HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Minutes 1874-1891.pdf~ --.... :--- 498· I. --...... ~ bD ....... _ .......... , . ~ .)J .1 ," ," .. ~-. Remove rod in front of book, take out the sheets to be typewritten and return rod to former position; place written sheets in back of book in consecutive order, and when all are written and thus filed the rods may be broken and the book locked. McMu.LAN BOOK Co., SYRACDSE, N. Y. . ............ ,'. ' I "",- .; Port Haney B.C. "February 13th 1917 FOREWORD. Por some years past,the Councils of The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge,discussed the advisability of having the minutes of the early councils datir~g bac,k ,into the seventies and eighties, put in convenie~t for~ for handy referance,and with a view to their better preservation. Nothing definite was done till the meeting held Feb 3rd. 19l?,when it was orlieTed iI' That the Constable be authorized to p.rocure a suitable book,and typevlrite tl~e m~nutes o~ the old Counc~l meetings, commencing ,with the First Council elected ,in' 1874." 111 ta:king up' this '[\fork I vV,ish to ~aY'J that I proIiose fo copy: . the said minutes 8.S nearly as ·possi1.)1~ '-;7' t}-ley appear in the original, e;i ving thesawe spelling and phra,seology, as v~as used by those entle- men so many years ~BO; Should a word of explanation be needed at , any place,it will be given in brackets ( thus) and initialled by me. With those few words of introduction I will now con~ence ~he work ,assigned me. Very truly yours Chief Constable. , . '"""-. ~ --.... "·2 The followine are t~e Councillors elected at the first Municipal election for the Corporation of the Township of haple Ridge held at the residence of John liclver Esq on the 3rd .day of October 1874. G.Howeson \'J .Harris John Bell J-• }:i.cKenrtey Henry Dawson Thomas Henderson John HaJI11ao nd , W.H.Burr. Returning Officer • . :.:&&&,:1c&&&&&&&&&&&&,:(:&&&&&:&2c&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&:c.:&&(.:~:,:~& John Harfl.mond proposed, and J'ohn Bell seconcled the noroination of G. Hov.reson. Ylellin{:·ton Harris Vias proposed by Henry Dawson, seconded by J" ahn B~ll. J-ohn Bell was pro})o sed by G. HovTeson, s ec:on(i_ eo_ 'by J. Har.mlOnd. G.HoVJeson proposed J' .]JJcKenny, seconded by r:ellinston Harris. H.Dawson was proposed by·G.Howeson,seconded by J.kcIver. T.Henderson VIA.S proposed l)y H.Da, .. vson, second e<l by W .Harris; No other candidates beine propospd the Returnin~ Officer'declared the above seven'eentle- Ben duly elected to form the first Council of the Corporation of the TovJnship of }!iaple Ridge ~. J,iiaple Hidr;e, Oct 3rd 18.?4. Linutes of the Statutory Lee,ing of t~e first Municipal Council of t~e Tov"v'nship of 1:aple Ridge, held at the residence of l£.r J'ohn Lclver at 1 p.rn.on Saturday October lOth 1874. 'Present a full.Board viz,Howison, Ha:cr is, Bel 1 J lj~cKenney, Dawson, Henderson, Har;Jn1Ond; L.otion· No 1. John Eell moved and 'l'h01~:,as Henderson seconded & unanil:.ously carried that \lellint~ton Ha.rris be elected \"'arden of the COY':l)ol'ation of the Township of Uaple Ridge. No 2 I .. oved by J.Bell,seconded by W.J.Howison & carried that J.Thorne be Clerk to the JiiLunic ipa1 ,Council of tl1.e 'IO'i,':(lShip of Laple Ridf"i:e. VI • J-• Haxr is. ':[ 8.l'0. en. :~·o 3. The Clerk :cead the Bill of e'xpenses of the Fet-\lrninE~ Officer at the fir!:~t ::unicipal Blectio!1 of the Township of r.B,pIe E.idcp.,$13.5'o 'tne Council orJered it accepted. \! . J-• H ar r is. '..' ar cl en. IJo 4.' Loved by Henderson, seconcLed by l'~cKe:r1ney 3.nd c8.rried that the Clerk apply to the Provincial SecTet8.ry for seven co~)if'.s of the . Statutes of }-~ri tish COluJ'llbia for tlle use of t~ne' t:e..ple Sid2'e 1'ova1ship Council, also for Cl. copy of t.le Consolid8.ted f3t"atutes of the DOIJ1inioYl '0 f C 2.n a(l 8 • 1.~;. J-.H2.rris·. Ur~.rd.eY1. l-10 5. Loved by H.D8V1s0n,f3'2C0Y1(:ed cy 11.Henc3erson 8.nd. ccn··:c i ec1.,th8.t·the Cl er}:: "l1rocnre stationery (~!:c sufficient for i".ilP us~ of tilE Cou.ncil. \;' • J • HR.!'!' is. ".,s,rd Rn •. ... ;:.. .. Octloth IG74 80n- No 6. Moved 1~y Yl.J .l-Iowison, seconded cy H.Davison & carried thc.tt the Warden, J.l~ell"T.LJcKefu1ey,'.l.Henderson and J·.Hammond be a,ppoint~d a: to revise Hules of Ordel~. .. W.J.Harris.Warden. (~en strokes through thi·s No 6 indicates its cancellatio!l later-ffi.tf) J.Thorne,Clerk to the Council. No 7. lfloved by l' .Hend.er-son &: seconded by J. Bell that tl1:e next rneeting of the Iiaple Ridge 'l'ownship Cou.ncil shall be held at t}-le residence of G.Howison Esq.,Maple Ridge~at noon,on the first Satu:rday in l'Joyeml?er 18'74. W·. J • Harr is. Wa.r-CL en. Jas Thorne, Clerk. Nov~mber 7th 1874 . . Minutes of the Meeting of Municipal:Council of the Copporation of the 1'ownship of Jliaple Hidr:;e,held at Mr W .J" .Howisons Saturday Noy 7th 1874 present a full board.,viz,'rhe Warden,Counls,HaJ.'ornond,I':ell,Howison, Davlson, Henclersan, McKenney·. No 1. Moved .by Councillor Eell,seconded by Councillor W.J.Howison & carried,the expenses· of the first Council Election be paid by t~e said Counci~. P~id; N~ 2 •. Minutes of precedin3 meeting read & approved~ Moved by CounCillor· Bell & seconded by Councillor McKenney & carried,that thi following Rules' of Order be received & entered on the P.C. book. Carried; , I HO 3. J~oved ~y Councillor·llcKenney,seconded ~y Coun Bell tbat a road f'ortl1wi th be made alonr: t:ae line between Mr Nlclvers & Hr HarnYtlonds la,nd, a di,sto.l1ce. of one [I)ile .. Col"ijJneneing a.t a point on tile }t'raser &. runninG due north~ Carri~d; (.Pen strokes through this iddicates its c8.Ylcel1a:tion la~er":~&~ ~ Rul~s of Order fbr ReGulating the Meeti~gs and Ge~eral C~nduct of ih~' Busi:ness of tiie Hunivipal Cou·ncil of the Township of ji£.aple Ridge; .;,:, .. ,\. :'::' ," 1st. ~hat ~ll m~etinss~other than special or adjourrted,shall be held at the residence of hlr.W.J.Howison,once a month,on Saturdays, at l·p.m.unlessotherwise ordered by ~he Cotincil. All questions of, adjournment and others may,s~ve Wher~Qtherwi~e expressed,be done .. and decidecL by t:ile YJ.ajority 'ofthe Y:1emb'er~, who· shall be pre~-)ent. , 'l'he v/hole numc-er· of rnC1'Il-08!·· s at such meeting not ... being leG,S than 4.;. ....... -.. .......... Duties and Priv.ileges of·the Warden or Presiding:Offic~T: -~~ 2rtd 'To open tlle meeting at the stated tirae by taking the ohair ·,r and. caliinc: t~le meml~ers to orr:er, he shall preserve order, a.nd ender:'..vour to cODcluct ·all. business "before t~ne Council ,to a speedy & proner result;and in the:2tsence of the WardeD,suclYCouncillor as 111e-111er:fbf?rs of the. IJ.:.,uhicipal Cou.l1eil then a~,se:rn-r)led shall choose to- t.e the Chair:ra;:<.l1 of· t:l.at meet·iile; f:i1131l ·.:l8:ve. a. ce,sting vote ·in all C;'}~3es of equality of··y.Q-tes,·but not "ot~H-::cr.'i::,'.e,,;"',n({:.:~lc'l,ve· r-:tnd exer'cise 1, all the powers of the Warden,as though he,the Warden were present at such meeting; He shall state every question properly to the Council,ancl before 11utting ~t to a vote shall .::t.sk. Il~s the COUYlc:+l ready for the question?".should no member'offer to ~r~uk,h~ shall put it, :tm:XXNXE a.fter v/hich no member shall' 'ge permi ttecl to SIJeak ','}, . upon it. It shall be the'duty of the presiding officer and the pri yilege of any member of the Council to call 8. mern1Jer to arc} er who violates an established rule of order. c / l~otice o,f E;usiness. 3:['0. That the Clerk pdblicly exhi b1 t all notices of business for such period of time as m.ay ela.pse betwE¥~n each meet~ng: ot:" the C,?UYlcil. I Order of ProQeeding~. • I 4th. That at all meetLngs of the Council the Clerk shall read first the minute's of the pre\vious Council meeting, tl~e said minutes to be a approved or 8.IIlended aYi\i adopted. He shall, t~1en read any communicn,tlons which have been receiv~d since the last meeting relating to the bus- iness of the Council'. '~hat a:fter tl}e rninutes of the previous .meeting and comlQunications hav~ been read,the business of which due notice has 1J0:en given, shall lie taken up;after which Reports of Cornrnittees shall be taken up in t~e grde~ ~n which they ,have been received. M.ode 0 f Vo tine;. 5th That the Council vote on all questions by sho~ o~ hands exqept • r •• :~ ,,:. t:l':lat on demand of any memcer the Clerk shall call the roll G,.nd record XXI! the Yeas .and· Hays. Mot~on to be Moved and Seconded. 6th. ,'I'h.at no motion or amendment, be entertained by the Council but such as has been moved and seconded, and deliveied to the Clerk in 0titing,and sirned by'the mover,That no motion so received b~ v/ithdrawn except by consent of the Council. ' Order of Speaking. 7th That no membel' of the Council sllall' speak more than on.ce to the same question, except in explanation, or the mover of uti1e motion in l'eply,wb.ich reply shall conclude tne discussion. Arnendments. '/~:" 8 That an amendnlent being moved,no member of the Council 'lJ:'no has ~;~~'<~.'I~:I;-e'-"rlt s~oken to the orie;inal motion can spec;J~ again, until the ~1mend- J·,_U 113.S been put' and lier,;ome the arrlel1uc:d mo tion 1::efo1'e the Council. <No .. member shall movE? more than one amendment to the same mo~iqn. Conrrnittee of the Vvhole. 9tl~' 'I;hat t:t.1e COl.H1Cil may l;y vote resolve its~~f into a cormLittce of {(le v/nole, and while in Committee there shall l:;e no restrictions ., ____ ~-~ the number of times a member of the Co·uncil may speak to the ~~.--,-. 'question. '-"" . Mo t i on s ta.ken up by the Mover. ~, loth 1'he business 11n(\81' a.:ny nel tice uI)on file shall not ·~e take.n up in . the absence of Finymember in vlhose name :Lt ·stands,l.>.nless he ha.s p' i yen autb.or i ty in Vl!" i tinv that it. should be ta)cen up l;y some 0 ther !1:Eml::;er of t:'le Council. .. .. ,. rrotested. 11th rl'hat no protest,or expressj.on of otjJ'XRX~~MX clissent,l)e entered on the iDinutes o'f the Council. Titles of Members. 12th :rhatthe me:mbers of t~(le °C01.:tl1cil s}lall stEul<l when Sl)er~kiYlt;, and shall speak of each other in the Council, during the transaction of busines$,ty the title of "Councillor". Decorum. o 13th That no member of the Council sh~ll use any improper ot personal language tovJards any other member or reflec t upgon any prior deter:minations of the Council. Vlhen two or more members ris~ to speak at the same time,the Chairman shall decide who is entitled to the floor. Committee.s. lL1,t,}1 The Counc il lYla'y , out 0 f their own ljody, from' time to time, apyo in t such, and so Elan-v commi ttees as they ma.y think fi t for' any pur- pose which in the dis~retio11 of the lLunicipal Council would be better regulated Cl,nel managed by. mesns of such cOlijmi ttees. The .Warden s11a.ll be ex-officio a member of all committees. 15th That in all cases tv.[o members shall form a quorunLof any co!'nmitt~~ appointed by the C.ouncil, the first Councillor nOIned in anycom- mi t tee to be chairr!1an.' Reports of Committees. 16th All reports of Commi ttees s.hall be made in writing. Adjournment. 17th A motion to adjourn shall always be in order,except,when a mem- ber is in possession of t:cle floor,or vihen a. vote 'i·s being taken. rI'o A,mend Hules of Order. 18th That no Hule of Order,or By-lavv shall be ultered,oX' amended, until notice has been given inOwriting at least ODe QeetirlG pre~ious, 3011r5. no ,alteration or awenqment s:nall be acted upon unless affirmed 'by a vote of tne Council. Honor of Councillors. 19th That. no member of the Council v'Jhen not convened at an apIJointel~ meeting of the Council shall in a.ny wise speak sl2.nderou-slY,or evil,·of any other member of the CO'LH1cil,or of any of i .. ts officers,or incautiously or impud~ntly of any' of its concerns. ... .... ...,-... 20th ~ ~:~his By-law rnay 1Je ' cited for all purpo ses CJ.S liThe By-law for ~re~uluting the meetines and the general· conduct of business of the Eunicipa.l Council of the Township of Ii;aple Ridge l'~lunicipal Council this :5th da,y' of December 18'74. ..so J .• rrho rne J VI . J: • HaJ"r is. 'l'o,Nrlship Clerk. Ylarden. '5 ..... .J 6 Minutes Dec 5th 1874. 1-!lihutes of the Eeeting of the Eunicipal Council of the Township 9.f Maple Ridse held at the residence of ~r W~J.Howison,Sat Dec 5th 1874. Present the Warden, Councillors LcKenney. Da;wson, Howi son .liende'rson, Bell & Hammond. binutes of previous meeting read and corrected. LLOvedk by Councillor Dawson,', seconded by Councillor EcKenney that the resolution passed a.t the last meeting for a line of Road betwe~n Mr Mclvers land and tha.t of Mr Hrunmoncl lie cancelled. Carried. Moved by Co~nci11orEell & seconded by Councillor W.~.Howison that the road now to be clade run parallel with the railroad survey from a point on the prair!ie until it strikes the government road & thence use the povernmenV roac3_ 3.S far as far as t.l~le COLncil may think proper. Carried; / --~- Moved~y Councillor Bell & seconded by Councillor Henderson, that ltli" Mclv9~ be appointed assessor for t,~1is l:lunicipa.l~ty. Carri eel; /'" "- l'Eoved by Counc illor I\j;cKenney and s econ(_ ed -by Councillor that tha.t the tenders 'for rlJaking; the road be at once wacle out, the work cO!llrtJenced forthwith, and a cornrnittee of three apI)ointed to layout the road viz-The :Warden and Councillors Hammond and hlcKenney. Carried; I~roved Councillor Bell,and ,carried to th~ Lunicipal Council of ~.Thorne. by Councillor hlcKenney and secoiv_!,ed "by: that Mr J·ohn Elclver -be appointed Assessor Maple Ridge. Carried; W • J • .H;arr is. Clerk to Council. Warden. t Unexplained why 2 motions were made appointing as.sessor ~(}1~ ) Minute~ pec 19th.1874. :ril"inutes of the meeting of the £Jjunicipill Council of the Township of };;aple Hidge.held at the residence of lilr W.J".Howison. Sa.t December 19th 1874. Present the Warci.en,Councillors \Y.J·.HoVlison, McKenney & Hanllnonc1.. J,'cinutes of previous meetinR; read and approved. Loved by Counc:i.llor McKenney that the Council appoint the Warden & Councillor McKenney to ,dra,ft out the. tenders for X.NE If}a.king the proposed road 8,nd the work to be pushed forward with the least possible delay. Carried; j~;loiJed by Councillor VI. J .Howison a,nd seconded by Councillor Hmnmond and cc.:u'ri ed that the Court of Revision be "held on the 6th da.y of reb- ruary.18?5. Moved by Councillor McKenney.seconded by·Coun W.J'. Howison & carried,that the Revised Statutes for .1872-3-4 be purchased for the use of the Council. . Council adjourned tdll Sat next. By-law to regulate the duties of the Assessor. (19th Dec l8?4) Wher.ee,s it is eXlledient to regulate the duties of t.rle A!;-~sessor of tile 'T 0 ,pn ~ hi r 0 f T ,j ~ -,--1 Cl pi r1 c)' e -...... L ... ~ _C<.j:-I_'" --.~ ;,,;, • Be it enaRted by t.ne liiunicipal< Councii":b,f-, the To\vnsllip of Maple Ridee:- Asse~,sor • 1 .i~\. S p. E~ ,'.' , ~; 0 I' i" 0 Or) I~ e'-(-, ~, -l. .... (.'0 ." c: co c' C, 0,", "1'''' pY", t l' C) l·L 0 f' 1 1 I' r-:1 1 --. ~ .., ~ ' ... ~ 0. .. (" .... )...., •. -." . .' !, '-' L l _ ~ et._ . .; c .. e s te .. t e. He 'sL.tl.ll " I i, i prepare an Assessment.Roll givin~ the value of all real estate and improvem.ent f:3 wi"t.hin tfLe TIt'luni r; :Lp.Etl i ty ,and tS:P ec i fy ing the nUJ:nlJer () f the, Lot,or l'Ja.rt of lot,H.ccording to the Officio,l mal), Bi.z.e of the same', together Y/ith the name"of,·the owner,or owner~j,8nd return the sa.id. roll to. the Cl.er1\: of the l',:;unicipa..l Council by the 19.th of J)ec em.ber, 18',74. 2 He shall place in a separate column on the said Roll,all the real estate upon which no irnprovemente have been made,and all lots which are not fenced in,or lots which have been fenced in and are not k~pt 1n repair,shall be considered un-im~roved propertY,and te liable to special tax a~ such. 3 He shall prepare a.. ro 11 0 f a).l persons res id en t in the ILuni c :i.pa.l i '!Y' who are taxable therein. W • J' • Har r is. J' • Thorne Viaeden. Clerk to Council. l 8888888888588888888888888888888888888888888888888588 Minutes of the Maple Ridge 'Iowl1ship Council held at the residence of Mr W.J·.Howison Sa.t December 26 1874 present a full b08Jrd,viz ,'The Warden, cO'L1.:Clcillors Hov/ison, 13e11, Hammoncl, T,jlcKenney, Dav'Json and Henderson. Hinv:tes of previous meeting read. & a.dopted.. Councillor McKenney proposed that the road about to be made,be let out ,to one .contrEctor to finish the work, ~;econded. by Councillo.r ,Bell and motion ca.rried. l'ioved by Coun Dawson & seconded by Counci.llor I:i1cKenne;y, tha.tthe, r8.te '1evied shall be one a.nel one he.lf pe,r cent on the assessed v8,lue. Carried. Moved by Councillor Bell,and seconded by Councillor McKenney,that the Clerk be paid fifteen dollars for his services during the present year. l'.iot.ion Car-rice) .• The Asses so re 13ill for s ta tione:cy to the aYIloun t of 1$ 86~~ c en t s .~ccepted by' the .Council. Moved by Coun Bell,that the polling for the Councillors for the next years Council be helcl at noon on the second l,llonday in J'ant1ary next in the 60:nool house a.t }Aaple .Rid~:e. H.r 'l'horne to be the Heturninf~ Officer The Returnin~ Officers pay to be three dollars.~otices of the election to be :posted u.p at the: post office and elsevlhere. Iilotion Carried • . J. 'rhorne Cler-k. VI • J • Earr is. W o..rcl en. The first -meeting of the municipal council of the 'l'ownship of l!:.aI)le Ridge for the ye~r 1875 was held in the school house Jan l~~~embers present.The Varden,councillors J.Howison,J.Eell.F.Eates.J.Mclver. J .• HaJ'DTnO nO. • On motion of J.Howison the office of clerk was put up at auction and resulted in the appointment ~f H.Dawson. ~ "'--Motion by J .Bell that J'BJ(JeS Thorne. " , 'Ghe returr': .. 1- . . l.Lllf' clerk ce settled :8 with for his past services, Approved. Dotion by J.Bell that the retiring clerk be requested to hand pver all books ~nd papers belonging to the ItuD,i cip8.l i ty to his' sue c es SOl". Cl er k • vr • loT • H ar:c is. Henry Dawson. Warden. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 'The followinE are the Councillors elected at .the Second 1/lunicip2~l jG "Election for the Corporation of the 'l'ownship of J/1aple Hidge, held at the School house l'~aple Ridge,Monda.y J·an. 11th 1875. Wellington Harris, J'ohn IicKenney J·ohn· r:ell W.J·.Howison J'ohn; T/;clver Fraric i s I,a te s J'ohh Hammond.. / I ( Warden. J.Thorne Returning Officer. , . Mr Henderson proposed & Mr Bell seconded the nOl~ination of ~r Welling- ton Harris; ,Mr J'ohn Llckenney was proposed bYe_hLr Da.wsol1 & seconded by Mr Harr:Ls; Mr Bell was proposed by lvlr Howison & seconded ty l~lr lli1clver'. hr W.J.Howison was proposed ~y llir Bell & seconded by Mr W.Harris. j',:r W.J·.Howison prOl)Osec1. and Hr Harris seconded the. nomination, o{ Mr John Mclver; Mr liarris proposed & Mr W.J.Howison seconded the nom- ina,tion of ~r ~ranci6 Bates. Mr Harris ~roposed & Mr Be1l second~d the nominRtion of Mr John Hammond. , Nr Wellington Rarris was elected Warden of the Corporation of the rr'owDship of Laple Hid.ge. xxY:YXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ\XXXXXXXXX)(XXXXXX.xx Leeting of the I\:iaple ~{idge Council held on Satul'day Feb th6 (le75) present the \v'arc1en Councillors J·.Howison J'ohn }jell J·.He..rnmond tJ Mcrvel' F Bates, M'Butes of last meeting read and approved. Moved by J.Bell seconded by J.Mclver that a line ~f road be laid out on the side line between the lands. of H.Dawson and VI l~elson, to inter- sect the Government road already constructed. Moved by John Eell seconded by John hcIver and resolved, That the Government be r,equested .to 'plclce upon ,the estimates the ~,um of t:v;o thousand dollars for the use of the Haple Hidge I!",~uni.cip~:=j,lity, the sn.me to be expended in the following manner uponK Et roa.d running through the settlement parallel with the Fraser River and on or near its bank;Also in opening up side lines where rEquired. Henry DaVJsoD. W • J' • Harr i 8 • . ,'" ~ The fourth Yflf;cting of the l!.cq)le Hidge Coun~'il was held in t.he scnool ,9 hause onth ~ixth of march,members present, the Warden, councillors J'.Bell,J".He.Jf!Jn:mmd.,J'.ILclver, W.J".HoViison. (the number of thi,s I!le~tj.ng is 'wrong.l~1..~t I give it as written -fp,I?) l~inutes of last rneetlY!.C read and apPI·oved. Motion by J.Bell that the council take into consideration t~e te~ms that the Covernment have laid before the council in connectlon Yiltb the reclaiming of Pitt beadows. (No seconder shown ) Motion by J.Bell,a collector and treasurer at the next meeting in Apr il. ('Very vague, Nos eco nd er shown 19. r!?) Moved by J" .Bell second.ed by J' .Mclver tha.t the taxes of the Maple Hidge Township "be collected on or l;efore the first day of J'une. W. J". Rarrie.. Clerk. Ws.rden. XXXyy.xXXXJ(X:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:X:X:X:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXX:XXxxx:xxxxxxxx Fourth "-F~ftR-Meetine; of the J'/:aple Hidge' C01J.ncil held in the school haue,e April the 3.present the Warden Councillors Howison.Bell.Mclver Bates and Hrunmond. Minutes of'laat meeting read and approved., Moved by J.Bell seoonded by J.Mclver·that John Brough be appointed treasurer for the present year with a salary of twentyfive dollars. Moved. by John }"3ell second.ed by J • Hammond that Council do not 13xcept John McKenneys resignation on account of ill health,and that a coppy of this motion be'sent to him as a mark of respect. Motion by J'ohn HaJI1rfJond that the Clerk be instructed to ass€l'tain when the survey of Township No 9 will be completed. l':1otion by 'J"ohn Lell seconded by J-ohn I'llclver, thgt H.J)awson lie appointed'collector for:the present"year. It was forr;]ally mo ved, seconded. and resolved that VI.Harris. J' .Bell. &: J-• Ha.rnmoncl be al)poirlted as roe,d commi ttee. Henry DawsoD. W.J.Harris. ~lerk. ' W2rden. z~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi r. .J -F'El.~k-}:~eeting of Maple Hidge Council held in the school house, present the Warden councillors J' .Bell. J • Ham,mond ; F .Bates; J' • Hov!i son; Moved by J.Bell seconded by J.Hammond that the road board go out wi thin two "H:~eks time a.nd look out the best line of rOCld a.,nd report ,to the Council in due time their progrer-j S. .}' ' Moved by J'.Bell seconded by J'.Hammond that the Council rne~~ in two we,cks from thi s elate -~ '. , ,.,; Henry Dawson.' (No dates given for above meeting /,., /;) \ /(J/. f· ) W • J" • Harr is. 'V/aI'den. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:Z .. XXXXX~',XX:XXXXXx.xxxx:xXXX)~XXXXX/XX:X,XXXXXX:XXX:>~:XX)O( ": .; ~u. Sixth Eeeting of the Maple Hidge Council held in th.e schoolhouse. May·2nd. (Not sure of d.ate -Y.I? ) liller~lbE?rs presel)t the V/arden,McKenney Bates.Hammond.Bell.and Howiso~. Min of last meeting rea4 & app~oved. l\l~oved by J-• Iv1cKenney seconded by J .• Bell that 8, roa.d be laid out on the side between the property of VI • Ha.1nYl!ono. and J .Mei ver to' ta,p the trunk road. Also that a line 0 f road be lq,id out between the lands 'of Er Lindsey and M.r Campbell running t~ the Pit Iiea.dows from t.le trunk road. roved by VI.Howison that a road be l:-3,id out on Sic1_€ .~ine between the lands of W.Howieon and Justus HowisoQ. }.floved by J-.Bell seconded r;y J-.Hernmolld th2"t a line·~of road be la.id out pa~allel with. the Fraser river and not nearer to the river than the rear of the first lots on the river bank. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX A Meeting: of t'Lle l:1aple Hidge Counc:i.l was he'ld in the school house May the 31 present the Warden.J.McKenney. J-Bell.J· Ha.mmond F.:Ba.tes. ': ~; , Linutes of last meeting read a.nd approved. VIhen tenders were invi ted {' for the constrv.ction of road from VI • Hammonds and J .]\ilclvers on t11e }'raser river to the Pit Meadow-s,also spec-J..2fica.t·i-6hs for the clea,rin~ choping and grading said road. _to , s 'Mov'ed 'by J·.Bell seconded by J·.H8.mmoncl t~(la,t 8, COljPY of the spe(::ific8,tion for t.he construction of a. ]V~aple Ridge r03,d. be sent to the ]~ditors of the r.;:.ainland Guardia.n a.nd P Herraid for insertion in their pa.pers. W.J.Harris. Henry ])a"vson. Warden. ~: }QfXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXx.xxxxXXXXX)(.xxxxxx A meeting of"'~ithe Maple Ridge Council held in the school house J·une the 12 IVlembers 'present the Vlarden, J·.J3ell; J·.Han:mond: :b'.}3ates; TI.J.Howison. J.McKenney. Dinutes of last meetine read a.nd approved. M6ved by·J.Bell·seconded by J.Hammond that t~nder5 bE received,opened and rea.d. . rI' enders were oppened and rea.d in the fo 1~6wing order, First I-I.Da\.vson $4.12 per chain. 2 J .'rhorn 4.?5 11 11 ~ ,syson & -' Ferguson 4.'75 " 11 After some diss0ssion it w~B'urianimously aGreed H.Dewson.should be aVJarded the contra.et and the following tuesday Vlf'<.S fixed ·as the c1.8_Y for signing the bonds. J.;~ove(l hy tT .Bell seconded by J .• H8rnrnond tb.at the government be reQuested to place to the credit of "the council the amount granted to the Municipality of Maple I~idge. Moved by J·.IV!,?Kenney a~d resolved the piece of road rlJYlning "between Rendersons and Campbells be mD.,de till strikes the prairie, comrnen'cing s.t the roar: nc)w laid out, a.Iso t.h[~,t 10[,:8 be cut a.nd· a pathwr:-:'Y rnad.e from s8.id road across the praj.rie till it joins the high la,nd [l,t Mr Harris's ~ Henry Dawson Vi •• J . Harr i? . '!' .... J.~ D 9 A lieeting of the Council of Maple Ridge was hel~ in the School house, F,embers preBent the \7arden.HaJIlYr10ncl.. I~a.tee .• Howison,.}LcKenney and }~cIver. Jiinutes la~)t meetinp:' read and approved. (No d.8.te e;i yen for t~nis meeting ~ f ) Moved by J' .l\ilcKenney seconded by F .Bates tha.t a. road be construct.ed on the side line between the property of Campbell and Henderson,also that a pathway be made from the end of this rO(;1,d running \vestwrol . .rd accI'O ss tile pr<-lirie till it stY"ike~). the high land at If:.r Har-ris the pathw8,Y to be ma .. de of one row of 10t~S joined tOf-};:ether at the' end and fl~~fd on top. . J'.Mc (dont give na.me~P) moved in 8 .. mend,ment that the pathway be composed of two logs placed side "by 8i(le and. fa .. stened together with f~Hr inch battons. The council adjourned to meet on the first Saturd8.y in J·uly. Henry DaVifson. W.J.Harris. XXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ:\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx):."xxxxxxxx 10 Beeting of the },'18.111e Ridge C01;;lYlcil vvas held in t11e' school house ( No date gi yen -Z;;~ memr)el".s present. tb.e Warden, 138,t:es Howi~.on. McKenney.HruDmond and Bell.Minutes of last me~ting~ead & approved. On motion of NLcKenney it 'WG,S agreed: to rece~ve, open, B.nd recJd the :t tendeI'~3 of which notice has been given. Tenders were accordingly , , d . openeCl ann rea .. Moved by J.Bcll that in the opinion of this council the tenders are two high and therefore cannot be excepted. On motion J.Bell the council adjourned, to meet on the first satur- day in August. W.J.Harris. Henry Da.wson. 11 IliLcetine: of the municipal council of Maple Ride;e \va.s held in the' school house August th? .1ilemrJers present, the Warden, councillors Bell.HamnlOnd .M,ckenney and Hoy·!i son. Moved (JY J' .Bell seconded 1JY J' • Harn:mond that the tender of J Welsh and.-company. be excepted for the construction of the township line road. also that the tender of T.Benderson for the construction of line of road bet"veen Ca.mp'bells and Hendersons be aCCel)ted. ' . Henry DaFson. 'VI. J'. Harr is. Warden. 12 l::eetinc of the 1<~unicipal Council of iJlC:l.ple RicJ.g;e Vlr'-S held in schuoJ,. house AUf~~ust the 21 lLernbers present the Vfarc:len.Councillors J3ell. HElJ1"lYnO nd .l-tcKenney & How i son. ' .,.. -~ ~'. NDved by J.Howison and seconded ~y J.McKenney that J.Thorns tender for corduroying a certain road at the upset price at $8.50 dollars per ,chain be accepted. Moved by J". HaJmnond. second ed -ljY J' ~Bell that t end er t3 be cel.lled fa r the constr~ction of a roa~ running parallel wiih Fraser River 86 chains followine the section line as surieyed to its junction with t 0 vln s hi 1') 1 in e • YI • J' • 11 a r r is. Henr5r Da'l,'Js.on. Warden. :Moved by John Bell ai1cl second.ed by J ~Hcumi1ond that t:he tender of W. Smith be accepted for the construction of the section line road at three dollars and fifty cent per chain. The Council then adjourned. Henry D8.VJSon. W.J'.}Io'Wison. );'00 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 14 lileeting of Maple Hidge Municipa.l Council held in the school house October 23 Members pr'esent the Y!arden, Councillors I-Iowison,Helson. Hinch.Henderson.McKenney and Bell. (How the new men got in the council there is nothing to show1;.dP)Ho 1 lAoved l)y T,Henclerson seconded by J' • Hammond that the C01lector H.Dawson be l'equested tQ h~J.nd over to the Treasurer within one week from date ~ll moneys in his possession belonging to the Municipality,otherwise legal>pr:oceedings will .be tal{en to recover S8.1fle. , Ho 2 'l'~'1oved by 1', Henderson seconded by J .Bell:we· except tile peti tion for construction of a ro~d up the river. no 3 }iloved by J .Bell seconded by J-• HaT[lJnond that the co'llector be requested· to ent er sui t· against all tho S e resident IJarti es t~nat have not already paid their taxes, in order that the, said taxes may be handed over to the treasurer before the q~ose of the season. No ·4 JiAoved by John Bell seconded by J-ohn Hammond that the Warden be requested to hand over to the Treasurer all moneys in his possession in one weeks time. I propose that a sheet be made out shewing the expenses, also the amount of money to be received as taxes & the balance in hand. by J-ohn N,cKenney. Henry Dawson. V.J.Harris Vjarden. Y,-,UXX:X_'X,XXXXXXXYJOCXXZ.xXXXXXY,.:XX:X.:XXX:~C{,XXXXXXXXXXXX , - 15 lleeting of J:Jlaple Hidge council held in tHe school hou.se November the 6 IVlembers present tile councillors Hinch.Hov:ison.HeJ'ornono.. IJ elson.IJicKenney .Henderson and Bell.- IV"oveo. 'by Mr Bell second,eel by Hanunond the road Eoard 8.stiTnate the cost of C"onstructing a trail along the ri veI' ba.nk from the Llaple Ridge school house to Canaka creek. VI • J' • H ar r is. Henr~r Da~son. W8,rden. xxxx:-xxx:x:xxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXy,.:xxxxxxxx:·cx.:;(:;(XXy;zxxx" --.. - 16 l':eeting of the Ma.ple Rid.ge Council held in the-school [.lol.ls'e J:an' . _ ,the 5. present the 'harden, councillors Bell. E~ . .mmond .Howison Hineh a.nd Henderson. Moved by J-.Bell sec by J .Hammond . tllat the trea~urers salary be pai~. }\loved by J .LeIl' sec l;y 'J-• Ha;,;moncl that J .J.3ro1:'.gh l]e ar;I)olnted a.s return-:- ing off:Lcerx at the election of councillors for t}~le I.·~.unicip8..1ity or .. -j. .. ' I"D :Uaple Ridge for' the year lb'76. I~oved by J" .I,ell·. sec by .:r lI2..1l'lY!10nd that clerk be settled with in full for tne ~lount of $2~·.25. I'Loved by Hinch sec 'cy ~ .Hkinaiel~son that clerk be' paid $,.15' in a,C}dition to sta,ted. salary for PEJ.st yec?.r services. Henry DawsoD. JaJoes Wrn Sinclair. V!arc1.cn. Clerk of Municipality. The first meeting of the Maple Rid.ge Council v.'as held in the School house Jan 22nd.6 present.The Warden & councillors Howison,liinch, Nelson,Hende~sonJDclver & Ba~er. Moved by J"onh IvlcI ver·, seconded by YI .. N el s'on & carr i ed. tha t Iv1r J'rune s Sinclair act 8.S clerk for t~i"1e sum of $25.00. Moved. LY ·J·ohn IJclver, seconded by Thoe Henderson 'tnat :Mr Brollgil be 'be appointed 7reasury for the cur:r:ent year at $25.00. V" Moved by Thos IIenderson,seconded by J.Hinch th~t Mr Howison be palQ the sUJn of ~~3 .l2J for work done showing Nil' Greyell land & the balance to be lai(J, over till t.l1e next meetinc. lvloved by Jo.tln },lclver, seconded by Mr Baker that John Hinch Le :pa31.d. the sum of $342.50 the sum. being in full for work done. Moved ty ~r Howison seconded by hlr Henderson that Mr Hinch be paid $3.50 for making 1 chain of road on Town line,& $2.00 also for look- ing over roa.d. Moved, seconded & carried that Mr Harris be notified by the Clerk to hand in a.ll moneye· belonE,ing to th!2Co1.l.ncil of }J~aple Bidge a.t once. Moved by John Mclver.seconded by John Hinch that Messrs Howison,Baker & Henderson be appointed. road commi ttee for the year, one to t·e called at a time unless ordered by the. Council. M~~ed by John Hinch,seconded by J.Mclver that the road committee to lo6k over the River road to Thorns Creek & look out the ~est place tor a bridge over Kanaka Creek & m~ke the deviation and report at next si tt.ing, also to SEe the test way to build trj.clges. hoved by J"ohn LcIver second.eel. by' J"o.hn Hinch that the estimates be sent off at once. Boved by John kclver,secon(~ed by John Hinch that the Government place upon tne estimates the sum of $3000 for---tfle use of Maple Rid.ge Council. ~ Moved, seconded ~ car~~eti that the meeting adjourn~ -'. J' ai[.'. e s Y/rn Sin c 1 air •. I-ienry Dawson .. Clerk. Viarden • • oS' 2nd meeting of the'Maple Ridge Council held in the school house February 5th 1876. 6 present. The Warden & Councillors Ho~is~n, Bclver,Nelson,Hinch,Henderson & Baker. 'Moved in 81nendment by John Hinch seconded by I'llI' Ba}~eI' tha.t this, Council reject the road laid out by road'committee across Kanaka Creek. },loved by J'ohn }\ilclver, seconded by Mr Baker', that the roa.d comrni ttee look over the road proposed in ~lendment by John Hinch next \Vednesday. Moved by Thos Benderson seconded by J'ohn i:iinch that the in"otion of last meeting for three of a road committee be rejected & a board of works of all the council & warden be adopted. lh.oved by J'ohn l£.clver' seconded by V/~lliam Nelson that' an appropriation be granted bv the Council to construct a road from Br Broughs to --'the Indian L~dge on the Ri ver. Moved by John Bclver seconded by W.Nelson that a by-law be made for a.ll work to l)e 1Ft out by Tender this ye8.r by ,the Co'uncil. , . Moved cy J'ohn kclver seconded by J'ohn Hinch that the road cor:mlittee be, paid at the rate of $2.50 ,per day for their services - (Pen strokes through this indica.tes its cancellation ,=tf,~) Moved by Mr Mclver Seconded byMr Renderson that llessrs Howison, Hinch,& Baker look over tYle road from Kanaka Creek to } .. }r Bakers & bring in a repo~t next meeting. Moved, seconded & carried that ~e adjourn. J' aJlles vIm Sinclair Henry Daws,on. ,Clerk of Uunicipal Council. xx.xXX)C'X.t"O'U'C<:x.xXXXXXXXX.XXXXXY..xxxxxx.xXY ... x.xxx.xXYY..:O'~(XXXXXXX:XXXX ~rd meeting of the Maple Riclge Council held int.:.le School house IVLarch 4th 1876. 4-present. T,he Warden & Councillors Howis~n. Eenderson.Hinch.and Nelson. Moved by Thomas Hend,erson seconded b} J-ohn Hincli tilat tne nwtion of last meeting in relation to paying the road co:mwi ttee be cancelled. Moved by Vl.J .Howison s,:"conded by John Hinch that the ro'ad examined by the road commi tt.ee be adOI)ted. Moved by Thomas Henderson seconded ~y John Hinch that William Nelson & Henry Dawson be al")pointf,'d, to inspect the plac:efor a bridge on the quarter section line between Hr Shepards & Mr Freeman & also to let the building of the said bridge if parties residing near by .be agreed "vith for ,the con~3tr1...1ction of the scune. -go ~. M,ove, r:y Thomas, Benderson seconded by Yr.,T.Hov;ison.,~,'hat this council hand over to M~ Morrison to collect all monies,book~,papers &c belong- ing to s8,id council now in })o ssession of W. J .Harris late Ward.en of ~aple Ridge Council. Eill brought in,by Mr Brough for chopping trai~ ordered-paid. ~ Moved, seconded & carried that we adjourn~ IDi run e s \;';rJ1 Sin c 1 Cl i r (~1 P1"k Df' }:illYl i ("' i,~,ml, f i ()1Pl ("' i 1 Henry Dawson. hD 'th meetingcof ~he haple Ridge Council held in the School House April 1st la76.4 presentJThe Warden and Councillors Howison.Hinch, I~aker and. N el son. Moved by John flinch and seconded by Mr Howison that this council receive Mr 'l'hol'ne's road a5 finished and issue an order for payment of the same at 12 Dollars per chain. Moved "by J'ohn Hinch, seconded by William Nel~on tllat the bridge under contract by Fr~eman and Shepard be passed. Moved by W.J.Howison,seconded by John Hinch that a man be hired by tle to drain the town line road & also two Councillors to go and ~xamine said drain. Moved by John Hinch & seconded by W.J.Howis6n That Jamee Sinclair be appoint.ed Collector for the Lunicipallty of Maple Rid.ge a11u ~nq.t his salary_be Fifteen Dollars. )iioved by ~.1r Baker Seconded by J-ohn ninch t11at t:l1e Clerks, Treasl:trers & Collectors Salary By Laws be read' for the first time. . Moved by hir .:baker SecoI1cled qy J'ohn Hinch that Vie adjourn. James Vim qinclair Clel:k of M. C. Henry Dawson. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxx:x:)(XX::.'<xxXXXYJ{ 5 meeting of tne l/iaple Ridge Council held in the School house April 6 1876, 6 .present,.'rhe Warden &: Councillors.rlelson,H~nderson, Sh~l')ard, Howison,Thorne & Hinch. A bill presented by Mr Howison,order~d paid. $13.00 Moved by John Hinch Seconjdd by Thomas Henderson that the Council borroVl $lOOO.the same to be applied to the improvements o:t:the Ivlunicil)ali ty. And that the Warden & the. Clerk ascertain. if tile m0r;,& can be procured & at wha.t per cent. (Pen strokes through this ~(l4-) The Clerks,Trea.8l.lI'erS & Collectors Salary By-Laws were read for-the second time. James Wm Sinclair , Clerk. Henry Dawso n. 6 meeting of 'the Maple Ridge' Council held in the schocil 'h6use May 3rd 1876. 6 present. The Warden and Councillors Nelson,Howison,Henderson, Hinch,Baker and McKenney. Moved .~y Mr ~endersoq,seconded by John Hinch that the motion of last M meeting to brirrow $1600 be cancelled. A motion was made by Mr McKenney,stating that the Clerk be~ipstruct­ ell to cO[iJn1unicate '\Nith ,the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works asLing to have the Heserve taken off Township No 9.By so doing it will cause many people to 8et~le in the Town ship. At present Ii'iany are pre\('"ented. Sevel'Cl,l Lots are vacant, a.nd. the consequences are in Cl great lfJa,nrier hurtfLll to tl-le settlement 'havi~g it res·erved ..... 1"5 Moved by Mr McKenney seconded b~gr Henderson that the Clerk 1e aJthor·- ized to co=cresl)oncl with the Chie·f,·Connnis.sioner of Lands and 'Norks to 1-6 ask infermation as to the "building of a road. along the Frazer River to connects vii th the road running north of ~3aid Hi ver D \" , Moved by Mr HowisoD,seconded by John Hinch that this ,Cb~ncil let the first "4 cridges on the River road. by tender right aVJay .. koved by J .McKenney seconded, by 'Thomas HenClierson That a motion r;e put before the Council to see whether;the road be ditch~d or corduroyed. It was proposed that the above road be ditched. liloved by T .Hender'son seconded by J'ohn Hinch'that a mot~on be put before the Council 5 ee whether the rat epayers can vJork their' taxes aut or no t in statute labour. It is proposed that S~tute Labour be ,adopted. (Pen str'okes through this ~f.) , ' Eoved by Thomas Henderson, seconded by J' .1JicKenney that $2.00 per day be allowed for p~rsons wo~king statute labour from the hours of 7 a.ID. to 6 p. rtl. commenc ing the last v.Jeek in J'une and no la t€r tha.n the 12th of July. The Clerks,Tneasurers,and Collectors Salary By-Laws were finally read. 'Moved, seconded and Carried that Messr~ Howisori arid Hinch be instructed to give infeFmation about work on bridges, drive stakes &c. James Wm Sinclair Cl8rk of Municipal Council. Henry Daws'on. ,Warden. 7'meeting'of the Maple Ridge Council held in the school h6use June 24th 1976. '4 present. T,he Warden clnd Councillors Hinch,:HowisoD,l,1cl\;enney and Nelson. l'Loved & seconded that ·the By-law in reference to Statute 18-1)o~' be laid over. On motion Mr Edges tender was accepted for the constrllction of the four bridges. liloved by J'ohn lLcKenney seconded by Howi son that a di tcll be cut on both side of road leading to Pitt Meadows,the earth to be thrown in the centre of road,L~ngth of ditches 300 yds,Dementions of ditches 3 feet wide by 2 feet deep,The ditch to be cut one foot from the line of road on either side . . James VIm Sinclair C.L/l.C. Henry .Dawson. Wa.rden. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8'meeting of the Maple Ridge Council held in the school house July 29th 1876. 6 pre8ent~ The Warden and Councillors Hinch,HowisoD,Nelson. McKenney & Henderson. Moved by Mr Hckenney, second by Henderson.That the Gove~nment Sur!~yor be employed to survey Roads in the Nunicipality. Moved by Mr McKenney seconded by hlr Henderson.That a drain be cut along the Road leading th the Meadows,the same to cut 2 feet wide at top,2 feet deep,& 1 foot 'at the bottom, the dirt to be spread on,-" the cRntre of Road, the eli tch to be cut a.bout 300 yards 8,180 a cuI v~rt 20 feet long. Moved by Mr Hinc"h seconded l)y'lflr Henderson,That this Council Fl"l,l,thor:;- ize the, Clerk' to clr8.vv up a By-Law to empoyver this Cpuncil to c,ollect VI i 1 cl 1 and '1' BX • Moved,seconded & carried. that we adjourn. James Wm Sinclair Henry Dawson. Clerk of }:unicilJa-li ty. Warden. 9 meeting of the ]Vl~ple Hiclge Council was held in :the School house, August 5th 1876.present the Warden and Councillors Hinch,Howison, Nelson,Henderson and lVlcKenney. '1'he cO!1tract for ditching road, between C8111pbells and. IAcKenneys wa.s awarded to Thos Frazer for one Dollar per rod. Moved by Mr Hinch seconded by Mr Nelson,That Mr Thos Henderson be awarded t}1e contract for di tching the road b·etween Harnmonds and Mclvers for one dollar and seventyfive cents per rod. Carried. Moved by Mr McKenney, Seconded by Mr Henderson, That we give out of our funds $150-towards the reception of His Excellency The Governor- Gener(:tl Lord Dufferin. ~Jloved by Mr Hinch, seconded, by }!lr Howison. 'l'hp.,t we :J,dj ourn until ordere~ by the 'Warden. Jarnes Wm Sinclair Clerk. Henry D[:lwson. X:x:xxxJCQG\J{)~XYJu"'{X](XXXXXXXXX 10 Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council held in th'e School house, Sept 2nd 1876. 4 present. The Warden and Councillors Hinch,Nelson,McKenney and Baker. The following bills wsr£ ordered paid. ThorJ1as ]'razers ..... ' ...........•.•........ .l\lfred Freeman ••......•................• Sarlluel Edge ............................ . Viillinm Nelson ......................... . .rI enry D a,VvSO!l •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~63. 50 ,25 .-00 170.00 5.00 6.50 Moved .by Coun' McKenney J seconded by Coun Bal(er. That a Board of Works be formed compo sing of 3 men, One to be, emplo;;,red, in turn' reporting and inspecting Progress of works to CounQil unless an assistant be needed, the same to be employed at ~~2.per day.AIl reports to be handed i:n in writing. Moved by Coun Nelson, seconded by Coun Hinch.T~at Messrs Dawsol1, Bal<:er and }i,lcKenney be appo int ed a Board of Works. Carried. By motion of this Council the Clerk '[laS instructed to draw.out specif- acations for 8, road across ],Lclvers Claim and also one from Kanaka Creek to Peter I)akers Barn . Inviting: 'renders to be ;hancled in~·-o'n S.atur- dB,Y the s i.x.t e en th 0 f S ep t em-b er n;Gxt. . James Wm Sinclair. Henry Dawson. Clerk. Warden. 1~- '·i The 11th meeting of the hapl~ Ridge Council held in the School house September 16th 1876.4 present. The Warden· and Councillors Hinch,Nelson Howison,McKenney an~ Baker. The contract for m~king road actoss Mr lViclvers Claim WaS awarded to IVlr ~/Lighton for ~~2. 50 per chain. the contra.ct for making roa.d from KarialcaCreek to Peter Bakers Barn Vias av,7arl~ied to David Hinch for one dollar and 62t cents per chain. Moved by Coun Howieson,seconded by Coun Nelson.That this Council place a sum of money at the disposal of Supervisors to construct a trail to the Falls on Kanal<a Creek, commencing on tile }i'razer River ,west of Mr Mayo's. The said road to be made by days work. Moved by Councillor McKenney.Seconded by Coun Nelson. That a trench be across the Prairie to Mr Harris' a distance of 25 chaine,the trench to be 6 feet wide 2 feet deep and 4 feet at the bottom. boved by Coun Hinch,seconded by Coun Nelson. That at the next meeting of this Council· we receive -tenders. for the cOIlstruction. of a small l:ridge near Roberts. . f Moved by Coun McKenney,seconded by Coun Hinch.That the Collector send circulal's to various parties who have not paid the~r taxes for 18r;5 demanding payment before or on the 15th October,ifnot paid before or on that date a SUlm-nODS to be issue against said parties. Carried. Moved,Seconded and Carried that this Council adjourn. until the 39th of , September. J'ames Wm Sinclair. lienry Dawson. Clerk. Warden. xxxxxxx:x:x..""{XXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXy,.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx The l2th meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held in the Schoolhouse September 30th. 6 present, The YlaEden e,nd Councillors Hinch,l{elson, Howi eson, Baker, I',1cKenn.ey . ·and Hammond. }j;~; . Moved by John Hal11mond, seconded by ";01'1::1 Hinch·, IJ.'ha.t .the. ·c.o,ntr.ac.t .. t.o-.b:Lti.ld .the .. bridge be award.ea to Srunuel Edge for: ~~-30. 00 al.s,Q. the .co.nt.r.ac.t.f.o.r. .making the trench acro ss the I.Jleaclows be. aV1arc1e.d ... t.o., ,T.ho.mas .Fraz.e,r ,f.o,r. .8.'7i .cents l)er rod. Carried. I'foved l)y Coun Hinch,.secondedby. .c.oun .Baker. .. That men working on the River Road be paid $2.00 per day. Carried. ~oved ~y Coun llcKenney. seconded by Coun Nelson.That $20.00 be app~opriated towards making a hridge across Mr Harris's,and $15.00 given as a ferry on Kanaka Creek. J·arnes Wm Sinclair. Henry Dav,rson. Clerk. Warden. The 13th meeting of the J;;.aple Hidge Council VIaS held in the School house,October 23rd 1876. ~.pl'esent, The Warden and Councillors ~el~on, Hinch,Henderson, Howison,'Baker, Freeman, Hammondx and McKenney. l Moved by 'Counr McKenney,seconded byCotin Hinch.That a Surveyor be employed to survey the Roa.d froE] the rI' own Line th the Falls of KanaJ{a creek\!· '-:' I'lloved "by Coun litcKenney seconded by [loun Hinch. T11a t Tendelrs be received fer m3.ki~C1g Road .. from the 1'own Line ·to the Falls on Kan8.k~{ Creek ~~~te Quarter Gect.~ :?,-:ine, 8.Yld also the one that rec ei ves hD the Contract to'wait foi his or the~r money. A By-Law to assess,le~y and collect Taxes on un-occupied and unimproved lands was read for the ]'irst Second and Third Times and passed. J'arl1es Wm Sinclair. : Henry Dawson. C~erk. Warden. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:x:.xxx..,"'<:XX1CXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.xxxxxxxxxy: xx. The 14th meeting of the Maple Hidge COl . .lncil was held in the School house,November 4th 1876. 6 pEesent.The Warderi and Councillors· Henderson,Nelson,Hinch,Hammond,Freeman and ~owieson. , . Moved by Coun Hinch.Seconded by Coun HendersoD.That Katiaka Cr~ek Brid'ge ancl the Hoad from the Tovin line to ,the Falls on Kanaka Creek on the Quarter section line be abandoned for the present. Moved by Coun Henderson,second~d by Coun Nelson.That we survey the Section line to the Falls on Kanaka Creek and also that Mr Hamnlond "be employed to do the 58,me at $2.50 per da.y. Moved by Coun Henderson,seconded by Coun Nelson.That all the ~unicipal Roads be opened in the Municipality and cleared of all ol)structions such as fences &c by the First of April 1877. J-ames Wm Sinclair. Henry Dawson. Clerk of Municipality. W'arclen. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The 15'th meeting of the Maple Hidge Council W8..S held in the School house November 18th 1876. 4 Present. The Warden and Councillors, H~nch,Hammond, Henderson & Howieson. Moved by Coun Hinch,seconded by Coun Harr:JJlond. 'That the Clerk draw up a ByLaw to ,levy and collect a Tax of It per cent on the assessed value of a.ll unimproved lands wi thin the Corporat'ion of riLaple Hidge and 3,:lso a By Law to assess, levy and colle'ct a Hoad Tax of It cents per acre on all lands vJithin the Corporation limits of the Municipality of Maple Ridge. The above ByL~~s were read for the Fir~t,Second and Third times an cl pas ~~ e d ~ ,J 8ID e s Vim Sin c 1 air. Henry Dawson. Clerk. Warden. xxz::xxxxxxxx.xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The 16th meeting of the Maple Ridge Council wa.s held in the School house Decemr)er 2nd le76. 4 Present. The V'larden and Cou.ncillors Hinch Henderson, McKenney and Hcwrrf)cnd. Moved by Councillor McKenney, seconded by Coun Hinch. That -this Council rJorrow *1600.00 :for the pu~rrose of pa.ying off several out-standing debts &c,and al~o the rate payers to be called together 10days from c1.ate. -" >~ J'ames Wm Sinclair. Clerk. Henry Dawson. -Ward en. :th--eX~-15:rDtr~m:tx:tl§:x.wa:t~x:t'~:rX}1i:mx~.r.x~Y~X~X~lq~;r-x.:~XF~NX~:tJfNk'-~~X:tY-lxl§J:1g}q xa:i:sz illrla:aZ_t:eszat.sz ~nn~12a.a~_1il)1l~ f)XZ ~e figp~t:SSag;~z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ~ Z f', t. ' ~z ~~:¥~~~.~z:toz ~z~~z S7,;~~~~z fiZlfJ.Z eG11&~:tz a'~~SzetlzafJ.get::a~paeaz~.1'lt1z~1i'l&m~x~:v&a lura.1fiWan J}fJWammlltI6mrdr{JjjjlollU!l:rtlib!erJ1YID'Wsrtr9l$rer<OJ1Jmmln]lllmTdro.tmr)jj]mra.llill'ifiTri.mremr~DJ.rulb·j11pw~rsrflJdXorf1 2-~1.:e~Z !tIZ'lZ~aza~a.ft:i xz e,~ac&m't:IP; e·z ~~jO~.wEw.rus: - zt~fJ~fJ.. xxxxxx.xXXXXXXx.xxx.xXXXXXXx.xxxxxx.xxXx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx:x l'ZmZ ag.thz RlZ!:eZ',a.Zl~Z z>i'z !th12Z ZlZl.pa.:eZ H2irl~l:ez ~~fAfJ.:caa.z Z·~.JSZfL:ea..0.Z aZlz thez Z).tMfla~knil'i5.]f MZlZD:e~ Z~f):v:eR1~:exzg;~hz ig~~~ZZ,Z pZ'~:e,ltZl:tZ !r~z Waxs::i:erl·z !tEl0Z Z}DZlZl.:caaa.£IX:S;Z ZI7inrl~ers~n ~~x~jmr~~xiix~)OlG.Fbcn~"lSElQ • X~Jdb:{pc:eE)Qy,]J(~. . ~$~~:xJ.~x~1ZJDXOOX~JDlO.Xx~x~nx£~~:kxXttiE.peX.E.1'J.E.xJtllj,:exfOO~x:r.EID ~$l$S~~M!fle-SA.®~s~~sttt.l$Si'eS..S$SSSlS~aS€!!'~et:ssSS~$l.eS~SLa~~g$'S§~f5!aaSBsaaSSlres ~~Z~~~~~0~~~z£~xz~~ez~~~~~V~? ., JMd~~1<kklrk1iMtida<.tkkhi;kJ~'tkkhklkruy Rka.BE 3:&J2smE.~~..3£ aaa7~ ztZ.1E ~ ~ ~z. zta~~..J2:Z Z,)z-za~~'~ ~«:xmx:~:xIX1a<1x~~IDe<~lX:xD~xoo.~mc~~JW-VC~~;-~ 1877. The Fir,st meeting of the Ti1.aple Ridge Municipal Council was helc3_ in the School-pouse. January 15th 1 8 77. 5' present. The Warde'n and Councillors Hinch, Henderson. Hammond, Syson and Irving. . Moved by Councillor Thoe Henderson. seconded -by Coun John Hinch. That Mr ,fe-.rnes Wm 8inclair be appo inted Cler-k for the ensu~ing ye~lr for the salary of $25.00. Moved· by Coun Henderson.seconded ~y Coun Hi~ch. That Mr John McKenney be appointed Collector and Treasu'rer for the ensu.£ing year l8t7 for the salary ~f $30.00 Moved by Councillor Syson, seconded by Coun Irving.That Mr Howieson be appointed Assessor for the ensueing year for the sum of ~p2.o,. Moved by Coun Syson, seconded by Coun Hinch. That a ]?inance Committee be appointed to look after the Fin~nces o£ the Nunicipality. Moved by Coun Hinch. Seconded by Coun Hammond. 'l'hat Jll.r Hencferson be paid $5.00 f.or 2 last da.ys vlork on Road. . Tames \'Im Sinclair. Clerk. Henry Daws'on • Warden. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXY~XXXXXXXXXX The Second II.'1eeting of the Ma.ple Ri'dge lAunicil)·~1.l Council was held in the Sc~ool-house February 3rd 1 877. 5 present.The Warden arM Councillors Hinch, ·Syson. Bal\er J Hammond. and Henderson. Mo~ed by Coun Henderson, Seconded by Coun Harren.o.nd .1'hat the By-Law for StFltute Labour be !'_ead for the first time. J"ames Vim Si:nclair. Henry Dav:son. Clerk. Wa.rden. ' ..1' 21 ..... ! ~.... ,J. The Third meeting of the Maple Ridge Municipal Council w~s held in fu "".the School-house March. lOth 1877. 4 present. The Warden and Councillors Henderson, Syeon,Irying and Hamrnond. Moved by Councillor Henderson) Seconded " tI HarmIlond) 'I'hat the ByLavv for Statute lar)our be read for the second time. Moved by Councillor. Syson, seconded by Coun-Irving. That Mr Morrison be instructed to collect all taxes now due to this Municipal~ty. Moved by Councillor Syson Seconcled by Coun Halnmond. That the ByLaw for the appointment of FathnlEtster be read for the first time., Moved by Uouncillor Syson, seconded by Coun Heno.erson. 'l'h[l,t the ByLaw regulating fences'within the municipality of Maple Hidge.be read for tlle fire,t time. James Wm Sinclair. Henry Dawson. Warden. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz r - The fourth meeting of thE IVlaple Ride:eCo1.1ncil was held in the School house April 7th Its7? 6 present. The Warden and Councillors Henderson, Harnmond,Hinch.lrving.Syson and Baker • . Moved by Councillor Sysen. Seconded by Coun Henderson.That Mr Haney be appointed in the room of Mr Howieson as assessor,as Mr Howieson has neglected his duties,at a salary of $15.00 Carried. Moved by Councillor Hinch,seconded~, by Coun Irving .T'hat the J?ence" By-Law be read for the second time. Moved. by Counc i 110r Harflfl10nd J second ed by Coun Bak er . That the Dy-Law fa' labour be read for a third time. Carried. Moved by Col..lncillor Syson, seconded by Coun HaJmnond. That a committee of 2 be appointed to go around and see that the roads are all open.in lilunicipali ty. . Carried. Moved by Councillor Hinch,seconded by COUD Irving. .and Freeman be appointed to loor over the above. That Messrs GYSOD Carried. Henry Davn:on. Warden. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The Fifth keeting of the Maple Ridge was held in the School-house May 5th 1877.? present.The Warden and Councillors HinchjHammond, Henderso~1J"Irving,Freeman,Syson 8,nd Baker. Moved by Councillor Henderson seconded by Coun Syson. That Mr W.J.Howieson remove all fence~ on the Township Line Hoad w'ithin 3 months of this dEl.te. ~ -"'. Moved by Coun Frep.T,H:Jn, ~"econded. by Coun Baker.That the af3sessment Roll for IS7? returned by Thomas Haney be accpted. The By;IJaw regulating F~nces was Read for the Third time and carried. 22 i ,. ~ ? ' The J3y-La\i\T regula.ting the appointment of Pathmasters W;::.S read for tr.te , third time and carried. Moved by Coun Syson,seconded by Coun Free- man. That the Clerk of the Municipal Council be ordered to write to the ChiefComrnissioner of Lands and Works, requesting to know at v/hat time he will send a Surveyor to complete the survey of Township No 12 and in event of the survey being delayed beyond the First of June,that the Council employ a sllrveyor at their oV/n expense. Moved by Cowlcil~or Hinch.Seconded by Coun.Syson. That Samuel Robertson Mr Levi, and. Mr McKenney be appointed Pathmasters. Carried. Moved by Councillor Irving,Seconded by Coun Hinch.That Mr Howieson be paid $7.50 for work assessing. Carried. J"ames Wm Sinclair. Henry Dawson. C.M.C. Warden. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZ The Sixth meeting of the IVlaple Hidge Council waS held iri the SC.hoChl- houSe June 23rd 1877. 5 present. The Warden and Councillors Hinch, Henderson, Freeman,narortlond a.nd Haney. Mr Haney was allowed to take his seat as Counci~lor. ~jloved by Coun Freel.11an, Seconded by Coun Hinch. 'I'hat J,jJessrs Bender-son and Dawson be appointed to look over the most desirable,place for a Road and report the smne to the Council. ~ Moved by Councilior HaneYI~econded by Coun Henderson.That each member of the Council be paid $1.50 for each days sitting from the first of January 1877. (Minutes of this meeti'ng not signed l;;y Clerk or \ilardenc-rr!P.f.l xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Seventh meeting of the M.aple Ridge Council was held in the School- house on the 1st of July,1877. 4 present. The Warden and Councillors Irving,Henderson,Hinch and Haney. Moved by Councillor Hinch, seconded by Coun Irving.That men be employed at $2.50 per day to work on road. Moved by Councillor Haney, seconded by Coun Hinch. That tl1.e Section Line Road be chopped out 33 feet in width and the logs to be cut 22 feet wide.t This is the line running east Rnd west). Moved by Councillor Henderson,Seconded by Coun Haney. That $250.00 be appropriated to the building of a Road on the Section Line running East ~nd West~ .. Mo v e cl by C 0 Ul.1 C i 110 r H an ey D Se f 01"1 cl ed b:y Co un f I' iT i ng • That Thos llenderson be appointed foreman on the above Line. J'anles Wm Sinclair. Henry Dawson. Clerk of the Municipal Council. Vlarden 0 The 8th meeting pf the 1,J1aple Ridge Co"uncil was held in t:ne School- house on the 4th of August 1877. 4 present.The Warden and Councillors Hend erson, Hinch,Irving and Harnrrlond 0 .f.·~23 -, , .. Moved by Councillor Henderson, secondet by poun Hinch.That this Council appropriate $30.00 f~r a bridge acrO$S the slough at Mr Harris's, $70, for repp,iring Hoad between Nelsons and the Line r'L1.nning between Mclvers and Harmnonc1.s, also $50 for repairing hill at Wickwires. Moved by Councillor Irving, seconded by Coun Hammond. 'l'hat the awn of ~~150.00 be appropriated for opening a Rond from the River to the First Section (North) between John Hinches and Wickwire Estate~ ( Hoves by Councillor Henderson, seconded by Coup Hinch. 'Th8~t Henry Dawsarrn be appointed forer{Jan on ROp"d Work to commence on Vled~esday the 8th August. Moved. by Council~or Hinch,seconded by Coun Henderson. That we adj ourn. J"ames Wm Sinclair,. C.M.C. Henry Da\i~.rson. 'Narden. zzzzxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZ~ZZ~%ZZ The Ninth meeting of the MaFle Ridge council was held in the School- house September 1st 1877. 5 presen~. The; Warden and Councillors Freemctn, Rend erson, I X'ving, Harnrf]ond (3Jn6. Hin cr.!.. Moved by 'Councill.or HaJnmond., seconded lJY Coun J?reeman. 'lihc:;t the collect- ing of Taxes due the Municipality be take~ out of Mr Morrisons hands and. sumrnonses be sent to those who hCl .. ve not 8,11'eady paid their ta.xee. Moved b~l Councillor Hammond, B8conded by Coun Freeman o Tha.t Mr Howief,on have 10 days given him to remoye fences across the Townline,and if not done in that time,that a man be sent to remove them at his expense Moved by Councillor Henderson.seconded by Coun Irving.That the assessor be notified to IllD.ce the following n8.f!Jes on the roll. Morgan and Scott. E & J.Cook. John Fitzpatrick. E.Latirner and others not on. Mov.ed. b:r Councillor Hend erson, seconded ()y Coun Hinch. 'fhat tbis body adjourn until called together. J·ames V!mS inG18ir. Clerk. ~-.--.---.".--- Henr'Y D;.:nr.; BOll • Wa.rden,. The Tenth meeting of the Maple Rid[e Council" was held in the School- house September 11th 1877. 3 present.The Warden and Council16?s Hammond, Hinch and Irving. . Moved. l)y Councillor HinerJ., second.ed 1)y Coun .Hairl!"flond.Th8~t thisC Council l'JorroV'J" $200.00 fOl' the purpo.sE"! of opening up I~oa.ds and especic1.ll:;.r the eEu:t Bc West bection. l:;.l1e running un to COOj(f:) ft'·l'Tfi, to let out settlEn"S, a.nd the men' to 1Ivor}r't L er"poYl'::"to 1, "'" $"2 .:' ... d.L. -" J J. 1.l8. vel 0 0 Il c> r Gay • "'" 24 x ( r1 en th m t:' et i ne 1 e '71 con) l~oved. by Counc illor Irving, El econded. by Coun Ha..mmond. Th8,t, lilr Dawe·on lie a,ppointed fOI'ema,n on the a.bove Hoad. The same to commence on Thurs- day the 13th september. J' ames Wm· S in:clair. Clerk to M.Council. Henry Dawson • Warden. ---_._-----------,,------------_. The eleventh meeting of the Maple Ridge Council va.s held in the School house October 6th,~ present. The Warden and Councillors Henderson, Hinch, Ha,ney" Irving and Hammoncl. Moved by Councillor Henderson, Seconded by COl).n Hinch. Tha.t a. list of~ 1';8,ck taxes l)e ha.nd.ed to Mr Bole to collect,witbout any further delay. Carried. Moved· by Councillor Henderson, seconded by Coun Haney. That the Clerk he be instructed to inform Mr Bell that the collector will be authorised to issue a summons against him if the Four Dollars in lieu of work be not paid on· or before the 15th of this month~ l.':.ovecJ. by Councillor Hinch, seconded by Coun Henderson. That the Warden be instructed to communicate to the Chief Corr~issioner of Lands and Works to ask him to refund $50.00 that this Council spent for surveying the Roa,a. g8,zettecl on the 2nd December It/16. J.77·"2-19··Ptq-~~/1 M.oved by Councillor Hammond, e.econded by Coun Irvil'lg. 'l'hat the Cl.Hte of retu,rning the Role of. the Statute 1abovr be postponed fro~J) the 1st of August till the 1st day of November 1877. Moved by Councillor Hinc.h,seconded by Coun H8Iil.dsIlson. Tha.t tbe Clerk . notify the pathnw.sters of this Iiliu.nicipality to bring in their returns of their respective Wards,on cr before the 1st of November. J-a.mes Wm Sinclair. Henry De .. \vson. ClErk. Vlarden. ----.-~--~- fI'he 'llwel~ Meeting of the 11aple Ridge Council was helo. in the School-house November 3rd 1877. Four present. The Warden and Councillors Hinch,Irving,Harmnond and. Henderfion. Tb.e minutee, of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Communications were l'eceived from the Clerk of Langley asking tr.lis Cou.ncil to co-operi:tte ~ith them in obtaining a duly qualified resident Stipendary Magist- rate for the City Hno. District of :1:1 ew ~v7estrrjinster.· also from A. S. Farwell for the Chief Commis~:,j.oner of Lan6.s. a.nd WorJ(s regard.irlg the refunding of the $50.00. Moved by Councillor Hammond,seconded by Coun Henderson .. That this Council A.(!Cept the work done" l;y Robert , r • • F" 'TIn' & rr' -, 1 " I v l vlcarry : av,u.a .LV.la~o, ~ li l_i_ .Lam sa.ac. Moved by Councillor Hender~',on seconded by Coun Hruomond. That Mr Harris be allowed .seven days~to complete the bridge on the meadows or the money be hafided to the~ Collector in lieu thereof, Carried. by Coun Irving~ That this Councjl rolls as being handed in. secopded by Coun Hamrfloncl. Th8.t MY' regal'et to the Hoad, lea.c1.tng to the Moved by Councillor Hinch,second receive the differa.nt path-r:;'lEtstel's lloved by Councillor,Henderson. Nelsons petition JJe a~:Ccepted. in lO~ Landing. . Carried. ( 12th meeting 187'"l.con ) Moved by Councillor I-linch, Seconded "by Coun HammoDcl .• Th[-lt this Council appropriate part of the $200.00 now in the Councils Hand for the opening up of certain Roads. .. T8.mes: VIm Sinc18.ir. Cler.·k. .denry D8 .. wson • Warden. The Thirteenth meeting of the }"ilaple Rid.ge, Council WetS held in the School-house December First 1877. 4 present. The Warden and Councillorsx Hinch, Haney, HanlrDOnd and Henderf:.on. The miD'vtes of the previo4s meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Councillor Hinch seconded by Coun Haney. That the Clerk notify the Langley Council that this Council do n6t deem it necessary to incur any expenses that are not necessary and therefore they shall have nothing to do in obtaining a qualified Stipendiary Magistrate for the Di~trict of New Westminster. Moved by Councillor Hinch,Seconded by Coun Haney. That this Council authorise the Clerk to send a copy of the years expenditure ending December-1877 and have it insert~d 3 times in the Mainland Guardian. Moved by Councillor Haney,seconded by Coun Henderson. That the Clerk a.nd Henry Dav,rson be appointed. to mE'tke out a. voters list. Carried. Moved by Councillor Hammond,seconded by Coun Henderson. That th~ ga.zetting of Line of Roa.d between Nelsons a.nd. Da-wsans l')ropo~ed~ ty Counc illor Rammond be la.id over ti 11 the next me eting. Moved by Councillor Hinch,seconded by Coun Henderson. That Mesers . Syson and Ginclair be appointed auditors. Carried. Moved,Seconded and Carried that this Council adjourn: until the last Sat1.1rday in December 1877. J'aIlleS VIm Sinclair. Clerke ------~---,--------- Henry DaVlson. . Warden. --_. -----.-_._---- rr:he fourteenth meeting of the Maple Hidge Council W8.S held it) the School-room December 22nd 1 8 77. 5 Present. The Warden a,nd Councillors Hincl1, Ha-ney, Harl1mond, Hendel·son and Irving. The minutes of the previous meeting wer·e recJ.d and confirmed. Moved by Councillor Hinch,seconded . by Coun Hen~erson. That this board receive the auditors accounts for the year ending'l8'77 as oorrpct. IJ.Ioved by Counc:LlloX" Henderson, second byCoun Hinch. That Mr Sinclair be appointed returning Officer for next e~ection. Moved by Councillor Henderson,seconded by Coun Hinch. That in view of the large influx of population-to this Municipality and the many Hpp-lica,tions for Road.s, that this Council 2,sk the C over.nrtLent for ().n ap!)ropriation of $3000. for. the year 1878.. ~ --.-. Moved by Councillor Hinch Seconded lJY Coun Irving. rThat this Council l'iiHke no more Roads this yea.r ~ Ca.rr i Pod • '~~26 ( 14th meeting 1877 con) t .. ' Moved by Councillor. Henderson,Seconcl.ed by Coun Hlnch. That Ivlr l/i.cKerlney (Collector) notify all parties through t~e ~ainlanct GUardian that have not paid their taxes for 1877 or summonse~ will be issued on the 29th ~f of December le77 if not paid. Moved by CounpilloT Haney,seconded by Coun Henderson. Tha.t unless all partiee. cOlnp}.y w~ th the above motion Mr McKenney (as Collector) has power to summons all who owe X Taxes to the Municipality for 1877. Carried. Moved by Councillor Harnmoncl, ~)econded l)y Coun Haney. 1'hat a line of Hoad having i ts commencem~nt 'Nhel'e :the line, between l~essre Dawson and Nelson strikes th~ Parallel Road to the_ Hiver 9.nd running North for the distance of 105 chaips,be forwarded-to Gov~rnment to be g8,z.etted.. forthwith. The line of Roa.d to l)e 40 feet ·Wide. Ca.rr:Led. Moved by Councillor Hammond,secono.ed by Coun Irvil1g. That the Clerk be instt.ucted to conml"Llnicate to the Provincial-SecretF.l.ry and ask him to send the Statutes for 187? & also summons or information forms and Cl. Copy of the' CanadiH.n Criminal Act by return Ma.il. Ca.rried. J"ames Wm Sinclair. : WilliClJn I saac. Clerk. Acting Warden. 00000000000000000000000000 q.Q,2 0 0 0 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o_~SL~ 0 0 S2S!..2 q xx'xxxxxxxxxxx' ... _, ...... _._-.... AN ELEC'I'ION was held at :the Maple Hidge School House upon the day appoirited ~nd the followirig candidates were elected. Henry Dawson,Vla.rd.en; Thomas Haney, Samuel-Hobinson.Thom~is Henderson, Vlilliam Parkerson, J-runee Smi th, Willicun Isaac, and 'Thomas l/~organ t9 be Counseliors for the year 1878. . " J-ames Will i8.If1 Sincla..ir. Messrs Harris & Syson, Return~ng Officer. SCl:'u:t:i.neers. (Date of election not given f9tf.) XXXXXXXX)(Xx.xxxxx;xxxxxxxxxxx;x:xxxxxxxxx:;',.'Y~XXXXXX~;~XX)(.xx:xx The first meetingof the Maple'Ridge MU}Jicipal Coun~il for the ye~r 1 8 78 was h~ld at the residence of Mr H.Daweon on the 21st day of Jan- uary. The Oath of office was administered by the Warq.en to the follow- ing Counsellors, Wi1liam Isaac. Thomas )ll.organ: Jrunes Smith, Thomas Haney, Samuel Roberteon •. William Parkerson.and Thomas Hendereon. Moved by Thoma~ Haney,seconded by Samuel Robertson. That Coun~ellor Ieaac t~e the chair as the Wa~den is not sworn into office,Carried. Moved by Counsellor Henderson,seconded by Counsellor Smith. That Jamee Syson be appointed Clerk & Collector at a salary of $45 ~per annum-;'·- Moved by Counsellor Robertson,Seconded by Counsellor Hendereon. That John McKenney be appointed Treasurer at a salary of $30.per annum. Moved py Counsellor Haney, Seconded by Counsellor Parkerso"k;. 'rhat John Hinch be appointed ASeessO! for the ensuing year at a salary of $20. ( Mmnutes Jan 1878 con) Moved by Couns'ellor Morgan, seconded by Coun Parkerson. That the accounts of the Hunicipality for the present year be read aj the Clerk at the next'meeting. Carried. Moved by Counsellor Haney., seconded by Counsellor Henderson.That a vote of,th~nks t~ the Officers of the Municipal Council for the year 1877 be passed. Carried. The Clerk ~s instructed by the Municipal Council ,to write to the Prov- incialSecretary for the Statutes of British Columbia also t-o the Lands. & Works department .for a map of the Iiil.W1icipality. Moved' by Counsellor Robertson,Seconded by Coun Henderson that the Council, adjourn until the first Saturday in February. Carried. James Syson'. Henry Dawson. Clerk. Warden. The second meeting of the Maple Ridge MWlicipal Council Vias held ·at the School-House on the 3rd day of Febuary 1878. Present the Warden, 'Counsellors Robertson,Henderson,Morgan, Smith, Isaacs,Parkerson & Haney. The, bonds required from the Collector & Treasurer were signed. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed~ Moved by Coun Isaacs,seconded by Counsellor Henderson.that the Treasurer & Collector "be each 'required to furnish two bondsmen. The Clerk then read the Statute Labour By-Law. Carried. Moved by Counsellor Henderson,seconded by Counsellor Haney that the Council go into a committee of the whole. Counsellor Haney took the Chair. Moved by Counsellor Haney, seconded by Counsellor Morgan that Statute Labour By-Law be laid over till the next meeting. Carried. The accounts af the present year were then read. Moved by Counsellor Parkinson,seconded by Counsellor S~ith that the bill far stationary to James Cunningham be paid. Carried. Moved by Counsellor Henderson seconded by 6ounsellor Smith that all persons wanting roads are to send a written application to the Council on or before the first Saturday 'in March. Carried. Moved by Counsellor Henderson, s,econded iQc the Council adjourn until the first Saturday in March. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to write for Assessment slips. • J runes Syson. Clerk. Henry Dawson • Warden. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _ ... _ .... - The 3rd 'meeting of the Maple Ridge Municipal Council was held at the School/House on the 2nd day of March. Present the Warden Councllors Robertson,'Parkerson, Smith, Henderson,Morgan, Isaac, and Haney. The minutes of the last me'eting were read & confirmed. ' Moved by Councillor Morgan,seconded by Councillor Smith. That every male person above the age of eighteen,residing in the Municipality do one days Statute lobour. Carried. "28 3rd meeting 1878 con) Mo~ed by CouncillGr Isaac,seconded by Councillor Haney,That property holders' v'Iithin 'this Municipality do one days Statute "Labour for the first one hundred and fifty dollars worth o~assessed property,one days .Statute lobour in addition 'fOl~ the next three hundred dollars of property, o,ne addi tiona1 days Statute Labour for the ,next four hundred ·do11ars of property, one additional day for the 'next five hmndre'd dollars 'worth of property, and one addi tional days Statute . Labour .for each additional seven hundred dollars worth of assessed,) property. Carried. tr'encil strokes through this ind~~a~l~ Moved by Councillor Morgan,seconded by Councillor Robertson.That the Clerk apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands & Works to have the side line between Lots 248 & 249(commencingon the' east & Vlest road & running North ~ill it strikes the Southern boundary of Lbt 284) proclaimed a p.ublic highway 40 feet in width. Carried,. Moved by Councfllor Haney, seconded by Councillor Smi the 'That the Clerk be instructed to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works to proclaim the following line of road a public highway 40 feet wlde,Commehcing at the ~razer River between the Indian Reserve & Lot 2.57 and running north 93 chains. Thence west 9 chains to c~rner of . Lot 283 thence north 69 chains making a total distance of 171 chains. , .' : : . ~ Carried. Moved ~y Councillo~ Morgan,seconded by Councillor Henderson.That the Clerk be instructed to sell 11 chains of the corduroying laid down between lots 277 '& 278 on March the 9th and that the purchaser be required to remove it on or cefore the first day of May 1878.Carried. A number of appliCalbiOn~ro~ds. bridges &c were "laid." over till the next **XXX%aR meeting. ' Moved by Councillor 'Smith,seconded by Councillor Park~rson. That the bill of 'J.C.Brown for printing Assessment slips be paid. Carried. ' Moved,Seconded & Carried that this Council adjourn until the 6th day of April. Henry Dawson. J'ames Syson. Warden. Clerk. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The 4th Meeting of the Maple Ridge Municipal Council was held at the School House on the 6th day of April. Present the Warden Councillors Smith,Haney,Isaac,Morgan,Heriderson & Parkerson. . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The Statute Labour By-Law was read for th~ first time. M6ved by Councillor Henderson,s~conded by Councillor Haney.That clause 3 imposing a statute labour tax on property be repealed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Smith,seconded Councillor Haney.TSkt a tax of 1 per cent be levied on the assessed Property within "the limits of this Municipality. Carried: Moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor lAorgan. That tni,s MUnicipality borrow the swn of two thousand dollars. Carried. Moved by Councillor Parkinson,seconded by Councillor Smith. That the Warden be 'instructed to call a meeting of the Rate-payers at the School House on wednesday the ·17th of April at 7 P.M. C·arried. (4th meeting 1878 con) Moved by Councilor Morgan,seconded by Cou,ncillor Smith.That Mr Bole be instructed to issue S\.ll11lIlonses for a~l ·persons owing taxes to the Municipality. Carried. . Moved by·Councillor Haney,seconded by Councillor Smith. That the petition of Messrs Gallaghan & Harris be entertained & that construction on road be commenced as soon as possible. Carried. (Pen strokes cancel this ) Messeurs Lev! & Callaghan were instructed to report upon the road between Indian reaerve & ~ot·257.· . . Moved by Councillor Haney, seconded by Councillor Henderson.That the petition of Mesers Levi & Connors be entertained· relating to repairs of road between lots 398 N of 404 & running from l~orth to section line, between seetio,ns 10 X 21 east distanc 46 chains. Carr i ed. (p en s trok e scan c e1 thi s ) Messeurs Levi & Best were instructed to report upon the road. Moved by Councillor Smith,seconded by Councillor H~nderson~Th~t this Council adjourn until .the 17th of April. Carried. James Syson Clerk. ,. Henry Dawson. vVarden •. The fifth meeting of the Maple Ridge Municipal. Council was held at the School House on the 17th diy of April. Present the Warden,Councillors Morgan,Isaae,Haney,.Smith,Henderson,Parkinson & Robertson. The minutes of the last meeting wer.e read. seconded by ·Councillor Morgan that the Motion Indian reserve & lot 257 also motion relating be struck off the minutes. Carried. The minutes were then passed. Moved by Councillor lsaac relating to road between to road in Township 12 The Clerk, read the Statute Labour By- Law for the ,second time & the Assessed pr.operty Tax By Law for the . first. time. The bill of Thomas Levi, for surveying road was laid over till the next meeting. Resolved that a proposed plan of expendature b.e submi tted to the people at thB public meeting. Carried. The Council was adjourned. until the 4th d.ay of May. James Syson. Henry Dawson. Clerk. Warden. Court, o,f revision of Assessment roll Held:. (dont: say~ when or where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The sLxth me.eting of the, Maple Ridge-Municipal Council took place at the School House on the 4th day. of May. PEesent the Warden,Coun~illor.s 1J1organ, Smi th, Parkinson, Robertson &. Isaac. The minutes of. -the last meeting were read &passed. MOved by Councillor Smith, seconded· by Coun Morgan that the account of Thomas Levi,lO$ for taking levels be paid. Carried. The Statute Labo.ur By La.w Vias read. for the 3rd time.·:'" 30-(sixth meeting 1878 con) Moved by Councillor Parkinson~ seconded by Councillor Isaac that the Statute Labour By Law be passed. Carried. The assessed :property, tax by law was .read for the second time. Moved by Councillor·Robertson seconded by Councillor lsaac that the. Assessed property tax by law be amended & t per cent.be levied instead of one per cent. Carried. The Assessment Roll.of 1878 was taken into consideration. Moved' by Councillor lsaac,seconded bY'Councillor Parkinsol1. that the Asses sment of James Syson be lowered to $150. Carried. Moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor l.iorgan that the Assess- ment Roll be accepted. Carried. The Clerk was instructed .tohold an election for the office' of Councillor at the School Hous·e on the 18th of May. The Warden applied for one month extention of time to shift Cord uroy. -Granted. Moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Morgan that this Council adjourn until the 2nd day of June. Carried. James Syson., Clerk. Henry Dawson •. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx The. Seventh lIl:eeting of the Maple Ridge Municipal Council took place at the School House Maple Ridge on the ~st day o~ June.: Prese~tth~ Warden Councillors Haney.Morga.n, Isaac, Parkinson,& Howieson. The minutes of the previous meeting were then read. Moved by Councillor Howieson, seconded by CouncilB.or Parkinson that .the Assessor be instructed to assess the Crown Hotel & lot. Carried. The minutes were then passed. The Clerk read the Assessed property tax by-la.w for the third time. Moved by Councillor Haney.seconded by Councillor Morgan that the assesse~ property tax by-law be p.assed. Car' d. M.oved by Councillor Haney, seconded by Councillor Isa.a.c, that this Mun- i,cipality ,be dcivided into seven road districts. Carried. The following road districts were agreed upon. No 1.From Kanaka Cr,eek to Stave River. no 3 line betwe en .sections 9 & 16 extended East. No 2.Frorn Kanal<:a Creek to corner of lot 2:47. No 4 line between sections 17 & 20 and 16 & 21; No , Townline beat to enclude Lots 247, 245'.244,396,395,400.,S.E.t section 25 township 9 and S.W. t section 30 Township 12; No 6 From Townline beat to Prari~ .• No 7.Gazetted Road between Lot 245' & Indian Reserve extended North. The following pathmasters were appointed, No 1.Peter Baker. No 2.John ~inch. No 3. Jos~ph Miton. No 4.Thomas Levi.No 5' Thomas Scott. No 6 Samuel Edge. No 7 Daniel Callagan; ... ~. Moved by Councillor Morgan,seconded by Councillor Parkinson that a cOpimi ttee of 3 be appointed to v,isi t the roads & instruct the path- masters a.s to the expenditure of all taxes intrusted to them. - Carried. Councillors Howison',Haney & Isaac were appointed. I~D ( continued) Moved by Councillor Haney, seconded by' Coun' Morgan, that' all back atcte due by the Municipality be ,paid. Carried.: The Clerk was instructed to draVl up a' By-Law re1atirig to the cemetery. Moved by Councillor Isaac, seconded by Counci1lol;' Morgan taat each member Of the Municipal Council of Maple Ridge receive $1'.50 for each & every meeting tha~ he attends during the year 1878. Carried. The Council adjourned 'dlnti1the 6th of ·Ju1y. James Syson. Henry Dawson. x.xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx The eighth meet·ing 'of the Maple Ridge Municipal Council took place at School House July 7th 1878. Present the Warden, councillors Robertson, Parkinson, Morgan, Howison, Isaac.& Callaghan. ~he minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Councillor Callaghan,seconded by Councillor Howison.That plots be laid out in the Cemitry for families & any mRK person applying for one shall be required to keep the same in order. C'arried. Messrs Dawson & Howison agreed to go out & look over two lines of road to Mr Isaacs. Mr John Hinch gave in h-lS report as pathmaster. The Graveyard by-law was read for the first time. The Council adjourned until the 3rd day of August .• J ames Syson. Henry Dawson. Clerk. Warden. xxxxxxx~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The ninth meeting of th& Maple Ridge Municipal Council was held at the School House on the 3rd day of August. Present the Warden, Councillors .___---- Howison,Haney.lsaac and Morgan; Moved by Councillor Han!8y,seconded by Councillor Iliorgan that the Cemetery By-Law be laid over until the next meeting & that Messrs Howison be requested to give a title to ,the land C arr i ed •.. ' -~.'. The Clerk was authorized to instruct Mr ,Bole to draw up a By-Law for the sale· of lands for the non-payment of taxes. Moved by Councillor ~ Morgan,seconded by Councillor Howison,that the Clerk be instructed to frame a By-Law d·ividing the Municipali·ty into wards. Carried. Messrs Howison & Dawson made a statement relating to section lines in Township 12. Moved by Councillor Haney,seconded by Councillor .Morgan that this Council adjourn until 7th day of September. Carried. James Syson. Clerk. Thomas Han ey • Chairman. 32 ~Ji~liUH8Xa:t.xu.x ~uxg~XWK~nu ~UJm~~ml~xXU~u~~~hKx~ C . '~i{ •. , The terithmeetirig -of' the IiIaple-' Ridge' -Municipal Council Was held at the School House on the 7th day of September l8~8.· -. --' -, -Pr'eserit Councillo'rs Hariey,Hov(isOn~Callaghan,Isa8c' and Park~nson. Moved bpat Councillor Haney do take the chair. Carried,. ' Account or" J'ames Sinclair was received and laid ove'r. ~ ... ' . Moved by COUncil'lor Howison-, seconded by Councillor Callaghan that Municipality shall be divided into four wards. Carried. . .,~ .. . -~ The Clerk was instructed to wri te to his Ho'nour the Lieutenant-' Governor requesting him 'to appoint the Munfcipal Council tru'stees of the Maple Ridge Cemetery. , ' Moved by' Councillor Caliaghan, s'econded by Counci'llor Parkinson that this Council do now adjourn until the 5th day of October. Carried. Ja'1les Syson Clerk. Henry DaVJson. Warden. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX~~~DOoaOC~~XXXXXXXXXYJaXXXXXXXXXXX The eleventh rneet'ing' of the Jllaple Ridge Municipal' Council Vias held at the School House on the fifth day ofOctobe'r' lB78. Present the Warden Councillors Haney,Mo~~an, Isaac.~owison,Robertson, and' P,arkerson. The minute~ of the las~m~eting were read and confirmed. The account- of J~nes Sinclair was ordered to be paid. . 'M~ W.J.Howison stat~d that, as the'agre'ementto'give the land for a'grave-yard was not satisfactory he should decline to give-the land. Moved by CoUncillor Morgan seconded by Councillo~ Haney That as Messrs Howison refuse to give the l~nd for a grave-yard-without conditions, the matter be laid over till ne~t year Carried. , The By-Law for dividing the municipality into wards w~s read for the first time and ammended. The Council was adjourned until' the 2nd of November. James Syson. plerk. Henry Dawson. Warden. XXXXXXL~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJOO9CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The twel th meeting of the Maple: Ridge Council (Municipal) was held at the Sch09l House on the 2nd day of November. ~resent the Warden. & Councillors Howison, Isaac,Morgan and Haney. Moved by Councillo~-' that the Clerk be instructed to district No 4 (D.Callaghan) Morgan seconded py Councillor Isaac commWlicate wi th the pathrnaster of requesting him to cause the balance ~~~forfued as soon a~ possible and a meeting. Carried. of the work in his district to returm made by the next Council be (Continued) Moved by Councillor Haney, seconded by Councillor Morg,an that' the second reading of the Municipality division By-Law be agreed to. Carried. Moved by Councillor Morgan seconded by Councillor Isaac that the Byl Law regulating 'the duties of Assessor be ammended and the 1st of April be the date 'fixed for the return, of the Revised Assessment Roll instead the 1st of March. Carried. Moved by Howison, seconded by Councillor Haney that store 'license of Mrs Isaac be fixed at five dollars ('~) for the present year Carried. (amrnended see page 82~ .33 Moved by Councillor Morgan,seconded by Councillor Haney that one dollar ($1) be paid ·to fur Howison for stamps furnished to the assessor. Carried. Moved by Councillor Haney,seconded by Co~ncilor Morgan that the accounts of James Syson for the sum of ten dollars be paid. Carried. Moved,seconded and carried that this Council adjourn until the 7t~ day of December. James Syson Clerk. Henry Daweon. Warden. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The 13th meeting of the Municipal Council was held at 'the School House on the 7th of December l878 •.. Present the Warden,councillors HaneY,How. ison,Morgan, Isaac & Parkinson. The minutes of. thepre~iousmeeting were :tead. Moved by Councillor Haney,seconded by Councillor,1/lorgan that the motion regulating Mrs Isaacs license be ammended so as to read "To bring in,a by-law to regulate licenses, Carried. The by-law for the division of the Municipality into Wards was ,read for the third time. Moved by Councillor Haney,seco~ded by Councillor lsaac that the Municipality be divided into two wards,and that the township km line between townships 9 & 12 be the dividi~g line between these wards. " Carried. Moved by Councillor Haney,s~conded by Councillor Morgan that the by-law di viding the municipali ty in'to wards be passed as ammended. Carrie~. cC 'The By-Law for.the regulation of the Municipal Assessor was read for h the second time. Moved by Councillor Isaac:seconded by Councillor Howison that the second reading of the By-Law be accepted. Carried. Moved by Councillor lsaac.seconded by Councillor Howison that Mesers George Howison and W.J.Sinc1air act as audi~ors for the year 1878. Car'd The retail traders license by-law was read for the first and second time. -Moved by Councillor lsaac seconded by Council~or HQwieon that the pay of the ~uditors be $1.50 each~ Carried Moved,seconded that this Council do now adjourn. James Syson Clerk. Henry Dawson. Warden. The 14th Meeting of the Maple Ridge Municipal Council was held at the School House on, the 26th of December It378. Present the Warden, Councillors Callaghan,Morgan, Howison and'Isaac. Moved by Councillor Callaghan'seconded by Councillor Morgan that the.minutes of the previous meeting be passed. Carried. The By-Law for the regulation 'of the Municipal Assessor was read for the third time. Moved by Councillor Morgan, seconded by Councillor Isaac that this by- law do now pass. Carried. ' - Moved by Councillor Howison,seconded by Coun'cillor· Callaghan that the Nominations for the Warden and Councillors shall be held at t4·e School House Maple' Ridge on the 13th day of January 1879 at noon and that 'a poll,if any,shall held on the same day opening at 2 o'clock and closing at , o'clock P.M. l The.By-Law regulating Retail Traders Licenses was read. Moved by Councillor Morgan,eeconded· by Councillor Callaghan that , .. instead of the wor.de,the sum of ten dollars,the.by-law be ammended so as to read "a sum not exceeding ten dollars. Carried. - Mov~d by Councillor Callaghan,seconded by Councillor Morgan t~at Jamee Syson be appointed returning officer at the next election without fee. Carried. Moved,seconded.and carried that this Council adjourn until the 11th day of January 1879. Jamee Syson. Henry Dawson. Clerk. Warden. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , . 'l'he fIfteenth Meeting of the Maple Ridge Municipal Cou~cil Vias held at the School House on Saturday the 13th day of J"anuary 1879. Present th'e Warden,Councillors Callaghan,Howison,Haney, Isaac,and' Morgan. The minutes of the previous meeting were tead and confirmed. The Voters list was read by the Clerk and several names were taken off. Moved by Councillor lsaac,seconded by Councillor Morgan that the voters list as 8!!!lnended. be accepted and passed. Carried.- The accounts of the past year were presented and the Auditors report was read.. Accepted. Moved by Councillor Haney,seconded b~ Councillor Callaghan that the account of the Warden $3.,0 for station- ary 1 8 77 & 1878 be allowed. -Carried.. . The By-Law for the regulation of Municipal Elections was read for the 2nd and 3rd time. Moved by Councillor Haney,seconded by Counci1lor.Morgan that the Municipal Election By-Law do now Pass. Carried. A List of Liabilities was read by the clerk namely, John McKenrl'ey· $15. James Syson~$22.50; J.C.Brown,$lO. Norman Bole $10; Samuel Edge $6.80; George Howison, (:;1.-5'0; James Sinclair, $1.,0; Moved by Councillor Morgan, seconded by' Councillor Haney,That the list of l~abilities for 1878 be ordered paid. Carried. Moved by Coun " Callaghan,seeonded by Councillor Isaac,That the several.bills as made out by the clerk for Councillors pay of 1878 be ordered paid. Carried. \ VUH ",.r.U\ ... U::;\A./ _ lO Resolve~ that Well~ngton J .Harris,Esquire,-andTho~as James ~:FJsquire. . be ap~olnted s~r_litlneers to act ~t _ the next electlon. Ca~rled._ ]Kovee., seconded,and carried that this Council do .now adjourn.Carried. Jarnes Syson. John McKenhey. Clerk -Warden. COUNCIL 1879. A Nomination fbr the office of ~ Warden and eight Coun~illors to hold offic~ during the year 1879. The following persons were declared duly elected. John·McKenney. Warden. Ward No 1. George Apnaut. Jeramia Callaghan. . Thomas J-runes. Thom.as Scott. Wa,rd No 2 Aclam· Irving~ Samuel Edge. Dani el C all,aghan • James Cook. l l ) ) ) ) ) ) .Councillors. James Syson,Returning Officer. Wellington J.Harris Thomas J ame s • Schocl House.Maple Ridge J"anuary 13th, le79. John - Scrutineers. xxxx xxxx xxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The first meeting of the Maple Ridge Council for the year 1879 was held at the schoihl hotise;on the 20 of January. Fresent the Warden,Councillors Irvin,Scott, James. Edge,J .Callaghan & p.Calla.ghan. Moved by Councillor D.Callaghan,seconded by Councillor J-ames tha,t the m*nutes of the last meeting do pass. Carried. Moved by Councillor Scott seconded by Councillor Irvin that the motion relating to Councillors pay of 1878 be laid over till next meeting. Moved by Councillor J .Ca.llaghan, seconded by Dawson be Appointed clerk and collector for of fortyfive dOllars. Carried-~--~-- Bouncillor James thatH. the present year at a salary Moved b~ Councillor J.Callaghan seconded by Coun Scott that T.Henderson be appointed assessor for the~present year at a sllary of twenty dollars. ( first m~eting ,1879:con) Moved by Councilor Scott seconded by Councillor J. Callaghan tha.t Tho's Haney 'be appointe~ treasurer for the present yea.r a.t a s~a.~ary.of_ t~~rty dollars. Moved by' Councillor Edge' s'econded.'by Councillor ~ James that the clerk be ordered.to furnish stationary to amount of $1.00; -,--. "' On motion the Council adjourned tdll the first Saturday in February. Henry Dawso'n.. John McK'enrley. Clerk. Warden. xxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The'second meeting of the Mapl'e RidgeCounc'il vias held in' the school house oil% the fif'st'da:y February.Present.the Wa.r4en,Irvin. Apnot,Cook', Edge, Scott &; J. Callaghan. ' ,-',- . Moved by CouhcillQr Apn6t'secohded by Coun Cook that no pay be allowed to Councillors for the year 1878. -' - Moved by Councillor Edge 'seconded by Council~or T.Scott that the by law reg~arding the officers salary 'b~,adopted for the.present y~ar. Moved by Co-uncillor' J'. Callaghan seconded by Councillor T. Scott that the a6s~ssment noti6es for the Assessor be ordered by the clerk to the/ amount of 200. Coppes.·' , Moved,by'Cotinb~llor'Ed~e'~e90nded by Cotincillor Cook that the assessment by law'be' amended so as t,o read,on the first day of March,instead of the first day of Apr~l. _.. -- Mo.ed"by C~un~illot Edg~'~~cbhdedby'Counbil16~ Cbok ~h~t·the bletk furnlsh-the Cc)uncil at' each meeting wi th a balance sheet showing the income and expendi ture. . ' ': J~Call~ghah-gave nbtice that at the next meeting he will bring in a by law regulat~ng licenses. . . . - ell! H.Dawson was instructed by the Council to pay to James Syson ~22.50. On motion the Council adjourned. Henry Dawson Clerk. John McKenney. Warden. Third Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held in the school house June. the 2'1579. Present the Warden.Councillors Edge, Irving, Cook. Scott, Apnot,~·. Callaghan and. T. James. M~ved ~~:Counclllor E~ge,se60nded by' C'ouncillor Callaghan that the salarif,s of the oficera remain as before stated. Moved by Councillor I·rving seconded by Councillor T. Scott that all bills be ordered paid to the amount called for respectfully. Moved' by Councillor J .Callaghan seconded 'by Councillor S.Edge that~·-no or- d~r:be, paid except by order of the Counpil. Moved by Councillor G.Apnot seconded by Councillor. S.Edge that a. court of revision be held at the scnool house on Saturda.y July 5th at 2 o'clock pm ~ On mot'ion the by law regulating licenses be read for the first time. On motion the council adjourned till Satu~day the aeventh instant at 1 oelock F.M. Henry Dawson John McKenney. Clerk. Warden. ::,'37 Fourth Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council wae held in the schoolhouse" "'- onSatur"day th~ ,7th instance, present the Warden, councillo:rs ,Edge, Scott, ,Ca:llaghan','Cook, Irving . and James. On motion the minutes of last meeting was read and approved. ' . . " On 'motionthe following' pathmaster's were' appointed f?r towns~~p 9. \'1Ei.rd No 1 E.,Cock; No ~ T.Hend~rson;No,3 VI.Nelson,_ For'township 12 Ward No 1 He'riry Dawson; No 2H.Fu.rgitson;~o' 3 S·.Robertson; N'o'4;"Dockstader; 'No 5' W.Farkinson., Mov~d by' Co1incillor-J.C6ok seconded' by' Co'unJ".Callaghan that the by law regulating statute labor be excepted. (accepted,I presume ) ~Moved-by' Co~ricillot I~~ing seconded by.J.Cook tha~ ,the .. bY,law regulating pathmasters be Excepted. (accepted) Moved 'by' 6ouncillor'T.'SCott 'seco'nded' 'by Councillor A.lrving that i of orie per 'celit'be levied on all taxable property within the Municipa,lity of :M~ple Ridge. ' On motion the license by law was read a secondctime. :Moved by Councillor S .Edge seconded by Coun T • Jarnee that the by law for regulating taxes be excepted. (accepted) On motion the Council adjourned to meet on the fifth. of July. Henry Dawson. John McKenney •. Clerk. Warden. Fifth Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held in the school house July ,.present Warden. Couns;Edge.Scott.Callaghans,Apnot. Irving and Cook. , , , On motion the minutes of la.st meeting were read and approved. On motion the by law regulating licenses wa.s read for the third time and passed. On motion the assessment rool for 1879 was ~,revised and:' passed. On motion it was desided that all returns for statute labor be made on or before the first day of October next. On motion the Council adjourned. Henry Dawson Clerk •. John McKenney. Warden. Sixth I'ieeting of the Maple' Rid.ge Council was held in the School house on Saturday the 9 day of August.Present the Warden, Councillors Edge Apnot. Callaghan,lrving and Scott; On motion the minutes ,of la.st meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Coun A.lrving seconded by Coun Edge tha.t the road leading from the present steamboat landing to the river road given by W.Nelson be gazetted~ , On motion six dollar were given for the use of the school for the meeting of the Council. Mo.v~_d by Cqun Callaghan ~econded by C~u~ Sc~tt that the half years salary e~nding June 30th.be pa~d to the mun~c~pal~ty officers. On m.otion the Council adjourned. Henry Dawson. Clerk. ,.P John Mckenney. . Warden. :'38 \': Seventh Meeting of Maple Ridge -held in the Sghool house on September th~:ll879~Present the Warden & Councillors Irving. Edge.Scott. Thos James and Callaghan; On motion the minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Moved by Councillor Edge seconded by Councillor James Tha.t the Warden a.nd 'clerk br authorised to go to Victoria. on business connected with the municipality and that six dollars each be allowed for' expenses.: . . On·motion the Council adjourned. Henry Dawson Clerk. John MoKenney. Warden .- Eighth Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held in the schoolhouse on Saturday the 6 instan~. present the Warden,Councillors Callaghan, Apnot,James, Irving & Edge. Moved by Councillor Edge seconded by Councillor Callaghan that the By law regulating. retail traders licenses be repealed. Henry DaVlson., Clerk. Council adjourned. John McKenney. Warden. Ninth Meeting of -Maple Ridge -held in the School house Sep 27 1879. Present the Wa~den,Councillors ~rving,Edge,Scott,Apnot & James., Moved by Councillor Edge seconded by Councillor Irving.That By Law No 7 striking a rate of t of one per cent on the assessed value of all real & personal property within the corporation is hereby repealed, Such repeal not to effect money due under the By Law. Moved by Councillor Scott seconded by Edge that a general revision by- law be read for the first time. The Council adjourn. / Henry Dawson. John McKenney. Clerk. Warden •. Tenth Meeting of Maple Ridge Council wa.s held in the school house on the 4 of October. Present the Warden & Councillors Irving,: J-.Callaghaf:l, T.~ James,S.Ed~e.G.Apnot; .Moved by Councillor S.Edge seconded by Councillor G.Apnot that the revenue By-Law be read the second time. . . Moved by Councillor Callaghan seconded by Councillor Apnot that the clerk shall notify each pathmaster in to make returns of the ro~d list to the clerk on or before the 18 of October. ---- . Moved by Councillor S.Edge seconded by Councillor T.Jemes that the rate on real and personal prop- e rty in the revenue By L.aw be t .of one per .cent and that the taxes for- the some (sum)be payable on or before the first day of November in each and ev~ry year. ~ lO ( Tenth meeting 1879 con) On motion it wa.s agreed that the Licenses shall terminate on the first day'May and, 'the first day of November' in 'each year and all-other taxes payable' underthis'By'Law to be paid on or before the first day of November in each year. . ' -" '., . ' . Court adjourned to meet October the 18th; Henry Davv' son • Clerk. John McK'enney. Warden. Eleventh Meeting of the M'4P1e RcidgeaCouncil was held in the Schoolhouse on Saturday the 18 day of October .Present the Warden, Councillors Irving, Callaghal,Edge,Jarnes & Apnot. The minutes of last meeting were read and passed. . Moved ~y Co~ncill~~' ~d~e s~co~ded by C~u Callaghan that 8 days longer 'be allowed those who have not yet finished ther.e statute labor. On motion the revenue By Law was read for the third time. ·Councillor Callaghan notice that he would bring in a. by law 4~vidi~g the Municipality into wards at next meeting. On motion the Council adjourned. Henry Dawso n. ~ Clerk. John McKenney. Warden. Twelth Meeting of the Municipa.l Council of Maple Ridge Vias held in the school house on Saturday the 1st of November', present the Warden and Councillors Edge.lrving,Cook,James,Callaghan & Cook; Minutes' of last meeting were read & confirmed. Moved by Councilor Callaghan seconded by Cou Irving that the By law for de~iding the Municipality into wards be read for the first time. Moved by Councillor James seconed by Councillor Edge that all taxes not pax« work out be paid in money to the Collector or the collector to produce a receipt for the srune. Moved by Cou Callaghan seconded by Cou S.Edge that the clerk be instruted to notify Mr Robinson,solicitor,Victoria~of the state of-affairs with r-eguard· to Isaac & Co. Henry Dawson. Clerk. John McKenney._ Warden g The 13 Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held in ~e e~hoolhouse on Saturday the 15 of No 1879. presen t the Warden. Councillors --Callaghan. Edge.lrving,Scott & Cook. On motion the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Councillor J.Callaghan seconded by Councilor Cook that $25.00 be granted for work to be done on the road lead.ing from the river to cent er of township 12. ~ Moved by Councillor Irving seconed ,. -~ .' ( 13th meeting 1879 con) by Councillor T'".Seott that the By Law for d~viding the municipality into wards be read for the second time. Moved by Councillor J.Cook seeoBed by Councillor Callaghan that the gratis ~abor on the roa.d leading fro~ the river to center of township 12 be done fir~t and that the $25.00 be worked out after the first is done. and a committee be appointed to see that it is done. Moved by Councillor S.Edge sec£ned by Councillor" Irving that all orders passed by the council up to the present time be signed by the War~~n. Henry Dawson. c Clerk. Council adjourned. John McKenney. Warden. The l4.Meeting "of the Maple Rid.ge Council was held in the schoolhQuse on Saturday the 29 day of November 1879. Present the Warden.Councillors Edge,Apnot. James,Scott & Irving. Minutes of last meeting were approved. Moved by Councillor Irving seconed by Councillor Scott that the line deviding the Municipality into wards commence at the stake between lots 397 and 398 thence north to the sutheren (southern) boundary of the section 30 thence east 20 chains,thence north 20 chains,thence west 60 chains to the townsbip line, then to follow the line named in ~he I;ylaw. Moved by Councillor Edge-and sec£ned by Councillor Irving that Howison Vlork be excepted(Accepted) for six day's. Moved and seco~ed that we adj ourn. HemllY Dawson Clerk. :John~McKenn~y. Warden. The 15 Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council wae held in the school house on Wednesday 24 day of December l879.Present the Warden. Edge,Irving, Scott & Callaghan. Minutes of la.st meeting were read and approved. Moved by Councillor J.Callaghan seconded by Cou T.Scott that T.Levt be allowed one days statute labor.on next year in satisfaction for his bill of four dollars. " Moved my Councillor Edge an9 sec~ned Ey J. Callaghan that the Warden sign an order for Mr Henderson salary as assessor $20.stationary $2. , . M~ved by A.lrving,secoQed by J.Callaghan that Mr Howison be allowed $8.00 for clearing town lin~. By order the clerk waS allowe'd ~~12. 50 expenses to Victoria. Henry Dawson. John McKenney. Clerk. Warden. The 16 Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held in the S ,house on ',·.~4:1 Saturday the 3 day of January le80.Peesent the Warden,Councillors Edge " Scott, Irving, Callagan,Cook & T .James,. Minutes of l.as.t mee.tiflg were read and approved. Moved .by S .Edge sec by T .James that the Warden sign an ord.er for six dollars for the use of school house as a Counc,il Chamber. Moved by A.~rving and secoBed J.Callaghan that an prder be si~ned by the. 'Warden for $25 and gi ven to D .Dockstador. Moved by S.Edge sec by T'.James that Henderson be appointed .returning offiper for. t~e next - election • . Moved by A.I.rving and secon£d J,. Cook that Robert Irving and J.Sinclair be appointed auditors. Moved by A.lrving secone~ by T.Scott that the Warden sign an order for the o.fficers half year s,alary. Moved by A.lrving and sec.oned by T, Scott that (p9.00 be taken off the Clerk salary for corduroy.- On motion the Voiters (Voters list.lguess-&,cf.) was approved of. Moved and secon~d that Morgan and Furgusons be appointed scrutineers. Henry DaVlson. J.ohn McKenney. Cler.k. Warden. J • Callaghan . Daniel Docksteader. Clerk, pr9 tem; Warden. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1880 The first meeting of the Maple.Ridge Council for the year 1880 was held at the school house Maple Ridge J"anuary 19th • .Present. The Warden. Councillors Joseph Stephens.J.Hinch.G.Howison. A.lrving.W.J.Harris; H. Ferguson and D.Callaghan. Moved by H.Ferguson,s~conded by W.Harris that J"er Calla.ghan be appointed clerk pro tern. Moved by J .Stephens seconded by J .Hinch that the minutes of the previous meeting. be adopt.~~"~ . Mo~ed by G.Howison,seconded by J.Hinch that a new set~-of books be procured for the Maple Ridge Council for the yea.r 1880. lnx amendment. Moved by J.8tephens,seconded by G.Howison that all officers be received by tender. M~ved by W~J.Harris,seconded by Irving,that the Coun~il at a certaln salary without tender. Amendment lost. appoint a clerk ""11'2 ;'~ ( First meeting 1880 con) Moved by Vi.J .Harris, seconded by D,.Callaghan that: the salary of c.lerk be thirty ,dollars for the year 1880. Moved by Geo Howison,second by John Hinch that the" following offices be. let by tender ;Asse.ssor. Treasurer, and· Collector, the lowest or any tender not necessarily axEll accepted. Moved by J .Stephens. seconded .by H.Ferguson that J •. Callaghan be appointed clerk at a salary of thirty dollars for the year 1850. Moved byW.J .Harris, seconded by D.Callaghan that the offices of Trea.- surer, Assessor, and Collector be laid over until next meeting of the Council and a seperate' tender, be given for ea:ch •. '" Moved by G.Howison.seconded by John Hinch that tenders for the following offices Viz,Assessor.Treasurer.and Collector be tendered for at the next meeting of the Council held on the first Saturday in February. Notices to be posted, up calling for the same.All tenders to, be sealed acco~panied by their security. . Moved by Geo Howison.seconded by J.Hinch. that BOOks belonging to the Maple Ridge Council, be pla,ced in the hand a competent person to audit before the present council will except the same,the same to be mad~'up from the first of Jan 1878 up to the pr e s en t time J.an 19 th 188-0-.·--_ .. _. . Moved-by Vl.J .Harris. seconded by .A.lrving that the Clerk be instructed to correspond with the Wardens of the vari- ous Municipality with reference to a joint petition asking the local Government for the appropriations made to this District to be devided .equally among .the various Municipality,viz,. Chilliwhack.Langley,Maple Ridge,Delta,Richmond. Moved ,by Geo Howison, seconded by A.lrving that James W.Sinclair & R.lrving place in'the hand of the present Council ': a correct r.eport in the shape of a bal sheet of all Municipal 1;1atters cOlnmencing Jan 1st 1879 to Jan 1st 1880,the same to be c~rtified by them as correct. Moved by W.J.Harris~seconded by H.Ferguson that the late clerk be requested to hand over to the present clerk all books, pape~s belonging to the Municipality and also all'correspondence conected with the Law suit now pending. , , Moved by J. Stephens. seconded by D. Callaghan that the pri,nting for the Municipality be let by tender and that the Editors of tile Mainland Guardian and Hearld tender for same. Moved by H.Ferguson,seconded by A.lrving that the clerk be requested to procure the necessary books and stationary including a proper assessors Book. On motion the Co~ncil adjourned to meet an the 1st Saturday in February at 1 p'clock. (Here the "minutes bre~ off, and 'no more 'appear (meeti~g of FebruarY.7 or 8 la81.and then omly avail~bIe till the ) 0x:e rneet~ appears) -1?, I~_:_ ,~ The, First meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held in the School house on .the 8th day of Feb 1881. Present the Ward'en and Councillors Hammond, Laity, Callaghan,Stephens,Ferguson and Haney. Moved by Hector Ferguson,seconded by 1'hos Haney,'That James W.Sinclair be appointed clerk pro tern. Carried. Moved by Councillor Callaghan seconded by Coun Laity,That all parties holding books,papers,& bylaws communications &c the property of the former Councils be instructed to hand the same to this Council by next meeting.Carried. Moved by Councillor Stephens,seconded by Coun Callagah, That J"ames W. Sinclair be appointed clerk ~t a salary of thirty dollars and a by- law be ,drawn up at the next meeting fixing the ,same. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stephens, seconded by Coun ~1lxgm:DUI. Callaghan.That' Tenders be received at the next meeting for Treasurer,Assessor and Collector. Carried. MDvedby Councillor Haney,seconded by Coun Ferguson.That the Clerk be instructed to procure such books,& statdonery that the Council requires. Carri ed.. Moved by Councillor Ferguson,seconded by Coun Haney. That this meeting adjourn until one o'clock p.m.on the First Saturday in March 1881. (NO OTHER IflINUTES AVAILABLE TILL THE ELEVENTH MEETING OF 'L8'85.) (I t appears as if a I'Jlinute .bO ok is 10 st.J and some minutes were ) ( evidently cut out a.nd o.e.~troyed. ~ ~ ) .. :!', ~ Eleventh regular me'eting of 'tee Municipal ,Council was held in the town hall on November 7th 1885. All the m-ernbers except Councillor Hammond were present. The minutes of last regular and adjourned meetings were read. On motion of Coun Laity,sec by Co~n Harris the resolution rescinding the last clause of the Revenue bY-,law wass struck off the minutes which were the adopted. The Road Committee of each ward submitted their reports,Contracts on Government work at Wnonnock Station were i,nspected by Road Corn on October 24th; all the work with the exception of Mr Hicks Contracts were pas sed. All the reports were read,noted and filed. Mr W.G.Fleming ap~lied for some one to assist him in locating the site of bridge across f;anaka Creek,Also for permission to use a wooden ham- mer to drive the ~iles. Mrs Harri~ requested the use of the town hall· on the evening of Dec 24th. The request was granted. Collections of taxes for the month $132.00 The following accounts were received and ordered paid.: _ . "C 1 b' "f 't' ~ ~-. o urn 1 an 0 r pr 1 n 1 ng. . . . . 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • I I ~ 37 • 2 2 Geo Howison for minute book ............ I I ••••• I 10 ••• 2.00 Jno McKenney for road work ... I •• I I I' •••• , ••••••• 0 ••• 4.50 Vim H8.Iflpton .... Q.Q ••••• I • •• • ••••••••••••••• " • I. • • • •• 5.00 Vim Smedley do .... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30.00 John'la.cIver do ...............•............ '~ . . . . . . . 3.00 D 0 ~.a. cF her 90 n do. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . • • . • • . . . . . • . . .• 10 5 . 00 Robert N eeley do ... I ••• I ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ • 50.00 Rob er t M cK en z i e do. . . . . . . . . . . ',' . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2 0 • 0 0 (11th. meeting 188, con) Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Baker and resolved that Road Corn reports of Wards 1 and 2 in r~ference to passing contracts be accepted. . . Moved by Court Harris,sec'd by Coun Fitzpatrick,that Mr Flemings appli- ca.tion in reference to the use of a woodenharnmer for pile driver be referred to the Govmt and the Clerk to make the necessary explanations Carried. Moved by Coun Baker,sec'd by Coun Laity and resolved that the clerk in- form the constable to see that the revenue by-law is strictly enforced and·to prosecute any person violating any of the claus~s of said bylaw. Moved by Coun Baker.sec'd by Coun Laity,the clerk was instructed to notify the constable in reference to the Sunday Observance by-law, 'l'he law as defined in that bylaw to be in the future strictly enforced, Any ·trader or others violating the same ~to be prosecuted. Moved by Coun Laity,sec'd by Coun Baker that .the clerk put .up notices in in differant parts of the Municipality notifying ratepayers that all taxes must be paid not later than ten days :before nomination day to qualify for voting at the annual ele.ction in January and subsequent elections for Reeve ~r Councillors during the year 1886. The Council then adjourned till regular meeting in Decemb~r. P.Murray. Geo Howison. C.lvI.C. Reeve. The twelfth regular meeting of the Council was held in the town hall on Dec (no date) 1B8,. all the members were present. A communica.tion from Mr McKenney asking for the .use of the town hall on the evening of Dec 28th. On motion of Coun Harris Sec'd by .Coun~ammond the request was granted. It was resolv.ed on the motion of Councillor Harris,seconded by Coun Baker that John McKenney be appointed a return- ing officer for the annual election of Reeve and Councillors at a sal- ary of ($lO)ten dollars. Said returning officer to be regulated in his duties by the Municipal Election by law of 1881. The Reeve certified that Mr :Elsia Dayhack presented him with a bears .. 4 head and recommended that the bounty of (2.50) two dollars and half in accordance wi th the by-law be paid Mr Dayhack. An account was read from Messrs Woods Turner & Gamble asking that., they be paid the amount due them. The Reeve was instructed to issue orders on the treasur~ for the following amounts. Elsia Dayhack ......... 2.50 for killing bear. Woods,Turner & Gamble 40.00 on a/c their bill. Daniel McPherson •...•. '.OO.for clearing road.r John McKenney ......•.. 6.00 for services. f • •• ~ • ~. • ........ 1" .. On motion.of-Councillor ijarris.secQndeU.Oy.CQun.~~er,Mr Thomas Levi was appointed.inspector.of.bridge.across Kanaka Creek at a salary not to e~ceed. ($20) twenty. dollars •. His .a~~. inspection to be ·:"'subject to the ~ approva~ of.Council.Said.lnspector.to be.furnished with plans and ·specificat~o~s.of.Q~~4ge. ( 12th meeting 1885 con) On motion of Councillor Hanmfond,sec'd by Coun La.ity it was -resolved that the" clerk notify Mr Adam Docksteader that contracts take"n by him in ward No 1 are cancelled for non-completion of same. It was resolved on the motion of Coun Laity,seconded-by Coun Hammond that the clerk send a copy of the Assessment Roll and Collectors roll to the Provincial Secretary in compliance with the Municipality Act 1881. - On motion of Coun Harris,seconded by Coun Laity.IJlr Robert Blake and l'!1r Jarnes Vim Sinclair were appointed audi tors to audi t the Municipal ac counts of the year 1885. Council then adjourned till the regular meeting in January 1886. P.Murray. Geo "Howison. C.M.C. Reeve. , The Last regular meeting of the Municipal Council for the year 1885 was held in the town hall on J'anuary 2nd 1586. All members were present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and on mot:ion of Coun Lai ty. sec' d by Harris the minutes were adopted. Road Committee of Ward No 1 reported MrMcGregors contract at Whonnock completed according to specifications. On motion of Coun Laity,sec'd by Coun Hammond,report was adopted,and an order be dr~wn on the Treasurer for $50 in favor of Mr McGregor.Carried. Moved. by Coun Harris,Sec'd. by Coun Fitzpatrick,That an order for $3.00 in favor of Adam Docksteader be issued. Carried. Moved by CounBaker,sec'd by Coun Fitzpatrick,That the Road Committee of Ward. No 2 let by public competition on Saturday next a contract to corduroy and ditch a portion of the Central section line of township 12 to the amoun t of $130.00. ,Carri ed.. Moved by Coun La.1ty, sec' d by Coun Baker, That an order be drawn on the Treasury for $ 146.50 payable to Henry Dawson for completion of contract on cemetery." Carried. Moved by Coun Ba.ker,Sec by Coun Fitzpatrick, That the Road committee repor.t respec:ting cancelling contract and retaining $100 on the Bakers contract for non-fulfilment be accepted •. Carried. Moved by Gou~,cillor Lai ty, Sec' d by Coun Harnmond. 'l'ha t orders bE issued on the Treasury( for ~,6.oo in favor of P • Murray (sala,ries) also ap order for $10.00. for sta..mps,statcionery &c furnished the Council by Mr R.Bla.ke.Car'd The Voters list as prepared was read and on motion of Coun Laity,Sec'd by Coun HaIIlIDond the list was adopted for the year 1886. . There being no further business the the Council adjourned till the 11 th ins_;t at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. . . Pursuant to adj ournm'ent Council m~t~"-in tb.e Town Hall. All members present except Coun Hammond. Road corrtmittee of Ward ~"o 2 reported having let on Cen~_~al Section line of"~township 12 contracts ;tb the amount of $,130. OO·.~Contracts were awarded to -Mr ·James \Best. Road Committees of Wards 1 and 2 reported hav~ng inspected Kanaka Creek br~dge.~nd find the bridge completed according"-to specifications. T-he fina,ncial" sts,nding of the IllLunicipality as reported by the AuditoTs was read. '°46 (Last meeting 1885 cori)' On motion of Coun Fitzpatrick,sec'd by Coun Baker the auditors report was was accepted. It was resolved on the motion of Co un Laity.sec'd by Coun Baker that' comrnit'tees reports on letting contracts and accepting bridge be adopted and that a voucher be issued in favor of Shannon & F1eming for balance~of Govtmt appropriation. On motion of Coun Laity,sectd by Coun Harris the meeti~g adjourned,~ Di~. Geo Howison. Reeve. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1886 First Meeting. 1886 •. The first regular meeting of the Municipal Council for the year 1886 wa.s held according to statut.e on Monday the 18th of JOanuary in the Town Hall. The Reeve and Councillors being sworn in accordance with the ~%xtu sta tucte in that behalf, The following declaration was then subscri bed to We the undersigned Reeve and Councillors elect for the Municip- ality of Maple Ridge, Do declare that we are British subjects possess- ing t~e qualifications by law required, and tha,t we are in no way dis- qualified for holding the offices of Reeve and. Councillors, and we have not nor will have while holding office any interest directly or indir- ectly in any contract or services connected with the Co~poration.We have not by ourselves or any other person knowingly employed any bri- bery,corruption or intimidation to gain our election,and we will faith- fully perform theduties~ of our office and will no~ allow any private interest to influence our conduct in PUBLIC MAT'l'ERS. signed Geo. Howison. Ree~e-elect Hector Ferguson Councillor " P et:er Baker ; Coupcillor. 11 VI. J .Ha.rris CO'un,c ill or . It John La.ity Councillor" Henry Dawson Councillor " The Council was then constituted,The Reeve in the chair, Mr ~.J.Wilson was appointed clerk pro tem.. The Council proceeded with the election of officers for the current year. There were three applications for tile office of Assessor.As. a result of vote by b~llot Mr J.M.Webster was elected.and on motion of Coun Dawson,sec'd by Coun Laity. Mr Webster was ins.talled Assessor for the :Municipali ty at a salary of $25.00. There were two applications for the office of Treasurer, Messrs McKenney and Isaac,the former applying for ~he office at a salary the same as last year, the latter agreeing to ser,ve at a salary of $30. I Moved by Coun Freguson. sect d by Coun Harris.\Th~tMr McKenney b~ appointed Treasurer for the year 1886 at the~ same salary as last'--year. ! It was moved in amendment by Coun Laity seconded by Coun Dawson,that applications be made at the next regular meeting for Clerk,Collector and Treasurer stating salary. Carried. """ :J' Mr McKenney presented a bill of $10.12' for ser~~ces ren~~red as return- ing/officer and hlr Wilson a bill for $50 for pa~~ payment of his contract on town line. The Road Committee recomm€nded payment of'Mr (1st meeting 1886 con) Wilsons bill,and on mtiltion of Coun Harris,seconded by Coun Laity the Heeve was authorized to issue a voucher. in favor of l'llr Wilson and an order'on the Treasury in favor of Mr McKenney for the amounts respect- ively. ./1.;; J~~" On·motion of Coun Dawson, seconded by Coun Laity The cl~rk was requested to apply to the Government for copies of all municipal amendments from 1851 to the present time. On motion og C6uri Harris Seconded by Coun Laity,It was resolved that Mr E.:Mohun C.E. be instructed to prepar'e a map of the municipa.lity of Maple Ridge in accordance with plan mentioned,shewing gazetted roads, government reserves, Crown grants &c,Cost of map not to exce~d $2,.00 On motion of Coun Laity, seconded. by Coun Harris,The clerk wa.s instructed to communicate with the government respecting the late election, Five Councillors being elected whereas Letters Patent mentions only four.If the Council· is not' legally constituted,it is desirable that any il- legality: be rectified by the Legislature. On motion of Coun Laity, seconded by Coun Dawson,the Reeve was author- izedto procure two cords of wood for town hall,also window lights,a chair,table-cloth and books,Those necessa.ries to be furnished by next meeting. There being no further business the Council adjourned till regular meeting,February 6th. G eo Howi son. Reeve. 1886 Second Meeting 1886 Council met in the Town Hall on Feb 6. Reeve and Councillors 'all present. 1'lr J.J".Wilson appointed pro tem. Nl.inutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Applica.tio.ns for the several offices were in order. The following were the applicants for the Treasurership. Wm lsaac for a salary of •..... ". . . . . . . . . . . .. . John Hinch 11 11 Cl '. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .... 11 Robert Brake 11 " • • . • • • • • • • . .L.. . .. . • Q • • •• $30.00 40.00 27.50 ,0.00 John McKenney 11 11 Applicants for the Collectorship. D.C.Webber for a salary of ............ . 11 . ~.F.Darcy 11 " J'. IT • Wilson 11 11 ft Applicants for the Clerkship. Archibald DocksteadEE for a salary of .. E.F .Darcy ft' 11 11 P .Murray 11 11 11 $3,:.00 2,.00 Stationery & 40.00 ,0.00 48.00 75.00 stamps furnish ed On motion of Coun Harris sec by Coun Laity .1v1r J'ohn IVlcKenney was appointed Tr~asurer ,at t~e salary applied for. On motion of Coun Harris sec by Coun Lalty,Mr J.J.Wllson was appointed Collector at t' 1 . ne sa ary applled for. (2nd Meeting 1886 con) On motion of.Coun Ferguson,Sec'd by Coun Baker.IJlr IVi.url'ay w~s appointed clerk at salary applied for. ·Mr A.Docksteade~ applied for payment of of gate furnished by him at Hanunond. On motion of Coun Harris,seconded by Coun Laity the Reeve was instructed to issue orders in favor of A.DOCKSTEADER for $8.00 in payment of gate.R.Blackstock $5.00 road work B.Columbian $42.50 printing.J.W.Sinclair $2.50 auditing books. and on motion of Coun Laity, sec by Coun Dawson,~r J.J.Wilsons bill of $104.00 for services as collector,expenses as constable and stationery was ordered paid. Councillor Dawson gave notice that at next meeting he will bring_ in by-laws' regulating officers salaries and defining their respect- ive duties. On motion of CO'un Laity, seconded 'by Har:ris, it was resolved that the Municipal officers furnish at next meeting" the necessary bonds for the due fulfilment of their duties. It was resolved on motion of Coun Ferguson sec'd by Cou~billor Baker. that·the Road Committee of each ward be composed as follows. Ward No 1 Couns Baker.Laity,& Ferguson. Ward No 2 Couns Harris.Laity & Dawson. On motion of Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Baker it was resolved that: Road Corn of Ward No I be authorized to call for t~Bders for the construction of approaches to Kanaka Creek bridge and award contract for,· the same. Councillor Ferguson gave notice that at next meeting' he will bri-ng in a by law regulating the return of. the assessmept Roll. It was moved by Councillor Laity sec by Coun Harris that the clerk nmtify the Government and the Surrey Municipal Council in referance to the communication asking for the repeal of certain clauses of the Municipal Act. "This Council fully endorses the suggestion that the Clauses ref- erred to should be repealed and the Act so amended as to enable the Municipal CouncilS to impose Statute Labor instead of Road Tax. Also that the demand made on rural municipalities to pay for the advertising of themr by-laws in the official Gazette is an unjust imposition. and that the matter be brought before the members for the District and ask that if it be necessar~ to a~vertise by-laws that it be done free of all charge." Councillor Dawson suggest.ed that as some of the out'standing liabilities of the municipalitjes are due. money spould be borrowed to pay the same. Coun Harris held that the uncollected taxes are suff- icient to pay all .liabilitie~J and s.uggested that the Collector take proceeding.s agai.nst .those i.n .ar~ears .• The discussion then dropped. It Vias mov.ed by .Co.un .Harris. _s.econded_ by Coun Lai ty. That at next meeting the Collector furnish a de;ailed statement of those in arrears for taxes and amount due by each. Carried. On motion of Coun Ferguson, sec'.d .by COl.\n Baker, The Road Commi ttee of Ward No 1 was authorized to call .for tende~s for the construction ~{ a bridge over--a ravine on the road known as" .the Kanaka Creek road The Council then adjourned till the regul.ar meeting March 6th. -0 Geo Howison. ~ Reeve. :", '. ; -'1886 Third Meeting. '1886. Council met in the Town Hall on March 6th. All the members of the Board were present. Minutes ,of last meeting. were read. On motion of Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Dawson,order of last meeting of $104 in favor of J.J.Wilson was amended to read $88.00 an error having inadvertently occureci in the same. The minutes were then passed. 49, Moved by Coun Dawson sec'd by Coun Ferguson That an order be drawn by the Reeve in favor of O.Martin for $23 in payment of work ,on road. Car' d Tenders . for· bridge on Kanaka Creek road were opened, It Vias moved by C6~n Dawsoll, seconded by Coun Ferguson, 'l'hat lllr Bosomworthe tendEr be accepted after furnishing the necessary security for the due performanee o~ the contract. Carried. Compl,aints we:r:e made by several parties that Mr D.McPherson :exceeded the specified time fort~e completion of his contract on the town line. Moved by Coun Laity seconded by Coun Harris that Mr McPhersonbe notified by the' clerk that ~nless co~tract on town line be completed by the 20th of March the contract will be cancelled and completed by day labor.The amount necessary for the co~pletion of work to be deducted from the amount of contract price. Carried. Road CoI!iriiittee of Ward No 2 reported that bridgesbuilt by James Chalmers on Nelson road are completed according to specifications and recommended payment of amount due for the same. _. Mr J.W.Sinclair·complained of a nuisance caused by certai~ China.men at Port Hamrnond,It was moved by Coun Dawson,sec by Coun Fergu6on, that 'the Constable have all nuisances caused by chinamen at Port H~nond removed at once. Carried. Moved by Coun Laity,sec by CounHarris,That the Road Corn of Ward No 2 write out specifications aqd call fqr tenders for the construction of ' a passable road through I·Ar Mclvers lot according to terms agreed on Carried. Moved by Coun Harris,seconded by Coun Laity that the bonds as signed for the several officers of the Council be accepted. Carried. . , The Reeve laid on the table a communication from C.M.C •. of Surrey. requesting ,his attendance at a convention to be held at B~ownsvi~le to consider th~ advisability of granting a bonus to a stea.nJ, grist mill. On motion of Coun Harris, seconded by Coun Baker.the Reeve was advised to attend the convention. Moved by Coun Harris, seconded by Coun Laity that E.P.Bakers contract on Pitt Meadows be cancelled,and tenders be called for completion of same. Carried. , A qommuriication from Beckett & Son was read. It was moved by Coun Ferguson seconded by Coun Dawson,Tllat the Road Commi ttee of Ward No 1 exariline and report on the nature of work req- uired in Bec~etts Communication. Carried. o<r-. !'-... .. Messrs Fleming & Sh~nnon asked for extras on Kanaka Creek bridge, On motion of Coun Harris seconded by CQun Laity, $29.38 was allowed for extras as des~red in the communication. Mr S"ames Best asked for repairs on his road,It was moved by Coun Dawson,seconded by Coun Ferguson that Road Co~mittee report on work required. Carried. ~ . . " Road Connni ttee of Ward No ,I r~po,rted th~t contract. f?r al?proac,hes to Kanaka Creek bridge was completed accordlng to speclflcatlons.On motion of Coun Harris,sec'd 50 by Coun Baker .report . was accepted. lJioved by Coun Ferguson, seconded by t, .. ,\ Coun Laity that the Clerk give notice·to· the Assessor to proceed at at once to assess. Carried. Moved by Coun Harrie seconded by Coun Laity,that the Road com be em- powered to expend the sum of $40 in-repairing the Wilson road,as asked for ~ . Car'r ied. . On~otion of Coun Fergusori seconded by Coun Harris the By-Law regulating the assessment of the municipality for the.year l8.86,and the Officers By-laws were read a first time. Moved by Coun Ferguson,seconded by Coun Laity.that it be embodied in all contracts let by the Council that parties taking contracts will be paid only in rotation with the other municipal debts, and that all orders be numbered by the Clerk :bef6rebeing countersigned. Carried. Moved by Coun Rarrie,seconded by Coun Laity that the Clerk,Assessor, Collector, and Treasurei" s BY-Laws, aleo Ey-law regulating the assess- ment for the present yea.r bE read their second readings. Carried. Moved by CounLai ty seconded by Coun Ferguson that the Road Corn of Vvard No 2 examine and report on extension of Town line ro'a.d, 0 f Mr Black-' stocks,and r~pair to Lilooet river bridge. Carried. Cow~unication from Carleton and Rarris anent a bonus for a steam grist mill at Port Hammond was on mdltion of Coun Dawson sec by Coun Ferguson laid over till next meeting. Council then adjourned. A Special meeting was held on March 13th for the purpose of urging on the the Government the necessity of a liberal grant for the making of'roads All members except Coun Dawson were present. It was moved by Coun Ferguson seconded by Coun Lai ty that the clerk cOH1Dlunicate Vii th the Gov'mt,also with·tne members of the District,showing the increase of population, and the great necessity of helping the same with roads, and that at least the same appropriation of money as last year be put on estimates outside the usual grant. Carried. On motion of Coun Rarris seconded by Goun Baker the Reeve was a.uthorized to sign the the petition to the Gov'mt from Surrey Municipali ty asking the Municipal Act to be amended so as to enable Municipa.l Counci'le to grant bonuses-to public institutions outside the bounds of their respective limits. Carried. P .Murray. G eo HOWl son. Clerk. Reeve. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Fourth Meeting 1886 Council met in the Townhall on April 3rd.86 All ·the members -present. ~inutes of last meeting were adopted. . On motion of Coun Harrie,Sec by Coun Laity,Chalmers a.nd Webbers tender for the completion of the Pitt Meadows road was accepted. On motion of Coun Ferguson,seconded by Coun Laity,The clerk was re- quested to communicate with the g~~ C C of L VI in reference to the straightening of river road thr.ough Mr Mclvers property,and show him the benefits to be derived by:the settlers east of Pt Rd, ,Port Hammond being the only railway ·station in this part of tne municipality and should on that account be made easy of acess by shortening and straightening the road thereto. Should the answer from the C.C.L.W.be (Fourth meeting 1886 con) r:;:.l~ ':::-, t.J J-~ "::'" ~ -.... ~-:~ favorable,then notices to be inserted in the Columbian and B.C.Gaz~tte establishing the n~w road on lime of 1Ar~ Mohuns su+,veyo Moved by Coun Ferguson,seconded by Coun B~er.That_ the Reeve sign an order on 'the treasurer for $29'~ 50 in favor of T .Bosomworth for Kanaka Creek approa.ches, Carried 0 Moved by Coun Dawson eeeonded by Coun Ferguso~, 'l'hat' the Road Com look over the road referred to in Mr Hamptons communication and report at next meeting. Carried. Moved by Coun Laity seconded by Coun Dawson That Mr George.Blackstock be appointed overseer to expe~d. $40 on Wilsons road under direction of Road Com. Carried. ri/loved by Coun Lai ty seconded by Coun Dawson, That Mr Ca.rleton and Harris prol)O si tion in reference to a bonus :km for a steam·-flouring mill at ~ort Hammond be laid over till next meeting to discuss the matter. Carried~ Moved by Coun.Laity,seconded by Cgun Harris,That the Road Corn of Ward 1 go to Whonnock and look over the' roads in that section and. call for tenders for for the construction of the most necessaty work, cO'st of work not to exceed, the sum of $,"250.Carr.ied • . Moved by Coun Harn"is seconded by CO.un. L.aity That the' clerk wri te the' M C of Surrey regarding the bonus for flouring mill,explaining that tliis municipality intend. holding a public meeting to ~iscuss the question of bonuses. Carried o Moved by Coun Harris· sec Ferguson. That the Clerk & Collector. make ou~ a detailed statement af all delinquent taies and send each a detailed statement of their taxes with a notice that legal proceedings will be taken at once if not paid. Carried. Moved by Coun La.ity seconded by Coun'Dawson,'That the clerk write to C~rbould & McColl explaining the reason why Mr Bakers contract was c aric ell ed. C a.rr.i e.d • Moved by poun Lalti ~ec'd by Fergus~n.That ieports of Road Cor,(l of Ward. 2 be accepted,and that sai.d Com write. out spec- ifications'and call for tenders for the construction of roads favor-- ably reported on. Carried. , . Moved. by Coun Harr is, sec Lai ty • Tha t the tender of Chalmers & Webber for the repair of Lilooet river bridge be accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun Harris,sec Laity,that road Com o~ Ward 2 inspect the repairs asked by Mr ~cKenney and report at next meeting. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson,sec Laity that officers By- laws and by-laws for the return of the assessment roll be read their third readings and passed., Carried •. Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Harris,That Road Com of Ward 1 draw up specifications of th:e differant repairs required Xx %kK±x on roads in their Ward upon which favorable reports have been brought in,and call for tenders for the same by next meeting. Carried. Moved by Coun Harris seconrcled by C-"'~L'aity,that the reeve make arrangements to borrow a sufficient amount of money to pay present indebtedness but not to exceed ~~5'OO. Carried. . Moved by Coun Laity,seconded by Coun Harris.that t~e proposed ch~nge L of road to cemetery.be adopted,and that a by-law be amended so as to read,a road 20 feet on each side of line from Central Section lirte road thence south to cemetery lot a distance of about 8 chains. Car'd 5'2~ Moved by Coun Lai ty, sec by Coun Ferguson, That the Road Com of Ward No :'-,\ : 2 get the cemetery staked out into lots according to plan. Carried. ' Moved by Coun Harris,sec Laity,That Messrs Corbould & McColl be request- ed to furnish a st9.tement of amount of fines collected by them in behalf of the municipality. Carried. ~ Moved by Coun Laity, sec Rarris., t"hat the Reevedraw orders on the treasurer fot. the fol19wing amounts, J.Wilson. $3.00; R.Blake,$22.88; British Columbian,$42.50 Council then adjourned. P.1vlurray. c. M. C. 1886 Fifth l;B.eeting. Geo Howison. Reeve. 1886 Council met as a Court of Revision on May 1st; Present" The Reev,e and Councillors~ L~ity, Baker and Fe~guson. Reeve voted into the chair. Appeals for over assessment were read as' follows, From H.lI.P.Crease, Jame~ L.Prout re Ross estate. John Hinch. J.J-.Wilson; ~oble Oliver; J.H.McLaughlin; A.Onderdonk; H.P.P.Creases assessment was reduced $100. Messrs Clapcott & Brooke applied to be assessed for land purchased by %BE them from Mr McKenney. The application was granted. On motion pf Coun Ferguson,sec'd by Councillor Laity it was resolved that the Court of revision and appeal for the year 1886 be now closed. Carried. The Council met for the transaction of business at the usual time,present a full board. The minutes of last meeting were read & adopted Tend~rs for works were read, The lowest being ditch on Hinchs road,J. Hinch.$35.00; Mayo's bridge,J .Hinch.$40; Mayo's hil.l,E.Dayhack $24; grading & ditching river road,E.Dayhack,9c @ $6 per c; ditch Kanaka Creek road,E.Dayhack $2.per c;Bridge; on Thorn road,E.Dayhack 5~% & 55.e' per foot; Moved by Coun Laity,sec'd by Coun .Ferguson,.that the lowest tenders for work in Ward No one be accepted. Carried. Lowest tenders for work in Ward No 2.River road east of Methodist church $2.40 and next slide 2.50 per. c Hampton & Blackstock;Harris road, $2250 'per c,road north to Lilooet $3.90 per c Hampton & Baackstock; Moved by Coun Laity sec'd by Coun Dawson,That the lowest _tenders for con- tracts in Ward No 2 be accepted and that the road committee get the bonds and spec ifications prop erly signed., Carried .. Moved by Coun Dawson,sec by Coun Lai ty, that the old pathmasters be re-appointed, wi th the exception of Hector Ferguson and William Robinson.John Hinch and Peter Calder to be appointed instead. Carried. llilessrs Beckett &. Son appl~ed for permi ss- ion, t,o build a tramway: across public road near their brickyard.on-"m'otion of CounHarris,sec'd by Coun Ferguson the application was granted;but with the con4ition th~t no obstruction be put in the way of traffic on road. Messrs Beckett and 14cLearn applied for permiSSion to take sand from t~e right of way of public road in the slide.It was moved by Coun Harris,sec by Cou Laity that the applications be granted,provided that road b~ k~pt in continuous repair,so as not to interfere with public traffic, Carried. 10 Moved by Coun Dawson,seconded by Coun Laity,that the Reeve draw order;p3 on the tre;-;,surer for $10 payable to John Penberthy, for surveying, and $12.00 to John McKenney for Road Work. Carried. Moved' by Coun Harris,seconded by Coun Dawson,That Road Corn of Ward No 2 inspect road south of Railwaj station,:Po:tt Ha((JIDond,known as Wharf St and~ rep6rt at next meeting, Carried. Moved by Coun'Harris,sec Laity.,That the Clerk write again to the CC L & VI in referenne to road through Mclvers farm. Carried. Moved by Coun Lai ty, Sec,' d by Coun Dawson that the rate for the present year on real estate assessment be one per cent, and that the Revenue By- law bearaended, and receive its first and second readings. Carried. 'Moved by Coun Laity,sec'd :by Coun Ferguson,That the Cemetery amendment by-law be read its first and second readings & passed. Carried. Council adjourned. P.Murray. Geo Howison. Blerk. Reeve. x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sixth Meeting.1886. Council met on June 5th. PEesant the Reeve and Councillors Harris, Dawson,F.erguson,Baker and Laity. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. lE.oved by Coun Harris,eectd Dawson That the Road Corn of Ward No 2 entertain'Mr Trembaths application for fence,and that the Corn report on the subject at next meeting.also that contractors of contract leading to the Lillooet be notified not to proceed with work on contract until: further notice, C~rried. Moved by Coun Dawson,sec by Coun Harris That the Reeve sign an order on the trea~urer for $27 payable to Ur Webster for salary & stamps and stationery. Carried. Moved byCoun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Baker.That report of Road Committee of Ward No 1 be accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson sec By Coun Baker,T¥at the Reeve sign an ojder on the treasur~r for $50 in favor of T.Bosomworth for building a bridge,over a ravine on Kanaka Creek road. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson sec. by Coun Harris,That reports of Road Corn of Ward No 2 of last and present meeting be accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguaon,sec by Coun Baker.That the reeve sign an order on the treasurer in favor of E.Dayhack for $54 for completion of contract on river road. Carri,ed. and: also an order in favor of Jno Hinch for ~;-4-0 for completion of contract on Hinches road.' Carried. -: !. Moved.,by Coun Baker,sec ty 66un Ferguson,That the sum of $40 be appro- priated for extension' of Wilsons road, to .be expendred under d~frection o f p a thmas t er. Car r i ed • ; Moved byCoun Dawson Sec'd by Coun Laity.That road com of. Ward No 2, be empowered to construct the piece of road reported on at Port Harnrnond, by days work. Carried • . Moved by,Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Baker. That Mr Calders tender for construction of bridge on road north side of Sec 5 Tp 15 be accepted. Carr ied. (sixth meeting 1886 con) Moved by ,Coun Dawson. sec by: coun Lai ty That the Jie'eve draw an order on the tr~asurer for $40 inf~vor o~ George Blackstock,also in favor of Hobt Blackstock for $56 for work done, Ca.rried. ' : : Moved by Coun Daw6on,sec'd by Coun Laity,That the Reeve draw an order on the treasurer in favor of James Chalmers for~ $8, for work on bridge,Car'd Moved by Coun Ferguson, sec by Coun Baker. r,I'hat the: pathmaster of Beat No 4 be allowed to expend $50 under direction of Road Corn in ditching centre section line,and in event of pathrnaster being unable to attend to it,the road corn be allowed to, employ some other person'. C~ried. " Move9. by Coun.Laity SEC by Coun Harris.That the awn of $30 be voted to chop and clear 15 chains of roa.d leading to Messrs Brook and Clapcott under direction ofpa tlunaster. Carried. Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Harris, That $65 be expended ~der direction of patlunaster on road leading to public cemetery. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Baker.That the pathmaster. of Beat No (?) be allowed .to expend $5 in making approaches to bridge, over ravine ouxx Kanaka Creek road. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson. sec by Coun Baker.That Mr Webster be appointed, pathmaster for Beat No -and that he be allowed to expend ~i25' in repair- ing road from N.W. corner of Sec. 13 southward t mile. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Baker. That, a road be gazetted from the S.W.comer of Sec 5 Tp 15 southward to the river. (jarried. Moved by Coun Harris,sec by Coun Laity. That the sum of $20 be expended on road leading from Mr McKenneys road to Mr Penberthys under direction of patmmaster. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson,Se.c by Coun Laity,That the road corn of Ward 2 inspect the town line north of Wilsons road and if found pract,ible for a road, that they be empowered to expend $100 on it. Carried. . Moved by Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Baker. That the Gov't be requested to gazette and construct the river road from its present ter- minus ea.stwaed to Whonnock station. Carried. Moved by Coun Harris,sec by Coun Laity.That the Council make app;Lication to the,Gov't for $3000 for the construction of roads in the Mun.Carried. Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coup DluDlDI.K.Harris. That the revenue by law a6 amended be. read its third reading and passed. Carried. Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Dawson.That JAr Jlackstocks application for gazetting a piece of road on the Lilooet b.e entertained and that the clerk apply for the same in the regular way, Ca.rried. . . Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Daw60n,That the sum of $35 dollars be voted towards ditching 7 or 8; chains on Hampton ro~d,under direction of pathmaster. Ca~rried. .~--~ Moved by Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Baker. That the pathmaster of Beat No (?) be authorized to expend $50 in repairing roads in Port Haney under direction of Road Corn. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson Sec by Coun Laity. That the Reeve draw an order on treasurer for $20 in favor of. 'I'hos Levi for inspecting bridge. Carried. ""') 0 Moved by Coun Harris, sec by· Coun Ferguson. That all un-expended Gov't 55 moneys be expended underdirect~on of road com at 9nce, Carried. Moved by Ooun Ferguson,sec by C011n Baker. That a new road Beat be fOrmed at Whonnock,and that Noble Oliyer b~ its pathmaster. Carrie~. Moved by coun Dawson,$ec by Coun La..ity.That the Collector be instructed to proceed to co~lec·t road tax at once, and that he be allowed 10 per cent on all taxes collected, except taxes collected from real estate. owners . . Carried.. Moved by Couo Harris,sec by Coun Laity,That residents be allowed t6 work out half their taxes under d~rection of pathmast~r,~ork to be compiet,ed on or ~efore the first day of September. Carried. . Tfioved by Coun Dawson sec Baker ,That the Reeve sign an order on the. treasure for $29 payable to Joseph Shannon. Moved by Coun Dawson,2nd Laity,That road com expend {p40 on Wilson road under direction o'f .~oad corn. Carried . . P.Murray. Geo HOVli~on. C .M. C • Reeve. 11#'###~';IJlf###1J1~####I/ffll#######'#'#II####lf###I/##//###//### Seventh Meeting 1886 Council met in, the Town hall on July 3rd 86. Present the Reeve and all the Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications and reports ~f Road committees read and filed. Moved. by Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Baker.That an extension of time to the first of August be granted to Jno Hinch.E.De.yhack and William .Rob~nson for the completion of their contracts. Carried. TJioved 'by Coun Lai ty sec by Coun Dawson. That Ivlessrs Hamptmn and Blackstocks time for the completion of their contract be extended to the Ist.of October. Carried. . Moved by Coun Dawson,sec by Coun Laity, That $50 re expended under direction of pa.thrna.ster on McKenney road in accord.ance with the application. Carried. . Moved by Coun Harris,sec by COUo Ferguson That the petition of A Docksteader and others in reference to. the roads in the Wil~on settlement be referred to the road committee,said corn to report at next meeting. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson,sec by Coun Laij That the stun of ten dollars be expended on Blackstocks road io accordRnce with appl~l\Tation. Carried. Moved by Coun ferguson,sec by Coun Laity, That Messers Beckett and McLearn be notified tQ.keep the road obstructed by them in the slide in repa~r. Carried. '. Moved by Coun F~rguson,sec by Coun Baker. Tha.t the clerk communicate with Mr.Trutch in reference to the front road, said road is in parts constructed on railway lands. Carried. Moved by Coun Harris,sec by Cou~ :ferguson.That an application be made to the government to survey the river road from its present terminus to Stave ri ver, and the,t Mr Penberthy, C .E. be recoI1l1nended a,s a s.1lryeyor for the sarfle, also th~.t a. road be surveyed from the 1st"' Correctio·n .... line through lot 433. Carried Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Harris. That report of Road Corn of Ward No 2 be accepted. Carried. . . l~oved "by Coun Dawson, sec by Coun Laity. That the road from Dockstead.ers siore to the wharf at Port Haney be gazetted. Carried. ,5fi , Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Dawson. That the by law cancelling gazetted road between lots 283 ~nd 223 and establishing a road in lieu thereof between'lots 282 and 283 be read its first and second readings Carried. (Rescinded Aug't 6th/86. G.H.) The following orders were issued on the treasury.: $3. ,0 payable to ltessrs Carleton & Harris for tape-line 50.00 Joseph Stephens road work. 3.00 Mr Geo Apnaut.services a.s special constable. 74.,0 Mr E.Dayhack (road work) 12.00 8.S ditch. 122.,0 MessrsHampton &·Blackstock (road work) 6, ."00 Samuel Edge " 11 ,0.00 J'ohn Hinch 11 n 29.,00 Mr McKenney salary and. r work, 41.7, P • Murray for sala.ry and sundries 10.00 A.G.Anderson for road work. 28.7, J.J.Wilson salary and sta.tionery. .. 80.00 for road.work (Probably to J·.J.Wilson {j.~ no· name given Road committee to report at next meeting concerning-~7.00 on Wilson road. extra; G eo HOVlison. F.eeve. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eighth Meeting 1886 Council met in the Town hall on Aug 7th / 86~All the members were present Minutes of last. meeting read and resolution in reference to the gazetting of roads in township? was rescinded. The minutes then passed. On motion of Coun Laity seconded by Coun Baker the reports of road co~mittees of Wards 1 & 2 were accepted. On motion of Coun Ferguson seconded by.Coun Dawson the clerk was instructed to connaunucate with the Dominion Government Agent in reference to Mr McLeods report on river road; The reeve was authorized to issue orders on· the treasurer as fOllows. J.M.Webster $2, for work on road between sections 13 and 14 Archie Beggam ,6 for work in the Whonnock settlement. Peter Calder 60 nil"" 11 It Henry Dawson 5'.50 for services as immigration agent in 1684 E.Dayhack 247 for work on Ma.yo's hill Thomas Bosomworth ,.00 for work ordered by pathmaster. ,John Trembath 14.6, for fencing. Robert Blake 10.,0 for taking stumps and sundries. Jno Hinch 25'.00 for work on contract. Vim Robinson 86.00 for work in the Whonnnck se:j;jlement. An extension of one months time was granted John Hinch and Peter Calder. for the completion of their contracts ,Pathmaster of Beat No 1 wa.s allowed tb build two culverts not to exceed 5~OO each,sec 5 Tp 15; Councillor Davlson gave notice that at next regular meeting he wil bring in ,~ by-la.w fot to gazette roads wBEre needed in the municipality. ~ --"" The Council then adjourned. A Special meeting was called by the rf:eve on the 18th August at 7.30 P .M. for th,e purpose of arranging the expenditure of ($1000) o'ne thousand dollars given by the Government as a special grant for roa.ds, Present the reeve and all the councillors. lD Communication was read from W. S. Gor~. Surveyor-G eneral '. au.thor i zing the ;:.~5~7 expendi ture 0 f one thousand dolle,rs as fo llows. Pitt Meadows roads , $250~OO , Centre Sect~on Line frQID Town line west ........•.....•.• \Vilson and !Slake road .................................. . Kanaka Creek road ........•...... ' •... 0 ••••••••••••• ' ••••• Fro~ riYer r~a~on section line to rests corner~ .......•• 'ivhonnock settlement." , ................. ' ........••...•... Town ·line. south of Lilooet river. ' ... : .... , .• ~ .....•.••.. , River Road, -McKenneys Eea t •.......•.•..• ~ .•..•.•••...•. $100 125 . 150 75 100 100 100 On mo~ion of C~un Laity,seconded by Coun Harris the road cormn~ttee r,/'// each Ward were instructed to proceed at once to inspect,the roads ment~Gn­ ed in Mr qores letter and expel'fd the money by contract if deerlled-advir - able; otherv/ise the amounts to be expended by days work under direction of road committees. -----~'---, Council then adjourned. P .l/!.u.rray. G eo Howi son. C.lvl.C. Reeve. XXY~XXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ninth Meeting. 1886. Gouncil met ~n the Town hall on sept 5th. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. A petition from several residents of the Whonnock settlement was read asking that part of the government grant. be expended on (? don't sayf':;.{') It was resolved on motion qf Coun Laity.sec by Coun Dawson that the ' petitioners be ,informed th~t the expenditure of the money is u~der the control of the,road c~m~ :E!.F.Darcy of Port Haney applied for improvements on hill. between his house and Docketeaders store. On motion of Co Laity .sec by Co Dawson ,the applicaticnn was laid over for future consideration. as the municipal fu~ds are at present insufficient. . xKKxE~xIiGlX.1UlixJtX:tkx:k:x:tlaI[X(illxbrlKnJ{xx ,Moved by Co Dawson sec by Co Laity. that the Collectop and Treasurer give '~ full report at n* next meeting of all receipts and expenditures of the present year.Carrtd MQved by Coun Laity sec by Co Dawson, tha,t the clerk prepare a list for the collector to immediately collect the present yrs taxes.to be gov- erned by returns made by pathmasters. CaJ;"ried. . Moved by Co Laity.seq by Co Ferguson. tha.t from this date pathrna.eters be paid $2.00 per day •. Moved by Co F~rguson.sec by Co Daw6on,that the road com of Ward No 1 be empowered to put culvert in near Docksteaders store. Carried. . Moved by Co Da.wson,sec by Coun Ferguson,tha.t t~e bylaw gazetting new roa.ds in the municipality be read its first reading. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson. sec by Co' Lai ty the~t reports 0 f -road commi ttees 0 f Wards 1 a.nd 2 be accepted. Qarried; The following orders were issued. J.J.Wilson $100 for work on Town line north of Lilooet J'no McKenney 20.for wo~k on Penbertpy road. .... , ...... ~. Peter Caleer 3'.~or bridges and culverts in Whon~ock settlement. Samuel Edge 25 for funeral expenses of colored ma.n. 'F .Mvrray. C.M.C. Council adjourned. VI.J .Harris. Chairman. pro tern. Tenth Regular Meeting. Council met in Town hall October 2nd 1886. Present. Councillors Harris. La.ity. Dawson, and Ferguson. On account of' the absence of the Reeve Councillor Harris·wasvoted into the chair. A communieation·from·Themas·Armstrong.Deputy Sheriff.w8,s read. in which it was stated that-an order for $40 held against the Corporation was stolen from him·a.t·Vancouver,·and·asked that a duplica.te be issued. On motion-of·Ceun,Laity;sec ,by·eoun Dawson.the clerk wos instructed to inform Mr Armstrorlg·that·it·is·necessary to advertise the lost order before a new one is issued.as Mr Hinch is pretty sure the order was endorsed. A letter from Mr Docksteader in reference to Neeleys 'order WF.1.s read. I' i' On motion of Coun Laity.sec by Coun Feiguson,itw~s resolved that the Reeve be asked not to issue a voucher for cont~~ct mmney money on Pitt Meadow road payable to Mr Neeley.until the road committee' of Ward No 2 obtain futther information re~pecting the matter in dispute On motion of Coun Laity.s~c 'by Coun Ferguson. the Collectors and t:Qe Treasurers Feports were accepted. On motion of Coun Laity.sec'd by Coun Dawson.the consideration of road by-law was laid over until next meeting. Moved by Coun Dawson,Sec'd by Cou.n Fergu.son that the pathmasters be em- powered to expend $25 on Maybe hill. and (p25 on the hill at Port Haney. C·arried.. . On motion of Coun Laity,sectd by Coun Dawson.and resolved that an appli cation be made to the government asking for new letters patent for the purpo se of incorporating the municipitli ty under the Municipali ty Act ofleSl and amendments thereto. 'l'hat the election under the new Letters k be held at the regular time in:January l887,and that the municipality be enlarged by a strip of la.ndone mile wide adjacent to its north side and extending the the entire length of the municipality. The settlers inthis adjoining land are desirous ofbeiBg·included in the municipality ", '- Road Com of Ward Ho 2 were on motion of Coun Laity.sec'd by Coun Fergu- son. empowered to get a. new gate made a.nd placed at north entrance to the Public Cemetery, but if gate at Port Hammond is found suitable the aame to be used. The following accounts were passed; $90 in favor of Mr John McKenney for work done as ordered by Council. 7.in favor of Mr Wilson ~alance of his account for work in the Lilooet settlement. 9.in favor of Mr Hinch for work on bridge 46.in favor of·Mr Hinch for the building of a bridge over~a slough at Mayo's hill,and making approaches to the same. 19,.in·favor of·Hampton & Blackstock for their contract on road to Pi tt Meadows. Pe.thma.ster of Beat No 9 was instructed to repair a culvert in the slide. "'-Council then adjourned to the regular meeting in November. G eo Howi son. Heeve •. 'v- Eleventh Regular Meeting. 1886. Council met, in the Town Hall on Dec 4th. All the member,s were pr~sent. Coneequent on the absence of membeEs of council fro~ the November meeting,no regular meeting for that month was held. 'fhe minutes of the October meeting were read, and it was resol v,ed that the appropriation of $25 for the hill at Port Haney be withheld at present ~s the expenditure~would be merely wa~te on account of the weather, The minutes were then -confirmed. A claim from Mr Hinch for work done in the slide-was read,On motion of Coun Dawson,seconded by Coun Lai ty, the matter vias referred to the Road Comrni ttee who are to report at next meeting. Reports of. both committees were read and adopted. A communication was read from Mr Haney.in reference to the road in dispute between his land and Hinches. No action,was t~ken by h the Council in the matter. The communication was filed • .A Communi,cation from the Deputy Provincial Secretary in reference to new letters patent was read. ,On motion of Coun Laity,sec'd by Coun Ferguson the clerk was requested to take no furth,er action to obtain , New Let ters. Moved by Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Uarris that Mr John . McKenney be appminted Returning Officer for the year 1887 and that Mr John Penberthy be appointed to audit the Municipal Accounts. Carried. , On motion of Coun Ferguson sec ty Coun Baker the indemnity by-law was read a first and second time. On Motion of Coun Ferguson,sec.by Coun Harris duplicate order~ were issued in favor of John Hinch and J·.M. Webster ,for $40 and $25 respectively. , -Moved by Coun Laity sec b~ Coun Dawson that tneReeve draw an order for $25 in favor of Mr Mohun for map of Municipality. Carried. Moved by Coun Laity,Sec by Coun Harris That in all cases in which the Council owe an elector,the Collector be instructed to credit said electors the amount oL their municipal taxes by endorsing the amounts on theirs on the treasurer. Carried. The Council then adjourned till,the 18th of December at 7 o'clock ~.PM. Council met pursuant to adjournment. All members except Councillor Harris were present. . Moved by Coun Ferguson,sec ~y Coun Laity,that the election by law of 1881 be adopted for the ensuing annual election,and that the fee for Returning officer be $10. Carried. On motion of Coun Laity.Sec'd by Coun Ferguson th~ Indemnity by law was read a third time and passed. On motion of Coun Laity,sec'd by Coun Ferguson it was resolved that the cle~k notify the Collector to present himself at: the next regular meeting of Co~uncil for neglect., of duty, also that he be requested to deliver to the clerk all books,papers,monies &c belonging to the Municipality in his possession.and that the clerk be authorized to collect taxes and give receipts for ~the same.~ __ ,~. Council then adjourned to the regular meeting in January. P.Murray. Geo Howison. C~M.C. Reeve. '" ..... _-~ 5tl Twelfth Hegular Meet'-ing of. the MWlicipal Council, was held in the Town hall Jan 7th. Members present 'l'he Reeve and Councillors Lai ty 13a.ker,Ferguson,Dawson and Harris. Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Beports of Road Committees· received and filed. , , A communication from Mr Wm Nelson claiming $40 for building a fence along side of road leading to cemetery was referred to Road Committee. On motion of Coun-Harris,sec by COlln Dawson,a duplicate order in favor of VIm Robineon for $86 was issued. The following acco-unts were ordered paid. B.C.Gaz~tte, $1,.00 Printing; Drake,Jackson & Helmcken. $,.00 Law; Wm Hampton. $44.00 Contract; J.J.Wllson. $36.90 Salary &c P.Murray . $39.,0' Salary & stationery. John McKenney $30.00 John Hinch $4.7, On motion of Coun Laity sec by Coun Baker it was resolved that the ex- planation given by,the Collector in reference to his action in collect- ing taxes be accepted. The Council then adjourned to Saturday ~th inst. Pursuant to adjournment Council met-All members except Coun Harrls were present.' A debate as to the necessity of surrendering the Letters Pat- ent became so heated that the meeting broke up without accomplishing any business~ - W.J.Harris. <Clexk .. P.Murray jieeyo.c",,-c ~ ##11###11##########11####1111#####11########11##11########11### The First Regular M.eeting of the 111unicipal Council for the year 1887 was held in the Town Hall a.ccording to Statute on Monday the 17th day of January. The Reeve-and Councillors,after being duly sworn in accord- ance with the Statute in that behalf,6ubscr'ibed to the following Declar- ation; - We,the undersigned.Reeve and Councillors elect for the Municip- ality of Maple Ridge, Do:Declare that we are British sUbjects.possess- ing.the qualificatmons by law required. and that we are in no way disquall ified for holding the offices of Reeve and Councillors; and we have not nor will have while holding office any interest directly or indirectly in any contract or services connected with the: corporation. We have not by ourselves.or any other person knowingly employed any bribery. corruption. or intimidation to ga.in our election,and we will faithfully perform the duties of our office and will not allow any private interest to influence our conduct in PUBLIC MATTERS. W.J.Harris, Reeve Henry DaVlson Archibald Docketeader Hector Ferguson _Jas Wm Sinclair John Laity. The Council was then duly constituted.The Reeve W.J.Harris in the chair. J.J.Wilson was appminted clerk for the meeting. On motion of Coun, Laity sec by Coun Ferguson~the rules of order were read, Councillor Laity gave notice that at~next meeting he will bring in a by law amending the rules of ~rder. 61 On motion of Coun Laity,seconded by Coun R Docksteader ,P .Murray was reques ted to wri te to Ivlessrs Drake, Jackson & Helmcken.also to Mr Richards attorney-at-law as to the legality of the last election,stating all the facts relating thereto,and desire an imme- diate answer. " Moved byCoun Sinclair,sec by Coun Laity, That the indem- nity by-law be now re~considered anc;i finally passed. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, sec by Coun Sinclair, That P .Murray be app'ointed clerk pro tern. Carried. Coun Ferguson gave notice that at next meeting he will bring .in a by law reguiating salaries and duties of clerk,assessor t~easurer and collector; On motion of Coun Sinclair,eec'd by Coun Ferguson the clerk was instructed to communicate with the Hon Mr Trutch and inform ,him that if no steps are taken towards repairing river road destroyed by the Railway Contractor,the Council will be under the necessity to enter the matter in suit against the government. ' Council then adjourned to the regular meeting February 5th • . J.J .Wilson. VI.J .Harris. Clerk pro tern. Reeve. kRRR~ftt~tt~RRRRRRRRR~RRRRRRRRRRR~RRRRRRRlRRRRRRRRRRRRRftRR~RRRRR!R SECO~D ,MF~T ING 1887. The Second Reg~lar Meeting of the Council was held in the'T6wd Hall on February 5th. All the members except Coun Dawson'were present. The minutes of the last meetine; were read and confirmed. Communications wer~read as follows, From Drake, Jackson & Helm,cken,and A.N.Ritchie in reference to the validity of the last Municipal election; From the Hon Jno Robson acknowledging the receipt of the Letters Patent and,suggesting a plan for the Council to adopt: from the Dominion Govern- ment agent stating that the attention of the Dominion governmen; was again called to the road in dispute; from H.T Thrift C.M.C. of Surrey asking the, co-operation of this Council to urge on the local government the desirabili ty of _aJnending the Municipal Act. . Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun D9cksteader, That the clerk be instructad to comm\lnicate with the government and ask them to return the Letters Patent,~s this body aft~r conside~ing the advice 6f the Hon A.N.Richards and the Provincial Secretary is of the opinion that ~ne Council "is legalq constituted. Coun Ferguson wished to have his vote recordej again~t this motioti. Coun Sinclair supvo~tea.it,and wa~ acco~dingly Carried. laove<;l' by Coun Laity, sec bu Coun Ferguson,That the Clerk inform the clerk of Surrey Cou~cil that this" Council fully endorse the demands set forth :h in his communication. Carried. '. ~ .... _-". : Moved by Coun Laity,sec'd by CounFergusoo That J.M.Webster be app6inted assessor at a salary of $30 and that last years clerk and treasurer be re-appointed for this year at the same sal- aries as paid last year. Carried. -.~' JJ1ov'ed cy Coun Si-nclair sec boy Coun ]L'ai ty. That Mr Webber be appointe,9. collector ,for 1887 at the same salary as paid last year. Carried (~ 6·2 Moved byCoun Ferguson.sec by Coun Laity, That the Clerk, Assessor,Collectc and treasurer by laws ,the municipal assessment by law,and the regulation .amendment by law be read their first and second readings, Carried. t Moved by Coun Docksteader sec by Coun Laity. That the. clerk notify the pathmasters of the diff,erant Beats that they have been re-appointed, . but should they decline.~to act they must inform the Council at once. . Carried.. ; .~oved by Coun Laity,sec by Couri F~rgu~on,That the notify all pa~ooasters that any obstructidns on the public roads within their beats that has to .be immediately removed,that tney are empowered to remove the same by the taxes that are available for road work, but in n·ocase shall any person be allowed to work more than half of his taxes acc·ording to the· last Years rate,Work done otherwise not to be recognized by the Council,Car'd. Moved by Coun Sinclair,sec by Coun Laity.That the Collector proceed ±mm immediately to collect ta.,~es from all delinquents,& if said taxes are not paid before 30 days notice,that he proceed to recover the same by law. the Collector to register all letters sent to delinquents,and that he obtain legal advice.a.s to proper way to proceed to collect according to la.w. Carried. Coun Laity gave notice that at next meeting he will nm bring in a by law regulating the rumning at large of swine,and a by-law regulating fences; Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Ferguson, That the clerk notify the officers to have their bonds in readiness by next meeting C.~,rri ed. : .•. '>.:.. Moved 'by Coun Sincl~ir, sec by Coun Docksteader. That the clerk procure the necessary stationery and tax receipts for the use of the Council, Carried. P • Murray • C.M.C. Council then adjourned till 1st @aturday in March. W.J.Harris. Reeve. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~zx The ·third,regular meeting of the Council was held in the town hall on l.;larch 5th.· Councillors 'Ferguson & Dawson were absent.Minutes of the 'February· meeting were read and adopted. Mr D.C.Webber reported rep~rted having collected $190 delinquent taxes during t.Lle month of February. Comrnunications'were read as'follows. From J'oseph Mighton ib reference to an obstruction cbn Kanaka Creek road. Referrecfr to Pathmasters. FromGeo Howison in reference to the location of a road on north side of Lot 244,referred to road, committee. From John McKenney & Wm Hampton bills for work on their road beats,el.50 and $1.00 respectively, Ordered'paid. From J.J.Wilaon,an application for road repairs,No:action taken. From Jno Penberthy submitting a statement of aud-it,and anat alc for services in reference to the same $9.00.Statement of audit accepted and $7.00 instead of $9.00 ordered paid. On motion of Coun Laity,sec by Coun Docksteader the following by laws pa.ssed their· third readings. Clerk, Assessor, Treasurer.Collector Regulation amendmen~. On motion of Coun Laity,sec by Coun Docksteader.Fence,Swine and dog by- laws received their second readings; Moved by Coun Sinclair,seconded by ·Coun Laity.That Clerks,Assessors,Collectors and'Treasurer~ bonds for 1887 be accepted. Carried. : Moved by Coun Sinclair,seconded by Coun Docksteader. 'l'hat the road commi tte e be empowered to employ Mr Penberthy to survey & locate roa.ds which are to be opened up this season. Carried. ) J) Moved by Coun Lai ty. seconded by Coun Docksteader, that M:r John 11lCKennei:63 Le, appointed Returning Offiqer for the present year,a~ the o~dinary _sa.lary. Carried. ' . , Moved by Coun Sinclair, seconded by Coun ,Lai ty.' That,Councillors Dawsom,Sinclair & Laity constitute Road committee for ,Ward 2 and Couns Dock~teader., Lai ty and Ferguson for Vfard No 1. Carried. On motion of Qoun Laity seconded by Coun Docksteader.the sum of eil.aO was ordered paid to D.C.Webber for expenses to N'ew Westminster, Carried. Moved by Coun.Sinclair,Secondedby Coun Docksteader. That whereas amplex time has been given for an answer from the Minister of Public V/orks,res- pecting the River Road; Be it therefore resolved that the clerk communi- cate with the Dominion Government Agent amd'inform 4im that legal proceed- ings will be instituted against the government immediately if the road is not put in proper shape, tilis being. to save the corporation from being proceeded agains~ by ratepayers using said road. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair,Seconded byJCoun Laity,That on account of the many difficulties that the pioneer settlers have to contend with in this country Be it herewith resolve' that the Dominion.Government be respectfully asked to re-consider the regulations now in force for the disposal of lands in B.C.and to grant to the bona fide settlers free grants,of themrhomesteads and at the same time px% do away with ,the obnoxio~s reserves put on timmer on .sq~atters claims, Carried. It was also resolved that the co-operation of other municipa.li ties interested in the administrations of the public lands be asked. On motion of Coun Sinclair,sec by Coun Docksteader, it was resolved that Couns FerguBon and Dawson be notified to attend next and subsequent meetings of Council. Should they fail to produce a sati~ factory excuse for absenting themselves,proceedings will be instituted against them as provided .in Section 47 of the Municipalities Act 1881 Car'D The following orders were issued. J.M.Webster •.•.••• $6.00 Jno McKenney 12.20 Jno Penberthy. V'lm Hamptqn 7.00 1.00 Road work. . services as ,Returning Officer, stationery, and removing obstruction from ro~d. Auditing accounts Removing obstruction from road. Council then adjourned till regular meeting in.April. Fourth Meeting 1887. Vi.J .Harris ~ Reeve. The Fourth meeting of the Municipal Council was held in the Town Hall on April 2nd. Coun Ferguson and Dawson were absent.Minutes of last meeting were read and approved; . Communications were receive,d and filed. Moved by Coun Sinclair~ sec by Coun Laity,that the clerk communicate with the Minister of Railways regarding the condition of~ the River--Road and inform him that proceedings will be instituted against the goverrunent if the road is not re.:gaired immediately. Carried. Moved by Cqun Docksteader,sec by Ccun Laity,That the Clerk notify Mr Ab,?ott,of the obstruction placed on the waggon road, .bY the C.·P.R.Co fall- ing timber across it, and that .he be requested to remove the said obstruct- ion at once. Carried. ·~.6{1: '" (4th :meeting 1887 con) Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Docksteader,that the Clerk give public notice that all parties desiring appropriations on roads during the curE ent year,notify the Council at the next regular meeting. Carried. Moved by~Coun Docksteader, Seconded by Coun Laity,That Messrs Geo Black- stock,Adam Docksteader and others are hereby formed into a road beat,& that Mr John Carlson is appointed pathma.ster of said beat, Carried. , .~. . --. Moved by Coi.ln Sinclair, ~,ec "by Coun Laity, That the Clerk coinmunica'te witli"the'Proviricial· Secretary ,and ask him, 11 Is the government prepared to "expend any money on the ~oads mentioned in that memorandum last J'une?" . '. ' ., ' , , Carried. ' MO'ved by C'oun Laity, sec by,' Coun Docksteader . that Road' commi ttees,of Ward NO'2 examine the fence put up by Mr nelson on Cemetery road,and report at next meeting. Carried. Moved by Coun Laity,sec by Coun Dock- steade~,That the Clerk' notify Mr Howison that the Council will allow him the same arflotint per chain as' allowed to Mr Helson for the same kind o'f fence; also that the Council will see that the orders held by him will be paid' in ro tation. Ca;ried. , , . ,. . Moved by Coun Sinclair sec by Cbun Docksna teader;That Mr J'.J.Wilson be credited with $16.00 to talance error in, audit of 1886.Carried. Moved by Coun Laity, sec by Coun Dockste~der~that the road cominittees of both Wards examine Mr Hinches claim for wor]k alleged to have been done by him in the slide. Carried. MOved by Cotin L~ity.sec'by Coun Dobksteader, that the "Fenc~~ Swine,& Dog" by laws be read their third readings &: Passed. Carried. Moved by Court Sinclair, sec by Coun DOcksteader. That the'" Statut'e'labor lt by law and by law'regulating the sale of lands for delinquent taxes" be read their first and second readings. Carried. Moved by Coun Dock- ~teader,sec by Coun Sinclair,Th~t Mr Penberthys bill.for,surveying be accepted and ordered paid.Carried. The following bills were also ordered paid. Columbian,$lO for pri~ting, R.Blackstock $2.50 removing obstruction from road.John Hinch ~i2.00 refund of .Levis taxes, Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Docksteader, That the clerk is hereby authorised to take proceedings against Couns DaVlson & Fel'guson according·< to Section 47 of the Bunicipal Act for absenting themselves from the Council Board without apy excuse whatever. Carried. unanimously. Moved by Coun Docksteader,seconded by Councillor Laity.that the Road Commi ttee of Ward No 2 make enquiries of the parties owning lands through which a Road is proposed to be gazetted for Angus Fergu60n and others. and find out if they have any objections to said gazette,and if any compensation is asked,learn what it may be. Carried. Council then adjourned till 3 O'clock P.ll. ~th April. C'ouncil met pursuant to adj ournment on april 5th. Councillors Da!ISOn & Ferguson vvere at sent. -~ ~. Moved by Coun Sinclair seconded by Coun Dockstead~ that by law regulating the sale of.lands for delinquent taxes be read a t:iird time and passed. Carried. ,. . , Moved bY'Coun Dock~teader,seconded by Coun L.~itY,.That "Fence'! SV1ine~ Dog" and Regulation amendn(ent Bylaws be re-considered and finally passed, Carried. Moved ,by Coun Docksteader, sec by Coun Laity, that lthe application (),f James Scott for grant on road )D'be laid over' till the regularm:eeting. l]arried. The meeting then 6,5 Adjourned u_ntil regular meeting i~ May. A Special mee·ting was called by the Reeve on the 20th of April at 7 0' clock P.M. for the purpose 'Of preparing 'a new list of roads to be con- structed by the government this year, Members of Council Vlere all pre!;?,ent, -It was moved by Coun Dawson,sec by CounLaity,That the Council resolve ilh$elf into a-commi tte·e· of the whole. Two li sts were then prepared one by Coun Laity aggregating $4000. and one by Coun Dockstea.deragg~egating. $3l7'.OO~ The committee then rose and Council constituted, It was moved by Coun Sinclair,sec by Coun Docksteader. that list prepared by Coun Dockst.ea.der be adopted.. Moved in amendment Iy Coun Ferguson, sec by Coun Dawson, That 'li'st prepared by Coun Lai ty be adopted. After .some discussion Coun Docksteader agreed to withdraW his motion, .It was moved in amendment· to the amendment that Ho 7 on Coun Lai tys list read No3 by Coun Docksteader & Sinclair, Lost. Councillor ilai tys list Vla.s then adoptEi unanimously. P .1Vlu.r ray. W. J .• Harris. CMC. Reeve. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)<xx The-fifth regular meeting of Council for the year 1887 ~as held in the 'Town Hall on May 7th. Members of Council were all present. minutes of .last regular, adj ourned, and special me.etings were .read and approved. Communications in reference to road work and other matters were rea.d and after considerati'on were ordered filed. It was moved by Coun Laity,sec by COlm 'Dawson, Tha.t appropriations for roads be laid· over until next meeting. Carried~ Coun Dawson gave notIce that at next meeting he will bring in a by law to sell lands for delinquent taxes. Road Committees report in reference to Mr Hinche. claim for work in the -Slide was adopted by a'vote of 4 to 1. _ :Mr H.R.Beckett_ explained that the matter in dispute with reference to the road between Lots 398 and 401 could not be se~tled by him giving up the 33 feet alleged to be a highway,He searched all the records bearing on the subject and discovered that the road was never gazetted, He then bought the property from -Mr Haney and paid him for it. Moved by Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Laity,That the facts in reference to the road between Mr Hinch.and Mr Haney be referred to Mr Bole and request him to advise the Council how to proceed. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson sec by Coun Laity that the Road by law be read its ·first and second readDc ings. Carried; Moved by Coun Dawson. sec. by Coun Dockstea.der, that the application for a new road' beat at Port Haney be laid over until next meeting. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson,sec by Coun Laity,that the clerk communicate with the Surveyor-General and ascertain is itnecessa..ry to gazette roads on section lines in townships 15. 11. -and·l4. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair,sec by Coun Docksteader,that Mr Trembaths claim be referred to road committee. Carried; Moved by Coun Dawson .. ,sec by Coun Lai ty, that the ro ad commi ttees of Ward No 2 be empowered to' ex"amine the road leading to Angus Fergusons and employ a surveyor tb have the same surveyed if necessary. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair,sec 'by CounDock steader,that the Council ask the Hon the Liu&tenant Governor in Council t~ extend the limits of the municipa.lity t mile towa.ids the north, and that the Returning officer take a vote of those wishing to be included in the municipality. Carried. t;;l'!?Moved by Coun Laity, sec b.y CounFe.rguson, that the applications f~r for .. grants on roads be referrEd to Road Committees to report at the,next m~ meeting, Carried.: Moved by Coun' Docksteader sec by Coun Laity. that the Cler~procure t dozen copies of the Municipalitie~ Act and amen~ments ther~to for the use of the Council. Carried. : . Moved by Coun ,Fergueon" seconded by' Coun Larty. that the Statute Labor :By Law be read i fa thi!d, read,ing and passed." Carried,. TL:te Counc,i1 then .. adjourned untit the regula.r meeting in Ju.ne. A Special meeting was called by the Reev,e to consider road work at Port H,aney, (No Date gl yen ) All members exc'ept Councillor Dawson were press ent. A communication re road work fro~ ~essra H.R.Eeckett & Co,\~as consid er ed. , . ~oved' by Coun Sinclaii.seconded by Coun Laity,That Councill- ors Ferguson & Docksteaderbe authorized to expend $100-in brushing & gra.ding road mentioned ,in Messrs Beck'ette 'communication,work to carried ·0 on by path~aster ~f ~eat, Carried. . Council then adj~urned. P .:Murray. VI ~·J .• Harri s. C.M.C. Reeve •. Counc,il met as a Court of Revision a.t 10· A.M. June 4th. Members of Counc'il all present. The Reeve 'was voted into the Chair.and complaints in relation to the C.P.R. assessment were heard, Mr Jacks:on repl'esenting',t the Ra.ilway Company. The cOlllplaints were not entertafned, viz, exemption flf of taxation on the ,alleged ground that the Company own no property "in the municipality. It was ·moved by Coun Dawson,sec by Coun Ferguson,That all the w,omen who are assessed must appear for a sepa.rate piece of proper*y ty than that assessed to their husbands. Cairied.' , Moved by Coun Dawson sec by Coun La.ity,That Mrs r:l!rembaths assessment for lot at church be .reduced to $50.00.. Carri ed. The Court of Revision then clo·sed. The sixth regular mee~ing of t~e Council was held on June 4th. All members Yfere present .Minutes of last me eting read and approved. CommunicB_ti,ons and reports from conrroi ttees were read and laid on the tabl e : , Loved by Coun Docksteader, ,sec by Coun Laity.That a voucher for tlOl.be issued in favor of Mr Hinch.· Carried. Moved by Coun Dcicksteader;sec by Coun Sinclair, 'rhat the delinquent tax by. law be read its third reading and .passed. ~arried. Moved by Coun Dawson,sec by Coun Docksteader, That the Reeve be authorized to attend the Convention as requested by New We6tmi~s~er Board of 'Trade, Carried. : l'Loved by Coun Sinclair. s-e,c~, by Coun Laity. That the pathnlasters of the several beats be instructed to work out half the real estate taxes of all residents,and two days statute labor additional and that the rOlls'be returned not later than the 1st day of August·. Ce.rried; , l'loved by Cou~ Fergu.son,-se'c by Ceun Dawson,That $25 of' th~ Govfilt on river road b:e expended in gravelling the road from Mr Docksteaders store west, and that $100 of grant be expended on l'flayos, hill, and that $50 be expended on road east of Kanaka Creek. and *;225 ) 0 the balance. on rQad to Pt Hammond. Carried; Moved by Coun FergUBon. s~p7, byCoun Docksteacier, that thenroad Committee of Ward l~o 1 examine arid spotou~~a.~o~d from the east en<\ of the"R1v~r road eastward eastward to·Warnock,also.examine the Co~rection line from Warnock station east, and·report at next:meeting, Carried; , : " : Moved by Coun Daw~on, Sec Docketeader That the clerk be. instr~cted" to ackno.wledg~ the receipt of Mr Robsone letter and urge the importance of .granting the rest ·of.the application on .programme, Carried.- ~ :" The following bills were ordered paid, J ~M. Webster. $32.00; J .1l4cK"enney,. $2,.00; D. C. Webber, $20.00;! P eMurray . $37. ,0, (·salaries): . '. :, . , , ' Moved by Coun Laity Sec by Sinclair that Statute 'Labor by-law be re-considered & finally passed, Carried; : Moved by Coun Dawson,Sec'byCoun Laity that report· of road Com of Ward 2 be "approved, Carried. .Mo·,ved, by Coun Sincla1r, Sec by Coun Lai ty, That report of, road Comof Ward No l·be adopted provided clauses 1 and 4 be struck out, Carried., _ Moved by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Co~ Docksteader,that the petition of" 'rhos Haneyand others for the formation of a road beat at Pt Haney be not granted, Carried; Moved'by Coun Laity,Sec by Coun Dawson that Municipal e~,enditure on roads be laid over until next meeting. Carried <Moved by Coun'Dawson Sec by Coun Docksteader, That a r.ate of one per cent be levied on all assessed property in the Municipality, ,bUDci. and tb.at.the ~e"enue by-law be amended accordingly and" that it receive its' first, second "and" third readings now. Carried. Moved by Coun Daweon Sec by Coun Latty. That $40 of the grant on central sectio·n line be expended between Bests arid the town line and $160 on the road east and that.Road Com of each Ward inuned~ately get th~ gove~nment grant expended Carried; " Moved by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Docksteader, That 'the clerk put up. notices :that a.ll parties V;iola.ting the provisions of the Sunday'· Observance by-law shall be prosecuted. Carried. ". ~ Moved by Coun Daw8on,Sec by Coun,Laity,That the government money as far as practible be expended by days work under direction of pathmasters of the respective beats 1s supervised by Road Committees, Carried. Moved by Coun Daw6on,Sec by Coun Docketeader.Tha.t the Road Committee of Ward No ,2 look over the work asked for by Mr Edge and report at next meeting. Carried; ;Meet1ng then adjourned until the second Saturday in July at 2 o·clock P.M. D.C.Webber. C .14. c . W.J .Harris, Raeve. . The Seventh Regular Meet1ng of the Council was, held on July the. 9th Reeve and Councillors all present. Minutes of previous meeting read . and approved, Communications ~received from,Mes$rs McKenny.Chalmers,T.i' Sinclair & others, Collectorreported Th1rtyone dollars colle.cf,ed .durirg the mo:n the n -~ ". • Moved by Coun Dawson.Sec by Coun La1ty,that .the reports of Road Committees and patbmas.ters be' accepted. Carried. Reeve reported favorably in regare to Convention and Reception by Board of Trade at New Westminster; .; Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec':"'by Coun DaW80nj D1 That the clerk employ a Surveyor to survey the proposed zmaK extension of the River road, said surveyor to aot under the instruction of the 6sr Road Committee of Ward No 1 and that the Reeve draw an order on the ~, •. I· .. ' ~r.eas,for$4 in favor of Thomas Boeomworth for spotting out said Road. Ca.rried; .. . , . Mo.ved byCoun Laity,Sec by Coun Sinclair,That the following grante be made in Ward No 2;: Scott Bc Trembath.·rQad $,.0.00 Blackstock&: leaae; Road,$6,.oo; Baker Roaq,$40.00;.Wilson Road,$tO.OO; Ferguson . RO,ad, $90'.00; Town Line,$90.00; MCKenny, tl,.OO;.Pt Hammond Sts,$20~OO; Cemeterygate,tS.OO; Edges·ditch,$l,.OO;,Lumber for bridges $20.00; Carried; . , . '.' Moved by CoW) Dockateader, Sec by Coun FerguB,on. That. the following amounts be Bpent on the respective roads, Kanaka Creek Road,: $,0.00; 'Ritchiee ~oad,t5'O.,OO;Warnock r,aad,$4Q.OO; Centr.e Sec Line.t5'O.OO;Webstera Road.$25'.00; Lilooet Road $75'.00;.. repair,1ng flat on River Road,$lO.OO;Bridge on Lilooet between Sec 20 & 29,Tp 12 $200000; Carried.,' '. ' .. Moved byCoun Daw6on,SecbyCoun Docketeader,That the RQad Committee' ofW$rd No 1 be empowered to; call for. tenders for, construction of a. bridge across 'L11ooet River betwe'en 'Sec' 8 28 & 29 Tp 12,.Said Tenders to be sent in to the Clerk by next ,meeting. Carried. . . Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Fergu8on,· That Mr·Hinch get the plough repaired (which was broken.in his beat on Govmt.work) out of the Gov.mt money unexpended on his beat.Carr1~d;. ~ : Moved by Coun Docks- teader.Sec by Coun Laity. That the Road By-Law be read its third read- .ing and passed, Moved in·amendment by Coun Fergu8on,Sec'by Coun Dock- .steader,That the following line be included in the Road Ey-law, viz Sec Line between, Secs; &: 6, 5' & 8; 5' & 4; an~9 & 4.Tp-l',and that Sec line; & 4 be extended due south. to the Fraser River; 4mendment. carried. By-law read" third :ti:aul reading and finally passed; ,Moved by CounDocksteader,Sec.by Coun Dawson, That the petition of, Mrs T.F. S1nclair and others for admission to the assessment roll be granted. Carried; '.' , Moved by Coun Docketeaded,Sec by Coun Laity,That all Mun- icipal money voted to~daybe spent by day work,by the pathmasters ~der the differant Road Committeea,and that'pathmasters notify all men that they.employ that they shall wa%S have to wait tfor the money .until it is in the treasury,. Carried; . 140ved by Coun Dawson, Sec by Co.un Lai.ty.That the Reeve draw an order on Treasurer in favor of T.F. Sinelair for $20. for 2 horse scrapers, and that the, clerk notify Mr Sincla~r that the pathmaster had no authority to incur expenses for lbmr Barrow with Municipal money; Carried; ~ Moved by Coun La1ty,Sec by COun,:p~wson,That the Counc,il prepare plane and speQificatione for the enlargement of p~esent Town Hall,as asked by petition of Messre McKenny and otners,said tenders to be handed in to Clerk.at next regular meeting of Council. Moved in amendment Qy.Coun FerguBon,Sec by.Coun Docksteader.That the motion be considered six months hence. For the amendment, Councillors Fergueon & Dockstead:er; For the original motion, Councillors Dawson,Laity and Sinclair, Original motion carried • . Mov;ed by Co~n Sinclair,Sec by Coun ·.Laity,That the Reeve t¥ld as many of the Council ae can ,possibly go, attend a~ delegatee. too represent .. equatt- ersrights.at meeting to be held next Tuesday at Holbrook HQuee,~~ew Westminster'. Ca~ried; Council then.adjourned. D.C.Webber. W.J.Harris. C .M. Co. . .~ Reeve. The eighth regular m~eting of the ,Council was held on Aug 6th. The '~:69 Reeve and all the Councillors were present. Minutes of previous meet ing'were read,and ,motion referring to ~Lilooet briQ.ge amended leave price unlimited', the minutes then passed; ,.Collector .reported ,having collected during' the month $90.00; ... ' <,;., •• ' " . . '. Tender8.f~om.W.Best & S.Edge for theconetruction of Lilooet btidge were.received •. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun, Docksteaders ,That ,Samuel ,Edges tendE8 for the bridge on Lilooet river in aC'co,rdance with .epecif1catione be accepted. Carried; . , .. ,'.. ".". Moved by' Coun Fergu80n,Sec bY.Coun.,Docksteader, That all %Ba taxes not worked ·out· by August 15th be .paid ,in ,.cash.,Carried; Moved by CounFerguson,Sec .by CounDawson,That the bridge by-law and ,road gazetting by-law No 2 be read ita first reading. Carrird; Moved by: Coun Dawson,Sec by J'erguBon,that road Committee of, Ward Nol be em- powered to repair bridge east of slide. Carried: Moved'by Coun Laity sec by ,Coun Docks,teader, That the, road by-law be reconsidered and fil'l$llypaesed.Carried; Moved by CO.un FergusQn,Sec. by Coun D,&WBOn" That the road Committee examine ,the road requested .by Wm Wales and report at next. meeting. Carried; Moved by Coun Sinclair.,Sec.by Coun Laity,That the clerk communicate with the Hon Justice Crea$e .in regard to hie 'taxes, and 'make him aware of the improvements Council is. makng in the .vicinity of hie lot, Carried; . Moved by Coun 'Sinclair,Sec by Coun LaitYeThat the road committee examine Mr Hinche grevience and report at next meeting. Carried; Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Laity, T.hat the sum of $~O be app,ropriated on road to Mre Mohuns on Wharf St, Carried; Moved by Coun DawBon,Sec by Coun Laity,That $20 be appropriated to cut timber between section 30 and Lot 244 on .section. line, Motion lost;. ~ Moved. by Coun Laity,Sec by Coun Sinclair, Tnat tenders be received ~t next meeting for enlarging the town hall. Motion lost;· . Moved by Coun Daweon, Sec by Coun Fltegu8on, t.hat the reeve be empowered to meet the Hon Mr White and confer with him a8 to r:epairs to river road obstructed by railroad. Carried; The. following bills were ordered paid •. Wm Hampton, $22 for work on Clapcott road. J.Man .$1.00 and T~:Bosomworth $4.00 for work. The Council then adjourned until the regular meeting in September. 'W.J.Harrie. Ree·ve. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1887 September Meeting. ,The nineth regu1 ar me eting 0 f the, Cqunc i 1 was Held in the Town Hall on Sept 3rd. The Reeve and all the Councillors were present.Minut'ee of previous meeting read and oonfirmed. Th;e following I'eports from Chas ·E.Wood were r~ceived and, read,Report on the survey of river road from Peter Bakers b.aJ;1l to gazetted road at Oliver~ store,a.nd aleo.roadpr.opo'sed .to be",ug--a.zetted to Angus Ferguspns.in Township 42. Mr Jno Penberthy submitted a plan o~ survey of t section line of Section 22 township 12. Repprts of road committees. of both wards received and accepted,and orders for the following were issued. J .• M.We"ster ($75') Seventyfive dollars. Thomas Bo somw.orth ($ ,0) Fi ftydo llars Andrew' Anq.erson !' 11.87) Wm Hampton 30) JnoH1nch. . . . • . . . . . . . . ..• 25) Br Co 1 uril b i an. 0 • • • .0 •• 0 • • .: • 2 0 • 06 ) Robt B1ackstock .••.• 0 •••••• ( 9'1 John Carlson .•••••. 0 ••••••• ( 7, Alex McDonald ••• ~ •......••• !$6 Angus Ferguson •••••••••...• $6. John Laity •.• 0 ,. • o. • • •• • • •• tl.foa) W • J • Har r is. • • • • • • • , • • . • . . •• $16 John DaW8on •.••••.•.....••• ($,6 John McKenney., 0 ••••.•••••••• ($36 Eleven 87/100 ,dollars Thirty 'dollars . Twentyfive dollars . Tw~ntysix 06/l0Q:dollars Nintyfi ve dollars' Seve~tyfive dollar. Six dollars Six dollars One.'O/lOO dollars Sixteen dollars Fiftysixdollars .Thirtysia dO'llars Collector reported having collected .$200 during the. month of August. Complaints as to the .late assessments were received from Drake & Jack- son,solicitors of the C.P.R. and from the Hon H~P.P.Crease in refer- ence to' his own property ~ It was resolved that theCollec.tor make a reply to the communic'at1ons .and state th~r; actual. facts of each case. A communication from Mr aohunwas received asking the Council to remove' the plank from bridge on old road across Pitt .Meado·ws·'as she is about to ;close. the road.aga'i.nst traffic. It was moved by .Coun Laity. sec .by Coun Sinclair,That'Mr C81laghan be required to remove the plank from the old bridge and place it upon the ~ew as, eo,on as the new road ia fi t for travel. The expenses of removal to be paid from the Govmt grant. Carried; . : '. An alc from Messrs Corbould & McColl placing the costs of Messrs Dawson & Ferguson versus Municipali.ty at $140 was read •. ,It was resolved that a detailed statement of costs be procured. Mr John Carl- son· tendered for the·construction of the Lilooet bridge for $200. . : 'Ur Samuel Edges contract was cancelled,andMr Carlsone accepted o A.com- munioation from Mr How1son asking the Council to take steps :to remove Chinese from the Public Cemetery and.for a survey of the kaKk boundary line of his back lot was received. It was reso~ved that the clerk . prepare deed~ to be signed by Mr Howison & Nelson for the transfer of tne Cem~tery lot and ro:ad leading to it a8 soon as possible; Moved by Coun Lai ty ,·Sec by Coun Sin clair , T,hat the Clerk notify Mr :Howieon that the Council employed Mr Woods last month to run the line between his back lot and Mr Scotts w.ith the result that the old line is correct, JAr Penberthys line being 16 ft too far north •. The fence to the cemetery shall be built as soon aa the lots can be placed in the market.Carr.ied. It was resolved that. the pathmaster be 1nstructedto ~epair ~wo bridges on Wilsonro:ad o.ut. of the $90 appropriation for said road. It was res.olved· that the Dom Land Agent be requested to notify.loggers on the Lilooet that they shall be held responsible for any damage done to Muni- cipal prpoerty by the running of logs in said river,. Moved.by Coun .Ferguson, Sec by Coun Dawson, That Road By-Law No 2 pass its second and third readings. Carried; Moved by Coun Laity,Sec .by Coun Sinclair, That the Reeve ~raw an order on the Treasurer for $6,.00 in lavor of Mr Woods for surveying. Carried; . Moved by Coun. Sinclair f Sec .. by Coun. Docksteader, That Mr Penberthys alc of $30 be ordered paid in ro.ta~ion with other liabilities. Carri'ed;: < ~->. Moved by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Docksteader,That, by-law regulating the driving of vehicles and horses over bridges receive it,s second and third readings. Carried. Coun Dockst.eader gave notice thata at next regular meeting of ':Council he will bring in a by-law dividing the municipality into wards.,also a by- law for keeping the Lilooet river .cle~r of jams; .... \ Moved by Coun Sinclair-,eec by Coun Laity,· That the road surveyed by Mr Woods be cancelled,and that the trail adopted by Mr Ferguson be the line upon which to .expend .the .municipalgr.ant,and that Mr Woods be em- ployed by road committee _to locate said .trail. .Carried;. ,Council .then adjourned. f .•• , • • • • •••• , • • " A Special meeting ,of .the .Councilwas called .by . the. ·Reeve. o.n Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock the 21st inst for the purpose of taking into con- sideration a matter of importance inconnecti.on wi th the Port Haney streets. All members of the-Council except Coun Laity were present. . . -~l. \.. 6~"< Moved by Coun S-inclair, sec by Coun Dawson 'and re.solved· that whereas no· map has been d;eposited with t~e Council,nor any official notice has been given to this body that the streets of Port Haney has been publicly . proclaimed aB such, we therefore disclaim having any :authori ty to deal wi t.h said all.eged thoroughfares..Carried. P o Murray • -C.M.C. October Meeting •. Council ·then adjourned. W •• J .Harris·. Reeve •. Tenth '.r.egular meeting ·.o.r .the Munic.ipal Counc il .was ·:held. in .the ·.Town -: - hall on Oct lst1887. All members of Council were present.Motion of last meeting in referance to, the survey of trail to Angus Fergusons was on motion rescinded.Minutes of last meeting ·were then passed. Communications & Reports of Committees were read and resolutions and motions were passed' as follows;. . . : Moved byCoun Dockste.ader, Sec by Coun Ferguson that Road C:ommittee of Ward No 1, be authorized to repaii: .the the culvert between the 'brickyards ,of Messrs a'Brien -and Becketts. Carried.· Moved :by Coun Docksteader. sec by Coun Ferguson,that the patb- master be authorized to repair th'e approaches to Kanaka Creek bridge, that he be limited to $~.OO.Carried.' .. c ' , Moved by Coun Laity, sec, by Coun Sinol'air, that the pathmaster of· Beat No 9. be ,allowed to expend the sum of five dollars to repair road: near Mr Apnauta, Carried. . " . Moved by Coun Fergu8on.sec by ·Coun Dawson thatperruisaion be granted Mr McLean to place wood on portion of river road applied for,providing he; does not obs.truct travel pn said road. Carried. . Moved by CounLaity,sec by Coun Dawson, that the pathma;ster be requested to remove the obstru,ction in ditch as asked by Mr Nelson. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Laity.Thatthe 1.O.G.T~organization b~ allowed the free ~se of the Town Hall. for their meetings. Carried. : Moved by Coun Laity,Sec by ·Coun Dawson,.the repor.t of'road committee of Ward No 2 be accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun .Docksteader, Sec by CounFergu.son, that. ~he report ·of Road Committee of Ward No Ibe accepted. Carried. --,- Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by, Coun Ferguso.n, That the Ward by-law be read its first and second. readings, Carried; Moved byCoun Ferguson,Sec by Coun;Dawson that the.road committee of both wards examine the road asked for by Mr Apderson ·.and others, and also examine and find if the':"'same road .will accomodate Angus Ferguson" and Alex McDonald, if it will not, then to find a practical road for said Ferguson and McDonald. . Carried; '72It was resolved that the· follo,wing 'amounts be p~id. ' ·Robert :B1acket:o ck •......•.....•.•.•.. : ....• $20.00 J • J .Wil.eon .••• ' ••..•....•.................... $20·.00 James Ritchie •••.••............... ,. . ..•. $,0.00 Peter C~lder ••••.•.••...•..•...•...•.•.•••. $25.00 E.P.Baker. e' •.••.••••• ~ •••••••••••• ~. 0-••• ' ••• 0 •• $40.00 Moved by COUD Docksteader, Sec by Coun Ferguson that the Clerk notify. the road committee of Ward· No 2 to. with-hold the expenditure of the $90.00 granted for Mr Angus Fergusons road until the next regular m meeting of the Council. Carried; . Moved·:by Coun Fergu8on, Sec by Coun Docksteader,that Mr'McPhersons application be referred to the Road committee, Carried; Moved by Coun Sinc.lair, Sec by Coun, Docksteader, that as an error has been committed in the collection ·of Statute Labor tax from the section men,be it herewith resolved that the statute Labor tax be refunded ·to thos.e men on account of such an error. It ,was mov:ed in amendment by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Laity,that the matter remain as it is. Amendment carried • . . ' .. _ • • ~ • • • • • • • •• 4' . . The Co:uncil :then ·:adj ourned .. P .Murray. W.J .. Harris. C .M. C. Reeve. November Meeting. The 11th regular meeting of the Council was held in the town hall on Nov ,the All members were present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and' approved. Communications were received as follows, from Noble Oliver' in reference to his taxes and Statute labor; From Sarn Edge ask- ing the Council to find ·an outlet for the water from road ditch; From W.Smedley asking an appropriation for road work; FroD n·.Docksteader calling the attention of the Council to the bad state of the roads in the vicini ty of Port Haney; From G.eorge Rob.ert.son enquiring into the cause of his n.ame not appearing on the assessment roll; From Robt Stephens asking the Council to survey the. road through section 20; From Jno Mclver in r.eference ~to railway fence; From Andrew Andereon asking an appropriation for the construction of approaches to the Lilooet bridge, and f'rom Messers Jarnes & John Ritchie asking ·for an appropria.tion for road. work; Moved by Coun Sin.clair,Sec by Coun .Laity,That the $90.00 appropriated for the Fergueon road be expended on the town line. Carried. Moved by Coun ·Laity,Sec by Coun Docksteader,That report of· road committee of Ward No 2 be-accepted and that .the Reeve draw' an order in favor of WilliamiHampton for .,0. Carried; Moved by .coun. F.erguson, Sec. by Coun Docksteader.T~at orders for $2, be drawn on the treasury in favor of rnember~ of Council as per indemnity bY-law, Carried; Moved by Coun Dawson,Sec by Coun Laity; That Mr R.Stephens application be referred to the road commi t-te e'. Carried; Moved. by Coun· Lai ty, Sec byCoun Doc~steadp. that the clerk answer Mr· Olivers communication ,and gi ve' him the ifif'orm- ation asked for. Carried; Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by: Coun Fer- guson,That Mr George Robertsons communtication· be 'placed on file and . that his right to the franchise be recogniz·edby this Cou9cil as .member of theL .firm of Ewen & Company; Carried. :Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Laity,Tl1at an order be. drawn on the treasury in favor of Jas Wilson For $90.00 . Carried. -1J)Moved by Coun Laity; Sec by CounSinclair,That the, clerk put up notices' 73 in the differaintlparte of the municipality ncbtifying ratepayers that ""~ .. , all taxes due the Muni cipali ty must be paid before. the 1st of ·December in accordance wi th the last amendments to the Municipal Act .• Carried. Moved by Court Laity,Sec by Coun Sinclair,That $7, be appropriated for the construction of.approaches to Lilooet bridge, $25 for Ritchies road,and $20 for Smedleys road, Work to be done by Contract. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson,Sec by Coun Docksteader,That the work requested by Mr Samuel Edge be done by contract. Carrie.; Moved by Coun Dock- steader,Sec by Coun Laity,That road' by-law No 2 be re'ad as third time and passed. Carried. Moved by Coun Dockstea~er,Sec by Coun Laity, That the RoadCornmittee' examine that part of \7ilson road where the , Bxan extra $16.00: has been spent and report at' next· lOe,eting. Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson,Sec by Coun Sinclair,That five dollars be paid D.McPherson for digging grave. Carried; Moved by Coun Dawson, Sec: by Coun Laity, That in the opinion if this Council Bome steps should b e taken to more. fully advertise the resources of the district. Be it therefore resolved that the other municipalities of New Westminster District, and the Municipali ty of; th,e City of New Westminster be asked to co-op~rate with this Council to adopt ways and provide means for the publ~ication of pamphlets descripti ve of the resources of each municipality,and the inducements preeented to those seeking homes in in our midst. Carried; s Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Laity,That the clerk communicate wi th General Superintendent Abbott ~ re'garding the unsatisfactory condition of the fences of the C.P.R. through the Mun- icipality,and recommend that a legal board fence be erected in lieu of the present wire fence,on account· of the many accidents happening daily to stock by railway trains consequent on, the present unsatis- factory fences. Carried. . Moved by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Docksteader That the clerk communicate with Mr Bole in reference to the river road wbere damaged by railwa; contractor,sending all communications,and ask him if he thinks it advisable to enter an action against the Dominion government for five thousand dollars damages. Carried; The Council then resolved itself into a committee of the whole to consider the provisions of the Ward by-law,the Reeve occupied the chair. It was resolved in committee that the Ward by-law read Five Warde,each ward to be represented by one Councillor, Wards to be named,Hammond,Ridge, Haney,Lilooet and Warnock. The committee rose,reported by-law complete o It was moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun'Laity, that the Ward by-law be read its third reading and finally passed as recommended by committe Carried; The Council then adjourned until the 1st day of December. Council met'pursuant to adjournment on December 1st. All members exceptCouncil~or:Laity were in attendance. Communications were rec- eived as follows. From Wm McColl,Sec New Westminster Board:of Trade asking t~e Council to send a delegate to a railway meeting; From John Hinch, a bill of $2, for road work; From J • .A •. Robinson,·C.M.C. New West- minater;acknowledging the receipt of the resol~tion of this~C9uncil anent the publication of pamphlets; From Andrew Ailderson and--o'thers asking an approl;lriation to complete the Lilooet bridge; ·From J.M.Web- ster,a bill of $,.00 for lamps .for use of Council; From Jno .Fitzpatrick asking t,O.OO for road work; From Wm Hampton, a bill for $10 for work done as recommended ,by road committee; From Woods,Turner & .Gamble,.an a/c rendered $8; From Samuel Edge, taking exception t6 the manner in which work on ditch was done: From·G.Black,asking a resolution of this Council in favour of application to the Dominion ·government to locate 7;4 the experimental farm at Cpqu1 tlaD); From James Best,. a bill for $325 for land taken from him for road, for timber on said land and .for .. fencing it; From J.M.Webster,a bill for $7.00 for road work,and a Report from.Road Committee of each ward. A petition from property _ owners and others at Port Haney for closing some of the streets on the map of the Port Haney townsit~ was presented; Collector reported having collected $27' :during the month of November; . . . . Moved by Coun: Docksteader,Sec by Coun Sinclair, That report of Road Corn of Ward No 1 Be accepted. Carried; ,Moved by Coun Docksteade~,Sec by'Cc;>un Sin-clair That report of Road Committee of. Wa.rd No 2 and Samuel Edge's commun- ication be laid over; Ca.rried. . " . Moved by Coun: Fergu~on, Sec by Coun Docksteader, Tha't the· by-law to close certain streets at,Port Haney be r~ad a f1~st time. Carr,ied. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sep by Coun Dawson That the road gazetted between the S.E.t and s.W.t of Section 20 town- ship 12 be surveyed. ,.Carried. Moved by Coun DaVlson,Sec by C~un .Sin- clair,Thaii the clerk reply to the commun~cations from Robinson and McColl. Carried. - r. Moved by Coun Fergu6on,Sec by Coun Dock~teader. That Mr Hinch's bill be referred. to the Road Committees of both Wards, Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Dawson, That. road committee for ward No 2 be empowered to clear obstructions centre sec- tion line ~d repair a culvert in the slide; Carried. Moved by Coun Dawson,Sec·by Coun Sinclair,That road com of Ward No lrepprt on Mr Best~ claim at next me~ting., Carried. Moved'by Coun Dawson,Sec by Coun-Ferguson,That $140 be appropriated to complete the Lilooet bridge, Carried. Moved by 90\1n Fergu50n,Sec by Coun Dawson.That election by- 'law pass its first and second readings. Carried. : , Moved by Coun Sin clair Sec by Coun Do'cksteader, That we recommend the Coquitlam farm to the Dominion government as the most suitable farm in the di 9 trict as a for the proposed experimental farm,and that the clerk send a notificat- ion of this resolution to Mr Black. Carried; Moved by Coun Dawson, Sec by C6un Docksteader, That whereas a Resolution of this Council passed at a regular meeti~g in May last and' forwarded to the govern- ment asking that a half mile of new territory be added to the North of the Municipality, and whereas the-government have refused to add such new territo~y as per resolution,but in l~eu thereof have sent to the .clerk of the MWlicipality new letters patent with the new territory added,and asking tbat a returning officer be named therein~and date of _election under said. patent be fixed by this Council, BE it therefore -resolved that Jno McKenny be named as Returning Officer,and that the· 9th day of Jan~arynext be fixed as the day of election,and that the clerk is hereby instructed to fill in the name' and date afore~aid and fo~ward the same to the Lieutenant Governor for his signature,and advise the government that the old letters Patent are hereby surrendered The Collector returned 4i8 Roll according to, law, and on motion of Coun Dawson,Sec by Coun Ferguaon,the return made by the Collector was accepted._ :The Voters list was then. prepared, and on motion of Coun Sinclair,·Se~ l;>Y,CQun DaVlsol),1!he voters list as revised was accepted. The ,following bills were passed and ordered paid. Wm Hampto~ $6. for work on ro ad near George Apnauts; Noble Oli ver $3. 'for ro ad work; D.C. W~bl;>er $15'. : in payment of work aPl?lied on taxes at Warnock; J .M. Webster $7. for repair to bridge,and $,.in payment of lamps for u~e of Council. John Carlson $l~.for work on approaches to Lilooet br1dge,& $25'0 •. for work on Li~ooet bridge :aa per contract; D.C.Web..,ber $,4. for salary' and expense as collector; Jo~ McKenny $27.for salary as trea- surer and cutting a tree on road; .F • Murray: $40 salary as clerk and ser- vice as poll clerk; J.J.Wilson $4.for clearing and repairing road,and Samuel Edge $1. for like services •. Council then adjourned until the 7:0 regular meeting in January. P.Murray. W.J.Harris. C.M.C. Re~ve. HT~e111.~s~~:-:g~~~r7mt· 'h~~1~8i8~g ~~'A·_~hfel' Cl'~bu~Cidl ...... ,!f,~8i~? ,Wtat'~. hd,~l~ iri," ~~·~tTOWn: a on ",anuary . . 8 •• , ~ . 0 ar wa~ n a en ance. l'~il.nU es of"the ~ l-ast-twO'-riieetings "~"er'e read' and approv'ed-. Reports' of R-oad ., Commi'tt-ees"'or-bo'th"wards 'were read. Accounts ,were submItted ,. from th-e" B.C~G'azett:e' for' printing $,6., and Woods, Turner & G~nble' $104.for survey ing.' El:t6y'Obrien applied for permission to take tim~er off the Right of 'way' of. the Ce~ti'al Section line,West of B~sts; J.J.Wilson mad-e 'a' verb~l',applicatlon' for the payment of $16. eJq)ended unde.rhis dir'ection witho'ut authori ty from the Council; Mr W:Norman' Bole submitted ~'draft, by~law for closing certain streets at Port Haney. , , Moved'by" COWl Dawson,~ec by'Coun Sinclair,That the Eeport of Road' Com- mIttee of Ward l~o 2 be' accepted. Carried; Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec' byC6un' Ferguson" That Report ,of Road Committee of Ward No 1 be adopted. Carried; , . 'Moved by Coun Sinclair', S~c ,by Cou~ Dawson, That the government printer be·· reminded of the amendment of 1887 regarding the fre'e printing og M\lnicipal by-laws in the government, gazette. Carried. M6vedby Ceun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Ferguson,That the s~reet closing . by-law be read its second and third readings. Carried; , , ' Moved by Coun Do'ck'steader, Sec by Coun La! ty. that the Reeve is hereby requested to· swe'fir in one special con'stable fo'r service at the electi,'on.' Curie.d. Moved' by' Court Sincl'air, Sec by-Coun Dawson, That $3. each be refWlded to Mesers Gray and Hairsine as recommended at a previous meeting.Carried. ----,-. - Ma v'ed , by C'oun Docks'teader, Sec by C6un Laity That the $16 be-paid the several'partf'ee for work on the Wilson Road. Carried. Moved by Coun Dt)'cksteader, Sec by ,Coun Ferguson, That the clerk communicate wi th Woods Turner & Gamble and ascertain why on former occasions they have charged us $20 per day and in their last bill,and other municipalities, they have only charged $10. Carried: '. . .... ' , , , ' .. , .,: .",.:: . , , : . Mo.v.e.d. bY,C,o,un Do"ckst~ader",Sec, by Coun Fergueon,That Mr O'Br1ens request be granted. Carried: Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun J.JawBon,T;hat the Books of this Corporation be audited by J.a.McDonnell and that his salary be $5. Carried; . . / The following bills were orde~ed pa,id; John Uinch $25.00; James Robert- son $5; John Ritchie $25; William Sinedley $20; J.M.Webster. $7.59: Wm Hampton $2,.75; Carleton & Harris $12.29; Rob~rt Blackstock $8: J.J. Wilson $36:. Council, t~en adjourned till, 9th instant at 10.30 A.M. Coun.cil met. pursuant to adj ournment. A;Ll members. were pre.sent. Auditors Report of tlle financial standing of the Municipality was read. and on motion of Coun Dawson.seconded by Coun Ferguson the report was received and accepte~. Moved byCoun Laity,seconded by Dawson that $5. be paid Mr J.R.McDonnell for service rende;red in audi~ing A/cs.9arried. Council then adjourned, (sine die)' ---, D. C. Webber. Hecto~ Fergueon. C.M.C. Reeve. The First Meeting of the Maple Ridge Council under the new Letters Patent,was convened at the Maple Ridge School House,in accordance w~th 'Letters Patent; The Reeve and Councillors having been duly sworn in ·accordance.with the:Statute:in·th~t b~half,subed~ibed·to the ·followirig· declaration. We the undersigned Reeve and 6ouncillors elect for the Municipality-of Maple Ridge, Do Declare, That·we are British subjects possessing the qualifica.tions by law required,and that we are in no way.disqualified for holding the offices of Reeve and Councillors,and we have not,nor will" have while holding of.fice,any interest, directly ~.... r. " or indirectly,in any contract or services connected with the· Corporation. We have .not by ourselves or. any other person,knowingly· emplo"yed any bribery,corruption,or intimidation,to gain our ·election,and we will faithfully perform·the duties of our office,and will not allow any private interest to influence our conduct in Public Matters. (This was not signed by Reeve or Councillors; ~.I? ) Th"e ·CounCil Was· then duly consti tuted, wi th the Reeve in the Chair, and opened for the transaction of-business; Moved by Coun "Dockstead'er, sec bY·CouhBlackstock,That D.C.Vlebber act as clerk pro tern, Carried. Moved by CounDocksteader,Sec by Coun Blackstock,That Council adjourn to T.ov/n-'Hall,. Carried. Minutes of last mEeting of Council of 1887 read and approved. Communications received from Messrs Woods & Turner respecting their ·bill, and ·from Mr Dawson, applying for position of clerk. Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Docksteader,That the By-law regulating the meetings of the Municipal Council,receive its first and: second read- ing.s .. Carried. - Move.d by Court Docksteader, Sec by CounSinclair, that the Clerk Communicate with the Registrar of the Court at Vancouver in reference to a notice posted up in this Corporation. Carried. -.. -. ,._, Cotin'Sinclair gave notice that he would bring in a By-Law regulating . the appointments and salaries of Munic-ipal Officers. Counc·il then adjourned till next regular meeting. Hect·or Ferguson. February 1888. The second regular meeting of the Council was held on the 4th February. The Reeve and' Councillor·s Sincla"ir,Haney,Blackstock & Docksteader, present, D. C. Webber was appo inted Clerk pro tern. Minute S 0 f last meexing read and approved. Communications from W.J.Armstrong,Sheriff 'and from-C.E.Johnston,Registrar.also from Wm Nelson and G.Apnaut. Moved by Councillor Docksteader,seconded by Coun Blackstock that the Reeve draw 8.If order in favor of Geo Apnaut for the sum of $3.00 for services as special.:.constable~ Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec byCoun Blackstock that the clerk notify Mr W.Nelson that as soon as the~necessary funds are at the disposal of the Council the Public Wharf wiil be-repaired. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Haney that the'Reeve be empeKRr powered to transact the business with Messrs Corbould and McColl,re- garaihg" the Dawson,Ferguson claim. BJl to as satisfactory gonclusion. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair,sec by Coun Haney,the Bylaw regulating the business of the Council receive its third reading and finally passed. Carried; TO Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the Clerk wri te:',77 the Minister of Education. urging the Government on the necessity for the establishment of a Fublic School in the Township No l2,'and that petition 'of A.Anderson and others is hereby 'approved by this Council • . Carri eo,; . Moved by Coun Cocketeader,Sec by Coun B1acketock that the Reeve and Collector Webber are hereby authorized to attend-the Court at Vancouver on the 14th of F~b,on behalf of thi~ Council in the case of Johnston versus C.P.R. Carried. Moved by C~un Sinclair, Sed by Coun Haney, that the' Clerk c6rnrnunicate 'with Mr Joseph Stevens regarding the land ta.Ken for Road for the purpose of settling Mr Jas Beets claim in , an 'amica.ble', manner. Carried.: - . Moved by Coun Docketeader,sec\by Coun Haney that the Reeve is hereby authorised to' obtain legal: advice a.e to the validity of the ByLaws passed by former Councils on account of having obtained n~w Letters Patent. Carried. . Moved by Coun Docksteader sebby Coun Blackstock that the Clerk post notices in the most con- spicious places throughout the Corporation stating that partys that may be desirious of 'any' change in the way of Road beats or p.athmaaters can apply in writing tothie Council before the next meeting. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteade1r sec by Coun Haney that the Clerk be empowered to purchase the necessary stationery for the Council,and that he'obtron from'the Gov,if possible t doz copies of the Municipal'Act'with Amend- ments. Carried. Councillor Dockateader gave notice that he would introduce a By Law at the next regular meeting,to establis4 a public Highway on the east bank of the Liloet river as per application of Do McPherson. " , , Coun Haney gave notice that at the next regular meeting of the Council he would introduce a By Law to repeal the 'the present Ward By Law' comforming the Corporation into Wards~ . Communications received from Messrs Hinch and Isaacs. Moved by Coun Docksteader,sec by Coun B1ackstock that D.e.Webber be appointed Collector and Treasurer for the year 1888 at the salary of $7,.00. Carried. . Moved by Coun B1ack- stock,sec by Coun Haney that Ennest Beckett be appointed Municipal Clerk for year 1888 for the salary of $75~OO Carried. ' Moved by Coun Docksteader sec by~Coun Blackstock that Mr John Hinch be appointed Assessor for the year 1888 at the salary of $35.00. Moved in amend- ment by Coun Sinc1air,sec:by Coun Haney that J.W Webster be appointed Assessor-for the year 1888 for the ~alary of $35.00:Carried~ Moved by Councillor Sinclair sec by Goun Haney that the Officers 'By- Law receive its first and second readings, Carried. 'Coun D6cksteader gave notice that a~ the next regular meeting that he would introduce a By-Law appointing Patllmasters and Fence-Viewers. . Coun Sincl~ii gave notdce that at the next meeting he would bring in a By Law regulating the return o'f the Assessment Roll. Moved by Coun Docketeader, sec by Coun Haney that the cl erk' communicate wi th Mr Chi.shilm M.P~_,.'in refer- ance to ,the River Road explaining the matter as minutely as possible and asking him to bring the matter before Goverrunent.' Carried. Council adjourned till the 'next regular meeting. ,', . .! ~ . 18 ~ e \, The Reeve called a S~ecial meeting of the Council on Mo~day the 13th of February at 10 0' clockA.M. to take proceeding's to hold' an election to fill the vacancy-caused by the resignation of Coun Hicke,and also to consider the granting of money for the New Westminster District Folio. Present the Reeve and Council~ors Haney,Docksteader and Sinclair. Resignatio~ of Councillor Hicks read. Moved by Coun Docksteader,sec' by Coun Sinclair,'That Councillor Hick~ resignat~on ~e accepted. Carr'd._ Moved by Coun Sinclair,sec by Coun Haney, That the nomination for Councillor to fill 'the vacancy caused by Coun Hicks resignation be held Wednesday the 22rid o'f 'February 1888, in the Town Hall, Maple Ridge, and a poll,if necessary~ be held in the s~me place'on Saturday the 25th of February,and that E.W.Beckett be appointed Returning officer at said election. Said nomination and poll" if necessary" to be regule.teal according to the Act of 1881. Carried . It was -considered best to leave the other b~siness over till the regular meeting. Moved by Councillor Do'cksteader , sec by Coun Sinclair , That the Reeve draw on the Tres for Three /50 dollars for expenses to New Westminster. Carried. Moved, sec that they adjourn. Carried. E • VI • Beck e t t • C.M.C. Hector Ferguson. Re eve. , . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARCH 1888. The third regular meeting of the, Council wa.s held in the Town Hall Maple Ridge, Mar 3rd 1888. Present the Reeve and Beune Sinclair,Docke- tea.der,Blacketock,Haney and Wilson. Minutes of(?~ read and approved. Communications were read from Corbeuld & McColl "in referance to to the Dawson & Fergu50n Case", from W.C.Sarnpson'''in referance to Swine Byla.w" From John XdJulEJlJ: Kirkla.nd, in referance to the leave granted E.O' Bri en to c,ut wood on Centre Sec Road, ~'roifl W .H.IJa.dner ,~p. in referance to GO'Vmt Grant, from C.P .Ry Co enclosing sta.tement of the Co' ye property in the Municipality, From Lieut Cov acknowledging receipt of Road Closing Bylaw 1888. from Chilli whack . Council J in referance to l:~unicipal Acts, from Jos Stephens.in referance to the Robt Stephens Road, from D.Docksteader. asking for information regarding the Port Haney wharf and to have the obstructions removed from. road to said wharf, from John Carlson for settlement of a/c, from-John Dawson claiming $5' for work done. From John Fitzpatrick aekiftg for repairs on Section Line Road between Sections 14 & 23. From W.Nelson calling attention to obstruction to ditch on Ed~es road,from W.Isaac & others asking to have section line running North & South,one mile East of Township line between·~ & l2.(?) Report from Collector & Treasurer for month of February, from D.e.Webber train fare &c in the Johnstort vs C.P;Ry Co.; Moved by Coun Docksteader,sec by Coun Blackstock.That the Clerk answer Mr Sampsons letter and state that th the Hog By-Law is not yet complete. ·Carried. ' , Moved by Coun Dock;t'e"ader, Sec by Coun Haney,That the Reeve.draw an order on the Treasurer in favor of Corbduld & M'cColl for the sum of $180.50 in settlement of the Dawson & Ferguson lawsuit, payable as soon as the money is in the Treasury. Car' d. Moved ~y Coun Wilson,sec by Coun Blackstock,That the cler~ notify Nr E~ O'Brien H~W ~~ that the Council now find that they have not the power to give him the timber on the Centre Section Line o Carried. Communication received fromD.:McPhers6n. Moved by Coun Wileon, sec by Coun Sinclair,That the clerk notify JoCarlson~that as soon as the money:is available nfor the purpose"in the treasury he will be paid. ··~··~9 :' '~II ... Carri ed. .. , Mo~ed by Coun Dock~teader,Sec by Coun .Wilson,That the clerk a.n swer the Chilliwhack Council, tha.t thi s Council will co-opera te wi th them in the matter of amendments to the Municipal Act and that the clerk communicate with the Govt on the subject. Carried. lJJoved by Coun VIi,lson,Sec by Coun Haney,That t'he whole Council be appointed a com- mittee to examins the Robt Stephens Road. Lost; Moved by Coun Wilson Sec by Coun D (?) .That the clerk notify J .De.wson tha.t the Council know nothing about ·the days work with team,a.nd for him to see the path- master who engaged him •• Carried. Commu.nication received from \Villiam Smedley ~ corn recei ved from John McKenney; Mo.ved by Coun Wil son, sec by Coun Dockstead·er.That the clerk instruct Mr Dockstea.der,Port Haney, that this Council has no claim on the Port Haney wharf and that it is Gazetted as was supposed,and that the clerk inform Mr Docksteader the Council will look into the matter of obstructions to said road to wharf. Carried. Coun Haney gave notice that he would at the next reguhr meeting bring in a Bylaw cancelling the gazetting of certain roads which were gazetted by last years Council. Moved by Coun Docksteader, sec by Coun Sinclair,That the application of John Fitzpatrick be laid over for one month. Carried. Moved by Coun Wilson,Sec by Coun Doek- stea.der,'I'hat the· communication of Mr Nelson be laid over for one month also petition of Wm Isaac and others. Carried. Moved by Coun Wilson. sec by Coun Sinclair That the Collectors report be accepted. Cattied. Coun Docksteader gave notice taat at the next regular-meeting he would introduce bylaw rep;eal'ing old, andimposing ne,w Rules of Olllcrler Byla;w •. Moved by Coun Sinclair,&ec by Coun Wilson,That Mr McKenneys bondsmen be relieved of their responsibility. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair sec by Coun Wilson,That the Assessment and Court of -Revision By-Law 188 receive its first and second readings. Carried. Moved by Coun Wilson sec by Coun Blackstock.That the Reeve draw an order on the Treasury for eight /40,dollars in favor of D.:C.Webber for expenses·. to Vancouver in case of Johnstmn vs C.P.Ry. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,sec by Coun Elacketock, That the District Folders be accepted by this Council, and tha.t Councillors Haney, Sinclair-& Dockstead~er along wi th the Clerk is hereby: appointed a cOf(imittee to ·fill out ·the Maple Ridge part of it. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Blackstock That the Council be appointed a committee of the whole to define the road beats. Carried.-Moved ty Coun Haney,Sec by Coun Blackstock, That' ·the Ward Bylaw be read its 1st rea,.ding. Carried. Moved byCoun Sinclair Sec by Coun Viilson,That the Council be appointed a committee in the whole to consider the Ward Bylaw,wit-h Coun Docksteader in ",th,e Chair. Carried. Moved by Coun Wileon,Sec by Coun Dockst~adertThat-ihe Off- icers byls"w for year 1888 be rea.d the 3rd time. Carried. Moved by Coun Sincla.ir t Sec by Coun Wil son, That the Reeve dr·aw an order on the Trea- surer payable to D.McPherson for the sum of $2 for getting books for Auditor. Carried. Communication fromH.Fergu90n. (~ill of exps) Moved by Coun Sinclair,sec by Coun Dockstea.der.That Councillo!\~:~";J\l.ack­ stock, Haney and Docksteader be a Board of Works for Municipa.lfty east ·s·o' of Town Line,and Councillor~ Sinclair~Blackstock & Wilson west of said Line. Carried~' Moved ~y 'Coun Sinclair"Sec by doun Wilson,That the inventory regarding the late A Rings effects be placed ~n file for future reference. Carried l:;1oyed by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Sinclair. That 'the clerk communicate Wi th Messrs Corbould··& McColl a.nd endeavour to obtain the .expenses incurred on· the Corporation in the lawsuit bet~een John~ton and the C.P.Ry Co. Carried. . Moved by Coun Blackstock,Sec byCoun Dockste8"d.er,That th~ Council as a committee is hereby authorized :to ar~ange a programme for the expenditure. of Govt money at Port Haney on Saturday the loth of March at 7.30 F.M. Carried. . .' Coun Docksteader reported that he had not had time to bring in his Bylaw to establish a public ~ighway 0.11 the east bank of the Lillooet River,and the bylaw for fenceviewers &c. . . Coun Docksteader gave n'otice ·:that at the next regular meeting of th~s council he would introduce a statute Labor ByLaw and any other of the old Bylaws that may be thought necessary. The Council then adjourned till next regular meeting. E • W • 13 e ck e t t • C.M.C. Hector Ferguson. Reeve #######ll##########II#"#'###II#'##11######II###4111#######11###11####11# i~#flfl#fl#ff# The Fourth regulai meeting of the Councii washeid in the Town Hall Maple Ridge,April 7th 1,888, Pres,ent the Reeve and Councillors'. ~inutes of last meeting read and received. Communications received from ,D.L.McAc~a.ney •. A.Docksteader, R.H. Stephens and others. Brunette' Sawmill Co, W.N.Bole, H.Ferguson. Cbrbould & McColl. Beckett & Co, D.Docksteder J.¥.Webster, Joseph Mighton. J.M.Webst~r & others,and report from the Collector & Treasurer. . Moyed by Coun Wilson,Sec by Coun Sinclair,That the Reeve draw an order ,on 'the T~ea6urer" for the sum of $11.7r; payable to A.Do cksteader, and al so one for $12. ~O payable to H. Ferguson. Car' d. , , Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Haney.That petition of R.H.Step- herts and others be laid OV0r for one month, Carried. Move~ by Coun Docksteader,sec by Coun Sincla~r,Jhat the clerk notify ~he Brunette Sawmill Co, that this Council, are doing all ,in their power to construct roads that lead to their property. Carried. Moved by Coun Wilson,sec by -Coun Sinc1air, That Mr Boles ale be. laid over for one month to corrett errors in same. Carried. Moved by'Coun Sinclair,Sec by Couri Dock- steader,That Messrs Corbould & McColl be notified, by the c.lerk that this Council do not consider themselves liable to Mr E.P.Baker,as his contract was cancelled by the Council then in power,and neW tenders called for the completion ot: the same. Carried •. . " Moved by Coun Dock- steader, Sec by Coun Haney. That the sum of $l~O is hereby appropriated for the purpose of grading hill at slide and othe~ bad mud holes near P,ort Haney. and that the expendi ture be made under 'the direction ... of the Board of Works, for Township 12; Carrie:d. ' .... '- . Moved by Coun·Docksteader,Sec by Coun Sinc1air,That bill of J.M.Webster for assessing be laid over till after Court of Revision. Carried; Moved. by Coun Wi180n, Sec. by Coun Docksteader, That the Collectors & Treasur"ers. & Cle,rks bonds be accepted Carried ~ Moved. by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Sinclair, That the Board of Works for Township .No9 is hereby empowered to get the Town Hall door repaired,' a.nd a good lock put on the said door. Carri.ed o Moved by Coun Docksteader,SecBy Coun Wileoll,That the-Cl"erk'forward t"o"Mr.-Adain I"rv-iug , the"c"ommuriica"tiop' of W ~Ne16on'and r'e'spectfully request Ptr Irvirig"to'open 'such a 'ditch as' maybe needed to carry away the water . complained, of by Mr Nelson. Carried. ".' , "". """..." .. . . ""Mo'ved" by Couh Sinclair~ Sec by C"oun Wilson,That th'e Reeve; draw" an ordeI'-on the Treasurer"payabTe to Mr John"McK~~ney.for_ e:xpense~ to ,Vancouver re ~ohnston" claim.Carried. MOved' bl' Coun Docksteader,Secby Coun Hahey.That the order issued in favour"'of'C"orbould &-McC'oll"for"" $180~ "5'0 be cancelled, and" that an' order for that amount be issued in favour of Mr Armstrong.Sheriff. Carried. -, .-' -. ,---. Moved'by Cuun Sinclair.Sec by Coun Wilson,That the Reeve draw an order ,of ~~4.80 on 'the Treasurer payable to Hector Ferguson for expenses to Vancouver re Johnston Claim. Carried. Coun Docksteader gave notice that at the ne~t regular meeting I shall introduce a bylaw for the imposing a,nd collecting of fines and penalties for violation of a.ny By Law of the Corporation of Maple Ridge; " !Moved:by Coun Docksteader "Sec by Coun JVil son, That the Board 0 f Works for 'l'ownship ~ & 12 is hereby empowered to have the Lillooet Bridge completed in shape:fit for tra.ffic, such expenditure not to exceed $100.00; .Carried., . , Moved by Coun Wilson, Sec by Coun Sinclair, That the Pathmasters By LaVl be read i1;.s first a.nd second reading, Ca,rried. Moved by Coun Dock- steader,Sec by Coun Haney,That the rules of order By Law be read its f~rst a,nd~econd reading. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Sinclair,That the Report of Committees on Pathmasters,Bylaw8 and P~ograrnme t:or the expend i ture of Government money be ac,cepted. Carried. 0 Moved by Coun Slnclair,Sec by Coun Wi190n,Th~t the Assessment By-law reqeive its third reading. Carried. Moved by Coun Wilson,Sec by Coun Sinclair,That the Assessment & Court of Revision ByLaw be finally pas serl;. Carried. I ., Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec ty Coun Wilson,~'hat the Re-enactil1g .By~law be read its :f.irst and ,second :reading.Ca.rried. MO,ved by Coun Sinclair, Sec by Coun Wilson, That the Ward By-law recei ve its 2nd and third reading.Carried. Moved by Coun v/ilson,Sec by Coun Docksteader,That Ward. No 3 in Ward By-law include all the road within' its, boundaries:,known as the Centre Section Line. Carried. Move~ by Coun Docksteader,Sec By Coun Wilson,That the Ward By-law be fianlly passed aSK amended. C:arried. Moved by ,"Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Wilson,That the Clerk communicate with the Dominion Band Agt in New Westminster asking him if his Gov't will pay one half expenses of some good re,sident Agt to be appointed by this Council to show -land to immigr,ants. Carri ed. ' "" ' Moved by Coun Sinclair,-Sec~ by Coun W1ison.1'hat the Clerk communicate with Mr Geo A.Keefer and ask him for information as to whom has this Council to communicate with regards to claims for damage done to River Road by Railroad. Carried. . _ " Move..,d by Coun ])0 cksteader ~ec "by Coun Wilson,That the Clerk notify the c.p.Ri Co that this Council shall hold them responsible. for the. obstructions which they have placed in Kanaka Creek, tha.t stream "being a navigable one, and al so that he ~2 ' --i,· communicate wi th Mr K~efer protesting against such obstruc·tion. Carried; :Moved by Coun.Sinclair,Sec by Coun Docksteader,That Ah Won be hotified c· by the Clerk t·o take his hogs hom.e and pen them up 0 therwi se he will be fined. Garried. ( Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Wilson, 'l'hat the Clerk write Mr John Laity,asking him if he is aware of the where- abouts of a Tape line, supposed to belong to the Corporation. Carried. Moved by Ooun Wilson,Sec by Coun Sinclair,That the.unfin~shed Business .be laid,over for one month. Carried. The Council then adjourned till next regular meeting. E.W.Beckett. C.M.C. Hector Ferguson. Reeve. ~th Meeting. The ·Maple Ridge Council met at the Town Hall on Saturday May the 5'th 1888 at 10 O'clock in the forenoon as a Court of Revision.Present Couns Sinclair,Docksteader,Haney,Blackstock and Wilson. Moved by Coun Black- stock,Sec by Coun Haney, That Coun Sinclair be Chairman of this Court of Revision •. Ca.rried. ·Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun B1ackstock That this Court a~journ till one o'clock. earried. The Court re-met at 1.30 Coun Sinclair in the Cbair • . Moved by Coun Docksteadet.Sec by Coun Vlilson,'l'hat the Court form itself into a committee of the whole with Coun Sinclair in the chair to consider the Assessment Roll. Carried. Moved by Coun Dqckstea.der, Sec by Coun Blacketock,''l'ha,t Robt Blackstock be placed on the Assessment Roll for his lot at Port Haney, Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader1 Sec by Coun Wilson,That the assessment of VI ~ H. Ansell be lowered to :jf)400. G eo Blacksto ck t.o $400. Jno Carlsons to $400.Adam Doqksteaders to$400. W.Dells to ~,400. S.Edge sen to $400. S.Edges to $400. Archie Docksteaders to $'700; H.Bla.ckstockbe a.ssessed on his lot at Port Haney $50.and his assessment on 'farm at $3000 and Mrs R.Blackstock be assess~d for house and orchard for $25'0. H.Ferguson for LO,t -403 and Mrs H, Fergus9n for E 10 t 402 each $725'. G .E. Corbould for 50 acres at $275'. Mrs D.C.Webber for Hammond Lot $5'0. Alex & John Ritchie reduced to $400. These reductions were made on appeal of applicants. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Blacksto~k,That Mrs Raney be placed on the Asse~sment Roll for Lot 2 Block 2 Haney Townsite·,and that T.Haney be assessed for the West t of the S.E.t of Sec 21 Township No l2.Carried Moved ~y Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Haney,That the Court of Revision for 1888 b~ closed. Carried. E.W.:Beckett C.M.C. Hector Ferguson. . .~ Reeve. _~ _ ....... , ...... --~----------------------~--------------------~-------~-------------- The 5'th Regular Meeting of the Council of Maple Ridge was held in the Town Hall on Saturday May 5th at. 2.30. Present the Reeve and all the Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read and received. Communications from the Rev Geo Ditcham-in referance to culverts and ditches on the road around the Engli·sh ·Church lot. From W.Smedley for road to homestead. From D.McPhersoriin referance to Smedley road. From McMartin,Reid & others to open up Section line running north between Secs 32 & 33. From D.Nilson, F .Za,r & 'G .Hinch to open line between Secs 21 & 22.' From !'Lr Keefer ,in referance to River Road. Accounts received from, E. W .Beckett for stationery &c. From Boards of Works' of 'l'ownship 12 'for work on Slide. ·From E.W;Beckett for services as returning officer.' , Moved by Coun Dockstead€r,Sec by Coun Blackstock,That report of Comm- itteeof the Whole on consideration of Assessment Roll be accepted. Carried; Report of Collector & Treasurer received. Moved byCoun Sinclair Sec by Coun Wilson, ·'J?hat the Assessment Roll be a~cepted as amended and finally closed. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Co'un Wilson.That a. Rate of one per cent be levied o,n all assessed property in the Municipality,and that the By-law be amended accordingly and that it receive its first and·second reading. Carried. , Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec 'by Coun Haney,Tha.t the Rev Ivlr Ditchams letter be referred to'the Board of Works. 'Carried; Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock.That Communications of J.Fitzpatrick,Jos Mighton, . J.M.Webst,er.Elisa Dayhack and others, D.T.McAchney,W.Smedley,W.lsaac A others,R.H.Stephens ,and others be received and placed on file. Carried. . . Moved by C~un Wilson,Sec by Coun Docksteader,That the report of Board of Works for No 12 be accepted and orders -be drawn 'on the 'Treasurer for the amounts,Dickson $201 and Hinch $180. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair, Sec by Cotln Haney . That , Coun Vli·lson be authorized to examine account of Mr Bole for the purpose of pointing out errors contained in same. Carried. Moved by Coun Vlilson, Sec by Coun Sincla.ir.~~hat all moneys expended be paid in rot.ation as work ds completed. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the Rul'es of Order Bylaw be rea.d a third time. Carried. Moved by Coun Sincla.ir, Sec by Coun Wilson That clause 26 of the Rules 'of order be amendea} to rea.d 24 hours instead of 3 days. Carried. Moved by Coun Wilson,Sec by Coun Sinclair,That the Rules: of Order By Law be finally passed and re-con sidered as amended. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Blackstock,That the Reeve draw an orCi.er in favour of E.W.Beckett for the sum of $20. Ca.rried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Wilson. That the Council authorize the Clerk to have the Bylaws of the Corpor- ation printed in pha.mplet form. Carried. Moved by Coun'Docksteader,Sec by Coun Bla.ckstock, 'That the Re-enacting Bylaw be read a third time. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,sec 'by CounWilson, That the power ~elegated to tne Municipal Clerk to,issue Beer licenses in the 'Revenue Bylaw be struck out. Lost. Votes on call for motion,Couns Docksteader& Wilson, N'ays,Couns Blackstock,Haney & Sinclair. Moved-by Coun'Docksteade Sec by Coun Blackstock,That the Council resolve itself into committee of of the.Whole to consider the Pathrnaster duties Bylaw~ ·Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Elackstock. That the report of Cornmi ttee on Pathmasters duties Bylaw be accepted and passed -Da:s amended Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Blackstock,That the Road Beat Byla.w & appointing of Fathmasters be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Coun Dockstea.der, Sec by goun Bla.ckstoc'k, That the Clerk notify all storekeepers to comply with the'Sunday Closing By- law. Carried. ~8~ Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Wilson. That" $50 be granted Wm , Smedley for the purpose of making his road passable, Lost. " Moved-by: Coun -Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blacketo"ck, That W.,Smedleys application be accepted and referred to the Board of Wo~ks',Car~ied. -. ," . -' .. ,'.-. -, . . .,. . .~ . -. . . -',. - Moved by Coun "Docks·teader~ Sec by C'oUn Blackstock, That' Ur D.McliherE?ol}s application bE referred.to the BoaE'd of "Vorks" ~arried.. -. " ._" -... _-" . . .' ""-Moved by Cbun Wilson,Sec b'y-Coun Sirfclair,Tha't the Council: authorize' the Clerk to notify Pathmaster' Ander,son" to expend $150 cutting" out, trail north to Jonn Blaney's lot""pehding"hotification of Gov' t grant ·for" that" ~road and if' no -grant· is allowed" by Gov' t, that this Council be responsible for the money expended on same, Carried ••. .' . Mc,!,ed by Coti.n Dock"stea.der; S'ec by Coun Blackstock, That the Board of Work for'Township 9 ,he author- ized to expend "$75 to repair the Public \Vharf, and expend $7, on Sand Hill near Callaghans'& Harris place. Trembath Beat for ditching across the Road at ~.Nelson~ $,. Carried.. Bo~ed by Coun Dockste.de~·,S~6 by Co~n Blacket6ck~That the Board ofWork~ for Townshi~ 12 is hereby authorized to expend the following amts on the respective roads either un:d er the resp:ec ti ve pa thn1a~t~rs .or by con tract as the said Board .o·f - Works thirik is iri the interest ot the Corporation. McAchney ~oad $1,0. An6~lls Beat for ditching $~O. Section Line between H.& J.Best $100. Mattins Sec Line '50;.Se~ Line between Sects 21 ~ 22 Tp 12,$,0; t· Sec Se~ line between H.Best & VI..leaac $,0; Carried. . . Moved by Coun Wilson, \ Sec by Coun Siriclair, That 'the sum of $100 be expended on the Wilson 'Road as the road is impassible. Carried. Mo.ved by Coun Sincla;ir,Sec by Coun Haney,1'hat if· .the Gov' t grant such sums or portions of such as are asked for by this Council. upon roads and if any appropriat.ions are granted-by this, Council out of its own Treasury upon such roads that· said lat"tez: sums be deducted from Gov' t grant upon any said road. Carried. _ Moved by Coun Wilson,Sec by Coun Sinclair, That the sum of $50 be expended on 'l'own Line· near Daw'sons corner. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Wilso~,That wh~reas this Council by By- lavl delegated the Clerk to issue Beer licenses, be it hereby resolved that the 'sum of $25 be offered as a rewa.r9-for the ponviction of any one in thE Corporation selling spirituous liquors without license. Carried. : Moved· by Coun Wilson,Sec by Coun Blapkstock,Tnat the Reeve draw 'an order on the ~reasury for the sum of $10.,0 payable to John McKehney for services as Retur~ing Offiper at the last General Election and also to E.W.Beckett for services as Returning Officer for the sum of $10. Carried. , . _. " . lJoved & seconded that J .1.1. Websters a/c be pla.ced on fyle. Carried.Moved by Coun Wilson,Sec by Coun Sinclair,That this Council adjourn. Carried. E.W.Beckett. Hector Ferguson. C.M.C. Reeve. Th~ Si~th ~egula~'~eeting of the Maple Ridge'Council wa~ h~ld, in the Town Hall·'June2nd. The Reeve and Colins Docksteader, Blackstock',Sin- clair .~·.\~ils·on present. ,Minutes o'~ last"meeting re'ad and received. COnJniunications".receivedfrom the sectet,ary of New Era Lodg'e' I.O.G.T. Inreferance 'tothegrariting of Beer l'icenses. J .Mighton'petition' ror ro-ad to' ·his .. comer,stake. Brunette Saw Mill Go,iil'referarice' to' road to the ir land,. Ir~ C ~Gazette' refusing to publi sh any' more Bylaws till the MUnicipality p'ayu·p· a,cco"unt' of five Yearsovfing. Alex Ritbhie &W Dell petition fo·r money·to repair. roads between their lands. J'ohn .Trernbath petition' forg,rants to d-it"ch certain parts of his division. Treasurer & Collectors report for May.,A"cc'Ount'from J.W.White for repairs to Tovm Hall. From D. C,. W~b~~r f~~ expenses to. Westminster as special constable. Moved bY'Coun Dbc'ksteader,Sec by'Cbun V/ileon. That this Council do not intend to grant an"y Be'er licenses, and that the CI,erk answe,r the 1 .O·.G. T. to' 'tha:t effect. 'Carri'e,d. Vot'es Naye,Blacketock & Sinclair. Yeas. Dock- st~ader,Wil~on ~nd the ,Reev~. . :·,:Move'd bY Coun Wileon,Sec by Coun Dock- steader~ That J.Mi'ghtons petItion be referred to Board of Works for Townshi~ N~ 12.C~iri~d~·Mb~ed-bY Cou~DdcksteadertSec by Coun'Wil~oh That-the' Reeve 'draw -an',order on the Treasurer for the amoun t of Gov't alc for printing. Carri~,d., -M6~~dby Couri Dbcksteader,Sec by Coun Black- stock,Thatthe 'sUm of $25 be appropriated as requested by Alex Ritchie & W .Dell, and that·, the sLUZi" of $"15' be appropriated to' build road along the C~.P.Ryiil J .J".Armours Beat & that the Board of Works have the money expended. Carried. Mo'ved" by" Couil WiIson,'Sec' by Coun Blackstock, '1'hat ]ar 'l'I'einbaths petition be 'referreo' to" the Board of Works for Township 9. Carried." Moved by 'Coun'Wil'sOn,Se'c by Cctin Sinc1air,That'the Reeve draw' a sight ord.e"r 'on the' Tre~:tsur'er for the sum of $10 in favour of. J,. W. Whi te for work on new door. Carried. Mbved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Blackstock.That D.C.Webbersbill for convey'ance of Chinarnen to West- minster be laid-Qve'r. and that the clerk communicate with the Gov't in referance to the matter. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader.Sec by C~oun Sinclair,That the Bounc'il go 'i'nto committee ·o'f" the whole with Coun Baack stock in the chair to aJllend the Revenue Bylaw.Carried; Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Wileon, That the Revenue By-law pass its thirdreaQ. ing as amended. Carried. Moved ty Couh Docksteader,Sec by Coun B1ackstoc That the. Reeve draw an order on the TreasL.trer for the: sum of $122.25' in favor of. W.N .Bole. to be paid in rotatic)n' wi th all other li,abili ties of the C-orporation as they become due. Carried. ' Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Blacketock, That residents be allowed to work half of their real estate taxes out on roads, that are a benefi t to them. Carried. Notice of motion from'Cou.n Sinclair, "1 will,bring in a Bylaw at'the next meeting of. the Council to g~zette a road between Jas Roberts6ns land on the west and John Elliots land on the east. sta.rting at a pcbint where ,the the line between these two parties lots strike the Fraser Ri~er,thenc~~orth to the North-East t Section 3 Township No 12; - . . ' ~ -Moved by Co~n Do~kste~der. Sec by Coun' 'B1ackstock, That the ?/ ecrape:rsk' belonging to the Corporation be under "the jurisdictic·n of th~'~' 2 differantboatd of", works, and that said sc~apers be used on no o't-tier than Pub1i c Works. ·'-Carried • • --0 ....... M6~~d~y Coun Wilsciri;Sec b~ Coun Sinclair.Th~t the Board of Work~ of Township 9be ins.tructed' to sell the rope in posse.ssion of, Pathrriaster Cal,laghan and th~' money be expende~ on Sand Hi.ll an~d, Dawsons :8i1J. ,. Carried. "', . " .. , Moved by CounWilson,S'ec by "Cbun Docksteader, That .. the Boar~d bfWorks foi'Tp12 b,e i,nstructedto sell. the timber on the ,S'ec Line, commencing on the S.W.comer of Sec 16 nort~ to N.W.comer.of Sec 16 Carried. Moved by Co~n Sinclair,Sec by Coun Wilson,That the Ree~e draw an order .on' the Treasurer for $104.payable to Woods, Turner & Gamble for, services rendered the Corporation. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteade~,Sec by Coun Wilson,That .the ~~erk not~fy the Collector to explicitly state in all trade licenses that he may issue after this date tb:at no business is allowed ,«K to be transacted o.n . Sunday. Carried. , ',. Moved by Coun, Docksteade.r, Sec by ,Coun Blackstock That the Boalr.d of Works for Township No ,12 be authorized to h.ave the ,sum of Six hundred dollars expended on the Lillooet road, to b'e taken out of the Gov't grant as soon as it ia available. C~rried. Moved by Coun Wils:on, Sec by Coun Docksteader', That the' sum of $100 be granted to open up road commencing on S.W. corner .of Sec 16 due north to N.W.co~ner of Sec 16., Carried. Moved by Coun Wilson,Se~ by ~ Coun Blackstock,That the Reeve appoint a Special Constable t.o att.end the Council chamber for the afternoon of each meeting o,r ,the Coun,cil. Carried. Moved by Coun Wilso~,Sec by Coun Blackstock,That this Council a~journ. Carried. , E,. W .Beckett. C.M.C. Hector Ferguson. , Reeve. t~tttttttt~~t~tt~~t~tt~l~ttt~tt~~~t~~~t~tt~~~~ttt~~t~~~~t~t SEVENTH MEET 'Il~G 1888. r • The Seventh regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held in the Town Hall on Saturday July 7th. The Reeve and all the Councillors being present. TJlinutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communications received from, . Ad am, Docksteader requesting twentyfive dollars on section between 29 & 32.; R'~H. Stephens to open up road to farm, from Vi .Hampton for money to open ditch on road between lots 262 &28~. From, O.Martin & others to open up Section. line betw~en Sections 23 &'24 Tp li". From Joseph Stephens resigning his appointment as pathmaster. from D.Dock- steader for ditcha on Centre Section Line,from John: Callaghan for $200 for Pitt Meadow road, from Kames Ritchie for. road between J.Robinson & Jno Ritchie.From Beckett & Co offering $60 towards opening up Centre Section Line between lots 242 & 2,0. Accta from British Columbian for printing, from the B.C.Gazette,S.H.Webb,D.C.\Vebber, and E.W.Beckett. Collector & Treasurers Report receiv~d, Reports from Board of Works Townships 9 & I? . . , ~-~ Moved by Coun Docksteader,Sec by Coun Blackstock,That the Revenue Bylaw be 're-considered and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Coun Sinclair,Sec by Coun Blackstock,That thE road gazetting By-laJ/ be read one reading. Carried. Moved by Coun Dockateader,Sec by Coun Haney, That 'the Clerk inform Mr A.Docksteader that the Council are doing all in their power to make roads in his direction. Carried. Ivloved by Coun Docksteader i Sec by Coun Haney ~ ,That the Report of Board of Vlorks for Township 12,be adolJted. Carried." .\ ::~' .. ' '. Moved by Cutin \7ilson. Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the Reports of Board of:'Work for Tovmship 9 be -received. Carried.,- Ivioved by §oD~n-Docksteader,' Sec by Coun Blackstock, That since Robt. Stephel"ls. doe s not re stde 'cn h"is'land and has as good a r6ad as' any of his neighbours the Council cannot entertain his applicatipi'l and that the Clerk-notify him to. that ef~ect.-Carl'ied. , " Moved by Coun Haney, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the Board of Works, for Township 12 be empowe·red' to eX1"'end $75.00 from D. Docksteader' s Store to. Best's COl~e:r', ~~200. OOonCenter Sec. Line to cpen road to Mr. Creighten's, $20.00 on-Sectien 1Jine between D. Decksteader'.s and T. Le vis farms,,: $50.00 en Matt in's Sec •. IJine; $200.'00 fer Ferguson' s' and McDonald. also. the 'Board of 'Werks for Township 9 ~~25. 00 on J. Scott' s road, $10.00- on J. Laity's Road, ~;20.00 on John Trembaths Road', and the 'payment to be made when the money is available and in the Treasury :for the same. Moved by Coun Sinclair. Sec by Coun Wilson. in Amenmnent. T~t the. Council fOl.,n itself into a Cemrni ttee of the whole to conside~ a'pp-- ropriations. Amendment lost and main motion carried. ·M:ovedby Ceun Docksteader,! Sec by Coun Haney, That the Rules of order be suspended to receive'Mr. S. Edge's' :r.:etition. Carried. Petition of S. Edge read. For the Coul1ciJ. to epen up a roa~ between·' lots 242 and,250. Moved· by Coun Sinclair, Sec by Coun VTilson. That the followi11g a,ppropriat ions be expended, viz:- lost. lJIcKenney Hoad Henry 11 Callaghan " WiJ.son It • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · .................. . . · .................. . ~~40~ 00 $75.00 $75.00 $100.00 Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock, that the stun of $75.00 (be spent to build bridge near Haney t s at Harnmond. Carried. Iv'Ioved by Coun D6cksteader, Sec by Ceun Blackstock'" That the sum of $20.00 (extll'a)vote) 'be' eXl)ended on Ivlr. ~:rembath' s Road. ~arried. Meved by Coun Docksteader, Se'c be Ceun Blackstobk. That Mr. McKenney's bill for Returning Officer be paid in full. Carried. Meved by Coun Sinclair J Sec by Coun Wilson, That. the order of business be suspended while, certain Ipa-pers'~{are read •. Carried. The Resignat,ion of Coun' s Sinclair and Wilson" ~vere then read.t .... __ ': •• lill:oved by C'OUl1 Decksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That Coun' s Sinclair and Vlilson' s ReSignation be laid on the table till the next regular meeting of the-Council. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by CounBlackstock, That the Clerk be authorized to procure a good Ballot Box with six compartments for the use of the Corporation. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec'by Coun Blackstock, That the Clerk communicate 'v"i th Coun '\1ilson and Coun Sinclair and state that:"the Coungil':'.wi-sh them to reconsider the~r resignation and to please notify the Clerk of their final decision. Carried. Moved by Coun Docl:steader. Sec by Coun J31ackstock. That the Clerk Notify Jos. Stephenll that his 'resignation is accepted and that this Council did not send and Pathmaster or any, person to spend money in his Bea~. Also that t'he Clerk request Mr. :T. Best to act in his stead. Carried. , Moved by Coun Hahey. Sec by Coun Blackstock. That the C~erk . notify :Mr. McPherson that he must to' to his Patr.Jtlaster for leave to work of·f his( beat. Carried. Moved by Coun Blackstock. Sec by Coun Docksteader. That the Reeve draw orders to D. C. Webber for services' for $48.90 and to E. W.(Beckett for $46.00 for services and stationary·as per accounts. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Blackstock, Tha~ D. C. Webber' expenses as' per bill for $10.30 be paid. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader', Sec by Coun Blackstock. That the account of the B. C. 'CGazette·.'and S •. H. Wel)b be laid over. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec.By Coun Blackstock, That the Reeve draw an order on the Treasurer for-the pay~ent of the swns nexned in the report of .the Board of Works for. Tovmship Uo.12. dated July '7th, 1888. Ca.rried. .. ." , .. '., ", , . . -' Moved by CounDocksteader, . Sec l:qy (jo~n Bla.ckstock,. That the Reeve draw an(.:or.der ori the Treasurer' in . fa.vor of A. Docksteader for '. the sum of $8.00 as payment for services rendered. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader. I Secby Coun Blackstock, That any unfinished business be laid over. Carried. Moved by Coun Haney. Sec by Coun J31ackstock. That the Council adj ourn to 8 0' clock p.m. ori J"uly 21st, to meet at Port Haney at Coun Haney's residence, and that the Cler~ prepare a statement of the ex- pendi tures and running expenses for t'he year. Carried. The adjourned meeting of the counciJ. was held at Port Haney on BaturdB,y eveming J'uly 21st. Present t}le Heeve and Councillors Haney, Docksteader,' and J31ackstock. -Meeting called ·to order ~t 9 p.m. ",_~, __ Letter from J.W.Sinclair in reference to his re~ignation. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the Reeve draw an order on the Treasurer in f;avor of J. M. 'Webster for services as assessor and postage. Carried. . Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec By Coun H~ney, Tdhat H·tR:o , · d to repair the __ road in the st ~de. an reprar. IJ BecJ{ett be au:hor~zeh" :.~ ill credit him wi th the 'work on statute Patiunaster Jonn Hinc Wl'lO W. . Labour. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun BlaCktstock'fT~a!i~~e Chi lhm l[ P go to Vancouver 0 con e . -1 Reeve alo~g with !iI:. "so d . 'a~d 'th~t he get no difinite reply, to ~~eS~~~~~~~i~~'!~~~~i~~~or'~ake app:~cation to the Dominion Govt. for permission to sue sa~d Govt. CarI~ed. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec-by "Coun J31ackstock" ~~~t t~~e R . draw an order on the Treasurer in favor of H •. Ferguson s~~V~f $ 10.00 to meet exrenses to Vancouver. Carr~ed. '1',fl'oved by:' Coun Docksteader, SSQ' by Coun Blackstock. That. the .1:... t at Pub" ic Crossings Clerk request the Q. p. By. Co., to remove ga es .L at Port Eanwond. Carried. - ~ec by Coun Blackstock. That the MOved by Coun Docksteader. - t the n ext meeting. Carried. Council adjourn 0 E.' W.Beckett., Rectol" FergtJ.son. c. M. C. Reeve. . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¥~~~~r~~~~~~~~+~?~~.~~~~~~+~~+++~~~+~~~~+~~~~ The sixth regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Council was held at the Tovvtl .Hall on Saturday, August 4th. Present the Reeve and Coui}.C-"tllors Docksteader. Haney and Blackstock. // Minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed. Petition received from Thos. Bosomwcrth for grant of twenty dollars to fix hill on road between him and A. Morrison. Communications received from Paul Mhrray in reference to an order lost and requesting the Council to issue a duplicate oilder.From Robert Robertsot! compl~'d.n1.ng of-hogs running at large and injuring his property. From Robt •.. H. Stephens requesting to be allowed to do his work on road leading to his place. From~J. A. Robinson, CMC, West- minster. in reference to the District Folders.' From W. }Torman Bole I in reference to papers re the River Road. From A. Hett. Del'JUty Tre·as/ enclosing check for $1000 0 00. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Haney. That-~~e Road Gazetting By-Law be read a second time. Carried. The by-law was then read. Moved/by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the Ro'ad Gazetting By-law be passed its. second reading. 'l,)"~ 11 ·~'b&·~;· "-1'-"-.' . ,,:., ' Moved in amendment by Coun Docksteade:r. Sec by Coun Blackstock That the Road re que sted by G. Srni th be inserted-in Road Gazett ing -By-law and that the by-law pass its second and third reading. Amendmen~ Carried. Main motiop as an1l11ended carried. ( Moved by Coun Dockstaader, SeCt by Coun Blackstock, That the resignation of Councillors \1i180n and Sin'clair be accepted and D~ C,. W Webber be appointed Returning Officer to hold an elec'tion to fill the vacancies caused by said res·ignations.' Nominations to be on the 15th of August ,. 1888. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstoek, That the swn of $50.00 be appropriated for Jas. Ri tchie' s l"oad, ~~20. 0"0 for the Thos. BosQmwol"th Hoad, and ~p20.00 on Jos. Mighton' S. and that the Board of Works for TOllmshi:p ._12 have the' appr.opriat ions -expended a·s they think in the best in~erests of the Corporation. Carried. :Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Blackstock, That the Clerk and Reeve issue and order in favol1r -of Paul Murray for $5.00 he-re- quested in place of order lost. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader •. Sec by Coun J3lackstock. That the I Clerk notify the o\nmer of the hogs compla,ined of by R., F..obertson tp close them .UP. Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader, Sec by Coun H~ney. That Messrs Ha:rris, Laity , Murra.y and 'Docksteader arid.·the Reeve be requested to aid the Council to perform the advertisement for the District Folders. Carried. Moved by Coun 'Haney, Sec by coun 131ackstock, That Robt. Stephe11s apply, to~athll1aster Blake • Carried •. lVIoved by COUli Docksteader. Sec by Coun Haney. That the Clerk apply to C. Warrick for blank forms of vouchers for the payment of the $800.00 approllriated this COl"porat ion out of the Distri6t Approp- riation. and that the Board of Works for Townships No. 12 and 15 have the $300.00 for the Norweigans ··exr:ended as they think in the interest of said Uorweigans. Carried. Moved by Coun Haney, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the Report of the Board of Works for Township No. 12 be-accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun Haney. Sec by Coun 131ackstock, That Councillors H~ney and: 131a.c~stock act C on' the Board of Works for Tovmshil1 No. 9 in l)lace of Coun' ~ Sino18.ir and Wilson, resigned. Carried. . Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec=by~Coun Haney, That the Reeve issue orders 01;1 the Treasurz;r:'+,or payments of ammounts ment ione"d on Board of V/orks -~eport for July, 1888. Carried. ~ _. ". Moved by Coun Docksteade~. Sec by Coun Han~y that the Council Adjourn. Carried. E. W. Bebkett Hector Ferguson. CMC _ Reeve. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmIDmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- A special meeting was held in the Town Hall on Aug. 15th., 1888. Meeting called to order at 3 0' clock p.m. Present the F~e8ve and Coun- cillol"S Haney:,Docksteader, Blackstock and the newly elected Councilman John Hammond (by accla.mation). The Report of the Corroni ttee on Distric,t 11'0 lders read. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec byCoun Hcunmond, Thc:tt the des- cripti9n of the Municipality as prepared by the Committee pe approved of by the Council, and that the Reeve tender to the' chairman of the said . Committee· the thapks. of the Council for tl1eir trouble. Carried. As the papers' in regards the Riv!8r Road could not be found. for the time being the. Council adjourned. A. special .~eeting o~ the 1'-JIunicipal Council was held at the Town Hall on Saturday August 25th, 188.8, at 8 0 t clock p.m. Present the Reeve and Councillors Haney, Docl{steader and Blackstock. : : The Reeve explained the reason of calling the meetin~. : 0 ·:Mav.ed by Counc j.ll~r Blackstock, Sec by Coun Haney, That the Reeve and Clerk authorize Itt. W. l;rorman Bole :under the ,seal .. of their .Corporation to take legal proceedings against the Dominion Governmen;t . in reference ;to the River Road, an.d that the Reeve go dovrn. to see Mr.·Bole and deposit all the papers relating to the case with him. Carried.' . Moved and Sec. that the Council adjourn. Carried. E. W. Beckett, Hector Ferguson, C.M. c. Reeve. The ninth lliegular meetir.,.g of the Municipal Council of Maple Ridge was' held in the Town Hall on Saturday, Sept. late Present the Reeve and Councillors Haney, Docksteader, Hanunond and Blackstock. r ~ -: ' Minutes of the last regular and two special meet il).gs .read and received. S:prott. Petition received from Adarn Docksteader for a Bridge. Communications from W/ Hampton, D. C. Webber, and from John Aocounts from D. C. Webber for services FS Constable and ret- urning Officer. From Hector Ferguson for·expenses t~ New Westminster re River Road. Reports from Board of Vlorks for Townships Ho. 9 and 12. ]loved by Coun Harnmond, Sec by Coun Docksteader, That IvTr. Wit 'Isaac be appointed cl Councillor to ~fil1·the present vacancy in the Council for the remaining part of this year. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteadel". Sec by Coun Hammond., Tha.t the C' Clerk be authorize'd to get a surveyor' to; sketch the River Road and to survey the road to I~. ~ohn Blaney's farm. Carried. Notice by Mr. D~cksteader that at the next regular meeting of the Council to intro- "duce a By-law: and gazette the roads mentioned in that By-law with some other roads. ( Moved by Cou Haney. Sec by Coun Blackstock. That with the con- sent of both Pathmaster's on the Lilloet Road. that the Govt. grant,·: to the Lilloet road be divided as follows: Two .Hundred dollars to Mr. Anderson and Three Hundred dollars to :Mr. Carlson. the Council grant of one hundred dollars to be divided between ·the two beat s. that is, fifty dollars to each beat. Carried.. . - lliIoved by. Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Hanu11ond. That the Reeve8:nd\IClerk have a Voucher filled out for the Two Hundred dollars il1 fCJ.vor of A. Anderson as per report. and that ap order be issued on the Munic i(pal Treasurer. for the sum of $50.00 in' favor A •. Anderson as per reports. Carried. Moved by Coun DocBsteader. Sep by Coun Ha.nunone., That the Reeve issue orders in fa.vour of J. J. 'Wilson and VI.' Hampton as per H. Ferguson's J. p. Report and an order to H. Ferguson as per ace:.. ount for expenses to Hew Westminster. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Ooun Haney, That the Reeve issue an order on the Treasurer in favour of parties ment.ioned in the reports of the Boa.rd of Works for TOYffiShips 9 and 12. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader , Sec by coun Hamlllond. That the Reeve issue an order in favour of W. ,.Hampton for four dollars for plank. Carried. Moved by Coun lloeksteader. Sec by Coun Hammond. That the Cl.erk t\nder the' Corporat io'n seal ans'wer Mr. A dam Docksteader' s petition and state that as soon as this Council have any money at their disposal. they will :then consider his petition. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Hammond, That the Reeve i seue an order payable to D. C. Webber for the sum of $~O. 35 as per report. Ca~ried. Moved by Coun Dockst~eade:r, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That Councillor Isaac and Hammond be appointed on the Board of VlTorks for Township No. 12 in -place :of Coun Docksteader an'd Haney. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Hanllnond, That the Cler'k request the Collectol.' to collect the n Statute Labour-Tax" without delay. Carried. . ."'--_.'> Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Hrunmond. That the Reeve and Clerk have the Vouchers made out for Mr. Carlson and his men as soon as the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board. of Workds .for Tcnvnship Ho. 12 .: Carried. ;~ ~ Moved and sec. that the Council adjourn. 11. W.B~p~p.tt C.h.-C: Hector Ferguson Reeve The tenttl regula,r meeting of the lTaple Ridge Council was in the Tovm Hall on .Saturday. August 6th. 1888. Present the Reeve and Councillors Docksteader, Blackstock and I saac. Comraunications received from Robt. -Blake in reference to bridge broken down on the Wilson Road. ham the IvIayor of Vancouver for reports of the Sugar Beet sown. From ~~s. Lillie Hemlon for use of Hall. From W. Smedley for leave to have work done by him on his road allowed mn his taxes •.. Accounts from Corbould & McColl and John Hinch. Reports received from Collector, and Board of Works for To\vn- Ships 9 and 12. Moved by Coun Blackstock, Sec by Coun Docksteader, Th~t the Road By-law No. -62 be read it~ first reading. Carried. Protest received from ·W •. F. Oliver and J". E. Ileopard against road being: Gazetted between No. 5 and 6 in Township Ho. 15. Coun Doclcsteader gay'e notice that at the next regular meeting he would introduce an Election By-law. . .. - Moved by Chun Dockste~,'vdel', Sec by Coun Blackstock. That the Juvenile Templa .. rs be allowed the use of the Ha!:l. Car~ied. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That pro- voded the statute Labour tax due f:rom men in o ""Brien 'sBric'kyard is not para: on' or before Oct. 15th , that the. collector take -the proper' steps to collect the same.. Carrj,.ed. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Blackstoc-k, That the :protest from Oliver and Leopard be placed Ql1. file. Carried.- Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock. That the Clerk write Mr. W. Smed1ey ststing that the patllInaster has re!)orted his work undone and that the council cannot allow the work done on his taxes. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by 'Coun Isaac:, '·.ThzJt the Reports of the Board of Vlorks for TOVvllShips -.9 and 12 be ac,?epted. Carried. M:oved by Coun Dockstea"der J Sec by Coun 131ackstoc}.:. That the Reeve issue orders in favor of Jolu1~Carlsol1. for the sum of $17.00. J. Foreland the Sur:l of ~~15. 00, AdarI1 Docksteader the sum of $l8. 00. W. Hamptoil the sum of ~;;;?5. 00 and' John Trembath the sum of $40. Carried. M.oved by <Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Blackstock. That path- master Blake be authorized to repair the Bridge on the Wilson"'-Road, and that Mr. Blake be given to understand that he will have to wait for pay- ment -until the money is in the treasury for said work. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteadei, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Reeve issue an orde.r in favor of John Hinch for the swn of f2.?5 for repairs to plow, Carrie~. ltioved by COUl1 Docksteader, Sec 1JY COU11 Isaac, That the Clerk file acct of Corbould & :M:cColl and write them that the Council' are. out of funds , but w~}} .. pay a~ _ soon as. the money is: in the Treasury for same. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun msauci. That the' ,Council'adjourn. Carriede ~o ,We Beckett Hector Fergtisoll. C.M.C. Reeve~ A special meeting of the Council was held at lvIr. Haney's. port Haney, Saturday evening, Novernber 17th, 1888. Present the Reeve and Couhcillors Blackstock. Docksteader and Haney. .. Moved by Coun Dock'steader. ,. Sec by Coun Blackstock. That, Clause No. 2 be" struck out of Road By-law Ho. 62 and that the By-}..aw be then read a secorid a~d third reading. carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Haney, That the Ele- ct iO,n Bv-· awbe read its first and sec and readin9:o Carried. " , : ..... Moved by coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the .Report of ,the Board of Work for To,mships 9 and 12 be adopted and that ',the Reeve issue orders 'on the Trea'surer~r in favor 'of parties mentioned in said report • Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec' by Coun Haney, That the Council now adjou~n, Carried. Eo W.'Beckett C.M. C. Hector Ferguson, ! Reeve. The December meeting of the Munic ipal Council of ]l[aple Ridge Was held 111 the Tovm Hall on Saturday Dec 1st, 1888,' Present the Reeve and all the councillors. The minutes of the last regular meeting and special meeting of ltov. 17th, 1888 read and received. Petitiol'1B received from W. Smedley and E. Knight. Communications from John Trembath and J 11 ".Jv; Sinclai;:-..... ~eport from tl1e Collector receivedof money collected since last regular meeting. Report from Board of V{orks for Townships Ho 11 -9 recommending that D. McPherson's contract be accepted as completed. Report·' from Board or Works fo'r Township Uo. 12 relX)rting of work done and reque~3ting that the Reeve issue orders for same. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Cbun Isaac. That the Election By-law be read its third reading and finally passed. Carried • . Moved b~" Coun Docksteader J ~:.~Sec by Coun Isaac J That the Rules of order By-law be suspended in order to introduce a By~law.Carried. Moved by Coun Isaac. Sec by coun Docksteadel", That By-law for apI)oj.nting Returning Officer and naming Polling pla.ce for 1889 be read it so first '!:,and~:" sec and,: readine; s. Carrie d. Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec by Coun Dock, That tl~ Clerk answer Mr. Knight and say that the Council need all the money they can collect to pay for road work that they have already done. Carried. Moved by coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Isaac. That ]\Kr. Trem- bath be notified that his order for .. payment has been issued and ia awaiting him. carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec.by Coun Haney, That the Report of Board of Works for TO\mship Uo 9 -be accepted and orders be issued for the same, viz: TOW. H. Falding $36.65 for seizure, M. ~raser 25% for telegram, and D. J'ilcPherson for the bal:ance of the $75.00. Carried. Moved by Coun ·Docksteader. Sec By Coun Isaac, That the REport of the Board of Works for Township 12 be acce)pted and that the lieeve issue the orders on the Treasurer as per said repoTt. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Haney. That the Reeve issue a sight order-in favor of John Fitzpatrick for $14.00 nruned in Report of Board of Works. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Haney. That Board of Works for TOWl1ship 9 be authorized to save timber in Twvm Line Bridge. Carried • .. Moved By Coun Isa.ac, Sec by Coun Haney, That the Clerk write to all the :parties logging on .. the Lilloet, that they must pUt· in sheer booms to save the IJilloet Bridge. otherwise they will be held respons- ible for any damage that may occur to said Bridges. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Isaac, That Collector Webber be authorized to sue for all taxes in arrea~s. Carried. IVloved by Coun. Docksteader, Sec 1)y coun Isaac, That th3 Council go into Commi.ttee of the vvhole and prepal'e the voters list wi th Coun Isaac in the chair. Carried. ~ The Committee of the: whole relJorted the list preIJared. ~ e ( Moved by coun Docksteader. Sec bJ coun Isaac, That the Council Adjourm. Carried. E. VI. :Beckett" C. M. C. . Hector Ferguson, Reeve A Speyial meeting of the Council was held in the T~ovm Hall on Thursday December .. 27th. 1888 at 7 0' clock p.m. fa . Pres~nt·the Reeve and C9uncillors Haney. Docksteader, Blackstock and.Is~ac. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Blackstock, That the action already.: ta.ken .by 'E.W.Bect:ett on the authorized o:f the Reeve and. part of the Council as respects quarantine of certa.in houses at Maple : Ridge be approyed by this Council. Car~ied. Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec by Coun Docksteader, That the Council adjourn for a few minutes. to hear what the r'ate-payers -have to say about quarant ine affai:t's •. Car:ried. (The Rate-payers after approving of the' manner of the quarantine passed El.. vote of thanks to the Council for what they had:;-clorie). After the adjournment---Moved by Coun Docksteader, sec by'. Coun J31acks~.ock"That the rules of order be suslJended. Carried. Moved' by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That t!.le Health Proteo.tive By-law be read its frist -reading. Carried •. , t Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec by Coun Blackstock, That Councillor Docksteader withE: W •. Beckett C011sult with Doctor Fae.;an. as to 'charges. Carried. Moved and carried' to adjourn. Hote. 'The Specie .. l meeting was called to act on Q,uarantine affairs. E. w. Beck~tt Hector Ferguson. C.M.C. Reeve. The last regular meet ing of the Counc i 1 was he'ld in the TOV'll1 Hall, Saturday January 5, 1889. Present the Reeve and Councillors Haney Docksteader,' Isaao a11d Hammond. ) Minutes of last ~egular'and special meetings read and reo- eived. Commt1.nications from W. Smedley in reply to notice to lumber- men on the Lillioet. Accounts froT:l E~; .. ,. IJIohwn Esq. ;D.'· C'~' -\Vebber for servi~es ete •• $51.45, E. W. Beckett for serv-ices ete., $45.50. A. and VI. Baillie for._ services helping Mr. Mohun 011 Rive.r Road. . ' Reports from Board of Work for T01J1rnshlp lIe l? and Collector an4 Treasurer's yearly report. By-law for the appointment of the Returning Officer and naming poling plac.e was given its t.hird :ceading and finally l)assed on motion.of Coun ])ocksteader, Sec by Coun Isaac. Moved by Coun Docksteader" Sec 'by Coun Haney, That the Hea- lth Protective By-law be read a second reading. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, :Sec by Coun Isaac, That. the Health Protective By-law be passed as ammended. Carried. Moved by Court Docksteade:r, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Health 'Protective By-law be read its third reCt,dine; and .finally passed. Carried. Moved by Coun Dockateader.. Sec by Couri-Haney, That the Reeve issue an order in favor of E~' Mohun for the sum of $36050 for surveying. ,carried. Ivloved by Coun Haney, Sec qy Coun Docksteader, That the Reeve issue an order in favour of A. Bailliefor $5.00 for runin'g out line on road between Secs. No. 16 and 17. Carried. Moved. by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Reeve issue an ;.order in favor ofD. C. Webl)er for the sum of $51.45 for half years~ salary. Carried • . Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Haney, That the Reeve issue an order in tavor of E. VI. 13e'ckett c for the·" sura of '~~45. 00 as per bill. Carrie d. Moved by Coun Docl\:steader. Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Board of Works report for 'To'wnship 12 be accepted and that the Reeve issue 0 rders in fc1Jvor of those named in said relJlUrt. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Isaac. That the Reeve issue orders in favor of A. and W. Baillie as certified to by Mr. Mohun. Carried. Moved by COUl1 ,Docksteader, Sec by Coun Isaac. That Thos. Haney be sworn in Constable to presurve order at the coming election. Car'ried. Moved by Coun Docksteade~. Sec by Coun Isaac, That J. W. Sinclair be appo inted to audit the· bool<:s fOl~ the Co rIx) I'at ion at the salary of $5i~ O'O:"·Uarried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun. Haney I That the 'rule;-3 or order be susI)ended in ,order to receive some co:mIflunications j.ust received. Carried. -... Communications received from W. H. J.Jadner~. EaC1.M. P.£P:. in reference to the JJilloet Bridge on Tovn1 Line· and enclos1.ng a letter -- from Mr. Gore SU1~eyor General. The CO_lerk was ordered to place these on fyJe and to ack- nowledge receiving the same IVloved 'byCoun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the, Clerk for- ward toCorboul'd and. IvlcColl a cO'P'J of the Election By-~aw for 1889, and so11ci t advise as to whet}ler others ,than those on the voters List can vote by taking the Declaration and that the Returning Officer act in accordanc~ with said adviser. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Haney, That Councill~ ors Haney, Isaac and Docksteader, be apPointed Board of Health. Carri'ed. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Clerk write under the Ivlunicipal Seal, to~ the Secretary of the Good TemlJlars and to the different ministers of the different Churcl;.es requesting them not to hold services in their Chul"'ches until Diptheria is over or ul1till further l1otice.Carrieq.. Moved by Coun Blackstock. Sec by Cot~n Isaac, That the Clerk and Councillors Docksteader, Haney.and Isaac with the ,H::-::eve be apPoint- ed a committee :to draft petitions, and any other necesse.ry papers, and forwarding them to the h'ovincial-Secreta~J asking for aid in connect- ion with Quarantine. Carried. Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec by Coun Haney, That the Reeve be ~l authorized to buy a cord of wood and have the same cut and d4livered at the Tovvn Hall, and also buy an axe. ; Carried. Moved by, Coun Eocksteader, Sec by Coun,Haney. That the Council adjourn to ? p.m. on the l?th of ja~. to Port Haney. Carried The council Met persu[,-tnt to adJ ournenlnt at Port Haney. ' Present the Reeve and Councillors Docksteader. Haney and Isaac. Coin: received from the ;Provincial Secretary re grant for quarantine :pUrposes. ' Auditors Heport received of the financial stanCl.ine; of the Mun·i c i pal i t '::l • Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Isaac"That the Auditor's Report be accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteade'r, Sec By Coun Haney. That the Collectors and Treasu!t'e'rs ,report be ,-accepted. .Carried. , , Moved by Conn Docksteader, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Reeve issue an order in favour of J. W. Sinqlair for Five Dollars in payment for services as Auditor. Carried. - Moved by Coun DocksteadBr, Sec,by Coun Haney: That the Council adjourn. Carriad. E~ Vl. Beckett C.M. C. William Isaac. Chairman. The first Hegular Meeting of the I;[unicipal Councill for 1889 was held i.n, the Town Hall according to Statute. on Monday, the 21st day of January. Councillors Hicks, Isaac, Docksteader and Callaghall, having taken and substanted .. the. declaration of Office Before Hector Ferguson, J .p.~ •• toaM: their seats.: Moved by Coun Hicks, Sec by Coun Docksteader. That the resignation of T.F. Sinclair.as Reeve be accepted. Carri.ed. (This motion to be read Third.) Moved by Coun Hicks, Sec by Coun Callaghan, That Coun .Isaac occupy the chair. Carried. Minutes of the last meeting of Council of 1888 read and adopted. Moved by Coun Hicks) Sec by Coun Docksteade:c, That the Resig .... nation of Hector Ferguson as Councillor for Ward 3 be acce~ted • . Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by'COUD Hicks, That the present Board of Health be requested to CLCt until next meeting of this Council :andthat they are hael'by empowered to :pay out of the '500.00 form the Govt such accounts as they deem should be paid. Carried. Coun Docksteader gave notice that at the next regular meet..;.. ing., he Sllould introduce a "By-law" for the appo intment of Munic ipal Officers. ' Moved by Coun HiCKS I Sec by CO'Ll.n Callagha.n. That Monday, the 28th da.y of January 1889. be n@t(led·~'~as.Jllominat ion. day. to fill. the vacancies which have occurred by resignations of T~ F. Sinclair and H. Ferguson. and that E. VI. Beckett ne appointed Returning Off- icer. That the Polling Place be the Tovm Hall, on Thursday following. Carried. Mov~d by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Couh Hicks, That D. C. Webber be appointed Clerk, Assessor, Collector a11d Treasurer .for the year 1889 at a Salary of Two Hundred Dollars. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Hicks. 1'hat Mr. H· Ferguson. Reeve of last year's Council, deliver toE. Wo Beckett and D. C. Webber their Bonds for Last year. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Hicks, That D. C. Webber be requested to furnish Bonds to the anl1nount of ... Two Thousand Five hundred.Dollars, before next regular meeting. Carried ..... .;_' .. . . . Moved.by Coun Dqcksteader, Sec by Cqun"Hicks. That collector Webbar be requested to look after the collection of Delinquent Taxes as sharljly as possible. Carried. .J> Moved By Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Hic~s, That D. C. Webber be authorized to procure on cord of V/ood and [i-n axe :Cor use of ·,99 l6l0 Tovm Hall. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Hicks, That Mr. S. Edge be authorized to make v>}'indow~, Door and Closet in-Towl'l Hall secure. Carried. Moved, by Coun Docksteader ,_ Scc by Coun Hicks" .That the Coun- cil adjourn. Carried. ; D. C. \VebJJer. William Isaac. C.M.C, The Second regula.r meeting of the Municipal Council ,was held in the Tovm Hall on February the 2nd. Present Ro,bert Blackstock, Reeve, and Councillors Hicks, Isaac I Docksteader. Q'alJ.6 .. ghan a.nd SteV'enson. Minu~es of previous meeting read and approved •. Cormnunications received from %11. Ladner, M. P., ,and from C. B. Sword of Iillatsqui and M. Stevens. Bills received from S. Edge for TelJairs to To¥m Hall, From E. \"1. J3eckett fOl'" services as B.eturning Officer, From D. C. Webber for Wood Delivered. Moved by Coun Hi cl:s, Sec tJy Coun Cal:1,_aghan, Th~t :Board qf Health be requested to make a.full report of there proceedings dUl~-', il1g their term of office. Moved in amendment by Coun Stevenson. Sec' by Coun Docksteade'r, That ~oun, Isaaq, Docksteader and Stevenson be appointed Board of Health for the year 1889. Amendrnent Carried'. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Stev:ensbn; T1~t :'the Reeve and Clerk be aP1Jointcd to cOItll'llunicate with Hr. Laru1el" M.P.P •• and . suggest sUGh ammendments to tl1.e Munisipal Acf as they deem prolJer. Carried.' , Moved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Stevenson, That the Reeve issue an, o:cder il1. favor of D. _. C. Vlebber for $3.25 as 13er bill for wood. Carried. r. ;J Moved by Cdun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Stevenson, That the Reeve issue o1'4er6 in favor of E •. W. Beckett for 4~2l. 60 J S. Edge ,for $10.30. and Thomas Haney for tJ2.50. Carried. .... , --~ .. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by COUl1' Stevensol1, That The Bonds furnished by D. C. Vlebber be accelJted. Carried., Moved by Coun Do'cksteader, Sec by CounStevnesol1"That the Clerk itlake application to the Hon John Robsol1. for more ·:-funds to pay quarantine costs, and also lay the case of the Lillooet Bridge, before the Gov't. Carried. 101 Councillors Docksteader as Councillors. and Hicks tendered their resignations Moved by Coun Isaac. Sec by Coun Callaghan. That the res.ig- nations of Councillors Hicks and Docksteader be accepted, and that Monday the eleventh day of Februal'7 be named as the day for nominat- ing persons as Courtqillors for Wards land 2, arid that D. C. Webl)er be appointed returning Offd!cer, the Poll. if any. to be held on Thur- sday the 14th day of February, .1889. Carried. Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec by Coun Callaghan, That the Officer's By-law receive its first reading. Carried. Moved by Coun StevenSon, Sec by Coun Isaac, That Couneillor Callaghan be aplJo;inted on Boal"d of Healtn. vici Docksteader resigned. Carried. :Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec b'y Coun Ca11agnaf:l, That Council adjourn until next regular meeting. Carried. D. C. Webber, C. M. C. '. Robt. 131ackstock, Reeve. oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo The. third regular meet ing of the l.;Iunic i;P~l Counc i1 was he ld $...t the Tovm Hall .an the 2nd day of March, 1889. Present the Reeve and Councillors Callaghan, Stevensol1 and Isaacs. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Con~unications read from Hon. John Robson re Quarantine exp-enses.]lrom Chilliwack' Council l"especting amendments to municipal- itv Act. From Farmers' AssOCiation of Burtons Pr~irie. Report of qu~rantine f!l1O'rLl Dl". Faga.n. Bills received re Quarantine as follows;- .. , Dr. Faga11--------··.----"·'-.--~-,-.... --... -~ljl032. 68 J. Ellard------~----------~------390.00 J. Vlhi te ••• --~ .... ------.----~--,-,,~ ... ---180.00 H. IvIcKay-~-----·--· ... -----·----~·---· .. ·-93.00 D. S. Curtis & Co. --------------49.68 Au Bon Marche -----.. ----~ ... ~-----... 18.50 E. Bro';m & Co. -----------.--------8. 00 Wo Lung -------------,.--------.---4.35 J. Irvill.g _ .. ~ .. -... .--_ .. , .... -.~---------4.05 Vim. Uelson •• --..... ,,---------------,... 2. 12-~ D~ Docksteader -----------------2.48 John Laity -------------------2~OO 1~onal1a11 (~.~: Co. -... -------.... ----... --10. 54 W. E. Fales. __ . ________ w.~, __ ;.. ____ ._ 22.00 J. w. Sinclair-------~----------.87~ I. WI Harris ---------~---------27.45 R. A~ Braden---------~----------16.63 John Smith ---------._--------.----54 .. 00 --.. ~ ·'102 On account of Election failing to elect Councillors to fill Vacancies caused by resigna.tio21 of Councillors. .) Moved (by Coun Stevensol1 J Sec ~by Coun Callaghal'i, That Wm • . Parkinsol1 'be al)Pointed Councillor for Ward No. 1 and HectoT 1'er- gueol1 for \Vard !To. 8, for t he year 1889 0 Carried~ Councillors Pal"kinson and Ferguson were duly sworn and took their seats. Moved 'by Coun Ferguson. Sec by Coun Isaac, That Officer's By-law pass its second reading. Carried. , \ Moved ~y Coun .Ferguson, Sec by Coun Isa: c, That the Officer's -:By-law be read a third time. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson. Sec by Coun Isaac, That ,the Officer's By-law be amended ny adding the fol:::_,owil1gclause~-... The said D. C. Webher :furnish a bond signed by hilTlself and one other person for the 'l.'-,::," sum of $2500.00. Carried. Moved by C~un Ferguson, Sec by Coun Isaad, That Officer's By-law be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson. Scc by coun Isaac, That the Assess- ment and Court of Revision By-law have its first and second reading. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferg~son, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Assess- ment and Court of Revision By-law pass its first. and second readings Carried. Moved by Coun Stevensol1. Sec by Coun Cal1aghan, That all the Bedding used 'in the Parsonage be burned. Moved in amendment by Coun Isaac, Sec-;:.by COU11. Callaghan, That the Reeve be authorized to hire someone to boil the b18,nJe'ts so sarne can, be" so Id. Lo st 0' Original Mot ion ca:rri~d. ld:oved by Coun Fel"guson. Sec by Coun ,Isaac, That the Reeve an.d Counc illors I saac, Stevenson, Callaghan, Parkinson ai1~' Fergusol1 be a. finance committee with power to negotiate for the Loan of $3000000 for one year fo payoff present indebtedness. Carried. c Moved by Cbun Fergusol1, Sec by CounParkinson', That all the quarantine Bills be forvvarded to Finance COr!lrfl,~tte'e for ,adjustment Carri.ed. Moved by Cbun CaIJ.aghan, Sec by Coun, Stevne S011" "That the Clerk go to :Hew we strninster and see Loan Companffie s al:)out' 't'orr0~:t.}1g $3000000 / Carried~ T~oved by Coun Jj'erguson I Sec by Coun St"evenSOi.-l, That the Assessor endeavour to raise the assessment of the, Munlelpalj.ty about 25% on the 'whole. ,~ Moved 'by Coun Isaac a Sec by COUl1 Parkinson. That the Coun- cil adjourn until 6 o'clock on Sat. ~ar. 9th. Carried i Counci I met pursuant to adj ournmant, at the TOV'll1 Hall .. on Sat- urday, Harch 9th. Reeve and: all the Counc illars I)l~e sent. Communications r~a.dfrolTl D. McKee, Delta. in reference to Farmer's Association, from J3eckett & Co re Roa,d work. From Trustees of Mehtodist Parsonage re.quarantine. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Parkinson. That Thos :aaney be appointed Patmnaater for Beat No. 14.--A. Baillie for Beat no. 15. James Scott for neat No. 5 and James Cook for Beat Uo. 1. Carried. Moved by CounCallaghan, Sec by Coun Stevenson. That the . Petition of Beckett & Co., be granted~ Carried. . Moved be Coun Isaac,Sec by Coun stevenson. That we pay the sum of $46.00 for the use of the Paro snage, and that the Clel"k write to the Trustees and notify them to that effect. Carried. ~ M:oved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun I saac, rrhat the Counc il borrow Two thousand DollaTs to pay ~uarantine and other Liabilities, and that they sign a note for that arnmount payable at the :Ganl<: of British Colwnbia. :Hew Vvestminster,. B .. e.. Carried, Moved by Coun Stevensol1, Sec by Coun Callaghan, That the Cou1'l.(;il adjourn u1'1tiJ.e the next regular meeting. Carried. D. C. webber, C.H.:G. Robr. TIlackstock, Reeve. The fourth Eegular Meeting of tile Maple :Ridge l'1unicipal Coun- c il was held at the Town Hall on Al)ril 6th .. ( Present Reeve, :Blackstock and Counc illors Ferguson. Stevenson. 'Parkinson and.Isaac • .. Minutes of. :pr~vious meeting recld and approved. COnl.munic<.:LviOl1S read from Trustees. l:Tet~nodist Pars6nage--PiIed,,·,· From Wm. lladnel' Ivl. p. p. --filed,. -from Hew 'Ive stminster Board of Tl"'ade--.. - Clerk instructed to repJ~. from J, J. Wilson re cancel.ling Gazette of Road--w<> Clerk notified Mr. WiJ.son t:'nat tl1e Councillor for his ward would examine the road in question and report at next 1'(leeting, from A, Fergusol1. a.sking pe:cmission to wOl"k out the Bala.nce of u.nexpemded. grant made last year on his rocl.d in 'foY.fnshi:Q Idne---On motion of Co-un Isaac seconded by Coun Ferguson it was passed to allow him to work out the !1~180eOO on condition that ~§ vlait untile money was in Treasury for payment. Bills read from Wintemute Bros for Ballot Eox ordered last year $9.00--0rdered paid.Ll Gov't Printing Of':fd.ce, Pr:hnting By-J.aws-- crde~ed :file d, ]3ri t-:i. ah Columbian fa I' prj.nt ing Ballot:· Ticket s-... ordered filed, D. C. Vlebber. salary and expenses *)75.00 _ .... ord.er.ed paid, J. Hinch_for road work~-laid over till bext meeting, D .. S. Curtis, '.104 balance of Q,uafant ine Act ~~6. 50--ordered paid. Assessment Roll reported complete d •. Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec l")y Coun J?e:cguson, Whereas the Mun- icipal Council of Maple F.idge has .been informed and.has rec1,son to be- lieve, thB .. t the plane of the Railway Etnd traffic Bridge, now in course of construct ion by; the C. p. H. COlTI}Jany ac1'O ss the, Fraser Hi ver 8 .. t or near"St. Maryt s IiKisslon", provides for a d:caw of o;nly 60 ft. in width. And whereas the free and-uno1Jstl'ucted navigation of said river is of vital imIJortance to this I.!Iunicipali ty-~ Resolved that this Co'unci1 respectfu.lly reCluest the Hon •. the Minister of Marines to prevent the construction of this or any other B-ridge EtCl'OSS the 1v1a.in Cha.nnel: of the Fraser Hiver havd:ne;~~.,a,·~.dra'.'V of less width than 100 ft. Carried. Moved by Coun Stevenson. Sec by Coun Pa:ckinson, That the CJ.erk be authorized to get the furni tUI'e moved· from the Parsonage to the ToV'm Hall and jJhat he se 11 the same at PubJ.l c Auct ion on Saturday the 4th day of Ivlay. Carried. Moved.by Coun Stevensop, ~ec by COUl1 Parkinson, that tbe Coun- adjourn to the next regular meeting. Carried. D. C. Webberl,. C • JvT~ C. Robt. Blackstocl<:, Heeve. The Maple Ridge Council met at the TO'Nn Hall on l:1ay 4th as a Court of Revision---Reeve in the Chair. Present Councillors Stevenson, Isaacs, Ferguson and Callaghan. OVling to a large number of APl)eals coming 5.n frOrtl new settlers it was resolved by the court that all settlers on Dominion Land who have not yet acquired Deeds of their IJots be reduced on the Assessment Roll in the proportio11. of ~200.00 on eF),ch i-Section, and the Holl re- vised accordingly. On appeals of Geo. Mee, J. J. VJilson, P .• Blake, T ']30 somvrorth : a:r1d A. MOl"ri son, a, reduct ion of $100.00 each -was allowed and Roll ordered revised to show the same Appeals of p. McKenney, rrhos. Han.ey, Wm. Isaac and J. Jvlightol1 not allowed, a.S court consj_der'ed.tnem only assessed at fiar valuation. Appeals of C. p. Ey. Co, E. p. Crease, Eo Co J3aker, J. E, Todd allowed on grounds t}-Iat assessmen.t v..ras abo.ye I the price at v!hich said lot s were offered for sale. William TIaillj.e and D. Ferguson to be assessed for JJot formerl'! 'o'.med by Mrs. Eaneve Mrs , ... ... Haney to be asse ssed for JL-2-A. E~st of 6nt. St 0 TOY.m si te of Pt. Haney. Court of Revision then closed. The fifth Reeular Meeting of the Mo,ple Ridge Council WCtf3 held in the Town !iall on Nay 4th. Present the Reeve and Councillors and, Ca:llae;han. J .' Stev~nson, Fergusori '\' ~l 1.1inutes of the last meeting read and e .. pproved. Communications read from City Clerk, Hew Westm~!.nster re Folders Clerk instructed.' to send for fo.lders to' be sent up and state that the ouneil could not :pay their cO'ntribution towards same until fall Taxes were collected this ye2w r.From VI. H. Ansell respecting B:cidge on Center Road--Filed. From Hew Era Lodge I.O.G.T..--Laid ove'r till next meeting'. From FLra. L. Willey l"'e su:pplies furnished Quarantine. 13ills ( , received from,T. Cunningham for stove for Q,uarantine--Laid over till n.ext meeting from T. J. Sinclair, Mrs Annie Srni th and British Columbis.l1. --all laid over till nex t meeting. , Moved ~y Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Callaghan, That the Clerk wr'ite to Mr., Abbott,Supt. Cc'. p. R., that if any more dirt is throVlm into Iilina.ka Creek by the .. C.P.R., that action Yfill be taken against them for dclJnages as, the diI't, already thrown in has caused the stream to overflow its banks.' Carried. lv1ove'd by Coun Stevenson J Sec by Coun Calla,ghan, That a voucher to the amount of $34 0 00 'be imsued in favor of Mrs. Willey for 9uPI;lie s furnished 'quarantin:e. Carried/ Moved ,by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Callaghan. Thata voucher be issued to Robert Blake Secof Trustees of l;lethodist Parsonage to the amount of $20.00 as 'payrflent in full of their clc!.ims aga.inst the Mun- ici:rality: for use of siad parsonage for quarantine purposes. Carried. , C Moved by Coun ~saac, Sec by Coun Stevenson. That the Assessment Roll as revised .. be accepted and finally closed and that if be the Ass- essment Roll for the year 1889. ca'rried. Moved by Coun Isaacs, S~c by Coun Stevenson. that Councillors Ferguson and Stevenson be e.ljpointed members of the Board of Li'cenc<'e Commissioners fO.r this munisipality. Ca:rried. Council then adjourned. D. C. Webber, C.M. C. , Robert Blackstock, Reeve. The sixth regular meeting of:the Maple Eidge Council was held at TO',iiTn Ec:~,ll on Satu:cday June 1st. Present the :Reeve and CounciJ.lors Isaacs. Callagha~ and Ferguson, .:..; ........ Minutes of previous meeting l':ead and approved. Cornmunications read from City Cler:k. Hew Vlestrninster re folders. From' Hugh Condren· and others' re specting oI)ening of" Cent er Sec. 1,ine-- filed. From D. Docksteader re cancelling gazette of~ontinua~ion of Ontario st .. pt. Ha.ney. From S. W. Henry re Provincial }}x.h.ibition ASsoc- ., ,.~ .- iation. From Thos Uaney certyfing work done by IEohn Hinch last year. :Bill received from' -VI. LI. Bole BJnd filed. " l.[oved by Coun :h'ergus'on, Sec by COll.n Cal1aghan, That the Clerk inform D. Docksteader that the continuation of Ontario st. was gazetted on pet1tiol'l of himself and others and the council will take no action in the matter. Carried • . Moved by CounFe~cr:;uson, Sec' by Cou11" C'aiJ:ft~ghan, . That the Clerk' inform l:Ir. Henry that the Council v/ill not be able to grant any money to the exhibit fund. carried. 110ved by Coun Ferguson. Sec by Coun Ca11aghan, That the Reeve sign an ordel" in: favor "fo John Hinch for ~114o 00 for work clon.e in 1888. Carried. Moved by coun I saac J sec by Coun Callaghan J That ~i2. 00 :per day be allowed Mrs. John Smith for six days cleaning Methodist Parson- age and that the Reeve sign an o:rder in her favor for $12.00. Carried.- Moved by Coun I saac. Sec by Coun Cal:La.ghan, Tha.t V.@. Al1.sell repair the Bridge referred to. in his conununication with stet/cute labor. Carried. Moved :by Coun J?erguson, Sec by COUl1 Callaghan, That the Good Templars society be allowed to use the To~:sn Hall as. a T.Aodge Hoom pro .... viding they agree ,to become responsible for any dar~ge the, hall may sustain whiJ:e in their use, and tht:lt they in ne vvise interfere \vi th the Municipal property. Carried. Moved by COUl1 Fereuson. Sec':by Coun calJ_aghan.; That Clause 2 of the Statute labor by-law be '81uended ,so' as to read over 2,]. nnd tl_nder 60 ,rea·re of age J and Clause 3 be araended so as to read ~~r~'2. Gel ::;,instee.Jd of ~3.00 Carried. l·LIoved by Coun .lferguson J Se·c by. Coun Callagha.n. That the Stc~~tute amendment by-lav: pass its first and second readings. carried .. Moved by Coun Fergllson, Sec by Callaghan, that the rate for 1889 remain at one per cent • Carried. I'JIoved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Callagr1an, ,That the res- idents in the I\!lunieipa1ity be allowed to work out half their real estate under theirl'espective l-)atlunasters. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson. sec by Coun Callaghan, That the , ' ; Clerk write to the sect Agent at .. New Vvestminster for a correct list of the registered prOVincial voters. ' Carried. The council then adjourned till next regular l}leeting. D. C. Webber, Robert Blackstock, C.M. c. neeve. (.~ .. : .. ~ ;',: 0 ... • 1·0 The seventh regular meeting of the Municipal Council was held on July 6th,l889 o ~10.7 Present the Reeve and Councillors Callaghan, Stel'Ienson. Isaac and Parkinson. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Communications from Wm. Helson re Hoad work. from 'VT. J •. Harris & Co. re Creamery, From Dr. pagan on account for serviees, from J •. r. Wilson re I.illooet Bridge, from Wm. Smedley re statute Labor. Collector reported t~e.s collected for the half year ending June 30th, to the amount of $1254.05. Moved by Coun Stevenson, sec by Coun Callaghan, That Wm. nelson be allowed the sum of ~5.00 to cut and clean the brush and weeds out of cemetery. carried~ I\Iovedby. Coun Caliagl'lan. Sec by Coun Stevenson. That l'Vlr. Smed- ley and the men in' his employ viz: McPherson. Wiles, Dickson a11d Patter- son be allowed. their road work on Mr. Sraedley I s road. under' his super- vision. Ca::cried. Moved by Coun Callaghan. secby Cou.n stevenson. That the Clerk write to Dr. Fagan offering to pay him~1)Z52.68 on his act and allo'V( him lO~~ interest on ~he balance of ~)500. 00 ,:-\ntil paid. Caried. Moved by Coun Callaghan Sec by Coun Parkinson. that a voucher be signed be the Reeve in. ~avor of D. C. "Vebber for" $55.00, salary and expenses, a.nd $18.50 for Starnps. Statioary and Act Bool(s. -car1"ied. l.JIoved by Coun Stevenson. Sec by Coun, Callaghal1, That a voucher be signed be the Reeve in favo~ of :Mrs. Smith for $18.00-for Cleaning parsonage e Carried • . Moved by Coun Callaghan. Sec by Coun Stevenson. That Harris & Co be asked to explain to the Council where they want the land refer'red to on their communication. Carried.' Moved by Coun Callaghan. Sec by Coun Stevenson. Thatthe Good TemlJlars be charged $5.00 J1er rponth and pay for all damage that they do to Hall. carried. Moved by Coun Callaghal'1. Sec by Conn I sauc, That the statute Labour .Amenc1m~nt BY-law pass its third reading. ca:cried. Moved by C611n Stevel).son. Sec by Coun Isaac, Thatthe--Clerk notify Coun Ferguson to exaliline Lillooet Bridge and get such repa.irs made as are necessary to save it. Carried. -' -.--~ .. Coun Isa?-c gave notice that at next meeting he 'llfould bring in a by-law to cancel tp.e -Gazette of the road in dislute between the council and James J3e.st,l fe- Council then adjourned till next regular meeting. ]) . c. V~ b be r. C. M. C • Robert J3lackstock t Reeye. The eighth';-meeting of the council no Q,uorlun-.... T--resent Counci- llors Is~ac, Stevenson and Perguson. The ninth meeting og the lIaple Ridge Council was held in the Town Hall on sept. 9th. Present the F.eeve and Councillors Isaac, Ferguson. Parkinson, and Stephen'son. : Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Communications read from Rev. C. Rryant. From Messrs. Ander- son' and Dockstea-der aslcing for appro.priations on road between secs. 28 and 29. From Jose'ph Stevcns re road work. From Messrs •. Oliver and I,eppard. J. Armour and others at v\Thonnock in reB~ ct to road ·v1ork. From D. p.,obson·,;:<'city Clerk of Hew-Westminster re Folders. Bills rec'd from B. C. Gazette for Prir~ting-""$5.00. From T. F. Sinc-lair quaran- tine SUP1)lies--$3~20 •. Povvder, Nails etc. to Thos Haney--$2.5S. Re- I~orts from Angus Ferguson stating that wotk on Town Line ditch was completed on July 26tho Councillor Ferguson reported having engaged l'lir. :Slake to make repairs on uPl;er Lillooet Bridge to the ammount of $25.00. Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec by Coun Parkinson, That the Council allow the Messrs. Oliver and Leppard to do their road work, that tl).e appointment of Wm. Dele as Pathmanster be cancelled and thath Mr! U. Oliver be Pathl'rlaster in his stead. Carrj.ed. Moved by Coun Ferguson. Sec by Coun Parkinson, That the Clerk reply to the Rev. Mr. Bryant and info'rm. him that the Council cannot construct crossings into private dwellings. Carried. Moved by Coun Fere;uson, sec by Coun Parkinson. That Messrs. I,und and Fletcher be allowed_ half their taxes on their road. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson. Sec by Coun Parkinson. That the Clerk write to the Clel"k of VJestminster and inform him tllat we want over portion: of the folders according to the ~nount voted by us for getting them up. but as he infonned him in his,last letter(which appea- red to be satisfactory)that we cannot pay the cunount until the Taxes are in for this year. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Parkinson, C'fhat the Reeve sign orders on the Treasurer for the work done under Angus Ferguson on Tovm:Linne ditch as Jl!ollows:-· Angus Ferguson-.--·M --.......... -... -------...... -$ Ma1com " __________ .u _____ ... _ ... ... John Blanev ----..... :-------.----------t.I Alex MCDonald --------------------- Samuel E!dge jr. ----.-.--... ---------- George Edge. -----------~----------- 45 e OO 34,.00 35.00 32.00 16 t 00 20.00 ,"" Moved by coun Parkin13c;n.~·' Sec by Coun Ferguson I That James Best be tendered the sum of Seventy Five Dolla.rs in Compen-' s?-tion for I .. ands taken for roctd on t Sect ion T.Jine Sec 20. carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun P?Lrkinson. That By-law No. 70 pass its first reading. Carrie d. Moved by CounIsaac, Sec by Coun Stevenson. That By-law No. 71 pass its first raading. Motion Lost. Meeting then adjourned till next meeting. J D. C. Webber, C.M.C. - Robt. Blackstock, Reeve. The loth regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Council V'Ias held at the Twon Hall on Oct 5th. Present the Reeve and Councillors Ferguson, Isaac, Callaghan. Parkinson and ptevenson. Minutes of the previous meeting read and passed. Comrnunicat ions read from Mayor .of Vancouver ~ CourboulIi~, & 1v1cColl, John BJ.aney, and Robert Blake--1"8pail~S ,to Lil100et Bridge. Moved by Coun Fe:cgusOl1. Sec by Coun, Callaghen. That the Council-having heard Mr. Dell, Mr. Armour and Mr. Ritchie ~ :~ .• .in connection with the complaint.ofNoble Oliver and others in ref- erence to Mr. Dell: actions as Pathmsster are sa_tisfied that they were misled by the statement l!laJie by t110se ~JartiesJ i-JJnd that the appoint- mentf,of Uoble Oliver b~' ca.ncelled, and reappoint Mr. Dell in his place. Lost. / Moved by coun Ise..a.c!~:. Sec 11Y COtl21. caJlaeh.an, Tha. t the Reeve sign a voucher in 6aYOr of T. F. Sincla,ir for ~~2. 50 for POYldel." and Fuse su9Plied'Thom~s Hm1ey. Carried. Moved by Coun I saac, Sec by caUl1 calJ.aghan ,That the Reeve sign a. voucher in favor of the follow~l1g parties, yiz:- J. J. \Vilson-------~----~~------"·~·$8. 00 Geo. Edge-------------------~-7----5.00 Robert Blake--.----·~---~---·----.:..~--l.8. 00· to be :paid in rotatiC)l1 vlith other JoJiabilities. Carried, Moved by: Coun Ferguson, Sec ',by Coun Callaghan, That ---tile Clerk ackno'wledge wi tll thanks invitation of Hay-or and Council of Vancouver to attend the reception of his Excellency the Govel'nor General. Carried. }A:oved by COUl1. Fergusol1, Sec. 1)y Coun Callaghan. That the By-law Ho. 70 be re2~d and pass-its second rehding. Carried. :1' ~:tO' , ::ill ' Moved by COUl1 Fergu.son, Seq 1);:/ Caul! Call,aghal1, Tha t the: Committee compo sed 0 f the Reeve and Coun Fergusolj. .. be .al)~PO inted to confer' with the loggers i11 regard to protecting tile Lillooet Bridges, and -that said committee be authorized to procure, Boom Chains for t:hat purpose. '. Carried. Council then adjourned till next regular me~ting, D. C. Webber, C.llI.C. Robt. Blackstock, Reeve. The 11th regular meeting of the Maple Ridge Coungil YfaS held in the Town Hall on Nov. 2nd. Present Reeve and Councillors Ferguson. Isaacs and Stev- enson. Minutes of previous meet1ng read and ,approved. ComnrtinicELtions receiV'ed,from Surveyor General, on Lillooet Bridge; U. W. Bole enclos ing account; .Tames Best refusiIl.g to accept anunoul'1t tendered by Council as compensation for land taken for roa,.d from John Blcll1ey. and Spring re survey 6':5 road f,Tonf ·\Vln·;·'Isaac re fefund of Taxes; from City Clerk of New Westminster--Invi.tiationto attend receptdlon of His Excellency The 'GovernorGeneral; from Vlm. Nelson re Bridge 011 l\Telson Road; frcm parties in 1Tebrasks a.sking for information in regard to Gov'"'!? lands. Committee reported as having ma.de satisfact- ory arrangements with: loggers ti hang bboms to-Lillooet Bridge. Moved by Coun Ferguson. Sec by Coun Isaac, That, the Clerk reply to Surveyor General in regard to Lilloet Bridge. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Clerk acknowledge with thanks the 'invitation of the westminster Council toattend :cecept,j.on of His Excellenc~r the Governor General. Carried. Moved rjY Coun Ferguson" Sec by Coun Isaac, That Mr'i; :§ests' cormnunicatlon be placed on file. carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Isaac, That. By-law :tro. 70 pass its third reading. Carried. Moved by Coun Isaac, Sec by Coun Ferguson, That the Road Committee of :Ma~ple ~idge V/c'.rd ,let the re cessa:-cy ~cepairs on Helaol"l Bridge. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Isaac, that the Clerk employ Mr. Mohun to survey a continuation 6'f the Lillooet Road "'"l3:s' far as !-!Ir. BJ.aney's lot. Carried. Moved by Coun: Fel"guson, sec by Coun Isaac, That the Reeve si1gm an order on the Treasurer for $50.00 due D. C. ,Webger for Q,uarter salary' ending sept. 30th. Carried.' ~jloyed 'by Conn ]'e1"5U8011, Sec by Coun stevei:1son, That the Reeve Gign a voucher in favor of Wm. Isaac, for ?5 cents refund of Taxes _collected in 1884. Carried. Moved by Coun letguson, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Council adjourn until the J_ast Saturday in }Tov. at, 2 :p.m. The meeting was held at 2 p.mj' Hov 30th, lJursuant to adjourn- ment. Present Reeve and councillors stevenson, Parkinson, Isaac, Ferguson and callaghan'. , , A number of Communications were I'eceived l£nd read and laid over till regular meeting. Moved by Coun. Feggusol1, Sec 'by Coun Callaghan, That the o Reeve sign Ol""ders inl~;favor of Wm. Uelson for ·n>? 00 •• per -bill of work as ordered by Counc il and in favor fo V!a Lung for ~~l. 00 for cutting trees out 6f road •. Carried. Moved by Coun I saac, Sec by Coun Stevensol1, Tra t the Reeve sign an' order in r~vor fo John Trembath for pair of Hinges purchased for Cemetery Gate. Carried. Moved by Coun Fergusol1, Sec1)y Coun Callaghan, That the Voters pass as revised. carried. The Council then adjourned. D. C. Webber, C.M.C, Robert Blackstock, Reeve. The 12th regular rl1eeting of the lvIunic ipal Cou1'1c i1 -"vas held in the Town Hall on Dec. 7th. Pre'sent Reeve and Councillors Isaac, },'ergusoD, Stevenson and Parkinson. Minutes of last r~gular a~d adjourned meetings read and approyed. Communciations :read from James Best and John Trembath re- garding obstruction c~eal1ed from Roads. Moved l)y Coun Fere;uson, sec 'by Coun Parkinsol1, That the ,Reeve sign O'rcle1"'s on the Treasurer in f;?i,'vor of '?f. Uo~~man Bole"'!,Q.r $36.75 for services last year's council, in favOl~ of British ColuTl1Pia,n for $9.00 for printing, British Columbia Gaz(:.-'te $6. 50 advertising~"' By-laws. To be paid in.rotation. carried. Moved by coun I saac. Sec 1)y Coun stevenson,' 'JtnEt t the Reeve sign orders on the Treaurer in favor of Corbould & McColl & Jenns for :,111 112 the st.un of $19.40 due fo:!~ ser7ices. and n favol~ of James Best for :3'7.00 workcleal.i.ing roads. To 'be lJaid in ::~otat on \vith other Liabilities. Carl'tied •.. 1,J!oved by Coun Fergus on. Sec l)y Couh Parkinson. Tl1at the Reeve • ~. ~ ~ T' T ' t· ~.... ~I, " 00 fo -~ 1 . Y'\ r ad s s~gn an oraer 211 J..avor Ool v onn I"emoa llJ..O.1. "pG. J.. C ean,lHg oc • To be paid in rotation. Ca=-ried. Moved by Coun Isaac. Sec by Coun. §~,evenson. That Clause 3 of By-law 48 be repeated, and that the Clerk write t6 the Gov't asking t}iat the Gazette of said' Road beD cancelled. Lost. Moved by Coun Isaac. Sec by Coun Parkinson, That the m6tibn in the minute bgr1k;~:ag[eeing to give 1Ir. James :Ses~ $75.00 for right of way be rescinded. nost. Moved by' Coun FergusOl'l, Sec by Coun Parkinson, That the . By-law appo int ing Returning Officer and naming' l)olling place. fo'r Elect- ion for Reeve and Councillors for the year 1890 pass its first and sec- on~~' reading. Carrie9-. . Move d by Coun I SB.aC. Se c by Coun S~ even son, T-ha t the Counc i 1- lors be paid for the year 1889. Carried. On motion: Council adjourned till next regular meeting. D. C. Webber~~'~ c. M. C._ Robt. Blankstock.- Reeve. '! ' x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-~x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x The last regular meeting of the Maple RidgelCou~cil was held in the TOV'll1 Hall 011 Jal1 4th. Present the Reeve and all the Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read and appro1{ed. COIThilUnicatiol1s received from T. Hioks. T[lGmas lianey, and John McKenneYII Moved by Coun Fergusol1. sec by.Coun Parkinson. That the By-law appo int ing Heturn:Lng Officer and ClJ:1ming polling lJlace be re2~d a. third time. Carried. The By-law was then read and on motion er Coun Ferguson. Sec by Coun Parkinson. was finally:passer1. :Moved by Coun .FergusOD. Sec by Coun Parkinson •. That the Reeve sign voucher in favor of Thes. R~ney for $2. 50 for cleaning road-:.;oOO: .... Carr'd • . ! Moved b;~r C01..1.n Fergusol1, Sec 1)y. COUl1 Parltinson ~ That the ·Reeve sign voucher on Treasurer in :ravor of D. C. webber fol" !w65.25 being bal- ance due for, salary" ·Statione:cy •. stc. Carried. .$ Moved "uy Coun Callaghan, Sec by Coun Stevens on. That the Reeve sign an order on the ~reas.. in favor of John l.'IcKenrley for ~p8. 00 for work done 011 Road. Carried. :Mo-..red by Coun fsa~t'c<=;:;-':,:,-::" Sec lJY Coun stevenson, TJ'1.at J·~:~~;"vV. S1n'e.lair:·~~be~·~:apl7)6~fltea~'~;ai~fd'itor f-or the' ye,a!' 1889 for the stun of $5.00. Carried. Moved by COUD Isaac, Sec by Coun Stevenson, That A. Dockstea- del" and T. Hicks be paid the sum of 555.00 each for services as Coun- , " c i1lor's. Moved by Coun Callaghan, Sec l)y Coun :b'erguson. That the Reeve sign orders 011 the Treasurer in favol" of A, Stevenson, ~~25.00· Wm. Isaac ~;25. 00; John Callaghan, ~;)2 ,? 00; Hector l'erguson, $25. 00; \,"1m~ Parkillsoz~ $22.50; Robert ~lackstock $25 0 90 for services as Reeve and Councillors during,the year 1889. l[oved by Coun Stevenson. Sec 1)y Coun Callaghan, That the Coun- cil adjourn"until the 13th Jan. at 16 o'clock A.N. D. C. Webber. C. M. C. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present Reeve and Councillors Isaac, Stevenson and Ferguson. Collector' and Treasurer's RepoI't and Audi tor's Report rea.d, and on the motion of eounc :1.1 both 'N·ere accepted. Moved by' Coun Stevenson, Sec by Coun Isaac, That the Council adjourn. 'D. C. Webber, C. 'M. C. 'VI. ,J. Harris, Reeve. The first meeting of the Maple Ridge Council for the year 1890 was held in the TO"vm Hall 'On Jctn 20th • .------- Present" Reeve W. J Q Harris, and Councillol:;:is Haney. Stephens, 1-Ferguson, McIvor and caJ.lagha11Q Minutes -of last meeting of Council'~,of 1889 read and '-approved. Communications received from Hevl Era Lodge I.Q.T.F. asking for use of Hall for holding meetings. ~~ Moved by Coun FergusoD, Sec by Coun Haney, That Hew Era Lodge be allowed the use· 0)f the Hall for the year 1890, provided they agree t'o become res}YOrtsible for aby damaZe the hall or· any of the propel"'ty of the Counc111may 'sustain tllroughtheiT using it otwhile in theirposs- es~ion. Carried. Communications read frora D, MCP:r1ersol:l asking Gazette -of Road on Q,1?-arter Section Line, between H.E. Eind IT. W. Q"uarters of Sec. 22. Moved by Coun Stephens. Sec by Coun Callaghan. T'11at the app- licatiol1 of Mr, lvTcPnerson be laid over until road committee are apPoint- ed. Carried. 'Moved bj Coun Fergusol1, Sec by:CounHaney, That· application be rece i ved by the Act ing Clerk ·1·Kr. Webber up to l.:!-t 0' cloeJ.( noon of the first day rBif Feb. for the Offices of Clerk, Assessor, Collector and Treasurer, IvIoved by Coun Stephens. Sec by Coun McIvor, That the B.eeve and Clerk be appointed' a conunittee to dr~w"up a~ petition to the Legis- lative Assembly for a. Traffic Bridge across the Pitt :River, and appoint a man to get it signed. Carried. Council then adjourned till t~e regular meet'i~1g in February. D. C. Vlebber, C.J\1:.C. \1. J. Ha:cr is, l3.eeve. -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-X-X··X-X-)E-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- The Second ?iIee;t ing of the liIapIe Ridge Munic ipal Counc11::was held in the Tovm Hall on t:he lst day of February 1890. Present the Reeve and Councillors llicIvor, Callagh~n, Ferguson, Ste:9hens and Haney. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The fo llowing connnunicat ions were read; -Dr. Fagan J regarding his bill; Robert B1ackstock, regax'ding cl1ain. on Idllooet ':Bridge; Thos. BosomWol1th regarding Eridge near A 1~Iorri6on's; D. S. Curti's, regarding the forrnation of a Mainland Association, and D. C. Webber 'for services as Returning Officer and also getting ballots printed. for last Election The following tenders were also read for the different offices:- Archiba1d Docksteader for Clerk $75.00 per annum, for Clerk and Coll- ector $135.00, for Clerk,Collector and Treasurer_$160.00, for Clerk Collecto'r. Treasurer and-Assessor $170.00 per annum. Hugh l,[cKay. Clerk $75.00 per annwn. J. M. Webster, Assessor and Collector $70.00 or $35.00 each. J. VI. Sinclair, $65.00 per annum as Clerk. D. Co Webber, Clerk Collector, Treasurer and Assessor $200.00 per annwa o D. C. webber, Collector .. and Assessor $120".00' :ger annW{l. Moved by' Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney. That this COl.1.nc i1 form itself into a Committee of the 'V/hole to consider the appointments of the Of.fice;rs, for the Year 1890. Carried. On Motion cormnittee adjourned. Moved by: Coun Ferguson, Sec' "byCoun HaneYJ T.hat D •. C. Webber· be appointed Assessor l and Collector at a Salary of ($120 0 00) One Hund- red and Twenty Dollars for the year 1890. Carried. ~ }l,;loved by Coun McIvor. Sec by Coun Callaghan', That James We Sinclair be aPlJoj.nted as Clerk at a salaTY of ($65~';OO) Sixty-five Dollars. Carried. Councillor Ferguson gave:--notice thnt he would bring in an Officer's By-law and also an-Assessment and Court of Revision By-1El,w at the next regulc-:;Jr meeting. Moved by Coun SteDhens, Sec by Coun Fergusol1, T:hat the Bank --of British Columbia be engaged to Act as Treasu~~er for the year 1890. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Haney, That each Coun- cillor be appoj.nted a road and bridge insl)ecto~c for their resl)ective wa:cds. Carrie d. lEoved by Coun StelJilens, Sec by Coun Callaghan. That the Reeve sign an order on the Treasurer for ~ifteen Dollars ($15.00) for Chain in favor of Robert Blackstock. Cal~l~ied. IJloved by Gotin Ferguson, sec by Co~n Haney, That the Road Inspector's of Lillooet and Haney Wards together vIi th, the Reeve insl~ct the bridges on the Wl1son Road and the KanLka Creek road and relJort the necessary repairs to be done. Carried. Moved by Coun Stephens. Sec by Coun I.JcIvor. That the Reeve and Councillors sign a note on the Bank of B. C. for one thousand dollars ($1000.00) lJayable in nine months. Carrie d. Moved by Coun Ferguson,Sec by Coun Haney, That the Reeve sign orders on the Treasury for the following amrilounts~- D. C, r. Webber for n " " " 11. " James W. Sinclair British Cow.umbian Returning Officer Printing Ballots Poll Clerk as Auditor Gazette for Print. ~~10. 00 5.00 2~;· 50-- 5.00 5.00 Moved by Coun Fel"gusol1, Sec by Coun Haney, That D. C. Wehber go to Westminster and arrange with the Bank of British Columbia for a loan of ~~lOOO. 00·, one thousand dollax's and other financ ial affairs. Carried. Moved by Coun Fergusol1,' Sec' by Coun H8,ney, That D. -:G. Webo'oer be and i-s hereby al)pointed arbitr6.tor for the Council to settle the dispute 1Jetween the Council and Jcu-nes Best as to Damc:;~ges for land taken for road and that the Clerk notify Mr. Best to thE.l,t· effect. Carried. Moved-by Coun Ste:phens, Sec by Coun :i\lclvor. That the Reeve on Tecei'~1t of a notice from the Secretary of the Westminster Assoc- iation call a Public meetlng of the Voters to send de_l§gates to the Central Association of the'District. Catried. Moved by Coun Fe:cguson, Sec by Coun Haney, 0-That CO'L1~~c'lllor Callaghan he ap~r)ointed ['1. License COInmissionel~ for' the year 1(-390. Car11 ie d. ) The Clerk· was inst:c'ucted to communicate wi t~h \fl. H. TJaIiner. M: p. p. , with regar'd to having the follovling clauses of the IV(unicipal Act amrnended:- ·110' --' .. ClatJ.se 145 to be anh~:nded to read "on or l)efore the First 'day of SeptemlJer" instead of Dec. Clause. 39 to be ~'11ended to read 2nd day of Dec instes.d of First, and the Liquor License Law to be amended so that the Licensing Comrllissioners (now apl)ointed by the Council) shall be elect.ed by the' people. Qualificat ions of voters to be t~le same as fOl'" TJIunic i;p@l Election. The J~lection to be in the sa.me manner and same time as election for+Jeeve and Councillors. 1·10ved by Coun Callaghan, Sec by Coun McIvol', That the Coun- c il adj OUI'n unt il the regu.lar meeting in }:I&.rch. Cal"ried. Clerk M:unic ipal Council. Reeve. O-o-O-0-O-O-9-0-0-0-0-0-o-0-0-o-0-o~o-o-oo-O-o-0-0-o-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 A special meeting of the Municil)a1 Council was held in the TOVl1:1 RaIl at lp.m •. on the 8th Feb, 1890. Present the Reeve and Counpillors Callaghan. Fere;uson, Haney and Stephens. The Reeve stated the object of the meetir:g, viz:-To draw U1) a programme to be submi tt ed to the government for grallt s on Roads. I;Ioved by. Coun Callagl1an, S~c l')y Coun Stephens, That the FolloYfing gran~s be asked from the Governme:nt:- Pi tt Ivleadow Road from Hammond West $500.00. From Town Line between Tov.,rnships 9 and 12 East along Centre Section IJ1ne to Vfebster's Corner ( N. VI. Section 13 Toymships 1;2) *~lOOO,OO. From U. W. t Section 13 TO\~'lship 12 East tYro miles thence South one mile, $1500.00. T01Jm Line between Townships 9 and 12, ~~500o 00. From J3aicel-.1 s to Vfuonnock $700,00. IJi1100et Road running North bet"vleen Sectio:1s 20 and 21, ~~500. 00 •. Hamrnon.d to Haney. $500,00.. Co"rried. . Moyed by Coun Eaney, Sec by Coun Callaghan, T~at the Reeve and Council1or:~Stel)hens be sent down as delegates to ·.the Government to present the Bridge and Trunk Eoad ~etition artd also to attend to the applications Pil roads, Carried. Moved by Coun Callaghan, Sec by Coun Haney. ~hat the Council ~djourn. Carried. C. M. C, w. J. Harris, Reeve. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o~o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The Third regular meet ing of the MalJle Ridge Council was held in the Tovln Hall on Saturday, March 1st, 1890. t Present the Reeve and Councillors Haney. Cal~",aghan. Stephens and .Ferguson. T_. n .L. ~ne ~, s ~. c e _'='.L. , T '; • • 1 C ., k -". J \~T S . 1: . l' t v aO ...,{l O..L. ;,11e _"ilUt11C 1 po. _Ler ~ lilr. .". 2nc. a1 T, was moved by Coun Ferguson, Scc b:;:'; Coun Stephens, That lIre Hugh lilcEay act as.Clerk to xecord the proceedings of t~is meeting. Carried. Minutes lof last meeting were tead and approved on correct·ion. The follovrir:.g Communications 'IJ'fere read: -Fro)'a Dr. Fagan regarding int.-on account, for services ren,:leredduring quarantine. From Messrs. Fergusol1, Tv'IcDonald and lIammond re th~ necessity of opening tile road on the Tov!:: Line to connect with the Wilson 'Road at webber's §o;rne~c. From Jas. Best 'Notifying the cound:il that he""-had appointed D. Docksteader a:r. ... bi trator in the matte~c of the di'slJUted road between J. Best and J. S~ephens. lKoved by Coun Ferguson, Sec ay Coun St~phens, That the Officer's By-law be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Ste l~hens I That the off- icer's By-law pass its ~irst reading. Carried. D Moved by Coun ]?erguson, Sec rJY Coun Haney thsJt the Assessment and Court of Revision By-law be read a first time. l·l1oved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney, That the Asse ssment and Court of Revision By-law pass its first reading. Carried. Councillor Fergusoi"l gav:e not ice that he would introduce a Ey- lavl at the 'next meetin; of tlle Council to amend tile Road Beat By-law for the year 1890, also a By-law for ~he suppression of Noxious Weeds. 'Moved by Coun Haney, Sec ,. by Coun Callaghan. That D. C. Web-ner be appointed Clerk at a salary of 1i565.:OO for the year 1890;. Cal'riad. Communications from J. J V/ilsOl1 and others asl-:il1g for rep- airs of Bridges ()11 wilsonRoad. ~rom Edgar Sheppard asking for rep- airs on Blackstock Hoad. ]'rom J. \V. Sinclai11 tendering his reSignation. From JelInes r,ook asl<:ing for approlJl"iation on calJ.achc].n's Hill on Pitt Meadov.,rs Road~' 13ills.rec'd from J. W., 81nc1a.ir, for services •. stationery, stamps e,td..:;;~)21.25. From W. J. Harris and Joseph Stevens for $12.00 each. expenses to victoria. Ivioved by Coun. Haney. Sec b~i coun Pe:rgsucon, Tilat the Path,master of Kanaka Creek road be instructed to repair the Bridge broken dovrn on that road by days wor,k. Car~1i\?d. l·:Toved 1)y Coun Stel1hens, Sec 'by Coun Callagh~:i,n. That all app- liaations'for road. be laid over foI' one month to be roported. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson. Sec by CounHaney, That J. W. 8inc- lair's resignation be accel)ted as soon as all Municipal Property in his possesston is handed over to the neeve. Moved by COl),n StepB_l1S, Sec by Coun JJ'erguson. --That the Ass- e f3sor be instructed to take dovm the 11unlbe~c of e(~,ch family J11 the IvIun- icii.P~li ty, and the number of each class of animals QVIT'led by them. Carried. .~ lvIoved by Coun Fergusol1, Sec 1');), Coun Ha:n.ey. ThC.l,t the Reeve a ".'-id (lOu"!lc~llor"s TT1:::l11ey, Ste"C'le;l-a ' '-"t1 -. ..., ... • -1 -11 ",0 -nc:. jf·e--J~e'fJ,s6tl oe aPI?o inte cl. a rOctd comm- "118. i ttee. VIi th SU1)ex'vision over Haney: J Idllooet and Vrr1.onnock 'Vlal-'ds J and the Reeve and CouncilJ.ors Callaghan. Uclvor vritl1 supervisj.on over Harmn ca ond and-Maple Eidge Wards. Carried.. Moved 'by Coun Haney J Sec by Coun Ferguson, That orde:cs lJe , issued on the ~reasury in favor of J. stepl1ens for ~~12. 00, and Vu •. r. Harris for $12.00 exp~nses to Victoria as Delegates. Carried. Moved by coun CalJ..agn.an. Sec .by COlIn Haney. That the coun- cil adjourn. Carried. D. C. Webber.;;l VI. J 0 Harr i s 9 C .M. C. . ReeY8. o-o-o-o-o~o-o-o~o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o~o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 A special meetj.~-ig of the Council was held on the first day of Apl"il at 7 0' cloakp~m. for the purpose of consj_dering the Municipal Assessment and Court. of Revision By-law and for receiving the returns of the Assessment Roll. Present the Reeve and Cou~lcillors Stepl1.ens. Mclvor and Call- !:Iovedby Coun Stepl1ens J Sec by Coun Callaghan, That essment and Court of Revision By~laws be reuJd a, second til'ne. the Ass- Cal~ried. lvloved by Coun Stephens, Sec by 'Coun IvlcIvor; Tl1.at the Assess- ment and Court of F.evision By--laws pass their second.l"'er: .. ding. Carried. Moved by Cou.n Stephel1S " Sec "by Coun Callaghan J That the Ass- and Court of 'Devi s~!..on Bv ..... law pass the t },-lird re:·J"ding. Car:c'ied • ..... L. .., _ _ Assessor reported the 3.011 com~leted and. it v;as crrdered read in detail • .].Ioved by Coun :Callaghal1,' Sec by Coun I~![cIvol'" , That the Assess- ment Roll as rec.,d be accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun Callaghan J Sec by Coun Stephens J That the Coun- c i 1 adj ou rl1. 'CaI"ri:e d. D. C. VJeblJer~,'1 C.T1I.C. ·VI. J. Har:ris J Reeve. The fourth regulal'9 meeting of the H:aple Ridge Council was held d.n the tOYffi Hall on the :fifth. de,y of Jipril. ''''~-~-. Present the Reeve and. al.l. the Councillors. lviinu.tes of the last regular and special meeti:;[£s rea,d' and ") 0 ~ ~ ""·U -1 "';' l·~ g e se 11. T n ")". T r-1 ; J.. V UG.ll! C 1_1 C'. • , I.,; __ 1.J._" _.IC,,-,-v.,; , ney,' .p., MurrC:1 . .y J O. lTc;~rt in, B.·nd leading tot}.!.'e ir :places. D. T. l,:[c;,.cl1ney. I,. J~;\ Bowser,John McKen- others askLJB for apprQ'})J:iat ions on· Roads On motion of Coun Fer'guson, Sec by Co.un Stephens. these 8.,pp- lications we:ce refe:cred to theEoad Committed of tIE res:pective VlaTds, 111.9 to re:pOl'tt on t}1e l'),ext :(:·~eeti.ng. Cornr!lunicat10YlS f2'OlTl A. I,oI'l"tim.e:c of l:Tan- i toba2,. andJ. A. Cameron of Q;uebec askinc: for ,ill information possible as to lands availar)J.e for settlement or l:urchase facilities for' market- ing l)ric(~ s of })1'0 d.1.J.ce ete e On mot ion of COl.l.l1 Fel'guson Sec by Coun Ha.n ey Clerk wasinstruc;ed,"to r'eply giving all i!lfo!'ltlatio!1 Possible. COm!l1- U?liCC1.tj.ons from Wm. Nelson, askine; t}lat 2-lr days wOl"k done on road to Public W"harf la,st year be allowed him on this years road '1{01"1\:. On motion of Coun Ferguson, Sec ~,')y Coun Haney I the applicat ion was granted. I,etter f!t'o'In Hon. John Robson :re~~),d and filed. 13il1s received from. To Bcsomv/orth . repai:c s to Kanaka Creek Road ]3ridge~;lOe 00, J. F. 8i11.c1ai1' Axe ~~l. 00, D' C. Webber, sa:J.ary a,nd services $56.2(5.- Moved l)y Coun Fe:cguson,Sec by Co~n Eaney! That the Reeve sign vouchers for-the amounts. Carried. ! Fl'om J .:·:V:T, Sinclair for service s, stat. ioner'Y t stamps J etc. ,$21 .• 25. Moved by Coun Stephens, Sec by Coun 1'el'guson, That the Reeve sign a vov.cher in fC'tVOl' o'f J 11 W. S:Lnclo.iY' fo:c this LU"rl0unt. CB.-rried. The Road Commi ttce ef Eammond. 8Xld HalJJ.e Ridg'e Wards relJorted a.s hEtv:i_ng examined Bridge on 131e .. ckstoclc Road a.nd Wilson I-~oad. also ditch on Tovvn IJineand Hill on Pitt Meadows "no8~d, repairs deemed hecessary were spec ified. '-, Committee of Eaney J 'Lillooet and VVl1.onnock iTvards rel)ortecl. v'el10- ally on l"oa.ds. and Bridge inspected. Tile Reeve also reported at length on the results of a tril) taken, tilrough the easteY'n portionor the ]\rTun- i'cipa.li ty recoiili'I-,ending to the consideration of tie F...oa,d Comrni ttee such roads as he deemed necessary to be opened. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney. that the Officer's By-lc"V'l 1Je re[-ld a second time 0 Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec 'oy Coun Haney, That the Hoad Beat Ey-lt;vN be amended by adcli ng the following new Road Beat s: -Beat Ho. 21 beginning at the North Vie st Corner of Sec 13, Townshill 12. thence east two miles and all roads t miles north and south of said line. Beat No. 22 starting at the Horth 'W'est Corner of the South Vlest i Sec. 8 Tovibship 15, thence North to centre Section line and all lines t mile on the last and tb.e same on the Vlest. Carried. l.;loved by Coun Fe:cguson. Sec by Coun Haney, That The Officer's By-law be reconsidered and finally J!assed. Carried. Moved -bY Coun Ferguson, Sec b y Coun Eaney, That the follow- ing lJatl11na.st~rs be a;ppointed: -JJe8.t Ho. 4 Samuel Edge in plac·e __ ·Qf John Trembath. Beat Ho. 10 J A. Baillie in ~J12Jce of Jame'S 13est. Beat Ho. 14, Daniel Docksteaciei' in place of. Thoma.s Han.ey. Beat Ho. 19 Alexrtnder F.itchie in pIerce of Noble Oliver. Beat Ho. 5, Hobert I31.a,ckstock, in place ofJ8.rne"s S'cot-t. Beat Ho. 20," Ir.' WiIcox in place of Vim. V!aldon. I-loved by C:OUl1 Callagl:an in amendnle!1t and sec by Couneli1cIvarl'" 120 That Adarn Ii'Yins; be apIJo irite cl for Beat Ho.' 4 inste;':Hi Arilendrner'tt-put Etlld lost. Or:Lg:i.na,l mot i.on \vas tlv~n J)lJ.t of Se_~TI'_le 1 J~dge. c)Jncl : C c),l~r-i e d.'· On reading of t}le dicision of the Arbitr(.~1t:1.on in the case of the rOc:id co'ml)ensation with lofr. Best, Mr. Best being }?l"esent stated t:hiJ,t r.le wO'L-lId give tlle Cor}.)or·cl.tion *)75 0 00 if trle:;,-wo,uld cancel tflat portion of' tile road .ta.ke'n fl"'Ol:Cl :him. It was moyed by Coun Sterhens, Sec l1Y Coun McIvol", that Tvlr.. Bests offer be accepted D..nd t.he Gazette 'canceJ.led Q " Motion. passed unanimously, and the Clerk then d!'eYI 'I).p an agreement in accordance with the, motion, v"h~ch Mr. Best refused to sign. l[attel' laid over till next meeting. Coun. FerguDon e;ctve n.otice that he would introduce a Hoad Ga- zettil1.g ]3y-lc: .. w atnex,:t meetingo Moved by Co'un Ivlclvol"'," Sec by Coun Callaghan, 'l'11at all SUFIS exceeding $20.00 to be expended bn roads during the year be left by tender. carried. !~loved by Coun Ste )!lens, Sec by Conu Hal1ey, Tha.t the agree- ment 'between the Road Committee and 1/[e8s1"s. p. Baker B,nd S. Hobertson, In !'eg8,rd' toro ads through 't.he i r land be ac c e IJt e d. •. Moved' by Coun Ferguson, Sec: by COUD 1-Taney, Thc_.t the Road Com- mittee be aL~.t}lorized to have the fence moved on the lD.nd bought from D. :Baker. Carried. , Moved by Coun Fereuson, Sec by C01..l.n Mclvor, That all con- tractors deposit twn per cerlt of the p::,'ice of their, contract in cash with the chairman of theR6s.d Corl1Ihittee. Carried. Moved by Coun Callaghan. Sec bi Coun NcIvor, That the work on Bla.ckstoclc~Bridge and on di tch, oh Tovv{l Idne be let ',"[i thin ten days from date,. Moved by Coun Ca~_j.aghan, sec by Coun stephens, That the Cou.n- cil adjourn, Carried. D. C. Webbe:c', C·lK •C • VI. J. Ear:ci s, Heeve o 0-0-0-·0-0-0-0-0 -0-0-· 0-0-0-0-0 -0-0-0 --0-0-0-0 -0 -0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 A 60urt of Eevision was held in the To\vl1 Hall on May 3rd," '(3,t ten 0' clock A. M. Present t}1e Reeve hna Coul1ciJ.lo:cs steIJ}-"ens, Cal~Laghan and IvIcIvor. Apl!eals received from Mr. E", liIohun1, M.l's. CO?lf~ Appeals rece i ved from J\,ssessment. Ii:. Mohun c:1,nd James ... , --.... Moved by COUl1 stephens, sec by Coun calJ.agl'lan, ,That l'JIrs. Mo- hun's oJssessment rec'd be reduced $;'2,00.00, james cook's ~}200,OO. a.nd Mohun's $,~~50.00. Carried. E' , Moved by C01..1.n ster1hens, Sec by Coun IvlcIvor, That Lots rr92 and 7 93 t T"\ t~'" ~, .. .,.. .", 1 r"I r' ~ r.1 I., ,. g' , , f Cl J:'or rtanUTIOna.. ;:,-;,no. J.'~. J~J. %.~: se e; 01 (~~:J. 1 ownSllll) , 0 e enange (1. . :corn the or ic;inals t.o \Vi l1iam 8mi th. and Lot s 1,4. 5. 6. 11, 12, 13. 14, 19. 17 and 18 in Lot 398. Port Haney be changed.to J·ohn.Purdy. Noved "by Coun Ca11aghan, Sec by Coun Stel'henf3. That: the Ass- essment Holl be ac,~eJ)ted as revised i)nd finc.l.lly closed. Co_rrieC. Moved by. Coulj Ca11aghan. Sec by Coun McIvor, That the Court of Revision adjourn. VI. J. Harris. neeve. ___ e ________ -____________ • _e_ ..... _. _. __ • _e _.~._o_._._. __ . __ e __ .. __ e_e-...-__ ._*_e. ___ _ The fifth regular meet ing of ·the Maple l~cidge Council vras held on the 3rd of May ~l,t the usual hour. Present the Reeve and all the Councillors. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Cornrnuniecttions received from Hev. A. DUi1n. from John Einch off~ring right of way through his land on certain conditions. Bills rece i ve d from F. V. Ha.rr is. B. C. Gaz e.t t e an cl p. Bake ~:. • He I:'o::r;t s rec- eived the road comndtt.eEi. Comrnitt.ee of Haney Wa.:cd reported as :'n.aving let t.he moving of Fence on p. B8.ker' s land to ,John Robert son at 94,e' per chain; that the work had been com.~;leted satisfc-::.ctorily and ree- ornmended that his account be p(~'-Lid. Corm·11i ttee of Maple Ridge We.rd re- po~ted as' having. let the repairs on J3lackstock BTidge to Alex. Stev- enson for $27.00, and the. Di tehing on Town Line to same party at $2. per chain. They find that the bridge has been repaired according to their specifications, a.nd recommended I'ay:ment for the same, and rep- ort the ditch as 119t.finished. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney. That owing to some misunderstanding. Jilr. Best was removed as patnmaster of Beat No .10. That to be reappointcc:d and Mr. Baillie cancelJ.ed. Also that Mr. Park- insen be aP1Jo:Lntt?d pathmaster of Beat Ho. 15. Carried. Moved by Coun Callaghan, Sec by coun Mclvor • That tile Heeve sign a voucher in favor of Peter J3aker in apyment of la.nd taken fo r roa.d at the rate of 100 dollars pe./ acre. Car~ie~. Also a voucher in faver of Samuel Robert son for J50.00 for land take.n~·"1for Road. Carl'" I d. Moved by Coun Ferguson I Sec 9Y CO"-.'.!1 lIaney. That the Clel"'k be authorized. to employ a Law-gel' to d:1"~aw UD a By-law for the sUPI.lression of Hoxious Weeds in the Municipality. Carried~ ....... '_. IjIoved by Coun Stephens, Sec 'by Coun Haney",-That the Clerk ia hereby authorize d to l)urchaee CL road scraper for VJhonnock :w.~Jrd. Ccl.l'r t d. Moved by Coun Fergus·on. sec by Coun Haney. T~at the Highway· By-law. po,ss its first readL .... g and that the Hoad Beat By-la.w 11ass its second reD-dingo C8.~"ried. 122 .,. Moved l1Y Coun Ferguson Sec "by Coun EaJ:ley, Tl'1.Dt Mr. Flannigan : ;be tSLP:::':;o:inte.cl .. -J)C4t}~jl{lD-:ste,.r f:oI': Beat Ho. 2,3.. Carrie.,l. ·the Moved by Coun Stephens, Sec by coun Ivlclvor, Assessment, for the 1890 be one cent on the Dollar. That tile rate ca.rried. on Moved -by Coun Callaghc5_1l, Sec by Coun Stephens, That the Reeve sign vouchers in f avor of R. V. Harri s for $3. 90 for stamps and stationery furniched and in favor of B. C. ~azette for ~~6.50 advert-. ising By-laws. Carried. Moved by COUii Haney, Sec by Co-u.n Ha~1ey, That the report of t~ne Road Commi tteeof r;1ap1e :Ridge. ward be accepted. Carried. l~foved by COUl1Fel'gus.on, Sec by Coun stephens, That the Off- ice~'.s B:9Ra~'be acce}?te d. Moved by Coun Callagpaxl, Sec by Coun Mclvor I That the report of Roa.d Cornmi ttee for Wards 1, 2, and 3 be accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by CO'-;lii Haney, That the Reeve sign a voucher infavor 0 f J. P.obert son for ~ij21. 40 for moving fence as per contract. Carried. Moved by Coun Eaney, Sec by COU11. Ferguson, That t:he Clerk employ a surveyor to do surveying ne 08 ssary for the Ivlunici Iiali ty. Carried. Move d by Coun Ste~Qhens, Sec by Coun Calla[;han, Th2.t tenders be called for for the construction fo t'NO Bridges across the North Idllooet River. SI-€cifications to be made out be t_;J.e ROE!.d Committee. Carried. Moved by Coun Callaghan, Bec by COUii McIvol", That tenders be. called for for the construction of three ~ridgeB on Wilson Road near ·.saJnuel Edge I s house. Carrie d. Moved by Coun 1'erguson, Sec by· Cou:n Eaney, That the Clerk comrnunicate with Hr. Hinch and ask him of he will give the council a written authority to go through his: land with the prol)osed I.illooet Road without any restrictions or they cannot ga.;:;ette th roa.d. Carried. :Moved. by' Coun Callaghan, Sed by Coun IVlcIvor, Tnat the Reeve sign a voucher in favor of Alex. Stev8ns on fox' the sum of $27.00 fo r repairing bridge. on Blackstock Road. Carried. Coun Fergusori.gave notice that at next regular meeting of the Council he would introduce a By-law fi::~~Lng the time at which rebate be allowed on taxes. Moved by Coun Callaghan , Sec by COUl! Haney, ~hat all res- idents in the municipality be allowed to v{ork off ha1.f-' their t~x:~s less the rebate on their respective. roads. Carried. Moved by . Coun Ste~)hens, sec by Coun Fere;uson, ~ha.t t~';e 20 ft. strip of land on the west side of the t section line through Sec. 20 TOvvnS!lip 12 be cancelled and 10 ft. addi tionaJ. ,be gazet,ted on the last side making the road 30 ft. wide, and that these changes be embodied in the Highway By-la\v no'\:v be ing drawl1 uP. Carried. l':Ioved by Coun li\er';;'u;:.~on, Sec 1)y C~~!un H8~11.t~""I. That the Cou~c il reject the ~_.:~a~d. of Arbitra'rion on J3est R02:.d CaseJ~ as the cause O.l. the arbitration has ... be.en removed. Carried.. Moved by Coun Stel)hens J Sec by Coun Eaney J ThCJJt the Reeve sign a voucher in favor of said arbitra.tors for the tunount of !~;17, 50. Carr' cl. Hoved by Coun Callaghal;l. Sec by COUl! Haney, Tllat the council adjourn to meet at 7.30 p.m~, on the 15th inst. Ca~rled. D. C. Web-ber, C. M. C. VI. j. liarri fj, Reeve. -o-o-o-o-o-0-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-o-o-o-0-0-O-O-O-O-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Coun'c i]. met Present the and Haney. ////// . / on the 15th pur·suant to adj ournlne;nt', Reeve and Councillors NcIvor, ~s, Ferguson , ,'/ Moved by coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney, That Highway By- law be read a second time. Carrj.ed. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Stephens, That t~ne Coun- hereby agree to the closing of that part of Fraser stl lying between Front st. and Haney st. and all that portion of the Alleyv.,ray between Lots 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13. Carried. Moved by Coun Fel"'guson, Sec by Coun He,ney. Tilat the Highway By-law l)ass its: second. reoJding. carried. The following tenders were then opened and read:-From Sam- uel Edge for three Bridges on Wilson Road in }..[cp le Ridge Ward ~;i155. From A. Baillie, Brid§e over tile North Ililloet~on Lillooet Road,~i1oo.0 per ft. J bridge -over North IJillooet on 'Wilson Road $1 0 40 per ft. l?rom Thomas 13osomworth for clec1_ning out and making roa( on Sec line be- tween Sec 9 and 10, for ~?48.00 ' IvIoved by· Coun Haney, Sec by Coun }rerguson, That the Tenders of S. Edge, A. Baillie and T. Bosomvvorth be accepted. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec l)y Coun Haney, That the Clerk 1.:yrite to tile different IvIunicipalities and request them to hold Public iJIeetings and instruct thier delegates to the Mainland Association whom to chose as candtdates for the J.ocal electj.on now about to be held, and that the Re·2ve call a public meeting of the Municil)ality on Tuesday next at half past 7 pom~ Carried. Then adjourned. D. C. Webber, C. 1:I. C.- W. J. Harr:i S J Reeve ...... ,-'-- -0-0-0-0-0-0 -0-0-0-0-0-C -0 -0-0-~.2:::2..::._~-0-: 0-0-0 -0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0- The sixth regular hleetine; of the TJla.ple Ridge Counc il was held · . in the 'Town Hall on June ?t:L1.. Present the Reeve and all t,he Councillors. Meetings of the previous regular and adjourned meetings read and ?I:pprove d. Communications received from T. F. SincIair a.nd others re apIll"'opriat ion for' Ontario st. and Hahey st .. Port Haney. From J •. L ... ; •.• Ward re Road to his place.. From J. IJ[ight6n° re repairs Jc.o Centre Section line. From John Hinc~ re' right of way through his ranch. Bills rec~ived T. J. ~rapp & Co •• James Irving~ F. V. Har~is. and Laz- enby Bro s. ROa-d committ'ee of Hanrrl1ondWal'd EelJorted as having ex arninecl work done on Iv'IcKenney poad by James Irv:i.ng. find it satisfactory and recommend :pa~rment fo1' SmIle. Moved by Coun stephens. Sec by Coun Ca.llaghan, Tha.t t}1e Reeve sign Cl. voucher in fl:~.vor of J. TiI. yjGbster for 82. 50 bounty on bear kii.led ti"·l Carried. liJIoved by Coun Fe:cgU~:;Oi1. Sec by Coun Heney, That 2"11 contl"'c.l.cts let by this council shall include El clause, binding the Contractor to take payment in rotat ion wi th all other debt sand vvl1en the money is in the t:ceaseryr. Carried. Moved' by Coun callaghan, Sec by COUi!. Mcrvor J That t:he Clerk notify Alex Stevenson to complete his contra.ct on Ditch according to specifications \vithin ten d[tys frolll date,otherwlse the contract v-lill be cancelled. carried. : t· Moved by Coun ]'er-CuBon, Sec by Coun stephens. That the road committee of Haney Ward call for-Tenders to level brtl.sf\ and gravel .. Ontario st. J'. Port naney, starting at the niver Roo~d, thence Horth. Carried. Moved. by Cuun Stephems. Sec by Coun Callaghab, Tha.t ~he Road :Beat lNmendment and Highway By-laws be reconsi dered and finally' passed. Carried. Moved by COUl1 Ferguson, Sec by. Coun IlcU'}.ey, That the road Remmittee of Ward no. 1 call for Tenders to e:cect Bridges o~ the con- nect ion line J Tovmship 15. from 'VJhonnock Road East'. Carl'ied·. Nloved by Coun Ferguson, Sec' by Coun Haney, That the "Hebate By-law" be read its first and·_·:segond :ceadings. Carx'ied. Moved by Coun Callaghan, Sec by C01.'tn Stel"ll1ens, That the "Thistle By-law" be read the first and second time. Carried. Moved by Coun Fel"guson J sec by Coun Hazney. That the Rebate By-law and Thistle s By-law pass their fi::cst ai1d second re:::l.dings. carrt d. Moved bv Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney, l'h~:~.t :.1ohn "":§l.aney be appo inted Pat~'1a:ste:r for Beat Ho. 8 in lJlace of A. And'erson. re signed. Ci3Jrried. :Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Cc:,un Hci..l1ey, That the Reeve sign vouchers in favor of the following parties for accpunts rendered:- T. J. Trapp & Co •••••••••••••••••..••••• $20.50 for Hoad SCTalJer and line, F. Ru.bber " Stam:p and expressage on furnished..Carrie d/ V. Harris. $11.25 f8r Corporate Seal, same. Lazenby Bro s f~l. 63 . for Stat ionery Moved by Coun Cal:Lag}1cu1. Sec by Coun l\rlcIvor, That the Reeve sign a voucher in frtvor 01 Jqmes for ~~17. 00 for work done on l','IcKenney Road. Carried. Moved by Coun StelJ hens. Sec by Coun Callag}lan, That the Road Comrnittee of Haney Ward get the River Road repaired near Kna,nke Creek Carried. Moved by Coun Callaghan, Sec by Cauri McIvor, That a small sum of r'noney be worked on the Laity and Trembath Roads, near A:panat' s house. earried. liJoved by COUD Stephens. Sec by Coun Fergu8on, Tho.t the Clerk call for tenders to cut and log out twenty five feet in ~;'\/idth the foll- oVJing roads: -The Webster' roel.d comrnencing at the Sentre S'ection Line. the Road known as the Smedley Road. a.nd the Section J..ine between Sections 21 and 22. Both to commen'ce at Centre SectionIJine. Tenders to state amount per Cl1a~n. C2:rrie d. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney, That the clerk post up notices in theil' public places. naming all pe!lJsons not to take any timber on any raCed allov111ac'e in the J,iul1icipality except for toad purposes. Carrie d. Moved by Coun Callaghan. Sec by Coun Haney, That the Council adjourn to next regular meeting. D. C. We'b-r)er, C. M. C. 'if. J. Ha:':!:'i s , Reeve. -e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e~e-e-e-e-e-6~e-e-e-e-e-a-e-e-e-e- The sevemth regulaJ:' meetingof the IvTal)le Ridge Council Vias held on the 5th day of .July. Present the Reeve and all the Councillors. Minutes of previous meetin.g Tead and approved. Communicat ions recrei ved from John Sp:cott re Government apIl- ropriat ions. ~rom C. p. 11.::;;. Co., re fence on p. BakeJ:''' s land. From John Colson re re})8.irs to Lil100et Hoad. conuni ttees of Different \jVards reported all work satisfactory and recoIfanerided payment for smne. Tenders were received as follows:-From D.Docksteader repairs to Ontario St., *~90. 00. A. J3aillie for same work !i~l. 50 IJer yard. From Ephria.m Dell - for Bridges on Correction Idne at \Jllonnosk. Bridge lro. I. ~~1.-90 ~r ft. ·Ho. 2, 85;tper ft.,. ,From A. Webster' for the webster' Road ~~2. 7'5~'-IJer cbain,> fOl'" SmedleY·'Doad ~~3.00 ~)er Chain, fo:-c Section line between Secs. J! ...l '" _ 21 and 22 q~2. 00 per chain. From D. }J.IcJ?'flerson for smedley Hoad \;~2. 47 per ch. l,loved by Coun Fergus on J Sec by Coun McIvo r. '~h~t ¥ouchGrs be iss'ued in favor of .Wm. Nelson for ~?6.00. T. Bosomworth for $20.00, and , • " . John Laity ~~12.00 for vvol"k do:cie on roads be order of Cont~~ittees, also vouchers in favor'of D. C. Webber for $50.78 for Q,uarter Salary.and Stat ioner.f. 13. C. Gaze,tte *ilO.OO for pubJ.1shj_ng By-la'.Jifs, Bri ti sh Col- umbian for -Jprint ing Tax Hot ice s $3.50 I and to J. M. Webster $2.60 130- unty for bear killed. Carried. }Jlove'd by Coun Fergusol1, Sec by Coun Stephens, That Jl.lr. D. Docksteader's tender of 90 dollars for work on Ontario St. be accepted. Carrie d. }!loved by Coun Fefguson, Sec by Coun Stejjhens, That I:lJhriam Dell's tender for Bridges at Vf!lonno ck be accepted. C~rried. IVIoved by Coun Callaghan. Sec by Coun Mclvol", That A. Vlebster' s tender of ~~2. 75 per chain for Webst er Road be accepted. carri'ed. JJroved by Coun Stel~)hens, Scc 'by Coun Ferguson. That A. Websters tender of $2.00 :per chain for section line betw'een secs. 21 and 22 be a'ccepted. Carried. Road to be cleci.J .... ed from centre Section line Uorth to first ravine. carried. ' JJIoved by Coun Callagl1an, Sec by Coun Mclvori that D. McPfler- Bon t s tender of $2.47 per chain for Sm.edley Road be accept ed. Carrie d. l.!Ioved by Coun .Ferguson', Sec l)y COUl1 Haney, That A. 13aillie T. Bo somworth and Sarnuel Edge each be granted an exten sion of one months' time on their contracts. Carried. :Moved by Coun Callaghan, Sec' ·by Coun Mclvor, That tenders be calle d for re T)air ing road from t he We st c orper of Howi son' 5 Lot to East Corner of l:Iclvor's r,ot. Carried. Moved by Coun Stel)hens, Sec "by Coun Callaghan, That the Clerk call for tenders ~or choPl)in~ and .logg ng out 25 ft in width the centre Section Line from M. Wilsox ~ mile east. Carried. Moved by Coun Ivlclvor, Sec by Coun Ferguson I That Tenders be called fOl' chopping and logg~Lng out for 22ft in width the road bet'ween Mr. Be st and Mr. stephens I' Carrie d.. Moved by Coun Callaghan I Sec by Coun Haney. That a voucher '@..e cb.ssued in fav:crr of A. Stevensol1 for ~~42. 00 contract on TOYI/n Line Bitch. lvloved 'by Coun Stephens. Sec by Coun Jferguson, That the Thi stle By-la.w and Rebat,~ By-law be reconsidered and finally passed, Carried. TJloved by Coun Stel)hens, Sec by Coun callaghan. That the Clerk call for tenders t'o grade down th Hill on the Coo}:: Road. specifications to be furnished by the road comrnitte~. Carried. , ., Moved by Coun Fergusorl, Sec by Coun Stephens J That the Road CorrUllittee of Lillooet Ward cd.ll for tenders to repair the Eridge--qn the I.illooet Road and ~ the Road itself. Carried. . : ' Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney, That the Clerk write to the Govtt in feference to Road Grants. Carried. Moved by 'Coun Ferguson. Sec by Coun MclvOT, That Tenders be asked :fo.r the purchase of the Timber on the C',ec line on the West side of section 10 from Kanaka Creek.north, Carried. Hoved ·by Coun Ferguson, Sec by COUl1 };Iclvor I That Road Comrn- ittee·of Ward 1 reDort at next meeting where it is advisable to s:pend the Gov'.t money a11propriated for \V'nonnock. Carr:Led. Moved by Coun Fergusol1, Sec by Coun IJIclvor, That the Clerk post Ul) notices at Harrunond, Raney and W~'lonnock warning 0..11 parties to cut any thistles grovdng on their land as they are liable to a penalty for failing to do so. Carried. On motion Council adjourned. D. C. \"Jebber, C. 11fT. c. \v. J. Harris, Reeve. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-c'" c-0-0-0-0-0 -0 -0-0-0-0-0 -0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- o The eighth regu1ar meeting of t.he Council was held on the 2nd day of August. Present the Reeve and Councillors Stephens, Ferguson, Haney and Mclvor. l,linute s of the last meeting read an d approved. ComLiunicEJ,tions from Hon. Johr!.I~obson re appro})Tiations. From Ca11t • .Temmitt with field notcsof Survey of Blal1ey Road. From C •. p. R. re Thistle By-law. Fl"'om J'. Flanigan re roo.d at Vrllonnock. Bi11s rec t d from 13. C. Gazette, $10.00 for adv~I"tising. British Columbian, advert- ising by-laws. From Cal)t Jemrni tt $33.50, three days surveying and ex- lJenses. Road 001111ni ttee rer>orted A. Baillie I s contract on Bridges.. T. Bosomworth's on Road and D. Docksteader's on Ontario St. All coml:>leted. according tQ specifications. Tenders were opened and read as follows:- Prom Wm. Ansell for work on Stephens Road, $2.00 per ch •• From A. Ba- 111ie for same work $1.50 per ch. Ft),]] grading Hill's 011 Connection line at vVhonnock, IvI. Beattie. $?35.00, Alex Ritchie ,$180.00. For bus~c1ing and grading road on north sid~ of Section 5.at Whonnoak, Frank Saunder $30.00 •.. For Vlo~k on Cook's Hill, Thomas Anderson, ·~~174.00, Alex Stevenson, ~?125~;OO. For work on road between Howison's and Mc Ivor's Lots. A. Bail·lie $3.00 per chain, D. Dockstea.,der. fl~2.25 per ch. 3 stum:ps exce~:'yJced, Heil Kennedy. ~13. 00 :per ch. For work 011" Centre 127 S t . ., , ,rr et .I-)1., r.: 0 0 ' J ,..,. '.L. ,'I, 3 60 V\ ' !. ec lon .LIne. J. IJ~. ul"O:i.ley vo. :per CIl., ,arnes vrelglll"On. ~;). l..Jer en. For Repairs. to Lillooet :Bridge, Jarnes creighton$150.00 for purchase of timber-on Hoad allowance sec 10, ThoInas J3os01mvorth. ~il~)OO per tree, Adam Docksteader $,1.00 per tree-for 3 trees on Road, between sec 20 and 21. Moved QV Coul1-r.:ern:lu.ion, Sec bv Caun Ste·ohens, That :p. McP.r1er- son 8..nd Ephiam Dell be ~ac}i granto:..~d· an'" extension'" of~ one montn-'-s time on their contraets~ Carried. }Jioved by Coun SteJ)hens, Sec by Coun Fe:t"gusol1, That the Tenders of T. J3osomworth and Adam Doeksteader for timber on raod allowances 1Je . ac·cept e d r • Ce.rried. 1·::'.'-.:.(' .. ::. Moved by Coun Ste~):1ensJ Sec by Coun JFerguson, That James Creighton's tender for ~entre Seqtion Line, A. ,Ritchie's tender for grading on Connection Line, F. Saunder~s tender for work on North side of .. sec 5, A. -J3ail~.ie' s tender for Ste IJhens Hoad J 8.nd D. Docksteader' s for Rive'r Road be accepted. Carried. Coun Ferguson gave notice that at next regula1:' meeting he would introduce a :By-law to close certain s~reets in the TovrL1site of Po~;:,t ;Ianey also any-law to arnend the BOtlnty By-law. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec bY,Coul1 Stephens/Chat Tenders be asked for the following work:-finishing the fence at p. Baker's place, cutting, brushing and gravelling )Iill near Ivlayes 011 p .. iver Road, cut- ting and grading road to Blaneyts and for Ditch at Best's corner. Carried. Moved by Coun StepIlens, Sec by Coun Ferguson,That John Colson be empowered to eraploy men and repair TJillooet Bridge and p'.oad under directions of Road Cormaittee to the D.mount of ~~lOOo 00. 'Wages to be ~~2. 00 pe r day. That A. Bai 11 1e be empOVTG re d t 0 j";~ake the culvert to the J31"idg~ across the North Lillooet pJver on Lillooet "L")oad, and James Cook do work on Cook's Hill to the amount of ~f75.00,'\both on same conditions a!3 the first named, also Adcun Docksteader sIJend 30dollars on Hill near his l")lace on same conditions. carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney, That vOllchers be issued fOI" the follo·I1~ling sums. To D. Docksteader for contrcict on 6ntario st., $90.00, A. Baillie for Bridges on North Lillooet River, $210.60 0 T. 130somworth's cont:cELct on sec I,ine Between 9 and 10, $~8.00 • w. C. J3ennett wOJ::'k on survey, ~~3.00. John B1aney. "york 01'1 surv~y, .$4.00. Albert Spring, work on survey, ~;3.00. Carried. . Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun HaneY,That the Foll- owing bills be laid over till. the next meeting, ]3. C. Gazette" ~~10.00, Capt. Jenrr!lett, $33.50, Brttish Co lumbian, $21.70. Carried. On Motion Council adjourned. D. C.. 'Ivebbe r, C. H. C •. VI. J". Har r j. s , Reev~. The ninth regular meet ingof the IJIaple Ridgt? Council was held in the Town Hall on the 6th d{lY of' Sept. Present tpe Reeve and CouneiJ-lors, TJIcIvor, Fergv.son, Callaghan c1nd Haney. IvIinutes of the laJst r!leettng red.d and a~:9roved. CommUl1ici:~t:LQns from Cal)t. JeUTl1ett re road l1'nes, from-1VT:oses Ball, J. Flannigan and others at Vfnonnoek c re devia ti on of -GaxetteEl Roads. From E. Dayhack and others as1:ing appropriat iOll on road at Whonnock. :B1=118 rec 1 d from John Lai ty, reI!airing :Bridge at Hmnn1ond, ~15.00. A. Stevenso~~, Work on l'Iaple Ridge rOClJd $15.00. E. Knight, rerJa.iri.ng sCral)er, ;;;il.OO. D. MCP!lel"f:>On. work 011 Surve'U'":'" of Blane,,' Road, ~ .. * J v !TI)2.00. Tenders were ree t d as fo110ws: -Prom _~lbert S~)ring far Blaney " 0 Road, $3.50 :.1)e1" C11. I form D. Docksteader for }liIayo ~ s Hill, from.John Ritchie· for makine; fence at p. Baker's,~p45.00. Road Conuni ttee from Mal)le Eidge armd Hammond Wards rel)ortea. as follows: -That, the wo rk done by A. Stevenson is sat i sfactory and) reconuYlended l)ayment. J. Lai ty' s bill for l'lel)ail~il1g Bridge at HanUil0no. is too liligh,and would recor~rrnend l::aymcnt of $12.00 for sa.me. Comm- 129 ittee of Wards 1 c:l.nd 3 reported that they would recoll'tl;e4.d that~·~no l)art of the Gov't Grant for VV'nonnock be expended north of ]:Ir~ Owen's cOl"ner. but tl'lat it could be expended 011 the road in to OV1en' s. Dahack t sand the road to :Ball's and Flannigan's. Moved by Coun ·Fergusol'l, Sec by Coun I-I~ney I That the report of the RoadComrnitteeB be acce~)ted: Carried. Moved by COUl1 Fergusoi1, secby Co1.1.n naney I That the Road Cormn- ittees be autilorized to eXl:Bnd 50 to 60 dolJ.ars by days work on the road petitioned for by Dayack and others. Carried. Moved by Coun FereUSOD, Sec by coun Hahey, That D.· Docksteader tender 6'f 9,g do~lars for work on l'.Jlayo' s Hill be accepted. Carried. Ivloved by Coun Cal1agJ.1an ~ Sec by Coun Eaney, That Albert Spr ings tender for ~~3. 50 per chain for the BIEtl1ey Road be acce~t ed. Carrie d. Mo-veEi by Coun FerguBon, Sec 1)y 'Coun Eaney, The'. t the Clerk notify the executors of the estate of A. Robertson •. that the :cight of way of Ri vel. ... Road thro·ugh the land of the la '"'ce A. Robert S011. mus.t be tll.rOWL1 open on or before the firstday of Nov. 1890. Carried •. Hoved by COUl1 FergusOl1, Sec by Coun McIvor, That the "U"lerk write to the Gov't and request them to take over the construction of the Bridge over the Horth Lillooet. Cal."ried. Moved by Coun Fergusol1. Sec by Coun Haney. That the noad Committee be authorized to have the fence at IvIr. Baker's comple"ted by days work. Carriecl'. Moved by Coun ca11aghan, Sec by coun Mclvor. T11at· the Clerk notify Mr. D. Docksteader to proceed with his contract on Ma91e Ridge Road Carried. ( Moved by Coun Perguson I Sec by Coun Haney, That A. Ri tch:ie be·.granted an extension of one months time on contract on connection .L·ine'. Carried. Moved· 1)y Coun Call:.;1.ghr::U1, Sec 1)y Coun LicIvor, That. the CJ_erk be instructed to obtain legal advise ·on the Fenc~~ By-law. CarI'ied. Moved by COUl1 Ferguson. Sec by Coun IvlcIvor. That the Reeve ste;n vouchers for' the follovling Bills: -Lazenby Bro s. stamps and Stationery, $2.95, D. McP'nerson, $2.00 for vfork on s~urY'ey, A .... _.S-iev- enson, $15.00 for-work on River_1).oad, ,J. Laity, $.12.00 for rel)Cliring br idge at E8lTIn"Lond, Capt Jemmett, ~33. 50 fOT surveying. E I Knight. $1.00 for repairing Scraper, ]3. C. Gazette $10.00 for Advertising By-la'ws. Carl"ied. ~~ . Moved by Coun Perguson,: Sec by Co1.1.n Haney. Ti1C:ltthe P.eeve be authorized on receipt of satisfactory report sof Road Committees. ;130 •. "I .". to sign vouehers: -E. Dell on CO:111ect ion I,ine at V~l1.onnock, F •. Saunders. on Carmichael's Road, A. ~Baillie on Stclmens, Hoad, D. I-.Tc7ne:.cson on· Smedley Road and.S •. Edge on Wilson Hoad. Carried. Moved by COU11 Callaghan, Sec ~)y CO\).11 IvlcIvor , That -the Counci 1 Adjourn. Carri~d. D. C. Web'ber, e.l-K.C. Vl.J. Har~;.·is, Reeve. In accordance '.'\lit}l above resolution, vouchers have been issued as follows:-A. Baillie, $60.00, Ste~lens, Road, Smnuel Edge, $164,00, Bridges on Wilson Hoad, F. Saunders J ~~30. 00 •.. Carmichael Rd., D. McPher- son, $ 9S. SO J Smedley Rd. J Ephrtam Dell, Gov t t vouc}lel"'. for $223.00 for Bridge s on Connect ion· Line Vfl1.onl1ock. w. J. Harl"is, :Reeve. -o-o-o-o-o~o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- The tenth regular meeting of the ME~.r>le Ridge CO'llncil was held on t}le 4th day of Oct. Present the Reeve and Counc 11101"9 Ferguso11, Callaghan, Haney and McIvor, Minutes 6f the previous meeting read and approved. Communications I'ead from J. B. Cherry re road on E. Cook's land. Fora J .• Sprott aCknOYlla.dging return of plans and sl.:ecifications of NOl'th Lillooet Bridge. From Executors of Esta.te of A. Robertson re right of way of River Road. Bills l"eceived as follows: -Br'itish Columbian r~25.10, Advertising By-lavffi, ~T. 13. Cherry, $3 a OO, drawing by-law, D. C. 'Neb1)er ~~46.25. q,uarter's Salary. A. stevenson al1d J. Hammond, work done on Harnmond ·Hoad. Ada111 Dockste;:'Lder, $25.00, work done on Hill ... on Lillooet Rocld. A. J3aillie, ~~26.00, making approaches to Lillooet Brj.dges. Peter Baker, ~~43.50. building fence. J. J. VTilson &. S. Edge $46.00, for making approac:hes .. to bridge on Wilson p..oad. Dr. Fagan, $25.00, ablance due on account. The Road Comrni ttee of Wards 1, 2, and 3 reported as having examined the following cont :cact s. Ephriam Dells on connect ion line. Frank Saunders on Carmichael Road. A. Websters contract on Webster and Hinch Roads, and find them completed accol"ding to speCifications, and recommend payment o'f the aarfle. VIe also authorized Mr. Bake.r to com- I)lete the fence on the River Road. A. Baillie to put approaches on Lillooet River Bridge. E. Dahack to layout $50.00 of Govtt appropriat- ions at Whonnock .. A. Ritchie to <layout $50.00 and J. Flannigan ~1;150. Altogether ~p2·50.00 of the Gov't appropriation at v7horinock. "Cornm:i-ttee of Wards 4 and 5 reported the Work dope by A. Stevenson on 'Hammond Road as satisfactory. D. Docksteaders Contract 01'1 JiIalJle Ridge Road completed sat isfactory and reco.-mmend payment of both. They als~ re- ported recommending payrLlent of ~30~ :per ft. for 46 ft. of aPl)roache s an de by Edge and Wilson on VJilson ·Road. Thi s last report was aaid over~tillnext meeting. l'Ioved b:? Coun Fere1J.son, Sec ;'Jy Coun Ha-oey, Thst the Clerk notify·: .. tl1e C. p. R., tl18Jt they vIill 1')0 held TelJons·:i."'.:le for any in- jury done to stock or otnerwise, thl~Ol).g}l the want of 2. gence be- tween the River nand c.:JJnd R. Road through lIr. p. :Baker's farm. Carl" t d. Moved by COUD Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney, That the Clerk ,notify D. Dockst'eader to make returns at next regu.l.p.r meet:Lng of all monies collected be him on lieu of statute Labour. carried o IvIoved by Coun Ferguso;1, Sec by Coun Haney, 1'hat the Clerk have notices :9ut :pu at each end of the south Ilillooet J3ridge (ul)per), warnil-lg t:he :public that tile bridge is unsafe and that the council will not be :t'esl)onsible for any injury sUI-stained by reason of tra"vel over it. Carried. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by buy one cord of wood for use of Council. Coun Haney, Carried. That the Clerk Moved l')y Coun Ca=.lagharl, Sec by Coun Mcrvol"', That Tenders be claaed vIi thin ten d2~.yS for theo.construction of CL Bridge on the To"Yn :rdne Road and that Road COLllili ttee be authorized to let the work. Carried. Moved by Co~n Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney, That the Road Committee of Wards Ho. 1, 2 and 3 • be authorized to have Bridge built over the r~wine on_Centre Section line east of Wilcox. Carried. Moved by Coan Callaghan, Sec by Coun Mclvor~ That the Cou~­ oil give the sum of $12.0.0 to open ditch betvreen Scott and Trembath Lot s. Carrie d. M:oved by Coun Ferguson. Sec by CounHaney, Tf1.2. t vouc:lers be issued for the fol~.owing arnotJ.nts:.-To Alex Vfebster for contracts on Webster's a.nd Hinah' s Road~, ~~145. 00; A. Baillie fo::." apl)roache s to Br5.dge .on Ho.r~h JJillooet, ~~\26. OO;_Adam Docksteader work on Hill. on Li- llooet Road, ~25. 00; :p •. C. VTel)lJer Quarter Salary, ~$46. ~25; Aa S~evenson Work on Hamm.ond Road, ::~31. 50; J. D. C:herry for drawi~lg By-lavr, ~lj3.00; J?ritish Columbian. Advertis~ngJ3y-lawsJ ~~25.10; Peter Baker for fence, :~4~43. 50 c:1~nd b~unty . of J3ear J :;~2. 50; D. Docksteader I contract on lB~aple . Ridge Road, ~tj94·. 50; also that Gov t t voucher be issued to A. Ri tchie for $50.0 .. 0 on whonnock Road and ~~27. 00 on Connecti(,)~l J.Jine, and to E. Dayhack for $50.00 fol'" wOl"k on road east from Vf.l1.onnock road to TovmshilJ line Carried. On motion council adjourned to next regular meeting. D. C. Webber, C.M.C. -- W. J. Harr is. Reeve. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-Q-O-O-O-O- The eleventil regular l:leet ing of the :Maple Ridge Cou:}c il was held on the 6th day of Dec. P1"'ese;nt the Reeve and all t,he Councillors. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved. Cornn1ul'J,iGations recetved from I£xecutor, Estate of A. J::;'obert- son _re right of wa~)r. From D. Doc~:steader re Statute TJabor wOl"ked on hi Beat. From}). Mart in re clearing road to his p·lace'. Bills rec' d from J. B. Cherry $5.00 advice on Pence 13y-le"vr, .Tames Irving ~~2.50 {or wood,' J. M. Webster'. ~~5. 00 work on MaI't':I.n' s Road, VJilson and Edge $55.00 approaches to Bridge and gravelling, John Docksteader $2.25 b"alance on contract Maple Ridge Hoad, .Jarnes Cook $75.00 work done on hill on Pitt IvTeadovvs Road. Road Committees of Wards 1, 2 and 3 re- lJorted as ' follows: -' That they exc1.Jrlined Mr. Spring's contract on Lil- looet Road and fil-~.d it cotnl)lete accordii1g to specifications a'~-ld James Creightonts contract on Centre Section line and find It complete acc- o~dihg to specific~tions, we also authorized him to build t}~ bridges at $25.00 each and to give him !1~5. 00 for running line. We autllorized Mr. Webster to repair a bridge on his road beat. We also recom·dend that ~~lOO.OO be paid ·to A. I~l.it'ch-1e on his contract on connection line and that the secu.l"'ity deI)osited by him l)e refunded. D. Docksterder's contract on JvIayo '-s Hill completed acc·ol"ding to spec if ica·ti ons and pay- ment recommended. We also recommend that ~i)20. 00 be granted to D. Mar- tin for work on his road. We have also examined J. Flanniga's work done' on Gov' t aJ?~prb.:priat ions of ~1~150o 00 a"nd recommend that ~ouchers on the Gov't be issued for the same Ro·ad COl11Tl1ittee of Wrds ~,afid;··5_'.~, 7·Re- ported recornrnending payment of I. G. Cook's work 011 Pi tt Meadows Hd., A. stevenson t S contract onb21.idge on 'l'ovv!l Line, Edge & Wilson for app- roaches and gravelling. $20.00. ·John Docksteader ~j9. 00 for culvert on Ridge Road, and D. Doclcsteader -~~2. 2:5 balance ,due on contract. Moved by Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Haney. ThGl,t the ReIJort of the Road Commi tt.ee s be acce pted. Cal"ried. Moved by Coun Fergusol1, Sec by Coun Haney. Tha,t the By-law apl"Jointing Returning OfficeI' and nEtming l)olling 1=!laces be read its fi- rst and second read::in g. Carried. Moved by Coun Fergl.lson I Sep by C.oun Raney I That Robert St- e1)11en8 be allo1;-.,red to work out his st'atut.e I.Jab?x on His Oli1i1 road. Cd. Moved by Coun }j'erguson J Sec by Coun H&l'1;ey, trh2:Lt the Return- ,ing officel'9' s By-law pass ,its s.e con'd reading. Carl'ied. Moved J3y Coun Ferguson J sec by Coun Ste~9hens. That T. Hicks Taxes be reinitte.d, for tJ~!.e year 1890. .Carried. ; Moved by Coun Fej:-guson. Sec by CounHaney, That vouchers be issued in favor of teh Reeve and Councillors for ~~25. 00 each amount due them as iridemni~'y. Moved by Coun Callaghan, Sec by Coun 8te.I~hens, TIn t the r,oun- cil grcint the Ladies of i\IaI)le Ridge the use of he Town H.all to hold their ChristrnD-s 'rree. car:cied. Moved by Coun Fergusol1, Sec by coun naneY1_ Tl1.at the Reeve examine the approache s in di slJute on the vVilson Road, r and awcn~-\nTha.t in his opinion us j"ust payment for sD.id work and that a voucher be issued for amount so av.,rarded. Carried. Moved by Coun Fefguson, Sec by Coun Ste~lens, That the clerk emp~oy a LavrJer to w-.ci te the C. p. H. in reference to the fence between tile Hoad and HclilV;::cty through p. Baker t s farm. Carried. l Moved by COU11 Ste })hens, Sec by Coun CallagiHl.n. T}-lat tile Clerk insert a notice in the British colurnbian and World Hewspal;ers, stc,ting that a l'lieetil1g will be held in the TOVfl1 Hall at 3 0' clock !p.m. on Mon- day the 22inst. ,: for the pur:[Jo se of :fo :::rning a j?armer t s. Protect i ve Ass- ociation rcga..rding Railway Fences and Delegates are requested to att- end from all settlements intere$ted on this important matter. Carried. On motion t:'c-le -vouchers were ordered to be issll'ed for tl1e foll- owing arl1ounts:-D. Docksteader, ~~98.00. contract on Mayo's Hill, James Creighton. ~~170.00, contr~lct: on--Centre section Lihe, building bridge D: running line I Alex.Stevenson. ~~32.40, Bridge on Town Line. James Cook ~~?5.00 work on Hill on Fitt Meadows }loa,d, J. ]3. Cherry. $5.00 for Ad- vice, James Irving, ~up2.00 for wood, J. 1T. Webster, 1,$5.50 wOl'k on Mart- ints"forad. o. Mart~n~ $20.00 work on Ro~d~ John Docksteader, $ 2,25, Balance due on contract, D. Docksteader, ~?g. 00 for culvert on,lvIalJle Ridge Road , A. Morl~isonJ ~~2. 50 for bounty on-Bea:r', Edge & Wi1son, 4~20.'00 for app::!."oaches and gravel15.ng, Albert SIJl"'ing $248.50, C011- tra;ct on. Blaney Road. A. Hit chie. ~?100. 00 on Correct ion Line. On motion Council ndjourned til:L the 31st du"y of Dec. to meet at 3 d'closk p.m. -e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e- Council met on the 31st day of Dec., pursuant to Q,djourn- me.nt. Present the 'Reeve and Councillors'Haney, J?erguson, Stephens, and McIvol". The Reeve :t)resented Et. repoJ."t of Roads examined by himself and councillors Haney and Ferguson at vVhonnock. Placed on file for ref- erence. The Reeve also 11re sented a :pet it ion from pal"t ie s owning lands 011 the Pitt Iiieadows inrefel"ence to getting an estima:te of cost of Dyk- ing. After discussing the question. the Council dicided to leave the matter for their successors in office to deal with. 11loved bY coun Ste1i hens, Sec by Coun Ferguson. 'l'}1at 1l'. 'IJazenby be apPointed as Auditor and tha.t "a cOlJy of tile Audit be sent to the Co1umbian for Publicat ion .. :/ Carried. IiIoved L)Y Coun Fel"e;Uson, Sec by Coun Haney. That a voucher be i;3sued in favor of D. Co V!eboer for $47.25, balance -due for salary for 1890. Carried. Voters List for 1891 was read and revised and on mot"l.{:1n of Coun,c illor StelJ}lens. sec by Counc illor Ferguso11 J was fi nalJ,y c10 sed cind adopted as The Voters List for 1891. Council then adjourned. D. C. Webber, C • lit c. ~ VI. J. Harl~ is J Re2ve. The Ia .. st·~~ meeting of the Council fol" ],("390, was>. held in the Town Hall onth;j 12th d:::-~y of .Jan. Present and and IflcIvor, the Heeve a.nd Counc illors Ste ~Jhens J JI'erguson. ! Call.ag11- Meetings of the last regl.J.lar and adjourned met~tings read and ap:Dl"oved. The Road Committees: of-'Vc;,l"ClS 1, 2, a.nd 3 reported that they had let the wo:ck of clearirJg the d.rift wood-from the Bridge on the Wilson p .. oad· a.nd making foot Bridg over the ri"'J'er to J. J'. WilsOl1 for ~~12. 00. Moved 1)y COUi."1 :B'ergusol1, sec by Coun J: .. iIcIYQ1" tflcxt tl-le Audi t- or's Report be accel)ted. Cc.1.rr:Led. Moved by Coun FereuBon,· Sec by CounTJIc!vor. That the Path2- master of Road Beat Uo. 16 be not ified. to remove' t1'le fence s acro ss his road apposite p. Baker's farrn inunediately'. Carried. l!Ioved by Cou.n Stephens J Sec 'by COUl1 l;;IcIvor, Tho_t the Clerk notify the C. P.H., that the fence has-'been :r.emo-ved from the RO~-3,d oPllosite p. Baker's farm c)..nd the y will be held responsible for any dEtmage that viill be sustained 011 account of R. Hoad not be:Lng fenced. Carried. Eoved by' 'Coun Ferguson, Sec by Coun Step:'c.1.ens. TY.LHt vouchers be issued in ravol' of Samuel Edge, Jun. for $17.00. work on al)proaches to Bridges on Wilson Road. to J. J. Wilson, $17 0 50_for same act. Laz- ·enby EI'OS. $.4.80 St8,mps and Stationery. ~l? -IJazenby ~~5.00 as Auditor. D. C. 'Webber, $5.00 expenses to Westminste:r' colJ.ecting taxes, John Blaney ~~l. 50 work on Lillooet Bridge, AJJ,Jert SI>I'ing, $1.50 work on same J3l"idge. Council then adjourned. Sine die~ D. C. \7cbber J C. M. C. Hector §erguson, Reeve. -_. ~ The fir st Elect 5.l.l G 0 f t l""lC eou.ne i 1 :':'"'0 j.' 1891, was he Id 111 7.ho T01?ffi Hall on t}:e 19th day of tTanur;~~cy. T:he Reeve and all the Counc il1oI'S v/ere duly SVTOI'n in a.ccord- ing to the Statute on "t}!.(;L"t, behalf. A Counc il VIas tllen formed wi th .the Reeve in the Chail"' and all Councillors 1.Jl"'esent. The minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. CorlTITlunications VJere received from H. Abbott re cOn1l)letiol1 of Railroad Fence, from J. TiI. Vlebster as to ins})ection of bridge and' es- timated cest of rebuildi.ng t}1e Si:::LTI1e ctt ~~30GOO, p. Tdurray, asking for use of TO\VD HOJll; a,s I,odge Hoom during present.yeCA.l"'. From 'VI. J •. Ha:c-ris asking that lands subject to overflov.,r, such as shall be assessed by-a Competent EnGineer or I.lanc. Su:cyeyor, be e~:empt from t2G~2.t ion fOl' pe1"'- iodi of t'wenty years and 0.. bd:ll f:c'orn Wa I,oo of ~~2. 00 for clearing road ,of a fallen tree. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Ste~)liens, rphat D. C. Webeer act as clerk riro-tem. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by COUD Stephens, That the Clerk comQunicate with Jno. SPl"'ott, Provincial road Inspector. New Westminster requesting him to forvvard to this cocuncil the specifica~­ ions for bridge on lTorth J.Jillooet River provided the ;!~4001t 00 approp- riated for that purpose is yet available. Carri(Jd. l;Ioved l")y Coun Dockste;::;.del', Sec by Courl I,ai ty, that Coun- cillor's for Vfards 1, 2, and three be ap:pointed Road committee for V.Tards 1, .2, and 3, and.that Councillors for Wards 4 c..nd 5· be a Road Committee for ~~~"ds 4 and 5, the Reeve to be a T:leraber on eaoh Comrn- ittee. Carried. - Moved by Coun Docksteader, sec by roun Laity. That Coun- cillors J. StelJhens and A. Docksteader is hei~eby elected License Commissioners for the Munic ipali ty of 1,1aple Ridge for the year 1891. CE~:Cl~i e cl. Moved by Coun Ste~)l1ens, sec by coun DocksteEtde:-c, That the Hoad Committ'ee of YJards :!:Too 1, 2 and 3 put up notices and let by Public Com- petition the construction of a bridee on the Centre Section Line over the Kanaka creek. Co .. rried. Moved by Coun IJai.l~~l, sec by Coun Sterhens:, Tha.t a voucher be dra\1\Jl1 for ~)2. 00 on the Treasury • payable to Wa 1,00 . for the removing of a log on Port Hanunond Eoo.d. Carried. Hoved by Coun Dahack, Sec 11:/ Coun Docksteader. Tl1at the Clerk \vrite to the Dominion Lc:tnd Agent asking t:'n.at a E;urveyor be sent to re- su.:r·vey the Sect ion Line between Sect ion s . 17 and 18. TOVV".t1.sh:,tp 15. Cd. l:Ioved by Coun Docksteader I Sec l·jY CO'l).n Dahack, TiJ.at __ ~;. J. J31).ck be· aPl')O inte d CleI'k for t.ili s yea.,r, for the l.!Iunic ipaJ.i ty o:f :Maple Ridge at et saJ.al~y of ~:'75. OOe Carried. As an ame!!clElerJ.t to fo:cegoing motion, Moved by Coun ~Laity. sec by Coun McKinl1ey. That Mr. Paul T..lurra.y· be appo inted E¥S Clerk for the lKunicipality of lIa.ple :Ridge for the ~!resent '~Tea!' ctt 121.st ~re~:l.:-cfs salary Lost. .,.,~ . 136," Eoved by COUl! Dockst.ee:l..der j SeC' by COt1.n SteJ7heas j 'i'i!.at the Reeve t.erH.l.er c1 vote of t}-1.9.l""1ks to. ti1.e retiring officer', I,Ll'. D. C. \Vebber ~o:. .. ~··:t.i:~·s·;.efficient. services in the past. Car-ried. Ivloved b l / Coun I~a.i ~y, Sec by Coun Ste::;::'l-lens, Tha.t lTr. D. Ca " Webber be appointed as. Collector fOl' t:he present yectr at a sala:cy of SlOOoOO. Carried. "t, Moved by Coun D~0ack, sec by Coun Docksteader, that Mr. H. BJythe be appointed Assessor fot the present year at-a salary of ~l35. 00 Cb.rried. \ , Moved "by Coun Dahacl(, Sec l)y Coun S-..:,e:;'J.'lens, Tl'lat tlle Clerk communicate with iir. H. Abbott. asking t.hat a :c'ocl,d be conetl"'ucted fl'om the,. station clt Whonnock to the Post Office Cl. distance of ten D.:tJ.twelve ~:nains as at pl'esentO the settlers' areunet:ble t.o. rectcl!. ti1e station, trJ.ere being no way 'except throu.[~h the Rail:coad Ila.nd. CElTried. Moved 'by COUi1 Dockstead~r, Sec ()y Coun Stel=lhens. Tha.t the CJ e:ck lJrepai"'e bonds for Municipa.l Officers to. be lJro duce d. .at t}.1e next regular meeting of Council. Carried. . l'J[oved by Coun Docksteader I Sec hy Coun SteIJhens, That the Clerk inform the Secretary of the New Era Lodg No. 14 that t}~ coun- ci 1 have mU9h pleasure in comlJlying wi th their' req.uest as to t~:.e use of TO'5!l'1 Hall as a IJodge room fOI' this ~Tear. Carx'ied. J.jfoved ay Coun Laity, sec "by Coun TvIcKinney~~ That the petition of o1J\'Ylers of' overflowed lands. be a.ccepted and ~ By-1n-v: be submitted accordingly, Ca.rriedOll Moved by COUl! Docksteadex', Sec by Coun stelJhens, That; the Reeve lJrocure the }Iu:n.ici pal Books, seal &c from TiLr. D. C e VTebber and hand the sarne to E. J. Bv,ck o Car:cieo.. Moved by Coun I,ai ty , Sec by CounHcKinney, That the Ho&',d Conulli :.tee of Vh1rd Ho. 1 examine the proposed cbange of ro{td asked for by lire 8amson and re:r.lort their decisi6n at the next TeguJ.BJr meeting. Cal":rj,ed. Moved by COUl1 TIockstecl,de:c, Sec by Coun Stephens, That Coun- cil adjourn. Carridd. E. J. Eu.cl<:, Clerk. :, Hect.or Fe'l"guson, Reeve. -0-0-0-0 -0-0-0-0-0 -0 -0 -0-0-0-0-0 -0 ~-c -0 -0 -0-0 .... O-n 0-0-o~o .. 'o "'0 -0 .... 0 "'0-0·-0- The second meeting of the Municipal Council itor 1891 was held in the Tovm H~":)_ll en Febl~uary ?t~rl. ..... ~ --'" ... Present Reeve in the Chair a.nd Councillors Stephens, Doek- ste3.o.el-' , Dahack and Laity. The I-JIinutes of the last m.eeting were re,:"d q,nd aPl)roved, c.,nd the following comrm..lnic2rt ions were read. From Jno. :M9Ke:nzie, Esq., Domil1ion Land Agent re re-survey of Sectj,on Line between Sections ··17 & 18, Townsl1ip 15, PI'omit)ing to bl'ing the same to the notic-e of the 137-. Surveyor Cene:cl":t1 at once. ]Tram I:l. 13eatty Esq., re lJetition circu1a·ted by G. }~. Snlit!"!. 8 .. dn states th[ttthe a·sked for br.l.ds:e isv.unnece~Js2:.ry at the present.b1xt U.1"ges the he·ce§sity of' oIx~ning UI) the Co::~rection Iline. From'·L. 1,. Bonson, Esq., re opening of Gazetted r'oe.cl f:rom the CE'.11aghan P;.oad across the Prairie'.·:to t1-lG Hiver' bank, offe:ning to const:cuct h~,lf the·same.at his O\'\rt1 expense and to furnish plans and sI€Cificat.iorls. Petition from G. E. Smith and 46 others asking for apporpriations to be made for the construction of a b:c:Ldc:e over Hormick Creek to enable se- ttl~rs to reach the Post Office. store and station. Petition from Guetave Smi th and 21 others 2~,sking for aII:proIn'iati.ol!.s to 'be made 1;0 log out the Centre Section Line,-Tpwnship 12 from D. Docksteader's farm to TO"yVl1S11i~p 11ne between T011vtlshiI)S 12 and 15. Petition from Alex. McDonald and 3 others asking COUDcil to build 20' chains of ditch in Towbship line between Tovmships 9 2H~d 12" From V!1il.liam Hanl1")ton re corc1.uro.ying roo .. d foI' about 7 ch,?-ins 0 t~.'Frbm Ado.l11 DocksteeJdeY" re J'e~­ ai:t.' to the Lillooet' J3ridge and also the Bridge over North Lillooet between sect.ions 28 and :?9. From }?eter M:cTavish re roa.d to West of r,ot 222 which requires 3, small bridges E~nd C1Jbout 500 ft. of ditch. From W G. Clapcott askirig an extension of 9 chains to ditch. From R. F. Redicliff re di telling of road for dist1).nee of 6 cl·}8.ins. From James Scott acln Jno. Trembath asking an expendi't.ure of $2,0.00 on Road between South East 8Ji'ld South west quarter Sections of Section :·~5. Toanship 9. From James Irving asld.ng for a grant of ~?150o 00 to reY)ci,if the McKenney Road. From A. Ritehie asking for a road to be open~d to his place same roa.d being Township Road. Petition from A. E. Jonnston and 9 others asking for t.he constructin. of et road from '\Vhonnock !'~oad at H. Bligh t s Corner for one mile East bet'ween Sect ions 1 Y( and 18. The. follo,;;!ing Bil:Ls v"el"e received:-from Lewis& Greig, Pr- inters, ~~2. 00 for printing 100 Licenses. From D. C. Webber ~~20. 00 for services. From J. M. Webster $5.00 for vTOrk done on Rchad. The following reports were rea.d from the Commi ttee of \i:l8.rds 1, 2 a.,nd 3 ':-(1) \Ve. the undersigned, beg to report. that we have aw- arded the Contract for Constr~~ction of Bridge on Kanaka Creek, Centre 'Section Line. to Arc:hibald BallJ.ie, Esqo, for t;~.e sum of $,141.00 arid recomrnend trJ.at the Seal of the COl"'pol"Eition be att2!.cned to his agreement. (2) Under our present financial circumstances we could not recoru~end the pro po se d cl'lange of Eo ad re Que st e et . by Hr. Sampso n but in the event of th~ Council raising money on the Corporation, ~e think ~t wou~d be advisa.ble to lJ.ndertake the works (Signed) A. B. Dockst.eader, E. Dahack. J. Stel'hens. !·JIoved by Coun Stephens, Sec by Coun Docksteader, Tn.at tn.e J:.tIunicipal Officers furnish Bonds for the due performance of their respective dutie~. Carried. Moved by Coun Ste :phens, Sec by Coun Do ck steade:c. Tl1Ct t the Heeve and CounciJ..lors sign a note in favol"" of the Hank of Montl'eEJ..l. Hew We stmj. nster, B. C. I fo r the sum 0 f ~~lOOO. 00 to be use cl for Ivluni- c i pal lJurpo se: s. _ Carri ed. ,ll, .... , --.... Mo"ved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Dahack. That the Communic~tions of Dominion Land Agen and M:. Beatty be received a,nd fi1ed for future :reference~ Carried. .so Moved. by Coun ])6cksteader, Sec by Coun St.e~~~j}ens. That the Bank of Montrea,l, New Westminstel~, B. C., be aplJointed TI'easu:cer for 138 the year 1891. Carried. I\jloved by Coun Dock steader, Sec by Coun Dahack. That the Rules of Ordel~ be suspended inol'der to re[:l.d the l)etit.ions of JXr. Waldon and others and of l!lr. Eitchie and 4-others. Carrj.ecl. Petit ion was theE read from Williarn Waldon and 4 others asking for the construction of a Road between sections 17 and 18, Township 15. also a petition from Jno. P.itchie and 4 otl1ers asking the Construction of a· Hoad for one iH3,.lf mile on the South E\ide of Section 10 •. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun SteI~ens. That the Reports of conunittee for Vlards 1. 2.E:lnd 3 be accepted and their rec- ommendations complie.d with. Carried. The follovving notices were given:-I hereby give notice that at the next regular meeting of Council.·r will introduce a By- law :(.1)·. ap:9O int ing IVlunic i pal officers for the yertr 1891. (2) Also a .Ey~l(;JV: difining the ·duties of Municipal Officers and a By-la·w for Assessment and (3) Court of p .. evision.. (Signed) A. B. Doeksteader. (4) Again I hereby give notice that r will at the next regular meet- ing, introduce Cl. By-law for the prupos~ c'£ raising money on the Credit of the Municipality for the purpose of building the most necessary Roads and Bridges inthe Ivlunicipali"ty. (Signed) A. B. Docl<steader. Moved by Coun Laity. Sec by Coun'Stel')hens, That the petition for gr.:jr.l.t s on roads be referred to the Road Cormni ttee s in who se Wards . the :grants are asked and :also that tIle Comrnittees report a.ny other necessa.ry repairs to Roads at the next regular meeting of ·Co·u.ncil. Carried. . Moved by Coun Docksteacer, Sec by Coun Stephens, Th.'l.t the Cle rk and Collector furnish Bonds on or beofre the da.te· o-f the next regula.r meetine; to the amount of $1000.00 each and the Assessor· $500. signed by themseJ.¥es and two otil.er res:ponsible :person. (Carried. Moved by Coun Ste~phen9' Scc by Coun Dockstea.der, T~1at t11e Reeve dra.w D.n order on tile Tree.surer in f~:tV01' of D. C. Web'ber for ~\20.00, ,T. M. Webster for $5.00. I,ewis & Grieg, ~l;2.00 in pE(\-'""mnet of bills gre sented at th.is me et ing. carired. Moved b y Coun DocksteG~der, Sec 1)y Coun Stephens, That the Clerk procure 500 forms of Uotic.e of Assessment also necessary Stat- ionery for ·use of Council Cal1mbers. Carried. / I".J10ved by Coun Laity, Sec by Coun Stephens, Thatthe Rules of Order. regulating proceed.ure of Council meetings be pl'intedin [D~unphlet form for Council use. Carried. Moved "by Coun ·Docksteacler, Sce by CounI.:Dz~h?ck, That the Reeve prOCU1"'e legal advise in resliect to introduuing~ and §??JssiXT1.gof JoJoan By-law of vvhich due notice has been given. Carried. Moved by Coun Btephens, Sec by C6u.n Dosksteo,der, That the Collector be 8.·nd hereby i s authori~ed 'or instruc·ted{lto !)ay all monies into the Bank of I'.!Iontrea.l, Hew Yvestmi:r')ster, B. C. CEn:;ried. Mov·ed by Coun Dockstea,der. Sec by Coun D8J.1.ack, That the hO 1~9 Cler'K ; nfor'n t.".., e "R~ ·~"k (J f 'Tl;Ton.!-"···e''ll . Fevr v/;" C"'J.m1'·,-· sJ. oy'· ]3.. C., +"""lC~_!+ t'ne ..... J. J..L ..J...J"-"-... J.. ..) ..... -lJ..l. c' ... J -'-, ~~ .~~.~ r.J U J. •• 1.J '" l. .... t .. _ , vJ.J ..., v Council ~has. appointed their jBank Treasurer for this ye~::tr and that tile Collecterwill in future re~it to Bank of Montreal, New westminster, B. C. Ca.:crie d. Moved by Coun Laity, Sec by Coun Docksteader; That each coun find if it is neCeSfjary to make any change in Pathrnasters in their re- !">ect i ve wards for the pre '-:lent y~ar, and report the se.n1e at t:he next regulax meeting •. Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun stephens, That the Reeve communicate wi tll tll.e J.iIinister of Public Works and the meml')ers of this District in reference to the Government securing the Bonds of hte Corproation so that the Council may be able to get money at BJ low rate of inte:ce st an cl any othel' po int s \vhich l1e ma.y deeri1 of advantage to the Corporotion. Carried. 1Jotice is hereby gi"'.ren that at the next regulciJr meeting of this council, T '(fill intrucluce a J3y-la};1[ to auWJol"izeJ..-.-.the ~_e~and;4 Clerk'to borrow two. thirds of the amount Of~ .. S~l~i1tYRoil, roJOffi the Daxlk of Montreal, Hew Westminster, B. C., ,to defray :present liabllit~ ies a:n0. to Current Exp~nses. (Signed) A. Docksteader. Moved by Coun Docksteader, sec by Cbun Laity, Thatthe Reeve retain Corbould, McOOll & Jemmes or any other firm if found advisable , 8-S legal advisors for the present year. CcJ.rried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun sternens, That the Clerk communicate· wi th the lismbers of this Distr~Lct request ing tll.em to enclec.l~vor to have tl1.e Municipal )\ct'.~:c)Jnentie(1(;socitha.t·.·all~.~Ho~.e.ms'"j$:,na':.f5al­ loons Licenses terminate on 30th June of each year and to obtain et re- nevv'al of the License. It shall be nece'ssa.ry for tb.e Cl.pplicant to com- plywi th same con di t j.ons a's all neVf applicants. Carrie cl. Council Adjourned on Motion. E. J. J3uck, C.lvI.C. : v Hector' Fe~e;usont Reeve, -e-e-e-e-e-ee-e-e-e-e-e-e-&-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e~e- : " : A Specia.l Meeting of· the Municipa.l Council W[)·s held in the Town Hall on Saturday, Feb. 14th, to transact the follow:Lng bMsiness according.to notice· given. (1) To Consider the advisability of appointing dele.gate~ to interview the Goverrunent and get them to procure the Ronds of the Co1"'- por8,tion so t11,.-:_t the Council could bQ"rrg:·,\?J' 'Lloney i::icco1.'ding to the Loan By-l(~.w. (2) To draft the rulings of e" new Ass·essment Roll. (3) TO consider the communicationf of Jno. S:prott ,Esq •• re ~che moneY""g;QpD1CD'P- riated in 1890 for Bridging the North Arm Lillooet River The Heeve in the C11.a.i1" and Counc i1101"'s IJo.i ty I Ste~~)hens, Dock- stee.der a.nd Da,hack present. :--: Hotice of themeethlg Vl[as read, also a communication from Jno. 14·0 ," i ; Sprott, J~SCl., re ITo:ctl'l AI'm Idllooet, }i,ivel'" Bridge, A1J~9l"'o:prie,t ion of 1890._AJ.80· a communciation from LIr. F. }~. Kitchen, M. p. p., advJsing to not send delegates to the Government at ~re8ent. Moved by Coun Laity, Sec by Coun Docksteader, That the Clexk procure a ]:Tew Assessment Roll prepared in compliance wi th the Revision ado~ted by Cou~cil. Slao ASSeSffiTIent notice to corresporid with the Roll. Carried. Moved "by Coun Ste~)hen,s, Sec r)y Coun Dockste[:l.der, Th:=~,t the Clerk Conununicftte wi th Commissioner 0 f Lands and Wo,]:'ks 3_1so wi th our members in regard tG the aPPl"'OlJl"i[;Jt ion for a Bridge oveI~ the Eorth Arm Lillooet Rtve,~~'i~ On Motion Council adjourned. E. j. Buck, C.lvI.C o Hector Ferguson, n eeve • .Ll The Third meeting of the Municipal C6url,cil wa,s held in the Town Hall 011 Saturday Ma.rch ?th, 1391. The Reeve in the Chair and all the Councillors present. The Minutes of the :previo1is meeting ('ind of the special meet ing of Feb. 14th. were I'e(,~-;,d an'd alJ)l'oved. Cormnunications were read from. Jno G liIcICenzie ,Esq., Dominion LandAgent re re-survey of road,from Armstrong Ecstein and.Gay-maul" re retainer fee forcCouncil advi se du~ing year. from Courbould, Il!IcCol1 & jennes re settlers on R. R. land voting on IJoan By-law. fronl I.E. Kitchen. Esq •• M.j p. p •. re Lillooett J3r:Ldge apl)l"ol)rii:J"tion of 1890. from c. ]3. Sword re License law ~1Jnendr:1ents. from VI. S. Gore, Esq. I and Jno. Sprott. Esq., re the Lillooet B~idge appropriatipn, frpm Jno. Trembath: re ,road, -,From Jno. White [i,nd 19 others rt~: road to, public wharf, from Wm. Olivel~ re 'l"'oacl along his lot as it is not in its pl"oIJer l')lace. From J3. W. Spilsbury re openir~g of rOEI .. d th:cough Baker t s farm, from G. E. Smith re his f0'J~?Iner IJetition and the cornYIlunication of hI. J3eattie The following Bills were read~~ From Archo Bailli~, Esq/. ~~5. 00 for extrfi work done to Kanaka Creek :Bridge. From D. Docksteader Esq., $5.00~ stationery and stamps, A~ ~ocksteader, Esq •• $2.00 work in repairing bridge. Moved by Coun Docksteacler, Sec by Ciyb IJai ty J of O:cder be suslJended to he Etr the de:putat ion re dyking. Tha~ the Rules Cc~rrie d. Move d by Coun IJai ty. Sec by Coun. }'JlcKil.1n~ey J That the Council form a COTIuhittee of the w110le to dicuss the dyking -q,uestion as })re sented by the ovvner8 of overflow lands. Carried. COlm-ili ttee was fOl"'med VIi th the Heeve in the Chair. Moved'by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Sei)hens, The.Lt this Council Comply with lJeti tion of Pitt Meadows land 0\t'"111el~J3. Moved by-Coun Docksteader, Sec y Coun Lalt:r, Thclt the Comm- it tee rise and rep~rt. Carried. The Road .Cor.uni ttee s of Wards Ho. 1, 2 and 3 asked furtb.er time to re:port on petitions l')l"esel1ted at last Leetmg. Al.so the .contliittee recOiTJ.mended that the Heeve issue a Chequ.e in faV01' of Ar.ch. Baillie', Esq., for (~41o 00 for payment fo r bridge 11 (Signed) A. B. Dockstea.der, J. Stephens,. and E. Da'ha'Ck. The Roads Cornmittee of Wards 4 and 5. we ,:·.Ldesire to re])ort tha.t owing to the depth of snovv. on Roads we are unable to exarnine them. We also reco.nu··~!end that jJfas Irvin'g Esq., be aPIJo inted pathmaster for that Beat. No. 9,' and Wm. Hampton, Esq. I for beat }:fo. 8. S' g' d. J'no. 'Ilai ty and .rno. HcKinney. further time was asked by Coun Docksteader to introduce Loan By-lE;,.w. Moved by Coun St.el')hens. Sec W Coun Laity I That the Munic ipal Officers By-law be re~l.d a first time. Carried. Municipal Officer's By-law was read a first time. Moved by.Coun StelJhens, Sec by .Coun Laity. That the J,Iunicipal Offic(.:r's By-law pass it s first reading. Carried. liIOlled by Coun Docks.~8ader. Sec by Coun Lai.ty, That, By-law defining duties of :Municipal Officers be read it s first -re;::.ding. Cd. By-law defining duties of Munic ipal Officers was l-:-ead afirst time. Moved by COU11. Docksteader, Sec by ooun Ilatty, That By-law de'fining duties of lvlunicipal Officers l-laSS its first reading. Carried. Moved by COUl1 ste~(Jhens, Seed by Coun Docksteader, That the Assessment and Court of Revision J3y-laws be read its first reading. The Assessment and Court of F.evision was then read its first reading. 1\r1oved by Coun Ste:phens, Sec 'cy Coun I,aity, That the Assess- ment and cou,rt of Revisi_on BY-.law pass it first reading. Carried. Moved by Coun Laity, Sec by' Coun hlcKinney. That the reports of Hoad Committees be accepted and that the reports respecting Roads be brought in at the next meeti:rlg also that the Clerk notify the p:.tth- masters t:fi theil1 a:PI)ointrnents. Ca:rried. Mov.ed lJY Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Lai ty, rrha.t Corbould, McColl & Jennes be retained i'o:c the Corl)ora .. tion for this year l $100.00 and that the Clerk referr ~he tssessment and Court of Revision By-law to them. Carried. llIoved by Coun Do cksteader, Sec l)y C01).l1 Dahack, That Hoad COTmni ttee for Ward Ho. 3 be authorized to ,have the bridge .on the .. river road near Hebtor Ferg~son's r~paired. Carried. Moved by Coun Dockst.eader, Sec by COI.i_n Stepliens, That the clerk communicate with Mr. Van Horne of C eI p. R. hurnbly requesting him to establis11 a station at Fort Eaney. Carried. Moved by COUD Docksteader, Sec by Coun Stephens, Th2t the Clerk ha.ve grinted in the British Columbia Gazette, and also in the Colunibian, notices of the Court of Revision inacco~(dance with the :rvIunici. pal Adt... Carried. Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Stephens" That the pet it i on of Pi t t IIJleadovvs land owners be rec ieve cl and pla,ce d on fi le 0 carried. i ":,: , ;. , " Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Ste)hens, That the Road Committee of Wards Ho. 1, 2 c4!"~d 3 le:t by coml:>etitionor 'othe"rwise the grubbing and cleal"ing of a large tree on t he Centre Sect ion Road opposite Arc~. Baillie's place. Carried. Moved by Coun DocJ.cstea.der,r.~Sc;c by Coun Dahack, That the Clerk write to the Editor of the World, Vancou v"er, B. C., requesting him to corl"ect the it.em which al)l)eared in hi l)aper, of Feb. 19th under the le ~heading of uOPpos e d to 1}IJking 11 the same be~Lnga misrepresent.ation of the facts. C&rried. Moved by :Coun IJai ty, Sec byCoun McKinney, That the Path- master be empowered to get all persons liable to Statute Labol"' not on the Asse ssment H.oll to perform tile i1" tVfO days' labor at one' if fauna advi sable. Car.r ie do Moved bv Coun Dahacl<, Sec by Coun DocksteadeI't 'iBhat the Clerk's . and Assessor's Bo~ds be ~cceptedo Carried. The following notice was given by Coun Docksteader:-I 11ereby give not,ice that at the next regula~'" {neeting of t.his council, Twill int:.coduce a By-law for the appointment of Cl Hoad ["-no. J3ridge Supervisor o On Mdtion Council adjourned. E. J. Buck, c. M. C. Hector Ferguson, Reeve. _._.~o_o_o_._.~ __ ._._._o_._._o_~_~_._._._._._. 0 _0_0_._'_0 ___ ._ The Fourth regu12l.r meet i:r1g of th~:: I.:Iunicil)al Counc il was held in the TOvffi Hall on Saturday. Al)ril. 4th-, 1891. The Heeve in the Chair 811 d T,re'sent Counc illors, DO cksteadel', DB"hack •. I.aj. ty and l\J1cKinney. The minute s of the previous rneetlhg vere re·ad c3 .. nd appro·ved. -~ , --..... Comm1.lnications were read from H. Abbott re Assessable property of C. p. R •• from H. Thrift, Reeve Surrey re D".Jking and vz:.lidi ty of Council By-laws in referrence todyking. from T . .,. Thompson recomrtlending Mr. Tyther, C. E •• for Council's service on Pitt l'.;IeadoVlS, From '1'. E. Ki t~hen. M. :p. P.. recommending Mr. Tyther C. E. F:cor{l -:"'lvIr. Tyther, C. E. , tendereing his services to laok after the Council's interests. From tl. OPPenheimer re ::;ccu:c:i.ty fOT the cost of the' survey of }?it.lc l.Ie2:.dovvs. From Mr. Paul Llur:cay re assessment noJeices. ~S"'rom A. SI)ring asking ~ayment at 37-'ht IJer ft. for 200 ft. of cross5ng done on rO[;Ld in 1890. From Wm. Parkinson asking ~01-the construction of a ro;~!d from front road through H. J7erguson' s place to Ri vel' Hoad. Jfl"om:D. McPhersen ' asking for a road· to his :place. Fron A. JJ. I,azenby and 12 others a.sk- ing for a aP:91'opriat ion of ~~~?OO. 00 to aid run the erection of a Town Hall at Hammond. From E. W. J3eckett and 47 ottleT's asking for~ t 118 erection of 8.· new TOY~"l1 Hall. Rrom A. B. Docksteader asking the add- ition ·of one mile of ro;::;/, to VL. WJlsox' beat. From H. Ab'bott grant- ing under conditions, the l")ermission to construct d .. rOEt.d on C. p. P.. right of way at \Vhonnoc.k • . The following rel")orts wel"'e received and read:-From H. Fel1- ~uson as Chairman of. Cornrni ttee of the ¥JJ:"lole, -I beg to report that the Comrnittee de..cided by a vote of fOUl' to two to grant the petition of Pitt Meadovm Land O\mers. From Committee ·for Hoads in V!al"ds No. 1, 2 and 3,-,~re beg to report that we let the construction of the truss work on Liilooet Bridge to H.~'!Kendr:Lcks for ~~58.00, the Council to furnish the iron. W'E also let the re11air ing of the bridge on the Rivel' Roa.d to R. Ken- drick for the sum of :)23.00. The contrcl.ct on RiverRoad has been sat- isfactorily completed and we would reCOETl~iend payment. From Road Commi ttee for V7ards :tro; 4 and 5 sta,t ing, -We have . examined the several Roads in our res:pective wards vvhel'e repairs etc. were asked and'recommend that the follovfing sums of money be grantr.:;d tovvards making the most necessary re11airs. Fro ditchil18: and build- ing roads and bridges in vrard No. 4, total a.mount as slJecified in the 'Report ~;6~0. 00. Fl"'o W~:i.rd Ho. 5 J total amount as spec if~ed ~?610. 00. The following bills wex'e :cead: -From D. Docksteader fOl' stat- ioner;)r:cetc. :per Assessor's use, ~~5.60. ·Fl"om the British Columbia Gaz- ette "fo~c advertising Notice) ~~5.00. The follov/j_ng By-laws werc-read: -Loan By-law. Assessment and Court of Revision By-laws. By-Ia.w for alJl')ointing aRoacl-and Bridge Sup- ervisor and By-law dlefining the Duties of Municipal Officers received it s second reo,ding. IvIoved by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Daha..ck, Tilat a clause be inserted in the ]3y-lavof defining duties of t.he Municipal Officers) repealing all by-laws existing prior to d2"te in reference to the duties of lVIunicil)al Officers. Ci:: .. rrie d. Coun Docksteader appealed f'romthe decision of the Reove on the :point of order re the time for Chairman of Conriilittee of the Whole to report. The question, n Shall the Ch8..ir be sust~Lined" w.as put,- Yea~, Reeve and Councillor Dl::.,hack.lrays Coun Dockstea.der J Lai ty and McKinney." Lost. .... , ---... Moved by Coun Docksteader, Sec by Coun Dahack, T11at By-law' definm g the duties of Municil)al Officers J)ass its second reading. Cd. Moved. by Coun Docksteader. Sec by Coun Laity, That the Ass- essment and Court of Revision By-laws be l"eD.d its 8ec~nd reading. Cd. IJ10ved by Coun Laity, Sec by Coun McKi:l:;'1.8Y J' That the Comm- () unications fr6m hlessrs. Kitchen, Op~enheimer, Thompson, Thrift artd T.y.ther 'be placed on file. qs.rr:Led. Uoved by Coun Dahack, Sec by Coun Lai t'y, Th:::..t the Collector's bonds be acqey~ed. Uoved 'by Coun Do cksteader, Sec by COl...H1 Dahack, That J3y-law appointing Officers for 1891 pass its ~eco~d reading,. Carried.- Moved, QY Coun J..!~i ty, . Sec l)Y Cqun '}JlcKinn.ey, ThoJt the mot ion re .seQonq.,reading of Officers J3y-law'be 'reconside~ed. Cartied. Ivloved by Coun IJai ty, Sec 1)~r Coun McKinney-:-;'That the By-la'\"! ~i:<il for, ,appointment, :of I\..IunicipalO~f~(~el"s be anedded ,hhSection 3, 3rd line, to rec.:.d payable 1}.alf .yearly on June 30th and Decem1)er 31st, 15391 • . Yeas.;' Coun McKinney ,Laity an<L the Reeve; Hays, Coun Docksteader ,'and Dahack. Carried. Mqved by Cqun.Laity, Secby Coun McKinney. That the petition of .Mr.. ~~rkinson and lEc Pnel" son be referred, to the Road Commi tt.ee of. ',.their raspeqtive·wards. Carried. Uoved by Coun Docksteader, Sec1)y Coun Laity, T'hat By-law, apl")ointing a Hoad ,and Bridge Supervisor pass its first reciding. Yeas,. co.un Docksteader and Lai tYi Hays. Coun Reeve lJcKinney and Dahack. Lost,. 11' I. ~ , • • I., •• . Moved by Coun Dockstea~er, Sec by Coun Da)1ack, ,That the Clerk commu:n~cat~wi th G. E. Corbol~ld. Esq., 1ilL. p., requesting him to' keep t}~~e 1,?it'~~,'J:~i vel' 'Bridge in vie\'i[ and in c~se .,~ the C. -p. H. b'_lilding a new bridge, enq~Eyv:o:r." ,t·o have., a· wagon b:f'idge cC)ristru~ted by the Dominion Government, .m.n:(j:Q:!:inect ion with the C ~ p. R. Br'idge. I Carried/ . .' , ,Moved by'Coun Dahack: sec.by qoun Laity, That the Clerk write our;·~;M~P. p. for this· district asking, fOJ; an. ()Jppropriation of '$4000~ 00 :out ,"of ·the district approp~ciation for thi s'Mu.nicil)ality ;':t11d if conven- .'i;ent ·to o.ppo in~ Et -time and. pili~ce for 8.,11 intel~view wi th rep:ce s8ntat i ve s ... ofthis' Council in relation to the same.. Ca~ried. ,. J'!Ioved by Coun Docksteader. Sec 'by 'C10Ul1 Dahack, Th8Jt the Coll- ector be requested to make a retux'n of his roll of 1890 in accordance with ',tile IflunicipaJ. Act. CaTJ:'ied. Ivioved by Coun Laj.ty, Sec by Cottl1 Dahack, That the repo::ct of the Commi -:tee of Roads fo:c Wards Ho 4 and 5 be a,9ceDted. Carried. Moved by Coun DocksteaderJ Scc by Coun Dahack, Thatthe report .of' Road Conulli ttees,' for Wa:c'ds Ho. I, 2 and 3 be accepted, and thtLt the Cor·p~rate Sea·l be attached to the contl~c:t'.~ts m~ntionedo Carried.· The fo 110·'JIling notice \IaS Given by Coun Docksteader, -At C t~ next r(~gulhr L1eeting of this council, I v!ill introduce' Cl, J3y-l~n'\T ga.z- 'etting a Road ?long Ka.naJG3. CI'eek. ..-'. lEoved by Coun La:!. ty, S8cby Coun Dc1.hack, Th;.:tt tile. Council deem it .unnecespary to build a T0V1f.r.1 naIl at EaJnmond or any other place this year as:;:·t.he.J.p:c8Sen7. Hall is rr~li te adequate for all$Municipal i .~ i " J J I ~ i 1 ! I j pur po. se s. y.ea:si-:~aoun I/lcKi·L1i:1ey, TJai ty rH1d Da}1ackj Nays "Coun Docksteader and. the Re·e.veCarrie d. .• • '.;,.. ...a -c :J .~~ . ' .. ' Moved by Counoillor Dooksteader Seconded by Councillor Lai ty that Mr. Wileox'sRoad,.beat be made to extend one mi1e further West on Centre _ Seotion Line., Carried. lvlovedby Counoillor Dahaok seoonded by Counoillor Dooksteader that "Waad Committees for Wards No. 1, 2 & 3 be authorize4 to call for the outting out of the Section lines between 17 & 8 andl? & 18 also one half-mile on township line leading to A.Ritohie's l{a.noh. Carried. Moved by Counoillors Dooksteader Seconded by Councillor D~ack that the Oommunioation from H,Abbott,~sq: re Road at Warnook Station be referred to our Solioitors for the preparation of an agreement as stated. Carried. /: . . . Moved by Counoillor Lai ty Seconded by:) Councillor Dahack :chat' the li.oad Committees for Wards No. 4 & 5 ,call for tenders for ,40 ohains of di tohi,ng leading to Messrs MaoDonald &. Ferguson' s the tender. to be presented at next regular meeting, Also for the chopping ou:t of Ro·ad for40 chains leading. to Mr. Cook' 8 plaoe, Carried •. ;' - ' . Moved by Councillor Lai ty . Seoomded by Counoillor McKenny that the .H.oad Oommittee for Wara. 2 investigate the olaim. of Mr, Spring and report at nex~ meeting, Carried. . Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Dahaok that the Loan By-Law pass its first reading. Yeas Reeve and C.ounc111or J.)ocksteader, ,Nays. uouncillors Laity. McKenny & Dahaok -Lost. Moved by Counoillor Docksteader seoonded by.Co,uncillor Laity that the Communioation of Mr. Murray along with one of the assessment notioes -be' referred at once to our solic1 to~s and their advooe requested. Carried. , Moved by Uounoillor Dahaok secondea by Councillor Docksteader That the ~eeve issue a Cheque in favor of R. Kendriok for $25.0Q for River Hoad bridge repairs. uarried. ;, ' Moved by uouncillors Dahaok ·seoond.ea. by t;ounoillor Lai ty '.I'hat "the Clerk write to the president of the B. C. D,yking Co. infor.ming him that this Council has decided to have nothin'g to do wi th the Dyking of Pi tt Meadows. Yeas, Heeve &: Councillors :Lai ty & Dahack. Nays Councill- ors Docksteader &: McKenny. -Carried -. " Moved by Counoillor Laity Second.ed by Counoillor McKenny. That . the Exemption Tax By-Law pass. its first reaEling. Yeas Reeve and Lai ty & McKenny. Nays. Counoillors Docksteader 'and Dayhack. Carried. As a question of privelege by CounQillor Docksteader. Is it in order or is it discourteous for any member of this Council to request the Clerk to suppress from publioation"any part ,of th~ proceedure of the Council meetings, Answer; No it is not in or~er nor has any Councillor a right to do so nor yet would the Clerk be likely to do so even if requested. Moved by Counoillor Dahack. seconded by Councillor Laity. That the Reeve issue Cheques in favoul~ ot D. Dooksteader and Bri ti eh Columbia Gazette for $5.60 and $5.00 respectively in payment for bills presented at this meeting. -Carried.- Notice was given bypounoillor Hahaok ~o bring in at the next regular meeting a By-L~w for the re-appointment of Pathmaster for Ward No. 1 • Moved by Counoillor Dahack seoonded by Councillor Laity, That the Clerk id hereby instruoted to deliver to the Pitt Meadows land owners their peti tion presented on March ?th. -Carried.-.... _-'-. On motion Council adjourned E. J. Buok, C. M. c. Hector Ferguson Reeve COURT OF REVISION 1891. The Counoil met in the Town Hall at Mapl~ Ridge a~ a Court :of Revision on May,,2nd at 10 oclock in the forenoon to l1.ear the complaints against ,the assessment for the: year 1891,' The Reeve in 'the Chair. an'd '!DC 'p,resent Counoillors, Lai ty. Dooksteader, ,Stephens, an,d, Dahack. ' 'fhe following appeals were' read;' From D. C.Webber; A. L. LazenbYj J. M. Websterj A. Spr1ng;F. M. Newton; F. V. H~rris; C. p. N.Co: Wm lIsaao; Joshua Davies and W. J. Is~c., " Moved by Councillor Laity, 'seoonded by ,Councillor Stephens. That D. C. Webber's assessment be lowered $50.00. Yeas,. Reeve, Counoil19TS Laity. Stephens & Hahaok. Nays. Counoillor Dooksteader, Carried. Moved by Counoillor· Laity. seconded by Counoillor ,~ooksteader , That A. L. Lazenby be .placed on assessment Roll as requested ,for lots :No. ·785. ' 786, 787 and 788 also t~t W. G. Newt()D be assessed 'for' lot JIIl No. 784 at $100.00. C~rried. . , Moved by Councillor Docksteader. s_econded by Coun~illor Stephens That Mrs,. 'J. M. Webster and Robert Webster be assessed for East half of S~otion 13 'l'ownship 12 as requested. ' Carried., -Moved by Councillor Docksteader seoonded by Councillor Stephens " Tha A. Spring's assessment be reduced $100.00. Carried. Moved 'by Councillor Ddacksteader seconded by (Counc1,llor Stephens, that Miss. F. M. Newton's name be struck off the Roll for lot ?86 Hammond. Carried. ..,' Moved by ,Councillor Lai ty. se'con,ded by Councillor Docksteader, That F. V. Harris be struck off the Roll for Lot ?86 Hammo,nd. Carried. Moved by Councillor Laity. seconded by CounCillor' Stephens, That the C. p. N. Cols Assessment ~,be lowered $300.00 and that the assessment of 31 lots be ohanged to 25 lots, Carried. Moved by Counc1llorjl Docksteader, seconded by Councillor, Stephens ':That tha 8es'essments of W, Isaac, W. J. Isaac ~nd Joshua Davies remain the same, Carried. Moved by Councillor Doeksteader. seconded by Councillor Laity, That the Court of Revision be olosed and the asse~sment tor the year ~ 1891 be adopted as amended. Carried. E. J. Buck. C~ M. C. Hector Ferguson Reeye. --. , ----.. Council meetdng May 2nd. 1891. The fifth regular .meeting of the Municipal Council was held in the Town Hall.Maple Ridge on May 2nd. ~e91. The·Reeve in tlie Chair and present Councillors Laity, Docksteader. Stephens and Dahack. : The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. . . the·following Communications were r~ad. ~omFo Parrott of Hammond asking Co~cil to apply to C. p. By Co. for a crossing at the Town line West mf Hammond. From G. E. Corbould M. p. re Pitt River Bridge, From T. E. Kitchen M. p. p. re the Distriot App:t:opriation~. From. Aroh. Baillienotifying the Council that he would claim damages from the Council if a Fir tree standing opposite his· place fell across his land. From D. MoPherson asking t() have a road opetled to his plaoe, From J. Blaney asking·:bet :1·4· 7'· '.-' . a road( repaired. From Corbould· and lulcColl and Forin re bonds for officers ·and also the agreement with the C.p. R re Road. at Wharnock Station, also re validity of assessment notices. From Wm •. Smedley re Road leading to his lidme8t~a·d •. The following Bills were were read: From H, Bligh, ~ssessor $35.00 B.' C. Ga.z~tte. $5.00· advertis·in·g BY-Law, From Columbian $'7.20 for adver- tising Court of revisio~ Notioe; D~ Docksteader $3.8? for stationery and stamps; E. J. Buck $1.50 for satchel for Council bopks: steamer Gladys -15 ·cts· ·f,reigh-t· o:n iron;,,\.iLewis .. & Greig $23.27.for.·,·pr~·nt,i,ngetc; D. Mo·Pherson-$21.00 foX! wafti.ng' Ifor Capt. Jemett: ,. Co. ,-E. ".-.... r.,.· i , • " I . : : I-' •• )-':-( • -.' -r' ,-... I"" I'';' I.-,- ,·.The·'Road !Commi'tt.ee~ :fQ,r .Wa~ds llo •. 1, 2,&3 repor·t~d-jthatrr~~eYi had examin·ed the Roads in their respective Wards and reCQomended.. t4~t ·tel1-ders be called for the work required to be done as specifi;~d ,i,t;l ~b.e.'ireI>Ort·, also. ,that .R •. .Kendric.k' s_ 'cQ,ntr..acit on Lilloet BridgewaJ3 I,-&$atist~cto:rily completed .. and rreccomended;;paY}4e.nt foJ;', same and asked ~ha.t the ~f3_~curi ty money .be ,refundedr':Sign~d ·H •. cFe:rguson, A. B •. Docksteader.; Jos_,:_~teph~ns and E. Dahack. " '.r ! .. Co.uncillor Hahack .. ;asked [further ,time to 1nt~Qdu.ce:_~he. P~thn,lfl..ster' s By-La.w, ·0. '.,.!.. .. " . . 1'-.,. (-, .. --. ~ •. /~. . .• ' .~. _ .. J .. ,' .• . _Council~or ,.Dock~teader ~sk-ed fUJ'ther"ti{Il~. to . i~t:r;'o~:l'~l.qe. a"):s.y-~aYl ' Gazetting·the ~aka : Creek Ro.~d. ( The following By-Laws were_read: Appointment of Municipal Officers, Duties of Munioipal Officers •. and and. :Rev~l1l).~ BY-L~w-., ,.·~nd. t~~")~~emption ,Tax·.By-Law •... ,.. l • : \ _ •• '.:;.". ,"':::, ..• ' .. , Moved by COWlcillor ,Laity. seconded PY. G9un(:1~.l,or, D9ckste.~4~r. '1'hat t.he Revenue ,By-Law. pass. its .f'irst reading,-Ga:rr~~~.~ ....... i i ,_. Moved by . Councillor. Docksteader seconded by Coun9i~:J..or St~phen~~, That the By ... Laws,.for .,Appointment of 14unicipal O:ffi9ferl[:J"andI>u~~~~ ot Municipal ·Officers .. pass._ the~r .third reading. -Carried-~rT 0 •• _ .... Moved. ,by Co.uncillol' _ Lai ty., seconded by Councillor," S.~ .. ephe;r:u~., That I. the Exemption: T~ ,BY-Law pass, its second reading. L()~~-, ., .. " <re ~.':' "Moved by_~-Councillcp~: .Docksteader seconded by coun~iiior Laity-"Th~t -·the Applicatfon I of F. Parrott. 'be forwarded to H. Abbott., Superint,endent rC. p. R.. . i'· _ '.~_-., '. ., .'.. " ,~, ......... ,._b ~~,'r :" ; Mo ve d-by. Councillor. Doc~st.eader seconded. by C9~q;11or ~af~.y. that ·the Road. COIQDlittee ~or._Wa;r,d N9.-4 be author~~ed to p~t, .. in· gO.99. .~~pai~ the gates and fence at the Cemetel"Y. 1 Carried. ~ . ,'r _,' . ~. ._ Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Counc~llor Laity, that the Reeve issue ·an' ··order in favour of H. Bligh for $35. '00. 'in' paymemt 1·48 ot services as assessor, Carried. Moved by Councillor Dooksteader ~eoonded by Co~oillor S~ephens, ,That the Reeve issue a'a'cheque in favoul'" of'R. Kendrick fOl' $58.00.: in payment of work on Lilloet Bridge, Carried. , The Following Tenders were read:. for'oonstruoting.a,ditoh on the Town Line; From Jno. Blaney $5.50 per chain. From J. J. Wi~son & S~uel Edge @ $5.50 ,per chain,' From McPherson & McDona1d @ ,$5.00 pe~ chain. . . , . 0 For cutting and logging roac:l from E. C. Se~'tion 18 running N~r~h to Kanaka Creek; From H. Bligh @ $4.00 per ohain; from~. De11@ $3.95 per ohain & A ,Ri tchie @ $2. 50 o~township line between 12 ? 15 .. , For cutting and . logging r'oad from North: W~st corner of' Section 8 running East,BO chains as per specifications:.'. ' , From H. Bligh @ $3.50 per 'chain, E. D!11 @ $3QOO per chain, n Jno. Owen @·$2.'75 per chain.,. A. Rttchie,$2.95 per ohain. "wm. Dell,@,$3.50 per ch~in.· " Moved by Councillor Docksteader, seconded by COUl,1cil~or ~tephens, That the Tender of Ferguson & McDonald be accepted for ditching on the Town Line, ; Carriep..: ,,, Moved by Councillor lIDahacf, seconded by Councillor po~kstea9.~r, ~ehat A Ri tchie t s tender tor work on,' Town Line between Township 12 & . 15 be acoepted. Carried. ~. , ,,' , Moved by Counoillor 'Docksteader swconded by Council,lor:Dahack That the tender.of .Jno. owen be accepted for the work ,on road from N.W,.oor, Sec 8 running East 80 chains Township 15. Carried. .. Moved by Councillor Dooksteader seoonded by CoUnci'llor D8.hack, That E, Dell be a.warde4 th,e contract' for .work running North from ,'H •. tBligh's corner to Kanaka Creek. Carried. " , ". Moved by. Counoillor Docksteader seconded by Councill.or step~ens. That '. the Road Commi ttee for wards No. 1. 2 & 3 be authorized to o.all :for tendersfor the work specified in their report of May 2nd, 1891. Carried. . , Moved by Councillor·'Dooksteade1~ seconded by Councillor' Stephens, That the Reeve issue an order in ta~or of E. J. Buck for $l.50~(pay ment ·for satchel for Council Books) Lewis & Greig $23.27, .. Columbian $?20. B. C. Gazette $5.00, D. Docksteader $3.87" T. F. Sinolair $?5 cts. 'Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Stephens,. That Communioations from G. E •. _ Corbould M. p. and T. E. Kitchen M.P.P. be : recei ved and 1*b1li placed on file. ' Carried. . , Moved by Council10rjll·Laity seconded by Councillor St,ephens. That the Hoad Committee of'Wards No. 4 and 5 be authorized to' call. for tenders for· the work specified in their report' of. April 4,' Carried. Moved by 'CoUncillor Laity seomnded by Councillor. Dahack, That, the Road Committee of Wards No. 4&5 be: authorized ,to have, constructed a new double closet· placed on the Munioipal Lot ·tor MuniCipal purpo,ses, also a l'few Bullet in Board for Hall. Carried. Moved by, Counoillor Dooksteader Seconded by Councillor Dellack, ~'hat the . communi cation of A .. Eaillie •. D. McPherson. and Wm. Smedley, be'ref- erred 1;,0 the R~ad Committee to report on at the nest meeting.-:'Ca:rri~d. , (Moved by Councillor Laity: seconded by Councillor Dooksteader. that the Clerk prooure a new Collector's Roll for the present year, Carried. On motion Council adjourned. · E. J. Buck, c. M. C. ,J' Hector F~rguBori. Reeve. . 14,9 Council meeting June Bth. 1891. The Sixth regular meeting-of the Municipal qOUncil was held' in the Town Hall on Saturday June 6th. 1891" Present the Reeve, and Counoillors Laity,' Docksteader, Stephens, Dahack :and Mc Kinney. The Minutes of the Court of Revision meeting and of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communications were read trom:- H. Abbott re o:cossing west of Hammondj from Jno. Sprott re the Dist- rict appropriation and the amount set KKk apart for Maple Ridge Municip- ality; F~omCorbould.McColl.W1lson & Campbellre the Court of Revision. also re the Council closing roads, re r~turn of Assessment Holl and fix- ing a date for the. payment of taxes; re .... BBa~ unneoessary risks to life or property' .on the public highways and in reference to Sections 203 ~d 2040t the MunicipalAot of 1891. From Jno. Hammondasking if hogs are prohibited f,rom running at large by any Munioipal By-Law. From Laz:enby :Bros. asking permission for the owners of S. S. Delware also from the owners of'the Gl.adys to, erect a wharf' or freight shed on the water frontin Hammond on the Street known as Melville St. From A. Spring asking an appropriation on the Anderson Road. From Jno. Smith 'asking for an appropriation to, open a ditch in front ot his' pi ... Lot. ]tlrom J. M, -Webster:and Jos. M1ghton asking an appropriation on Section line betw- ee'n Sections 13 and 14. From Samuel Edge' asking for the bounty on wild anomals as having killed a Cougar'on 1st. instjFroDl JnO. Ritchoe and ? others asking for a road to be opened from Kanaka-Creek bridge to West t Section post of Section 10, thence 1 mil~ on t Section 12. From wm. Park- inson asking for application to be made to H. Abbott for a orossing on Section l'1ne about t of a mile East of Port Haney~ From J. J. Wilson call.ing attention to the unsafe oondition of the bridge on the Wilson Hoad opposit Mr, Thomas Plaoe. Fro~ Port Haney Brickmm~e and Terra Coo:ja Co. asking that the road be repaired which runs·between the two brick yards. From A. G. Beggam and 38 others asking that a, road be openedfrom Whonnock Station to connect with the road at Bakers corner. From the ew~e~s-e: land owners of Pitt Meadows asking a preliminary survey :to be made by, the COUDo.ll.. " The following bllls were read: From G.' W. Henry $3.00 for work done on road by From Columbian $2~.95 for advertising &0. B. C. Gazette $10.00' advertising 2 By-Laws. The following reports were read: Fr'om the Road Committee of Wards No. 1, 2 & 3 stating that tenders had 'been called for several wards but reccomended that the works mentioned in the reports be done by days work-expending the respeot'lle sums of' money as speoified in the report for eaoh. From Wards No. 4 & 5 stating that they oalled for tenders on several works but reocomended that the works'named in.the reports be done by days .arks expending expending the sums of money speoified for each. Tenders were received ~e. and read' for the following works: The following By-Laws were Read: The Revenue By-Law:-The Maple Ridge Highway By~La"l and The Road Beat ~endment By-Law. Tenders werereoeived and read for the following'works:-speciried in the: reports of May 2nd amd April 4th., . Moved by 'Councillo'r Laity. seconded by COWlcillor Dooksteader. That t the Road Beat IIp.elnment By-Law and the Highway By-Law pas,s~'-their first reading, Carried. ' Moved by Councillor vooksteader, seconded by Counci1lor Stephens, Thatthe Wild land tax clause be struok out of the" Revenue By-Law, Carried" Moved by Counoil:-lor Dooksteader, seconded by Coun-"cillor Laity. That th~.rate'ln the Revenue By-Law be One (1) percent, Carried. Moved bY'Counoillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Laity, That the Revenue :By-Law pass i.ts ~econd iteae.~R@ and th:ird readings, Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader' seconded by Councillor Stephens, That the Hoad Beat Amendment By-L~w pass' its second reading, Carried. Moved by' Councillor Docksteader seconded by Counc'illor Stephens, That Contract 'No. 1. pn Centre Section Line be awarded to Jno, Carlson as per hiS tender $19?OO, Lost. :.: , Moved by Councillor Bahack seconded by Councillor Lai ty. That· the Counpil adjourn untill 10 oclock o'n Monday June 8th , in amend- ment it was moved by. Councillor ~eke~eae.ei' Stephend seconded by Counoillor Dockst·eader that the Counoil adjourn untill. 3 oclock on Tuesday June 9th~Amendment lost. Original motion Lost." ' .Moved by Councillor· Dooksteader seoonded'by Councillor Stephens 'l'hat Contract eR l!c. 2' on the Lillo'et Road be awarded to Jno. Ritchie as per his tender $585.00. Lost. : Moved by Councillor Dahack 'seoonded by Councillor Laity, That ~he petition of the Pitt Meadows Land owners be not granted and that the Clerk accordingly. notify Mr. W. J. Harris. Carried • . On motion Council adjourned until1. 3 oclock on Tuesday June 9t~. Council met on Tues~ June 9th at 3 oclock pursuant to adjouna ent, the Reeve in the Chair and allthe Councillors present.· Moved" by Counoillor Laity seconded by Counoillor· McKinney, That the Oouncil for.minto a Committee of the whole to discuss the expen- diture on roads for the present year. 0 Carried.' . The'Councl'l fonned into a Committee of the whole with Councillor Stephens in 'the chair. . ~ . !he report submittedc by 'the Committee was that.no ~atisfactol'Y conclusion was arrived at. Om motion the Council resumed,with the ordinary routine of business. ~ . "Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor' Stephens That the Heeve be authorized to: employ a surveyor to locate the Kanaka Creek and Smedley Roads and also the road. through Lot 403 Township 12. Carried , . Moved by Councillor Laity, seconded by Councillor McKinriey, Thatthe conununication fromJ. Sprott be aclmowledged and placed on f1le also that of H. Abbott placed on file. Ca.rried.' Mo.ved by Councillor Docksteader. seoonded by Counoillor Stephens That the Road Committee for Ward 3 be authorized to repair the bridge on the Wilson ~oad. Carried • .. Movea 'by Counoillor Dahack. seconded by Co~c1llor Laity, that lIlr H. Abbott be ,~Bked to place a orossing about t o.t" '80 mile East of Haney. C~rrled. ' . . , Moved by Counoillor Daback. seconded by CoUncillor Laity, That the Clerk be authorized to have 500 for.ms of tax notice printed. Carrd. , . MoveCi by Councillor Lai tY-ijl seconded by Co.unc1l,;Lor·McKinn~y. That the request of Lazenby Bros Re j~rs. Deleware and Gladys be gr~nted, the Delaware to occupy a spaoe 20 feet wide" to the West side of ·the end of Melvill.e St. and the Gladys occupy a space" of 20 feet to the East. side of, the end of the. street. !he sheds and struct-ures to be . subject to removal at any t1me by an order from the CounCil, Carried " ." Mo'fed by"'Coun'o111or~'Docksteader sec"Onde'd'byCoun'o'tllor "Dalfack, That the Clerk communicate with the insp'ectc;r -of' Fi'sher'ieca. "re'questing him to tak~ such steps as will put a stop' 'to"'Indfans ne'tting t'Tout in the Lilloet rl'iTer'.'and" the" Kan~ka Creek, Also t·o furnf'sh,,<tne "In'speo-, -, tor 'with~ the names of six" farmers on each 'whovtlll"'b-e ltke'ly ·to aid in ""the eh'fcircementu , of' the Law'in that resP'ec't, 'Carried.'" """" · "MO'ved by: Councillor Lai ty seoonde'd :by Co'unoil.l'o'r :pa:hack." -T'hat' an "o',raerb,e "drawn o'n the'Treasury f9r $2~ 50! payable JSamue'l .Edge'~s 'bounty 'on" wl-1d animal's ... · in fafour" of the Coluznhi"an$22. 95 'for publl'cat'i-on' & t?~ ',~~ ,_ .~. _ ~~ze:~~~~~: ?~O. 00. and G. ~ W, Henry $3~.~~., "' Carri-e'd.-. -:." , ,,-~oved -by,Co:unoil1or Dahack seoonded, by" Counoil-l8;r ·-Do·okst·eader, That ·the 'Clerk-'cozrimuntoate~ wi th R.W. Annstrong asking him to remove Et smali shaok ,fro'm Town Line' opposite his ranch," Carried. Moved by Couno1lio'r Lai ty seconded by CounQillor MoKinney, ~That ,~,~e Cler~' not,ify" .rohn Hammom.d th~t hogs _~unni>n,g ,at,; la~~e Is~ oontrary to By-Law and d~~ges done can beoolleoted'QY l.ay:i,ng a, oomplaint to the <Reeve.' '-'Car_~i~d!.· :-,~-.. c" j -, Moved by:, Counoillor Bahack seconded byCounoillor 'Stephens, That the tollowing :'pathmasters -be appoint'ed feJr th~.i'r ~especti ve We.;p.a.8---- Hoad~JBeai:e:' 'A-.. -B:eggam.,-Wm.-Oliver. T. ~icks.t P" 'calder,-' W. Dell, H Bligh." "-J.' Owenj -G. E. 'Smith. T. _~Armstrorig. ~~s.'.;'Jlilso'n~·A.' Docksteader 4. F~rguson • .r. Carlson,' Aroh. Baillie. 'Robart Blackstock. Wm., Hampton, -Jas ... lrving,':G., W. Henry, :r. Cai1ghan.S. Robertson, W. Parkin son , T. ,~osor.nworth,.:r. Ritchie, W. An sell , :r. We~st~r,M. Wilcox, and D"Mc Ackney. 'Carrcled. " ':.', :" '.' _' ~ ~'r • ') :." ,": .,' , Moved by Counoillor Laity seoonded ,by' C,o,unoillor ,McKinney, That the RuleELoi' ,Order be suspended for Councillo'r "Lai'ty tC): t'ntroduoe the Road Tax BY-Law, Carried. , '. The"'Road-Tax,By-Law was read 'i ts 'fi'rs't 'reading.' - Moved by, Counoillor Dooksteader seoondedby Coupoillo.r Laity, That expendi t'ureT of .. Revenue" and Go-v:ernment money be, apliro'prfated as followson roads in thi So' Munictpali ty for I t~~ s, ,ye'ar'; , W:~r'~ N~. 1, $85''7.00. Ward No. 2 $845.00., ,War'd Ho.' :3 $13'79.00., Ward No. 4' 8908'-00." Ward No. 5 uax $644.50 •. q~rr,ied,,:yeas Counoi110rs, Nays, the Re'~ve;.:- Moved by Counoillor Ste'phens' seoonded by Co'uncillOr Docksteader, fhat the Road T~ By-~~~ pass its first" r'ead~:pg". Ca):"ried~'" <::--, - . ,- Moved by' Councillor'Laity seconded by Councillor MoKinney, That all perso'ns 'resIding' on' or 'o'c'oupying thefr plaoe's,' be allowe'd'to work out one half their taxes for the preseny year under the direotion of the pathmasters of their re.peoti ve Baads @ $2. 00 ,~per' day ·of ,10, hours, eaKh -pathmaste,r' to notify ali persons one weekbefor~ commenoimg work. Carried. Moved by Co.unoillor Laity seconded by C.o~cil~6r McKinney,: That The Clerk not1'f'y ther pathrllasters of their appointments' also that all persons' re~fusing to~ -work after one week's notioe is given must pay in cash. Also that patrunasters must make re~urns befQre September lst./91 or otherwise it will be disallowed'.. carried. '" '. " Moved by Couno,illor Dahack seconded by Councillor Stephens, That A. Beggha' -be awarde'd contraot on Station Road at ,Wharnook @ 90 It per chain and H-. 'Bligh contract on Road between Seot'ions 7 and 8 at $100.00. and Wm Oli vel' authorized to spend ~'50. 00, on Wharnock road an_d, __ T. Hicks $90.00 on correction line hills and P Calder$25.00 on Ball's road under the instructions of the Road Committee. Carried.' 'Moved by Counoillor Dooksteader seoonded by Councillor Stephens That Contract No 7 be awarded to :r. M. Webster @ $275.00. No. 6 R. Thompson @ $25.00. No. 4 W'. H. Ansell @ $6.00 per cha:in. No 3 to A. Baillie @$S.OO pEr chain, No. 10 A. Baker @ $30.00. No. 11 ~. Baker @:$4~.,OQ~Sp~lls~,ury R9ad to A. Beggam @ #2.4,0: pe_r chai.n. Contract :No l,$lOO~ OO .. ,,:Uo.' 15 $65 •. 00. No. 12 $159.00 ,)t9 ... b~ .exp~p.d~d. by days· work @$2. 00 per day by the pathroasters, \unde~ ,~h~ supe,rvi,~ion of _the ;) ; ~oa~dC9~ltteeJ;: C~r~ied, Yea.s A;ll C0l:ID;<;)illo .. rs,., ;N,ays_~e_e,v~,... '., !~,' : ,Move.d:,?y, C<?,unc illor _ Dockst~ader ~~c.on~~7dby _qq~cillor S,tephens That Contract No. 13 be awarde~ A, Spi':ing @ :$45.00" :'l',:h~tJ;no:. Carlson " be authorized ,·;toexpend. ~p400. 00: on Cont~act .No,.·2. -·J"ames. Cr~ei,ghton ~ :.,$125. OO~· ,-on J.[a.1tclhnsl Road.~ D. S. MoAonn,ey $2·ff.,oo· 'o'n .McAchney :Hoad @ ';' ·$2.pcE·J>~~: day, under. the s1ilp8rvi,~ion of,· ·.the ~oi8:~d' CO-~,i:tte.e" •. Ye,as. all Councillors Nays, R~eve •.. Carried. i 1 " : -, ,,'~ • _ Moved by Councl"llor Lai ty seoonded by' Co\iricillor -]jock"steader ,. That:-.. ~4~· .. f'oll~'~r:f?; appropriatio~s be ~rante~ ~a.-~.~ ~h.~.; C.qyun .. J.t.,t.ee empo- ._ were,d ~o get ,C9n~r~ots. signed a~cordingly also to instruct the path- , master's' to expend' the grants ment'ionede In Ward No. 4 Contract No 1 awar.ded Jno. 8mlth'@ $28.00. , No. 2. k. Tilley~:$3~.,OQ •.• 'No,.,3,H. Tille~ $37. OO~ t .. , No. 4, E. ,~ope $12. qO., ~o. 7 R.: ·.Reddeoll/tf' $26'.l·00.~,. ~blip .', :Road' ~() ).an4ing'. $~9. OQ. t, B~~ dge ~-.on th~. ':;s'am~;; ro~~~-:$lO. o.O~·, .T.OW1l, Line and Bridge 350'.00. t Samuel Edge's Road $50.00., .Bla,ck~toc.;k, ~oad .. ~.".$25 .• ::QO_.:~:, ;~ridg~: . .;on ,North .Li-~10etl$400 •. .o9.: Tq~,~~' '$.7Q~. 0.9,. ''''' .. : .. ,' . '. ,In /Ward . .l~p. "5C.o.nt.ract, Ifo •. 1:, awardf),d Jas~ .. Dale @$'7.6,. 5,0, •• , No. 2 Jas.: /Dfile '@ :$'49. 00., 1'1:0 ..... 5 Jas. Dale"'@ $30(j • .90~:;. ) Bons,q~ ,$:40.00 , ,McKinil"ey .~Joa~d:,,'$i50'. O~O_.,t t Ro.ad ne~~ Anders:ons :at' Hatnm9'n,a $·:sb. OO,~' " -. .-Yeas 'a.ll' th(e' ~CoUnc.fll.o,.r,st ,Nays Ree<ve'. 'Ca:rrfed~-/. I.':' i"· J '. L .'~q;Vti;d ~y'( b~q~_c.iJo.llor ~,cKin~.~y' se'do~ded;c by Counc"1110r Dockst'eader That all. Contractors are requested to depo(si t lOpercent! of amount ;of tCon'trac't' f~ !the' "ro!ad 'Corami t'teets' han(il-s as ~. gaarant'ee, 'for "thEr 'f'Ull- filment of Contract, Carried. : .~ 'c', , " .. t~" f. ~'" . '. On "p19't~~ri 'Co~,oi1' ,a;qj ~~ned.'~ "--'",, -' 'He;Btor' Fe~guson ., t, ·.r E .,·, "J. B"uck. 'c. M. c. (Re'eve.' . , , 6, ••••• ' ••• ' .••••••• ' ••.•• ' •••••• : .'''. ~ •• ' • ' •• - - - - -~ ---.~. I~ -~,-,---' ~ ~. ~ -~ - - - - - --. ---- - - - - - - A· speoiai-meeting of' the Munioipai"Councll','wfl.s heid' iri'-the Town Hall on Monday June 15th, @ 7.30oclock, to draft'-Pa-thinasters·lis'f,s 'and to' conside'r the> advls1bil1 ty~· 'ot purchasing' scrape're" for' the 'Mtmi- oipa~~f~~;~~v:' ~t.s 'ih' th~ :~air ~d p~~sen~ C~~~i~~~r~ ~ai ~; •. ~~. -Kinney~ " ·Stephens·r and" Dahack~ , :,-, , . •. <'. ¥oye~,_ \ly,' 9C?~~~~~9r 'ta~ ty S~c~nde~ 'l)y~.:·~~.~C?,it~or~·:DB.haok~ That' ,.' the Clerk send ~ list to the pathmaster·s sta~ing., the n~ber ot days work' eaoh person is entitled to perform;,· al·so that,,'he' in-ronn' pathffias- teBs th_~:t ~hei;r list~ mu~t. b~ re_turned . .to the~ Cler~ .by ~UJ..yt 25th/9l. , The .. Co:u~~il~o.r of each ward to -s~upply .the Cl'erk wi th th'e mames' of all persons in his ward who ,are residents and entitled to ~ork one '-half' the·ir :JtiJral .taxes. Carried •. ' ; .' ,':' .". ; Mov~d by Councillor" Dahaok secon_ded by· Councillor Stephens • ; T~at ~the Clerk purchase~ one scraper for::,.the. Municipali·ty, Carried. \ " I r ~ .. . -' - " .. On motion the pouncil adjourned,' L' J' •• ' • •.• I ~ _ ... : .: l,.' .:. : J , -- .-. E. -J'. ,Buck L,Hector Ferguson. c. M. C. Reeve. . ." '\ 153 Council Meeting July 4th. 1891. " .. ','. '-The seventh regllllar meeting of th'e Maple Ridge Ml:lni~ipal Council held in the Town Hall on Satursay July 4th. ~e Reeve and'all"the':'Counoillors wae,pres.ent •. :' .,'., The minutes of last re'gular a.nd speoial meet,ings wer~,.,read and a do p t e d. ' r' -,',' , . r, , " ,'; , The following Comrilinications were read; ," From Adam Dockst'eader calling the .atteptio~ qf ~he. Council to dangerous state of a bridge' 'on the Lilloetroad. ',. From .Tames Irving wi th ,refer~:noe tq' th.e ,oond:i ~i~P.9f t~e road in 'th:e big I slide.':" .. ,'" , ..' , , From Jno. 1l4oNab. In,speotor of fishe'ries c'onveying':his "thanks 'to the Counc11·~·fo'~ direo't~ng,h'ts attention 'to" the iliegal' ffshing prac- tioe' in the Li-l'loe·t "",ri vert " ' From James' Crawford' stating that he will give" a . right,-of-way , • , • '. ~ I" • J • ) ~ .; • • .' , , , along_the ~Qrth J?an~ ,o~ Kan~.ka Creek f~:r; 8:~oad. l.1?r:~v,tded .. ~;~get an equal amount' of land at the baok of his lot. ., ~ .. ~ From. John Rftchieoffering, t:o oo~~ly '?fi th .':rJI'r •.. ·, 'Cr~~p*,d! s' request. From Arrnstrong ... EQ~ste~1J. and. Q-aynqr, ~91i9i t,o·.z.-s· ,of' ;E.,' .:pah'ack stating that:, it' ~ny _,ao.t.iQl?-,l;l,e ta~~p by, ~he . 9oun:~~~;1 .. ~~o,. ,olo;s:e. c l,he road along~ the _ SQutp,ern ':bound~:ry, .. of Seotion 16 Township 12 they wi11 insti- tute prooeedings to prohibit the Council from doing so. From David MoPherson prote~t,ing ~gainst c.lo,s:i,.ngr:~he :,rpad immed- iately South' of Sections 15. 16 ~~d 17 TownshIp" 12~', ,,:". ,. :~:' ., . ]j'rom W. H. Aneel1 asking an extention' of one month" S ... t':iln:e for the.comple~io,n qf~i.s._o,on.~r,aot., " ""., .:',: .... ",1;: .. 1 ,l,,:' '.:'.';.'", .'. ~ .F:r:QJP. H~,. Abb.ott .stating that he had gi ven orders -to cut all thisties 9t?-.. the ,.Rai~Vfay. Ri@it-of~W;ay. ~ : ., .:': . 'i""~':' " "r:',~' ,~ .. : . Mr Abbott also referred to the railway oross,i~g :West' ,o,f Hammond 'station . grQ~nds and stated that 'he oould. riot' find allowance'. 'for a crossing at the p~aoe re~~~~ed to~ . ,; .. ," ',,' ': . '. ,:ij'~qJl?-Georg~'.Vf~lded.a,t?-.q. others asking to o~ntt~lue t;h~ r,oad betw- een Seotions 17: and 17 '.i'ownship 15 I\forth'to the Centre Seurtion line. " . 'From.' J ~rr.· Wilso'n ca,s'king for repairs on the"Wi'lsol1 Road. . From W. S • .Temmett' atlomi tting his report on .the Kan'a}('~" Creek . ROad' aiso' road to" North 6tSectiori' 9 betwe'en .·Se·o't'ion's.,9 and" 16. Tp. 12 • . Mr Kemmett 'also 'ha.n9.ed ih. his Fi'eld not"es oh-"th'e 'proPos'ed' 'road 'thro-ugh Section:9 Township 12." J ' ,. ~, .. '" .',' , • From E. J. Buck asktng permission to appoint p. Murray as his substitute during his absenoe. " The foilowing aocount s were' I read:;~ , ". r ,I . , ,'. : '. D. Lyal & C9 . Sta tionery $4.' 35~' A.' "Sprin'g',' 'Apprqa'oh" to ; b:ri'dge" '$5;OO~ Government printing' :$6.50.\/ E, 'J'; Bu'o-k" S~at'ary $31.:50' Freight '25cts. J. :si:' Cherry-'Law~ services -$5.00 •. D." D(fO'ks't'eader'~Stationery &' stamps' $2.47. R~ :'Kendrick. Team,ing' '$2.'5'0.' , ',' : -;',1_:, ,I, The Road CQmmi ttee' of Wards INo .. 4' and '5' 'lll'ade;' the'-fo11owingreport. , ~ • '-I John'u Smith" Contraot ~ comp1ete'd, aoc'ordingto :spec-l:fioa'tlon on July~ 2nd. Amo~nt, due' $28. OO~. Edmurih Pope's contraot -. oompleted'"-June 16th amount t due $12.50. ' '-Road" to Public Wharf "by days wo'rk amoullt 'due (Pope) $ 40.00,. James Dale contract oompleted according'··to·-speo ffi oat ion:' June' 25'" Ainount' due '':'$85.00;'' : u • -Ro·ad. .. ·9:~J:I?lli tt~e ~f JlarQ.' s 1. 2 ans 3 repor~ed, a's .fOllOW'S"; , • 0 ,. '. Aa srnall'.·bridge! on. w:J.:J.son roa.d oonstruoted' by 'J. '. J. Wilson " Amount due":i $8.00 0 .' . ' " , :.' · · , ':~Mr~ Ol Spr~ngt s c6n~raot ':. 60mpleted July 1st" hio'unt r~ue··' $4'5.00 • . , ~ . , ~ Thcnne:s":Arms'trong {has\'expende~ by ~ys ·~~f~.:-9·n,·.~ f~ ve~ rQ#.~,4·~~13:5. 50. ,; \ ., ,! . ,1. A!'ohibald Bailie has expended by::,.~a,yS work on Central Seotion line $100.00. T. Hioks has, eJtpended o,n Correotion line $90.00': ,'., . . ,. ~e t ~ , Q,l,d~:r; .. ()'~'( 'qa:ide~ . ~:o ad $'2 J 5. 00,. J ': • : ,'. J. ," " " " Ales R1tch1e comp1etl.on of oontraot $10'2.50 E, Dell :;~,: ' !' " 205.40 ~ .. ~egg~ , , ' "1 " ". n ']:.8".9',0- 'Ali of 'Which p~~ents 'were recoomended.'" '. r ,. ,..--_."'. ...... ":" .,', ~ ,',r I FOllOwing'cisJ:~>'~ei-bat~ record: of the motions and:'resolu~ions OO~t;1+~~re<:t ,?Y., ~l.?-e ~,;CoW10)t~l: -,:,~" ! " --' :,,': i ' '" , . Moved r by ::,C,otincillor, Do,c~steader seconded by Counoillot Stephens J that 'an 'addftlon"al',c'lause b'e" put in the Highway By-Law Gazetting a roacl f;Oteet wi_~e\" on' the ,line running Horth a.nd South betw,een },ot. s ' 40f"arid"398 . .'T:O~viu~h1p':-:1'21.Carried.,' ;' ',"', '--' .. 1,. , , 'Move~d'by'\' Co\jDo1il6t' Docksteade;r seconded by C0W;1c11.J..O'l'. La~;b-Y That Road Be~t,Amei:!<k~,~,~_~.,.t~y ."h?l:,~~" ... ~~e __ J.?a~~e.<?-.. J tljJ'thfr,d rea,~1ngr, \ ~Cazrd. Moved 1?Yr 90unQiltQr Do,c){eteade,r 'second~,d 'bY,;Counc,i;Llor"Stephens. That 'Highway l?y-l;aw'~; P.~' pal;S~'ed its: Seconf readi'rfg " " LO',at.h .,.." , "Moved by:, CO'unQ~+',l,1.Qr no cksteader seconded by COUnclllor St'ephana, That the Reeve'~ l'ssth~~" a chequ'e in favour of E, J. Buck for $3'7. '75 as per his bill J .. , .-Carri1e'Ci. ',' '.' . Moved by CouncllloI' Doc:tsteader seconded 'bt' '.Counolhllo,r 'Stephens. Thatthe Reeve i seue a chwque in favol' of D. Webber f'or"$50.00' half years' saiary~ .'" Ca:rri'ed~" '-~i, :":,"'" Moved by Councillor Docksteader, secmnde'd by 'Co un'ct'll'o r' St'ephens. That Rep'ort o'f Hoad 'C'omm1t·tee of Wards 1. 2 & 3 be' accepted' and recc- omendations therein contained be complied with. ' Carried. - ----, Moved by, Councillor Dahackseconded by Councillor' Docksteader, That James Creighton be awarded the Contra(:t on road :-leading: to Lockwood and ,De1atur itJDUl ranches '.$65.00. . ,Carried. .-., -Moved':by'rCouncill'or'-Lai'ty, sec'onded by Councillor' Dahac~" That the Road Comni'i tt'e'e' s 'report ot Wards 4 and 5 ,be accepted and Vouc- hers i ssiled for the 'amo'unts' 'due. Carried. " J,\Jloved by Counc1ll0r,e Docksteader Seconded by Councillor Lai ty, That'the Reeve\ andCl'erk' is'sue vouchers in favor of partie's named in Hoad Committee' s Re:pOrl~t 'for' 'Ward 1,2 and 3. for the" amount's, therein stated, Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader, seconded by Councillor Stephens, That W. H •. Anse1l be granted an extention of one month's time on' his Contract ,as per his request~"' Carried.- Moved· by Councill,or Do'cksteader seconded, by Coun.cillor Dahack, That the· Road CoriUni ttee fot<Ward" No ~ 2 call -for" tenders to be in in 10 days for' the c'oristruction ,of a bridgeo,n, Wilson road with power to award, contraot, limiyed to$200 • .Q,O.· ,Carried~, .':' : Moved by, Co.uncillor Laity seconded, by. Councillor McKeriny That Mr. ,A. Mc' Covie13, .tender. for ,$446.7:5 fo,r" building Bridge a,cress,' the North Lilloet : be' .. accepted and the Hoad Cornmi ttee ,to met Contract , signed acc'ordingly .... , Carried. ' Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Stephens. That the"Reeve issue .vouchers in fa~our of :R,. Kendrick for $2.'50 D. Lyal &~ Co. $4.35,., B. C. G.azette for $6. 50. D •. Dockst~ader $2.4'7 in payment· of bills-presented at this meeting. . ,Carried.." , ,Moved by Councillor DO.cksteader seconded by CO.unc,illorLafty, That the Clerk conununicate 'wi th Mr Cherry askin'g him send a detailed statement of' hi s 'claim'. r Carried. . '. Moved by Councillor I.ai ty seconded by Councillor McKenny. That the communications from Mesers Jemmett. Abbott. McNab. Crawford. Ritchie and Ackstein.Annstrcbng & Gaynor be'placedon file. Carried. Moved by Councillors Lai ty seconded by Councillor Docksteader. That the Clerk· notify all pathmasters that any hogs, Bulls,Stallions and Rams running at large on the Public Highways. to lay complaints to the Reeve that the penalty for violation of By-Law be inforced. Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Laity. That the Comnlunication from Jamee Irving be referred to Road Committee for Ward 4 with power to act limiting expenditure to $20.00. Yeas Councillor Docksteader and Laity. Nays the Reeve and Councillors McKenny. Stephens .and'Dahack, Moved by Councillor Lai ty. seconded by Councillor 11cKenny, That the Clerk communicate with Mr. Abbott asking him to gravel the road through, the Company,s ground at Hammond to conneot Vii th the public road at either end and that has been lately gravelled. Carried. Moved by~,Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Laity, That the Reeve issue,an order 1Kx in'favour of James Webster for $2.00 Bounty on Bear, Carried. Moved by Councillor Doc~steader Seconded by Councillor McKenny, That Road Tax By-Law be passed'its 2nd and 3rd readings. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stephens seconded by Councillor Dahack, That the Clerk write Mr Abbott asking him to have K cattle guards put in at the switch at port Haney Brick ~8rd. Carried. Moved by Councillor Dahack seconded by Councillor Stephens, That the Reeve be authoeized to ~ave the Agreement between the Corporation and the C. 'p. R. re Whonnock road properly signed. Carried. Moved by Councillor Laity seconded by Councillor McKenny That Mr. Murray b,e authorized to act as Clerk instead of E. J. Buck during his absence according to Mr. Buck's request. Carried. ' Moved by Councillor Docksteader Seconded by Councillor Stephens, 'Tha.t the Clerk infonn Adam Docketeader (Pathmaster) to repair bridges on his road with the taxes to be worked out for this year as there are no funds, Carried. , Moved by Councillor Lai ty seconded by Councillor McKenny, That the Clerk notify the pathruaster Mr. Annstrong to'repair the slide road at the West end with part of the yaxes to be laid out in his 9,eat. Carried. r ~he following,notice was given: I hereby g~ve notice that at the next regular meeting of the Council I will introduce a By-Law gazetting a road running up Kanaka Ceeek and also the Road between M7. Haney and Mr. Hinch's ranches. A. B. Docksteader. Moved by Councillor Docksteader, seconded by Councillor Stephens that the Council adj ourn, Carried. E. J. Buck, C. M. C. H.' Ferguson. Reeve. :156 Auglilst 1st le9l. The eighrh reglJ.lar meeting of the Council was held in the town Hallcon August 1st. Memb~rs pre~ent the Reeve ~nd all the Councillors. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Communications were read as follows: Suu®ons upon a garnishee, Docksteader Vs Dell for the recovery of $60~4?· . From Samuel Edge asking to retain $10.00 from the amount due Mr. Dell by the no.NiHt~m.palht ty • , ' From Arthur Shepperd stating that" the amount of Government Approp- riations will be' pai.d in the usual way by certified vouchers.' , From~John Sprott asking for a oomplete list of works carried on and paid from the Government' appropriation of $2000.00. From D~. Oppenheimer asking if his name is entered on the list of voters for the Munioipality. : From James Ritoh1e. Robert Ritchie t William Ritchie. A.,W. Ritchie A.,Morrison and T. BosomVlorth protesting against the tardiness of the Counoil as regards the Kanaka Creek road matter.,- From J. M. Webster asking an'extention of time for the completion 1BxxXkB of his Contract. ,From Alex M. Webster asking compensation for loss of crop as the result of road water ditches. From James Best oomplaining of obstruotions on the Highway at Beokett's Brick yard. From Albert Spring giving notice that road between his plaoe and ) Mr, Anderson' is b~ooked uP. From E. 'Pope and William Oliver regarding bulls and eta~lions running on the public highways. From J. A. M. Robertson stating" that he will deliver a lecture on mixed farming in the Town Hall on August 4th. , From Alex Ritohie oomplaining that the pathmaster' did not wamn him in'time to do his road work. . , . From John Calaghan asking an extention of time for the completion of Messrs Harrie and Cook's road work. From Geo. A Kirkpatrick M. ~. Presidentf of the McDonald Memorial fund asking for a subscription for a memorial' proposed to be erected in Kingston Ont. From W. S. Jemmett submitting report on roads and account for servioes in oonnection with the same. ' From Arohie Ferguson asking exemption from the payment of Road tax as he is under the Statutory Age. " From John Mclver protesting against th~ Pathmaster's returns of road work. Reports. Road Committee of Wards 4 and 5 reported as follows: w.m Tilley's contraot Bompleted Aug 1st Amount due $39.00 R. Reddecliff 11 completed July 6th. 11 "26.00 At MoCorvie n "July 23rd " 11 446.75 Wm. T illey Bulletin Board and Double clo set for" town haI1--Amt due $17.00 , It was ',;r:eccomended that the following extention's of time be g~ granted Mr", ~aleon contraot No 2 two weeks W. Tilley one month onxxx.x ~ontract'No.3, J. Callagh~n one month on Lorne Road~& do on Bonsons R~ (c,. 157 Road Committees )6t'~Ward:~ 1. 2 an'd' 3 r reported as follows:- Joseph :aake~t ~ ,.qon,tract was completed July 3rd ~9unt, due $49.00. I "August ':Baker~' J. "11 '''' ' " tI " .11 30.00 . ' Ir.:~,,?~er~ l~!l~I9;P,eon "~'; "i , , tI " It _. II~'" 25.00 r ,. ;~ Tho~s 'A~S~~o~'g ':h.~s ~~ended:,$14. 50 on F;.i,Y,el' .~oa'd' and $5Q~ 60 on road ,/from Haney .to )~est t e, by days work. ' . . ",~~ Bil~t s "oo~:t'ra9tf' co~pleted ,July 10th Amoun~, due .220.00. Followi~g ~C~nt,l;'act~: a;re, almost., completed payments 'of~ wh.ich. __ were reccoxnended,. ~e IS~,on ~~"p.~ssed by Cq~ittee. ,,: " . . '. Archie Balie's Contraqt $123.00. W. H. Ansell Contra-ct $120,00. Jamet;t "Webster for kil~;\.ng a bear was reccomended to be paid the usual bounty of $2. '50. ',' . Samue~ Edge's tel).q.er fpr the Lilloet Bridge was the'lowest $15'1.00. the Contract was awarded to him. Following were the bills read: Lewi~ ~ Greig. C9l1ectors' Holl & Tax Notices' $11i60 Laze~by Bros. Stamp's a.nd Stationery 6.3'5 D. Docksteader do 1.13 T. F. Sinclair Explosives $46.20 X .$4.'75 50.95 Brt~' T Co lumbian Printing 5.20 T. J. Trapp. Road Aoraper 16.00 Reid .~"qurrie, Har4ware 36.89 W. S. Jemmett. Surveying 107.50 rW, :S., ~Je~,ett. employed Bosomworth 2 days,RR1tch.ie, 5 days A. Ritohie 4 d~ys. W. Ritch~e 3 days. W. ,Smedley, 2 days, D •. ,McPherson 2 ruiys'T-otal 18 days @ $2.00. $36.90. ' . '. . . All the :road lists exoept j T. ,Hioks ·and ,Peter Calder' s·; were returned The· following' list's on motion oc Councillor, La! ty second~d by Councillor,e· f;?.tephenswer'e a,ooepted.,.l, 3 t 5. ,7, 9, 10."11,, ,12, 13, 14. 15, .l~, 17, ~8. 19 .. ,21, .. 22, 24, 25, 26 and 2'7., ,Moved,by Councillor Laity seconded. by, Councillor MoKe~n~<: That· Mr. Harrisbe allowed.againat the 15th., inst., to complet~ his road work. and that :Mesars Cook ,Bros. be· allowed· to work one .halt .. the, amount of ~eiEaxaKes in Beat~Bo. ,2 to be oompleted by the 15th, inst, Carried Moved by Councillor Stephens secon.de<;l by, Co,unoi11or Dook~teade,:r;', That the road Corami t.tee of Wards 4 & 5 examine the, work·~,done lly .. Mr, M,elver with power to settle the matter and,notify the. ,Collec:tor ot: ~he,ir : dec1~ion. ,Carrie4. ' ,,' :. ~ . -c...... . . _ ' .. ,'" _. I' •• ',.: _ ~;J ;.j ", . Moved .by . Coun~1l~Q,~. La,j. ~y Seoonded by, Co~eil~o:J." ,:' Dool,{s,t(~~9-.er" '.I That.J. ,:r. Wi1s011, JO:tlP, 7'4QJll,~S. Robert :;S_lalt~ .•. ~~~l:Edge. John White. William . Nelson ~l1d ~aul Mur~~y be allowed, $2. 00 ,e~ch" ~I:J,. Road:, Tax, for Municipal work ~done ,in.;~r.eh,.last., iCarried. " .' -, , I, • I " : '. ; • j. :~. ~.. • ..,' ,. Moved by Ccnmc.1ll.o~ DQc~steader seoonded by Counoillor Stephens That ,.Alexand~r ~itohie'be ,al~owed to work out half of:,his taxe,s under road Committee of Wards 1,> 2,;& :3 as per his, reque~t .... Ca.rrie4.>' ,. )" =-.. -' , ~ ". , . ) ; , ~ ,Moved by Counoillor Doo~steader seconded. ,byCounoil19r.~:t_~ph.-ns. That Kana~~." ,C~~ek,Highway ,By-Law. pass ·its first: reading,",,; Carried. Moved._.by 'Council1o~. Docksteade.r seconde'd by Councillor Stephens That the rep'ort o~ rO,ad Coinmi ttee for ward 1, ,2 & 3 be accepted 'and and reccomendations therein contained complied with. Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Vouncillor Stephens That J. M. Webster be granted anrxtention of one months time as per his request. Carried. Moved by Councillor Stephens seconded by Councillor Docksteader. That the Road Committee of Ward 1. 2 & 3 be empowered to expend fifty dollars on the Smedley Road by days work. Carried. Moved by Councillor Laity secol'lded by Councillo~Stephens, That the Pathmaster of beat No. ·?be empowered to cover bridge on Wilson Road lately burnt down not to exceed·$20.00. -Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Stephens: .that the Reeve issue Vouchers in lavor of .Lazenby Bros. for Stamps & Stationery D. Docksteader Doo D. McPherson surveying 2 days' $2.00 W. Smedley 11-2. . n " T. Bo soraworth It 2 It " Robert Ritchie " 5 n " A. Hitchie 11 4 It n Wm Hitchie U 3 11 " Reid & Currie Hardware T. J. Trapp Road Scraper Columbian Printing Lewis & Greig Collectors Roll & Tax Notices $6.35 1.13 4.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 36.89 . 16.00 5.20· 11.60 Carried. Movedc-by Councillor Laity Sedonded by Councillor Docksteader that Road Corami ttee Report of Wards 4 and 5 be accepted' and vouchers issued for the amounts mentioned. 'Carried. Moved by Councillor Laity seoonded by Counoillor McKenny that the Clerk notifyMr Carr that all parties getting e~losives for municipal works must pay for the same as ordered by Council, Carried r:iloved ·by: Councillor Docksteader seconded by CouncillorLai ty that Road Coramittee for Wards 4 &'5 be authorized to I expend $10 0 00 to destroy Canadian Thistles at Hammond, Carried. :Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Stephens that the Clerk forward~ to the Port Haney Brick ~. Tile Co Jame-s Best's cOlUlUunicationand that the Co be respectfully reque~ted to endeavor to remedy the evDU complained of. Carried. . I/Loved by Councillor Lai ty seconded by Councillor McKenny. that the-Clerk communicate with Mr. Oppenheimer stating his name cannot be placed on the assesame~t roll after the Court of Revision, also on whatgrounds he claims to be placed on Holl, Carl-'ied. . . Moved by Councillor Lai ty seconded by Councillor McKenny t That .. I-:.oad Committee of Wards 1 2&3 inspect the road at Wh~nnock and tender compensation to the executol"'S of the Robertson Estate •. Carried. Moved by CouncillQr~ Docksteader seconded by~Councillor·Stephens ThatHoad Cornmi ttee for Ward 2 be empowered to expend the· surpluson Lill· oet Bridge Viz; $43.00 in removing' logs &c as per request of A.'Spring and other urgent works in Ward 2. Carried. Moved by Councillor Lai ty seconded by Councillor McKenny. That the Hoad Commi ttee -of Wards 4 & 5 be empowered to remove rubb;:i:sh in front of Town Hall and repair the fence. Carried. The following notice was gi ven: I gi ve notice that at the ne'xt regular meeting of the Counc"il I will bring in a By-J.Jaw .for the Pres- ervatio~ of Highways, also a By-Law -prohibiting Bulls and Stallions an,dEanls running at large. Jo seph Stephens.' t' Movecd' by Council19·r Docksteader seconded by Councillor Stephens that th'is d'tlncil adjout-rl; Carri~d. ,1 _ Hactor Ferguson Reeve . E. J. Buck.-C. M.·." C. fJ-U-f C\..F~ . t loo -, J '(e,)~'fhat A. Spring has' spent $5. 00 i~~~·Q.Ji'rig logs on his ro:~d. (f) That we rec90mend payment for the' above mentioned works, (g) We also examined· t~e River Road near wharnock 'and tendered Comp- $~nsationfor I~~p~"ov~~e~ts ~n. ~he Rob~rt~o~ J ~s~~t~J t?, ~1:l,e amo~t of 50.00. -' , Signed It, B, Do'cksteader ' , ~., ~ , I, \. '- ." ~..:.' Jas. ,StephenS " " ,I • i ::,i ,:' Elsia Dahack,' . . .. cJ i" Th-e' Road '. Corn:ffil ttee 1 for Wards 4' & 5 repotted as follows:- We the' Undered.gnecr.·beg·'to report as' follows on works ,for. our res-pect'i ve' wards: -' ... ,. I" . ",-' , .." .. " ". - -J' ,,', '_ (a) Th~ MacDonald,Qontract was satifactorily completed on August 5' 5th'A';'" 't' $155~'00' " .. , . G ..nwo un , •. •. , " ;, '(b') . Whrk on -'Town"Line' under pathmaster Hobert Blackstock, compl-eted' on' Au': '13th.l ' .' ',' " ,-,,' :". j,', " .... g '" .r.._ i -, I • ,', '. Work done'as fol1ows:~ , :m'r Reddec1iffe worked 11 days" @ $2~'00' -':'$22~100" Mr. R. B1ackstock ~'-t; 10 n· " . 20~' OQ _ ',~"'" - Wm I saa,c -', .-" .' tI ,':' 4:' ,,-, "-. I 8 ~ ob " ." " / -.: \ . .' '.' - ' Total' Amount" 50;00," . on'the Wi1son Road under pathmaster wi1son wa~ comp-. «(: ') The wo-l;'k leted Aug lOth. Work dpne as follows:- Samuel Edge worked George' Ed'ge ,: I : -'-n i.,~_ ' Davi d Thoma s " E P 'Baker -', 'Ij:. "J:' .r:' Wi1son ,"" • .... 'J , ... days @ $2.00 $17."00" " 13."00- , " ~ : --, "16.-00 . u . It " n' n' " " tt· :. -2.00 Total Amount (d) The work on the .Blask.stock·Road under l 2~00 $50.00 Pathrnaster Blacks-took completed' September 4t~.· Work· done as follo~s:­ Mr. Heddeoliffe 'worked" 6 _ days @ ~~2. 00 $12.00 _ 13.00 , - 61' It U Total Amount R. Black~tock " $25.00 ,-~ ,'. (e),Work,'on, the fence in front-of the Town :White, completed August 15th. Hall was .. let to John '.' i •• ,Work done ·as foll.ows:- Clearing the rubbish from the front· of Hall $8.00 l'Jlatel"ial for fence 1:3.'00; 'Labor in' building fence' '9'~ 00'-'- # J To tal: amount 30~ 00 , -(f) Work'on Cemetery lot let to Wil1iam :Tilley Amount $15.00., (t> For repairing' the Bridge on'the Wilaon Hoad work compl"eted Sept 5th. J. J. Wilson $20.00. ,'--, ... i159 \? •• (h) ,We also re·ccomend that the Contract No. :3 let to, Wil1iam Til1ey bw .. cancelled, and re-let thet ,amount being $37. 50. (i) We also examined MrMclver's }-'load Work and a11o~ed hila :3 days against 2 as returned by the 'pathma:ater. ' -' In Ward 1'1'00 5. as follows:-' .... ~." , y (a) James Dale has' completed his contract'on the:;Webber Road amount .' due $52~ 00 -:- •. (b) John Cal1aghan has completed the work on Lorne -Road 6n, August 8th,as:fo1lowa~-. . ,G .. ·Anderson'·: ~ ",' 5 "'days' wdrk @ .$ft 00 !.: .. ~~J,,·Cal·la~an·'Team'-~ day,s @ 4.00 Total Arnount $10~'00J 2'0.00' 30.00 ~-160 -=--.; '.- September 4th. 1891 The ninth regular meeting of the Municipal Council was held in the town hall at Maple Ridge on Saturday September 4th. :Members present • The Reeve and all the Councillors The Minutes of August 1st. were read and approved. Comminications were read as follows: From J. B. Cherry giving the Council p~rticUlars in rederence to his account rendered. From Ar.mstrong Eckstein and Gaynor stating that they are the Solicitors for the Robertson Estate and advisibg that all communica- tions re the proposed road through the said Estate be addressed to them. . From Ar.mstrong Eokatein & Gaynor refusing to accept the compen- sation awarded by the Committee for right-of-way through the R6bertson -Estate and further state th~t the Corporation must remove the barn which is upon the proposed road if they desire'the land. From Courbould. McColl. Wilson andG~bell adv~s:i.ng the Council as to their powers under Section 203 of Munioipal Act, in reference to the proposed road through the Robettson Estate. From Ar.mstrong Eckstien & Gaynor who protest in behalf of a client against 'this Council exceeding their re,venue for the present year. . . , From R. D. Irvine C. M. C. for Corpor~tion of Coquitlam advising this Council that the Coqui tlam Corporation has been duly ·.formed and asking any infonnation or l1trature re By-Laws which would be necess- ary for them to possess. From D. Robson Ci ty Clerk extending an invi tation to this Councill to be present at the Royal Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition to be held in Q,ueens Park l~ew We stminster on 22nd to 25th, Sep't •. From Fred Philips, Wharnock stating that he was not notified to do}),-do Road work and asking· the pri vilege of do ing it now. b1rom Thom?ts Bosomworth offering to transfer to James Crawford, from his land a portion equal to that which would be occupied by the proposed road passing through hi·s land. From Thomas Haney protesting against more than 33 or~ 40 ffet of~road (1n witith) being gazetted South from the Central·Section I ine along ·hi s land. . : From Hobert Thompson asking a refund 9f $1.00 as overwork done in wor~ing half of his taxes. From Joseph Mighton warning the Council of two dangerous bridges on central Section Line also asatmgg that he·will hold the Council responsible for any damage done in default of said bridge, From John Trembath applying for a grant made by the Council of 1890 to widen and depen a ditch to the South West of quarter Sections of Section 25 Township 9, .' From H, 'fil.lie re timber to be used to complete his Contract. From Samuel Edge asking the Bounty on Wild animals having killed a bear. Reports were received as follows:- From Road Committee for Wa:cds 1,2 & 3 We beg to submit the following report, (a) that D. S. McAchaney has expended the ""'ca.]>propria- tion of $25.00. made on his road. (b) John Carlson ha~ expended the $400.00.appropriated on the Lilloet Hoad work completed Aug, 14th. (c) J, M. Websters Contract on Kanaka Creek has been qompleted on Sept. 4th. (9) That we authorizes Thomas Iillarshall to expend the $50.00 J appropriated on the Srned1ey Road work completed Sept-: 3rd. {~ ~~k1l:x~~ 4J O · J~"1" (Continued from Page 159) -.-, ": I, ';'.( c') The work on th'e McKenny Eo-ad; 'l:md'e'r' pathmaste'r Srni th was compl- ete,d··August 18th., Work g.one .as :follows: -~ .:.' Jno. Smi,th 31~t days @ $2000 $63. '00 .Ino. . Smi!th Explb st·ve s ,,~ -' . , . , ~ c ,',. !,: 3. 2'5' " .. :W. G •. ,.Clap·cott :,1.8t days @ 2.00 --~'L' •. 3,7;.:00,,: .. :,: I • ::Edmund:P.op,e: .:, e: ': 9.: __ ,':11: 2. 00 .... " ",' ., 18c'.,O.o> \ \ :,; ,::,'Sanluel .Edge r " "j ,.5" " ' 2.00, ' .. '" .,. 10. OO~' ~ . " .. ,W.il,liaI~ "M'cKenna. _:It ;11 wi~lJ.Of)eam, @. 5~' 00' ;,., 8'.?5 ,_ ~~ . (J,o·hn~: Mc.ILVe.rr (: ~~ '].] ~2.~ . ). !,. ~: 1~ . ~', 5. 0 0 . . 10. 0.0.,: ' ) . o J ~ .... & _ J • .:, ,: ='~: ':~~.' I Tota'l .Amount, . " .. 15,0. GO ,:',, __ (d) •.. Wo:C,k; .in d,~st,~roylng~ ,~Cana,dian 'fhi stles. at, Hammond' wa.s ~letJ.to: ,James Da-1,e. and,"c_oJllpl.eJ~,~:d OP,7 cSept.ember 5th" I amount, ,$10.,,00 •. -,', ,<,', .'1,' i', • ! .5i:gne;d, Jno La1 ty ... ," 0.'1. ", ," R9a-d; ,tConuni t.:tee Jno McKinney. I : '"1)_: " I Th.e_ $400..:00,: approp,riated, on Adam Docksteader 27t the Lilloet road, was expended-:as days @,$2.00 '.i" $55.-,00 ;.' follows; Adam Docksteader 18 11" wi th team ,36.,OO:!, Gustave: ,Smi th : I ,; : 6 It, , @, 2.00 ,. ,12 •. 00 Jno For.eland r" -", ,32 It'1 " .64.00 Robert Dickson 9 " " '18. 00 .' Ro:pert Di ckso.n"" (' ," .~, 6 n wi th teams "12.00 ChasS Riles 4 "" @ "2.00 ( ,:,.8.00 Jno Carlson ·61 11 \ 2.00 .·122.00 Jno Carlson l3~ n with Team 27. .• : 00", T. F. ,,sinclair .... ,Explosives " " .. ' .. .. ,46. 20 . Total amount" 400.30 Bills were read as follows:-, J W. S. Jemmett Surveyor per survey made inJuly~ -$lQ'1 .50 . D. Do cksteader.-, , I 5.,04 British Columbia, Gazette'" 6.-50. ~ I I The Maple Ridge ',Highway ,By-Law was read its seco-nd reading. ·A. By-Law for'the preservation 'of the Highways in Ma~le Ridge Municipality was read a first ,reading also a By-Law to prevent· B'ulls~: Stalli,ons and Rams from running at large was read a firstrem.m~ng , ' Moved ,by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Stephens, That the Maple Ridge Highway By-Law pass its second and third readings, The motion was )Vi thdrawn at the request of Co,uncil'lor Laity, to: ,i allow further communication with James·CrawfordEsq,.; Moved by Councillor Stephens seconde.d by Councillor Do ckste,ader', That the By-Law for :the preservation_of Highways pass· i tsfirst. read;ing, Carried." i '. _ " , ',\, . 'Moved hby CO'unoillor Steph'ens seconded :by Couhcillor Dookst.eader. That r the By-Law prohibiting Bulls, Stallions' and Rams -"from running at large pass its firilt reading. Carried ',.r' . . Move'd by"Councillor,Laity seconded by-Councillor .Doc,ksteader, TE.at lml.'ISaac be "allow'ed $2'.00 'on 'his taxes for work· done last year .. under Pathmas'ter ;Wirsori~ CarrIed. ' ~ ,_ Moved 'by "'Ccnin"cillor' :Dock'steader' seconded by CoUncillor Sfephens, That 'the "Re'e've -lss\ie 'Ch'eques' -ih f:avor of ,Wm. S. Jemmett, in :paymen.t, of, survey 'for $1'0'1. 50,: :0-/ Dockste~~.der $5. 04 Statio~,ery,. S.' ,Edge. $2. 50 BoUnty on Bear." Jame&:l" Web'ster $~. 5'0 Bounty oh b-ear, Carri'ed.· C, • .... :. M~ved by Coun~.ictLlor Docksteader seconded by Councillor L~i ty, That reports of Road Conunittees for Wards 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 he accepted and that the Reeve issue c~eques as reccomender therein,. carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Councillor Stephens. That the Clerk wi.th J"ames Crawford ,and forward to him' the communication of Thomas Bosomworth and request him to infolw. the Council if he will accept land from Thomas Bosomworth in lieu of land taken for a road as the Council is nOct in a p.osition to give him the old road, Carried. Moved,by Councillor Dockstesder Seconded by Councillor Laity, That the Collector be authorized to place in our Solicitors hands for collect- ion all delinquent taxes wi th orders to sue for the samern Carried. Moved by Co,unc,illor StephenEi !seconded by Councillor Docksteader, That the Hoad Committee for Wards 1412 &3 be authorizes to expend $30.00 to rebuild the two bridges on the central 'Section Line which were peti- toned for by J"o seph Mighton, Carried. Moved by Councillor Do cksteader seconded by Councillor Lai ty, That the Clerk deduct the amount of taxes due the Municipality by any Contra- ctors; from their vouchers when paying fOl'" wirk. Carried·. . Moved by; CoupcilloT Laity seconded by Councillor Docksteader, That -l. the Good Templars be allowed to construct a safe in the Town Hall for their u~e as xequestede Carried. ' Moved by Cou:ncillor I.aity seconded by Councillor :rvLcKinney That the Clerk Conununicate with the Coquitlam· Council infol~ing them that this Council will be pleased to forward any infolwation in their power or By-Laws &c,. Carried. Moved by Councillor Lai ty seconded by Councillo'r Docksteader, That the Patm~as~er wm. Hampton be allowed to work out $37.50 in Cord- uroying the Hampton Road as was specified in contra.ct No. :3 Ward~4. Carried. Moved: by Councillor Dahack sec<inded by Counoillor Docksteader, That F. M •. Philips be allowed to work out half his taxes under the supervi,sio:n of the }:oad Committee and be ,allowed the r,ebate. also that the Clerk reflilnd to Chas \Vetham $3.00 and tp p. lVIurray ~~2. 00. ,Carried. rv~oved by Councillor Stephens seconded by Councillor Docksteader, That the He.eve be authorized to' confer wi th the Executors of the Hobrt- s.on, Estate re the propo sed road wi th power to settle same, lirai ted p'ayment fOT compensation $75.00 and o~mers to remove buildings,' Carried t Moved by Councillor Stephens seconded by Councillo.r Dock~teaderl That the Re'eve sign an order for $5.00. payable ,A. Spring for ext,ras on a bridge on h&aroad.Lost. , ) ' , ~ ~ Moved by CO,uncillor Lai ty seconded by . CO'uncillor McKinney; Thatrtv~ notify Mr. Trembath that complaint has been made respecting damage done by him· to the Lilloet Bridge and that the Co~ncil will therefore hold him responsible for any repairs necessary to said bridge, Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader seoonded by Counoillor Stephens, That the Clerk .inform J,., B. Cherry that his acoount has been paid. Carried. , (Moved by Councillor Dahack seconded b~ Councillor Stephens, That the Reeve sign an order,on'the Treasurer for $1.00 in favor of the C. p.x H. for' rent of land at Wharnock as pel'9 agr:eement, Carried. ",.. : "Moved'by Counoillor Laity seconded by Councillor McKinney -That the' Collector Mr. D. C. We~bber be authorized to receive subscriptions for' the MaoDonald ,Memorial Fund .and that he, remi.t ~he ,sam,e to _ the~roper authoritiell , The Clerk to post noti~es at Hammond. Ha~ey and Wharn~,ck notifying parties of the appointment, Carried. .-" ' l J .~ '~ , ; . ~ . .~ \ .. ". Moved by Councillor Docksteader seoond~d,by Counoillo,r Laity:: that the Communication of D. Robson CityC1erk be received and plaoed on File. Carrl.d.~ '. ,< " , " ' . , Moved by'CoUncillor Dahack Seoonded by Counoillor Docksteader. that G. A., Sm~ ~h };l,e authorized to expend $10.00. on the ,road ~eading to Whonnook StatiQnan'~ thePoa,t Offio,e, under the supervis~on of the Road Committee •. "Carried~" ", , I· I . ~~. . . ,~, " Om motion by, Co-~o111or Doo'ksteader, Seconded 'by COUnoillor Stephena. ',C,oUncil'adj ourned, ' ' , ' , E~ 'J. Buok'. C. M. C. H, Ferguson Reeve , -J • ' ~_~~ ____ b _____ ~ _____________________________________________ ~_-___ ---- Ootober 3rd. 1891. The tenth regular meeting of the'Mun~olpalCounoil was held in the Town Hal.l,on'~turday October 3rd, , Members present The Reeve and all the Counoi.llors. The minutes'of September 4th, were read, a.nd approved.., ~ ,,'0 . . 'Communications .ere read as follows:' From R. Woifen~en.Q,ueensPrinteI 'stating that, the By-Lawadve'rtised on January 3rd was the Returning Office ; "s By~La.w fo r 1890. From John Smith prptesting against. the Counoil deducting taxes due on Lot 250 from the amount of his bill, . ' t From'James Fraser, New Westminster. asking if he was not 'entitled toc'ompen'sation for land taken for ro~d purpose,s.' , The following bills were presented and rea4. From the British Columbia Gazette advertising two By-Laws Jan 3;r,d & Aug 6th, $6.50 From D, Dooksteader Stamps and st~tio~er.y $4.33. ~om J. M. Webster feelght ob scraper., $0.50. t ' Reports were read as follows:: Wet. :the ~der.i~ed RoadCommit'tee forWards 1.2 & 3 beg to submit the following.reports:- 1. That James Creighton has "'oompleted on September 15th the work on Martins Road $125.00 '- 2. That Thomas Marshall has construot,ad two bridges on the Central Section Line compl~ted September ~4th. $30.00. , 3 <That ArchieBeggam has completed his oontra.ct September ~23rd. Amount '$146.40. """',"'" ' . .' ' 4. That we do reccomend payment of above aaaounts as per detailed statement. , ' , 5. That James' Creighton's'oontract on L'ockWood Hoad ~_s,almos~,comple­ ted and we reccomend payment a1 tor the' same as soon as the contraot has been accepted. We the undersigned hoad as follows: Signed A. B. Dooksteader Joseph Stephens Elsia Dahack. Commi ttee for Wa.rds 4 and 5 beg ~i-~-" report 1. That the Town Line Bridge on the Lilloet is in need of immediate repairs to en8ure1~8 safety and we reocomend a grant to repair same 2 'That John Cal.i~:ghan has expended the appropriation of $40.00 on the Bonson Road. 3'·.:··-We .a.so .reocomend· that payment be made James Dale 'as soon ~, ~\, ,', the. BonBon Contract, is satisfactorily 'completed. Signed John Lai'ty John. l\4cKinney, . '. ," = .' '. !. ~ ." Moved by qounc1llor DO'oksteader Seoonded by··Couric.ii~r' McKlnriey ~ .. . ' Tha.t· John smith's oontraot 'be paid in full.-·Lo8t~· ' .,'.. .. . ~ . Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded'by . 'CoUncillor Stephens That Robert Thompaon be refunded $1.00. Carried. '" Moved by Councillor Dooksteader seoonded by CounoillorSt·ephens. tha.t the Maple Ridge Highway By-Law pass its secohd 'and third "r~ading -Carried,-Yeas Reeve and Counc's Laity. Dooksteader & Stephens UaYB, Co unc 1110 re :pa.haok & McKinney. ., .. '. Moved by Councillor" Lai ty secGnded by Counoillor' Do·cksteader. ,+hat the Road Committee's repo'rt for Wa.rd 4 & 5 .be aooepted, V.al"ried • . 'Moved byCounoillor"Docksteader seoonded b~ Councillor Stephens, that the report of Committee for Wards 1. 2 & 3 be accepted and reocomendations complied with, Carried-'. :~ .' . Moved byCounoillo·r Dockateader seconded by' Counoillors Stephena That Geo, Blackstook be, refunded $2. 00' as Road Tax. Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader seoonded byCo'uncillor ·Stephens. that Vouchers be issued in fa'lor of 'J.' M. Webster, Freight 50ft D. Docksteader, Stamps andStationer,y $4.33, B, C. Gazette, publishing :By-Laws~ $6. 50, in payment ot bills presented at thi's m'eeting, . Carried. . Moved by Counoillor Dahack seconded by' Counoillor Dockst·ea",er. that'a vouoher be issued in fa'lor of August Baker tor $2.00 as ori4 days work 'on road, Carried.'. , '.' . Moved by Councillor Laity seconded by Counoillor McKenneYJtl That, th'e Cle'rk COmDlWlicate with Mr, 'Pyke re building Dyke on ToWnship Line: Road, stating that· ~the Counoilwould hold aconferenoe with th'em at any time if satisfactory respeoting the oond! t!on8. Carried. . . '.. Moved by Councillor Dooksteader seoonded by Councillor Laity', that ·the· Clerk communioatewi th Jas Fraser and inform him that the. road. in question was, Gazetted three years ago and is 33 feet wide'" also that he is under a mistake in referenoe to MessrsRobertson and' Baker and that this COWlol1 does riot think he is entitled to any oompensation =8.8 the· land 'is un1mProv~d.· Carried.' ." Tne following Notice was given I--hereby give notioe that at th~ next regular meeting of.the Counail, I will introduce:a By-Law for the: re division' of the Muni- oipali ty into· Wards 'in complianoe with the Munic1pal Act, Sign'ed John Laity, :.' On motion of Councillor Docksteader.8eoonded by Counoillor ., ,:Dahaok Couhcii adjourned, E. J. Buok C. M. C. H, FerguBon Reeve. ,165 :--'.;' , . ..;,:.- Special meeting October 8th. 1891 . ",":':c." :'-':'A 8pe~ia.l' mee'ting 'of, the Council was called "by, thr Reeve on, '." "O'otober8th.~ at 7.30 'PI M. fo'r the purpose of corisidering an agreement b'etween the Corporation and the B. C. Dyking and Draining Co re building a Dyke on 'the Townshi'p Line R6a d.! ' ' , " ' Members present the ,Reeve and 'Councillors Laity, Docksteader and a "Stephens. ,," "," " , ,," , 'Mr,Pyke Manager of the Col was present and proposed that they ,build a dyke on the Township Line Road, 30 f~et wide on bottom. and' 16 ,'fee't-wide on top'wi th ,a slope of 1 foot to 1 'foot and at least 7 feet ':'high, whenset~led. above th~ natural surf'ace • and th.at, ,the Munioipa- 1tj'uS8 the'same 8S a Public Highway, the .,Col to aS8~ea~1 responsib:- -ility of dyke breaking but the Corporation to maintain the top level as "a Ro'a4way 'and to, allo'w no culverts to be made through said, dyke. Moved by Councillo,r Laity ~,ec.nded by Counoillor Do.c:keteader, that the proposition ~of }4r. Pyke re ~uilding a dyke ,on the Township Line Road be acoepted and t}~lat the agreement be prepared and signed by the :~ 7th,. inst.. a18,o, thfil;t the Dyking and D:rainage Co. be allowed in the m'eantime to oontinue work o~ the, Town Line, Ro~d in ,compliance _1 th '"agreement'. C~rrled. " ' , ' Moved by Councillor, Laityseoonded by Counoillor Dockateader. that the Reeve t>e authorized 'to sign the agreement and affix ,thereto theSeal of the Corporation. Carried. ,On motion of, Councillor Docksteader secopded by CQunoillor Stephens" Council ad.jou~ned. E. J. Buok ' C_. ,)\ll. C. , , Noveulber 7th.' 1891. He~tor Ferguson , Reeve The eleventh meeting of the Municipal Counoil was held in' the Town H~l1 on Saturday Nov. 7th. 1891. . Mem~er8 present. The Beeve. and Councillors McKinney. Laity. Dockstea.der & Stephens.' , . ,~ t Tlleminutes of the meetIng of '<?ctob:er 3rd. and the· spe'cial meeting of October 8th. were read and approved. ' 'Tlle following communications were received and read,-FromL. F. Bonson--re cutting ditch on prarie in order to tacflitate the bridging of a slough. -From JohnSprott E8~acknowledging that a mistake had been made in the account of the Governme~tr~ appro~riation and when corrected would leave a balance of $4.00. to the credit of this Mtinio~pa11ty,-From John Sprott Esy asking ,the Reeve to, instruct the Municipal Clerk: to forward a. list of a.ll done from the Government appropriajion of $~OOO.OO.-From R. W~ Annst~ong asking permiSSion to use the Town Hall for. a short ttme on Dec. loth to hold a 'Court ot Rev1siorl, -' From R. Thompson Esq. on behalf of the Church Warden t asking for, the use of the Town Hail to hold ca concert on November 12th. - From John Smith Esq. protesting against the CO:1JPJci,l deducting delinquent taxes for Lot 250 ,from the amount of his,bill.-From Wm Nelson Esq. re the unsafe condi tfon of a bridge on the Public Wharf road •. From John Evans and 25'others iaskingthat a~road be gazetted on the East 'side of~~the Hornick'Creek trom the post which'marks the, corners of Sections 4.5,8&9 to the South line of N~W.! of Section 9 the total distance being less tham one mile.-J'roin W~ H. Ansell. Esq. asking that $2~ 00 be paid him for remo'ving a: tree t~ ... om Central Section Line, 16,6 ::;,"".", From Wm T. 011ver, PELtbmastel' Bea.t l~o, 19 certifying that he had expen- -ded the Sllm--ot,$50.00 appropriated on the Oliver Road • .;.From Samuel :xqa Edge, Thoe, ,B,oBomworth& Ro'bert Stephens"mak1ng"applioati,on' for th:e Bounty on Wild animals, each having killed a bear, ' ' , :' Bills were "read as 'follows:' From Lewis & Greig200 tax 'wrti"n. Receipts"$i. '75.~ from B. C .. Gazette Adv. :By-Law "$5.00. .,', . ,,'" , . The Ward :By~Law was then rea.d its first, reading. Councillot ~Steph' "explained that oWil)g to the ne,c8ssity of appointing offi'cers &c \lride,r! '} the' By-Laws' which he introduoed at the las~ meeting, , ,and ,'as t,he·~,p're.se~t~,>~ year was so far advanced that it would be -advisable to leave the, 8aid::By~ -,' ';Laws over till another year and he ..... i., therefore'would not' present ',~~ 'them fo r 'further' 'l;'ea.din-g8'~ , ,.. ' ,'., '" .1. ". ':1';: . '-: ;~he ,Road 'Committee for Wards l~ 2 '& 3 r,e'po'rte'd as /follows:",''''; '~ respeotfully beg to reportthatSamuel'Edge has, completed· his contra'ct' ,j o~ the LilloetBridge.' Am~unt $15'1.,00 and also ,approaches tor t38.00 ., for which ewe reccomend payment j' Signed' A. :B. Docksteader "'.J , Jno. Stephens.'· . ~ The· Comin:l:~tee on",~~ds for Wards 4 &5-'reported C&s follows: ",';.',:~,~,: We ... ·respectfully beg to report that, James Dale 'completed the ,\~ Contract on the B~nson Road satisfaotorily and we reccomend the Reeve i toiSBue a voucher' :for the amount $314.00. Signed John Laity " John McKin'ney 'Moved by Councillor Laity-Seconded by Councillor McKinney" That the Ward By-Law pass its first reading, Yeas' Reeve and Counctllors Laity an.d UcKinney; Nays. Counoillors Docksteader ' & Stephens., ' , Moved by CoUncillors McKinney seconded by '~Counc:l:11or Laity, That ,the peti't10n of John Evans and others tor gazetting a road ""be grante,d and a By-Law be prepared, " In Amendment Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded'by Councillor Stephens tha.t the petit1o'n'be referred to Counoi1lor Dahack., Amendment, Yeas Councillors Docksteader and Stephens . ~lays Tne Reeve&Cocuno, ~Lai ty' & McKinney " '-Lost. Original motion,. Yeas, Reeve '& Couno's Lai ty& l\lIc:Kinney " Nays. Councillors Docksteader &: Stephens;" Carried. Moved by Councillor Docksteader seconded by Counc'il'lor Stephens. Tha,t the request of R. Thompson on behalf ot ,the English . Churoh' be . grante'd. 'Carri~d. ' 'Moved by Councillors Dock8teader.edo6de~b~~CouncillGr Stephens that the report of Road C.ommittee for War! 2 be accepted and paym,ents made ~ecordingly. Carried. Moved by Councillor" Laity seconded by Councill'or Stephens, That· the report of Road Committee for Warqs 4 &. 5 be accept-ed.: '·Carried. Moved by Counoillor Laity seconded by Councillor ~ock8teader, that an order be drawn on the ,Treasury for $2.00. each in-favor of J thefo1lowing persons as bo'unty on wild animals: Semu'el Edge, Tho~as Bosomworth, ~& Robert Stephens. Carried, " Moved by Counoil10r Stephens seconded by Counoi1lor Docksteader that the' sum of $-10.00 be expended by pathmaster Bosomworth in' opening the Kanaka Creek Road'according to the ,new survey. Carried. Moved by Counoi1lor Docksteader seconded by Counci11o,I",Stephens that the Lilloet River bridge on the town, 11ne be put in good re-pair with all despatch, pending the passage of ,a Loan' By-Law fot that purpose, Yeas, Councillors Docksteader & Stephens U • Nays Reeve,: Councillors Laity'& McKinney, Lost.- t '