HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-11 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA September 11, 2007 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.maoleridge.Ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS Art Birch - Maple Ridge Baptist Church 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of August 28, 2007 502 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of August 22 and 29, 2007 Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda September 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page 2of5 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 700 DELEGATIONS 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 801 VP/045/07, 22589 121 Avenue Staff report dated July 23, 2007 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign VP/045/07 to waive the requirement for concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, boulevard treatment and the requirement to upgrade streets fronting the site to a Collector street standard. (Deferred from the August 28, 2007 Council meeting). 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BY-LAWS COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1100 Minutes -- August 20, 2007 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Council Meeting Agenda September 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page3of5 Public Works and Development Services 1101 CP/059/07, 13080 240 Street, Low Density Urban Residential to Conservation Staff report dated August 21, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6506-2007 to adjust a portion of the Conservation area boundary in the Silver Valley Area Plan be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. 1102 RZ/034/07, 10529 245B Street and 10579 245B Street, RS -2 to RS -1b Staff report dated August 28, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6505-2007 to permit a 9 lot subdivision be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. 1103 Demolition and Removal Order - 11731 Fraser Street Staff report dated July 31, 2007 recommending authorization of a demolition and removal order for Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - 11731 Fraser Street. 1104 St. Patrick's School Walk-a-thon, Use of Streets Staff report dated August 28, 2007 recommending the use of municipal streets be authorized for the St. Patrick's School Walk-a-thon on Friday, September 28, 2007. 1105 Louis Leather Shop 7th Annual Fundraising Event, Use of Streets Staff report dated August 30, 2007 recommending the use of municipal streets be authorized for the Louis Leather Shop 7th Annual Fundraising Event on Sunday, October 7, 2007. Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police2 1131 Disbursements for the month ended July 31, 2007 Staff report dated August 15, 2007 recommending that the disbursements for July 31, 2007 be approved. Council Meeting Agenda September 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page4of5 1132 Property Tax and Utility Billing System Staff report dated September 5, 2007 recommending negotiations with the Tempest Development Group for the replacement of the existing Taxation and Utility Billing system. 1133 Fee for Service Agreement - Animal Control Services and Shelter Operations Staff report dated June 18, 2007 recommending that the Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal a Fee for Service Agreement with the BCSPCA for the provision of Animal Control Services and Shelter Operations and that the Business Licences, Permits and Bylaws Department implement a comprehensive dog licencing program. (Deferred from the July 16, 2007 Committee of the Whole Meeting) Community Development and Recreation Service 1151 Request for Proposal - Preventative Maintenance Services for HVAC Staff report dated September 5, 2007 recommending that the contract for Preventative Maintenance Services for HVAC Services be awarded to PML Professional Mechanical. Correspondence Other Committee Issues 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1300 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL 1400 MAYOR'S REPORT 1500 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS Council Meeting Agenda September 11, 2007 Council Chamber Page 5 of 5 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1700 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1900 ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the Clerk's Department who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221. Checked,,py: i^ Date: Sap(- 65/0-7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 22, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman John Leeburn, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. SD/021/06 LEGAL: Lot 7, Section 32, Township 12, NWD, Plan BCP27885 LOCATION: 13691 228 Street OWNER: Insignia Homes Silver Valley Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Removal of Statutory Right of Way (access purposes — turnaround) New Statutory Right of Way (access purposes — turnaround) THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/021/06. Mayor Gordon Robson Chairman CARRIED John Leeburn«� Chie "rdministrative Officer Member 502 aRFMAN Twig ry DR/Ve NN Ncp NW O m h NN cLi co 16 15 " N NNW �W 17 14 NNW ' NN 19 18 s. N S W NW 20 ' y N NN o 21 ` MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW No. 207 S. NWa WSW 2236( 1 CP 227 2 N 23 6 3 N Nd, ,21.0 4 NNW NWS W Subject Property toN� N '36 • NNW 5 137 AVE. N on 22�OS WN N N to NIP W CO W NW parn a ° 3 $ N� N 29 30 13681 NN NW 26 27 28 923 24 25 BC273x• 13671 10 13662 38 37 36 35 N 13661 39 N nn N N N N O' 11 22 40 N N 'g i,33rn 0 N p W02, m • 13651 13652 NWtp..,- 12 21 41 N 13641 m 136 RAVE. i m13 N 13642 CO 13643 13631 1363220 N. 42 13633 14 13621 1362219 m 43 co 15 13623 N 13611 44 1361218 13601 13602 13613 16 13603 17 45 136 AVE. NN alliiiiin LPo L\ SCALE 1:1,500 Dleleado Pitt Meadows . —.. '„.j�al� ��.,._ i 1= 13691 228th St r CORPORATION OF r =, pi � c a..._. �. -441,"rt �� LI �� ` 6eeX. i j— — THE DISTRICT OF t , kiii / Langleyaof ,�;i® Albion �s,' C. - II h I MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ant sx Cmanma s PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 22, 2007 FILE: Untitled BY: JV Rives ��ll CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES August 29, 2007 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Gordon Robson, Mayor Chairman Jim Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. SD/100/06 LEGAL: Lot 41, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 45949, NWD LOCATION: 24308 102 Avenue OWNER: Clearbrook Construction Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement Discharge of Statutory Right of Way THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/100/06. Gordon Robson, ayor Chairman CARRIED ule, Chief Administrative Officer ber 7 37 38 L gei 39 NP 0 3E 41 29G 42 43 44 45 46 47 27 « LMP 28 29 35295 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 36 m A m 02 m a / 11p 24254 20 124313 17.2 r_ 1'11: 36290 A 24274 25 24200 N 24202 Ia 24290 5,2 \ m n 15 16 17 18 20 23 25 26 aao 24386 f L P 3 LAP 40 3029 / 2 3 -M 4 5 8 9 10 r. 12 3 PARK BCP 18974 29 20 31 28 27 26 25 10131 m 24 10125 U 23 1012 PARK BCP 18974 0000 011 011 m ^1 0) co LMP 35918 rA N 10260 m 02 011 x10265 5 102 B AVE. 30256 10252 \ 107 / 102109119 20 124313 17.2 r_ 1'11: 36290 1:11 25 11E11E1ry 27 11E 5,2 129121 2. 41 24350 IR A 24382__ 43 42 i 24374 a 24378 I 39 aao 24386 f 2 "ary c LAP 40 3029 140 14214: L A 2 2 OMP :P f93 n ry 102 A AVE. / 20 124313 17.2 r_ P 36290 N 24324 25 24332 27 671 24344 \ 12212 2. 12E 1261uu27121112E 3 49 130131 47 132 1 2 "ary c - 40 `1ry 140 14214: L A 2 2 OMP ry n ry AA r A ry n 102 A AVE. / 20 21 22 23 N 24324 25 24332 27 671 24344 —\ '634 2. S 24394 I 3 49 48 47 46 45 44 13413E13613713E 42 41 40 39 140 14214: L 6 7 OMP ' 62S / 44 AP 3E29 14214E 14714 BCP 3283 / 24 B 25 ;P 26 618 27 28 29 30 BCP 7533 rI m a U 23 22 21 3C 20 P 6' 19 81 18 17 16 .2 "10253 0110251 0110249 mg 10247 0- 0110245 M m 00243 31 10 5 102 1 \ 14 1@21 13 102 1 SUBJECT PROPERTY 3 4 CP6 5 6 81 7 8 9 0 11 2 3 6 5 •.BCP 4 35 3 2 7 6 9 1 0 1 10 AAVE 014 15 1 014 6 m 16 19 m 013 013 012 17 PARK BCP 18974 7 A A 71 14 13 10310 20" 10100 2 10102 1W00 p N 10000 v 10064 4 E 1/2 of 2 P 17126 LMP 34684 P 45949 F Rem 41 BCP l74 0 0 9 Cc) Fri0 `"25 v a LMP 34684 2' LM 3 4 5 36343 7 8 18 c'✓ \ ry 101 AAVE. BC'1 17 16 490 15 14 3 10 11 0 12 36 3 13114 15 16 17 18 / 2 3 4 B 5 6 74 7 d0 8 9 10 11 12 10 A AVE. 0 24364 20 21 22 23 IW A 24384 I 25 N 4n 24302 27 EMP '634 S 24394 I BCP 13188 PARK m 021009' 0210001 D jn10207 m 10000 0 10090 m 10090 m co 10008 g M m / G10113 E ioo ?LI 010003 B02p l0089 m 01008s 10120 11 - an 101 to 10112 CO PARK / 36 .MP 35 34 36343 33 32 31 30 29 28 101 AVE. m m 0- A 3 N 24340 -.24348 _I F, 2 S 24394 I 3 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 37 L .36343 / t.MP 36346 Dis rict of Pitt Meadows; Silver Valley WA a4nMina�u, _A ..1135=- '811'3Nati IE' WI % 1. District of Langley SCALE 1:2,000 _tb k 0_ Ea River �3y c 24308 102 AVENUE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Oct 10, 2006 FILE: SD/100/06 BY: PC MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia -. DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 23, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: VP/045/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 22589 121 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to vary two sections in the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993 that require certain improvements as a condition of obtaining a building permit. The two proposed variances are as follows: 1) To waive the requirement in Section IV, General Requirements, B. Highways, (2), "Schedule A - Services and Utilities" to provide concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, boulevard treatment and street tree planting. 2) To waive the requirement in Section IV, General Requirements, B. Highways, (3) to upgrade streets fronting a site with an Institutional use to a Collector street standard. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/045/07 respecting property located at 22589 121 Avenue. 2. That the following condition be met prior to authorization of the Variance Permit. i) A Statutory Right Of Way plan and Agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Toews Warner Bissky Architecture Roman Catholic Archbishop Of Vancouver Legal Description: Lot: 24, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: 1161 OCP: Existing: Institutional 801 Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Lot Size: Requested Variance: b) Variance Description: P-2 (Special Institutional), P-4 (Church Institutional) Eric Langton Elementary School / Ridge Meadows College P-1 (Park and School) Institutional Single Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Vacant RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family and Multi -Family Residential RS -1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RM -2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Urban Residential Church, School Church, Expanded School 1.91 ha (4.72 acres) 1.91 ha (4.72 acres) Road requirements, off-site servicing improvements The subject property is located in the Maple Ridge Regional Town Centre and abuts three roads: Edge Street to the west, 121 Avenue to the south and 227th Street to the east. The applicant proposes to construct a one -storey building on the subject property. Section 938 of the Local Government Act, specifies that a building permit application can trigger improvements on the portion of a highway immediately adjacent to a site under application. 227 Street is currently built to collector street standard, however, Edge Street and 121 Avenue do not meet the road and servicing improvement standards outlined in the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 8420-1993. Therefore, the applicant has applied to vary two sections of the Bylaw to waive the requirement to upgrade the surrounding highway infrastructure to meet the Bylaw standards: Section IV (General Requirements)I3 (Highways): 2. Any dedicated but undeveloped highway within or immediately adjacent to a proposed subdivision or development shall be improved by the applicant in accordance with Schedule "A". -2- 3. Where lands are being improved for Commercial, Industrial, Institutional or Multi -Residential use the street or streets fronting the development site must be constructed to collector street standards as set out in the standard drawing and specifications of the District of Maple Ridge. The standard width of a collector road is 11.6m. from curb to curb, incorporating two travel lanes and a parking lane on each side. In total, a collector road has a 20m. right-of-way to incorporate amenities such as sidewalks, boulevards, and street trees. The existing road on Edge St is approx. 7.2m. wide which allows for two way traffic but there are no parking lanes as there would normally be on a collector road. There is also a narrow sidewalk on the eastern side of the road. The constructed road on 121 Avenue varies in width but is mostly about 4.0m. wide. It currently provides for one-way (eastbound) traffic only. This one way traffic arrangement has been in place for many years and according to our traffic section in the Engineering Department it operates acceptably. Both road allowances are 10m. wide and the constructed roads are in both cases built to the property lines of the school leaving no room for widening. Planning Analysis The existing sidewalk on the east side of Edge Street was constructed partially on the church/school property. Since this is an important path for public access to the properties north of St. Patrick's and to ensure the Municipality has a continued ability to maintain the sidewalk, a statutory right-of-way over that portion of the property will be required. c) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department The Building Permit application for a new classroom building for St. Patrick's School at the above address has been reviewed by the Engineering Department. The Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw 4800-1993 requires that the standard of the roads adjacent to a proposed building development be improved by the owner to the standard in the bylaw. The narrow width of the road carriageway, the lack of concrete curb and gutter and sidewalks and absence of street trees on both 121 Avenue and Edge Street are deficiencies according to the requirements of the bylaw. However, since none of these works can be constructed within the space allowed by the existing narrow road allowance, the Engineering Department is prepared to support a Development Variance Permit to waive the off-site servicing improvements. - 3 - CONCLUSION: Given that the proposed new building on this lot will not significantly change the current traffic flow in this area and with the Engineering Department's support, it is recommended that VP/045/07 be given favorable consideration. Prepared by: Jen Pla hnician A1fproved,by: J Dir P, MCIP Planning /c'd Approved by/Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurreige: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Subject Property Map Appendix B: Site Plan -4- Appe di•r 122AVE P 80477 PARK RP 84324 122 AVE. 12238 Rem. 225 1 2 12244 P 14 96 - 12243 P 28929 131 130 12230 12231 236 / 235 P 233 232 P42134 P 7219 Rem.A 12214 LMP 21095 PARK 197 12221 I" 198 R 12203 12167 1 12177 66 12192 N 65 0. 12179 265 12193 0- a 264 12165 RP 56793 SUBJECT PROPERTY 23392 12157 P 46852 N1/2A 12188/68 P 7948 5 1/2A 12154 ' 13 8. 12179 P 66473 355 12153 12130 7 P 23392 t 141 12139 1 E 12120 E 1/2 11 P 7875 2 12130 P 9944 P 38897 175 354 m 353 12147 12139 12131 v N1/2 16 S1/2 16 4 12119 12120 147 P 1161 "17 "18 "19 20 P 8679 e 'S P 12065 BROWN AVE RP 79869 21 AV a o P 8081 11 a 1.4 P 00 22560 • 1 P m 22502 N "3 e 'S P o "2 9446 0 "3 9 287 P 43724 e. 9 288 e 9 289 8 290 " 291 g 12087 9 12060 /fit P 8 5081 7 P 6 F2 " 843 5 4 2 AI' r." P 6 2- 446 5 16 4 Pi " P 43724 296 " 295 -m 9 294 " a 292 12077 Rem N 293 RP 84340 BROWN AVE m 4 12038 9 5 P 6 3061 L'4 LOTA (P0687 'LMP1821( 5 9 7 P 9446 8 9 297 9 298 P 43' 299" 24 300 12047 301 12018 303 P 44882 'PP094 LMP 19460 A P 9667 2 n P7 446 11 9 m 771 a. - P 546 12090 BCS 1124 148 0_ 12101 P 22808 6 12002 Rem 10 P 11644 12007 1 12074 DJ N 1/2 1112061 12068 2 n. S112 1112071 N 70'2 12060 •' N 112 a 1212007 Rem. 2 12046 v a S 1/2 12 12957 307 12049 P 7450 v 306 o. 12041 P 12253 3 12031 310 P 51311 9 DEWONE? TRUNK ROAD oEWON District of t� Pitt Meadows .__ 'SIN or Valley 11112 Lift / e�, sxot��ulIIIIRITIernilik. al OM I SCALE 1:2,500 District of Langley 22589 121 AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE ..-8rilish Columbia., CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jun 14, 2007 FILE: VP/045/07 BY: PC •Bo 0 0 0 0 • .• 1 2 2 2.i 2 if aaa ee a iip 1 i i D �" F frF ,+ a s 6� iy 3 8 q `d .3;14 3i Ma, 5 Y� 1 N F€ius-€ E a ' } 3 a 1 6 s - ' iE I A" ii_ ry E x " .. 8 u i a ee"m26 �G. Fu ?� a3 E:e ��. L� F d n n n n n n J in En ➢ W N 0\ lo' IO, l • b ' 0 0' p t 911 ttIbi MET I1 D 1 !e Wayne Stephen BssIw Site Plan Showing Existing Landscape • t li i i II 9 3 I a --,--- m It. - ' f? p i _ Ze (� 2 al eF t ti 1. i Ii 1 v ti. Na 911 ttIbi MET I1 D 1 !e Wayne Stephen BssIw Site Plan Showing Existing Landscape , B 5.P�I 23519-wnAvwe 12211121.27. oc V2137: ... -_ - _-._• -=.___—_---. II 9 3 I a --,--- m it MAPLE RIDGE -British Columbia DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: August 21, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: CP/059/07 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6506 - 2007 13080 240 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to adjust a portion of the Conservation area boundary in the Silver Valley Area Plan in the Official Community Plan, as shown on Figure 2 (Land Use Plan), Figure 3D (Horse Hamlet Land Use Plan) and Figure 4 (Trails / Open Space). This application is being processed in conjunction with Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6481-2007. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6506 -2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That Council considers it unnecessary to provide further consultation opportunities under Section 879 of the Local Government Act in respect of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6506 - 2007, except by way of holding a public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6506 - 2007 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6506 - 2007 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Pivotal Develoment Consultants Ltd. 0767322 BC Ltd. Legal Description: Lot 10, Section 27, Township 12, NWD Plan 2622 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Low Density Residential, Conservation Low Density Residential, Conservation 1101 Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) One Family Residential RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Low Density Urban One Family Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, and Conservation One Family Residential RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential), Conservation One Family Residential RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Low Density Urban One Family Residential One Family Residential 2.012 HA 240 Street To be provided through a Rezoning Servicing Agreement and at Subdivision RZ/119/06, SD/119/06, and DP/119/06 The subject property is located within the Silver Valley Area Plan, to the north of Horse Hamlet, and is designated Low Density Residential and Conservation. Millionaire Creek crosses through the southeast corner of the site. Application RZ/119/06 (Bylaw 6481 - 2007) received third reading from Council on July 24, 2007. The applicant proposes to rezone a portion of the property located at 13080 240 Street from RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS -3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit the future subdivison into 5 lots, each having a lot size of not less than 557 m2. The future lots will front onto 240 Street between 130A Avenue and Shoesmith Crescent. The remainder of the property, approximately 75% of the site, will be dedicated as Park. A Watercourse Protection Development Permit is also required and will be brought before Council for consideration with the fourth reading of the rezoning application. -7- c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: Although the plan of development is in compliance with the policies of the Silver Valley Area Plan of the Official Community Plan, the boundary between the residential and conservation land uses requires an adjustment to include additional land into the conservation area of the site. Approximately 4160m2 will be added to the Conservation area, and all of the conservation area on this site will be dedicated as Park if the zone amending bylaw is adopted. Zoninz Bylaw: Application RZ/119/06 received third reading from Council on July 24, 2007. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into 5 lots which meet the minimum lot width, lot depth and lot area requirements of the RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone. Development Permits: A Watercourse Protection and Natural Features Development Permit is required for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment of Millionaire Creek. d) Intergovernmental Issues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application is an adjustment of the boundary between the residential and conservation land uses to provide additional land for conservation and is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. Section 882(3) of the Local Government Act also requires that the local government consider the Financial Plan and Waste Management Plan when adopting the OCP amendment. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and is considered to be consistent with both documents. e) Environmental Implications: The inclusion of this additional site area into the Conservation Land Use designation will provide protection of the ecologically sensitive area adjacent to Millionaire Creek. -3- CONCLUSION: It is recommended that application CP/059/07 be favourably considered and that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6506 - 2007 (Appendix B) be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Ann Edwards, CPT Planning Technician 416 Cort proved by: Jane Pickering, MCP, MCIP Director of Planning r V\ Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng M: Public Works & Development Services /77 Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AE/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Bylaw No. 6506 - 2007 -4- 9418 ARK Rem 23 38 3185 37 13175 36 35 131 19 13100 18 13181 20 0l 17 70 1310 a 21 m 18 13168 3171 22 34 co 13145 13148 U 33 m 13135 32 13125 w 23 15 14 13181 13151 24 13138 13120 25 13 13141 12 13131 26 13118 11 13121 27 13100 10 28 13098 0 9 3101 29 13088 01 8 13091 30 m 13078 7 13081 31 a 6 13071 BCP 3 9418 4 130AAVE BCP 7889 PARK 6 13158 5 13146 m 8 1314 4 a 17 13139 13138 m 1 16 13129 3 2 21 i 3128 13116 13106 PARK BCP 24019 APPENDIX A P 2622 8 7 13080 SUBJECT PROPERTY 10 0 P 7 7794 P1 P 7794 46 2 CO 12033 11 P 2922 12 130AVE. 22 P 2622 SCALE 1:2,500 District of Pitt Meadows . ._ At Val IL At %tib S�15 l�}3 a116Y9 i T. .-,........._,.....r,;,,, 1 birv."% 1,eitik District of Langley Y 1 Ri r 13080 240 STREET MAPLE RIDGE 8: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 1, 2007 FILE: CP/059/07 BY: PC APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6506-2007. A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Section 10.3, Part IV - Silver Valley Area Plan, Figures 2, 3D and 4 of the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 6506-2007." 2. Figure 2 and Figure 3D are hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 10, Section 27, Township 12, New Westminster Plan 2622 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 733, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby redesignated to Conservation. 3. Figure 4 is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 10, Section 27, Township 12, New Westminster Plan 2622 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 733, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby added to Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 01 34 r 73745 Ca 33 m 73135 32 73125 tO 1.0 01 d- 0_ W A s 0 0 17V 3 23 73148 24 13138 1372825 14 m 73751 13 13747 12 13131 26 3718 11 7372 27 13708 10 1317 28 13098 29 13088 CO v US n 30 m 3078 110 I01 IF2 I0 I0 9 13101 8 13097 7 13087 13055 31 6 13077 m N 2 N P1 BCF 031 N 19413 4c," P1 N 5 130 A AVE. BCP 7889 PARK 0.920 ha __EP 59987 4 5 1J/4i 0 N 2.023 ha. b 2.023 ha. P 2622 11 2.023 ha. RW 58430 12954 2 130 AVE. P 26 NADLE Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: PI9GE OFFICIAL CON 6506-2007 733 Low Density Urban Residential Conservation VU \QTY PLA\ AMENDING MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 1:2000 MAPLE RIDGE "' British Columbia. TO: FROM: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: August 28, 2007 FILE NO: RZ/034/07 ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6505-2007 10529 245B Street & 10579 245B Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), to permit a 9 lot subdivision. This application is in compliance with the Albion Area Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6505-2007 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Registration of Section 219 Covenant for a Geotechnical Report that addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; iii) Road and walkway dedication as required; DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: ABM Engineering Services, A B Mikes Owner: Joao M Da Costa Nick S Tarasiuk Bibiane J Tarasiuk Grazia Pacheco Paul Amaral James R Isherwood Legal Description: Lot: 5 & 6, Township: 12, Plan: 72100 1102 OCR Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Low/Medium Density Residential Low/Medium Density Residential RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) One Family Residential RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential Residential Low/Medium Density One Family Residential RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Residential Low/Medium Density One Family Residential RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Residential Low/Medium Density Institutional P-1 (Park and School) Institutional One Family Residential One Family Residential 0.80 HA (1.98 acres) 245 Street and 2456 Street Full Urban SD/034/07 & VP/034/07 An application has been submitted to rezone the properties located at 10529 & 10579 2458 Street from RS -2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit the subdivision into 9 lots. The minimum parcel size prescribed for the RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone is 557m2. The future lots will front onto 245 Street and 245B Street. It is proposed that the two existing dwellings and one garage building will remain. The proposed single family lots created by subdivision will have a minimum lot area of 674 m2, which is consistent with the future lot pattern for the area. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: Albion Area Plan The properties are designated Low/Medium Density Residential on the Albion Area Plan and the proposal complies with this land use designation in the Albion Zoning Matrix (Section 10.2.7). Zoning Bylaw: A preliminary review of the plans in relation to the Zoning Bylaw requirements has revealed that the proposal complies with the bylaw, with exception to the height and siting of the existing accessory building on the future Lot 4. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into 9 lots which meet the minimum lot width, lot depth and lot area requirements of the RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone. A Development Variance Permit application has been received to vary the height of an existing garage building from the maximum 4.5 m permissible under the proposed zone to 4.9 m. In addition, the applicant has also requested a variance to the side yard setback for the existing garage building on the proposed Lot 4 from the required 1.5 m to 1.15 m. The Planning Department is in support of this request because the variance is adjacent to a dedicated walkway that will provide pedestrian access to the school site to the West. This will be brought before Council for consideration at a later date. d) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department reviewed the servicing for the development and provided their comments as follows: - The sanitary sewer on 245 Street requires extension to the north property line of the South lot. - The existing houses will connect to the new sanitary sewer main. e) Environmental Implications: The proposed development site gently slopes from southeast to northwest and is not impacted by watercourses. A tree assessment has been completed for the site which identified two trees on Lot 9 that have potential to be retained. CONCLUSION: The proposed RS -1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone conforms to the land use designation in the Albion Area Plan zoning matrix. It is therefore recommended that application RZ/034/07 be favourably considered and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6505-2007 (Appendix B) be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing. -3- Prepared by: Erika Syvokas Planning Technician 16-u4 ed by: Jane Pickering, MCP, MCIP Director of Planning i, Approved by: rank Quinn, MBA, P Eng M: Publr orks & Development Services Cone rrence: J. L. (Ji Chief ES/dp le nistrative Officer The following appen ces are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B- Bylaw No. 6505-2007 Appendix C- Proposed Subdivision Plan -4- y78 ry Appendix A- Subject Map ,, 1 i„, 'M1 PARK }98 13 ry 4 u 5 16 BCP 17 14851 5y " a B] 96 m rv' �m € 1B 88 ry10 ., B4 71H�5 PARK BCP 5562 PARK P 2 5781 75957 3 - 1p555 4 P 75957 8 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 5 1 P 75957 10503 245 B ST P 75957 10578 P 72103 P 72100 6 10579 P 72100 7 10570 1 BCP 5562 A ry 5 10529 B 10530 ...... o o ry 4 N a. 10401 10501 9 \ BCP 5562P 3 10400 18280 PARK 8 2 0470 P 12923 10455 P 72100 4- 6 10445 \ 1 70 h 10112 ' P 72100 aut ry 104 AVE. n \ / 48 rOJ93 03 y0 29 49 SCALE 1:2,500 District of _IAC Pitt Meadows .._ - SINprVaiiOY 1 = 10529 & 10579 245B STREET y I 17, � � — �t .._ u .�— RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE fN113 . I U Ham a r { _� ; - W j '� .1_ .1J4, s i 2 o ^+;�MAPLE v District of amps :. ". I I! nriisn Cmumha PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,1, Langley err f °j' , r DATE: Apr 26, 2007 FILE: RZJ034/07 BY: PC RNer fc____�\l Appendix B- Bylaw No. 6505-2007 ' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6505-2007 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6505-2007." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 5 Section 10 and 11 Township 12 Plan 72100 New Westminster District And Lot 6 Section 10 and 11 Township 12 Plan 72100 New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1405 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RS -lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200 . MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER r- 'P 5562 PARK .12 ho 12 4 rydktkt% ry1 13 4 PARK 1I I1 II II 11 II II 1I I/2 I IN BCP 13768 1 la 11m II III _ J I BCP 5562 A 5.46 he BCP 5562 PARK 1.12 hoC= 501 ho Rw 72101 = 10445 104 AVE. PARK 15 16 BCP N 17 18 14 51 BB b se Y BCA / 84 7)9 16BCP 17980 PARK 1 10595 1 1 P 75957 3 0.435 ho /05972 3 10590 :y 4 m !05860,11058 0590 9 E^ M L /0585 B8 4 0.429 ho RW 7595 10552 6 BCP 29522 8 qo? n P 72100 6 70579 5 10529 0 0 4 r a 10481 3 10459 2 /0455 P 72100 10441 En 0 u1 N 10578 m 5 0.860 ha I I0 P 75957 I lit I I P 72100 7 0570 fl B 0530 9 IN Ig 0470 — J P 75957 6 1.361 ha RW 75958 P 72103 1 1.601 ho 10501 P 72100 1 10 0.609 ha P 18280 8 Q `}y 104/2 28 48 1 P E EI DOE ZONE AMEND \G Bylaw No. 6505-2007 Map No. 1405 From: RS-2(One Family Suburban Residential) Tn: RS— 1 b(One Family Urban(medium density)Residential 4 `.;MAPLE RIDGE British. Columbia 1:2500 245 STREET Appetd%X C 1403 0 0 a IV DE FOATAIED rm.o 104 Mr 10401. 'g o 3 a 5 is - O . V Hes Stair "1 c 1 41.444 117 O L 2458 STREET • • Proposed Subdivision Pi 41. au 14. MAPLE RIDGE 9rilish Columhla Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: July 31, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW SUBJECT: Demolition and Removal Order -11731 Fraser Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Division 12 of Part 3 of the Community Charter authorizes Council to require the owner of a building or other structure to remove or demolish or otherwise deal with the building or other structure where Council considers that the building or other structure is in or creates an unsafe condition. Over the past few years, Units 1, 2, 3 and 4, 11731 Fraser Street, Maple Ridge, BC, legally described as Strata Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, District Lot 398, Strata Plan NWSB have been vacant due to a fire in April of 2005. The British Columbia Fire Code requires owners of vacant buildings to ensure the building remains secure at all times to prevent safety concerns due to unauthorized entry. Both Fire and Bylaw Enforcement staff have confirmed that the building has been insecure a total of eleven times since October of 2006. Appendix A lists the dates that District officials have contacted the property owner to report the building insecure along with a number of photographs of the insecure building. The RCMP has also reported attendance at the vacant building ten times since June 2006 for various disturbances occurring in and about the vacant building. There is concern that this failure on the part of the owner to secure the building in a manner that prevents unauthorized entry, may result in personal injury to individuals due to the unsafe condition of the building and/or property damage to surrounding buildings due to a fire. RECOMMENDATION(5): WHEREAS Division 12 of Part 3 of the Community Charter authorizes Council to require the owner of a structure or erection to remove or demolish or otherwise deal with the building or other structure where Council considers that the building or other structure is in or creates an unsafe condition. AND WHEREAS Jagdev Singh Athwal is the registered owner (the "Owner") of Units 1, 2, 3 and 4, 11731 Fraser Street, Maple Ridge, BC, legally described as Strata Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, District Lot 398, Strata Plan NWSB (the "Property"), and the Owner has failed to maintain the Property in a safe and secure manner. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, resolves as follows: 1103 1. Council hereby declares that the Property is in and creates an unsafe condition, within the meaning of Section 73(2)(a) of the Community Charter, as a result of being insecure on numerous occasions over the past two years. 2. Council requires the Owner to demolish and remove, no later than thirty (30) days after a copy of this resolution is delivered to him, Units 1, 2, 3 and 4, 11731 Fraser Street, Maple Ridge, BC. 3. Council requires the Owner to fence the area where Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 were formerly located. The fence must be stable and at least 1.5 metres tall. 4. In the event the Owner has not demolished and removed the units required to be removed under Section 2 and fenced the area required by Section 3 within thirty (30) days after a copy of this resolution is delivered to them, the District may by its own forces or those of a contractor engaged by the District, enter on the Property and demolish and remove the units required to be removed under Section 2 and fence the area required under Section 3. 5. In the event that the District takes action under Paragraph 4 of this resolution, the District may recover the expense from the Owner, together with costs and interest, in the same manner as municipal taxes in accordance with Sections 17, 258 and 259 of the Community Charter. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: In April of 2005 a fire rendered the four townhouse units located at 11731 Fraser Street uninhabitable. Fire restoration permits were issued for each of the units between April and August of 2005 by the District of Maple Ridge. None of the repairs were completed and the permits expired in April and July of 2007. The British Columbia Fire Code requires owners of all vacant buildings to ensure the building remains secure at all times to prevent safety concerns as a result of unauthorized entry. Since October of 2006, both the Fire and Bylaw Enforcement Departments have responded to 11731 Fraser Street on 11 separate occasions as a result of the building being insecure. Orders to secure the building were issued to the Owner for each occurrence by District officials. On a number of occasions it appeared that the building had been occupied as articles of clothing and other items were noted by District officials. During the unauthorized entry to the building many of the plumbing and electrical fixtures including wiring and piping were removed rendering the units unsafe. Fire Department officials continue to respond to concerns that the building is insecure. Unfortunately, this requires resources and takes Fire officials away from completing other duties. The municipality is not currently in a position to recover these costs from the property owner and therefore the costs are borne by all taxpayers. b) Desired Outcome(s): It has been over two years since a fire occurred at the Property and although fire restoration permits were issued for repairs to the building no works have occurred. In fact, many of the undamaged fixtures, piping and wiring in the building have been removed by individuals who have gained unauthorized entry to the building. This type of activity will certainly add to the costs of repair and is a direct result of the failure to secure the building. The Owner has suggested that repairs have not been completed due to a disagreement with the insurance company over his claim for damages. During the past two years, District officials have met with the Owner a number of times to impress upon him that he must ensure that while the insurance claim remains outstanding, and no repair work is commenced, the building must remain safe and secure. It was suggested to the owner that he hire an individual to monitor the building and deal with any unauthorized entry immediately. Unfortunately, no efforts that we are aware of have been made by the Owner to address the problem of regular unauthorized entry. The British Columbia Fire Code requires all property owners to secure vacant buildings from unauthorized entry. The Owner of this particular building has made no attempts to work with the District to resolve the ongoing problem of unauthorized entry. Rather, the Owner seems to rely on District officials to alert him to a problem with the building. This practice cannot continue and we are requesting that Council consider a demolition order to address this dangerous situation. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Insecure buildings create unsafe conditions for residents residing in the immediate neighborhood. Fire officials are concerned that unauthorized entry into the building may result in personal injury or accidental fire which may impact surrounding buildings. Insecure buildings also attract homeless individuals and although the building may provide shelter from the outside elements the building does not comply with any building code or health requirements for occupation. d) Financial Implications: Dealing with insecure buildings requires on site inspections by either Fire or Bylaw Officers with costs attributed to the general taxpayers. It is uncertain what impact the demolition of the building will have on the Owner's insurance claim. e) Alternatives: District officials can continue to respond to reports that the building is insecure and issue orders to the Owner to secure the building. Council may consider any alternatives for effectively dealing with the Property which may be forthcoming from the Owner as a result of Council's consideration of a demolition order. CONCLUSIONS: The building located at 11731 Fraser Street has been vacant due to a fire since April of 2005. Over the past year, District officials have attended the Property numerous times to deal with the building being insecure. The Owner has been encouraged to take measures to effectively deal with the situation but to date has done little to address the situation. In order to address the safety concerns associated with the building at 11731 Fraser Street being insecure on numerous occasions over the past year and the failure of the owner to seriously address this situation, staff is recommending that the building be demolished. Prepared by: Brock McDonald Directorbf Business,Licences, Permits and Bylaws 7,14 { Approved by: Frank Quinn General Ma er of Public Works and Development Services Concurrence., J.L.(J^i1]re 1,0 Chief Administrative Officer • Attachments Appendix 1 11731 Fraser Street, Maple Ridge, BC Bylaw Enforcement Activity Files Date Complaint Folder # Photos Att'd October 17, 2006 Insecure 06-119160 No December 28, 2006 Insecure 06-123171 Yes January 8, 2007 Insecure Nil created Yes February 6, 2007 Insecure 07-106851 Yes February 18, 2007 Insecure 07-107484 No February 27, 2007 Insecure 07-108248 Yes June 2, 2007 Insecure 07-113519 No June 6, 2007 Insecure 07-113757 07-113743 Yes June 20, 2007 Insecure 07-115247 Yes July 26, 2007 Insecure 07-116821 Yes July 31, 2007 Insecure 07-117046 Yes MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia`: Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: August 28,2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: EO1-035-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: St. Patrick's School Walk-a-thon EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from St. Patrick's School to use municipal streets for their annual Walk- a-thon on Friday September 28, 2007 from 9:45 am to 1:00 pm. Participants will walk on sidewalks and no road closures are required. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the St. Patrick's School Walk-a-thon on Friday September 28, 2007, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated August 28, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A." The Walk-a-thon participants are scheduled to leave the school at 9:45 AM and return at approximately 1:00 PM. Approximately 300 students and adults will be walking the route. Participants will walk on sidewalks and there will be no road closures. Participants will travel north on 227 Street to 128 Avenue, head east on 128 Avenue to 232 Street and head north on 232 Street to Maple Ridge Park. Participants will return using the same route. 1104 b) Strategic Alignment: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Walk-a-thon organizers. d) Interdepartmental lmplications: The road use permit establishes that the Walk-a-thon organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). e) Business Plan /Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the Walk-a-thon to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the Walk-a-thon. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The St. Patrick's School Walk-a-thon has been held in Maple Ridge for several years without incident. A Submitted by: ,�c{idrew Wood, PhD., PEng. Municie=I Ei:' eer Approved by: F -nk Quinn, MBA, PEng. enerll Manager: -Public Works & Development Services Concu`'-nce: J.L. (1,r ) Rule Chi Administrative Officer AW/ml Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated August 28, 2007 St. Patrick's School Walk-a-thon Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. obtain any required permits from the District of Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services Department for park facility use; 5. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 6. must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times. 7. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 8. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 9. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District.. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw permission to use municipal streets for this and future events should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer SO YEAR ANNIVERSARY July 13, 2007 St. Patrick a School Mr. Matthew Li Maple Ridge Engineering Dept. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 22589 121st Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 3T5 Telephone: 604-467-1571 _ Fax: 604-467-2686 email: schoor®stpatsschool.org if1c- cc) Dear Mr. Li, St. Patrick's School requests permission to hold our annual Walk-a-thon on Friday, September 28, 2007. We will leave the school at 9:45 am and return approximately at 1:00 pm. Approximately 250 students and 50 adults will walk the route. The following is the Walk-a-thon route: Walk along 227th Street north to 128th Ave. Proceed along 128th, East to 232nd Street Turn on 232nd Street to Maple Ridge Park Return route the same. We are waiting to hear from Corporal R. E. Lemon for permission. All other agencies in Maple Ridge will be notified. Sincerely, Mrs. Anne Kully, Principal 08I22/200t 411:37 6044672686 S 1 1'A I S SCHOOL HA6t 01/04 Patrick6 &hoof FAX SUBJECT: 22589 121st Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 3T5 Telephone 604,467-1571 Fax: 604-467-268G ti iail. SCI Wulgs,patssd Wolin( Date Number of pages including cover sheet 1 FROM: A 61 W h Phone 1 (604) 467-1571 1 (604) 467-2686 website www.stpatsschooLorg E -Mail school@stpatsschootorg REMARKS: ❑ Urgent ❑ For your review L Reply ASAP ❑ Please Comment A AL. ...�_�. .. ...L -/2.644. / / .7. erg' intol .tsCicett- 08/22/2007 20:37 6044E72686 Au6.23, 2007 6.44AM International White Rock G?1c>5-253' To: Named Insured: ST HAlb bUHUUL t'Hlt CZ/ 114 No,1295 P. 2 141.16 international TOS Limited CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver As Represented by St. Patrick's School 22589 —121 Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3T5 RE Walkathon being held September 28. 2007 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INSURANCE HAS BEEN AFFECTED AS FOLLOWS: Policy Nos.: Limits: Coverage; 0106955FX01 - Primary Liability CBC1909999 - Umbrella Liability Primary Liability $2,000.000.00 - Each Occurrence Limit $2,000,000.00 - Aggregate Limit Umbrella Liability $3,000,000.00 - Each Occurrence Limit $3,000,000.00 - Aggregate Limit Commercial General Liability & Umbrella Liability Including Cross Liability Subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the applicable policies. Insurance Services mv.y.talNnmmnllnnecum Insurers: Primary Liability: Ecclesiastical Insurance Office Umbrella Liability. Lombard General Insurance Company Policy Term: March 1, 2007 to March 1, 2008 It is hereby understood and agreed that The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge is added as an Additional Insured but only with respect to liability arising vicariously out of the Named Insured's operations with respect to the above noted event HUB INTERNATIONAL TOS LIMITED 1. August 23, 2007 E.&O E. Hcnd Office Abbotsford 004/2A2.l. 1 604/3ifl•SfQ9 AUT ran' Langley Richmond North Vnncouver PrGlrl Sbonsor o/ Gra Vannouvnr Whitecaps FC Etrentwood Aldergrove Newton 60e/2g9d0I I i nnap356.4711 anm;96.9ti71 South VnncoUvcr Mnple Ridge Langley DB/22/2M / GU: .3( b1944b12bdb , ""144,:2V G9r4` o&ti4I577f8 FORt4 °A' 51 I141 b 5UFIUUL s7PATRICKS Da te:: Contact 1'e:rso n ".J�ataC,_, a6�.------Pnane�,�,tb2J�7��ax �i'•�te;�; Dfy: rl7;r is fst_ a l_ i ... .FI if• For 4-e c faml� ;� _ 11,� VV yr-"�"k�` P -- _._f�"__K t._CeC�'a ts_n2a5a,zAiaaG` hk>3kE'°:!I n w•.,.1 A'S mKc tam.e�ncal� �i 4: �FSa�, Y4bt b3/b4 10(}1,10-1 PAGE P2 Blotch of Traffic Control Plan: .51' north A Net . rnCae4 IIQLI" /at,- k;aeri iv *::3Q rtd Si ,, tu.rn o n . & a nd St-.. Ijh� lnlc_ 1�ic�t,�e "Po q.+urn :f,G Size. rhe.. route... I4ppr-vlulna re.;fttk-n 42- ,keec Pren+s J 7 Eticlff $ AT Feonl c SAC /r c F c r+Jc IWtt-c %-JtAe. Z.6FLFGTIVE SAFER VEJPS I FLVEN75 W I <-L SE AT a a s t r4oss W AL -CJ f�Ch.df concurrliir'Ice for the proposari Traffic Control Plan i i!/'Jp)!(AVIJ!�t Qgt'Ci ey hai:e bee?I adviyod and c2Cigtowledee the Ent. BC Transit nsit Fire Dei.Iarrrnen, Arnhul:illCs Sen'jce CjthOf' 08/22/200/ 20:37 1:1044bl2686 a]:' uou 15:37 FAL Ig14 q01 71:134 ' i ii%'4/200E S:49 Se44E72$M6 51 rHI, aunuuL .._1su1C RLULif JIL.IUVfO STPATR'IGKS rHVC. 04/ U4 La: uo Yr V V9 PAGE Oil � St Patrick School W alk -a thon MAPLE RIDGE Brills h Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights District Of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: August 30, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Louis Leather Shop 7th Annual Fundraising Event EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from Louis Leather Shop to use municipal streets for their 7th Annual Fundraising Event on Sunday October 7, 2007 between 12:00 noon and 5:00 pm. This year's event is in support of the Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By- law 3136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for Louis Leather Shop 7th Annual Fundraising Event on Sunday October 7, 2007, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A', attached to the staff report dated August 30, 2007 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". Louis Leather Shop is requesting permission to use municipal streets on Sunday October 7, 2007 for their 7" Annual Fundraising Event. The event will take place on Fraser Street and would require that Fraser Street be closed to vehicle traffic from Lougheed Highway to North Avenue from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. b) Strategic Plan Permitting of Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. 1105 c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, the event organizers will provide traffic control. In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. d) Interdepartmental lmplications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as Coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the event. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. Louis' Leather Shop Fundraising Event was held in Maple Ridge last year without incident. Andrew Wood, PhD Muyfcippal Engin Approved by: rank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. General Man-:er: Puttlic Works & Development Services Con AW/ml (Jim)ule ' Chief Adriiinistrative Officer Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated August 30, 2007 Louis' Leather Shop 7th Annual Fundraising Event Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 5. notify surrounding businesses of pending road closures, by letter provided by the District of Maple Ridge on behalf of the organizer; 6. must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times; 7. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 8. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 9. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw permission to use municipal streets for this and future events should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer Louis Leather Shop and Motorcycle Wear 11796 Fraser Street . Maple Ridge . B.C. V2X 6C7 August 21, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: We are planning our six annual fundraiser for Louis Leather Shop and Motorcycle Wear. It will be held Sunday October 7th 2007 at 11796 Fraser Street between 12 noon and 5pm. We are planning to have a couple of bands play music. The Christian Motorcycle Association will serve hot dogs and hamburgers as well as assist with security. We have already submitted the street plan to the Ridge Meadows RCMP. If you have any questions please call 604-466-5010. Thank you Yours truly, Louis Bayard dba Louis Leather Shop T'A anwnkl CC W M IdrlC7:7 JAPP-E7'9f1H H L . , 6 Pa I tci Ei<i�C FORM 'A' Details of the Event Contact Person: [_ootS I3A14.e-� Details: \,3(= ACC ?H -es YCHa t 41.1i “Er Lc 1 c,4 LES 1 sr Date:: 3CH y 7 % Z007 I,o4-4tic if; Phone Fax ibo' — yr„;-- OC tr; oC LF1tL;; f3 Fo4 M.e. ifi Acct.- .07-A of 7 dots 774 yrAc r ;-71 Pio .TAL IL&/J ,7 eF 541 r Sio l'C 4 ✓� /E Ci+C1 s ire f -1670&L y cis f IJ3i if JJ( Ah,qi :;c'L ✓iUf 1 FDA _Sc."(.SF(:'.&rf� %Icic� TO J thic 04 TC / S O cl c4 /too Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: * L } ;(c ;OP`-/ c '%Al`CIe RCMP concurrence for the proposed Traffic Control Plan The following agencies have been advised and acknowledge the event: BC Transit Fire Department Ambulance Services Other ii7/ / r MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia:: Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: August 15, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended July 31, 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any Council member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended July 31, 2007 now be approved" GENERAL $18,614,436 PAYROLL $ 1,215,081 PURCHASE CARD $ 119,344 $19.948,861 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. b) Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 1131 c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: 1. Bynett Construction Services standby power system 2. Emergency Communications dispatch levy third quarter 3. GV Sewerage & Drainage Jan-Jun'07 DCC collection 4. GV Water District water consumption Mar 28 - May 1 5. The municipality acts as the collection agency for other levels agencies. The following collections were remitted in July. a. Provincial School Tax b. Albion Dyking District of Maple Ridge c. Road 13 Dyking District of Maple Ridge d. Tretheway Edge Dyking District of Maple Ridge e. City of Pitt Meadows d) Policy Implications: $ 156,902 $ 253,620 $ 640,787 $ 337,385 of government or $14,179,962 $ 72,165 $ 80,754 $ 33,258 $ 94,199 Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended July 31, 2007 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: G'Ann Rygg Accounting Clerk II Approved by: Dennis Sartorius, CA Municipal Accountant Approved by:' Pail Gill, BBA, CGA GM - Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer gmr VENDOR NAME 470417 BC Ltd ADG Products Albion Dyking District BC Hydro BC SPCA Billesberger, Valerie Boileau Electric & Pole Ltd Bynett Construction Services CUPE Local 622 Chairlines Chevron Canada Ltd City Of Pitt Meadows Durante Kreuk Ltd. Echologics Engineering Inc Emergency Communications Gr Vanc Sewerage & Drainage Greater Vanc Water District Guillevin International Inc Hans Demolition & Excavating Lidstone Young Anderson Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Medical Services Plan Microsoft Licensing, GP:WRC-CA Minister Of Provincial Revenue Municipal Pension Plan BC Novax Industries Corp Pitt Meadows Heritage & Museum Pitt River Quarries Ltd Receiver General For Canada CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - PERIOD 7, 2007 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT RCMP workout equipment Screen printed banners 2007 collections Hydro charges July Contract July Records & archives services Feb - Jun Maintenance: Albion Sports Complex Banners Cameras Cemetary Harris Road Park Leisure Centre Library Maple Ridge Campground Municipal Hall Pumpstations .Randy Herman Building RCMP Rental properties Street lights • Standby Power System Dues - pay periods 07/14 & 07/15 Randy Herman Building furniture Leisure Centre furniture Fuel Dyking District 2007 collections Downtown beautification M RSS track Cottonwood North Park Condition assessment of water distribution system Dispatch levy - third quarter Jan - Jun'07 DCC collection Waste disposal Water consumption Mar 28 - May 1/07 Electrical supplies: Firehall Operations PM Rec. Centre Building demolition at 13084 236 Street Professional fees June Quarterly fee for service payment Monthly common costs July Employee medical & health premiums Annual software licensing School tax remittance Pension remittance Traffic signal DTR @ 210 Street Semi-annual fee for service Gravel Employer/Employee remit PP07/14 & 07/15 RCMP auction proceeds Radio licences 7,365 245 3,576 913 150 128 216 139 482 5,842 135 501 61 6,654 15,764 14,204 8,255 8,146 678 640,787 1,129 13,806 1,131 261 AMOUNT 29,987 17,443 72,165 79,902 21,054 18,355 26,407 156,902 16,594 29,968 55,823 94,199 17,079 15,463 253,620 641,916 337,385 15,198 17,713 17,178 17,380 15,545 22,656 18,384 14,179,962 206,124 19,386 23,653 15,901 501,173 213 767 502,153 RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Road 13 Dyking District School District #42 South Ridge Mechanical Ltd Telus Services Inc Terasen Gas Tretheway Edge Dyking District Ultra -Tech Cleaning System Ltd Valley Landscaping Ltd Western Pacific Enterprises GP Winvan Paving Ltd Workers Compensation Board BC Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards - Payment TOTAL PERIOD 7 2007 DISBURSEMENTS Ice rental Mar, Apr, May & Jun Curling rink operating expenses Apr & May Art Centre grant Aug Theatre rental Quarterly operating grant Jul - Sep Fee for service Senior week luncheon 2007 fee for service Monthly contract for recycling Jul Weekly recycling Litter pick-up contract 2007 collections Samuel Robertson turf field Maintenance: Albion Fairgrounds Firehall Greg Moore Youth Centre Hammond Pool Hammond Stadium Haney House Leisure Centre Municipal Hall PM Fam Rec Centre PM Museum Randy Herman Building RCMP Rental Properties Internet & email services May, Jun & Jul Gas July 2007 collections Maintenance July: Firehalls Library Municipal Hall Operations Centre Randy Herman Building RCMP Cottonwood North Park Information services critical load isolation Traffic circle at 105 Ave & Tamarack Lane 224 Street Improvements 203 Street Bike Lanes 210 Street & Dewdney Trunk Road 2007 roadwork projects Employer/Employee remittance 2nd qtr 2007 PP 07/14 & 07/15 GMR Y'.\Finance\Accounting \AP Remittances {Disbursements)\2007MMnmMy Council Report 2007 xIsJJUL'07 198,425 9,941 208,366 36,870 60 36,930 36,450 500 120 72,603 1,848 206 1,156 657 382 2,871 5,375 130 4,729 191 243 191 6,556 884 254 1,129 4,294 4,756 556 3,705 3,832 20,239 15,396 52,324 24,735 20,588 37,070 20,000 74,657 80,754 80,044 23,619 16,475 19,958 33,258 18,272 20,470 22,260 133,282 67,887 17,848,795 765,641 18,614,436 1,215,081 119,344 19,948,861 MAPLE RIDGE Brill Columbia) Deep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: September 5, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of Whole SUBJECT: Property Tax and Utility Billing System EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The current taxation and utility software was developed in-house in the early 1980's and has served us well, but is in need of replacement. A Request for Proposal was issued in May 2007 and the District received submissions from CSDC Systems Inc and Tempest Development Group. Evaluations and demonstrations have been conducted by.a team of staff from Finance, Information Services and Development Services. The recommendation from this team is to proceed with negotiations with Tempest Development Group for the replacement of our tax and utility system. We hope that the negotiations result in a contract that can be brought forward for Council's consideration. RECOMMENDATIONS: That staff be authorized to enter into negotiations with the Tempest Development Group for the replacement of the existing Taxation and Utility billing system, noting that funding for this project is included in the approved 2007-2011 Financial Plan DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The current taxation and utility software was developed in-house in the early 1980's and has served us well. Over the years, changes and improvements have been made to keep it functional. Such changes have required significant effort because the system does not easily interface with standard desktop software. Staff access to data has also been difficult due to system limitations. Customers are also seeking online access and such access is not possible without extensive modifications. Overall, significant effort has been required from our Information Services Department to support this system. The Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan developed in 1999 recommended the migration to software packages installed on more current architecture that allowed integration with the Oracle relational database, networks and with desktop programs like Word and Excel. This migration has been in progress for some time. AMANDA and ESRI (GIS) are but two examples of such migrations. 1132 a) Background Context (cont'd.): A Request for Proposal was issued in May 2007 and the District received submissions from CSDC Systems Inc and Tempest Development Group. Evaluations and demonstrations have been conducted by a team of staff from Finance, Information Services and Development Services. The recommendation from this team is to proceed with negotiations with Tempest Development Group for the replacement of our tax and utility system. We hope that the negotiations result in a contract that can be brought forward for Council's consideration. b) Desired Outcomes: We hope to have a new taxation and utility system in place for the 2008 billings. c) Strategic Alignment : The recommendation is in alignment with the IT Strategic Plan d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The implementation will result in improved service delivery to customers through online access to property tax information, including the electronic filing of home owner grants. We also hope to improve service to lawyers and notaries for conveyancing purposes by allowing them to produce their own tax certificates. Improved access to taxation and assessment data by staff will assist them in their customer service. It will also give staff greater flexibility in analysis and research. e) Interdepartmental Implications: Implementation and support will be cross- departmental. The Finance Department will be actively involved in this project and this is reflected in their current workplan. There will also be a big impact on the Information Services Department in terms of the support and services that they will be required to provide. While they will have to provide less programming support for a new system, they will be required to provide more support in other areas, notably web and data base support services. f) Business Pian/Financial Implications: Funding for this project is included in the approved 2007-2011 Financial Plan 7 g) Alternatives: We could stay with our current software but there would be risks attached to this. For instance, the existing program is written in a declining computer language (COBOL) with an old data base and as such, has a limited life expectancy. Our ability to keep up with customer service needs in terms of Internet capability, and changes related to other taxing authorities would also be limited. CONCLUSIONS: Prospective vendors have been evaluated and Tempest Development Group is the preferred vendor. Prepared by: Kathleen Gormley, Mbnager of Finance Business Systems Approved by: John(Bastaja, Chief'Information Officer 14.1 Approved by: ' l aul Gill, General Manager: Corporate and Financial Services Concurrence: ('J.L (Jim) Ru'le Chief/Administrative Officer MAPLE RIDGE jBntish CaIumba '... Deep Roots Greater Heights DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: June 18, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW SUBJECT: Fee for Service Agreement for the provision of Animal Control Services and Shelter Operations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The current Fee for Service Agreement with the SPCA for the provision of Animal Control and Shelter Operations expired December 31, 2006. Staff solicited expressions of interest for the provision of these services through two calls for proposals covering both the current operation which includes the enforcement of the Dog Control Bylaw and the operation of the Animal Shelter and a second proposal call covering only the enforcement of the Dog Control Bylaw. In each case, proposals were only received from the SPCA. The attached Fee for Service Agreement focuses on service standards in the areas of animal care, animal adoptions, volunteer programs, customer service, staff qualification and training, animal control, emergency response, financial and statistical reporting and shelter operations. The suggested term of the agreement is from January 2007 until December 2011. It should be noted that the Fee for Service Agreement can be terminated by either party with six months notice and it will be necessary to amend, renegotiate or terminate the Fee for Service Agreement when the District proceeds with the construction of a new Animal Shelter. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal the attached Fee for Service Agreement with the BCSPCA for the provision of Animal Control Services and Shelter Operations within the District of Maple Ridge; and further that the Business Licences, Permits and Bylaws Department implement a comprehensive dog licensing program. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Historically, the enforcement of the District's Animal Control Bylaw and the operation of the Animal Shelter have been delivered through a series of Fee for Service agreements between the District and the SPCA. The Fee for Service Agreement identifies a number of service standards in the areas of animal control, animal care, volunteer programs, customer service, 1133 b) Desired Outcome(s): To effectively enforce the Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Bylaw and operate the Districts Animal Shelter by ensuring that the service provider meets the established service standards noted in the Fee for Service Agreement. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: The attached Fee for Service agreement requires the Animal Shelter to be open to the public and an Animal Control Officer to be available to respond to complaints on Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. A designated employee of the SPCA will act in the capacity of a volunteer coordinator to promote local involvement in programs such as dog walking, foster parenting, care and grooming of shelter animals and adoption programs. All staff at the shelter receive formal training in the areas of animal welfare, animal assessments, cruelty investigations, customer service and operational policies and procedures. The SPCA is required to maintain comprehensive files on all calls for service and provide statistical reports to the municipality on a regular basis. d) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The cost of the proposal for the first year of the agreement totals $252,071.00 and includes $139,729.00 for dog control enforcement services and $112,342.00 for the operation of the animal shelter. Additional costs for the provision of these services include approximately $20,000.00 for building maintenance and supplies. These costs are offset by budgeted dog licensing revenues of $183,225.00 for a net expenditure of $88,846.00. These costs compare to a 2006 actual net expenditure for the same service standards of approximately $158,000.00. The reduction in net expenditures is attributed to the 2007 increase in dog licensing fees charged by the municipality. The proposed agreement includes a provision for the municipality to receive all dog licence revenues as opposed to previous agreements which saw the SPCA retain 75% of dog licence revenues collected after the 1st of March. Staff are confident that with a comprehensive dog licensing program operating out of the Bylaw Enforcement and Licensing Department, it is possible that once the program is operational revenues generated from dog licensing fees could offset all expenses incurred for the provision of animal control and care services. These savings could then be applied to the construction costs of a new animal shelter. Once the District of Maple Ridge and the BCSPCA enter into a Fee for Service Agreement, discussions concerning funding sources and construction of a new animal shelter will continue. Staff will provide an update on progress towards the construction of a new animal shelter in the near future. e) Alternatives: Council may choose to provide in house services for the delivery of animal control and care services. It is anticipated that this method of service delivery will result in increased expenditures over those included in the Fee for Service Agreement. CONCLUSIONS: Staff are recommending that the attached Fee for Service Agreement with the BCSPCA be signed and sealed by the Mayor and Municipal Clerk. Prepared by: Brock McDonald Director of,Bu5iness Licences, Permits and Bylaws Approved by: ank Quinn G.M. Public Works and Develor,;,, nt Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) ' ule Chief Ad inistrative Officer BM/bm SPCA CONTRACT FOR SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made the day of 2007 BETWEEN: AND: THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, a District Municipality under the Municipal Act, RSBC, 1979, Chp 290 and having its offices at 11995 Haney Place, in the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, V2X 6A9; (hereinafter called the "District") OF THE FIRST PART THE BRITISH COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS, duly constituted under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, RS Chp 372 1996, and having its head office at 1245 7 Ave E, Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, V5T 1R1 and having a local shelter office at 10235 Industrial Avenue, Maple Ridge; (hereinafter called the "SPCA") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the District recognizes the commitment, excellence and dedication of the SPCA; AND WHEREAS, both the District and the SPCA want their relationship formalized in order to assist them in the budgeting and planning of their respective operations; THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH in consideration of the premises and of the covenants and agreements of the parties hereto, the parties hereto agree as follows: Definitions 1. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: "animal control services" means all the work and services required to be performed by the SPCA under this agreement. "bylaws" means the District of Maple Ridge dog licensing and animal control bylaws; and the District of Maple Ridge cat spaying and neutering bylaw. "shelter" means the District of Maple Ridge animal shelter presently located at 10235 Industrial Avenue, Maple Ridge. "pound" means the District of Maple Ridge animal shelter located at 10235 Industrial Avenue, Maple Ridge. Any word or term not otherwise defined has the meaning given to it in the District's animal control bylaw. Scope 2. The scope of the agreement includes but is not limited to seven broad objectives: a) to ensure public safety with respect to contact with animals. b) to address all public concerns relating to "nuisance" caused by domestic animals (for the purposes of this agreement "domestic animals" shall include dogs and cats); c) to ensure the humane treatment of animals within the District; d) to provide broad ranging and quality public education in order to facilitate the above; e) to partner with the District in providing quality dog control services. f) to implement and maintain a comprehensive volunteer program, including, without limitation, dog walking, dog grooming, adoption assistance, fostering and humane education. g) to liaise and where feasible, collaborate with other local or regional groups involved in animal welfare. Term 3. The term of this Agreement shall be for five (5) years from January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2011, inclusive. -'3- Performance of Services 4. The SPCA shall perform animal control services for the term in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. Duties of the SPCA 5. The SPCA acknowledges that the District has appointed the SPCA as the poundkeeper of the District under the bylaw, and the SPCA agrees to exercise the powers and perform all the duties of the poundkeeper as set out in the bylaw. This includes without limitation the following: a) to exercise the powers and perform the duties of animal control services as set out in the bylaws; in and for the District at any and all times during the term of this agreement and without limiting the generality of the foregoing to pick up or receive and impound, hold for claim by the owners or attendant in care, and dispose of by adoption or transfer, unlicensed stray dogs and licensed dogs or other domestic animals; b) to provide food, water, shelter and veterinary care, where appropriate to all animals received at the shelter; c) enforce all laws and bylaws and regulations in effect from time to time of local, provincial and federal authorities having jurisdiction pertaining to the control of animals; within the agreed response times and parameters established between the District and the SPCA d) respond, investigate and attend to complaints from the public regarding dogs at large or unlicensed or otherwise in contravention of the bylaw within the agreed response times and parameters established between the District and the SPCA; e) to provide the necessary communications equipment for two-way radio communication together with a base station, telephone recorder and mobile equipment as necessary in the performance of animal control services; f) respond, investigate and attend to any complaint alleging a vicious or dangerous dog running at large, as defined by the bylaw, within the agreed response times and parameters established between the District and the SPCA; g) maintain regular contact with the Bylaw Enforcement Department and the RCMP in order to maintain a cooperative working relationship that provides seamless delivery of animal control services. This includes the exchange of after hours telephone numbers of local personnel for 24 hour emergency response; h) responsible for operation of shelter including payment of all operating costs; -3- In Addition The SPCA Will Provide The Following Services: Shelter Operations/Animal Care 1) the shelter will accept all stray or homeless domestic animals to the best of its ability. 2) all animals at the shelter will be provided on a daily basis with good quality food which meets all the protein requirements and sustenance required to keep the animal in good health. 3) all animals will be monitored daily in relation to the animals medical condition and those animals who appear sick will immediately receive appropriate veterinary care. The SPCA undertakes to have a certified Animal Health Technician examine each animal at the shelter a minimum of once per week. 4) all animals entering the shelter will be appropriately vaccinated with the exception of very young animals and nursing mothers. 5) all animals requiring medical attention beyond the scope of SPCA staff will be taken to a veterinarian for treatment. 6) all animals at the shelter will be exercised regularly. 7) the euthanasia of animals received by the SPCA will be restricted to those animals in critical distress under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, who are terminally ill with no hope of recovery; the animal is aged in the sense that it has lost control of normal faculties; the animal is extremely aggressive and as such poses a danger to the public. Records of all animals euthanized, along with the reason for the procedure, will be submitted to the District of Maple Ridge. Shelter Operations/Adoptions 1) the SPCA will promote and operate an animal adoption program. The SPCA will be expected to aggressively promote the adoption program by way of its own Website, the District of Maple Ridge Website, community service announcement programs, written materials, public event attendance and other effective means. 2) A pre -adoption form satisfactory to the District of Maple Ridge must be completed by all applicants prior to an adoption and all applicants must meet all requirements highlighted on the adoption application. 3) the SPCA will ensure the following measures are carried out for each animal prior to the adoption: — the animal is spayed/neutered — micro -chipping of the animal/or -4- — tattooing of the animal — literature is provided on proper care and handling for the specific animal species being adopted. — a short checklist on each animal noting any obvious traits is provided to prospective owners. Shelter Operations/Volunteer Management 1) the SPCA will operate a volunteer program to operate from the shelter. 2) the SPCA will designate a staff person at the shelter to act in the capacity of volunteer coordinator and this individual will be trained in the area of volunteer coordination. The SPCA furthermore undertakes to involve its General Manager: Volunteer Development in the further development of the volunteer program within the District. 3) volunteer programs including dog walking; dog and cat grooming; shelter maintenance/cleaning including kennels; food preparation/feeding; foster parents; animal adoptions; office assistants; and others where appropriate will be available at the shelter. 4) all volunteers will be screened for suitability with the aid of a screening form designed by the SPCA for all volunteer positions. All volunteers will abide by the terms and conditions established by the Society from time to time. 5) job descriptions/orientation sheets for each volunteer position will be available and will include the duties of the position and the expectations and responsibilities of the SPCA. 6) volunteer recognition programs and events will be held regularly. Shelter Operations/Customer Service/Staff Qualifications 1) all employees at the shelter will provide excellent customer service and the SPCA will develop a procedure for encouraging customer feedback including the development of customer feedback forms and procedures acceptable to the District of Maple Ridge for the tracking and resolution of customer complaints. Quarterly reports detailing customer complaints/resolutions will be forwarded to the District of Maple Ridge. 2) the SPCA will maintain a telephone information line to provide after hours information on shelter operating hours, emergency phone numbers, 24 hour veterinary service providers, and other relevant information. 3) the SPCA will provide information to the general public on how to properly care for their animal by way of its own Website, the municipal Website and written materials available at the shelter and other public facilities. 4) all employees working at the shelter will have received training in animal control and welfare from a recognized institution/program and/or receive ongoing training as necessary. -5- 5) the SPCA will ensure all employees at the shelter receive regular performance evaluations. Hours of Operation and Staffing 6. The animal shelter will be open to the public from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday to Friday and 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday excluding statutory holidays. SPCA staff will make themselves available for flexible evening hours as needed. Staff will be available to respond to emergencies including dangerous/vicious dogs at large; injured animals; other calls requiring immediate attention 24 hours per day seven days per week. The staff operating from the shelter will include a full time shelter supervisor, a full time Animal Control Officer, 1.5 Animal Control Attendants and a full time receptionist. The SPCA also agrees to provide a half time Manager and an Animal Protection Officer to investigate incidents of animal cruelty in the District. Fees Collected by the SPCA 7. The SPCA will retain all fees collected at the animal shelter with the exception of the licence fees which will be remitted to the District on the first day of each month. Payment 8. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in consideration of the performance of the services set out in Section 5 above, the District shall pay to the SPCA: a) For the period commencing January 1, 2007, and ending December 31, 2007, the amount of Twenty One Thousand Sixty Dollars ($21,060.00), monthly, payable on the first day of each month. b) For the period commencing January 1, 2008, and ending December 31, 2008, the amount of Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety Two Dollars ($21,692.00), monthly, payable on the first day of each month. c) For the period commencing January 1, 2009, and ending December 31, 2009, Twenty Two Thousand Three Hundred Forty Three Dollars ($22,343.00), monthly, payable on the first day of each month. d) For the period commencing January 1, 2010, and ending December 31, 2010, Twenty Three Thousand Thirteen Dollars ($23,013.00), monthly, payable on the first day of each month. e) For the period commencing January 1, 2011, and ending December 31, 2011, Twenty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Three Dollars ($23,703.00), monthly, payable on the first day of each month. -6- f) The District of Maple Ridge will provide .65 cents per pound for the incineration of pathological waste as a result of dead animals received by the shelter or animals euthanized at the shelter. Financial Statements 9. The SPCA will provide to the District: a) an annual Business Plan developed by and for the shelter in a form acceptable to the District by June 15, 2007, the first year of this agreement, and by October 31, preceding the business plan year, for each subsequent year, and b) an annual financial budget for the total shelter/pound operation by June 15, 2007, the first year of this Agreement, and by October 31 preceding the budget year, for each subsequent year; and c) annual financial statements (with budget and prior year comparisons) no later than 180 days after the fiscal year end of the SPCA. d) a statement of annual donations submitted to the SPCA by Maple Ridge residents for use in local animal humane activities. Operating Reports 10. The SPCA will provide monthly and annual operating reports which will contain the following: a) numbers of animals by type: (i) received by the shelter (ii) adopted (iii) returned to owner (iv) transferred to other shelters (v) euthanized (vi) picked up dead (vii) carried forward (viii) complaints on dogs at large (ix) other (as outlined in the SPCA proposal for service provision) b) a breakdown of the numbers in (a) that relate to the pound operation; c) a breakdown of the animals in (a)(v) that were reasonably not adoptable due to health or old age; _7 d) a narrative report on significant issues and events at the shelter for the report period. A representative of the SPCA will make semi annual presentations to the municipal Council on issues relating to animal services within the District including updates on the operation of the shelter, volunteer activities, public comments and other significant issues. An annual written summary will also be provided. Insurance 11. The SPCA must obtain and maintain in force for the term: a) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance coverage in the amount of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) for each occurrence for bodily injury, death or property damage on an all risk occurrence basis. The said coverage must include coverage for all SPCA volunteers. b) The SPCA agrees to obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement, in the name of the SPCA, at the SPCA's expense, insurance on all the SPCA's equipment, including motor vehicles, sufficient to replace the equipment as well as liability and collision insurance in an amount acceptable to the District. c) The SPCA will name the District as an additional insured on all insurance policies and the insurance shall contain a provision that the insurance shall apply as though a separate policy has been issued to each named insured. If the SPCA fails to obtain the required insurance, the District may obtain and maintain such insurance policies in the name of the SPCA and the SPCA hereby appoints the District as its true and lawful attorney to do all things necessary for the purpose. All moneys expended by the District for insurance under this section must be paid by the SPCA upon invoice from the District. d) Each policy of insurance mentioned above, must provide that it cannot be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without at least thirty (30) days notice in writing to the District by registered mail. e) The District will require the SPCA to handle any claims made against the SPCA and make full compensation for any injury or damage done to or sustained by the District or any person or persons or any building or thing or any other property whatsoever and settle all claims in respect thereof and indemnify, protect and save harmless the District from and against all claims, demands, suits or actions of every kind, description and nature whatsoever arising out of or in any connection with the fulfilment of the contract including costs incurred by the District for defence of any such claims and in respect of anything done, suffered or omitted in the execution of or in connection with the contract. -8- f) The SPCA agrees to provide to the District proof of the above mentioned insurance before commencing any work under this Agreement. General Provisions 12. This Agreement shall not be assigned in whole or in part by the SPCA, without the prior written consent of the District and any assignment made without that consent is void and of no effect. 13. This is an Agreement for the performance of services and the SPCA is engaged under the Agreement as an independent contractor for the sole purpose of providing the services. Neither the SPCA nor any of the SPCA's members are engaged under this Contract as an employee, servant or agent of the District. 14. The SPCA agrees to be solely responsible for any and all payments and deductions required to be made by law including those required for Canada or Quebec Pension Plans, Unemployment Insurance, Worker's Compensation, Goods and Services Tax or Income Tax. 15. The SPCA shall not represent itself to be nor in any way hold itself out to be an employee or agent of the District. 16. This agreement may not be amended nor modified nor shall any of its terms and conditions be waived except by subsequent agreement in writing executed by both parties. 17. Any notice, request, direction or other communication desired or required to be given or made hereunder by either party shall be given or made in writing and may be served on the District or the SPCA by registered mail to the District or to the SPCA at the address shown on page 1 of this contract, respectively, and any notice, request, direction or other communication so given or made shall be deemed to have been effectively given a) if served personally, on the day it is delivered; and b) if forwarded by registered mail, when the postal receipt is acknowledged by the other party. 18. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of the contract and supersedes all previous negotiations, communications and other agreements relating to it unless they are incorporated by reference herein. 19. The SPCA acknowledges that the buildings situate on the property at 10235 Industrial Avenue forms part of the lands and premises, the registered owner of which is the District -9- 20. The SPCA agrees that the District may inspect, review, possess or copy records created, received, and/or acquired that are directly related to the provision of animal control services as set out in this agreement. Termination 21. This agreement may be terminated by either party only upon the breach of a fundamental term of this agreement and once ninety (90) days notice is provided to the other party. The District shall pay the SPCA for the services satisfactorily performed to the termination date. 22. This agreement may be terminated by either party without cause once six months notice is provided to the other party. The District shall pay the SPCA for services satisfactorily performed to the termination date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written. The Corporate Seal of THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE was hereunto affixed in the presence of: MAYOR CLERK The authorized signatory for BRITISH COLUMBIA SOCIETY FOR PREVENTION OF CRUELTY to ANIMALS signed this agreement in the presence of: Witness' Name Address Occupation - 10 - Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory 4* MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: September 5, 2007 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W. SUBJECT: Request for Proposal - Preventative Maintenance Services for HVAC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Proposals for Preventative Maintenance Services for Heating, Ventilation, and Air -Conditioning (HVAC) were received from five reputable companies on June 18, 2007. The Facilities Operations and the Purchasing Departments have reviewed and evaluated the submissions in accordance with the established evaluation criteria and have determined best value for a HVAC Service Contract. RECOMMENDATION: That the contract for Preventative Maintenance Services for HVAC Services be awarded to PML Professional Mechanical for an annual contract price of $45,366. Noting that the contract is for a two (2) year term, with an option to renew for an additional two (2) years. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: As outlined in Parks and Leisure Services, Facilities Operations 2007 Business Plan we committed to develop a Request for Proposal for Preventative Maintenance Services for HVAC Systems. This new HVAC Service contract is a critical tool to manage the preventive and re -active maintenance management programs in all government properties, historic buildings, parks buildings and recreation facilities in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. The HVAC contract included itemized service levels, maintenance standards/plans, and detailed preventative maintenance routines in conjunction with seasonal shutdowns, service call response times and increased service warranties. All RFP submissions were evaluated from the criteria setout within the RFP instructions C1 to C4. These weighted criteria will enable the District to determine the best value for a Preventative Maintenance Service contract. The weighted criteria were based on percentages: • C1 - Statement of Departures • C2 - 20% Experience Reputation and Resources Proposal • C3 - 50% Technical Proposal • C4 - 30% Financial Proposal - (10% overall cost/labour cost per hour, 5% regular business labour rates, 5% after hours labour rates, 5% parts and material markup, and 5% service callout labour rate). Proposals were received from five companies with Professional Mechanical receiving the highest rating in the evaluation process. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is to achieve the best value of a RFP - HVAC Preventative Maintenance and Service Contract. 1151 c) Strategic Alignment: Our strategic alignment is to maintain existing Municipal infrastructure through the preparation of appropriate plans and contracts to ensure minimal facility disruptions and appropriate operating conditions within Municipal facilities. d) Citizen/Customer Implication: The contract will provide municipal employees, the general public and user groups with safe, healthy and efficient corporate buildings. e) Business Plan/Financ mplication: The contracw,jII covered within the existing budget. 9 Prepared by: Michael Millward, PE Facilities Operations Manager, Parks and Leisure Services ed by:/ Mike urray General Manager: Community Development, Parks and Recreation oncurrence: J.l. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer MM:ik