203 Street (the event coordinator will have marshals along DTR to ensure participants stay on the sidewalk & curb). Participants will travel north on 203 Street to 132 Avenue where marshals will be positioned to ensure participants travel east on 132 Avenue on the northside of the street. They will travel north on Neaves Road and will be assisted by marshals in crossing 132 Avenue and Neaves Road. Participants will travel on the east side of Neaves Road heading north towards the dykes and travel east on the dykes to Laity Street and 128 Avenue. Participants will continue south on Laity Street towards DTR and continue westbound on DTR traveling on the northside of the roadway to 206 Street, and continue north to Fairview Elementary where the run will conclude. Preparation for this event will begin at 6:00 AM and the race will start promptly at 9:00 AM. The clean up and finish of the event will be complete by approximately 12:00 PM. Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the event organizers. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notif' the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as Coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service) on any rerouting requirements. Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. 1) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the run to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the run. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run is requesting permission to hold the 4th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run event on District streets for 2007. Submitted by: And~ed, MEng., / by: Frink Quinn, orks & Development Services Concurrence: - J.L. (jtim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer ML/nii Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 19, 2007 4th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the District of Maple Ridge; notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; obtain any required permits from the School District for school facility use; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event in a local newspaper and notif' all surrounding businesses of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; must maintain access for emergency services to the closurea area at all times; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer PECEIVED IN ENGINEERING DPi. MAR 52QO7 nçgj IT1 Box 5000, 11666 Laity Street, Maple Ridge Tel: (604) 463-1822 Email: H m British Columbia, Canada V2X 7G5 Fax: (604) 463-1888 Web: March 12, 2007 Mr. Matthew Li Engineering Department Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Li: On June 3, 2007 the Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation will be holding its 4th annual Fund Run. The Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation strives to enhance the quality of health care at Ridge Meadows Hospital and health services area of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows by creating opportunities for giving. Please find enclosed our request for approval for the Fund Run. We ask that this request be considered at the next council workshop. Please find enclosed the traffic control proposal and a map outline of the run route. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at the Foundation office at 604-466-6925. c. b / O(C7 - - 0 T v' Sincerely, Annika Polegatô Development Assistant Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run Committee 9-fOo- Details of the Route Sunday, June 3, 2007 Contact Person: Annika Polegato Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Phone: 604-466-6925 Fax: 604-463-1888 E-Mail: Annika.polegato@fraserhealth.ca Details: 1 OKJ5K. Run starts at Fairview Elementary School located at 12209 206th Street Maple Ridge. Runners travel south on 206th until DTR (Dewdney Trunk Road). Runners then travel west on DTR (staying on the North side). We will have marshalls along DTR to ensure runners stay on the sidewalk and curb. Runners travel north on 203id until 132. Marshalls will be positioned at l32' to ensure runners travel East on 132 1 on the north side of street. Runners travel north on Neaves Road. Marshalls will be positioned at 132' and Neaves Road to assist crossing of the runners. Runners travel on the east side of Neaves Road heading northbound to dykes. A marshall will be positioned at the dyke to assist runners onto the dyke. Runners travel on the dykes to Laity & 128th Marshalls will be at Lairy & DTR to guide runners south on Laity Street. Marshall will be at Laity Street & DTR to guide runners westbound on DTR on north side of sidewalk. We will have marshals again at the intersection of 203 w & DTR to guide runners northbound on 206th back to Fairview School. Details: 5K Walk/Run. - 5K Route starts at Fairview Elementary School (same location as 10K run). Runners travel south on 206 until DTR. Runners then travel west on DTR (staying on the north side). Runners travel north on 203 until 123rd Avenue. 5K walk/runners travel east on 123' Avenue. Runners then travel south on Laity keeping to the west side of Laity. Runners then do a quick turnaround at Wicklund (about 200 meters and back to Laity). Runners continue to travel south on Laity to DTR. Runners travel west on DTR, keeping to the north side of the road. Runners then travel north on 206th back to the finish line at Fairview School. I .•• . ., •.. .:. •°•. PIZ 77 ..•• . .... . - f:.. - . L - - ,.. .,. .-- •... - - - L r .- - r - - -- rr 2 L ' : . ,. -• . __ - pu 5_ii_ !. • 2 Ly __---t--_ ................. I — _•. -- _. a .- L sMoavaw agaIx dID cC92. L9' tog,xvi o:60 9009/6t/ 03/09/2007 10:10 FAX 604 467 7633 RCMP RIDGE MEADOWS 001/001 ill:: Page 1 of/dc I Roya' Canadian Gendarmerie royale Security Classification/DesIgnation Mounted Police du Canada Classlflcationldeslgnatlon FACSIMILE IMESSAGE EN VOl D'UN MESSAGE TRANSMITTAL PAR TELECOPIEUR Precedence - PrioritC TO Annika POLEGATO Date A Development Officer 2007-03-09 Ridge-Meadows Hospital Foundation Reference No. - N' di reference FOR YOUR INFO. Your File - Votre n' de dossier POUR VOTRE INFORM. FROM Name - Nom Our File- Notre n' di dossier DE Cpl. R.E. LEMON- NCO i/c Traffic Services Div. Sub-Div. S..dlv. Branch - ServIce PIR edo OSR-RSO Section Ridge-Meadows Del SENDER - EXPEDITEUR Fax No. - N' di téléc. Tel. No. - N' di tél. 604-467-7833 604-463-6251 Unit - Unite Unit Coil. - Code dlnterclass. di airy. - RECIPIENT - DESTINATAIRE - Fax No. - N' di téléc. Bus. Tel. No. - N' de tél. bur. Rca. Tel. No. - N' de tél. rés. 604-463-1888 604-463-1822 SUBJECT - - - - - - - - - -- Total number of pages including this one: OBJET 4th Annual RMH Foundation Fund Run Nombre total de pages. y comprise ceili-ci COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES I have reviewed your Traffic Plan, routes, etc. as they pertain to your event slated for June 3rd, 2007. I approve of your Plan, from our standpoint and hope you have a successful event. Please contact Cst. Tammy HERMAN, our Det hment's Auxiliary Coordinator with your request for Auxiliary assistance. (R/.LEMON)Cpl. NCO i/c Traffic Services Ridge-Meadows Del. This message is Intended for the use of the addressee. Cette communication eat excluslvement destinee a qul cue est adressCe. Disclosure of message content may breach one or La divuigatIon di son contenu peut constituer une Infraction a une ou more laws. If you have received this communication piusleurs lois. SI vous avez reçu cette communication par erreur, veuHlez In error, notify the sender Immediately by telephone. on aviser ImmCdlatement IexpCdlteur par téléphone. Operator - Operaleur Telephone No. - N' de telephone Daily No. - N' quotidien TO BE DELIVERED BY Date Time . Heure A LIVRER DCI LE REPLY REQUIRED BY REPONSE DICI LE RCMP CRC 2875 (2003-06) ICS Authorizing Signature - Stgnatute do approt,aI.ur Date 2007-03-09 Time - Heure Cmadc! CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 13, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Designation of Municipal Employees for the purposes of the Financial Disclosure Act of the Province of British Columbia. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Financial Disclosure Act requires that elected government officials and persons who are designated as municipal employees must make and file a written financial disclosure between January 1 and 15 in each year. The intent of the Act is to identify what areas of influence and possible financial benefit an elected official or designated employee might have by virtue of their office. A municipal employee is defined as a person who is employed or appointed by Council and designated to be a municipal employee. Disclosures made by municipal employees are available to members of Council. Council may designate employees by resolution or by bylaw. It is recommended that Council make the appropriate designations by resolution. RECOMMENDATION: That those persons who are employed or appointed by the Council of the District of Maple Ridge as: Chief Administrative Officer Manager of Legislative Services General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation General Manager of Public Works and Development Services be designated as municipal employees for the purposes of the Financial Disclosure Act of the Province of British Columbia. Prepared &v: C. Mario Manager of Legislative Services Approved by.' PaW Gill, B.B.A., C.G.A., F.R.M. General M.pager: Corporate & Financial Services J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer 1cm Y:\Clerks Documents\CLERK'S DEPT. MEMOS\Report re Municipal Employees 2007-04-04.doc /13/ CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 23, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0410-20-06/BCPS FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W —Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Special Occasion License EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association for a Special Occasion License (i.e. Beer Garden) for the 2007 Maple Ridge Fair scheduled for July 21st, July 22nd and 23, 2007. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the application from the Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association by way of a letter dated April 17, 2007 for a Special Occasion License to host a Beer Garden at the Albion Fairgrounds as part of the 2007 Maple Ridge Fair be approved as follows: Friday, July 21, 2007 5:00 p.m. - Midnight Saturday July 22, 2007 12:00 Noon - 12:00 Midnight Sunday July 23, 2007 12:00 Noon - 6:00 p.m. And further, that the use of the Albion Fairgrounds (Municipal property) for this Special Occasion License be authorized. DISCUSSION: Background Context: The Agricultural Association has applied for and been granted approval for Beer Garden Licenses in previous years as part of the annual Maple Ridge Fair events. The Beer Garden has operated in a satisfactory manner with no known problems or complaints. CONCLUSION: The request for 2007 is consistent with previous applications and approval is recommended, however it should be noted that they have requested the addition an extra day, Friday, July 21, 2007. A copy of the letter datedApril 7, 2007 from the Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association requesting approval is a che PreparedXyj JoXññ HrtZO / 7 Cleik's DepartmeI'' Approved by: Paul Gh.B.A., C.G.A., F.R.M. Ge,iral Madr: Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: J.L. 1Jim) Rifle ChWf Administrative Officer Attachment 113o? 4)*14A ,,ø \ AGRICUIIIJRAL iUSOCIAIION Maple Ridge—Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association P.O. Box 403, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 8K9 Ph: 604-463-6922 Fax: 604-463-6940 email: lorrainemapleridgefair.com April 17th, 2007 Ceri Mario Municipal Clerk Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Re: Special Occasion License & notification of 2007 fair dates - Maple Ridge Fair Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association would like to notify Mayor and Council of the dates for the 2007 Maple Ridge Fair and also make application for a Special Occasion License for a Beer Garden. The dates for the fair are July 21st & 22nd 2007 and the date for our pre fair fundraiser concert is July 20th. We request that the following hours of operation for a Beer Garden be approved. Friday, July 21st - 5pm = midnight Saturday, July 22 nd - noon - midnight Sunday, July 23rd - noon - 6:00pm The theme of the 2007 Maple Ridge Fair is "It's All About Ewe". Sincerely, Lorraine Bates Manager C.- I LOWM CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RiDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 30. 2007 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council \Vorkshop SUBJECT: 2007-2011 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2007 revised property tax assessment roll has been received from BC Assessment and we have prepared the property tax rate bylaw. Prior to establishing the tax rates. it is customary to update our financial plan to reflect information received since the plan was adopted on December 18. 2006. Our year end financial statements are being finalized and projects that were budgeted for in 2006 but will not be completed until 2007 have been identified. As in previous years, the financial plan is being amended to can-v forward the funding set aside last year so that is available for those same projects this year. The financial plan has also been updated to reflect direction received from Council since December. 2006. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6474-2007 be read a first, second and third time. DISCUSSION: a) Background The 2007 - 2011 Financial Plan was presented to Council at a public meeting held on December 4, 2006. Business Plan updates from all areas were also provided. The 2007-2011 Financial Plan Bylaw was adopted on December 18. 2006. Highlights of the plan included: • the allocation of sustainability funding to start to address our aging infrastructure • continued implementation of the Fire Department Master Plan • funding to address demands related to growth • adjustments to user fees to ensure sustainabilitv of the utility funds • use of accumulated surplus funds to address some pressing issues including but not limited to succession planning. park maintenance and downtown renewal. These approved changes resulted in the following • increase in general property taxes of 4.75% in 2007 and 4% each year 2008 through 2011 • an increase to the fire levy of S600.000 plus growth annually. • an increase to water user fees of 9% per year • an increase to sewer user fees of 5% per year and • recycling rate increases of 6% for 2007. //33 b) Financial Plan implications The 2007-20 1 1 Financial Plan is being amended to include the following: Some previously approved projects were not completed at the end of 2006. This financial plan amendment carries forward previous funding to 2007. Capital Expenditures of S 24.37 L922 Operating Expenditures of SI .462.185 Real growth in tax revenue came in at 3.3%. which is hi(2her than the expected 2.5%. The additional revenue is partially offset by supplementary adjustments that we have received in recent weeks. The net increase was approximately S 150.000. Projects & studies added to the plan include: • SI 60.000 from accumulated surplus for a geotechnical investigation of the Fraser River Escarpment • S40.000 for sustainability implementation plan Freshet (flooding) preparation costs of S175.000 increased grants/fee for services include: • S12.500 has been set aside to advance to Ridge Meadows Search & Rescue to assist with the purchase of a hovercraft. This is to be repaid through fundraising or reduction in future funding. • S4.800 per year to Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Association has been provided to assist with new lease costs and is offset by the lease revenue the district now receives. • S30M00 loan to Maple Ridge Lawn Bowling Club was provided to assist with the replacement of the turf field. Capital Program adjustments include: • Removing the requirement to borrow for some engineering related capital projects as DCC collections remain brisk. • S500.000 to deal with the roof replacement and building envelope issues associated with the Randy Herman Public Safety Building. These costs are being funded from the Capital Works Reserve. • S 100.000 has been set aside for the implementation of the Gravel Strategy and other projects have been reprioritized. These will be funded from the Gravel Reserve. • The General Revenue transfer to Capital Works Reserve has been reduced by S50.000 to provide funding to develop a strategy for dealing with our Silver \7allev Lands. The Capital Works Reserve will be one of the beneficiaries, if/when saies proceeds are realized. The sequencing of some other capital projects has also been realigned. • Last year. we acquired property at 22I Street and 128th Avenue. We are required to amend our financial plan to reflect the reserves that were used to fund this project. A series of other adjustments were made to the estimates included in the financial plan adopted in December. Such changes include revisions to benefit costs. grants in lieu of taxes. debt payments, and staffing updates including the related distribution of succession planning funding. The aggregate impact of these changes results in a positive impact of S50.000 to the financial plan. Overall, the changes in this amendment to the financial plan represent an increased draw on accumulated surplus of approximately 5200.000 in 2007. C) Strategic Alignment: All departments updated their Business Plans which were prepared using the Business Planning Guidelines lO'' Edition. These guidelines are reviewed and amended annually in consultation with Council. The Financial Plan reflects Council's Strategic Financial Sustainability Policies and Infrastructure Funding Strategy. Policy implications: The Consolidated Financial Plan has been prepared in accordance with statutory requirements and Municipal financial policies. Alternatives: in the event that this bylaw is not adopted. the District is not authorized to make any expenditure other than those identified in the 2007-201 1 Consolidated Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6449-2006. This will require ensuring that departments curtail or delay expenditures and only proceed with capital projects that were identified in the previous financial plan. CONCLUSIONS: The Financial Plan is a multi-year planning. reviewing and reporting tool that represents CounciYs vision and commitment to providing quality services to the residents of Maple Ridge. The Plan provides a forecast of the financial resources that are available to fund operations. programs and infrastructure for the five year period. Prepared Trev on.BBA,CGA o Thomps Manager of Financial Planning ~4 - Approved by: Pau4 6 A ices Concurrence: J.L/(Jim) Rule Ctief Administrative Officer I - C-, Lopowlt CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 30. 2007 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council Workshop SUBJECT: 2007 Property Tax Rates Bylaw EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2007 Property Tax Rates Bylaw needs to be adopted prior to May 15th to reflect Council decisions made in the 2007-20 11 Financial Plan. Successive Councils directed efforts to align the Business Class 6 tax rate with the tax rate for the Light Industry Class 5. In 2006. the two tax rates were within 1% of each other. In calculating the 2007 tax rates we have treated the two classes as a composite resulting in Municipal tax rates that are identical. There is no longer the need to transfer some of the tax burden to the Residential Class. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6475-2007 be read a first, second and third time. DISCUSSiON: The increases in 2007 taxation revenue which were confirmed during business planning and incorporated into the Financial Plan include: • 3.75% for general purposes and 1% for the town centre development • 5600.000 plus growth for the Fire Service improvement Levy • Water user fees of $293 .00 representing an increase of 9% • Sewer user fees and parcel charges of S240.55 representing an increase of 4.24% • Recycling fees of S55.29 representing an increase of 6% We have now received the Property Assessment Roll from BC Assessment and this is the information that is used in establishing the tax rates. Council policy is to reduce the property taxes to reflect average market value increases in each property class and this policy has been applied to calculate the municipal tax rates included in the attached bylaws. It should be noted that our tax rates bylaws also include the levies for other jurisdictions. We have no say in the amount of these levies or the methodology used in the calculations. For illustrative purposes, the average residence and sample property comparisons can be found in the appendices. '/3, The actual increase in the tax levy on an individual property may vary significantly depending on how much that propertys change in assessed value deviated from the average market change of the class. For 2007. the average market increase in the Residential Class is 18%. If a residential property increased more than 1 8°/h. the tax bill will increase more than the average tax increase. The average market increase in assessments of the Business and Light Industry Classes combined is 25%. Once the tax rates are reduced for market change. the rates are increased based on the additional revenue requirements incorporated in the Financial Plan. The net effect of this is an overall reduction in the tax rates for the Residential. Light Industry and Business Classes. Due to previous efforts to more closely align the Business and Light Industry Class, the 2006 tax rates were almost identical. In calculating the 2007 tax rates we have treated these two classes as a composite resulting in Municipal tax rates that are identical. There will no longer be a need to transfer tax burden to the residential class to align these classes, it may be beneficial to revisit the tax burden of Major Industry Class properties in future discussions on property tax policy. CONCLUSIONS: The property tax rates are reflective of the decisions made during the public process of business planning and decisions that are incorporated in the Financial Plan. Prepared by: Trevr ompson. BBA, CGA Manager of Financial Planning Iii Approved by: PIul'GiIL BBA. CGA General Manager & Financial Services mojicurreiwe: J (Jim) Ruf hief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6474-2007 A By-law to amend Maple Ridge Financial Plan By-law No. 6449-2006 WHEREAS pursuant to provisions in the Local Government Act and the Community Charter Maple Ridge Financial Plan By-Law No 6449-2006 has been adopted: AND WHAREAS it is deemed expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Financial Plan By-law No. 6449- 2006; The Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This Bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6474-2007. Statement 1 attached to and forming part of Maple Ridge Financial Plan By-law 6449-2006 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by Statement 1 attached and forming part of Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6474-2007. Maple Ridge Financial Plan By-law No. 6449-2006 is hereby amended. READ a first time the day of , 200. READ a second time the day of 1 200. READ a third time the day of , 200. PUBLIC CONSULTATION completed on the day of , 200. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of , 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER ATTACHMENT: STATEMENT I Attacitement to Financial Plan Byaw 6474-2007 Statement I Consolidated Financial Plan 2007-2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 REVENUES External Revenues Development Fees Developer Cost Charges $21,438,502 $6,577,495 $4,942,459 $4,089,229 $8,027,879 Developer Specified Projects $0 $O $0 $O $0 Parkiand Acquisition $1,700,000 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 Contributions from Others $1,507,801 $1,043,750 $1,000,000 $1,012,600 $1,225,000 Development Fees Total $24,646,303 $7,621,245 $5,942,459 $5,301,829 $9,452,879 Property Taxes $44,169,337 $47,497,374 $51,005,994 $54,727,684 $58,549,204 Parcel Charges $2,031,402 $2,073,076 $2,115,683 $2,159,239 $2,203,768 Fees & Charges $24,499,839 $25,740,272 $27,094,790 $28,579,462 $30,201,285 Interest $1,695,000 $1,695,000 $1,695,000 $1,695,000 $1,695,000 Grants (Other Govts) $4,141,803 $2,287,026 $2,530,953 $2,009,126 $1,999,976 Borrowing Proceeds $900,000 $3,000,000 $O $1,625,000 $0 Property Sales $1,137,000 $0 $0 $0 SO Tolal External Revenues $103,220,684 $89,913,993 $90,384,879 $96,097,340 $104. 102. 112 Internal Revenues Transfer from Reserve Funds Land Reserve $282,819 $0 $0 $0 $0 Local Improvement Reserve $0 $0 $0 $O $0 Equipment Replacement Reserve $2,534,504 $2.1 54,486 $1,653,684 $2.1 33.816 $2,423,889 Sanitary Sewer Reserve $285,000 $0 $0 $O $0 Capital Works Reserve $4,579,554 $1,372,612 $791,269 $1,336,802 $1,289,869 Fire Department Capital Reserve $5278556 $2,513,960 $1,070,000 $600,000 $350,000 Transfer from Reserve Fund Total $12,960,433 $6,041,058 $3,514,953 $4,070,618 $4,063,756 Transfer from Own Reserves $14,191,018 $7,740,249 $7,077,904 $6,599,940 $7,208,764 Transfer from Surplus $2.403.352 $913,134 $90,580 $0 $0 Total Internal Revenues $29, 554.803 $14,694,441 $10, 683,437 $10. 670,558 $1 1 .272,522 TOTAL REVENUES $132,775,487 $104,608,434 $101,068,316 $106,767,898 $115,374,634 EXPENDITURES External Expenditures Capital Expenditures $51,009,758 $22,585,808 $14,942,801 $14,770,212 $17,412,728 Interest Payments on Debt $2,515,272 $2,436,445 $2,340,757 $2,246,361 $2,156,048 Other Expenditures $65687440 $66,747,451 $70,065,430 $73,748,689 $77,905,459 Total External Expenditures $119,212,470 $91. 769.704 $87,348,988 $90, 767,262 $97,474,235 Internal Expenditures Transfer to Reserve Funds Capital Works Reserve $1,508,833 $71 3,691 $949,744 $1,013,289 $899,290 Equipment Replacement Reserve $1,658,427 $1,694,208 $1,802,903 $1,889,751 $1,957,327 Fire Dept. Capital Aquisition $1,033,726 $379,909 $306,272 $456,892 $592,902 Land Reserve $587,069 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Local Improvement Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sanitary Sewer Reserve $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 Total Transfer to Reserve Funds $4,868,055 $2,887,608 $3,158,919 $3,459,932 $3,549,519 Contribution to Surplus $0 $0 $O $933,279 $1,825,738 Contribution to Own Reserves $6,720,194 $7,359,080 $8,011,435 $8,511,959 $9,410,915 Principal Payments on Debt $1 .974,768 $2,591,842 $2,548,974 $3,095,466 $3,114,227 Total Internal Expenditures $13. 563.017 $12,838, 730 $13, 719.328 $16,000, 636 $17,900,399 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $132,775,487 $104,608,434 $101,068,316 $106,767,898 $115,374,634 Appendix A - Average Composite Residence Property Tax Comparison 2007 Average Residence (includes strata) 2007 Assessed Value: $ 359.450 Average Home Municipal Levies: 2007 2006 Increase % Change General Purpose $ 1,248.05 $ 1,191.39 $ 56.66 4.76% Average Home Other Municipal Charges: Recycling (fixed rate) $ 55.29 $ 52.16 $ 3.13 6.00% Water (fixed rate) $ 293.00 $ 268.80 $ 24.20 9.00% Sewer (fixed rate) $ 240.55 $ 230.75 $ 9.80 4.25% * Fire Service Improvement Levy $ 58.12 $ 38.76 $ 19.36 49.95% Municipal, Recycling, Utilities, Fire $ 1,895.01 $ 1,781.86 $ 113.15 6.35% Average Home Other Agency Levies: BCAA, MFA, GVRD $ 51.26 $ 51.15 $ 0.11 0.21% GVTA $ 132.53 $ 143.07 $ (10.54) -7.37% School Tax $ 801.97 $ 818.76 Less: Home Owner Grant $ (570.00) $ (570.00) Net School Tax $ 231.97 $ 248.76 $ (16.79) -6.75% Total Property Taxes $ 85.93 3.86% 2,310.77 $ 2,224.84 $ User fee increase of 5% and no change in $35.00 parcel charge Appendix B - Sample Tax Properties Sample I - Silver \'allev 2007 Assessed Value: 742.000 2007 2006 Chance 2006 Assessed Value: 493.000 Percentage Changc: 50.51% Municipal Council Levies: Gen Purpose. Debt & Library Levy S 2.576 S 1.925 S 651 33.8% Fire Services Improvement Levy 120 63 57 90.5% Recycling Levies 55 52 3 5.8% Utilities 293 1 269 24 8.9% 3.044 2.309 735 31.8% Other Agency Levies: Other Agency Levies 379 314 65 20.7% School Tax 1.655 1.323 332 Less: Home Owner's Grant 570 570 - 1.085 753 332 44.1% S 4.508 S 3.376 1.132 33.5% Total Taxes Saninle 2 - Albion 1 Kanaka 2007 Assessed \alue: 2006 Assessed Value: Percentage Change: Municipal Council Levies Other Agency Levies: 449.000 2007 2006 Change 393.000 14.25% Gen Purpose. Debt & Library Levy S 1.559 S 1.534 S 25 1.6% Fire Services Improvement Levy 73 50 23 46.0% Recycling Levies 55 52 3 5.80NO Utilities 534 500 34 6.8% 2.221 2.136 85 4.0% Other Agency Levies 230 250 (20) -8.0% School Tax 1.002 1.054 (52) Less: Home Owners Grant 570 570 - 432 1 484 (52) -10.7% S 2.883 S 2.870 13 0.5% Total Taxes Saniple 3 - Whonnock 2007 Assessed Value: 423.000 2007 2006 Change 2006 Assessed Value: 380.000 Percentage Change: 11.32% Municipal Council Levies: Gen Purpose. Debt & Library Levy S 1.469 S 1.483 5 (14) -0.9% Fire Services Improvement Levy 68 48 20 41.7% Recycling Levies 27 26 I 3.8% Utilities - - - 0.0% 1.564 1.557 7 0.4% Other Agency Levies: Other Agency Levies 216 242 (26) -10.7% School Tax 944 1.019 (75) Less: Home Owners Grant 570 570 - 374 449 (75) -16.7% S 2.154 S - 2.248 (94) -4.2% Total Taxes Other Aeencv Levies: Other Agency Levies Other Agenc\ Levies: 340.000 2007 2006 Change 289.100 17.61% Gen Purpose. Debt& Library Levy S 1.181 S 1.129 S 52 Fire Services Improvement Levy 55 37 18 48. Recycling Levies 55 52 3 Utilities 534 500 34 1.825 1.718 107 6. Other Agency Levies 174 184 (10) -5. School Tax 759 776 (17) Less: Home Owners Grant 570 570 - 189 206 (17) -8. S 2.188 S 2.108 80 3. Total Taxes 234.200 2007 2006 Change 210.800 Il .10% Gen Purpose. Debt & Library Levy S 813 5 823 S (10) -1.2% Fire Services Improvement Levy 38 27 II 40.7% Recycling Levies 28 26 2 7.7% Utilities 534 500 34 6.8% 1.413 1.376 37 2.7% Other Agency Levies 120 134 (14) - 10.4% School Ta 523 566 (43) Less: Home Owners Grant 570 570 - (47) (4) (43) 1075.0% S 1.486 1 S 1.506 (20) Total Taxes 476.000 2007 2006 Change 425.000 12.00% Gen Purpose. Debt & Library Levy S 1.653 S 1.659 S (6) -0.4% Fire Services improvement Levy 77 54 23 42.6% Recvclinn Levies 55 52 3 5.8% Utilities 534 500 34 6.8% 2.319 2.265 54 2.4% Other Agency Levies 243 270 (27) -10.0% School Tax 1.062 1.140 (78) Less: Home Owners Grant 570 570 - 492 570 (78) -13.7% S 3.054 S 3.105 (51) -1.6% Total Taxes Sample 4 - Central Maple Ridee 2007 Assessed Value: 2006 Assessed Value: Percentace Chanee: Municipal Council Levies Samnlc 5 - Central Maple 2007 Assessed Value: 2006 Assessed Value: Percentage Change: Municipal Council Levies Samnle 0 - \Vest Manic Ridc 2007 Assessed Value: 2006 Assessed Value: Percentage Change: Municipal Council Levies Sanjplc 7 - Lower Hammond Propv 2007 Assessed Value: 201.100 2006 Assessed Value: 182.300 2007 2006 Chance Perceniuce Chance: 10.3 Municipal Council Levies: Gen Purpose. Debt & Library Levy S 698 S 712 S (14) -2.0% Fire Services improvement Levy 33 23 10 43.5% Recvclinc Levies 55 52 3 5.8% Utilities 534 500 34 6.8% 1.320 1.287 33 2.6% Other Auencv Levies: Other Acencv Levies 103 116 (13) -1 1.2% School Tax 449 489 (40) Less: Home Owners Grant 570 570 - (121) (81) (40) 49.4% - -- Total Taxes S 1.302 S 1.322 (20) -1.5% Sainole 8 - Uooer Hammond Property 2007 Assessed Value: 2006 Assessed Value: Percentace Chance: Municipal Council Levies Other Acencv Levies: 3 75 .000 2007 2006 Chance 293.000 27.99% Geii Purpose. Debt & Library Levy S 1.302 S 1.144 S 158 13.8% Fire Services improvement Levy 61 37 24 64.9% Recycling Levies 55 52 3 5.8% Utilities 534 500 34 6.8% 1.952 1.733 219 12.6% Other Acencv Levies 192 186 6 3.20/0' School Ta.\ 837 786 51 Less: Home Owners Grant 570 570 - 267 216 51 23.6% S 2.411 S 2.135 276 12% Total Taxes Sample 9- 1aple Rid2e .Averae based on BCAA MarLet Increase of 17.78% 2007 Assessed Value: 359.450 2007 2000 Chance 2006 Assessed Value: 305.188 Percentage Change: 17.78% Municipal Council Levies: Gen Purpose. Debt & Library Levy S1.248.05 S 1.19139 S 56.66 4.76% Fire Services improvement Levy 58.12 38.76 19.36 49.95% Recycling Levies 55.29 52.16 3.13 6.00% Utilities 533.55 499.55 34.00 6.81% 1.89501 1.781.86 113.15 6.35% Other Agency Levies: Other Acencv Levies 183.79 194.22 (10.43) -5.37% School Tax 801.97 818.76 (16.79) Less: Home Owners Grant 570.00 570.00 - 231.97 248.76 (16.79) -6.75% S2.3 10.77 S 2.22484 85.93 3.86% Total Taxes THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6475-2007 A Bylaw to establish tax rates for Municipal, Improvement District and Regional District purposes for the year 2007 WHEREAS pursuant to provisions in the Community Charter Council must, by bylaw, establish tax rates; The Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6475 - 2007". The following rates are hereby impos'ed and levied for the year 2007: For all lawful general purposes of the municipality on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general municipal purposes, rates appearing in Row "A" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. For the purposes of improving fire services the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general municipal purposes, rates appearing in Row "B" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. For purposes of the British Columbia Assessment Authority on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "A" of Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. For purposes of the Municipal Finance Authority on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "B" of Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. For purposes of the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "C" of Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. For purposes of the Greater Vancouver Regional District on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "D" of Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. For purposes of the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority on the taxable parking area at a rate of $0.78 per square meter as set out in Greater Vancouver Transportation Parking Rate Bylaw No. 49-2006. The minimum amount of taxatiOn upon a parcel of real property shall be One Dollar ($1.00). READ a first time the day of 200. READ a second time the day of 200. READ a third time the day of 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER ATTACHMENTS: SCHEDULES "A" AND "B" Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 6475-2007 Tax Rates (dollars of tax per $1000 taxable value) 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 Major Light Business! Rec! Residential Utility Industry Industry Other Non-profit Farm A General Municipal B Fire Service Improvement Levy Total 3.4721 38.2199 54.0384 11.9566 11.9566 8.4395 19.5351 0.1617 1.7801 2.5168 0.5569 0.5569 0.3931 0.9098 3.6338 40.0000 56.5552 12.5135 12.5135 8.8326 20.4449 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule 'B' to By-law No. 6475-2007 Tax Rates (dollars of tax per $1000 taxable value) 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 Major Light Business/ Red Residential Utility Industry Industry Other Non-profit Farm A B.C. 0.0677 0.4865 0.4865 0.2227 0.2227 0.0677 0.0677 Assessment Authority B Municipal 0.0003 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 Finance Authority C Greater 0.3687 2.6645 2.5901 2.5901 1.8648 0.3687 0.3687 Vancouver Transportation Authority D Greater 0.0746 0.2611 0.2536 0.2536 0.1828 0.0746 0.0746 Vancouver Regional District Total 0.5113 3.4126 3.3307 3.0669 2.2704 0.5112 0.5112 Can Loan 11, CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: 2007-04-25 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Parks & Leisure Services Fees and Charges EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As a result of the 2007 rental rate review for indoor facilities, staff recommends a 5% increase for most rental rates except Arena Dry Floor, Outdoor and Indoor Pools and the Greg Moore Youth Centre. More specifically: • That Arena Ice Rental rates increase by 5%. • That Arena Dry Floor and Outdoor Pool rental rates do not increase as they are currently equal to market rates. • That Gymnasium rental rates increase by 5%. • That Arena Admission rates increase by 5%. • That Indoor Pool rental rates increase by 10%. • That Meeting Room rental rates increase by 5%. • That Greg Moore Youth Centre rates generally increase by 10 - 15% to better align with comparable facilities. For instance, we are recommending that the large active area be consistent with arena dry floor rates. These recommendations were outlined in a 2007-04-19 report to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission; which the Commission adopted. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6476-2007 be read a first, second and third time. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The last review of indoor facility rental rates took place in 2005. This review recommended a 5% increase for indoor facilities, and a 2% increase for arenas. Those increases were adopted by Commission and implemented in September, 2006. In spring, 2007, staff reviewed the 2006 facility rental data for Lower Mainland recreation facilities, prepared by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association, to determine current market rental rates. Currently, Parks & Leisure rental rates are lower than average when compared to other municipalities. lIV51 Desired Outcome(s): To regularly review facility rental fees to maintain a balance between rates that are affordable to local user groups to ensure continued access, and comparable to the current market to assist in off-setting operating costs. Strategic Alignment: Financial Management: Provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner. Citizen/Customer Implications: The result of this most recent review is generally a 5% increase, which is quite manageable. For many groups, this will mean less than $100.00 over a year. The group that will be most impacted is Ridge Meadows Minor Hockey as they rent the largest number of hours in the most expensive facility. The impact for this group will be approximately $3,700.00 for one year. The impact of a 10% increase on Indoor Pool fees would be approximately $1,400.00 for each of the local swim clubs: Haney Neptunes and Seahorses Swim Club. The facility that will see the greatest increase in rental rates is Greg Moore Youth Centre. The impact on regular user groups is minimal as most rentals are at no cost or low cost. By aligning the fee structure with similar facilities/amenities in our system, we are providing staff with a structure that will maintain their level of service to regular user groups, but will also result in more appropriate fees for commercial rentals such as film companies. Increased fees affect all our facility users. To mitigate the impact on customers, our goal is to monitor and adjust fees regularly, and to provide customers with as much notice as possible when rates change. In this case, recommended rate increases would take effect September 1, 2007. Staff are in the process of notifying groups of the potential increase, and will follow up with them again if and when rates are approved by Councils. Interdepartmental Implications: None. 1) Business Plan/Financial Implications: If adopted, these rate increases would increase facility rental revenue for indoor facilities by approximately $7,500.00 or 2.5% in 2007 and by $15,000 or 5% in 2008. This revenue is used to off-set facility operating costs. Policy Implications: This recommendation follows the existing fees and charges policy. Alternatives: Council may choose to implement a 7% increase for arena ice rentals for prime time, rather than the 5% that was recommended, due to the significant variance between Commission's rate and the average market rate. However, staffs concern is that this may be difficult for user groups to plan for. It should be noted that ice rentals will come back to Commission and Councils for further discussion prior to 2008 business planning, to review the amount of hours of ice that we allocate to local sport groups. Rental rates would form part of that discussion. CONCLUSIONS: The last rental rate increase for indoor facilities was September 1. 2006. These rates included a 5% increase for all facilities except arenas, which increased by 217c. This report recommends a 5 17c increase again for most facilities, except arena dry floor and outdoor pools which are currently at market rates. and Greg Moore Youth Centre and the Leisure Centre Indoor Pools which are significantly under market rates. Our goal with each fee review is to maintain affordable access while assisting in off-setting operating costs. The resulting impact on most groups would be a reasonable increase with 4 months notice to plan for that increase. . /7 Prepared by: - Darkne Slevin, Administrative Assistant Approved bv:.'ll S'iD)rector of Recreation / Approved Mike Murray, General Manageiuni Concurrence: /Chief L. (Jim)'ule Administrative Officer ds Development Parks & Recreation Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6476 - 2007 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Bylaw No. 4117— 1988 as amended. WHEREAS the Council, may by bylaw establish and regulate the fixing of fees for admissions and/or use of sports, recreation and community use facilities; AND WHEREAS, the Council has imposed fees and now wishes to amend those fees; NOW THERFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6476 - 2007". That Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees By-law No. 4117 - 1988 as amended, be further amended by deleting Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "H" and "1"(Greg Moore Youth Centre) in their entirety and replacing with Schedule "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" and "H" as attached hereto, and adding Schedule "J" and "K". This Bylaw shall come into force and effect as of September 1,2007 for Schedules "A", "J" and READ a first time the day of , 2007. READ a second time the day of , 2007. READ a third time the day of 1 2007. RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of , 2007. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER Attachments. Scheduks "A". "B". "C", 'D", "E"."F", "H", "J", "K" Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117- 1988 SCHEDULE "A" 6476 - 2007 Effective Septèniber.i;:2OO7 •.,;• GST included Ice Ice Ice Dry Floor Planet Ice Prime j Non-Prime Early Bird MtgRoom Youth/SeniorNonProfit Commercial $117.12 $93.69 Use $65.86 $9.45 Fundraising $102.92 $79.50 $52.61 $4.73 SpecialEvent $93.69 $70.27 $64.41 $45.99 $2.36 RegularUse $81.98 $64.41 $64.41 $37.32 $0.00 AduitNon Profit .... : .. Commercial $183.72 $146.98 Use $68.04 $9.45 Fundraising $183.72 $146.98 $68.04 $9.45 Special Event ____ $183.72 . $146.98 $119.95 $60.86 $4.73 RegularUse $183.72 $146.98 $119.95 $56.38 $0.00 Local, Private or Political Groups .. . ,., .. .. . . ... . . . .. ........,. ,,.., . . •... .. . •.. Fundraising $188.63 $152.47 . . .. $98.79 $14.18 SpecialEvent $181.49 $145.36 $82.33 $11.81 RegularUse $193.24 $140.35 $65.86 $9.45 LocalCommercial . . . Fundraising $298.11 $230.11 $105.38 $15.12 SpecialEvent $248.29 $199.10 $88.91 $12.76 RegularUse $204.95 $158.19 $72.45 $10.40 -. .. NonResidentGroups . . . ...... Fundraising $299.88 $239.90 $111.96 $16.07 SpecialEvent $257.04 $205.63 $95.50 $13.70 RegularUse $210.82 $168.65 $79.03 $11.34 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117- 1988 SCHEDULE "B" 6476 - 2007 - Fairgrouiids. Effective Septémbér12OO7-.. GST Included LCommercial or Beef j Stage Grounds & Kitchen Exhibition Barn J Showrings Youth!Senior Non Profit .. .:. ..... Commercial $18.88 $28.31 Use $4.71 $16.52 $58.99 Fundraising $9.44 $15.06 $2.36 $8.26 $58.99 Special Event $4.72 $8.89 $1.18 $4.13 $58.99 Regular Use $0.00 $1.81 1 $0.00 $0.00 $58.99 AduitNon Profit . .-fl::-' ..:. •.- . . Commercial $18.88 Use $28.31 $4.71 $16.52 $58.99 Fundraising $18.88 $28.31 $4.71 $16.52 $58.99 Special Event $13.88 $23.31 $2.36 $11.52 $58.99 Regular Use $8.88 $18.31 $0.00 $6.52 $58.99 Local, Private or Political Groups . ... ;..........: - Fundraising ] $28.32 $42.46 $7.07 $24.77 $58.99 Special Event $23.60 $35.39 $5.89 $20.65 $58.99 Regular Use j $18.88 $28.31 $4.71 $16.52 $58.99 Local Commercial Fundraising $30.21 $45.29 [ $7.54 $26.43 $58.99 Special Event $25.49 $38.22 [ $6.36 $22.30 $58.99 Regular Use $20.77 $31.14 L $5.19 $18.17 $58.99 Non Resident Groups :. . .. ...... Fundraising 1 $32.09 $48.12 $8.01 $28.08 $58.99 Special Event $2737 $41.05 $6.84 $23.95 $58.99 Regular Use $22.65 $33.97 $5.66 $19.82 $58.99 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117- 1988 SCHEDULE "C" Maple Ridge Léisuré éiitrèPóôL,1Rates Effective $eptthber12007.H GST Included Leisure Pool/Competition Pool Harris Road Pool or Hammond Pool Per Lane Full Pool Youth/Senior Non Profit Commercial Use $10.60 $50.73 Fundraising $7.73 $35.10 Special Event $6.29 $27.27 Regular Use $4.38 $17.52 Adult Non Profit . . . . Commercial Use $10.60 $50.73 Fundraising $10.60 $50.73 Special Event $10.38 $44.83 Regular Use $9.51 $38.93 Local, Private or Political Groups . . .. . . . . . . Fundraising $15.89 $76.09 Special Event $13.24 $63.41 Regular Use $10.60 $50.73 Local Commercial . . . . .. ... . . .. . ... . . Fundraising $16.96 $81.16 Special Event $14.31 $68.48 Regular Use $11.64 $55.80 Non Resident Groups . . . . . .. . Fundraising $18.00 $86.23 Special Event $15.36 $73.55 Regular Use $12.71 $60.87 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117-1988 SCHEDULE "D" 6476 - 2007 • . Maple Ridge .. ..... .. . . .. . Effétie . • ..... GST Included ] Full Gym Half Gym 1/4 Gym (Multi-P) Preschool L Cap. 1000 Cap. 500 Cap. 80 Cap. 40 Youth/SeniorNonProfit ,. ....... •.. .. •-.: -.......••-,.. .... •- ...... Commercial $70.26 Use $35.13 $17.56 $7.88 Fundraising $55.37 $27.68 $13.84 $3.95 SpecialEvent $47.92 $23.96 $11.98 $1.96 RegularUse 1 $40.14 $20.07 $10.04 $0.00 AdultNon Profit ... .............. .:..-::.:-- •::. ............ •. Commercial $70.26 Use $35.13 $17.56 $7.88 Fundraising $70.26 $35.13 $17.56 $7.88 SpecialEvent $64.64 $32.32 $16.16 $3.95 RegularUse $58.68 $29.34 $14.67 $0.00 .. _..•. __ Local,PrivateorPoliticalGroups _________ :-. ...•'.: __ . Fundraising $105.38 $52.69 $26.34 $11.82 SpecialEvent $87.81 $43.91 $21.95 $9.84 RegularUse $70.26 $35.13 $17.56 $7.88 LocalCommercial -.. ••• ... ... . Fundraising $112.39 $56.20 $28.10 $12.61 SpecialEvent $94.84 $47.42 $23.71 $10.63 RegularUse $77.27 $38.63 $19.32 $8.66 Non Resident Groups . • .. . . .... Fundraising $119.42 $59.71 $29.85 $13.39 SpecialEvent $101.89 $50.95 $25.47 $11.41 RegularUse $84.29 $42.15 $21.07 $9.45 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No, 4117 - 1988 SCHEDULE "E" 6476 - 2007 Maple Ridge. Library Meeting Rooms. Effective September 1, 2007: GST Included Alouette Room Fraser Room LYouth/Senior Non Profit I Commercial Use $9.44 $13.57 Fundraising $4.72 $6.78 Special Event $2.36 $3.39 Regular Use $0.00 $0.00 AduitNon Profit Commercial Use $9.44 $13.57 Fundraising $9.44 . $13.57 Special Event ' $4.72 $8.57 Regular Use $0.00 $3.57 Local, Private or Political Groups Fundraising $14.16 $20.35 Special Event $11.80 $16.96 Regular Use $9.44 $13.57 Local Commercial - Fundraising $15.10 $21.71 Special Event $12.74 $18.31 Regular Use $10.38 $14.92 Non Resident Groups . . .. Fundraising $16.05 $23.06 S ecial Event $13.69 $19.67 Regular Use $11.33 $16.28 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117-1988 SCHEDULE "F" 6476 - 2007 MAPLE RIDGE LEISURE CENTRE ADMISSION FEES EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2007 Child Student Adult Senior Family Parent & Tot Business Single 10 Pass 20 Pass I Month 3 Month 6 Month 1 Year 2.65 23.85 42.40 26.50 67.58 127.20 254.40 3.40 30.60 54.50 34.00 86.00 160.00 320.00 5.25 47.25 84.00 52.50 133.88 252.00 504.00 3.40 30.60 54.50 34.00 86.00 160.00 320.00 9.20 82.80 147.20 92.00 234.60 441.60 883.20 5.25 47.25 84.00 52.50 133.88 1 252.00 504.00 7.05 Definition of a 'family" as of February 1, 2004 is: "One or two adults related by blood, marriage or common-law, with or without their own children or grandchildren under the age of 19." Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117— 1988 SCHEDULE "H" 6476 - 2007 PUBLIC SKATING ADMISSION FEES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2007 Public Skating Individual Child $2.10 Student $2.50 Seniors $2.10 Adult $3.60 Family $6.10 Parent and Tot $3.00 Definition of a "Family" as of February 1, 2004 is: "One or two adults related by blood, marriage or common-law, with or without their own children or grandchildren under the age of 19." Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117- 1988 SCHEDULE "J" 6476-2007 GregMoore tr Youth Cene Effective Séptembér 1, 2007 GST Included j Multi-Purpose Lounge Inside Active Area [ Whole Facility Youth!Senior Non Profit Commercial $13.57 Use $18.99 $65.86 $98.42 Fundraising $6.78 $3.37 $52.61 $62.76 Special Event $3.39 $0.00 $45.99 $49.38 Regular Use $0.00 $0.00 $37.32 $37.32 AduitNon Profit V V Commercial $13.57 Use $18.99 ' $68.04 $100.60 Fundraising $13.57 $13.09 $68.04 $94.70 Special Event $8.57 $7.20 $60.86 1 $76.63 Regular Use $3.57 $0.00 $56.38 $59.95 Local, Private or Political Groups V V ' V V • ' ' VV V Fundraising $20.35 $28.51 $98.79 $147.65 Special Event $16.96 $23.74 $82.33 $123.02 Regular Use $13.57 $18.99 $65.86 $98.42 Local Commercial Fundraising $2171 $30.40 $105.38 $157.48 Special Event $18.31 $25.65 $88.91 $132.88 Regular Use $14.92 $20.92 $72.45 $108.29 NonResident.Groups Fundraising $23.06 $32.31 $111.96 $167.34 Special Event $19.67 $27.56 $95.50 $142.73 Regular Use $16.28 $22.81 $79.03 $118.12 , Kitchen_Fee $58.99 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No 4117- 1988 SCHEDULE "K" Hammond Effective Septémbér 1,2007.: .: GST Included Larae Hall 1/2 Larae Hall I Small Hall (Prschnrl Pm', Youth/Senior Non Profit CommercaI $43.00 Use $21.50 $16.81 Fundraising $29.75 $14.87 $10.11 Special Event $27.25 $13.62 $6.17 Regular Use $16.50 $8.25 $6.17 Adult Non Profit .. T . .,..., . S. •; . - . .: . Commercial $43.00 Use $21.50 $17.14 Fundraising . $43.82 $21.91 $17.14 Special Event $38.00 $19.00 $15.17 Regular Use $34.27 $17.14 $15.17 Local, Private or Political Groups •Fundraising $64.61 T $32.30 $25.84 Special Event $53.75 $26.87 $21.01 Regular Use $43.82 $21.91 $16.81 Local Commerc al T_. .- - ...: • ... Fundraising $68.80 $34.40 $29.21 Special Event $58.05 $29.02 $22.69 Regular Use $47.30 $23.65 $19.10 Non Resident Groups . Fundraising $73.10 $36.55 $28.58 Special Event $62.35 $31.17 $24.38 Regular Use $51.60 $25.80 $20.17 Kitchen Fee .. $58.99 I ' D Cl) -I C) -( 0 I- m C) Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council Ernie Davkin Councillor Al Hogarth Councillor Craig Speirs Councillor Judy Dueck Councillor Linda King Councillor Ken Stewart Councillor 2006 Annual Report The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge British Columbia, Canada Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2006 Telephone: 604-463-5221 Fax: 604-467-7329 www.mapleridge.ca Table of Contents Introductory Section Message from the Mayor...................................................2 Message from the CAO ..................................................... 3 Strategic Direction............................................................. 4 Organization Chart ............................................................6 District Officials ................................................................ 7 Commissions of Council ................................................... 8 Council Committees and Other Appointments 2006 ......... 9 Progress Report ............................................................... 10 Services Provided by Municipal Departments................. 35 Awards............................................................................ 41 Summary of Services and Regional Relationships .......... 42 Financial Section Message from the Corporate Finance Officer .................. 44 Introduction to Financial Statements...............................51 Consolidated Statements Management's Responsibility for Financial Reporting ... 52 Auditors' Report...............................................................53 Significant Accounting Policies ......................................54 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position.................57 Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities...............58 Consolidated Statement of Change in Cash and Temporary Investments................................................59 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements ...........60 Segment Report ...............................................................66 Supporting Statements & Schedules Statement of Changes in Operating Fund Balances ......... 76 Statement of Changes in Capital Fund Balances.............. 77 Statement of Changes in Reserve Balances...................... 78 Schedule of Property and Equipment............................... 79 Debenture Debt ................................................................ 80 TaxLevies........................................................................ 82 User Fees and Other Charges ........................................... 83 Schedule of Development Revenue.................................. 84 Senior Government Transfers .......................................... 85 Continuity Schedule of Restricted Revenues ................... 86 Schedule of Planning, Public Health and Other............... 88 Transportation Services.................................................... 89 General Government Expenses ........................................ 90 Schedule of Protective Services ....................................... 91 Schedule of Sewer and Water Utilities............................. 92 Schedule of Recreation & Cultural Revenue and Expenditures............................................ 94 Continuity Schedule of Reserves...................................... 96 Statistical Section General Comparative Statistics ........................................98 Major Property Tax Payers ............................................100 Permissive Tax Exemptions ...........................................101 Assessment/Taxation Comparative Statistics.................103 Property Assessments & Tax Rates................................104 Revenue & Expenditures - Last Five Fiscal Years Comparison.................................................................105 Capital Assets Acquired - Last Five Fiscal Years Comparison.................................................................106 Map ........................................................Inside Back Cover Canadian Award for Financial Reporting Presented to District of Maple Ridge British Columbia For its Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended December31 2005 ACenndenanadlnrfaanmenfrq np,.nnsn!byt.G,n,nnrntFenns, Ott,.,, tooto,,tth.Ue.d$o.naC..,.d. ..haso the hOt, p,mo,, ,,td. I., Ca,ntho, The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Canadian Award for Financial Reporting to the District of Maple Ridge for our annual financial report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005. The program was established to encourage municipal govcmmcnts throughout Canada to publish high quality finan- cial reports and to provide peer recognition and technical guidance for officials preparing these reports. In order to be awarded a Canadian Award for Financial Reporting, a govemmcnt unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized annual financial report, whose contents conform to program standards. Such reports should go beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles and demonstrate an effort to clearly communicate the municipal government's financial picture, enhance an understanding of financial reporting by municipal governments and address user needs. A Canadian Award for Financial Reporting is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report continues to conform to the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA. We received the 2005 Canadian Award for Financial Reporting for the 16 u4 consecutive year. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 1 Message from the Mayor On behalf of Council, I am pleased to present the District of Maple Ridge 2006 Annual Report. It provides an overview of the past year featuring financial information, department highlights and accomplishments and other important information about our community. 200( was this Council's first full year of its new mandate which focused its efforts on a number of important strategic areas. Establishing a Long-Term Vision for the Community The critical first step in establishing a long-term vision for Maple Ridge was accomplished with the adoption by Council of the Official Community Plan (OCP) in November 2006. Next steps will involve developing an Agricultural Plan and updating our Zoning Bylaw. Now the groundwork is done to go forward and build an exciting and sustainable future for the community. This includes a well-planned transportation network which is central to building this vision. Enhancing the Safety & Vitality of the Downtown Council's vision for Maple Ridge is a strong, vibrant downtown that is the heart and soul of the community. It is working on several fronts to make this a reality including creating incentives for developers and supporting the formation of a Business Improvement Association led by downtown property owners. Further initiatives include the development of a Town Centre Plan and a parking strategy. Collaboration between RCMP, Municipal staff and community agencies will help achieve a safe and vibrant downtown. Finding Ways to Pay for it All Maple Ridge will experience continued growth and therefore, Council will work hard to find new sources of revenue. An aggressive capital works program will lead to an investment of almost $100 million dollars in the municipality. This ambitious and exciting capital plan will be funded through economic growth, not through increasing the burden on the taxpayer. partnering with an environmental organization to plant 300,000 trees to help neutralize green house gas emissions • replacing one-third of the municipal small vehicle fleet with hybrids, which use a combination of petrol and electricity to increase efficiency and thereby reduce emissions • passing a Pesticides Bylaw intended to significantly reduce the use of non- essential pesticides, and • encouraging Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) by providing financial incentives for developers to incorporate "green" building technology in the downtown Our commitment to think global and act local will ensure environmental issues are considered as Council delivers on its mandate. Social Issues & Community Standards Maple Ridge has a very active and committed social network. This network in the past year, with municipal support and involvement, has achieved a great deal including obtaining $1.2 million for community projects, implementing the Matrix 1 Project to help young people with addictions and working hard to eliminate homelessness in the community. Building Relationships All of the success to date has been due to defining a vision, hard work, and building strong relationships. Members of Council and staff have worked towards a vision that will benefit our present and future citizens. Our continued commitment to work with community groups, First Nations, government agencies, businesses and citizens of Maple Ridge is building a strong, healthy and sustainable community. There is still much to accomplish in the years ahead. Members of Maple Ridge Council and District employees are up to the challenge. I encourage your comments and participation. Enhancing the Environment During the first year of its mandate, Maple Ridge Council has already achieved a great deal related to the A,~ environment including: developing policies to reduce and lessen the effects GORDY ROBSON of climate change Mayor Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 2 Message from the CAO I am pleased to present our 2006 Annual Report on behalf of all employees at the District of Maple Ridge. Maple Ridge is a vibrant and dynamic com- munity and is one of the fastest growing municipalities in British Columbia. The community provides a wonderful quality of life which is the envy of many. Our ongoing challenge is to manage this rapid growth and balance the social, economic, and environ- mental goals of the community. 2006 was an extremely busy and productive year. Highlights and accomplishments in 2006 were: • Official Community Plan Adopted November 14, 2006. • Good progress was made related to enhancing the livability of Maple Ridge's Downtown area including: • The start of 1500 new residential units • Introduction of new tax incentives for eligible properties in the Downtown, based on density and sustainable development principles • Apartment and townhome construction is up dramatically since 2005 • Commenced renovations on the Randy Herman Centre for Community Safety which will house some RCMP services, volunteers, youth diversion, bylaws, and social planning. • Taking a more aggressive stance on substancc abuse related issues: Developed a Substance Misuse Prevention Plan • District participation on the Mayor's Mcdi Task Force Worked with community agencies and actively pursued senior government funding for addictions, rehabilitation and housing resulting in a decrease in the number of homeless in Maple Ridge. • A number of new environmental initiatives were introduced including: • Replacing one-third of the District's vehicle fleet with hybrid vehicles • Maple Ridge was the first municipality to join the Community Ecosystem Restoration Initiative (CERI) program, an initiative designed to restore degraded ecosystems, and at the same time, help combat climate change. At the end of 2006, 22,500 trees had been planted under the program. Restorations requiring a total of over 260,000 trees will complete the implementation of this project • Updating the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw • Hiring a new Environmental Planner • Introducing a Pesticides Control Bylaw limiting the use of cosmetic pesticides A major development was proposed by TransLink, Coast Mountain Bus Company and the British Columbia Institute of Technology to be housed in Maple Ridge. The facility, if approved, will provide a bus maintenance and transportation training centre. Major items to watch for in 2007: • A plan for dealing with Municipal lands in Silver Valley will be developed and implemented in cooperation with the Corporate Management Team • We will continue to work with RCIIVIP headquarters on making changes in policing that make sense, and will work with the local RCMP detachment to implement the police master plan • Finalization of the Transportation Plan including the Light Rapid Transit route • Implementation of a Gravel strategy on Municipal lands. • A number of studies will be undertaken and plans implemented including: Safer City, Transportation, safety review of the 224 Street corridor in partnership with ICBC, downtown streetscape standards, long-tern infrastructure plan, and Drainage Utility • We will be assisting with the development of a new animal shelter and corresponding new animal services business plan. • The Official Community Plan implementation, training and interpretation will begin including the Establishment of an Agricultural Advisory Committee to commence work on the Agricultural Plan • $29 million in new capital projects will get underway and will be worked on over the next 4 years • A new District website will be unveiled. I would like to thank Council, our employees and the many volunteers who make this community such a wonderful place to live, work, and play. / J. L. (JIM) RULE Chief Administrative Officer Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 3 Strategic Direction The Strategic Plan was developed by Council to guide the development of specific objectives we could focus on in order to achieve the community vision. Vision "A safe and livable community for our present and future citizens" Business Purpose The District of Maple Ridge is committed to the effective and efficient delivery of services for our customers and citizens. Strategic Focus Areas • Governance • Financial Management • Inter-Government Relations/Partnerships • Community Relations • Economic Development • Safe and Livable Community • Transportation • Smart Managed Growth • Environment Council's Priorities • Establish a long-term vision for the community. • Enhance the vitality and safety of the downtown • Build relationships. • Find ways to pay for it all. Value Statements Leadership To encourage innovation, creativity, and initiative. Service To be fair, friendly, and helpful. Reputation To stress excellence, integrity, accountability, and honesty. Human To recognize that our people Resources are our most valuable resource. Community To respect and promote our community. Continue to use a user-pay philosophy. o Provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner. Inter-Government Relations/Partnerships Develop and maintain strong, positive working relationships with our adjacent neighbours, the municipalities of Pitt Meadows and Mission; the Katzie First Nations; the provincial government; the Greater Vancouver Regional District; and, TransLink. Strategic Directions Identify and promote the use of partnerships with Governance publlc agencies; business; not-for-profit; community Conduct our business in a manner that will uphold and groups; and, volunteers to provide local government enhance the public trust, and community services in a cost-efficient and effective manner. o Function as an open government with the greatest possible access by citizens to information and decision making processes. Financial Management o Develop multi-year financial plans that not only address immediate needs but also address the longer- term financial sustainability of our community. Use a formal, business planning framework as a means to structure decision-making and publicly report our performance. Identify methods to expand the tax base and generate non-tax revenue. Community Relations Encourage citizen participation in local government and local government decision-making. Develop methods to communicate on a timely basis with citizens and community groups. • Recognize and support the important contribution of volunteers in the community. Strive for enhanced service levels, quality of life and independence by citizens and community organizations in the delivery of leisure services and other municipal services through community development. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 4 Strategic Direction Economic Development • Use a formal economic development strategy as a means to structure a positive business and investment climate within Maple Ridge. • Identify, in consultation with community stakeholders, specific new investment and employment opportunities. • Build a sustainable community that includes a balance of land use types. • Develop a pro-business, customer-service oriented approach in the delivery of municipal services. • Develop and maintain high quality community documentation and promotional material to attract investment and employment. Safe and Livable Community • Establish an emergency response and recovery plan in consultation with other public sector agencies, community groups, and other relevant stakeholders. • Establish neighbourhood and community education programs to provide citizens with information and materials on emergency planning procedures. • Ensure development standards incorporate crime prevention, safety and security concepts. • Develop preventative as opposed to remediation initiatives in the delivery of fire and police services. • Ensure that quality emergency services are delivered in a timely, effective and efficient manner through the development of multi-year business plans, which include detailed multi-year financial plans. • In partnership with community groups, assist in the provision of leisure and cultural services to ensure access by all citizens. • Address the impacts of emerging social issues on the local community and citizens through social planning and collaboration with other levels of government and local service providers. Transportation • Maintain and enhance a multi-modal transportation system within Maple Ridge to provide citizens with safe, efficient alternatives for the movement of individuals and goods. • In cooperation with other regional stake-holders, identify improvements to the inter-municipal transportation system within Greater Vancouver. Smart Managed Growth • Develop a land use management process that is timely, open, inclusive, and consultative. • Using the Official Community Plan, ensure growth is well managed and establishes a balance of use types that is efficient and enhances the unique quality of life in Maple Ridge. • Develop land use regulations, bylaws, procedures, and practices to implement the Official Community Plan. • Protect and manage existing municipal infrastructure through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure development, maintenance and renewal of parks and open spaces; roads; sidewalks; water; sewer and stormwater systems; and, public buildings. Environment • Promote individual and community responsibility for the stewardship of natural resources. • Identify and protect environmental features (such as watercourses) and areas that require special recognition and management. o In partnership with other levels of government, adjacent municipalities, and community groups, develop programs and projects to preserve and enhance the natural assets of Maple Ridge. • Promote alternative modes (pedestrian, bike and public transit) of travel to reduce reliance on the automobile. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 5 Evecutive Director to I I Economic Communications Manager John Leekum the CAD Development Gary Mansun • Human Resources . Assists current • Disseminates timely and • Organizafonal Excellence business owners and accurate information, • Proleots & Pnlivy those interested is ensuring customers and • Strategic Planning starting a business in employees have ample the Distnct of Maple opportunities for inputt Ridge participation • Deuelops communications strategies for specific issues • Assists with the advertising and promotion of District programs and events • Creates and supports a consistent visual identity for DisthCt communications Organization Chart General Manager Corporate & Financial Services Officer iv Charge [1 Provides the • Customer Semice community will all • Finance policing services • Information Technology • Land & Property Issues • Legal Mutters • Monieiyal Clerk • Risk Managemerf • Website Police Services Fire Services Commonication • Emergency Sernices Customer Services • Fire Prevention Guard Doties • Inspections Records • Public Edueafon Mayor & Council Chief Adroinistralive Officer Jim Rule Provides leadership and direction for senior staff in the day to day and long-term business affairs of the District in accordance with Council goals General Manager Comnornity Development, Public Works & Parks & Recreation Development Services Services Frank Quinn • Customer Service . Customer Service & Markeh rig • Building • Aqoatics • Bylaw Enforcement . AttstCulturetf-Ieritage & • Engineering Mvseum • Environmental Protevfivn • CommusifytNerghkourhood • Inspections Development • Licences & Permits • Emergency Program • Planning & Development • Parks, Favilihes & Cvmoferres • Procurement • Recreation CentmeotArenas • Public Works • Social Planning • Recycling • Special Events • Special Services • Volunteer Services • Youth and Seniors Services Annual Report 2006 - DistriCt of Maple Ridge Page 6 District Officials 2005 - 2008 Council Mayor Gordy Robson Councillor Ernie Daykin Councillor Linda King Councillor Judy Dueck Councillor Craig Speirs Councifior Al Hogarth Councifior Ken Stewart 2006 Appointed Officials Chief Administrative Officer ..........................................................................Jim Rule, vtA, B.ES (Hon.), P.Mgr., MCIP General Manager: Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services............................... Michael Murray, BRE General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services ............................................................... Paul Gill, BBA, CGA, FRM General Manager: Public Works & Development Services .................................................. Frank Quinn, P.Eng., MBA Executive Director to the Chief Administrative Officer................................................ John Leeburn, B.Comm., MBA Chief Information Officer ................................................................................................................ John Bastaja, BA, MRM Director of Community Fire Safety Services/Fire Chief................................................................................ Dane Spence Director of Community Services.......................................................................................................................... Sue Wheeler Director of Development Engineering ... ......... ............................................................................................ Jeffrey Scherban Director of Engineering Operations..................................................................................... Russ Carmichael, AScT, FRM Directorof Finance ..................................................................................................................................... Jacob Sorba, CGA Director of Operations & Staff Development/ Fire Chief. ............................................ Peter Grootendorst, CFO, MA Director of Licences, Permits and Bylaws ...................................................................................... Brock McDonald, B.Sc. Director of Parks & Facilities ................................................................................................................................ David Boag Director of Planning................................................................................................................... Jane Pickering, MCP, MCIP Director of Recreation................................................................................................................................... Kelly Swift, BGS Manager of Communications....................................................................................................... Gary Manson, BBA, MBA Manager of Legislative Services............................................................................................................................... Ceri Marlo Municipal Engineer............................................................................................................... Andrew Wood, P.Eng., M.Eng. R.C.M.P. Officer in Charge................................................................................................................... Inspector Jim Wakely Municipal Auditors Municipal Bankers BDO Dunwoody LLP TD Canada Trust Municipal Solicitors Lidstone, Young, Anderson - General Harris & Company - Labour Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 7 Commissions of Council 2006 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission School District No. 42 Trustee Cheryl Ashlie Trustee Dave Rempel Trustee Kathie Ward Maple Ridge Council Liaison Mayor Gordy Robson Councillor Judy Dueck Councillor Ernie Daykin Maple Ridge Citizens at Large Ron Wright Jo Anne ten Brink Geordie Craig Ian Brown Pitt Meadows Council Liaison Mayor Don MacLean Councillor Debra Eisel Councillor Deb Walters Pitt Meadows Citizens at Large Maureen Pelton Christine Smith Municipal Liaison Mike Murray David Boag Ingrid Kraus Amanda Gaunt Boundary Park Construction Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 8 Council Committees and Other Appointments 2006 - 2007 The Mayor annually appoints members of Council to sit on the Board of various committees and government agencies. Standing Committees are established by the Mayor for matters considered best dealt with by committee. At least half the members of a standing committee must be Council members. The Standing Committees are: Audit and Finance Committee Committee of the Whole Select Committees are established by the Mayor to consider or inquire into any matter and to report its findings and opinion to Council. At least one member of a select committee must be a Council member. The Select Committees are: Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Advisory Design Panel Agricultural Advisory Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Community Heritage Commission Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Crystal Meth Task Force Development Agreements Committee Economic Advisory Commission North Alouette River Flood Plain Issues Task Force Parks & Leisure Services Commission Social Planning Advisory Committee Members of Council represent Maple Ridge on the Boards of these agencies: Fraser Basin Council Fraser Valley Regional Library Greater Vancouver Regional District Greater Vancouver Regional District Labour Relations Bureau Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Airport Society Members of Council serve as a link between these community organizations and the District: Aiouette River Management Society Chamber of Commerce Fraser Health Authority Fraser Regional Correctional Centre Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Arts Council Ridge Meadows Arts Council Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ridge Meadows Youth Council Ridge Meadows Youth Justice Advocacy Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 9 Progress Report 2006 Council and Staff at the District are pleased to present our second annual Progress Report to the citizens of Maple Ridge. In our 2005 Annual Report, we committed to specific goals and objectives, and set out ways we would measure our performance towards achieving them. This document communicates our performance on a variety of goals and objectives within the focus areas identified by Council in our Strategic Plan. We will continue to measure our performance in these areas throughout 2007 and 2008. Safe and Livable Community ...................................................................................11 Economic Development...........................................................................................18 SmartManaged Growth............................................................................................20 Transportation............................................................................................................22 Environment...............................................................................................................24 CommunityRelations ................................................................................................25 Inter-Government Relations and Partnerships......................................................28 Governance.................................................................................................................29 FinancialManagement...............................................................................................30 Internal Service Measures .........................................................................................34 Index Business Licences, Permits and Bylaws 14,33 Economic Development 18 Emergency 14 Engineering 13, 22, 31, 32 Facilities 32 Finance 18, 30 Fire 12 Operations 15, 23 Parks 21,25, 33 Planning 20, 24 Police 12,13 Recreation 17, 28 Recycling 24 Social Planning 16, 28 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 10 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Progress Report 2006 Safe and Livable Community As Maple Ridge continues to grow, safety remains a top priority. Continued Strategic Direction implementation of the Fire Master Plan in 2006 expanded the team of full-time career Establish an emergency firefighters to 16, and six full-time officers. Renovations to the Randy Herman Centre for Community Safety have begun. The Centre will house some RCMP services volunteers response and recovery plan in consultation with youth diversion, bylaws and social planning. A more aggressive stance was taken on other public sector substance abuse related issues, including the development of a Substance Misuse agencies, community Prevention Plan and participation on the Mayor's Meth Task Force. The pursuit of groups, and other relevant funding for addictions, rehabilitation and housing resulted in a decrease in the number of stakeholders. homeless people in the community. Completion of the Police Master Plan in 2006 has set Establish neighbourhood the blueprint for policing in response to community needs. programs to provide citizens with information and materials on emergency planning procedures. Ensure development standards incorporate crime prevention, safety Develop preventative as opposed to remediation initiatives in the delivery of fire and police services. Ensure that quality emergency services are delivered in a timely, effective and efficient manner through the development of multi-year business plans, which include detailed multi-year financial plans. In partnership with community groups, assist in the orovision of leisure and cultural services to ensure access by all citizens. Address the impacts of emerging social issues on the local community and citizens through social planning and collaboration with other levels of government and local service providers. In 2005 there were four full-time firefighters available 6:00 am to 6:00 pm 70% of the time, with a target of 90%. For 2006, there were 16 full-time firefighters on staff, with a target of four firefighters available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week 90% of the time. t'Value of Fire Losses per 1,000 population 4 'Average Fire Loss per Incident $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 Response times, 90% of the time 0 Target 0 Jul-Dec 2005 DJuI-Dec 2006 0: 0: 0: 0: Hall I Hall 2 Hall 3 Fireball I is undergoing a major renovation including the addition of training facilities. This project is expected to commence in the summer of 2007 and be completed in 2008. The commencement of Firehall 4 construction in the Aibion area should begin in 2008. Performance Measures Reduce the severity of fires through adequate response times and personnel Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 11 Progress Report 2006 Reduce the number and seriousness of emergency incidents through an aggressive program of proactive inspections and public education Inspection of Multifamily Students Attending Fire Safety Residential Structures Education Sessions Grade K-31 1 1 H 1 4000 3000- 2500- 2000- 1000- 500- 2005 2006 2005 2006 0 Total Structures 0 Inspected 0 Target 0 Total Students B Instructed 0 Target 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Number of fire incidents - all n/a n/a n/a n/a *320 Number of fire incidents - structure/vehicle 277 235 209 184 136 Number of fire-related injuries 6 3 0 5 5 Number of fire-related deaths 1 0 0 0 0 For 2006, the definition of a "Fire incident" was expanded to include all fire ineidents, such as garbage fires, brush fires, etc. Under the previous definition, the number of incidents for 2006 would have been 136. In subsequent years, all incidents will be reported. Reduce the number of property crime offences Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 12 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Progress Report 2006 Proactively assist in the development and safety of youths in our community The Ridge Meadows Youth Diversion Program was established in 1994 to divert first-time young offenders away from the court system. It works on the philosophy of immediate consequences for crimes, restitution to victims and mentoring. In addition to giving first-time offenders a second chance, the program also saves money. It costs seven times more to put a youth through the court system than the diversion program. The Rate of Youth Recidivism is a new measure for 2006, and it represents the percentage of first-time young offenders who re-offend within one year of their participation in the diversion program. Number of Youths in Diversion Rate of Youth Recidivism 250 30% 2 200 5% 20% 150 15% 100 10% 50 5% 0 I I I 0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2006 Local Detachment focus in 2006 was on property crime and chronic offenders. The number of youths diverted to the Youth Justice program is anticipated to increase as youth issues are a focus area in 2007. Also, because of past focus on youth in 2005, fewer youths are committing crimes in our detachment area. Reduce the number of deaths, injuries, and property damage caused by traffic accidents A specific initiative is in place to reduce the number of crashes by 30% over the period 2004-2010. In 2003 there were 1,765 crashes, making the 2010 target 1,236. EJ Number of injury crashes • Number of Crashes resulting in a Fatality Number of non-injury crashes 10 8 •8 6 4 •5•5 2 •3 I I 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 * Source: Safer City Planet Data Base; excludes parking lot crashes. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 13 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Progress Report 2006 Ensure adequate commitment to Municipal Emergency Program staff and volunteer development The Municipal Emergency Program (MEP) is a joint program shared by the District of Maple Ridge and City of Pitt Meadows. Each community has an Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) which is staffed by individual emergency response teams. In the event that a major disaster occurs, the event would be managed by a joint EOC. The MEP is managed by a Joint Emergency Program Coordinator, and involves staff from both communities, volunteers, and other agencies. Training, emergency simulation exercises and response activations provide an important base for emergency preparedness. The Maple Ridge EOC was activated several times during 2006 to response to two flooding events and a major windstorm. Emergency preparedness in the community is enhanced by providing opportunities for District staff, volunteers and agency designates to develop their skills through training, and real or simulated response situations. In addition, information sessions are provided to citizens and community groups. EOCIESS Activities (Hours) Activations D2006 02005 Training Exercises 53 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Ensure public compliance with Municipal Bylaws A cooperative approach to bylaw enforcement issues is achieved through effective partnerships with RCMP, SPCA, Ministry of Health, Community Outreach, Downtown Parking Association, Adopt-a-Block Society, and other agencies. A 2006 priority involved working with many agencies to implement strategies dealing with homelessness, crime and drug problems. Of the 3,193 bylaw complaints received during 2006, over 980/u were concluded. Number of Bylaw Complaints 0 Complaints Received DComplaints Concluded 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2005 2006 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 14 Progress Report 2006 The District of Maple Ridge participates in a national benchmarking initiative that assists in managing and monitoring performance in the areas of wastewater collection and treatment systems and water treatment, supply and distribution systems. There are currently more than 35 participating Canadian cities and regional organizations serving more than 60 percent of the Canadian population. This initiative, created and administered by Earth Tech, serves as the national standard for water and wastewater utility benchmarking in Canada, and is the data source for the following two graphs. Provide high quality drinking water to homes and businesses The District's Operations Number of Water Complaints per 1,000 People Served Department maintains 360 Minimum ktlometres of water main and in 14 2006 distributed 12.4 million 12 " 4tMaximum cubic metres of water. In Average addition to providing kigh quality, 10 safe drinking water, ensuring the 8 *Male Ridge security of our water distribution 6 system is a priority, along with ensuring an adequate supply of water flow for fire protection. 2 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 Maintain an effective and reliable sanitary sewage collection system The District's Operations Department maintains 260 kilometres of gravity sanitary sewer. Maintaining a dependable 16 sewage collection system with 14 minimal blockages is a priority, as 12 well as minimizing the 10 environmental impact of blockages and overflows. 8 6 4 2 0 Number of Blocked Sewers per 100 km Length Minimum ''$P"Maximum Average "i" Maple Ridge 2003 2004 2005 2006 * Due to the rinsing of data compilation, only Maple Ridge data is available for the current year. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 15 Progress Report 2006 Support the Building Community Solutions project to work with two neighbourhoods to develop pilot neighbourhood plans Three deliverables are expected from this objective: a Laityview Neighbourhood Plan, an MRSS/Mount Crescent Neighbourhood Plan, and a Process Template that could be used to train other neighbourhoods to develop their own neighbourhood plans. The two neighbourhood plans were initially targeted for completion in 2006, while the template was targeted for 2007. The two plans are now targeted for the end of 2007. It took longer than expected to connect the neighbourhoods and prepare them to participate in the process. Both of the neighbourhoods have now formed associations and the work for the Quality of Life Plans should begin in mid-2007. Template completion target: mid-2008. Establish a plan for achieving social sustainability within the community 2008 Deliverable: A long-range Social Sustainability Strategic Plan was to be completed in 2006, with adoption by Council in 2007. It is now scheduled for completion by the end of 2008. Assist in the Implementation of Substance Misuse Prevention Task Force 2006 Deliverable: The Substance Misuse Prevention Task Force identified the need for a local detox service for youth. Social Planning provided support to develop a community advisory committee which developed the "Matrix" pilot program. The Matrix is an integrated youth home detox, support and aftercare project for this community. The Matrix is a wrap-around, youth-centred addiction treatment pilot project designed from best practice evidence and customized for Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows. This community-based project employs professional staff dispatched to youth (16-24 yrs) to provide withdrawal management, clinical interventions, family support and aftercare guided by comprehensive assessments and a commitment to specific treatment- matching. A Fraser Health funded pilot project, staff will be provided guidance and educational support through the internationally acclaimed Matrix Institute, associated with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 16 Progress Report 2006 Create a community culture where active living Increase participation of those not currently is part of daily life involved in leisure activities due to financial barriers Percentage of citizens who are moderately active, 2005 * Number of low-income citizens accessing recreation services through access programs et of Lren 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Adults Children Ensure appropriate services are available for present and future customers and citizens to live healthy lifestyles Percentage of citizens who use available Parks and Percentage of citizens who are satisfied (rated as Excellent Leisure Services, 77% ** or Good) with Parks and Leisure Services, 87% ** Users Satisfied 3/ /0 no, 1 /0 87% 0/ /0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% * Source: Parks and Recreation Survey 2005, conducted by Ipsos-Reid. This question was not asked in the 2002 survey. The next planned survey is in 2008. ** Source: Parks and Recreation Survey 2002 and 2005; 2005 survey conducted by Ipsos-Reid. The next planned survey is in 2008. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 17 Progress Report 2006 Economic Development The local economy is expanding, downtown development is on the cusp of major improvements and new capital projects community-wide are underway. The most notable and highest profile development that began in 2006 was the Golden Ears Bridge. Together, the bridge and associated developments such as road construction will create a new gateway to the community and will account for over $800 million of investment in the area. Businesses will be able to transport their products and materials more efficiently to and from the area. In consultation with the Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission, an Economic Development Strategy was created in 2006. It is going to be a valuable strategy to guide the community as it moves forward and capitalizes on the new development heading its way. Performance Measures Build a sustainable community that includes a balance of land use types New Tax Revenue from Commercial Growth New business and light $550,000 industry properties on $450000 the assessment roll will $350000 generate $455,000 in $250,000 general taxes, offset by a loss of $10,000 from the major industry class. $50,000 $50,000 Strategic Direction Use a formal economic development strategy as a means to structure a positive business and investment climate within Maple Ridge. Identify, in consultation with community stakeholders, specific new investment and employment opportunities. Build a sustainable community that includes a balance of land use types. Develop a pro-business, customer-service oriented approach in the delivery of municipal services. Develop and maintain high quality community documentation and promotional material to attract investment and employment. D Light Industry D Business D Major Industry 2004 Percentage of Tax Assessment Base from Residential Sectors 94.00% 9 92.0 0% 0.00% 88.00% 86.00% 84.00% 82.0°j' I I I I I I I I I 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2005 2006 Over the long term, the addition of new residential properties in Maple Ridge has outpaced that of non-residential properties. This year, $38 million in new non-residential construction added to the 2007 tax roll reversed the trend, contributing to a more balanced property tax base than prior years. Tax and assessment charts note the years when growth occurred. Tax revenue occurs in the subsequent year. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 18 2003 2004 2005 2006 2003 2004 2005 2006 Progress Report 2006 Build a sustainable community that includes a balance of land use types PropertyAssessmenr Values by Property Class, 1985 versus 2006 1985 2006 Attracting new investment and employment to Maple Ridge is important. Retaining our current businesses is equally important. In 2006, 89% of commercial business licences were renewed, which is a slight drop over the previous year. For home-based business licences, 83% were renewed, which is consistent with the previous year. The number of business licences issued in 2006 was 4,004. Commercial licences accounted for 1,422; there were 1,513 home-based businesses licences, and 1,069 non-residential licences (businesses based in other communities), including 38 non-profit licences. Business Licence Renewals 95% 95%j 89%90~-M 83% 83% Commercial Home-Based 0 2004 D 2005 02006 Attract film productions through excellent customer service, cost competitiveness and a streamlined process 0 Number of Permits 0 Number of Productions The District has promoted Maple Ridge as a preferred filming destination direcfly to film production companies and through the BC Film Commission. The film industry is discovering Maple Ridge and its many assets, providing local businesses with a new market for their goods and services, and providing our citizens with employment opportunities. The strength of the Canadian dollar and senior government tax credit policy also influence filming location decisions. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 19 Strategic Direction Develop a land use management process that is timely, open, inclusive, and consultabve. Using the Official Cnrnmtinifv Plan Pncnm and establishes a balance of use types that is efficient and enhances the unique quality of life in Maple Ridge. Develop land use regulations, bylaws, procedures, and practices to implement the Official Community Plan. Protect and manage existing municipal infrastructure throuoh the Progress Report 2006 The District continues to pursue the ongoing development of its historic downtown core with Smart Growth principles as its foundation. One of the key principles has been to increase residential density in the town core which will support a more vibrant commercial presence. In order to promote this aspect of downtown redevelopment, the District took a number of steps in 2006. The requirement to incorporate commercial floor space at street level on every street within the downtown has been eliminated. It has been replaced by a more selective placement of commercial frontage along major streets within the downtown. To further support increased density, a tax exemption for residential development over four stories within certain sectors of the downtown has been adopted. Developers can stretch the tax exemption even more if they build a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified building. The District is demonstrating its own leadership in this area by incorporating LEED standards into the new Randy Herman Centre for Community Safety. As for increasing usage of the urban footprint more effectively, the District has been working towards more multi-family type development as opposed to single family development. That initiative has resulted in more building permits issued in 2006 for multifamily homes than single family homes. This is the first time that multifamily building has surpassed single family building in the District and indicates change in the marketplace as well as a commitment to utilizing land more efficientiy. Performance Measures Encourage residential development in the Regional Town Centre Number of residential units created in the Regional Town Centre: Apartments Townhouses Single Family Dwellings Total 2005 170 units in 2 new buildings 18 units on one site I unit 189 units 2006 581 units in 8 new buildings 43 units on two sites 3 units 627 units * Currently, about 5,100 residentlal units are located within the Regional Town Centre, with many more proposed units currently under applieatlon. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 20 Progress Report 2006 Provide new park areas in consultation with residents to determine needs and ensure maximum use of the facilities A successful park development process includes initial consultation, a steering committee comprised of residents, suggestions, feasibility determination, public open houses, recommendations to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission and Council, then finally the tender and subsequent park development. Phases Completed Original Park Name or Location Complet ion .-O - Target U U 0 U H< North Cottonwood Park 2005 e S S 5 S 201 and Telep 2005 S 5 _ MRSS Lacrosse Box 2006 5 • S S S Westview Artificial Field 2006 5 5 5 5 5 Firefighter's Park 2006 • Revised completion target 2007 Silver Valley Park 2006 • Revised completion target 2007 Youth Action Park 2006 • Revised completion target 2007 Webster's Corners 2006 Revised completion target 2007 Cottonwood East 2007 BIVIX Skill Development Park at Albion Park 2008 Hammond Sport Field Renovation 2008 Dependent on successful grant application and_third_party_funding Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 21 Progress Report 2006 The District's transportation network is undergoing major improvements. The Strategic Direction Golden Ears Bridge and new Pitt River Bridge are currently under construction. In Maintain and enhance a 2006, improvements to 224 Street from Brown to 122 Avenue were initiated. A new multi-modal transportation traffic signal was constructed at 223 Street and Lougheed Highway. Transit system within Maple Ridge improvements are being planned includincs a new transit exchanae hub and extension to provide citizens with . . b safe, efficient alternafives of Light Rapid Transit to Maple Ridge. Pedestrian safety improvements were for the movement of completed to support students travelling to school. individuals and goods. In co-oceration with other Perforrn2lnce iMeasures regional stake-holders, identify improvements to Improve traffic safety on our road network for all users, including pedestrians the inter-municipal and cyclists franerrrtahnn utarr, In a partnership with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, the District has established a Safer City program. This includes a number of transportation-related initiatives to help make our community a safer place for automobile drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians. There were a number of Safer City initiatives completed in 2006. It is anticipated that an ongoing commitment to this program will result in a decrease in ICBC's "Crash Index Rating" as well as providing citizens with a safer transportation network. Crash measures are reported onpa,ge 13. 2006 Safer City Initiatives Cycling Facility Improvements 102B Avenue 117 Avenue 121 Avenue 133 Avenue 224 Street (127 Avenue to 132 Avenue) Dewdney Trunk Road (240 Street to 248 Street) Gilker Hill Road Kanaka Way McClure Avenue Tamarack Lane & 105 Avenue Safer School Travel Initiatives Kanaka Creek Elementary stakeholder meeting Kanaka Creek on-site development of pickup & drop-off for school by developer Webster's Corner crossing guard program Webster's Corner pickup & drop-off improvement Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 22 Intersection Imorovements 222 Street at Dcwdney Trunk Road - Emergency Pre-empt Dewdney Trunk Road - Bus Stop (Extra Foods) Dewdney Trunk Road at 240 Street - Street Sign Lougheed at 223 Street - New Signal Pedestrian Facility Improvements Dewdney Trunk Road at 234 Street - Crosswalk Dewdney Trunk Road at 236 Street - Crosswalk Westfield - Sidewalk Traffic Calming Initiatives 102B Avenue east of 241B Street 117 Avenue west of 212 Street 121 Avenue east of 216 Street Gilker Hill south of 112B Avenue Kanaka Way west of Gilker Hill McClure Drive east of 244 Street 100% 95% 90% 85% 80°I 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Progress Report 2006 Protect our investment in roads infrastructure and provide a safe, serviceable road network The District's Operations Department maintains a road network of over 450 kilometres. Keeping the roads in good shape involves inspections, shouldering and grading, sweeping, ice control, curb repair, roadside mowing, asphalt patching, crack sealing, and road marking for traffic lanes, crosswalks, arrows, etc. Enhancing the safety of motorists, pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians is a priority. In 2006, 85.6% of our roads were in a condition at or above acceptable. Percentage ofroads in a condition at or above acceptable The rising percentage of acceptable roads in prior years is attributed to the addition of new roads. The existing road network is experiencing visible and accelerating deterioration. In recognition of the need to adequately fund the rehabilitation and replacement of the District's infrastructure, Council has approved a financial plan which dedicates a 1% property tax increase to infrastructure sustainability beginning in 2008. This will provide over $400,000 in additional funding for transportation and traffic management projects, and over $800,000 in 2010. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 23 speciat recognition and management. In partnership with other levels of government, adjacent municipalities, and community arnuns. D Recycling per Household 210 00. 380 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Progress Report 2006 Environment Maple Ridge has made a commitment to pursue policies and practices that encourage and Strategic Dtrection promote sustainability in the community and in its corporate practices. 2006 has seen some major steps taken by the District to implement this commitment. In adopting a revised Promote individual and Official Community Plan in 2006, the District has become one of the first municipalities in mmunity responsibility BC to incorporate a policy about climate change within its Official Community Plan. The for the stewardship of natural resources. Plan contains a commitment to use an integrated approach to reduce and mitigate the effects Identify and protect of climate change. environmental features (such as watercourses) Performance N'lleasures Identify and protect environmental features and areas that require special recognition and management to promote sound environmental practices. Area ofland dedicated or protected by covenant for watercourse protectiofr 9 8 7 0 2 1 0 In 2005 2006 Promote community participation in waste reduction activities, and improve participation in recycling The District's partnership with Ridge Meadows Recycling Society provides citizens with a recycling depot and within the urban area, curbside collection. The number of educational events has risen from 84 in 2001 to 150 in 2006. A significant rise in recycled materials per household over this same period demonstrates an awareness and willingness among our citizens and business owners. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 24 U Watercourse Protection Dedication 0 Watercourse Protection Covenant The District continues to pursue its strong commitment to environmental practices by acquiring and protecting lands adjacent to watercourses. Progress Report 2006 Promote individual and community responsibility for the stewardship of natural resources. The Community Ecosystem Restoration Initiative represents a unique community approach to fighting climate change through the enhanced removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the "greenhouse gas" most responsible for climate change. Healthy ecosystems absorb vast tonnages of carbon dioxide while releasing 2.5 tonnes of oxygen for each tonne of carbon dioxide absorbed. Using conservation lands under the District's control, ecosystem restoration work including tree planting in the order of 260,000 trees and management of invasive species, is being undertaken under the direction of a project steering committee and funded by various corporate sponsors such as BC Hydro, Small Potatoes Urban Delivery, the Globe Foundation, the Director's Guild and others. In addition to the sequestration of 2,240,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide at year 80 after intervention, other benefits include hydrological stabilization of watersheds, wildlife habitat enhancement and recreation benefits. Number of trees planted 300,"" 225, 150, 75, o Trees scheduled for planting 2007-2010: 239,042 0 Trees planted in 2006: 22,527 This project is registered with the Canadian Standards Association GHG CleanProjects Registy (Project Identifier 9251-6893) and is validated against ISO 14064 standards. The District replaced one third of its transportation fleet with hybrid vehicles, which should lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of 24,000 kilograms a year or 2 tonnes per vehicle. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 25 Progress Report 2006 Community Relations Maple Ridge is unique in the strength of its community social service network. Strategic Direction Representatives from many different non-profit agencies come together to determine how best to work together to obtain resources and government support, and to determine which organization is best able to serve specific needs within the community. The District's social government and local planning staff offers assistance in bringing groups together and providing the support to government decision- enable them to continue to deliver valuable community services. 0 methods to Performance Measures :itizens and - Support and promote citizens' volunteer participation as a valuable leisure and groups. recreation activity volunteers in the Community Volunteerism * community 40%-J 31% °"° One-third (33%) of Maple Ridge residents Strive for enhanced 30%] have volunteered within the community service levels, quality of i L Ii JI!PI9 during the past 12 months. The proportion life and independence by 20% F of Maple Ridge residents who say they have citizens and community 10% k Iii WIII1II volunteered has increased marginally since organizations in the delivery of leisure services a is 2002 (up 2 percentage points from 31%); and other municipal 2002 2005 next survey scheduled for 2008. services through community development. Source: Parks and Recreation Survey 2002 and 2005; 2005 survey conducted by Ipsos-Reid. The next planned survey is in 2008. Provide a safe, supportive work environment for people with developmental disabilities Through the District's partnership with DAnnual Hours of Work for People with Ridge Meadows Recycling Society and the Developmental Disabilities Ministry of Children and Faniily Development people with developmental disabthties are provided with employment and training opportunities 25,000 20 000 15000 fl fl wil I Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 26 Progress Report 2006 Other Community Relations Accomplishments: • In 2006, 82 volunteers donated 2,026 hours to the Aquatics area in the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre and helped instructors with swimming lessons, special events and special needs participants. In turn, volunteers were supported and trained in water safety, first aid, and other specialized aquatics skills that better position them for future employment as lifeguards and instructors. Almost 22,000 volunteer hours were logged with Parks & Leisure Services in 2006. • Volunteers also provide an invaluable service to our community through their involvement with the Ridge Meadows Volunteer Crime Prevention programs, Search & Rescue initiatives and call-outs with Emergency Social Services programs. In 2006, 180 volunteers were trained in a variety of emergency support capacities and provided 15,000 hours to a number of activities including supporting citizens who were displaced from their homes due to flooding, windstorms and fires. • The Fire Department's Charities Committee held several events throughout the year including the Head Shave, Car Wash, Muscular Dystrophy Boot Drive, and Food Drive. This committee demonstrates the firefighters' dedication to the community, high morale in the organization and the spirit of cooperation and inclusiveness between the full-time and part-time members. In 2006, over $50,000 was raised for Charity. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 27 Progress Report 2006 Inter-Government Relations and P2rtnerships The District maintains memberships on many different boards and committees to represent the interests of our citizens and customers. Our participation on regional committees and senior government initiatives is essential in bringing home benefits to our community. We have been working with our local First Nations partners to formally recognize multiple levels of government within Maple Ridge boundaries. District staff and elected officials are committed to making partnerships work to the best advantage for the community. Performance Measures Support community social service networks to access additional resources to address community needs, issues and priorities Strategic Direction Develop and maintain strong positive working relationships with our adjacent neighbours the municipalities of Pitt Kaizie First Nations the provincial government the Greater Vancouver TransLink Funding from local, regional, provincial, and federal programs accessed by community organizations supported by District social planning staffi Highlights: Building Community Solutions Project was the only Lower Mainland Communities in Action $1,500,000 community to receive Post Phase III II funding once again this past year, from $1,000,000-I the United Way of the Lower I [1I1 Mainland. BCS continues to $500,000- contribute to building a healthy sustainable community. In 2005 2004 2005 2006 Quality of Life Planning was launched with two local neighbourhoods. In 2006 two pilot neighbourhoods formed neighbourhood Associations in preparation to participate in Quality of Life Planning processes. These pilot projects will contribute to developing a template process to be utilized with other neighbourhoods. Another highlight is the "Matrix" pilot program, described previously under Safe and Livable Community objectives (Substance Misuse Prevention Task Force). Promote independence and a sense of responsibility for the delivery of leisure services by community groups Percentage of community groups that feel well served by Parks and Leisure Services: 2004 - 74%; 2006 - 80% (hi-annual survey). * Percentage of community group members that participated in training who reported a benefit: 2006 - 100% (hi-annual survey beginning in 2006). * * Source: Community Group Survey, conducted by staff every two years Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 28 Progress Report 2006 Govemince The District functions as an open o-overnment, allowiniz citizens access to almost all Strategic Direction information and decision-making processes. Members of the public were invited to Conduct our business in a attend 25 Council meetings, 22 Committee of the Whole meetings, 36 Council manner that will uphoki Workshops, 11 Public Hearings, 61 Advisory Committee meetings and 3 meetings of the public Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. All business and financial planning sessions with Council were held in meetings open to the public, culminating in a Financial Plan Function as an open for the years 2007 through 2011 adopted before the end of 2006. government with the greatest possible access by citizens to information Petfortriance I4easures Ensure citizens and customers have easy access to timely, accurate and meaningful information regarding District activities and issues With almost 9 in 10 Maple Web Site User Visits Ridge residents having access to the Internet, it is 1,200,000- not surprising to see that 1,000,000 visits to the District website 800,000- has increased. 600,000- 400,000 200.000- It is a surprise however to see how significant the change has been over the last several years (from 77,000 a year in 2000 to over I million in 2006). While about half of seniors (65 years and older) in the community do not have access to the Internet, almost I00% of those under the age of 35 do. A large majority of residents (th ree- quarters) believe that the Internet is an appropriate means of communicating and/or offering services to area residents. Citizen Satisfaction with the amount and type ofinformation provided: 02003 02006 The graph represents results of a citizen satisfaction survey which is undertaken every 52%-I three years. 46% * Source: Maple Ridge Citizen Satisfaction Survey, Mustel 42:/0 'J Group 2002 and 2005. Next 40'0 Amount of survey scheduled for 2008. Information Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 29 Type of Information 0 Benchmark D2006 Actual Shortterm Midterm Longterm Wt. Avg. 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% Progress Report 2006 The District uses a multi-year business and financial planning process that has been held up as a model for other local governments to emulate. All aspects of this process are held in meetings that are open to the public, and citizens and stakeholders are encouraged to be involved throughout the process. Seeking ways to provide quality services while reducing the property tax burden on our residents is a top priority of Council. Performance Measures Maximize our return on investment while maintaining safety and liquidity The weighted average rate of return on the District's portfolio of investments for 2006 was 3.58%, compared to a benchmark index (average of Scotia McLeod and Municipal Finance Authority short-, mid- and long-term) of 3.88%. The accounting treatment of investments where the interest earnings are uncertain is such that the revenue is not recognized until it is received. This reduced the long-term investments reported returns and is part of the reason this investment class did not meet the benchmark. The District maintains cash balances for several reasons. For example, property tax revenue arrives generally all at once, to fund a year of expenditures. In addition, reserve balances are held for a variety of reasons, such as for long term capital projects. The Finance Department manages a portfolio of investments averaging over $88 Million. A conservative management philosophy is based primarily on safety, liquidity and return on investment. Strategic Directi only address immediate needs but also address the longer-term financial sustainability of our community. Use a formal, business planning framework as a means to structure decision-making and publicly report our performance. Identify methods to expand the tax base and generate non-tax revenue. Continue to use a user-pay philosophy. Provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 30 Progress Report 2006 Provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner The District's Capital Works Program is approximately $15 million per year. Although the majority of projects are related to community infrastructure, there are other major projects within technology, parks and general government. Accuracy in preparing project budgets is important, both to aid in the allocation of District resources and to provide a base with which to compare actual expenditures. Spending within the budget is important, although there may be situations in which a decision to do otherwise makes sense and is approved. A variance indicates that the underlying cause should be investigated. Water 1,478,969 1,451,762 27,207 2 -9% Sinver 63,754 613773, 9,98l 2 2% . Roads 8,463,651 8,908,061 -444,410 -5% 3% rainag4 2351O 287,08 478 2Wo 10% Parks 1,918,988 2,154,645 -235,657 -12% n/a Projects exceeding budgets are mainly due to the following: • Additional revenues, such as grants or contributions from other agencies, may allow the scope of the project to expand beyond the original budget figure. • Pre-ordering of phased multi-year capital projects may create variances in individual years. • Project components budgeted separately but constructed together may have individual variances. • Increased competition for contractors has impacted overall costs • Approved requests for additional funding not yet adopted by bylaw may not be reflected in budget figures. • Project budgets may not reflect increases in the market value of land, therefore, land acquisitions may cost more that initially planned. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 31 $20 M $15 M $10 M $5 M DAnnual Unfunded Infrastructure Liability DAdditional Funding - Cumulative 1% of Taxation O Current Funding - $ M Investment Renewal 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 Spending Progress Report 2006 Ensure our infrastructure serves the community in a manner that maintains health, safety and quality of life The District has an investment in infrastructure and other Annuat assets with an estimated replacement cost of $1.3 billion, all 'Esti , ndni aging at different rates that will eventually have to be Repacemern equ e replaced. In order to properly fund rehabilitation and Val e (est rr- e replacement, estimates show that we should be spending on Highways 247,678 750 $8 070 average over $15 million every year. Our actual Dranage 117,807,500 21798 expenditures are about $5 million. If this gap is not sewage 101,875,000 2,419 addressed, it will continue to accumulate, creating a liability Water 92,955,400 1 859 for future taxpayers. In addition, we continue to add assets $560,316,650 $15,147 as the community grows and this is compounding the L funding issues around asset replacement. Most Canadian municipalities are facing the same issue; however, because we have relatively newer infrastructure, we have an opportunity to get ahead of the curve. The District has a plan in place to address this issue, including: A maintenance program that utilizes best practices in infrastructure management techniques to lengthen the life of existing assets, and reduce the cost to maintain them; Employing new materials and technology in constructing new infrastructure that will last longer and cost less to maintain; and, Beginning in 2008, the District's financial plan allocates l% of taxation annually to specifically address the infrastructure program and protect the community's asset base for current and future citizens Extend the useful life of facilities by managing preventive maintenance and repair/replace lifecycle programs Complete comprehensive lifecycle study, and 30-year financial plan (outcome measures to be developed after study) 2005 Studies Completed 2006 Planned Studies 2007 Planned Studies RCMP Building City Hall* Fire Hall I ** Court House Arts Centre* Fire Hall 2* Leisure Centre Works Yard Building* Fire Hall 3* Contracts have been awarded and studies will be carried Out in 2007 Due to major renovations/expansion, study has been delayed to 2008. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 32 Progress Report 2006 Process permit applications in an efficient and effective manner Once a building permit applicant has submitted the necessary plans and schedules to the District, a number of reviews are performed to ensure the proposed construction conforms to bylaws such as parking, signage, zoning; meets development permit and setback requirements; complies with fire regulations; and that offsite servicing such as road access, curb and gutters, water and sewer connections and onsite service elevations are sufficient Number of working days to issue a building permit ther recepr ofnecessaryplans and schedules Change Single Family Residential 10 to 15 15 to 20 Increase* Basement Finish 5 to 7 5 to 7 - Tenant Improvement 7 to 10 12 to 15 Increase* New Commercial Building 15 to 30 15 to 30 - New Apartment Building 15 to 30 15 to 30 - * An increase in the number of working days to issue a building permit for single family residential and tenant improvements was experienced in 2006. This was due to a 146% increase in the number of applicanons received (1,233 units as opposed to just 501 in the previous year). A new plan checker position has been added to the Permits Department to improve the number of working days to 2005 levels. Provide staff and volunteers with training that will broaden their scope of job skills, enhancing effectiveness in their respective roles Certifications in approved training programs provide staff and volunteers with skills that enhance their ability to provide high quality municipal services in a cost effective and efficient manner. In 2005, a significant training program was undertaken to ensure existing staff achieved a standard level of operating safety training. In 2006, staff attended many internal soft-skills courses as well as specific equipment training (snow and ice patrol, ride-on lawnanowers, front-end loaders). In 2007 a consultant was hired to complete an evaluation of all parks staff related to operation of specific equipment (1 and 3 tonne tucks, front-end loaders, tide-on lawnmowers, agricultural tractor and attachments) and safe trailer loading Number of Certifications 2005 2006 Other Financial Management Accomplishments On December 18, 2006, Council reached a unanimous consensus to adopt the 2007 - 2011 Consolidated Financial Plan. The target is December 31, 2006. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 33 Progress Report 2006 Internal Service Measures The following set of performance measures relates to how we provide corporate services to trategic Direction our own internal clients (i.e. municipal staf, which ultimately assists them in providing rategic Leadership services to the community. 11119, ii IVU!VI I I1 IL Lit! Performance Measures senior manaqement broad Lilly UI Li IC Provide prompt and effective assistance to technology users in response to a call for rection help Focus, Define our custome needs; service s commitment to satisfaction mea Client expectations were met or exceeded in 99% of the cases that were rated in 2006 representing over 900 calls for assistance however, client feedb'ick continues to drop Service Requests - Meeting Client Expectations 3500 3000 sses; 2500 ,)nnn DExceeded 0 Met 1500 IJIfflifiuI 0 Missed I or 2 continuous improvement of key processes; measure resolve netticiencies; 1000 1 HIM 0 Missed Many 500 0Unrated People Focus 0 I Thorough recruiting, 2004 2005 2006 The number of requests for assistance by technology users shows a downward trend year issue resolution, employee over year. This trend appears to be a consequence of not only investments in standardized satisfaction measures hardware and software technology, but investments in remote management tools that permit Partner/Supplier Focus staff to automate many support functions. Reducing the maintenance and support workload on staff permits some resources to be redeployed for project work Rigorous selection criteria; cooperative relationships; feedback; assist in their Meeting Service Level Agreement Times improvement efforts; involvement with new services development New Work Workplans & Improvement Standard Plans Link from strategic Important direction to workplans; emphasis on identifying Urgent improvement opportunities; broad Emergency understanding of 02006 02005 0 Target orkplans & improvement lans; measures of 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% utcomes Resolution goals were met in all categories of ticket priority except the urgent category, where out of a total of 27 tickets, 9 were not resolved within the time period set out in the Service Level Agreement. Of the remaining 2149 tickets in all other categories, goals were met. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 34 Services Provided by Municipal Departments The District's operational and administrative structure is comprised of four divisions: Administration: ChiefAdministratthe Officer— Jim Rule The Chief Administrative Officer is responsible for the overall administration of the District's departments, devel- oping corporate policy, providing leadership and direction for senior staff in the dayto-day and long-term business af- fairs of the District in accordance with Council goals, and providing advice to Council about District organization and operating procedures. Communications Manager of Communications - Gay Manson The Communications Department provides advice and as- sistance to Council and staff at every level in the organiza- tion. The Department's activities include disseminating timely and accurate information, ensuring customers and employees have ample opportunities for input/participa- tion, and developing communications strategies for specific issues. They are also responsible for, assisting with the ad- vertising and promotion of District programs and events and, creating and supporting a consistent visual identity for communications. Economic Development Business Retention & E.zpansion Officer— Rick Lnferriere The Economic Development Department assists current business owners and those interested in starting a business in the District of Maple Ridge with strategic information and assistance in business planning, expansion opportunities and skill training, as well as working with business and in- dustry groups to develop strategic affiances and new eco- nomic opportunities. Human Resources Executive Director to CA 0 - John I.eeburn One of the District's Corporate Values states "eoble are our most valuable resource." The Human Resources Department plays a key role in recruiting, transferring, and promoting the best people for the job. We strive to set our employees up for success by providing them with the skills to meet the challenges of today and to- morrow. In this vein, the District contin- ues to make a very strong commitment to professional development and per- formance planning, The Department en- sures the training needs of the organiza- tion are identified and coordinatcs the provision of training through both in- house and external suppliers. District performance planning is coordinated and supported, which is used to gauge mo- rale, training, and attendance. More than 80% of employees are governed by the terms of the Collective Agreement in place between the District and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. The negotiation and day to day administration of the agreement (including grievance and classification administration) is a key service provided. A number of critical programs are administered, which contribute to the wellbeing and productivity of our employ- ees. These include: the attendance management program, employee assistance program, the occupational health & safety program, the employee recognition and suggestion programs, and the admiistrarion of the employee welfare benefits programs. Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services: General Manager - Mike Mzerraj The division's role is to ensure coordination of resources in management and development of parks, delivery of leisure services, acting as a networking agent, information broker, and community resource. Identified community needs are addressed by a variety of approaches from direct provision of services to establishing partnerships. Parks & Facilities Department Director - David Boag Recreation Department Director - Kel/y Simft Community Services Department Director - Site Wheeler The three departments are responsible for the delivery of a wide range of leisure acovities in both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows including physical, cultural, creative, social, and intellectual pursuits to further a sense of community belonging and the growth and well-being of individual citizens. An agreement was reached in 1994 for the joint delivery of Parks and Recreation Services in both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Direction is provided through a joint Parks and Leisure Services Commission comprised of three members of each Council including both Mayors, three members of the School Board including the Chair, four citizens from Maple Ridge, and two from Pitt Meadows. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 35 Services Provided by Municipal Departments The 2001 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan provides a comprehensive framework for the provision of services in both communities. Wherever possible the de- partrnents function in partnership with the private sector and community-based organizations to provide leisure ser- vices utilizing a community development approach which is defined in policy statements adopted by the Commission and both Councils. The service guidelines emphasize the protection of natural resources, the provision of basic leisure skill devel- opment, social opportunities, family-oriented leisure ser- vices and preschool leisure opportunities, exposure to the arts, leisure education, and opportunities for reflection/ es- cape. The departments also strive to facilitate the integration of the generations, the provision of pu interpretation of the environment, special public events and exposure to sporting events, opportunities for social interaction and encourage community beautification. The Parks & Facilities Depart- ment is responsible for operating the Municipal parks system, which includes actively used parkland, sportfields, and significant green-belt areas. The Department operates two Municipal cemeteries by maintaining the grounds, and by providing interment, associated record keeping, and public assistance. The department also oversees the maintenance of all Mu- nicipal facilities including Recreation facilities, the Municipal Hall, Fire Halls, and Public Safety Buildings as well as rental and leased properties. The functions carried Out include janitorial services, elevator, boiler, heating, air handling ser- vice contracts, and energy management. The Recreation Department operates numerous pro- grams for public participation. Residents are involved in drop-in use of the seniors' recreation centre, youth centre, ice arena, public library, fitness, and aquatic facilities. The Community Services Department provides sup- port to the Social Planning Committee with emphasis placed on working with the community to achieve Social Sustainability and building capacity in the community through volunteer recruitment, training and group support. The departments provide a number of public meeting and activity facilities including the Leisure Centre (three pools, racquet courts, a fitness testing and rehabilitation centre, fitness facilities, a gymnasium and the 15,000 sq. ft. Greg Moore Youth Centre). There are also several buildings at the Maple Ridge Fairgrounds, Hammond Pool, Hammond Community Centre, Pitt Meadows Recreation Hall, Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre, and Harris Road Pool. They are also involved in partnerships with oth- ers to operate the Golden Ears Winter Club, the public li- brary, the Arts Centre & Theatre, Whonnock Community Centre, the Museums Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows), Planet Ice in Maple Ridge, Ridge Meadows Arenas in Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge Golf Course, and several historic sites. Parks & Leisure Services works with several hundred community organizations and agencies (md. the School District and Douglas College) in the delivery of leisure ser- vices, oftentimes in partnership with the District through use of facilities and resources. As noted, in 1994 Maple Ridge entered into a Joint Parks and Recreation Agreement with the District of Pitt Meadows. The Agreement provides for joint use and management of parks, facilities, and leisure services within a boundary that includes both municipalities. from this union provides significant benefits and cost savings to each municipality. The residents of each community have full access to programs and facilities in either community. Cost savings are experienced because of economies of scale for operations and future capital investments will be made that benefit both municipalities collectively and, therefore, eliminate duplication. Maple Ridge is contracted to manage the operation and costs are shared based on a population-based ratio. Corporate & Financial Services: Genera/Manager - 1aul C/li The Corporate & Financial Services Division is responsible for making recommendations to merge and align strategic planning, best practices, performance measures and budget priorities that guide decision-making in our organization. In addition, we are responsible for carrying out corporate ini- tiatives as directed by Council and the Corporate Manage- ment Team. The Division consists of three departments: In- formation Services, Clerks, and Finance. We also provide support to the RCMP, Police Services, and the Fire De- partment and are responsible for maintaining and improving the \vebsite. Clerk's Department Manager of Legislative Services - Ceri Mario The Clerks Department is responsible for supporting the legislative matters and decisions of Council, and for provid- ing the official secretariat for Council and all other statutory bodies within the corporation. This function includes agenda preparation, recording of official minutes, admini- stration and certification of bylaws, and the execution of all legal documentation on behalf of the District. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 36 Services Provided by Municipal Departments The Department is the liaison between the District's contract legal service providers, and Council and staff, and is responsible for providing Council with up to date legisla- tive, statutory and procedural information in the increas- ingly complex legal environment in which local govern- ments operate. The Clerk's Department also manages the corporate re- cords management program and is responsible for compli- ance with Freedom of Information and Protection of Pri- vacy legislation. The Department conducts the triennial general local and school district elections as well as bi- elections and referenda. The Department is responsible for the acquisition and disposal of all District land needs at the best possible value to the taxpayer, and for the administration of all rental properties. The District's risk management program for loss control and insurance is also a function of the Department. Finance Department Director - Jacob Sorba The Finance Department provides financial services through cooperative interaction with customers, and co- workers within a framework of shared values. Responsibility and authority is derived from legislation mandated by the British Columbia Local Government Act, Provincial and Federal Statutes and Municipal bylaws. From a legal and community perspective, the Department's mission is to "up- hold the pub/ic trust while striving forjinancial excellence". From a corporate perspective, the department strategy and business plan is to support the administrative and financial needs of the District thereby enhancing the quality of service to the public. This emphasis is on providing monthly financial re- ports, providing financial analysis and business advice to departments through a team of customer advisory represen- tatives, partnering with financial institutions to offer alterna- tives in meeting the needs of customers and seeking innova- tive ways to attract new revenue sources. Specific functions include the preparation and monitor- ing of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan and the Annual Financial Statements; preparing and interpreting in- terim financial statements; levying and collecting municipal taxes and utility fees; processing accounts payable and re- ceivable; development and maintenance of financial sys- tems; investing and safeguarding of the District's financial assets; and the provision of internal audit functions, as well as general cashiering services. In addition, the Department is responsible for reporting financial matters to the Audit and Finance Committee. Information Services Department (hief Information Officer - John Bastafe Information Services (IS) is responsible for managing corporate computer systems and supporting infrastructure. The corporate computer systems include hardware, software and data resources, and the governance framework which ensures information technology continues to be a strategic business enabler. Services provided by the IS Department include: • Coordinating strategic technology direction for the District • Developing and maintaining common standards, architectures, and business solutions to help deliver public services efficiently • Enhancing and operating the District's corporate communications and computing assets, which include telephone, radio, email, networks and servers • Providing technical assistance to district staff • Enhancing and maintaining corporate mapping and data assets • Providing data management, mapping, reporting, and project management consulting services The Municipal computer network consists of a 1G13 Ethernet network using 36 Windows 2000 servers, many of which are virtualized. The District is also running the Open VMS operating system which supports the Oracle database as well as other business systems. More than 20 different enterprise wide business systems run on the computer network, including a financial system, property and taxation system, payroll system, materials management, budget system, recreation system, facility bookings, business licenses, and the Geographic Information System (GIS). Eight sites are supported, totaling 350 desktop machines and 500 staff. District staff utilizes desktop computers for business system and database access, word processing, spreadsheet development, desktop publishing, e-mail, Internet access, drafting, and map production. IS staff support the Microsoft Office 2003 suite of products on the Windows XP operating system. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 37 Services Provided by Municipal Departments Public Works & Development Services: General Manager Frank Quinn The Public Works and Development Services Division is responsible for the administration and implementation of municipal policies, bylaws, and services pertaining to the management of development, building construction, infra- structure, growth, renewal, and maintenance in the District. The Division consists of Engineering; Planning; Operations; and Business Licensing, Permits and Bylaws. The Recycling Society also liaises with Council through this Division. Engineering Department MunicipalEngineer —Andrew Wood The Engineering Department provides municipal engineer- ing services to residents of Maple Ridge. Municipal Engi- neering is the application of engineering methods to the analysis, planning, design, construction, and record keeping of public works facilities and programs relating to infra- structure. Central to the business of the Department are four core customer service areas: Drainage and Terrain Engineering Transportation and Traffic Engineering • Wastewater (Sewer) Engineering • Waterworks Engineering The Department provides for management, planning, analysis, policy, program and project development, initia- tion, implementation, and evaluation. These core services are mandated through a series of bylaws such as the Water, Sewer, Soil, Subdivision, and Street and Traffic Control. The services are managed with an emphasis on improved service quality, technology utilization, risk management, and environmental performance. This is important because the infrastructure assets of the District in water distribution, highways, sewage, and drainage collection systems are esti- mated at approx. $440 million. Operations Director - Russ Carmichael Operations is a front line provider for basic public works services including Transportation Facilities, Fleet Manage- ment, Storm Water Management, Water Distribution, and Sewage Disposal. Operational focus is on the health and safety of the citizens of Maple Ridge; protecting the District's large in- vestment in the public works and underground infrastruc- ture; protecting the environment; maintaining current ser- vice levels; providing amenity and convenience features; and providing these services at a minimum cost to the taxpayers in a manner as responsive to their needs as possible. The Department is structured as follows: • Roadworks is led by the Roads & Equipment Superinten- dent. Responsible for asphalt patching, sidewalk mainte- nance, road grading, snow/ice control, bridge mainte- nance, Street sweeping, traffic signs. • Storm and Sanitary Sewer Works is led by the Sewers Su- perintendent. Responsible for vegetation control, ditch cleaning, storm sewer and culvert maintenance, flushing storm/sanitary sewer lines, maintenance of sanitary sewer mains and service connections, collection of sewage and transfer to GVRD. • Waterworks is led by the Waterworks Superintendent. Responsible for mamtenance of waterrnains and service connections, servicing fire hydrants, collecting water samples, reading water meters, installation and mainte- nance of water meters. • Electro/Mechanical Works is led by the Elec- tro/Mechanical Manager. Responsible for maintenance of traffic control devices, street lighting, sewer and water pump stations, water reservoirs and chlorinating stations, radio communication system, SCADA system, and a vari- ety of electronic equipment. • Fleet Management is led by the Director of Engineering Operations and the Roads & Equipment Superintendent. Responsible for equipment performance measures, vehi- cle replacement, equipment charge Out rates, and equip- ment reserve funding. • Purchasing is led by the Manager of Procurement. Re- sponsible for implementation of the municipal purchasing policy, contract tenders, municipal stores, participation in public sector cooperative groups, and administration of the purchasing card program. Each functional area within the Department closely moni- tors productivity, efficiency and unit cost, to be confident that our customers receive quality service at competitive prices. Calls are received in this Department 24 hours per day - 7 days per week and are investigated, responded to and recorded in the public action request system. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 38 Services Provided by Municipal Departments Licences, Permits and Bylaws Director - Brock McDonald The Licences, Permits and Bylaws Department is responsi- ble for bylaw enforcement, animal control and business II- censing and permit application and inspections programs. The Department ensures public compliance with municipal bylaws; provides an effective animal control program; en- hances traffic flow in the downtown core through en- forcement of parking time limitations; maintains the busi- ness licensing system; processes building, plumbing, electri- cal and gas permit applications and inspects the works carried out; and provides quality customer service. Planning Department Director— Jane Pickering The Planning Department is re- sponsible for pursuing Council's di- rection in land use policy creation and the management of a variety of development applications. The De- partment is also involved with data collection, monitoring and the dis- semination of information and liai- son with a number of internal and external agencies. A large compo- nent of the Department's service lies in the area of corporate support as assistance is given to committees of Council as well as to initiatives from other areas of the corporation. The De- partment has two sections as follows: Development and Environmental Services The Development and Environmental Services section is primarily involved in the file management of the majority of applications received in the Planning Department including development permits and subdivision. This group is also re- sponsible for the provision of the Department's environ- mental services, including policy creation, the issuance of permits, and enforcement. The provision of mapping ser- vices also falls within the responsibilities of this section. Ex- amples of responsibilities in this section are: • Implementation of Development Application Standards Bylaw. • Coordinating the Environmental Review Committee. • Processing development files incl. amendments to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, Land Use Inquiry, Subdivision, Development Permit, Development Variance Permit, and Land Reserve Commission filling applications. • Researching Environmental component of Emergency Response Plan. • Reviewing contract for the Mosquito Control Program and research new contract provisions • Assessing changes in Provincial Regulations. • Providing staff support to Bicycle Advisory Committee. • Providing staff support to the Board of Variance. • Arboriculture services including landscape inspection, street tree selection and inspection, and hazardous tree assessments for municipal work sites. Community Planning The Community Planning section undertakes research, spe- cial projects, and reports on the direction the District is tak- ing as set Out in the Official Community Plan. In the area of development application management, staff work with a file manager from the Development and Environmental Ser- vices group in the preparation of development cases. The area planners also provide the policy direction and research capabilities for the Department and provide support to the Social Planning Advisory Com- mittee, the Community Heritage Commission, and the Advisory Design Panel. Examples of responsibilities in this section are: Zoning and Official Community Plan policy review and development. Professional support and advice to Council, committees of Council, members of the public, community groups, community agencies, and independent consultants. • Technical assistance to other departments and the corpo- ration. • Brochure development. • Creation and review of the Official Community Plan community and ancillary neighbourhood plans. • Review of bylaws related to development. • Participation in GVRD committees as needed. Maple Ridge Fire Department Fire Chief, Director of Operations - Peter Grootendorst Fire Chief, Director of Comrnuni' Fire Sofey - Dane Spence The Department provides a proactive approach to fire ser- vices through the development of multi-year business plans, which include detailed multi-year financial plans. The pri- mary mission of the Department is the protection and pres- ervation of life, property and the environment for citizens. This service is provided by a group of 100 dedicated paid- on-call firefighters, 22 full-time firefighters, sli chief offi- cers, and two administrative support staff. We rely heavily on cross-training and good communication to ensure that the department continues to function efficiently and effec- tively. Each of the assistant chiefs assumes responsibility for Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 39 Services Provided by Municipal Departments the operation of the individual Fire Halls. In addition to administrative duties, the career officers assume the role of Duty Chief, which involves responding to all serious Fire Department emergency calls 24 hours a day, on a rotational basis. The types of emergency responses provided are Alarm Response, Fire Suppression, Rescue, Hazardous Material Spills and response for Medical Aid. A great range of service is provided under these general categories. The firefighters are trained to the highest level of First Responder First Aid available in the Province. These skills are used to provide care to our firefighters and the public in the event that the ambulance service is delayed or the incident is of sufficient size or complexity that the ambulance paramedics require assistance. The use of Automatic External Defibrillators en- ables us to provide the most modern first responder treat- ment for heart attack victims. Our firefighters are trained to meet the reQuirements of BC Firefiahter Standard. Level II. Through an aggressive program of proactive inspec- tions and public education the number and seriousness of emergencies can be greatly reduced. The Fire Prevention Office conducts fire safety inspections of public buildings, high occupancy dwellings, day care, and adult care facilities to ensure a basic level of life safety. They are also involved in business licence approvals and consulting on design and development. The Fire & Life Safety Educator coordinates the public education program, which uses the "Learn Not To Bum" curriculum. This program is taught to children through a school program and fire hall visits by girl guides, scouts and other orgamzations. Fire education is also pro- vided to adult groups who request it. The Department is leading the Province in its delivery of the Arson Prevention Program for Children (TAPPC) for juvenile fire setters which reduces the risk of fire and injury in high hazard resi- dences and provides education to children at risk. Firefighters in combinaoon with a contract mechanic provide a comprehensive preventative maintenance pro- gram on all equipment and trucks. The Department is actively involved in the develop- ment and testing of the Municipal Emergency Program. As Maple Ridge residents, the officers and firefighters strive to create a safe community for their families and neighbours. Ridge-Meadows R.C.M.P. Inspector_Jim WakeLy The Ridge Meadows Detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police provides police services to the District. The Mission Statement of the RCMP reads: 'The Ryal Canadian Mounted Police is Canada 'Ic Nationalpolice service. Proud of our tra- ditions and confident in meetingfuture challenges, we commit topre- serve the peace, uphold the law and provide quality service in partner- ship with our communities. The Ridge-Meadows RCMP pro aided a proactive and responsive service to the community in ourgoals of main- taining "safe homes and safe communities"I This is accomplished in a variety of wqys including investigation, enforcement, education and crime prevention "I Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 40 Services Provided by Municipal Departments To meet the philosophical and operational require- ments of the Mission Statement, the detachment is divided into sections that are responsible for various aspects of the police role. Such specialization not only allows for the job to be performed more effectively but also allows for the de- velopment of expertise and professionalism. The major sec- tions are: • General Duty: - Attends all emergencies relating to per- sonal safety and are responsible for the investigation of offences against the various Federal Acts, particularly the Criminal Code of Canada, Provincial Statutes, and some Municipal bylaws. • Community Policing: - Team members work closely with public committees to identify and resolve neighbourhood concerns and criminal activity. • Traffic: - Responsible for the investigation of traffic acci- dents and the enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Act, many provisions of the Criminal Code, and various other Provincial Acts. • General Investigation: - Responsible for investigation of all serious crimes and sex, fraud and property offences that require extensive investigation which are beyond the resources of the General Duty section. The other sections and units are: Administration Drugs Exhibits Forensic ID Police Dog Records Property Crime School Liaison Training Victim Services The detachment is responsible for policing the com- munities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Maple Ridge currently has contracted 81 RCMP member positions, Pitt Meadows has contracted 20 RCMP members, the Provincial Government provides for three positions, and the Federal Government provides for one position. The total detach- ment complement is 104 members. As well, there are 33.5 full-time municipal employees who provide support in cleri- cal and administrative duties such as Teiccoms, exhibits, guarding, customer services, records management, Canadian Police Information Centre, and volunteer coordination as well as approx. 40 trained and supporting on-call resources. Our detachment has a significant volunteer base of ap- proximately 300 volunteers who dedicate themselves to RCMP programs such as Citizens on Patrol, Citizens Bike Patrol, Speed Watch, Block Watch, Auxiliaries, etc. Our de- tachment's file intake in 2006 was 32,988 files. Awards We were the recipients of our tenth consecutive GFOA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular An- nual Financial Reporting. In order to receive this award, a government unit must publish a Popular Annual Financial Report whose contents conform to program standards creativity, presentation, understandability, and reader appeal. We were the recipients of our sixteenth consecutive GFOA Canadian Award for Financial Reporting. In order receive this award, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized annual finan- cial report, whose contents conform to program stan- dards. Such reports should go beyond the minimum re- quirements of generally accepted accounting principles and demonstrate an effort to clearly municipal govern- ments and address user needs. Our Youth Councils (Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows) won the Provincial Youth Week Award for 2006. This award is given to individuals or groups in recognition of their outstanding community service. The Communications & Human Resources Department received the United Way Gold Award for their very successful fund-raising endeavour for the District, which raised a total of $28,792. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 41 ummary of Services & Regional Relationships The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge is the sixth oldest and eleventh largest (by land size) of the 149 municipalities in British Columbia. It is responsi- ble for the provision of a wide variety of local government services. These include: • Building Permits • Business Licensing • Bylaw Establishment and Enforcement • Domestic Animal Control • Drainage • Emergency Preparedness • Heritage • Land Use Planning • Library Facilities • Parks, except for Golden Ears Park, which is a Provincial Government responsibility, and IKanaka Creek Regional Park, which is a Greater Vancouver Regional District responsibility • Police and Fire Protection • Recreation & Cultural Facilities and Programs • Sanitary Sewer Collection System • Transportation network (roads, bridges, street cleaning, sidewalks, street lighting, etc. - except portions of the Lougheed Highway [#7] which fall under Provincial Government responsibility) • Waterworks Distribution System Typical local government services that are not an assumed responsibility of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge include: • Flood Control (Provincial Government and Local Dyking Districts) • Garbage Collection (Private Operation) • Hospital Care Systems (Provincial Government) • Library Collection and Distribution System (Fraser Valley Regional Library) • Real Property Assessments (Provincial Government) • Sanitary Landfill (Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District) • School System (Provincial Government and Local School Board) • Sewage Treatment (Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District) • Social and Health Programs (Provincial Government) • Water Collection and Purification (Greater Vancouver 'Fater District) The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge is represented on the following Regional Boards, which provide a variety of services for Maple Ridge residents. • Fraser Valley Regional Library (FVRL) - A regionalized library collection and distribution system that provides all of the operational aspects of a library system. The members must provide the local facilities. Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) - Provides air quality management, transportation planning, regional housing, regional parks (their Kanaka Creek estuary and linear park is located within the Maple Ridge boundaries), labour relations for local government employees, and administration of the 9-1-1 emergency telephone system. • Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS & DD) - Provides sewerage transfer and treatment on a regional basis, and the disposal of solid waste. • Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority! TransLink (GVTA) - Responsible for the integration of transit and road networking with regard to transportation and land use. TransLink is headed by local governments, allowing the decision-making to focus on local concerns. • Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD) - Responsible for acquiring the water, maintaining the supply, ensuring its quality, and delivering it to the member municipalities for distribution by local systems. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 42 ummary of Services & Regional Relationships The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge obtains services from the following inter-municipal organizations: B. C. Assessment Authority (BCAA) - The mandate of BC Assessment is to establish and maintain an independent, uniform, and efficient real- property assessment system throughout British Columbia in accordance with the Assessment Act. The Act requrtes that BC Assessment produce annual rolls with assessments at market value. • B. C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BCSPCA) - Contract to provide domestic animal pound and shelter and to operate a large animal pound as required. B. C. Transit Authority - The Municipal Systems Program is provided through a partnership between BC Transit, local government, and a transit management company. BC Transit is responsible for the provision of funding, vehicles, professional planning, marketing services, contract administration, service audits, and financial accounting. The Municipality shares in the funding responsibilities, approves all service plans and tariffs, accounts for revenue, and maintains all transit facilities (such as bus stops, exchanges, shelters, and benches). The operating company is responsible for the employment of drivers and mechanics, and the operation of the service approved by the municipality. • Municipal Finance Authority (MFA) - A provincial organization that provides for marketing, placement, and administration of all Municipal debt requirements (except the City of Vancouver). This Authority also operates an investment pool on behalf of municipalities. Municipal Insurance Association (MLA) - The Municipality is a Subscribed member of the Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia The "Exchange") as provided by Section 3.02 of the Insurance Act of the Province of British Columbia. The main purpose of the Exchange is to pool the risks of liability so as to lessen the impact upon any Subscriber. Under the Reciprocal Insurance Exchange Agreement the Municipality is assessed a premium and specific deductible for its claims based on population. • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) - Contract with the Federal Government to provide police services (police officers); the Municipality provides the clerical support services and facilities. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge issues the property tax notices and acts as a collection agent for all property taxes. The following organizations' levies are contained on the Municipal Property Tax Notice; however, the Municipal Council does not have control or responsibility over their levy, expenditures or operation, except as a voting member: • Ministry of Education - Provincial Government School • Greater Vancouver Regional District system (Residential and Non-Residential) - • Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority /Trans Link A Kindergarten to Grade 12 system that serves students • Provincial Government - School Taxes in public schools and independent schools. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 43 Message from the Corporate Finance Officer I am pleased to present, on behalf of the Finance Department, the 2006 Annual Report for the Dis- trict of Maple Ridge in accordance with Section 167 of the British Columbia Cornenuniy Char/en This report includes the Audit Report from BDO Dunwoody, LLP, the Consolidated Financial Statements and supplementary information for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006. The District is committed to providing financial reports that enhance stakeholder trust. The following analysis provides information in support of the 2006 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements and is intended to enhance under- standing of some of the major factors that affected our B- nancial position. The District is responsible for the accuracy of the data and the completeness and fairness of presentation, including all disclosures. The report provides readers with an overview of ongoing financial and operational performance. The District was awarded the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting for its 2005 Annual Report. This is the 16 th con- secutive year the District has received this award; estab- lished to encourage local governments throughout Canada to publish high quality financial reports. The purpose of the Annual Report is to provide insight into the financial results for our fiscal year ended December 31, 2006. The report is divided into three sections for your convenience: Introcluctort Section - Provides an overview of Council's strategic direction and the economic and administrative context the District operates in. FinancialSection - Presents the Consolidated Financial Statements, accompanying notes and supplementary in- formation, and the independent auditor's report. Statistics Section - Presents statistical and financial infor- mation on a multi-year comparative basis. Local government financial statements are intended to assist readers to evaluate how public resources are being managed. They compare the deployment of financial resources against budget and past performance. As re9uired under British Columbia's Community Charter, this Annual Report contains comprehensive information about the goals and objectives within the focus areas identified by Council in their Strategic Plan. The 2006 Progress Report, on page 10, communicates per- formance towards the achievement of these goals and ob- jectives during 2006. We will continue to measure our per- formance in these areas and communicate results each year. 2006 in Review 2006 was the first full year of Mayor and Council's three- year mandate. At the start of their term in office, Mayor and Council identified the strategic areas they wanted to focus on. These included establishing a long-term vision for the community, enhancing the vitality and safety of the down- town, building relationships, and finding ways to pay for it all. The following are a few of the 2006 accomplishments that support their focus areas: • Adopted a new Official Community Plan (OCP) • Introduced tax incentives for eligible properties in the Downtown • Replaced one-third of the District's vehicle fleet with hybrid vehicles • In cooperation with the School District, constructed a Lacrosse box at Maple Ridge Secondary School and a second artificial turf sportsfield at Wesrview Secondary School. • Worked with the Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Com- mission to create an Economic Development Strategy • Acc1uired $2M of parkiand • Invested $2M in upgrades to our roads network • Worked with community agencies to pursue senior gov- ernment funding in support of social issues Local Economic Climate The economic outlook in British Columbia remains posi- tive; unemployment rates are at record low levels and 34% of BC firms expect to hire more full time staff over the next year. Economists are predicting that BC's economy will grow by approximately 3% in 2007 and 2008 with much of that growth driven by the construction industry. Maple Ridge can expect to be impacted by some of the ma- jor construction projects underway. The Golden Ears and Pitt River Bridge projects will improve the transportation corridors in the area and ease traffic flows into and out of the community. Real estate experts are predicting that Ma- ple Ridge property values could increase by up to 20% as the area becomes more accessible. The construction under- way for the 2010 Olympics is responsible for increased competition for workers skilled in the construction of infra- structure such as roads and other networks commonly built by governments. This is driving cost increases and makes it challenging to schedule projects. In 2006 Maple Ridge continued to benefit from the brisk pace of local development. Over 17,000 building permits Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 44 Message from the Corporate Finance Officer were issued with an estimated construction value in excess of $250 million as compared to $109 miffion in 2005. The increase over 2005 construction values is driven primarily by a dramatic increase in the number of multi-unit dweffings under construction. Maple Ridge Construction Values 300 250 200 U) C 0 150 100 50 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Maple Ridge issued over 4,000 business licences in 2006, a 4% increase over the number issued in 2005. Licences are issued for commercial, home-based, and non-residential businesses. The proportion of licences for each category has remained fairly consistent over the past five years with ap- proximately 35% commercial, 39% home-based and 26% non-residential, indicating that Maple Ridge has a relatively stable and diverse economic base. Risk Management Risks to Municipal operations are assessed on an ongoing basis and risk management strategies are revised or devel- oped in response to experience, changes in operations or relevant legislation. Maple Ridge insures its operations through a combination of risk transfer through purchased insurance, membership in the Municipal Insurance Asso- ciation (vflA) and risk retention through the use of self in- surance reserves. The following discussion identifies risks that could impact the District's financial position or future operations. Interest Rate Risk The District has a large holding of portfolio investments. The interest earned on these holdings helps to offset the ef- fects of inflation on capital and other projects. Changes in interest rates could impact expected earnings. The District's Investment Policy uses conservative long-range planning to ensure that adequate funding is available for projects when needed. Regional Partnerships Maple Ridge provides sewer and water services to residents through its membership in the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and related entities. The District does not control the financial operations of the GVRD, but is pro- portionately responsible for their costs through annual lev- ies and service payments. Changes in the financial needs of these entities can impact the user fees charged to Maple Ridge taxpayers. Wherever possible, Maple Ridge attempts to smooth the potential impacts of cost increases from the regional district through the use of a rate stabilization pol- icy. This policy factors the effects of long-range regional plans into annual rates. Disaster Recovep Maple Ridge operations could be impacted by disasters such as a pandemic, natural disaster or technology failure. An Emergency Preparedness plan is in place and the District's Emergency Operations Centre is activated when needed, to respond to events such as the storms experienced in the win- ter of 2006. Maple Ridge is expected to be impacted by flood- ing during the 2007 spring freshet. In order to mitigate the potential impact of flooding, extensive preparations are being made to ensure that the District is ready to respond to the event and that Maple Ridge residents have access to informa- tion on how they can prepare for the possible event. Steps have been taken to ensure the recovery of data in the event of a technology failure and further work is planned on our In- formation Technology Disaster Recovery plan for 2007. The Business and Financial Planning Process Maple Ridge has developed comprehensive Business Plan- ning Guidelines for use in the financial planning process. These guidelines are updated on an annual basis and are in- tended to assist Council with the difficult task of resource allocation. Departmental business plans communicate alignment with the corporate strategic plan and identify: • Goals and objectives • Essential core business and service levels • Resource distribution (financial and human) • Performance measures • Capital program and associated operating costs • Potential new revenue sources • Incremental spending programs The financial planning process is also guided by a Financial Sustainability Plan, a group of 13 policies designed to posi- tion the District to meet financial obligations while ensuring that residents can look forward to equitable and affordable taxation. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 45 Message from the Corporate Finance Officer Business and Financial Plan review sessions are open to the public and opportunities are provided for the public to ask questions of Council on decisions or to make submissions on all programs. Under the British Columbia Comrnuniy Charter the District is required to adopt a Five Year Financial Plan. This long-.term approach to financial planning allows Council and the community to consider the impact that current decisions will have on future financial flexibility. Council adopts a fi- nancial plan for the subsequent five years each December, based on the best information available at the time. The plan is updated each May, prior to setting the tax rates, to reflect any changes that have occurred since the last plan was adopted. The 2006-2010 Financial Plan was based on the following key assumptions, all of which were discussed at Council meetings open to the public: • The assessment base would experience real growth of 2.75% in 2006; 2.5% in 2007 and 2.35% thereafter. • Property tax revenues would increase by 475% in 2006 and 2007; by 4% in 2008 through 2010. • The Fire Improvement Levy would increase by $600,000 plus growth each year. • Sewer and Water Utility rates would increase by 6% each year. These assumptions were incorporated into a financial plan that provided for the retention of existing service levels and the implementation of some initiatives in support of Coun- cil's focus areas. Some key decisions incorporated into the plan include: Addition of 10 police officers over three years • Initiation of the Business Improvement Area • Support for Corporate Succession Planning 0 Provision for staff in key areas experiencing shortages The 2006-20 10 Financial Plan also began to address an issue all Municipalities across Canada are facing: infrastructure sustainability. Starting in 2008, 1 % of approved tax in- creases will be directed towards this issue, allowing Maple Ridge to begin to close the gap between current in- frastructure renewal spending and the levels needed to maintain our infrastructure as it ages. Financial Review - Overview The Consolidated Financial Statements are required under the British Columbia Community Chatter Section 167, and are prepared in accordance with generally accepted ac- counting principles for local governments, as recommended by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Ca- nadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. The Consoli- dated Financial Statements include the operations of the General, Water, Sewer, Capital and Reserve Funds, and the District's wholly owned subsidiaries CDMR Developments Ltd. and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd (MRMH Ltd). The following discussion and analysis of the District's fi- nancial performance provides an overview of the financial activities and position for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006. It is supplementary information to the financial statements and should he read in conjunction with the Con- solidated Financial Statements, accompanying notes, and supplemental information. Financial statements in the public sector serve as a central feature of local government financial reporting. They report a local government's actual financial activities in comparison to planned activities and the resulting financial condition of the local government. They are not intended to replace a va- riety of other financial reports used in planning, analysis and decision making, nor are they intended to be the sole meas- ure of government performance in the period; but rather, present financial information that is useful in evaluating the local government's financial condition at the end of the ac- counting period and its financial performance during the ac- counting period. The External Audit Included in the Financial Statements is a report prepared by the external auditor, BDO Dunwoody LLP. The role of the external auditor is to present an independent opinion as to the fair presentation of the District's financial position and operating results as contained in the Financial Report, and confirm that the financial statements are free from any ma- terial misstatements. The auditor is responsible for advising management and the Audit and Finance Committee of any control or operational items that may have been identified during the audit procedure. The Audit and Finance Committee is a committee selected by Council to manage the financial and business affairs of the District. The Committee operates under adopted Terms of Reference. In accordance with the Terms of Reference, Council appoints three Councillors; the Mayor is a member ex-officio. Meetings are open to the public except for those items deemed to be "in camera" and Council must, by reso- lution, receive the minutes from the committee meetings. The Committee is responsible for appointing/dismissing the external auditor, reviewing the terms of engagement, fees, and scope of the audit and any non-audit services con- tracted, and evaluating the performance of the auditor. The Committee also reviews any reports, the Management Letter and reports and financial statements of the wholly owned companies. The Committee has the authority to request Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 46 Message from the Corporate Finance Officer from management or the Director of Finance specific re- ports or analysis. It is authorized to request the presence of other staff to report or answer questions on financial mat- ters. The Financial Statements: The Consolidated Financial Statements are reviewed and approved by the Audit and Finance Committee. The second and third quarter consolidated financial results are also made available to the committee. In addition, the committee meets periodically with the external auditor and man- agement to discuss the auditor's Management letter, the scope and timing of the annual audit and, to determine whether specific findings or other related matters need fur- ther investigation or audit. Financial Statement Composition General Revenue [S, enereICapital Utilities Revenue ilities Capital Subsidiary Companies bsidiary Companies Reserve Funds Reserve Accounts Statement 3 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements From a financial perspective, the results for 2006 are posi- tive. The year ended without the Net Debt that was pro- jected in the financial plan. Revenues exceeded expenditures by $5M compared with a projected deficiency of $1 6M. The District's Reserve Balances increased by $3M to a total of $42M. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles require that the actual financial results be compared to the budget that is adopted annually before setting the tax rates. Council adopted that budget in May of 2006. The following is an analysis of the 2006 financial statements and selected supplemental financial information. The dollars quoted are approximate and are intended to account only for the major part of variances being discussed. Some key highlights are: • Net Financial Assets increased to $4M representing an improvement in financial position of $5M compared to a planned decline of $16M. • Municipal long-term debt decreased by $2M to a total of $48M. • Unused annual debt servicing capacity based on our cur- rent financial condition is $10.9M. Statement A - Page 58 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position This statement reports the financial assets and liabilities of the District. The difference between financial assets and total liabilities is Net Financia/Assets if positive and Net Debt if negative. This figure provides the District with an indicator of financial flexibility and of future revenue requirements to finance activities and meet fi- nancial commitments. Financial Assets: The District has a Net Financial Asset position of $4M as at December 31, 2006. The change from the Net Debt of 2005 is discussed in more detail in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities (Statement B). Cash and investments have increased by $13M through earnings ($5M) and deposits for work to be done in the future ($8M) Development Charges receivable increased by $4 M. These receivables are fully secured and are typically con- verted to cash within 2 years, exposing the District to no collection risk. Liabilities: • The liability for future employee benefits increased to $4M. The amount was actuarially determined for 2006. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 47 Message from the Corporate Finance Officer This liability will be settled over the longer term and does not impose an immediate claim on cash flow. The Mortgage liability of $17M at December 31, 2005 representing the amount recorded in the ledger of Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. (MRMH Ltd) was re- placed with debenture debt of $16M assumed by the District in 2006. It is related to the acquisition of the commercial portion of the Town Centre Development properties. As discussed in "Reserves" in section 6 there were a number of capital projects ($16M) intended for com- pletion by December 31, 2006; which would have been funded by reserves and Revenue Funds. Had these pro- jects completed by December 31, 2006 they would have decreased cash and therefore Net Debt would have also been increased to $12M. Statement B - Page 59 Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities This statement reports the extent to which revenues raised in 2006 were sufficient to meet expenditures in 2006. It shows whether the District has met its expendi- tures with revenues, by incurring liabilities or by drawing on existing financial assets. Consolidated Revenue (Statement B) Compared topreztiousyear (2005) • General taxation revenue increased by $4M through a combination of higher tax rates, and growth of the assessment roll. • User fees and other revenue increased by $2M. Most of this can be attributed to growth and building related activines. • Since development revenues and senior govern- ment grants are often linked to capital expendi- tures most change in these revenues are related to changes in capital expenditure. • Investment income was up due in part to a lar- ger portfolio; however, the market value of these investments remains below carrying value, which may necessitate a write down in 2007. There is virtually no risk of not recovering the face value of these investments over the longer term as they are guaranteed by other govern- ments or major Canadian banks. Consolidated Revenue (Statement B) Compared to budget (2006) As in previous years, there were large variances be- tween budget and actual and, as in previous years, a large part of this difference was related to the capi- tal program. Development fees (earned DCC'S) and Capital grants were budgeted based on the expected completion of capital projects. As the capital expen- ditures did not occur there was no corresponding revenue recognized. This condition contributed to an unfavorable variance of about $IOM. Consolidated Expenditures (Statement B) Compared topreziousyear (2005) Consolidated expenditures are comprised of both operating and capital expenditures. It is useful to discuss each separately as Council considers the budget and funding sources separately. Statement 1 reports on operating expenditures and Statement 2 reports on capital expenditures. Consolidated Expenditures (Statement B) Compared to budget (2006) The consolidated financial activities for 2006 reflect a positive variance of $21M compared to budget. The main contributor to this variance is the level of capital expenditures. Actual expenditures were much less than forecast when the Consolidated Fi- nancial Plan was adopted. Capital expenditures were $24M as compared to a budget of $50M. (See Seg- ment Report for functional comparisons - Page 68). Statement C - Page 60 Consolidated Statement of Change in Cash and Temporary Investments This statement represents financial resources (cash and investments of less than one year) that are available in the short term to satisfy debt obligations and expendi- tures. The change in cash and short-term investments is linked to, but is not identical with, the excess of revenue over expenditures. For example, when cash is received for refundable deposit, cash is increased but revenue is not. The District's cash position decreased by $4M in 2006; this was due to a change in investment strategy which saw longer term portfolio investments increase by $17M. The increase in portfolio investments can be attributed to: • A change in investment strategy $4M • Excess of Revenue over Expenditures $5M • Increase in DCC cash collections $5M • Prepayments and other Deposits $3M Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 48 Message from the Corporate Finance Officer Statement 1 - Page 78 Statement of Changes in Operating Fund Balances Operating Expenditures Compared toprezious5ear (2005) The overall increase in expenditure levels was about 7% but there were a couple of exceptional areas of increased costs: • Protective Services costs continued to increase as more full-time firefighters were hired, as out- lined in the Fire Department Master Plan (11%). • Water purchase costs were up due to both in- creased consumption and rates (19%). Operating Expenditures Compared to budget (2006) Operating expenditures were below budget in most areas due to staffing shortages; the current labour market making it increasingly difficult to recruit staff. In addition, the RCMP complement was lower than expected resulting in savings in Protective Ser- vices costs. Statement 2 - Page 79 Statement of Changes in Capital Fund Balances Capital Expenditures Compared topreviousyear (2005) Excluding developer contributed subdivisions, capi- tal activity increased overall only slightly from last year. The notable exceptions were: • Protective services increase of $1M over 2005. The increase can be attributed to the expendi- ture incurred for the renovation of the Randy Herman Community Safety Building. • Recreation and culture increase of $2M over 2005. Construction of the artificial turf field at Westview Secondary and the acquisition of park- land account for the increase. Capital Expenditures Compared to budget (2006) Actual 2006 capital expenditures fell short of budget by $26 Million. This variance, although large, is in line with the District's experience in most years and can be attributed to a number of factors including pending agreements with other agencies and extended negotiation times associated with many land acquisitions. 6 Other 2006 Fund Balances: i) Operating Fund (Statement 1) - Page 78 The Operating fund ba]ances of $9M (as shown on Statement 1) are detailed in the notes to the finan- cial statements under "sigmficanr accounting policies. "These funds represent financial assets available to the District which have not been ear- marked by Council for specific future use. Capital Fund (Statement 2) - Page 79 This fund is in a surplus position of $0.4M due to unapplied borrowing proceeds related to the re- financing of the Mortgage liability in 2006. Reserve Accounts and Funds (Statement 3) —Page 80 Reserve Funds are permitted by statute and are usu- ally restricted for capital purposes. A Reserve Fund is established through Council bylaw and segregates assets for the purposes of the fund. These totaled $28M as at December 31, 2006. Reserve Accounts are distinguished in the way they are created. Reserve Accounts are appropriations of surplus established informally and generally associ- ated with the operating program. These totaled $14M as at December 31, 2006. Interest is allocated to the Reserves based on their balance after considering amounts due from them for capital expenditures incurred to date on their behalf. The District has set aside and managed by corpo- rate policy Reserve Accounts and Reserve Funds for over 30 years. It is these reserves that have en- abled the District to manage the needs of a growing community. There is $42M in various reserves at year-end; how- ever, some of that amount is related to capital pro- jects, as discussed previously, which were not completed before December 31, 2006. Had these projects been completed as budgeted, the Reserve balances would have been reduced by approxi- mately $14M and Net Debt increased similarly. Assessment of Trends As shown on the chart below, Net Financial Assets have declined from $14M in 2001 to $4M in 2006. This was a planned reduction to acquire physical assets including the Arts Centre and Theatre, an expanded Leisure and Youth Centre, the Planet Ice Arenas and Ridge Meadows Seniors Centre. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 49 Message from the Corporate Finance Officer Based on current projections, we expect our financial po- sition to move into Net Debt for the next five years. These projections are based, however, on the premise that all capi- tal expenditures will occur as planned. Based on past experi- ence, this does not typically occur but it is important to keep in mind the impact of the financial plan on our fi- nancial position. Financial Position 20 - 15 -- -- 10 0 VE 2004 -15 Actual Projected Outlook In December of 2006 Council adopted a financial plan that incorporated an aggressive capital program for 2007-2011 intended to address a number of infrastructure needs in the District. If the program is completed as planned the Dis- trict's net fmancial position will move into Net Debt for the next five year planning horizon. Overall, the District's financial condition remains strong, with continued growth expected in the assessment base, po- tential revenues from the sale of surplus land holdings and available debt servicing capacity. Challenges that we continue to monitor and address in our financial plans include: • Increases in operating costs due to growth. A predominately residential assessment base that has historically grown more rapidly than the commercial and industrial sector. A declining ratio of general taxation invested in capital. • Increasing costs from the GVRD for water and sewer. • Strategies to attract investment in commercial & busi- ness properties to shift the tax burden. • Providing for the future replacement of infrastructure • Recruiting and retaining staff in the current labour mar- ket. • Adapting to new PSAB guidelines and reporting models. Conclusion Maple Ridge continues to demonstrate its commitment and expertise in financial management as demonstrated by being awarded the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting for the 16th consecutive year. Some of the major initiatives to be undertaken in 2007 are: • Development of a plan for municipal land in Silver Val- ley. • Implementation of a Gravel strategy on municipal lands. • Continued implementation of the Fire Department Mas- ter Plan. • Addition of five new RCMP officers. • Revitalization of the downtown area in cooperation with the Downtown Property Owners Association. • Parkland acquisition for a growing population. • Implementation of the Economic Development Strategy. • Continuation of succession planning in preparation for expected staff departures due to retirement. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank mem- bers of Council, the Corporate Management Team and all Municipal employees for their support in achieving the 2006 results. I would also like to acknowledge the Communica- tions Department's help in publishing this report. The rea- son for our success is the strong commitment to excellence by our employees in all that they do. Paul Gill, BBA, CGA General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Corporate Finance Officer May 7, 2007 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 50 Introduction to Financial Statements The Accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements and all other financial information included within this fmancial report are the responsibility of the management of the District of Maple Ridge. The District's Financial Statements contained in this report have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles and disclosure requirements of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants guidelines contained in the Public Sector Accounting and Auditing Standards Manual. The Director of Finance is responsible for submitting annually to the Audit Committee and Council audited fi- nancial statements. These financial statements include the consolidated results of the District of Maple Ridge for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2006. The preparation of the annual financial statements is the responsibility of the Finance Department; this includes the preparation of working papers and providing support and related financial information to external auditors during the year-end audit. The Consolidated Financial Statements of the District of Maple Ridge provide important information about the overall financial condition of the District. The purpose of the consolidated financial statements is to present the effects of transactions of the District taking into consideration the accounting for all District Funds, MRMH Ltd., and CDMR Developments Ltd. The audited 2006 Consolidated Financial Statements for the District include: District Financial Statements: • Management's Responsibility for Financial Reporting • Auditors' Report • Significant Accounting Policies • Consolidated Statement of Financial Position • Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities • Consolidated Statement of Change in Cash and Temporary Investments • Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements • Consolidated Report of Segmented Revenue and Expenditure • Statement of Changes in Operating Fund Balances • Statement of Changes in Capital Fund Balances • Statement of Changes in Reserve Balances • Schedule of Property and Equipment • Debenture Debt • Tax Levies • User Fees and Other Charges • Schedule of Development Revenue • Senior Government Transfers • Continuity Schedule of Restricted Revenues • Schedule of Planning, Public Health and Other • Transportation Services • General Government Expenses • Schedule of Protective Services • Schedule of Sewer and Water Utilities • Schedule of Recreation & Cultural Revenue and Expenditures • Continuity Schedule of Reserves Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 51 Management's Responsibility For Financial Reporting The information in this Annual Report is the responsibility of management. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles as outlined under "Significant Accounting Policies" on pages 3 to 5. These include some amounts based on management's best estimates and careful judgment. Management maintains a system of internal accounting controls to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and that transactions are authorized, recorded, and reported properly. Management also administers a program of proper business compliance. BDO Dunwoody LLP, the Municipality's independent auditors, has audited the accompanying financial statements. Their report accompanies this statement. Council carries out its responsibility for the consolidated financial statements principally through its Audit Committee. The Committee meets with management nine times on a scheduled basis and at least semi-annually with BDO Dunwoody LLP to review their activities and to discuss auditing, internal control, accounting policy, and financial reporting matters. BDO Dunwoody LLP has unrestricted access to the Municipality, the Audit Committee, and Council. The Audit Committee reviews the consolidated financial statements with management prior to submission to Council for approval. It also reviews the recommendations of the independent auditors for improvements to controls and as well as the actions of management to implement such recommendations. / Paul Gill, CGA Jim Rule General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Chief Administrative Officer Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 52 I BDO Doawsedy LLP coartsrsd Accoustatos 800 Cathedral PLace - 925 W Geargia St Vazotwsr, BC Casads,V8C 312 Teephcae: (664) 638-5421 Teistac: (604) 638-5132 Audftors Report To the Mayor and Councillors of the Corporation of the District of Map Is Ridge We have audited the Cedated Statsmer,t of Financid Position of the Corporation of the Drstriot of Maple Ridge as at Deteisber 31, 2006 and the Consolidated Stace.rnenls of Pinanoial Activities and Change in Cash and Temporary Investments for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the frict's mamigemenL Cur responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit We conducted our audit in acccrdarrce With: Canadian generally accepted auditing standards Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonatle assurance wtwther the finanoil staternerds are free of material niastalemerk An audit includes examining, on a test basIs, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the fInancial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accountIng principles used end significant estimates made by management, as vsll as evakating the overail financial statement presentation. In our opinion, these financiai statements present fairly, in all matenal respects, the financial position of the District as at December31 2005 and the results of its operations and Its cash flows fcc the year then ended ut accordance with Canadian generally accounting principles. Our auth was made for the purpose of forming an opinios on the consolIdated financial statements taken as a whole, The suppfementary information included in the Segment Repct and in Statements I through 3 and Schedules I through 14 is presented for purposes of additional analysis. Sucth supplementary information has been subectd to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the consolidated financial statements and, in ow - opinion is fir1y staled, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated financial statements taken as a wliole Information In the Ststistics Section is prepared without audit 2?i L/J Chartered Accountants Vancouver, British Cclw'nhra March 14, 2067 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 53 Significant Accounting Policies For the year ended December 31, 2006 (a) Reporting Entity and Basis of Consolidation These financial statements have been prepared using recommendations issued by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. They consolidate the activities of the General, Water and Sewer, Operating and Capital Funds, the Reserve Funds, and Municipality's wholly owned subsidiaries C.D.M.R. Developments Ltd. and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. The operating activities of the subsidiary companies are included in the General Revenue Fund and the Capital activities of the subsidiary companies are included in the General Capital Fund. Operating Funds - As at December 31, 2006 the fund balances were as follows: 2006 2005 General Revenue Fund Sewer Revenue Fund Water Revenue Fund Capital Funds - As at December 31, 2006 the fund balances (deficiencies) were as follows: General Capital Fund Sewer Capital Fund Water Capital Fund Reserves - As at December 31, 2006 this balance was comprised of the balances shown in Schedule 14. Reserve Funds Total Fund Balances Long Term Liabilities - These liabilities are incurred to fund capital expenditures Debenture Debt - comprised of the debts shown on Schedule 2 Mortgage Liability $ 2,442,301 $ 4,203,057 3,401,602 4,021,712 3,353,988 2,846,785 9,197,891 11,071,554 393,749 (561,934) - (1,065,268) - (10.961) 393,749 (1,638,163) 42,062,019 39.385.306 51,653,659 48,818,697 (47,737,412) (33,051,518) - (16,726,326 Long Term Liabilities (47,737.412) (49,777,844) Net Assets (Debt) $ 3,916,247 S( 959,147) (b) AccrualAccounting The accrual method for reporting revenues and expenditures has been used. Revenues are recorded in the period they are earned. Expenditures are recorded as the cost of goods or services in the period they are obtained. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 54 Significant Accounting Policies For the year ended December 31, 2006 Revenue recognition Taxation Annual levies for non-optional municipal services and general administrative services are recorded as Taxes for municipal purposes. Levies imposed by other taxing authorities are not included as Taxes for municipal purposes. Taxes are recognized as revenue in the year they are levied. Through the British Columbia Assessments appeal process Taxes may be adjusted by way of supplementary roll adjustments. The affects of these adjustments on Taxes are recognized at the time they are awarded. User fees and other re venue Charges for sewer and water usage are recorded as User fees and other revenue. Senior governm ent transfers Unconditional grant revenue is recognized when it is received. Conditional grant revenue is recognized to the extent the conditions imposed on it have been fulfilled. Development revenue Receipts which are restricted by the legislation of senior governments or by agreement with external panics are reported as Restricted Revenues at the time they are received. When qualifying expenditures are incurred restricted revenues are brought into revenue as Development revenue. Restricted Revenues are comprised of the amounts and transactions shown on Schedule 7. Investment Income The Municipality invests in pooled funds of the Municipal Finance authority of British Columbia. Earnings of these funds are allocated to the members from time to time based on the market value of the pool. The Municipality recognizes only its share of the realized earnings of the pool. This revenue is recorded as investment income and the amount is added to the cost of the units held. To the extent that fmancial instruments have no stated rate of return investment income is recognized as it is received. Local Improvement Revenue The Municipality records capital expenditures for property and equipment funded by local improvement agreements as they are incurred. Revenues are recognized as Development revenue at the time of the expenditures to the extent that they will be recoverable. Local improvement levies subsequently imposed under the agreement are recorded as User fees and other revenue for the portion that pertains to a carrying charge. Proceeds from disposal ofproperty and equ1pment Proceeds from the sale of tangible Property and equipment are recognized as revenue at the time of sale. Consolidated expenditures Consolidated expenditures reported on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position are reported by function and include operating, capital and interest costs and are net of internal equipment allocations. Reporting by object (type) of expenditure is included in the Segment Report. Property and equlpment Property and equipment purchased or constructed and work in process are reported as capital expenditures and are classified according to their functional use. Property and equipment donated are reported at fair market value at the time of the donation. Accumulated capital expenditures, net of disposals, are reported on Schedule 1. Depreciation is not recorded. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 55 Significant Accounting Policies For the year ended December 31, 2006 Subdivision infrastructure Subdivision streets, lighting, sidewalks, drainage, and other infrastructure are rec1uired to be provided by subdivision developers. Upon completion they are turned over to the Municipality. The Municipality is not involved in the construction and does not budget for either the contribution from the developer nor the capital expenditure in its financial plan. The budget figures presented on the financial statements are equal to the value of infrastructure turned over to the Municipality during the year. Use of esthnates/measuremenr uncertainty The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenditures during the reporting period. Significant areas requiring use of management estimates relate to the determination of employee future benefits, the outcome of litigation and claims, and the percentage of completion of building and subdivision inspections. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The Municipality monitors and treats contaminates produced at a solid waste landfill site it closed in 1989. The eventual expenditures the Municipality intends to incur related to the site are not determinable and no accrual for them has been recorded. Monitoring and treatment expenditures are recognized as they are made. Budget figures The budget figures used are based on the five year financial plan adopted May 9, 2006. Contributed subdivision infrastructure for 2006 has been added to the adopted financial plan amounts in order to better demonstrate comparability with the actual results. Financial instruments The Municipality's financial instruments consist of cash and temporary investments, portfolio investments, accounts receivable, recoverable local improvements, other assets, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, refundable performance deposits, mortgage liability, other assets, and debenture debt. Unless otherwise indicated, it is management's opinion that the Municipality is not exposed to any significant interest, credit, or currency risks arising from these financial instruments. Investments Investments and pooled investments are reported using the cost method. Provisions for declines in the market value of investments are recorded when they are considered to be other than temporary. Declines in the market values of investments are considered to be other than temporary when the carrying value exceeds market value for more than three years. Cost share agreement The Municipality participates in a cost share agreement with the City of Pitt Meadows to provide all of the Recreation and cultural services and maintain all of the parks in both municipalities. The Municipality recognizes expenditures at their gross value and records the City of Pitt Meadows' contribution as revenue. (1) Basis of segmentation/Segment report The Municipality has adopted the new Public Sector Accounting Board recommendation requiring financial information to he provided on a segmented basis. Municipal services have been segmented by grouping activities that have similar services objectives (by function). Revenues that are directly related to the costs of the function have been attributed to each segment. Expenditures reported for each segment include an allocation for internal equipment charges. Interest is allocated to functions based on the purpose of specific borrowings. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 56 Statement A The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As at December 31, 2006 2006 2005 Financial Assets Cash and temporary investments (note 1) $ 28,066,766 $ 32,540,017 Portfolio investments (note 1) 67,030,331 49,985,738 Accounts receivable (note 2) 15,355,354 10,279,008 Recoverable local improvements (note 3) 814,774 1,382,647 Other assets (note 7) 611,828 1,000,530 111,879,053 95,187,940 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (note 5) 10,299,934 8,425,253 Deferred revenues 6,678,982 5,004,596 Restricted revenue (schedule 7) 36,699,742 27,252,397 Refundable performance deposits and other 2,631,336 2,099,223 Employee future benefits (note 8) 3,915,400 3,587,774 Mortgage liability (note 9) - 16,726,326 Debenture debt (note 6, schedule 2) 47,737,412 33,051,518 107,962,806 96,147,087 Net Financial Assets (Debt) $ 3,916,247 $ (959,147) Paul Gill, CGA Gordon W. Robson General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Mayor, District of Maple Ridge The notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement Contingencies, Commitments and Unrecognized Liabilities (Note 10) Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 57 Statement B The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Consolidated Statement of Financial Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Actual Budget Actual 2006 2006 2005 Revenue Taxes (schedule 3) Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu $ 75,308,285 Less: Collections for other authorities 33,086,948 Taxes for municipal purposes 42,221,337 42,343,437 38,946,352 User fees and other revenue (schedule 4) 24,568,587 22,930,485 22,337,116 Development revenue (schedule 5) 5,065,681 13,744,461 4,667,930 Senior government transfers (schedule 6) 2,487,939 3,456,888 2,291,237 Interest and investment income Investment income 1,991,210 Interest income 1,317,446 Less: Deferred amount (852,782) 2,455,874 2,455,874 1,794,996 2,271,515 Asset disposal proceeds and other gains 525,221 - 725,244 Contributed subdivision infrastructure 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 88,172,889 95,118,517 97,524,086 Expenditures (statements 1 and 2) Protective services 19,173,524 29,533,968 16,387,421 Transportation services 9,406,722 16,451,894 10,023,304 Recreation and cultural 17,872,291 21,845,722 15,419,618 Water utility 7,684,719 9,253,603 6,962,383 Sewer utility 5,981,985 8,274,568 6,258,777 General government 9,553,553 11,798,807 10,597,951 Planning, public health and other 2,607,170 3,651,778 2,293,164 Increase in allowance for investments 169,283 - - Subdivision infrastructure 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 83,297,497 111,658,590 94,227,310 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures 4,875,392 (16,540,073) 3,296,776 Principal Repaid (net of refinancing) (2,398,105) (2,338,296) (1,982,224) Debt Issued 357,675 - - Increase in Fund Balances 2,834,962 (18,878,369) 1,314,552 Fund Balances Beginning of the Year 48,818,697 48,818,697 47,504,145 Fund Balances End of the Year $ 51,653,659 $ 29,940,328 $ 48,818,697 The notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement Contingencies, Commitments and Unrecognized Liabilities (Note 10) Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 58 Statement C The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Consolidated Statement of Change in Cash and Temporary Investments For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Actual Actual 2006 2005 Cash and Temporary Investments Provided by (Used For): Operations: Excess (Deficiency) of Revenue over Expenditures Decrease (Increase) in Non-Cash Financial Assets Accounts receivable Recoverable local improvements Other assets Increase in Short Term Liabilities Accounts payable Deferred revenues Restricted revenues Employee future benefits Refundable performance deposits and other $ 4,875,392 $ 3,296,776 (5,076,347) (93,667) 567,873 299,954 388,702 (323,076) (4,119,772) (116,789) 1,874,683 185,825 1,674,387 894,229 9,447,345 3,240,678 327,626 416,172 532,114 162,083 13,856,155 4,898,987 Financing: Principal repaid Long term debt issued Investmg: (Increase) decrease in portfolio investments (Decrease) increase in Cash and Temporary Investments Cash and Temporary Investments - Beginning of Year Cash and Temporary Investments - End of Year (18,340,433) (1,982,224) 16,300,000 - (2,040,433) (1,982,224) (17,044,593) 2,094,742 (4,473,251) 8,191,492 32,540,017 24,348,525 $ 28,066,766 $ 32,540,017 The notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement Conungencics, Commitments and Unrecognized Liabilities (Note 10) Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 59 otes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Cash and Investments: Cash and Temporary Investments Cash and temporary investments as at December 31, 2006 were comprised as follows: 2006 2005 Cash $ 3,250,031 $ 8,205,507 Temporary Investments 24,816,735 24,334,510 $28,066,766 $32,540,017 Temporary Investments are bank term deposits and Guaranteed Investment Certificates with effective interest rates of 4.43% - 4.9%. Additionally, the Municipality holds temporary investments of $1,345,047 ($855,869 for 2005) and agreements receivable of $1,153,668 ($406,403 for 2005) for trusts which are not reported elsewhere in the financial statements. They are held for the following trusts: Balance Interest Balance Dec. 31, 2005 Earned Receipts Disbursements Dec. 31, 2006 Latecomer Fees $ $ - $ 131,004 $ 28,194 $ 102,810 Cemetery Perpetual Care 548,494 22,074 38,065 22,074 586,559 Greater Vancouver 713.778 - 2,048.997 953.429 1,809,346 Sewer & Drainage District S1.262,272 S 22,074 52,218,066 S1,003,697 $2,498,715 Portfolio Investments Portfolio investments include Provincial Government Bonds and Bank Notes with effective interest rates of 3.8— 4 .1%. They also include equity-based Bank Notes and pooled investment funds administered by the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia, neither of which has a stated rate of return. The carrying value of securities is based on the cost method whereby the cost of the security is adjusted to reflect investment income, which is accruing, and any permanent decline in market value. The carrying value of Portfolio Investments, net of an allowance of $169,283 (Nil for 2005), at December 31, 2006 was $67,030,331 ($49,985,738 for 2005). The market value at December 31, 2006 was $65,910,491 ($48,780,688 for 2005), included in this amount is $7,500,000 ($7,500,000 for 2005) for securities shown at cost for investments for which there is no active market. Accounts Receivable: 2006 2005 Property Taxes $ 3,158,192 $ 3,384,389 Other Governments 881,928 610,224 General and Accrued Interest 2,585,841 1,781,517 Development Cost Charges 8,893.135 4,512,230 15,519,096 10,288,360 Less Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (163,742) (9.352) $15.355,354 S 10,279,008 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 60 otes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 3. Recoverable Local Improvements The Municipalhy provides interim financing for certain geographically localized capital projects. It recovers these amounts either from the benefiting property owners or from provincial subsidies. As at December 31, 2006 the recoverable balance was comprised as follows: 2006 2005 Recoverable from property owners Transportation and drainage projects $ $ 181,976 Local improvement fund projects 591,083 793,319 Sewerage projects 8,517 16.353 599,600 991,648 Recoverable from Province Sewerage projects 206,155 354,033 Water system projects 9,019 36,966 215,174 39099 81,382,647 Pension Plan The Municipality and its employees contribute to the Municipal Pension Plan (the "Plan"), a jointly trusted pension plan. The board of trustees, representing plan members and employers, is responsible for overseeing the management of the pension plan, including investment of the assets and administration of the benefits. The pension plan is a multi- employer contributory pension plan. Basic pension benefits provided are defined. The plan has about 130,000 active members and approximately 48,000 retired members. Active members include approximately 30,000 contributors from local governments. Every three years an actuarial valuation is performed to assess the financial position of the Plan and the adequacy of plan funding. The most recent valuation as at December 31, 2003 indicated an unfunded liability of $789 million for basic pension benefits. The next valuation will be as at December 31, 2006 with results available in 2007. The actuary does not attribute portions of the surplus to individual employers. The above disclosure represents the most current information at the time of the Municipality's 2006 financial audit. Employer contributions to the Plan for 2006 were $1,266,984 ($1,019,441 for 2005) they are included in consolidated operating expenditures. Employee contributions for 2006 were $1,145,208 ($941,983 for 2005). Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities: 2006 2005 Accounts Payable: General $ 2,893,433 $ 2,575,051 Other Governments 5,712,422 4,443,046 Salaries and Wages 915,846 863.700 9,521,701 7,881,797 Accrued Liabilities: Vacation Pay 503,234 399,234 Other vested benefits 274,999 144,222 778.233 543,456 $10,299,934 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 61 otes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Debenture Debt: Debt principal is reported net of Sinking Fund balances and interest expense is reported net of Sinking Fund earnings. During the year the Municipality discharged the Mortgage liability held with Toronto Dominion bank and replaced the liability with debenture debt in the amount of $16,300,000 from the Municipal Finance Authority. The Municipality carries no debt for others. The Debenture debt issued and outstanding as at December 31, 2006 was $47,737,412 (533,051,518 for 2005). The following debenture debt amounts plus related interest are payable over the next five years. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 $1,812,793 $1,794,001 $1,727,113 $1,760,031 $1,779,974 As at December 31, 2006 the Municipality has approved but un-issued debenture debt in the amount of $700,000 under Loan Authorization Bylaw 6246 which expires in 2011. Other Assets: Debt Reserve Fund: The Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia provides capital financing for regional districts and their member municipalities. The Authority is required to establish a Debt Reserve Fund. Each regional district, through its member municipalities who share in the proceeds of a debt issue, is required to pay into the Debt Reserve Fund certain amounts set out in the debt agreements. The Authority pays into the Debt Reserve Fund these monies from which interest eamed thereon less administrative expenses becomes an obligation to the regional districts. It must then use this fund, if at any time there are insufficient funds, to meet payments on its obligations. If this occurs, the regional districts may be called upon to restore the fund. Upon the maturity of a debt issue the unused portion of the Debt Reserve Fund established for that issue will be discharged to the Municipality. The Municipality has estimated that there is only a remote possibility that these funds will not be paid to it and therefore these funds have been included in Other Assets of $611,828 ($1,000,530 for 2005). Employee Future Benefits The Municipality provides employee future benefits in the form of severance benefits and vested and non-vested sick leave to qualifying employees. These benefits are not separately funded. Severance benefits are cash settlements paid to employees who cease their employment with the Municipality after a specified penod of time. Full time employees hired before February 11, 1999 qualify for five days pay per year of employment, provided they either work a minimum of twenty years with the Municipality or retire as defined by the Public Sector Pension Plan Act. Full time employees hired after February 11, 1999 qualify for twenty days pay provided they work a minimum of ten years with the Municipality and retire as defined by the Public Sector Pension Plan Act. The Municipality permits full time employees to accumulate up to 18 days per year of service for future illnesses up to a maximum of 250 days. For certain qualifying employees a portion of this benefit vests; for the balance this benefit does not vest and cannot be converted to any other type of benefit. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 62 otes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 An actuarial valuation of these benefits was performed to determine the Municipality's liability and accrued benefit obligation as at December 31, 2005 and updated for December 31, 2006. The valuation resulted in an unamortized actuarial gain of $59,100 at December 31, 2006. The benefit liability at December 31, 2006 was $3,915,400 ($3,587,774 for 2005) is comprised as follows: Benefit Liability— Beginning of the year $3,587,774 $3,171,602 Add (less): Unamortized actuarial gains (losses) 76,326 ________ Accrued benefit obligation - Beginning of the year 3,664,100 3,171,602 Add: Total liability related costs Current service costs 241,800 396,697 Interest on accrued benefit obligation 178,400 185,706 Amortization of actuarial losses (gains) 76,326 496,526 582,403 Less (Add): Liability related costs not increasing accrued benefit obligation - 76,326 - amortization of actuarial loss. Actuarial gain (loss) 59,100 (76,326) Benefits paid during the year 168,900 166,231 304,326 89,905 Accrued Benefit Obligation - End of the year 3,856,300 3,664,100 Add (less) Unamortized actuarial gains (losses) 59,100 (76.326) Benefit liability - end of the year $3,915,400 S3,5821114 Actuarial assumptions used to determine the Municipality's accrued benefit obligation are as follows: 2006 2005 Discount rate (long-term borrowing rate) 4.50% 5.65% Expected future inflation rate 2.50% 5.65% Merit and inflationary wage and salary increases averaging 4.55% 5.65% 9. Mortgage Liability During 2004 the Municipality's subsidiary company assumed a mortgage with the Toronto Dominion bank as part of the acquisition of the town centre properties. The mortgage amount ($16,692,115) plus accrued interest ($41,283) was assumed at a rate (6.5%) which was unfavorable in relation to borrowing rates which were prevalent at the time. The mortgage liability was revalued at the present value of the payments required under the mortgage using the Municipality's cost of borrowing. This resulted in an increase in the liability by $997,469 which was accounted for as a discount in proceeds received. The discount was amortized over the remaining term of the mortgage. The mortgage matured in November of 2006 and was refinanced with Municipal Finance Authority debenture debt at a rate of 4.99%. (Note 6) Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 63 otes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 The Mortgage Liability December 31, 2006 was Nil ($16,726,326 for 2005) comprised as follows: Interest Principal expense and payments and Balance amortization amortization Balance Dec 31. 2005 in 2006 in 2006 Dec 31, 2006 Mortgage Payable $16,284,106 $ 908,616 $16,284,106 $ - Discount 442.220 (442.220) 442,220 - Mortgage Liability 816,726,326 S 466,396_ S16,726,326 - 10. Contingencies, Commitments and Unrecognized Liabilities: Third Party Claims Where losses related to litigation are likely and can be reasonably estimated management accrues its best estimate of loss. For 2006 this estimate is $612,116 ($534,000 for 2005). The Municipality is further exposed to losses with respect to claims, the likelihood of which is not known. Management estimates that the exposure is approximately $63,000. This estimate is based on the deductible portion of insurance claims and on the mid-range of other non-insurable claims. Additional accounts payable, if any, will be recorded in the period they become determinable. Contractual Obligations (i) Sewer and Water Under cost sharing agreements with the Greater Vancouver Water District, the Municipality is committed to make annual payments as follows: Until the year 2007 totaling $20,223 plus related interest for the water reservoir on Dewdney Trunk Road at 2481h Street, the current annual payment is S87,149 including interest until 2007 when the payment terms are to be renegotiated. Until the year 2012 totaling $104,370 plus related interest for the water main joint 1. Current annual payment is $226,736 including interest until 2012. Under a cost sharing agreement with the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District, the Municipality is committed to make armual payments until 2012 totaling $870,307 plus related interest for facilities in the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows sub-area. The current annual payment is $220,482 plus interest. The Municipality has entered into a cost share agreement with the Greater Vancouver Water District for the construction of infrastructure. Under this agreement the Municipality expects to incur liabilities of approximately $9,000,000 over the next seven years. The liability will be recorded as the related costs are incurred. (5) Recreation and Cultural Serrices (a) In 1998 the Municipality entered into an agreement to purchase ice sheet time for five years commencing in 1999, with a five-year renewal option. In January 2004 the Municipality renewed the agreement for an additional five-year period. The minimum annual payment due for the provision of ice time is $552,225. These payments are recorded as expenditures when the ice time is provided. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 64 otes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Contingent Gains In 1998 the Municipality provided financial assistance, including property appraised at $2.2 Million, to the Maple Ridge Elderly Citizen Recreation Association in order to enable them to construct a residential housing complex for senior citizens. In exchange for the assistance, the Association agreed to place restrictive covenants on each unit, which could recover up to $1.45 Million on re-sales by subsequent owners. These covenants apply until 2030. At December 31, 2006 a further $0.68 million ($1.06 million for 2005) remains recoverable. In 2006 proceeds from the resale of units under the restricted covenants amounting to $378,985 ($267,031 for 2005) were paid to the Municipality. These proceeds are recorded as User fees and other revenue. Unrecogizized Liability The Municipality holds shares in a non-profit organization that provides protective services to its members. Should the organization dissolve or management choose to withdraw from the organization the Municipality would be liable for a proportionate share of any debt the organization held at that time. The liability is expected to be discharged over time through payments by the Municipality and others for the provision of these services by the organization. Due to the ongoing operations of the organization the liability could only be quantified if the Municipality chose to withdraw. Consequently no liability has been recognized in these financial statements. 11. Interest Expenditures: Interest expenditures consist of debenture debt interest, mortgage liability interest, and interest on the employee future benefits liability. Interest is apportioned to functional areas of expenditure based on the related debts as follows. Debenture Debt Interest Transportation Services $ 38,389 Recreation & Cultural 1,566,525 Water Facilities 3,741 Sewer Facilities 46,949 General Government 471.877 $2,1 27,481 Benefits Mortgage Total Total and Other Liability Interest Interest Interest Interest 2006 2005 $ 2,262 $ $ 40,651 $ 50,603 1,566,525 1,715,760 - - 3,741 56,130 46,949 197,645 178.400 466,396 1.116,673 965,806 S 1 80,662 $4662 $2224,539 £29li5,944 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 65 Segment Report The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Consolidated Report of Segmented Revenue and Expenditure As at December 31, 2006 Protective Services 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Revenue Tax revenues (schedule 3) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Development revenue (schedule 5) Other revenues (schedule 4) Disposal proceeds and refinancing gains Investment income Internal recoveries Contributions for subdivision infrastructure Total Revenue Expenditures Operating (schedules 11,9,13,12,10,8) Goods and services Labour costs Debt Servicing Increase in Investment allowance Capital (statement 2) Contributed subdivision infrastructure Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) revenue over expenditure Principal Payments New debt issued Increase (Decrease) in fund balances 889,766 805,521 784,381 - 24,598 18,445 3,813,252 3,208,566 3,192,558 4,703,018 4,038,685 3,995,384 11,317,475 12,068,987 11,016,547 6,461,992 6,622,863 4,959,088 17,779,467 18,691,850 15,975,635 1,533,621 10,962,848 544,937 19,313,088 29,654,698 16,520,572 (14,610,070) (25,6 1 6,013) (12,525,188) $ (14,610,070) S (25,616,013 S (12,525,188' Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 66 Segment Report Continued Transportation Recreation and Cultural 2006 2006 2005 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Actual Budget Actual $ $ -$ 983,232 1,900,521 944,603 209,833 427,086 148,477 1,118,844 5,277,328 1,202,337 3,306,665 6,658,788 1,677,064 636,327 785,760 607,714 3,905,775 3,855,454 3,813,004 1,806,517 11550,551 1,849,186 - - - 7,252,485 7,252,485 17,283,616 - - - 11,797,405 16,766,645 21,887,456 7,422,273 10,941,328 5,638,545 2,247,456 2,027,865 2,335,001 6,895,982 5,435,393 6,533,054 4,062,357 4,288,559 3,798,917 5,381,482 6,665,234 5,187,498 40,651 54,368 50,603 1,566,525 1,567,428 1,715,760 6,350,464 6,370,792 6,184,521 13,843,989 13,668,055 13,436,312 3,681,657 10,674,168 4,540,443 4,327,840 8,420,487 2,316,218 7,252,485 7,252,485 17,283,616 - - - 17,284,606 24,297,445 28,008,580 18,171,829 22,088,542 15,752,530 (5,487,201) (7,530,800) (6,121,124) (10,749,556) (11,147,214) (10,113,985) 158,817 172,328 149,798 1,009,430 962,963 232,772 $ 5,646,0181 5 (7,703,1281 5 (6,270,922) $ (11,758,986) S (12,110,177' $ (10,346,757) Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 67 48,480 $ 1,152 566,784 7,421,064 1,704,125 - 9,741,605 35,004 $ 34,650 1,152 5,477 1,196,426 369,126 7,238,814 6,646,349 1,704,125 3,719,477 10,175,521 10,775,079 $ 4,509,230 1,323,498 3,741 5,836,469 5,112,350 3,795,976 925,801 1,328,687 23,171 56,133 6,061,322 5,180,796 Segment Report - Continued Water Utility 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Revenue Tax revenues (schedule 3) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Development revenue (schedule 5) Other revenues (schedule 4) Disposal proceeds and retinancing gains Investment income Internal recoveries Contributions for subdivision infrastructure Total Revenue Expenditures Operating (schedules 11,9,13,12,10,8) Goods and services Labour costs Debt Servicing Increase in investment allowance Capital (statement 2) Contributed subdivision infrastructure Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) revenue over expenditure 2,137,659 3,351,204 2,071,471 1,704,125 1,704,125 3,719,477 9,678,253 11,116,651 IU,9/I,/44 63,352 (941,130) (196,665) Principal Payments 10,473 46,053 188,313 New debt issued - - - Increase (Decrease) in fund balances $ 52.879 S (987,1831 S (384,9781 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 68 Segment Report - Continued Sewer Utility 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ 707,420 $ 683,412 $ 681,765 $ 311,418 302,604 326,898 73,388 587,321 406,704 4,723,746 4,774,368 4,365,308 1,891,640 1,891,640 5,281,599 7,707,612 8,239,345 11,062,274 General Government 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual - $ 13,508 20,004 5,410 - - 994,254 1,951,941 1,406,343 1,687,744 525,221 - 725,244 h.'t7U,U/ U 1,'tLU,J't I J,11fl,UJZ, 5,217,447 5,321,077 4,924,824 2,847,689 3,450,277 3,282,711 411,345 473,301 415,922 4,831,423 4,916,220 4,355,276 46,949 48,688 197,647 393,867 215,320 379,732 5,675,741 5,843,066 5,538,393 8,072,979 8,581,817 8,017,719 431,217 2,536,846 836,516 313,239 2,033,023 1,553,791 1,891,640 1,891,640 5,281,599 - - - 7,998,598 10,271,552 11,656,508 8,386,218 10,614,840 9,571,510 (290,986) (2,032,207) (594,234) (5,895,548) (9,188,493) (6,158,858) 304,789 312,359 583,349 130,598 130,599 - - - - 357,675 - - $ (595775) 5 (2,344,5661 5 (1,177,5831 $ (5,668,4711 5 (9,319,0921 $ (6,158,8581 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 69 Segment Report - Continued Commercial Tower 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ -$ -S 1,364,041 1,100,720 1,376,809 1,.iU't3Ut1 1,1 UU, / LU I ,J / 0,0W' 465,165 429,224 451,080 722,806 760,208 586,074 1,187,971 1,189,432 1,037,154 Revenue Tax revenues (schedule 3) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Development revenue (schedule 5) Other revenues (schedule 4) Disposal proceeds and refinancing gains Investment income Internal recoveries Contributions for subdivision infrastructure Total Revenue Expenditures Operating (schedules 11,9,13,12,10,8) Goods and services Labour costs Debt Servicing Increase in investment allowance - - - Capital (statement 2) - - - Contributed subdivision infrastructure - - - Total Expenditures 1,187,971 1,189,432 1,037,154 Excess(Deficiency) revenue over expenditure 176,070 (88,712) 339,655 Principal Payments 783,998 713,994 827,992 New debt issued - - Increase (Decrease) in fund balances $ (607,928 S (802,7061 S (488.3371 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 70 Segment Report - Continued Planning and Public Health 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ 1,205,276 $ 1,204,066 $ 1,147,107 $ 79,030 - 75,991 752,441 560,460 647,630 2,036,747 1,764,526 1,870,728 Unallocated 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual 40,260,161 $ 40,420,955 $ 37,082,830 2,455,874 1,794,996 2,271,515 42,716,035 42,215,951 39,354,345 1,350,489 1,789,381 1,277,700 - - - 1,317,395 1,532,476 1,127,419 - - - 2,667,884 3,321,857 2,405,119 - - - - 169,283 - - 246,284 654,124 152,779 - - - 2,914,168 3,975,981 2,557,898 169,283 - - (877,421) (2,211,455) (687,170) 42,546,752 42,215,951 39,354,345 $ (877,421) $ (2,211,4551 S (687,1701 $ 42,546,752 $ 42,215,951 S 39.354.345 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 71 Segment Report - Continued Elimination Entries 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Revenue Tax revenues (schedule 3) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Development revenue (schedule 5) Other revenues (schedule 4) Disposal proceeds and refinancing gains Investment income Internal recoveries Contributions for subdivision infrastrucrure Total Revenue Expenditures Operating (schedules 11,9,13,12,10,8) Goods and services Labour costs Debt Servicing $ (1,806,517) (1,550,551) (1,849,186) (1,806,517) (1,550,551) (1,849,186) (1,806,517) (1,550,551) (1,849,186) (1,806,517) (1,550,551) (1,849,186) Increase in investment allowance - - - Capital (statement 2) - - - Contributed subdivision infrastructure - - - Total Expenditures (1,806,517) (1,550,551) (1,849,186) Excess (Deficiency) revenue over expenditure Principal Payments - - - New debt issued - - - Increase (Decrease) in fund balances S - S Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 72 Segment Report - Continued Consolidated Financial Statements 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ 42,221,337 $ 42,343,437 $ 38,946,352 2,487,939 3,456,888 2,291,237 5,065,681 13,744,461 4,667,930 24,568,587 22,930,485 22,337,116 525,221 - 725,244 2,455,874 1,794,996 2,271,515 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 88,172,889 95,118,517 97,524,086 33,044,416 34,084,003 31,767,707 23,789,492 25,424,454 21,172,807 2,774,539 2,669,183 2,985,949 59,608,447 62,177,640 55,926,463 169,283 - - 12,671,517 38,632,700 12,016,155 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 83,297,497 111,658,590 94,227,310 4,875,392 (16,540,073) 3,296,776 2,398,105 2,338,296 1,982,224 357,675 - - 2,834,962 5 (18,878,369) S 1,314,552 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 73 This Page Left Blank Intentionally Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 74 Supplemental Information Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 75 Statement I The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge W Statement of Changes in Operating Fund Balances For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Revenue Taxes (schedule 3) Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu Less: Collections for other authorities Total taxes for municipal purposes User fees and other revenues (schedule 4) Development fees (schedule 5) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Interest and investment income Asset disposal proceeds and other gains Expenditures Protective services (schedule 11) Transportation services (schedule 9) Recreation and cultural (schedule 13) Water utilities (schedule 12) Sewer utilities (schedule 12) General government (schedule 10) Public and environmental health (schedule 8) Increase in investment allowance Excess of Revenue Over Expenditures Transfers from (to) capital funds Transfers to reserves (schedule 14) Principal repaid Increase (Decrease) in Operating Fund Balances Actual Budget Actual 2006 2006 2005 $ 75,308,285 $ 73,271,392 $ 70,884,844 33,086,948 30,927,955 31,938,492 42,221,337 42,343,437 38,946,352 24,568,587 22,930,485 22,337,116 301,152 261,971 702,979 2,031,432 1,916,823 2,024,580 1,312,527 1,125,000 1,302,709 525,221 - 725.244 70,960,256 68,577,716 66,038,980 17,639,903 18,571,120 15,842,484 5,725,065 5,777,726 5,482,861 13,544,451 13,425,235 13,103,400 5,547,060 5,902,399 4,890,912 5,550,768 5,737,722 5,422,261 9,240,314 9,765,784 9,044,160 2,360,886 2,997,654 2,140,385 169,283 - 59,777,730 62,177,640 55,926,463 11,182,526 6,400,076 10,112,517 (2,748,635) (4,624,236) (2,282,005) (7,909,449) (3,133,171) (5,694,981) (2,398,105) (2.338.296) (1.982.224) (1,873,663) (3,695,627) 153,307 Operating Fund Balances - Beginning of Year 11,071,554 11,071,554 10,918,247 Operating Fund Balances - End of Year $ 9,197,891 $ 7,375,927 $ 11,071,554 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 76 Statement 2 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Statement of Changes in Capital Fund Balances For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Actual Budget Actual 2006 2006 2005 Capital Fund Balances - Beginning of Year Add: Revenues Allocated to Capital Funds Subdivision infrastructure contributions Development fees (schedule 5) Senior government transfers (schedule 6) Debt issued Internal Transfers Transfer from Revenue Funds Transfer from Reserve Funds Local improvement fund Equipment replacement Capital works Fire Department capital acquisition Sanitary Sewer Land Committed projects Other Less: Capital Expenditures Protective services Transportation Recreation and culture Water utility Sewer utility General government Planning, public health and other Subdivision infrastructure Increase (Decrease) in Capital Fund Balances Capital Fund Balances - End of Year $ (1,638,163) $ (1,638,163) $ (1,033,061) 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 4,764,529 13,482,490 3,964,951 456,507 1,540,065 266,657 16,069,286 25,870,805 30,516,300 357,676 - - 2,748,635 4,624,236 2,282,005 310,226 582,017 1,430,122 1,193,640 1,025,297 3,252,867 249,160 226,004 6,360,640 283,524 1,069,134 1,354,134 - 282,819 - - 2,271,119 5,513,987 2,577,862 919,692 2,143,275 283,028 6,376,082 20,055,025 4,897,440 1,533,621 10,962,848 544,937 3,681,657 10,674,168 4,540,443 4,327,840 8,420,487 2,316,218 2,137,659 3,351,204 2,071,471 431,217 2,536,846 836,516 313,239 2,033,023 1,553,791 246,284 654,124 152,779 10,848,250 10,848,250 26,284,692 23,519,767 49,480.950 38,300.847 2,031,912 1,069,116 (605,102) $ 393,749 $ (569,047) $ (1,638,163) Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 77 / Statement 3 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Statement of Changes in Reserve Balances For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Increase (Decrease) in Reserve Balances Actual Budget Actual 2006 2006 2005 $ 39,385,306 $ 39,385,306 $ 37,618,959 1,143,346 669,996 968,806 7,909,449 3,133,171 5,694,981 (6,376,082) (20,055,025) (4,897,440) 1,533,367 (16,921,854) 797,541 2,676,713 (16,251,858) 1,766,347 Reserve Balances - Beginning of the Year Increase in Reserves (schedule 14) Interest allocated to Reserves Internal Transfers Transfer from Revenue Funds Transfer to Capital Funds Reserve Fund Balances - End of Year $ 42,062,019 $ 23,133,448 S 39,385,306 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 78 Schedule 1 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule of Property and Equipment As at December 31, 2006 General Capital Fund Public Works: Roads and bridges $ 152,066,008 $ 140,042,085 Drainage 55,141,679 52,029,557 Sidewalks 12,888,689 11,954,104 Equipment 6,320,331 6,425,808 Landscaping and other 5,410,607 1,680,411 Supplies inventory 1,019,973 68,217 Funded work in process 109,322 6,535,877 232,956,609 218,736,059 General Government: Land 5,381,610 5,381,610 Buildings and equipment 31,081,170 34,565,600 Funded work in process 202,028 172,634 36,664,808 40,119,844 Protective: Fireballs and equipment 9,759,174 9,749,300 Police buildings and equipment 3,635,215 3,539,993 Search and Rescue 163,080 163,080 Funded work in process 1,898,141 511,825 15,455,610 13,964,198 Parks and Recreation: Parks and playgrounds 33,699,503 30,591,962 Recreation facilities and equipment 63,675,933 63,542,456 Funded work in process 1,561,603 485,846 98,937,039 94,620,264 Other Public and environmental health 2,688,431 2,485,295 Total General Capital Fund 386,702,497 369,925,660 Water Supply System Capital Fund Supplies inventory 129,408 126,899 Land 122,261 122,261 Waterlines 55,143,736 51,974,550 Funded work in process 1,000,903 331,623 Total Water Supply System Capital Fund 56,396,308 52,555,333 Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund Supplies inventory 44,897 76,139 Land 12,049 12,049 Sewer lines 63,839,526 60,154,641 Funded work in process 358,758 652,857 Total Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund 64,255,230 60,895,686 Work in Process Unfunded work in process - 1,393,112 Total $ 507,354,035 $ 484,769,791 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 79 Schedule 2 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Debenture Debt For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 General Capital Fund Maturity Date of Issue Bylaw Putyose Dates Recreation and cultural Nov 15, 1983 3152 Leisure Pool Complex 1984 —2008 Apr 06, 2005 6246 Downtown Civic Properties MFA 93) 2005 - 2027 Subtotal General Government Apr 06, 2005 6246 Downtown Office Complex (MFA 93) 2005 2027 Dec 08,2006 6246 Downtown Office Complex (MFA 99) 2006 - 2027 Subtotal Transportation May 13, 1992 4667 Downtown Parking 1992-2007 Dec 01, 1995 5291 Downtown Parking Issue 61 1995-2010 Jun 15, 1983 3086 Storm Sewer System D.C.C. (MFA 33) 1983-2008 Subtotal Sewer System Jan 15, 1982 3019 SewerArea"A" 1982-2006 Jan 15, 1982 3020 Sewer Area "A" 1982-2006 May 13, 1992 4667 Sanitary Sewer 240th Street Albion (4468) 1992-2007 Jun 15, 1983 3085 Sewer System D.C.C. MFA 33) 1983-2008 Subtotal Water System Jun 15, 1983 3084 Water System D.C.C. (MFA 33) 1983-2008 Subtotal Annua' Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 80 Schedule 2 - continued Debentures Interest Outstanding and Debenture Debt Original Before 2006 Exchange Retirements December 31, Interest Debenture Debt Retirement 2006 2006 $ 350,000 $ 67,627 $ 12,688 S 67,627 $ - 11.125 - 11.500 28.190.830 28,190.830 1.553.837 941,803 27,249,027 5.700 28,540,830 28,258,457 1,566,525 1,009,430 27,249,027 3,909,170 3,909,170 215,468 130,598 3,778,572 5.700 16,300,000 16,300,000 256,409 - 16,300,000 4.990 20,209,170 20,209,170 471,877 130.598 20.078.572 1,200,000 214,968 23,948 104,862 110,106 9.628 300,000 125,134 3,257 22,647 102,487 9.628 339,600 106,027 11,184 31,308 74,719 12.400 1,839,600 446,129 38,389 158,817 287,312 750,000 102,405 15,662 102,405 - 14.750 1,531,916 156,028 15,993 156,028 - 10.000 112,375 20,131 2,243 9,820 10,311 9.628 396,300 123,731 13,051 36,536 87,195 12.375 2,790,591 402,295 46,949 304,789 97,506 113,600 35,468 3,741 10,473 24,995 11.250 113,600 35,468 3,741 10,473 24,995 $ 53,493,791 $ 49,351,519 $ 2,127,481 $ 1,614,107 $ 47,737,412 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 81 Schedule 3 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Tax Levies For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 General purposes - gross taxes Less: Municipally-owned property General Purposes - Net Taxes Special assessments and local improvements Sewer levy Water levy Grants in lieu of taxes Total Taxes for Municipal Purposes Collections for other authorities: School Districts - Provincial Government British Columbia Assessment Authority Dyking Districts Greater Vancouver Regional District Parks Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Municipal Finance Authority Total Collections for Other Authorities Real Property, Special Assessments, Grants In Lieu 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ 38,734,148 S 38,970,785 $ 35,593,396 (127,331) (106,501) (104,450) 38,606,817 38,864,284 35,488,946 1,205,276 1,204,066 1,147,107 707,420 683,412 681,765 48,480 35,004 34,650 1,653,344 1,556,671 1,593,884 42,221,337 42,343,437 38,946,352 26,139,631 26,227,864 25,738,496 763,354 807,757 784,232 198,699 142,230 204,610 757,658 774,353 752,111 5,225,323 2,973,581 4,456,957 2,283 2,170 2,086 33,086,948 30,927,955 31,938,492 $ 75,308,285 5 73,271,392 S 70,884,844 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 82 Schedule 4 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge User Fees and Other Charges For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ 1,087,440 $ 989,142 $ 1,014,559 445,679 432,000 464,094 1,917,493 1,508,004 1,386,703 122,490 152,724 136,376 240,150 126,696 190,826 3,813,252 3,208,566 3,192,558 153,638 150,060 140,527 12,348 316,500 14,426 470,341 319,200 452,761 636,327 785,760 607,714 3,905,775 3,855,454 3,813,004 4,723,746 4,774,368 4,365,308 7,421,064 7,238,814 6,646,349 481,934 261,704 353,603 72,283 25,908 88,035 439,071 508,235 458,830 579,361 610,496 519,330 379,292 - 267,946 1,951,941 1,406,343 1,687,744 Protective Servcies Policing and Firefighting fees Business licences Building permits Dog licences Fines and parking revenue Total Transportation General information and service fees Gravel sales Subdivision inspection fees and other Total Recreation (schedule 13) Sewer Utility Fees Water Utility Fees General Government General information and service fees Recovery of interest costs -local improvements Property rentals Penalties and interest on taxes Other revenue Total Commercial Property Rentals Planning Public Health & Other Planning Recycling Cemetery Total 1,364,041 410,080 131,097 211,264 752,441 1,100,720 1,376,809 257,580 347,579 80,004 95,084 222,876 204,967 560,460 647,630 $ 24,568,587 $ 22,930,485 $ 22,337,116 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 83 Schedule 5 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule of Development Revenue For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Development Revenue Received Through: Protective Services Operating $ - $ - S - Capital Funds - 24,598 18,5 - 24,598 18,445 Transportation Operating 82,785 82,787 204,738 Capital Funds 1,036,059 5,194,541 997,599 1,118,844 5,277,328 1,202,337 Recreation Operating 39,186 - Capital Funds 3,267,479 6,658,788 1,677,064 3,306,665 6,658,788 1,677,064 Sewer Utility Operating 32,304 32,304 351,364 Capital Funds 41,084 555,017 55,340 73,388 587,321 406,704 Water Utility Operating 146,877 146,880 146,877 Capital Funds 419,907 1,049.546 222.249 566,784 1,196,426 369,126 General Govemment Operating - - Capital Funds - - 994,254 - - 994,254 Planning Public Health & Other Operating - - - Capital Funds - - - Total Development Revenue $ 5,065,681 $ 13.744,461 S 4,667,930 Summary Operating contributions $ 301,152 S 261,971 $ 702,979 Capital Contributions $ 4,764.529 S 13.482.490 S 3,964,951 Total Development Revenue $ 5,065,681 S 13,744,461 S 4,667ul30 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 84 Schedule 6 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Senior Government Transfers For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 General Government-operating Planning public health and other-operating 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ 889,766 $ 805,521 $ 784,381 889,766 805,521 784,381 535,561 660,456 677,946 447,671 1,240,065 266,657 983,232 1,900,521 944,603 209,833 127,086 148,477 - 300,000 - 209,833 427,086 148,477 302,582 302,604 326,898 8,836 - - 311,418 302,604 326,898 1,152 1,152 5,477 1,152 1,152 5,477 13,508 20,004 5,410 13,508 20,004 5,410 79,030 - 75,991 79,030 - 75,991 Protective Services Operating Capital Transportation Operating Capital Recreation Operating Capital Sewer Utility Operating Capital Water Utility Operating Capital Total Senior Government transfers SUMMARY Operating transfers 2,031,432 1,916,823 2,024,580 Capital transfers 456,507 1,540,065 266,657 Total Transfers $ 2,487,939 $ 3,456,888 91 237 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 85 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Continuity Schedule of Restricted Revenues For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Schedule 7 Development Parkland Cost Charges Acquisition Charges 2006 1 2005 2006 1 2005 Beginning balance $ 21,796,131 S 18,966,755 $ 1,647,870 S 1,522,399 Interest & Collections 13,078,135 5,839,828 212,373 125,471 Expenditures - operating (261,967) (257,528) - Expenditures - capital (3,565,188) (2,752,924) (142,743) - Ending balance $ 31,047,111 S 21,796,131 $ 1,717,500 S 1,647,870 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 86 Schedule 7 - continued Downtown Developer Total Restricted Parking Charges Specified Projects Revenues 2006 1 2005 2006 1 2005 $ 125,318 5 121,388 $ 3,683,077 $ 3,401,176 $ 27,252,397 $ 24,011,719 4,503 3,930 221,490 331,310 13,516,501 6,300,539 - - (53,186) (24,925) (315,153) (282,453) - - (46,072) (24,484) (3,754,003) (2,777,408) $ 129,821 $ 125,318 $ 3,805,309 $ 3,683,077 $ 36,699,742 $ 27,252,397 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 87 Schedule 8 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Schedule of Planning, Public Health and Other For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Planning - salaries Planning - consultmg and legal Planning - studies Planning - other Public health and welfare - cemetery Public health and welfare - social planning Public health and welfare - recycling Internal Equipment charges Total Planning, Public Health and Other 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ 1,097,982 5 1,291,783 $ 969,010 61,352 153,892 61,112 60,512 283,848 14,542 45,195 99,431 69,477 148,605 177,606 151,171 83,012 126,335 49,312 1,171,226 1,188,962 1,090,495 2,667,884 3,321,857 2,405,119 (306,998) (324,203 (264,734 $ 2,360,886 $ 2,997,654 $ 2,140,385 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 88 The Corporation of the District of Map'e Ridge Transportation Services For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 Schedule 9 Common Services Supervision Stores and clerical Consulting fees Trucks and heavy equipment maintenance Gas and oil Insurance Small tools and equipment Municipal yards maintenance Total Common Services Engineering Salary recoveries Administrative Technical support Supplies Vehicle costs Total Engineering Roads and Streets Maintenance Streets, lanes and sidewalks Drains, ditches and culverts Storm sewers Snow removal and sanding Total Roads and Streets Maintenance Parking Bridges Street Lighting Traffic Control Facilities Subdivision Inspection Interest Expenditures Sub-Total Transportation Services Internal Equipment Charges Total Transportation Services 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual $ 105,379 $ 84,744 $ 86,625 469,266 447,905 420,646 168,499 80,700 244,718 523,376 450,942 492,936 312,478 296,232 280,743 118,273 92,831 106,955 49,311 45,816 45,978 179,931 169,986 182,320 1,926,513 1,669,156 1,860,921 (612,088) (857,370) (577,874) 1,141,433 1,278,977 1,014,402 702,102 806,392 531,492 83,980 41,856 112,880 66,214 72,048 66,219 1,381,641 1,341,903 1,147,119 1,176,499 1,448,064 1,269,729 292,850 370,092 339,316 221,879 251,310 274,072 222,862 165,558 210,259 1,914,090 2,235,024 2,093,376 33,818 32,796 31,409 19,542 21,222 14,460 374,270 422,538 363,427 651,386 581,785 612,643 8,553 12,000 10,563 40,651 54,368 50,603 1,128,220 1,124,709 1,083,105 6,350,464 6,370,792 6,184,521 (625,399) (593,066) (701,660) $ 5,725,065 $ 5,777,726 $ 5,482,861 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 89 Schedule 10 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge General Government Expenses For the Year Ended December 31, 2006 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Administration, Personnel and Clerks Departments $ 2,456,738 $ 2,665,845 $ 2,064,567 Communications and Public Relations 386,287 322,953 291,201 Finance Department 901,681 1,030,503 811,416 Purchasing Department 206,599 234,252 229,930 Information Services Department 779,343 781,298 733,032 Computer operations and telephone 558,025 728,904 672,730 Legislative 367,725 386,582 344,351 Grants and donations 55,884 79,405 35,074 Legal and audit fees 146,893 193,594 128,663 Advertising, printing and stationery 22,357 9,348 34,077 General government buildings maintenance and landscaping 477,600 593,021 512,066 Office supplies 56,024 64,516 53,699 Insurance 610,192 468,277 1,158,916 Miscellaneous and property rentals 326,263 339,965 257,022 Election 944 73,121 Economic Development 326,557 468,034 238,122 Interest Expense - General 393,867 215.320 379,732 Sub total - General Government 8,072,979 8,581,817 8,017,719 Internal ec1uipment charges (20,636) (5,465) (10,713) Commercial Operations Interest Expense - Commercial rental buildings 722,806 760,208 586,074 Commercial rental buildings - costs 465,165 429,224 451,080 Sub total - Commercial Operations 1,187,971 1,189,432 1,037,154 Total General Government Expenses $ 9,240,314 $ 9,765,784 $ 9,044,160 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 90 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Police protection $ 11,716,797 $ 12,666,937 $ 11,227,855 Fire protection 3,934,228 3,847,028 2,796,183 Emergency measures 83,957 117,069 44,211 Building inspection 1,230,364 1,163,042 1,097,018 Animal control 277,261 318,084 279,548 By-law enforcement 536,860 579,690 530,820 17,779,467 18,691,850 15,975,635 Internal equipment charges (139,564) (120,730) (133,151) Total Protective Services $ 17,639,903 $ 18,571,120 $ 15,842,484 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 91 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Water Utility Administration $ 737,295 $ 931,194 $ 672,059 Water distribution 1,455,780 1,422,225 1,410,828 Water purchases 3,639,653 3,684,732 3,041,776 Interest expenditure 3,741 23.171 56,133 5,836,469 6,061,322 5,180,796 Internal equipment charges (289,409) (158,923) (289,884) Total Water Utility $ 5,547,060 $ 5,902,399 $ 4,890,912 Sewer Utility Administration 593,231 692,536 533,896 Sewage Collection 592,643 659,215 607,880 Sewage Treatment 4,442,919 4,442,627 4,198,970 Interest expenditure 46,948 48,688 197,647 5,675,741 5,843,066 5,538,393 Internal equipment charges (124,973) (105,344) (116,132) Total Sewer Utility $ 5,550,768 $ 5,737,722 S 5,422,261 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 92 This Page Left Blank Intentionally Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 93 2006 2006 2006 2006 Actual Budget Actual Budget Revenue Revenue Expenditures Expenditures Leisure centre $ 1,270,294 $ 1,302,801 $ 1,995,765 S 1,968,092 Ice sheet facilities 321,087 338,224 707,503 724,512 Programs 1,719,815 1,564,013 3,471,959 3,278,941 Arts and cultural 211,778 207,351 2,883,583 2,841,622 Parks, playgrounds, and other 538,499 516,277 1,909,203 1,953,706 Seniors' recreation centre 54,135 53,874 185,683 203,496 General and administrative expenses - - 1,123,767 1,130,258 Interest expenditure - - 1,566,526 1,567,428 4,115,608 3,982,540 13,843,989 13,668,055 Internal Equipment Charges - - (299,538) (242,820) Total $ 4,115,608 S 3,982,540 $ 13,544,451 S 13,425,235 Actual 2006 Budget 2006 Revenue Summary Recreation Fees $ 3,905,775 $ 3,855,454 Government Transfers 209,833 127,086 $ 4,115,608 $ 3,982,540 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 94 Schedule 13 - continued 2006 2006 2005 Actual Budget Actual Operating Operating Operating Deficit Deficit Deficit $ (725,471) $ (665,291) $ (725,384) (386,416) (386,288) (370,903) (1,752,144) (1,714,928) (1,611,740) (2,671,805) (2,634,271) (2,484,699) (1,370,704) (1,437,429) (1,368,400) (131,548) (149,622) (184,856) (1,123,767) (1,130,258) (1,013,089) (1,566,526) (1,567,428) (1,715,760) (9,728,381) (9,685,515) (9,474,831) 299,538 242,820 332,912 $ (9,428,843) $ (9,442,695) $ (9,141,919) Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 95 Balance Interest Dec.31, 2005 Allocated Reserve Funds: Local improvement Equipment replacement Capital works Fire department capital aquisitions Sanitary sewer Land Total Reserve Funds General Revenue Fund Reserve Accounts: Specific projects - Capital Specific projects - Operating Self insurance Police services Core development Recycling Community development Building inspections Gravel extraction Neighbourhood improvements Recreation facility maintenance Snow removal Youth Centre & Arts Centre Cemetery maintenance Service severance Critical Infrastructure Reserve Total General Revenue Fund Reserve Accounts Other Reserve Accounts: Sewer revenue fund-self insurance Sewer revenue fund-specific projects Water revenue fund-self insurance Water revenue fund-specific projects Total Other Reserve Accounts Total Reserves $ 1,630,531 $ 36,703 5,918,359 226,044 10,393,493 379,637 6,050,724 229,217 2,376,005 65,871 463,331 10,632 26,832,443 948,104 3,615,454 - 1,304,871 - 11,015 13,998 1,504,580 60,416 835,713 22,670 1,301,754 50,237 1,053 39 441,590 15,871 475,263 16,940 52,634 1,891 - 2,999 200,000 - 11,010 - 117,821 - 63,630 - - 10,182 9,936,388 195,243 76,684 - 1,162,518 - 73,528 - 1,303,745 - 2,616,475 - $ 39,385,306 $ 1,143,347 Annual Report 2006 - Distdct of Maple Ridge Page 96 Schedule 14 - continued Transfers Transfers Balance Revenue Funds Capital Funds Dec.31, 2006 $ 104,173 S - $ 1,771,407 1,533,151 (582,017) 7,095,537 852,493 (1,025,297) 10,600,326 721,872 (226,004) 6,775,809 - (1,069,134) 1,372,742 65,624 (282,819) 256,768 31277,313 (3,185,271) 27,872,589 1,164,174 (1,434,837) 3,344,791 302,570 - 1,607,441 762,716 - 787,729 1,074,939 (660,571) 1,979,364 (237,445) - 620,938 241,965 (165,258) 1,428,698 - - 1,092 - - 457,461 (9,684) - 482,519 - - 54,525 84,188 - 87,187 - - 200,000 - (2,475) 8,535 21,526 - 139,347 (63,630) - - 600,000 (91,388) 518,794 3,941,319 (2,354,529) 11,718,421 6,500 - 83,184 447,104 (236,809) 1,372,813 6,500 - 80,028 230,712 (599,473) 934,984 690,816 (836,282) 2,471,009 $ 7,909,448 $ (6,376,082) $ 42,062,019 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 97 General Comparative Statistics 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 1996 Municipal Government: Mayor and 6 Council Members Incorporated September 12, 1874 Population 1 75,783 73,280 70,411 69,258 (cen) 68,527 (cen) 56,916 Registered Voters 2 46,748 (act) 46,748 34,809 34,177 (act) 34,177 31,485 Area (Ha) 1 26,710 26,710 26,710 26,710 26,710 26,709 No. of Properties (Folios) 3 24,938 24,318 24,199 23,788 23,185 20,366 Designated Land Use (in Ha) * Residential 5,657 5,711 5,149 5,019 5,159 5,210 Agricultural' 3,594 3,711 3,711 3,551 3,711 3,557 Employmenrb 802 508 507 541 584 857 Schools/Park/Conservation 2,031 1,921 2,186 2,254 2,056 1,743 Institutional/Civic 230 236 236 215 249 260 Forest 82 - Transportation/Utilities 272 272 214 274 215 CrownLand' 14,108 14,108 14,108 14,108 14,716 Roads (in Km) Paved 450 443 436 433 428 350 Unpaved 7 7 7 7 7 9 Sewer Lines (in Km) 4 Sanitary 255 248 238 235 232 210 Storm 271 259 253 247 213 144 Water Lines (in 1Km) 4 360 353 345 339 336 305 Parks Area (in Ha) umber ofParks in Brackets) Municipal (49) 213 (49) 213 (47) 211 (45) 205 (45) 205 (43) 199 Regional ( 2) 414 ( 2) 414 ( 2) 414 ( 2) 414 ( 2) 414 ( 1) 405 Provincial ( 1) 55,596 ( 1) 55,596 (1) 55,596 ( 1) 55,596 (1) 55,596 ( 1) 55,554 (11,700 ha are a'ilhin Mirnicei5al houmiap( Number of Schools 10 Elementary Schools 18 18 18 20 20 21 Secondary Schools 5 5 5 4 4 4 Alternate/Special Education Schools 2 2 2 1 1 1 Private Schools 3 3 3 4 4 4 Prcschools 22 20 22 20 23 17 Day Care Centres 105 88 92 75 84 63 Continuing Education Facilities 1 1 1 3 4 3 Municipal Full-Time Employees 6 269 260 250 233 234 261 Total Part Time Hours 133,083 153,481 159,655 134,773 145,105 n/a * To/al includcsjhl7iime eqeliva/enl ernp4yees With Revision of the OCP a Parks that were designated Agricultural have a new designation (Parks within the ALR) and are tracked under Schools/ParklConservation b Land use category has changed Land use category has changed d Designation no longer exists. Most land captured under Forest Crown land is not a land use Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 98 General Comparative Statistics 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 1996 Building Permits 7 Total Issued 1,034 899 900 1,025 1,072 904 Value $255,589,000 $108,453,000 $103,658,000 $113,296,000 $126,612,466 $76,134,409 Business Licences Issued 7 4,004 3,855 3,688 3,372 3,218 2,585 Dog Licences Issued 3 8,244 8,104 7,912 7,755 6,970 6,443 Police 8 Police Officers 81 79 76 72 68 66 Auxiliary Police Officers 39 39 29 28 26 18 Fire Personnel: 2 Fire Chiefs/Directors 4 Asst. Fire Chiefs 4 Fire Captains 12 Firefighters Paid-on-call: - Hall #1 52 53 49 44 41 46 -Hall #2 24 20 21 17 21 29 - Hall #3 24 28 23 24 23 29 Summary of Fund Balances 3 Funded Reserves $42,062,019 $39,385,306 $37,618,959 $29,875,107 $26,020,603 $24,467,344 Capital Fund 393,749 (1,638,163) (1,033,061) (2,792,681) (2,400,656 (3,621,204) Operating Surplus 9,197,891 11,071,554 10,918,247 17,078,396 17,600,579 8,620,366 Total Surplus and Reserves $51,653,659 $48,818,697 $47,504,145 $44,160,822 $41,220,526 $29,466,506 Long Term Debt Parks & Recreation $27,249,027 $28,724,376 $28,957,148 $27,573,430 $28,100,629 $ 1,501,886 Public Works 287,312 446,129 595,927 804,931 964,768 3,319,897 General Government 20,078,572 20,169,576 20,997,568 3,519,280 3,585,316 Total General Fund $47,614,911 $49,340,081 $50,550,643 $31,897,631 $32,650,713 $ 4,821,783 Waterworks Utility $ 24,995 $ 35,468 $ 223,781 $ 714,440 $ 1,198,564 $ 4,480,755 Sanitary Sewer Utility 97,506 402,295 985,644 1,633,054 2,309,361 7,494,478 Total Gross Debt $47,737,412 $49,777,844 $51,760,068 $34,245,135 $36,158,638 $16,797,016 Debt Per Capita 3 $ 630 $ 679 S 735 $ 494 $ 528 $ 293 Debt Payment as a Percentage of Non-Capital Expenditures-Gross 3 7.8% Remaining Debt Servicing Capacity 3 $10,976,567 I Maple Ridge Planning Department 2 Maple Ridge Municipal Clerk 3 Maple Ridge Finance Department Maple Ridge Fngincering Department 5 Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services Department 6 Maple Ridge F-lumen Resources Department Maple Ridge Licences, Permits and Bylaws Department Ridge-Meadows RCMP Maple Ridge Fire Department 10 School Board 9.0% 8.1'Yo $ 8,646,383 $ 8,995,905 9.8% 9.9% 12.6% n/a n/a n/a Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 99 Major Property Tax Payers Registered Owner Primary Property Taxes Levied B.C. Hydro & Power Authority Distribution Lines $847,402 International Forest Products Ltd. Lumber Mills 760,179 Bucci Investment Corporation Inc Valley Fair Mall 718,527 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Westgate Shopping Centre 602,547 Amarsham Holdings Ltd. Haney Place Mall 437,716 M R Landmark 2000 Centre Ltd Landmark Shopping Centre 354,908 B.C. Gas Utility Ltd. Gas Lines 345,325 S. E-One Moli Energy (Canada) Limited 20000 Stewart Crescent 283,560 Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Railway Tracks 263,827 22475 Dewdney Trunk Road Inc. Maple Ridge Square 246,727 Telus Communications (BC) Inc Poles, Lines/Thornhill Tower 241,761 Ridge Meadows U-Lok Storage/Warehousing 217,025 B.C. Telephone Co. Poles, Lines, Towers 208,122 Damka Lumber & Development Ltd. Meadow Ridge Shopping Centre 206,162 Canadian Tire Real Estate Limited Retail Store 201,950 Individual Car Dealership 199,469 MRTC Tower Properties Town Centre Office Tower 151,831 Morningstar Foundation Vacant land commercial 150,388 Individual Car Dealership 146,175 Individual Shopping Centre 136,560 Royal Canadian Legion Apartments 123,945 RPM Holdings Ltd. Shopping Centre 123,628 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 100 Permissive Tax Exemptions Through the adoption of an annual bylaw, the Municipal Council provides a permissive exemption from municipal taxa- tion to certain groups and organizations, which are evaluated and chosen at the discretion of Council. The lcgal capacity to provide these permissive tax exemptions is through powers granted to the Council in the Community Charter. The Community Charter legislation took effect on January 1, 2004 and as a requirement of this legislation the Municipal- ity must include in its Annual Report, a listing of each permissive tax exemption granted under the annual bylaw and the amount of taxes that would have been imposed on the property if it were not exempt for that year. Another provision of the Community Charter requires the Municipality to advertise the proposed permissive tax exemption by-law prior to its adop- tion. These changes incorporated into the Community Charter provide improved transparency into the Municipality's deal- ings and allow for the public to provide input. The purpose of granting permissive tax exemptions is to support organizations providing services considered to be an extension of municipal services and programs that are deemed to contribute to the well being of the community. In order for an organization to be considered for a permissive tax exemption they must submit an application requesting an exemp- tion, with the exception of churches and schools. They must operate on a not-for-profit basis, they must be in good standing with the Registrar of Companies, and they must be apolitical and non-restrictive in their membership, executive and event participation. Permissive Tax Exemptions for churches and schools are handled differently. Churches and schools are granted a statu- tory exemption under the Community Charter, which provides for a general exemption from taxation over which the Mu- nicipal Council does not have any legislative powers or authority. The exemptions granted under this legislation provide tax exemption for the main building and the land on which the building stands, leaving the remainder of the property as taxable. The Municipality's permissive tax exemption policies grant an automatic permissive tax exemption for additional land and buildings not covered by the statutory exemption to a maximum of 2.023 hectares. All permissive tax exemptions can be provided for the land or improvements of the property, or any combination thereof, in whole or in part. Partial exemptions are usually granted if only a portion of the property is used in conjunction with the criteria listed above. To coincide with the statutory powers granted through the legislation of the Community Charter, the Municipal Council has adopted guidelines pertaining to permissive tax exemptions as a whole and a set of more specific policies regarding what types of organizations will and will not be considered for permissive tax exemptions. The guidelines are in place to: • Prevent the downloadling/offloading of services that are the responsibility of senior governments. • Ensure that local residents are not subsidizing residents from other municipalities. Confirm that where a permissive tax exemption is granted that all residents of Maple Ridge have access to the ser- vice provided. • Guarantee that property tax exemption does not provide for an unfair competitive advantage. • Ascertain that the services fall under the responsibility of local government. The Permissive Tax Exemptions granted for the 2006 taxation year are exempted under Bylaw #6346 - 2005, adopted on October 25, 2005. 2006 Permissive Tax Exemptions - Taxes Forgone Property Address Taxes Foregone 11996 Holdings Inc. Albion Community Club Cam Neely Arena (90% exemption) Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Girl Guides of Canada Golden Ears Winter Club (95% exemption) Haney Brick Yard Office & Haney Brick Yard House Haney House Maple Ridge Golf Course Limited Maple Ridge Search and Rescue Society Masonic Lodge 11996 Edge Street $11,692.01 10017 - 240th Street 2,211.25 23448 - 105th Avenue 51,289.72 12148 - 224th Street 28,008.14 26521 Ferguson Avenue 5,053.42 23588— 105" Avenue 45,275.43 22520 - 116th Avenue 6,321.59 11612 - 224th Street 1,459.15 20818 Golf Lane 32,170.99 23598 - 105th Avenue 3,877.82 22272 - 116th Avenue 3,298.35 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 101 Permissive Tax Exemptions Old Japanese School House 11739 - 223rd Street 3,043.73 Ridge Meadows Recycling Society 10092 - 236th Street 9,497.01 Ruskin Community Hall 28395 - 96th Avenue 2,881.68 Scout Properties (B.C/Yukon) Ltd. 27660 Dewdney Trunk Road 12,343.24 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 10235 Industrial Avenue 1,735.51 St. Andrews United Church 22279 - 11611 Avenue 1,712.10 Churches B.C. Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches Inc. 20450 Dewdney Trunk Road 13,959.47 Burnett Fellowship Baptist Church 20639— 123 Avenue 2,711.68 Christian & Missionary Alliance - Canadian Pacific District 20399 Dewdney Trunk Road 4,069.32 Christian Reformed Church of Maple Ridge B.C. 20245 Dewdney Trunk Road 4,739.75 Church of the Nazarene 21467 Dewdney Trunk Road 3,987.31 First Church Christ Scientist 11916— 222" Street 608.18 Generations Christian Fellowship 11601 Laity Street 6,680.43 High Way Church 21746 Lougheed Highway 3,714.94 Lord Bishop of New Westminster (St. John Evangelical) 27123 River Road 4,307.56 M.R. Baptist Church 22155 Lougheed Highway 19,220.01 Parish of St. George, Maple Ridge 23500 Dewdney Trunk Road 3,093.59 Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 11756- 232' Street 8,883.30 President of the Lethbridge Stake (Mormon Church) 11750 - 207th Street 3,554.52 Pt. Hammond United Church 11391 Dartford Street 1,107.42 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver 22561 - 1211' Street 830.86 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver Church 20285 Dewdney Trunk Road 7,051.57 Ruskin Gospel Church 28304 - 96th Avenue 2,268.71 St. John the Divine Anglican Church 21299 River Road 3,914.88 St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haney B.C. 12145 Laity Street 3,249.23 Timberline Ranch 22351 - 144w Avenue, #101 135.28 Trustees of St. Andrews Congregation of the United Church of Canada 22165 Dewdney Trunk Road 4,465.59 Trustees of the Congregation of the Haney Presbyterian Church 11858— 216th Street 4,133.97 Trustees of the Congregation of Whonnock United Church 272nd Street 577.06 Trustees of the Maple Ridge East Congregation ofJehovah's 11770 West Street 2,838.58 Trustees of Webster's Corner United Church 25102 Dewdney Trunk Road 1,658.14 United Church of Canada 27079 River Road 817.69 Whormock United Church 27091 River Road 1 1640.18 Wildwood Fellowship Church 10810 - 272 Street 1,861.66 Schools Haney - Pitt Meadows Christian School Association 12140 - 203 Street 5,487.49 Meadowridge School Society 12224 - 240tl Street 11,355.44 Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver 22561 - 121st Avenue 2,868.13 2006 Property Taxes Forgone through Permissive Tax Exemptions $357,663.06 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 102 Assessment/Taxation Comparative Statistics 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 1996 Assessment for General Taxation (1) Land $5,199,820,987 $4,833,879,324 $3,81 6,782,967 $3,157,399,417 $2,893,505,637 $2,650,626,602 Less: Exempt Land 519,995.004 469,209,864 370.583,656 327,780,953 316,593,785 283,928,879 Net Land Assessment $4,679,825,983 $4,364,669,460 $3,446,199,311 $2,829,618,464 $2,576,911,852 $2,366,697,723 Improvements $3,731,350,701 $3,346,076,595 $2,964,271,091 $2,829,346,041 $2,471,475,641 $2,105,376,788 Less: Exempt Imp & Utilities 392,502,471 413,194.210 345,286,474 315.123,146 309,294,304 289.513.113 Net Improvement Assessment $3,338,848,230 $2,932,882,385 $2,618,984,617 $2,514,222,895 $2,162,181,337 $1,815,863,675 Total Taxable Assessment $8,018,674,213 $7,297,551,845 $6,065,183,928 $5,343,841,359 $4,739,093,189 $4,182,561,398 Assessment for School Taxation (1) $7,890,012,754 $7,223,372,588 $6,024,123,753 $5,321,328,859 $4,704,437,907 $4,139,170,673 General & Debt Tax Rates (per $1,000) (2) Residential $ 3,9038 $ 3.9761 $ 4.5388 $ 4.8354 $ 5.1622 $ 3.9177 Utilities 38.7399 39.3299 40.0000 40.0000 39.9999 23.7467 Industrial 56.9788 56.1162 55.7501 52.3140 47.8372 36.0177 Business/Other 14.1723 14.2180 14.0547 13.6855 13.0083 10.9323 Seasonal/Recreational 11.5950 11.4987 11.3809 10.8809 10.2821 7.6478 Farm 18.6476 16.7997 16.1870 15.6020 14.9770 12.8815 School Tax Rate (per $1,000) (1) Residential $26828 $ 2.8888 $ 3.3732 $ 3.6727 $ 3.9475 $ 3.7879 Utilities 14.9000 14.9000 15.0000 15.0000 15.0000 15.0000 Industrial 12.5000 12.5000 12.5000 12.5000 12.5000 12.5000 Business/Other 9.2000 9.6000 9.9000 9.9000 9.9000 9.9000 Seasonal/Recreational 4.2000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 Farm 6.8000 6.8000 6.8000 6.8000 6.8000 6.8000 Residential Tax Rate (per $1,000) (2) General (md. Reg. Library) 3.9038 $ 3.9761 $ 4.4899 $ 4.7824 $ 5.1038 $ 3.8004 Debt after 2004 md. above 2005rFjre .1270 .0677 .0489 .0530 .0584 .1173 Transit Authority (GVTA) .4688 .4738 .2725 .2874 .2874 Local School Levy 2.6828 2.8888 3.3732 3.6727 3.9475 3.7879 Regional Hospital _- .2585 Regional District .0857 .0925 .1041 .1038 .1083 .0483 Regional Parks/911 - _- .0700 Municipal Finance Authority .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0003 B.C. Assessment Authority .0816 .0920 .1057 .1159 .1245 .1215 $ 7.3500 $ 7.5912 $ 8.3973 $ 9.0155 $ 9.6302 $ 8.2042 Utilities & Penalties Current Years Levy 883,504,420 $78,592,514 $73,408,051 $69,738,023 $65,465,815 $50,021,171 Per Capita $ 1,102 $ 1,073 $ 1,043 $ 1,007 $ 955 $ 879 Collections $81,092,881 575,871,676 571,248,685 $67,185,946 $62,796,422 $49,212,013 Percent of Levy 97.11% 96.54% 97.06% 96.34% 95.92% 98.38% Gross Tax Collections $83,838,990 $78,242,273 574,276,472 $70,208,081 $66,238,488 $50,235,534 Percent of Current Levy 100% 99.55% 101.18% 100.67% 101.18% 100.43% Taxes Outstanding $ 3,084,325 $ 3,418,895 $ 2,951,152 $ 3,472,125 $ 1,896,348 $ 1,490,662 Note: 1 Effective in 1983, actual value assessments were used in determininl tax levies foreneralMunicipalpuiposes and effective in 1984 for School puiposes, pursuant to the pc/ill of the Province of British columbia. 2 Variable tax rates were established in 1983 for c4flbrent classes ofpropery pursuant to the policy of the Province of British Columbia for Municzal Government services and 1984 for all other Government Levies. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 103 Property Assessments & Tax Rates Major Light Business Seasonal Residential Utilities Industrial Industrial Other Recreational Farm Analysis of 2006 Taxable Values For General Purposes 7,414,161 9,387 10,000 78,583 464,702 1,660 5,737 (S in 1,000's) Percentage of Taxable Values 92.86% .12% .13% .98% 5.82% .02% .07% Percentage of General Taxation 75.56% 2.92% 1.05% 3.03% 17.21 .04% Analysis of 2006 Rates (Per $1,000) General & Debt 3.9038 38.7399 56.9788 14.3301 14.1723 11.5950 18.6476 Fire .1270 1.2601 1.8533 .4661 .4610 .3771 .6065 Library School 2.6828 14.9000 12.5000 9.2000 9.2000 4.2000 6.8000 B.C. Assessment Authority .0816 .5145 .5145 .2647 .2647 .0816 .0816 Municipal Finance Authority .0003 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0001 .0002 .0002 Regional District & 911 Emergency .0857 .3000 .2914 .2914 .2100 .0857 .0857 TransitAuthority .4688 3.0149 2.9305 2.9305 2.1101 .4688 .4688 Note: Properties are categor4ed into 9 dthrent ciassesfor assessment and taxation pucposes. The District ofMettle Ri/ge has no properties mithin classes 3 (Forestty) and 7 (free Farre9. Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 104 Revenue & Expenditures Last Five Fiscal Years Comparison Revenue Property Taxes Fees Investment Income Developer Contributions Other Government Transfers Other Proceeds 2006 $42,221,337 24,568,587 2,455,874 15,913,931 2,487,939 525221 2005 2004 2003 2002 $38,946,352 $36,240,565 $34,149,649 $30,511,714 22,337,116 19,530,683 19,830,112 17,646,073 2,271,515 1,817,278 1,992,935 1,867,976 30,952,622 17,246,981 7,161,091 4,341,039 2,291,237 4,097,801 2,683,433 3,705,759 725.244 6.937.442 2.577362 1977.216 9L5246iki,25D694,82 841,049272 Expenditures 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Analysis by Function Protective Services Transportation Services Recreation and Cultural Sewer and Water Utilities General Government Services Other Services Internal Cost Reallocations * Contributed Subdivision Infrastructure $19,173,524 $16,387,421 $15,934,006 $13,371,096 $13,054,780 9,406,722 10,023,304 15,215,400 7,967,189 8,768,917 17,872,291 15,419,618 16,369,202 16,342,241 26,253,448 13,666,704 13,221,160 13,304,971 11,948,434 11,343,504 9,722,836 10,597,951 28,331,512 8,228,031 8,225,042 2,607,170 2,293,164 2,373,210 2,354,179 2,160,444 - - (1,720,420) (1,519,794) (1,222,229) 10.848.250 26.284.692 9333.012 4.849.407 1.661909 S99,340,E93S63,540,783 820,247,818 $45,715,933 $43,783,867 $67,385,502 $36,709,464 $47,467,142 23,789,492 21,172,807 19,666,718 18,919,903 18,687,962 2,943,822 2,985,944 2,755,660 3,062,009 2,428,802 10.848.250 26.284.692 9.533.012 4.849.407 1.661909 $83,297,497 599,340893 841 47 570.247.815 Analysis by Object Goods and Services Wages and Salaries Interest and Financing Fees Contributed Subdivision Infrastructure * Reporin,g was changed in 2004 —2005 Annual Report 2006 - District of Maple Ridge Page 105 Capital Assets Acquired Last Five Fiscal Years Comparison 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Capital Acquisitions General Government $ 313,239 $ 1,553,791 $13,242,946 $ 1,674,938 $ 1,678,837 Transportation 3,681,657 4,540,443 9,326,645 2,589,050 3,677,744 Parks and Recreation 4,327,840 2,316,218 3,106,567 2,243,117 14,486,206 Protective Services 1,533,621 544,937 1,371,699 365,683 781,353 Public Health and Other 246,284 152,779 5,375 189,196 - Sanitary Sewer & Waterworks 2,568,876 2,907,987 3,093,844 2,523,004 2,332,398 Subdivision Infrastructure 10.848.250 26284692 9531012 4849407 1 663909 Total Capital Acquisitions S23,519767 S38,300847 S39,680,088 814,434,395 824,620,447 Source of Fundin Revenue Funds $ 716,723 $ 2,887,107 $ 812,881 $ 2,318,453 $ 1,717,843 Reserve Funds 6,376,082 4,897,440 8,593,056 4,180,949 5,148,182 Contributed Assets 12,001,519 27,472,235 10,677,566 5,848,693 2,905,648 Long Term Debt 357,676 - 11,877,554 - 11,095,834 Grants 456,507 266,657 1,551,330 1,129,375 2,639,864 Development Fees & Other 3,611,260 2.777.408 6,167,701 956,925 1,113,076 Total Financing S23.519,767 S38300,847 839,680,088 814,434,395 824,620,447 Annual Report 2006 District of Maple Ridge Page 106 / District of Maple Ridge __±=( Edmonton * ;sh Columbia H - - - •Vitoca 3 Yellowknife lqaILIIt 1 d- F ? St Johns ReEina -"' Charottotowu VVjqnjpEgl. * Quebec Hahfax >:\ / Fredericton Ottiwa -* To 3 flC0 - - - oquit!am Maple Ridge Van couver Urnby bchmond Surrey Delta- Langley bl osro Whitehorse * ctoi The District of Maple Ridge lies on the north shore of the Fraser River, 45 km east of the City of Vancouver District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC Canada:: V2X 6A9 Phone: 604-463-5221 Fax: 604-467-7329 www.mapleridge. ca