HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-26 Council Meeting Minutes.pdf District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETINGCOUNCIL MEETINGCOUNCIL MEETINGCOUNCIL MEETING June 26, 2007 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on June 26, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor G. Robson J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor E. Daykin M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Councillor J. Dueck Parks and Recreation Services Councillor A. Hogarth P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services Councillor L. King F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Councillor C. Speirs Services Councillor K. Stewart J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The meeting was filmed by Shaw Communications Inc. 100 CALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERSOPENING PRAYERSOPENING PRAYERSOPENING PRAYERS 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMSINTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMSINTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMSINTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS - Nil 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDAAPPROVAL OF THE AGENDAAPPROVAL OF THE AGENDAAPPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved as circulated Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 2 of 14 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTESADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTESADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTESADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES R/07-316 501 Minutes Council Meeting It was moved and seconded June 12, 2007 That the mThat the mThat the mThat the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of inutes of the Regular Council Meeting of inutes of the Regular Council Meeting of inutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 12June 12June 12June 12, , , , 2007 be adopted as circulated2007 be adopted as circulated2007 be adopted as circulated2007 be adopted as circulated CARRIED R/07-317 502 Minutes Development Agmts It was moved and seconded Committee That the minutes oThat the minutes oThat the minutes oThat the minutes of the Development Agreements Committee f the Development Agreements Committee f the Development Agreements Committee f the Development Agreements Committee Meetings ofMeetings ofMeetings ofMeetings of June 5, 6, 7, 8(2), 15, 19, June 5, 6, 7, 8(2), 15, 19, June 5, 6, 7, 8(2), 15, 19, June 5, 6, 7, 8(2), 15, 19, 2007 be received.2007 be received.2007 be received.2007 be received. CARRIED 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL - Nil 700 DELEGATIONSDELEGATIONSDELEGATIONSDELEGATIONS 701 Haney Farmers’ Market SocietyHaney Farmers’ Market SocietyHaney Farmers’ Market SocietyHaney Farmers’ Market Society ---- Cathy Hiebert, Chair; Elke KnechCathy Hiebert, Chair; Elke KnechCathy Hiebert, Chair; Elke KnechCathy Hiebert, Chair; Elke Knechttttel, el, el, el, Co ChairCo ChairCo ChairCo Chair Elke Knechtel gave a PowerPoint presentation detailing the achievements of the Haney Farmers’ Market. It was also reported that the market had received a Community Heritage Commission Award. 702 Maple RidgeMaple RidgeMaple RidgeMaple Ridge----Pitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory CommiPitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory CommiPitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory CommiPitt Meadows Bicycle Advisory Committeetteetteettee ---- Dave Rush, ChairDave Rush, ChairDave Rush, ChairDave Rush, Chair Dave Rush, Chair, gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the work done by the Bicycle Advisory Committee to encourage the use of bicycles. Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 3 of 14 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESSUNFINISHED BUSINESSUNFINISHED BUSINESSUNFINISHED BUSINESS 801 DVP/112/06, 23840 River RoadDVP/112/06, 23840 River RoadDVP/112/06, 23840 River RoadDVP/112/06, 23840 River Road To vary the minimum width of a maneuvering aisle and to vary the maximum percentage of permitted car spaces in support of a two-storey building. The Manager of Legislative Services advised that no correspondence had been received on this item. R/07-318 DVP/112/06 It was moved and seconded Sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/112/06 respecting property located at 23840 River Road.DVP/112/06 respecting property located at 23840 River Road.DVP/112/06 respecting property located at 23840 River Road.DVP/112/06 respecting property located at 23840 River Road. CARRIED 802 DVP/033/06, 12329 and 12339 Hillside Street and 22210 and 22214 DVP/033/06, 12329 and 12339 Hillside Street and 22210 and 22214 DVP/033/06, 12329 and 12339 Hillside Street and 22210 and 22214 DVP/033/06, 12329 and 12339 Hillside Street and 22210 and 22214 124 Avenue124 Avenue124 Avenue124 Avenue To vary the front and rear setbacks, the size of the common activity area, the maximum percentage of permitted small car spaces, the width of the driveway aisle and to vary from 2.5 to 3 storeys to permit a 29-unit townhouse development. The Manager of Legislative Services advised that e-mails had been received from Pat Drummond and Cyrus and Anabeda Oliverio. R/07-319 DVP/033/06 It was moved and seconded Sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/033/06 respecting property located at DVP/033/06 respecting property located at DVP/033/06 respecting property located at DVP/033/06 respecting property located at 12329 and 12339 12329 and 12339 12329 and 12339 12329 and 12339 Hillside Street and 22210 and 22214 124 Avenue.Hillside Street and 22210 and 22214 124 Avenue.Hillside Street and 22210 and 22214 124 Avenue.Hillside Street and 22210 and 22214 124 Avenue. CARRIED 900 CORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCE - Nil Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 4 of 14 1000 BYBYBYBY----LAWSLAWSLAWSLAWS Bylaws for Final ReadingBylaws for Final ReadingBylaws for Final ReadingBylaws for Final Reading 1001 RZ/086/06, 22141 119 AvenueRZ/086/06, 22141 119 AvenueRZ/086/06, 22141 119 AvenueRZ/086/06, 22141 119 Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6443Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6443Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6443Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6443----2006200620062006 Staff report dated June 15, 2007 recommending final reading To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-1-00 (Comprehensive Development) to permit the construction of a seniors’ residential complex. Final reading. R/07-320 RZ/086/06 It was moved and seconded BL 6443-2006 That Bylaw That Bylaw That Bylaw That Bylaw No. No. No. No. 6443644364436443----2006 be adopted.2006 be adopted.2006 be adopted.2006 be adopted. CARRIED 1002 RZ/055/06, 24180 and 24208 102 AvenueRZ/055/06, 24180 and 24208 102 AvenueRZ/055/06, 24180 and 24208 102 AvenueRZ/055/06, 24180 and 24208 102 Avenue Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6432Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6432Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6432Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6432----2006200620062006 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6434Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6434Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6434Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6434----2006200620062006 Staff report dated June 18, 2007 recommending final reading To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to permit subdivision into approximately 24 lots. Final reading. R/07-321 RZ/055/06 It was moved and seconded BL 6434-2006 That That That That Bylaw No. 6434Bylaw No. 6434Bylaw No. 6434Bylaw No. 6434----2222006 be adopted.006 be adopted.006 be adopted.006 be adopted. CARRIED 1003 RZ/033/06, 12329/12339 Hillside Street and 22210/22214 124 AveRZ/033/06, 12329/12339 Hillside Street and 22210/22214 124 AveRZ/033/06, 12329/12339 Hillside Street and 22210/22214 124 AveRZ/033/06, 12329/12339 Hillside Street and 22210/22214 124 Ave Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6427Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6427Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6427Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6427----2006200620062006 Staff report dated June 19, 2007 recommending final reading To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit a 29 unit townhouse development. Final reading. R/07-322 RZ/033/06 It was moved and seconded BL 6427-2006 That That That That Bylaw No. 6427Bylaw No. 6427Bylaw No. 6427Bylaw No. 6427----2006 be adopted.2006 be adopted.2006 be adopted.2006 be adopted. CARRIED Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 5 of 14 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSCOMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSCOMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSCOMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTCOMMITTCOMMITTCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEEE OF THE WHOLEEE OF THE WHOLEEE OF THE WHOLE MinutesMinutesMinutesMinutes – June 18, 2007 R/07-323 Minutes – COW It was moved and seconded June 18, 2007 That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of June 18, 2007 be received.June 18, 2007 be received.June 18, 2007 be received.June 18, 2007 be received. CARRIED Public Works and Development ServicesPublic Works and Development ServicesPublic Works and Development ServicesPublic Works and Development Services 1101 RZ/121/0RZ/121/0RZ/121/0RZ/121/06666, 21544 and 21550 Donovan Avenue, RS, 21544 and 21550 Donovan Avenue, RS, 21544 and 21550 Donovan Avenue, RS, 21544 and 21550 Donovan Avenue, RS----1 and RS1 and RS1 and RS1 and RS----1b to R1b to R1b to R1b to R----1111 Staff report dated June 4, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6488-2007 to permit the subdivision of two parcels into three equal lots be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. R/07-324 RZ/121/06 It was moved and seconded BL 6488-2007 First reading That Bylaw No. 6488That Bylaw No. 6488That Bylaw No. 6488That Bylaw No. 6488----2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; andforwarded to Public Hearing; andforwarded to Public Hearing; andforwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following term and condition be met prior tThat the following term and condition be met prior tThat the following term and condition be met prior tThat the following term and condition be met prior to o o o finalfinalfinalfinal reading:reading:reading:reading: i)i)i)i) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation.Approval from the Ministry of Transportation.Approval from the Ministry of Transportation.Approval from the Ministry of Transportation. CARRIED 1102 RZ/119/06, 13080 240 Street, RSRZ/119/06, 13080 240 Street, RSRZ/119/06, 13080 240 Street, RSRZ/119/06, 13080 240 Street, RS----2 and RS2 and RS2 and RS2 and RS----3 to RS3 to RS3 to RS3 to RS----1b1b1b1b Staff report dated June 7, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6481-2007 to permit a subdivision into 5 single family lots be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 6 of 14 R/07-325 RZ/119/06 It was moved and seconded BL 6481-2007 First reading That Bylaw No. 6That Bylaw No. 6That Bylaw No. 6That Bylaw No. 6481481481481----2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; aforwarded to Public Hearing; aforwarded to Public Hearing; aforwarded to Public Hearing; andndndnd That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to ffffinalinalinalinal reading:reading:reading:reading: i)i)i)i) Registration of a Rezoning Services Agreement Registration of a Rezoning Services Agreement Registration of a Rezoning Services Agreement Registration of a Rezoning Services Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the including the deposit of security as outlined in the including the deposit of security as outlined in the including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement, which will include the trail construction;Agreement, which will include the trail construction;Agreement, which will include the trail construction;Agreement, which will include the trail construction; ii)ii)ii)ii) Registration of Registration of Registration of Registration of a Section 219 Covenant for a a Section 219 Covenant for a a Section 219 Covenant for a a Section 219 Covenant for a Geotechnical Report that addresses the suitability Geotechnical Report that addresses the suitability Geotechnical Report that addresses the suitability Geotechnical Report that addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development;of the site for the proposed development;of the site for the proposed development;of the site for the proposed development; iii)iii)iii)iii) Road dedication as required;Road dedication as required;Road dedication as required;Road dedication as required; iv)iv)iv)iv) Park dedication as required;Park dedication as required;Park dedication as required;Park dedication as required; v)v)v)v) Removal of existing buildings;Removal of existing buildings;Removal of existing buildings;Removal of existing buildings; vi)vi)vi)vi) Discharge of the Cross AcDischarge of the Cross AcDischarge of the Cross AcDischarge of the Cross Access Easement cess Easement cess Easement cess Easement Agreements (Plan 66735 and Plan 58430) from the Agreements (Plan 66735 and Plan 58430) from the Agreements (Plan 66735 and Plan 58430) from the Agreements (Plan 66735 and Plan 58430) from the property title.property title.property title.property title. CARRIED 1103 RZ/090/06, 23267 Silver Valley Road, 13750 232 Street, RSRZ/090/06, 23267 Silver Valley Road, 13750 232 Street, RSRZ/090/06, 23267 Silver Valley Road, 13750 232 Street, RSRZ/090/06, 23267 Silver Valley Road, 13750 232 Street, RS----3 to RS3 to RS3 to RS3 to RS----1, 1, 1, 1, RSRSRSRS----1b, and RM1b, and RM1b, and RM1b, and RM----1111 Staff report dated June 5, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6483-2007 to permit a multi-family residential subdivision consisting of townhouses and single family residences be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. R/07-326 RZ/090/06 It was moved and seconded BL 6483-2007 First reading That Bylaw No. 6483That Bylaw No. 6483That Bylaw No. 6483That Bylaw No. 6483----2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be 2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; andforwarded to Public Hearing; andforwarded to Public Hearing; andforwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to finalfinalfinalfinal reading:reading:reading:reading: i)i)i)i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of securityincluding the deposit of securityincluding the deposit of securityincluding the deposit of security as outlined in the as outlined in the as outlined in the as outlined in the Agreement;Agreement;Agreement;Agreement; Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 7 of 14 ii)ii)ii)ii) A Statutory Right of Way plan and agreement must A Statutory Right of Way plan and agreement must A Statutory Right of Way plan and agreement must A Statutory Right of Way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Titles Office in support of be registered at the Land Titles Office in support of be registered at the Land Titles Office in support of be registered at the Land Titles Office in support of servicing;servicing;servicing;servicing; iii)iii)iii)iii) Road dedication as required;Road dedication as required;Road dedication as required;Road dedication as required; iv)iv)iv)iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor ParkVisitor ParkVisitor ParkVisitor Parking on the RMing on the RMing on the RMing on the RM----1 townhouse site.1 townhouse site.1 townhouse site.1 townhouse site. CARRIED 1104 DP/DVP/086/06, 22141 119 AvenueDP/DVP/086/06, 22141 119 AvenueDP/DVP/086/06, 22141 119 AvenueDP/DVP/086/06, 22141 119 Avenue Staff report dated June 7, 2007 recommending that the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/086/06 for variances to setbacks, roof height, stair structures and the maximum percentage of permitted small car parking spaces will be considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 meeting and that upon favourable consideration of DVP/086/06, the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/086/06 in support of a seniors’ residential complex. R/07-327 DP/DVP/086/06 It was moved and seconded Notification Sign and seal That That That That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property ownenotify qualifying property ownenotify qualifying property ownenotify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/086/06 rs that approval of DVP/086/06 rs that approval of DVP/086/06 rs that approval of DVP/086/06 respecting properties located at 22141 119 Avenue will be respecting properties located at 22141 119 Avenue will be respecting properties located at 22141 119 Avenue will be respecting properties located at 22141 119 Avenue will be considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 Council meeting; considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 Council meeting; considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 Council meeting; considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 Council meeting; and furtherand furtherand furtherand further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/086/06 respecting property locateDP/086/06 respecting property locateDP/086/06 respecting property locateDP/086/06 respecting property located at 22141 119 Avenue d at 22141 119 Avenue d at 22141 119 Avenue d at 22141 119 Avenue subject to approval of DVP/086/06.subject to approval of DVP/086/06.subject to approval of DVP/086/06.subject to approval of DVP/086/06. CARRIED 1105 VP/021/07, 21751 136 AvenueVP/021/07, 21751 136 AvenueVP/021/07, 21751 136 AvenueVP/021/07, 21751 136 Avenue Staff report dated June 8, 2007 recommending that the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/021/07 to reduce the amount of frontage being serviced will be considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 meeting. Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 8 of 14 R/07-328 VP/021/07 It was moved and seconded Notification That That That That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to notify prnotify prnotify prnotify property owners that approval of operty owners that approval of operty owners that approval of operty owners that approval of DDDDVP/021/07 VP/021/07 VP/021/07 VP/021/07 respecting property located at 21751 136 Avenue will be respecting property located at 21751 136 Avenue will be respecting property located at 21751 136 Avenue will be respecting property located at 21751 136 Avenue will be considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 meeting.considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 meeting.considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 meeting.considered by Council at the July 10, 2007 meeting. CARRIED Note: Councillor Stewart excused himself from the meeting due to familial ties with the owner of the property in item 1106. 1106 AL/038/07, Homesite Severance (Subdivision) Within the Agricultural Land AL/038/07, Homesite Severance (Subdivision) Within the Agricultural Land AL/038/07, Homesite Severance (Subdivision) Within the Agricultural Land AL/038/07, Homesite Severance (Subdivision) Within the Agricultural Land ReserveReserveReserveReserve, 13181 216 Street, 13181 216 Street, 13181 216 Street, 13181 216 Street Staff report dated June 11, 2007 recommending that application AL/038/07 for homesite severance (subdivision) of land within the Agricultural Land Reserve be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. R/07-329 AL/038/07 It was moved and seconded Proceed to ALC That That That That Application AL/038/07 Application AL/038/07 Application AL/038/07 Application AL/038/07 for property located at 13181 for property located at 13181 for property located at 13181 for property located at 13181 216 Street 216 Street 216 Street 216 Street be authorized to be authorized to be authorized to be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land proceed to the Agricultural Land proceed to the Agricultural Land proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission.Commission.Commission.Commission. CARRIED Note: Councillor Stewart returned to the meeting. 1107 Canada Day EventCanada Day EventCanada Day EventCanada Day Event Staff report dated June 7, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services be authorized to use municipal sidewalks and streets on Saturday, July 1, 2006 for the annual Canada Day event. Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 9 of 14 R/07-330 Canada Day Event It was moved and seconded Use of streets Authorization That That That That use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual Canada Day EvenCanada Day EvenCanada Day EvenCanada Day Event on Sunday, July 1, 2007 provided the t on Sunday, July 1, 2007 provided the t on Sunday, July 1, 2007 provided the t on Sunday, July 1, 2007 provided the conditions outlined in Schedule ‘A’ attached to the staff report conditions outlined in Schedule ‘A’ attached to the staff report conditions outlined in Schedule ‘A’ attached to the staff report conditions outlined in Schedule ‘A’ attached to the staff report dated June 7, 2007 are met.dated June 7, 2007 are met.dated June 7, 2007 are met.dated June 7, 2007 are met. CARRIED 1108 Caribbean Street FestivalCaribbean Street FestivalCaribbean Street FestivalCaribbean Street Festival Staff report dated June 7, 2007 recommending the use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual Caribbean Street Festival on Sunday, July 15, 2007. R/07-331 Caribbean Festival It was moved and seconded Use of streets Authorization That That That That use of municipal streets be authorized for the Caribbean use of municipal streets be authorized for the Caribbean use of municipal streets be authorized for the Caribbean use of municipal streets be authorized for the Caribbean Street Festival on SundaStreet Festival on SundaStreet Festival on SundaStreet Festival on Sunday, July 15, 2007, provided the y, July 15, 2007, provided the y, July 15, 2007, provided the y, July 15, 2007, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule ‘A’ attached to the staff report conditions outlined in Schedule ‘A’ attached to the staff report conditions outlined in Schedule ‘A’ attached to the staff report conditions outlined in Schedule ‘A’ attached to the staff report dated June 7, 2007 are met.dated June 7, 2007 are met.dated June 7, 2007 are met.dated June 7, 2007 are met. CARRIED 1109 RZ/050/06, Maple Ridge Development ProcessRZ/050/06, Maple Ridge Development ProcessRZ/050/06, Maple Ridge Development ProcessRZ/050/06, Maple Ridge Development Process Staff report dated June 4, 2007 recommending bylaw, policy, and procedural changes to the development process. Maple Ridge Development Permit Delegation Bylaw No. 6478Maple Ridge Development Permit Delegation Bylaw No. 6478Maple Ridge Development Permit Delegation Bylaw No. 6478Maple Ridge Development Permit Delegation Bylaw No. 6478----2007200720072007 A bylaw to delegate authority to staff to review and approve minor amendments to development permit plans and to issue environmental development permits. First, second and third readings Maple Ridge Development Procedures Amending Bylaw No. 6477Maple Ridge Development Procedures Amending Bylaw No. 6477Maple Ridge Development Procedures Amending Bylaw No. 6477Maple Ridge Development Procedures Amending Bylaw No. 6477----2007200720072007 A bylaw to amend the process for development applications. First, second and third readings Development Variance Permits NotificationDevelopment Variance Permits NotificationDevelopment Variance Permits NotificationDevelopment Variance Permits Notification A recommendation to authorize staff to send the required notification for development variance permits. Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 10 of 14 The Director of Planning gave a PowerPoint presentation which provided an explanation of the development process review and outlined improvements to the process recommended by staff. She advised that a public consultation process would be carried out and the results reported back to Council. R/07-332 BL 6478-2007 It was moved and seconded BL 6477-2007 DVP Notification That Bylaw No. 6478That Bylaw No. 6478That Bylaw No. 6478That Bylaw No. 6478----2007 be 2007 be 2007 be 2007 be givegivegivegivennnn ffffirst,irst,irst,irst, second and third second and third second and third second and third readings; and readings; and readings; and readings; and That Bylaw No. 6477That Bylaw No. 6477That Bylaw No. 6477That Bylaw No. 6477----2002002002007 7 7 7 be be be be given first, second and third given first, second and third given first, second and third given first, second and third readings; and further readings; and further readings; and further readings; and further That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to send the That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to send the That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to send the That the Manager of Legislative Services be authorized to send the required notification for development variance permits in required notification for development variance permits in required notification for development variance permits in required notification for development variance permits in accordance withaccordance withaccordance withaccordance with Section 922.6 of the Local Government Act Section 922.6 of the Local Government Act Section 922.6 of the Local Government Act Section 922.6 of the Local Government Act without having Council consider whether to send the notice on each without having Council consider whether to send the notice on each without having Council consider whether to send the notice on each without having Council consider whether to send the notice on each case individually.case individually.case individually.case individually. CARRIED Councillor Hogarth - OPPOSED R/07-333 BL 6478-2007 BL 6477-2007 It was moved and seconded Public review ThThThThatatatat, following a public consultation process, consideration of , following a public consultation process, consideration of , following a public consultation process, consideration of , following a public consultation process, consideration of final reading of final reading of final reading of final reading of Bylaw No. 6478Bylaw No. 6478Bylaw No. 6478Bylaw No. 6478----2007200720072007 and and and and Bylaw No. 6477Bylaw No. 6477Bylaw No. 6477Bylaw No. 6477---- 2002002002007777 be given after Council’s summer break; and furtherbe given after Council’s summer break; and furtherbe given after Council’s summer break; and furtherbe given after Council’s summer break; and further That the development pThat the development pThat the development pThat the development process be reviewed in June 2008.rocess be reviewed in June 2008.rocess be reviewed in June 2008.rocess be reviewed in June 2008. CARRIED Councillor Hogarth - OPPOSED Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 11 of 14 ACTION REQUIREDACTION REQUIREDACTION REQUIREDACTION REQUIRED Staff Staff Staff Staff was directed to:was directed to:was directed to:was directed to: • provide information pertaining to changes to the development process provide information pertaining to changes to the development process provide information pertaining to changes to the development process provide information pertaining to changes to the development process at the front counter at Municipal Hallat the front counter at Municipal Hallat the front counter at Municipal Hallat the front counter at Municipal Hall;;;; • place ads in the local newspapersplace ads in the local newspapersplace ads in the local newspapersplace ads in the local newspapers;;;; • present information at a present information at a present information at a present information at a Builders’ ForumBuilders’ ForumBuilders’ ForumBuilders’ Forum • provide informprovide informprovide informprovide information on the websiteation on the websiteation on the websiteation on the website Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police)Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police)Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police)Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 2006 Annual Report and Statement of Financial Information2006 Annual Report and Statement of Financial Information2006 Annual Report and Statement of Financial Information2006 Annual Report and Statement of Financial Information Staff report dated June 13, 2007 recommending that the 2006 Annual Report be received and the Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) for the year ended December 31, 2006 be approved. R/07-334 2006 Annual Report It was moved and seconded SOFI Dec 31, 2006 That That That That the 2006 Annual Report be received as required by the the 2006 Annual Report be received as required by the the 2006 Annual Report be received as required by the the 2006 Annual Report be received as required by the Community Charter; andCommunity Charter; andCommunity Charter; andCommunity Charter; and That the StatementThat the StatementThat the StatementThat the Statement of Financial Information be approved as of Financial Information be approved as of Financial Information be approved as of Financial Information be approved as required by the Financial Information Act.required by the Financial Information Act.required by the Financial Information Act.required by the Financial Information Act. CARRIED 1132 Adjustments to 2006 Collector’s RollAdjustments to 2006 Collector’s RollAdjustments to 2006 Collector’s RollAdjustments to 2006 Collector’s Roll Staff report dated May 30, 2007 submitting information on changes to the 2006 Collector’s Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 2006-14. Community Development and Recreation ServiceCommunity Development and Recreation ServiceCommunity Development and Recreation ServiceCommunity Development and Recreation Service 1151 Fraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services AgreementFraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services AgreementFraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services AgreementFraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services Agreement Staff report dated May 31, 2007 recommending that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Fraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services Agreement for 2007. Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 12 of 14 R/07-335 Library Operating & It was moved and seconded Services Agmt 2007 That That That That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Fraser Valley Regional LiFraser Valley Regional LiFraser Valley Regional LiFraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services brary Operating and Services brary Operating and Services brary Operating and Services Agreement for 2007.Agreement for 2007.Agreement for 2007.Agreement for 2007. CARRIED CorrespondenceCorrespondenceCorrespondenceCorrespondence - Nil Other Committee IssuesOther Committee IssuesOther Committee IssuesOther Committee Issues - Nil 1200 STAFF REPORTSSTAFF REPORTSSTAFF REPORTSSTAFF REPORTS - Nil 1300 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCILRELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCILRELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCILRELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL - Nil 1400 MAYOR’S REPORTMAYOR’S REPORTMAYOR’S REPORTMAYOR’S REPORT Mayor Robson advised that two year guaranteed funding for an Outreach Worker for Maple Ridge had been restored. He reported that Bill C-11, Canada Transportation Act amendments, had passed in the House of Commons and a meeting would be held pertaining to the West Coast Express. Mayor Robson expressed concern over the number of ambulances with patients waiting at hospitals. 1500 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTSCOUNCILLORS’ REPORTSCOUNCILLORS’ REPORTSCOUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Councillor HogarthCouncillor HogarthCouncillor HogarthCouncillor Hogarth Councillor Hogarth attended the International “Making Cities Livable” Conference and the Adult Education and ESL graduation. He also relayed appreciation from the members of the Advisory Committee for Accessibility Issues for work being done to enhance accessibility throughout Maple Ridge. Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 13 of 14 Councillor DueckCouncillor DueckCouncillor DueckCouncillor Dueck Councillor Dueck attended a meeting of the Parent Advisory Committee for Yennadon School. She advised that Maple Ridge Engineering staff had attended the meeting and provided information on traffic issues. Councillor DaykinCouncillor DaykinCouncillor DaykinCouncillor Daykin Councillor advised that Maple Ridge had received funding from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities for tourism initiatives. He attended a meeting of the group which worked through applications requesting funding for event promotion. He reminded all of the Canada Day celebration on Sunday, July 1st. Councillor StewartCouncillor StewartCouncillor StewartCouncillor Stewart Councillor Stewart attended the Police Liaison Committee meeting, the Maple Ridge Seniors’ Annual General Meeting and the District of Maple Ridge employee appreciation event at Albion Park. He also attended the Girl Guide awards ceremony and the first meeting of the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee. Councillor SpeirsCouncillor SpeirsCouncillor SpeirsCouncillor Speirs Councillor Speirs attended a Parks and Recreation symposium, a meeting of the Parent Advisory Committee for Yennadon School and an anniversary celebration for a small business in Maple Ridge. CouCouCouCouncillor Kingncillor Kingncillor Kingncillor King Councillor King attended the inaugural meeting of the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee. She announced that an open house for Glenwood School’s community garden would be held on the afternoon of June 27th and encouraged attendance. 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTOTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTOTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTOTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT Councillor Hogarth reported that an open house would be held at Municipal Hall on June 27, 2007 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. providing information on the work being carried out by the Planning Department in the downtown core through the Smart Growth process. 1700 NOTICES OF MOTIONNOTICES OF MOTIONNOTICES OF MOTIONNOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGSAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGSAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGSAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS - Nil Council Minutes June 26, 2007 Page 14 of 14 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLICQUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLICQUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLICQUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC KenKenKenKen KnechtelKnechtelKnechtelKnechtel Mr. Knechtel asked if funding from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities could be provided for a youth coordinator for the Haney Farmers’ Market Society. The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services was asked to meet with Mr. Knechtel for further discussion. Rick SRick SRick SRick Schwchwchwchweerseerseerseers Mr. Schweers asked if the variance for DVP/033/06 had been accepted. He stated that the property infringed on his property. Mr. Schweers was directed to speak with the Director of Planning following the meeting. Ken KnechtelKen KnechtelKen KnechtelKen Knechtel Mr. Knechtel asked what the setback from Morse Creek was on application DVP/033/06. The Director of Planning offered to meet with Mr. Knechtel to clarify the setback distance. 1900 ADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENT - 8:54 p.m. _______________________________ G. Robson, Mayor Certified Correct ___________________________________ C. Marlo, Corporate Officer