HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-04 - Committee of the Whole - Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A GENDA June 4, 2007 1:00p.m. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review and debate of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Councilfor debate and vote or to send an item back to stafffor more information or clarification. Note: If required, there will be a 15-minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor it 1. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SER VICES Note: Owners andlor Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 RZI090/04, 10552 Jackson Road and 248th Street, First Extension Staff report dated May 24, 2007 recommending that a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/090/04 to permit future development into approximately 208 units made up of 87 single family homes and 121 townhouses. Committee of the Whole Agenda June 4, 2007 Page 2 of 4 1102 RZ/084106, 10630 248 Street, RS-3 and A-2 to RM-1 Staff report dated May 24, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 64 82-2007 to permit construction of a 13 unit townhouse development, be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing. 1103 DP/D VP/i 12/06, 23840 River Road Staff report dated May 25, 2007 recommending that the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/1 12/06 to vary the minimum width of a maneuvering aisle and to vary to maximum percentage of permitted small car spaces will be considered by Council at the June 26, 2007 meeting and that upon favourable consideration of DVP/1 12/06, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/1 12/06 in support of a two-storey building. 1104 DPIDVP/033/06, 12329, 12339 Hillside Street, 22210, 22214 124 Avenue V Staff report dated May 25, 2007 recommending that the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/033/06 for variances required to fit this development into a restrictive site will be considered by Council at the June 26, 2007 meeting and that upon favourable consideration of DVP/033/06, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/033/06 to permit a 29-unit townhouse development. 1105 Excess CapacityfExtended Services Agreement LC 119/07, Jackson Road and Kimola Way Staff report dated May 22, 2007 recommending that Latecomer Charges be imposed and that the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign Latecomer Agreement LC 119/07. 1106 2 nd Annual Iron Mountain Half Ironman Staff report dated May 28, 2007 recommending that the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 2 d Annual Iron Mountain Half Ironman on Sunday, June 24, 2007. Committee of the Whole Agenda June 4, 2007 Page 3 of4 FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SER VICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended April 30, 2007 Staff report dated May 25, 2007 recommending that the disbursements for the month ended April 30, 2007 be approved. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTAN1) RECREATION SER VICES 1151 CORRESPONDENCE 1171 OTHER ISSUES 1181 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee of the Whole Agenda June 4, 2007 Page 4 of 4 8. COMMUNITY FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to speak with Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor andlor Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Manager of Legislative Services who can be contacted at 463-5221 or by e-mail at cmarlomapleridge.ca . Checked by:______ Date: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT ovmw~~~: OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 24, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/090/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Rezoning - First Extension 10552 Jackson Road & 248 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 before the date of expiry. This application is to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural) Residential and A-i (Upland Agriculture) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), R-i (Residential District) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit future development into approximately 208 units made up of 87 single family lots and 121 townhouses. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/090/04 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Consolidation of the site to include additional servicing works to be done as part of the Rezoning Servicing Agreement; Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement. A Statutory Right of Way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; Road dedication along Jackson Road as required; Park dedication as required; Registration of a Covenant at the Land Title Office stating that the three separate townhouse sites shall be created at the first phase of the subdivision and that the townhouse sites will show attached units; Registration of a Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Symphony Development Corp. Owner: R C B Enterprises Ltd Legal Description: Lot 10, Block: 3&5, Section 10, Township 12, Plan 18280 & Lot C, Section 11, Township 12, Plan 21213 -1-• 1101 Surrounding Uses North: South: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: East Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description & Progress: OCP: Existing: Albion Area Plan, Medium Density Residential, Urban Reserve & Conservation Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), R-1 (Residential District) & RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Residential RS-3 (One Family Residential) & A-i (Upland Agricultural) Albion Area Plan, Suburban Residential, Medium Density Residential & Conservation Gravel Operation, Residential RS-3 (One Family Residential), A-I (Uplands Agriculture) Albion Area Plan, Medium Density Residential, Conservation & Urban Reserve Residential A-I (Upland Agriculture) Urban Reserve Settling Ponds RS-2 (One Family (suburban) Residential) Albion Area Plan, Low Medium Density Residential Vacant Residential 17.409 Hectare (174089.99 m 2) Jackson Road To be provided through a Rezoning Servicing Agreement N/A This application is to permit future development into approximately 208 units (87 single family lots and 121 townhouses.) The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaw/s 6375 -2005 and 6374 -2005: . December 13, 2005- consideration of the First Reading report (Appendix A); • December 13, 2005- First Reading was granted • January 17, 2006- Public Hearing was held • January 24, 2006- Second and Third reading was granted. Application Progress: • The original applications for this site were submitted by "Pivotal Development Ltd". Once the third reading was granted, the property and files changed hands to Symphony Development Corp. Some Bylaw infractions with respect to the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and disturbance to land within 50 meters of the top bank of a watercourse without an approved Watercourse Protection Development Permit have occurred. The applicant is working with the District to -2- rectify previous clearing and sediment and erosion problems experienced last winter. Regrading of the site occurred last summer and revised Sediment Control Plans have been submitted by Envirowest Consultants on April 24, 2007 which have been reviewed by the District's Environmental Planner. Comments have been conveyed to the applicant who is working to rectify the problems. Through the regrading works a rock outcrop/bluff, not previously identified, was discovered. This rock outcrop has forced the applicant and the District staff to rethink the site geometry for the eastern portion of the site. To assist in this effort, the applicant has hired Civitas Consultants, the original designer for the site, to provide professional advice and direction on how to proceed with the development in order to ensure that no further degradation of the slope would occur while still respecting the established zoning boundaries. While this has required a revised geometry the intent of the application remains as before. • The applicant has completed most of the zoning requirements with the exception of the road and park dedication plan to be registered in the Land Title Office and the rezoning servicing securities to be paid. A separate development for 13 townhouse units added to this project on a one acre lot to the north end of the site is also underway. The applicant will be seeking a PLA for Phase I (R-3 lots) of the multi-phase project proposal. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: Grant the request for extension; Deny the request for extension; or Repeal Third reading of the Bylaw and refer the Bylaw to Public Hearing. CONCLUSION: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a one year extension. It is anticipated that this proposal will be seeking final reading within the next few months. k( Prepared by: 'RasikaAdiarya P1nner II CP, MCIP Approved by: /Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng G . ublic W & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. im) Rule Chief Administrative Officer -3- C,, U, a. 0 10673 10706154 EP 16529 1 10627 P12923 EP16363 4 C 10616 83 10621 of SE 1/4 /_ SK 6504F Ptn of 10601/ P 18280 10 (t0606 I U. BCP 195 PARK 78 7 80 106 83 84 P 75957 6 Rem. D P 20280 10630 P72103 FsUBJECT PROPERTY 1 P 12923 2 10501 / / 10500 P 12923 Rem 1 12 P 42419 District of Pitt Meadows N N District of Langley SCALE 1:2,500 valwy 10552 JACKSON ROAD THE DISTRICT OF WNW o CORPORATION OF MAPLE RIDGE ic N4A.PLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ______ DATE: Jun 23, 2006 FILE: SD1090104 BY: PC +_, ? 6 % 0^= CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: q,2OO and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/090/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw 6374-2005 and Bylaw 6375-2005 10552 Industrial Ave and property directly east on 248 St. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural) Residential and A-i (Upland Agriculture) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), R-1 (Residential District) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit future development into approximately 192 units made up of 79 lots and 113 townhouses. -This application will require an Official Community Plan Amendment to reflect the development boundaries. RECOMMENDATIONS: That, acknowledging that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6374-2005 has been considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan, Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6374-2005 be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing; That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6375-2005 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement - this may require consolidation of the site; A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office; Road and Park dedication as required; >i4rJvJ__IHcIuiw Atka_itp mm Sewer tre "&!. v) Compliance with the Ministry of Environment's requirements under the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act; and / -• C' vi) A Covenant must be registered at the Land Title Office that restricts the townhouse sites to attached units and that the three separate townhouse sites are created at the first phase of the subdivision. DISCUSSION a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation West: Use: • Zone: • Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Wayne Jackson RCB Enterprises Ltd Lot 10, Block: 3&5, Section 10, Township 12, Plan 18280 & Lot C, Section 11, Township 12, Plan 21213 Compact Housing (30 & 40 upnh), Neighbourhood Commercial, Reclamation, & Urban Reserve Compact Housing (30 & 40 upnh), Urban Reserve & Conservation. RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), A-2 (Upland Agricultural) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), R-1 (Residential District) & RM-i (Townhouse Residential) Residential RS-3 (One Family Residential) & A-i (Upland Agricultural) Compact Housing (30 & 40 upnh), Neighbourhood Commercial, Reclamation, Suburban Residential Gravel Operation, Residential RS-3 (One Family Residential), A-I (Uplands Agriculture) Compact Housing (30 & 40 upnh), Urban Reserve. Residential A-I (Upland Agriculture) Urban Reserve Settling Ponds RS-2 (One Family (suburban) Residential) Single Family Residential (18 upnh) Vacant Residential 17.409 Hectare -2- Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: Site History: Industrial Avenue To be provided through a Rezoning Development Agreement N/A The site was logged but undeveloped prior to the 1950's. It was operated as a gravel mine until 1991. No asphalt or concrete manufacturing was conducted on the site; however evidence of asphalt rubble were observed in the northwest portion of Lot C of the site, no mining actives were conducted on the southeast portion of the site. After 1991 the gravel mining operation ceased and the site became overgrown. In recognition of the previous uses, a site profile was prepared and sent to The Ministry of Environment who required that, under the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, it would be necessary for the proponent to obtain and provide the municipality with a copy of one of the following instruments: • A determination that the site is not a contaminated site; • A voluntary remediation agreement; • An approval in principle of a remediation plan; or • A certification confirming the satisfactory remediation of the site The applicant is working towards receiving one of the above, which will be necessary prior to final reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw 6375-2005. Site Characteristics: The subject site consists of two separate parcels and is 17.409 hectares in size with access from Industrial Avenue and the unconstructed 248 Street right of way which also separates Lot 10, the (2.222 hectares) parcel, which fronts on Industrial Avenue from Lot C, (15.409 hectares) parcel. The unconstructed right of way for 104 Avenue is adjacent to the south side of Lot C. Lot C (15.409 hectare parcel): The western 8.8 hectares of Lot C is within the Urban Area Boundary (Appendix A) and is the subject of this rezoning application. This area slopes from the east towards the northwest to 248 Street with an elevation change of approximately 60 meters which recognized the mining activity and where the localized contamination has been identified and remediation works are taking place. This area will require major regrading to obtain the desired 2:1 finished slope and to match the neighbouring property to the south. A preliminary geotechnical report has been received, it will, however be necessary, at the subdivision stage, for a detailed geotechnical -3- assessment of the site be provided to satisf' the Approving Officer that the land can support the intended use. The eastern 6.6 hectares portion of Lot C is within the Urban Reserve designation and is relatively flat and has not been subject to mining activity. There is a tributary to Thomvale Creek which runs along the northeast portion of the site. The area required for habitat protection will be dedicated as park as a condition of rezoning the site. Lot 10 (2.222 hectare Darcel) This site is adjacent to Industrial Avenue and is relatively flat. It contained the settling ponds in support of the gravel mining and has localized depressions where these pond areas were. The development proposal indicates that these areas will be filled in to make the site ready for urban development. Project Description: Lot 10 and the western portion of Lot C are the subject of this development application. This respects the Urban Boundary of the 1996 Official Community Plan. The area east of the Urban Boundary is not included in this development proposal. The development proposal is for approximately 197 units using three separate zones. It is the applicant's intention to phase the development from east to west. The proposal also provides for a multi-use trail which will be constructed as part of the development of the site. This trail network will be included in an area which will be dedicated as park land. The applicant proposes to phase the development in three phases. The first phase is proposed for the eastern portion of the development site, the R- I (Residential District) lots, which would see the construction of the existing 248 Street and the creation of the three RM-1 lots. The second phase would see the development of the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) lots and the third phase would finish with the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots, adjacent to Industrial Avenue. Phase One - R-1 (Residential District): The eastern portion of the site proposes 37 lots using the R-I (Residential District) zone. These lots are all larger than the required 317 m 2 with the range from 413 m 2 to 787m2 to better accommodate the slope in this area. Phase Two - RM-1 (Townhouse Residential): The total number of townhouses proposed is 113, to be done in three separate parcels and identified as Parcel A which proposes 36 attached units, Parcel B which proposes 26 attached units and Parcel C which proposes 51 attached units. Each townhouse site will -4- T) ) have its own playground area and on site amenities located in the middle of the site. This form of development will allow for more flexibility in dealing with the slope transition. Through the proposed regrading of the site the townhouses will be stepped down the hillside from east to west and buildings and floor levels will be designed to accommodate this. The townhouse sites will be included into Development Permit Area XXI to ensure the project addresses the Objectives and Guidelines of the Development Permit Area prior to a Building Permit being issued. This will require separate Development Permit applications which, in turn will require review by the Advisory Design Panel prior to a report being prepared for Council's consideration. It is recommended that prior to final reading that the applicant be required to register a Section 219 Covenant at the Land Title Office which will restrict the proposed townhouse development to that of attached townhouses and that as a condition of the first phase of subdivision of the site that the three townhouse sites be created. This will ensure that the development, as proposed, will be achieved. Phase Three - R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District): A new road access will be constructed from Industrial Avenue to the proposed 42 R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots. The construction of the existing 248 Street right-of-way will provide access to this Phase. The area of the site will be relatively flat after regrading takes place and will allow for this small lot development. The R-3 lots will have lane access and are proposed to be a minimum of 8 meters in width with several of the proposed lots wider than that. These lots will be included into Development Permit Area XLI and will require Council to approve a Development Permit to ensure the Objectives and Guidelines of the Development Permit Area, for the form and character of the development, are met prior to a building permit being issued. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: Schedule "B": As noted previously in this report, the subject site is bisected by the Urban Area Boundary, and the proposed amendment only relates to lands within the Urban area. The properties within the Urban Area Boundary are designated Reclamation, Compact Housing (30 upnha), Compact Housing (40 upnha) and Neighbourhood Commercial on "Schedule B" of the Official Community Plan. The development proposal requires an amendment to "Schedule B" and proposes the elimination of the Reclamation and Neighbourhood Commercial designations, and a realignment of the Compact Housing (30 upnha) and Compact Housing (40 upnha) designations. The following applies to each of the proposed amendments: -5- Reclamation Designation: The Reclamation designation identifies lands that require rehabilitation as a result of gravel activity historically occurring on the site. The majority of these lands are proposed to be placed in the Conservation designation and will not be developed, the area of that can be developed, as a result of reclaiming the site will be included into the Compact Housing Designation (30 upnha). As noted earlier in this report, the applicant is working with the Ministry of Environment to confinn that the site has been reclaimed to their satisfaction. Neighbourhood Commercial Designation: Approximately, 3% (670 m2) of Lot 10 is designated Neighbourhood Commercial in the Official Community Plan. This proposal would eliminate the Neighbourhood Commercial designation on the property and redesignate the site Compact Housing (40 upnha). This Neighbourhood Commercial Centre comprises portions of three parcels, totalling approximately 3400 m2 in area. The elimination of the Neighhbourhood Commercial portion on the subject site will result in a remaining 2700 m2 Neighbourhood Commercial centre to the north, which is sufficient to support a commercial development in the future. In addition to the subject property there are 3 commercial centres in the Albion Growth Area, designated as follows: • Village Commercial centre on 102 nd Avenue; • Neighbourhood Commercial site at 112 Ih Avenue and Lockwood Street; and • Neighbourhood Commercial site at 2401 Street and 112th Avenue. Also, the Official Community Plan has designated a Neighbourhood Commercial and Service Commercial centre at 2401h Street and 1 l2thAvenue and a Rural Commercial centre at 2401h Street and Lougheed Highway (Bruce's Market) which are intended to be the primary focal point of commercial activity in the area. As a component of the Official Community Plan review a consultant was retained to examine the District's commercial requirements. The report identifies that a Neighbourhood Commercial centre should range in size from 93 m 2 (1000 ft) to 929 m2 (10000 ft2), and would serve a population of 5000. Given that the estimated population for the Albion Growth Area is approximately 9000 residents, it can be concluded that the population could service 2 neighbourhood commercial centres in the future. Based on this estimate there is over-supply of designated commercial land in this area. To address this issue the proposed Official Community Plan has eliminated the subject Neighbourhood Commercial site. Compact Housing Designations: The proposed Official Community Plan amendment realigns the Compact Housing 30 upnha and Compact Housing 40 upnha land use designations. Generally, the -6- amendment "reverses" the Compact Housing densities in order that the higher density is located on the western portion of the site, and the lesser density is adjacent to the proposed Conservation area. Conservation Designation: The Conservation Designation will indicate the location and protection area for Thornvale Creek and the area of the steeper areas of the site where the future trail system will be constructed. Schedule A & H: It will be necessary to amend Schedules A and H of the Official Community Plan to: • include the Intensive Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots into Development Permit Area XLI to ensure the form and character of the intensive residential use at the Building Permit Stage; and • include the townhouse sites into Development Permit Area XXI to ensure the form and character of the multi family residential use at the Building Permit Stage. Schedule E: Thornvale Creek is located on the northeast portion of the site and is shown on Schedule E of the Official Community Plan as a watercourse designated for special treatment under Development Permit Area XXX. This watercourse is also shown on the District Streamside Setback Map with a habitat protection area of 30 meters from the top of bank to be protected; that protection area will be dedicated as Park as a condition of zoning the site. Schedule E also shows a small watercourse on the southwest portion of Lot C which is noted as "To Be Confirmed". The District's Environmental Consultant has reviewed this and has confirmed that it is not a watercourse. Schedule F: Schedule F of the Official Community Plan shows a shoulder (interim) trail on Industrial Avenue although currently the unopened 248 Street right of way is used for this purpose. It is the intention with this application to provide for a new trail which will ultimately provide for the permanent location of this trail network. (Appendix F). This trail network has been discussed with the Manager of Parks and Open Space and is part of the overall Albion Guide Plan. The overall goal for the trail network in the Albion Area will be to eventually provide for an equestrian trail that is off the roads. This will occur as development takes place but, in the meantime the interim trail will be retained. -7- Zoning Bylaw: There are three separate zones that have been applied for with this application. They are: The R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Zone: This zone was established to permit intensive residential development using fee simple residential lots. The minimum lot size is 213 m 2. The development proposal is for 42 lots which will require approval of a Development Permit to ensure the form and character of the development prior to a Building Permit being issued. The P.M-i (Townhouse Residential): This zone provides for low density townhouses. The development proposal shows three separate P.M-i (Townhouse Residential) sites for a total of 113 units in three separate strata lots. A requirement of final reading of the zone amending bylaw will be to have a Section 219 covenant registered at the Land Title Office that: • Requires that the development of the townhouse site is by using attached units; and • That at the first phase of subdivision, the three separate townhouse sites are created. The R-1 (Residential District) Zone: This zone provides for lots with minimum area of 371 m 2, all of the proposed lots are larger than the minimum 371m 2. The development proposal is for 37 lots. Development Permits: The property will be subject to three Development Permit Areas: Development Permit Area XXI: This Development Permit Area has been established to govern the building form and character for multi-family residential development. As a condition of rezoning the site the Official Community Plan will be amended to include it into Development Permit Area XXI. Prior to a building permit being issued and through the Development Permit application process, the project will have to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel and received Council approval. The Objectives of that Development Permit are: To facilitate orderly development of the areas and to encourage coordination in the siting, form and character and volume of multi-family development. To create a development that provides a high degree ofpedestnan accessibility. To properly site buildings to address site characteristics and adjoining uses. -8- To minimize visual disruption to the neighbourhood and ensure proper integration. To provide appropriate amenities to enhance the character of development and strengthen the sense of neighbourhood. To retain natural vegetation wherever possible to enhance the existing character or the area. Development Permit Area XXX: The site is subject to Development Permit Area XXX and is impacted by Thornvale Creek on the northeast. This Development Permit Area was established for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment. The habitat protection area for the site has been established and will be dedicated as Park as a condition of zoning the site. It will be necessary to issue a Development Permit prior to any on site works taking place within 50 meters of the top of the bank from the watercourses. Development Permit Area XLI: This Development Permit Area was established to address the form and character of intensive residential development for densities ranging from 3 0-60 units per net hectare with fee simple or bare land strata lots. It will apply to the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots. A Development Permit will be required to ensure that the form and character of the building meet the Objectives and Guidelines of the Development Permit Area prior to a Building Permit being issued. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel will consider the development application for the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) lots as a condition of a Development Permit application and prior to a report being prepared for Council. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held on August 25, 2005. The minutes from that meeting are attached as Appendix D. The concerns raised by the attendees were: • The owners of the property to the north were concerned about the townhouse units being built near their home; they were however favourable to the fact that the townhouse layouts proposed had open space along the frontage near their home. • The homeowner to the north of the small lot did not want small lots to be near his home. He would prefer to see larger lots as his home and his neighbours to the north of him are large homes on large lots. • One person commented favourably on the inclusion of the equestrian/pedestrian greenway link. o The neighbour to the south wanted the developer to ensure that the slopes were stable and safe. As well he wanted the proposed property purchaser to be made aware of the industrial operation adjacent to the site. Citizen/Customer Implications: The development of this site will see the permanent location of a portion of the multi-use trail secured. This trail network has been discussed with the Manager of Parks and Open Space and is part of the overall Albion Guide Plan. The overall goal for the trail network in the Albion Area will be to eventually provide for an equestrian trail that is off the roads. This will occur as development takes place. In the meantime, the interim trail on Industrial Avenue will be retained. Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has advised that all the services required to support the proposed land use do not exist to the site. It will, therefore, be necessary for the owner to register a Rezomng Development Agreement under Section 219 of the Land Title Act and deposit security to do the works prior to final reading of the zone amending bylaw. This review was based on the two parcels being consolidated; if this is not the case servicing issues will need to be re-examined to ensure that each parcel will have urban services provided to it. Industrial Avenue is an arterial road and it will be necessary to have a 3 meter portion of the frontage dedicated road to ensure that it is 26 meters wide. This will have to be done as a condition of zoning. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the Street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be approximately 130 trees; final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $3250.00. The Manager of Parks and Open Space has been working with the Haney Horsemen with respect to achieving a permanent trail network in the Albion Area. The development proposal will see a portion of that permanent system being included into a Park area and security being taken for its construction. Fire Department: The Fire Department has no concerns with the development proposal. -10- 1) Intergovernmental Issues: School District Comments: The School District has indicated that the catchment area for school children will be Albion Elementaiy School and Samuel Robertson Technical School. They are also in the process of securing a new school Site for the Albion Area for elementary school aged children. Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application will realign the Compact Housing (30 upnh and 40 upnh) boundary to reflect the actual development proposal as well as eliminate the Reclamation and Neighbourhood Commercial designations and include a Conservation designation to respect the watercourse on the northeast portion of the site, the steep slopes and is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. g) Environmental Implications: In recognition of the mining uses and the receipt of a site profile pertaining to the property the Ministry of Environment required that under the Contamination Site Regulations of the Environmental Management ACt a detailed site investigation be prepared. Pursuant to the Local Government Act this decision has suspended approval of the rezoning application until the proponent has applied for and obtained one of the following Environmental Management Act instruments: . A determination that the site is not a contaminated site, • A voluntary remediation agreement, • An approval in principle of a remediation plan or • A certification confirming the satisfactory remediation of the site. Thurber Engineering Ltd. has provided a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Preliminary Site Investigation as well as a Detailed Site Investigation for this site. Remediation works have taken place on the site and the applicant is working towards receiving one of the above, which will be necessary prior to final reading of the zone amending bylaw. CONCLUSION: Geotechnical and environmental consultants have reviewed the portion of this site that is subject to the rezoning application; their findings indicate that residential use is feasible; however, the appropriate instrument from the Ministry of Environment, with respect to the site contamination will be required before final adoption. The Official Community Plan Amendment is supported and it is recommended that first reading be granted to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6374-2005 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 63 75-2005 and that the application be forwarded to Public Hearing. ;- N-Q\ Prepared by: Gay McMillan P1nnin2 Technician Approved by: Concurrence: GM/bjc , MCIP // ;% &- Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP GM: Pub7Works ~~ 7\ J. V (Jim) Rule hf Administrative Officer Services The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Map Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Development Information Meeting Minutes Appendix D - Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6374-2005 Appendix E -Zone Amending Bylaw 6375-2005 Appendix F - Schedule F - Equestrian Trail location & Subject property future trail location Appendix G - Map showing existing Land Use Designations on Schedule B of the OCP. - 12 - CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 24, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/084/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6482-2007 10630 248 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit the construction of a 13 unit townhouse development on the one acre part (Lot 4). This site will eventually form a part of lands to the south which have been granted third reading under application RZ/090/04 (accompanying file is SD/090/04). This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan and the Albion Area Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6482-2007 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following term(s) and condition(s) be met prior to final reading. Registration of a Rezo fling Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Registration of a Geotechnical Restrictive Covenant stating the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road dedication as required; Consolidation of the development site; Removal of the existing buildings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Symphony Development Corp Owner: Gurmel S Kainth Malkit S Johal Legal Description: Lot: 4, Section: 10, Township: 12, Plan: 12923 OCP: Existing: MRES (Medium Density Residential) Proposed: MRES (Medium Density Residential) 1102 Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Proposed: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Residential & Agricultural Zone: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation Suburban Residential, Conservation, Medium density Residential and Low/Medium density Residential South: Use: Residential & Agricultural (Proposed RM-1 as per accompanying file RZ/090/04) Zone: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Designation: Urban Residential, Medium density Residential and Conservation East: Use: Residential & Agricultural Zone: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential, Conservation, Medium density Residential and Low/Medium density Residential West: Use: Residential Zone: RS-lb (One Family Urban Residential-Medium Density) Designation: Low/Medium Density Residential Existing Use of Property: One Family Rural Residential Proposed Use of Property: Multi-Family Residential (Townhouses) Site Area: 0.405 HA (4049.99 m2) Access: 248th Street Servicing: to be provided through a Rezoning Development Agreement for RZ/090/04 of which this application is a part. Companion Applications: RZ/090/04 and SD/090/04 b) Project Description: Site Characteristics: The subject site is 0.405 HA (4049.99 m2) in size and the main access is from 248 th Street. The site slopes upwards from the northwest (248th Street) to southeast with a slope of 1:2 (V: H) upwards towards the southeast. Significant grading will have to be done to match the neighboring property to the south. A preliminary geotechnical report has been submitted with appropriate recommendations for the development. This application is a part of the larger proposal to the South (RZ/090/04) which has received third reading from Council. The applicant proposes to phase that development in three phases. The first phase is proposed for the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) lots, on the western part of the site adjacent to Jackson Road., which would see the construction of the existing 248th Street. -2- The second phase would see the development of the R-1 (Residential District) lots on the eastern portion of the site, and the third phase would finish with the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) lots along 248th Street. The total number of townhouses proposed is 134, to be done in three separate parcels, out of which this is a part proposing 13 townhouse units on the northern end of the site. Each townhouse site will have its own playground area and on site amenities located in the middle of the site. This form of development will allow for more flexibility in dealing with the slope transition. Through the proposed regrading of the site the townhouses will be stepped down the hillside from east to west and buildings and floor levels will be designed to accommodate this (Appendix Q. Currently a house with an accessory building is located on site and will have to be removed as a condition of final reading. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject site is in the Albion Area Plan. The Official Community Plan designation is MRES (Medium Density Residential) which allows the proposed RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential) zone as per Section 10.2.7 of the Official Community Plan. Zoning Bylaw: The subject site is currently zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential, 60 %) and as A-2 (Upland Agricultural, 40 %). The RM-1 zone allows a density of 0.6 times the net lot area. The proposed density is 0.52 times the net lot area and it matches with the proposal on the south (Appendix Q. Parking Bylaw Requirements: As per the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, the RM-1 zone requires 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit and the proposed development has 26 parking spaces for 13 units proposed. It also requires a visitors parking of 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit for multi-family residential uses. This component has to be looked at with the whole townhouse development on the south (of which this is apart). Total numbers of townhouse units are 134 and the total visitor parking required is 26.8 spaces. 28 visitor parking stalls have been proposed (Appendix Q. Development Permits: The proposed development will be subject to Multi-Family Development Permit guidelines as per the Official Community Plan to address form and character. This development combined with the townhouse sites proposed to the south of the subject property, will be reviewed at a later stage. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel will consider the Multi-Family development application for the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) lots as a condition of a Development Permit application and prior to a report being prepared for Council. Comments from ADP will be incorporated in the Development Permit report. -3- Development Information Meetin2: In accordance with Council Policy No. 6.20 this application does not require a Development Information Meeting as it is in compliance with the Official Community Plan and is for rezoning of the land to construct 13 townhouse units only. However, a Development Information Meeting was held on August 25, 2005 for the proposed rezoning on the south (to R-1, R-3 and RM-1 lots as per the accompanying file RZ1090/04) of which this is a small part. CitizenlCustomer Implications: The development of this site will see the permanent location and development of the Horse Trail (which has been discussed with the Manager of Parks and Open Space and is part of the overall Albion Area Plan) and the construction of a part of 248th Street as part of Phase-I development. This will be a condition of final reading as a part of the Rezoning Servicing Agreement. Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has advised that all the services required to support the proposed land use do not exist to the site. It will, therefore, be necessary for the owner to register a Rezoning Development Agreement under Section 219 of the Land Title Act and deposit security to do the works prior to final reading of the zoning bylaw. The lots will have to be consolidated prior to final reading for servicing purposes. Jackson Road is an arterial road and thus a 3.0 m wide road dedication is required which will be a condition of the final reading. Parks & Leisure Services Department: For the accompanying application RZ/090/04 the Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project, it is estimated that there will be approximately 130 trees; final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $3250.00. Fire Department: The Fire Department has no concerns with the development proposal. Intergovernmental Issues: School District Comments: The School District has indicated that the catchment area for school children will be Albion Elementary School and Samuel Robertson Technical School. They are also in the process of securing a new school site for the Albion Area for elementary school aged children. -4- 1) Environmental Implications: Preliminary geotechnical and environmental consultants have reviewed the portion of this site that is subject to the rezoning application and conclude that residential use is feasible and that the site can be developed safely for its intended use. CONCLUSION: As this application is part of the bigger rezoning application (RZ/090/04) which has received third reading by Council, it is recommended that this be given favorable consideration so that it can enhance the adjoining proposal. The applicant has been working towards meeting the final reading conditions and has requested an extension for the same. Prepared by: Rasika Atharya Planner II MCIP Approved by/ Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng V GM: Public Works & Development Services ConcurrenceV J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The followjuig appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6482-2007 Appendix C- Site Plan and Site Section -5- Mcct tj5960 ' 61 129 130 131 132 10727 105 10728 104 P 21213 io 10717 00 10718 1- 103 83 C" 107 10708 C 10707 B < 108 102 Co I- 10698 113 112 19097 ( 115 \4 10690 123 109 101 k_- 110 100 10686 10683 10682 10681 \116122 - 117 120 10679 1 111 10678 99 10617 10676 121 -_._. 118 106 0 03 j06 119 Rem.D 10673 P 20280 BCP 24067 4 PCL. A 10630 10621 10616 Ptn of 83 N1/2of SE 1/4 10607 SK 6504F 10601 11 P 18280 10606 P 18280 10 10552 P 21213 P12923 Distn of Pitt Meadows va8sy 10630-248 St - CORPORATION OF HnSy9 THE DISTRICT OF District of Langley Aibo MAPLE RIDGE N4APLE RIIYE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Sep 8, 2006 RZ/084106 BY: JV SCALE 1:2,500 IWV&r ______ 490"Cli* 118 ' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6482-2007 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This Bylaw may be cited as 'Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6482-2007.' That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 4, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster Plan 12923 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1393 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 4i¼t&'ThX R' f "L)LU 10697 0698 109 101 0690 10689 110 100 0682 ,' 10681 111 99 r)23.1 0676 10677 tfl 139 o 138 0 140 37 10706 141 142 / P 12923 143 4 F1106JO) ON - 0.405 ha. 10616 Ptnof (I) fSE1/4 (N SK 5504F _ 39911 0.405 ha 11 18280 -05 ha H MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6482-2007 Map No. 1393 From: RS-3 (One Famfly Rural Residential) and A-2 (Upland Agriculture) T,- L). RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) 10 , AMAPLE RIDGE 1:1500 rj .vI/c 104th Avenue c) Sketch P/on Showing The Proposed Subdivision Of Lot ID P/on 18289 Of Lot C P/on 21213 And Of Lot 4 Plan 12923 All Of Section 10 rownship 72 New Westminster District 17 - 10 , 210 t 21 / •/ 2 (1\ Terra Pacific Y 1d Sor./q Ltd St. fl - fiNS - INS M.t 5.n Scnphony Developments 70552 Jackson Road Maple Ridge 10630 248th Street Map/c Ridge 248th Street & 1041h Ave Maple S 339• Appro.. 41 UnIte 1 1.19 hsctams Appox. 34 UnIte I 0.95 h.ct... 81 UnIt, I 2.04 h.t.r.* PARKING REQUIRED: 1011. S2 UnIt. 02 ..nnk. S2UnII, Dip.onht. 1S4 p.1dn stall, 17 VI.lIon.t.11. 52 to 125 nIt, 2 SIC .t.UA (Inalanla. VISIt..) LOT 2. 52 UnItS 02 pan lInS. 104 panldng Stall. S2Unit.00.2p.nanit. 261.1$ linUs 11 Vt.Itan.I.lI. I SIC stalls (InnIanIv. VIsit,,) TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED 296 psAIng .1.11 TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 256 p.AIng stall. (Is be ..nIlnn.d) ".._!_Jt ----------- --------- ---- 24IThYMALE RIDG IPLUNORREU1EWOT&T I ELI C.TUOES ARE APPROXIMATE SUSSEX, UKOTECESICAL MID CIVIL EIRORS4ATION IS REQUIRED 3 SETBACKS INCLUDE BASIS BUILDING FACADE ONLY SETBACKS DO NOT INCLUDE ENCRDACYITIA EtEAPUTS -ENTRY CXI SCANS LOT-I AREAI 204.00374 TIE (1.606 IT.) APPROX. (3)I 17340.23 LUI it APPROX. TOTAL LOT II 221,423.07 .qft (2.057 IT.) 62 UnIt. 12.057 ITSEt.... LOT I M.,t. FAR (SM-I) 50.5 - 132,654.4 .q ft I 1 LOT .2 *65k 132,401.55 TI ft APPROX. (4) 7,114.04 .qft APPROX. TOTAL LOT 2 140264.5 .qfl .D 52 UnIt, E 1.303 h4.PR. J LOT ZtM... F.A.R (RM.1( 00.6 64110.1 .q ft (L011 A LOT 2-TOTAL UNETI 1341 RE-ZONING - MAY 25/ 2007 ?PEN 'C z ck 90 APPROX. AREA # TOTAL A 1,963SF 1 B 1,656SF 7 C 1,751 SF 4 D 1,963SF 1 13 22.522 SF FAR 0.52 P I - nUwIMGHnGHTBasELNE_I -- - L. '' 10340 . ,.w SC.•SI I IaIdI EC11ON PROFI).E A-I (Al CCNIER?S9PERtfl - 8IDENT1AIOEELOPMENT SEt Ti 0 N SI UILDING HEIG-IT ALtUL TI0N C E Be —71 Symphony Development Corp 1 A3 ft i.1 rc 0 JL hTtTttL IiIf SECTION PROFILE N-S (LOT 1) 0 SECTION PROFILE N-S (LOT 1) Ip,ox. - 7 J- SECTION PROFILE N-S (LOT 1) SITE SECTIONS FEBRUARY 1212007 Qozw~t::: CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 25, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DPIDVP/112/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development and Development Variance Permit 23840 RIVER RD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area application has been received for the above noted property in support of a two storey building adjacent to the Fraser River. As required under the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines, a permit must be approved by Council and the required environmental security deposited with the District prior to any on-site works being undertaken within 50 meters of the top of bank of the watercourse. This application is also subject to the Development Permit Guidelines for Industrial Development as outlined in the 2006 Official Community Plan. Two development variances are being sought to the Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. A variance request to the minimum width of a maneuvering aisle from the required 7.3 metres to the proposed 6.87 metres and a variance to the maximum percentage of permitted small car spaces from 10% to the 20% proposed resulting in a total of 8 "small car" spaces to maintain the minimum number of required parking stalls on a reduced width maneuvering aisle. RECOMMENDATION: That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/1 12/06 respecting property located at 23840 River Road will be considered by Council at the June 26, 2007 Council Meeting; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/112/06 respecting property located at 23840 River Road subject to approval of DVP/058/06. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Acedco Investments Ltd. Owner: Acedco Investments Ltd. Legal Description: Lot: 4, D.L.: 405, Plan: 7324 OCP: Existing: Industrial 1103 Zoning: Existing: M-2 (General Industrial) Proposed: M-3 (Business Park Zone) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Railway Con-idor; Highway; Residential Zone: RS-3, RS-1, M-2 Designation Industrial South: Use: Fraser River Zone: N/A Designation: N/A East: Use: Ferry Terminal Zone: M-2 (General Industrial) Designation: Industrial West: Use: Industrial Zone: M-2 (General Industrial) Designation: Industrial Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Small take-out restaurant Restaurant and brew pub 0.380 Ha (.94 acres) River Road Full Urban RZ/l 12/06 A development permit application has been made in support of a development plan for a two storey building with a 140 seat restaurant and brew pub located on the main floor and office space and storage located on the second floor. There are two decks, one covered and one open, located off of the restaurant and microbrewery facing the Fraser River. Access will be off of River Road. Due to the Fraser River flood risk, the building has been raised so all the habitable space is above the minimum floodplain elevation, thus leaving a 3.3 m (510") high crawl space below the main floor. This increase in floor elevation has been accommodated with a wheelchair accessible ramp and stairs leading up to the entrance. The building's exterior will be a mix of vertical hardiplank "kaki brown" siding and stone detailing with cedar facia and fibre glass shingles. There will be a Kingfisher's sign prominently displayed on the building exterior facing River Road. A new 6 foot chainlink fence will be provided along the eastern property line adjacent to the Albion Ferry staff parking. Additionally, a 3 foot split-rail fence will be provided to delineate the watercourse protection covenant area. A future 1.8 metre walkway from the parking area down to the Fraser River is shown on the site plan with future intentions of building a marina to make the restaurant more accessible to boat traffic. Landscaping has been provided for both aesthetic appeal and for sensitive area protection. Landscape enhancement within the Fraser River riparian area along with sections of grasscrete payers in the parking areas are designed to aid in stormwater site source controls. Appendixes are provided with details on both landscape plans. -2- c) Environmental Implications: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule 'C' of the Official Community Plan and is included in the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines that were established for the preservation and protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. A Development Permit is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits within 50 meters of the top-of-bank of all watercourse and wetlands as shown on Schedule C - Natural Features Map. A security has been posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. This property is also subject to the guidelines applicable to Section 8.9 Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. This development respects the key guideline concepts as outlined in this section. A. Watercourse Protection Area Establishment: Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District ofMaple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks have endorsed the proposed watercourse protection boundaries as shown on the District's Streamside Setback Map. Setbacks from the Fraser River have been established in conjunction with the District's Streamside Setback Map. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. • restrictive covenant has been registered for habitat protection of the conservation area. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. • BC Land Surveyor has located the watercourse protection area on the ground. Temporary barrier fencing will be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and should be replaced with permanent post and rail fence upon development completion. • temporary barrier fence has been installed adjacent to the watercourse protection area. This will be replaced with a permanent three foot post and rail fence upon completion of the development. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. The lot meets the required minimum lot dimensions. -3- B. Erosion Control: 6) All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the District 's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410 - 2006 The applicant has provided a report by Lefts Envirowise Ltd, Environmental Consultants assurances through Schedule A of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw that their Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is in accordance with the requirements of the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006; and In support of watercourse protection, a signed letter from the environmental consultant has been submitted with assurances that the stormwater management plan for the site will meet the DFO Urban Stormwater standards for water velocity, volume, and water quality. 7) Temporary fencing should be erected to prevent any encroachment or disturbance into the watercourse protection area prior to any clearing or construction on the site. This is a requirement of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and a Watercourse Protection DP site plan has been submitted demonstrating compliance with these requirements. 8) Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structuralfill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the OCP. A grading plan has been prepared and submitted to the District in support of the development. 9) The District may require environmental impact studies, enhancement works, and monitoring in support of development proposed to be located within a Watercourse Protection Area. Supporting documentation, technical studies, and recommendations with respect to impacts of the proposed development may include the following: A geotechnical slope stability report,' A flood protection report,' C. An erosion and sediment control plan,' A stormwater management concept plan; A groundwater impact assessment report,' f Wildlife habitat assessment report,' Vegetation impact assessment report,' and A detailed trail plan. In support of the above, the following reports were required and have been received; Sediment and Erosion Control Plan, Stormwater Management Plan, C. Vegetation Management: 10) Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimum disruptions to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. WE The conservation area has been protected through a conservation covenant. A fence will be installed along the property line to define the clearing limitations. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species should be native of the area and be selected for erosion control andfIsh and wildlife habitat values. A cost estimate, security bond, and enhancement plans for water course improvement adjacent to the Fraser River has been received by the District. Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area should have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the Districts stormwater management plans. The developer shall provide copies of all necessary approvals (and supporting information) from senior agencies for all new stormwater outfalls located within setback areas. A letter of confirmation from the environmental consultant has been received stating that his stormwater management plan meets DFO stormwater management standards for volume, velocity, and water quality as required by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. In addition, the environmental consultant must demonstrate compliance with current Provincial and GVRD site source controls where possible. Calculations demonstrating compliance with the three tier system may be required. D. Monitoring: The implementation and maintenance of environmental mitigative controls or measures approved by the District are to be monitored by a qualified environmental monitor. Environmental monitoring will be a key element of the development of this site. Letts Envirowise Ltd. will be the environmental monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Monitoring will occur daily during construction in rainfall events, and weekly at all other times during the construction period to ensure compliance with the permit. A record of all monitoring data shall be made available to the District upon request. The Environmental Monitor has been provided with written authority to modify and/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006. The erosion and sediment control works approved by the environmental consultant and the environmental monitor, shall be inspected, maintained and operated by the property owner and/or contractor performing the construction work set out in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan until a Certificate of Acceptance has been issued by Director of Development Engineering or an Occupancy Permit has been issued by the Building Department.. Staff has reviewed the guidelines established for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant. -5- Performance Security: In support of the restoration works required in or around the Fraser River the amount of security that will be required is $2,452.00 as per the Cost Estimate provided from Letts Envirowise Ltd. Performance security may also be required for environmental protection purposes at building permit stage. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: This property is subject to the guidelines applicable to Section 8.6 Industrial Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan that aim to regulate the form and character of development located within industrial areas. This development respects the key guideline concepts as outlined in this section. Provide a street presence with entrances and architectural interest in building designs fronting public streets. The landscaping provided along River Road provides visual interest at the entrance of the lot. The building elevation facing River Road has a clearly defined entranceway, planters in the front, and a mixture of exterior finishes with a double roof line that adds to attractiveness of the building design. Loading facilities should be located away from public streets and into the rear or the interior of a site. There are no loading facilities that front onto River Road. Outdoor storage and less attractive structures such as accessoiy buildings should be screened with fencing or landscape. There is no outdoor storage. Storage space is located on the second storey of the building. The transportation needs of diverse users should be accommodated though amenities such as bicycle facilities, and accessible design for the mobility impaired. There is a parking space designed for people with disabilities located near the front entranceway. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. Due to the recently heightened minimum floodplain elevation, the proposed building is slightly higher than the Albion Ferry building to the east. Structural consistency is created, however, with the pitch of the roof that is designed to be the same as the ferry building. The design of the proposed restaurant and brewpub maximizes the uniqueness of the subject lot with large windows and patios overlooking the view of the Fraser River. -6- e) Development Variance Permit A variance request has been received to vary the minimum width of a maneuvering aisle from the 7.3 metres required to the 6.87 metres proposed and a variance to the maximum percentage of permitted small car spaces from 10% to the 20% proposed resulting in a total of 8 "small car" spaces to maintain the minimum number of required parking stalls on a reduced width maneuvering aisle. To accommodate the 4 metre road dedication required by the District on River Road, the parking area was reduced and the drive aisle parallel to the road was constricted. In an effort to maintain the minimum number of lots required for this development, the applicant chose to have a smaller drive aisle with small parking spots rather than eliminate the total number of parking spaces. 1) Advisory Design Panel: The proposed project was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel on December 12, 2006 and was given general support by the group. The following recommendations were made: that consideration be given to upgrading the fence to the ferry side; The applicant will replace the existing damaged chainlink fence with a new 6 foot chainlink fence. Currently, ferry staff park in the adjacent parking lot which sits slightly lower than the subject property. A consequence of the difference in grade is that the fence gets damaged from the parking vehicles. As there is no visual parking barrier on the ferry parking side, vehicles tend to overestimate the parking stall and drive into the fence. The applicant is open to the idea of building a wooden fence when the ferry is no longer in operation when the likeliness of damage would be reduced. 2. that the applicant consider using permeable paving materials in the parking area other than the grasscrete that is proposed. The grasscrete payers are a part of the stormwater management plan as submitted for on site source controls and allows water to infiltrate the property. The environmental consultant feels that this is a superior option than having excess water drain into the Fraser River or into the Storm Sewer. g) Financial Implications: A refundable security totaling $2,452.00 will be required for restoration and enhancement related works as noted above for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit. A refundable security for landscaping works in the amount of $ 9,863.00 will be required with the Industrial Development Permit. -7- CONCLUSION: The applicant has provided the information as set out in the Council Policy for Environmental Protection. It is recommended that DP/l 12/06 be approved. Prepared by: \Jen Csikos gnig Technician rifector of Planniffig MCIP Approved by: / Frank Quinn, MBA, P.En (: Public ks & velo ent Services Concurrence: J. . (Jim) Rule E lef Administrative Officer JCIdp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Elevations Appendix D - Landscape Plans Appendix E - Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Plan Appendix F - Ripanan Area Planting Plan and Cost Estimate For Restoration Works & Enhancement area Appendix G - Sediment and Erosion Control Plan Appendix H - Stormwater Management Plan -8- SUBJECT PROPERTY fjppend;x LOUGHEED HWy. . - -. - A • • iiWill lip SCALE U S ! we 4 C D I-> ('I - -proposed development ADVAM • ZMMS . 54,2 n n•a .CP POSeO vs. ,an.ai.sW I • -1_b. .*Pn.p5 OeOPiNT 5I AREA 10t aS . PWW. (lilt Pal I.,, • .m.F. •lOJCI LOT 7IPiG*l, OJc. (n.w, O4SITY (LOT covA6e ) att.lt (211) OSS ILOOR AREA — I( •fl P in. lifOC — mm (ltail 'Peat. 4fl5P. (211_Il p.c . LK PIN& PROVI5ON. rapt. 'Pr-- w._•_.w C C1 FtTltMi• a trap- - ca — Watt • ?'PAm -. 'Patti 3,688.97 m2 35705 S.F. original lot area proposed restaurant & micro-brewery E .~: EN V(ST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION ( RIVER ROAO) 0 0 10, 0 K I SOUTH ELEVATION ( FRASE RIVER) OFFICE PLANT LRiT .ie.rr emnbeiy otantcai tinme orrmnrsrr Beer. .. spacing 2 A PotidO Iarmornl Viriret artod Mn-ber or cot tititi B tarirde pB.odn.c.cte Prtold OMan Loot HineS beet on cot BAD uii h . uapi. •eehs :53 . zebej.pe.riu. ree# Ions. gr.er Azet.* a 2 pet 9 H - oterreps.il. r .cutller. met Perot.? 'nemlers Reed Gone 3 #0 e..lrwwr 19 c oter rrrorrcroti Aoe.e.ed.o reieget.d .. Badge I pot d i.r.s teeter.. opper Mar Be I psi 9 Prunus Lonramr.sz. 02*10 Ildiad Ore Ludier, Leosi #2 eq lber#to. .kramts helm Jrrrt )eerl Molder Gone 03 el 2T '#0beonmseoBqi.rrDi. trgln.c.e.p input RIVER ROAD •t 1=T9ftJ !T Lj1r I iI:J_ tony 11 preeo.y9.1 rr0 _oi tSn - Mon ,erBe, ret .r, tsr dOSS OVERALL REFERENCE PLAN NOTES Nt plants and planting to coctonrr to BCSLNBCNTA Landscape Stdndordi Letert Edition. N growing medium to be tented by PSAI (604273-8228) and amended accordingly If necessary, and to be tested again at Substantial Completion. MInimum planting medium depths Iewn-81150mt,, gnoundomer 8 eirrubs-18/450mm t,ees-12l300mm. all around the rootbolt For detailed brIe wee apedllcaftone N plant materiel elrelt ineet ndnlrrrum size requirements 91 Indicated In plant tint Copyright rweyrvwd Tics drowirrg and deSign is Ond all time. remnoifln lire eectzsire property ot J-IL sign Group Inc.orrd cnnnot be used without the ,d.00e orchitecis written consent. JHL Design Group Inc. 23940 Rinse Rood lendscapeAzdrtiecture + Urban Design MorcC. 07 Maple Ridge. BC L- I OVERALL REFERENCE PLAN PLANT LIST Fat ilel- FENCED PARKING 10 z PARKING 101 Uj Con on- cHANL I - z __ GRS KITCHEN PAVERS / I I L ferry LJ ] (,RAVIL I - -------Jl'1L--- -í buIlding propose1i (existing) OM restaur I - If e 565 it. ICROBREWERY — -. PARKING LOT I CORED-- nrrK JHL Design Group Inc. " t/8-t-O ProPosed Kingfisher Restaurant ight ,eseeued. This d,oeing Oed design 5 Ond 5' 23540R i,nns rennains the eenlu,iun pnopety of .541 lendscapeAtddtecture • U,ban DesIgn sench. 07 R., BC Ceoup Inc and nonnot be used e,thosjt the •370 . Su.M. •O flit! — e onchitocts enitten consent so IANDSCPAE PLAN! PLANTING PLAN c- L-2 I PARKING LOt bo con k1 jLj concrete wolk ±_' r fI GRASSERETE PAYERS ii 1t3 II IYP.-- SEE CIVIL ENGS ITVGS----1 El 1J 0 :j GRASSCRETE 7 KITCHEN PAVERS or II GRAVEL - garbage propose restai!!a![ - CJ f.f.e. 5.85 ICR0BREWtRY 71 LL ii LLr iI II PARKING LOT COWRED DECI_-- II - - o - PATIO cy Of 0 75 EA /3 IO BE PLANTED o 1I LINE 06 WITH NATIVE MATERIAL a- ferry building (existing) C - - - I JHL Design Group Inc. Proposed Kingfisher Restaurant outirnes rennwns the eocIuiv p,opnrtyot I Lantfsca$A,&tIoctUre 0 Uthon Dewign Uo,ch. 07 MopI. Rtdge. BC sign Goup Incond connot be used without the I I 0Th. 0.0. st w.0.w. it bit! iduope onchitOcts written consent. 00Th't' ________________ LANDSCPA PLAN/ PLANTING PLAN I I L-3 bos REFERENCE PLAN OF C-4NANT OVER PART OF LOT 4, EXCEPT: 'PART DEDICATED ROAD ON PLAN BCP-, D.L. 405, GROUP 1, N. W.V., PLAN 7324. PURSU4NT 7D SEC71ON 219 OF THE LARD liThE ACT B.C.C.i 920.018 I II *5 2. (*1. 62EI5 AW W WIM ) = Appeiict;x E *6 A -' PLAN BCP_________ 0160550551 SC LAM 5152 MW PM575 ar Page at Pages __971r1.r A1_____ _-_-_ RIVER ROAD I it X 4F' 1 PLAN BCP_ PART PART SR REM4 PLAN 7324 3 PLAN I 7324 REM 4 REM A (EXPLAM4Tr,fty PLAN 7426) REM 5 PLAN 7324 DETAIL 'NOT 7D SC4LEff 5175051755 .UMSV dM6 W 36. D57M7 Or M*PLZ AVM AMDSS (55 aW M6M655 AM 0(5155 FM6I 0E7 CDV7B0( APVM#ADM 0M046 AM Bd67. VMS PMW 516055 662MVMSL V67PACES tX55PT uSjERr O7AUQMS moym ID CQ*BLflF aw CVSrAN= NUt IBYY 05VM1.'-SJAU BY A 51M6 FAC705 Or 0D516042. 70565 AMA im — .t444 7'pp TJC — 1I-I62 9IS 16 0(1*1 — — 0 0(75555551510455 P05 POST (0(655 o D(M155 57460*55 P05 POST MT 0(75555 C05750( 604455(7. ROAD PLAN 26436 D.L. 405 GROUP 1 ,L4U55 C. SHIll A 91*705 00(1.4511 LAM $11*ISWll Or lIE 0071007 OF IMPL( 9(700l 56)1057 00(14*364 OS679Y 776C1 MS DISSENT AT Al'S PEIS0(45.LT 51F05W154515 VIE 5(51EV REPRESEN7ID DV lidS FLAk AM lillY SC 5151155 AMPlAN AM 0024507 71*5 (55.0 SLBY.fV MS C060 1LEYEP 06 71*5 206) DIV Or MARCH 2007. 71*5 PLAN MS #U7ZD AM D5 AM lit 'T FILL'S 165105 #62471. 05 77*5 51A SHY Or .4516.. 2 I &L.S.. 0L2 JvER THIS PLAN UES Iliflul lYE GRE4TER VANCOUVER REGiONAL Dimici: McflMUEy ASSOMM MW SCflW)Vi 5-21451 LD*I0 (60(515 51612 51 ac ISE 251 m 451 i (AU 05*4514W 01.1* (U Na 2742-00105-2 R AMAYC AU 05*0.3-5 055060 4p,pe,,dx F Kingfisher Revised Riparian Planting PIan.doc LETIS RO Box . .Maple Ricl2e. BC Envirowise Ltd. \'2X Environment Consultants S F: 604467.8972 April 16" 2007 Kingfisher Ent. Ltd. Clo: Ted FJume 19677 Wildwood Crescent Pitt Meadows, B.C. V3Y 1N6 Attention: Ted Hume Re: Habitat Enhancement - Riparian Planting Plan for development of: 23840 River Road in Maple Ridge, B.C. Summary As per your request we provide for your information the following revised riparian planting plan outline for works at the above mentioned property. These riparian planting works are required and will facilitate you towards the development of your property. Habitat enhancement works involve the area adjacent to the Fraser River and equate to an approximately 226m2 area. Habitat enhancement works will now involve planting 12 native trees and 217 shrubs. These works include the north bank of the Fraser River. In addition to planting native trees and shrubs, all exposed soils within the setback area will be seeded with a seed mix, which is conducive to that environment. This vegetation will help maintain stability of the sandlsoil substrate and increase the biological diversity of the area. Organic debris currently located on-site will be retained and placed back onto the area once works are complete. This Plan is to be included with your Development Permit XXX Application. Riparian Planting Details Thc setback area of the Fraser River will be located and flagged / marked off and existing impervious and non-native materials removed to a depth no less than 300mm. Absorbent landscaping soils will then be incorporate throughout the entire setback area. If practicable, the absorbent soil layer will be deep enough to store the mean annual rainfall (24-hour duration). Achieving this target will require a soil depth of no less than 300 mm. In addition, and to ensure the type of hydrologic characteristics required for rainfall capture, the topsoil medium will meet the BC Landscape Standard. 'C. bx 295. Maple li1ze. AC \2; 0V2 O 604466.8172 C: 604.320.2972 F: 604.467.8972 Kingfisher Revised Ripanan Planting Plan.doc Invasive vegetation within the riparian setback area will be removed and replaced with native the following species: Common Name Scientific Name Number Comments black cottonwood Populus balsam ifera 4 1 .5m height red osier dogwood Comus sericea 7 1 .5m height bitter cherry Prunus emarginata 8 _1 .5m height black twinberry Lonicera involucrate 15 _1 .5m height common snowberry Symphorocarpus albus 19 _1 .5m height black hawthorn Crataegus douglasii 40 5 gallon pot red elderberry Sambucus racemosa 19 5 gallon pot salmonberry Rubus spectabillis 49 5 gallon pot nootka rose Rosa nutkana 42 5 gallon pot stink current Ribes bra cteosum 18 2 gallon pot hardhack Spiraea douglasil - 8 2 gallon pot pacific willow Sallx lucida spp. Lasiandra 160 2 gallon pot scouler's willow Salix scouleriana 160 2 gallon pot TOTAL (trees I shrubs) 229 Recommended seed mix for any exposed soils. 22% Annual Ryegrass 10% Perennial Ryegrass 20% Tall Fescue 8% White Clover 16% Timothy 8% Alsike Clover 12% Orchardgrass 4% Red Top Planting Guidelines • All works shall be conducted in accordance with the sediment control provisions of the "Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat" jointly published by the provincial Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks and the Federal Department of Fisheries & Oceans. • All materials, labour and plant installation shall be conducted in accordance with the BC Landscape 3landazd jointly produced by the BC Society of Landscape Architects and thc BC Nursery Trades Association. • All debris and / or excess materials from landscape operations shall be collected and disposed of in accordance with all regulatory requirements. • All soils to be used as part of the riparian landscaping shall comply with the BC Landscape Standard. o Topsoil will also be used and will be dependant on the condition of native soil. o A minimum of 300mm of topsoil is to be placed around each rootball and / or container grown plant. This requirement involves all shrubs and trees to be planted throughout the east side of the site. Additional topsoil will not be required for the off-site west side planting works. o All deciduous trees up to 12cm calliper and coniferous trees up to 3m height: 2 stakes per tree, P.O. Box 29568. MapL Ridge. BC V2X 0V2 0: 604.466.8172 C: 604.329.2972 - F: 604.467.8972 Kingfisher Revised Riparian Planting Plan.doc • Deciduous trees larger than 12cm caliper and coniferous trees larger than 3m height: 3 guy wires spaced equally around each tree. • The contractor shall provide no less than one year of plant maintenance. Plant survivorship shall equal 100% one (1) year from planting. Replacement of dead stock may be required to fulfill this specification. • A qualified environmental professional should either carry out or oversee the above noted works through to completion. • The planting works should be carried out and completed during the spring or fall of 2007. • All exposed soils to be seeded with native seed. • No soils, clay, sand, gravel, concrete or any other non-native material deleterious to aquatic life should ever be dumped, placed or stored within the setback area or be allowed to enter the adjacent watercourse. All planting works are to be carried out by hand. No track machinery is to travel within 5m of the top of bank. It is recommended that 3 annual post-planting inspections be carried out by the environmental professional commencing one year from the date planting works are completed. Plant survival will be at least 80% for ground cover, forbs and shrubs, and 100% for trees for the duration of the monitoring program. Should plant survival not meet this requirement during the monitoring program then, replacement planting will be undertaken by the landowner during the first planting season following survivability fmdings. Additional Recommendations The following recommendations should be implemented prior to the development of this property. • The non-native material and debris must be removed from the entire setback area prior to planting works. • A row of silt fence must be installed along the top of bank for the entire width of the property (east west). Silt fencing is to be installed prior to any works within the setback area commences and will remain in place until groundcover is well established. No soils, clay, sand, gravel, concrete or any other non-native material deleterious to aquatic life should ever be dumped, placed or stored within the setback area or be allowed to enter the adjacent watercourse. Once planting works are complete, a row of silt fence must be secured along the planting area setback boundary (inward from top-of-banks). All silt fences will be maintained by the landowner and remain in place until ground cover is well established throughout setback areas. The affected setback area will be seeded immediately after planting works are completed. Custom seed mix seed mix (ground cover). All works shall be conducted in accordance with the sediment control provisions of the "Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat" jointly published by the provincial Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks and the Federal Department of Fisheries & Oceans. r.o. Box 29568. MapI Ridge. BC \2X 0V2 0: 604.466.8172 C: 604.329.2972 - F: 604.467.8972 Kingfisher Revised Riparian Planting Plan.doc All materials, labour and plant installation shall be conducted in accordance with the BC Landscape Standard jointly produced by the BC Society of Landscape Architects and the BC Nursery Trades Association. All debris and / or excess materials from landscape operations shall be collected and disposed of in accordance with all regulatory requirements. All soils to be used as part of the riparian landscaping shall comply with the BC Landscape Standard. Plants shall not be planted in non-native sand. All non-native sand and material shall be removed from riparian areas and replaced with native material. Landowner is responsible for ensuring all plants planted are watered regularly. No fertilizers or chemical shall be used at any time. Any invasive species will be li.4noved by hand only. Plants will only be guaranteed nursery stock and each shall be labelled with durable identity tags. Rip arian area shall be graded in such a fashion that no water ponds or pools within riparian areas. Please note that all works in and about a stream may require completion and submission of a Notification(s) pursuant to Section 44 of the Provincial Water Act to provincial and federal agencies. A final site inspection/review may also be required to verify that the aforementioned works have been carried out and are acceptable. Sin re Gary etts - Principal LETTS-ENVIRO WISE LTD. P.O. Box 29568. Mapk Ridge. BC V2X 0V2 0: 604.466.8172 C: 604.329.2972 - F: 604.467.8972 RIVER ROAD FflU •1 I;. • 1fii — RR DV.t: 1:luu >< Of a. V PARKING LOT 04 T10 lOp. propoa.d r.stursnt 1a000 . I zCROIIREWERY I 1i 'U COVERED DECK PENDECK L SCALE: 1:500 PLAN VIEW OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND SETBACKS PLAN VIEW OF RIPARIAN PLANTING DETAILS RMIV)LaSVUAIaIAII 'ININWN, II 4 VIlN?P IVLaIIWVRNI MlL, LawAtI' vvLa dw C.—INN 7 IAM lAM IT4MTIFflE7L ILL 3 daV RMInPLa I IbVVLI7M7.P VMny L.W—ftoft VI 2jl - RRVMLR.PLLaM II 2VL LataV DIL4I L 1II LNA,y II 2pA 0 'I 41 II I *RILVIIaNNIL LI 2IL 0 --- W—dmbw • • La • La TOTAL SETBAO( AEA 221m2 TOTAL NATIVE P1)1115 .VLn avIlIanvalw,mIS Mn PRIWN1ITLCS La wota*meaallT. LIVE STXE INSTALIATKN DETAil. (IRIIV ALA) Oval 2. M.0SIU01 04S 11 & y(4*INd i •SS.Wlw S.S t*db • MtSSIWdN.tI4SS*hE V —"pNlft.-tN,-wddo. Sllm%(flgV,02, '.tdSS I •SSkS.g,NS bsse1 I Revised Riparlan Planting Plan - 23840 River Road In Maple Ridge, B.C. Total flevegetation Area (Out from TOB) Area m° Plant SpecIes 226 % of Area Total Area (m°) No. of Plants Needed Plant Size and Approximate Cost (gal pots) Plant Name - Trees Latin Name Spacing (/m) Tree Size Shrub Size Seedilng Size Tree Shrub - Trees Shrubs Tree Cost! Size Tree Cost 5ub Size Cost! Shrub Cost TOTAL black cottonwood Popu!usbalsami(era 3.0 5% 11 4 1.5m $28.00 $105.47 - red osier dogwood Comus sericea 1.6 5% 11 7 1.5m $28.00 $197.75 - - bitter cherry Prunusemarginata 1.5 5% - 11 8 1.5m $28.00 $210.93 - - black twinberry Lonicera involucrate 1.5 10% 1 23 - 15 2gal $8.50 $130.68 - - common snowberry Symphorocarpus albus 1.2 10% 23 - 19 $8.50 $160.08 black hawthorn Crataegus douglasii 0.6 10% 23 - 40 2 $8.00 $322.86 red elderberry Sambucus racemosa 1.2 10% 23 - 19 2 $8.00 $150.67 satmonberry Rubus spectabillis 0.5 10% - 23 - 49 2 $8.00 $393.04 nootka rose Rosa nutkana 0.8 15% 34 42 2 $8.00 $339.00 stink current Ribes bracteosum 0.6 5% II 18 2 $8.00 $141.25 hardhack Spiraea douglasii 1.5 5% - 11 - 8 2 $800 $60.27 pacific willow Salix lucida spp. Lasiandra 0.5 5% 11 160 live stakes 160 $0.75 $120.00 scoulers willow Salix scouleriana 0.5 5% - 11 160 live stakes 160 $0.75 $120.00 TOTALS 35% 65% 79 147 53 176 $101.00 $804.91 $49.50 $1,647.08 $2,452.00 100% 226 229 . LETTS Envirowise Ltd. Environment Consultants DATE: OrIgInal. October 151h, 2006 Revised April 13m 2007 NOTE: The above mentioned costs do not Indude taxes and taxes will be applicable. Prices subi ccl to availability of stodc. Delivery d,argea may also apply. File: Hume Affandix LETTS P.O - . . M"" R' nvtrowise Lcd. \72X Environment Consultants F: 1)04.46 7 .972 Sediment and Erosion Control Plan 23840 River Road, Maple Ridge The following measures will be implemented to meet the requirements of the District of Maple Ridge's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410-2006. SUMMARY The purpose of this project is to construct a restaurant and associated parking area at 23340 River Road. This property lies adjacent to the Fraser River and at this time the property is primarily asphalt. The purpose of this Sediment and Erosion Control Plan (S&EC) is to protect the soil surface from erosion where possible and intercept and manage off and onsite runoff during all phases of the project. The following sediment and erosion control measures are intended to reduce the amount of sediment generated. The following sediment control practices if installed correctly and maintained, will operate by reducing flow velocity and volumes thus reducing the carrying capacity of runoff and improving water quality. Water management will occur on-site and insure that no excessive sediment laden waters will be released to the Municipal drainage System or into the neighboring watercourse. STRATEGY The strategy for this S&EC Plan is to protect the soil surface from erosion, control the amount and velocity of runoff, and capture all sediment on-site for the duration of the construction activities. The strategies for controlling erosion and sedimentation have considered and are not necessarily limited to the following elements: Schedule activities - The most cost-effective control strategy is to coordinate the installation of sediment and erosion control measures with completion of the project. Therefore, sediment control measures must be in place prior to construction activities. Control surface runoff - Surface runoff from undisturbed areas will be diverted away from disturbed areas. Any sediment-laden water will be diverted to sediment control structures. All outlets and channels will be stabilized for the intended flow. Capture sediment on-site - Sediment control structures will be in locations which will divert sediment laden waters to adequate sediment trapping devices and I or temporary storage facilities throughout the site. S&EC Plan, 23840 River Road, MR Access, Staging Areas and Soil Protection The following measures will be implemented on site to protect soils and provide access to the site: Soils and other materials will not be stockpiled on curbs, sidewalks or roadways and will not be placed within 2m or any sediment and erosion control facilities (i.e. ditches, silt fences, etc.) Access to the site will be via existing paved roads and paved parking lot. This parking lot is large enough to facilitate staging and cleanup of heavy construction machinery. Vehicles will only be permitted on existing road/parking lot areas. No major grade changes are proposed for this site. All exposed soils will be stabilized when not immediately being used. All material stock piles, and exposed excavation areas will be covered with polyethylene to prevent erosion and all exposed erodable soils will be covered with polyethylene, which will be weighted down, during rainfall events. Riparian areas will be revegetated (seeded) immediately after final grading and planting works. Primary Sediment and Erosion Control Measures The following measures will be completed before construction activities are initiated: Environmental Monitor will inspect the site prior to initiation of construction activities to ensure S&EC plan and facilities have been implemented and are operational. The contractor shall construct all necessary siltation and erosion control systems, including installation of protective fencing and straw bales, before commencing any other on-site construction. No construction activities will take place until Monitor is confident that contractor has completed all requirements. Silt fencing and orange snow fence to be placed along the setback boundaries. In the event that rains are expected or construction area will not be used for 2-3 days, all erodable soils will be covered with durable polypropylene. Construction operations will be organized to minimize environmental impacts and may be suspended when heavy rainfalls are expected. Existing vegetation within the setback area will be retained wherever possible. No supplies or equipment will operate or be stored within the setback area. All runoff will be filtered through a exfiltration trench along the western side of the property. Straw bales will be placed along the eastern and western property lines to contain and direct surface flow to treatment facilities. All crew members and contractors carrying out works on the subject property will be informed with the sediment and erosion control requirements prior to each commencing works on the subject property. No alterations or enhancements to any sediment and erosion control facilities will be carried out without the consent of the Environmental Monitor. LETTS-ENVIROWISE LTD. S&EC P'an, 23840 River Road, MR Maintenance Roads in front of the worksite (River Road) will be swept and kept free of soils/sediments (a minimum of once a day during rain events). Exposed aggregate and concrete washed from machinery will not be directed to any drainage system. Inspection of the erosion and sediment control measures onsite by the contractor and/or environmental monitor will be completed on a regular basis. Additional Protection Measures Setback Areas Revegetation of the setback area will be completed according to the prepared Riparian Planting Plan. Silt Fences Silt fences will be installed along the setback boundary and enhanced with clean sediment free 1" to 2" (25 to 50mm) diameter Coho gravel (rounds) A small gravel berm will be placed along the upsiope side of all silt fences. Coho gravel height will not exceed 9" (23cm). All silt fences will be checked and maintained no less than weekly during non-rainy periods and daily during rain events. At least 3 additional rows of silt fence will be stored on site for the duration of construction works. Solid Waste Disposal The contractor shall provide on-site disposal facilities at all times. These disposal facilities shall be removed and disposed on a regular basis and at authorized disposal areas. Solid waste includes but is not limited to; vegetation debris (trees, shrubs, branches), wood and paper from packaging and building materials, beverage cans, coffee cups, cigarette packages, lunch wrapping paper and plastic, left-over food and aluminum foil, sanitary wastes, rubber, and plastic and glass. Chemical and Other Pollutants Controlling chemical pollutants is critical. Every effort will be made to not allow chemicals used during construction activities to be carried by sediment and runoff from this site. Chemical pollutants include but are not limited to; hydraulic fluid, fuel and oil. All flammable fuel products will be stored in locked container sheds. Refueling of all machinery and equipment shall be done no less than 30m from the wetted edge of all watercourses or drainage channels. No re-fueling will be permitted on any impervious surface (roads or driveways). If this in unachievable then fueling areas will be encompassed by a berm and refueling will take place within the berm area. Construction Scheduling Appropriate sequencing of construction activities can be an effective way to reduce the negative impacts of the proposed development. It should also be recognized that a phased construction LETTS-ENVIROWISE LTD. S&EC Plan, 23840 River Road, MR schedule must reflect an iterative or adaptive approach whereby information, impacts (or potential impacts), and control may need to be changed at each phase in order to meet municipal sediment control requirements. Spill Control Each piece of machine will carry one (1) spill-kit at all times. The lead contractor will be responsible to ensure that all persons carrying out works (including deliveries), will be made aware of the on-site spill control plan and requirements should a spill of a dangerous or hazardous waste occur. Any spill that occurs, regardless of the size and / or type must be immediately reported to the appropriate agencies and environmental monitor. In addition, the contractor and on-site monitor will be aware of and provide specific containment clean-up instructions. Immediate contaimnent, demobilization and clean-up steps would include: o plug all drain inlets, which could convey dangerous or hazardous waste materials, o turn off or divert any incoming water, o cover the spill with absorbent material such as kitty litter or sawdust (do not use straw), and o remove all used absorbent materials and or soils affected to an authorized disposal facility. Discharge Performance Target Control The discharge of water from the subject development site will strive to meet Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 6410-2006 Schedule "D" requirements for sediment, sediment-laden water, and turbid waters: The total suspended solids (TSS) level must not be greater than 25 mg/L during dry weather and less than 75 mg/L during the wet season, turbidity levels must not be greater than 20 NTU, and pH of the water discharged from the site should fall between 6 and 9.0. Effluent outside this range must be neutralized prior to discharge. Suspended Solids: Total suspended solids should not exceed (TSS) 25 milligrams per litre (mg/L) Visual Clarity / Turbidity: Turbidity should not exceed 20 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). Readings in excess of the above mentioned amounts will result in immediate steps taken by the on-site monitor or the contractor under the direction of the on-site monitor to determine the source of sediment, then to modif', repair or implement additional sediment control facilities as required and until readings are below allowable limits. All sediment and erosion control facilities will be kept free and clean of construction materials at all times. Gary LetPrincipal LETrS-WIROWISE LTD. LETTS-ENVIROWISE LTD. SLTOMDVAMT .D VATflE &OEIePflIC1D. CONSTFACTMAlOtHERTHANFAULINOTARM ----U SSTATTDI4FWIDI DET?& SCALE 1:50 PROFILE OF RIPARLAN SETBACK AREA iLl POWER POLE Im c ,qIOBERELOCAItO S&TAT1I,cO,ff.IESES ! I? / MPWLT ( _sw AREA r STRAW Eli? / aSLES BALES PROPOSED I? I ELY SCALE 1:5 EXISTING DRAINAGE PATIERt4S AND MEASURES TO CONTROl. RUNOFF AND SEDIMENT 09/06/2006 15:14 6044659312 ASSOCIATED CEDAR PAGE 02 Sep 21 2006 6:4OPPI LETTS ENVIROIJISE 5044878972 p.2 SCHEDULE 'D ESC PLAN MONITOR'S LETTER OP UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONSIBILITY TO: District of Maple Ridge DATE:_jlP41ER Z ATrENTJON: ApplJCatloD NO.______ wan &A R. V 41i3. costlrt that well have been retaIa.d (Levi ooeivatal Móeftor'a earn.) by 71_00 Pt _forth.DiatrtctProj.etNo. (b.ve4p.r/Castraf tori airne prth$ed) I undesnnd that iti a requirement for the dasignated environmental monitor 10 To provide inspection, maintaining, monitoring and repurting sorvices in accotdance with the requirements of the Dletrict'a Ws*exvouree Proleotion Bylaw 6420 - 2006. ThIs tricludi,f ruiremenI as well as the unconditional authority to modif, and,'or halt any conitnctiopt activity neceasazy to ensure compliance with the said Bylaw and the approved ESC Plan for Z3S4c, 1ir t1ArLE' ce (Locution orad1eiu of aft.) Eniure th*t the designated env,yonznental monitot has reviewed the Erosion snd SccfimentCootrol (ESC) Plan and have provided the District with a)ettri of issuance that the proposed f.ciIiftea and conbola will most the requireneeti otthe Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Conf= )y meana of submitting a signed letter to the District that the BSC f)dilitmes and cono1s oo site have been succeuiWly implenDnted, inspected, and are operational beibre thC applicant will be issued a permit or approval to comniorice any construction worka. 4. thipect, o?onhtor, and maintaw the facilities and controla on site to onaure compliance with the Vatercouree Protecton Bylaw. This includes the requtremant to maintain flcltitics so well as the unconditionAl authority to modlty indlor halt any corsmuton activity noo.asaxy to ennui compliance with the Walnrcouree Protection Bylaw. S. Provide afinal Inspection of the lot and a signed letter must be iubmitted by the designated Environmental Monitor to cnawe the developer has sucoef1ly completed the ESC plan and in in compliance with the Wstertoune Protection Bylaw before the Disuici iüuce a final Certifioate of Acceptance, Occupancy Permit, or relevant lrin1 approval. 6. Provide bi-znonthly submission of ecvironmenlal mwdtorinZ repoila during the rainy period (Otober 15 - May 15) to the Planning Depamnant. Environmental Techniciax 09/06/2006 15:14 6044659312 Sep 21 2006 844PP1 LETTS EIIVIROIJISE ASSOCIATED CEDAR... - - PAGE 03 6044878972 p.3 Sau,le and analyse the waler being dischargI from the site dunng each site vi.zt wttere spp1icabJe The total suapendad ioh (TSS) level most not be gloater than 25 ing/L during 4rê weather and less than 75 mg/I.. during the wet season, turbidity levels must not be greaser than 20 NTU, and pH of the water dischaiged from the site should fall between 6 and 9.0. Effluent outside this range mur be teulralized prior to discharge. Consult tha design engineer where there is an alteration of the !SC plan or where faoilities am falling to comply, within 24 hours and ensure corrective measures are implomcned immediately. Notif' thCorporat1on of the Dutrict arMaple Ridge of any outtanding deficiencies or inénona (i.e. outstanding for more than I day) on or off site for bylaw enfoieinent. If the infri6tion on site has not been remedied wIthin 24 houra after contact with the Distrjct ofMsplo Ridge, a cease work order must ftnmediarefy take place. The District may fine the responsible owner and/or use The applicant's environmental security funds to refliedythe situation. avlro.aien tal Mo Name: AA F4= VP L9fl. Company; - - Rio Ezn.rocy Contact Phone Number - 44- FX 1. Z' ? Z. Owasr/D.veloper: In ezecuting this L.ettar c[Undcmsanding, I covenant that 3 have authority to md do hereby seioond1tiocliy suthorias the nambd B vrnamenta] Monitor to ciny cut the above mentioned rosponsibilities amid modify or belt any cunjmction activity is necessary ta ensure compliance with the Wetcrconse5loiy on Bylaw. signsture:(y Nse:_G. Company: )k_!1 Emergency Conict Phone Number _ S2' c( 09/06/2906 15:14 6044659312 PAG04 S.p 21 2006 6141PM LEITS ENVIRDUISE 804679972 SCREDULE ESC MONiTOR'S LETTER A P/OINTMENT TO; DlflrIct of Maple Ridge DATE; IM1g h —7ot, ATTENTiON: E$C Plan PROJECT NO. won LPt1T. -, oonftnn that we/I have been retained (EnvimnmteI Mc,ritor's name) by 1) 4-t4 M Ir for the Dat)c Project No. (Developer'a TWIM pruned) to pnwidc leapeclion, maintaining, mozaitoring and reporting service, in a000rdsacc with the requirvmts of tle DtDct's Wateivouy.e Protection Bylaw 6410 - 2006. This includes the requirement as well as the unconditional authority to tnocify sndfor halt any construction activity necessary to anourp oompliance With the said Wateroouri Petection Bylaw 6410 - 2006. It also include# the r,tpoiaibIlity to report to the Distnct if there are any changea with respect to the appoinenerit of th,dijied enviroiunentgl ntonibr of record. EnvIronmental Signature: Company: Mdreae: Professional Sal '(if applicable) Developer; In eocfcutins this Lettn of Appuintnient 1 co hereby uncondllqtaafly authonze the named Environrec Consnucnoi, WQr1a as necessary to ensure cpiiance 'w 6410 - 2006. It allo includes the responsibility to rcpcii I are any changes with reepect to the appointment of the record. Signs Corxany1 t_L 4ds: I 7_lq,FCj Aa- nant that I have authority to and do ii Monitor to modify or halt any the Wstercourss Protection Bylaw the Diamct within two days if the se1ated environmental momtor of ,qp1,dx Ted Hume - Kingfisher Ent. Ltd. 19677 Wildwood Crescent Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1N6 STORM WATER Kingfisher Restau October 30, 2006 GEMENT PLAN Development SUBMITTED Kingfisher Ent.1 Ltd. do Ted Hun?e 19677 Wildwood Crescent, Maple Ridge, BC V3Y 1N6 STORMWATER REPORT SUBMITTED BY: Letts-Envirowise MGMT ervices Ltd. P.O. Box 29568 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0V2 STORMWATER DETAILS AND SCHLMATIC SUBMITTED BY: October 251h 2d06 LETTS ' Envirowise LtcIL Environment Consultants P.O. l3o. 29508. Maple Ridge. B.C. 0: (U4.466.8] 72 C: &)4.329. 2972 F: 604.467J972 LIETTS P.O B o x . S Maple Ride. BC Envrowise . Ltd.. \2X • Environment Consultants F: 604.46'i972 October 30th 2006 Rod Stott - Environmental Planner District of Maple Ridge 11 996 Haney Place, Maple Ridge BC, V2X 6A9 Attention: Rod Stott Re: Stormwater Management Plan for Kingfisher Restaurant at 23840 River Road, Maple Ridge, BC Please find enclosed the Stormwater Management Plan for the above mentioned Development. This Stormwater Management Plan has been prepared by Letts-Envirowise and John Curran Neville Graham Assoc for Ted Hume of Kingfisher Ent. Ltd. The integrated system of conveyance and treatment structures supported by a range of BMPs outlined in this Stormwater Management Plan and within the recently prepared Sediment and Erosion Control Plan facilitates the satisfactory treatment of stormwater entirely within the subject property. Therefore, we confirm that the approach used to manage and treat run-off from this development meet or exceed the GVRD and Department of Fisheries and Oceans criteria for Stormwater Management. Please do not hesitate to contact us at either 604.329.2972 or 604.466.8172 should you require more information or have any questions. Yours Gary Lefts - Principal LETTS-ENVIRO WISE LTD. Cc: Ted Hume - Kingfisher Ent. Ltd. Bx 21)6. MapI Ridw. BC V2X 0V2 0: 6O4.4o6. 172 C: 604.32Q.2972 F: 604.467.8972 Ted Hume - Kingfisher Ent. Ltd. October 30, 2006 19677 Wildwood Crescent Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1N6 Stormwater Management Plan Kingfisher Restaurant Development 23840 River Road, Maple Ridge, BC Executive Summary The Stoimwater Management Plan (SMP) for the Kingfisher Development incorporates ed stormwater management prescriptions to address current expectations for environmentally sustainable stormwater management A number of strategies have been developed specifically for the Kingfisher site as part of this applied sustainability approach. The stormwater management plan is one that ensures that pre-development water quantity and quality will remain unchanged. This Stormwater Management Plan has been designed to manage stormwater generated from I property. I The permeable gravel and sandy-loam soils that under1lie this site offer optimal opportunity to dispose of storm drainage (infiltration) within the subj:ect property and will not result in a rise in the groundwater table nor create a potentially critical degradation of the stability of the bank of the Fraser River. The major structural stormwater components for the }ingfisher Development include piping, 3 Grasscrete payers, two rock pits and catch basins. More specifically, three 1 9m long by 3m wide Grascrete Payers, two 42m 3 (each) sub-surface rock pits. Four catch basins complete with silt sump and trapping hoods, and disconnected roof leadrs, which will drain runoff to rock pits, The District of Maple Ridge has endorsed the Kingfisher proposal on the condition that Kingfisher design a Stormwater Management System (SWS) that would adequately and ultimately manage the stormwater generated from the subject property. Calculations prepared by John Curran are included in this report./ The subject property is approximately 3795m2 in size (0.94 acres or 0.38 hectares) arrnroximately half of which extends into the Fraser River. The owners are proposing to upgrade the existing restaurant facility on the property with a new building, deck, and additional parking. The site is sensitive environmentally because it is bor 4ered on south by the Fraser River. Unless carefully managed, runoff discharged from the proposed development 'could' impact salmon and other aquatic species within the adjacent environment. A Sediment and Erosion Control Plan is included with this Stormwater Plan Report. The existing biophysical features (watercourse and riprian zone) and natural topographical configuration of the subject property is such that extra 1protective measures have been established to ensure there is no adverse impact to water quality in the surrounding area (Fraser River). This Stormwater Management Plan together with the recently prepared Sediment and Erosion Control 91a "ils all of the protective environmental measuies which will be employed prior to, during construction, and upon completion of the project. The following Stormwater Management Plan I3ox 29568. Maplc Ridic. BC V2X 0V2 0: 604.468172 C: 604.329.2972 -. F: 604.467.8972 Ted Hume - Kingfisher Ent. Ltd. October 30, 2006 19677 Wfldwood Crescent Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y1N6 incorporates established stormwater management prescriptions to address current expectations for environmentally sustainable stormwater management. The main sensitivity for proposed development of the site is related to the integrity of the Fraser River and its associated riparian zone. Although the existing riparian zone is primarily formed by asphalt, and has yet to be re-constructed, the main environmental impacts associated with the proposed development are expected to be erosion and sedimentation risks during any excavation and grading works for building construction. In addition, post-development stormwater discharges could increase the incidence of erosion and periodic episodes of poor water quality draining toward the Fraser River, which could impact fish habitat. During site preparation, exposed sand and fine soils would be readily erodable and pose a risk for off-site siltation to the Fraser River. Substantial sediment and siltation control measures would be required to protect this watercourse. Protection of the Fraser River during development and implementation processes of the Kingfisher Stormwater Management Plan requires an intricate and integrated approach. Primary protective measures include: • Route small, frequently occurring runoff to areas where combined physical and biological processes improve runoff water quality. • Establish adequate no-disturbance setbacks measured from the plotted top of bank to retain full function of riparian corridor as critical fish and wildlife habitat immediately adjacent to the development. • Establish rock pits and sand filtration systems. • Rehabilitate adjacent riparian buffer zone. The main concern with this site is the treatment of surface runoff. The impacts that may result from draining the site, such as increased sediment loading and / or hydrocarbon discharge, can be reduced. To manage surface runoff from this site will require a series of rock pits, sand beds, silt fences and straw bales to treat runoff from exposed areas over the various stages of site development. The construction of stormwater treatment facilities should take place first. Building construction and grading should only begin after erosion and sediment control measures are in place. The recently prepared Sediment and Erosion Control. Plan provides detail with respect to Solid Waste Disposal, Spill Control and Response and Chemicals and Other Pollutants. Stormwater Management System The stormwater management system outlined here and as illustrated in the included Curran drawing addresses stormwater drainage through a combination of drainage design elements, BMPs and SMP techniques. Three areas have been chosen within the site for the placement of permeable payers (Grasscrete Payers). These equate to a total area within the site of approximately 171 m 2. Grasscrete payers will be placed at the northeast corner, the central area and along the riparian setback boundary. Porous pavement is a permeable pavement surface with an underlying stone reservoir that temporarily stores surface runoff before infiltrating into the subsoil. This porous surface replaces P.O. Box 29568. Maple Ridzc, BC V2X 0V2 0: 604.466.8172 C: 604.329.2972 - F: 604.467.8972 Ted Hume - Kingfisher Ent. Ltd. October 30, 2006 19677 Wildwood Crescent Puff Meadows, BC I V3Y1N6 traditional pavement, allowing parking lot runoff to ikfiltrate directly into the soil and receive water quality treatment. Grass payers are concrete interlocking blocks or synthetic fibrous grid systems with open areas designed to allow grass to &ow within the void areas. Integrating the proposed development into the sites e'dsting features required careful planning. Additionally, strict adherence to the sites Sediment and Erosion Control Plan is essential. The typical 3 Tier Approach is found in the Ministry f Water, Land and Air Protection's Stormwater Planning Guidebook for British Columbi 1a and involves rainfall capture (source control), runoff control (detention), and flood risk management (contain and convey). Tier 1 (A) Events are small rainfall events that are less than 50% of the mean annual rainfall event. These represent about 75% of all rainfall evens. These events should be captured at source to reduce runoff volume and provide rainfall +Pe. Tier 2 (B) Events are larger rainfall events that are greater than half the size of the mean annual rainfall events. These represent about 10% of the rainfall events. Typically these events are t be detained. Tier 3 (C) Events are the extreme rainfall events that may or may not occur in any given year. These events can be released as long as the 100 year storm is managed to prevent threats to public safety or property. The design of the Stormwater Plan is one whereby firt flush events (Tier I) will be absorbed by the permeable payers, which will contain a layer of sand. Cleansed water will then be directed from the permeable payers to over-sized rock pits (Tir II and III), which will be contained in the natural subgrade. Water within the rock pits will percolate into the natural subgrade. Overflow from the permeable payers will also be directed to th rock pits via catch basins. Rock pits have been over-sized by approximately 27% and will more' than adequately manage a 10 miii duration 1 in 100 year event. Excess runoff will be conveyed along the west side to a lawn basin, which will serve as an overflow from the system in a 1/100 s torm. The existing asphalt that forms the surficial medium of the riparian zone will be removed including 0.3m of the subsurface gravels. Topsoil will then be brought in and placed throughout the riparian zone. This area will then be graded at approximately 2% (to drain south) and planted with a dense assemblage of native trees and shrubs. ARiparian Planting Plan has been prepared and included within the Kingfisher application. I The riparian zone will be protected from disturbance and preserved to the greatest extent possible. If correctly preserved, graded and landscaped, this area will provide additional infiltration. This integrated system of conveyance and treatment structures supported by a range of BMPs outlined in this Storrnwater Management Plan and within the recently prepared Sediment and Erosion Control Plan facilitates the satisfactory treatment of stormwater entirely within the Kingfisher property. Gary Lefts - Principal LE'TTS-ENVIROWISE LTD. Cc: Ted Hume - Kingfisher Ent. Ltd. P.O. i3ox 20569. Maple Ridec, BC V2X 0V2 0: 604.466.8172 C: 604329.2972 -- F: 604.467.972 I H H J! !J b oc lilt ! ,1 CA loll till ! jihi $ -b 1k I 23 t k':.i:•, '., t 0 F"•-:•:J •I L i g 3 •. 1 I iI;t=_1ll i fni Jim I 'I I ft I ! Ii jji J I !i'ih' Ir 1I;Iij I Siff •f '4 iJj 1 1 p i 1i' LI!1 ' Iit i iit IJU it 'ii! 1IitJ I , " ' h Sa A CORPOR&TION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 25, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP & DVP/033/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer I ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit and Development Variance Permit 12329 Hillside Street, 22210 124 Avenue, 22214 124 Avenue, and 12339 Hillside Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject propthies from RS-1 (One Family Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit a 29-unit townhouse development. The site is within the Town Centre Area, and this redevelopment is consistent withthe overall goals of the Town Center Concept Plan. The rezoning application (RZ/033/06) is curreitly at third reading and will be presented for final adoption concurrently with the Development Variance Permit. A number of variances are being sought by the applicant in order to fit this development to this restrictive site. RECOMMENDATION: That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/033/06 respecting properties located at 12329 Hillside Street, 22210 124 Avenue, 22214 124 Avenue, and 12339 Hillside Street will be considered by Council at the June 26, 2007 Council Meeting; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and sealDP/033/06 respecting property located at 12329 Hillside Street, 22210 124 Avenue, 22214124 Avenue, and 12339 Hillside Street subject to approval of DVP/033/06. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: EFS (Hillsid) Developments Ltd. Owner: Michael S. McBride Legal Description: Lot 22, Plan16012; Lot 16, Plan 1112; Lot 35, Plan 27048 & Lot NWD 32, Plan 26005 all of D.L.399, Gp. 1, OCP: Existing: Urban ResidFntial (Regional Town Cente Study Area) Proposed: No Change Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Fmily Urban Residential) Proposed: RM-1 (Towrhouse Residential) 1104 Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Single-Family Residential RS1-b (One-Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential (Regional Town Cente Study Area) Vacant & Single-Family Residential RS-1 (Single-Family Residential) Urban Residential (Regional Town Cente Study Area) Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single-Family Residential) Urban Residential (Regional Town Cente Study Area) Vacant & Single-Family Residential RS-1 (Single-Family Residential) Conservation, Urban Residential (Regional Town Cente Study Area) Single-Family Residential Townhouse 0.388 FIA (.96 acres) 124 Avenue & Hillside Street Full Urban RZ/SD/DVP/033/06 Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: The site is located close to the corner of 124 6' Avenue and Hillside Street, with access to the site from both of these streets. This narrow L-shaped site is bordered by a creek and riparian setback area to the west and a single-family residential property to the east. The development proposal is for a 29-unit townhouse complex utilizing a craftsman style design. The units will be three storeys with either a double garage or a tandem garage. The applicant will also be dedicating approximately 23% (18,963.60 sq. ft.) of the site area to the District as park. This Development Permit will guide the form and character of multi-family residential development and address development issues related to watercourse protection. A number of variances are being sought in order to realize this development. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan The subject property is designated Urban Residential, and within the boundaries of the Regional Town Centre Study Area. This proposed development generally complies with the goals of the Town Centre Concept Plan, which was adopted on April 12, 2005, and is used as a guide for development in the town centre area. This form of development is subject to the Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines. The key guideline concepts for Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines are: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. With its craftsman styling, and ground oriented residential units, the proposed development is compatible with many residential styles including those found in established neighbourhoods. The -2- surrounding context should be considered in transition. Higher density low rise residential development may be supportable at adjacent sites to this location. The Town Centre Concept Plan suggests single family development to the south of the subject properties, but further investigation is needed to verifi the appropriateness of this residential style ai this location. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise 'round oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. The proposed development maintains the appearance of a single family neighbourhood with its ground oriented housing style. Most of this development will not be visible from either public street due to the shape of the site and its limited street frontage. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiven4ss. Each residential unit is defined with a separate ground orientd entrance, avoiding the appearance of a large single structure. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public vi4w through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. The units that face Hillside Avenue and 124 0' Street have theii front entrances oriented to the street, thereby providing an attractive streetscape. Parking will be provided with each unit, thereby avoiding the creation of a vast expansive parking lot. Maple Ridge Town Centre Concept Plan The development site is within the Regional Town Centre and: is guided by the Town Centre Guidelines in the Official Community Plan. The project architect has submitted a LEEDs (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) green buildiig report for the proposed development. Registration of a Section 219 Covenant indicating the LEED' components included in the project design has been made a condition of final reading for the assoiated rezoning application. The low impact development objectives are addressed in the Landscape Plan, with permeable surfaces in driveways and patios, and the use of native vegetation in th planting scheme. Development Variance Permit In order to realize this development, a number of variances to the Zoning Bylaw would be required. These include: Setbacks: The required front and rear setbacks in the RM-1 zone are 7.5 netres from the property lines. The site constraints and difficult lot geometry of this site would requir4 significantly reduced setbacks, to a minimum of 3.5 metres for the rear yard, and 1.12 metres for the front yard. These setbacks include both a covered deck in front and a covered porch at the rear. In both cases, the actual distance to the building face is greater, 4.67 metres for the rear yard, and 2.82 metres for the front yard. The Town Centre Concept Plan encourages reduced setbacks in the Town Centre, and on this basis, the variance may be justified. Neighbourhood impacts of these variances should be considered minimal, as the street frontage is minimal, and the rear setbacks face the watercourse protection area. -3- Building Massing: The height of the residential units will remain within the maximum permitted height regulations. However, the buildings will be a full 3 storeys, while 2.5 storeys is the maximum permitted by bylaw. The justification for this variance is due to the need to provide all required off street parking within the building footprint. The full 3 storeys are required to provide a reasonable floorspace for the units. In addition, the roofline of these units, combined with second storey porches maintains the appearance of a 2.5 storey structure. Common activity area: Based on the Zoning Bylaw provision of 5 m 2 activity area per residential unit, a 29 unit development would require common activity areas totaling 145 m2. The applicant indicates an activity area of 138.4 m2, which is slightly less than required. However, this activity area is well designed to provide on-site recreational facilities. Two school sites and playground areas are within 500 meters of the subject site. In addition, 23% of the site will be preserved in a natural state which will visually benefit the new residents. Parking Provisions: Required off-street parking is 58 stalls. This proposed development will provide 67 parking spaces; however, due to the site constraints 12 of these, or 21 per cent of the total required parking will be small car spaces. The Zoning Bylaw permits a maximum of 10% small car allowance. For this reason, the applicant is requesting a variance to allow a higher proportion of small car stalls. The applicant is also requesting a variance in the driveway aisle from the required 7.0 metres to 6.0 metres. These access areas are relatively flat, and do not pose difficulties based on visibility or maneuvering. In addition, the applicant has provided a no parking covenant on this thoroughfare in order to provide sufficient clearance at all times to address fire safety concerns. For these reasons, this variance may be justified. 1) Advisory Design Panel: The proposed project was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel on June 13 0 , 2006 and was given general support by the group. The following recommendations were made: That the landscape screening north and south of the east wing be resolved; That garbage/recycling areas be resolved; That there be a reduction of fence height along the south-east corner. The applicant has addressed these concerns through improvements to the landscape plan. g) Environmental Implications: The site is located near a watercourse identified on Schedule 'C' of the Official Community Plan. For this reason, the site is included in the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area that was established for the preservation and protection restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. A Development Permit is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits within 50 metres of the top-of-bank of all watercourse and wetlands as shown on Schedule "C" - Natural Features Map (Appendix A). This watercourse, described as "Stream T2", is a tributary of the South Alouette River. This tributary runs in a north/south direction parallel to the western edge of the site area. The vegetation of the site combines native and introduced species, is not considered unique, but is recognized for its role in supporting local fish populations. Key actions relating to protecting these values include maintaining the forest canopy, its understory, in order to stabilize the stream bank on its eastern side. -4- The submitted development plan indicates some encroachment into the stream setback area along the southern portion of the site, which has continuous vegetative cover. The applicant is proposing compensation for this stream setback adjustment through rehabilitation of the riparian area along the western edge of the site. A Habitat Protection Agreement has been registered as a restr!ctive covenant for these works. Security will be posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. The Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Giidelines may be varied with supporting documentation from a qualified professional at the discretion of Council. The District's Environmental Planner has reviewed and supports the requested setbacks, stramworks, and documentation. WATERCOURSE PROTECTION DEVELOPMENT PERMIT GUIDELINES: A. Watercourse Protection Area Establishment: Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the ¶inistry of Environment, Lands and Parks have endorsed the proposed watercourse protection boundaries as shown on the District's Streamside Setback Map. Setbacks from the described watercourse have been estabished in conjunction with the District's Streamside Setback Map. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicatd where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. The watercourse protection area is estimated to be 1735 m2 of which 743.7 m 2 will be protected through a combination of park dedication and the remainder through arestrictive covenant. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. • BCLS has located the watercourse protection area on the gijound. Temporary barrier fencing will be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and should be replaced with permanent post and rail fence upon development completion. • permanent post and rail fence will be installed adjacept to the watercourse protection area as development occurs. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. The development meets the required minimum lot dimension as required in the Zoning Bylaw. -5- B. Erosion Control: 6. All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410 - 2006. The applicant has submitted an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan) in accordance with the requirements of the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006. In support of watercourse protection, the stormwater management plan has been developed in collaboration with a qualified engineer for the site in order to meet the DFO Urban Stormwater standards for water velocity, volume, and water quality. 7. Temporary fencing should be erected to prevent any encroachment or disturbance into the watercourse protection area prior to any clearing or construction on the site This is a requirement of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and a Watercourse Protection DP site plan has been submitted demonstrating compliance with these requirements. 8. Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structural fill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the OCR A phased construction schedule has been submitted in order to mitigate potential adverse effects of the proposed development. Where possible, existing vegetation is to be retained. 9. The District may require environmental impact studies, enhancement works, and monitoring in support of development proposed to be located within a Watercourse Protection Area. Supporting documentation, technical studies, and recommendations with respect to impacts of the proposed development may include the following: A geotechnical slope stability and erosion control report; A groundwater impact assessment report; ii. Wildlife habitat assessment report; e. Vegetation impact assessment report; and In support of the above, the following reports were required and have been received: • Geotechnical Report, • Stormwater Management Plan, • Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, • Environmental Assessment (wildlife and vegetation) Report. C. Vegetation Mana2ement: 10. Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimum disruptions to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. The conservation area has been protected through Park dedication and restrictive covenant. A fence will be installed along the property line to define the clearing limitations. An Environmental Assessment report with recommendations for tree retention has been submitted for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species should be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. Habitat restoration includes retention of existing vegetation 'ihere possible as well as enhancement plantings within riparian areas on the site. A cost estimate for watercourse improvement adjacent to theidentified watercourse has been received by the District, and is attached as Appendix E.. A performance security for environmental protection will be be received prior to issuance of the Development Pennit. Storm water outflows to the stream or leave area should have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts onfish habitat and in compliance with the District's storm water managem ent plans. The submitted Stormwater Management Plan outlines approiriate best management practices to mitigate adverse runoff effects in conjunction with the Erosi9n and Sediment Control Plan. The developer shall provide copies of all necessary approvals (and supporting information) from senior agencies for all new stormwater outfalls located within setback areas. In addition, the engineer of record must demonstrate compliance with current Provincial and GVRD site source controls where possible. Calculations demonstrating compliance with the three tier system may be required. D. Monitoring: The implementation and maintenance of environmental mitigation controls or measures approved by the District are to be monitored by a jualfied environmental monitor. Environmental monitoring will be a key element of the develpment of this site. Letts-Envirowise Ltd.and Webster Engineering Ltd. will be the environmental 'monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watrcourse Protection Bylaw. Monitoring will occur daily during construction in rainfall events, and wekly at all other times during the construction period to ensure compliance with the permit. A 'record of all monitoring data shall be made available to the District upon request. The Environmental Monitor has been provided with written authority to modify and/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with M4ple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006. I The erosion and sediment control works approved by the engineer of record and the environmental monitor, shall be inspected, maintained and operated by the poperty owner and/or contractor performing the construction work set out in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan until a Certificate of Acceptance has been issued by Director of Development Engineering or an Occupancy Permit has been issued by the Building Department. The Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidlines have been reviewed and it is felt that these have been satisfied by the applicant. -7- Parks Department The Parks Department requires that the park area be cleaned up, rehabilitated and revegetated prior to the land being dedicated as Park. 1) Financial Implications: A refundable secUrity will be required for restoration and enhancement related works. CONCLUSION: The applicant has addressed form and character and watercourse protection guidelines outlined in the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that DP/020/07 be approved. Prepared by: 'Diana Hall Planner U. aneiQkerinCP, MCI1' Approved by:/ Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng / ,,GM: PubjjeWorks & Development Services Concurrence:/ J. L. (Jim) Rule i Chief Administrative Officer DHIdp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Development Plan Appendix D - Landscape Plan Appendix E - Ripanan Improvements Cost Estimate __ 33 / I CRES. gi Appendix A — Subject roperty ____ __ ,1( 12439 12438 177 19 12451 0. 174 17! )_153 3 20 32 4 I ____________________ 12431 12430 0. I 12441 12444 'U 21 12429 0. (9 P614 166 C' 244D 12423 12422 12424 22 LMP 12h01 P7501)0 161 160 ('1 I 159 158 15 155 154 ) A 12411 12414 I Rem3 23 10,1 2 1 2 B 0.. 12420 —j -, 12417 I H 124 AVE. 12392 j Rem .- _J 247 1 2 1 MP27048 REM.A ID P7696 Rem35 248 30. 12374 12382 [SUBJECT PROPERTIES_LJ .........._.J (P26005) 12370 4 207 m 1- K110406 12350 EP13727 208 I n75 12350 12342 ('1 209 z -. 32 6 39 E 0. 0 12339 It) 12336 of 210 C'4 22 7 12329 0. 12330 N. F— 12228 a, w 211 21 ô 8 Rem - A 12318 12320 1 -J 12314 RP12909 ICY 20 9 LMP4403 P8031 212 12313 12312 213 12297 19 12301 12308 - RemSl/216 LMS6O8 J'39057 I 11 14 P1572 7 8 9 10 P1112 9 2 12285 12 123 AVE.41 13 122756 P16012 1225*) *2255 12258 14 3 12 12286 I 123 AVE. OD 12240 I N.13 12238 Ii District of swervalley 22210, 22214 124 AVENUE & 12329, 12339 HILLSIDE STREET CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OFgakswwam N'tAPLE IRII)GE PLANNING DEPARTMENT NLangley SCALE 1:2,00 River _____________ DATE: Apr 4, 2006 FILE:DP/033/06 BY: PC ENVIRNONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA BETVVEN PROPERTY LINES & 15 m (49.2') EAST CREEK SETBACK: 18676.86 sgft I I cl ft :EA ft Is GARAGE £HTRIES: 85. BASEMENTS 55.5 -- - ----- - -..+ HILLSIDE STREET + .01 i- rT Dl I Cl I CII CILI I C2 IL. \ .-"fl I ii BLCG 3 C2 Dl cl cl cz Ix S.R.W. LIII 0 Ba SITE AREA 0.787 ha C4 ll. iii —1 7,868.11m2 I. r_ 84,692.19 sq /BLDGJ I I LG6 C4 1j,#I I '• I =110 02 \ T - I~aaL!3',l.' V-LYflaJJ -- -- -- -- -- LdIAIL.WtLt3J Tt'JLUIpIWII I!ETTh -- LniL!2zstL,oIa .UJJI nflBIIItU,LLn.ITTmT1 nt2J TUTI!fl JIA,lp.IIm. flfl IS -- tlL1I TflTTSflJIKjIpRIIflJ 15755fl .- Vt- 1 +. . II isa I t m II Ui- - h it I w II it a. U w Z 1121 I h ; ifl C', 5_S I*fl4. SITE PLAN A-1.00 1. :'J --U -- • •._ . ..r_____.__. • ;U I ui:?::;iwh= • El; Ii =iii=iitii I I III II II Iiiiiil; III lUll I,__r-._!I I II IIii !rF UI:u: Ez:L;LL!i.. Now lip WI I • I LLL.! Appendix 1) - Landscape Plan I - - g. 0 U. -51 HI. U i it! fIJI HIL1 Ii it: p ' 'JILtluiiE II 1111 Ii jfl!E:j N i1Ilij ji t1ft Ii I U 8 II t!I j .d I1 Uj -.-.---.:l. iif;tiJ:: jg L t IfI U111I1J{1!1 JI1I Ii t' r fUA .f1 jiffUjJiiqij11 JiiIp •11 !.........- F F U II; ;iij I Iq I I- rn U) -. 73 Ill m - -a-- g U r....... iL -- - 124th AVENUE I 47 E 1! mm Ij > 7' 7 Appendix E Riparian Improvements Cost Estimate Landscaping Cost Estimate - Copperstone Ridge ESA Maple Ridge, B.C. for EFS Developments (Rnr>ARIA t...f) Based upon Dwg. 12 ESA - dated December 11 2006 Prepared by Forma Design Inc 604 E 11-Oct-06 ON SITE Item SOFT LANDSCAPE Unit Coat Total Cost PI.ANT MATERIAL OUAN COO BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZEICI ROOT TREES 8 AC Acerccinatum Vine Maple 2.5m PIt. BIB $50.20 $401.50 3 AC AVs more Red Aider 5cm cal. BIB $135.90 $407.70 2 AM Acer maerophlum Broadleal Maple Sctn.cak BIB $155.30 $310.60 21 AMA Ananchlerain#OlLa Downy SaikalOon 1.2nlht BIB $50.40 $1068.40 2 AMC Amelan1rsrcanaden5l& Downy Saskaloon 12mM BIB $5040 $100.80 2 0E2 aettaajacquemontl) Hindayan birch Scm.osl. BIB $13590 $271.80 12 CR0 Cqaleagua douplaali Biacli Henlhome 5 em. cal. BIB $149.20 $1790.40 21 MAF Malus lusca PaCthc CrabAgle 5 em. Cal. BIB $18590 $2858.90 12 PSI Pcea sitchenale Silks Spsuce 3.Srnhl. BIB $258.80 $3081.60 10 SOA Sorbusaucupaca MountlalAsil 5arr.cal. BIB $135.90 $1359.00 2 SSC Salix slicnensls PacllCWIIow San. cal SIB $13590 $271.80 $11907.60 Plant material Installalion at x 1.0 - 811098.30 Sub-Total Tree $23005.90 SHRUBS 42 Cs Con,ua aencea Redosiar Dogwood 12 Pot Cant. $8.90 $373.80 19 KII Kalatovar. Mountain Laurel #2 Pot Call. $1280 $230.40 142 N Matiofla nervose Long leal Maltonla 82 Pot Cont $9.70 $1377.40 53 Ma MahO,1a*qaidfta Oregon Grape 02 Pot Cont. $970 $514.10 76 Phc Pttysocaipuscapltatus PacilicNlneba& IS Pot Cant. $18.40 $1398.40 16 PvI Prunus vIrnana Choke Ctieny 03 Pot Cant $16.20 $259.20 38 Rg Rosa gyrinocarpa Wood Rose #2 pot Coil. $8.90 $338.20 8 Thn Rtodo rnacophy6um Rhododendron 02 pot Cont. $10.90 $87.20 27 Rle R*es aang'nium Red Flowerlog Current 02 Pot Cant. $8.90 $240.30 70 Rg Rosa gyirnocaipa Wood Rose #2 Pot Coil. $890 $623.00 13 Rn Rosa nulkana Nootka Rose 02 Pot Coil $8.90 $115.70 10 Rr Rosa rugosa Hedgehog Rose 02 Pot Cont. $8.90 189.00 28 Rus Rubus spectablus Satmonbeuy 02 pot Corn. $8.90 $249.20 71 Sam Sarnbija r. calIcaipa Red Elerbeny #3 Pot Coil SI 6.20 $1150.20 66 Syrn S11rPxwicalpus elba Snowberry 92 pot Cant $8.90 $587.40 80 Vac VaccinivmpaMlolum Huckleberry 02 POt Coil. $9.70 $776.00 38 Va Vacdniurnovalum EGHuckieberly 02 Pot Cont $9.70 $988.80 $8778.10 Plant material installation at x .75 - $6583.58 Sub-Tote I Shrubs $1 5361.68 GROUND COVERS • FERNS 63 blo Blethnum spicant Deer Fern *1 pat Coil $4.50 $238.50 13 gp Gau1Ceda procumbens Wliterberry 01 Pot Cont. $5.90 $76.70 231 ga Gautitada ehalbi Sotal 11 Pot Cant. $5.90 $1362.90 126 pal Poiysticflum munhlum Western Sword Fern 81 pot Cont. $4.50 $587.00 $2245.70 Plant matenal bnstaUatlon at x .5 $1 122.55 Sub-Total Ground COVerS $3367.65 Sub-Total Plants $41735.23 TOPSOIL 786 TopeoUShrubsU ISCEwn M3 $32.00 $25166.77 Sub-Total Topsoil $25.186.77 ON SITE Sub-Total Soft $41,735.23 TOTAL $41,735.23 em Lonk CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 22, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-015-1033 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E0l-052-00l ATTN: CofW SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 119/07 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A developer has subdivided land at Jackson Road and Kimola Way. Part of the subdivision servicing is considered to be excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act. The extended servicing benefits adjacent properties. Latecomer Agreement LC 119/07 provides the municipality's assessment of the attribution of the costs of the excess or extended servicing to the benefiting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in subdivision SD 64/05 located at Jackson Road and Kimola Way, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated May 22, 2007; and further That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 119/07 with the subdivider of the said Lands. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivision and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is shown on attached Schedule A. in addition, a copy of Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 119/07 is also attached for information purposes. 1105 Strategic Alignment: Administration of excess or extended services legislation complies with the Smart Managed Growth element of the Corporate Strategic Plan. The administration procedure supports the requirement for a developer to construct municipal infrastructure in support of land development and recognizes that the infrastructure may provide benefit to other land. Policy Implications: Part 26, Division 11, of the Local Government Act provides that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers will benefit from the service. Latecomer Agreement LC 119/07 will provide such determination for Subdivision SD 64/05. CONCLUSION: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 64/05. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. Latecomer Agreement LC 119/07 summarizes the municipality's determination of benefitting lands and cost attribution and also establishes the term over which such Latecomer Charges will be applied. Prepared by: T & Development Engineering Reviewed by: AndeWood, MEng., PEng. TMZlEner Approved kv: Oank Quinn, MBA, PEng. tM: Public W s & Development Services Concurrence: J.LJ(Jim) Rule Chidf Administrative Officer ljlIbc Schedule A TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE ONSITE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE # BENEFITTING COST OF LOTS BENEFIT COST PER BENEFIT LOT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Sanitary Sewer 9 $38,700.00 $4,300.00 Lot 6, Plan 75957 Statutory ROW 1 x $4,300.00 EXTENDED NOMINAL SERVICE SERVICE # BENEFITT1NG COST OF COST PER BENEFIT LOTS BENEFIT LOT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Storm Sewer 12 $23,208.00 $1,934.00 Part N 1/2 SE ¼, Plan Jackson Road 6504F 4 x $1,934.00 Lot Li, Plan 18280 1 x $1,934.00 Storm Sewer 8 $7,800.00 $ 975.00 Lot Rem B, Plan 21213 248 Street 5 x $975.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Part N 1/2 of SE ¼, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 6504F, NWD $ 7,736.00 Lot 11, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 18280, NWD S 1,934.00 Lot 6, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 75957, NWD $ 4,300.00 LotRemB,Sec 11,Tp 12,P1an21213,NWD $ 4,875.00 4 Page 1 PARK BCP 13498 50 149 154 &; 46 44 43 .- , 152 42 - - 41'. 16 11 IC DE ' Rm16 21 C P1363 lz. - 10575 108 AVENUE 108 AVUIUE 0767 Y5152 53 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 /[ 11 112 ,08 ... /115 \ 109 101 .. . .. .. . . . . .. . PROPERTY. f0656 PARK 96 119 - °140 '137 135 142 76 n & PARK 133 134 P 12923143 78 PARK 98 J45 ' '° . . . . - - - :- rff 81 82 % 46 6 /85 % f , eny '7 of. I 148- °. 1/2 af SE. 1/4 / B . \ e 399 . BC° 1798b BCP 17979 ENEF1TI1NG • .. . . . ...'.' .. . . . *.. .. . ' 771507 ' .. liES - - P 18280 .p . 5957.............. ..&./'10505 ENF1rflNQ / .6. p.R0P.EwtY. / P 18280 / / 10 / P21213 . . /70552 / PP022 I_I SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY c......:.....':..:..... BENEFITTINC PROPERTIES EXCESS CAPACITY/EXTENDED SERVICES AGREEMENT LC 119/07 SD 64/05 CORPORATION OF THE ROM DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT FILE/DWC No 1 C 119-2007 I DATE: MAY 2007 A SCALE: N.T.S. EXCESS CAPACITY LATECOMER AGREEMENT LC 119/07 - SD 64/05 TillS AGREEMENT made the day of , 2007: BETWEEN: No. 236 Seabright Holdings Ltd. 20 1-20050 Stewart Crescent Maple Ridge BC V2X 0T4 (Hereinafter called the "Subdivider") OF THE FIRST PART CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, a Municipal Corporation under the "Local Government Act", having its offices at 11995 Haney Place, in the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia (Hereinafter called the "Municipality") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: The Subdivider has subdivided certain lands and premises located within the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, and more particularly known and described as: Lot D, Plan 20280, Lot A, Plan BCP24067 and Lot 83, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan BCP17976, NWD (Hereinafter called the "said lands") In order to facilitate the approval of the subdivision of the said lands, the Subdivider has constructed and installed the sanitary sewer and storm sewer services shown on the design prepared by Damax Consultants Ltd., Job No. S-98-216.5/5294.5, (Sheets 1 to 10) dated November 2005, reviewed as noted May 30, 2006. Project No. E08- 0 15-1033 (Hereinafter called the "Extended Services"); The extended services have been provided with a capacity to service the said lands and other than the said lands; The Municipality considers its cost to provide the Extended Services to be excessive; The Subdivider has provided the Extended Services in the Amount of $61,908.00. 13 Page 1 The Municipality has determined that the following properties: Part N '/2 of SE '/4, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 6504F, NWD Lot 11, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 18280, NWD Lot 6, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 75957, NWD Lot Rem B, Sec 11,Tp 12, Plan 21213, NWD (the "Benefitting Lands") will benefit from the Extended Services; The Municipality has imposed as a condition of the owner of the Benefitting Lands connecting to or using the Extended Services, a charge (the "Latecomer Charge") on the Benefitting Lands in the following amounts: Part N V2 of SE ¼, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 6504F, NWD o $1,934.00 per lot, to a maximum of $7,736.00, for connection to or use of the storm sewer on Jackson Road Lot 11, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 18280, NWD o $1,934.00 for connection to or use of the storm sewer on Jackson Road Lot 6, Sec 10, Tp 12, Plan 75957, NWD o $4,300.00 for connection to or use of the sanitary sewer that runs from the lane west of Jackson Road to the east property line of 106 Avenue. Lot Rem B, Sec 11, Ip 12, Plan 21213, NWD o $975.00 per lot, to a maximum of $4,875.00, for connection to the storm sewer on 248 Street, from 68 meters north of the south property line of Lot Rem B, Plan 21213 to 16 meters north of the south property line of Lot Rem B, Plan 21213. plus interest calculated annually from the date of completion of the Extended Services as certified by the General Manager - Public Works and Development Services of the Municipality (the "Completion Date") to the date of connection by the Benefitting Lands to the Extended Services; The Latecomer Charge when paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the Municipality shall pursuant to Section 939 (7) of the Municipal Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c.323 be paid to the Subdivider as provided for in this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE AS AUTHORIZED BY Section 939 (9) of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 323, The parties hereto agree as follows: The Latecomer Charge, if paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the Municipality within ten (10) years of the Completion Date shall be paid to the Subdivider and in such case payment will be made within 30 days of June 30th and December 31St of the year in which the Latecomer Charge is collected by the Municipality. This Agreement shall expire and shall be of no further force and effect for any purpose on the earlier of the payment of the Latecomer Charge by the Municipality to the Subdivider, or ten (10) years from the Completion Date, and thereafter the Municipality shall be forever fully released and wholly discharged from any and all liability and obligations herein, or howsoever arising pertaining to the Latecomer Charge, and whether arising before or after the expiry of this Agreement. Page 2 The Subdivider represents and warrants to the Municipality that the Subdivider has not received, claimed, demanded or collected money or any other consideration from the owner of the Benefitting Lands for the provision, or expectation of the provision of the Extended Services, other than as contemplated and as provided for herein; and further represents and warrants that he has not entered into any agreement with the owner of the Benefitting Lands for consideration in any way related to or connected directly or indirectly with the provision of the Extended Services. The representations and warranties of the Subdivider herein shall, notwithstanding paragraph 2 of this Agreement, survive the expiry of this Agreement. The Subdivider (if more than one corporate body or person) hereby agrees that the Municipality shall remit the Latecomer Charge to each corporate body or person in equal shares. If the Subdivider is a sole corporate body or person, the Municipality shall remit the Latecomer Charge to the said sole corporate body or person, with a copy to the following (name and address of director of corporate body, accountant, lawyer, etc.): In the event that the Subdivider is not the owner of the said lands, the owner shall hereby grant, assign, transfer and set over unto the Subdivider, his heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their respective Corporate Seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf, the day• and year first above wntten. The Corporate Seal of No. 236 Seabright Holdings Ltd. Authorized Signatory - Subdivider Authorized Signatory - Subdivider The Corporate Seal of the CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor - Authorized Signatory Corporate Officer - Authorized Signatory Page 3 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 28, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001 .5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 2 Annual Iron Mountain Half Ironman EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been made for permission to use municipal streets for the 2nd Annual lion Mountain Half Ironman on Sunday, June 24, 2007 between 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Authorization from Council is required to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. Road closures are not anticipated for this event. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the 2 nd Annual Iron Mountain Half Ironman on Sunday, June 24, 2007, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated May 28, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". The lion Mountain - Half Ironman begins at 7:00 AM and is divided into three courses: swimming, cycling and running. Swim course - participants will start their swim at Whonnock Lake and transition to cycling from this location. Bike course - participants will continue to travel west on 112 Avenue from Whonnock Lake, turning northbound on 272 Street towards Dewdney Trunk Road (DTR). On DTR participants will travel east towards Mission, crossing over Stave Lake then loop back around and cross back into Maple Ridge at the Hayward Dam Crossing, turning southbound onto 287 Street towards Lougheed Highway. Participants will travel westbound on Lougheed Highway towards 272 Street. On 272 Street participants will continue north back to 112 Avenue and Whonnock Lake. Whonnock Lake is where participants will transition from cycling to running. Run Course - from Whormock Lake transition area, participants will travel west on 112 Avenue towards 272 Street, proceed north on 272 Street, turning west on Ferguson Avenue, continuing west through Kanaka Creek Park to Grant Avenue. Participants continue north onto 260 Street to 112 Avenue to complete a loop in Kanaka Creek Park and return to Whonnock Lake for the finish. 1106 Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. Citizen/Customer Implications: This event does not require road closures. However, permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. Traffic control will be provided by the event organizers. interdepartmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). The organizer must also attain permission to use Ministry of Transportation facilities, Maple Ridge Municipal park facilities and the District of Mission roads. Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. 1') Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the event or arrange for alternatives. CONCLUSION: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Iron Mountain Half Ironman was held last year without incident. Submitted by: MEng., PEng. Mudicipal Engineer Approved by: Frp'nk Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: i4. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AW/mi - Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated May 28, 2007 Annual Iron Mountain Half Ironman Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; obtain any required permits from the District of Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services Department for park facility use; obtain any required permits from the Ministry of Transportation for use of Highways and facilities; obtain any required permits from the District of Mission for use of their facilities; advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event; must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw permission to use municipal streets for this and future events should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer 4 RECEIVED IN ENGNJEEF:NG DEPT MAR 2 $ 2007 - ARON MOUNTAIN • TRIATHLON Dean Stanton Race Director Iron Mountain Triathion www.ironmountaintriathlon.com info@ironmountaintnathIon.com 604.983.8433 Attn: Matthew Li - Traffic Technician Safer City Project & District Of Maple Ridge Council The Second Annual Iron Mountain Half Ironman competition will take place on June 24 " 2007. I am looking for approvals for the race. Please note that they will not be closed for the public I would also like to be present at the council meeting to present this and also answer any questions district council might have. However, I would need at least 48 hours notice so I can coordinate my work and get to the meeting on time. When and where are the scheduled meetings held? I am also looking for at least one member(s) of Maple Ridge District Council to be present to help give out the awards in the afternoon. I can set this up with the person(s) as we get closer to the event. Sincerely &IRON MOUNTAIN TRIATHLON Dean Stanton Race Director Iron Mountain Triathion www.ironriiountaintriathlon.com info@lronmountalntriathlon.com 604.983.8433 Attn: District Of Maple Ridge Council The Second Annual Iron Mountain Half Ironman competition will take place on June 24' 2007. I am looking for road approvals for the race. PLEASE NOTE: They will not be closed to the public The swim will be 2 1km laps on Whonnock Lake followed by a 90km ride with several challenging loops ride on Dewdney Trunk Road through Stave lake and back and then a challenging out and back 21 km run through roads and trails. Currently there are no other certified half ironman races in the Lower Mainland. A similar race in Victoria brings in a lot of tourism from the United States and Lower Mainland and the Interior and the long term plan is to bring in racers from afar to challenge themselves and the course and stay for a few days in Maple Ridge. Each year some of the proceeds of the race will go back into the local community and it's community groups. The race is also a fundraiser for cancer research. Anyone who is located on the route is welcome to cheer on all of the competitors. Details of the route and race are enclosed with the request. Dean Stanton AI RON MOUNTAIN TRIATHLON IRON MOUNTAIN HALF IRONMAN RACE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Swim: Whonnock Lake start from beach area start time is 7 AM sharp Distance approx 2kms Nice warm water and a 2 loop course. Counter clockwise two loop course you must exit the water and re-enter after the first loop Bike Course (please refer to map) Distance approx 90kms A challenging bike course with some uphills but there are also some nice flat sections and fast downhill areas as well It is a 2 loop course PLEASE NOTE: The roads are open to the public Marked with flag people and chalk on roads Exit via Graham road Turn right on 112 ave Turn right on 272nd Turn right on Dewdney Trunk Road Please slow down a watch for the rail track when crossing the Stave Lake Dam. There will be a volunteer to warn you and also warnings on the road. Up over the hill long downhill turn right on Keystone Down a fast hill turn right on Hayward? Up a short hill Over the one lane bridge Turn left on Wilson Turn right on Lougheed Hwy Stay to the right. Turn right on 272nd Gradual steeped climb back past turn to start finish area do one more lap then turn right on 112 ave Turn left on Graham St and into transition area Run Course: (please refer to map) Distance approx 21 kms A beautiful run course with a mixture of trails and roads that is mostly flat with a few small hills in it. It is an out and back course. PLEASE NOTE: The roads are open to the public Exit onto 113 ave Then left on 276th st Then right on 112 Cross 272 the go north on west side to Ferguson Right on Ferguson Follow ferguson down around to trail entrance follow trail for quite awhile Please not a small stream crossing and a steep short uphill Traile will be marked with chalk. Out of trails onto Grant Ave Follow Grant ave to 260st Left on 112 ave Right on Palmer Rolph St Left on 112 ave Enter Kanaka Creek trails to the run turn around then come back. IRON MOUNTAIN TRIATHLON Bike Course Map WHONNOCK LAKE, MAPLE RIDGE 2 Loop Course June 24th, 2007 ewdney Trunk Road ionnock 'S V., 112 ày I/lIT Oe Lojigheed Hwy* *please note the map is not to scale *please Note: Riding only on the paved right shoulder that will be coned off Controlled interstion Police Controlled intersections Copytight 0 2006-7 ironmountaintrlattilon Map created by = Stanton Oesiqn Studio AI RON MOUNTAIN N TRIATHLDN WHONNOCK LAKE, MAPLE RIDGE June 24th, 2007 Run Course Map Dewdnev Trunk Rd u n k Rd I <7 Whonnock C12 -, o 0 0 r.J r1i 112 Ave •1 *please note the map is not to scale Controlled Intersections Run Turn Around Run Outward leg Run Return Leg AId Stations Copyright 02000-7 Ironmountaintrlathion Map created by &Stanton Design Studio FORM 'A' Details of the Event Date::?AACi Z,Z 2s- Contact Person: 9 e4ax____________ P.M z *I --.% "MMIN • - ketch of Traffic Control Plan: RCMP concurrence for the proposed Traffic Control Plan The following agencies have been advised and acknowledge the event: BC Transit Fire Department Ambulance Services -.-- - Tt) .'I'fl4-J'J Other 03/09/2007 10:12 FAX 604 467 7633 RCIIF RIDGE MEADOWS Royal Candian Gendaerie royale Mounted Police du Canada FACSIMILE !MESSAGE EN VOl D'UN MESSAGE TRANSMITTAL PAR TELECOPIEUR TO Mr. Dean STANTON A Iron Mountain Triathion Race Director FOR YOUR lNlO. POUR VOTRE INFORM. lIUuL,uuL Page 1 of/do I Secuilty CIasslflcationID.signatlOfl Ciasslfication/dèslgnation Precidence . Prioriti 2007-03.09 R.f.rsnc• No.- W de Your File . Vowe n do dossier FROM Name. Nom Our Fit. - Notre n do dossier DE CpI. R.E. LEMON - NCO 11c Traffic Services Div. - - Sub-Div.. S.-dlv. Branch. Service PIRS 0111 cric oftl J OSR . RSO Section Ridge-Meadows Dat SENDER. EXPEDITEUR Fa; No. . N' de téléc. Tel. No. N' do tél. 604467- 7633 604-463-6251 SUBJECT OIIJET Iron Mountain Triathlon Unit. Unite Coil. - Code d'int.rciass. do uiv. RECIPIENT - DESTINATAIRE - Fsz No. - N' do tSléc. Bus. Tel. No. . N' do tél. bur. Res. T.l. No. - N' do téL rés. 604-924-9943 I 604-983-8433 Total number of pages Including this on.: Nombis total do pag.s, y compits. cults-cl COMMENTS COMMENTAIRES I have reviewed your Traffic Plan, routes, etc. as they pertain to your event slated for Juno 24th, 2007, In and around the Whonnock Lake area. I approve of your Plan, from our standpoint and hope you have a s aMON)Cpl. (t NCO lIc Traffic Services Ridge-Meadows Det. This message Is lntsndd for the use of the address... C.tto communication eat excluslvemont destine, C out she sat adr.ssée. Disclosure of message content may breach one or La divulgatlon do eon contenu p.ut constituer uns Infraction C tine ou more laws. If you have received this communication plusieurs lois. SI vous avez rsçu cette communication par orrsur, v.ulll.z in error, notify the sender Immediately by telephone. an aviser ImmCdlat.m.nt l'.xpédit.ur par téléphone. Operator - Opérateur I Tslephon. No. - N' do téléphone I Daily No. - N' quotidl.n To BE DEL JERED av Oat. Time- Hour. Authorizing SIgnstur. . Slgnstufe d. rspprobat.ur A. uvcn o,a t,c 2007-03-09 FZMY REQUED BY 1 Time - H.ur. éPONSE DICI LE Canad - From: bmorris@mapleridge.org Subject: RE: Iron Mountain Triathion Date: February 28, 2007 12:49:16 PM PST To: dstanton@telus.net Dean, Every thing appears to be taken care of and in order, so good luck in the race and I hope the weather is in your favour and all contestants have a great day. Brett Morris Assistant Fire Chief Fire Prevention Officer From: Dean Stanton [mailto:dstanton@telus.net] _Sent: Feb 28, 2007 12:19_To: Brett Morris_Subject: Iron Mountain Triathion Hi Brett. Nice to talk with you on the phone. Iron Mountain Triathion June 24th, 2007 Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge I am looking for your approval. There will be St Johns ambulance with 2 crews and 1 ambulance at the race. I think there is a volunteer fire house on 112 Ave which would have to be informed. The race is also putting partial proceeds towards cancer research. Attached is a map of the bike and run routes. There will be police and volunteer controlled intersections. The bike course closes at 12:30 and the course will be open to all traffic when the race is on. From:Martin.Flick@coastmountainbus.com Subject: Re: Iron Mountain Half Ironman Race Date: February 28, 2007 12:44:19 PM PST To: dstanton@telus.net Hi Dean, I have no service on Sundays in that area so there is not problem with transit. Marty Flick Special Events Transit Communications Centre martin.flick@coastmountainbus.com Ph. No. 604-953-3505 Fax No. 604-953-3509 Original Message----- From: Dean Stanton [mailto :dstanton @telus.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:59 AM To: Flick, Marty Subject: Iron Mountain Half lronman Race Hi Martin, Iron Mountain Triathion. June 24th, 2007 Whonnock Lake, Maple Ridge To inform you of the race and if it affects any bus routes in June 24th 2007 Attached is a map of the bike and run routes. There will be police and volunteer controlled intersections. There will be signs. The bike course closes at 12:30 and the course will be open to all traffic when the race is on. 6047373076 01:01:28 p.m. 05-28-2007 1 /1 4SPORT INSURANCE MARKETING LTD. Maple Ridge 467-7331 Mission 1604 826-1363 Triathlon BC (111) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE AS HEREIN DESCRIBED HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED BELOW AND ARE IN FORCE AT THE DATE HEREOF: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AT THE REQUEST OF: NAME OF INSURED CORP. OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, CITY OF PITT TRIATHLON BC & MEMBER CLUBS MEADOWS, RIDGE MEADOWS PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES COMMISSION, SCHOOL DISTRICT 42 DISTRICT OF MISSION ABOVE ARE ADDED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED, BUT SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THE LIABILITY WHICH ARISES OUT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE NAMED INSURED LOCATION AND OPERATIONS TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE APPLIES MAPLE RIDGE, BC IRON MOUNTAIN TRIATHLON" JUNE 24, 2007 'O WHOM NOTICE WILL BE MAILED IF SUCH INSURANCE IS CANCELLED )R IS CHANGED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO AFFECT THIS CERTIFICATE KIND OF POLICY POLICY NO. INSURERS J LIMIT OF LIABILITY GENERAL LIABILITY AS1535 AVIVA INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA $5.000,000.00 inclusive limit tDEDUCTIBLE $500.00 POLICY EXTENSIONS CROSS LIABILITY CLAUSE INCLUDED *PARTICIPANT COVERAGE INCLUDED *SUBJECT TO 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION -. 'E INSURANCE AFFORDED IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF THE APPLICABLE POLICY. ALL SPORT INSURANCE MARKETING LTD. May 28, 2007 AUTHORIZED 4EPRESENTATIVE Ins2 507. 1367 West Brodw' ,,,,. 0t \LI A CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 25. 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended April 30, 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor. together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended April 30, 2007 now be approved" GENERAL S 7,318,160 PAYROLL $ 1,066,830 PURCHASE CARD $ 63,992 S 8.448.982 DISCUSSION Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 1131 Business Plan / Financial Implications: 1. None Policy Implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended April 30, 2007 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: G'Ann Rygg Accounting Clerk II / Approved by: Dennis Sartorius, CA Municipal Accountant Approved hi: PaGBA. CGA GM - Corporate & Financial Services 9. 012-, Concurrence: J.i/. (Jim) Rule CJief Administrative Officer gmr t CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - PERIOD 4, 2007 BC Hydro Hydro charges April 70.504 BC SPCA Contract April 21.054 BDO Dunwoody 2006 Financial statement audit 31.414 BG Controls Chlorine analyzers for water pump stations 17,904 Bynett Construction Services Community Safety Building 235.322 Standby Power System 229.155 464.477 CUPE Local 622 Dues - pay periods 07/07 & 07/08 17,405 Ceed Centre Society School neighbourhood garden 31,500 Chevron Canada Ltd Fuel 52,660 City of Pitt Meadows Refund of Parks & Recreation costs 2006 21,064 Co-Pilot Industries Tandem dump rentals 21,774 Day Advertising Group Inc. Recruitment 16.895 EBA Engineering Consultants Industrial Avenue environmental land clean up 38,940 Emco Limited Water meter connections 15.280 Emergency Communications Dispatch levy - first quarter 253.620 Graham Hoffart Mathiasen Archt Fire Hall No. 1 expansion 174,941 Greater Vanc Water District Water consumption Jan 1 - Jan 3 1/07 292,532 Greater Vancouver Regional Dis Debt payment 2,341,976 Water sample analysis 500 2,342,476 Hewlett Packard Canada Co Annual maintenance contract 32.388 Holmes & Brakel (BC) Inc. RCMP workstations 23,384 Identica Branding program 17,225 Kedco Constructors Ltd 236 & 256 Street pump stations 75,835 Maple Ridge Historical Society Quarterly fee for service payment 17,380 ledical Services Plan Employee medical & health premiums 22,056 Municipal Pension Plan BC Pension remittance 193,310 Pitt River Quarries Ltd Gravel 39.592 Receiver General For Canada Employer/Employee remit PP07/07 & 07/08 490,097 Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Art Centre grant May 36.87 1 Program revenue Mar 22.020 Theatre rental 2.053 60,944 Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Quarterly operating grant Apr - Jun 36,450 Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Monthly contract for recycling Apr 72.603 Weekly recycling 206 Litter pick-up contract 1.910 74,719 Staples McDannold Stewart Land acquisition: Parkland 1,499,576 Terasen Gas Gas April 33,618 Weir Canada Inc Chlorine analyzers for water pump stations 16,266 Westview Sales Ltd Meter boxes 17,826 Workers Compensation Board BC Employer/Employee remittance 1st qtr 2007 70,402 Disbursements In Excess $15,000 6,605,508 Disbursements Under $15,000 712,652 Total Payee Disbursements 7,318,160 Payroll PP 07/08 & 07/09 1,066,830 Purchase Cards - Payment 63,992 TOTAL PERIOD 4 2007 DISBURSEMENTS 8.448,982 GMR Y:\Finance'.Accountna'AP Remittances (Disbursements)\2007\[Monthly Councit Report 2007 .xls!APR07 p