HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-11 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA May 11, 2010 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mar)leridae.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 27, 2010 502 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of April 22 and 23(2), 2010 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 601 Awards to Ridge Meadows RCMP Officers - Superintendent Dave Walsh, Officer In Charge, Ridge Meadows RCMP Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda May 11, 2010 Council Chamber Page 2 of 6 700 DELEGATIONS 701 Welcome Wagon - 801h Year Anniversary - Kay Thomas 702 Silver Valley Association - Silver Valley Festival Presentation and Thank You to Council - Donn York 703 Vancouver Cycling Coalition - Bike to Work Week - Rick Hales 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS F�Z�Z�=K� � : �9�iP�►]��[y� 1000 BYLAWS Bylaws for Final Reading 1001 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6726-2010 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets To amend Chapter 5, Natural Features of the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan to incorporate greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets Final reading 1002 Maple Ridge 2010-2014 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6739-2010 To update the 2010-2014 Financial Plan Final reading 1003 Maple Ridge Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6740-2010 To establish 2010 tax rates Final reading 1004 Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6741-2010 To establish the 2010 tax rates for the Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District Final reading 1005 Albion Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6742-2010 To establish the 2010 tax rates for the Albion Dyking District Final reading Council Meeting Agenda May 11, 2010 Council Chamber Page 3 of 6 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1100 Minutes - May 3, 2010 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Public Works and Development Services 1101 RZ/026/10, 24160 125 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-2 Staff report dated April 22, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6736-2010 be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 1102 RZ/054/02, 22600 136 Avenue, First Extension Staff report dated April 21, 2010 recommending that under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/054/02. 1103 RZ/004/06, 12142, 12170, 12140 203 Street and 20468 122 Avenue, Final One Year Extension Staff report dated April 21, 2010 recommending that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, a final one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/004/06. 1104 AL/084/09, Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve, 12353 264 Street, Staff report dated April 27, 2010 providing options for consideration of application AL/084/09 to exclude 4.045 hectares (10 acres) of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Council Meeting Agenda May 11, 2010 Council Chamber Page 4of6 1105 Municipal Equipment Purchase - One Street Sweeper and One Tandem Axle Dump Truck Staff report dated April 27, 2010 recommending that the contract for the purchase of one street sweeper with a catch basin cleaner boom attachment and accessories be awarded to Cubex Limited and that the contract for the purchase of one tandem dump truck and accessories be awarded to First Truck Centre. 1106 2010 TransLink MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement Staff report dated April 26, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute Major Road Network Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-11. 1107 Farmers Market Events at Spirit Square Staff report dated April 19, 2010 recommending the use of municipal streets be authorized for the Farmers Market Events at Spirit Square on Saturday, June 19, Saturday, July 24 and Saturday, August 28, 2010. 1108 Canada Day Event Staff report dated April 26, 2010 recommending the use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual Canada Day Event on Thursday, July 1, 2010. 1109 7th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run Staff report dated April 26, 2010 recommending the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 71h Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run on Sunday, June 6, 2010. 1110 Cruise for a Cause Day Staff report dated April 26, 2010 recommending the use of municipal streets be authorized for the Cruise for a Cause Day on Thursday, August 26, 2010. Council Meeting Agenda May 11, 2010 Council Chamber Page 5 of 6 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended March 31, 2010 Staff report dated April 23, 2010 recommending that disbursements for March 2010 be approved. 1132 Tourism Operator Staff report dated April 29, 2010 recommending that the contract for the provision of Tourism Services be awarded to Duckworth Management Group Ltd. for a five year period and that the Corporate Office be authorized to execute the contract. Community Development and Recreation Service 1151 Award of Contract, Cliff Park Field Renovations 1181 Staff report dated April 21, 2010 recommending that the contract for the renovation of the soccer and ball fields at Cliff Park be awarded to Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd. Correspondence Other Committee Issues 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1300 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL 1400 MAYOR'S REPORT 1500 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT Council Meeting Agenda May 11, 2010 Council Chamber Page 6 of 6 1700 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1900 ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. Council reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings, delegations and community forum. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapieridge.ca. Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@maplerid e.ca. Checked b : vV y l Date: t.1d Co CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 22, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary 1. RZ/O94/O7 LEGAL: East Half Lot 2 Except: Firstly: East 90 feet and Secondly: Parcel C (Reference Plan 84992), Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 1676; and East 90 feet, East of Half Lot 2 Except: Parcel D (Reference Plan 84993), Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 1676 LOCATION: 23948 & 23942 Dewdney Trunk Road OWNER: 0852845 B.C. Ltd. & 0825950 B.C. Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Agreement - Landscape Buffer Installation THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO RZ/O94/O7. CARRIED J.L. (Jim) ule, Chief Administrative Officer Memb. 502 a 12055 3 20 B AVE. o N v P 57747 12040 " ' m N 2 23 N 24 � � LMP 30402 25 26 4 3 � � 20 14 120 A LANE co�p C4 N N a m A N Rem 21 m B 12005 P 88032 SUBJECT PROPERTIES V N M P 27920 LMP 30401 DEWDNEY TRUNK RO. P 86310 N 1/2 Rem NN LARem 1 2 N93/2 gRem of B e9285134 P 789311970 A 11s e3 1n Pcl 3AVE. 23998 r m Rem A 23996 N 37stsso P 1676 0� P 876 4 aP 67082r 4 LMP 806 M "m a S 1/2 11968 119 GAVE. 11950 5 Rem a of B m of W 1/2 6 11949 11940 a N N 5 P 7893 y 16 6 2 �+ 11951 M2 � 11939 11930 W W na d 17 7 y aEi 4 P1f 4 P16 1 3 11928 v 11927 1 2 3 1 N 2 3 11917 m N S 1/2 4 1j91a 19 N N of 1 a F N 119AAVE. P 1676 ns3s �� nslt m 5 Rem 2 'y� a 20 N 4 $ m m P 7893 6 11so3 11 10 NLMP 4 5 6 N 7 2 1144 L P 16 LMP 1 061 N P 8051 35913 1 8 m 1 2 2 30 31 32 33 34 36 N N N 11903 N N N N N 37 11922/54 V n 1f903 119 AVE. 38 17a93 7 11880 3 11875 4 39 N 1/2 1 29 28 - 27 T--25 11ar7 7893 ❑ 40 11657 LMP 1 511 0 11869 11888 a 41 11868 w 5 y LMP 1 1 g 11861 a 1 5 A 7 a 11849 m 24 23 6 22 21 20 42 11853 852 lo 6 N 1858 m m N N N 43 11845 �r N r' 4 118 AAVE. 44 11637 11 d48 t184a a 45 N 16 N 17 N 18 N 19 11829 3 Haze (P 21864) N 8 9 10 LMP 180 1 4614321 LMP 1161e 2 15 23165 52 District of Pitt Meadows - - 23942 & 23948 DEWDNEY TRUNK 5i19rValley i= O .N N_ CORPORATION OF 5 Mn THE DISTRICT OF N • - r MAPLE RIDGE District of Langley aim Il I PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,500 a DATE: Nov 14, 2007 FILE: RZ/094/07 BY: PC �+�Yr CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 23, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. SD/034/09 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary Lot 6, Except Phases 1, 2, & 3, District Lots 402 & 403, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan BCP34230 22865 Telosky Avenue Maple Ridge North Developments Ltd. Phase 4 Strata Subdivision Plans THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO SD/034/09. CARRIED J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member IlS97 =v 9 NWS 3378 11585 rl f 8 1 P 83761 - Hem, PL'A' RP 3713 - xfig 115fi7 1 4 !�5 LMP 30408 1 1 its&a P �g4 i:16 AVE A 1r528 11519 Bcs 599 LMP 12216 3 NWS 3409 Ws 1391 t P 83811 1 L5UBJECT PROPERTY V A c P 71204 s� ' 6 6d 1lsax ' MP Sd s 1 2 g d g 5 3 6 7 8 9„ BCP 342M M p gym' 12 11 � TELD5KY AVE 10 `� P811c Bc 13 ry 27 13 N12 m11 R 10 Q �0�s t5 'm � 9 14 � 23007 1 O` �1 15 2 -1?- 7 ��o n 16 tt.s22 2'0 J 7 ,yak' 17 f LMP 251325 38,�aatib 23 5 '+3sy � oti� 1 A ti9 q, 7 'p 22p2'1 PARK 4 mg 4 7 J '91S 2 -o � Q 3 �A 5ya'� �1'r t3aq r ; J9 3 T 9 � i3035 C` F 4 Qz 17 s s ,� Q A tia 11� e4 6CP 342 51 18 �'3� 5 Rem 10 P Q ti16 �v7 19 � r�?�a 22 6 572 P 14824 15 w1y� �1 +f 23 8 22B9Z .1fi J+ 10 ,1asa e P 14624 �L' 25 ryo r,�9 12 13 6 11 ry r a 26 L-2 P 14624 10 �� J� �n 27 City of Pitt 1 Meadows _j 22865 TELOSKY AVENUE • - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF h� MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE IY District of � , �,� rf �I r Langley - _„{� PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,500 i DATE: Jun 2, 2009 FILE: SD/034/09 BY: PC -- . FFtASa`R'R. - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES April 23, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. DP/058/09 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary Lot A (BE50736), District Lot 278, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 87086 20611 Lougheed Hwy Mary Jones Properties Ltd. Covenant - Parking THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO DP/058/09. CARRIED 4Di J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member N m 00 2 30 31 32 33 12010 v d m d 12013 u, 12004 N N 7 O O 1 N ON O O p 1 N N N N N BCP 17822 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 1 77 � 9LF N 0 t 1643 Pcl. 'One' LM P 46838 N 0 N O LOUGHEED �j Wy. N O N N O N N O � N O W N N O � O N Rem.1 Ln P 78869 2 0 1 P 72179 0 N a. J Rem 2 3 3N4N5o6N7N N P 75414 N 004 N NWS 2959 N SCALE 1:2,000 City of Pitt Meadows District of Langley { �' �L4SER EME r I1191� I F 0 N O � O (h O O N N P 10201 803 N O H LMP 1703 1 N (LEASE PLAN) P 25311 BCP 34169 11842 j 11836 P 75414 "A" NWS 2745 11828 RP 9591 o 11819 11820 � � C 20611 LOUGHEED HWY 0 N y o CORPORATION OF M THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE A• PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Nov 26, 2009 FILE: VP/058/09 BY: PC WELCOME WAGONLTD. INCE 1930 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Welcome Wagon Celebrates 80th Anniversary! The year 2010 marks 80 years of Welcome Wagon service in Canada. Celebrations will be held across Canada from March to June. Outstanding Representatives will be honoured at one of seven regional conferences. Also to be honoured are outstanding Welcome Wagon communities and local services and merchants who have been a part of Welcome Wagon's services from ten to eighty years. Today more than 1,000 Welcome Wagon Representatives across Canada work within their local communities. A team of 19 field managers hire, train and guide them. From Head Office in Ontario, more than 30 employees coordinate the Welcome Wagon administrative support generated by representing over 13,000 businesses and visiting with more than 300,000 families individually each year. Welcome Wagon has always been associated with the moving and relocation process, but the company also serves many other occasions and lifestyle changes. Special Events are organized for: brides-to-be, expectant mothers, grandparents, the semi -retired and retired. New mothers and their babies are visited in the hospital or at home. There are business -to - business presentations for executives and professionals when change and movement occur. Welcome Wagon has much to celebrate during its 80th anniversary. Thirty years ago Welcome Wagon Ltd. became totally Canadian management -owned. Over the years Welcome Wagon has enjoyed hundreds of citations from civic officials and communities in recognition of its many services. A 1 9 3 0 - 2 0 1 0 www.welcomewagon.ca 701 From: Ceri Marlo Sent: April 23, 2010 7:55 AM To: Amanda Gaunt Subject: FW: May 11th Council meetng -----Original Messaae----- From: Donn York Sent: Apr 23, 2010 07:07 To: Ceri Marlo Subject: May 11th Council meetng Hi Ceri, I'm with the Silver Valley Association that's putting on the Silver Valley festival on May 22nd. A delegation from our association would like to attend the May llth council meeting. The purpose is to make a presentation and to thank the council for their support. Thanks, Donn York 702 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6726-2010 A Bylaw to amend the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 6425-2006 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 6425-2006 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6726-2010". Chapter 5, Natural Features is amended as follows: a) Section 5.6, Preparing for Climate Change be amended by inserting the following at the end of the sub -section entitled "Objectives" and before the sub -section that is entitled "Policies": In consideration of the requirements of Bill 27, the Local Government (Green Communities) Status Amendment Act, which have been incorporated into the Local Government Act, the creation of greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets is consistent with many of the policies contained in the Official Community Plan. Throughout the Plan there are policies related to containing growth within the Urban Area Boundary, protecting agricultural land, providing a multi -modal transportation network, and protecting natural resources, including trees which remove CO2 from the environment and also produce oxygen. Examples of policies in support of emissions reduction in other Sections of the Official Community Plan, include the following: ■ Policy 2-2 in the Growth Management Section; ■ Policy 5-22 in Natural Features; ■ Policy 7-10 in Transportation; ■ Policy 6-8 in Agricultural Opportunities; and and there are many others throughout this document. b) Section 5.6, Preparing for Climate Change be amended by inserting the following after Policy 5-43(g): 5 - 44 The District of Maple Ridge will explore undertaking a Community Energy and Emissions Plan that will help the municipality identify indicators to help track community energy emissions and to also provide recommendations on opportunities for reducing community emissions and achieving reduction targets. 1001 5 - 45 The District of Maple Ridge has a goal to reduce community greenhouse gas emissions by 33% below 2007 levels by 2020 and 80% by 2050. READ A FIRST TIME the 23rd day of March, A.D. 2010. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 20th day of April, A.D. 2010. READ A SECOND TIME the 27th day of April, A.D. 2010. READ A THIRD TIME the 27th day of April, A.D. 2010. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 2010. PRESIDING MEMEBER CORPORATE OFFICER DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6739-2010 Maple Ridge 2010-2014 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6739-2010 WHEREAS, through a public process in an open meeting the business plans and resulting financial plan were presented; AND WHEREAS, the public will have the opportunity to provide comments or suggestions with respect to the financial plan; AND WHEREAS, Council deems this to a process of public consolation under section 166 of the Community Charter. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge 2010-2014 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6739-2010". 2. Statement 1, Statement 2 and Statement 3 attached to and forming part of Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw 6708 -2009 are deleted in their entirety and replaced by Statement 1, Statement 2 and Statement 3 attached and forming part of Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6739-2010. READ a first time the day of , 2010. READ a second time the day of 2010. READ a third time the day of 2010. PUBLIC CONSULTATION completed on the day of RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of PRESIDING MEMBER Attachments: Statement 1, Statement 2 and Statement 3 12010. CORPORATE OFFICER , 2010. 1002 A;taclrment to Mac -le Ridge 2010-2414 Amending Financial Dian Bylao F739-2010 Statement 1 Consolidated Financial Plan 2010-2014 it thousands: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 REVENUES - E.dernal Revenues Development Fees Dere;oper Cost Charges $221,304 $9,193 $11,726 $5,759 $7,958 Deveope Specified Projects $0 $0 $0 $Q .so Parkianci Acquisition: $486 $200 $240 $200 $200 Contributions from: Others $4,929 $3699 S3,895 $6227 $3.560 Development Fees Total $26.719 $13,092 3-5.921 $12,186 $11,718 Prcpert} Taxes $54.514 $58,532 SKJ44 $66,824 $70.999 Parcel Charges $2,513 $2,642 $2778 $2,921 $3.071 Fees & Char„es $31,125 $32,850 $347677 $36.635 $38.773 Smerest $i,885 $1.885 $1,885 $1.885 $1,885 Grants (Other Govtsi $30,062 $2.202 $4,992 $10.808 $2,952 Property Sales $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total External Revemies $146,818 $111,203 $122.997 $131,259 $129,398 EXPENDITURES External Expenditures Other Expenditures $81.407 $82.185 $86,283 $90.208 $94 444 Amortization Expense $16,485 $16.979 $17,489 $18.014 $18,554 Total External Expenditures $97,892 599.164 103,772 $108.222 $112,998 ANNUAL SURPLUS $48,926 $12,039 $19,225 $23,037 $16,400 OTHER ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN ANNUAL SURPLUS Ttansferfrom Tangible Capital.sets $16.485 816.979 $17A89 $18014 $18.554 Less: Capital Expenditures $105.921 823,379 $29.262 $30.717 $15.298 Less: Principal Payments on Debt $4,059 $5,315 $7,689 $7.754 $8,620 Less: Interest Payments on Dent 12,959 $3.358 $3,574 $3A79 $3,588 Add: Borrowing Proceeds $28,851 $3<38ti $4,094 KOK $0 CHANGE IN FINANCIAL POSITION ($18,677) $352 $283 $5,151 $7.448 INTERNAL TRANSFERS Transfer from Reserve Funds Capita I Works Reserve $3;312 $866 $2045 $853 $853 Equipment Replacement Reserve $3,351 $1.454 $1,991 $1.311 $1,229 Fire Departnnent Capital Reserve $2.085 $0 $950 $0 $350 Land Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Local improvement Reserve $Q $0 $0 0 $0 Sanitary Sevier Reserve $252 $G $0 $0 SO Transfer from Reserve Fund iota $9,000 $2,320 $4,986 $2.164 $2,432 Less :Transfer to Reserve Funds Caoita1 Works Reserve $857 $850 $720 $711 $1,082 Equipment Replacement Reserve $2.032 $2,120 $2.229 $2.319 $2,412 Fire Dept. Capital.Agwsrtion $1.102 S412 $527 $646 $769 Land Reserve $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Local Improvement Reserve $0 $0 $0 s0 30 Sanitary SeanerReserve $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 Total Transfer to Reserve Funds $4.091 $3A82 $3,576 $3.776 $4,363 Transfer from (to': Own Reserves $11,413 ;$332) '�$1,201j $1-686i 1$2,5751 Transfer from (to"- &apluc $2.355 $1,142 4492) $1,853i 42.942� Transfer fFoin (to,, Surplus* $13,766 $810 ($1.693) ($3,539i ,$5.517i TOTAL INTERNAL TRANSFERS $18,677 ($352) ($283) ($5,151) ($7,448) .4ttachnient to Maple Ridge 2010-2014 Amending Financial Plane Bylwv 6739-2010 Statement 2 Revenue and Property Tax Policy Discloswe REVENUE D€SC_GSURE Revenue Proportions 2010 $ �'anost % 2011 $000s3 % 2012 % 2013 $ r0005, % 2014 $00057 % Revenues Properte Taxes 54.514 al% 58.532 61% 62,744 49 y 66,824 4p. 70,999 559, Parcel Charges 2.513 3% 2,642 2?E 2,778 2% 2,921 2% 3.071 29s Fees a Chames 31.125 1 32,850 20�L 34.677 27E.Vc 36.635 27-1- 38,773 30C: Sorrwong Pmceeds 28.851 16X: 3,386 3:1 4.094 3°c 6,050 4.°; - 04 Other Sources 58.13166 33'* 17,179 15�T 22,798 18 24,879 38% 16.555 13° Total Revenues 175,669 100;6 114,589 100!;� 127.091 1470'e 137309 100%: 129.398 10U` Ot€ter Sources MCIUCI&, Deee,orjment 17ees Totai 26.719 153 13.092 1155 15,921 13% 12,186 .9% 11,718 9% €nte'est 1.885 � 1.885 236 1,885 1;c 1,885 1% 1,885 1% G;ants r0ther Goers; 30.062 17% 2.202 2�. 4.992 4% 10,808 SSE. 2,952 2a6 RoperU Sales - 09; - 0% Din - 0%.. - 04 `8.666 33 � 17.179 15�4 22.708 18% 24,879 is-. 16.555 13% Obiectives & Policies Property Tax Revenue is the District's primary revenue source, and one which is heavily reliant on the residential class. Diversification of the tax base and generation of non -tax revenue are ongoing objectives, outlined in Financial Sustainability Policy 5.52 section 6. Business Planning Guidelines and the Financial Plan includes a 3% general tax increase, a 1% increase to fund replacement of existing infrastructure and an increase of $600,000 plus growth since 2005, $676,000 in 2010, to fund the Fire Department Master Plan implementation. More information can be found in the Business Planning Guidelines 13th Edition, Financial Sustainability Plan and the 2010-2014 Financial Plan Overview Report. Specific policies discussing the tax increases are included in the Financial Sustainability Plan and related policies which were adopted in 2004. Parcel Charges are largely comprised of a recycling charge, a sewer charge and on certain properties a local area service or improvement charge. Parcel charges are a useful tool to charge all or a subset of properties for a fixed or variable amount to support services. Unlike property taxation the variable amount does not need to be related to property assessment value, but can be something that more accurately reflects the cost of the service. Attachment to Maple Ridge 2010-2014 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw 6739-2010 Statement 2 (continued) Revenue and Property Tax Policy Disclosure Fees & Charges The Business Planning Guidelines call for an increase of 5% in fees as a guideline. Actual fee increases vary depending on the individual circumstances, the type of fee and how it is calculated. Fees should be reviewed annually and updated if needed. Recent fee amendments include recreation fees, development application fees, business license fees and cemetery fees. A major amendment to the Development Costs Charges (DCC), recommended every 5 years, was completed in 2008. Minor DCC amendments are done more frequently. Some fees are to offset the costs of providing specific services. The utility fees are reviewed annually with a view towards using rate stabilization practices to smooth out large fluctuations in rates, as set out in the Business Planning Guidelines. Borrowing Proceeds - Debt is used where it makes sense. Caution is used when considering debt as it commits future cash flows to debt payments restricting the ability to use these funds to provide other services. The source of the debt payments needs to be considered as does the justification for advancing the project. More information on borrowing approved in 2008 or 2009 and proposed for 2010-2014 can be found in the 2010-2014 Financial Plan Overview report. Other Sources, will vary greatly year to year as it includes - Development fees, which is the funding for capital projects from the DCC Reserve, - Contribution from others in relation to capital, - Interest earned on funds invested in accordance with the Investment Policy - Grants, which are sought from various agencies, and may be leveraged with District funds. PROPERTY TAX DISCLOSURE Property Tax Revenue Distribution Property Class Taxation Revenue ('000s) Assessed Value ('000s) Tax Rate ($/'1000) Multiple (Rate/Res.Rate) 1 Residential 40,823 77.13% 10,434,223 91.52% 3.9124 1.00 2 Utility 458 0.87% 11,456 0.10% 40.0000 10.22 4 Major Industry 582 1.10% 18,076 0.16% 32.2003 8.23 5 Light Industry 2,247 4.25% 191,432 1.68% 11.7403 3.00 6 Business/Other 8,643 16.33% 736,221 6.46% 11.7403 3.00 8 Rec./ Non -Profit 49 0.09% 4,475 0.04% 10.8987 2.79 9 Farm 125 0.24% 5,205 0.05% 23.9963 6.13 52,928 11,401,088 Attachment to Maple Ridge 2010-2014 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw 6739-2010 Statement 2 (continued) Revenue and Property Tax Policy Disclosure PROPERTY TAX DISCLOSURE Obaectives & Policies Property taxes are the District's largest source of revenue and are only contained by efficient business practices. Annual business planning practices have been the mechanism for resource allocation decisions. The District's Financial Sustainability Policy section 6 discusses the necessity of diversifying the tax base. As development of employment related properties is one method of diversification, key performance measurement in Economic Development tracks the increased investment and development of non-residential properties. A policy in the Financial Sustainability Plan that calls for stable tax increases and the adoption of the annual increase early in the prior year in the Business Planning Guidelines provides citizens with a more stable and predictable set of cost increases. In some cases costs are phased in over multiple years to keep within the set tax increases. Property Tax Rates It is policy to adjust property tax rates annually to negate the impact of fluctuations in the market values of properties. (Tax rates are negatively correlated to market changes). Property tax increases are then applied at the same relative increase for all classes, unless legislation restricts the rates, as with Class 2, Utility. The Business Class and Light Industry Class properties have the same tax rate and are treated as a composite class when setting the tax rates. This is done as the types of businesses in each class of property are quite similar. This was achieved over a long period of time with small incremental adjustments. A review was done on the Major Industry Class rates and the recommendation from the Audit and Finance Committee and Council was a reduction of 5% in 2009 to the taxes collected to support additional investments in the subject property and to keep rates competitive. The municipal property taxes will be reduced again in 2010 by 5% as recommended by Council and included in the 2010- 2014 Financial Plan. In reviewing the tax rates to ensure competitiveness absolute rates, tax multiples and overall tax burden are considered. The impact that assessed values have on comparing other geographical areas must be considered in a comparison of tax rates or multiples. Attachment to Maple Ridge 2010-2014 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw 6739-2010 Statement 2 (continued) Revenue and Property Tax Policy Disclosure Permissive Tax Exemptions Council has set policies around the use of permissive tax exemptions. They are Council Policies 5.19 though 5.24. The policies discuss Churches, Community Halls, Heritage Sites, Homes for the Care of Children and the Relief of the Aged, the Poor, the Disabled and the Infirm, Municipal Recreational Services, Private Hospitals and Daycares, Private School and Youth Recreation Groups. Revitalization Tax Exemotion A revitalization tax exemption is available within a defined downtown area and provides a financial incentive to encourage higher density development (five stories or higher). A further financial incentive is available if the building meets specified environmental considerations. Further information is available in Bylaw 6412-2006. Attachment to Maple Ridge 2010-2014 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw 6739-2010 Statement 3 Capital Expenditure Disclosure The sole purpose of this statement is to meet legislative requirements, highlighting the value of the DCC program; no other conclusions should be drawn from the figures as the information could be misleading. This is required under the Local Government Act s. 937(2); Capital costs attributable to projects to be partially funded by Development Cost Charges (DCC) must be included in the financial plan. The DCC program includes projects as far out as 2026 so the capital expenditures must be extended to match. Certain types of projects are not planned past the five year time horizon of the financial plan. Much less scrutiny is given to projects that are planned in years 2015 through 2026. Projects in these years typically exceed likely funding available. Capital Works Program for 2015 - 2026 (in thousands) Capital Works Program 330,433 Source of Funding Development Fees Development Cost Charges 123,457 Parkland Acquisition Reserve - Contribution From Others 4,573 Development Fees Total 128,030 Borrowing Proceeds 19,297 Grants 28,927 Transfer from Reserve Funds Capital Works Reserve 11,027 Equipment Replacement Reserve 2,521 Fire Department Cpatil Reserve 2,000 Transfer from Reserve Funds Total 15,548 Revenue Funds 138,631 Source of Funding Total 330,433 "Will I_\TiT0Low:yL111P41ito] A Bylaw to establish tax rates for Municipal, Improvement District and Regional District purposes for the year 2010 WHEREAS pursuant to provisions in the Community Charter Council must, by bylaw, establish tax rates; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6740 - 2010". 2. The following rates are hereby imposed and levied for the year 2010: (a) For all lawful general purposes of the municipality on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general municipal purposes, rates appearing in Row "A" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (b) For the purposes of improving fire services the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general municipal purposes, rates appearing in Row "B" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (c) For purposes of the British Columbia Assessment Authority on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "A" of Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (d) For purposes of the Municipal Finance Authority on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "B" of Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (e) For purposes of the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "C" of Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (f) For purposes of the Greater Vancouver Regional District on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "Y of Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. 1003 Bylaw No. 6740 - 2010 Page 2 3, The minimum amount of taxation upon a parcel of real property shall be One Dollar ($1.00). READ a first time the day of 2010 READ a second time the day of 2010 READ a third time the day of 2010 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Attachments: Schedules "A" and "B" 2010. Bylaw No. 6740 - 2010 Page 3 District of Maple Ridge Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 6740-2010 Tax Rates (collars of tax per $1,000 taxable value) 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 Major Light Business/ Rec/ Residential utility Industry industry Other Non-profit Farm A General 3.6127 36.9355 29.7333 10.8408 10.8408 10.0637 22.1579 Municipal B Fire Service 0.2997 3.0645 2.4670 0.8995 0.8995 0.8350 1.8384 Improvement Levy Total 3.9124 40,0000 32,2003 11.7403 11.7403 10.8987 23.9963 District of Maple Ridge Schedule 'B' to Bylaw No. 6740-2010 Tax Rates (collars of tax per $1,000 taxable value) 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 Major Light Business/ Rec/ Residential Utility Industry Industry Other Non-profit Farm A B.C. 0.0664 0.5051 0.5051 0.1987 0.1987 0.0664 0.0664 Assessment Authority B Municipal 0.0002 0.0007 0.0007 0.0007 0.0005 0.0002 0.0002 Finance Authority C South Coast 0.3802 2.6808 2.2926 1.9937 1.6808 0.3115 0.3521 BC Transportation Authority (TransLink) ❑ Greater 0.0686 0.2401 0.2332 0.2332 0.1681 0.0686 0.0686 Vancouver Regional D i strict Total 05154 3.4267 3.0316 2.4263 2.0481 0.4467 0.4873 THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6741-2010 A Bylaw for imposing taxes upon lands in Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District for the year 2010 The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, acting on behalf of the Trustees for Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6741-2010". 2. The following rates are hereby imposed and levied for the year 2010 for those lands within the boundaries of Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District: For purposes of dyke maintenance and improvements and equipment repair and maintenance: (a) a rate of $0.4353 per $1000 of assessment of land and improvements in all categories (b) a rate of $12.00 per acre of land with a minimum charge of $5.00. 3. If any section, subsection, clause or other part of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw. READ a first time on the day of May, 2010. READ a second time on the day of May, 2010. READ a third time on the h day of May, 2010. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED on the day of May, 2010. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1004 THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6742-2010 A Bylaw for imposing taxes upon lands in the Albion Dyking District for the year 2010 The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, acting as Receiver for the Albion Dyking District, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Albion Dyking District Tax Rates Bylaw No. 6742-2010". 2. The following rates are hereby imposed and levied for the year 2010 for those lands within the boundaries of Albion Dyking District: For purposes of dyke maintenance and improvements and equipment repair and maintenance: (a) a rate of $2.2648 per $1000 of assessment of land and improvements in all categories 3. If any section, subsection, clause or other part of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by the decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw. READ a first time on the day of May, 2010. READ a second time on the day of May, 2010. READ a third time on the day of May, 2010. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED on the h day of May, 2010. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1005 i 40 Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 22, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/026/10 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6736 - 2010 24160 125 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6736 - 2010 be given First Reading; and; That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Glenn Rogers Owner: Grant W Vance Dymphna M Vance Legal Description: Lot: 58, Section: 22, Township: 12, Plan: 43885 .�Iya Existing: Estate Suburban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation Estate Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Estate Residential 1101 East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: b) Project Description: Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Estate Residential Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Estate Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.810 HA. (2 acres) 125 Avenue The proponent has made a rezoning application for 24160 125 Avenue to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to allow for a future 2-lot subdivision. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, Official Community Plan designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject property is designated Estate Suburban Residential and the proposed RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zoning complies with this land use designation. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit a two (2) lot single family subdivision. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. d) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after First Reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Parks Department; -2- The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between 1st and 2nd Reading. e) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedural Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B); 2. Subdivision Application, as per attached requirements. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The proposed RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone is in compliance with the Estate Suburban Residential designation of the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that Council grant First Reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No.6736 - 2010 subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to Second Reading. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. /h r n Prepared by: Jen Csikos Planning T�c nician Approv y. ne Pic P, MCIP r of Planning Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P_Eng GM: P blic Wor Deveioprpent Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subjec( Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw 6736 - 2010 -3- Appendix A 3 �otiQ �M�3�56 Qa�L_ CP 1y5 7 e C P 2530 65 LMP 9379 P 86522 P 86522 A Rem 1 00 125 12511 1 51a ❑ P 43885 m 62 1 2 LMP 123 P 69960 2 3 1 Rem 64 SUBJECT PROPERTY 12 - -N N 125 AV E. N m v � N n r�'j p 12487 A P 43885 CL 58 A $ 56 J 2 a 6 12461 RCP s�av F 12450 A m a LMP 744 12445 1 IL � P 43885 J 12440 45 46 1 2 B a 2 r 0N N 124 AVE. ry N EP 14903 A P 3118 Rem 13 City of Pitt Meadows f NDistrict of Langley SCALE 1:2,500 24160 125 AVENUE W 1. 1 ; o CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF - . MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Mar31, 2010 FILE: RZ/026/10 BY: PC �- F`ER R_ Appendix B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6736 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6736 - 2010." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 58 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 43885 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1483 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER ,A.D. 20 . ,A.D. 20 . A.D. 20 . day of , A.D. 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER CD _ CP Ln �0 1 5Ihh 7 CID 12530 65 LMP 9379 � '� 46 P 86522 P 86522 ro 00 A Rem 1 0.403 ho. o 12511 > " �Q a 10 P 43885 rn co � 1.85 ho. a cam° 62 1 2 LMP 123 P 69960 a. 2 3 0.813 ha. 0.401 ho. 0.411 ha. 1 Rem .. 0.405 ha. 0.460 ho. 0.406 ha. 0.406 ry N 6.0� ry N N N 125 AVE. 163g9 RW ti 0.404 ha. 124gJ04 P 43885N a.a. PQ 58 A 13 56 2 0_ 0.405 ho 0.405 ho 0.810 ha. 0.810 ha. 0.404 ha. 124s1BCP 28230. BCP 28231 — A a LMP 12744 M 0.405 ha. `n 12445 1 LMP 12745 0 0.405 ho. rn P 43885 J 12440 n 45 46 1 2 B r 0.400 ho 0.410 ho 0.638 ho. 0.810 ho. 0.810 ha. 2 N a 0.405 ha. ^ N N Q ry ti N N 124 AVE. EP 14903 A 1.583 ho. i ---- MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6736-2010 Map No. 1483 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) 1 :2500 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights M. His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 21, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/ 054/ 02 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Cof W SUBJECT. Rezoning — First Extension Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6642 — 2009, and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6643 - 2009 22600 136 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject site to R-1 (Residential District) and RST(Street Townhouse Residential) for a proposed subdivision and the development of 46 Eco-Cluster units, of which 38 are single family dwellings and 8 are street townhouse dwellings (2 four-plex buildings). RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application F0 054102 and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Amendment to Part IV, Figure 2 (Land Use Plan) and Figure 4 (Trails / Open Space) of the Silver Valley Area Plan of the Official Community Plan. iii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; iv. Park dedication as required. V. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the subdivider will provide a Site Profile for the subject land. a) Background Context: Applicant: Damax Consultants Ltd. Cwner: Formosa Plateau Developments Ltd Legal Description: Lot 1 except part on Plan BCP30872, Section 32, Township 12, NWD Plan 85759 asting: Eco Clusters Proposed: Eco dusters, Conservation Zoning: Existing: Ar2 (Upland Agricultural) Proposed: R 1 (Residential District), RST(Street Townhouse Residential) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: A.2 (Upland Agricultural) Designation Agricultural, ALR South: Use: Vacant Zone: R 1 (Residential District) Designation: Eco-luster East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: CD-3-98 Designation: Eco-Cluster West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: Ar2 (Upland Agricultural) Designation: Agricultural, ALR Exsting Use of Property. Vacant Proposed Use of Property. Single Family Residential and Street Townhouse Residential Site Area: 4.674 hectares (11.55 acres) Access:136 Avenue Servicing: Full Urban services to be provided Companion Applications: SD/ 098/ 08, DP/ 098/ 08, VP/ 098/ 08, DP/ 004/ 09 This application is to rezone the subject site to R 1 (Residential District) and RST(Street Townhouse Residential) for a proposed subdivision and the development of 46 Eco-Cluster units, of which 38 are single family dwellings and 8 are street townhouse dwellings (2 four-plex buildings). The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaws 6642 — 2009 and 6643 - 2009: -2- - The First Reading report (see attached) was considered on April 28, 2009; - First Reading was granted April 28, 2009 - Public Hearing was held May 19, 2009; - Second and Third reading were granted on May 26, 2009. Application Progress: The applicant has nearly completed the terms and conditions to be met prior to final reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw. They are currently preparing the required legal documents and expect to request final approval of rezoning before July2010. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. Lee, • The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a one year extension. It is anticipated that within the next few months final consideration will be applied for. Prepared by. Ann Edwards, CPT Senior Planning Technician , MCIP ning Approved by. i= nk Quinn, M P.En Public Works & veI nt Services Concurrence: IL (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer VAZFl The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A— Subject Map Appendix B — First Reading Report -3- APPENDIX A =2b U 46 2 45 I L2Q ------ ----- 41 BCP 2925H \ ti Rem SW 114 6 .i I T2" I 1 O 13t AVE it 1 O C P 20164 C P 9387 b 7 _-1 8 - I City of Pitt , . Meadows 22600-136 Ave j° `-,. - - — -- -- �• i o CORPORATION OF --�- Nif �� THE DISTRICT OF L _: District of MAPLE RIDGE � � � � a� I 1 PLANNING N Langley DEPARTMENT V+. �! �[-�•_� { .. r SCALE 1:3,000 ?' r DATE: Nov 3, euuo %AZ J7V- BY: PC P 85759 Subject Property Rem' 25 26 27 6ZA 24 2 28 — 2£ FORE�n4ry °RIVE �s 5 17 14 18 " 20 21 F? �P 22 39° 1 2 23 LAP 3 111 AVE g4 Y 136d1 26 27 28 9 136-t 23 24 25 8GP 779B 11 *.1tlsP 3661 3B # L' 96 �5 11 22 40 s v t 365, i 12 1361 3E 21 Al AVE 3 I 13W 2n42 FJ— 361� 14 13G_i 5 2 t3oa_• m 5 3511 13 F0 I s?.i 44 136ia 6 17 4� 136 AVE APPENDIX B DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 14, 2009 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/054/02 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6642 - 2009 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6643 - 2009 22600 136 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to R-1 (Residential District) and RST (Street Townhouse Residential), to permit the development of 38 single family units and 2 four-plex street townhouse buildings. The proposed RST (Street Townhouse Residential) zone received 3rd Reading from Council in 2008 on two different Rezoning applications (RZ/070/06 and RZ/093/06) on development sites to the southeast of this site. However, those two projects have been delayed and should they be further delayed or not proceed this application could be stalled without the adoption of the RST (Street Townhouse Residential) zone. To avoid this delay, it would be appropriate to proceed with a duplicate RST (Street Townhouse Residential) zone bylaw with this project so that whichever application proceeds to final reading first will adopt the bylaw. The bylaws that do not complete can simply be closed. The proposed development is consistent with the Silver Valley Area Plan policies for Eco-cluster residential development in the Official Community Plan. This application requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan to designate portions of the site for Conservation, and to amend the trail location. A Natural Features Development Permit is required for the protection of steep slopes and some significant trees on the site. Significant views to the north and west will be provided through approximately seven view corridors between some of the buildings that will be protected by a restrictive covenant to prevent obstructions within the corridors. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6642 - 2009 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on- going consultation has been provided byway of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6642 - 2009 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6642 - 2009 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6642 - 2009 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6643 - 2009 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Amendment to Part IV, Figure 2 (Land Use Plan) and Figure 4 (Trails / Open Space) of the Silver Valley Area Plan of the Official Community Plan. iii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; iv. Park dedication as required. V. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the subdivider will provide a Site Profile for the subject land. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Damax Consultants Ltd. Owner: Formosa Plateau Developments Ltd Legal Description: Lot 1 except part on Plan BCP30872, Section 32, Township 12, NWD Plan 85759 OCP: Existing: Eco Clusters Proposed: Eco Clusters, Conservation Zoning: Existing: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Proposed: R-1(Residential District), RST (Street Townhouse Residential) -2- Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Project Description: Single Family Residential A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Agricultural, ALR Vacant R-1(Residential District) Eco-Cluster Single Family Residential CD-3-98 Eco-Cluster Single Family Residential A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Agricultural, ALR Vacant Single Family Residential and Street Townhouse Residential 4.674 hectares (11.55 acres) 136 Avenue Full Urban services to be provided SD/098/08, DP/098/08, VP/098/08, DP/004/09 The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject site to permit the subdivision and development of 46 Eco-Cluster units, of which 38 are single family dwellings and 8 are street townhouse dwellings (2 four-plex buildings). To provide a variety of lot sizes and housing types within the development in accordance with the Silver Valley Area Plan, the following two zones are proposed: • R-1(Residential District) to permit the subdivision of 38 lots; and • RST (Street Townhouse Residential) to permit the subdivision of 8 lots. The proposed RST (Street Townhouse Residential) zone received 3rd Reading from Council in 2008 on two different Rezoning applications (RZ/070/06 and RZ/093/06) on development sites to the southeast of this site. However, those two projects have been delayed and should they be further delayed or not proceed this application could be stalled without the adoption of the RST (Street Townhouse Residential) zone. To avoid this delay it would be appropriate to proceed with a duplicate RST (Street Townhouse Residential) zone bylaw with this project so that whichever application proceeds to final reading first will adopt the bylaw. The bylaws that do not complete can simply be closed. This applicant is proposing a similar form of fee -simple townhouse that will not be bound together by a strata -title, but instead will be subdivided along the line that extends through the party -wall and continues to the front and rear lot lines. An easement and maintenance agreement will be registered on these lots at subdivision to ensure that all joint servicing and maintenance issues are addressed prior to occupancy. -3- Significant views to the north and west will be provided through approximately seven view corridors between some of the buildings that will be protected by a restrictive covenant to prevent obstructions within the corridors. Road access to this site will be by an extension of 136 Avenue, a collector road, from the east on the Silver Ridge development. A lane south of Foreman Drive will connect with a lane on this site. When the property to the south of this site (which is already under application to subdivide) proceeds with their single family development, then 136 Avenue will continue through that site to connect with the existing 136 Avenue and Foreman Drive intersection to the west of this site. The site is bounded on the north and west sides by a rock bluff adjacent to Foreman Drive which prevents any access to the site from Foreman Drive. A Natural Features Development Permit is required for the protection of steep slopes and several significant trees on the site. Two large areas will be designated as Conservation by the OCP amendment and will be dedicated as Park at Rezoning. Both local roads on the site will loop around a Parkette and several significant trees have been identified for retention within the Parkette areas. Running concurrently with this application are a Subdivision application for 46 residential lots; a Natural Features Development Permit for protection of slopes and trees; and a Residential Development Permit application for the lots to be zoned RST (Street Townhouse Residential). The applicant has requested a Development Variance Permit for some of the R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots to reduce the front setbacks from 6.Om to 4.Om while maintaining the 5.5m front setback to the garage face, to reduce the rear setbacks from 8m to 6m, and to vary the maximum height to 11.Om from 9.Om. These variance requests are similar to those proposed and approved on other sites within the Silver Valley area. At the subdivision stage a Restrictive Covenant will be required for proposed lots 15 - 17 in the northeast corner of the site to require specific building designs on the sloping sites. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: This Eco-Cluster development is at the west end of the Silver Valley Area plan on a sloping site with views to the north and west. The application to develop this site was first made in 2002 and the project design has evolved through various permutations resulting in the present configuration that is consistent with the Silver Valley Area Plan policies for Eco-cluster residential development in the Official Community Plan. An Eco-Cluster is defined in the Silver Valley Area Plan as "a group of housing units, condensed within clearly defined limits, surrounded by open space and linked to other parts of the Silver Valley community by a single local road" and includes the following principles: • Condensing housing clusters within clearly defined limits; • Considering a variety of lot sizes and housing types within the overall site density; • Proposing minimal site re -grading; • Incorporating parkettes, which serve as green frontage for most units; • Maximizing retention of existing vegetation; • Limiting development to areas where existing grades are less than 20%; -4- • Natural open spaces are connected and continuous, creating wildlife corridors; • Protecting environmentally sensitive areas through public ownership; • Retaining and enhancing unique natural features, such as rocky knolls; • Providing a variety of trails that ensure linkages and connections to surrounding amenities. The plan recognizes that the areas designated as Eco-Cluster often have steep slopes and the intent is to encourage lots that take advantage of areas with slopes less than 20% grade by clustering development in these areas and leaving the steeper sloped areas in a forested condition. This development approach requires minimal site re -grading. The Plan vision is for a fairly rural type of development that is sensitive to all aspects of the environment, including views, watercourses, environmental features, tree preservation, and connected and continuous natural open spaces. Parkettes are to be incorporated into the site plan as a frontage focal point for the housing unit clusters. This development site is located west of the Blaney Hamlet and is designated Eco-Cluster with 38 single family lots and 8 street townhouse units (two four-plex units) proposed. Approximately 24% of the site will be dedicated as Park with an additional 9% for Parkettes. Within the Eco-Cluster development, two looped roads are proposed and all units will front onto Parkettes and back onto dedicated Park. Roads within Eco-Clusters are designated as Rural Local Roads in the Silver Valley Area Plan. They are rural in character, adapted to the site topography, are relatively narrow, have a sidewalk on one side and drainage swales where possible, and require pockets of limited parking on pervious surfaces where possible. The road width and on -street parking requirements for this site were carefully considered to meet the specific site conditions, the Silver Valley Area Plan road standards, and the Engineering Department and Fire Department requirements. Driveways will be grouped in pairs wherever possible to provide suitable areas for on -street parking. Proposed amendment to the Official Community Plan: Although the proposed development is in compliance with the policies of the Silver Valley Area Plan of the Official Community Plan, an OCP amendment to designate portions of the site for Conservation land use is required. Approximately 10,992m2 (2.7 acres) will be re -designated from Eco-Cluster to Conservation. An OCP amendment is also required to delete a small portion of proposed trail from the northeast corner of the site that is now redundant. With the development of the Portrait Homes site to the east and northeast of this site, the trail network was revised and trails have already been constructed throughout Portrait Homes' site, including a trail on the north side of Foreman Drive adjacent to this site. Densities: The applicant has proposed an overall density of 9.8 units per hectare (upha) for the site, which is within the range set for Eco-Clusters in the Silver Valley Area Plan (5 - 15 upha). The plan encourages a variety of housing types within and between Eco-Clusters and the form of development proposed here is 8 units in 2 four-plex street townhouse buildings to be zoned RST (Street Townhouse Residential) and 38 single family homes to be zoned R-1(Residential District). -5- Zoning Bylaw: There are two residential zones proposed for this development: R-1(Residential District) to permit the subdivision of 38 single family lots and RST (Street Townhouse Residential) to permit the development of 2 four-plex street townhouse buildings. The proposed single family lots range from approximately 376 m2 to 1023 m2 and the street townhouse lots 231m2 to 373m2. Proposed Text Amendment - RST (Street Townhouse Residential): A new zone is proposed as part of this rezoning application to permit the development of 8 duplex units. The Silver Valley Plan encourages a variety of housing types throughout Eco-Cluster developments, but currently Maple Ridge does not have an existing zone that could easily accommodate this type of development. In order to accommodate and encourage a variety of housing types in Silver Valley Eco-Clusters, as part of the ongoing implementation of the Silver Valley Area Plan, the RST (Street Townhouse Residential) zone was drafted and is attached for Council consideration. The zone is intended for use in the Eco-Cluster designated areas of Silver Valley Area only. It permits a fairly large 223 m2 (2400 ft2) unit (excluding basement, garage and accessory building) either in a duplex, triplex, or fourplex form, which is greater than the anticipated size of attached housing form within the urban area boundary. Although rear lanes are encouraged in Silver Valley, the topography can make this type of development difficult and therefore, the zone will allow both rear lane and non -rear lane access. The RST (Street Townhouse Residential) zone is intended to permit a "zero lot line" subdivision, which will result in each owner having no common property between them. For such fee -simple proposals, an easement will be required on the property titles prior to unit construction. The easement will deal with issues relating to shared walls and will set out the terms under which each owner will be required to cooperate. Requested Variances: The applicant has requested a number of variances that will be the subject of a future Council report, but which are common requests in the past in Silver Valley. The relaxations are as follows: • To reduce the front setback for R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots from 5.5m to 4m for the building while retaining the 5.5m front setback to the garage. • To reduce the rear setback for R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots from 8m to 6m. • To increase the maximum height from 9m to 11m for the R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots. These variances are consistent with those approved for the "Silver Ridge" development to the east of this site for dwellings on sloping lots of similar in design. Development Permits: A Residential Development Permit will be required for the RST (Street Townhouse Residential) lots that will address the form and character of the design and provide guidelines for the development of the site. A security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit area guidelines are met. W:2 A Natural Features Development Permit is required for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural features on the site. The details are discussed in the Environmental Implications section below. A Security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. Advisory Design Panel: The plans, design drawings and landscape plans submitted in support of the development permit application were reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel at the March 10, 2009 meeting. The Advisory Design Panel is in support of the general concept as submitted and provided the following resolution: That the development be supported with the following concerns to be addressed and submitted to planning staff: 1. Ensure that the scale of the development more closely reflects that of single family detached homes; this could perhaps be achieved by not mirroring the unit plans to form two attached duplexes, but rather providing four equal steps in both plan and elevation. The applicant has provided revised plans showing more symmetry in the building design, with individual finish details on each unit. 2. That the end elevations of each unit be addressed to increase the fagade. The applicant has provided revised plans that achieve this requirement. 3. That the written comments of Panel member, Rory Dafoe, be addressed. The landscape plans have been revised to provide additional planting in the rear yards and exterior side elevation. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held on January 22, 2009 for the Street Townhouse development and the following are excerpts from the minutes provided by the applicant: 1. In general there were no concerns about the proposed land use. 2. A major concern was expressed by some residents of the Portrait Homes development to the east that back onto the same lane that will extend onto this site. The plan calls for the lane, which currently dead -ends with a temporary turnaround, to connect with this development. The residents feel strongly that the lane will be used as a shortcut to reach Foreman Drive and this will create serious safety issues and overuse of the 6m wide lane. They would like to see an emergency access gate at the end of the existing lane. The Applicant pointed out that if the District would accept this solution, a permanent "T" turnaround would be needed. 3. There were concerns by the residents of 136 Avenue (west of the site) regarding speeding, increased traffic and safety. The applicant pointed out that 136 Avenue is a collector road which, when fully developed, would have an 11m (36') wide carriageway and possibly a traffic circle may be built at the intersection of 136 Avenue and Foreman Drive when the property to the south is developed. Traffic from this site will exit through the existing 136 Avenue on the Portrait Homes development to the east and the applicant felt that the effect of the additional traffic along 136 Avenue heading west will be minimal. -7- 4. There were concerns about additional drainage and flooding issues. The applicant said that all the drainage from this site would go northeast to an existing large detention biofiltration pond within the Portrait Homes development. 5. The applicant stated that all trees in the park strip along the east property line would remain in place and would only be removed if the arborist deemed them a hazard. However, some small trees and brush will be removed on the east property line of proposed Lot 17 as the District will be requiring a watermain to go through in a right-of-way. 6. The building designer described the proposed RST (street townhouse residential) units: that they will be large fee simple units; and the units closest to the Portrait Homes development will be buffered by a park strip with a stand of trees to be retained. d) Environmental Implications: A Natural Features Development Permit is required for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural features on the site. The applicant has submitted an Environmental Assessment, a Stormwater Management Plan, a Geotechnical Report and an Arborist Report for the site. The site slopes from the southeast corner down toward Foreman Drive (northwest). The site is essentially a rocky knoll that is covered with shrubs and small trees. The unique topographical features are the bedrock slopes and cliffs on the southwestern portion of the site, and the views to the north and west. In some areas, steep sections of rock are exposed. No watercourses are identified on or adjacent to the site. The area has been logged in the past and the trees on the site are considered to be third growth naturally occurring revegetation. Selective tree retention is proposed in a number of areas of the site. No rare, threatened, or endangered plant species are likely to be found on the site because it has been disturbed. Four separate areas of the site are proposed for Park or Parkette, with a total combined area of 1.5ha (3.7ac). In addition to the park land, environmental sensitive areas have been identified along the rear of most of the proposed lots which will be protected by restrictive covenant. e) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required in support of this development application do not yet exist on the site. It will therefore be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Servicing Agreement and post securities to do the work identified in that agreement prior to final reading. Comments provided by the Engineering Department include: • A Professional Engineer must determine if the water system will provide acceptable pressure and quantity and quality at subdivision. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional 46 trees which is based on one tree per lot. The final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $1150.00. f) School District Comments: This project was referred to the School District, but no comments have been received. g) Intergovernmental Issues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application, to amend the land use designation boundaries, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: The lot geometry presented for the proposed Eco-Cluster development is aligned with the Silver Valley Area Plan in that the design has achieved the clustering of units within distinct boundaries, a rural character is maintained with lots facing a parkette and backing onto a Park, a variation in housing form is provided, innovative stormwater management is being used, view corridors are intact, and the protection of environmentally sensitive areas has been accomplished. A new zone is accompanying this application to permit a street oriented fee -simple townhouse form of housing for Eco-cluster developments in the Silver Valley area and to encourage a greater variation in housing form as envisioned within the Area Plan. It is recommended that first reading be given to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6642 - 2009 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6643 - 2009 and that application RZ/O54/02 be forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Ann Edwa ds, CPT Planning T clinician A raved : ick i g, CP, MCIP r of Planning Approv y: r k Quinn, MBA, P.En M. Public Works & D el❑ ment Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jtdministrative ) Rule Chief Officer AE/d p The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - OCP Amending Bylaw No. 6642 - 2009 Appendix C - Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6643 - 2009 Appendix D - Proposed Subdivision -10- APPENDIX A 6CP 292S9 2.1 25 26 27 BCA 28 2 25 EONE'HaN nRiVE Is 1s ' la 8 19 Rem SW I,a v.e •+ ea.., '1- k - 21 20 22 T'�a i +� 3 w 23 Y Br'p 2 �•18s5 a - I!'' 7 'ynf b P 85759 9 2a 23 ' 25 BC 278 �r' 1ti�1 10 caner 36 35 1�i 39 38 37 P 709 Rem 1 II 22 a0 , s Subject Property - - 3 � ! 1 � 72ca21 al 1%a WE 1 13 V 20 laL 1:`4]9 s_ s9 m 43 131, 5 a to id 3 .G •. r Ju •': 9 16 I' a5cti w• avE n 8 7� c P9 P 20164 P 9387 C 8 9 City of Pitt Meadows. j _!� I C 22600-136 Ave J ! U) IFT.L. �~ 7 CORPORATION OF U THE DISTRICT OF 4� a io MAPLE RIDGE District of Langley • I PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:3,000 ~ � - ERASER DATE: Nov 3, 2008 RZIO54`02 BY: PC q. APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6642 - 2009. A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Section 10.3. Part IV - Silver Valley Area Plan, Figures 2 and 4 of the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6642 - 2009." 2. Figures 2 and 4 are hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 except Part on Plan BCP 30872, Section 32, Township 12, Plan 85759, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line and hatched on Map No. 770, is hereby redesignated to Conservation on Figure 2, and that area shown outlined in heavy black line and hatched is hereby added to Conservation on Figure 4, as shown on Map No. 770, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. 3. Figure 4 is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 except Part on Plan BCP 30872, Section 32, Township 12, Plan 85759, New Westminster District. as shown on Map No. 770, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw to remove from Horse Trail. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200. READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the MAYOR , A.D. 200 . day of , A.D. 200. CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: 6642-2009 770 Eco Cluster Conservation MEMO and to remove that portion of trail from Figure 4 1 :2500 APPENDIX C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6643 - 2009 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6643 - 2009." 2. That Part 2 Interpretation is amended by inserting the following definition in the appropriate alphabetical location within the section: STREET TOWNHOUSE RESIDENTIAL USE means a residential use consisting of one dwelling unit vertically attached to one or more dwelling units (i.e. a duplex, triplex, or fourplex) with each dwelling unit located on a lot abutting a street. 3. That Part 3 Basic Provisions is amended by inserting the following after Section 302, Zones (1): RST Street Townhouse Residential 4. That Part 6 Residential Zones is amended by inserting the following after Section 601C and renumbering subsequent sections accordingly: 601D RST Street Townhouse Residential Intent: The Street Townhouse Residential Zone is intended for use only within the areas of Silver Valley designated as Eco-Cluster. 1.0 Permitted Uses Only the following uses shall be permitted in the RST zone: 1. Street Townhouse Residential Use 2. Duplex Use 3. Accessory Boarding Use 4. Accessory Home Occupation Use 2.0 Conditions of Use 1. A Street Townhouse residential use shall be permitted where no more than four street townhouse residential units are attached and located on a lot abutting a public street. 2. Vehicular access for lots backing on a Municipal lane will be restricted to the lane. 3. All motor vehicle parking areas must be fully enclosed within a garage structure. 3.0 Density The maximum permitted gross floor area of a unit shall be 223 m2 (2400 s.f.), specifically excluding basement, garage, and accessory building. 4.0 Lot Coverage The maximum permitted lot coverage shall be as follows: Lot Type Maximum Lot Coverage Exterior Lot 55% Interior Lot 65% Exterior Lot on Street Corner 45% Accessory Buildings & Structures: The maximum lot coverage for accessory buildings and structures shall be 3%, which shall form part of the maximum lot coverage for the entire lot. A detached garage is not considered an accessory building in this zone. 5.0 Height of a Building or Structure The maximum height of a principal building shall be 3 storeys or 11 metres, whichever is less. The maximum height of any accessory building or structure shall be 4.6m 6.0 Setbacks If building in this zone is next to an existing single-family development, then front setback must match that of single-family neighbourhood on same side of same street*. If building in this zone is not adjacent to single-family development, then buildings and structures shall be sited in accordance with the following minimum setbacks: Building or Structure Front Rear Interior End Lot/ Corner Lot/ Side Exterior Side Exterior Side Principle Building 4m 8m Om 1.5m 3m (no lane access) See #3 below Garage (no lane 6m N/A Om 1.5m 3m access) Principle Building 4m 14m Om 1.5m 3m (lane access) Garage (lane N/A 1.5m Om 1.5m 3m access) Accessory Building N/A 0.5m 1.5m 1.5m 3m or Structure 1. Interior Side: 0 metre permitted where listed above, provided that the full length of the interior side wall of the principle building and/or garage is adjoined to the full length of the interior side wall of a neighbouring principle building and/or garage. Where a fee -simple subdivision results in no common property ownership among the attached units, the property line will run equally distant through the attached interior walls. 2. On a lot with rear lane access: a) Each lot shall have useable rear yard private outdoor space with minimum dimensions of 6.5m x 7.5m that is defined by fences and landscaping. b) Accessory buildings larger than 5m2 are not permitted in the rear yard private outdoor space. c) A minimum 1.5 metre wide walkway must be maintained along the length of the garage, into the rear laneway. This walkway does not make up any part of the private outdoor space requirement. 3. On a lot with no lane access, the rear yard setback may be reduced to a minimum of 6 metres if the rear yard backs onto a' greenbelt that is dedicated as Conservation Area or Park. 4. All accessory buildings and structures must be located in the rear yard. 7.0 Minimum Lot Size Lot Type Minimum Lot Area Minimum Lot Width Exterior Lot 234m2 9m Interior Lot 195m2 7.5m Exterior Lot on Street Corner 273m2 10.5m * In a neighbourhood where redevelopment is expected and the current zoning of the single- family neighbourhood in question is not consistent with the designation in the Official Community Plan, or the zoning matrix within the Official Community Plan, the front setback must match that of a zone that would be consistent with the current Official Community Plan. 8.0 Parking Requirements To be the same requirements listed in Schedule "A", under 1.0 b) for one and two family residential use in the Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. 9.0 Other Regulations 1. A Street Townhouse Residential use shall be permitted only if the site is serviced to the RT-1 zone standard, excluding road standards, set out in the Maple Ridge Subdivision Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993. 2. A Street Townhouse Residential use shall be permitted only if the site is serviced to the Eco-Cluster road standards identified within the Silver Valley Area Plan. 5. That Schedule "D" Minimum Lot Area Dimensions is amended by inserting the following under each heading: Zone: RST Minimum Width: See Section 601D, Item 7.0 Minimum Lot Size Minimum Area: See Section 601D, Item 7.0 Minimum Lot Size 6. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 except Part on Plan BCP 30872, Section 32, Township 12, Plan 85759, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned as shown on Map No. 1449, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. 7. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING I Bylaw No. 6643-2009 Map No. 1449 From: A-2(Upiand To: Agricultural) R-1 (Residential District) RST(Street Townhouse Residential) -A 1:2500 APPENDIX D i—Q MLJ 1 �Q�cp ---iO�� 7 N ; ~~ 1 1 �•\ � tiLC 4 See ! \ + c LRfs. � b '1 1•� O l 4ti � S'�P[LeJB ,n 1 1 1 �avd tt Q R + ^� {�ik ill i 11 1 O S t a ME E Lr3E t ELf IL II �Er+° w - ,91L�7d 2 N i y`' _ - .. E N ]72m _ �. N M d �.30 W r a Q w r Y E _° r n iu LO = I r s a - r` .� 8 m a N II-'aomaapJ of Lo 4A9 2 N :I M"' ! I I to c0 M3K 1Yt N Y�I tn '1` } - II j }I t ffi _ lil Ir 1+ til 0oc..-�kl .r N Rn3S5R t` E �� t O vr. 10 Co EN4L9m N E T•. N�L_ -- -- r r t^ NE E fi �.' rry E �% M N tsZ 00 CL E °p '} • II d L n ,r r N � 1 - In •Ir U to � 1 rl � 7 m CO tY ` ¢ 4 E M of E E (Q E S x ^ Q LC)S 3 a m co g v ca N _ ltJ r ++� °grv4 - 0 —_--- ___--- ----- _ _ _ _ N — O �� IIVMI V*Z s� a I s � n DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Final One Year Extension Application 12142, 12170, 12140 203 Street, 20468 122 Avenue 3111*i11 j r M�YI18 1 u /_1 N ri April 21, 2010 RZ/004/06 C of W Council granted a one year extension to the above noted application on May 26, 2009. The applicant has now applied for a final one year extension under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. This application is to permit a 21 lot subdivision under the P-2 (Special Institutional), R-1 (Residential District) zone. An extension to the Official Community Plan Amending application is also requested to adjust the Institutional and Urban Residential designations to coincide with the proposed zoning boundaries and to remove a small piece of the Park designation for the proposed intersection of 121B Avenue and 204B Street. RECOMMENDATION: That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, a final one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/004/06; and that the following conditions be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; iii) Road dedication as required; iv) Registration of a 219 Restrictive Covenant prohibiting basements on this site. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Pacific Land Resource Group Inc. Owner: Haney -Pitt Meadows Christian School Association Legal Description: Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 69727 OCP: Zoning: Surrounding Uses North: South East: West: Parcel "2" (Reference Plan 17121) of Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 16630) Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 11166) Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel B (Explanatory Plan 16630) and Secondly: Part Subdivided By Plan 69727, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921. Lot 1 Except; Part Dedicated Road on Plan LMP35108, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 22101. Existing: Urban Residential, Institutional Proposed: Urban Residential, institutional Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), P-2 (Special Institutional) Proposed: R-1(Residential District), P-2 (Special Institutional) Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Park, Single Family Residential RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Park, Urban Residential Single Family Residential, Vacant RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential), RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Fairview Elementary School P-1 (Park and School) Institutional Single Family Residential RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Urban Residential Maple Ridge Christian School Single Family Residential, Maple Ridge Christian School 3.234 HA (8 acres) 204B Street, 121B Avenue Full Urban VP/004/06, SD/004/06 This application is to permit a 21 lot subdivision. -2- The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and Bylaws 6553-2008 and 6554-2008: - The First Reading report was considered on April 08, 2008; - First Reading was granted April 08, 2008 - Public Hearing was held May 20, 2008; - Second and Third reading was granted on May 27, 2008; - First extension was granted on May 26, 2009. Application Progress: Until recently, the proponent had not proceeded due to unstable economic times. The proponent intends to complete the requirements of final reading within the one year time frame. The proponent is currently in the process of completing civil drawings for the Rezoning Servicing Agreement and road dedication. Alternatives: Council may choose one of the following alternatives: 1. grant the request for extension; 2. deny the request for extension; or 3. repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing: CONCLUSION: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and has applied for a final one year extension. It is anticipated that within the next twelve months final consideration will be applied for. A Prepared by. n Csikos isn�ing Technician g ning Approver! by: Frank Quinn -91VI: P y W7ks kOevelopment Services Concurrence: L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - First Reading Report -3- 8 ledov 6 12289 24 P22101 1 Appendix A 122e9 12282 3 BCP 508 8CP 291• 7669) 12272 5 L 15 BCP 150 LMP 10( 5 6 7 12211 zz z3 21 20 A B a 2 3 U I U 4_ V' V n 2266 4 11 N a°y 10 S 100�5 9 g 22 g N 12 12256 3 12269 2G +2 12260 12253 12 122 B AVE. 11 12 12252 2 +22yy 4 18 F LMP 1 426 0 5 N 12246 +22a9 13 N N N N6 Ng m NS �4 R 9 � 810 nll � 0 20 `�19 12�d5 m n15 14 m13 �S � .g 87 1733 n 1225a LMP 1593 1 14 P 15 3 a 7 15 16 17 18 19 p 35 08 LMP 7744 26NIP 12 26 2239 s108 12 13 14 15 21 22 a 16 P 71907 18526 0 P 12 t 1 13 14 0 m N 1E m 1 C D E F m G H_ I `" +� e v .� N `" F27 1227N24 25a P72589 23 & 43 122AVE. P 242 Q 12217 c0 61 N 2209 ,a a 1 2 N M L K J P 22101 n 60 LMP 1 897 18526 2201 Rem 1 54 LMP 99 LMP 578 59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12195 58 r S Y a R I%3 12187 y 1. 121 BAVE. 57 12171 P 71914 P 54677 29 30 31 12170 Prop RempSubject rties 46 EP 11166 1a1az 2r40 P 69727 6 N 45 N o 44 N P 41572 12209 72496 45 2 1 RP 17121 2 12125 12122 P 41572 44 G N 12119 12111 12110 r 4 5 34 D_ H - - 12113 20 LMP 697 12087 c.7 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 3 37 19 � 12083 m o 0. 12079 N N 38 18 lzoe AVE. 30 12105 12092 P 83237 17 2p75 6 o 8 1 toss 2os1 12065 ,2011 10 g 12052 ry 912045 12040 a 7 36 K 16 1zo7o 7 M 12073 1 12061 11 1 12035 M 4 12090 a 15 12 N 12038 3 0. F 46 120651 A 2 AV y +2°° �O -13 12 12021 a ai2026 5 12020 N N 9 2 11 • L m N12015 14 LMP 91 a 6 12010 7, 201 10 m W DEWDNEYTRVNK ROAD n a 49 m ' o m m Rem RP 8184 2o1s NA cv $'• 1 District of Pitt Meadows ! 12140, 12142, 12170 203 Street ----a S41"°'">aley ` = i .° 20468 122 Avenue o - CORPORATION OF i o THE DISTRICT OF .. MAPLE RIDGE N District Of Langley RI6Ian `�' 1 ..�L I PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,618 DATE: Feb 11, 2008 FILE: RZ/004/06 BY: JC /Fiver Appendix B MAPLEDISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Or TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: March 26, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/004/06 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Cow SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6553-2008 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6554-2008 12142, 12170, 12140 203 Street, 20468 122 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from IRS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and P-2 (Special Institutional) to R-1 (Residential District) and P-2 (Special Institutional), to permit a 21 lot subdivision. An Official Community Plan Amending application has been received to adjust the Institutional and Urban Residential designations to coincide with the development proposal zoning boundaries. The Official Community Plan amendment also intends to remove a small piece of park from the Park designation and redesignate it to Urban Residential for the proposed intersection of 121B Avenue and 204E Street. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6553-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2. That in accordance with Section 879 of the Local Government Act opportunity for early and on -going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6553-2008 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a public hearing on the bylaw; 3. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6553-2008 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6553- 2008 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6554-2008 be given first reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading. i) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; ii) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; iii) Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; IV) Road dedication as required; v) Registration of a 219 Restrictive Covenant prohibiting basements on this site. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description 1910-W Zoning: Surrounding Uses North: South: Pacific Land Resource Group Inc. Haney -Pitt Meadows Christian School Association Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 69727 Parcel "2" (Reference Plan 17121) of Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 16630) Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 11166) Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel B (Explanatory Plan 16630) and Secondly: Part Subdivided By Plan 69727, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921. Lot 1 Except; Part Dedicated Road on Plan LMP35108, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 22101. Existing: Urban Residential, Institutional Proposed: Urban Residential, institutional Existing: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential), P-2 (Special Institutional) Proposed: R-1(Residential District), P-2 (Special Institutional) Use: Park, Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Designation Park, Urban Residential Use: Single Family Residential, Vacant Zone: RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential), RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Urban Residential bra East: Use: Fairview Elementary School Zone: P-1(Park and School) Designation: Institutional West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: b) Background Maple Ridge Christian School Single Family Residential, Maple Ridge Christian School 3.234 HA (8 acres) 204B Street, 121B Avenue Full Urban VP/004/06, SD/004/06 The Haney -Pitt Meadows Christian School Association has been trying for many years to develop this site for residential purposes with the object of using the proceeds to finance expansion of their school program and facilities. They have sought to work with the lands to the south but the property owners were not willing to develop at this time, as such, Haney -Pitt Meadows Christian School Association wish to proceed on their own. The resulting road pattern and subdivision layout allows improved access to their school, better neighbourhood traffic circulation and protects development potential to lands to the south. c) Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone a portion of the subject properties to allow for 21 R-1 (Residential District) lots no less than 371m2 in area. A lane is proposed behind lots 7-11 for ease of vehicular access and fire protection. The proposal also calls for the northern extension of 204B Street connecting to 121B Avenue with the potential for the street to continue north to 122 Avenue in the future. A small piece of land in the southwest corner of the park will be required for road to make this future connection possible. Ward Consulting Group was commissioned by the applicant to perform a traffic impact study of the proposed development. The study was completed in 2006 using forecasts for 2008 and 2013. A revision to the subdivision plan resulted in a revision of the traffic study in late 2007. The report notes that the intersection separation on 203 Street and the lane/12113 Avenue intersection location is acceptable. The report recognises that all school and resident traffic going to 203 Street will do so along 121E Avenue and the report notes that there will be delays for traffic entering 203 Street from 121E Avenue but also states that a traffic signal is not warranted at the intersection. The Engineering Department has reviewed this report and has not objected to the reports findings. -3- d) Planning Analysis: Official CQmmunily Plan: The site is designated Urban Residential and Institution. The proposed R-1 (Residential District) zone correlates with the land's Urban Residential designation. The Official Community Plan indicates that the subject properties are "Major Corridor Residential" because they do not lay within the Regional Town Centre and has frontage on an existing Major Road Corridor (203 Street) as identified on Figure 4. Major Corridor infill policies encourage the compatibility of the site design, setbacks, and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area. The development as proposed is compatible in terms of building massing and type of dwelling units with the surrounding residential properties. The proposed subdivision and road layout required the OCP designations on the subject lands to be realigned. The Christian school's "Institutional" designation needs to be extended westward to encompass some of the current "Urban Residential" designation. A section of the road must be removed from the "Institutional" designation and added to "Urban Residential". A section of park to be removed from the "Park" designation must also be added to "Urban Residential" and "Institutional" for the creation of the intersection between 121B Avenue and 204B Street. The redesignations will ensure consistency between the proposed zoning amendments and the OCP as amended. Zoning Bylaw: A preliminary review of the proposed subdivision plans in relation to the Zoning Bylaw requirements has revealed the need for two variances. Without the lands to the south, the subject site is narrow. To meet the minimum area, the proposed lots are wide and shallow, as opposed to being long and narrow. The wide lot width is reflective of the existing lots to the north and should assist in housing 'fit'. As such, seventeen of the proposed twenty-one lots require a reduction of the minimum lot depth of 24 metres to approximately 22 metres. Since the lots are not as deep as required, the proponent also requires a variance to the rear yard setback for the centre block of lots. As such, a Development Variance Permit application has been received to vary the following: 1. The minimum lot depth from 24 metres to approximately 22 metres for lots 1-8, 12-17 and 19-21; and 2. The minimum building setback 8 metres to 7 metres for lots 1-8, 12-17 and 19-21. These variances will be reviewed in a future report to Council. e) Development Information Meeting: A development information meeting on February 18, 2008 from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Maple Ridge Christian School was held by staff from MRCS developments Ltd and Pacific Land Resource Group Inc. There was a total of 15 people sign -in and 13 completed comment sheets. Although most -4- attendees were in favor of the project, two main issues were expressed at the meeting: increased traffic and house design. Traffic There was some opposition from area residents who will see their private dead-end roads opened up which will increase in traffic volumes. The Ward Consulting report notes that the road design is acceptable and although there will be delays for traffic entering 203 Street from 121E Avenue, a traffic signal is not warranted at the intersection. House Design There was a concern regarding basements in this neighbourhood. Because of groundwater and soil types at this location, residences constructed at this site will not include basements. A restrictive covenant registered on title will be a requirement of the subdivision prohibiting'the construction of basements. Consistency of housing was also a concern that was discussed at the Development Information Meeting. The wide lots as proposed will allow for more consistency with the houses on the north side of 121B Avenue. f) Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified that all of the services required in support of the rezoning do not exist to the site. It will, therefore, be necessary for the applicant to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to complete the necessary works prior to final reading. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional 21 trees which is based on one tree per lot; final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $525.00. Fire Department: A referral was sent to the Fire Department and they have no concerns with the development as proposed. The proposed road improvements will enhance emergency response to the school and permit alternative access routes in case of emergencies in the neighbourhood. g) School District Comments: A referral was sent to School District No. 42 on February 25, 2008, no comments have been received to date. -5- h) Intergovernmental Issues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent Municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that this application be favourably considered and be given first reading and forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by:'Csikos Pla ning Technician MCI P Dire-n& of Planning n, BA, P.Eng M: Public Works &_De"lopment Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule ' Chief Administrative Officer JC/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Bylaw 6553-2008 Appendix B - Bylaw 6554-2008 Appendix C - Subject Property Appendix D - Proposed Subdivision -6- yoPenla•X It CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.6553-2008. A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6553-2008." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 69727 and Parcel " T (Reference Plan 17121) of Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 16630) Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 11166) Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel B (Explanatory Plan 16630) and Secondly: Part Subdivided By Plan 69727, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster'District Plan 4921 and Lot 1 Except; Part Dedicated Road on Plan LMP35108, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 22101. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 749, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby redesignated to Urban Residential and Institutional (shown hatched). 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the MAYOR , A.D. 200 . , A.D. 200. , A.D. 200. day of , A.D. 200. CORPORATE OFFICER 72239W-OZ 71907P - �- 1852 1213 1415 21 1 N F GjjJV"T,%084 72227ti ti 72589 43 122 AVE. 72277 e °i 72209 0 `� 0 0 0 N N M N L K J N P 1 2 22101 � 60 LMP 1089 P 1852 2a7 Rem 1 rn LMP 27 99 LMP. 578 59 12795 N 1^ 23 450 60 7^ 8a 9ry 58 vo N ti ti ti �° N N ti ry 1 — T2 7 ' J 121 8 AVE. 0.524 hc. 57 72775 0 30 31 72170 Rem A ti EP EP 11166 80908 --� 4 14"'9 12142 12140 LMP 1280 EP P 41572 45 0.431 ha. � 69207 t E l i l P 007 2 17121 P 69727 1 1.851 ha. 1272 12722 P 41572 i 1 44 G LMP 11279 12179 12110 — — 1208 72111 201 ;2097 LMP 56 1 37 o R2 283 44 25 26 27 28 29 H 1 g 11_ h h h h �_ h �_ ---�— ---� ----_ _--- — 12083 o o— o o a ��—� --- — — — — — — — — — v207 m ti m'tir ry J 38 18 a 1208 AVE. 720.92 — LMP 5692 12705 P 83237 1 t 2��' '^ ! a65is + I 0 10N 8 i7-20:34Z LO 16 12070 0 a- � 12067 11 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6553-2008 Map No. 749 From: Institutional, Urban Residential and Park To: Urban Residential and Institutional (shown hatched) MAPLE RIDGE 1:2000 /9fiaend;r S CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.6554-2008 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6554-2008." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 69727 and Parcel "2" (Reference Plan 17121) of Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 16630) Lot 1 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 11166) Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel B (Explanatory Plan 16630) and Secondly: Part Subdivided By Plan 69727, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4921 and Lot 1 Except; Part Dedicated Road on Plan LMP35108, District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 22101. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1422 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to R-1(Residential District) and P-2 (Special Institutional) (shown hatched). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6554-2008 Map No. 1422 From: RS-1 (One Family Urban P-2 (Special Institutional) To: R-1 Residential District) P-2 Special Institutional) Residential) and and — shown hatched 1:2000 12259 17 5 6 7 n w R � & 5 R m6 A m 12253 Jaa7 12239 P 71907 1 12227 P 72589 43 12217 �+ 61 n 0. 12209 m 54 59 12195 58 12167 57 12175 P 191 29 30 31 o R R R s 4s R 44 72496 2 12125 G LV 12111 12111 a H R 1 N SCALE 1:2,618 i- 6 ,2289 24 P22101 , j9 3 BCP 50 BCP 2914 L P i 1 B 12272 5 10 R 9GP 150 23 LMP 5T08 2426 19 12275 21 20 12272 A B 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 y 8 P 13081 12266 2 3 - R S100,5 4 11 'n C '° 1 10 12269 22 R & '� R R R R 1� 5e 1 2259 1z2se 3 12 1t750 12253 122 B AVE. 11 12 12252 1 2 �73°� A m o `- 122a+ N LMP 426 13 ` & Rg RS &7 R6 z iZ5 Tv4 R 9 R70 Rtt 20 19 & �15 14 m13 112246 LMP 1593 14 R P 1 31 P 17 1 15 16 17 18 19 p 35 08 1 LMP 7744 12 26 18526 LM 108 12 13 14 15 21 22 16 LC D E F$ G H_ I_ N10 �11 12 01314 R R �� � 26 R R & R (� & R & $ R 12237 24 25 12229 122AVE. 23 LMP 24 27 R � a 1 R 2 N R M R L R K R J R g P22101 18526 LMP 1 97 Rem 1 LMP 2 99 LMP 578 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a � A N R 121 GAVE. 12170 Rem,Subject Prop rties P 6677 EP 11166 P 41572 45 P 41572 44 P 69727 2 1 RP 17121 12110 l2060 20 LMP 691 1,97 37 T �A District �� Pitt Meadows District of Langley 1 12209 1 1 a m 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 3 4 5 34 19 12113 12093 12079 18 120B AVE. a 35 P 83237 17 11Z071 10 P,9 6 m 2 8 m 1 12091 16 12070 iG 12045 R 120052 12040 p,. 7 7 36 A15i67 15 11 12035 4 n 12090 8 12073 12065 3 a F 2038 48 12 5 12025 ai ,2020 cTv ��„ �129 2 R 14 13 .. LMP 91 6 12015 R a 71 12010 ' J ,ZD31 12012 10 w m DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD a 49 c Rem 12019 R R RP 8184 1 r-- 12140, 12142, 12170 203 Street IF�'" 20468 122 Avenue T CORPORATION OF _� I 1 N THE DISTRICT OF � 0 MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Alhl on a r I-- PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4�4I DATE: Feb 11, 2008 FILE: RZ/004/06 BY: JC $ | ! cc ° /� 2 %E !S c 0cp% § (\$ (( \{ } 2 a V � ) £ /) n \ 0 § [2 !; f G & /) �( o c ! a § / le \ k k k F1 � � 1-1 F] n13_ | ! f| 741-A FIR ME e Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: igilli 13 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 27, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/O84/O9 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve 12353 264th Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 30 (1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude approximately 4.045 hectares (10 acres) of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant's submission conforms with the notice of application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. RECOMMENDATION: At their February 14, 2005 Workshop, Council resolved that the process for referring applications for exclusion to the Agricultural Land Commission include the following options: a) That the application not be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission; b) That the application be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission with a summary of Council's comments and the staff report. Staff Recommendation: That the application not be authorized to go forward to the Agricultural Land Commission DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: 600422 B C LTD Owner: 600422 B C LTD Legal Description: Lot: 6, Section: 24, Township: 12, Plan: 2854 OCP: Existing: Agricultural Proposed: Not explicitly stated Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: Not explicitly stated 1104 Surrounding Uses North: Use: 7 properties, suburban residential Zone: RS-2 One Family Suburban Residential Designation Suburban Residential South: Use: rural residential Zone: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Designation: Agricultural East: Use: municipal land Zone: RS-2 One Family Suburban Residential Designation: Suburban Residential West: Use: Rural Residential Zone: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Designation: Agricultural Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: b) Project Description: Rural Residential Suburban Residential 4.045 Hectares (10 acres) 264th Street The subject property is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of 124th Avenue and 264th Street. It is adjacent to land designated Suburban Residential to its north and to its east but is 100 % within the Agricultural Land Reserve. The applicant's preliminary subdivision sketch indicates a proposal to develop the property to a suburban residential standard. This use could not be .permitted under the Agricultural land use designation or under the existing RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Zone of the subject property. In order to realize this development, a rezoning application and an amendment to the Official Community Plan would be required, which would trigger the need for approvals from Metro Vancouver. Under its Agricultural land use designation, the subject property is within the Green Zone of the Regional District. Any change to this designation would trigger the need to amend the Livable Region Strategic Plan, and there is no guarantee that such an application would be successful. The property is within the vicinity of Mogley Creek, and for this reason, is within a watercourse development permit area. Steep slopes are also noted on the site, which would trigger a natural features development permit. These site constraints could impact the developable portion of the site, and may affect the number of lots that could be created, if the application is successful. One letter was received in response to this application that noted the required mitigative measures on the property prior to development occurring if this application is successful. Intended to ensure that agricultural capacity would be maintained on adjacent agricultural properties, these suggested measures include: • The installation and maintenance of buffer provisions and fencing to protect adjacent ALR lands -2- • Storm water management • Erosion and sediment control in the subdivision plan and all phasing of construction • Notices of title to inform new residents of farm operations nearby. c) Planning Analysis: To assist Council in the decision of allowing this application to proceed further, this development proposal will be reviewed in light of the policies of the Official Community Plan, the Agricultural Plan, and on identified community need. Official Community Plan Policies The Maple Ridge Official Community Plan emphasizes the value of agriculture in contributing to the local economy and to the rural character of the community. It is noted that Maple Ridge agriculture faces considerable challenges, but there is consistent community support for local farming. Policy 6-12 of the Official Community Plan states: Maple Ridge will protect the productivity of its agricultural land by: a) Adopting a guiding principal of "positive benefit to agriculture" when making land use decisions that could affect the agricultural land base, with favourable recognition of initiatives including but not limited to supportive non -farm uses, infrastructure improvements for farmland, or the inclusion of land elsewhere in the Agricultural Land Reserve: b) requiring agricultural impact assessments (AIAs) and Groundwater Impact Assessment of non -farm development and infrastructure projects and identifying measures to off -set impacts on agricultural capability, c) preserving larger farm units and areas by using appropriate buffers such as roads, topographic features, watercourses, ditching, fencing, or gradually reduced residential densities on properties adjacent to agricultural land; d) discouraging the subdivision of agricultural land into smaller parcels, except where positive benefits to agriculture can be demonstrated; e) reinforcing the concept that the Agricultural Land Reserve is intended for agricultural use by increasing the minimum lot size for ALR properties that are zoned Rural Residential; f) encouraging the amalgamation of smaller parcels of farmland into larger, more cohesive parcels. This application does not address this policy direction. Agricultural Plan Policies The Maple Ridge Agricultural Plan, adopted by Council on December 15, 2009, provided additional direction for advancing agricultural opportunities in the District. Although adopted, the specific actions related to the implementation of the Plan are currently being prioritized by the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee and will be presented to Council for endorsement. Pertinent excerpts of the Plan are included below. -3- The Agricultural Plan recognizes that there may be situations in the future where exclusions may be required to meet community needs, for example employment generating lands. Goals 5 and 6 of the plan recommend that, where land conversion is unavoidable, levies or other means be established by the District in order to compensate for the loss of agricultural land. These recommendations will be reviewed by the Agricultural Advisory Committee who will report back to Council to recommend the implementation priorities of the Agricultural Plan. This application is evaluated in the context of "Community Need" later in this report. Issue 1 in the Agricultural Plan noted the difficulty faced by farmers in gaining access to underutilized agricultural land. Specific issues included the following: • Absentee landlords • Agricultural land held in idle state • Landless operators unable to find land to farm • High land cost restricts access. The Plan indicates that an appropriate means to address these issues would be to encourage non - farming land owners to make idle land available to farmers or to start farming it themselves. The Plan notes the need to re-emphasize the role of agriculture in the Agricultural Land Reserve and to remove some of the perception that the Agricultural Land Reserve is a land reserve for eventual non- agricultural development in the District. Issue 5 of the Agricultural Plan discusses the loss of the agricultural land base and notes the following specific issues: • Many small parcels • High level of rural residential incursion into Agricultural Land Reserve • Non -farmed areas of the Agricultural Land Reserve tend to be smaller parcels • Limited availability of irrigation water • Continued conversion pressure from the District of Maple Ridge's urban growth • Financial pressure on farming Goal 13 emphasizes the need to ensure that land use designations in the Agricultural Land Reserve reflect the primacy of agriculture as the highest and preferred land use. Community Need It is recognized that there may be justification for excluding land on the basis of community need, and it would therefore make sense to evaluate this application within this context. The intent of this application for exclusion is for the purpose of subdivision to suburban levels of density, which in the District of Maple Ridge would mean 0.4 hectares or 1 acre. On April 16, 2007 a report titled "Suburban Residential and Estate Suburban Residential Land Use Designation" was reviewed at Council Workshop. The report explored the development potential of residential properties outside of the Urban Area Boundary. Based on this information, noting constraints such as topography and existing lot geometry, it was estimated that the following additional lots could be created in the Suburban Residential Designation: • 90 RS-3 zoned lots of 2 hectares could be created, • 500 RS-3 zoned lots of 0.8 hectares could be created, or • 1500 RS-2 zoned lots of 0.4 hectares could be created. The Estate Suburban Designation, which is also outside of the Urban Area Boundary but within the Fraser Sewer Area, was estimated in early 2007 to have subdivision potential for a range of between 40 to 170 additional lots. It is acknowledged that municipal water connections would be required to create RS-3 lots of 0.8 hectares. At the highest density, (RS-2 development), the provision of community water would be required and a rezoning application from RS-3 to RS-2 would likely be required. Municipal records for residential development outside of the Urban Area Boundary (including Rural Residential) are as follows: • 24 new lots were created In 2007; • 9 new lots were created In 2008; • 13 new lots were created in 2009. These development statistics reveal that significant development potential remains in these areas. On this basis, there is no apparent need within the community that would be met by excluding these properties from the Agricultural Land Reserve, should this application prove to be successful. The District's existing land inventories in Suburban and Urban designations could satisfy a diverse range of housing demand for many years. In evaluating this application in light of the policy direction contained with the Official Community Plan and the Agricultural Plan, it is clear that the proposal is not consistent with these stated goals. It is also important to consider that applications proposing to exclude land from the Agricultural Land Reserve tend to encourage land speculation and investments in farm land by non -farming interests. This tendency increases the competition for acquiring farmland, thereby increasing its value, and making it more difficult for legitimate agricultural operators to acquire land for this purpose. Metro Vancouver The subject properties are designated for Agricultural use under the Official Community Plan. Any change in that use would require an amendment to the Official Community Plan, which in turn would require the approval of Metro Vancouver to amend the Green Zone designation of the subject property. This is known to be a lengthy process, and based on community need, there appears to be little rationale for excluding land from the Agricultural Land Reserve for this purpose. The Regional Growth Strategy is currently under review, and if adopted in the near future, this application would need to address the new growth strategy. %is Nei all kiR9NLA Council has been provided with options for processing this application. The report notes that the applicant's proposal is inconsistent with the policies of the Official Community Plan, with the Livable Strategic Plan, and with the recommendations of the Agricultural Plan. The District's records indicated that there is no apparent community need that would be met by this application. Based on this information, the staff recommendation is not to forward the application to the Agricultural Land Commission. Prepared by: Diana Hall Planner pproved J c , g, MCP, MCIP Director of Planning Approved by.. Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM: Public Wor s & evelopment Services Concurrent: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject Map Appendix B Preliminary Subdivision Sketch as provided by Applicant KII Appendix A p2 $ LMP 6975 18 12409 12428 124 AV E. 0 N co BCP 546 N SCALE 1:2,500 LMP 4975 25 C� 26 rLmp 975 LMP 975 1 LMP 6975 LMP i 24 27 19 20 21 22 LMP 6975 1e'F81 12� 12411 LMP 6975 23 28 City of Pitt P 2854 6 SUBJECT PROPERTY 5 =m 29 12353 r a 12322 12321 12260 1 = 12353 264 STREET CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE District of Langley PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Dec 17, 2009 FILE: AL/084/09 BY: PC Appendix B /Y2¢TP/2_ 7LYL^Ylll�l/r .VIr O ��+� 34►�./ -344.2 34S.2S cl Y yjvY/ 12. Ay W. D_ z .os 3f3:� 39�4•� 34� x5 r _ Assuryw. SEC. /9. 7'01N/YSHIP IS. ,*s;w&w1JGAL /YdPTi�(. 0 n N Z G District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 27, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: OPS1004 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Municipal Equipment Purchase, One Street Sweeper and One Tandem Axle Dump Truck EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The approved Financial Plan includes funding for replacement of equipment. A public Invitation to Tender RFP OP10138 was advertised to supply a street sweeper and Tender ITT OP10 144 was advertised to supply a Tandem Axle Dump. Following a review and detailed analysis of the submissions, it is recommended that the contract to supply the street sweeper unit and accessories be awarded to Cubex Limited, Surrey, BC. It is also recommended that the contract to supply the tandem axle dump truck and accessories be awarded to First Truck Centre, Vancouver, BC (Freightliner). RECOMMENDATION: That the contract for the purchase of one Street Sweeper complete with catch basin cleaner boom attachment, and accessories be awarded to Cubex Limited, Surrey, BC and further that the District of Maple Ridge enter into a contract to purchase the equipment for $187,042.05 including extended warrantee and optional items plus applicable taxes of approximately $20,040.17. That the contract for the purchase of one Tandem Dump Truck and accessories be awarded to First Truck Centre, Vancouver, BC and further that the District of Maple Ridge enter into a contract to purchase the equipment for $186,055.00 including extended warrantee and optional items plus applicable taxes of approximately $22,326.60. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: A public Invitation to Tender closed on March 31, 2010 for the supply of one street sweeper complete with accessories. Thirteen proposals were received, six of which met the tender requirements. Following a detailed assessment of the submissions the proposal submitted by Cubex Limited, Surrey, BC provides best value for the District of Maple Ridge. A public Invitation to Tender closed on March 24, 2010 for the supply of one tandem dump truck complete with accessories. Seven proposals were received, two of which met the 1105 tender requirements. Following a detailed assessment of the submissions the proposal submitted by First Truck Centre, Vancouver, BC provides best value for the District of Maple Ridge. b) Financial Implications: The expenditure is authorized in the 2010 Capital Budget and funds are allocated from the Fleet Replacement Reserve. Purchase price for the sweeper unit is $167,001.84 including warrantee and optional items plus applicable taxes of approximately $20,040.17. Purchase price for the tandem dump truck unit is $186,055.00 including warrantee and optional items plus applicable taxes of approximately $22,326.60. Should Council award the contract, and delivery date is after implementation of the proposed HST, the District will benefit from being able to recover a greater percentage of taxes than we can at the present time. Sweeper being replaced will be disposed of at public auction. Tandem Axle Dump Truck being replaced will continue as a reserve unit and the current reserve unit will be disposed of at public auction. CONCLUSION: The award of the contract to supply the street sweeper and accessories is recommended. The award of th44ntract to supply the tandem dump truck and accessories is recommended. ----- Prepared by: Russ Carmichael, AScT, Eng.L Director of Engineering Operations �1 Reviewed : Trevorlbompson Manager yHrianci lanning Approved by: Frao Quinn, G, neral Manager, Publi4 Works and Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 26, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: E02-036-011 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W 2010 TransLink MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As part of TransLink, the District receives annual funds for operation, maintenance and rehabilitation (OMR) for the major road network (MRN) in Maple Ridge. TransLink has requested annual agreements since 2002 to formalize the practices between the two agencies. OMR funds are intended for normal operation and maintenance for pavement, shoulder, drainage, pedestrian facility, street lighting, traffic signal, street cleaning, snow, ice and vegetation control, and rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure. Execution of the 2010 OMR funding agreement, as done annually in the past, will permit the District to receive the funding for the year and to perform the work to provide safe and efficient mobility for road users of the major road network in Maple Ridge. The 2010 agreement is attached for Council's review and approval. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute the agreement titled Major Road Network Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-11, as attached to the staff report dated April 26, 2010. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The District of Maple Ridge has been a member of TransLink since 1998. As a member of TransLink, the District now receives over $800,000 annually for operation, maintenance and rehabilitation (OMR) for the major road network (MRN) in Maple Ridge. The monies are provided to the District as quarterly payments. The 2010 OMR funding is $845,346.60 (up from $700,925.00 in 2009) and incorporates the inclusion of 128 Avenue (Abernethy Way) as part of the MRN. Intent of OMR Funds The intent of the OMR funding is that TransLink provides basic funding. Municipalities retain ownership of the roads, and perform necessary operation, maintenance and rehabilitation. Municipalities are free to choose how best to deliver those services, whether through municipal crews or contractors. 1106 106 The intent for the OMR funds include: 1. normal operation and maintenance, including pavement maintenance, shoulder maintenance, drainage maintenance, pedestrian facility maintenance, street lighting maintenance, traffic signal maintenance, road markings and delineation, signage, lighting, signal operation, street cleaning, snow and ice control, and vegetation control; 2. rehabilitation of existing pavement; and 3. rehabilitation of other existing infrastructure (e.g., curbs, shoulders, pedestrian facilities, drainage, street lighting and traffic signal systems, etc.). Operation and maintenance activities that are allowed include: • Pavement • Shoulders • Drainage • Pedestrian Facilities • Street Lighting • Traffic Signals • Signage • Road Markings and Delineation • Street Cleaning and Spill Response • Snow and Ice Control • Vegetation Control • Administration OMR funds are not intended to be used to construct new infrastructure, expand existing infrastructure (e.g., widen existing roads), purchase equipment required for OMR activities, or pay for work whatsoever on facilities that are not part of the MRN. As part of the agreement, municipalities are required to provide TransLink with annual OMR expenditure reports to be submitted by the end of March of the following year. The purpose of the annual agreement is to: a) show that OMR funds are, in fact, spent on the operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of the Major Road Network; b) confirm that sections of Major Road Network that are below standard are being rehabilitated; and c) identify trends and funding needs so that future adjustments can be made to categories and allocations, where appropriate. Municipalities are allowed to keep any unspent OMR funds in a reserve account designated for future use in operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of the MRN only. The opening and closing balance of the reserve are to be reported annually on the OMR expenditure reports. As well, TransLink conducts regular pavement condition surveys of the MRN (every three years, on average) to assess the pavement quality of the network. Under the established guidelines, should municipalities allow pavement quality to degrade below a pavement quality index (PQI) of 5.5, TransLink will reduce the OMR funding to that municipality until the pavement that is "below standard" is upgraded. Currently, all Maple Ridge MRN roads are above 5.5 (where 10 is the best and 1 is the poorest). b) Strategic Alignment: Financial Management Council has directed that the municipality provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner and to identify methods to generate non - tax revenue. The use of TransLink funds leverages the general revenue contribution for road maintenance and is a method to ensure a high level of service for road users of the MRN. Smart Managed Growth The Corporate Strategic Plan directs that municipal and infrastructure be protected and managed through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure maintenance of roads. The District entered into agreement with TransLink in 1998 as part of its plans to ensure adequate maintenance of the major roads in Maple Ridge. This annual agreement formalizes the current practices that the District uses to manage the maintenance of the MRN. c) Intergovernmental Relations/Partnerships: Council has directed that the District develop and maintain strong positive working relationships with TransLink and other governmental agencies. The annual agreement is consistent with Council's direction and reinforces the relationship with TransLink. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Maple Ridge residents and users of the Major Road Network expect that the investment in the network be maintained to provide safe, reliable and efficient transportation of goods and people using various transportation modes. Stable and adequate funding of maintenance and rehabilitation activities is required to meet customer expectations. The agreement provides for TransLink funding and support. e) Interdepartmental Implications: The Operations, Engineering and Finance departments collaborate in the administration of the TransLink agreement and the planning, operation, and maintenance of the major road network. f) Financial Implications: The 2010 District of Maple Ridge amount from TransLink for Maple Ridge MRN roads is $845,346.60. This is an increase from 2009 (which was $700,925.00). The $845,346.60 is comprised of the following: $13,800/lane-km x 61.3lane-km (rounded) $845,346.60 Total $845,346.60 The funds received from TransLink are accrued and used for operating and maintenance activities. g) Policy Implications: The recommendation is in accordance with the approved Council budget and the District's membership in TransLink. The District now receives approximately $845,346.60 annually for operation, maintenance and rehabilitation (OMR) for the Major Road Network (MRN) in Maple Ridge and an annual agreement formalizes the current practices between the District and TransLink. Execution of the 2010 OMR funding agreement is required. Prepared by: An Vew UVood, PhD., PEng. nicipal,Engineer 11 Financial Trevor Thompson, CGA Concurrence: Manager of Financial Planning Approved by: Fj4nk Quinn, MBA, PEng. enerrall Manager: Public 1Alorks and Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jinn) Rule Chief'Administrative Officer AW/mi MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-1 1 MAJOR ROAD NETWORK OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM AGREEMENT Agreement No. 2010-11 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of BETWEEN: W 20_ South Coast British Columbia Vancouver Transportation Authority, having an office at 1600 - 4720 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5H 4N2 ("TransLink") OF THE FIRST PART District of Maple Ridge, having an office at 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 (the "Municipality") The parties hereby agree as follows: 1.0 Definitions OF THE SECOND PART 1.1 In this Agreement, the following terms will have the following meanings: "MRN" will mean those segments of the Major Road Network falling within the jurisdiction of the Municipality; "OMR Guidelines" will mean the Major Road Network Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Description and Guidelines issued by TransLink, as amended from time to time; "Eligible Costs" will mean costs properly and reasonably incurred and paid by the Municipality solely and specifically in relation to the operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of the MRN, as described in the OMR Guidelines; "OMR Program" will mean the 2010 Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program, as described in the OMR Guidelines; South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Page 1 of 7 MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-11 "Work" will mean all goods to be provided and services to be performed by the Municipality in relation to the operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of the MRN, as described in the OMR Guidelines, whether such Work is undertaken by municipal crews or by contractors engaged by the Municipality. 2.0 OMR Program 2.1 The Municipality will operate, maintain and rehabilitate the Maj or Road Network in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. 2.2 The Municipality will undertake and complete the Work: 2.2.1 in accordance with the OMR Guidelines; 2.2.2 in a professional, competent, timely and diligent manner, and in accordance with acceptable industry standards; and 2.2.3 in compliance with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, by-laws, and directions of all governmental and statutory authorities. 2.3 The Municipality confirms that: 2.3.1 TransLink will not be responsible in any way for: any deficiency or defect in the Work or completion of the Work; or any costs of undertaking the Work in excess of the allocation set out in s. 3. 2.3.2 TransLink will have the right to advertise or promote its participation in the OMR Program. TransLink's participation in the OMR Program may be advertised or promoted in any media format including, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing: signs located on one or more MRN roads; print, radio and television advertisements; and, electronic advertising on the world wide web. The Municipality retains the right to approve of the location of signs on the MRN and the content of advertisements or promotions, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. 3.0 2010 Allocation 3.1 Under this Agreement, TransLink will pay the Municipality a total of $845,346.60 for Eligible Costs in connection with the OMR Program incurred between January 1.2010 and December 31, 2010, inclusive of all applicable taxes, or funds reserved for use in a future year's OMR Program. 3.2 Payments will be quarterly, in arrears, via Electronic Fund Transfers. South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Page 2 of 7 MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-11 3.3 As of March 23, 2010, our records show that the following "below standard" uploaded roads have not been rehabilitated. None - Not Applicable Therefore, the 2010 allocation described in s.3.1 is net of a deduction of $0.00 3.4 If the road(s) listed in s. 3.3 are rehabilitated by the Municipality, as required by Section 2.3 of the OMR Guidelines, and TransLink is notified of the completion of such rehabilitation work by November 30, 2010, then the deduction referred to in s. 3.3 for the rehabilitated road(s) will be released with the final quarterly payment for 2010. 3.5 For clarification, the parties confirm that the payment specified in s.3.1 applies only to the 2010 OMR Program. Funding levels in future years may be more or less than the 2010 amount; any future funding provided by TransLink will be covered by separate agreements. 4.0 Records and Audit 4.1 The Municipality will maintain accurate and complete records in relation to the OMR Program, including, without limitation, supporting documentation of all expenditures related to Eligible Costs, from the beginning of the 2010 OMR Program until two years after its completion (i.e., from January 1. 2010 until December 31, 2012). 4.2 The Municipality will provide TransLink with an expenditure report for the 2010 Work, as described in the OMR Guidelines, by March 31, 2011. The information in the report will be certified in writing as correct by the Municipality's Chief Financial Officer and City Engineer (or equivalents). 4.3 TransLink will have the right to enter upon the Municipality's premises for the purpose of auditing OMR Program expenditures at any time during normal business hours. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, TransLink will have the right to inspect and copy any records relating to OMR Program expenditures, including any supporting documentation. 4.4 All Eligible Costs included in the 2010 expenditure report must be substantiated by supporting documentation. Any undocumented costs may be considered ineligible under the OMR Program. 5.0 Indemnity and Release 5.1 The Municipality will indemnify and save harmless TransLink, its subsidiaries, and their directors, officers, employees and agents, (collectively the "Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all losses, claims, complaints (including, without limitation, complaints pursuant to human rights legislation), damages, actions, causes of action, South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Page 3 of 7 MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-11 fines, penalties, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, actual legal fees and disbursements) the Indemnified Parties may sustain, incur, suffer or be put to any time, either before or after the expiration or termination of this Agreement, arising out of, or in connection with the operation, maintenance or rehabilitation of the MRN, including, without limitation: 5.1.1 any breach of this Agreement or anything done or omitted to be done, whether negligently or otherwise, by the Municipality or any councillor, officer, employee, agent, contractor or subcontractor of the Municipality pursuant to this Agreement; 5.1.2 the operation, maintenance or rehabilitation of the MRN, whether negligent or otherwise; 5.1.3 any contravention or alleged contravention of applicable laws, statutes, regulations, by-laws, or directions of governmental or statutory authorities issued under lawful authority, including, without limitation, those related to the environment, environmental protection and contaminated sites; or 5.1.4 any review, inspection, audit, approval, acceptance or payment by TransLink in relation to the operation, maintenance or rehabilitation of the MRN; whether or not such losses, claims, complaints, damages, actions, causes of action, fines, penalties, costs or expenses relate to the acts or omissions, whether negligent or otherwise, of the Indemnified Parties. 5.2 In addition to the forgoing, and notwithstanding any other term or provision herein contained, the Municipality, for and on behalf of itself, its councillors, officers, employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors, hereby unconditionally, absolutely and irrevocably releases and forever discharges the Indemnified Parties from any and all losses, liabilities or damages, at law or in equity and whether direct, indirect or consequential, which relate to, arise out of, or are in any way connected with the operation, maintenance or rehabilitation of the MRN, whether caused by, or arising through the negligence of, the Indemnified Parties. 6.0 Default 6.1 Provision of funds by TransLink to the Municipality under the OMR Program is contingent upon the Municipality maintaining the functionality of the Major Road Network and undertaking the Work in accordance with the OMR Guidelines. If the municipality fails to do so, TransLink may withhold all or part of the funding provided under the OMR Program. 6.2 Withholding of funds by TransLink does not release the Municipality from its responsibility to operate, maintain and rehabilitate the MRN. South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Page 4 of 7 MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-11 7.0 Dispute Resolution 7.1 Any dispute or controversy occurring between the parties hereto relating to the interpretation or implementation of any of the provisions of this Agreement will be resolved by arbitration, conducted by one arbitrator. The parties will agree on the arbitrator or, failing agreement, the arbitrator will be appointed in accordance with the rules of the British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre. Any arbitration will be held in the City of Vancouver and conducted pursuant to the rules of procedure of the British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre and the British Columbia Commercial Arbitration Act. 8.0 General 8.1 This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of British Columbia and the laws of Canada. The parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia. 8.2 If any terms, covenant, or condition contained in this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance will to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of that term, covenant, or condition to persons or circumstances, other than those concerning which it is held invalid or unenforceable, will not be affected thereby and each term, covenant, and condition of this Agreement will be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 8.3 Time will be of the essence under this Agreement. 8.4 The provisions contained in this Agreement and in the OMR Guidelines constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all previous communications, representations, expectations, understandings and agreements, whether written or unwritten, between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 8.5 All notices, demands, payments or other communications required or permitted hereunder will be in writing and may be delivered prepaid, sent by facsimile or sent by prepaid first class mail. Any notice delivered will be deemed to have been given or received at the time of delivery to the address of the recipient as set out below. Any notice delivered by facsimile will be deemed to be delivered on the next day following the date of transmission thereof. Any notice mailed as aforesaid will be deemed to have been given and received on the fourth day following the date of its mailing. Any notice will be addressed as follows: South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Page 5 of 7 MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-11 To: TransLink 1600 — 4720 Kingsway Burnaby, BC, V5H 4N2 Attention: S.W. Hollingshead, PEng, MBA Manager, Roads and Bridges Facsimile No.: (604) 453-4600 To: District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Mr. Andrew Wood, PEng Municipal Engineer Facsimile No.: (604) 467-7425 8.6 In the event there is a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the OMR Guidelines, the terms of this Agreement will prevail. 8.7 The Municipality may not assign this Agreement. South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Page 6 of 7 MRN Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program Agreement No. 2010-11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. SOUTH COAST BRITISH COLUMBIA TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (Authorized Signatory) Name, Title (Please print) DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE (Authorized Signatory) Name, Title (Please print) (Authorized Signatory) Name, Title (Please print) South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Page 7 of 7 District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 19, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: EO1-035-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Farmers Market Events at Spirit Square EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from event organizers to use municipal streets for the Farmers Market Events at Spirit Square on Saturday June 19, Saturday July 24 & Saturday August 28, 2010. A road closure is required for these events. Authorization from Council is requested to allow the events to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the Farmers Market Events at Spirit Square on Saturday June 19, Saturday July 24 & Saturday August 28, 2010, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated April 19, 2010 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as Schedule "A". The Haney Farmers Market, which is held in Memorial Peace Park, is requesting permission to close the area of 224 Street called "Spirit Square" for events to coincide with the Farmers Market on Saturday June 19, Saturday July 24 & Saturday August 28, 2010, from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. The Farmers Market hours of operation are 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. There will be manned barricades set up at each end of the bricked Spirit Square roadway. Haney Place road surrounding Memorial Peace Park will remain open. 1107 b) Strategic Alignment: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the event volunteers. In addition, the organizers have distributed an information letter to affected businesses and residents. d) Interdepartmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP and Fire Department for traffic control and management and must notify BC Ambulance Services as well as Coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service) on any rerouting requirements. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The event organizers have requested permission to hold this event on municipal streets. I Submitted*yr,-,—fi(hd&-(W-Wood, PhD., PEng. Munici Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. GM: Public Works & Dfie pment Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jtinistrative Rule Chief Officer Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 19, 2010 Farmers Market Events at Spirit Square Conditions of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the RCMP, Fire Department and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. advertise the event and give notice of the road closure in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date) per letter provided by the District; 5. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 6. obtain the required permits from Parks & Leisure Services for use of their facilities; 7. must maintain access for emergency services to the closure area at all times; 8. make arrangements with the District if "temporary" parking restrictions are required prior to the event; 9. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 10.refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the Corporation; The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer Page 1 of 1 Ruby Tam From: HFM Vendor Info [vendorinfo@haneyfarmersmarket.org] Sent: February 16, 2010 3:31 PM To: Ruby Tam Subject: FW: Haney Farmers Market in downtown Maple Ridge and Road closures Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Red Dear Ruby: For your information the following letter has been sent to Wendy Kirk at BC Transit, Mark Smitton at the MR Fire Department and Michael Cawker at Ambulance Services. Once I have heard from them, I will forward the required information on to you for further processing. The Haney Farmers Market, which is held in Memorial Peace Park on 224th Street in downtown Maple Ridge is going through the process of asking permission to close the area of 224th Street called Spirit Square for events to coincide with the Farmers Market on Saturdays, June 19, July 24 and August 28 between the hours of 7 am and 4 pm. The Market's actual hours of operation are 9 — 2. There will be manned barricades set up at each end of the bricked Spirit Square roadway. The ring road around Memorial Peace Park will remain open. We have received approval from Sgt. Roland Pierschke of the Ridge Meadows RCMP det. E aZe4U cuu& PaM)l [7wi,7br Pk Market Managers Haney Farmers Market Port Coquitlam Farmers Market 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 6A9 vendorinfo@haneyfannersmarket.org 604-467-7433 www.haneyfarmersmarket.org 17/02/2010 FORM Details of the Event Date: February 4, 2010 Contac, Person: Eileen, and Paul DvAllies 604-467-8424 Details: The Haney Farmers Market wishes to use the area of 224"b Street called Spirit Square for events to coincide with the Farmers Market on Saturday, June 19, July 24 and August 28 between the hours of 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Market's actual hours of operation are from 13 — 2 p.m, The Haney Farmers Market will put up barricades as indicated at each end of the Spirit Square roadway. The ring road around Memorial Peace Park, will remain open. Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: See AM -wed plan RCMP concurrence for the proposec Traffic Control Plan EEB 1 .9 DID The.1bli'mwing, aguncics have been ad'vised anclacknowle(I�e i&, event: D!Vl/ STt, R. PIERSCHKE BO TI'2rSit N'7,0 I/c Traffic Rdge - Meadows Cat. F i re Department— _- 11 4 . " -I - - .. . a Ambulance Services Other Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 26, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W Canada Day Event EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services to use municipal streets for their annual Canada Day Event on Thursday, July 1, 2010, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. A copy of the request is attached. Authorization from Council is requested to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the annual Canada Day Event on Thursday, July 1, 2010, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated April 26, 2010 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as Schedule "A". The Canada Day festivities are scheduled from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in Memorial Peace Park. Set up will begin at 8:00 am and clean up will be complete by 6:00 pm. The following road closures are required: • 224 Street from 119 Avenue to McIntosh Avenue, including Haney Place road surrounding Memorial Peace Park 224 Street northbound from Selkirk Avenue to 119 Avenue Barricades will be set up by the organizers to manage this closure. 1108 b) Strategic Alignment: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the organizers. In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. d) Interdepartmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP and Fire Department for traffic control and management and must notify BC Ambulance Services as well as Coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service) on any rerouting requirements. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may wish to select an alternative location within or outside the municipality. However, this event has a history in this community. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. Canada Day festivities have been held in Maple Ridge for several years and the organizers ha:;; edpermission to hold the event on municipal streets for 2010. Submitted by: ndrew Woo , PhD., PEn pal E._ Municigine Approved by: Frank quinn, MBA, PEng. GM: Plublic Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (JYm) Rule Chief Administrative Officer Schedule'A' To Council Memorandum ❑ated April 26, 2010 Canada Day Event Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the RCMP, Fire Department and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. make arrangements with Haney Place Mall for access management; 5. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 6. notify all affected businesses in the area of closures as soon as possible (per letter provided by the District); 7. obtain the required permits from Parks & Leisure Services for use of their facilities; 8. make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event; 9. must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times. 10. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 11.obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 12. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw permission to use municipal streets for this and future events should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: RUBY TAM, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FROM: CHRISTINE DIGIAMBERARDINE, PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES SUBJECT: ROAD CLOSURE FOR CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS DATE: 3/31/2010 The Maple Ridge Multicultural Canada Day Committee is currently planning Maple Ridge's 2010 Canada Day Festival, to be held in Memorial Peace Park. The Canada Day celebrations are organized by a volunteer committee in partnership with Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services. The Canada Day Committee will be using Spirit Square in addition to Memorial Peace Park for the festivities. Approval for the following road closures as per the attached map. The Canada Day festivities will be on Thursday, July 1, 2010 between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. The barricades will go up between 8-10 am and will be taken down at 4pm. Mark Smitton from the Fire Department and Sgt Roland Pierschke from the RCMP have approved this traffic plan. Tony Liew from Coast Mountain Bus Company has confirmed that they will reroute the buses on that day. Upon Council's approval, letters will be sent to the Maple Ridge RCMP, Ambulance Service of B.C., B.C. Transit, Fire Department, Maple Ridge Taxi/Meadow Ridge Taxi, advising of this event. Merchants along the closure route will be contacted with the closure information. Thank you in advance for your support of this annual community event. If you have any questions or recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact me at 467-7433 or local 5239. Christine DiGiamberardine, Staff Liaison, Maple Ridge Multicultural Canada Day Committee Encl. FORM `A' Details of the Event Date: July 1st Contact Person: Christine DiGiamberardine Phone: 604-467-7433 Fax: 6034-467-7393 Details: On Thursday, July 1st between 10 am and 4pm, approximately 7,000 people will attend Canada Day. Auxilliary volunteers will attend to the barricades under Derrick Keist's direction and Johnson Meier will provide the insurance coverage. Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: See attached map RCMP concurrence for the proposed Traffic Control Plan: Corporal Pierschke has approved the plan The following agencies have been advised and acknowledge the event: Coast Mountain Bus Company: Tony Liew is making arrangements to reroute the buses on July 1st Fire Department: Mark Smitton has approved the traffic plan Ambulance Services: Other From: Roland PIERSCHKE [roland.pierschke@rcmp-grc.gc.ca] Sent: March 28, 2010 10:47 AM To: Christine DiGiamberardine Subject: Re: FW: Maple Ridge Canada Day road closure approval Sorry to take so long, but I have no issues with the proposed road closures. I'll see about the auxiliaries, and how many do you want for red serge?? Roland Pierschke, Sgt. NCO i/c Traffic Section Ridge - Meadows RCMP 604-463-6251 direct line 604-467-7686 cell: 604-612-2311 >>> Christine DiGiamberardine <cdigiamberardine@mapleridge.ca> >>> 2010-03-23 15:02 >>> Hi Roland - I am not sure if you have had a chance to review our plans for MR Canada Day. Once we have your approval (we have the Fire Dept's via Mark Smitton) then we can proceed with our application to Engineering for Road closures. If you are still working on the other elements - could you respond to the road closure piece first and we can follow up later re red serge and auxillary police for the barricades. Thanks, Sincerely, Christine DiGiamberardine Recreation Coordinator - Neighborhood Development Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services 11960 Haney Place, Maple Ridge Tel: 604-467-7433 604-467-7393 www.mapleridge.org<http://www.mapleridge.org> Deep Roots Greater Heights From: Christine DiGiamberardine Sent: March 19, 2010 11:45 AM To: Mark Smitton; Roland Pierschke (roland.pierschke@rcmp-grc.gc.ca) Subject: Maple Ridge Canada Day road closure approval HI Roland and Mark - Now that we have the Olympic events behind us, Canada Day is only 3 months away. Can you please look at the planned site map/road closures for Canada Day which will be on Thursday, July 1, 2010 and let me know if you approve. It is the same as last year - we didn't change anything. The whole event will take place in Memorial Peace Park and Spirit Square. Roland - in addition can you please let me know if auxiliaries will be able to assist with the barricades and if we can have red serge at the event as well? Our event runs from 10-4. I would be happy to meet with you if you have any questions. Thank you. Page 1 of 2 From: Liew, Tony [Tony.Liew@coastmountainbus.com] Sent: March 30, 2010 9:16 AM To: Christine DiGiamberardine Subject: RE: Maple Ridge Canada Day road closure approval Morning Christine, Looks like it is the same route as last year. There are no issues, the buses will be rerouted from 09:00 - 17:00 Regards Tony S�ecuzl-.'vents -Ye-tl604 9533503 Ce�604 33-11847 From: Christine DiGiamberardine[mailto:cdigiamberardine@mapleridge.ca] Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 3:20 PM To: Liew, Tony Subject: FW: Maple Ridge Canada Day road closure approval HI Tony - Can you see our bus route for Maple Ridge Canada Day on Thursday July 1st and let me know if you approve. It is the same plan as last year. I have approval from both RCMP and the Fire Dept. Thanks, Sincerely, Christine DiGiamberardine Recreation Coordinator - Neighborhood Development Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services 11960 Haney Place, Maple Ridge Tel: 604-467-7433 604-467-7393 www.magleridge.org Deep Roots Greater Heights From: Christine DiGiamberardine Sent: March 19, 2010 11:45 AM To: Mark Smitton; Roland Pierschke (roland.pierschke@rcmp-grc.gc.ca) Subject: Maple Ridge Canada Day road closure approval HI Roland and Mark - Now that we have the Olympic events behind us, Canada Day is only 3 months away. Can you please look at the planned site map/road closures for Canada Day which will be on Thursday, July 1, 2010 and let me know if you approve. It is the same as_last _year ._ we didn't change anything. _ The whole — . _ ._ -- - event will take place in Memorial Peace Park and Spirit Square. Roland - in addition can you please let me know if auxiliaries will be able to assist with the barricades and if file://C:\Documents and Settings\rubyt\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK36\RE Maple Ridge Canada Dav road ... 31/03/2010 Page 2 of 2 we can have red serge at the event as well? Our event runs from 10-4. 1 would be happy to meet with you if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Christine DiGiamberardine Recreation Coordinator - Neighborhood Development Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services 11960 Haney Place, Maple Ridge Tel: 604-467-7433 604-467-7393 wwwmal2leridcle.orca Deep Roots Greater Heights - ------ ---- - --- --- - ---- ------ ------------------ ----- - --- - ---- - ---- - This email, including attachments, may contain personal, privileged or other confidential information. If this email was sent to you in error, please notify the sender immediately, delete this email, and do not use it or forward it. Thank you. file://CADocuments and Settings\rubyt\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK36\RE Maple Ridge Canada Day road ... 31/03/2010 Ruby Tam From: Christine DiGiamberardine Sent: April 1, 2010 11:20 AM To: Sutherland, Robert D EHSC:EX Cc: Ruby Tam Subject: RE: FW: Canada Day road closures request Thanks, Bob. Sincerely, Christine DiGiamberardine Recreation Coordinator - Neighborhood Development Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services 11960 Haney Place, Maple Ridge Tel: 604-467-7433 604-467-7393 www.mapleridge.org Deep Roots Greater Heights -----Original Message ----- From: Sutherland, Robert D EHSC:EX [mailto:Robert.Sutherland@bcas.ca] Sent: April 1, 2010 11:11 AM To: Christine DiGiamberardine Subject: RE: FW: Canada Day road closures request Shouldn't be a problem this year either. The barricades are easily moved to allow access as needed. Our only concern that occurred this year was from the Christmas parade marshalling area that completely blocked the driveway entrance to our ambulance station. That was resolved fairly quickly, and I don't see that being a problem with the Canada Day event. Bob Sutherland Paramedic Chief, Station 257 BC Ambulance Service Maple Ridge, B.C. Email: Robert.Sutherland@bcas.ca -----Original message ----- From: Christine DiGiamberardine [mailto:cdigiamberardine@mapleridge.ca] Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2010 11:04 AM To: Sutherland, Robert D EHSC:EX Subject: RE: FW: Canada Day road closures request HI Robert - Canada Day is just 3 months away - We are going to have the same route as last year and the Fire Dept, RCMP and Coast Mountain have all approved the route for this year. Please see the attached map and let me know if you have any concerns. Thank you and Happy Easter! Sincerely, Christine DiGiamberardine Recreation Coordinator - Neighborhood Development Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks and Leisure Services 11960 Haney Place, Maple Ridge Tel: 604-467-7433 604-467-7393 www.mapleridge.org Deep Roots Greater Heights 1 MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 26, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W 7th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation to use municipal streets for the 7th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run on Sunday, June 6, 2010 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Setup on site will start at 6:00 am. A copy of the request is attached. Authorization from Council is requested to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 7th Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run on Sunday, June 6, 2010, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule `A' attached to the staff report dated April 26, 2010 are met. 1016*4061i.11 ►F a) Background Context: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the District be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". There are two courses: a 5 kilometer and a 10 kilometer. Both courses start and conclude at Fairview Elementary School located at 12209 206 Street. 5 kilometer course: Participants travel south on 206 Street to Dewdney Trunk Road (DTR) and travel west on the north side of DTR to 203 Street (the event coordinator will have marshals along DTR to ensure participants stay on the sidewalk & curb). They will travel north on 203 Street to 123 Avenue and travel east on 123 Avenue to 210 Street. They will travel south on 210 Street to Wicklund Avenue where they will do a quick turnaround and continue south on 210 Street to DTR and travel west on DTR to 206 Street and continue north to Fairview Elementary where the run will conclude. 1109 10 kilometer course: Participants travel south on 206 Street to DTR and travel west on the north side of DTR to 203 Street (the event coordinator will have marshals along DTR to ensure participants stay on the sidewalk & curb). Participants will travel north on 203 Street to Sharpe Road (Pitt Meadows) and continue north to turn west onto the Dyke lane travelling west until they reach the "turnaround point" and make a 180 degree turn. Runners will head back travelling east on the Dyke lane turning south onto Sharpe Road, continue south to 203 Street. Runners will then head east on 123 Avenue to 206 Street and head south to Fairview Elementary where the run will conclude. The event organizers are requesting closure of 203 Street between 128 Avenue and 132 Avenue. Preparation for this event will begin at 6:00 am and the race will start promptly at 9:00 am. The clean up and finish of the event will be complete by approximately 12:00 noon. b) Strategic Alignment: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the event organizers. d) Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP and Fire Department for traffic control and management and must notify BC Ambulance Services as well as Coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service) on any rerouting requirements. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the run to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the run. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run is requesting permission to hold the 7th Annual Ridge Oeadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run event on municipal streets for 2010. Submitted by: ndrew Wood, Ph Municipal Engine, Approved by:?/ Frank uinn, MBA, PEng Gene all Man4er: Pu}dli orks & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (#) Rule Chief Administrative Officer RT/mi Schedule `A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 26, 2a1❑ 71h Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run Conditions of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the RCMP, Fire Department and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. obtain any required permits from the School District for school facility use; 5. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 6. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 7. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 8. must maintain access for emergency services at all times; 9. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 10. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use municipal streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer rRIDGE MEADOWS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION SUPPORTING THE BEST IN HEALTH April 20, 2010 Ms. Ruby Tam Engineering Department Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Ms. Tam, Fundz-&Run00�, 7F . BENEFITING RIDGE MEADOWS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION On June 6, 2010 the Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation will be holding its 7ch Annual Fund Run. The Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation strives to enhance the quality of health care at Ridge Meadows Hospital and health services in the communities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows by creating opportunities for giving. Please find enclosed our request for approval for the Fund Run. I am also including the request letter with the particulars that we sent to the RCMP for traffic approval. We ask that this request be considered at the next council workshop. Please find enclosed the traffic control proposal, and a map outline of the run route as well as approval from the RMCP. Appropriate insurance has been secured and I will forward a copy of the certificate once it arrives in my office. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at the Foundation office at 604-466-6958 Sine rely,, J CLa ui a Butler Development Officer Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Laura.butler fraserhealth.ca PS. I've also enclosed a brochure for your review and consideration. Perhaps a 11666 Laity Street, Box 5000 corporate team from the District of Maple Ridge would like to participate. Maple Ridge, British Columbia Canada V2X 7G5 T= 604.463.1822 F.-A.}: 604.466.7978 www.rmhfoundation.com CHARFi-ABLE REGISTRATION ION #1 f903 2035 RR0001 nRIDGE MEADOWS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION SUPPORTING THE BEST IN HEALTH April 20, 2010 Sgt.. Roland Pierschke Ridge Meadows RCMP Municipal Traffic 11990 Haney Place Maple Ridge V2X 6A9 Re: 7h Annual Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Fund Run Sunday, June 6, 2010 Dear Sgt. Pierschke, Please accept the following request to once again use the municipal sidewalks and streets to host our annual Fund Run event. The necessary arrangements have been made to use Fairview Elementary, St. John Ambulance services and appropriate insurance coverage (5 million liability) is being secured. We will be forwarding all information to the Engineering Department for review upon approval from your department. I have enclosed the race route and particulars for your review. We are fortunate this year to have Clint Van Blanken, the District's Crime Prevention Coordinator on our Fund Run planning committee. With his assistance we have developed a new course for the 1 Ok route with the focus being on improving the safety of participants and volunteers. Clint will be in touch with you directly in regards to his suggestion of utilizing Auxiliary RCMP to close the portion of the route between 128th and 132nd to vehicle traffic. Please do not hesitate to call, should there be additional information that you require. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. This is sure to be our most successful run yet! 'ncer�ly, L�ura Butler evelopment Officer Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Phone: 604-466-7958 E-Mail : laura.butler@fraserhealth. ca 11666 Laity Street, Box 5000 Maple Ridge, British Columbia Canada V2X 7G5 TEL 604.463.1822 FAx 604.466.7978 www.rmhfoundation.com CHART MS3 E REGISTRATION #11503 2035 RR0001 Details of the 2010 Route Sunday, June 6, 2010 Fnud u nFITING RIDGE MEADOWS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Contact Person: Laura Butler Ridge Meadows Hospital Foundation Phone: 604-466-6958 E-Mail: laura.butler@fraserhealth.ca Details: 1OK/5K. The l Ok route for 2010 has been changed to an "out and back" format. Run starts at Fairview Elementary School located at 12209 206th Street Maple Ridge. Leaving the school Runners travel south on 206th until DTR (Dewdney Trunk Road). Runners then travel west on DTR (staying on the north side). We will have Race Marshalls along DTR to ensure runners stay on the sidewalk and curb. Runners turn North on 203rd and continue traveling North on the East side as 203rd transitions to Sharpe Road. Auxiliary RCMP and Race Marshalls will be positioned at the intersections of 203rd and 123rd, 203rd and Abernethy and 203rd and Old Dewdney Trunk to ensure proper traffic control and runner's safety. Continuing North on Sharpe Road runners will turn West onto the Dyke lane traveling West until they reach the "turnaround point" and make a 180 degree turn. Runners now head back travelling East on the Dyke Lane turning South onto Sharpe Road, continuing South on the West shoulder as Sharpe transitions to 203rd and turning East at the intersection of 203rd and 123rd. Travelling East on the South side of 1+43rd runners make a South Bound turn at 2061h and head South on 2061h where they reach the finish located back at Fairview Elementary School. Details: 5K Walk/Run. 5K Route starts at Fairview Elementary School (same location as 1 OK run). Runners travel south on 206 until DTR. Runners then travel west on DTR (staying on the north side). Runners travel north on 203rd until 123rd Avenue. 5K walk/runners travel east on 123rd Avenue. Runners then travel south on 2101h keeping to the west side of 210th. Runners then do a quick turnaround at Wicklund (about 200 meters and back to 210th). Runners continue to travel south on 210th to DTR. Runners travel west on DTR, keeping to the north side of the road. Runners then travel north on 206th back to the finish line at Fairview School. aterF%� Station' ft% run F BENEFITING RIDGE MEADOWS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Dyke Sharpe Road Water Station Legend 10K 5K X Start and Finish 132nd Ave (Old Dewdney) 128th Ave (Abernethy) 10- 123rd Avenue Fairview School X �A*m206 St. 203rd Street Water I Station c. 210 St. Dewdney Trunk Road Cmalc- to nit roP°F professional downk¢ad the free trial arrline at nkvop&.comlprofmmomd Michelle Isley From: Clint Van Blanken Sent: April 26, 2010 9:19 AM To: Michelle Isley Cc: Ruby Tam Subject: FW: 7th annual run Hospital Fund Run Hi Laura, Byway of forwarding this email to Michelle Isley she will be notified of the RCMP's route approval. Michelle is handling this for Ruby and is aware that we are wanting to get this to council..... even though I gave her plenty of notice (a week!). Don't worry though.... Michelle knows magic:) clint —Original Message — From: Butler, Laura[ma iIto: Laura. Butler@frase rhea lth.ca] Sent: April 26, 2010 9:09 AM To: Clint Van Blanken Subject: FW: 7th annual run Hi Clint, Here is the approval from Roland for the Fund Run route. Can you make sure that Ruby gets a copy of this to attach to our request on her desk. Thanks, Laura RMH Foundation Supporting the Best in Health 604.466.6958 604.613.7584 QP please think of the environment before printing this email This email is intended only for the person(s) or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information. If you have received this email in error or are not the named recipient, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete this email and all copies of it. Thank you. —Original Message — From: Butler, Laura Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 9:08 AM To: 'Roland PIERSCHKE' Subject: RE: 7th annual run Hi Roland, Thanks so much for the quick response. The documents will most likely be sent to you after Council approval. At this point we include your approval and send the request on to the Engineering Department. We have lots of folks keeping their fingers crossed for good weather - and we've been pretty lucky most years. It's been a long time since we've had to set everything up in the gym at the school. We've been very fortunate to have an Auxiliary presence at the event and we are grateful for their support. Thanks again. Cheers, District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: April 26, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: EO1-035-001 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Cruise for a Cause Day y:� x�i1�1�1 �.Yllul►�illl:� A request has been received from the event organizer to use municipal streets for the Cruise for a Cause Day on Thursday, August 26, 2010 between 3:00 pm and 10:30 pm. A copy of the request is attached. Authorization from Council is requested to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the Cruise for a Cause Day on Thursday, August 26, 2010 between 3:00 pm and 10:30 pm, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule `A' attached to the staff report dated April 26, 2010 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". A & W Restaurants National "Cruise for a Cause Day" is in support of Multiple Sclerosis. As over 500 classic cars and over 2,000 spectators are anticipated for this event, the organizers are requesting to close 228 Street from Lougheed Highway to Dewdney Trunk Road from 3:00 pm to 10:30 pm. 1110 b) Strategic Alignment: Administrating Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by volunteers. d) Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain approval of the RCMP and Fire Department for traffic control and must notify BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of streets for various events and activities. The even rganizers have requested permission to hold the event on municipal streets for 2010. Submitted by: �Are�Wood PhD., PEng. Municipal Ep6ine( Approved by: Frank GM: inn, MBA, PEng. bli or & Di elo ment Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) R e ! Chief Admi istrative Officer Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 26 2010 Cruise for a Cause Day Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the RCMP, Fire Department and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. make arrangements with Valley Fair Mall for access management; 5. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 6. notify all affected businesses on the event route as soon as possible (per letter provided by the District); 7. make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event; 8. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 9. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; 10. obtain the required permission from Haney Place Mall to use their facilities; 11. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District; and 12. must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use municipal streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer Page 1 of 2 Ruby Tam From: Kathryn Baird Sent: January 19, 2010 11:44 AM To: Ruby Tam Cc: 'phaneuf@telus.net' Subject: RE: Local event Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Thank you for the phone conversation and I understand you will review the request and let Brad know if he is eligible to apply for this road closure. Brad can be reached at 604-818-3700. Kathryn From: Kathryn Baird Sent: January 19, 2010 11:40 AM To: Ruby Tam Subject: FW: Local event Hi Ruby, Brad Phaneuf, owner of A & W, is planning a fundraising event for MS called "Cruise for a Cause Day" on August 26. He is requesting a road closer on 228th Street in order to host an event that includes 250 classic cars and 700 spectators. From: phaneuf@telus.net [mailto:phaneuf@telus.net] Sent: January-14-10 1:09 PM To: Cheryl Ennis Cc: Ernie Daykin Subject: Good afternoon Cheryl, It was truly a pleasure speaking to you earlier yesterday regarding A&W Restaurants National "Cruise for a Cause Day" August 26th, 2010. Cruisin' for a Cause nationally was a fantastic success for its first year 2009. We ended up raising over $400,000 for MS, thrilled our customers and staff, and gained great exposure for MS with news coverage across the country. Locally one of the biggest classic car turn outs across Canada was Maple Ridge, over 500 classic cars & over 2000 spectators turned out at the A&W Restaurant on 228th Street to support MS. Our weekly classic car show on Thursday night is very successful, will get approximately 250 classic cars & over 700 spectators. With this in mind on the night of the "Cruisin' for a Cause" will double our regular Thursday night car show for the support of Multiple Sclerosis. To make this event day even better & more successful for MS I would like to close 228th street from 3pm until 10:30pm August 26th, 2010. The reason for 228th street closure is to park the over 500 cars with even more control for pedestrian crossing on 228th street from Valley Fair Mall.Iwould _like to Itne_the classic cars at_ an_angle.fr_om. Lougheed Highway_to_De_wdney Trunk Road or Lougheed highway to 119th Avenue. I would also.like the support of the Ridge 10/03/2010 Page 2 of 2 Meadows RCMP to help direct traffic on Lougheed Highway, 119th Avenue & Dewdney Trunk Road. Alternate routes for traffic to go with 228th street closure would be 227th street or Burnett Street. I am attaching 3 pictures from the Maple Ridge Cruisin' for a Cause day 2009 so you can anticipate what it will be like but bigger in 2010. Thanks for your time Brad Phaneuf Cell (604) 818-3700 Owner A&W Restaurants Maple Ridge 10/03/2010 FORM `A' Details of the Event Date: M a V, �? I j zj t o Contact Person: Phone (, Details: - Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: Fire Department The following agencies have been advised and acknowledge the event: Coast Mountain Bus Company / Ambulance Services Other REQUEST TO USE MUNICIPAL SIDEWALK AND STREET TO HOST AN � EVENT PROCEDURE Organizer to provide Traffic Control Plan to RCMP & Fire Dept. for sign off EVENT DATE Organizer to restore Facility Used Organizer to send request to the District Attn: Ruby Tam at least 8 weeks prior to event date A report will be prepared by Engineering Dept. or Council's consideratior and the Clerk Dept. will notify organizer of results I Upon approval of the vent, Organizer to provide additional documents to the District a minimum of l 1 week prior to event date Engineering will advise organizer of final approval to proceed upon receiving all documents Organizer to obtain permission for use of other facilities if required Organizer to send Letters to notify Ambulance, Transit, And Local Business of event. Copies of letter to be provided to Engineering For road closures the organizer is to send letters to notify local businesses and residents 2 weeks prior to the event date. Letter will be provided to the organizer by the District Organizer to send Certificate for Third Party Liability Insurance to the District of Maple Ridge (Attn: Ruby Tam) j% 13 it JL FIRE HYDRANT — no parking within 5 metres ROAD BARRICADE — Manned at all times, movable by hand ACCESS POINT — To Moonlite Grove Apartments MAINTAIN 6M width drive aisle on 228`h Street ENSURE all side street parking is per local parking regulations and ensure no parking in front of any barricade wow"M �VE 1. 3c cj tro"Fficr 0,r+ P -r - M 1 1_. _T o A&W Restaurants #100-22805 Lougheed Hwy Maple Ridge B C t evitgoii: wtafty'Ffickt L utx_S4' Mot/4 }C � n l� j C 0-w c:Ln % As per our Phone conversation today in regards to the street closure on 228`" street Maple Ridge B C , below are the information required by you .If the information is not sufficient please email me back. DATE: Aug-ast 26th 20 10 (Thui,sday) TIME: 4pm-10.30pm ADDRESS: #100-22805 Lc ugheed Hwy Maple Ridge. S C V2X ZV7 LOCATION: A&W RESTAURANT SPECIAL EVENT: We at the A&W restaurants in maple ridge are hosting, "CRUISE FOR THE CAUSE DAY FOR THE M S SOCIETY" on the above date and time, we hosted the same event last year and was a huge success, received tremendous support from the surrounding communities, business, and from people around and all across Canada. The unfortunate was we couldn't get the street closed for that event but this year we are better prepared and hope for another huge success for a great charity. As you can see this is for a very good cause and for one of the most needed charities amongst us, the support coming from yourself and your company would be of beneficial to the public in the means for safety. We are placing safety before us so that the street is free of traffic and everyone gets a chance to come and support the charity. Once Again thank you for your consideration in this matter and please spread the word out to your friends and families to come and support cruise for the cause for M S Society at the nearby A&W Restaurant. Regards Devina Burnet A&W Restaurants Maple ridge (778) 863-9859 A&W Restaurants #100-22805 Lougheed Hwy Maple Ridge B C V2X 2V7 t ate t=o?I`= A i Ula€'me E F111 SL ald airut 'jah As per our Phone conversation today in regards to the street closure on 228`h street Maple Ridge B C , below are the information required by you .If the information is not sufficient please email me back. ;SATE: Ar tist 26th 2010 ` ` atw , cf<a ) ADDRESS: ft1.00- 0 z Lougheed Hwy Malple RjdgeA tt t; VZX 2V7 SPECK EVENT: We at the A&W restaurants in maple ridge are hosting, "CRUISE FOR THE CAUSE DAY FOR THE M S SOCIETY" on the above date and time, we hosted the same event last year and was a huge success, received tremendous support from the surrounding communities, business, and from people around and all across Canada. The unfortunate was we couldn't get the street closed for that event but this year we are better prepared and hope for another huge success for a great charity. As you can see this is for a very good cause and for one of the most needed charities amongst us, the support coming from yourself and your company would be of beneficial to the public in the means for safety and first -aid. Judging from last year the crowd was huge to begin with and this year we're expecting more people because of the awareness out there. There is a need of placing safety and first - aid before us so that the public gets help when needed. Once Again thank you for your consideration in this matter and please spread the word out to your friends and families to come and support cruise for the cause for M S Society at the nearby A&W Restaurant. Regards Devina Burnet A&W Restaurants Maple ridge (778) 863-9859 District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended March 31, 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: April 23, 2010 Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor and a Finance Manager. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for information. Expenditure details are available by request through the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended March 31, 2010 now be approved". GENERAL $ 7,039,764 PAYROLL $ 1,330,971 PURCHASE CARD $_ 110.378 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. b) Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 1131 c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: Highlights of larger items included in Financial Plan or Council Resolution • Fraser Valley Regional Library - 1st quarter member assessment $ 549,342 • Receiver General - RCMP contract Oct-Dec/09 $ 3,365,904 • Sablok & Sablok, In Trust - Land acquisition 11600 block of 223 St $ 277,706 d) Policy Implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended March 31, 2010 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: G'Ann Rygg Accounting Clerk II Approved by: or ompson, CGA Manager of Financial Planning :. . Approved by: Paul Gili BBA, CGA F/ GM - Comorate & Financial ervices Concurrence: J.L. (AM) Rule Chief/Administrative Officer gmr CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - MARCH 2O10 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT Active Network Ltd Class software maintenance fees 19,720 Associated Engineering(BC) Ltd Kanaka Creek bridge replacement 30,598 Basic Business Systems (1995) Desktop & laptop equipment replacement 40,148 BC Hydro Hydro charges Mar 35,426 CUPE Local 622 Dues - pay periods 10/05 & 10/06 20,219 Chevron Canada Ltd Fuel Apr 51,417 Commercial Solutions Inc Fire fighters' Uniforms 41,991 Cross Roads Excavating Ltd Security refund 18,200 Fitness Edge Fitness classes & programs 23,825 Fraser Valley Regional Library 1st quarter member assessment 549,342 GCL Contracting & Engineering Kanaka Creek bridge replacement 128,743 Gr Vanc Sewerage & Drainage Transfer station license 2009 & 2010 30,000 Transfer station waste disposal 428 30,428 Happy Heart Fitness & Educ Weight room supervision & childcare activity room 22,349 Heritage Group - Flooring Div Flooring: Greg Moore Youth Centre 1,570 Maple Ridge Museum 3,075 RCMP 14,194 18,839 Insignia Homes Silver Valley Latecomer agreement 36,589 Security refund 3,000 39,589 Manulife Financial Employee benefits premiums Jan & Feb 219,427 Mar -Tech Underground Services Video & spot repairs of storm sewer 22,465 Medical Services Plan Employee medical & health premiums 29,010 Microsoft Licensing, GP:WRC-CA Annual software licensing 106,030 Monarc Hospitality Corp Security refund 57,500 Municipal Pension Plan BC Pension remittance 266,337 Nag Construction Co Ltd Latecomer agreement 19,287 Oracle Corporation Canada Inc Software license & support 46,679 People First Solutions Engineering management recruitment 33,311 Professional Mechanical Ltd Maintenance: Hammond Community Centre 1,039 Leisure Centre 13,587 Municipal Hall 1,581 Operations 131 Pitt Meadows Family Rec Centre 1,749 Randy Herman Building 1,236 RCMP 2,895 The Act 2,545 Whonnock Lake Centre 397 25,160 Raincity Janitorial Sery Ltd Janitorial services: Firehalls 2,991 Library 5,732 Municipal Hall 2,694 Operations 2,811 Randy Herman Building 4,139 RCMP 3,172 21,539 Receiver General For Canada Employer/Employee remit PP10/05 321,303 RCMP contract Oct-Dec/09 3,365,904 RCMP deposit refund 910 3,688,117 RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ice rental Feb 49,863 Curling rink operating expenses Jan 5,886 55,749 Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Art Centre grant Apr 44,787 Program revenue Feb 15,171 Theatre rental & catering 911 60,869 Ridge Meadows Minor Baseball Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Sablok & Sablok, In Trust Terasen Gas Warrington PCI Management Westview Sales Ltd Young, Anderson - Barristers Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards - Payment Total Disbursements March 2010 Baseball registration 2010 33,247 Monthly contract for recycling Mar 86,746 Weekly recycling 565 Litter pick-up contract 1,725 89,036 Land acquisition - 11600 block of 223 Street 277,706 Natural gas 30,244 Advance for Tower common costs Mar 50,000 Tower expenses Jan & Feb 45,443 95,443 Meter boxes & storm sewer covers 17,917 Professional fees Jan 15,923 PP10/05 & PP10/06 GMR \\DOVE\CorpServ\Finance\Accounbr,g\Accounts Payable\AP Remittances (Disbursements)\2010\[Monthly Council Report 2010.xls]MAR'10 6,281,831 757,933 7,039,764 1,330,971 110,378 8,481,113 M) Sfitrh Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Tourism Operator EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: DATE: April 29, 2010 FILE NO: ATTN: Committee of the Whole Since January 2010 Tourism Abbotsford has been overseeing provision of Tourism services for Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Their contract essentially provides day-to-day management direction, payroll, and related services for the visitor services employee at the Harris Road Visitor Centre. Tourism Abbotsford entered into the contract on an interim basis to assist in Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows during the transition to a permanent operator, however they were clear from the outset that they did not intend to become the permanent operator. In April a Request for Expression of Interest (RFEI) was issued seeking a permanent operator to deliver Tourism services - specifically to operate a regional Destination Visitor Centre and oversee destination marketing. A copy of that RFEI is attached for your reference. Kate Zanon of Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation and Sandy Blue, Manager Maple Ridge Strategic Economic Initiatives have reviewed the submissions and interviewed applicants; and are recommending that Duckworth Management LTD be awarded the contract to provide Visitor services on a Fee for Service basis. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the contract for the Provision of Tourism Services be awarded to Duckworth Management Group LTD for a period of five years at $35,000 per year and further that that Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Desired Outcome: Having a permanent operator in place with the expertise and connections needed is essential to achieve our goals for regional Tourism. Awarding the contract to Duckworth Management LTD, a well - established, experienced tourism industry operator will help us achieve the significant opportunity that Tourism represents in our Community. Duckworth Management LTD has a proven track record of results and community capacity -building uniquely position them to deliver services and ensure growth in our Tourism sector. 1132 Timing and budget considerations: Our interim agreement with Tourism Abbotsford expires on May 15, 2010 however they have agreed to continue managing the employee payroll for Tourism Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows until June 1, 2010 thereby allowing time to negotiate the contract with the new operator and have them in place for June 2, 2010. The Pitt Meadows budget for Tourism ($35,000) has been transferred to the Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation (PMEDC) budget. Accordingly, Kate Zanon CEO PMEDC will be negotiating the Pitt Meadows contract with the operator. The Maple Ridge annual contribution to Tourism remains at $35,000. CONCLUSIONS: Maple Ridge is entering a time of unprecedented economic opportunity with the opening of the new bridges and the forecast growth in the community. Accordingly, ensuring continuity and strong leadership on the Economic Advisory Commission to Council will help ensure that Maple Ridge citizens ultimately benefit from their knowledge, experience and advice. Prepared by.-- Sandy Blue, ABC, Manager Economic Development Concurrence: J.L. Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer District of Maple Ridge and the City of Pitt Meadows Request for Expressions of Interest & Qualification Contract: To operate our Regional Destination Visitor Centre and oversee our destination marketing. Contract to begin as early as May 1, 2010. Contract period to be negotiated. 1. Background Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows are neighboring communities within Metro Vancouver (previously known as the Greater Vancouver Regional District); one of the world's most livable urban regions. As such, these communities play an important role within the Pacific Gateway offering regional access to the Northeast of Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. Our communities are home to the regional "Scenic 7" tour and the Circle Farm tour. Following the opening of two new billion dollar bridge projects in 2009 — Golden Ears Bridge that linked to the South and the communities of Langley and Surrey, and Highway 1; and the Pitt River Bridge that linked to the West and destinations such as Coquitlam, Burnaby, New Westminster and Vancouver - Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows will be truly accessible for the first time. Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge offer many outdoor and cultural amenities for visitors and are home to dozens of festivals and events each year. The area offers unprecedented lifestyle opportunities in a gorgeous setting of mountains, rivers, lakes and all the amenities that make one feel at home. The communities have recently developed a Sport Tourism Strategy and have recently formed a Sport and Outdoor Recreation Council. Both of these initiatives are intended to help profile, attract and manage an important segment of tourism specifically interested in the tremendous outdoor recreation available here. This strategy will be something that will need to be considered in developing the long-term tourism plan. In March 2009 the Real Estate Investment Network (REIN) named our communities #2 for investment in BC; and 'the place to live for lifestyle', the latter confirming what we have believed for years. This report has brought heightened awareness to our region and we expect has the potential to draw significant traffic from those wanting to explore the area. The DRAFT Metro Vancouver Livable Region Plan that projects population growth for the region to the year 2040, forecasts Maple Ridge population to grow to 134,000 and Pitt Meadows to 22,000. The District of Maple Ridge... Incorporated in 1874, Maple Ridge has a total land area of 266 square kilometers. The District is located on the north shore of the Fraser River, between Pitt Meadows on the west and Mission on the east. The current population of about 75,000 is projected to grow to 108,000 by 2021, and 134,000 by 2041. Maple Ridge includes Institutional, Industrial. Commercial, Residential and Agricultural land use. Maple Ridge has a designated Town Centre that offers incentives for a revitalization and residential densification. Maple Ridge is home to famed Golden Ears Provincial Park; and was official host community to the 2009 World Police and Fire Games Triathlon event at Whonnock Lake. For more information about the District of Maple Ridge, please see our website at www.ma lerid e.ca The City of Pitt Meadows Incorporated in 1914, Pitt Meadows has a population of just over 17,500, and is projected to grow to 20,000 by 2021. About 15% of the City's 8,538 hectares consists of well -planned and compact urban highland. There is a balanced mixture of residential, commercial and industrial land uses in this part of the City. About 85% of Pitt Meadows is agricultural land. The community has many opportunities for Tourism, especially as it relates to golf and outdoor recreation (boating, bird watching, hiking, biking, canoeing and much, much more.) For more information about the City of Pitt Meadows, please see our web site at www.oittmeadows.bc.ca Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows have jointly conducted tourism services for approximately nine years. There is an established Tourism BC designated Visitor Centre on Harris Road as well as an information kiosk at the Pitt Meadows Airport. Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows is currently in the process of launching a new website emphasizing the amazing outdoor recreation along with arts and culture opportunities within the region. The Visitor Centre has been operating year round. Hours of operation from September to June are Monday to Friday 10:00 am — 4:00 pm and Sunday to Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for July and August. For more information on tourism in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows., please see the web site at www.maDieridoe-Dittmeadows.com Request The City of Pitt Meadows and District of Maple Ridge are inviting Expressions of Interest for a Contractor to operate our Regional Destination Visitor Centre and program, oversee our destination marketing and manage all aspects of developing a regional tourism destination. The contract could begin as early as May 10, 2010. Contract period to be negotiated. 22. Obiective The potential contractor would need to oversee the following: 1) Complete oversight of the operation of the Visitor Centre and the destination marketing for the region including: a. Create a short-term and long-term regionally focused tourism plan jointly for the two communities; b. Maintain membership with Tourism BC and adhere to the expectations and guidelines set out by Tourism BC for operating the Visitor Centre. c. Maintain membership in other regional tourism agencies such as COTA, Circle Farm, and Scenic 7 etc. If one of these memberships is deemed inappropriate please provide notice immediately and the reasoning; d. Optimize tourism services at the existing Visitor Centre location providing appropriate services/products to our communities; e. Optimize marketing resources to attract visitors to the region based on recent tourism studies and the potential of the region; f. Identify and implement relevant areas of participation and leadership with regards to implementing the Sport Tourism Strategy; g. Work towards implementing a strategy to operate tourism services at an ideal location. Consider exposure to visitors, traffic patterns, access to key roads and infrastructure, etc.; h. Work with the current established budget to operate services. Within two years, establish outside funding such as a hotel tax so that operations and services can grow. i. Identify potential partners to assist with funding and growth; j. The municipalities will provide you with an annual contribution to the operating budget. In turn, submit an annual business plan and budget to the standards and timeline of both the City of Pitt Meadows and the District of Maple Ridge; AND k. Any other salient matters that should be considered in the operating of a Visitor Centre and the destination marketing for the region. Other requirements may include: 2) Consultation with user groups, community groups, Chamber of Commerce and other tourism partners etc. 3) Presentations to Senior Municipal Staff, Tourism and Council, What we require: Qualified consultant, with experience in operating a Tourism BC designated Visitor Centre and destination marketing program. Prefer experience in developing funding partnerships and instituting a funding model such as a hotel tax. To qualify your company must demonstrate the ability to meet the criteria as described. 3. Additional Relevant Information: Both Municipalities participated in a community assessment for tourism opportunities through the Tourism BC Community Foundations Program, which engaged stakeholders in identifying priorities based on strengths and opportunities. The final report is available upon request. Both communities participated in a joint Sport Tourism Strategy. The final report is available on request. The District of Maple Ridge also recently conducted research on Family Oriented Recreation engaging the community in identifying desires for the community. This report is also available upon request. The funds to fulfill the obligations of the request are jointly born by Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. Additional funding is available through a variety of Tourism services. Tourism in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows has customarily received additional funding. It is expected that the additional funding received in the past be at minimum maintained. It is also expected that a permanent funding source such as a hotel tax be established. 4. Information Submissions: Please submit your information in writing and include the following organized into the sections as indicated: 1) Company Background: Please provide information about your business, its history and growth. i. Please provide details on the history of the company, previous experience with a similar contract, experience with operating a visitor centre, experience with creating and executing a destination -marketing plan, personnel plans for the operation. ii. The breadth and depth of experience in this type of contract and any special skills, qualifications or experience your company/firm can bring to the project. 2) Draft a plan on how you would use an annual budget of $70,000 from the two municipalities. In the draft budget plan, you can assume that you will successfully receive additional funding such as from grants for staff or projects only if you have a proven record of accomplishment of receiving this funding. Include the record of past funding success as an attachment. 3) Methods, processes and standards to be followed in fulfilling the contract. 5. Interviews and Additional Information The City of Pitt Meadows and District of Maple Ridge may request that companies participate in a telephone or in person interview to discuss the information submitted and to ask any additional questions. Additional information may be requested by the City/District via mail or email as well. 6. Dates: The City of Pitt Meadows and District of Maple Ridge will begin reviewing submissions beginning April 21, 2010. The City and District may choose to not consider any submissions received after this date. Please return information to: Marg Johnson Department of Strategic Economic Initiatives District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Email: invest c-. mapleridge.ca Phone: 604-467-7320 The City of Pitt Meadows and District of Maple Ridge accepts no responsibility for submissions which have not been received, either by mail, fax or electronically. It is recommended that respondents confirm with the person named above that their submission has been received by the date listed above. 7. Next Steps: This current process in no way is intended to form a contract between the City of Pitt Meadows, the -District -of -Maple Ridge -and -any third -parties. -This -is -a request -for -information-and-- Expressions of Interest, Contractor Qualification only. Once all information received has been reviewed, the City of Pitt Meadows and the District of Maple Ridge may decide to: • Continue with a competitive bid process by developing a Request for Proposal. • Pursue one, some, or all of the options submitted through the Request for Expressions of Interest. • Take other courses of action as solely determined by the City of Pitt Meadows and District of Maple Ridge. If the City of Pitt Meadows and District of Maple Ridge decides that one or more of the submissions is worth pursuing in an effort to establish a contract, the City of Pitt Meadows and District of Maple Ridge reserve the right to negotiate terms, scope, timelines, costs and any other matter of the contract with any or all respondents independently without having any duty to advise any other respondent who submits through this process, and without liability to any respondent not awarded a contract. The City and District may also choose not to proceed further with this process. Sincerely, Sandy Blue and Kate Zanon The District of Maple Ridge and City of Pitt Meadows MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: April 21, 2010 FILE NO: ATTN: C.O.W. Contract Award for Cliff Park Field Renovations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District of Maple Ridge issued an Invitation to tender to qualified contractors for the renovation of the ball diamonds and soccer field at Cliff Park on March 26, 2010 via BC Bid. There were a total of ten sealed bids received in response to the tender, ranging in price from $339,769.00 to $589,000.00 Each of the bids was reviewed by a staff review panel and the project's landscape architect in accordance with the established evaluation criteria, and have determined Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd. Is qualified to complete the work and is also the lowest bidder. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and execute the contract awarded to Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd. for the renovation of the soccer and ball fields at Cliff Park for the sum of $339,769.00 excluding taxes. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: This project was originally tendered in 2009, however the quotes that were received at that time exceeded the available budget. The renovations at this site will greatly increase the playability of the ball diamonds and soccer field, as the surface has become quite uneven over the years, and does not currently have drainage or irrigation systems. This renovation project will result in expanded outfield areas for softball and a full sized divisional soccer field. b) Desired Outcome: The Parks and Leisure Services business plan identifies the need to completely renovate one athletic field each year, alternating between Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows in each year of the plan. This renovation program will ensure that sport fields in each of the communities remain safe and playable for the growing number of players who use them. I:\0100-Adm in istration\05 50-Co u ncil-Meetings\20-M R_Cou ncil\2010\Contract_Award_Cliff_Field_Renovations.do1 151 c) Strategic Alignment:: The provision of safe athletic surfaces capable of supporting the various team sports that are played in our facilities through the entire season, without the need for field closures due to poor growing or drainage conditions. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Renovating older sports fields at this frequency is greatly appreciated by the sports club volunteers who manage the clubs, schedule teams, line the fields and also provide skill development programs to youth players in the community. e) Business Implications: The funding for this renovation project was carried over from 2009. Additional funding has also been identified in the 5 year capital plan to address some of the parking issues at the Cliff Park site. The low bid price exists within the budget. Prepared byf�Wh Miriaker, Parks Superintendent Approved by. Mike Murr y, General Manager, Community Development, Parks and Recreation Approved bye Paul Gill, General Manager, Corporate & Financial S,eres Concurrence: J.L. `(Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer :GM I:\0100-Administration\0550-Council-Meetings\20-MR_Council\2010\Contract_Award_Cliff_Field_Renovations.doc 2