HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-16 - Committee of the Whole - Agenda and Reports.pdfV District of Maple Ridge CQMMI1TEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA July 16, 2007 1:00 P.M. Council Chamber Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review and debate of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more in formation or clarification. Note: If required, there will be a 15-minute break at 3:00 p.m. Chair: Acting Mayor DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS - (10 minutes each) 1:00 p.m. 1.1 Parks and Leisure Services - Youth Services and Youth Outreach Initiative; Second Quarter 2007 Parks & Leisure Services Statistics - T. Cotroneo, Youth Services Coordinator and Shawn Matthewson, Recreation/ Social Planning Coordinator PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SER VICES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 1101 RZ/094/06, 22990 Lougheed Highway and Roll #5256900006 RS-3 and RS-1 to RM-4 and R-1 Staff report dated July 9, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6494-2007 and Maple Ridge Zone Committee of the Whole Agenda July 16, 2007 Page 2 of 4 Amending Bylaw No. 6480-2007 to permit the development of 73 townhouse units and 5 single family lots be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. 1102 DP/089/05, 22931 and 22925 Lougheed Highway Staff report dated July 5, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/089/05 to permit 44 townhouse units. 1103 DP/060/06, 12450 264 Street Staff report dated July 10, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/060/06 in support of a development plan for subdivision and building activity adjacent to Zideco Creek, Mogley Creek and their tributaries. 1104 DP/DVP/076/06, 11432 Burnett Street Staff report dated June 28, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/076/06 for variances to a road right-of-way and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/076/06 in support of subdivision and building activity adjacent to Rosalyn Creek and its tributaries. 1105 DP/DVP/034/06, 20276, 20284 and 20296 Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated July 9, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/034/06 for variances to a front setback and the maximum height of a retaining wall and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/034/06 in support of the construction of an auto oil change and wash service facility. 1106 DP/DVP/055/06, 24180, 24208 102 Avenue Staff report dated July 6, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/055/06 to vary minimum road width requirements and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/055/06 in support of a 24 lot subdivision. 1107 DP/DVP/100/06, 24308 102 Avenue Staff report dated July 5, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/100/06 to vary lot depth, lane width, and requirements for underground wiring and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/100/06 in support of a 4 lot subdivision. / Committee of the Whole Agenda July 16, 2007 Page 3 of 4 1108 SD/100/06, 5% Money in Lieu of Parkland Dedication, 24308 102 Avenue Staff report dated July 9, 2007 recommending that the owner of the subject property pay an amount that is not less than $14,000. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2007 Staff report dated July 10, 2007 recommending that the disbursements for June 2007 be approved. 1132 Fee for Service Agreement - Animal Control Services and Shelter Operations Staff report dated June 18, 2007 recommending that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal a Fee for Service Agreement with the BCSPCA for the provision of Animal Control Services and Shelter Operations and that the Business Licences, Permits and Bylaws Department implement a comprehensive dog licencing program. COMMUNI1YDEVELOPMENTAND RECREATION SERVICES 1151 CORRESPONDENCE 1171 OTHER ISSUES 1181 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee of the Whole Agenda July 16, 2007 Page 4 of 4 8. COMMUNI7Y FORUM COMMUNITY FORUM The Community Forum provides the public with an opportunity to speak with Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws that have not yet reached conclusion. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to speak or ask questions (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total time for this Forum is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, the speaker will be advised when and how a response will be given. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Manager of Legislative Services who can be contacted at 463-5221 or by e-mail at cmarIo@maleride.ca . Check by Date:L /ci •APLE RI DGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Blitish TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 9, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/094/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6494 - 2007 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6480 - 2007 22990 Lougheed Highway and Roll # 5256900006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-i. (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-4 (Multiple Family Residential) and R-i. (Residential District) to permit the development of 73 townhouse units and 5 single family lots. This application requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan to relocate the Conservation boundary. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Bylaw No. 6494 - 2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; That Bylaw No. 6480 - 2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading.' Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendments to Schedules B" and C" of the Official Community Plan; Registration of a Section 219 Covenant for a Geotechnical Report that addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road and Park dedication as required; Removal of the existing buildings; Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking on the townhouse development site. 1101 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Pivotal Developments Ltd. Owner: Maple Ridge North Developments Ltd. Legal Description: Parcel "C", DL 402 & 403, Gp 1, NWD, Plan 7104C, NWD except: firstly, Parcel "One" of EPlan 11894; secondly, part shown on highway SR/W Plan 63428; thirdly, part on SR/W Plan 71204; and fourthly, part on Plan 4834, and Parcel "A" (reference plan 3713), DL 402, GP 1, NWD, except: firstly, part (1.090 acres more or less) on SR/W Plan 4834; secondly, part lying north and east of Highway plan 4834; thirdly, part subdivided by plan 10103; fourthly, part within heavy outline on highway SR/W plan 63428; and fifthly, part in plan LMP12216. OCP: Existing: Urban Residential and Conservation Proposed: Urban Residential and Conservation Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Watercourse Protection Development Permit Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RM-4 (Multiple Family Residential District), and R-1 (Residential District) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Secondary School Zone: CD-1-89 Designation School South: Use: Townhouse Zone: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: R-1 (Residential District) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Townhouse, Single Family Residential Zone: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential, Farm Proposed Use of Property: Townhouse and Single Family Residential -2- Site Area: 3.558 HA Access: Telosky Avenue Servicing: Full Urban Companion Applications: SD/094/06, DP/094/06 and DP/012/07 Project Description: Application RZ/094/06 proposes to rezone 2 properties located at 22990 Lougheed Highway from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-4 (Multiple Family Residential) and R-1 (Residential District). The development site consists of a long triangular lot that abuts the Lougheed Highway east of 116 Avenue and extends south almost to the Haney Bypass. The adjacent lot is a 5 m (16ft) wide panhandle remainder lot that extends from Telosky Avenue to the Haney Bypass. This lot was recently purchased by the Developer and is included in this application to avoid being isolated from any future development potential. The applicant is proposing to construct 73 townhouse units in 19 wood frame 2½ storey buildings on the portion of the site north of Telosky Avenue, and provide for a future subdivision of 5 single family R-1 (Residential District) lots on the south side of Telosky Avenue. The townhouse development will be accessed from a central driveway on Telosky Avenue that leads to a crescent' of four buildings grouped around a landscaped area containing a mailbox kiosk. The internal road continues uphill to access east and west buildings and buildings fronting onto the Lougheed Highway. Four duplex buildings front onto Telosky Avenue and provide a transition in density to the single family dwellings to the south. All the units on the Lougheed Highway and Telosky Avenue frontages have a pedestrian street presence and all garages are oriented to the internal roads. Pedestrian walkways, with bio-filtration swales incorporated, provide good circulation throughout the site which will be well landscaped with a variety of plantings. A children's play area with climbing equipment is located on the east side of the development, and an outdoor seating area is located on the west side of the development. The applicant will be constructing Telosky Avenue through the site, connecting to the existing Telosky Avenue road right-of-ways to the east and west. The balance of the property, approximately 1.57 hectares (42% of the site), will be dedicated as Park. The headwaters of Roslyn Creek drain south from Telosky Avenue and proposed compensation works by the applicant for relocation of a pond will include revitalization and rehabilitation of the park area between the top-of-bank and the single family lots. Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site is located outside of the Regional Town Centre and is designated Urban Residential and Conservation. A 73 unit townhouse development is proposed on the portion of the site between the Lougheed Highway and Telosky Avenue. This is consistent with the Major Corridor Residential category of Urban Residential land use. It is not located within the Regional Town Centre or any Area plan, it has frontage on an existing major road corridor, and it is adjacent to a commercial node. Telosky Avenue will be constructed across the site to connect the 2 existing portions between Harrison Street and Burnett Avenue. On the south -3- side of the new road five single family lots with R-1 zoning are proposed. These are consistent with the characteristics of the Neighbourhood Residential Infill criteria and are compatible with existing development in the surrounding neighbourhood. South of the single family lots the land is designated Conservation for protection of Roslyn Creek, and an OCP amendment is required to adjust the boundaries of the Conservation area. Roslyn Creek is identified on Schedule "C" as a watercourse requiring special treatment in a Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area. The conservation area, approximately 42% of the site area, will be dedicated as Park as a condition of zoning. The proposed use is in compliance with the Official Community Plan land use designation of the subject property, although an amendment is required to adjust the Conservation boundary. Zoning Bylaw: A preliminary review of the plans in relation to the Zoning Bylaw requirements has revealed that the proposal generally complies with the bylaw, although a number of variances would be required for the townhouse development if this proposal is to proceed. The proposed variances are as follows: Part 6 Section603 (6)(a) "Siting": a. To reduce the RM-4 townhouse building setbacks from 7.5 metres to between 5.0 and 7.0 metres at specific locations. The buildings are sited in a crescent shape along each property line to provide visual interest, and increased landscaping and separation between dwellings on adjacent sites. This results in small portions of some of the buildings projecting into the setback area. Part 6, Section 601 C. (11)(c) "Siting": a. To reduce the rear yard setback of the R-1 zoned Single Family lots from 8 metres to 6 metres. The applicant has requested reduced rear yard setbacks because 2 metres additional road width is required for servicing on the south side of Telosky Avenue. The 5 lots exceed the minimum lot dimensions, will back onto Park property, and the proposed enhancement works in the Park are not reduced by the requested variance. Off-Street Parking and LoadinR Bylaw: A preliminary review of the plans in relation to the 0ff-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requirements has revealed that the proposal complies with the bylaw. Each townhouse unit is provided with 2 parking spaces, as required. 19 Visitor Parking spaces are provided, 4 more than the minimum required. DeveloDment Permits: A Multi-Family Development Permit is required for the townhouse development that will address the form and character of the design and provides guidelines for the development of the site. The development will be assessed against the following Key Design concepts: IKE New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. A Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is required for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment of Roslyn Creek and will be brought forward to Council at a later date. Within the watercourse protection area, between the single family housing and the top of bank, the applicant will be providing a bio-detention pond and bio-filtration swales, removing invasive vegetation, installing post and rail fencing, and replanting with native species as required, with a three year maintenance program agreement. A Security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. Advisory Design Panel: The plans, design drawings and landscape plans submitted in support of the development permit application were reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel at the February 13 and June 12, 2007 meetings. The Advisory Design Panel is in support of the general concept as submitted and requested that the Planning Department further review the following items: Functionality of the bio-swales, Circulation and landscape. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was hosted by the applicant on February 1, 2007 at Thomas Haney Secondary School. Approximately 12 people attended and all were in support of the project, particularly that Telosky Avenue would finally be completed as a through street. Interest was shown in closing the temporary vehicle access from Lougheed Highway to Olund Crescent but continuing to allow pedestrian access. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department reviewed the servicing for the development and provided their comments as follows: Telosky Avenue must be constructed to an Urban Collector standard and boulevard improvements are required on the south side of the Lougheed Highway. Sufficient services are to be extended to service the site. -5- • A Professional Engineer must examine the condition of the watercourse through the proposed Park land to ensure that it has the required capacity and identify any upgrades that may be required. • Existing buildings on the site are to be removed. • The Fire Lane access at the northwest corner of the site is to be used only for emergency vehicles and there is to be no general vehicle access to the Lougheed Highway. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department review has confirmed that the compensation works by the applicant that include enhancement and clean up, bio-detention pond and bio-filtration swales, and replanting with native species within the conservation area above the top-of-bank are required prior to dedication of the land to Park. It is recommended that a public pedestrian access be maintained where thetemporary vehicle access from Lougheed Highway to Olund Crescent is located, which will provide a pedestrian link between the Lougheed Highway and the Haney Bypass. Road frontage for the Park land and a viewscape corridor to the southwest are being provided between the first and second single family lots at the west side of the development site. Fire Department: The Fire Department requests that signage be posted on the townhouse road right-of-ways stating "Fire Lane - No Parking - Tow away zone", that minimum 6 metre wide fire lanes be provided, and that addressing for the townhouses be from Telosky Avenue and be clearly marked. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first reading be given to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6494, 2007 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6480, 2007 and that application RZ/094/06 be forwarded to Public Hearing. PrepaYéd by. Anr)-Edwards \ Plann)\Fechnician CPT idkr CP, MCIP of L L_— ' --- e Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng - GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrencq J. L. Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer /AE -6- The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw 6480, 2007 Appendix C - OCP Amending Bylaw 6494, 2007 Appendix D - Townhouse Site Plan Appendix E - Townhouse Perspectives Appendix F - Development Information Meeting Minutes -- t1 F. Langley SCALE I, 22990 LOUGHEED & ROLL #5256900006 I 4 1 CORPORATION THE DISTRICT L' MAPLE RIDGE Ji ---- PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPENDIX B DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6480-2007 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6480-2007." 2 Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel"C", District Lot 402 & 403, Group 1, New Westminster District, except: firstly, Parcel "One" of EP 11894; secondly, part shown on highway SR/W Plan 63428; thirdly, part on SR/W Plan 71204; and fourthly, part on Plan 4834, and Parcel "A" (reference plan 3713), District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District, except: firstly, part (1.090 acres more or less) on SR/W Plan 4834; secondly, part lying north and east of Highway Plan 4834; thirdly, part subdivided by Plan 10103; fourthly, part within heavy outline on highway SR/W Plan 63428; and fifthly, part in Plan LMP12216. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1391 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-4 (Multiple Family Residential District) and R-1 (Residential District) (shown hatched). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER / P 8761 ' 0 W 469 4 IM , ,, IMS 2714 ce 7507P 2177 MP 7l 465 3409 LMP 2118 , Pd A \c p 7352 0.704 7 8CS 599 1.121 IMP 12215 110 -.-\ IMS 1391 1254 P 87486 83811 — I '3 679 - 71 LUP 5488 I I ',4J6 I . - QR U 12 PC A 5 1U.Y ASS. 0. 15 P71276 R. C6 13 10 P 30008 3 2 11 1O R / 7104 91E. 6 ). Ic - N 2885 2/ 8 I 4o * 1/23 6 17 Q577h. LOT S 28825 79 ' 30 '16 \ "_706i — " '2 .82 el,,.. 4!) p14176 11 !. 4 040004 a 4* 10 .. % 9 — Rem Rem. P14624 4 2 6 P.1 IMP 10788 9 "no . l5Jj9.74(5 •f d<4Ij,33 8 8328 P 14624 14 - - / 5I 12 13Ø#6 %25 LUP 39046 14824 70 2 /y OT2 W \ - I, 7 74 I, IMP 39949 P 1462 qJ lt 3 29 I, \ 60 I, 0025 Rem A (P 14217 \ 4 27 32 I, I, "N IZ85 ,, 19750 •' 2 .-..- Rem 14 34 28V Rem.A18 14 •07 ) P 71204 4 /03 39 J RP 3829 Rem I 12 31 32 (P 70002 P 61595 FW ts. P 61595 ///// * Rem \\\\\\\\ / MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6480-2007 Map No. 1391 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) and RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: RM-4(Multiple Family Residential) and R— 1 (Residential District)(shown hatched) 4 * 1:4000 APPENDIX C DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6494-2007. A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Sôhedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 64942007.It Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel"C", District Lot 402 & 403, Group 1, New Westminster District, except: firstly, Parcel "One" of EP 11894; secondly, part shown on highway SR/W Plan 63428; thirdly, part on SR/W Plan 71204; and fourthly, part on Plan 4834, and Parcel "A" (reference plan 3713), District Lot 402, Group 1, New Westminster District, except: firstly, part (1.090 acres more or less) on SR/W Plan 4834; secondly, part lying north and east of Highway Plan 4834; thirdly, part subdivided by Plan 10103; fourthly, part within heavy outline on highway SR/W Plan 63428; and fifthly, part in Plan LMP12216. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1400, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby redesignated to Conservation. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of ,A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200. READ A SECOND TIME the day of A.D. 200. READ A THIRD TIME the day of A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER Up P 5376 - IPI A 046 IMP 2117 UP 41 CP 7507 IMP 2118 PcI. A A P 050* 10 SCS 599 - 1.121 " IMP 12216 Ile NWS 3409 IMS 1391 .9 p 7352 f .9 P 71204 P 87466 / P83811 6 I -- _ B /T-.--- ,,fl/ P/P4f* " IMP 5488 4 p 586 1 234 567 8 9 - .. 12 I PcI. A 11 1n5cT *6 -s 0. I P71276 44 i.aop 90 I P 30008 3 2 11 10 /13 Tp * 10 — 7lO4 q9'415, .44' vo 24 NWS 2885 I140! 2 6 I ?t l6i 25825 6 17 0 fo • •• 4 ,1 0 3 P 14176 IIft2 040090 4 17 LOB 9* IC .._*0 I J72 P 14624 15 P 10188 4 h P 1624 I 12 13 5#6 .25 IMP 39046 113 AVE* a b2 ' 11 14624 10 a 1 28' 29 0 7 ,, P 1462' LUP 39949 925 0. \ 60 5 4. '30 ,0 1 LOT 2 197 ' 0,56 - P 14217 ' - "32 27 70294 R 5 14 J 2 0 9 0.6 '1.,. V-1 .517 9 2: /• S Pd 1 io F i\ç8328 P 712047 \. I 51,5 1 32 /EP 10002 31 39\ P 61595 61595 jx Re.s / 1 6 I / PP 3829 J MAPLE RIDGE OFFiCIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING bylaw No. 6494-2007 Mop No. 1400 - From: Residential To: Conservation 4 rjii hId 1:4000 APPENDIX D tp - : ' - . . -:'• k.. w .. / •1 TTT_- - . -. ,/, I, _•/ \ F / / F- - / \ I -p - / VIEW OF FIVE PLES< T'PE VIEW OF THREE PLEX TYPE eo Aimji VIEW OF BUILDINGS FROM LOUGHEED HWY. VIEW OF DUPLEX TYPE A1j APPENDIX F Maple Ridge North Developments. Ltd. Public Information Meeting February 1, 2007 Project RZ/094/06 and SD/094/06 The Minutes of the Public Information Meeting held on February 1, 2007 from 6:00 - 8:00pm at Thomas Haney Secondary School, Maple Ridge, Room 2010 for the purpose of introducing the proposed project to the surrounding neighbourhhod. V Present Wayne Jackson Pivotal Development Consultants Ltd. David Laird Damax Consultants Ltd. Ken Falk Creekside Architects Ltd. Mark Vance Creekside Architects Ltd. Ali Tahmoresi Creekside Architects Ltd. Meeting started at 5:50pm and finished at 8:10pm • There were approximately 12 attendees. V • All attendees supported the project. • The main concern was that Telosky Ave. is finally connected and that the temporary access to the neighbourhood to the East off Lougheed Highway is closed but provides a pedestrian walkway. • The comments on the townhouse design were very positive. • The owners of the long strip of land adjacent to the west property line came to discuss the benefits of there property if consolidated with our project. They were told that the District have requested the strip be consolidated to "clean up" the legal property lines in the area. The five lots South of Telosky Ave. could still be achieved without the strip. The park area would be smaller but still well in excess of the area needed for environmental protection. • One person asked who owned the fire lane for the townhouse project to the West. They were told it was municipal road. A PLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 5, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/089/05 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 22931 and 22925 Lougheed Highway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Permit application have been received in support of a building permit for the property located at 22931 and 22925 Lougheed Highway. An application to rezone the subject property has appeared before Council to permit 44 townhouse units in the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/089/05 respecting property located at 22931 Lougheed Highway & 22925 Lougheed Highway. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: W S Bissky Architect & Urban Design Inc Owner: Millenium Century Investments Ltd Legal Description: Lot: 1 and Lot: 2, all of Section: 17, Township: 12, Plan: 13428 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential, Commercial Proposed: Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: M-2 (General Industrial), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation Urban Residential 1102 South: Use: Commercial, Secondary School Zone: CS-i. (Service Commercial), CD-1-89 (Comprehensive Development) Designation: Commercial, School East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential West: Use: Single Family Residential, Townhouses Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) , RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Corresponding Applications: b) Project Description: Industrial Multi-family Residential (Townhouses) 12,722.6m2 (1.27 ha) 116th Avenue Full urban RZ/089/05 This townhouse development proposes forty-four (44), three bedroom units with access off of 116th Avenue located at the southeast corner of the property. Entry from the northwest at 2290 Street is restricted by a locked removable chain and is earmarked for emergency vehicle and pedestrian access only. With the exception of "unit B" which has a double car garage, the townhouse units are designed for tandem parking. Each of the units has a single car garage and one driveway parking spot. There are an additional sixteen parking spaces designated for visitor parking, of which five are small" in size and one reserved for handicapped parking. The buildings will be predominantly vinyl siding in "Tundra Moss" grey and "Spring Meadow" brown to be used in various combinations on the blocks. Additionally, there will be vinyl trim framing the windows in various colours. There will also be decorative shake detailing in "Redwood" under the floating gable rooflines complemented with "Beachwood" asphalt shingles for the roof. Cultured stone will also be used on the bottom storey of the units. There is a common area located in the centre of the development complete with children's play equipment, picnic table and bench. There is decorative paving at the vehicle and pedestrian entranceways as well as an entry gate at the pedestrian entrance off of Lougheed Highway. The arborist report identified perimeter trees to be retained as part of the overall landscaping plan. A generous amount of additional trees and shrubs are proposed around each building, the activity area and to fill in the gaps where existing trees do not exist around the perimeter of the property. The property is surrounded by a 1.8 metre (6 ft) perimeter fence on the North and East sides, a 1.8 metre fence-crete fence along the South property line for sound attenuation, and a 1 metre picket fence along the West perimeter facing Lougheed Highway. -2- Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: These properties are subject to the guidelines applicable to Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines of the Official Community Plan that aim to regulate the form and character of a multi-family residential development. This development respects the key guideline concepts as outlined in this section. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing Vehicle access is from the south in order to minimize access conflicts and maximize the privacy of the single family neighbours to the north. The generous amount of landscaping provided coupled with an appropriate variety of fencing types provides adequate screening and buffering between public and private areas. Several existing mature trees have been preserved on edges of the development site providing continuity with the neighbouring properties. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. The development makes an effort to sensitively infill this area by stepping building heights away from the neighbouring single family developments. The shorter buildings are located on the north and east side where the development neighbours single family subdivisions, providing a transition to the lower density land use. Secondly, the buildings on the west side of the property are presented at an angle to help reduce the visual length and massing of the complex from Lougheed Highway. In addition, the buildings that front onto the Highway are ground oriented and provide direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public sidewalk. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. From the front view of the townhouse blocks, the varied roof lines create the appearance of a series of smaller buildings and create a strong identity within the complex. However, although there is some articulation with the roof lines at the rear, there is significant repetition of townhouse design in blocks 2, 3 and 4 to the north. The lack of variation within these rows of townhouses creates a monotonous view for the neighbours to the north; this affect is mitigated by the perimeter fencing and the retention of the existing stands of mature trees. Of particular note, this development does offer a pleasing street image with several trees and plants along a picket fence bordering Lougheed Highway. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. -3- A generous amount of trees and shrubs are proposed around each building providing definition for both pedestrian and vehicular corridors. To avoid large paved areas, the visitor parking spaces have been divided into smaller groups and are located throughout the residential complex and have been surrounded with landscaping strips to further soften their appearance. A 1.2 metre wide sidewalk leading from Lougheed Highway to 116th Avenue highlighted with an entry gateway at Lougheed entrance encourages pedestrian circulation throughout the complex. Aithough traffic is restricted through to 229th street, pedestrian access has been secured with a restrictive covenant on the property. Lighting has been supplied on this property along pedestrian and vehicular corridors. c) Advisory Design Panel: This project was presented to the Advisory Design Panel April 11, 2006. The Panel was in general support of the project as presented with the following considerations: that landscaping on the Lougheed Highway side be enhanced and resolved with staff; that the north elevation of Blocks 2, 3 and 4 be further articulated and that this be resolved with staff. Respecting the comments from the Advisory Design Panel the following changes were made to the drawing set: evergreen hedge and flowering shrubs are added adjacent to the picket fence along Lougheed Highway; the north elevation of Blocks 2, 3 and 4 are further articulated with additional roof line features. d) Financial Implications: A refundable security in the amount of 2.5% of the total construction costs will be required with this Development Permit. Based on an estimated construction value of $6,500,000 the security will be $162,500. There will be approximately eight trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. -4- CONCLUSION: As the development proposal complies with the guidelines for the Multi-family Development Permit Area for form and character, it is recommended that DP/089/05 be given favorable consideration. Prepared by. JJen Csikos Plming Technician \.J k \ ) ç MCIP ctorof Planning T -T Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services ConcurrenRe: 'J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer JC/d p The following appendices are attached hereto: Subject property Site Plan Elevations Landscape Plan -5- r S 1/2 1 CUFF AVE. 11149 11150 11747 6 -65- LP82566 A Rem N1/25 11739 J I ,68 i 2 J3J 4 ol B co1 4 5 - I 1I2I3l6 ILMJ _____ 7 - - a. P 81957 - 6767 67 I I I P7117 I _______ p 9097 LM307 11738 Rem 0. I P 8881 P 7033 0. p g7 - o207 143 I_RemL9 0.. S1/25 67 Rem.A 1 2 1 2 2 3 6 -j 8 a. 11716 I I _i l i L a. I I 117 AVE. LMP11345 P 1258 1670 Remi 10 Ii1 11690 1 II) 243 2 245 246 39 40 41 42 I 32 P12588 ____ P:i677 I I I Iw ir 2 2 228 i86 242 11671 11618 11615 C14 a. 12 169 11015 238 1167) 1680 173: 174 175 176 177 11655 31 - ________ 11669 11 j2 (P 15943) 168 0.. 30 P 12197 239 A 29 GILLEY AVE. 178 25 .. 11667 28 jieo 11651 10 P 12197 240 L18,~ 11047 15 240.. 27 ,l1645 11655 Rem 1.. 241 183 182 1181 l8o"'N\ 179 ___ _____ CL) 1646 26 II 11639 23 11639 25 P12316 6 16 ____ 1042 ______ 11633 24 00 11633 0) P16011 \' 2 _______ 11631 11627 - 22 23 04 - 11621 17 1630 11621 11 \SUBJECTPRoPERES 0. 11619 21 _________ 11015 It 9l0 \ 18 1620 21 = 11609 •1 ° a. 11609 20 A 11607 1 \2 \ 19 20 —c RP 13279 ,,n 1)597 Rem. Pt'A' 9 ))555 78 RP3713 co a. P8361 ir :1567 I 1 1 1590 116 A VE 11528 BCS599 11519 LMP 12216 3 LMS 1391 District of 22925/22931 LOUGHEED HWY 7. 1.4 3CORPORA1ONOF N g : MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ThTM. - :__ Inooted 12, September, 1874 PNNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,500 Sep 26, 2005 FILE: DP/089105 BY: PC a Ji & & I it I h ill KY I.. II UII IUU u L-jLJ thJLJ IU• II uiI IU. UUu uui U11 U... •••I...IIluII ..... .... . _ ........ MEMO ...__... ... ..- a Norlh iXiiAi SFPARAflON CAWIJIATIOMS iØt BIt tOJJ,Ji JqD4 ,Br APIA ThS,2 6,2P.qfl wAflLt ITO 304 [A35 , I lIt liii j1 I' f iI Im ihIi!It cu L oc. no 2 w U) ii ! ! WestEIatIon II EXTERIOR FINISHES SEE COLOUR SC000020 1EDULE I MflIALTSI I ElliOt TItlING I CEDAR TIIIALLET 4 1.IIE10IRTI) 151)51 1 20 tOURER POMIOC/WI 001110 6 20 I0020CIO/LKIG( BOAST 7 I RIO SKIRT p0*10 TRIM • 110WIOXITRIM N vrooLr.606)RowI600WS 0 W(000UIM6 - CAMaRO FAIl ONISI) Ii EXTERIOR ENTRY bOlD II PfliNTEI1OV011IE*2I WHIP II OVOOIIKOII LXX)! TRIO) 4METAL OUThIt OOWI*SFUUT ISDECOXATIVI WOOl) PUCKET IS OMLIVENT IT DECODATIVI 60000 S,O,rTEPS II WOIJOOIIMNEY COT IN flpI)510CI)NCIETR KIlN V NorthElcyalloii Jw -. I IIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIILllj1j - HI I.Ip1S ijulitl1rN' 411 Il..,l NI - I *1,. ILjJj I - t Iii4 -'t 1- _iI lollb o •n I.dV. 0 00 RI*I*I fl II *1 S*fl.,l •,fl • H nfl 0 1 nfl o n 33* D L- 1 I DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 10, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/060/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Watercourse Development Permit 12450 264 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area application has been received for the above noted property in support of a development plan for subdivision and building activity adjacent to Zideco Creek, Mogley Creek and their tributaries. As required under the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines, a permit must be approved by Council and the required environmental security deposited with the District prior to any on-site works being undertaken within 50 meters of the top of bank of the watercourse. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/060/06 respecting property located at 12450 264 Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Damax Consultants David Laird Owner: John Bakker; Eileen J Mcleod Legal Description: Section: 19, Township: 15 OCP: Existing: Suburban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 Designation Rural Residential & Conservation South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 Designation: Rural Residential & Agricultural East: Use: Vacant Zone: A-2 Designation: Rural Residential -1- 1103 West: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Single Family Residential RS-2 Rural Residential & Conservation Vacant Single Family Residential 8.2 ha 264 Street To be provided through a subdivision servicing agreement SD/060/06 b) Project Description: A development permit application has been made in support of a development plan for building activity of 14 lot subdivision application (SD/060/06). C) Environmental Implications: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan and is included into the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines that was established for the preservation and protection restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. A Development Permit is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits within 50 meters of the top-of-bank of all watercourse and wetlands as shown on Schedule C - Natural Features Map. d) Planning Analysis: The Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines may be varied with supporting documentation from a qualified professional at the discretion of Council. WATERCOURSE PROTECTION DEVELOPMENT PERMIT GUIDELINES: A. Watercourse Protection Area Establishment: Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks have endorsed the proposed watercourse protection boundaries as shown on the District's Streamside Setback Map. Setbacks from Zideco Creek and Mogley Creek have been established in conjunction with the recommendations of staff and the District's Streamside Setback Map. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. The applicant has voluntarily offered to dedicated the watercourse protection area as park as part of the subdivision process. -2- The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physicaHy located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. A BCLS has located the watercourse protection area on the ground. Temporary barrier fencing will be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and should be replaced with permanent post and rail fence upon development completion. A temporary barrier fence will be installed adjacent to the watercourse protection area. This will be replaced with a permanent post and rail fence upon completion of the development. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. All lots meet the required minimum lot dimensions as noted. B. Erosion Control: All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410 - 2006. The developer/applicant has provided assurances through Schedule A of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw that their Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is in accordance with the requirements of the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006; and In support of watercourse protection, a signed letter from the engineer of record has been submitted with assurances that the storm water management plan for the site will meet the DFO Urban Storm water standards for water velocity, volume, and water quality. Temporary fencing should be erected to prevent any encroachment or disturbance into the watercourse protection area prior to any clearing or construction on the site. This is a requirement of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and a Watercourse Protection OP site plan has been submitted demonstrating compliance with these requirements. Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structural fill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the OCP. A grading plan has been prepared and submitted to the District in support of the development. -3- The timing of the cutting and filling is confined to respect the Fisheries window and bird nesting periods. 9. The District may require environmental impact studies, enhancement works, and monitoring in support of development proposed to be located within a Watercourse Protection Area. Supporting documentation, technical studies, and recommendations with respect to impacts of the proposed development may include the following: A geotechnical slope stability report; A flood protection report; An erosion and sediment control plan: A stormwater management concept plan; A groundwater impact assessment report; Wildlife habitat assessment report; Vegetation impact assessment report; and A detailed trail plan. In support of the above, the following reports were required and have been received; • Geotechnica! Ráport • Erosion and sediment control plan which includes a storm water management plan • Environmental Assessment, which includes wildlife habitat assessment and vegetation impact assessment • Arborist Report C. Vegetation Management: 10. Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimum disruptions to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. The conservation area has been identified and will be protected through voluntary park dedication at subdivision. A fence will be installed along the property line to define the clearing limitations. An Arborist report with recommendations for retention of significant trees has been submitted for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area. 11. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species should be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. A significant amount of vegetation will be protected within the watercourse protection area which the applicant has voluntarily offered to dedicate as park at the subdivision stage. A cost estimate and enhancement plans for water course improvement adjacent to Zideco Creek and Mogley Creek has been received by the District. A security bond of $25,000.00 will be submitted prior to the issuance of the development permit. -4- Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area should have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the Districts stormwater management plans. The applicant/developer shall provide copies of all necessary approvals (and supporting in formation) from senior agencies for all new stormwater outfalls located within setback areas. A letter of con firma tion from the engineer of record has been received stating that his storm water management plan meets DFO storm water management standards for volume, velocity, and water quality as required by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. In addition, the engineer of record must demonstrate compliance with current Provincial and GVRD site source controls where possible. Calculations demonstrating compliance with the three tier system may be required. D. Monitoring: The implementation and maintenance of environmental mitigative controls or measures approved by the District are to be monitored by a qualified environmental monitor. Environmental monitoring will be a key element of the development of this site. Phoenix Environmental Ltd. will be the environmental monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Monitoring will occur daily during construction in rainfall events, and weekly at all other times during the construction period to ensure compliance with the permit. A record of all monitoring data shall be made available to the District upon request. The Environmental Monitor has been provided with written authority to modify a nd/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006. The erosion and sediment control works approved by the engineer of record and the environmental monitor, shall be inspected, maintained and operated by the property owner and/or contractor performing the construction work set out in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan until a Certificate of Acceptance has been issued by Director of Development Engineering or an Occupancy Permit has been issued by the Building Department. Staff has reviewed the guidelines established for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant. Performance Security: In support of the restoration works required in or around Zideco Creek and Mogley Creek the amount of security that will be required is $25,000.00. - 5 - Citizen/Customer Implications: Until Council has authorized a development permit the applicant will be unable to begin site prepa ration for subdivision SD/060/06. Financial Implications: A refundable security totaling $25,000.00 will be required for restoration and enhancement related works as noted above. CONCLUSION: The applicant has provided the information as set out in the Council Policy for Environmental Protection. It is recommended that DP/060/06 be approved. Prerkredb Adinung Pla ing Technician MCIP ing Apwedb :" nk Quinn, MBA, PIng GM: Public Works & Development Services If' Concurrenc I L. (Jim) Rule 'f I Chief Administrative Officer AL/d p The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Appendix B - Erosion & Siltation Control Plan Appendix C - Schedule "A" for WPDP N - 126 SUBJECT PROPERTY F=1 I. t 12450 264 STREET 0 1 F 4 1 CORPORATION OF I I THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TDATE: May 31, 2007 FILE: 0P1060106 BY: PC OTES I. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL REGULATORY AUTHORITIES, FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS INCLUDING THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT, IN THE PROTECTION OF FISH AND (3pç\ WILDLIFE DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE WORKS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW 1 6410. 44•s' 2 ROAD AREAS ARE TO BE CAPPED WITH GRAVEL IMMEDIATELY I /,// AFTER STRIPPING TO REDUCE LIKELIHOOD OF SILT RUNOFF. SILTATION POND(S) ARE TO BE COVERED IN PLASTIC IMMEDIATELY AFTER EXCAVATION. - ADDITIONAL SILTATION FENCING & SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, DEPENDING ON WEATHER CONDITIONS AS DIRECTED BYTUE ENGINEER. THESE INCLUDE STREET SWEEPING, ON-LOT SILT t'JV' CONTROL (e.g. LAY DOWN GRAVEL PADS, SEDIMENT TRAPS), Pf," AND OTHER PIEASURES TO BE SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. ( \\ I J.. - W. 1/4 t DEVELOPMENT PEIT /I l •' / -L [ _____ 1 " • c i ______ 1 1 -toe, CAI i - -, f,p I ue -it-* 4c' l -J - I w 7 rn damax consultants ltd. 312-750 terminal avenue, vancouver v6a 2m5 tel. 224-6827 fax. 689-3880 ,u_- "o 1- / .7 / 7 SCWV-DULL "A" ENVIRONMENTAL R:ESPONSIBILITIES TO: District of Maple Ridge DATE: ATrENTION: Development Permit Application No.____________ We/I càrrtitin that well have been retarned (Environmental Mo or's name) by °? (Dcv loper's name printed) to provide inspection, assessment, and reporting services in accordance with the require=enft of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit. This includes the requirement to ensure compliance with the following: Prior to any clearing andfor dist*ubznee to the site, the Development Permit Area must be mapected by the environmental monitor to ensiue all protective controb andnñtigation measures are Installedfcousttucted in accordance with municipal requirements found within the current Watercourse protection Bylaw and the approved environmental Development Permit A final inspection and wxitten confirmation by the cuvunrunenlal monitor is required that provides assurance all environmental requirements have been adequately addressed and completed. Development and construction plana must incorporate the low impact development guidelines. See Attackuxent on "L.ow Impact Dcvelopnrcnt Guidelines". The professionals of record for the site are responsible'fnr providing recommendations onbow and when there guidelines can be incorporated into the development plans. .3) To picent damege or destruction to protected area and natural features, it is the respoTlsibility of the developer and the qualified environmental profresional (QEP) to ensure protective fencing and markers have been placed around protected areas, natural features, or infiltration areas for protection. Where encroachment and degradation of vegetation within a setback or protected sian occurs orwbaro vegetation has beenrernoved from a non developable area, the QEP must prepare a restoration or ruplanling plan for the District of Maple Ridge 4) The qualified environmental professional/monitor tiTlist have unconditional authority from Developer to flØjfy and/or bait any conatic1ion activity nectisary to ensure compliance with municipal environmental regulations. Environmental Monitor: Signature:________________________ . . Company 1L)( Address: - Emergency Contact Phone Nuzthcr . - (P (Y-. Owner/Develop.r In executing this Letter of Appointment I covenant that I have authority to and do hereby unconditionally authorize the named qualifsed environmental professional to modify or halt any construction activity as necessary to eiwre compliance with Watercourse Protection Development Penrut and the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410-2006. Signature . Prnt Name: ?f eov. . I - # MA DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: June 28, 2007 DP/DVP/076/06 C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit and Variance Permit 11432 Burnett Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area application has been received for the above noted property in support of a development plan for subdivision and building activity adjacent to Roslyn Creek and its tributaries. As required under the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines, a permit must be approved by Council and the required environmental security deposited with the District prior to any on-site works being undertaken within 50 meters of the top of bank of the watercourse. One Development Variance to the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw 4800-1993 is being sought by the applicant. The proposal includes a request to vary the required road right-of way necessary for a Collector Standard on Burnett Street and Telosky Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/076/06 respecting property located at 11432 Burnett Street; and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/076/06. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Progressive Construction Ltd Owner: Progressive Construction Ltd Legal Description: Lot: 15, D.L.: 402, Plan: 30008 OCP: Existing: Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: R-1 (Residential District) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: R-1 (Residential District) Designation Urban Residential -1- 1104 South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Single Family Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential R-1 (Residential District) Urban Residential Multi-Family Residential RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.158 ha (1580 m2) Telosky Avenue Full Urban b) Project Description: A development permit and development variance application has been made in support of a development plan for 2 lot subdivision application (SD/076/06). The proposal will add one additional lot with a significant portion of the subject property to be dedicated as park with the subdivision application. C) Development Variance The proposal includes the requirement for a variance for road width. Both Burnett Street and Telosky Avenue are designated to be a collector road standard with a right-of-way of 20 metres. Telosky is a fully built road, complete with sidewalks and service connection at an 18.0 metre road width. The section of Burnett Street abutting the subject property will be widened in conformity with the remainder of the street at 16 metres, which is less than 20 metres in width. Variances on both streets are considered supportable as the road rights-of-way will be consistent with the rights-of-way used for the previous subdivision which surrounds this property. d) Environmental Implications: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule C' of the Official Community Plan and is included into the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines that was established for the preservation and protection restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. A Development Permit is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits within 50 meters of the top-of-bank of all watercourse and wetlands as shown on Schedule C - Natural Features Map. Security may be posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. -2- WATERCOURSE PROTECTION DEVELOPMENT PERM IT GUIDELINES: A. Watercourse Protection Area Establishment: Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks have endorsed the proposed watercourse protection boundaries as shown on the District's Streamside Setback Map. Setbacks from Roslyn Creek have been established in conjunction with the District's Streamside Setback Map. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. The watercourse protection area has been dedicated as Park. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. A BCLS has located the watercourse protection area on the ground. Temporary barrier fencing will be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and should be replaced with permanent post and rail fence upon development completion. A tern porary barrier fence has been installed adjacent to the watercourse protection area. This will be replaced with a permanent post and rail fence upon completion of the development. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. All lots meet the required minimum lot dimensions. B. Erosion Control: 6. All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the District's Watercourse Protection Bylaw 6410 - 2006. The developer/applicant has provided assurances through Schedule A of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw that their Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is in accordance with the requirements of the Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006; and In support of watercourse protection, a signed letter from the engineer of record has been submitted with assurances that the storm water management plan for -3- the site will meet the DFO Urban Storm water standards for water velocity, volume, and water quality. 7. Temporary fencing should be erected to prevent any encroachment or disturbance into the watercourse protection area prior to any clearing or construction on the site. This is a requirement of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw and a Watercourse Protection DP site plan has been submitted demonstrating compliance with these requirements. 8. Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structural fill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the OCP. A grading plan has been prepared and submitted to the District in support of the development. 9. The District may require environmental impact studies, enhancement works, and monitoring in support of development proposed to be located within a Watercourse Protection Area. Supporting documentation, technical studies, and recommendations with respect to impacts of the proposed development may include the following: A geotechnical slope stability report; A flood protection report; C. An erosion and sediment control plan; A stormwater management concept plan; A groundwater impact assessment report; Wildlife habitat assessment report; Vegetation enhancement and restoration plan A detailed trail plan. In support of the above, the following reports were required and have been received; a geotechnical slope stability report, an erosion and sediment control plan, a Storm water management concept plan, an enhancement and restoration plan. C. Vegetation Management: 10. Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimum disruptions to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. The conservation area has been protected through Park dedication. A fence will be installed along the property line to define the clearing limitations. An Arborist report with recommendations for retention and replanting of trees has been submitted for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area. SEE Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse ripariari areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species should be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. A significant amount of vegetation will be protected within the watercourse proteàtion area which is dedicated as park. A cost estimate, security bond, and enhancement plans for water course improvement adjacent to Roslyn Creek has been received by the District. Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area should have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the Districts stormwater management plans. A letter of confirmation from the engineer of record has been received stating that his storm water management plan meets DFO storm water management standards for volume, velocity, and water quality as required by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. D. Monitoring: The implementation and maintenance of environmental mitigative controls or measures approved by the District are to be monitored by a qualified environmental monitor. Environmental monitoring will be a key element of the development of this site. Golder Associates will be the environmental monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Monitoring will occur daily during construction in rainfall events, and weekly at all other times during the construction period to ensure compliance with the permit. A record of all monitoring data shall be made available to the District upon request. The Environmental Monitor has been provided with written authority to modify and/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 6410-2006. The erosion and sediment control works approved by the engineer of record and the environmental monitor, shall be inspected, maintained and operated by the property owner and/or contractor performing the construction work set out in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan until a Certificate of Acceptance has been issued by Director of Development Engineering or an Occupancy Permit has been issued by the Building Department. Staff has reviewed the guidelines established for the Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area Guidelines and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant. -5- Performance Security: In support of the restoration works required in or around Roslyn Creek the amount of security that will be required is $1,158.00 as per the Cost Estimate provided from Arbortech Consulting Ltd. Performance security may be required for environmental protection purposes. Citizen/Customer Implications: Until Council has authorized a development permit the applicant will be unable to begin site preparation for subdivision SD/076/06. Financial Implications: A refundable security totaling $1,158.00 will be required for restoration and enhancement related works as noted above. CONCLUSION: The applicant has provided the information as set out in the Council Policy for Environmental Protection. It is recommended that DP/076/06 be approved. Prepared Jn Csikos Pla Technician Jby pproved by Rio 1IMCP, MCIP birector of Planning Approved by: frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works &QveIopment Services Concurrence:Aef(Jim)RuI Administrative Officer JC/d p The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Property Appendix B - Cost Estimate For Restoration Works & Enhancement area Appendix C - Erosion & Siltation Control Plan Appendix D - Schedule "A" and Schedule "D" IM c7: A co 0' PcLA 11528 7 P 11519 BCS 599 LMP 12216 9 8 1 538 3 NWS 3409 LMS 1391 5 4 ;, 10 ai53 11 1 P712 ii5 1749 12 P 83811 Go 5 [9 \ a4cR 13 11524 1148, 9 11520 co / 6 15 11516 16 11471 13 11510 17 P 546 09 cn 18... 1 -2 3 C94, 4 A, 5 6 7 8 9 N 11506 19 c SUBJECT PROPERTY 11496 95 o 20 TELOSKYAVE. 11494 Cl) 91 21 P 71276 11492 22 15 OR 13 12 11 10 ...j 11490 P30008 N N N 83 23 11488 24 NWS 2885 2 11422 M 25825 - 1 A RemC - C P7104 I U - J - I I!'flU /1 It II /KV2" 11384112 3 P 14176 17 18 " F' 16 r15 10 q97 /19 11 375J _____________ P14624 372 ______ 92 9 14 ? A 11352 P 14624 12 13 8 11 ,, 2 r132 P 14624 10 27 9 74,, 2842 24 ,/ 11432 BURNETT STREET I C •0 I - P 1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE Alb _________ PNNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 3, 2007 FILE: DP1076106 BY: PC 4ff ed;x £ PROGRESSIVE CONSTRUCTION LTD FILE 07112 11432 BURNETT STREET COQUITLAM SITE: PARK AT 11432 BURNETT STREET - TWO LOT SUBDIVISION COST ESTIMATE FOR: LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Noxious Weeds. Hand remove all blackberry plants, including pulling the root wad. Treatment area is the area between the top of bank and the adjacent road and lot boundaries. Follow-up in one year (i.e. June 2008) to perform the same treatment. Crew labour (including disposal costs ) - 6 hours at $48.00 per hour = $288.00 Seeding. Apply seeds (hand broadcast) of rye grass and fescue mix to cover bare areas and to suppress weed growth. Rake in soil amender product as specified in item 3 below. Crew labour (including materials) - 1 hour at $48.00 per hour = $48.00 Growing Medium. The site soil is moderately fertile in its present state. I recommend amending the native soil with organic compost for establishment purposes only. The buffer will be maintained to a background landscape" standard. A minimal quantity of soil for amending the backfill is required as follows: 0.05m3 per shrub plant, 0.25m3 per tree. Supply 2 m3 of Augustine compost soil amender or equivalent to meet current BCSLAIBCLNA standards. 2 m3 @ $60.00 per m3 = $120.00 Fences. Supply and Install 25 m (lin.) length of log rail fence at $28 per lin. m = $700.00 Plants. Supply and install unit costs for; Item I Material Quantity Unit Cost Total 1 gal Polystichum munitum (1 .Om o.c.) 30 $8.00 $240.00 2 gal Ribes sanguineum (1 .5m o.c.) 12 $14.00 $168.00 2.Om Thuja plicata 5 I $150.00 $750.00 Subtotal (including one year warranty) $1158.00 SUBTOTAL = $2314.00 CONTINGENCY = $231.00 TOTAL COST ESTIMATE = $2545.00 (including taxes) ARBORTECH CONSUTLING LTD - JUNE 22, 2007 TEL VENUE - 7.50 22.538 I — d.ni (DO 1W. m (... b. pWdW. lWw l — I - d.nol.. VMT3 CODE S. p4,4 1.1. - I ... RAIL FENCE PLANT UST: Tom — — — — — — — P / 7 -_4g1LJ 0 7 .— ' 0— - 12 / d / _) —. L - - _L — — — - J6. 9' / . 4 I SRW P/on ----------- — - M PLANTS-[OCAT OF BANK UITABLE A4Y-)@~ E VE ALL EXISTING VEGETATION EES WILL REQUIRE A CIRÔLE OF 2M OPE BELOW TOP OF BANK. EACH TREE TO BE CLEARED OF ALL ANTS. AND A 4INCH LAYER OF COMPOSTED ORGANIC MULCH PLACED TO SUPPRESS WEEDS ETC. THE REPLACEMENT TREES AND SHRUBS WILL WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. IF THE TREE DOES NOT SURVIVE. IT WILL BE REPLACED AT THEIR COST. FOLLOW-UP BY THE CONTRACTOR ONE YEAR AFTER TO REMOVE ADDITIONAL BLACKBERRY PLANTS WILL BE SUFFICIENT TO MINIMIZE THE COLONIZATION OF THE INVASIVE SPECIES. THE OTHER VEGETATION WILL GENERALLY OUT-COMPETE THE BLACKBERRY PLANTS OVER .-.-.-.-.---..----- .... 2 IMP1,1825 P/on T~y ----- DETAIL: LOG RAIL FENCE L1 n-J T nv\ pw I Client: ( PROGRESSflf CONSTRUCI7ON I Project: TWO LOT SUBOIWSION S Site:cole 7:250 I 17432 BURNETT S7REET MAPLE RIDGE 71 ARBORTEcH XNSUL11NO LTh 200.3740 CWO00.S*i.4 _J RId.n.d. BC Cmn.d. ViE 2 mn. — P1041701004 Oin,mp 12 A^T 2007 13 0 Ii, 'I BMRONMOIrAL MCU1O(NG EROSION CONTROL PS PER RCOUE PRQN f SCHED(JLE we OF aYIAW641 O-2006 IW- , 1 SUE INSPECTION RERISi ( I 4 DRAINAGE OWEALL 10 EXIS11NG 1 ,ihirIt J STORM SEWER WHICH ALREADY DETBI11ON CONTROL j :-< I5OO /TEL04Y $4. Po / AVE 1 I UI I) Ui '-4 U 0 UI UI co 4-I OD Ui Ii C-" .-4 '- b '. CO ' CC) CO C" '0 0 '0 '1 D 0 0 D i/ — 5250 STI I i.O SI'OT .-.-- T7ZZ 4e cn Jill m OFSE1iNE'-3'oFF ,qipiJi /! 4' I / , SUBJECT SITE - ROCK PIt FOR FOUNDATiON DRAIN ONLY TO BE CERI1F1ED BY GEOTECHNICAL. ENGINEER. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE D.K.BOWINS & ASSOCLITES INC. WA1ERCO1JRSE PRO1EC11ON 31991 BENCH A • MISSION, B.0 - 4S IES DEVELOPUENT PERMIT ?IPPUCA11ON P11: 604-e26-4z399 FAX 604--826-336 3CALE C#YG NO frPRL 2007 WPOPA ]E-V < SCIIBDULE "A" IINVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES TO; District of Maple Ridge DATE:_4' ATFENTION Development Permit Application No. L) F/c:, 7 WefU4292AAa6LP ScX. L7#3 (#4T riiat we/I have been retained (Environmental Monitor's name) by S/viz -vsz the District Project No. (Developer's name printed) to provide inspection7 assessment, and reporting services in accordance with the requirements of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit. This mcludes the requirenient to ensure compliance with the foflc,wing: Prior to any clearing and/or disturbance to the site, the Development Permit Area must be inspected by the environmental rnozutor to ensure all protective controls and mitigation measures are mstalled/constmcted in accordance with municipal requirements found within the current Watercourse Protection Bylaw and the approved environmental Development Permit. A final inspection and written confirmation by the environmental monitor is required that provides assurance all environmental requirements have been adequately addressed and completed. Development and construction plans must icotporate the low impact development guidelines. See Attachment on "Low Impact Development Guidelines", The professionals of record for the site are responsible for providing recommendations on how and when these guidelines can be incorporated into the development plans. To prevent damage or destruction to protected areas and natural features, it is the responsibility of the developer and the qualified environmenial professional (QEP) to ensure protective fencing and markers have been placed around protected areas, natural features, or infiltration areas for protection. Where encroachment and degradation of vegetation within a setback or protected area occurs or where vegetation has been removed from a non developable area, the QEP must prepare a restoration or replaxiting plan for the District of Maple Ridge. The qualified environmental professional/monitor must have unconditional authority from Developer to modif' and/or halt any construction activity neceseaiy to ensure compliance with municipal environmental regulations. Enviroureenta Signature: Name Company _r--- l41&u..lb ç 0: / LII • '—' MEgoff o Address: tLc)i& Emergency Contact Phone Number _ 33 i OwnerIDeveloper; In executing this Letter of Appoinlrnónt I covenant that I have authority to and do hereby unconditionally authorize the named qualified environmental professional to niodilS' or halt any construction activity as neceasayto ensure- compliance with Watercourse Protection Development Permit and the Maple Ridge Wateruourse Protection Bylaw 6410-2006. Signature: Print Name:)'eoA' /OEi/V cp Received Time Jun. 6. lU: 16AM SCHEDULE "D" ESC PLAN MONiTOR'S LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONSIBILITY TO: District of Maple Ridge DATE:________ ATTENTION: Application NO. __ Wellori ., ic sac • .zo 61, M'Zz , ronfirm that well have been retained (Environmental Monitor's name) by 2,C1 S S/ V/i eoly5r. for the DiStrict Project No. &b7th, (Developer/Contractor's name printed) I understand that it is a requirement for thedesignated environmental monitor to: To provide inspection, maintaining, monitoring and reporting services in accordance with the requirements of the District's Watercouise Protection Bylaw 6410 - 2006. This includes the requirement as well as the unconditional authority to modify and/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with the said Bylaw and the approved ESC Plan for iv77 $7. (Location or address of site) Ensure that the designated environmental monitor has reviewed the Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plan and have provided the District with a letter of assurance that the proposed facilities and controls will meet the requirements of the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Confirm by means of submitting a signed letter to the District that the ESC facilities and controls on site have been successfully implemented, inspected, and are operational before the applicant will be issued a permit or approval to commence any construction works. Inspect, monitor, and maintain the facilities and controls on site to ensure compliance with the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. This includes the requirement to maintain facilities as well as the unconditional authority to modify and/or halt any construction activity necessary to ensure compliance with the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Provide a final inspection of the lot and a signed letter must be submitted by the designated Environmental Monitor to ensure the developer has successfully completed the ESC plan and is in compliance with the Watercourse Protection Bylaw before the District issues a final Certificate of Acceptance, Occupancy Permit, or relevant final approval. 6. Provide bi-monthly submission of environmental monitoring reports during the rainy period (October 15— May 15) to the Planning Departirzent's Environmental Technician eceived Time Jun. 6. 10: 16AM Sample and analyse the water being discharged from the site during each site visit where applicable. The total suspended solids (TSS) Level must notbe greater than 25 mgfL during dry weather and less than 75 mg/L during the wet season, turbidity levels must not be greater than 20 NTU, and pH of the water discharged from the site should fall between 6 and 9.0. Effluent outside this range must be neutralized prior to discharge. Consult the design engineer where there is an alteration of the ESC plan or where facilities are failing to comply, within 24 hours and ensure corrective measures are implemented immediately. Notify the Coi,oration of the District of Maple Ridge of any outstanding deficiencies or infractions (i.e. outstanding for more than I day) On or off site for bylaw enforcement. If the infraction on site has not been remedied within 24 hours after contact with the District of Maple Ridge, a cease work order must immediately take place. The District may fme the responsible owner and/or use the applicant's environmental security funds to remedy the situation. Environnienta l rtor: Paul Signature:_________________ TF.- O ~ i Name:f-n t?1Iy' • : / Company: C-hr 4$Jit$ CAB Emergency Contact Phone Number 'Z 43 3 1 Owner/Developer: in executing this Letter of Understanding, I covenant that I have authority to and do hereby unconditionally authorize the named Environmental Monitor to carry out the above mentioned responsibilities and modi1' or halt any construction activity as necessary to ensure compliance with the Watercourse Protection Byiaw. - Company: C,v7C?'"i Emergency Contact Phone Number (éav) 23 Rece ved Time Jun. 6. 1: 16AM MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia TO: FROM: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 9, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP & DVP/034/06 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 20276 Dewdney Trunk Road, 20284 Dewdney Trunk Road, and 20296 Dewdney Trunk Rd EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Residential) to CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) to permit construction of an auto oil change and wash service facility. This application is for a Development Permit in accordance with the form and character guidelines for commercial development as outlined in the Official Community Plan. In addition, the applicant is seeking two variances to the Zoning Bylaw in order to realize this development. This application will therefore address these variances through a Development Variance Permit. The rezoning application (RZ/034/06) is currently at third reading and will be presented for final adoption concurrently with the Development Permit and Development Variance Permit. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/034/06 respecting property located at 20276 Dewdney Trunk Road, 20284 Dewdney Trunk Road, and 20296 Dewdney Trunk Road; And further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/034/06. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Raj Aadmi 535179 B C LTD Lot: 72, D.L.: 222, Plan: 61704; Lot: 14, D.L.: 222, Plan: 18659 Lot: 15, D.L.: 222, Plan: 18659 Existing: Commercial Proposed: No Change 1105 Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: South: East: West Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: RS-i (One Family Urban Residential) CS-2 Service Commercial Church and private school P4a (Place of Worship Institutional and Educational) Institutional Storage and Warehousing M-i Service Industrial Commercial Grocery Store (Canada Safeway) CD-2-98 (Comprehensive Development) Corn mercia I Retail CS-i Service Commercial Commercial Single Family Residential Service Commercial (Car Wash) (consolidated) 0.47 ha - road dedication will be required. Dewdney Trunk Road Full Urban Services Application RZ/017/95 to rezone for commercial use the properties at 20284 and 20296 Dewdney Trunk Road, was not completed. Project Description: This development proposal involves the consolidation and rezoning of the 3 subject properties for the purpose of creating a car wash and oil change facility. The site is located close to the corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and 2031d Street. This proposed 3 lot assembly is located within the context of other commercial uses. This Development Permit will guide the form and character of commercial development. Two variances are being sought in order to realize this development. One pertains to the height of the retaining wall. The other relates to the front yard setback Planning Analysis: Section 6.3.4 of the Official Community Plan indicates that the subject properties are designated General Commercial. The overall objective of this designation is to respond to emerging market -2- trends and shopping preferences of Maple Ridge citizens, and to permit greater flexibility in the range of permitted commercial uses. Policy 6-32 sets out specific conditions for car wash uses in residential areas. This application is exempt from these conditions as it is adjacent to a commercial, not a residential designation. Applications for Commercial Development Permits will be assessed against the following key guideline concepts: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landsca ping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. As the subject property is adjacent to other commercial uses, many conflicts associated with noise generation will be avoided. The landscape treatment associated with this site is intended to match the adjacent Safeway development in the selection of street tree species, thereby providing a consistent streetscape. The one storey structure with significant façade is similar in scale to adjacent commercial buildings. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. Parking is dispersed throughout the site, minimizing its appearance. The site has single lane access and egress from Dewdney Trunk Road (right turn only), which is accompanied by significant landscaping, and a separated sidewalk. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. Although this proposed use serves the motoring public, the main transit line through the community runs along Dewdney Trunk Road, the fronting street of the subject properties. This proposed use minimizes the impacts of wastewater from the car wash through a filtration system, and conserves water through the installation of a water reclamation system. This system of containing waste and reusing water claims to use fewer resources and release fewer contaminants than does washing cars at home. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. As the neighbourhood context is commercial, not residential, the need for private areas is significantly reduced The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The building façade emulates the adjacent Safeway development in both style and colours used. -3- Advisory Design Panel: This application went before the Advisory Design Panel on two occasions. The first meeting, held on June 13, 2006, supported the project in principle, but requested certain amendments. These were addressed for the second meeting, held on July 11, 2006. The comments included additional vines being planted on the retaining wall, that one additional Street tree be added, and that lower intensity lights be used within the glass block façade. These considerations have been addressed with the latest plans. Development Variance Permit In order to realize this development, two variances to the Zoning Bylaw would be required, as follows Front Yard Setback: The required front setback in the CS-2 Zone is 9 metres from the property lines. The front yard setback to the main building is 6.28 meters. The impact of the reduced front yard setback will be mitigated by the landscape treatment along Dewdney Trunk Road. Retaining Wall Height The zoning bylaw specifies a maximum retaining wall height of 4 ft. The applicant is seeking to construct a retaining wall that is 8 ft tall at its highest point, but complies with the Zoning Bylaw for most of its perimeter including along Dewdney Trunk Road. The impact of the higher portions of the wall will be mitigated through landscape treatment and recessed areas at the south portion of the site. 1) Financial Implications: There will be 6 trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. -4- CONCLUSION: This development permit application for a car wash facility generally complies with the design guidelines within the Official Community Plan for commercial development. This development proposes two variances in order to be realized: In both cases, the impact of these variances will be mitigated through landscape treatment. It is therefore recommended that this application and its associated variances be approved. •- Prepared by- Diana Hall P1 ner (Apye(bI . MCP, MCIP Director of Planning ApprovedMy: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrenq J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Schedule A: Subject Map Schedule B: Site Plan Schedule C: Landscape Plan -5- T112 I'129 - I 12106 12101 113 12098 12097 114 130 12096 131 P9121I 12093 CN 115 c04 12082 0 132 82 12089 116 0. 12068 Q. 133 12085 12064 117 134 12015 12072 icN it, o 1 82 1 35 33 ID- 12060 2' 136 •3 ° P84)50 F CO IL i \ 137 D-415 I 120\ 1202j DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD LMP 40440 Schedule A: Subject Map 1E 44 1 P41572 _______ 45 P 72496J I i 1 2 50 - 112096 I I t 12081 12125 in P 41572 I 44 0 12119 112110 12111 37 D- H P75684 38j 82 I 112092 I Reml 12106 12068 1< P7062I CIBIA I I L I E I L!,ECT PROPERTIES I Ix 8 8 ( 1 A B 64 72 14 15 I P61704 i LMP 2 ________________ Rem PcI ONE vat's8 A 12 IEIIIE_ (P 26936) P 8687 69704 2 - 32 5 14 1 w 11910 0 0 11906 6 N DA"t-ctf Langley SCALE 1:2,500 0') P61704 74 floss 8346 co if PcI 1 P48586 68 III mI RP 7774 20276, 20284 & 20296 DEWDNEY TRUNK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE G N4APLE RJI)G.E PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Apr 6, 2006 HLE RZ/034/06 BY:PC - LMP33673 119 1 LMP 34007 W(p 880J!CT STATISTICS Z084G: CS I L0TA 45,550.48 .4. 8151.0407 81008 AREA: 0121014*00CM 020*0861 CII. 0402(6686.05,: 4,024.5086 I5132A1410 . 306,0050 3017 51100D CM (6*011 BATS 4,600003! 101*1 :1.607.5007 SlICING AREA 9,301.3007 1*1. 020 STICOV0800E: 885% (*861*15 (00111070 12p, 8417 (.5! 800 0450511(1 P08004605(665005 AS (ES CITY SOLAR 5011*000 *137 6.4' 70010: Z0'r LAST : 4317 50(1144: 9.9' LEGM CU 0C4UICR(TTCUCB (1.507100000(00 300PACE 07*46*01 14 708*30 is otcvcuoo (HCIOSUT( 000000 L!!!._ CS 7*17(4 8*3(4 14 10ICT SIGN 71001101 Cl CAlICO! It (600171*0 WA IWIOICUPP(0 (000160 SPAtE I TOMISFOIO,t0 CO 701410(71 7*0 ST OETMOITIO WALL 0(4710 03 o.p,•ojypv. LNIOSCAPI 00003 CC 705070086 CR053117 IT (6000000(617051)08 P (*741(0 UTIC 001(1700 *97(1*1! REP. TO INIOSCME 07(603 SAFEWA 1151.0016 14 Ri I. .1 9HRT ' (*0 00)8 ILIII*1100 I (SOOT 5620* 60z ala DEWONEY TRUNK ROAD = . .... . S 0 j S, 11•I*L0 II9oo ' -. oH I_.71 I'll *7.154 I / tA j ____ RT..IIrI '44.67_'AS 410*1 ''I.NY N _LTfl yL _10 .' CA =_fl 'h[IIfl I1 JUJAIrf1AS lilt CU ' •"CI I II_Il lull I LIII -1 II.IBI III ri III' ?II'iI I I __________ l340lq I ______ P ['i.'fi I liii IIIII/IFIHI k ILbINGIW 1k IV PUI "'Lso.io'ir I1 \< 1 ll:ii_4ff 4I44/'NIl H.RT I VACI.IUU IILL " I II I I ii llH/AII1I"r'..L_Irr1.&I _II_W_ii 48 STATIONS 1• if II Ill U I " ftil . 171 i \ \o\ vvv'1ui cc i_i I,UAO ii I , I n I [1 _____ 0 _ U, u [] CS ci = .6" I ,.'4 SI U L48.0O T II / \4 9 '1 Cu AS CS :,. : RT WE 5-0 C,, C) CD 0. CD C,, 0) GARBAGE ENCLOSURE SCALE: 3/4' • 1-0' 3 W 0 wAlllwopis a LUNEwORLO 00414. Sill Kvm_ARCHITECTURP 05*186*867 TRUNK ID. — INC M*?I.I 84005.8.0. SITE PLAN. STATISTICS 00 A3 OAABAOE ENCLOSURE '1 ---------- / RI DLWDNEY FRUNK ROAD C Cu ( 0. Cu C.) co) C 0 V a) C.) Cl) PLAN I LIST AFY BOTANICAL. NAME COMMON NAME QEY. ZE SPACING RCMAITKS ( AQ.R ROUI1UM 'UOWAAI.L OOYIIALL RED tIAftE 6 6 CM. CAL. AS I0AKI R. & A. PRUNUS YEDO€N9S AKIDONO' DAYDREAK GIERRY 6 6 CM. CAL. AS SIIOVt 8. A 8. ( IHWA PIICAIA V&S1E149 RED CWN1 4 2.50 UEIERS AS SHOWN A7AI 6W JA$'ONICA LOUISE GAEII P114K AZALEA 36 p lOT 85CM. O.C. A7ALEA JAPONICA 11190 CRIMS4 CRIMSON AZALEA 61 02 POT 85 GM. O.C. ADEIJA IFIWARI) FOV4EIIR EDWARD COIJCIIER ANEIJA 22 13 P01 90 CDI. O.C. C) IlHC4))CI4DR(*1 YAKUSHIMAUIIJM CRETE YAK. ROCFNDROH 57 #3 P01 90 cia. O.C. (J RH0DE1IDROI4 FINNISH 1:LMIRA FPIIIISH RIIC000ENDRON 74 go POT so ai. O.C. ( MAIIRNIJIl lINUS DWARF SPRING RTDIQIJEI 76 #3 'OT 90 CII DC. A4BURI4UN DAMDII W1IJRNUM 52 13 POT 90 GIl 0.C. RHG4)ODFNDRc*1 YAKUSHIMADRIM WEDS REAR YAK. RHOUGI)ENDRON 32 3 P01 90 WI. D.C. J PIFRIS JAPO1IICA FCATEST RUblE LILY--D4E-VkUY 59 gJ P01 90 CDI. o.a IHUJA OCCR)ENTALIS SMARACO LMLIIALD AIIBC*DDITAE IA) 1.80 METERS 70 CM. 0.0 ARCIOST/PIIYLOS UVA UR 8EALTOERPY 230 •l POT 45 CM O.C. PEXYSOQIUM MUHITUM SKORT) FF89 230 fi P01 45 CM. O.C. ,2AVCLINAS & ASSOCKYLS INC tlC.A ltD Dl 77 1141 - Th.t M1Jtt DC 1747(1 (204) PLIOJA N1EW LANDSCAPE PLAN CAR WASH/OIL CHANGE FACILITY wgnt mlii' 7020 ORL 12020. AC. ji - MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 6, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/VP/055/06 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W Intensive Residential Development Permit and Variance Permit 24180 102 AVE and 24208 102 AVE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An Intensive Residential Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application has been made for subject property located at 24180 102 Avenue and 24208 102 Avenue. As the zoning for this proposed development is R-3 (Special Amenity Residential), the Intensive Residential Development Permit applies to this proposed development. The Intensive Residential Development Permit was established to provide a greater emphasis on high standards in aesthetics and quality of the built environment while protecting important qualities of the natural environment. The development proposal is for the 24 lots proposed under subdivision application SD/055/06. A Development Variance Permit application has been made for the subject properties to vary the minimum road width requirements as set out in the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. This variance has been made in support of subdivision application SD/055/06. These requested variances are required to remain consistent with the existing road standards that have been established in the Albion Village area. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/055/06 respecting property located at 24180 102 Avenue and 24208 102 Avenue. and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/055/06. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. Brian Wright Owner: Jurgen Meier, Sigrid Meier William R Archibald, Patricia M Archibald Legal Description: Lot: 30, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: 39561 Lot: 31, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: 39561 1106 OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation South Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Medium Density Residential & Conservation R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) & C-5 (Village Centre Commercial) Medium Density Residential & Village Commercial Residential R-3(Special Amenity Residential District) & RS-3 (One Family Residential) Medium Density Residential & Conservation Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential & Conservation Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) & RS-3 (One Family Residential) Medium Density Residential & Conservation Residential Residential 1.86 ha (4.6 acres) 102nd Avenue and Hill Avenue To be provided through a Rezoning Servicing Agreement and Subdivision SD/RZ/055/06 and DP/056/06 Currently, the development site fronts 102 Avenue and is in the Albion Area and consists of two separate parcels of land which has a combined total area of 1.86 ha. Mainstone Creek is located on the north portion of the subject property and Jackson Creek is located on the southeast corner of the subject property. Rezoning of the subject lots from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) was granted final reading on June 26, 2007. The rezoning was in support of the 24 lot subdivision application under SD/055/06. As the lots are zoned R-3, the proposed development is considered intensive residential and requires Council's approval of an Intensive Residential Development Permit for form and character prior to a Building Permit being issued. The proposed subdivision geometry consists of lots that are larger and wider than typical R-3 lots. The average frontage is 12 - 14 meters and lot areas range in size from 387m 2 - 580m 2. The proposed subdivision geometry is consistent with the Albion Guide Plan and includes the construction of a new north-south road connection to Hill Avenue, as well as a connection from the east side of 101A Avenue to the west side. The development proposal shows that Lot 17 in conjunction with the neighbouring lot -2- to the south will have the ability to further subdivide in the future. At the subdivision stage, the Approving Officer will require that a restrictive covenant be placed on a portion of proposed Lot 15 restricting building to allow for the future development potential. The road standard proposed will be consistent with the road standard used for the Albion Village area and will require Council's approval of a Development Variance Permit prior to the subdivision taking place. The road right-of-way width for this development is 16.5 meters which is consistent with what has already been approved on the east and west side of the development site. This is the standard that will also be constructed to connect to Hill Avenue on the south. C) Planning Analysis: Intensive Residential DeveIoment Permit: The Intensive Residential Development Permit Area was established to provide a greater emphasis on high standards in aesthetics and quality of the built environment while protecting important qualities of the natural environment. The key guideline concepts for the development permit area are as follows: Neighbourhood cohesiveness and connectivity should be maintained through the design of varied yet compatible buildings, in materials used and in architectural styles, in landscapes and in recreational areas, and by facilitating a range of transportation choices. • The proposed development is surrounded by residential uses and is compatible with other R-3 developments in the area. • 8 different single family housing designs are proposed. Each is similar in character, but will be varied through different material and colour options and through architectural design. • A street tree plan has been submitted to the District, which meets the District's Street Trees Guidelines. A vibrant street presence is to be maintained through a variety of housing styles, by maintaining street parking and by directing garage structures and off-street parking to the rear of a property accessible by a lane. • The proposed single family homes front the proposed streets to be constructed for subdivision SD/055/06 and have porches or verandas which create an outdoor living space. • As this proposed subdivision does not include lanes, the garages are located at the front of the house; however, efforts have been made to reduce the impact of the garage by the following: • Most garages are recessed 0.6 metres or more behind the front building face • Where the garages are located at the basement level due to grades, garages are not recessed. The intent of the design was to create a stepping effect, which reduces the massing of the structure. -3- • The garages are no wider than 50% of the building width. • Where possible entrance will be raised and defined by a porch or veranda. This will assist in directing focus away from the garage. DeveIoment Variance Permit: There are two new roads proposed for the subdivision which connect to existing roads. The construction of a new north-south road will connect to Hill Avenue and a new east-west road will connect to 101A Avenue. According to the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw, the minimum width for the north-south road is 20 metres and the minimum width for the east-west road is 18 metres. The proposed roads width for the subdivision are 16.5 metres wide; therefore, a variance is required to reduce the minimum road width. The proposed road widths are consistent with the Albion Village road standards and are consistent with what has been previously approved for the subdivisions to the east and west of the development site. Environmental Implications: The subdivision is subject to a Watercourse Protection Development Permit. Watercourse Protection Development Permit has been considered by the Committee of the Whole on July 9, 2007, but until Council has authorized the development permit, the applicant will be unable to begin site preparation for subdivision SD/055/06. Financial Implications: There will be 24 trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. CONCLUSION: Staff have reviewed the guidelines established for the Intensive Residential Development Permit Area Guidelines and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant. -4- As the proposed roads are consistent with the Albion Village road standards staff support the variance to reduce the minimum road width. Prep redbf AdinaL Planning Technician MCP, MCIP recto(Ria Fr Quin Eng iGM: Public Works & Development Services - 4 ~~- - Concurrer(e: J . L. (Jim) Rule Y~ Chief Administrative Officer AL/d p The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Subject Map Appendix B: Building Elevations and Rationale Appendix C: Subdivision Layout -5- C.) 0 24(46 C.) 124158 --Li24164 >L___ ce < ----m 24170 . 241AST 24 176 --- 24182 88 24238 \4 24242 I I I / \42s5 C)W rtrrH tot' 0) 9— 242BST !24279 L47 824282 - 0 24286 ii: 24290 Z24284 24 298 24306 24310 - 243l4 54 24318 24322 24328 (024330 50kkk243 1253 ST. 243 A ST I 70 ILMF1 96887 64 66856432 I 81 8 Q 28 28 C [ C0 - Cifl m 0) 24101 tioo ((1 ° 12 -. - 24103 0) 1*224102 0 (-9 24084 24105 -.jr- 241(5 7.) Zil54. 0 \24121 0) C) 24107 c (71 -. 24100 24109 (0 24109 24127 0 24111 p(- lij08 th0),aji Il 0 flL _________ -. 24113 - in_. 24133 (0 24106 (11 0) __ 24115 s ____ 241l4 iiii I I 24139 9 (*2 24117 10)4114 4117 C,) C) cn > Dfrict of Mission Fir C) o — o 8 D" rn z C m -no C) is (21 > "3 0) I 24142 I -v 241AST. I.- 0) (0 C) Ci') I <0 o' N 2484 I I — I 12 I I 0) -. C c 241U r.,1 C.) 4l57 (.)r 024158 I 24158 64161 24162 MO ____ I 74182 I 64165 24166 •• (J12 124169 24l70 I — 0 Cl 24208 > fl C) (0 4210 24207 I 0 4251 _______ - 24258 4253 - 24256 - - 24254 4249 24252 C.) _____ rl)I –24262 4257 24260 24266 4261 242M 24222 24265 ) h2426811 24270 _______ 1._2' C24274 4269 24272 24248 24275 .47*) 0)1 kit24276 C)- 24273 24280 24277 CD 24283 (0 N24282 4281 4285 24291 ,24290 24295 F') N)24294 [ 24281 LMP 35918 F..) C) n 24299 N)24208 243 ST. 7*) 24305 024302 24308 24306 1 12 4313 24310 0 24308 I 4315 . I- r 6> 43(7 20 r-243l4 OD 4310 W24316 [4315 m ____ w 24305 —05If32o 4321w 243le 4323 24320 I _ 432J I 24330 LJI24328 . 4325 d24326 I 243 A ST. 7' 24334 0) 0324330 I _________ _____ 42434 , ) _j_ 1 - - 1*) (0 0 F.., w !TI JI _ 241AST. 11 1800m I-ri z Futj 461 I I _______ I I I I :I C) 931 40 '0 1' 40 I 1 90qn N) 21 - ' 1201 I - I 19 \15 16: 17 18 I I I fe k40 3 41 , ', Panc at l?aad Cbre H Avene 6 , ., or Ilhl I 440 1co 440 I 14.40 Il.2i L ..40J9__._\ mrn2In,19mwIaace55 I0m wide frk 3ee55 21Gm deep 14 13 12 11 10 18,600 ,9J0 IVeq of k X15im Creek Park ' -i I ' 1 448q I:m rwmtnenkd leview reqjircd req ed to determ ex4 : I84! eoL2J_!6.91 5etbacb I l21 8 7 4481qm. II / 40 17.00I440 r -i I I I 26.00m JL1 r —i '6.5 _______ ii LO r -n 'crrur[ic LOAD Li'JLI_JLI_J —;.;;; -2428 5wErr I I -J 1t McElhanney I Scale: 1:1000 - PREUMINARY LAYOUT ONLY, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. - AJIE.AS AND DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO DETPJLED SURVEY Sketch 6 Date: April 2006 13160-88119_AVENUE PHONE1604)590-0391 AND CALCULATION, AND MAY VARY. SURREY.DC. FO(i604)596-8853 - NOT TO BE USED FOR LEGAL TRANSACTIONS. Mal O 06 Jab No.: 2111 —02380 Development Permit Guidelines District of Maple Ridge Parent Parcel: 24180 and 24190 - 102 Avenue, Maple Ridge B.C. Rezoning to "R-3 Special Amenity Residential District". and Subdivision into 24 lots. Project: DP1055106 Developer: Kooney Developments Ltd Version 1: June 11,2007 Version 2 : June 28, 2007 Version 3 : July 3, 2007 Version 4 : July 11, 2007 S Form and character of proposed new homes: • All homes will have two floors above grade; most or all with partially in-ground basements. • The width of the garage shall not exceed 50% of the width of the dwelling in accordance with zoning by-laws. • Homes on all lots except 9,10,11,22,23,24 shall have "grade-oriented" front entrances and shall be designed substantially as illustrated herein. Homes on steep up-sloping lots 9,10,11,22,23,24 shall be designed so as to minimize the necessary height of the entrance above grade. • Size range: as established by R-3 zoning by-law; maximum of 50 percent of the lot area. • Style: "Neo-Traditional", "Neo-Heritage", "Craftsman-Heritage" (see included samples). • Style consistent attributes : Single storey entrance porches, covered entry verandas, tapered wood posts and/or articulated post bases, shutters on some homes, vertically oriented rectangular windows, decorative wood brackets, gable ends articulated with wood shingles or other wood feature materials, heritage style muntin bars, wood railings and other traditional and heritage features. • Massing: Mid-scale with the upper floor set back from the lower floor at the front of the home. No unbroken two storey elements at the front of the home. Homes to have proportionally correct massing allocations for the intended style range, and a well-balanced distribution of mass across the front façade. • Roofs : Main common hip or main common gable at 6:12 minimum slope, with steeper roofs encouraged. Street facing projections of common gable, common hip, or Dutch hip forms. All roofs surfaced with 30 year quality shake profile asphalt shingles in grey or brown colours, complete with raised ridge cap. • Wall cladding : Homes are clad in vinyl, hardiplank, or cedar in neutral and natural hues with complementary trim colours. Wood and/or brick or stone veneers required on all homes. • Siting: All homes situated a similar distance from front property line, and main floors of adjacent homes are approximately the same distance above the street level, and in accordance with the lot grading plan. • Landscaping: consists of a single front yard tree, 10-12 shrubs of a minimum 3 gallon pot size, sod from the street to the front face of the home, and a 5cm caliper rear yard tree. Driveways shall be of exposed aggregate concrete or interlocking masonry payers. The maximum width for an exposed aggregate surface is 4.5 metres. Driveway areas between 4.5 metres and 6.0 metres in width shall be constructed of interlocking masonry payers only. Hard surface areas shall be minimized on the site, especially in front yards, to provide the opportunity for the maximum amount of soft green landscaping. • Identical designs shall not be repeated within three adjacent properties. • Porches or verandas shall be used to define the front entrance and to create exterior living space. General Requirements 1. Buildings should be designed and located on a site to: preserve and incorporate natural features or views; minimize impacts on natural features and agricultural lands; and accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. 2. Developments adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses must respect natural vegetation, use natural landscaping to retain soils on the site and may require additional setbacks as established by agencies having jurisdiction. Creeks and ravines are encouraged to be retained in their natural state. Buildings and structures should be integrated into natural slopes and other significant features. 3. New developments are encouraged to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) techniques into their site planning. Consider employing techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas. 4. Landscaping should: provide definition for pedestrian corridors; delineate private and semi private space from public space; provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; present a pleasing street image; provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; soften the transition between adjacent land uses; provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; and create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site. 5. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered iii material. This can be accomplished through: The use of native and/or drought-resistant species; designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; C) providing shade in summer; allow daylight into buildings; and allow natural drainage to occur throughout the site. the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant 6. Design developments to maximize opportunities for natural surveillance, allowing people to easily view what is happening around them during the course of everyday activities. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design principles and techniques are encouraged. -. 1:054~q I. ii 5E'RQO h4A$TR %4 6- L1 EROOt 1o•-o 9-1OX k' - 'NJ !2-OX 14-0 • - - RY 1NNG ROOM L1YIP(, RJ ii 8RO ) 1 o!E SO $7043I WItTH7F I Fiy GAQE JOT D!N OF P%JaLJ BEDROOM Suitable design for lots 1-8 inclusive and lots 12 —21 inclusive Mirror image of this design also acceptable, depending on driveway location • Lots are near-flat, sloping gently up to the rear, or slope down to the rear. Front entrances will therefore be grade-oriented, Two to five risers above grade at the front property line. Four or more risers will require a landing. • Garage element must be sub-dominant to other features on the front façade. • Entrance element at a "human scale", not to exceed one storey or a maximum of 10 feet measured from the stoop to the underside of the entrance portico. • Well balanced, well proportioned massing designs with a stable, attractive appearance. • High trim and detailing standard. • Garage not less than 0.6m [2 feet] behind front face of veranda, porch. or principal dwelling. — -: NOTE - f_ta - SE flS Suitable design for lots 1-8 inclusive and lots 12-21 inclusive. Mirror image of this design also acceptable, depending on driveway location • . ___ • Garage max 50% of width of dwelling • Garage set back not less than 0.6m (2 ft.) from front face of veranda. • Garage subdominant to other elements on the front façade. - - - - - - - - •=.. =-t..=..=-.__. I - C? • 7i : ... ......-:rttr_.... - I H . . •. I ' ____ --.•------ _____ -. •- . _ __I Siting on steep rear-sloping lots 1-8 inclusive J REAR ELEVATION IF Mom, JP- II!! kU•• I I - titj Iii 11 Ni1IjIiJi t2IIJIJIIIJPii i / •' I ihii I iIHlIm -, liii Iii i•'1 Aw TDIEN 2fl .,l ••• ' 77'H///I 1 I./4 I' I•-_ _' i• ' I - !r I'H ....... EU Ii E _. IUlW !I'i.1I11 -T- -=- 1 -,-z_ g /iIIII/JJI/L I1!I/Ift/i//1JL J//7á 1////LAJJ1hL :4 Sample of suitable home for construction on lots 9, 10 9 11 9 22 9 23 9 24. Sample of suitable home for construction on uphill sloping lots 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 24. Mirror image of this design also acceptable, depending on driveway location RIGI4T ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION;; LL- LEFT ELEVATION "n-fl • -1--• - ItJJ REAR ELEVATION I It.- ..... J1L Sample of home suitable for construction on corner lots 11 and 22 Mm. one significant architectural projection at main floor facing flanking street - articulation to match front gables. Adequate fenestration required, with vertically oriented windows matching those on front. Trim around all openings on flanking street side. Mirror image of this design also acceptable, but same design cannot be built on lots 11 and 22. INTERIOR SIDE ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION EXTERIOR (FLANKINC) SIDE ELEVATION mom • Uuu•uu ui MEN ER ' r. II I I I I I UI I U I I I II[ J I I LLJ WIMIMISMINNINI 'm!IM,i V Siting design for all lots: • Front building face set back not less than 3.0 metres from front property line. • Homes aligned at front along any one street (approx. same distance from front property line. • Garage set back not less than 5.5 metres from front property line. • Rear building face set back not less than 6.0 metres from rear property line. • Width of garage not to exceed 50% of width of dwelling. • Garages paired where possible. • Garages designed to minimize impact on streetscape. Other features on front of home to be clearly more dominant than the garage. Garage set mm. 0.6m (2 feet) behind front building face (porch, veranda or living area). • Corner lot homes designed to architecturally address both the fronting and flanking streets. Reduced massing at sides and significant architectural features required on flanking elevation. - S ETc _ - / _/_• -i Landscaping design suitable -•- ____ u for all lots ____ Driveways constructed from exposed r aggregate concrete with shallow GAVA6C concrete swales or from permeable CUj I I r interlocking masonry payers Width of I < exposed aggregate not to exceed 4.5 4S metres. Maximum driveway width 6.0 _TReE T metres. Area of driveway in excess of - I 4.5 metres to be constructed from interlocking masonry payers only. • Hard surface areas to be minimized. f • Ornamental tree required in the front yard of every lot. • 5 cm caliper deciduous tree required -- - --- intherearyardofeverylot. — - • Ten 5 gallon pot shrubs required on .-.-.------ - all lots. On corner lots 11 and 22, 4.. an additional ten 5 gallon pot size shrubs are required. Shrub planting located so as to delineate public spaced from private spaces. • On corner lots 11 and 22, shrubs are to be planted in the flanking streetyard area. • Sod is required in all street facing yard areas not covered by driveway, sidewalk, or shrub planting beds. Bcu LEVAi) Front yard and Flanking side-yard fences Only white picket fences, 36" in height are permitted in front yards and flanking street sideyards W'4ITE PIclrS 2x4 7 Z4 4)c4470s-rc) Posi CJW 9 to 11111111 I, I - Couj',C) 6RAM ULAE RLI- Paç. PIET FR'JcE DETAIL • Landscaping is to be used in conjunction with fencing used on the front and flanking street sides of the lot. • Chain link fences are not permitted. MAPLE British Columbia TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 05, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/VP/100/06 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW Intensive Residential Development Permit and Variance Permit 24308 102 AVE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An Intensive Residential Development Permit and Development Variance Permit application have been made for subject property located at 24308 102 Avenue. The Intensive Residential Development Permit, which was established to provide a greater emphasis on high standards in aesthetics and quality of the built environment while protecting important qualities of the natural environment, applies to this proposed development. The development proposal is for the 4 lots proposed under subdivision application SD/100/06. A Development Variance Permit application has been made to vary the servicing standards for subject property located at 24308 102 Avenue. This variance has been made in support of a subdivision application (SD/100/06). The variances requested are to the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw to reduce the lot depth, lane width, and the requirements for underground wiring. These requested variances are required to remain consistent with the existing neighbourhood lot pattern, lane widths, and servicing standards that have been established in this area. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/I00/06 respecting property located at 24308 102 AVE. and further that, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/100/06. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Damax Consultants David Laird Owner: Clearbrook Construction Ltd Legal Description: Lot: 41, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: 45949 1107 Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: b) Project Description: OCP: Existing: Medium Density Residential Proposed: N/A RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Medium Density Residential Residential Residential 0.4 Acres 1O2 Avenue To be provided as a condition of subdivision VP/027/97, RZ/009/95, AL/002/95 The subject property is 0.4 acres in size and is located on the south side of 102 Avenue in the Albion Village area. The applicant has applied to rezone the subject property from RS-3 to R-3 to permit a four lot subdivision under SD/100/06. Council considered the rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on January 16, 2007. On January 23, 2007 Council granted 2nd and 3rd reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6452-2006 with the stipulation that the applicant receive approval from the Ministry of Transportation. The applicant has received approval from the Ministry and a PLA has also been issued by the Approving Officer for the four lot subdivision. If Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6452-2006 is adopted and the subdivision is approved, the applicant wishes to construct a single family dwelling and garage for each lot. As the proposed zone for the lots is R-3, the applicant is required to obtain an Intensive Residential Development Permit. A Development Variance Permit is required for the proposed subdivision. The variance is to reduce the lot depth, to reduce the minimum lane width, and to vary the underground wiring requirements as per the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. The requested variances are consistent with the lot depths and servicing standards in the Albion Village area. -2- C) Planning Analysis: Intensive Residential Development Permit: Intensive Residential Development Permit was established to provide a greater emphasis on high standards in aesthetics and quality of the built environment while protecting important qualities of the natural environment. The key guideline concepts for the development permit area are as follows: Neighbourhood cohesiveness and connectivity should be maintained through the design of varied yet compatible buildings, in materials used and in architectural styles, in landscapes and in recreational areas, and by facilitating a range of transportation choices. The proposed development is surrounded by residential uses and is compatible with other R-3 developments in the area. Three different single family housing designs are proposed. Each is similar in character, but is varied through materials, colours and architectural style. A street tree plan has been submitted to the District, which meets the District's Street Trees Guidelines. A vibrant street presence is to be maintained through a variety of housing styles, by maintaining street parking and by directing garage structures and off-street parking to the rear of a property accessible by a lane. • The proposed single family homes front 102 Avenue and have porches which create an outdoor living space. • Garages are located to the rear of the property and are accessible by a municipal lane. Development Variance Permit Since road dedication is required as a condition of the subdivision, the applicant is not able to meet the minimum lot depth of 30 metres as prescribed in the Subdivision and Servicing Bylaw. Therefore, the applicant requires a variance to reduce the lot depth to support the proposed four lot subdivision. The average lot depths for the surrounding lots are between 27 metres and 29.5 metres; therefore, the request is consistent with the surrounding lot patterns in the Albion Village Area. There is an existing lane at the rear of the property, which is 6.0 metres in width. A variance was approved for this lane when the subdivision to the south was being created; however, the variance only applies to the properties to the south. Therefore, approval of a variance to use the existing lane width for the proposed four lot subdivision is required. The minimum lane width requirement of the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw is 7.5 metres. The subject property and other surrounding properties are currently serviced by overhead wiring. Therefore, the applicant requires a variance to vary the requirements for underground wiring. As the -3- proposal is consistent with the Albion Village area standard for servicing, the Engineering Department supports the continued use of the overhead wiring. The use of overhead wiring is also supported by Council Policy. d) Financial Implications: There will be 4 trees added to the municipal Street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. CONCLUSION: As the development proposal complies with the guidelines of the Intensive Residential Development Permit Area and the Multi-Family Development Permit Area, it is recommended that DP/100/06 be given favourable consideration. Subject to comments from notified property owners, it is recommended that VP/I00/06 be given favourable consideration because the request is consistent with the Albion Village Standard. Prepaied by Ad a -P1nning Technician 9roved b Jankelg, MCP, MCIP ireorpf Planning \ /Approv . P.Eng Public Works& Development Services '1'' Concurrence 'IL. (ii,) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AL/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Subject Map Appendix B: Subdivision Layout Plan Appendix C: Building Elevations -4- [14 516b7 J26 LP39 LMP 35918 I- U) 0, 04 LMP 34684 LMP 34684 BCP179O co C149 M 363 1 oij 1514 13 10 111213r4 15 16 17 18\ 7Th 101AAVE. 101A AVE. BCP 13188 PARK 10120 E35 29 28 2 10112 1Ik1 I 3 2 1 149 148 47 146 45 44 43 42 41 j40 39 38 37 ILAP 3343 10089 Cl) 10985 • 04 -.1 1 M67 t2 3 10 1112J \ J i ikk [19 20 21 22 23 124 25 26 27 MPI 1634 I- U) 01 ( iJ !o 1 J I I I ) ____ 102 B AVE. 1kk k1 ioioii4iiii 1741117 G 11 11 12(12 45144 43142 41 40 39 38 L I I L4.IP 3429$ ...J BGP 193 i1Ltp3$29 1212121 2 1212 12 13 1 2 J131 131 u. 102 A AVE. I 1313413 1313 14414114 14 5 6 7 I MF 362495 I 144 LlPI 1441414. 3 294 J4 jj 4 I I - 3 - 4 5 C6 6 81 7 8 —TTT 91101 ., 1 SUBJECTPROPERTY I - , T1 r-. 0710253 93 0710251 U, C)1Q949 C., . C) 0710247 BP18 102 24252627282930 fluw !31' BCP 7533 iiiiii 1:: l\L 1 In MCILE81 _ _ _,,o PARK J21 BP3 8 BCP 18974 E 1/2012 90 1 1111 04 04 101 A AVE. 28 27 26 oj._jL.J 14 113 25 10131 P17126 24 10125 °-23 o 10121 PARK BCP 18974 PARK ioiio 2 BCP 18974 10106 21 10102 ( 10099'1 10096 10092 1010095 095 10088 10091 093 I ci) 10084 931008 (I) - IC., District of Pitt Meadows rs 2vau.y y I. 24308 102 AVENUE C 0 HSCAL District of Langley Tho.,.hlIl CORPORATION OF &OW M~ THE DISTRICT OF M A P L E R I D G E IN4APLE RITXE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Oct 10, 2006 FILE: DPII00I06 BY: PC DVI)' a ASSOCIAIES PRCITS51ONAL LAND SURVRS 4 - 19089 - 94TH AWNUE SURREY. B.C. V4N 3S4 lR 604-513-9611 FAX: 604-513-2202 FILE 3110-07 01W: 3110-SI I Alc SUBDIViSION PLAN OF LOT 41 PLAN 45949 EXCEPT: PART 0EV/CA TED ROAD ON PLAN BCP 17489 N NEW STMINSTER DISTRICT 80711 OF SEC 770N 3 TOWNSHIP 12 I4f B.C.G.S. 920.028 0 20 40 SCALE 1 : 400 0/STANCES ARE IN METRES INTEGRA lED SIJRWY AREA No 36 (MAPLE RIDGE) NA083 (csc's) THIS PLAN SHO*S HDRIZON TAL GRCAJND-LflEL DISTANCES EXCEPT IIIIERE OTHERWSE NOTED. To COMPUTE GRID DISTANCES, NUT I7PL ' 102nd A ,EN1JE GROIJNO-LE141 DISTANCES BY COMBINED FACTON 0.9996070 LEGEND 564.470 - - 77.50' 25 GRID BEARINGS ARE DER1IfO FROM OBSERVA I7CWS BE Ti EN - - ROAD CONTROl. MCWUMUNTS 88111391 AND 85110680 - (PLAN &CP17489) 90' 06 26 FOUND PlACED 34.965 DENOTES CON TRCt MONUMENT DENOTES CONCRETE POST • 0 DENOTES iRON POST n,2 DENOTES SQUARE METRES 0 656 S Lu IT i GRANT BUTIR . .4 98117511 COLUMBIA LAND 57JRI! VON ON DaTA • 8R177811 COLUMBIA RTBT THAT I WAS PRESENT AT AND PERSONALLY SIJPERIN YINDEZ) THE SVREY REPRESENTED BY THIS PLAN. AND THAT THE SURW)' AND PLAN ARE CONRECT. THE FiELD SURf V WAS COM'LE TED CM THE 761h DAY ON MAY. 2007. THE PLAN WAS CC*f'EETLO AND CHECKED, AM) THE CI-IECKUST FILED UIVPFR _ LW THE . th DAY ON 2007. lmw LFu I tCIAL- PLAN BCP DEPOSITED IN THE LAND lIfl.E OFFICE AT NEW IWSIMINS TER, B.C. 77/IS LIAr OF 2007. .9300 9.30/0 9.300 90 06' 26 FT 1 2 Z 41 271m2 271m2 271m2 286m2 10 10 b 0 LI.I 0 b FL.'N 45949 9.300 9.300 iI 9.300 7.065 90' 06' 26 NE (PLAN 9c1'17489) 21 20 19 PLAN 8cP17490 --S (/) 551.643 i3 01 APPRO4NG OFFICER FUN THE MUMCIPALITY ON MAPLE RIDGE THIS PLAN LIES VñTHIN THE GREA TER VANCOUWR REGIONAL DISTRICT REGISTRAR 88111391 - OIWVER CLEAR9800V( CONSTTIIJCPON 1.75) (INCONPONA 7706 No.62123 7) Aulhodzed Slgnolo.'y AuTho,iz4 Signolo.y W71SS T69OT1fl1RES Non__ ADDRESS OCCUPA 1706 In 85110680 C- C) N1 APPROHED UNDER THE LAND niLE ACT THIS DAYDE 2007 '2- tc"2 AE- A_o Or;7r$ ot--A -LA-);--> \p'2 _ 4~~t7 t"-A 7N kTrq~F, YoRK HOME DESIGN L 'Z 102 AVENUE 25.6 25.6 24.0 24.7 25.4 25. j 25.9 25.9 LOi//2 - LOT#1 MI. 2 6. 0 LOT#3 LOT#4 ME. 25.0 LEE. 23.3 M.F. 26.2 MS. 26.5 L.F.E. 22.3 .B.E. 23.1 [I.E. 23.5 i L.E.E, 23.8 M.B.E. 22.2 M.B.E. 23.3 I M.B.E. 23.7 23.6 23.5 24.6 24.8 24.8! 25.1 25.1 23.4 23.4 24.2 24.2 24.6 24.6 24.9 24.9 22.7 123.0 735 4.1 to .01 (JJ w -1 in in -I LANE ecr-k WOOD RAILING FRONT ELEVATION LOT#1 5R UP FURRED OUT WOOD POST5 WITH STONE BASE ALUM. GUTTER 2X8 FASCIA '[9 Irn P.EL.= 24.7 TRIM ON 2x8 (I i'i ii Ii 0ARD i ii lily 1 i.i 11.11 Lii Il i.li III 111111 111111 iii r--1 25 YEARS QUALITY -se' E SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITIt t A RAISED RIDGE CAP N (\j (1l 111111 H HI II LI ILIJJJiI H LLJLL WITH 4 E CORNER TRIM JJ. - ...............-.-.- —1X4TRIM 12 IfI i I lIl liiI Il VINYL SFIAK TYP. 4' TRIM AROU WINDOWS & DOORS 1- oE v—Lfl 'P V) MAIN FLOOR EL. ~25.Om - 7TL .EL.= co —I-- 4. 9.75m HEIGHT LINE (MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT LINE) 5R 0 25 YEARS QUALITY SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITH A RAISED RIDGE CAP A .....-. -.. - -......-..---. 'Lf) VINYLSIDIP'IG - ____ .._.........-.-.- I N . - . . . .- .. - ---. .- ----.----------..--- -. ----- - -- --..-.... . -- . ---------------------------------------------------..-- ------ -..-- -------------------- Li J1IGHCUARD V LS .. ..........--. . -- -. -- XIO BASE BOAJ ZE -.-- --_--_----.------_----_-----------..--- - FDDP= 2435 P.EL. 24.0 RIGHTELEVATION LOT#1 12 F,4-14 2' kilN GUARDRAJLS I II I I P.EL= 23.6 RDDP 23.6 .0141 1-1 12 25 YEARS QUAIJ 7 SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITH A RAISED RIDGE CAP 4046 50 VINYL SIDING 12 u [J P.EL.= 23.6) 1 23.6 H Huu II flhllil II iIILjLjiii ii PFAP LL____J1L_]L----------- 1 \/TIflNI LG.dl 12 7[ 25 YEARS QUALITY SUAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITH A RAISED RIDGE CAP i1 LEFT ELEVATJON LJLJ P.EL.= 23.6 1-. ALUM. GUITER 2X8 FASCIA - -- - - - - LL I L I -- 36" C H ARDRAIL U _ Tb-- 2X1O BASE BOARD L=E1L P.EL= 25.4 WOOD RAILINC- FRONT ELEVATION LOT#2 3R 1UP FURRED OUT WOOD POSTS WITH STONE BASE I IN - VINYL SIDING WITH 4" E CORNER TRIM 1X4 TRIM J7 L ± O ILE IcR cJ)LJ r') MAIN FLOOR EL. 26.Orn TII, P.EL.= 25.4 rl'4 co LJ 2X4 B&R' 18" O.C. 1RIM ON 2x8 / BARE...80ARD / / •25 ~EARS QUAI 7 SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGt ES WITH 1' A RAISED RIDGE CAP . TYP. 4" TRIM AROU WINDOWS & DOORS 12 I - -•--------_-. - ..--..-----9.75m 14EIG11T LINE (MAx. I3LJILI)INC IWICHT lINE) \ I - - --- -- - -------- - --.--- \ \ ASPHALT WITH -I I - - I - I 12 A 10 BASE B0 3R ur P.EL. 25.4 FDDP 25.4 2X10 TRIM I - -- 'P C'4N Ls 2 MINI 246 ilL RIGHT ELEVATION LOT#2 RDDP- 24.6 a 12 25 YEARS OUAI 7 SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALt SHINGLES WITH A RAISED RIDGE CAP 40 5040 VINYL SIDING 12 Li 11 ii P.EL.= 24.6xyl I I 1 11 1 11 if1. 1 P.EL.= 24.6 uu::: II iHHhii I I I III I___..J I__.._i III I I I LL____J L_IL --------------------J REAR ''.EVATION tá 12 17 25 YEARS QUALITY SHAKE PROFftE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITH A RAISED RIDGE CAP 'l'l DECORATIVE BRACKETS 1x4 TRIM ON 2x8 -----. -. BARGE BOARD VIIJYL SI-IAI< 25 YEARS QUAI.ITY E SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITft I A RAISED RIDGE CAP TYP. 4" TRIM AROUN WINDOWS & DOORS ALUM. GUIFER 2X8 FASCIA - VINYL SIDING WITH 4" E CORNER TRIM I 1X4 TRIM 1 LI 01,E MAIN FLOOR EL. t 26.2m .EL.= 25.6 L T* FURRED OUT WOOD POSTS WITH STONE BASE IUYIAILI1I LOT#3 9. 75m H°0ITT HEIGHT tINE) 25 YEARS QUALt I SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITH I A RAISED RIDGE CAP 4040 P iLiPT I: ;.:..ITIiiiIII11IiIIIII11iiII .1 I:IIIiiIIII1:IIIIiIIIIIIIII.i ___I H'EET _TIT_____ 2• H - MINIGUARDRAILS 3R al LLL==J RIGHT ELEVATION LOT# P.EL.= 24.8 RDDP= 24.8 12 25 YEARS QUALI SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITH A RAISED RIDGE CAP ULii H ll' II P.EL.= 24.8 1 I 1 P.EL= 24.8 II iiI II I IL_JL_JJI LJLJJI I Ii IIIIII I LTi I I II Ii 1-1 III I I I I I I II I.___I I___J III I I I LL__JIL_iL -------------- REAR H EVAJ1ON LL#3 (4-: LOT43 LEFT ELEVATION 1Tr°ii[ P.EL II LHJ P.EL. 24.6 12 I - I - 25 YEARS QUALITY SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WffH A RAISED RIDGE CAP N UP N DECORATIVE BACKETS --•7 R&D © 12' O.C - - -/ /-- 1x1R1M ON 28 r BARCEOARD 2 1 <---:- / / 25 YEARS QUALITY N Sl I ASPHALT SFRNGLES WITH N, RAFD RGE CAP M. 2X8 L • VINYL o TYP. 4" TRIM AROUND - CORNER TRIM WINDOWS & DOORS . TRIM 12 ALUM GUUER O1:T: T 2X8FASCIA • - •••.. o p flfl -. LU 36 HIGH GUA DRIlLS uu 144 m i jHH 'th -HH -_ flU MAIN FLOOR EL 26 5m 2X10 BASE BOARD P.EL9 3RIUP P.EL.= 25.9fL1 WOOD RAILING FRONT ELEVATION ' \ - . o LOT #4 WOOD POSTS (N BASE r----f - - --- --.--. - 9.75rn HEIGHT IE (MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT LIME) ASP I \\\\ •-• I ---- - --- A RSW RI OGE CAP 2X10 TRIM -1 3R 110 - ---- ---------- - 42 ' MINJCUARDRAILS LS P.EL.= 25.9 41 [JLZJJ RIGH~TF- LEVATION LOT#4 P.EL= 25.1 RDDP= 25.1 i1 25 YEARS QUAIJ1Y SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES A RAISFI) RIDGE Cl VINYL SIDING 12 -- P.EL.= 25.1 P.Et..= 25.1 ii[j[jiii ii IjLJLJjI Ij[JLJjt I! Hiliflhll I I II U ..J III I I REAR r' EVATION LC'1#A I -- 12 - Z 25 YEARS OUALFrY 7 SHAKE PROFILE ASPHALT SHINGLES WITH A RAISED RIDGE CAP P ................... P.EL= 25.1 LOT#4 LEFT ELEVATION v1. ;~R~ M- ~ 4- 4 1u' A - LAN E "' '° 1 tCAUI1ON q IF6RWIIS REQUIRED 10 - - \ 146 8 149 ISO 151 I I 2 3 4 28 1,1147 L I]-,,:,U' - - -- ------ 1 : I 26 26 l __ I - 24 24 2 PIAY'?I26 V. A I I ST rK N i 1I>/ corpediem Con,oItln9 2) V44 146 147 ~49 I5O 2 5 j - -- b] Z~7 — ROAVWOWS MRS: 4. 40 4Jk4 H[T y - 1 - - /7 _ ---t---.---------- * I8 CI E08-015-1063 - l-.-------------. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDCF ----f------------------------ -- cARBROOK CONSTRUCflON LTh. IT1 domox CoqiuItorits ltd. ----- KEY PLAN, ROADWORKSI Fr AND STREET TREES 1. 11MM ILl IL 3440IRISII* 7111 - - P ost 4x4 2x4 1/3 Post Hcjght In Concrete F00t On 3 Droin Rock Post Cop 4x4 Post Sec Hon Elevation 42" High Picket Fence P lAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Columbia TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 9, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: SD/100/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 5% Money in lieu of parkiand dedication (24308 102 Avenue) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The above noted subdivision is subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act regarding parkland dedication or payment of money in lieu. It is recommended that Council require money in lieu of parkland dedication for property located at 24308 102 Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That pursuant to the Local Government Act's regulation regarding 5% Parkland Dedication or payment of Money In Lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision at 24308 102 Avenue, under application RZ/I00/06, shall pay to the District of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than $14,000.00. DISCUSSION: Section 941 of the Local Government Act states that (1) An owner of land being subdivided must, at the owner's option, Provide, without compensation, park land of an amount and in a location acceptable to the local government, or Pay to the municipality or regional district an amount that equals the market value of the land that may be required for park land purposes under this section determined under subsection (6). Under Section 941(2) of the Local Government Act, Council is given the option of whether they would like the applicant to exercise option (1)(a) or (1)(b) of the Local Government Act. Section 941 (2) states (2) Despite subsection (1), if an official community plan contains policies and designations respecting the location and type of future parks, the local government may determine whether the owner must provide land under subsection (1)(a) or money under subsection (1)(b). Where there is a significant watercourse and the District has the ability to include ravines and watercourse protection areas into the public realm, that area is dedicated Park. These areas 1108 provide for large vegetated areas in urban neighbourhoods that provide corridors for wildlife and passive park areas for residents. Where there is either no watercourse or the watercourse is deemed insignificant, 5% of the market value of the land is paid to the District. These funds are placed into a special Parkland Acquisition Reserve Fund, which enables the District to purchase areas deemed important for habitat protection but where the ability to achieve parkland through development is limited, such as the Blaney Bog. In this particular instance there is no watercourse present and it is, therefore, recommended that money in lieu of parkland dedication be provided. In keeping with past practice, the District has requested that an appraisal be provided for the 5% market value of the development site. This appraisal is based on zoned but not serviced land. An opinion from an appraisal firm has stated that the market value of the land is $280,000.00, which indicates that the 5% value of this property is $14,000.00. CONCLUSION: As there are no watercourses on the property it is recommended that Council require money in lieu of parkland dedication as prescribed in the appraisal ow "I/ - /' rjowvo' Planning Technician redr of Planiixg /7 1 -\/ Approved by: Frank Quinn 3M: Public Works & Development Services Concurrencj, J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AL/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix 1 - Subject Property Map Appendix 2 - Subdivision Plan -2- ) 2 3 4J,5 ALfl 8 9 10 1112) j2° 24 25 26 2j P 17126 PARK PARK 10257 7 ü5 J - - \ tiiI [ 1 1J [JI ) 102 B AVE. H 78 Ik i1 I i iiiiJii4ii 11 11 11 12412 45 44143 42 41 40 39 38) L.... [ ILLiPI3429 B(P93 I- Co 04 [14 N 15 161 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 LILIP I I I I I 12912121Z 1212 1112913(13 139 1 2 Lijillijiji. 102 A AVE. I 13 1313131 13l4414 14 145 6 7) II.MF 1 62.6 I I J 0310253j l02j-J U) ('310249 10247 I r I BCP18b 210245 I 24 I25l 26 27 I26I 39 I ('310243 I BCP 7533 Y 1 14 $EJ)20l9l87 J :_i 681 1310211 IN PARK 16 5 413 2 1 1,B P 3* BCP18974 E1/2of2 Cl) ? 1 11 co 04 C'4 101 A AVE. R 0142 16 1413 PARK BCP 18974 10110 20 j1 PARK 10106 21 22 BCP 18974 10102 0096 10088 19684 10081 Cl) LMP34684/ f k LMP 34684 Rem41 2 252 V £3VO OI IM 3 3CP174I I I 1 1 19 1 18 h7116 1 15i14 13 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 _____ IlJ 101 A AVE. 101 A AVE. I.- Co 2 l 3129 281 i 10120 r tMF134 IL 36 kiuiJC_ l0109 I 101 AVE. [3~ 2 1)49)48 47146 45 44 43 42 41)40 39 38 37 I LdIP .3343 10089 ~El- LIN 1 SUBJECT PROPERTY ixi rr'7 12 1 - [4 5M 1115 1 23 78 910111213 N ('4 N N Cl N N N N N LMP 35918 28 27 26 25 10131 U, 24 10125 23 10121 02 'OA~ SCALE 1:2,000 District of Pitt Meadows 24308 102 AVENUE . - # 0 L Otc"Z 00 137J, I 0 ~O 0 '1 4 Q \ ZO ,csi2 4 Mj4J tzr LI -)< t N f% Tc'. damax consultants ltd. 312-750 terminal avenue, vancouver v6a 2mE tel. 224-6827 fax. 689-3880 District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heaahts TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer July 10, 2007 SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended June 30, 2007 now be approved" GENERAL $ 8,938,960 PAYROLL $ 1,114,828 PURCHASE CARD $ 103,436 $10.157.224 DISCUSSION: Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan, except the Provincial funded Urgent Mitigative Flood Works 2007 Program. Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. r 1131 C) Business Plan / Financial Implications: 1. Fraser Valley Regional Library second quarter member assessment $ 541.927 Hub Fire Engines & Equipment fire truck chassis $ 252,011 Lups Contractors Ltd. Rothsay Street watermain $ 157.547 RCMPcontractian - Mar $1.772,691 Prt of the Provincial funded Urgent Mitigative Flood Works 2007 Program: Double M Excavating Ltd. $1.857,712 Geo Media Engineering Ltd. $ 36,591 Haney Iron Works $ 19,000 Intrusion Prepakt $ 126.140 Terasen Gas Inc. $ 29.897 d) Policy Implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended June 30, 2007 have been reviewed and are in order. '-h- - Prepared by: G'Ann Rygg' Accounting Clerk II / / - - ' Approved by: Dennis Sartorius, CA Municipal Accountant Approved by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA GM - Corporate & Financial Services Concurren J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer I gmr CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - PERIOD 6, 2007 I VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AR Mower & Supply Ltd Redexim overseeder Verti drain aerator Bay Hill Contracting Ltd. Traffic signal & overhead crosswalk signs BC Hydra Hydra charges June BC SPCA Contract June Boileau Electric & Pole Ltd Maintenance: Albion Sports Complex Banners Dyke Kiosk Fairgrounds Hanging baskets Leisure Centre Library Municipal Hall Pole repairs RCM P Bynett Construction Services Community Safety Building CUPE Local 622 Dues - pay periods 07/11. 07/12 & 07/13 Carter Pontiac Buick Ltd 2007 GMC 1/2 Ton Truck Chevron Canada Ltd Fuel City Of Pitt Meadows 2005/2006 Dyking District #3 Co-Pilot Industries Tandem dump rentals Double M Excavating Ltd Urgent Mitigative Flood Works 2007 Program ESRI Canada Limited Annual software support Fraser Valley Regional Library Second quarter member assessment Freightliner Of Vancouver Water/sewer van Geo Media Engineering Ltd Urgent Mitigative Flood Works 2007 Program Golden Ears Alarm Systems Community Safety Building Library Quarterly monitoring RCMP Tower Greater Vancouver Regional Dis Debt payment Water sample analysis Haney Iron Works Ltd Urgent Mitigative Flood Works 2007 Program 256 St pumpstatian Hi-Grove Holdings Ltd Security refund Holmes & Brakel (BC) Inc. Courthouse workstations HuO Fire Engines And Equipment Fire truck chassis Intrusion Prepakt Urgent Mitigative Flood Works 2007 Program Jack Cewe Ltd Laity Street asphalt paving Levelton Consultants Ltd Community Safety Building Lidstone Young Anderson Professional fees Apr & May LUDS Contractors Ltd Rothsay Street watermain Manulife Financial Employee benefits premiums Maple Ridge Golf Course Refund Lease overpayment 2006-2007 Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Monthly common costs Apr-Jun McElhanney Consulting Services Production of colour orthophotos Medical Services Plan Employee medical & health premiums Microsoft Licensing, GP:WRC-CA Annual software licensing Municipal Insurance Assoc Insurance deductibles Municipal Pension Plan BC Pension remittance Murdy & McAllister Barristers Professional fees Mar & Apr 21.37 1 35.718 2.014 763 9.952 274 508 352 1.132 228 3,709 144 4.791 118 1.274 1,574 11,858 99,574 625 19,000 373 Oakcreek Golf & Turt Inc Unit #107 Mower 94.732 Unit #106 Mower 63.597 158,329 Pacific Surrey Construction Roadside mowing 19,203 Pitt River Quarries Ltd Gravel 2 Professional Mechanical Ltd Maintenance: Courthouse 2.179 Hammond Community Centre 263 Firehalls 235 Leisure Centre 20.284 Library 693 Municipal Hall 3.798 Operation Centre 247 PM Fam Rec Centre 159 PM Heritage Hall 4,004 RCMP 1.465 Rental Property 549 SPCA 276 Whonnock Lake Centre 441 34,593 Receiver General For Canada Employer/Employee remit PP07/11, 07/12 & 07/13 762.094 RCMP contract Jan - Mar 1.772.691 Film Production RCMP services 1,947 2,536,732 Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Art Centre grant Jun & Jul 73.741 Program revenue May 9.532 Art Gallery quarterly fee 4,245 Theatre rental 1.003 88,521 Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Monthly contract for recycling Jun 72,603 Weekly recycling 206 Litter pick-up contract 1.910 74,719 Surfwood Supply Compressor I 62 Targa Contracting Ltd GVWD connection © 240th & Dewdney Terasen Gas Gas June 19,021 Terasen Gas Inc Urgent Mitigative Flood Works 2007 Program 29,897 Gas service repairs 999 30,896 Ultra-Tech Cleaning System Ltd Maintenance May & June: Courthouse 3,611 Firehalls 2.649 Library 8.546 Municipal Hall 8.021 Operations Centre 1.808 Randy Herman Comm. Safety 3.978 RCMP 8.384 Tower 288 37,285 United Lock Block Ltd Full standard lock-blocks 83,691 Van Der Zalm & Associates Inc Thomas Haney youth action park 16,823 West Coast Kinesiologv Service Fitness programs 17,826 Wesrview Sales Ltd Meter boxes 15,250 Wrnvan Paving Ltd 2007 roadwork projects 83,862 Disbursements In Excess $15,000 8,090,445 Disbursements Under $15,000 848,515 Total Payee Disbursements 8,938,960 Payroll PP 07/12 & 07/13 1,114,828 Purchase Cards - Payment 103,436 TOTAL PERIOD 6 2007 DISBURSEMENTS 10,1 G\1 'anceccou.tngA' Rennances (Dsbursements'2007\MoathIy Data 2007\0607.xIslRecoaereC_Sreet1 CONCLUSIONS: Staff are recommending that the attached Fee for Service Agreement with the BCSPCA be signed and sealed by the Mayor and Municipal Clerk. Pre pared by: Brock McDonald Director ot B!ness Licences, Permits and Bylaws Approved by: Fank Quinn G.M. Public Works and Develqpi'tnt Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) quie Chief Adrinistrative Officer BM/bm DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Oeeg Roois Geater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: June 18, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW SUBJECT: Fee for Service Agreement for the provision of Animal Control Services and Shelter Operations. - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The current Fee for Service Agreement with the SPCA for the provision of Animal Control and Shelter Operations expired December 31, 2006. Staff solicited expressions of interest for the provision of these services through two calls for proposals covering both the current operation which includes the enforcement of the Dog Control Bylaw and the operation of the Animal Shelter and a second proposal call covering only the enforcement of the Dog Control Bylaw. In each case, proposals were only received from the SPCA. The attached Fee for Service Agreement focuses on service standards in the areas of animal care, animal adoptions, volunteer programs, customer service, staff qualification and training, animal control, emergency response, financial and statistical reporting and shelter operations. The suggested term of the agreement is from January 2007 until December 2011. It should be noted that the Fee for Service Agreement can be terminated by either party with six months notice and it will be necessary to amend, renegotiate or terminate the Fee for Service Agreement when the District proceeds with the construction of a new Animal Shelter. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal the attached Fee for Service Agreement with the BCSPCA for the provision of Animal Control Services and Shelter Operations within the District of Maple Ridge; and further that the Business Licences, Permits and Bylaws Department implement a comprehensive dog licensing program. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Historically, the enforcement of the District's Animal Control Bylaw and the operation of the Animal Shelter have been delivered through a series of Fee for Service agreements between the District and the SPCA. The Fee for Service Agreement identifies a number of service standards in the areas of animal control, animal care, volunteer programs, customer service, 1132 b) Desired Outcome(s): To effectively enforce the Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Bylaw and operate the District's Animal Shelter by ensuring that the service provider meets the established service standards noted in the Fee for Service Agreement. C) Citizen/Customer Implications: The attached Fee for Service agreement requires the Animal Shelter to be open to the public and an Animal Control Officer to be available to respond to complaints on Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. A designated employee of the SPCA will act in the capacity of a volunteer coordinator to promote local involvement in programs such as dog walking, foster parenting, care and grooming of shelter animals and adoption programs. All staff at the shelter receive formal training in the areas of animal welfare, animal assessments, cruelty investigations, customer service and operational policies and procedures. The SPCA is required to maintain comprehensive files on all calls for service and provide statistical reports to the municipality on a regular basis. Business Plan/Financial Implications: The cost of the proposal for the first year of the agreement totals $252,071.00 and includes $139,729.00 for dog control enforcement services and $112,342.00 for the operation of the animal shelter. Additional costs for the provision of these services include approximately $20,000.00 for building maintenance and supplies. These costs are offset by budgeted dog licensing revenues of $183,225.00 for a net expenditure of $88,846.00. These costs compare to a 2006 actual net expenditure for the same service standards of approximately $158,000.00. The reduction in net expenditures is attributed to the 2007 increase in dog licensing fees charged by the municipality. The proposed agreement includes a provision for the municipality to receive all dog licence revenues as opposed to previous agreements which saw the SPCA retain 75% of dog licence revenues collected after the 1st of March. Staff are confident that with a comprehensive dog licensing program operating out of the Bylaw Enforcement and Licensing Department, it is possible that once the program is operational revenues generated from dog licensing fees could offset all expenses incurred for the provision of animal control and care services. These savings could then be applied to the construction costs of a new animal shelter. Once the District of Maple Ridge and th€ BCSPCA enter into a Fee for Service Agreement, discussions concerning funding sources and construction of a new animal shelter will continue. Staff will provide an update on progress towards the construction of a new animal shelter in the near future. Alternatives: Council may choose to provide in house services for the delivery of animal control and care services. It is anticipated that this method of service delivery will result in increased expenditures over those included in the Fee for Service Agreement. MAPLE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 13, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/050/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CofW SUBJECT: Development Permit 20408 Lougheed Highway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District has received a development permit application for the construction of a commercial building located at 20408 Lougheed Highway. The proposed structure is for a car dealership, which is permitted under the CS-i (Service Commercial) zone. A commercial development permit is required for all new development on lands designated Commercial on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/050/07 respecting property located at 20408 Lougheed Highway subject to: 1. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: - Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation South: Use: Zone: Designation East: Use: Zone: Ron Hoffart Ronald M Jones Lot: A, D.L.: 222, Plan: BCP30168 Corn mercia I CS-i (Service Commercial) Corn mercia I C-2 (Neighbourhood Commercial) & LUC Commercial Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Commercial CS-i (Service Commercial) 1109 Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: Commercial Commercial CS-i (Service Commercial) Commercial Commercial Commercial Approximately 1.672 ha Lougheed Highway & 203 Street Full Urban VP/021/94, VP/082/89, SD/003/89 b) Project Description: This development permit application will, if favorably considered, permit the construction of a commercial building for a car dealership. The proposed car dealership is a two storey building of approximately 2821.1 m 2 (30,366 sq. ft.) on the main floor and approximately 740.5 m 2 (7,971 sq. It) on the second floor. The showroom will face Lougheed Highway while the service bays will be located in the rear. The dealership will be located on the east side of the property, which will leave an undeveloped lease area on the west side of the property. C) Planning Analysis: Commercial DeveloDment Permit Guidelines: The purpose of a Commercial Development permit is to foster attractive commercial areas that is compatible with adjacent development and enhances the unique character of the community. Key Concepts: Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. o The development site is surrounded by commercial uses to the north, east, and west of the site; however, there are residential properties located to the south of the site. The applicant proposes to enhance the landscaping along the south property line to create a thick vegetated buffer between the residential and commercial use. • Staff has suggested traffic calming devices along the south portion of the property. • The ADP has suggested lower lighting along the south portion of the property to minimize light pollution. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. • The applicant has proposed a pedestrian walkway that connects the showroom to Lougheed Highway. Another walkway is also proposed from the front of the building to the parking lot. These walkways will be surfaced with a distinct material to distinguish them for safety and aesthetic reasons. -2- • 5.8% of the site will be landscaped. The ADP suggested that additional landscaping should be considered to define the entry and to enhance the streetscape, which may minimize the impact of the parking. • A fence is proposed for security reason along the west side of the parking lot for security reasons. The ADP suggested that the visual impact of the fence be minimized by using decorative fencing. • The ADP suggested the applicant consider an area for employee refuge • While the applicant meets the minimum parking requirements, the majority of the parking spaces proposed will be used for the sales inventory. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. • There is access to the site via public transportation. • The applicant proposes to landscape the area along Lougheed Highway which will create a more inviting area for pedestrian circulation. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. • The applicant is proposing to enhance the landscaping along the south property line to create a buffer between the commercial use and residential use. • Staff has suggested traffic calming devices along the south side of the property. • The ADP has suggested lower lighting along the south side of the property to minimize light pollution. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development and adjacent residential area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. . The colors and materials suggested for the proposed building have been generally supported by the ADP. Fire Department: The Fire Department has reviewed the proposal and did not have any comments Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposal and offered the following comments: The proposed changes to the access on Lougheed Highway will require the approval of the Ministry of Highways. The location and design of the access is acceptable to the Engineering Department and it has been determined a formal traffic study is not warranted; A detailed street design plan will be required to be submitted by the developer for the entire site at the Building Permit stage. The design will be expected to include a separated sidewalk and a grassed boulevard between the curb and the sidewalk as shown in the DP plans and will apply to the full frontage of the new parcel. -3- To improve traffic circulation and safety at Lougheed Highway and 203 Street, the Engineering Department has started preliminary planning for purpose of widening the road on 203 Street and constructing a concrete median and left turn lane. A minimum of 2.0 metres of additional road allowance is required from this property on the east side of 203 Street. 1) Advisory Design Panel: At the meeting of July 10, 2007 the Advisory Design Panel supported the general concept, but recommended revisions to the proposal be submitted to Planning staff to address the following: Resolution with Planning about the streetscape Consideration of landscape material at entry All of the items stated above from ADP in the report have been addressed to the satisfaction of the District. Intergovernmental Issues: As the subject site is located along Lougheed Highway and two accesses are proposed, approval from the Ministry of Transportation is required. Financial Implications: There will be 5 trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. The costs associated with maintaining these trees will need to be included in a subsequent operating budget. A refundable security in the amount of 2.5% of the total construction costs will be required with this Development Permit. Based on an estimated construction value of $6,000,000.00 the security will be $150,000.00. -4- CONCLUSION: The project complies with the Commercial Development Permit Guidelines found within the OCP and the design was found acceptable by ADP. Improvements suggested by ADP have been incorporated into the landscape plan, therefore staff recommend Development Permit 50/07 be approved for issuance.. prepared by. hia Leung Planning echnician Approy: )ie P9}etiriMCP, M C I P (-Director of Planning Approved by,/ Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng 77 z*'-~ Development Services Concurrence: J. L./Jim) Rule Chif Administrative Officer AL/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Elevations Appendix D - Landscape Concept Plan -5- L P61704 74 £ 2 IMP 33673 119AV8. 93 RP8346 8 EP11127 1194 PCI. 1 "92½s / P:86 11 "-'.---- -' LMP34007 J P64073 —J CfROPER1 0 J 75, /Rem1 ) I'"F#f4L 33673 Rem PcI ONE / RP7774 / LOUGHEED HWY It?j P62569 I o, I 11871 / LMP25177 A 89 P:806 Rem54 51 52 53 / I 32170 40 39 P9031 11834 28 p 6 11828 30 31 32 33 34 35 ' 36 37 38 Rem c 2 Rem29 58 57 56 Rem 55 11808 , F• '. P358 II8AVE. - - 2 0 - - - - I3 20498 17 8 2 3 Lo 11789 1 2 3 4 s 6 2 .2 1 2 80 4 F-. p P 7672 ' 16 20492 a. RemA -. 6941 - P648 - - 7769 20473 20287 F-' I 0 6 7 8 - 10 11 F7392 3 7 6 5 15 I] 6 20289 Q. F- a F- , 5 4 , .. ' ., a. 20484 11fl7 ' z RP209 ___ - _________ 20478 14 18 8 910 11 JrrI\..1F6t7i 8 8 Distiict of L Pitt Meadows T Val y 20370 LOUGHEED HWY o MO CORPORATION ( THE DISTRICT OF ________ MAPLE RIDGE N Distrtct of Langley Albliin , 1z 4 I tIUI1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,500 _____ DATE: Jun 27,2007 FILE: DPI050/07 BY: PC Nfw - LOUGHEE HIGHW NEW I 2. co i / i . . / -. - _.. 105 28 l?ELoc i.._ /V4LND / 1' 17/If LONs, // .. OF It /J4Li000 / LIN'SE./ I/I I RELO, LON SI( -TED IEVVENTOp . . ENTf NCE/E 7J 5I / /i1 FUTURE ROAD DEDICATION / - CES'NG . . - CusTOE i o Li A'JcING NDSE LI _ fl CE NEWS EXISTING 'voc/OEW/k I/il BUILDING TO BE ;/ U . SHOWROOM N W 1TUi /Ifl DEMOLISHED r - IT LIV. c_ o £P/or/.MP2/49B / ?50 12719 89 34 34 / ES( I --—————————— L1L1J11JJ1J F' -i I RCVNG. E EXISTING DMOLrH O ED SERVICE BAYS 10200 I . . .07% OF DE yE LOPED AREA PLAN 1• .1 i 11, I iJIIIrnnmIunwnNuunl ---iuuInHumnunrnnmuuraamIniln1muii : IIUI!1- !_ - uu•••••••••• ,•• ! II!UIIIIIIHHIU!I iiHHIuuPIII I')II ILLVPdIOIN 0 0 0 0 (7) (7) (7) (7) = - o SOUTH ELEVATION C 000 00 0 Cl) _ 0 EAST ELEVATION KU 621) 1-1 (Th NORTH ELEVATION - BAYLINE 4 i pm I'll_I_I WEST ELEVATION - 0 (7) -? '1' U. -LztiJ SOLJII-I ELEVATION - BAYLINE 2 LQ Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Amending Bylaw No. 6462-2007 Council Workshop Presentation July 16th, 2007 CMT Meeting - July 12th, 2007 0 Council direction of December 2006 • To proceed with further amendment of DCC Bylaw • to prepare a development cost charge bylaw consistent with OCP Bylaw No. 6425-2006 and • to consider merits of borrowing for capital works • Purpose of Today's Meeting Staff to, present a high level overview for Council highlighting methodology changes and Oldentifying key process issues and considerations 1 Council Workshop - July 161h, 2007 O Topics of Presentation • Types of DCC bylaw reviews • Need to address consistency with OCP policies (best practice) • Need to amend DCC program methodology to address the OCP growth management plan • Need to adjust for rising construction cost, land values and selective project scope changes since 2006 (costs continue to rise) • Conduct an analysis to calculate new levies (still in progress) • More DCC costs and methodology changes shift area burdens and levies • Establish rate structure more fairly attributed to targeted growth and servicing impact/burden • Bylaw implementation and approval process (best practices) • What to expect from the DCC analysis Types of DCC Bylaw Reviews o 2006 - DCC Amending Bylaw No. 64 15-2006 Minor Review (reflect cost adjustments) • Update construction and land costs • Revise the rates and levies accordingly O 2007 - Proposed DCC Amending Bylaw No. 6462-2007 • As directed by Council December, 2006 • Major Review (full review of methodology) • Consistency with Official Community Plan • Underlying assumptions, broad policy objectives • Growth projections • Revision of Capital Works (DCC Funded) • program costs, project timing • Addition of selective new projects to program • Deletion of completed or redundant projects 2 Methodology - Key Changes Change in Areas Growth Area - Area of significant development potential where infrastructure and parks are needed • Infill Area - Area of more modest development potential where existing infrastructure and parks exist where upgrading of infrastructure and development of parks is necessary • Rural Area - Area of low development potential where existing infrastructure and parks exist but where upgrading of infrastructure and development of parks is necessary Area Plan to be Amended for Council Workshop t r I MAP 1 1FLL AREA GROWTH AREA LJ RURAL AREA 10 3 Methodology - Key Changes (Cont) G Cost Adjustments/Funding Considerations to Address Inflation since 2006 DCC bylaw (costs continue to rise generally) • Scope change adjustment for specific highway project in 5 Year CWP (e.g. 240 St from Lougheed-104 Highway projects) • Specific project being requested for scheduling reasons by Parks and Engineering (e.g. Silver Valley Parks, Whonnock Lake Improvement, Abemethy Way Extension from 240 St - 256 St., second crossing of S Alouette River to Silver Valley) • Analysis and strategy regarding borrowing for the capital works program (driven by funding projections and requirements of the 5 Year CWP following adjustments) Methodology - Key Changes (Cont) 3 Basis of Levy Charges • Incorporate floor space area levy (e.g. to address commercial redevelopment and possible multi-storey commercial development,) 0 Zones and Land Use Considerations • Incorporates new zones and DCC levy for intensive agricultural uses (e.g. greenhouse operations, processing) I ru Bylaw Process - Participation & Scheduling G Following Council's December 2006 directive, staff was tasked to proceed o Assigned staff (Finance and Engineering) will Complete preparation bylaw, supporting information and then conduct public/stakeholder consultation process o Policy Analyst and Director of Development Engineering are assisting staff with policy, analysis, methodology, documentation and council presentations o Policy Analyst prepared the work plan/schedule that • Is the basis of current staff work flow • Is available upon request Steps In Establishing DCCs a Project future growth (OCP) 0 Identif' supporting capital works (CWP) 0 Estimate construction and land costs (CWP) 0 Assign costs to land use types (OCP) 0 Allocate costs to growth and existing users (CWP) 0 Apply assist factors for municipal contribution to capital program with DCC funding (CWP/DCC Bylaw) a Determine areas and calculate DCC levies (CWP/DCC Bylaw) 5 DCCs and Growth Management o DCC program is part of the community's planning and servicing framework directed by • Official Community Plan 0 Growth Management Plan • Capital Works Program • Master Servicing Plans (transportation, water, sewage, drainage) • Master Parks and Cultural Plan (municipal, neighbourhood, etc) • Financial Plan Bylaw • Corporate Strategic Objectives of Council • In the context of Regional Growth Strategies • Potential for DCCs to deter development is important for municipalities to consider Best Practices Recognize/Direct QDevelopment Cost Charges • Represent one critically important choice in partially financing capital work associated with community growth and as directed by Ocommunities growth management plan/objectives (OCP) • Should provide fairness and equity in program • Based on transparency in levy setting process • Should include public/stakeholder input • Should be kept current and amended accordingly • reviewed annually as part of business planning guidelines and • amended as deemed appropriate Public Input Approach 0 Recommend: Public Information Meetings with QBuilders Forum • Development Community QPublic Open House • General public • Community groups • Assigned staff in attendance • Council member(s) and senior staff in attendance (as deemed appropriate) • Note: Best practices call for a meaningful public process for major bylaw reviews Bylaw Approval Process • Direction to develop or amend a bylaw received from Council • Staff develop program, bylaw & calculate the DCC rates (in progress) • Bylaw development to include input public and interested parties • Bylaw presented to council for 1 11 reading • Council may request additional public input or revision of bylaw before 2' and 3 iìt reading • Following 3rd reading bylaw and support documentation to Inspector of Municipalities for review and approval • Following Inspector approval, Council adoption of bylaw • Legislation directs that for in-stream subdivision applications, the new bylaw (levies) has no effect for 12 months after it was adopted 7 DCC Program - Next Steps o Following Council Workshop session of July 1 6th, 2007 proceed to next steps of Work Plan and Schedule • Staff to prepare draft bylaw and supporting information for • CMT, Council and assigned staff • General public, development community and stakeholders • Inspector of Municipalities • Staff recommends public information process o Proceed to prepare reports and materials for public process, bylaw consideration and readings • Following third reading staff to send supporting information to the Inspector of Municipalities • Staff to prepare press release(s) through Communications Department informing public of process as it proceeds What To Expect from DCC Analysis • Higher costs generally lead to higher levies • Changes in methodology are expected to shift service impacts and burdens in areas • This should result in a more realistic levies structure based on OCP land use designations and growth potential in revised areas • Five Year Capital Works Program DCC funding is expected to incorporate some borrowing for highway, park, and sewer • Bylaw for Council consideration and readings in late August through September, 2007 Comments/Questions 0 Regarding approach 0 Regarding methodology changes 0 Regarding public/stakeholder process 0 Regarding next steps 0 Other I 2!J1J/ 2007 1ø 1i j ILI 2J ' !LJii-i J\/rjj 2JDJ I J urnrrir jj1Jrn ?fojLiffiJ V A : mi JJLJ (L)(Li-i YV3 2D/ I JEfJ Jiiini You ki :rii I 2DIJ) 2