HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10-12 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA October 12, 2010 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRAYERS - Pastor Mike Murray, Calvary Chapel 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of September 14, 2010 502 Minutes of the Public Hearing of September 21, 2010 503 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of September 13, 20, 21, 22(2) and 27 and October 1 and 4(2), 2010 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda October 12, 2010 Council Chamber Page 2 of 6 700 DELEGATIONS 701 Maple Ridge Fire Department - Care Enough to Wear Pink - Chris McKee - Dave Harcus 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BYLAWS Note: Items 1001 to 1006 are from the Public Hearing of September 21, 2010 Bylaws for Third ReadinLs 1001 RZ/012/10, 24930 110 Avenue 1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6746-2010 To amend conservation areas Third reading 1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6722-2010 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) to permit a ten (10) lot single family subdivision) Third reading 1002 RZ/018/10, 12580 243 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6734-2010 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit a two lot single family subdivision Third reading 1003 RZ/026/10, 24160 125 Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6736-2010 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit a two lot single family subdivision Third reading Council Meeting Agenda October 12, 2010 Council Chamber Page 3 of 6 1004 RZ/075/09, 23553 Larch Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6737-2010 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) & RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley) to permit the future subdivision of approximately 13 single family lots and 17 street townhouses in duplex and triplex design Third reading Bylaws for Third and Final Reading 1005 RZ/054/10, 9975 272 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6749-2010 Text Amendment to the CD-4-00 Zone to permit Assembly Use and Place of Worship as Principle Uses in the zone Third and final readings 1006 RZ/065/10 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6750-2010 Text Amendment to amend the definition of "Licensee Retail Store" to allow free standing licensee retail store use Third and final readings Bylaws for Final Reading 1007 RZ/015/09, 13893, 13887 Silver Valley Road & 13910 232 Street Staff report dated September 30, 2010 recommending final reading 1007.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6657-2009 To adjust open space boundaries Final reading 1007.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6658.2009 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to permit subdivision into 14 single family lots zoned RS-1 and 19 single family lots zones RS-1b. Final reading 1008 RZ/027/09, 24155 124 Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6720-2010 Staff report dated October 1, 2010 recommending final reading To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit subdivision into two single family residential lots Final reading Council Meeting Agenda October 12, 2010 Council Chamber Page 4 of 6 1009 Maple Ridge Park Dedication Bylaw No. 6753-2010 For dedication of property at 22109 119 Avenue as park Final reading 1010 Maple Ridge Kennel Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 6755-2010 To update the definition of `dog' and provide more specific interior and exterior pen requirements Final reading 1011 Maple Ridge Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 6759-2010 To exempt certain types of properties from municipal property taxation in accordance with the Community Charter and District policies Final reading COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1100 Minutes - September 13, 2010 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Public Works and Development Services 1101 RZ/078/10, 24211 :113 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-1 Staff report dated September 22, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6761-2010 to allow for future subdivision be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, B and F of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 1102 RZ/079/10, east of :264 Street and south of 124 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-2 Staff report dated September 21, 2010 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6764-2010 to permit a future subdivision of 13 single family residential parcels be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule A, C and F of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. Council Meeting Agenda October 12, 2010 Council Chamber Page 5 of 6 1103 DVP/015/09, 13893, 13887 Silver Valley Road and 13910 232 Street Staff report dated September 28, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/015/09 to permit a height variance, allow the retention of an aboveground utility company plant on 232 Street and postpone construction of urban services along Silver Valley Road to the subsequent subdivision phases. 1104 DP/061/10, 21650 Lougheed Highway, Best Western Hotel Staff report dated September 23, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/061/10 to regulate the form and character of a proposed renovation to add a pool and elevator. 1105 291h Annual Haney -Harrison Road Relay Staff report dated September 10, 2010 recommending that the use of municipal streets be authorized for the 29th Annual Haney -Harrison Road Relay on Saturday, November 6, 2010. Financial and Corporate Services (includinO Fire and Police) 1131 Disbursements for the month ended August 31, 2010 Staff report dated September 10, 2010 recommending that disbursements for August 2010 be approved. Community Development and Recreation Service 1151 Fraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services Agreement Staff report dated September 29, 2010 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Fraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services Agreement for 2010. Correspondence Other Committee Issues 1200 STAFF REPORTS Council Meeting Agenda October 12, 2010 Council Chamber Page 6 of 6 1300 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL 1400 MAYOR'S REPORT 1500 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1700 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1900 ADJOURNMENT QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. Council reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings, delegations and community forum. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@maoleridge.ca. Mayor and Council at ma orandcouncil@ma lerid e.ca. Checked Date: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 13, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. SD/O25/1O LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Amanda Allen, Recording Secretary Lots 1 - 4, District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan BCP_ 10389 24Oth Street, 10351240th Street, & 10390 Slatford Place Spencer Brook Estates Ltd. Subdivision Servicing Agreement, Covenants - Flood Plain; Infiltration THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/O25/1O. CARRIED J.L. (Jim) R/le, Chief Administrative Officer Member 503 fl 347 7�. o^gy y 365 0 345 1 1 ��p ,tea 366 346 26 �oa0 sa h� P 10921 Z ayo Rem. Pcl, A 6 2$2 26A ,off ,o �60 $ od5 0 a BCP 8155 2 26 3�0 0456 9 ,Lg� 260 ,°°a1 1aa3e 1� jq !� n 3'I P 26 tia° 1 1�05 2''g1 2�0 66 1 }na22 373 3Bgo gyp' 2 1°q3 PAD199 P 22743 P 14750 223aag Z�� S ❑ 269 p423 N 2�6 0415 A Rem 7 374 8 Q3895 270 10416 375 10420 275 274 273 272 271 10410 376 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 10406 - -- a . I.& P 60014 10320 5 4 o om o Pcl. M A �B Rem D B N 3 P 21 69 NWP7139 P 13554 (J130089E) 1o3as P P 600 long A P 13554 Pcl. 1 1 RP 9100 10358 9 18 10355 10352 8 17 10349 10346 7 16 10343 I M61 10340 6 15 10337 r- 10332 5 14 10331 v~i 2 10328 4 13 10325 a 10336 10322 3Q 12 10319 10316 2 11 10313 10310 1 10 10307 1=7 103 AVE. PARK P 0414 1 P 8149 Rem 1 /7J 28 P 7992 10270 PARK S102¢7 1 S 5.25 CHAINS OF J 10263 RP 47fi7F — 10260 L 27 co: P 2829 7 0 31 . o2ss District of k Pitt Meadows, 10390 SLATFORD PLACE & 12 10351 & 10389 240 STREET -4 CORPORATION OF Hersey - I. THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE N District of { PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley '�• �.,f SCALE 1:2,500 3 I�: DATE: Jul 21, 2008 FILE: SDl02S/W BY: PC +i Hiver CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 2011, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. DP/057/08 LEGAL: LOCATION: Xn0 111 REQUIRED AGREEMENTS Lynn Marchand. Recording Secretary Lot A, District Lot 405, Group 1 New Westminster District Plan BCP45801 Lot 3, District Lot 405, Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 60014 Except Plans BCP45800 and BCP45801 10351 2401h Street, 10389 240th Street and 10390 Slatford Place Spencer Brook Estates Ltd. Enhancement and Protection Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO DP/057/08 CARRIED J.L. (Jim) r ule, Chief Administrative Officer Member,' 0 26 10g9e 1� 347q �. 345 ry6 od�� �% �0° ^346 .Sn 36 1P a° P 10921 Rem. PC[. A 6 �gti �6D. ,pcP�0 369 J 5 oy 16ypti a BCP 8155 10456 9 Z }1 L1g �i� 01 sg 3�1 P 1415 373 8 oa2Z Z $a3 b 26 1oa3 B' 100N P 22743 P 14750 238a0 �� 7 269 10423 Zj6 pg15 374 A Rem 7 a 23895 270 10416 0 r 275 274 273 272 271 10410 375 10420o_ 376 fD N 10406 Pci M A B Rem D B 3 P 21 89 NWP7139 P 13554 (J130089E) 1o3as p P 60014 <JI03111 A P 13554 a 0 O g 103116 Subject Properties P 60014 T l 4 G P 20434 2 ��3z0 1na37 5 P 0014 2 rL Rem 1 1/1 43 itr30B -o29a 28 P 37992 10270 - PARK 1a1ozs7 S 5.25 CHAINS OF J -ttR63 RIPn7fr7G 10260 L �, 2728 P 0 7 9 31 �tozss District of Pitt Meadows 10351 /89-240th St "``"a"� ' I N 10390 Slatford Place - ��, � N ! CORPORATION OF x».y THE DISTRICT OF N r phi District of � � MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT V Langley 4 SCALE 1:2,500 DATE: Jun 9, 2008 DP/056/08 BY: JV RiYer CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 21, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. SD/036/09 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Lynn Marchand, Recording Secretary Lot 6, District Lot 402, New Westminster District, Plan BCP34230 22865 Telosky Avenue Maple Ridge North Developments Ltd. Subdivision Phase 6 Strata Plans THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/036/09 CARRIED J.L. (Jim) Rul, Chief Administrative Officer Member r nss� Rem, City of Pitt ___J Meadows ' —'' 7 f i o _ , - Ico 22865 TELOSKY AVENUE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF - - , MAPLE RIDGE N District of Langley PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jun 2, 2009 FILE: SD/036/09 BY: PC SCALE 1:2,500 ��-- �- r, "+• ��asER R. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 22, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. SD/088/09 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Lynn Marchand, Recording Secretary Lot A, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan BCP25215 24185 J-06B Avenue Genstar TitleCo Ltd. Subdivision Phase 10 Strata Plans THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/088/09 IsVulamAl L. J.L. (Jim) R le, Chief Administrative Officer Member CT PROPERTY VENOM 24185 106B AVENUE (PHASE 10) CORPORATION OF Alli THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Dec 21, 2oog FILE: SD/088/09 BY: PC SCALE 1:4,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 22, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. FLYING DUTCHMAN ENTERPRISES INC. Lynn Marchand, Recording Secretary LEGAL: Lot 53, District Lot 280, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 63220 LOCATION: Unit B - 20130 Stewart Crescent OWNER: Flying Dutchman Enterprises Inc. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restriction on Building Use THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO FLYING DUTCHMAN ENTERPRISES INC. CARRIED J.L. (Jim) R le, Chief Administrative Officer Member STANTCNAVE. 115AAVE. j subject property I s� c9Fs /;�S- TRCRNEAVE. PEE. >>5 bQ 1s The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. Clt f Pltt Mea -- ! 20130 Stewart Crescent ° �~ CORPORATION OF f -Z5 THE DISTRICT OF N I o MAPLE RIDGE J District of T Langley LICENSES, PERMITS & BYLAWS DEPT. SCALE 1:3,384 FRf1SER R. DATE: Sep 20, 2010 FILE: Untitled BY: SP CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 27, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. RZ/027/09 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Lynn Marchand, Recording Secretary Lot 45, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 43885 24155 124th Avenue David T. Hartl Agricultural Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO RZ/027/09 117_1:7:7111r7 J.L. (Jim) R e, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1 P 86522 P 86522 v 1�e P 43885 62 1 2 LIMP 123 1 Rem 64 7 N � � 125 AVE. i � N 12487 A N P 43885 N r 58 A B 56 J 2 a 12461 B BCP 8230 r 12450 A LMP 744 m 12445 1 a P 43885 J 12440 45 46 1 2 B N n a I 2 Subject Property 124 AVE. A Rem 1 12511 12s10 P 69960 e 2 3 0 EP 14903 A P 3118 Rem 13 18 N N a 19 "P P 133 City of Pitt Meadows__ 24155-124 Ave o * CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF f- - J N o MAPLE RIDGE District of [ i PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley SCALE 1:2,500 � DATE: May 19, 2009 SD/027/09 BY: JV -A ER R _�r CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 1, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. Vestad, Jennine Lynn Marchand, Recording Secretary LEGAL: Lot 8, Section 19, Township 15, New Westminster District Plan BCP33184 LOCATION: 26545 - 124th Avenue OWNER: Jennine Vestad REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Single Family Dwelling Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO JENNINE VESTAD CARRIED J.L. (Ji ) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer m e Mer 4 BCP 11412 14 PARK ~n 12533 a PARK 13 BCP 33184 12503 12 12473 SUBJECT PROPERTY 11 12453 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. BCP 43184 3 2 0 124 AVE. 0 BCP 37176 1 2 3 I 5 8 7 a P 8097 7 Me�owl5�' 4� Y�� - jr District of Langley The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge ` makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. l i I = 26545 - 124 Ave I U) Sanitary sump pumpcovenant o CORPORATION OF it THE DISTRICT OF Ao MAPLE RIDGE f 11 r N"' e LICENSES, PERMITS & BYLAWS DEPT. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 4, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. RZ/015/09 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Lynn Marchand, Recording Secretary Lot 1, Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan BCP , Except; Part Subdivided by Plan BCP Lot 13, Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 19849, Except: Part Subdivided by Plan BCP 13893 Silver Valley Road 13910 232 Street 13887 Silver Valley Road Jaskar Developments Ltd. Silver Valley Projects Ltd. Rezoning Servicing Agreement No Build Covenant Geotechnical Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO RZ/015/09. CARRIED J.L. (Jim) Rut Chief Administrative Officer Member EP 11340 A P 7757 Rem 10 14042 BCP 29120 PARK 976 BCP 4871 20 21 22 1 2 m �RICSlDE CRES. 23173 26 � 27� 4m G [V 13960 m n Q llf en 5 A� Ri., M - 6� ,T7 976 PARK{ 13920 1� 13910 49 as P 13776 8 P 19 13992 1 P 14 ` 15 P 2409 EP 28084 A Rem 3 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES October 4, 2010 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Ernie Daykin, Mayor Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. SD/114/08 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Lynn Marchand, Recording Secretary Lot 4, Section 32, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan BCP43237 13819 232nd Street Insignia Homes Brighton Ltd. Subdivision Strata Plan - Phase 3 THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/114/08 [41-1111,11,114 J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 35 3901 m r * Rem 48� �FRrq� ❑ � n Q895 }�S8 ' . em R3 47 PEoPNOP11� 13e77 `•;8C 56rn •TT 2 48 13871 VISTA RIDGE DRIVE o 40 41 42 43 44 45 v f47 N 39 B P 1 328 46 48 49 50 51 49 13863 N N 38 's 37 P 1 328 50 Bass 9 1 36 10 51 13H5H 11 2 12 N = 52 t3es1 f 23 22 21 20 P 19 18 17 BGP �16 33 13 N,, rn N15 ti14 25 24 N o V 26 D 7 aDN NJ 1 •�c`�i, GILBERT DR F 1 a P 38408 6£3 65 BC 43' S PARK SUBJECT PROPERTY PARK BCP 43237 4 PARK 8CP 4:11 a 137 AVE 10 A � I RP 17234 RP 17267 P 18410 56 55 54 53 57 D1 ti 61 13 gGP R1 13795 13673,91 13653 P 19849 13 2 138g5 3'�J' n 4 13�5 13q 1 �3Fg2 BCP 33244 r'H`R'2 13771 137G2 i 13i52 1 SILVER VALLEY RD City of Pitt _,_ �r Meadows ' t "' 13819 232 STREET g } l uU)_i =' ���} �L i o * CORPORATION OF if { i THE DISTRICT OF N ��' '=^'°;= MAPLE RIDGE District of c Langley { PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,500 DATE: Jun 3, 2010 FILE: SD/112/08 BY: KK FpA.SEF7 R. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6746 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedules "B" & "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6746 - 2010." 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14 Except: Firstly: Part dedicated Road on Plan 29924 Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 33401), Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 1363 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 797, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby redesignated to Conservation. 3. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14 Except: Firstly: Part dedicated Road on Plan 29924 Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 33401), Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 1363 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 800, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 31st day of August, A.D. 2010. READ A SECOND TIME the 31st day of August, A.D. 2010 . PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 21st day of September, A.D. 2010 READ A THIRD TIME the day of A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 20. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1001.1 11012 2 25 P 1363 P 71308 17 m Rem 4 P 29924 11051 00 3 Y U O i 26 11070 N 11025 P 29924 N A 18 P 84,54 RP 16170 10974 to 10941 m 2 1 F a 19 P 1363 N < Rem 14 Rem 16 10921 r.P o N 23702 P 1363 20 Rem B B P 33200—�- 18 17 16 15 a 1086 AVE. 14 w 01 10891 10972 ¢ O cq IL = F 13 N 19 20 1>18i� ¢ rn N O P 23702 P 34411 MAPLE RIDGE OFFIC IAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6746-2010 Map No. 797 From: Low/Medium Density Residential To: C onservation MAPLE RIDGE N SCALE 1:2,500 11092 — 2 25 P 1363 P 71308 17 Rem 4 11051 P 29924 0 Y U O 26 11070 11025 P 29924 o � N 18 A P 84 RP 16170 10974 m 10941 m 2 1 rZ 19 P 1363 Rem 14 N Rem 16 j 10921 rP223702 P 1363 20 Rem B L18l B P 33200 17 N 16 15 m v Tu a 108E AVE. q w 10891 10872 y co Q n N 19 ti 20 N loesn 13 P23702 a P 34411 --Fa N MAPLE RIDGE OFFIC IAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6746-2010 Map No. 800 To: C onservation MAPLEN SCALE 1:2,500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6722 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6722 - 2010." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14 Except: Firstly: Part dedicated Road on Plan 29924 Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 33401), Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 1363 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1474 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 231d day of March, A.D. 2010. READ a second time the 31St day of August, A.D. 2010. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of September, A.D. 2010. READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER , A.D. 200. day of , A.D. 200. CORPORATE OFFICER 1001.2 P 29924 2.196 ha. w 00 1.619 ha 26 3 U 2.320 ha q 0.703 ha 11070 11025 P 29924 0 o N a 18 A P 8a 4 RP 16170 10974 0.809 ha m 0.809 ha an 10941 P 1363 1n 2 1 F o < Rem 14 1.922 ha. 1.273 ha. 0.513 ha. 1.785 ha. 19 0.809 ha N Rem 16 10921 ril 8 P 23702 P 1363 N 20 Rem B 8 P 33200 18 17 r 16 15 0.805 ha. 0.809 ha N 4h4'l i 108BAVE. w 3.104 ha 10891 10672 m p a 19 r 20 � 13 a loeso a P 23702 P 34411 N 10848 cr '0g�2 0.809 ha, 2,032 ha, 108AAVE. N 1.163 ha. n N OD 0) rn N MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6722-2010 Map No. 1474 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-1 b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) tPLE RIDGE, N SCALE 1:2,500 i 2 P 71308 A RP 16170 11 a t ' 25 P 13 17 Rem 4 11051 P 29924 i 11070 SUBJECT PROPERTY f ROAD 11025 r � l 10961 P 842 54 P 23 f Rem 14 2 1 F Ij 19 l � I f Rem 16 10921 I o P 23702 1 P 1363 i 20 Rem B 18 176TP 16/ °15 108E AVE. 14 1` 10$72 0�7 10891 a 19 r 20 13 P 23702 i0860 a P 34411 < w 12 N w 0848 N r 22 21 A ¢ 27 11 21 N 0622 108A AVE. n45 I 17S 6 City of Pitt j Meadows,_' ' 24930 110 AVENUE tn -4-F r — 1' i o CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE N District of Langley PLANNING DEPARTMENT I[ _ _ f _ I y,:�'" SCALE 1:2,500 ; {• -� •.�� DATE: Feb 16, 2010 FILE: RZ/012/10 BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6734 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6734 - 2010." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 82 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 43885 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1481 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 13th day of April, A.D. 2010. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21s' day of September, A.D. 2010. READ a second time the 31st day of August, A.D. 2010. READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER , A.D. 200. day of , A.D. 200. CORPORATE OFFICER 1002 h CP ry P a LM5 3755 ry 00 0 N � 1 Q. 0.406 he. 12665 375 67 h P 43885 2 P 72087 68 69 0.405 he. 1262 6 P 43 ti ry ry 126 AVE. 66 12581Ln 7 65 6522 !P 86522 00 Ln Cr 't 12561 N rA� d 1 °! 2 LMP 123 1 he. i' 0.411 ha. 1 Rem 64 0.406 he. 0.406 he, N ry N 725Z5 125 AVE. 125 AVE. 00 0.1 o\ ") d, N ry � � N J2J97 ry � 1 0_ w P 43885 r 0.407 he. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6734-2010 Map No. 1481 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) MAPLE RIDGE 1:2500 p O 1 N 2 ti ro 0.405 he. 0.406 he. 82 � �r a.a12 he. a P 7 685 125aa 72555 P 43885 83 80 0.812 he. 0.812 he. 12552 P 7 798 Epp1414 1 2 1 2 0.408 he. r� � 0.406 he. 0.406 he. � 0 0.404 he. ry ry N N CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6736 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6736 - 2010." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 58, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 43885 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1483 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 11th day of May, A.D. 2010. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of September, A.D. 2010. READ a second time the 31St day of August, A.D. 2010. READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER , A.D. 20 . day of ,A.D. 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER 1003 CID Ln � 8 CID C 9379 25-70 65 ti � 4� P 86522 P 86522 00 A Rem 1 0.403 ha. 12511 �Q 121 P 43885 N co 1L 1.85 ha. 62 1 2 P 69960 -' LMP 123 2 3 0.813 ho. 0.401 ha. 0.411 ho. 1 Rem 0.405 ha. 0.460 ha. 0.406 ha. 0.406 tz ti 6.01 125 AVE. �63g9 RW m rn N 1 ti0.404 ha.12487P 43885N n j5h 58 AB 56 2 0.405 ho 0.405 ho 0.404 ha. 0.810 ha. 0.810 ha. BCP 28230 3C 28231 N A a � 0.405 ha. LMP 12744 'n 12443 1 0.405 ha. P 43885 LMP 12745 J B 12440 a N ot 45 46 1 2 0.400 ho 0.410 ho 0.638 ha. 0 0.810 ha. 0.810 ha. 2 +ti Qs 0.405 ha. h � ry ry ❑ ^� N ti N 124 AVE. EP 14903 A 1.583 ha. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6736-2010 Map No. 1483 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6737 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6737 - 2010." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "C" (Reference Plan 1804 "A") of the North West Quarter of Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District, Except: Part on Plan LMP35465 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1484, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned as shown. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 25th day of May, A.D. 2010. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of September, A.D. 2010. READ a second time the 31st day of August, A.D. 2010. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1004 MAPLE R ❑GE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No, 67372010 Map No. 1484 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: ® R— 1 (Residential District) ® RST—SV (Street Townhouse — Silver Valley) N SCALE 1:2,500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 13YLAW NO. 6749-2010 A Bylaw to amend the text of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is.deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6749-2010 2. Part 10 COMPREHESIVE DEVELOPMENT ZONE, SECTION 1038 CD-4-00, is amended as follows: i. Subsection 1), PRINCIPLE USES is amended by the addition of the following in correct alphabetical order; c) "Assembly Use; d) Place of Worship." ii. Subsection 2), ACCESSORY USES is amended by the deletion of item "c) Assembly Use". 3. Maple Ridge Zone Bylaw No. 3510-1985 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 31st day of August, A.D. 2010. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21St day of September, A.D. 2010. READ a second time the 31st day of August, A.D. 2010. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 20 . APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1005 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.675O-2010 A Bylaw to amend the text of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6750-2010" 2. PART 2, INTERPRETATION, is amended as follows: "LICENSEE RETAIL STORE" is amended by deleting the definition and replacing it with the following: "LICENSEE RETAIL STORE means an establishment with a valid Licensee Retail Store License provided by the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch that is permitted to sell all types of packaged liquor for consumption off the premise. 3. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, SECTION 702, COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL: C-2 is amended as follows: SUBSECTION 1, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, item m) is amended by deleting and replacing it with the following: m) Liquor Primary Establishment n) Licensee Retail Store. ii. SUBSECTION 8, OTHER REGULATIONS, item e) is amended by deleting the entire item and reordering items accordingly. 4. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, SECTION 703, TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL: C-3 is amended as follows: SUBSECTION 1, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, item q) is amended by deleting and replacing it with the following: q) Liquor Primary Establishment r) Licensee Retail Store. ii. SUBSECTION 9, OTHER REGULATIONS, Item f) is amended by deleting the entire item. 5. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, SECTION 705, VILLAGE CENTRE COMMERCIAL: C-5, is amended as follows: 1 006 SUBSECTION 1, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, item n) is amended by deleting and replacing it with the following: n) Liquor Primary Establishment o) Licensee Retail Store. ii. SUBSECTION 8, OTHER REGULATIONS, Item f) is amended by deleting the entire item. 6. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, SECTION 706, COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: CRM, is amended as follows: SUBSECTION 1, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, item p) is amended by deleting and replacing it with the following: p) Liquor Primary Establishment q) Licensee Retail Store. ii. SUBSECTION 8, OTHER REGULATIONS, item f) is amended by deleting the entire item. 7. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, SECTION 707, SERVICE COMMERCIAL: CS-1, is amended as follows: SUBSECTION 1, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, is amended by the addition of the following in correct alphabetical order: u) Licensee Retail Store. ii. SUBSECTION 2, PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES, item f) is amended by deleting the entire item. 8. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, SECTION 711, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT AND PAWNSHOP SERVICE COMMERCIAL: CS-5, is amended as follows: SUBSECTION 1, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, is amended by the addition of the following in correct alphabetical order: q) Licensee Retail Store. ii. SUBSECTION 2, PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES, item d) is amended by deleting the entire item. 9. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, SECTION 712, HERITAGE COMMERCIAL: H-1, is amended as follows: SUBSECTION 1, PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES, item p) is amended by deleting and replacing it with the following: p) Liquor Primary Establishment q) Licensee Retail Store. ii. SUBSECTION 8, OTHER REGULATIONS, Item i) is amended by deleting the entire item. 10. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 31s' day of August, A.D. 2010. READ a second time the 31st day of August, A.D. 2010. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of September, A.D. 2010. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 2010. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2010. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: September 30, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/015/09 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6657-2009 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6658-2009 13893, 13887 Silver Valley Road and 13910 232 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bylaws 6657-2009 and 6658-2009 have been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently granted Second and Third Reading. The applicant has requested that Final Reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the subdivision of 14 single family lots zoned RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and 19 single family lots zoned RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), with a minimum lot size of 668 m2 and 557 m2 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6657=2009 be adopted; and That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6658-2009 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on November 17, 2009. On November 24, 2009 Council granted Second and Third Reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6657-2009 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6658-2009 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: 1) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant including the construction of the equestrian trail and receipt of the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; 2) Amendment to Figures 2, 3A and Figure 4 of the Silver Valley Area Plan; 3) Finalization of a purchasing agreement with the District of Maple Ridge for portions of the unconstructed road right of way running though the subject properties; 4) A 219 Restrictive Covenant must be registered at the Land Title Office clearly showing the future subdivision and development of the subject properties; 5) Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; 6) Road dedication as required; 7) Removal of the existing buildings and structures property including fences, driveways and septic tanks from the proposed Park; and 1007 8) Park dedication as required. The following armlies to the above: 1) A Rezoning Servicing Agreement has been registered on title as a restrictive covenant and the required securities have been received. 2) Amendments to Figures 2, 3A and 4 of the Silver Valley Area Plan are included in Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6657 - 2009. 3) Upon further investigation into the matter, it was determined that a road right of way did not exist over the subject properties. This negated the need for the purchasing agreement. 4) A restrictive covenant has been registered on title showing the future subdivision and development of the subject properties. 5) The geotechnical report, which addressed the suitability of the site for the proposed development, has been registered on title as a restrictive covenant. 6) A road dedication plan has been approved for the additional road width required on Silver Valley Road. 7) The existing buildings and structures have been removed from the Park lot. 8) Approximately 1.3 HA (3.3 acres) has been dedicated to the District as Park. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that Final Reading be given to the bylaws. Prepared by. Patrick Ward Planning echnician pro�vedJane P' n , MCP, MCiP e or o nin Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Pub ' orks &Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Bylaw No. 6657-2009 Appendix C - Bylaw No. 6658-2009 Appendix D - Preliminary Subdivision Plan Appendix A P 7757 Rem 10 14042 BCP 29120 PARK 976 eCP 871 20 21 22 1 2 N - a 1g1 3 y 1RKSIpE EKES. 73173 'Y 'F 26 27 2; 4 M n CV 13960 w N 37VEg w Q m 8 M 2M7 5 a 1 3 �s a�F4 °s N 4 r 6 3385 s3B75 ". 2 5 N � 49 50 51 528 9 713857 1a 12 ;f 13951 6 336 13 i N15 J14 w S & j5384V 60 V 383: 57 59 7363 o 55 56 58 }382 a � m v 53 54 49 50 51 52 13920 3910 13819 13751 13719 P 13776 8 P 19 13992 14 EP 28084 A P 26 15 P 2409 Rem 3 Appendix B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6657-2009 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Section 10.3. Part IV - Silver Valley Area Plan Figures 2, 3A and 4 of the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6657-2009 2. Figures 2 and 3A of the Silver Valley Area Plan are hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Except Firstly: That Portion Shown on Plan with bylaw filed 34267 Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 28084); Block "C" Section 33 Township 12 Plan 2409 new Westminster District. And Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 28084) Lot 3 Block "C" Section 33 Township 12 Plan 2409 New Westminster District. And Lot 13 Section 33 Township 12 Plan 19849 New Westminster District. And outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 773, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby redesignated as shown. 3. Figure 4 of the Silver Valley Area Plan is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Except Firstly: That Portion Shown on Plan with bylaw filed 34267 Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 28084); Block "C" Section 33 Township 12 Plan 2409 new Westminster District. And Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 28084) Lot 3 Block "C" Section 33 Township 12 Plan 2409 New Westminster District. And Lot 13 Section 33 Township 12 Plan 19849 New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 784, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby amended by adding/removing Conservation as shown. 1007.1 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 27th day of October, A.D. 2009. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 17th day of November, A.D. 2009. READ A SECOND TIME the 241h day of November, A.D. 2009. READ A THIRD TIME the 24th day of November, A.D. 2009. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. Ia:7:l:•9U]I►IHuI4tvjIq CORPORATE OFFICER 1 Rem 4 r26n�71 4rom 2.274 ha. 0.797 ha. ny �1 v Go 13917!25 gp ONO P 2 732 m 14 1500 �>�948 `N 0.886 ha. 1.121 ha. w L-- m 1.3920 1 � � s-� i 08 4 3 FORE�PN _ A e 3 6N� BCC `41715 Gem w 3 47 1 sa77 L1 3 B $r -- 48 13877 9 50 51 ' 0� 491 ❑ 8 03 8 9 50 13859 i 10 51 1s85 12 m` N �" 52 >3857 85 13LA D2 ha 1 y1 N W a 1n a GILBERT DR.22 13868 25 �as a 2s 21 h. 6o4rn536 5 oll n20 N 4 �g�384a 757 j2s >3828 N Cc 61 >�Bos ' Boa 8 19 BCP 41713 1 0.843 ha. 2 9 18'��9s a 13802 VCP 33244 / 17 84 10 1.225 ha. �j \\ 73777 /�j6S SCP 23324 13879 �` ��— 15 SG7 4 19762 12 1 4 3� 19752 13 SILVER VALLEY RD IJ926 13894 13872 2 0.843 ha- P 13776 1 2.183 ha. MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6657-2009 Map No. 773 From: Open Space, Low Density Urban and Low/Medium Density Residential To: Low Density Urban Q�Q Open Space ® Low/Medium Density Residential 'A 1 :2500 2� Q a_ mn P 26 32 n m 00 1 14 15 N 0.885 ha. 1.121 ha. 0- 13920 13897 CO D 1.3926 ef- 13910 4 Q EP 28084 13894 A Rem 3 1387z 1.089 ha. u.8r6 ha. 41715 473� FILING 34267 4913863 P 19849 50 1385 13 51 13855 J 52 13851 2.023 ha. 13887 � RT �R- 22 13868 PARK N / 2� 38 ss 11�8s� 862 5 / (021 53 I/ - - -ll II / 3 �8¢2 6 ��8g 5 4 N �8� 1"7 20 N I, � 1 �ryQ 7`3822 7 �`3825 13828 38os � CO 19' 3��2 8 �8�7 0.843 ha. N �3�g2 18 9 jjg5 13802 BCP 33244 / 17 P 1 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6657-2009 Map No. 784 PURPOSE: TO ADD TO OPEN SPACE ON FIGURE 4 TO DELETE FROM OPEN SPACE ON FIGURE 4 MAPLEBritish Calumbia :2500 Appendix C CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.6658-2009 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6658-2009." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Except Firstly: That Portion Shown on Plan with bylaw filed 34267 Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 28084); Block "C" Section 33 Township 12 Plan 2409 new Westminster District. And Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 28084) Lot 3 Block "C" Section 33 Township 12 Plan 2409 New Westminster District. And Lot 13 Section 33 Township 12 Plan 19849 New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1453, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw are herby rezoned as shown. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 27th day of October, A.D. 2009. PUBLIC HEARING held the 17th day of November, A.D. 2009. READ a second time the 24th day of November, A.D. 2009. READ a third time the 24th day of November, A.D. 2009. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER day of , A.D. 200. CORPORATE OFFICER 1007.2 26� 27_ 4� Q fV � 73960 N 00 lr 5- 4 3 a m a 71 6 30 76 PAR�Ju . BCP 29120 13920 1 4 �3 DREMPN 0 F 7389 n BC, /41715 U 3 47 1.387 f3 3 _ate 'S 48 73877 -9 50 51 ' �� 49 73869 03 8- ' 9 501 1 1 10 51 1385' w 3 85 13 �2 w w 52 1385 1 C14 N v can C' a "' 73868 GILBERT DR. � K a 22 +„ NI 2> >'jesa 5 3g e 21 > 4 53 N I 1 3 383j 8a2 6 f 20v N I I �N >38?? 7 > [92S 73628 �Bos N 19 o 1 � �BCP3 h.. >3j9a 9 /f 18 a 73802 17 8 10 / 16 > \\ 73777 BCP 3324 15 �'ss 13B19 t7C FT 4 73762 12 1 4J�3a c .+ 13752 13 _ SfLVER VALLEY RD L 57 1 BCP 41713 84 1.225 ha. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6658-2009 Map No. 1453 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RS-1 b(One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Rem 4 2.274 ha. 0.797 ha, iy ,PAY 73917 4,F. P 2 32 co cD 73948 14 15 N 0.886 ha. 1.121 ha. w 13897 O 13926 U 0 m EP 28084 73894 A e 3 73872 1.089 ha. T6 ho. 2 0,643 ha. P 13776 1 2.183 ha. 1:2500 Q p cr Appendix D a J$ al R� E Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: October 1, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/027/09 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading: Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6720 - 2010 24155 124 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), to permit subdivision into two single family residential lots. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6720 - 2010 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on April 20, 2010. On April 27, 2010 Council granted 2nd and 3rd reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6720 - 2010 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: Demolition of barn and shed located on proposed lot 2. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; and iii. That a notification be registered on title to disclose the possible negative impacts of allowable agricultural activities on adjacent agricultural lands. The following applies to the above: The applicant has demolished the barn and has asked permission to retain the shed on lot 2. It is recommended to permit the retention of the shed; A disclosure statement, advising there is no evidence of underground fuel storage tanks, has been received from ABM Engineering Services Ltd; and iii. A letter of undertaking has been received from the applicant's lawyer ensuring registration on title of the above notification. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that Final Reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6720 - 2010. Prepared by: Sarah Atkinson PIannirig Technician �r"I NIR MCIP Planfiing , Approve by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jima{ Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw 6720 - 2010 Appendix C - Site Plan -2- A 12511 Rem 1 Appendix A c P 43885 m 1 62 1 2 a P 69960 2 3 N N 0 LMP 123 1 Rem 64 m lzsz 125 AVE m 1 p 12487 A n P 43885 N C 58 A 56 J 2 FB 12461 BGP B230 A LMP 744 1z44s IL :Je 1 B 12440 u�5 46 1 2 n 2 a roperty 24 AVE EP 14903 A e P 3118 Rem 13 CL.Z1� Jrn1-�ri �fy�J. 1 • Ll� 11 24155-124 Ave 6 CORPORATION OF ' THE DISTRICT OF �1 r�lnoi czinr,ss LVAUT.-MMM904 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Mav 19, 2009 RZ/027/09 BY: JV Appendix B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.6720 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6720 - 2010." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 45 Section 22 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 43885 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1472 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 23rd day of March, A.D. 2010. PUBLIC HEARING held the 20th day of April, A.D. 2010. READ a second time the 27th day of April, A.D. 2010. READ a third time the 27th day of April, A.D. 2010. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER , A.D. 200. CORPORATE OFFICER 15 ]C cb 1.85 he. "Ito 62 1 + 2 /P 69960 a �� LMP 123 2 3 0.813 he 0.401 he. I 0.411 he. 1 Rem 0.405 he- 0.460 he. ` 0.406 he. 0.406 h f 125 AVE. C/ 1 0.404 he. 11487 A 0.405 he. P 43885 58 A 6 56 n 2 0 0.405 h0 0.405 he 0.404 he. B 0.810 he. 0.810 he. 12461 0.405 na. 8CP 28230 60 28231 u, 11*50 A 0.405 he. LMP 12744 7,2sI5 1 0.405 he. M P 43885 LMP 127 B 45 Jz440 n 45 46 1 2 0.400 he 0.410 he 0.638 he. 2 0.810 he. 0.810 he. q 0.405 he. m O N h n, 124 AVE. EP 14903 A 1.583 he. P 3118 Rem 13 1,622 he. 18 1.890 he. N T MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6720-2010 Map No. 1472 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-2(One Family Suburban Residential) 4APLE RIDGE 1 1:2500 G� i Appendix C ao 41.E 17e-M N ell 1. r Bud'dW EnHal e 'y � � F — Buadmg Enrdope I II I I �• I I:• I I Plan I 4-M85 I 1 I cl i I I L------ tj Proposed I I $i Lot 1 I °'°5 ha I Proposed I I I� Lot 2 22 I i a40s ha � Do,* I I I ! I t� I I I I II ! I I 2 I �• q I ! ._..--------- I I I i septic FMW 1.50 r Bonk— — j,1_.1 50 o o R : 1. V, — Bottom Bank -!Lk oR h /nspaction Chamber ,LO Ob pa • '1 /n�5814 ,, ��. fol — gyp~ k bp1 ��O `14 r y FO b, ladwe 6350 J800tConc Road Shoulder o�g -- o�h 'Culrtt 6��p b��o `-�ul►st 6f9) b b 3800 Canc 380/ Canc 124th A venue l�� ;=�°s� CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6753-2010 A Bylaw to designate a property as Park. WHEREAS Council considers that the property described in this Bylaw has value as a public park and that its designation is desirable for the protection of the property for park use; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Park Designation Bylaw No. 6753-2010". That parcel or tract of land known and described as: Lot 6 District Lot 397 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8728 Parcel Identifier: 011-339-730 Civic Address - 22109 119 Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. and outlined in heavy black line on Map 1489, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby designated as park under Section 30 of the Community Charter. The primary reason for designation of the property as park is to respect the wishes of the late Jennie Mary Elizabeth Raymond who, in her will, bequeathed the property to the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge for use as a park. READ a first time the 14th day of September, 2010 READ a second time the 14th day of September, 2010 READ a third time the 14th day of September, 2010 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of 2010 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 11! Rem 43 i 65 11965 ` 62 11957 Y cc O 61 co co O N N N LO pp V O O O N 7 N 8 N 13 14 P 1 113 P8 28 11993 11973 11970 6 12 11963 5 11 11962 11953 4 10 1952 co to T r 11943 3 r 00 9 11942 d a. 2 811945 11932 M T N 1 I- 00 7 N EL a N (D_ _"T co co U') T N N N N M B N A N N N CD a LO CO � T T00 ti N 2 cn C d 11970 w w z BCP 22636 BCS 2391 RW 27912 2 11960 c I N 3 11952 0 MI I,-! C 4 a T CO 11942 w, 5 N i� O7 N 6 00 a N CL N _Y 119 AVE. c\j co 00 CO 00 N N cli N N N 1 56 55 54 53 52 51 P 1 049 11887 P 1251 22 21 20 19 18 17 co n co co cq N N cm N cm N N 11875 O n N N 1 NWS 3374 P 84262 BCP 28220 Rem A BCP 30626 CO CO CO _ N C2 � � � N cm cq N N N N N N 50 49 48 47 46 45 1 P 14049 P 61 i50 11888 25 26 27 r N 11868 N N MAPLE RIDGE PARK DEDICATION Bylaw No. 6753-2010 Map No. 1489 I LE RIDGE51, Cc; lurn b;3 P 1251 i 28 29 30 31 31 co I,- � (np N N N N N i SCALE 1:1,500 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6755 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Kennel Regulation Bylaw No. 6036-2002 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Kennel Regulation Bylaw No. 6036- 2002; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Kennel Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 6755-2010" 2. Maple Ridge Kennel Regulation Bylaw No. 6036-2002 is amended by: a) Under definitions, in the definition of DOG, remove the puncutation and words over the age of four months." b) Under General Regulations: delete section 4 in its entirety and replace it with "4. No person or persons shall own, keep, harbour or have in their possession more than three (3) dogs per lot as defined in the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985, unless a licence or permit has first been obtained pursuant to this Bylaw." II. add "5. (i) utilize an air exchange unit designed by a registered professional to control seasonal temperature fluctuations and be capable of maintaining a temperature - within each kennel - that does not exceed 27 degrees centigrade. This system is also to have measures installed that will assist in the control and extraction of air born viruses, bacteria and moulds" III. add "5. Q) ensure that all buildings and structures be constructed to prevent the escape of any dog being kept". IV. add "7. (a) The outside perimeters of all areas of a Kennel where animals are kept shall be enclosed by a solid fence at least 1.83 metres in height, constructed of wood, masonry, stone or concrete. V. add "7. (b) All pens, runs and exercise yards used in connection with a licenced kennel shall not be less than 18.58 sq metres which shall be completely fenced and have floor constructed of concrete and having a fall of 2 (two) percent for the whole floor" VI. add "7. (b)(i) All pens must be constructed so as to prevent the escape of any animals being kept therein" 1010 VII. add "7. (b)(ii)) contain suitable bedding material on which the animals being kept therein may sleep or rest" VIII. add "7. (b)(iii) be kept in a clean, sanitary and well -ventilated condition, free of any offensive odours' IX. add "7. (b)(iv) contain facilities whereby every animal kept therein has access to potable water for drinking" X. add "7. (b)(v) be kept free of infestation by fleas, lice or other insects" XI. add "7. (b)(vi) be kept free of manure, urine and other excrement, which shall be disposed of in a manner acceptable to the Waste Management Branch of the Ministry of Environment" c) Under COMMERCIAL KENNELS delete section 26 in its entirety and replace it with "26. Exterior walls and all ceilings shall contain at least 8 cm of insulation for soundproofing purposes" READ A FIRST TIME this 14th day of September, 2010. READ A SECOND TIME this 14th day of September, 2010. READ A THIRD TIME this 14th day of September, 2010. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this day of PRESIDING MEMBER 2010. CORPORATE OFFICER CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6759 - 2010 A Bylaw to exempt from taxation, certain properties within the District of Maple Ridge WHEREAS, pursuant to provisions of the Community Charter, S.B.C., 2003, Chapter 26, a Municipal Council may exempt certain land and improvements from taxation, where, in the opinion of the Municipal Council, the use of the land and improvements qualifies for exemption; AND WHEREAS, the Municipal Council deems it expedient to exempt certain land and improvements; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the District of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 6759 - 2010". 2. That in accordance with Section 224(2)(i) of the Community Charter, the following lands and improvements owned or held by an athletic or service club or association and used principally as a public park or recreation ground or for public athletic or recreational purposes be exempt from taxation: (a) Owned by the Ruskin Community Hall Roll No.: 94856-0000-8 28395 96th Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 321,200 3,675 3,854 4,016 (b) Owned by the Girl Guides of Canada Roll No.: 05322-0300-1 26521 Ferguson Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 548,000 6,269 6,575 6,852 j (c) Owned by the Scout Properties (B.C./Yukon) Ltd. Roll No.: 05299-0100-0 27660 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 1,132,000 12, 950 13,582 14,153 1011 (d) Portion of Land and Improvements owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leased to: Ridge Meadows Senior Society Roll No.: 52700-0001-0 12148 22411, Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 3,482,000 42,911 45,004 46,897 (e) Owned by the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Maple Ridge Aerie #2831 Roll No.: 73878-0300-6 23461 132nd Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 468,000 5,354 5,615 5,851 That in accordance with Section 224(2)(i) of the Community Charter, the following lands and improvements owned or held by an athletic or service club or association and used principally as a public park or recreation ground or for public athletic or recreational purposes be exempt from taxation; and in accordance with Section 225(2)(e) of the Community Charter, the following land and improvements that are eligible golf course property, being land maintained as a golf course be exempt from taxation: (a) Owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leased to: Maple Ridge Golf Course Ltd. (Public Golf Course) Roll No.: 21238-1001-1 20818 Golf Lane 2010 Exempt Assessed Value Estimated 2011 Exemption Estimated 2012 Exemption Estimated 2013 Exemption 2,453,600 28,278 29,657 30,904 4. That in accordance with Section 224(2)(a) of the Community Charter, the following land and improvements that are owned by a charitable, philanthropic, or other not for profit corporation, and the council consider are used for the same purpose be exempt from taxation: (a) Owned by the Maple Ridge Search and Rescue Society Roll No.: 84120-0005-0 23598 105t" Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 606,000 7,468 7,832 8,162 5. That in accordance with Section 224(2)(d) of the Community Charter, the interest in land and improvements of municipal buildings of a non-profit organization specified by the council that the non-profit organization uses or occupies as a licensee or tenant of the municipality, shall be exempt from taxation: -2- (a) Owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leased to: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Roll No.: 84292-0257-0 10235 Jackson Road i 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 267,700 3,299 3,460 3,606 (b) Owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leased to: Katie's Place Roll No.: 84292-0100-0 10255 Jackson Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 143,200 _ 1,765 1,851 j 1,929 (c) Owned by the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Leased to: Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Roll. No.: 84112-0001-0 10092 236th Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 890,000 1 10,968 ! 11,503 11,987 6. That in accordance with Section 224(2)(f) of the Community Charter, in relation to property that is exempt under section 220(1)(h) [buildings for public worship], the following land and improvements, that have been deemed as necessary to the building set apart for public worship, be exempt from taxation: (a) IN Owned by Wildwood Fellowship Church Roll No.: 05071-0100-5 10810 272nd Street Exempt 2010 Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 204,600 2,341 2,455 2,558 Owned by Pt. Hammond United Church Roll No.: 10622-0100-0 11391 Dartford Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 107,300 1,228 1,287 1,342 - 3 - (c) 0 (e) (f) (9) (h) Owned by Christian & Missionary Alliance - Canadian Pacific District Roll No.: 20804-0401-1 20399 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 418,300 4,786 5,019 5,230 Owned by the St. Pauls Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haney B.C. Roll No.: 20861-0100-4 12145 Laity Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 333,000 3,810 3,995 4.164 Owned by the St. John the Divine Anglican Church Roll No.: 20920-0100-1 21299 River Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 409,700 4,687 4,916 5,123 Owned by Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver Church Roll No.: 21140-0400-1 20285 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 672,000 7,688 8,063 8,402 Owned by the Christian Reformed Church of Maple Ridge B.C. Roll No.: 21142-3300-3 20245 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 392,200 [ 4,487 4,706 4,904 Owned by the Burnett Fellowship Baptist Church Roll No.: 21190-0001-0 20639 1231d Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 278,100 3,182 3,337 3,477 -4- U) (k) Owned by the President of the Lethbridge Stake (Mormon Church) Roll No.: 21255-0201-X 11750 207th Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 362,500 4,147 4,349 4,532 Owned by the Trustees of the Maple Ridge East Congregation of Jehovah's Roll No.: 21335-2200-2 11770 West Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 466,100 5,332 5,592 5,828 Owned by First Church Christ Scientist Roll No.: 31678-0000-8 11916 222nd Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 169,600 1,940 2,035 2,121 (1) Owned by The Church of the Nazarene Roll No.: 41990-0000-8 21467 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 384,053 4,394 4,608 1 4,802 (m) Owned by the High Way Church Roll No.: 42162-0000-X 21746 Lougheed Highway 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated I Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 458,100 5,241 1 5,496 5,728 (n) Owned by the Trustees of the Congregation of the Haney Presbyterian Church Roll No.: 42176-0000-8 11858 216th Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 6,387 510,800 5,844 6,129 -5- (o) Owned by the Trustees of St Canada Roll No.: 42249-0100-6 Andrews Congregation of the United Church of 22165 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 514,500 5,886 6,173 6,433 (p) Owned by M.R. Baptist Church Roll No.: 42331-0100-1 22155 Lougheed Highway (r) (s) (t) 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 3,657,000 41,837 43,878 45,723 Owned by the Trustees of Webster's Corner United Church Roll No.: 63029-0100-5 25102 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 212,600 2,432 2,551 2,658 Owned by Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Roll No.: 63163-2300-2 11756 232nd Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 785,000 8,981 9,419 9,815 Owned by Lord Bishop of New Westminster (St. John Evangelical) Roll No.: 94720-0001-0 27123 River Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 462,800 5,295 5,553 5,786 Owned by the United Church of Canada Roll No.: 94717-0000-0 27079 River Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 116,600 1,334 1,399 1,458 well (u) Owned by Whonnock United Church Roll No.: 94719-0000-1 27091 River Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 307,600 3,519 3,691 3,846 (v) Owned by Trustees of the Congregation of Whonnock United Church Roll No.: 94741-0200-4 272nd Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 64,100 733 769 801 (w) Owned by Ruskin Gospel Church Roll No.: 94803-0100-3 28304 96th Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 252,600 2,890 3,031 3,158 (x) Owned by Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver Roll No.: 52788-0000-8 22561 121st Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 264,700 3,028 3,176 3,310 (y) Owned by The B.C. Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches Inc. Roll No.: 20762-0305-0 20450 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 1,909,000 21,840 22,905 23,868 (z) Owned by The Parish of St. George, Maple Ridge Roll No.: 63157-2001-1 23500 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption i 319,200 3,652 3,830 3,991 -7- (aa) Owned by Generations Christian Fellowship and Colleen Findlay Foundation Roll No.: 21034-0000-8 11601 Laity Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 832,000 9,518 9,983 10,402 (bb) Owned by Apostles of Infinite Love, Canada Roll No.: 94906-0000-3 27289 96th Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 213,000 2,437 2,556 I 2,663 (cc) Owned by Timberline Ranch Roll No.: 52982-0000-X 22351 144th Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 26,700 305 320 334 7. That in accordance with Section 224(2)(g) of the Community Charter, land or improvements used or occupied by a religious organization, as tenant or licensee, for the purpose of public worship or for the purposes of a hall that the council considers is necessary to land or improvements so used or occupied, be exempt from taxation: (a) Leased by Maple Ridge Vineyard Christian Fellowship Roll No.: 31594-0000-1 22336 Dewdney Trunk Road 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 515,000 5,891 6,179 6,439 (b) Leased by Cornerstone Neighbourhood Fellowship Baptist Church Roll No.: 94940-0100-X 9975 272nd Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 420,000 4,805 5,039 5,251 9:11 8. That in accordance with Section 224(2)(h) of the Community Charter, in relation to property that is exempt under section 220(1)(1) [private schools], any area of land surrounding the exempt building shall be exempt from taxation: (a) z (c) Owned by Haney - Pitt Meadows Christian School Association Roll No.: 20806-0400-0 12140 203rd Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 466,400 5,748 6,028 6,282 Owned by Meadowridge School Society Roll No.: 63414-0002-0 12224 2401h Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 929,000 11,449 12,007 12,512 Owned by Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver Roll No.: 52788-0000-8 22561 121st Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 ' 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 249,000 3,069 3,218 3,354 9. That in accordance with Section 225(2)(b) of the Community Charter the following Heritage lands and improvements shall be exempt from taxation: (a) Owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leased to: The Maple Ridge Historical Society (Haney House) Roll No.: 31790-0000-4 11612 2241h Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 1 477,000 1,959 2,055 2,141 (b) Owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leased to: The Maple Ridge Historical Society (Haney Brick Yard Office & Haney Brick Yard House) Roll No.: 31962-0502-3 22520 116th Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 609,000 7,505 7,871 8,202 (c) Owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leased to: The Maple Ridge Historical Society (St. Andrew's United Church) Roll No.: 31428-0000-1 22279 116th Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 175,000 2,157 2,262 2,357 (d) Owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leased to: Fraser Information Society (Old Japanese School House) Roll No.: 31492-0000-3 11739 223rd Street 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 226,200 2,788 2,924 3,047 (e) Owned by Prince David Temple Society (Masonic Lodge) Roll No.: 31429-0100-0 22272 116th Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 330,300 4,071 4,269 4,449 10. That in accordance with Section 224(2)(c) of the Community Charter, "land or improvements that the council considers would otherwise qualify for exemption under section 220 [general statutory exemptions] were it not for a second use", the council may, by the adoption of a by-law, determine the proportions of the land and improvements that are to be exempt and taxable; and Section 224(2)(i) of the Community Charter, land or improvements owned or held by an athletic or service club or association and used principally as a public park or recreation ground or for public athletic or recreational purposes, shall be exempt from taxation as by the proportions set in accordance with Section 224(2)(c) of the Community Charter. (a) Land and Improvements owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, Herein called Cam Neely Arena, shall be exempted from 90% of taxation Roll No.: 84120-0002-0 23588 105th Avenue 2010 Exempt Estimated Estimated Estimated Assessed Value 2011 2012 2013 Exemption Exemption Exemption 3,621,000 44,624 46,801 48,769 B[lz (b) Land and Improvements owned by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, Herein called The Golden Ears Winter Club, shall be exempted from 95% of taxation Roll No.: 84120-0004-0 23588 105th Avenue 2010 Exempt Assessed Value Estimated 2011 Exemption Estimated 2012 Exemption Estimated 2013 Exemption 3,104,000—T 38,253 40,119 41,806 Included within each of the exemptions 10(a) and 10(b) is a proportionate share (based on the square footage areas of Cam Neely Arena, The Golden Ears Winter Club, and the remainder of the building) of all entrances, lobbies, change rooms, stairs, elevators, hallways, foyers and other common use areas of the lands and improvements. 11. The exemption from taxation as herein before noted applies for the year 2011. 12. The exemptions granted by this bylaw are without prejudice to any claim for entitlement to exemption based on any other provisions of the Community Charter or any other legislation. READ a FIRST TIME the 14th day of September, 2010. READ a SECOND TIME the 14th day of September, 2010. READ a THIRD TIME the 14th day of September. 2010. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of 2010. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER -11- Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: September 22, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/078/10 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6761-2010 24211 113 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential). To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond a referral to the School District for comment and the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; and That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6761-2010 be given First Reading; and; That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, B and F of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Declan Rooney, Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd. Owner: 0885535 BC LTD Legal Description: Lot: 13, Section: 15, Township: 12, Plan: 50696 1101 OCP: Zoning: Existing: Low Density Residential, Conservation Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single Family Rural Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation Agricultural South: Use: Single Family Rural Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Low Density Residential, Conservation East: Use: Conservation, Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Conservation, Low Density Residential West: Use: Single Family Rural Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Low Density Residential, Conservation Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Project Description: Single Family Rural Residential Single Family Urban Residential 0.813 HA. 113 Avenue Urban The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) to allow for future subdivision. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to Second Reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, Official Community Plan designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: Albion Area Plan The property is designated Low Density Residential on the Albion Area Plan and the proposed RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zoning does not comply with this land use designation. Currently the Low Density Residential designation corresponds only with the RS-1d (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Resiential) zone, which requires a minimum lot size of 2000 m2. Justification has been provided, WA however, to support an amendment to the Official Community Plan. This amendment proposes to add the RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zone, minimum lot size of 668 mz, as a corresponding zone under the Low Density Residential designation. An OCP amendment is also required to adjust the conservation area boundary around the watercourse. A detailed assessment of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments will be provided in a future Council report. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to allow for future subdivision. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.9 of the Official Community Plan, a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is required for all developments within 50 metres of the top of bank of all watercourses. The purpose of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit is to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourses and riparian areas. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to Second Reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. d) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after First Reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Parks Department; e) School District; The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between First and Second Reading. e) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedural Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. An Official Community Plan Application (Schedule A); 2. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B); 3. A Watercourse Protection Development Permit Application (Schedule F); 4. A Subdivision Application. -3- The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is not in compliance with the Official Community Plan, however, justification has been provided to support an Official Community Plan amendment. It is, therefore, recommended that Council grant First Reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to Second Reading. In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act for consultation during an Official Community Plan amendment, it is recommended that no additional consultation is required beyond a referral to the School District for comment and the early posting of the proposed OCP amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment. It is, therefore recommended that Council not require any additional consultation. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. Prepared by-. Patrick Ward Planning T hn!clan 1 A proved ne ckgriAg, P, MCIP ire or of Pianning ,�w ) I Approved by. Fiank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services oncurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6761-2010 Appendix C - Preliminary Subdivision Plan -4- � 2 3 P 1084 SUBJECT PROPERTY Appendix A 39 Ilk BCP 2 580 38 / 40 11381 11386 13 14 37 a P 506 BCP 15941 o n3ss 41 01 Lo o 00 36 U PAR N 11357 m 0� ¢ 11360 O 35 N Cd a a ¢� 11345 m E 42 a 11333 11340 34 1�321 113 AVE. 3 3 33 0 o v N N P 68166 32 P 77744 a 16 15 11282 i 1a— i o 17 o Lo rL 11265 11291 A I P 68,61 1 i 24211 113 AVENUE 7 + co y f CORPORATION OF it5 THE DISTRICT OF ^IQMAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE II r PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Sep 8, 2010 FILE: RZ/078/10 BY: SP Appendix B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6761- 2010 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6761- 2010." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 13 Section 15 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 50696 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1493 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER day of ,A.D. 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6761 —2010 Map No. 1493 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) MAPLE RInGE F3M i5h Cot um h,a N SCALE 1:2,500 SKETCH PLAN SHOWING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LOT 13, SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 12, N.W.D., PLAN 50696 Scale 1:500 metric Note: All dimensions are preliminary Hatched building areas are 12x15m 2 1 3 0 7 726.7 m2 40 840.4 rr� 6� L I 5 \ / 'So 12.03 ri 815.5 m2 15.00 \ a� Iv m I ❑ rn 7.50 L J 7.50 3s.08 V s� 1r 4 1 0 ` 750.2 frt \ 1. 7.50 l Ir' 1 m v — J 7.50 41.33 PARK � '709.8 m O p O 7.50 37.54 Rem 13 r rL in � 2 I P r � 7.50 r 693.7 �! rd n I 7.50 t 39.54 0 18.26 668.1 m2 NI 7.50 a L ,2.19 J 113th AVENUE Cameron Land Surveying Ltd. B.C. Land Surveyors Unit 206 — 16055 Fraser Highway Surrey, B.C. V4N OG2 Phone: 604-597-3777 Fax: 604-597-3783 Q O W Cn O n O 0' a 12.00 75 N rn 14 August 24, 2010,1 File: 4757—SK2 Appendix C r . DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: September 21, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/079/10 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6764-2010 East of 264 STREET and south of 124th Avenue (no civic address) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit a future subdivsion of 13 single family residential parcels not less than 0.40 hectares each in area. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6764-2010 be given First Reading; and; That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule A, C, F of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Trevor Deuck of Premier Pacific Developments Ltd. Owner: Premier Pacific Developments Ltd. Legal Description: Lot: 9, Section: 19, Township: 15, Plan: 8097; 1102 OCP: Zoning: Existing: Suburban Residential Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single Family Residential and Agricultural Zone: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Designation: Suburban Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Suburban Residential and Conservation Site Area: 16.178 Hectares (39.97 acres). Access: 124th Avenue and 122nd Avenue Servicing requirement: Community water and individual septic fields b) Site Characteristics and Project Description: The subject site is heavily impacted by McFadden Creek around which the environmentally sensitive areas must be protected and enhanced. In general, the subject site slopes north to south and will require detailed Geotechnical and Environmental assessment. The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit a future subdivsion of 13 single family residential parcels not less than 0.40 hectares (1 acre or 4000 m2) each in area. At this time, the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan and provide a land use assessment only. No referrals have been sent. A more detailed analysis of the proposal and subsequent report will be required prior to 2nd reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, Official Community Plan designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. -2- c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: This neighbourhood is currently designated Suburban Residential in the Official Community Plan. The proposed RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone correlates with this designation. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit a future subdivsion of 13 single family residential parcels not less than 0.40 hectares (1 acre or 4000 m2) each in area. The RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone requires a minimum lot area of 1 acre or 4000 m2; a minimum lot width of 36 meters and a minimum lot depth of 60 meters. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.9 of the Official Community Plan, a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application is required for all developments and building permits within 50 metres of the top of bank of all watercourses and wetlands. The purpose of the Watercourse Protection Development Permit is to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourse and riparian areas. The proposed development is within 50 meters of the top of bank of McFadden Creek hence requires a Watercourse Protection Development Permit application. A Natural Features Development Permit may also be required. _Advisory Design Panel: A Development Permit to regulate the form and character, is not required for this proposal so it does not have to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is not required for this application, according to Council Policy 6.20. d) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after First Reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Environment Section; d) Fire Department; e) School District; 19Z f) Utility companies; g) Ministry of Transportation; and h) Ministry of Environment The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. It is likely that a Development Variance Permit will also be triggered for some lots. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between 1st and 2nd Reading. e) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedural Bylaw No. 5879 - 1999 as amended: 1. An Official Community Plan Application (Schedule A); 2. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule B or Schedule C); 3. Watercourse Protection Development Permit Application (Schedule F); 4. Subdivision Application, as per attached requirements. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the Official Community Plan, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant 1st Reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to Second Reading. It is expected that once complete information is received, Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6764-2010 will be amended and an Official Community Plan Amendment for Conservation boundary adjustment will be required. In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act for consultation during an Official Community Plan amendment, it is recommended that no additional consultation is required beyond the early posting of the proposed OCP amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment. It is, therefore recommended that Council not require any additional consultation. -4- The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the District of Maple Ridge's Approving Officer. M -4W Prepared by. Rasika Ac arya, B-Arch, M-Tech, UD, LEED® AP Plarner h Approv d by . , CP, MCIP or f PI Approved by,,l Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & De slop ent Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jinj) Rule Chief Administrative Officer 1 RA/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6764-2010 Appendix C - Preliminary Subdivision Plan E6'2 Ci f Pitt Mea ows - 'f.- o P.I.D. 011-286-253 {------ r-- y i a CORPORATION OF - ! THE DISTRICT OF `MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE N District of - -� �'I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Langley SCALE 1:4,500 � �• � ��� � DATE: Sep 8, 2010 FILE: RZ/079/10 BY SP __= ERASER Appendix B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.6764 - 2010 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6764 - 2010." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 9 Section 19 Township 15 New Westminster District Plan 8097 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1495 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a second time the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the PRESIDING MEMBER day of ,A.D. 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER Appendix B MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6763-2010 Map No. 1495 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) MAPLE RIQGE BriplsEi Couimbm N SCALE 1:4,000 AnDendix C 0, , rZ o (m a J! Wz x . Q tart _ OW � w n. r� C N R O .i R Q O 2 F- C)O LLI y w a a C-4 I m a o 1 r Q W I I j ••' Ni-� r_`■ Je s 35 Ckf6�ti �F _ I' I I �n me n+c �m E 6 .ZP ling tam T an g 3A �x eo�ea _-c..� .ca.vcccr ceczsc A LLJ Lu Ln w 0 (D N I a W I Q L\LJ .bN g U) I LLJ /w/ J Z m ''��- ^ -6 z . jL! � - W a 3 �o x x x x x x x x <z Ln s s<�= ch co yo J 0. 0:: Q p W ZZZm a o O z O U >> h af OW 'n p O m O Z OW p W J L< x as O N z C¢7 Q Q m p m Y ye O I- r N IMM (a/1 W O m C UO W \ L� z 0 - 0 r Zo F a i MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia TO: FROM: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: September 28, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/015/09 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Cow SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 13893, 13887 Silver Valley Road and 13910 232 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for property located at 13893, 13887 Silver Valley Road and 13910 232 Street. This application is in support of a rezoning application to permit future subdivision into approximately 33 single family lots. The purpose of the Development Variance Permit is to permit a maximum height of 11.0 metres for the ten (10) proposed single family lots fronting 232 Street. The Development Variance Permit also seeks to retain the aboveground utility company plant on 232 Street and to postpone the construction of urban services along Silver Valley Road to the subsequent subdivision phases. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DVP/015/09 respecting property located at 13893, 13887 Silver Valley Road and 13910 232 Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Damax Consultants Ltd Jaskar Developments Ltd Silver Valley Projects Ltd Legal Description: Lot 3 Except Firstly: That Portion Shown on Plan with bylaw filed 34267 Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 28084); Block "C" Section 33 Township 12 Plan 2409 new Westminster District; And Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 28084) Lot 3 Block "C" Section 33 Township 12 Plan 2409 New Westminster District. And Lot 13 Section 33 Township 12 Plan 19849 New Westminster District. OCP: Existing: Low/Medium Density Residential, Open Space, Low Density Urban Proposed: Low/Medium Density Residential, Open Space, Low Density Urban Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) 1103 Surrounding Uses North: South West East Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing: Companion Applications: Requested Variance: b) Project Description: Single Family Residential (rural) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Eco-Cluster, Open Space, Conservation Single Family Residential, Multi -Family Residential IRS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential), RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Low Density Urban, Low/Medium Density Residential, Medium / High Density Residential, Open Space. Single Family Residential CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Conservation, Eco-Cluster Single Family Residential (rural) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Conservation, Open Space, Low Density Urban, Eco- Cluster, Neighbourhood Park Single Family Residential (rural), vacant Single Family Residential 3.9 ha (9.6 ac) - approx. 232 Street, 232A Street, Silver Valley Road Urban RZ/015/09, DP/015/09, SD/015/09, SD/016/09, SD/031/10, SD/032/10 Permit a maximum height of 11.0 m, retain the above ground utility company plant on 232 Street, postpone the construction of urban services along Silver Valley Road to subsequent subdivision phases The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential), to permit the future subdivision of approximately 33 single family lots. The applicant proposes to complete the subdivision in phases with the first and second phases abutting 232 Street. The third and fourth phases will occur on the portion of the land abutting Silver Valley Road. In support of the rezoning and subdivision applications, a Development Variance Permit application has been received to permit a height of 11.0 metres for the proposed single family lots fronting 232 Street. The Development Variance Permit application also seeks to retain the aboveground utility company plant on 232 Street and to postpone the construction of urban services along Silver Valley Road until subsequent subdivision phases. c) Planning Analysis: Zoning Bylaw: Development Variance Permit VP/015/09 seeks to vary the maximum height of the RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone from 9.5 metres to 11.0 metres for the ten (10) proposed single family lots fronting 232 Street. The applicant has requested the height variance to facilitate the construction of aesthetically pleasing dwellings as the subject lots slope uphill from 232 Street. The applicant has advised that the dwellings will be similar to the existing single family homes on the west side of 232 Street which were granted the same height variance due to 2- topographic constraints. The applicant has also submitted a typical building elevation for those lots fronting 232 Street which are subject of the proposed variance (Appendix C). Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw: Development Variance Permit VP/015/09 seeks to vary the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw to permit the retention of the existing aboveground utility company plant along 232 Street. The request to vary this servicing requirement is supported by Council Policy No. 9.05 (Appendix D). Development Variance Permit VP/015/09 also seeks to vary the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw to postpone the construction of urban services along Silver Valley Road to subsequent subdivision phases. As the subject properties front 232 Street and Silver Valley Road, the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw requires that servicing improvements be constructed along both road frontages. The variance to postpone the construction of services along Silver Valley Road is supportable as these services will be constructed at the third and fourth subdivision phases. CONCLUSION: The applicant has provided information that demonstrates that the proposed height variance will allow a higher design standard of the single family homes fronting 232 Street given the topographic constraints. In addition, Council Policy No. 9.05 supports the retention of aboveground utility systems along 232 Street and the services along Silver Valley Road will be constructed at subsequent subdivision phases. It is therefore recommended that VP/015/09 be favourably considered. Prepared by: Patrick Ward Planning Technician Appr6v-ed a Pickering, MCP, MCIPt' gy irector of Plagp Approved by. Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer PW/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Preliminary Subdivision Plan Appendix C - Typical Building Elevations Appendix D - Council Policy No. 9.05 -3- BCP'F 1 PARK 6 BGP 871 21 22 1 2 i m 3 E CRES. 23173 26 27 g 4 m 0 N 13960 N m m Y C) Co 59 4� 3V 2� a 76- ^ PARK 1 BCP 29120 14 r7A 1 2'8S 3 'tea 4 �y s 4 ate, 's B 3386 13675 rn 1 2 5 50 51 6 13863 9 7 13857 10 11 N N 13851 12 w 8 13 a N � N14 W W w 6113841 a i 6013837 aW so w j57s 59 13833 w o rn 0 55 56 5813829 N 54 53 0 51 52 I 13819 P 2 09 1 Rem 4 13917 P 26' 32 13948 15 1389 13926 P 2409 13894 Rem 3 13872 Subject Properties P 19849 13 13887 z J Q 13868 22 � 2 13882 5 1385> 38SS 21 3 13842 6 13641 13837 20 13822 7 1382S 13828 4 N 13"s �3g02 8 19 13871 M 1 13782 18 9 73795 Z 13778 BCP 33244 13782 10 17 73781 4 137;'2 11 16 7376, 13771 15 7? 137s2 12 14 s� 13 13752 SILVER VALLEY RD N 3 P 13776 1 Appendix A I13992 ll 2 P 137 3 City of Pitt lis I s Meadow13887/93 Silver Valley Rd ` I 13910-232 St CORPORATION OF z - THE DISTRICT OF N DI MAPLE RIDGE District of Langley PLANNING DEPARTMENT Ir SCALE 1:2,500 —� �° DATE: Mar 17, 2009 VP/015/08 BY: JV Legend FRA ,�. LU W Appendix B N IZE, M�Iu I Vk I r V94 , ;I EIT met I I E is 0, ' s• Illk W:, r. irc I ot's i'.:L 111A If &-I I"" "I I" "I ,1ill I ',' 10 - I I I I I - I ItIllo-od a lit 9.1 11 lilll:'� e Iff I I I " 1115 sUI f-T E I ---------- f A i-M A :7, m m CIE IN III- � '4 3 f, Y V It.,ii Is 16 .1 UrNsullanib lic ) west 6 ave .-3.,r be v6j 1 r 27 f- F 1-381 Appendix D Deep Routs Greater tfe[ghts TITLE: POLICY NO. APPROVAL DATE: POLICY STATEMENT: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE CONVERSION OF EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY WIRING TO UNDERGROUND WIRING 9.05 July 23, 1996 Council will support development variance permit applications to waive the requirement of Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw 4800-1993 as amended, to provide underground wiring on highway right of ways serviced by existing overhead utility systems, where the abutting road is required to be upgraded to an urban standard, on the following conditions: 1. The existing overhead utility system is shown on the attached plan, or 2. There is less than a total of 250 metres of contiguous redevelopment potential fronting both sides of the highway right of way designated on the Official Community Plan. Further, in those cases where undergrounding of existing overhead utility lines is required, and a development has less than 250 metres of frontage on the highway right of way, the developer will service his development with underground dips off the overhead line and deposit with the Municipality sufficient funds to achieve the required undergrounding in the future. Date Printed: 2009-09-23 Page 1 of 2 Policy 9.05 m N 6 O 6 O O N co C a m +J ,o DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Deep Roots Greater Heighfs TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Development Permit 21650 Lougheed Highway EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: September 23, 2010 DP/061/10 CofW A Commercial Development Permit application has been received for the property located at 21650 Lougheed Highway to regulate the form and character of a proposed renovation that involves the addition of a pool and elevator. This report will address the requirements of Section 8 of the Official Community Plan and outlines how the application meets the requirements for a Commercial Development Permit. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal DP/061/10 respecting property located at 21650 Lougheed Highway. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: JM Architecture (Elissa Bosveld) Maple Ridge Hospitality Ltd Lot: B, D.L.: 247, Plan: 7433 Commercial Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Single Family Residential RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) 55 % Urban Residential and 45% Commercial 1104 East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: b) Project Description: Commercial CS-3 (Tourist Commercial) 65 % Urban Residential and 35% Commercial Commercial CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Motel Motel Lougheed Highway Full Urban (existing) The motel franchise at 21650 Lougheed Highway has changed from Travelodge Motel to Best Western and consequently requires a number of improvements to meet franchise standards. The total renovation value exceeds $25,000 and the proposed addition is greater than 100m2, therefore a Commercial Development Permit is required. The renovations include the addition of a swimming pool, hot tub, some cosmetic interior design changes, lift access to the second floor and some external changes on the eastern fapade. c) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: In accordance with the Official Community Plan Section 8.5 a Commercial Development Permit is required. This proposal meets the following Commercial Development Permit Key Guidelines: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. The existing motel is located between two commercial sites separated by fencing. To avoid conflicts with adjacent uses, the applicant has proposed to add several shade trees along the western property line to provide a buffer between the lots and provide shade to the west facing hotel rooms. The motel owner has indicated they are interested in adding more landscaping along the eastern property line at a later date. Existing building massing, sound attenuation, and lighting will remain unchanged. The proposed addition does not negatively impact the existing building mass as it is minor in nature. 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. The applicant has included outdoor amenities such as a south facing patio area adjacent to the pool and a landscaped area to create an entry porch. The front elevation facing Lougheed Highway remains the same with the existing Porte Cochere. 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. -2- Not applicable 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. Not applicable 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. The proposed renovation will include changing the existing vinyl siding to stucco and the fascia and gutter will be a neutral colour. The renovations will not negatively impact the current pattern of development, proportions, or architectural style, as they are minor in nature. Zoning Bylaw: The proposed renovation conforms to the current CS-1 (Service Commercial) zone under the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985. d) Advisory Design Panel: This application was presented to the Advisory Design Panel on August loth, 2010 and the following resolution was made: The following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings & memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information. • Consider adding additional shade trees around the property. • Consider converting the existing Porte Cochere to a porch and add paved area below if possible (entry statement). • Consider adding paving to the porch area. • Consider redesigning the pool structure to shift northward and increase the landscape area to the south and east. • Create an outdoor patio area with connection to pool interior and screen from adjacent room. • Consider addition of planter boxes to the north fagade. • Consider revising the color of the fascia and gutters from white to a more neutral tone. The applicant has made the majority of the suggested revisions and the panel has approved the same. Instead of the planter boxes proposed by ADP, the applicant has created a landscape zone. Due to cost constraints, no new landscaping was included along the eastern property line at this time. e) Financial Implications: In accordance with Council's Landscape Security Policy, a refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated landscape cost will be provided to ensure satisfactory provision of landscaping in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. Based on an estimated -3- landscape cost of $5,688.38, the security of $5,688.38 will be paid by the owner prior to the issuance of a Development Permit. As this project only involves the renovation of an existing building, there will be no trees added to the municipal street tree inventory on completion of this project. f) Alternatives: Under Section 919.1(d) of the Local Government Act and Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan the property has been designated a Development Permit Area with special requirements for commercial development. Council approval is required for all development in the Commercial Development Permit Area prior to a Building Permit being issued. Council can reject the DP on the grounds that they feel the Development Permit Guidelines have not been met. [0]►RK0]4 As the development proposal complies with the majority of the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines, it is recommended that and DP/061/10 be favorably considered. Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Plan ningTechnician P, MCIP of Bk%bni Approved y Frank Quinn, MBA, P GM: Public Works,�Devqiopment Services P Concurrence: Ji L. (Jim) Rule `Chief Administrative Officer AB/ / The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Site Plan Appendix C - Building Elevations Appendix D - Landscape Plan -4- 4 P 29449 11882 11875 11868 115 116 1188, 2 P 79206 Appendix A 13 P 507 6 11861 HOWISON AVE. 12 10 9 8 7 8 5 W W CD crn0 n N n 11 N 4 324 N N N N N N N N N N N N N aKi P 64655 224 225 238 226 227 228 229 230 231 23 HERRINGTON AVE. P 3601 19 11858 1 rn � 322 Rem N LMP 22030 319 6 "LMP 34333 A P 61812 Rem A P 1007 2 P 17122 N N LP 77304 N P 43436 W SUBJECT PROPERTY N h N r N N V O 2 P 11784 N P 76203 N Rem N m NWS 3060 1 LP 59245 B P 7433 N � N N C7 C a 1 (P 84920) 117 AVE. N 156 m � 11754 P 11112 N 50' of 3 N 157 11748 11736 P 31651 P 5046 11731 ry 155 Rem 3 i37 5 11724 11742 11723 P 32876 P 32 376 154 6 159 11706 158 ^ 160 161 153 11722 D N O N O N n 11703 r 0 7 81 11690 117 AVE. 117 AVE. 152 0 11691 $ o 0 0 P 30039 O ° 79 11686 124 N N N > 162 163 164 o 151 9166s 36904 116sa P 13429 11678 11677 co� N N N N 'PPC "B" 1 ? 3 P 8950 P 6664 P 66, co P 32510 ° ' 76 coo 77 78 N ^ r N N c 117 ID N N 70 73 N o V P 32 AID N N N 75 79 84 1 112 3 P 11 12 P 32 1 o_ 10 11680 1 11668 LMP 12706 11663 A W1/2 E112L71 111 11 11666 m P _ f0. C1 Mea ows j t 1r I� NDistrict of Langley SCALE 1:2,000 — ...FRASER R io 21650 LOUGHEED HWY of CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I' r PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jul 21, 2010 FILE: DP/061/10 BY: PC f i rwfn ryas 23- `;"C�� jig 3 A.VMHLDlH aaamsx l Appendix B 1u b ii 93 2 �2 p;4 j UQ �ufiF��3 °o �Woiw,l�l .glw---I� o_ I { ®: Appendix C �}a `o B z� Q ! R Appendix D Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: September 10, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001 Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W 29th Annual Haney -Harrison Road Relay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: BC Athletics is requesting permission to use municipal streets for the 29th Annual Haney -Harrison Road Relay on Saturday, November 6, 2010. A map showing the run routes is attached. Road closures are not anticipated for this event. Authorization from Council is requested to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT use of municipal streets be authorized for the 29th Annual Haney -Harrison Road Relay on Saturday, November 6, 2010, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated September 10, 2010 are met. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A." The Haney -Harrison Road Relay begins at 6:00 am on Brown Avenue at 223 Street. Participants will travel north on 223 Street to 122 Avenue, travel west on 122 Avenue to 216 Street, travel north on 216 Street to 124 Avenue. Participants will then continue to travel east on 124 Avenue to 227 Street, travel north on 227 Street to Abernethy Way where they will travel east to 232 Street. Participants will then travel south on 232 Street to Dewdney Trunk Road where they will travel east towards Mission and beyond, and finishing in Harrison. b) Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events promotes community development and often highlights Maple Ridge's natural and built features. 1105 c) Citizen/Customer Implications: This event does not require road closures, however, permission to use municipal streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. Traffic control will be provided by the event organizers. d) Interdepartmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain approval of the RCMP and Fire Department for traffic control and must notify BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. f) Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the run to occur. In this event, the organizer would have to cancel the run or arrange for alternatives. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for various events and activities. The Haney -Harrison Road Relay was held in Maple Ridge last year without incident. Submitted by: `g{idrew Wood, PhD., PEng. Municipal Engineer l ' Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng. G,f`Kii: Public marks & Develg ment Services 1 Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief administrative Officer Aw/ml Schedule `A' To Council Memorandum Dated September 10, 2010 29th Annual Haney -Harrison Road Relay Conditions of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: 1. provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the RCMP, Fire Department and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the District); 2. notify local Ambulance Services of the event; 3. make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company for any required rerouting of buses; 4. obtain any required permits from the District of Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services Department for park facility use; 5. obtain any required permits from the School Districts for school facility use; 6. obtain any required permits from the Ministry of Transportation for use of Highways and facilities; 7. notify the District of Mission and obtain any required permits or permission for facility use; 8. make arrangements for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purposes during the event; 9. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); 10. must maintain access for emergency services to the effected areas at all times. 11. hold and save harmless the District from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; 12.obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and MUST have the following statement written in the policy: "Naming the District as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the District." Policies without this statement or an altered statement will NOT be accepted. The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporate Officer prior to the event; and 13. refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw permission to use municipal streets for this and future events should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer AUG-26-2010 THU 12:11 PM PACIFIC SPORT FAX NO. 2507443542 P. 04 Attn: Ruby Tam Re: 2e annu@I—Haney to Harrison Road Relay RC Athletics, with the co-operation of the Fraser Valley Regional District, local municipalities, and the Ministry of Transportation, will be organizing the 29"n annual Haney to. Harrison Road Relay (running race) to take place on Saturday, November 6, 2010 in various locations in the Fraser Valley. Attached is a copy of our certificate of insurance naming the District of Maple Ridge as additional insured. We are awaiting signatures from the Maple Ridge Fire Department and RCMP detachment and will forward them to you when we have received them. A map of the first two legs of the relay, plus a map of the entire route is attached. Last year we made changes to the first leg of the relay, to improve safety, and we propose to use the same route again this year. The start of the event is staggered to reduce traffic congestion. First teams start at 6:00am, with further starts at 6:30, 6:45 and 7:00am. The event contracts traffic control professionals at key intersections, in addition to volunteer marshals along the route. All roads will remain open in case of emergencies. Relay exchanges are located with the safety of participants and other road users in mind. Port -a -potties are positioned at key locations. And the event is responsible for the removal of any garbage we create. The event carries liability insurance to the satisfaction of all municipalities and property owners. More detailed maps and information can be found on the event website at www_ bcathletics.omlH2H. The event serves as a fundraiser for BC Athletics, the provincial sports organization for track and field, road and cross country running. Proceeds help support our youth programs. Additionally the event makes donations to food banks in the communities it passes through. Please sign and return the attached acknowledgement of the event. If you require any additional information, please contact me. Thank you, J(aJaga I Sanderson Race Director, H2H Relay ! N , ■ f Wit I V r , L L � TIA w •a � � I 5L 1 1 An 'd ?tgPtt)-OGZ 'ON XUA INOd S O H M Wd 11 Z (1H,L O W-H-Mv AUG-26-2010 THU 12:12 PM PACIFIC SPORT FAX NO, 2507443542 P. 07 H2H Leg 1 Map Page ] of 1 Leg 1: Brown Ave and 223 St (Start) to Garibaldi Secondary School.(9.38 km) Next, og, I ( ft_Inbg I Click on Start or Exchange 1 to see detailed views. Also see' WIRro;0vur P ALL NEW for 2008. to see bypass route for Legs 1-3. A LEG 1 N N START TO GARIBALDI €! SECONDARY SCHOOL ASEAHETW WAY N EXCHANGEI ~ n GARIBALDI 14r;4 ON 1ja-VW SECONDARY S'CASCHOOe DEWONEY TRUNK RD (/1 N LOUGHEED MY http://www.bcathleties.org/h2h/Maps/Map_leg] .Mm 15/06/2010 AUG-26-2010 THU 12:12 PM PACIFIC SPORT FAX NO, 2507443542 P. 08 H2H Leg 2 Map Page 1 of 1 Leg 2: Garibaldi Secondary School to Stave Falls Dam (13.51 km) [ Pmeyious Click on Exchanges to see detailed views. Also see: Iateragtive map NOTE: Only one vehicle per team will be permitted past the intersection.of Dewdney Trunk Rd and Wilson St. Vehicles without passes will be directed down Wilson St to Lougheed Hwy, returning to the race route near the and of Leg 3. No pass = No access. No exceptions) ..Ij.��C.,here for bypass map and directions. EXCHAME 1 QARMILMMI 3ECONOMY LEG 2 GARIBALDI SECONDARY A SCHOOL TO STAVE DAM N DEVONEY TRUNK'RD b.- fa � I:xcrrAlva� � STAVIE M DEWDNEY 6 http://www.bcathletics.org/h2h/maps/N4apjeg?-.htm 15/06/2010 AUG-26-2010 THU 12:15 PM PACIFIC SPORT FAX N0, 2507443542 P. 19 Jul, 29, 2010 3:42PM No. 7939 P. 5 :1SPORTINSURANCE BC Athletics 1% MARKETING tTD, CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE AS HEREIN DESCRIBED HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED BELOW AND ARE IN FORCE AT THE DATE HEREOF: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AT THE REQUEST OF. FRASER VALLEY REGIONAL DISTRICT, CORP, OF THE VILLAGE OF HARRISON HOT SPRINGS, AGASSIZ AGRICULTURAL & HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION, DISTRICT OF KENT, DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, CITY OF PITT MEADOWS, RIDGE MEADOWS PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES COMMISSION, SCHOOL DISTRICT 42, DISTRICT OF MISSION, CANADIAN FOREST PRODUCTS (CANFOR), RIMEX'SUPPLY LTD., RIVERVIEW FARMS, GURDEV SIDHU, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCIi 60, SALUS ENTERPRISES LTD., JR FRASERVIEW HOLDINGS INC., MISSION ALLIANCE CHURCH, COUNTRY TIME CHILDREN'$ CENTRE, BC HYDRO, SCHOOL. DISTRICT 75, SASQUATCH INN ENTERPRISES, MICHAEL'S RESTAURANT (DEWDNEY) ABOVE ARE ADDED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED, BUT SOLELY WITH RESPECT TO THE LIABILITY WHICH ARISES OUT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE NAMED INSURED TO WHOM NOTICE WILL BE MAILED IF SUCH INSURANCE IS CANCELLED OR IS CHANGED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO AFFECT THIS CERTIFICATE KIND OF POLICY l POLICY NO. GENERAL LIABILITY AS1064 NAME OF INSURED BC ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION LOCATION AND OPERATIONS TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE APPLIES MAPLE RID(3E-MISSION-DEWDNEY•KENT-AGASSIZ - HARRISON HOT SPRINGS, 9C "HANEY TO HARRISON 100K ROAD RELAY & ULTRA" (INCLUDING AWARDS B DANCE AT AGASSIZ COMMUNITY HALL) NOVEMBER 6, 2010 INSURERS ,AVIVA INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA POLICY EXTENTIONS 'CROSS LIABILITY CLAUSE INCLUDED 'PARTICIPANT COVERAGE INCLUDED 'SUR,IECT TO 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION BC MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION & INFRASTURCTURE CERTIFICATE IS ATTACHED LIMIT OF LIABILITY $5,000,000.00 LIMIT pot ao"r"" •na In H..pppp�r•p�In r4n ► ola to prodwfb & mmpbl�operallens `DEDUCTIBLE $500.00 THE INSURANCE AFFORDED M SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF THE APPLICABLE POI.ICY ALL SPORT INSURANCE MARKETING LTD. Jul 29, 2010 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Inez 607, 1367 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC VSH 4A9 Tr, /A� .• �.•� w AUG-26-2010 THU 12)15 PM PACIFIC SPORT FAX NO. 2507443542 P. 20 Jul, 29. 2010 3:42PM Aft BRITISH I MinisrryofTraaspoiwion VA"COLUNWIA and Inf mmicrurc No.7939 P. 6 ESL: Athletics CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Con(fe"ILea1e11AgrreemenlarPumge Nurnber, Location and besulpden' OrgXers' Reference No. MAPLE RIOGE-MISSION"DEWDNEY-KENT-AOASSIZ - HARRISON HOT SPRINGS, BC "HANEY TO HARRISON 100K ROAD RELAY & ULTRA" Award or Effective tale (INCLUDING AWARDS & DANCE AT AGASSIZ COMMUNITY HALL) NOVEMBER 6, 201 O (yyy MVWdd) INstJnD Name OC ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION eusiro" Add( se 120, 3820 Cessna Dr. Richmond, RC VIS OA2 BROKER Narna$OC INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. Rtrelnssl Adrlreae 607, 13 Bmadway, Vancouver, 8C Type of Intunnca Company and Policy Numb■► PoENoy Detea yyyyllmmldd Limits of Liability / Amounts ffodpy Injury and Propery Damage Commercial nanars(Liaeluly AVIVA INSURANCE NOVEMIR El t 6, 2010 S 5,000,000.00 (including Non -Owned COMPANY OF CANADA Induslva Automobile Llablifty) AS1064 S 5,000,000.00 Aggroosta $ $500.00 Deducilbla Addllionzl Insureds: dodiy Injury end Properly Damage Automobile Liability N/A 6 Inclueivo s u�nit8 LlmbrallWF*=ss Liebdity erc■s; of S General N/A Llebillty ekce96 of $ Automobile evildera Risk S Slle instelle0on Flealer N/A S Lererian Oher, S ' 7rensll $ Limit Equipment insurance N/A Proleesranat LIabIINy N/A s Each Claim Errors and Omfulona i Aggregate S OadueWle Prolaelion & (ndelnNly NIA t LIml1 Hull & wAchlnery S Limit Builders Risk (Vessa(s) S Limit Ship Rep■re(s, 4.I8011fty 3 Limit Other: N/A Limit Tat undoesigned oerfNlN the undentlgnod has ,wJe,wd the policies of Insure tica desertpad above and Pape I of this oertHkrflo end further orrfiyy (her these pouclee htve been Issued to the Insured married above and aft Jo full force and sMacf and comply with fhe Insair lco mqu/raments eat out In rise ap ant / comma►/ letea / parmN IdanliRed above, InelvNin# the requ/remants set out on Page 1 of this cerilfkate. NN µ. ALL SPORT INSURANCE MARKETING LTD JUI 29, 2010 Signature of person au red W lion on behalfinsurers Print or Type Name Date (yyyyirom/dd) cedirf(mi; Page t and Page 2 of this CAAACAle ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS ARE SHOWN ON PAGE 2 OF THID CERTIF(CATE OF INSURANCE no(�1 (21106M papa I oca AUG-26-2010 THU 12:15 PM PACIFIC SPORT FAX N0, 2507443542 P. 21 Jul. 29. 2010 3:42PM No. 7939 P. 7 Notwintsfending any omor, terms, eondltlona or exclusions s/sawnarrr in Vie insuronciipolws), it is vnoleraioad and agreed that the insurance policy(a) Are "landed to include Insurance cendlHaar as 14//owe; CONDITIONS APPLICAOL F TO: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 1. Additional Named insured Clause for Minlgtry Contracts Her Majesty the QUean In Aght of the Province of British Columbia as repr"onted by the Minister of Transportation and Infrealructura, together with the employees, agents, and servants of the Mlniatsr, hereinafter referred to as the Aaditional Named Insured, is added se an Additonal Named insured, in respect of llabaty erring from the work or operations al the Insured and the Additional Named Insured, in connection with contracts, entered into between the Inured and the AddltlonSI Named Insured. 2. Extension of Coverage Such liability insurance shall also include all liability arising out of completed operations, blanket written canfraetual, contingent employers liability, non -owned automobile liabtily, and liability assumed by the Conlractor In connection with and applicable to the contract, 3. Cross Llabillty The Insurance as is afforded by This policy shall apply in the some manner and to the Game extent as though a separate policy had been issued to mach Insured. Any breach of a condition of the policy by any insured shall not affect the proisi; en given by Nits policy to any other Inaured. The Inclusion herein of more than one Insured shell not operate to increase the Ibnit of liability under this policy. 4, Ereluslons Not Permitted If hazardous operations such 39 eKcavallon, pile driving, shoring, blasting, underpinning, or dernotition work or any other operation or work Is to be performed by the Ministry or the Contractor, then thin type at work or operation shall not be excluded ham Insurance coverage where such type of work or operation is to be performed by either party under the contract, subject to prior notification to the insurer by the Contractor. Claims arising out of the legal liability, imposed upon the Insured at common few and extended by Statute for bodily Injury or death to employees of the Insured. However, azcluclons appllatbte to liability Imposed upon or assumed by the insured under any Wodwre' Compensation Statutes or for assessment by any Workers' Compensation Board will be allowed. liability assumed by the Insured under contract with togrosd companies for the use and operation of rallway atdings or croeelogs. S. Producta and Completed Operations Ha=wd Produces and Completed Operations Ha24rd coverage shall be provided and such coverage shell remain In full tome and effect for a parlod of twelve (12) months after the contracted work has been compfeted (twenty four (24) months for Design Build Minor Contracts). Irrespective of the expiry date of the policy, CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO: PROPERTY TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICIES (WHERE IT IS A REQUIREMENT OF THE CONTRACT, AQRUMENT, LEASE OR PERMIT) 1. Additional Named Insured Clause her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. is added as an Addillonal Named Insured. 2, Loas Payable Clause Wf Majesty the Ousen in right of the Province of British Columbia as represented by Inc Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. 3. Weiver of Subrogation In the event of any physical toss or damage to the Work or Contractor's equoronl, the settlement or payment of the subsequent claim enall be made without the right of subrogallon against Her Majesty the Queen in right of the province of Britlah Columbia as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure or any of the employees, servants or agents of the Minister, CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO, ALL POLICE$ EXCEPT AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE ISSUED BY I.C.B,C. AND PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY (9901 INSURANCE 1. Cancellation This policy shall not be cancelled, removed, redueed, maierielly changed or altered wilhoul thirty (30) days prior notice In wnllnq try Repletared Mai to: CORPORATE INSURANCE AND BONDS MANAGER MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION It INFRASTRUCTURE PO BOX 2154 8TN PROV GOVT VICTORIA BC VBW 9TS Of Ministry Representative, as noted in the contract. CONDITION APPLICABLE TO: PROFESSIONAL. LIAOILfTY / ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCE 1. Caecall8tlon The requued insurance snap not be cancelled, or endorsed to reduce flrtdts of liability, without Way (30) days notice In writing by Registered Mail to: The Cofporale Insurance and Bonds Manager, Ministry of Transportation and Wraetruc Lure. PO Box 9850, Stn Prow Govt, 940 glaneherd Street. Vidalia, B,C. VRW ITS. Notification of the policy bainq endorsed to rasldcl coverage mid-term, must be provided in writing by Registared Mug to the some address, no lamr than the of wive dale of such Change. issuance of this csrrMcals shill not lfmff or resMcf rha right of the Mintstry of Tronspa#140on end Infrrafrucfure /a request any r/roa cartlried copies of Orly insurance policy(s). 40111 (2(=/07) Page 2 of District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended August 31, 2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: September 10, 2010 Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor and a Finance Manager. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for information. Expenditure details are available by request through the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended August 31, 2010 now be approved". GENERAL $ 10,890,175 PAYROLL $ 1,554,006 PURCHASE CARD $_ 85.885 11. 12,530,066 a) Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal -services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the financial plan. b) Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. 1131 c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: Highlights of larger items included in Financial Plan or Council Resolution • G.V. Water District - water consumption May 5 - June 1/10 $ 380,275 • Imperial Paving - 2010, annual pavement rehabilitation program $ 1,036,587 • Mierau - Fire Hall No. 1 expansion $ 713,641 • The municipality acts as the collection agency for other levels of government or agencies. The following collections were remitted in August. 1. Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage $ 4,943,305 2. Greater Vancouver Regional District $ 902,914 d) Policy Implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended August 31, 2010 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: G'Ann Rygg Accounting Clerk II Approved by: or Th mpson, CGA Manager of Financial Planning Approved by., Paul ill, WA, CGA GM - Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer gmr CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - AUGUST 2010 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT 775983 BC Ltd Roadside mowing 19,527 BC Hydro Hydro charges August 93,804 BC SPCA Contract July 23,013 Community Animal Centre development - 50% share 144,555 167,568 Billesberger, Valerie Freedom of Information Act 1,057 Records Management Program 7,012 Document Management Strategy 29,550 Archives Program 835 38,454 Boileau Electric & Pole Ltd Maintenance: Albion Sports Complex 4,460 Banners 564 Cell Tower @256th St 10,847 Firehall #2 8,715 Intersection repairs 2,405 Street light pole replacement 2,494 Telosky Stadium 88 29,573 CUPE Local 622 Dues - pay periods 10/15 & 10/16 23,541 Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd Cliff Park grass playfield 136,748 Chevron Canada Ltd Fuel Sept 59,311 Columbia Bitulithic Ltd Duraphalt 16,342 Dixon Networks Corporation Fibre optic conduit installation 39,630 Extreme Industries Demolition @ 25496 Dewdney Trunk Road 18,240 Farm Tek Turf Services Inc Sand spread for various fields 37,027 Gr Vanc Sewerage & Drainage 2010 requisition 4,943,305 Greater Vanc Water District Water consumption May 5 - June 1/10 380,275 Greater Vancouver Regional Dist 2010 requisition 902,914 Mosquito control program 3,107 906,021 Happy Heart Fitness & Educ Weight room supervision & childcare activity room 17,868 Hewlett Packard Canada Co Software support 28,557 Imperial Paving 2010 annual pavement rehabilitation program 1,036,587 Roadworks 49,836 1.086,423 Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Albion & water model distribution upgrade 20,864 Levelton Consultants Ltd 256 Street sanitary sewer extension 33,209 Maple Ridge & PM Arts Council Art Centre grant Aug 44,320 Program revenue July 17,975 Theatre rental & catering 437 62,732 McTar Petroleum Ltd Bulk salt 70,202 713,641 Mierau Fire Hall No. 1 expansion 19,122 Minister Of Provincial Revenue School tax remittance 18,520 Morrow Bioscience Ltd 2010 West Nile virus program 286,421 Municipal Pension Plan BC Employee benefits premiums 19,401 Open Storage Solutions Inc Storage area network 15,367 Paul Bunyan Tree Services Tree removal at various locations Raybern Erectors Ltd Cemetery fence repairs 438 Harris Pool fence repairs 399 Pitt Meadows Athletic Park fence repairs 539 Upper Maple Ridge Park fence 7,096 Volker Park & Albion Fairground fence 13,943 22,415 Receiver General For Canada Employer/Employee remit PP10/16 & 10/17 603,179 RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ice rental July 57,359 Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Monthly contract for recycling Aug 86,746 Weekly recycling 463 Litter pick-up contract 1,848 89,057 Sandpiper Contracting Ltd 202 Street sanitary sewer extension 20,631 Scottish Line Painting Ltd Terasen Gas Warrington PC] Management Disbursements In Excess $15,000 Disbursements Under $15,000 Total Payee Disbursements Payroll Purchase Cards - Payment Total Disbursements August 2010 Road painting Natural gas Advance for Tower common costs Aug Tower expenses July PP10/16 & PP10/ 17 GMR \\DOVE\CorpServ\Finance\Accounting\Accounts Payable\AP Remittances (Disbursements)\2010\[Monthly Council Report 2010.xisx]AUG'10 25,549 16,160 50,000 2,546 52,546 10,188,592 701,583 10,890,175 1,554,006 85,885 12,530,066 Deed Roots Greater Heights TO: Ad1]uA SUBJECT: District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor (Ernie Daykin DATE: September 29, 2010 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W. Fraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services Agreement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The attached agreement is forwarded to Council for consideration. The agreement is a renewal of the previous agreement entered into with the Regional Library system. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the Fraser Valley Regional Library Operating and Services Agreement for 2010. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: 2002 was the first year an agreement was signed between the Municipality and the FURL. The agreement reflected the prior unwritten agreement between the District and FVRL. The 2010 agreement has not changed significantly over 2009. b) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome of the agreement and our relationship with FURL is the provision of excellent Library services in a cost effective manner. The required service quality and efficiencies have been achieved through regional collaboration. c) Strategic Alignment: Part of ensuring a safe and livable community is ensuring basic services are available for citizens. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Use of the Library has increased significantly since the library opened and the hours were increased to include Mondays and Sunday afternoons through much of the year. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The budget is in line with what Council has already approved. Page 1 of 2 1151 CONCLUSIONS: The agreement with the Fraser Valley Regional Library has been very positive in terms of providing valuable services to Maple Ridge residents in a cost-effective manner. The agreement has been reviewed by both parties and meets our current needs. f- Prepared by: Ily ift, General Manager: unity Development, Parks and Recreation Approve by. Paul Gill, G@6eral Manager Financial and Corporate Services ConcurreAe:J.L.(Jim) Rule ef Administrative Officer KS:ik Page 2 of 2 zoo January 1 - December 31 1■ ._-m.FVRL FRA5ER VALLEY REGIONAL LIBRARY Fraser Valley Regional Library OPERATING AND SERVICES AGREEMENT District of Maple Ridge LIBRARY OPERATING AND SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made the day of 2010 BETWEEN: 9" 1 FRASER VALLEY REGIONAL LIBRARY DISTRICT, a district library pursuant to the Library Act and having its administrative offices at 34589 Delair Road, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V2S 5Y1 (the "Library") DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, having its offices at 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, V2X 6A9 (the "Municipality") WHEREAS: A. The Municipality is a member municipality of the Library and is represented on the Board of Directors of the Library; B. The residents of the Municipality receive library services from the Library through the branch library or libraries situated within the Municipality boundaries in those locations as set out in Schedule A; C. The residents of all member municipalities provide funding to the Library for the operation and administration of the Library, and nothing in this Agreement affects the provision of that funding or the applicable funding formula; D. The Municipality provides the Library with certain facilities and services to enable library services to be delivered to the Municipality; E. The Municipality and the Library wish to set out their respective obligations to each other by way of this Agreement; I% NOW THEREFORE the parties to this Agreement, in consideration of the promises and contributions made by each to the other, agree as follows: 1. TERMS AND RENEWALS 1.1 Term The term of this Agreement will be one (1) year, commencing on the 1 st day of January 2010 and expiring on the 31 st day of December 2010. 1.2 Renewal Terms The parties agree that this Agreement, whether or not amended pursuant to paragraph 1.4, will automatically renew upon expiry for a further one (1) year term, to a maximum period of five (5) years in aggregate, unless either party exercises the right to withdraw in accordance with paragraph 1.3 1.3 Withdrawal (a) Either party may withdraw from this Agreement by delivering notice of its intention to withdraw to the other party prior to July 1 in any calendar year in which this Agreement is in effect. (b) If notice of intention to withdraw is delivered by either party to the other prior to July 1, this Agreement will terminate as of December 31 in the calendar year in which notice is delivered. (c) For certainty, notice of an intention to withdraw delivered by either party after July 1 and before December 31 in any calendar year will be ineffective. (d) Nothing in this paragraph affects the responsibilities of the Municipality as a continuing member of the Library pursuant to the Library Act or constitutes withdrawal of the Municipality from the Library pursuant to the Library Act. 1.4 Amendments to Agreement (a) Either party may request amendments to the operating and service provisions of this Agreement by delivering six (6) months' notice of its request to the other party. (b) Once a request for amendment in accordance with this paragraph has been delivered, both parties will promptly, diligently and in good faith make all reasonable efforts to amend this Agreement in a manner reasonably acceptable to both parties. 3 (c) If the parties are unable to reach agreement on proposed amendments within three (3) months of the notice in this paragraph being delivered, either party may remit the disputed matter or matters to the Library Board of Directors and both parties agree that the decision of the Library Board of Directors will be final and binding. (d) Any amendments to this Agreement agreed upon by the parties, or finally determined in accordance with paragraph 1.4(c), will take effect three (3) months after the agreement or determination, or such other date as the parties may agree. (e) For certainty, in no event will a notice requesting amendments to this Agreement be deemed by either party to constitute a notice of withdrawal, and any notice of intention to withdraw may only be delivered in accordance with paragraph 1.3 of this Agreement. (f) Any agreed amendments to this Agreement may be executed by separate agreement, and be attached as an addendum to this Agreement. 2. FACILITIES 2.1 Premises (a) The Municipality will secure and provide, at its sole cost, all premises and facilities within the Municipality's boundaries required for Library purposes, and will consult with the Library regarding current and future requirements, prior to any acquisition or disposition of land and improvements necessary or desirable for Library purposes. (b) Where any land and premises provided by the Municipality for Library purposes are leased by the Municipality, the Municipality will be solely responsible for ensuring the land and premises may be used for Library purposes as contemplated herein. 2.2 Furnishings (a) The Municipality will, after consultation with Library staff regarding the reasonable requirements of the Library, provide and maintain all furnishings necessary for the effective use of all Library premises within the Municipality, including furnishings necessary or desirable for use by Library staff and patrons. (b) All furnishings provided will be of a quality and standard which meet or exceed all health and safety requirements that may be applicable. (c) The Municipality will provide new and replacement furnishings as needed for Library purposes, as determined by the Municipality after consultation with Library staff. .19 (d) Furnishings to be provided and maintained by the Municipality for each Library premises include (1) all shelving, racks, carts and display units for the temporary and permanent storage of Library collections; (2) computer desks or tables and chairs for use by Library patrons; (3) desks, chairs, counters, and other work furnishings for use by Library staff in the performance of their duties; (4) reading and study tables and chairs, including children's furnishings for reading areas, as required or desirable; and (5) flooring, carpeting, lighting and other fixtures and amenities appropriate and desirable for the comfortable use of Library premises by patrons and Library staff. (e) The Library will promptly inform the Municipality of any directives or orders the Library may receive from the Workers Compensation Board or other regulatory agency which may affect the type or quality of furnishings which may or must be used for Library purposes. 2.3 Maintenance The Municipality will, after periodic consultation with Library staff regarding the reasonable requirements of the Library, provide all premises maintenance for the safe and comfortable use of the premises by Library patrons and staff, to the standard of a careful and prudent owner and in accordance with any legal requirements, including (a) all premises and improvements repairs, upgrading, renewal, replacement and maintenance, including roofing, structural, plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning, ventilation, and similar fixtures, appliances or operational features of the premises; (b) regular cleaning, repair, replacement and maintenance of flooring, carpeting, lighting, and similar fixtures and amenities; (c) all janitorial or cleaning services on a regular basis to maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment in the Library premises, to a standard acceptable for the use of the Library premises by the public; and (d) clearing and maintenance of ingress and egress routes to Library premises for pedestrian and, where applicable, vehicular traffic, including cleaning, snow removal, ice removal and precautions such as sanding or salting, leaf and debris removal, paving and pavement repairs, lighting, and similar reasonable maintenance to ensure the safe and secure use of access routes by Library patrons and staff. 19 2.4 Security The Municipality, after consultation with Library staff regarding reasonable requirements, will provide all security measures and arrangements necessary for the protection of the premises, equipment, and library collections and the safety of Library patrons and staff, at a level comparable to other Municipality facilities having similar uses or functions, including any alarm or security systems, locks or locking devices, motion sensors, safety lighting, safety patrols or similar safety measures which may be reasonably required. 2.5 Utilities and Taxes The Municipality will provide, at its sole cost, all utilities, including water, gas, electrical energy, solid waste removal and similar services as may reasonably be required for the operation of the Library in the premises. The Municipality will be responsible for the payment of all taxes, local improvement charges or other levies which may apply in respect of the land or premises occupied by the Library within the Municipality. 2.6 Indemnity The Municipality will indemnify the Library and Library staff from any claim, notice of claim, demand, suit, action, cause of action, damages, losses or costs, including legal costs, with respect to the injury or death of any person, or damage to any property, arising from, caused by, resulting from or attributable to the premises, including their use by Library staff and patrons, the maintenance of the premises, and the furnishings excepting where and only to the extent to which any such injury, death or damage is attributable to the negligence of the Library or Library staff. 2.7 Insurance The Municipality will obtain and maintain on a continuous basis, all insurance coverage reasonably required in respect of the premises, improvements, fixtures, appliances, furnishings and other works which the Municipality pursuant to this Agreement provides for use by the Library, all such policies to include the Library as an additional named insured in respect of the collections, computer equipment or other physical assets provided by the Library, and including replacement cost insurance where prudent. 2.8 Meeting Rooms The Municipality will operate any meeting rooms available for public use located in any library, subject to the Library having priority of use for any meeting room for Library purposes. The Municipality will be responsible for scheduling the meeting rooms for public use and the Municipality will be entitled to retain any revenues derived from any rentals of the meeting rooms for such public use. N 3. COLLECTIONS AND EQUIPMENT 3.1 Collections The Library will provide and maintain all library collections, including books, periodicals, reference materials and similar acquisitions for use in the library or libraries located within the Municipality, subject to the policies of the Library Board and within budget limitations, for use by the public in accordance with circulation and use policies of the Library. 3.2 New Libraries or Relocation of Premises (a) Where a new library is established in the Municipality, the Library will only be required to meet the obligation in paragraph 3.1 where the Library has received a minimum of one (1) year's confirmation from the Municipality that a new, additional library is to be established within the Municipality. (b) Where an existing library is to be relocated to new premises within the Municipality, the Municipality will be responsible for all costs associated with moving the collection, furniture, equipment and other library contents. 3.3 Equipment (a) The Library will provide, maintain, repair and replace as necessary all photocopiers, fax machines and computer equipment (including terminals, peripherals, drives, printers, modems, and related equipment) and supplies necessary for the operation of the computer equipment, as may reasonably be required to provide services at each library within the Municipality. (b) The Municipality will provide, maintain, repair and replace as necessary all telephone equipment reasonably required for each library within the Municipality, and be responsible for all telephone service charges payable with respect to the use of such telephone equipment by the Library. 3.4 Indemnity The Library will indemnify the Municipality, its officers, employees, servants and agents, from any claim, notice of claim, demand, suit, action, cause of action, damages, losses or costs, including legal costs, with respect to the injury or death of any person, or damage to any property, arising from, caused by, resulting from or attributable to the operation and delivery of Library services or the use of any Library equipment excepting where and only to the extent to which any such injury, death or damage is attributable to the negligence of the Municipality or its officers, employees, servants and agents. 7 3.5 Insurance The Library will obtain, and maintain on a continuous basis, all insurance coverage reasonably required in respect of the collections, computer equipment and supplies which the Library pursuant to this Agreement provides for use, all such policies to include the Municipality as an additional named insured in respect of any computer or other equipment provided by the Municipality for use in the Library. 4. LIBRARY SERVICES 4.1 Staffing (a) The Library will, following periodic consultation with the Municipality regarding reasonable requirements, provide all staff and resource personnel required for the operation of the library or libraries in the Municipality, having regard to the hours of operation and programs offered by each library and budget limitations. (b) Staffing to be provided at each library during the hours in which the library is open to the public will include as a minimum, but not be limited to, (1) Manager: 0.94 FTE (2) Librarians: 5.11 FTE (3) Assistants: 14.21 FTE 4.2 Hours of Operation (a) The Library will, following periodic consultation with the Municipality regarding reasonable requirements, provide library services to the public during the following hours of operation: (1) Maple Ridge Public Library: Monday to Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (School Year) 9 As an exception to paragraph 4.2(a), each library in the Municipality will be closed to the public on the following statutory holidays: New Years Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day British Columbia Day 4.3 Discretionary Closures Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Each library in the Municipality may be closed for one or two additional days in each year for staff training or related purposes, and the Library will provide the Municipality with three (3) months notice of the date or dates of any proposed closure. 5. PROGRAMS 5.1 Library Programs The Library will offer its regular programs based on the staffing complement as set out in paragraph 4.1 to each library in the Municipality. Such programs include but will not be limited to Internet Training Children's Programs Adult Programs 5.2 Special Programs The Library will offer the following special programs, based on the staffing complement as set out in paragraph 4.1, to each library as set out below: Maple Ridge Public Library: Summer Reading Club Children's Specials Author Readings 0 6. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 6.1 Negotiation If the parties to this Agreement are unable to agree on the interpretation or application of any provision herein, or are unable to resolve any other issue in dispute pertaining to this Agreement, the parties agree to promptly, diligently and in good faith take all reasonable measures to negotiate an acceptable resolution to the disagreement or dispute. 6.2 Referral to Committee (a) If the parties have negotiated in good faith pursuant to paragraph 6.1 and have been unable to resolve their disagreement or dispute within 30 days of the disagreement or dispute arising, either party may give notice to the other party and to the Library Board of Directors requesting the matter under disagreement or dispute be referred to a committee of the Board of Directors, to be selected by resolution of the Board. (b) The committee selected by the Board will meet as necessary with representatives of each party and use all reasonable efforts to mediate a resolution acceptable to both parties. (c) If the committee is unable to mediate a resolution acceptable to both parties within 60 days of its selection by the Board, the committee will forward its recommendations on the appropriate resolution of the disagreement or dispute to the Board. 6.3 Board Decision Final The Board will, following receipt of the recommendations of the committee pursuant to paragraph 6.2, consider the matter under disagreement or dispute for decision, and both parties agree that the decision of the Board of Directors will be final and binding. 7. GENERAL PROVISIONS 7.1 Further Assurances The Municipality and the Library acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is not, nor is it intended to be, exhaustive of the various responsibilities of each party to the effective operation of the Library and the delivery of its services within the Municipality. Each party hereby agrees to take all further steps, and give such further assurances including the execution of any further documents, which may be reasonably necessary to carry out the spirit and intent of this Agreement. 10 7.2 Other Matters In respect of any matter, which this Agreement does not address, the Municipality agrees to be bound by any decision of the Library Board of Directors where the matter is within the jurisdiction of the Library and the decision is adopted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Library Act. 7.3 Provisions Severable Except as provided in this Agreement, if any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such unenforceability or invalidity will not affect the enforceability or validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, and such unenforceable or invalid provisions will be severed or deemed to be severed from the remainder of this Agreement. 7.4 Applicable Law This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable thereto, which will be deemed to be the proper law hereof and the parties hereto attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia for all purposes. 7.5 Notice Any notice required to be given hereunder by a party hereto will be deemed to have been well and sufficiently given if mailed by prepaid registered mail or sent by electronic transfer to, or delivered to, the attention of the person at the address set out below: (a) If to the Municipality: District of Maple Ridge, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, V2X 6A9 (b) If to the Library Fraser Valley Regional Library, 34589 Delair Road, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V2S 5Y1 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written: MUNICIPALITY by its authorized signatories I4I:l:II_1Mori by its authorized signatories 12 Maple Ridge Public Library 130-22470 Dewdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 5Z6 SCHEDULE A LIBRARY LOCATIONS 13