HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-07-02 Special Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA July 02, 2024 9:00 AM Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers 1  Floor, Maple Ridge City Hall 1.CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Territory Acknowledgment The City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional and unceded territory of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation. 1.2 Approval of the Agenda 2.GENERAL MATTERS 2.1 Resolution to Exclude the Public The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to the following: •    Section 90(1)(g) – litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; •    Section 90(1)(i) – the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor­client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; •    Section 90(1)(l) – discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report];  Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 3.NEW BUSINESS 3.1 2023­019­RZ, 2023­020­RZ, 2023­021­RZ, 21710, 21728, 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway, Update on APNA Group Rezoning Applications Staff report dated July 2, 2024 to update Council on the changes in proposed density to the respective rezoning applications and to seek Council’s direction to staff and the developer on how to proceed with the applications based on the revised density and urban design. Applicant Submission: Architectural drawings  RECOMMENDATION: That staff be directed to proceed according to Option [1, 2, 3, or 4]. 4.ADJOURNMENT st City of Maple RidgeSPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAJuly 02, 20249:00 AMVirtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers1 Floor, Maple Ridge City Hall1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgmentThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territory of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.1.2 Approval of the Agenda2.GENERAL MATTERS2.1 Resolution to Exclude the PublicThe meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of theCommunity Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to thefollowing:•    Section 90(1)(g) – litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality;•    Section 90(1)(i) – the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor­clientprivilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;•    Section 90(1)(l) – discussions with municipal officers and employeesrespecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposesof preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]; Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meetsthe requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 3.NEW BUSINESS 3.1 2023­019­RZ, 2023­020­RZ, 2023­021­RZ, 21710, 21728, 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway, Update on APNA Group Rezoning Applications Staff report dated July 2, 2024 to update Council on the changes in proposed density to the respective rezoning applications and to seek Council’s direction to staff and the developer on how to proceed with the applications based on the revised density and urban design. Applicant Submission: Architectural drawings  RECOMMENDATION: That staff be directed to proceed according to Option [1, 2, 3, or 4]. 4.ADJOURNMENT st ~ Maple Ridge - TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 FILE NO: 2023-019-RZ,2023-020-RZ,2023-021-RZ MEETING: SUBJECT: Update on APNA Group Rezoning Applications 21710, 21728, 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Hwy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council The purpose of this report is to update Council on the changes in proposed density to the respective rezoning applications and to seek Council's direction to staff and the developer on how to proceed with the application based on the revised density and urban design . Additionally, planning for the Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan (LTCAP) is underway and proposed land use designations, concepts, design guidelines, park locations, greenway locations, public realm requirements, and engineering requirements are all under review and subject to change. Finally, the City is in early discussions with the Ministry ofTransportation and Infrastructure (MOTi) and Translink to determine the BRT-Bus Rapid Transit requirements for the Lougheed Highway corridor. This includes bus station locations, road cross section and dedication requirements, bike lane standards and the integration and location of the Transit Oriented Area (TOA) as per provincial legislation. On March 7 and 28, 2023 three rezoning applications received First Reading for properties located at 21710, 201728, 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway to C-7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed-Use) zone. The three applications involve four properties and are proposing a mixed-use development incorporating three high rise buildings each attached to a six-storey building to accommodate approximately 1,510 residential units and 2,787 m2 of commercial space (30,000 ft2) (see Appendix A for subject properties). Between March 2023 and June 2, 2024, a total of four development concepts were presented to staff for their consideration. The most recent concept dated June 2, 2024, reduces the estimated overall residential density by approximately 50% to 755 -800 units by eliminating the three high rise buildings. The reduction in commercial floor area is not currently known due to the preliminary status of the project design concept. Further, the June 2, 2024 proposal does not address numerous urban design components that are being envisioned in the L TCAP, including: • the integration of a neighbourhood park; • provision of an internal municipal road that would result in the consolidation of accesses to underground parking; main access to the block via 117 Avenue; • integration of mid block pedestrian corridors running both east-west and north-south that integrate with a well defined public realm; • tree preservation; • potential of the site being a TOA and how the design would relate to the proximity of a BRT bus stop; • limited vehicular access from local streets to underground parking. 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 1 of 13 The location of the Transit Oriented Area (TOA), related density requirements and resulting impact on the form and character cannot be determined at this time as the location of the BRT bus stops have yet to be determined. Similarly, the road widening/dedication requirements required for BRT are yet to be established. L TCAP's new urban design standards that will provide the framework for council's and residents' vision for the area will not be confirmed until the updated L TCAP is adopted. Upon adoption of the L TCAP, major development applications of this type will be required to provide development concepts for the entire block, demonstrating how the proposed development fulfills the L TCAP's Development Permit design guidelines, development standards and vision for the area prior to proceeding to First and Second Readings of Rezoning. Recommendation: That staff be directed to proceed according to Option [l, 2, 3, or 4]. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: On February 1, 2023, rezoning applications were submitted to rezone the properties located at 21710, 21728, 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway (see Appendix A) from RS-1 to C-7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed-Use), under the following file numbers: 2023-019-RZ, 2023-020-RZ and 2023-021-RZ. On March 7, 2023, a development concept for 21710/21728 Lougheed Highway under application 2023- 019-RZ was presented at a Committee of the Whole (CoW) Meeting (see Appendix C) and received First reading the same day at a Regular Council Meeting. On March 28, 2023, applications 2023-020-RZ (21668 Lougheed Highway -see Appendix D) and 2023-021- RZ (21698 Lougheed Highway -see Appendix E) were presented at a COW Meeting and received First Reading the same day. The overall combined concept proposed three high rise buildings each attached to a six-storey low rise apartment building with a combined approximate yield of 1,510 residential units and 2,787 m2 of commercial space (30,000 ft2). Due to the conceptual nature of the proposal at time of First Reading, the applications were not reviewed by City staff and detailed departmental comments not provided, this being the standard procedure at the time. In July 2023, the City moved from separated First & Second Readings to Combined First & Second Readings for rezoning applications. With the new combined process, substantially more detailed information is required for an application to proceed to Council. 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 2 of 13 Several items were not considered in compliance with City standards. These included municipal road access, equitable development potential for adjacent properties, access to adjacent sites within the same block, pedestrian routes, park dedication, design of public realm, access to underground parking and massing and impact on adjacent land uses. At the March 7, 2023 COW meeting, there was discussion about a joint master plan of all three applications being pursued to accommodate shifting of development density and to accommodate elements such as a rear access road as MOTi restricts access to Lougheed Hwy. First Reading of the zone amending bylaws were given prior to the LTCAP formal review and BRT discussions being initiated. b) Neighbourhood Land use Context This section discusses the permitted land uses as per the current OCP land use designations. The subject properties are currently designated 'Commercial', except for the southern portions of 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway which are designated Urban Residential in the OCP. The Commercial designation permits general commercial land uses which differ from retail uses that are found in the Town Centre. Permitted uses include the development of centres that accommodate, automobile, pedestrian and transit services and will integrate into the transit corridor character of the area. This differs from the Town Centre Commercial designation which is intended to create a compact and vibrant commercial area that is pedestrian oriented with mixed use buildings with residential above. Mixed-use buildings in the town centre shall be encouraged to integrate a mix of commercial uses at ground level that includes, retail, service, and entertainment uses. The Urban Residential land use designation permits a range of housing types within the Urban Area Boundary. Under the Lougheed Transit Corridor Area Plan (LTCAP) it is anticipated that this area will enable future development that establishes a vibrant mixed-use neighbourhood, offering a diverse range of amenities, services, and employment opportunities to enhance community vitality and strengthen connectivity. c) Work to Date This section outlines the modified concepts proposed to Staff from July 2023 to June 2024. Second Concept Submission by Applicant A second revised development concept was submitted in July 2023 (see Appendix F). The concept plari was modified to consist of three high rises and additional free standing six-storey apartment buildings. The revised proposal integrated a large amount of surface parking which is not in compliance with the vision for the area. Revisions also included the introduction an east-west lane south of Lougheed Highway. The location of the lane was too close to Lougheed Hwy. and was not supported by staff. The proposed lane location issue has not been resolved. Three accesses to Lougheed Highway are proposed which conflicts 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 3 of 13 with MOTl's requirement of restricted access. The applicant eliminated the Highway access in the next submission. The amount of land allocated to the pedestrian realm proposed was insufficient with an overabundance of surface parking. The shortfall of land allocated at grade to both public and private amenity space was not addressed in the following submission; however, the amount of surface parking was addressed. Project statistics were not provided with the second submission. Staff assumed the overall density was similar to the original proposal. Future Vision for the Area A1.0 The future vision for the area is currently being formulated through the Lougheed Highway Transit Corridor . Area Plan draft urban design guidelines and a summary of the area vision's key design elements is found here and under 'City of Maple Ridge Concept Plan Provided to Applicant May 30, 2024.' By January 2024, work on L TCAP had advanced. Staff met with the applicant on January 10, 2024 and outlined preliminary required development parameters resulting from the work to date. These development parameters included a 1.5 acre park to be located within the block, the detailed location to be determined, a conceptual development plan for the entire block, both east-west and north-south mid block pedestrian greenway corridors to be provided, retention of significant trees, integration of storm water management via best management practices, geotechnical study as per the Fraser River Escarpment Policy, a storm water management plan, sanitary sewer capacity study, water analysis study, and traffic impact analysis. It was recommended that the applicant consolidate the three applications into one and acquire additional property to provide main access to the development from 117 Avenue. An analysis of the block's potential land assembly units was requested along with addressing access to adjacent properties not currently included in the development. Third Concept Submission by Applicant A third revised development concept submission was received on February 13, 2024. The concept consisted of three high rises and was modified to eliminate the surface parking adding larger six-storey buildings and reconfiguring the building layout. (see Appendix G). An additional north-south potential strata road/lane was added to connect to 117 Avenue. The east-west lane or strata access road is inadequate to service the proposed density and remained in approximately the same location. The pedestrian connectivity and public realm areas remained insufficient. The applicant refused at this time to consider the provision of a park within the development or the City block. The provision of land dedicated to amenities and the public realm at grade was inadequate given the City's proposed Urban Tree Canopy target, climate change best management practices and Fraser River Escarpment Policy 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 4 of 13 practices. Retention of specimen trees was not considered as well as consideration for Lougheed Highway road dedication and setbacks. • :Ii fi·· -.:·--~~ -•-:-· -· -·•-•-•· . IUOUV .• 4~10SlY .,.. • -,. ' UT0'-1/• ·, ~ The applicant did not address the issue of limiting access to local roads by means of providing internal vehicular circulation within the block. The numerous accesses to the local roads negatively impacts adjacent land uses and raises safety concerns. City of Maple Ridge Concept Plan Provided to Applicant May 30. 2024 During March and April 2024 City staff, with the assistance of a professional urban design consultant, prepared a conceptual development plan for the City block taking into consideration both the applicant's project goals and the City's design parameters and vision for the area (see Appendix H). The applicant's project parameters included: acknowledging the limits of the subject site boundaries, a need to phase the development, maximize layout efficiencies and densities, and have both high rise and six-storey buildings. The City's design parameters included future L TCAP Development Permit Area urban design guidelines and the design parameters shared at the January 2024 meeting with the applicant. On May 30, 2024, City staff met with the applicant and provided a copy of the City's conceptual development plan as prepared in the staff workshop led by a third party professional urban design consultant. LOUCrHfEQ HWY 1 =--m~ ·-1- 1 CJ'jF,~-.-. i i I : -~--' J -~,! -bs i ~ ~-~~2~1s;s,. [~ ~ri~~\ ~~Fffi;rn~~......,.,~= i ,, ' ~ [. ~!lbi~ .r.=,,,___ ! _· : -= ;~7:. .. r,m.,---!.,:/ , I MAIN £~77/Y • .. ____ . uRMru CONC EPr 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 5 of 13 The City's proposed conceptual development plan accommodated phasing the project with road access from 117 Avenue integrating both high rises and six-storey buildings keeping in mind the applicant's goals were to be matched and or balanced with the forthcoming L TCAP draft urban design guideline requirements and proposed neighbourhood amenities. The City's objectives included the requirement of a 1.5-acre park in the block servicing 2,000+ units proposed in the same block. A concept was proposed that would see 1/3 of the park acquired from the subject property and 2/3's acquired from adjacent properties. The location of the proposed park integrated the retention of a cluster of significant trees. Municipal road access off of 117 Avenue provided access to underground parkades throughout the block, which reduced access from adjacent local roads. This was a requirement as future adjacent land uses include townhouses to the south. The City's concept plan demonstrated how adjacent sites could be assembled and developed independently, it incorporated the desired east-west and north-south pedestrian connectivity, provided a well-developed public realm concept, as well as accommodated private amenity spaces at grade. Lougheed Highway potential road dedication and updated setbacks were considered. Applicant's Fourth Site Plan Submitted to City on June 2, 2024 On June 2, 2024, the applicant submitted a revised site plan to City staff (see Appendix I). The plan proposed a significant reduction to the overall density which staff estimate reduced the density by approximately 50% from the original 1,500 units to approximately 755-800. The revised proposal showed only six-storey buildings and no high-rise buildings. The east-west lane/strata road was relocated south at the 216 Street intersection however was not relocated at 218 Street. Numerous City design parameters which were previously noted to the applicant were not reflected in the revised concept. The proposed concept does not adequately address the following: • • • • • • • • • • restricted access to Lougheed Highway (Plan shows three accesses) inclusion of an internal municipal road with access from 117 Avenue limited access to local roads for underground parking consolidated internal access to underground parking park dedication, a portion to be provided by the subject application (approximately l/3rd) and equitable distribution of the park across adjacent properties road dedication required along Lougheed Highway setbacks from Lougheed Highway provision of tree retention provision of adequate public realm space provision of adequate private amenity space at grade 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Al.0 Page 6 of 13 Should the BRT station location shift to 216 Street, this area could be identified as a future Transit Oriented Area (TOA), and the overall density would need to be reviewed. Although a range of densities would likely be permitted, it is a strategic planning principle to encourage maximizing densities at such locations. BRT discussions with Translink and MOTi are in the early stages. Interim and ultimate road standards and dedication requirements are all under review and subject to confirmation. These standards are not known currently particularly with the potential bus station locations being under review. Road cross sections will be wider in the immediate vicinity of the bus stops which impacts the development potential of fronting properties. d) Next Steps Staff have reviewed the modified conceptual plans provided. Four concept plans have been proposed from March 28, 2023 to June 2, 2024 with three being from the applicant and one generated through a staff workshop facilitated by the City's consultant on urban design. The June 2, 2024 concept plan varies substantially in terms of density and form and character in comparison to the proposal that was presented to council in March of 2023. The revised development proposal accommodates approximately 50% of the residential density of the original proposal that received first reading with the form and character eliminating all high-rise buildings. One concept plan was provided to the applicant on May 30, 2024 by City staff outlining the vision for the block in terms of goals, objectives, and urban design and engineering design parameters. To date the applicant's proposal does not address many of these requirements. The City's vision for the immediate area is still in a state of evolution with LTCAP targeted to be brought to council and public consultation undertaken this fall and thus the related policies are not yet adopted by Council. The City is in the early stages of BRT discussions with Translink and MOTi with the goal of working out the BRT laning, road cross sections and dedication requirements. In consideration of the foregoing, staff respectfully seek Council's direction on how to proceed with the respective applications. There are four options. The pros and cons for each option are discussed in terms of the applicant's as well as the City's perspective in the following section. Option 1 That council denies the application at this time and staff be directed to advise the applicant. Applicant's Perspective (Option 1): Pros 1. Save time and money in professional consulting fees by limiting the number of revisions to the proposal. Cons 1. Increased carrying costs. 2. Delay in getting finished product to market. 3. Project would proceed under new DCC's and a revised BC Building Code. 4. Request to have the three applications consolidated into one could create complications for applicant's financing. 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 7 of 13 City of Maple Ridge Perspective (Option 1): Pros 1. This option allows staff to assemble the required key information regarding planning, parks and engineering requirements prior to an application proceeding 2. Negotiations regarding park acquisition can commence in a timely manner. 3. This option allows the staff review of the application to be in a more positive and comprehensive context as the project design parameters will be known with the completion of the preliminary BRT design and adoption of L TCAP by Council. 4. Staff are able to better integrate the volume of work into the departmental workflows. 5. Consolidation of the three applications allows for a more comprehensive and innovative approach to design, potential configuration of buildings and future subdivision potential. Cons 1. The City experiences a delay in having new housing come to market. Option 2 Advise the applicant that the current proposal is premature and cannot be supported by council at this time until additional information and standards are confirmed . through the L TCAP public consultation process and BRT design process. Applicant's Perspective (Option 2): Pros 1. Save time and money in professional consulting fees by limiting the number of revisions to the proposal. 2. The applicant receives comments and direction from City staff in a positive context as the application advances through the rezoning and DP process. Cons 1. Higher carrying costs 2. Delay in getting finished product to market. 3. Project would proceed under new DCC's and a revised BC Building Code. 4. Request to have the three applications consolidated into one could create complications for applicant's financing. City of Maple Ridge Perspective (Option 2): Pros 1. This option allows staff to assemble the required key information regarding planning, parks and engineering requirements prior to an application proceeding 2. Negotiations regarding park acquisition can commence in a timely manner. 3. This option allows the staff review of the application to be in a more positive and comprehensive context as the project design parameters will be known with the completion of the preliminary BRT design and adoption of L TCAP by Council. 4. Staff are able to better integrate the volume of work into the departmental workflows. 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 8 of 13 5. Consolidation of the three applications allows for a more comprehensive and innovative approach to design, potential configuration of buildings and future subdivision potential. Cons 1. The City experiences a delay in having new housing come to market. Option 3 Direct staff to work alongside of the developer to reconsider and revise the layout to better address the City's vision for the immediate area by incorporating the City's urban design and engineering requirements through the refinement and enhancement of design elements. Applicant's Perspective (Option 3): Pros 1. Save time and money in professional consulting fees by limiting the number of revisions to the proposal. 2. The applicant receives comments and direction from City staff in a positive context as the application advances through the rezoning and DP process in compliance with the City's requirements and vision for the area. 3. This approach would also allow for better integration of the development with the future uses of the surrounding area. Cons 1. This option may still involve the applicant having to assume dedication of the maximum estimated Lougheed Hwy road dedication requirement to address all stakeholder agency requirements for BRT in their design concepts. MOTi will not provide dedication requirements until BRT design negotiations are complete. 2. This option will involve longer processing time and holding costs for the applicant. 3. Project would proceed under new DCC's and a revised BC Building Code. 4. Staff would require the three applications to be consolidated into one, which could create complications for the applicant as the three applications are in different corporate names. City of Maple Ridge Perspective (Option 3): Pros 1. This approach would involve one application to allow for effective coordination for building design, public open space, roads or infrastructure, by eliminating the possibility of different owners pursuing different applications at different times. 2. This approach allows staff to assemble the required key information regarding planning and engineering requirements to the applicant as it becomes available. This option allows the staff review of the application to be in a more positive and comprehensive context as the project is designed in compliance with the City's requirements as it progresses. MOTi will not provide dedication requirements until BRT negotiations are complete. 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 9 of 13 3. Staff are able to better integrate the volume of work into the departmental workflows. Consolidation of the three applications allows for a more comprehensive approach to design, potential configuration of buildings and future subdivision potential. Cons 1. In absence of LTCAP and the BRT preliminary negotiations not being complete, it presents a challenge to staff to process the application in compliance with the standard City workflow. 2. This option will involve delays in the flow of information regarding engineering standards as a result BRT work and of density requirements as a result of defining the location and boundaries of the potential TOA. Th is contributes to challenging ti meli nes and the dealing with applicant's expectations in regards to response time. Option 4 Direct staff to process the current development application concept from June 20, 2024 as presented independent of the L TCAP and BRT work that is underway and in absence of L TCAP not having final adoption and the BRT conceptual design not being ratified by all stakeholders. Applicant Perspective (Option 4): Pros 1. Although it is not feasible for the applicant to make a building permit application in December 2024 due to the time required to prepare in sequence development permit drawings, have them approved and then produce complete building permit drawings in compliance with the City's acceptance policy, this option may offer a more expedient municipal approval schedule should the City agree to expedite the rezoning and development permit applications. 2. The applicant would be benefitted by getting units to the market for sale earlier. 3. The applicant may have reduced carrying costs based on the application being expedited and proceeding under this scenario. Cons 1. The applicant will still need to work with City staff to address in the least the minimum acceptable road access, dedications, park requirements, tree retention, landscape design, public realm design, impact on adjacent land uses and all utility and geotechnical requirements. 2. The applicant will need to assume the maximum estimated road dedication along Lougheed Highway (worst case scenarios) to ensure that the BRT can be fully accommodated. This could result in 'over dedication which would result in a reduction of unit entitlement.' 3. Should the applicant proceed to prepare a full set of DP drawings based on the current proposal which does not comply with the City's urban design and engineering requirements, staff would review the proposal and require revisions to the architectural, landscape and preliminary storm water management plans. The process of undertaking these revisions would be costly and time consuming for the applicant. 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 10 of 13 4. The Applicant has indicated that they have a target date to submit the building permit before December 2024 to avoid DCC increases and changes to the BC Building Code. This will require a DP Form and Character application to be processed concurrently with rezoning. a) Current land development industry and Planning Department turn around times do not indicate that this is achievable. For example: b) Applicant preparation of DP package for a project of this magnitude -4 months c) Preparation of required engineering utility capacity reports, storm water management, geotechnical report -3 months. d) City staff turn around time to review all of the above is a typically 3 months for the first submission and to provide comprehensive comments back to the applicant. e) This results in the applicant not being able to make a second submission of Development Permit for a minimum of 7 months which is January 2025. f) Three submissions of DP drawings is standard prior to a DP proceeding to council. Building Permit drawings then follow. Hence at best building permit drawing would not be able to be made until well into 2025. 5. Project may proceed under new DCC's and a revised BC Building Code. Note that building permits need to be issued withing one year of the new DCC rate for in-stream applications. City of Maple Ridge Perspective (Option 4): Pros 1. This development would create a substantial number of market-oriented multi family units. 2. The unit count would be applied to the provincial housing targets set for the City. Cons 1. The current June 2, 2024 proposal still Lnvolves three different applications which are separate and may not able to be effectively coordinated for building design, public open space, roads or infrastructure. This would particularly be an issue as there is no assurance that three applications do not proceed together as there would be the possibility of different owners pursuing different applications at different times. 2. L TCAP -It is unknown if this site is a Transit Oriented Area (TOA) as legislated by the Province due to discussions on bus stop locations. This requirement has mandatory density and urban design criteria associated with it but will offer the flexibility of a range. Negotiations have just recently commenced with Translink in reviewing the bus stop locations. The most recent proposal's density may not fully meet the TOA requirements once the province has finalized locational and design requirements. 3. L TCAP as well as the vision and urban design guidelines that will guide the development for this area have not yet been to public consultation and received Council adoption. 4. BRT -Two unknowns are associated with the BRT that will impact this site. The location of the bus stations will impact the required road dedications in the immediate vicinity and the actual design of the road cross section based on the infrastructure requirements. 5. This option does not fulfill the City's current urban design and engineering requirements nor the anticipated L TCAP's vision for the area . 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 11 of 13 6. In light of the above four major design parameters being unknown at this time, it is feasible that the applicant does not have any advantage or benefit in expediting their application. It may be simpler and more cost effective to process the application concurrently when the findings of these items are known by the City. 7. To assist the applicant in expediting this application, staff would need to give this project priority which would involve a reallocation of staff resources from active files in the queue. 8. There are no rental or affordable housing units proposed at this time, despite Council's policies on demolition of rental housing and mobile parks. 9. Current site design proposes traffic circulation that would have a high impact on adjacent properties in the area located across the local road network. 10. This approach creates a challenging work environment for staff as they are being asked to provide development guidance in absence of known development standards. CONCLUSION: On February 1, 2023, three rezoning applications were submitted to rezone the properties located at 21710, 21728, 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway (see Appendix A) from RS-1 to C-7 (Lougheed Transit Corridor High Density Mixed-Use). Since then, three additional concept plans have been submitted to the City up to and including June 2, 2024. The most recent concept plan -from June 2, 2024 -varies substantially in terms of density and form and character in comparison to the proposal that was presented to Council in March of 2023. In summary, the most recent proposal is estimated to reduce the overall density of the project by approximately 50% from the original proposed 1,510 multi family residential units to approximately 755 -800. The applicant's proposed conceptual changes to the potential commercial area is not known at this time as the project design is still in the conceptual stages. The original floor area of the commercial space was 2,787m 2• The proposal eliminates the high rise component that was contained in the original proposal. The June 2, 2024 proposal does not address numerous urban design components that are being envisioned in the L TCAP. These include: • the integration of a neighbourhood park; • provision of an internal municipal road that would result in the consolidation of accesses to underground parking; main access to the block via 117 Avenue; • integration of mid block pedestrian corridors running both east-west and north-south that integrate with a well defined public realm; • tree preservation; • potential of the site being a TOA and how the design would relate to the proximity of a BRT bus stop; • limited vehicular access from local streets to underground parking. The purpose of this report is to update Council on the changes in proposed density to the respective rezoning applications and to seek Council's direction to staff and the developer on how to proceed with the applications 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 12 of 13 based on the revised density and urban design. Additionally, planning for the Lougheed Highway Transit Corridor Area Plan is underway and proposed land use designations, concepts, design guidelines, park locations, greenway locations, public realm requirements, and engineering requirements are all under review and subject to change. Finally, the City is in early discussions with the Ministry ofTransportation and Infrastructure (MOTi) and Translink to determine the BRT-Bus Rapid Transit requirements for the Lougheed Highway corridor. Th is includes bus station locations, road cross section and dedication requirements, bike lane standards and the integration and location of the Transit Oriented Area (TOA) as per provincial legislation. Staff are now seeking Council direction on how to proceed with these applications. "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Prepared by: Marlene Best, RPP, MA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Subject Property Map Appendix B: OCP and L TCAP Land Use Designation Maps Appendix C: March 7, 2023 -CoW and Regular Council Meeting Proposal (2023-019-RZ) Appendix D: March 28, 2023 -Cow and Regular Council Meeting Proposal (2023-020-RZ) Appendix E: March 28, 2023 -CoW and Regular Council Meeting Proposal (2023-021-RZ) Appendix F: Revised Proposal by the Applicant -July 2023 Appendix G: Master Plan by Applicant, February 2024 Appendix H: City of Maple Ridge Conceptual Development Plan, May 30, 2024 Appendix I: Master Plan by the Applicant -June 2024 2023-019-RZ / 2023-020-RZ/ 2023-021-RZ Page 13 of 13 (/ ) () Ql ~ j\ J (] l 0 0 z[ : > fiJ , L 1t - .. 1 - ~ . -E 1-1c ;~ l . ·--- 1-I~ "' ,~ - --- r~ I -] O: ! J )> r -- j m rn ui C... 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';'., .'.. . -.: .. ,. .i, ~ --- .- . : ~ -- -_ _, ,, ff ; ~ , , r i: ' __ ) ---J -- '-0 ~ \_ __ .. ·uRMru Appendix H: City of Maple Ridge Conceptual Development Plan, May 30, 2024 lOUu-1-lffO HWY .+. ~~ MAIN ENTRY ·--~------------ llPNB CONCEP.r ·tl')i? !) t>r-;-F.YT'\l ' ~ "'.,,,r f ,<.> -\ ,, J ~ OF ;;·w *~ ~ • L_ ~N )> "'ti "'ti m z 0 >< ::c )> Appendix I: Master Plan by the Applicant -June 2024 --t::;::.-=~-=-=..:::.ti..s..:s~.=3:~:'!t'>lit=~t:;;:~~==::=;m---! I ,L - I ~ ~ ' I l I;, '9 I r 1,-:-,t::::::~:==-3,~=:;;~q= ,_;;;-~~-~-'!l_, t+J _J ! I !· ' i ' I ~~ I 1 " ll _r;-.-------- 1 , I_:: e : t·Cr~-----r'-1'""-1 _______ / '-'--"-----'~.-~ --------- ~'S..: MIX'.JSE0::VAT 21668.21692 s:~ 217i0, :.!1728 LOt.GH:.Ec -{'\'VV 1 f✓:f1PLE RJO!it: :iG cutm ;..pN,\ r..:zot.P FLAl. ARCHITECTURE)/ APPENDIX I .~:P,, ;,/ -..__.-' ,. APPLICANT SUBMISSION Submitted by the developer, Dalvir Sanghera Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. EXISTING CHILDCARE BUILDING HOTEL / MOTEL RESTAURANTRETAIL / COMMERCIAL GAS STATION RETAIL / COMMERCIAL HOTEL CHURCH RETAIL / COMMERCIAL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 1PROJECT 2PROJECT 3 RETAIL / COMMERCIAL 117 AVENUE LOUGHEED HWY 21 6 S T R E E T 21 8 S T R E E T PROJECT 3 MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 25-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.0 SITE CONTEXT R.W APPLICATION NO͗ 2Ϭ23ͲϬ1ϵͲR APPLICATION NO͗ 2Ϭ23ͲϬ21ͲR APPLICATION NO͗ 2Ϭ23ͲϬ2ϬͲR PROJECT 2 PROJECT 1 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL EXISTING RESIDENTIAL FUTURE 6 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING INCLUDING COMMERCIAL MIX USE DEVELOPMENTS AT 21688͕ 216ϵ8͕ 2171ϬͲ21728 LOUGHEED HWY MAPLE RIDGE BC Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 23-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.1 RATIONALE DESIGN R.W THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE DEVELOPMENT OF THREE PARCELS. THERE ARE TOTAL OF 3 PROJECTS WITH THREE PHASES AS SHOWN IN DRAWINGS. T. THE SITE IS LOCATED AT 1100M FROM PORT HANEY STATION. IN THE PLAZA SETTING, IT WILL PROVIDE SPACES FOR LIVING, MOVING, COMMUNITY INTERACTION AND PLAY. THE LANDSCAPING ELEMENTS WOULD BE DESIGNED WITH LITTLE TO NO MAINTENANCE REQUIRED ALONG INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SIDES OF THE PARCELS. THE PROPOSED CYCLING AND PEDESTRIAN NETWORK THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT INTENDS TO RESPOND AND FORMALIZE THE PUBLIC WALKWAY ALONG THE EAST-WEST IN MIDDLE OF THE PARCELS RUNNING FROM 218ST FROM 217 STREET AS THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT WILL INCLUDE A RANGE OF UNIT TYPOLOGIES,INCLUDING FAMILY-ORIENTED UNITS AND A DAYCARE, SPACES FOR BOTH UNSTRUCTURED AND MORE FORMAL GROUNDS FOR CHILD PLAY HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED IN TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THERE WILL BE SOCIAL PLAZA FOR COMMERCIAL AS WELL AS PRIVATE AMENITY SPACES FOR RESIDENTIAL ALONG THE INTERNAL NODES OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS. BALCONIES WILL BE STRATEGICALLY INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN TO REINFORCE THE ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT WHILE ENSURING PRIVATE OPEN SPACE ARE PROVIDED TO ALL RESIDENTS. PRIVATE OUTDOOR SPACES LANDSCAPING THAT IDENTIFIES PUBLIC, PRIVATE AND SEMI-PRIVATE SPACESWITHOUT ERECTING HIGH WALLS, FENCES OR HEDGES WILL BE USED. HE PRINCIPLE ENTRANCE FOR EACH OF THE BUILDINGS WILL FACE THESTREET,ORIENTED TO REFLECT THE EXISTING AND PREDOMINANT PATTERN OF THESTREET. SECONDARY ENTRANCES TO COMMERCIAL UNITS AT GRADE AS WELL ASAMENITY SPACES INCLUDING DAY CARE WILL BE FACING OPEN SPACES TOINTERACT WITH PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLING PATHS. THIS WILL ENCOURAGEINTERACTION BETWEEN NEIGHBOURS. THE BUILDING ENTRANCES WILL BE USED TO ESTABLISH A DESIRABLE AND STRONG RESIDENTIAL IDENTITY FOR THE PROPOSED 6 STOREY DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTING POSITIVELY TO THE LOCAL STREETSCAPES AND INTEGRATING INTO THE OVERALL BUILDING FACADE SIGN INDIVIDUAL ACCESS TO THE COMMERCIAL TO BE PROVIDED ALONG LOUGHEED HWY AREA TO ANIMATE THE STREET EDGE AND CREATE THE RHYTHM OF OPENINGS ALONG THE HWY ENTRANCES PARKING UNDERGROUND PARKING WILL BE SHARED FOR BUILDINGS WITHIN ONE PROJECT AND IS ACCESSIBLE FROM 117 AVE SIDE THE PRIMARY DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IS TO BE FOCUSED ON CREATING AN INVITING AND COMMUNITY-ORIENTED SPACE THAT IS HOME TO PEOPLE OF ALL AGES,CULTURES AND BACKGROUNDS. KEEPING IN MIND THE DISTINCTIVE URBAN CHARACTER OF EXISTING NEIGHOURHOOD AND THE DESIGN INTENT OF THE PROJECT REVOLVES AROUND CREATING AN ACCESSIBLE NEIGHBORHOOD THAT GUIDES THE FUTURE ENDEAVORS AROUND THE HANEY PASS AREA. THE MAIN PROJECTS AT GRADE LEVEL IS TO DIFFERENTIATE FROM UPPER LEVELS ALONG LOUGHEED HWY FROM COMMERCIAL FROM RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS. ARCHITECTURE. THE SITE IS LOCATED ON LOUGHEED HWY BETWEEN 216 ST AND 218 STREET. THE MAIN ACESSS TO THE PARKING TO BE FROM 117 STREET ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF THE SUBJECT PARCELS. SITE CONTEXT THE PROPOSED MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT CONSISTS OF COMMERCIAL UNITS AT THE GROUND LEVEL AND FIVE-STOREY RESIDENTIAL UNITS ABOVE FOR ALL THE THREE PARCELS, COMBINATION OF EATERIES, CHILD CARE FACILITY AND RETAIL AMONG THE CRU'S AT THE GROUND LEVEL COMPLIES WITH THE OCP DESIGNATION. PROJECT DOSCRIPTION DEQUATE NON-GLARE LIGHTING AT BUILDING AND PEDESTRIAN LEVEL LIGHTING INCORPORATED INTO LANDSCAPING ASSIST IN FACIAL RECOGNITION AND CONTRIBUTE TOSAFETY. CPTED STRATEGY ͗ CLEAR SIGHT LINES AND LIMITED HIDING SPOTS ARE CONSIDERED AND IMPLEMENTED NATURAL TERRITORIAL REINFORCEMENT THROUGH CAREFUL SITE PLANNINGAND DESIGN OF INTERFACE CONTRIBUTE TO A SENSE OF SAFETY FOR THE OCCUPANTS PUBLIC REALM LOU G H E E D H W Y PRO J E C T 1 PRO J E C T 2 PRO J E C T 3 CYCLING AND PEDESTRIAN PATH͗ CHILDREN'S PLAY͗ ORIENTATION͗ PUBLIC SOCIAL PLAZA ALONG INTERNAL PEDESTRIAN NODE PRIVATE SPACES PRIVATE SPACES PRIVATE SPACES CHURCH RETAIL /COMMERCIAL 117 AVENUE LOUGHEED HWY 21 6 S T R E E T 21 8 S T R E E T PROJECT SITE Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 23-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.1A IMAGES CONTEXT R.W 73651 8 4 VIEW 1 VIEW 2 VIEW 3 VIEW 6 VIEW 5 VIEW 4 VIEW 8 VIEW 7 2 Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. PROJECT NOR NOR RETAIL / COMMERCIAL RETAIL SOCIAL PLAZA SOCIAL PLAZA OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY 6M WIDE WALKWAY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY LOUGHEED HWY LANDSCAPE BUFFER AC C E S S L A N E 8.1m [26'-6"] 6M WIDE WALKWAY 6M WIDE WALKWAY PROJECT ϯ PROJECT 2 PROJECT 1 RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY LANDSCAPE BUFFER LANDSCAPE BUFFER LANDSCAPE BUFFER LANDSCAPE BUFFER LANDSCAPE BUFFERLANDSCAPE BUFFER MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 23-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.2 CONTEXT PLAN DATA SHEET R.W RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY OUTDOOR AMENITY FUTURE SHOW SUITE LOCATION OUTDOOR AMENITY Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. RETAIL / COMMERCIAL MIX USE / 6 STOREY SOCIAL PLAZA SOCIAL PLAZA OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR SOCIAL PLAZA OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY 6M WIDE WALKWAY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY LANDSCAPE BUFFER AC C E S S L A N E 6M WIDE WALKWAY 6M WIDE WALKWAY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY MIX USE / 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY OUTDOOR AMENITY OUTDOOR AMENITY LANDSCAPE BUFFER LANDSCAPE BUFFER LANDSCAPE BUFFERLANDSCAPE BUFFER RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION VEHICULAR CIRCULATION 117 AVENUE 21 6 S T R E E T 21 8 T H S T R E E T LOUGHEED HIGHWAY RETAIL / COMMERCIAL SUBJECT PROPERTY DEV. FUTURE PROPERTY DEV. MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 23-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.4 CONTEXT PLAN R.W FUTURE SHOW SUITE LOCATION PROJECT NOR NOR Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY 117 AVENUE 21 6 S T R E E T 21 8 T H S T R E E T LOUGHEED HIGHWAY PROJECT ϯ PROJECT 2 PROJECT 1 SUBJECT PROPERTIES SU B J E C T P R O P E R T I E S MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 23-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.3 CONTEXT PLAN R.W FUTURE SHOW SUITE LOCATION APPL NO ͗ 2Ϭ2ϯͲϬ1ϵͲRAPPL NO ͗ 2Ϭ2ϯͲϬ21ͲRAPPL NO ͗ 2Ϭ2ϯͲϬ2ϬͲR PROJECT NOR NOR Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY 117 AVENUE 21 6 S T R E E T 21 8 T H S T R E E T LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 23-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.5 CONTEXT PLAN R.W FUTURE SHOW SUITE LOCATION PROJECT NOR NOR Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY MIX USE 6 STOREY 1 1 7 A V E N U E 216 STREET LO U G H E E D H I G H W A Y RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY SUBJECT PROPERTIES SHOWN IN 6 STOREY AS LIGHT BLUE COLOR BOXES MIX USE 6 STOREY RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 23-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.3 VIEWS R.W PROJECT NOR NOR Unit 209- 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC, V3X 1G1 www.flatarchitecture.ca contact@flatarchitecture.ca Ph: 604-503-4484 RE V DE S C R I P T I O N BY DA T E DATE PR O J E C T I N F O : PROJECT NO: SCALE:DRAWN BY: CL I E N T : 1. SUBJECT PROPERTIES SHOWN IN 6 STOREY AS LIGHT BLUE COLOR BOXES RESIDENTIAL 6 STOREY MIX USE 6 STOREY 11 7 A V E N U E 218 S T R E E T MI X U S E D E V A T 2 1 6 8 8 , 2 1 6 9 8 , 2 1 7 1 0 21 7 2 8 L O U G H E E D H W Y MA P L E R I D G E B C 23-Jun-24 AP N A G R O U P A 0.3 VIEWS R.W PROJECT NOR NOR