HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-12-13 Public Hearing Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfDeep Roots Greater Heights District of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING December 13,, 2011 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Hearing will be held in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, North-East corner entrance, at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 13, 2011 to consider the following bylaws: 1) 2011-035-CP MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BYLAW NO. 6874-2011 LEGAL: Lot 24, Section 28, Township 12, New Westminster, Plan 48925 LOCATION: 23735 132 Avenue PURPOSE: To amend Figure 2 Land Use Plan and Figure 3C River Village (as shown outlined in heavy black line on the following map) FROM: Conservation TO: Medium/High Density Residential AND To amend Figure 4 Trails/Open Space to remove from Conservation (as shown outlined in heavy black line on the following map) 2) 2011-037-RZ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW NO. 6817-2011 LEGAL: Lots 49 & 50, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 43885 LOCATION: 24311 & 24361 124 Avenue FROM: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) TO: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) PURPOSE: To permit the future subdivision into 4 lots. S, 3) 2011-077-RZ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW NO. 6848-2011 LEGAL: Lot 44, District Lot 6881, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 57415 LOCATION: 27540 128 Avenue FROM: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) TO: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) PURPOSE: To permit future subdivision into 2 lots. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the aforesaid bylaws and copies of staff reports and other information considered by Council relevant to the matters contained in the bylaws will also be available for public inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from December 2 to December 13, 2011, Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted. Some of this information will also be posted on the District website www.mapleridge.ca on the Mayor and Council/Agendas and Minutes page. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected by any of these bylaws shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing before Council on the matters contained in the bylaws or by making a written submission to the attention of the Manager of Legislative Services or by sending an e-mail to the Clerk's Department at clerks@maglerid_ e.ca , by 4:00 p.m., December 13, 2011. All written submissions and e-mails will become part of the public record. Dated this 2nd day of December, 2011. Ceri Mario Manager of Legislative Services DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR FILE 2011-035-CP File Manager: Sarah Atkinson Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments: RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED 1. A completed Application Form ® ❑ (Schedule "A" - Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999) 2. An application fee, payable to the District of Maple Ridge, in accordance with Development Application Fee Bylaw no. 5949-2001. 3. A Certificate of Title and Consent Form if the applicant is different El from the owner shown on the Certificate of Title. 4. A legal survey of the property(ies) 5. Subdivision plan layout 6. Neighbourhood context plan 7. Lot grading plan 8. Landscape plan'+ 9. Preliminary architectural plans including site plan, building elevations, accessory off-street parking and general bylaw compliance reconciliation'+. ' These items may not be required for single-family residential applications + These items may be required for two-family residential applications, as outlined in Council Policy No. 6.01 Additional reports provided: 1. DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 1101 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 8, 2011 I. In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; V. School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; 2. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874-2011 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874-2011 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874-2011 be given First and Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. (2011-035-CP, 23735 132 Avenue - to designate a small portion of land on the northwest portion from conservation to medium/high density residential) CA RIED DEFEATED DEFERRED TO: _ Chief Administrative Officer _ Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial Chief Information Officer -en Mgr - Public Works & Dir- Planning Dir- Licenses, Permits & _ Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Per, Dir- Parks & Facilities Dir - Recreation Dir - Community Services AQI QN NOTICE "Ernie Daykin" MAYOR Clerk's Section Corporate Officer Property & Risk Manager _ Diana Dalton Amanda Allen Amanda Gaunt The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 8. 2011 na+c 4 ! Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM SUBJECT. District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: November 7, 2011 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2011-035-CP Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W First and Second Reading Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874-2011 23735 132 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The current application proposes an Official Community Plan Amendment to a small portion of land on the north-western portion of the subject property. The proposed Official Community Plan amendment seeks to re -designate approximately 0.07ha (700m2) of the subject property from Conservation to Medium/High Density Residential. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; V. School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; 2. That Maple Ridge Official COM.Munity Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874-20 1 be onsid.-re � v� v urn Amending i Lvi u vu� 1\JVluu ii conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3. That it be confirmed that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874- 2011 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874-2011 be given First and Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: District of Maple Ridge Owners: District of Maple Ridge Legal Description: Lots 23 and 24, Section 28, Township 12, NWD Plan 48925 OCP: Existing: Conservation, Neighbourhood Park, Low Density Urban, Medium High Density Residential, Open Space Proposed: Conservation, Neighbourhood Park, Low Density Urban, Medium High Density Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Proposed: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), P-1 (Park and School) Surrounding Uses North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District Designation Medium High Density Residential, Low Medium Density Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Low Density Urban, Conservation East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Low Density Urban West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Medium High Density Residential, Conservation and Low Density Urban Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Neighbourhood Park, Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation Site Area: 1.204 hectares (2.96 acres) Access: 132 and 133 Avenues Servicing: Urban WX b) Discussion On August 30, 2011 Council adopted Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6813-2011 which designated the area outlined in black on Appendix B, as Conservation. Based on the current information this sliver of land is not required to meet the 15 metre conservation dedication required for the protection of the unnamed creek located on the property. Therefore, the Conservation designation is not required and the 0.07ha portion of land located at 23735 132 Avenue may prove to have development potential in the future. In order to ensure the lands highest and best use this application proposes to amend the Official Community Plan to designate this 0.07 hectare portion of land as Medium/High Density Residential. It is envisioned that this land could, in the future, consolidate with the neighbouring property to the west and provide a comprehensive development plan based on the Medium/High Density Residential designation. The exact boundaries of the developable portion of this sliver of land will need to be determined through ground-truthing, with a future development application. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that First and Second Reading be given to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874-2011 and that it be forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Sarah Atkinson Planning Technician Approved by. rles R. Goddard, BA, MA sting Directornf Planning t r = 'L1.1 Approved by. Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eu GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) •ule Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874-2011 Xm 11233 1333213 72 23 Is � 3 7 P4 13329 18 ry�by hh gas 6 11 WCAULEY ORES rye 25 7 �� 5 13325 14 o N N -13322 17 O 70,9/ ry' a Ail may,, t�h'i' q 19 28 15 c ' ti ry `� '7i 2g y ryro 4 23737 613317 N 13318 44 45 46 47 48 49 m50 51, 16( 2��29 3 m 8 a 16 g 15 4 ,try�4 30 3 23741 13313 N 13314 LMP 354 14 13 ryS6 12 23739 2 7 17 ry 31 23742 23743 13309 13310 23687 0-6 18Lid P q 1 2 3 4 6 e 9 0 11 32 2 1_ 21 22 23 24 5 6 27 28 29 30 33 3306 23691 2374, SUBJECT PROPERTIES 4 19 m o 23697 1 N 20 133 AVE. V 10 m� 1 13292 t ry 2 3 45 P 6 PA 13z95 11 6CP 9979 13282 2 12 M1 C, 9 a }0 11 13275 13276 m 21 3 13 a a N 12 B P 48925 ti 13265 13266 ID 238'7 O1 a4 N id $ n` 13 0 P 47603 m a '�0 23633 m 13257 13250 13: A AVE 5 13260 n 23 24 13251 132AAVERAIF� 9 y a g 16 �1497913235 17 P 47 03 7 13230 20A 18m 3220�,p'22 20 3215 Y19 ¢13210 O N b O P 2637 N _ I Rem 1 "A 5 r MP 7404 EP 137 A P 2637 13160 4 E 8 V I City f Pitt Meaows 23711 /35 132 AVENUE • =_-°•' -- -- 1[ CORPORATION OF T THE DISTRICT OF � 1 N f !Q MAPLE RIDGE District of Langley { __ PLANNING DEPARTMENT �= 1 '.,r SCALE 1:2,500 ERASER I- DATE: Apr 11, 2011 FILE: 2011-035-CP BY: PC R. _ _ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6874 - 2011 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Section 10.3, Part Vi A - Silver Valley, Figures 2, 3C and 4 of the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6874 - 2011." 2. Figure 2 Land Use Plan and Figure 3C River Village are hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 24. Section 28, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 48925 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 818, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby designated to Medium/High Density Residential. 3. Figure 4 Trails/Open Space is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 24, Section 28, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 48925 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 819, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby removed as Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.6425-2006 is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of A.D. 20 . READ A SECOND TIME the day of AD. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of A.G. 20 . READ A THIRD TIME the day of A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 20. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER ti j% 29"x 4 1 �— 1 can 1331 i 13318 44 4 4E 47 0: ` 48 4 1� .��� 6 \ ut 8 c < 16 EL 15°� ti ti z3 .A 30 3 2,,a1 13a1a 13314 LMP 354 i 14 13 ti��^ 12 % 23.735 2 7 17 n LMP 54E CP 631 ���� 31 237a2 23743 13309 13310 v — v 8 9 23667 0 11 I 2 1 I a 6 18 col _ _ — — — — L 54 66 5 m 6 7 � co n 23697 — 32 23745 I J 13305 13306 21 22 23 24 25 2 ; 27 N m m N N rn cOo m 23746 33 237a7 5 h 19 J I m m ^ m C.)o N N N N N 23697 1 3 14 13301 N 20 I N N N N N N N LMP 35468 133 AVE. ' 10 N m m m 132sz N 2 N 3 N 4PARK P13275 1113282NO-\ BCP 9979 P 19980 12 m rn 910 13276 0) c)) \ N 04 N ti� 13 B 8925 i 3265 13268 in m 23 `8 �603 I a 4 F 14 7 U m < 13260 m o 2-1 m 13257 N 15 N `� I�13251 13250 132 A AVE. I23 24 132AAVE. m M N I 4 I 16 N 16 0- g crc 1 �f 13238 m 1 I 13235 ---- 17 PARK W3 7 13230 m BCP 16892 13225 IL A l a 18 m BCP 9979 b 20 13220 19 13215 17 8Cp7 �� 19 Q /8 / 9 9 — Im 3 a 8 m n _ N n IUD I 205 1_—�"' 13210 N N N N N BCP 23304 N 132 AVE. 132 AVE N m I � N N (, N r h A ' \VA A P L E I 1 LJl lJ L U IF I 1 C I !/ 1 L �i �Jl IV 1 I \v i v� i \V I I i I--� L U` 1� I LA\ i \V/ i L- 1� 4 vi I \ I v Bylaw No. 6874-2011 Map No. 818 From: C onservation To: Medium/High Density Residential N SCALE 1:2,000 I I � 15 ti ��` 41 14 13 12 CP 631 5 s 7 8 10 11 m co m Y ry N N N N N N LIMP 35468 I 103 20 a B • 1 A29 +} L 4 6 237� ! v 13317 h 1331E C, 44 45 46 47 48 49 Zs�2 3 I an 8 a t 6 a. ry�m' 30 3 23747 13313 ry 13314 LMP 354 ,1 231 2 I 7 17 ti 31 73742 23743 13309 13310 er LIMP:5461 23687 I I 6 9-6 23691 32 23745 ! 13305 133M 21 22 23 24 27 33 23746 23747 I 5 h 19 J! N. m n 23697 1 3 14 73301 ry 20 jc`i r�u n N N I N 133 AVE. i 10 PARK 1 13292 2 N m m 3 4 N 13295 11 BCP 9979 -- 13282 2 �' BCP 19980 12 10 13275 13276 1, I 3 13 a P 8925 i 13268 M 13265 s a 14 8 7 m 41 13260j A A m 2x3iB !l 1 n N 15 ni I� 13250 132 A AVE. I 5 I m 13251 23 24 132 A AVE. m j M 6 D1 N 161 16 a 15 ! 13235 13238 N :a BCP 17 PARK t 1 cc7 co 13230 BCP 16892 A 1322518 d f U 8 m BCP 9979 m 13220 19 Y I 13215 18 1 19 Q 17 BOP;9— $1 �^ 3320s 13210 O_ N N N BCP 23304 132 AVE. N UII L F\I 1( F v ;- ILL- r n���n� vNIITV DI rA�v hrVAILINIuiINIv Bylaw No. 6874-2011 Map No. 819 Purpose: To Remove From Conservation F N SCALE 1:2.000 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR FILE 2011-037-RZ File Manager: Amelia Bowden Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments: RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED 1. A completed Application Form (Schedule "A" - Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999) 2. An application fee, payable to the District of Maple Ridge, in El accordance with Development Application Fee Bylaw no. 5949-2001. 3. A Certificate of Title and Consent Form if the applicant is different El from the owner shown on the Certificate of Title. 4. A legal survey of the property(ies) El 5. Subdivision plan layout 6. Neighbourhood context plan El 0 7. Lot grading plan 8. Landscape plan'+ 9. Preliminary architectural plans including site plan, building elevations, accessory off-street parking and general bylaw compliance reconciliation'+. These items may not be required for single-family residential applications + These items may be required for two-family residential applications, as outlined in Council Policy No. 6.01 Additional reports provided: Agricultural Impact Assessment Groundwater Impact Assessment 2. DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 1107 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 8, 2011 1. That Bylaw No. 6817-2011 be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading: i. Road dedication as required; ii. Removal of existing deck on proposed Lot 1; iii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; iv. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the subdivider will provide a Site Profile for the subject lands. (2011-037-RZ, 24311 and 24361 124 Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 [One Family Rural Residential] to RS-2 [One Family Suburban Residential] to permit future subdivision into 4 lots) opeosc0- C. SPr-tAS/ A10V6 "Ernie Daykin" CAR ED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: _ Chief Administrative Officer _ Executive Director Mgr - Strategic Economic Initiatives Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial Mgr - Accou nti ng Chief Information Officer en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir-Planning Dir - Licenses, Permits & Bylaws Municipal Engineer Dir - Engineering Operations Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir- Parks & Facilities _ Dir - Recreation Dir - Community Services Clerk's Section Corporate Officer Property & Risk Manager 4 Lynn Marchand _ Diana Dalton Amanda Allen _ Tracy Camire Amanda Gaunt 3 3 Karen Kaake The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 8. 2011 Date L4,�U f alo_ Corporate Officer Deep Roots Greater Heights District Of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: November 7, 2011 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2011-037-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6817-2011 24311 and 24361 124 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6817-2011 be given Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading: L Road dedication as required; H. Removal of existing deck on proposed Lot 1. iii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations. iv. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the subdivider will provide a Site Profile for the subject lands. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Pasquale De Luca Owner: Pasquale and Celeste De Luca Legal Description: Lots 49 and 50, Section: 22, Township: 12, NWD Plan: 43885 OCP: Existing: Estate Suburban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Estate Suburban Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Agricultural East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential West-, Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Estate Suburban Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential Site Area: 1.62 ha (4 acres) Access: 124 Avenue Servicing requirement: Rural b) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), in support of a future subdivision into four lots no smaller than 0.4 hectares each. The existing homes are proposed to be maintained; although the deck of one of the homes will need to be removed to meet zoning requirements. c) Planning Analysis: Official Comm nit M PI n: The proposed rezoning to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) is in accordance with the subject properties' designation as Estate Suburban Residential in the Official Community Plan (OCP). Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the properties located at 24311 and 24361124 Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Rural .Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit the future subdivision into four one acre lots. The applicant has requested a relaxation to the side yard setback for proposed Lot 1. The proposed variance will be the subject of a future report to Council. d) Interdepartmental Implications: En ineerin De a me The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed project and has noted that there are no services required in support of this rezoning application. As a result, no rezoning servicing -2- agreement is required. The Engineering Department has further determined that road dedication is required along the subject site frontage. Parks & Leisure 5ervices Deaa ment: The Parks Department has reviewed the application and has noted that a road shoulder equestrian trail exists on 124 Avenue that will need to be considered in the development servicing plans for this application. e) Environmental Implications: The subject properties are located adjacent to land within the Agricultural Land Reserve, and the applicant has completed an Agricultural Impact Assessment and a Groundwater Impact Assessment in support of the proposed development. CONCLUSION: This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. Therefore, it is recommended that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6817 - 2010 be given Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. &Z6-� Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician Approved by: Charles Goddard, BA, MA Acting ❑i r or of Pla 2 Approved by. Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Erig --GM: Public Works & Devefopment Services Concurrence: J� L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AB/dp The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw 6817-2011 Appendix C - Subdivision Plan -3- 125 AVE. 125 AVE. N N N CO N N N N 12497 1 P 43885 n 55 54 53 a 12475 2 12447 ?744 Subject Prop rty i P 43885 2 48 49 50 v n a N N N N Co N Co N 2 N V N 12530 12490 1246C 1244C 1242 APPENDIX B CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.6817-2011 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6817-2011." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 49, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 43885 Lot 50, Section 22, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 43885 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1519 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the loth day of May, A.D. 2011. READ a second time the day of A.D. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 20 . READ a third time the day of , A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER i LMP 123 1 1 Rem 64 N N 12525 r 70' 98 EPP 414 1 2 1 2 N N N N MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6817-2011 Map No. 1519 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) P 4388 76 12490 1 12460 2 P 438 781 12420 21 m w a 20 LMP 34711 N SCALE 1:2,500 �PPL-kVv;v r 0 Of N-00 0 0 Z CS 0ci mZE N E py N O C 13381S -P-PZ N N b O O DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST FOR FILE 2011-077-RZ File Manager: Amelia Bowden Official Community Plan or Zoning Bylaw Amendments: RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED 1. A completed Application Form "A" (Schedule - Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999) 2. An application fee, payable to the District of Maple Ridge, in accordance with Development Application Fee Bylaw no. 5949-2001. 3. A Certificate of Title and Consent Form if the applicant is different El from the owner shown on the Certificate of Title. 4. A legal survey of the property(ies) 5. Subdivision plan layout ® ❑ 6. Neighbourhood context plan 7. Lot grading plan 8. Landscape plan'* 9. Preliminary architectural plans including site plan, building elevations, accessory off-street parking and general bylaw compliance reconciliation'+. ' These items may not be required for single-family residential applications + These items may be required for two-family residential applications, as outlined in Council Policy No. 6.01 Additional reportsprovided- DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 1108 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 8, 2011 I. That Bylaw No. 6848-2011 be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the release of Restrictive Covenant R68259 from the subject site be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 3. That the automatic removal of Restrictive Covenant R68259 from all lots within the Garibaldi Street subdivision encumbered with the same covenant be authorized, if and when a rezoning application is received; and 4. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading; i. An Engineer's report on the water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes must be received; ii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations; iii. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the subdivider will provide a Site Profile on the subject land. {2011-077-RZ, 27540 128 Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 [One Family Rural Residential] to RS-2 [One Family Suburban Residential] to permit future subdivision into two lots) 511elA 5 /</`v 6 CARD DEFEATED DEFERRED TO _ Chief Administrative Officer Executive Director _ Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial Mgr - Accounting Chief Information Officer en Mgr - Public Works & Dir - Planning Dir - Licenses, Permits & _ Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. D. R2C. ClCr vies Dir - Parks & Facilities Dir - Recreation Dir - Community Services Clerk's Section Corporate Officer Property & Risk Manager _ /Diana Dalton ,// Amanda Allen �C Amanda Gaunt _ Karen Kaake ACTION NOTICE "Ernie Daykin" MAYOR The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 8. 201 _ e Date Corporate Officer f Deep Roots District Of Maple Ridge Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Ernie Daykin MEETING DATE: November 7, 2011 and Members of Council FILE NO: 2011-077-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C of W SUBJECT: Second Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6848-2011 27540 128 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to permit future subdivision into two (2) lots. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: I. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6848-2011 be given Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 2. That the release of Restrictive Covenant R68259 from the subject site be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 3. That the automatic removal of Restrictive Covenant R68259 from all lots within the Garibaldi Street subdivision encumbered with the same covenant be authorized, if and when a rezoning application is received; and 4. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading. i. An Engineer's report on the water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes must be received; ii. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks. If there is evidence, a site profile pursuant to the Waste Management Act must be provided in accordance with the regulations. iii. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the subdivider will provide a Site Profile for the subject land. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Douglas Pastorek Owner: Wendy Nixon and Douglas Pastorek Legal Description: Lot: 44, D.L.: 6881, Group 1 NWD Plan: 57415 OCP: Existing: Suburban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential South: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential East: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential West: Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Designation: Suburban Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential Site Area: 0.809 hectares (2.0 acres) Access: 128 Avenue Servicing requirement: Rural Standard -2- b) Project Description: The applicant proposes to rezone the property to permit for future subdivision into two single family lots while maintaining the existing home. A number of easements are registered on the Certificate of Title regarding a community water system that was required in 1979 to enable the original subdivision. Since this time, the water servicing has changed from a community water system to a municipal water distribution system connected by trunk water mains. As a result of this change, Restrictive Covenant R68259 is no longer required for the subject site and surrounding lots in the subdivision encumbered with the same covenant. Planning Analysis: Cff cia! Corn nits Plan: The subject site is designated Suburban, Residential in the Official Co,;,munity Plan Which perm s a single detached housing form located outside of the Urban Area Boundary. The RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) zone is in compliance with this designation, and requires city water and sewage disposal provided by a private system. 'onin Bylaw: The applicant proposes to rezone the property located at 27540 128 Avenue from RS-? (Ore Family Rural Residential) to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to allow for future subdivision into two (2) lots. c) Interdepartmental implications: Engineering Departmen The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed project and has noted that there are no services required in support of this rezoning application. As a result, no rezoning servicing agreement is required. The Engineering Department has requested that the applicant confirm that adequate on septic systems can be built; and that the available water flow and pressure is adequate for domestic use and for fire sprinkler systems. Additionally, the Engineering Department has reviewed the easements relating to the Commllrlity water system and is in support of their discharge. d) Environmental Implications: Environmental staff have reviewed the application and have determined that a development permit is not required. An arborist report will be completed as a requirement of the subdivision application. W12 CONCLUSION: This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. Therefore, it is recommended that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6848-2011 be given Second Reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. -A6Al Prepared by: Amelia Bowden Planning Technician Approved by. Charles Goddard, BA ,MA Acting Director9f Planni Approved by: Fink Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. Chilli: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer AB/ The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A - Subject Map Appendix B - Zone Amending Bylaw 6848-2011 Appendix C - Site Plan -4- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO.6848-2011 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6848-2011." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 44 District Lot 6881 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 57415 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1535 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 30th day of August, A.D. 2011. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 20 . PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 20 . READ a third time the day of A.D. 20 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 20 . PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER I / i 7 / - - - - - - - - - - - - - RW 57416 - RW 57416 P 34392 / /n I I 7078 12776 / / I a 23 �/ % P 57415 � 79563 lzrn / / P 57415 P 57415 l I 60 61 / 24 25 26 27 2B 22 I� / I / / 126 AVE 11707 N �" 127-W N 21 P 57415 ` I � 44 45 F 79563 29 71 70 ,2688 P 57415 12675 P 57415 46 I I 30 43 12670 I 05 j t267a 112685 47 ! =J P 72838 31 P 57415 0 12625 86 'Cr 1' 42 r 12638 P 57415 c` 48 P� 12650 ' 12643 I 87 12620 ZZ P 574 S 1 MHP�E RiDGE ZU L HfvlEiNL)IIN Bylcw No. 6848-2011 Mcp No. 1535 From: RS-3 (One Fcmily Rural Residential) To: RS-2 (One Fcmily Suburbcn Residential) APPENDIX C LO LO A 0 0 O