HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Kit Checklist - Vehicle.pdfvehicle-emergency-kit-grab-and-go You may not be at home when a disaster strikes. If you are in your vehicle, there are some items that you should have with you at all times. Having an emergency kit will help you survive and recover after a disaster. Remember, following a devastating event, it could take days, or even weeks before services are fully restored, or it is safe to return to your home. It may seem daunting at first, but there are some simple steps you can take to prepare emergency kits for you, your family, and your pets. You can purchase ready-made kits at a number of local and online suppliers, or you can begin to assemble one yourself from extra items you may already have at home. The lists below will help you identify your needs. Evacuation Kit (Grab & Go Bag) Checklist EMERGENCY KIT (Vehicle) CHECKLIST Blanket Booster cables Bottled water Fire extinguisher First aid kit Flashlight and batteries Road map Compass Candle and matches or lighter Food bars and water Traction mats (You can also use kitty litter for traction) Tool Kit Vehicle Emergency Kit Tow chain Warning light or road flares Cell phone charger Clothing suitable for all weather conditions Sturdy footwear Whistle Pen and small notepad Cash (coins) Multi-purpose knife Medications and spare eye glasses Shovel Solar, wind-up or battery radio